
2024-09-21·7页·40.2 K

江苏省前黄中学2025高三上学期期初检测试卷英语试卷 第一部分听力 (共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Who is the man probably talking to?A. A shop assistant. B. His wife. C. His coworker.2. What are the speakers mainly discussing?A. The woman's photo. B. A scenic spot. C. A TV drama.3. What does the man mean?A. Ecommerce is a double-edged sword.B. Local specialties should be exported.C. Commercials are of no use.4. What will the man do next?A. Close a window. B. Catch a mouse. C. Leave the room.5. When does the conversation take place?A. On Friday. B. On Saturday. C. On Sunday.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6和第7两个小题。6. Which year of college are the speakers in?A. The first year. B. The second year. C. The third year.7. What did the woman do in public?A. She had a dance. B. She did jumping jacks. C. She performed a song.听第7段材料,回答第8和第9两个小题。8. What does the man expect to do on the 3rd?A. Sign a contract. B. Go on a tour. C. Return to New York.9. What does the man finally decide to do?A. Cancel the reservation. B. Contact another airline. C. Advance the departure date.听第8段材料,回答第10至第12三个小题。10. Who might the woman be?A. A hostess. B. A director. C. An actress.11. What does the woman think of the award-winning film?A. It is her personal favorite. B. It is worthy of the award.C. It is terribly disappointing.12. What is the man going to do next?A. Call a meeting. B. Watch a video. C. Have a job interview.听第9段材料,回答第13至第16四个小题。13. What is the man?A. A fresh graduate. B. A software engineer. C. A computer repairman.14. What does the example of the man's group project prove?A. He has great leadership skills. B. He is a good team player.C. He pays attention to detail.15. How does the woman describe the man?A. Motivated. B. Creative. C. Industrious.16. What will the woman most probably talk about next?A. The employment situation. B. The internal promotion.C. The company culture.听第10段材料,回答第17至第20四个小题。17. How much did disabled travelers spend in the US in 2018?A. About $45.8 billion. B. About $58.7 billion. C. About $81 billion.18. What is the best thing about Singapore in Nilesh Joshi's opinion?A. It enables the disabled to live with dignity.B. It offers the disabled accessible public transport.C. Its tourist attractions are free for the disabled.19. What do we know about John Morris?A. He spoke highly of the hotel rooms in Las Vegas.B. He buys magazines 3 or 4 times a week.C. He once lived in Sydney.20. Where is Julie Jones employed?A. At a hotel. B. In a travel agency. C. In a publishing company.第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。ASpecial Food Places to Try In SingaporeIt’s an unpleasant fact that local food places are usually meant to cater to meat-eaters. It can be difficult to find a tasty food place that caters to meat-free diet. Here are some options to show you don’t need meat for a satisfactory treat.Vegan BurgVegan Burg has a surprisingly diverse range of plant-based burgers. From Hawaiian Teriyaki to Char-Grilled Satay, the menu promises to tempt even the most hardcore meat lovers. And that’s not even getting into the add-ons and sides it offers, such as mushroom fries and barbecue potatoes.Woods Square Tower,01-06,Singapore 737737Genesis RestaurantThis eatery proves that meat-free dishes can be as hearty and flavorful as their meat-based counterparts. Genesis Restaurant is especially known for its juicy dumplings, spring rolls, pork-free noodles and tofu cheesecake.Havelock Road,B1-01,Singapore 059763WellSmoocht CollectiveWellSmoocht is a cafe and dessert bar which specializes in plant-based ice cream. Made from brown rice, sugar cane juice and fruits or nut butters, Smoocht’s rice cream, as they call it, comes in a wide variety of delicious flavors such as Earl Grey Lavender, Rose Coconut and Gula Melaka.Sin Ming Centre,01-03,Singapore 575628Green CommonThis one-stop plant-based eatery and marketplace has a delicious menu of mouth-watering meat-free dishes, from Japanese cuisine like sushi and miso glazed fillet to Western dishes like fishless tacos and pasta, as well as local favourites such as seafood laksa and even buah keluak rice.HarbourFront Walk,169-170,Singapore 09858521. Who is the passage intended for?A. Those who want to lose weight.B. Those who prefer home-made food.C. Those who can’t go without meat.D. Those who don’t eat meat.22. What is Genesis Restaurant famous for?A. Japanese seafood.B. Plant-based burgers.C. Plant-based ice-cream.D. Chinese-friendly food.23. Where should you go if you have a sweet tooth?A. Woods Square Tower,01-06.B.Sin Ming Centre,01-03.C.Havelock Road,B1-01.D.HarbourFront Walk,169-170.BWithan abundance of sun and wind, Spain is positioning itself as Europe’s future leader in green hydrogen production to clean up heavy industries. But some energy experts express caution because this process relies on massive availability of zero-carbon electricity.Green hydrogen is created when renewable energy sources power an electrical current that runs through water, separating its hydrogen and oxygen molecules (分子). The process doesn’t produce planet-warming carbon dioxide, but less than 0.1% of global hydrogen production is currently created in this way.The separated hydrogen can be used in the production of steel, ammonia (氨) and chemical products, all of which require industrial processes that are harder to stop fossil fuels. Hydrogen also can be used as a transportation fuel, which could one day transform the highly polluting shipping and aviation sectors.Spain’s large, windswept and thinly populated territory receives more than 2,500 hours of sunshine on average per year, providing ideal conditions for wind and solar energy, and therefore green hydrogen production.