
2024-09-23·17页·1.9 M





1.本试卷共 16 页。时间 120 分钟,满分 150 分。答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号



2.作答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如




第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)



第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段

对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

例: How much is the shirt?

A.19.15. B.9.18. C.9.15.

答案是 C。

1.When did Mr Smith expect the man to call?

A.Before 10: 15. B.Before 10: 30. C.Before 10: 45.

2.What will the man do next?

A.Go back home. B.Take off his coat. C.Turn on the lights.

3.What is the man?

A.A driver. B.A model. C.A salesman.

4.Why does the woman want to lose weight?

A.To keep healthy.

B.To take wedding photographs.

C.To attend her friend’s wedding.

5.Where is the woman going?

A.The park. B.The office. C.The supermarket.

第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选

项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,

各个小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

听下面一段对话,回答第 6 至第 7 两个小题。

6.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Husband and wife. B.Mother and son. C.Brother and sister.

7.What caused the death of the goldfish probably?

A.Too much fish food. B.The small fishbowl. C.Lack of water.

听下面一段对话,回答第 8 至第 10 三个小题。

8.What does the man show to the woman?

A.His visa. B.His ID card. C.His passport.

9.Where does the man want to sit?

A.By the window.

B.By the emergency exit.

C.In the front of the plane.

10.What does the woman suggest the man do?

A.Carry less luggage.

B.Check his luggage in.

C.Take his luggage with him.

听下面一段对话,回答第 11 至第 13 三个小题。

11.What are the speakers going to do?

A.Have a jog. B.Play badminton. C.Go to work.

12.What did the speakers buy yesterday?

A.Sportswear. B.Jogging shoes. C.Caps.

13.What’s the relationship between the speakers?

A.Coach and athlete. B.Teacher and student. C.Husband and wife.

听下面一段对话,回答第 14 至第 17 四个小题。

14.How many biology lectures will the man attend every week?

A.Five. B.Three. C.Two.

15.Why did the man miss the meeting for the new students?

A.He had to do a part- time job.

B.He was not informed of it by anyone.

C.He was busy with the group discussion.

16.What is the required attendance rate for a student to earn the scholarship?

A.At least 80%. B.90% or above. C.100%.

17.What can we know about the man?

A.He has work to do in the afternoon.

B.He thinks the time of the lecture is too early.

C.He is a new teacher on biology in the university.

听下面一段独白,回答第 18 至第 20 三个小题。

18.What will the listeners visit first?

A.Sea World. B.The San Antonio Zoo. C.Museums.

19.What can the listeners visit in downtown San Antonio?

A.A famous park. B.An old church. C.A zoo.

20.When will the listeners get on the bus?

A.30 minutes later. B.2 hours later. C.3 hours later.

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


Feldkirch marks the westernmost point of Austria, right on the border of Switzerland and Liechtenstein. It is

your archetype postcard pretty Austrian town with a well- preserved old town that has remained unchanged for


Best things to do in Feldkirch

Cool architecture — Montforthaus Feldkirch

If you’re an architecture fan, you will love Vorarlberg and especially the Montforthaus in Feldkirch. On the

edge of the town and under the watchful gaze of the Schattenburg Castle lies the Montforthaus with its beautiful

rounded front walls. It is a fantastic building that really integrates well with its medieval(中世纪的)

surroundings thanks to the large glass front.

Climb to the top — Schattenburg Castle and Museum

To get a nice perspective of the city, we climbed up to the medieval Schattenburg Castle, the once- upon-a-

time residence of the Duke of Montfort. Housing a restaurant, the castle also features a museum. The best part is

the full view of the city from the rooftop gallery.

Where to eat in Feldkirch

Lunch at La Bottega del Gusto

Located in the heart of the old town is a little slice of Italian heaven. The owner and chef Nico is a man of few

words and there is no set menu here. The menu is simple with a few suggestions— everything we tasted here was

delicious.For9.95for 2 courses including a glass of wine, this is a cracking bargain.

Dinner at Restaurant Kantine

If you are a lover of stone- baked thin Napolitan style pizza, you will love Kantine- best pizza in the area. The

appetisers are really good, especially the roasted cauliflower in the oven very tasty.

21.Which country does Feldkirch belong to?

A.Australia. B.Switzerland. C.Liechtenstein. D.Austria.

22.Which is one of the best things to do in Feldkirch?

A.Wandering the well- preserved old town district.

B.Experiencing the life of the Duke of Montfort.

C.Mounting the Schattenburg Castle for the full view.

D.Exploring the architecture of the Schattenburg Castle.