“If you look at where hydrogen is going to be produced in Europe in the next million years, it’s in two countries, Spain and Portugal,” said Thierry Lepercq, the founder and president of HyDeal Ambition, an industry platform bringing together 30 companies. “Hydrogen is the new oil.”Lepercq is working with companies like Spanish gas pipeline corporation Enagas and global steel giant ArcelorMittal to design an end-to-end model for hydrogen production, distribution and supply at a competitive price. Criticism has centered on green hydrogen’s higher cost compared with highly-polluting “gray hydrogen” drawn from natural gas. Lepercq argues that solar energy produced in Spain is priced low enough to compete.Globally, Lepercq said, “Electricity is 20% of energy consumption. What about the 80% that is not electrified? ... You need to replace those fossil fuels. Not in 50 years’ time. You need to replace them now.”24. Why are some experts cautious about green hydrogen production in Spain?A. It needs large amounts of sun and wind.B. It has an effect on heavy industries.C. It uses lots of zero-carbon electricity.D. It causes conflicts among countries.25. What is the advantage of green hydrogen production in Spain?A. Hydrogen production technology.B. The support from government.C. Ideal geographical conditions. D. Well-developed public transports.26. What can be inferred about green hydrogen in Spain according to Lepercq?A. It is highly priced.B. It is competitive.C. It is easy to store.D. It is highly-polluting.27. What is the passage mainly about?A. Spain replaces fossil fuel with green hydrogen. B. Spain struggles to lead EU in heavy industry.C. Spain takes the lead in preventing air pollution.D. Spain manages to use zero-carbon electricity.CAs artificial-intelligence products steadily improve at pretending to be human—an AI produced voice that books restaurant reservations by phone, for example, or a chat robot that answers consumers’ questions online —people will increasingly be put in the worrying situation of not knowing whether they are talking to a machine. But the truth may make such products less effective: recent research finds a trade-off between transparency (透明度) and cooperation in human-computer interactions.The study used a simple game in which paired players make a series of decisions to cooperate with or betray their partner. In the long run, it pays for both to keep cooperating. The researchers used an Al product, when pretending as a person, which was better than people are at getting human partners to cooperate. But previous work suggested people tend to disbelieve machines, so the scientists wondered what would happen if the robot revealed itself as such.The team hoped people playing with a known robot would recognize its ability to cooperate and would eventually overcome their disbelief. “Sadly, we failed at this goal,” says Talal Rahwan, a computer scientist at New York University in Abu Dhabi and a senior author on the paper, published last November in Nature Machine Intelligence. “No matter what the robot did, people just stuck to their prejudice.” A robot playing openly as a robot was less likely to get cooperation than another human, even though its strategy was clearly more beneficial to both players. In an additional experiment, players were told, “data suggest that people are better off if they treat the robot as if it were a human.” It had no effect.Virginia Dignum, who leads the Social and Ethical Artificial Intelligence group at Umea University in Sweden and was not involved in the study, praises the researchers for exploring the transparency effectiveness trade-off, but she would like to see it tested in a different setup.Talal’s team said that in the public field, people should be asked for agreement to be deceived about a robot’s identity. It cannot be on an interaction-by-interaction basis, or else the “deception” obviously will not work. But overall permission for deception still raises ethical quandaries (困境). Dignum says humans should have the option to know after they have interacted with a robot—but if she is calling customer service with a simple question, she adds, “I just want to get my answer.”28. The underlined word “trade-off” is closest in meaning to ____________________. A. distinguishing B. balancing C. switching D. combining29. According to the passage, what attitude do people generally take towards robots? A. Positive. B. Casual. C. Uncertain. D. Distrustful.30. What can be inferred about the research findings from the third paragraph? A. They are different from the previous findings. B. They will draw people’s attention to robots’ problems. C. They fail to support the team’s assumption. D. They can explain why people treat a robot like a human.31. According to the passage, what is Virginia Dignum most likely to agree with? A. Tall Rahwan’s research findings can’t apply to the real-world situations. B. People needn’t be told that they are interacting with a robot on all occasions. C. Overall permission for interacting with a robot does more harm than good. D. The relationship between transparency and effectiveness has been fully explored.DThe expression “Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration (汗水)” is often attributed to Thomas Edison. But as we have progressed into the 21st century, I think we should update the saying: “Success is 1% inspiration and 99% preparation.”Indeed, ideas are shooting around faster than ever, but most are worthless because no one does the hard work to implement them. And as we’re in a service economy now, implementation requires hours and hours not of sweat but of preparation. You must do it all: reading, researching, falling into one rabbit hole after another on the Internet to find the right series of test cases and quotes to make your point, and presenting your idea briefly and clearly.Preparation is everything! Watch the amazing 2021 video of the Perseverance rover landing on the surface of Mars. The onboard camera shows the terrain (地形). After the landing, I’m pretty sure one of the scientists exclaims, “Hey, that’s my rock.” In mission preparation, the entire landing area was digitized. The planners knew the placement of every rock and dip in terrain.Churchill famously memorized his speeches and practiced giving them over and over in his bathtub. Some of this was to overcome his stutter (口吃), but it was mainly to get the tone just right. Nothing was off-the-cuff (即兴的). His speeches didn’t sound like they were read from a piece of paper; they felt stream of consciousness. In his finest hours he showed the value of preparation.But, you may ask, why put in any extra effort? ChatGPT can pass Advanced Placement tests, entry exams for law and medical school, and even the bar exam. That probably says more about how poor those tests are than about AI’s ability. But even though AI can answer almost any question you throw at it, it is worthless in an elevator when your boss asks you what you think about new product ideas or sales prospects in Omaha.The only answer comes from that 99% preparation. Study everything, not only the task you’ve been assigned. Dig deep. Come up with ideas and potential solutions. Work on an elevator speech for what excites you. Don’t wing it. Prepare. And trust me, the feeling you get from preparation-induced success is better than anything you can buy at a drugstore. Preparation will make you super great.32. What can we learn from paragraph 2?A. The service economy makes ideas worthless.B. Ideas are worthless without preparation and hard work.C. Implementation does not take much time these days.D. Implementation requires more inspiration than preparation.33. How does the author try to persuade readers to accept his argument?A. By providing research results.B. By sharing his experience.C. By listing examples.D. By referring to experts’ words.34. What point is the author trying to make by mentioning ChatGPT?A. ChatGPT is capable of passing various tests.B. Elevator conversations require high social skills.C. Standard tests do not fully represent one’s abilities.D. Preparation can help you perform better than AI.35. What does the text mainly talk about?A. How we should make preparation for our future.B. How we can achieve success with little sweat.C. Why preparation can pave the way to your success.D. Why perspiration still maters in the 21st century.第二节(共5个小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。It has been a few rough years. Many of us are finding ourselves exhausted, burned out, struggling to build balance back into our lives. We need to recharge. Water can help.Participating in water activities such as swimming or surfing can help us enter a “flow state. 36 It calms the mind, which is often absorbed by reasoning and worry, says Ricardo Gil-da-Costa, a neuroscientist and chief executive of the neurotechnology company Neuroverse, who has studied how water affects our brain.Bodies of water also can produce a glorious sense of awe---the emotional response to something vast that expands and challenges how we see the world. 