23.What can we learn about eating in Feldkirch?

A.We can try Italian cuisine at La Bottega del Gusto.

B.We can sample the stone- baked cauliflower.

C.We can cook at the medieval Schattenburg Castle.

D.We can enjoy 2 courses with 9.95at Restaurant Kantine.


Africa- bound! And only seven hours left of a 19- hour flight before I would arrive in South Africa for my

third volunteer trip in three years. But this time it was different. I’d be there alone for a whole year, without friends

or family. Plus, I had one challenge other volunteers fighting AIDS in Africa didn’t have —I was in a wheelchair.

At eight years old, I was paralyzed(瘫痪的)from the waist down in a car accident. I spent months in a

hospital, learning how to use a wheelchair, how to get up from the floor and how to dress myself. Basically how to

live my life as independently as possible.

After graduation from college, I made a year- long commitment to Lily of the Valley Children’s Village,

outside Mophela, South Africa, where 90 percent of the children are infected with HIV. I would see to the kids’

medical needs and teach math and English.

Those first few weeks were hard, harder than anything I had done before. I forced myself to keep trying. I

needed to prove myself. But how could I tell if I was doing any good?

One night, a big storm hit. I rolled out of my cottage the next morning and my chair lurched(突然倾斜),

the wheels sinking into mud. I grasped the wheels tight and pushed hard. The chair wouldn’t move.

All of my worst worries seemed to be coming true. I was stuck, hopelessly stuck. Out of the corner of my eye,

I saw children running toward me. Two of the oldest grabbed the handlebars and the others pushed me forward.

The wheels came free. The kids shouted with delight.

When I said “Thank you!”, they laughed, “You help us. We help you.”

That echoed in my ears all day. The next morning, the kids were waiting to push me through the mud to

homework club.

And the day after that, it became our little routine. The more they helped me, the easier it got to help them.

The kids and I bonded. I wasn’t alone during my year in Africa. Not at all. I had reached out to the people I was

assisting, and they, in turn, became my support. I was aware, more than ever, that anyone, even in a wheelchair, can

make a difference.

24.What was the author’s unique challenge during this volunteer experience?

A.Overcoming physical limitations.

B.Adapting to a new cultural environment.

C.Managing a long- term solo commitment.

D.Dealing with the harsh weather conditions.

25.How did the author feel in the first few weeks in South Africa?

A.Disappointed and wanting to give up.

B.Satisfied with the progress made.

C.Uncertain about the effectiveness of his help.

D.Frustrated by the children’s lack of cooperation.

26.What was the turning point in the author’s relationship with the children?

A.The children’s voluntary assistance.

B.The author’s initial arrival in the village.

C.The author’s first teaching session.

D.The author’s struggle with the wheelchair.

27.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.The struggle of adapting to a new environment.

B.The transformative power of mutual support.

C.The challenges of living with a physical disability.

D.The impact of education on underprivileged children.


China’s Chang’e 6 probe returned on Earth with rock and soil samples from the little- explored far side of the

moon in a global first.

The probe landed in the Inner Mongolian region in northern China on Tuesday afternoon.

“I now declare that the Chang’e 6 Lunar Exploration Mission achieved complete success,” Zhang Kejian,

director of the China National Space Administration, said in a televised news conference after the landing.

Chinese scientists anticipate the returned samples will include 2.5million- year- old volcanic rock and other

material that scientists hope will answer questions about geographic differences on the moon’s two sides.

The near side is what is seen from Earth, and the far side faces outer space. The far side is also known to have

mountains and impact craters(坑), contrasting with the relatively flat expanses visible on the near side.

The probe had landed in the moon’s South Pole — Aitken Basin, an impact crater created more than 4 billion

years ago. The samples scientists are expecting will likely come from different layers of the basin, which will bear

traces of the different geological events across its long chronology(年表), such as when the moon was younger

and had an active inside that could produce volcanic rock.

China in recent years has launched multiple successful missions to the moon, collecting samples from the

moon’s near side with the Chang’e 5probe previously.

They are also hoping that the probe will return with material that bears traces of meteorite(陨石)strikes

from the moon’s past. That material could shed light on the solar system’s early days. There’s a theory that the

moon acted as a vacuum(真空)cleaner of sorts, attracting all the meteorites in the system’s earlier era so that

they didn’t hit Earth, said Richard de Grijs, who is also executive director at the International Space Science


28.What makes Chang’e 6’s mission unique in lunar exploration history?

A.Landing on the moon’s South Pole.

B.Confirming lunar water presence.

C.Collecting the moon’s far- side samples.