37 Water naturally relaxes us and helps focus our thoughts by taking away all the noise.Water has special properties that may boost nature’s positive impact, environmental psychologists say. When we are near water, there is often less visual and auditory information to process. Our mind can rest. 38 Besides, its smell can stir (激发) up positive memories and associations. When we’re floating in water, our bodies can rest too, in a way we never can on land. 39 It moves rhythmically, producing a play of light, color and sound that is fascinating. It holds our attention, but not in an overly demanding way. 40 It gives our brains a break from the intense, focused, exhausting attention that much of daily life requires. “Water helps your mind wander in a positive way,” says Marc Berman, director of the Environmental Neuroscience Laboratory at the University of Chicago. “This is what is so restorative.”Most important: Water is dynamic.Researchers call this soft fascination.It means we become fully devoted to what we’re doing. One of the most calming properties of water is its sound.The sound of water, typically steady and soft, comforts us. Awe can decrease stress and help us put things into perspective.Here’s some advice on how to use the healing power of water.第三部分 语言知识运用(共三节,满分30分)第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)In April, the lockdown in Morris Township was coming to an end. Matthew Sullivan watched his 41 neighbor gazing out their windows. Returning to the workplace, they would have little time to 42 their lawn.Sullivan, an enterprising 14-year-old, saw the 43 of lawn care. He had a brilliant idea in his mind. To meet the 44 , Sullivan started his own business, and named it Leaf-It To-Us, in which he 45 a group of kids to do lawns work involving weeding, leaf-blowing, planting and fence-painting.Last Saturday, Sulliven and his parents 46 the local charity Help Morris Now a $ 1,000 check that they had earned. “What the kids had done 47 me.” Nestor, the founder of Help Morris Now, said. “When they came up to me and said ‘we are presenting you with this 48 ’ , I couldn’t have 49 those kids at their age, doing what they are doing, with the purpose of helping others. ”Though the company had 50 given its earnings to St. Jude Children’s research Hospital, this season it 51 its causes. “Now we’ve gone 52 , so we are helping out people in our community,” Sullivan said. Sullivan 53 that they have more than $5,000 in total since this April. Last year, they completed around two to three jobs a week. This year, they’ve 54 to two jobs a day. They plan to keep the landscaping business running so that they can maintain their 55 giving.41. A. relieved B. concerned C. confident D. satisfied42. A. leave offB. sit onC. set offD. attend to43. A. significanceB. riseC. potentialD. challenge44. A. demandB. deadlineC. targetD. standard45. A. followedB. joinedC. organizedD. ordered46. A. cashedB. sentC. contributedD. signed47. A. satisfiedB. touched C. comfortedD. shocked48. A. reminderB. giftC. bill D. check49. A. enjoyedB. appreciatedC. imaginedD. admitted50. A. originallyB. eventually C. fortunatelyD. repeatedly51. A. confirmedB. switchedC. discoveredD. ignored52. A. localB. matureC. globalD. wild53. A. arguesB. insists C. estimatesD. acknowledges54. A. withdrewB. narrowedC. expandedD. returned55. A. sensibleB. charitable C. appreciativeD. supportive第二节(语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。As the summer vacation goes on, museums remain in the spotlight, with crowds of visitors 56___________(long) to immerse themselves in rich traditional culture, which reflects a significant rise in people’s passion for culture. It came as a result of President Xi Jinping’s consistent promotion of traditional Chinese culture and his call for museums to bring cultural relics to life, as well as his 57____________(emphasize) on mutual learning between civilizations.Xi 58___________(highlight) on many occasions that China’s fine traditional culture is the “root and soul” of the Chinese nation, 59___________ he has called, during visits to museums and cultural sites across the nation in the past few years, for a better employment of cultural relics and for making them “alive”.To attract more visitors, many institutions have transitioned from their role 60_________ only collectors and protectors of artworks and antiques to also becoming cultural service providers. From concerts and digital immersive experiences to children’s plays, museums and cultural institutions are coming up with 61_________(innovate) ways to entertain as well as educate the public.Henan Museum in Zhengzhou, the capital of Central China’s Henan province, hosts concerts for museum visitors 62___________ feature musicians playing ancient pieces of music with traditional instruments that are replicas of antiques collected by the museum, some of which were used more than 2,000 years ago. 63__________ clothing styles of the musicians are in line with the dynasties during which their specific instruments were 64_____________(original) played. During Spring Festival in February, the museum welcomed about 100,000 visitors, and concert tickets were hard 65______________(obtain).第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分40分)第一节应用文写作(满分15分)假定你是校学生会主席李华,下个月将组织举办一场校园慈善音乐会。请给你校的英国留学生Chris写一封邮件邀请他来参与演出,内容包括:活动介绍;2. 表演形式建议。注意:写作词数应为80左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Dear Chris, __________________________________________________________________________________Yours, Li Hua第二节 (满分25分)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。After flying all night, I was tired as I arrived in Denver to hold an event on positive thinking. As I entered the lecture hall, Dr. Fred Vogt asked me, “Do you know about the Make-A-Wish Foundation?” “Yes,” I replied. “Well, a 17-year-old girl Amy Graham has been diagnosed as having terminal(晚期的) cancer. Doctors gave her three days. Her dying wish was to attend your lecture.”I was shocked. I felt a combination of awe and doubt. I couldn’t believe it. I thought kids who were dying would want to go see Disneyland, or suchlike. Why would a kid with only a few days to live want to spend their final days listening to a motivational speaker? Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted...“Here’s Amy.” Before me stood a girl wearing a bright red hat to cover her head, which was bald from all of the treatments. Her weak body was a bit bent. She said, “My two goals were to graduate from high school and to attend your lecture. My doctors didn’t believe I could do either and they didn’t think I’d have enough energy. I have to rely on my parents now.”Tears welled in my eyes; I was choked up. My mind was being shaken. I cleared my throat and smiled, “Thanks for wanting to come.” We hugged, wiped our eyes and separated.That Sunday afternoon I held the workshop that Amy and her parents attended. The audience was packed to overflowing with over a thousand attendees eager to learn, grow and become more fully human. I humbly asked the audience if they wanted to learn a healing process that might serve them for life. From the stage it appeared that everyone’s hand was raised high in the air. I taught the audience how to vigorously(用力地) rub their hands together, separate them by two inches and feel the healing energy. Then I paired them off with a partner to feel the healing energy from themselves to another, explaining that everyone had healing potential to support others.注意:续写短文词数应为150左右;请按如下格式在答题卡相应位置作答。At that point an idea struck me. ____________________________________________________With a round of applause, Amy’s dad led her off the stage. _______________________________江苏省前黄中学2025届高三上学期期初检测试卷英语试卷答案听力 15CBACC610BCACA1115BBABA1620BBAAC阅读理解 DDB CCBABDCB BCDC七选五 CFEAB 完形填空BDCAC CBDCA BACCB语法填空 56 longing 57 emphasis58 has highlighted 59 and60 as 61 innovative62 that/which63 The 64 originally65 to obtain应用文:Dear Chris,I’m thrilled to invite you to be part of something truly special! We’re putting together a charity concert next month with the goal of raising funds to support students from economically disadvantaged families. It’ll be a night filled with heartwarming music and shared smiles in our school auditorium.Now, here’s where you come in. We’ve been fans of your performances, and we’d be absolutely excited to have you share your gift with us. Here are a few ideas that might suit your style: If you fancy taking center stage, how about a solo piano performance of a classical piece? It would be a showstopper! Or, if you’re up for it, a duet with other student musicians could be a magical collaboration that our audience would love.I’d like to hear what you think. Just let me know by the end of this week. Looking forward to your reply and hopefully seeing you on stage!Yours,Li Hua读后续写Paragraph 1: At that point an idea struck me. I said to the audience, “This morning I was introduced to Amy Graham, a 17-year-old. I want to bring her up here and let you all send healing life energy toward her.” Supported by her father, Amy stepped onto the stage, looking frail from an absolute lack of exercise. She talked about what she was suffering from and her final wish to be at this workshop. Touched by her story, the audience spontaneously warmed up their hands and engaged in the simple exercise, after which they gave her a tearful standing ovation.Paragraph 2: With a round of applause, Amy’s dad led her off the stage. At that moment, the workshop became more than just a lecture on positive thinking—it showed the power of hope and the resilience of the human spirit. After the workshop concluded, attendees lingered, sharing stories and exchanging contact information. Many approached Amy and her parents, offering words of encouragement. It was clear that something extraordinary had taken place---a blend of hope, belief, and the courage to confront adversity with positivity. Before leaving, Amy thanked me for the unexpected invitation, which was a real bonus for her and gave her the healing power beyond physical remedies.