D.Returning samples from the near side.

29.What may distinguish the moon’s far side from its near side?

A.Fewer craters. B.Earth visibility.

C.Rough lands. D.Plains dominance.

30.What might the Chang’e 6’s samples help to know?

A.Lunar internal activity.

B.Origin of the moon.

C.Moon’s formation timeline.

D.Earth’s impact on the moon.

31.What role might the moon have played in the early solar system according to Richard de Grijs?

A.Creating the solar system.

B.Causing meteorites to form.

C.Attracting meteorites for study.

D.Protecting Earth from meteorites.


It seems obvious that forests would provide better habitat for forest- living wildlife than farms. Yet, in one of

the longest- running studies of tropical wildlife populations in the world, Stanford researchers found that over 18

years, smaller farms with varying crop types - mixed with patches or ribbons of forest — sustain many forest-

dependent bird populations in Costa Rica, even as populations decline in forests.

In a paper published on Sept.4 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Nicholas Hendershot

and colleagues compared trends in specific bird populations across three landscape types in Costa Rica: forests,

diversified farms, and intensive agriculture. The steepest declines were found in forests, then in intensive

agriculture and the species succeeding in intensive agriculture were often invasive(侵入的). But on diversified

farms, a significant subset of bird species typically found in forests, including some of conservation concern,

actually increased over time.

While this research implies that diversified farming could be key for biodiversity, the relationship goes both

ways: biodiversity is key for food security. In this case, that means having a variety of types of birds feeding on

insects and helping to pollinate(对……授粉)crops.

“Identity does seem to matter a lot for pest control and other ecosystem services birds provide. These species

are not interchangeable,” said Hendershot.

It has become increasingly apparent around the world that while protected areas remain critical, they are too

few and far between to provide the ecosystem services people and nature need to boom. Working landscapes are

crucial now for preserving biodiversity and its benefits. “People, including scientists, had the idea that farmland

would not support a meaningful amount of biodiversity,” said Gretchen Daily. In this case, not only are diversified

farms themselves providing habitat, they connect otherwise fragmented forested areas.

“We believe the findings of our research are new to science, but in a sense, it merely confirms what

indigenous(土著的)communities around the world have already known for a long time, which is that humans

can and should have mutually(相互地)beneficial relationships with the rest of the local ecological community

they are part of,” said Tadashi Fukami, a professor of biology in H&S and of Earth system science in the Stanford

Doerr School of Sustainability and a co- author of the paper.

32.What is known from the Stanford study about bird populations in Costa Rica?

A.Diversified farms support forest bird species.

B.Forests are the best habitat for all bird species.

C.Intensive farms have no impact on bird populations.

D.Bird species increase only in undisturbed forests.

33.What is the core message conveyed in paragraph 3 and paragraph 4?

A.Diversified farms enhance bird diversity.

B.Food security depends on crop pollination.

C.Bird diversity is crucial for food security.

D.Pest control doesn’t require diverse bird species.

34.What can the underlined word “fragmented” in paragraph 5be replaced by?

A.Separated. B.Enriched. C.Expanded. D.Transformed.

35.What does Tadashi Fukami say about the research findings?

A.Indigenous wisdom is not needed for new science.

B.The research is a proof of indigenous knowledge.

C.New findings challenge traditional ecological views.

D.The study reveals humans are superior to nature.

第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)


While I admit my love for the convenience of modernity, 36 . I daydream of sitting in the writing

letters to a sister, pages filled with script and the sound of an ink- dipped metal nib(钢笔尖)scratching along the


37 . And I was surprised to hear from parents at other schools that their children weren’t learning how

to write in script. And indeed, in 2010, the Common Core standards stopped requiring the teaching of cursive(草

书)in public schools.

But it appears the tide is turning, and the curlicued(花体的)linked letters — and block printing, too, my

personal print of choice — will not go down without a fight. A number of states are now requiring the teaching of

cursive in schools, a revival encouraged by educators, researchers, parents, and politicians. 38 . While

typing and digital files have been great in preventing a tide of paper waste, when used properly, writing things by

hand has the benefit that we should not ignore.

A report in Psychology Today describes the importance to brain development of learning cursive, during the

course of which “the brain develops functional specialization that integrates both sensation, movement control, and

thinking”. Brain imaging shows how engaged the brain is while learning cursive: “To write clear cursive, fine

motor control is needed over the fingers. You have to pay attention and think about what and how you are doing it.

39 . Brain imaging studies show that cursive activates areas of the brain that do not participate in keyboarding.”