听力材料Text 1M: Your gold necklace is so nice. I want to buy one for my wife.W: Thanks. I think it can hold its value well. I bought it ...M: Shush! Mr Longman is coming towards us with the meeting papers.Text 2W: The waterfall in this photo looks familiar.M: It has appeared in many TV dramas, and as a result, lots of tourists visit it every day.W: It explains the matter.Text 3W: Thanks to ecommerce platforms and video bloggers, the local specialities in my hometown can be traded all over China, which is entirely unexpected.M: To some extent it is true, but many videos are too commercial. False online advertisements are emerging in an endless stream.Text 4W: I just found a mouse when I was cleaning my room. Please help me get it out of here.M: All right. Well, I looked around, but I didn't find it. Maybe it has escaped through the window. Anyway, I have to go to the gym now.Text 5M: Are there any workers in the burning factory?W: It is supposed to be empty, because they only work on weekdays.M: But the factory is so badly damaged that they won't be able to work tomorrow.Text 6M: The freshmen will start their military training this month.W: Yeah. It was extremely hot during our military training at this time last year.M: It remains fresh in my memory. I got made to do 80 jumping jacks for being late.W: Haha, it was so funny. I sang a song in front of others during a break in our military training. I remember some students also performed various dances. It's still nice to think about it.Text 7W: Hello. What can I do for you?M: I'd like a flight from New York to Boston, leaving on the 3rd.W: Sorry. The flights on the 3rd are fully booked.M: I am out of luck. The same is true of another airline.W: What about the 4th?M: Unfortunately, that won't work for me. I'm not going on a tour. I'm meeting an important business partner. Being punctual is crucial for my chances of securing the contract.W: I'm sorry, sir.M: Well, please tell me what flights are available on the 2nd.Text 8M: I heard you took charge of the red carpet interview for the film festival yesterday.W: Yes! I'm so proud. I had the opportunity of interviewing many movie stars, including my favorite actress Anna. She succeeded in earning the Best Actress Award. While the awardwinning film isn't my personal favorite, I do believe it deserves the award.M: Oh, that's great to hear! Unfortunately, I missed your interview part because of an emergency meeting. Would you mind if we watch it now?W: Not at all. You know I always strive to do my best, so I'm sure it won't let you down. Plus, your favorite movie actor Colin is in the interview.M: What are we waiting for? Let's get started.Text 9W: Could you please introduce yourself?M: Yes. My name is Peter Barnes. I recently graduated with a degree in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University. During my studies, I developed a strong passion for software development and worked on various projects, including an internship at ABC Tech, where I gained some experience in programming.W: That sounds impressive. We value teamwork here. Can you provide an example of a time when you worked effectively in a team?M: Absolutely. During my senior year, I participated in a group project. I took on the task of making slides. I actively listened to everyone else's ideas and maintained a positive atmosphere. We delivered the project on time and won first place.W: Excellent. Attention to detail is also crucial in our industry. How do you ensure the accuracy of your work?M: Before starting a task, I carefully analyze the requirements, break it down into smaller subtasks, and create a detailed plan. Additionally, I always ask for and welcome feedback from others to continuously minimize errors.W: Good. I appreciate employees who take the initiative in their work. Finally, do you have any questions for us?M: Yes. I'd like to inquire about the professional development opportunities within the company.W: Sure...Text 10What do disabled travelers look for when choosing a city to visit?In 2018, the value of the socalled “purple pound” (the spending power of disabled people) to UK tourism was estimated at 15.3 billion, while 27 million travelers with disabilities in the US took 81 million trips and spent about $58.7 billion (45.8 billion) in that same year.There was a survey about a city's appeal to disabled travelers. Now, let's find out what the respondents think of the top 3 cities—Singapore, Las Vegas and Sydney.According to Nilesh Joshi, who has mobility challenges but doesn't use a wheelchair, “Singapore allows me to independently move around using public transport.”Overwhelmingly, however, the most important factor for survey respondents was not physical accessibility but being treated with understanding and respect. Joshi said, “Always smiling, welcoming and helpful, the people of Singapore make a big difference for the disabled to feel accepted and looked after.” Besides, one of Singapore's major tourist attractions, Gardens by the Bay, is fully wheelchairaccessible.According to prominent wheelchair blogger John Morris, who visits Las Vegas 3 or 4 times a year, “The city has one of the highest concentrations of accessible hotel rooms in the world.”Julie Jones, publisher of Travel Without Limits, the world's only print magazine dedicated to accessible travel, praises Sydney's accessibility. She said, “The majority of the public transport system is accessible to wheelchair users.”