40 . But some traditional skills are too lovely to lose, especially when they come with so many benefits

that don’t require an office full of electronics to receive.

A.You have to practice

B.And it’s a good thing

C.Maybe I’m just old- fashioned

D.This actually calms that person down and retrains the brain

E.we run the risk of losing sight of what we think and write

F.I loved it when my daughters started learning cursive in school

G.my inner self longs for the simple pleasures of a 19th- century life

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

The light turned yellow as I rushed to pick up my daughters from my mom’s house. I was a teacher who had

returned to work, 41 my mom to care for Grace and Genevieve, two and a half years old. The 42

of my job had grown, and I often felt 43 for the time my mom had to spend with the girls.

Ten minutes later I arrived at my parents’ house. A scene of chaos 44 me. The girls had 45

cushions off both couches. They were jumping from the couches to the cushions, wild looks on their faces.

Genevieve glanced up. I reached for her. She screamed, “No!” Grace 46 me and kept jumping. It took me a

second to find Mom, sitting exhaustedly in a chair, hair sticking up. “It’s been a looong day,” she 47 , “The

girls are really tiring.”

I apologized for being late and gathered the girls’ things. As I fetched car seats from my mom’s van, I 48

let Riley, our dog, escape. I chased him through the neighborhood, my heels off, until I finally 49 .

I started back to my parents’. The wind blew, rustling the branches of the maples(枫树)above me. I stood

there for a moment. All lights around me 50 from windows, their glow warming me. I saw families inside

around dinner tables, sharing their day’s 51 .

Suddenly, I was 52 my life, seeing it more clearly than I had in years. There was my husband, the

girls, my parents, even that naughty Riley. I thought of the laughter, the happiness, the love we shared. My 53

seemed small compared to the love we had.

Back home, Riley settled down, and Grace played with my mom. It was a 54 that sometimes we need a

break from routine to appreciate the blessings in our lives. The 55 pace of life is filled with love and joy,

and focusing on what truly matters brings peace and contentment.

41.A.leaving B.remaining C.departing D.arriving

42.A.benefits B.demands C.rewards D.expectations

43.A.anxious B.indifferent C.exhausted D.guilty

44.A.connected B.encountered C.greeted D.approached

45.A.thrown B.placed C.piled D.arranged

46.A.observed B.noticed C.ignored D.watched

47.A.claimed B.whispered C.sighed D.laughed

48.A.deliberately B.accidentally C.intentionally D.occasionally

49.A.wore out B.paid off C.gave in D.gave up

50.A.weakened B.flashed C.shone D.disappeared

51.A.chores B.stories C.problems D.routines

52.A.mirroring B.picturing C.dreaming D.foreseeing

53.A.stresses B.joys C.plans D.memories

54.A.warning B.lesson C.reminder D.suggestion

55.A.busy B.joyful C.peaceful D.wonderful

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Cantonese Opera(粤剧), based in southern China and overseas ethnic Chinese communities, is a very

formalized operatic form that emphasizes gymnastic and martial arts skills.

Originally based on the older forms of Chinese Opera, Cantonese Opera began to add local folk melodies,

Cantonese instrumentation, and 56 (eventual)even Western popular tunes. Two different types of plays

make up the Cantonese Opera— Mo, meaning “martial arts” and Mun, or “intellectual”. Mo performances are fast-

paced, involving stories of warfare, 57 (brave)and betrayal. Mun, on the other hand, tends to be a 58

(slow), more polite art form. Most of the Mun stories are romances, ghost stories, or famous Chinese classic

59 (tale).

One notable feature of Cantonese Opera is the makeup. It is among the most complicated makeup systems in

all Chinese Opera, 60 different shades of color and shapes, particularly on the forehead, indicating the

mental state, trustworthiness, and physical health of the characters. For example, sickly characters have a thin red

line 61 (draw)between the eyebrows, while comic or clownish characters have a large white spot on the

bridge of the nose. Some Cantonese Operas also involve actors in “open face” makeup, 62 is so intricate

and complicated that it resembles a painted mask more than a living face.

Today, Hong Kong is at 63 center of efforts to keep Cantonese Opera alive and booming. The Hong

Kong Academy for the Performing Arts 64 (offer)two- year degrees in Cantonese Opera performance.

Through such joint efforts, this unique and intricate form of Chinese Opera may continue to find audience for

decades 65 (come).

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)

第一节(满分 15 分)

假定你是李华,你校将于 9 月 30 日举办校园美食节,请你代表学生会在英语报上发布一则活动通知,邀






1.写作词数应为 80 左右;






The Student Union

第二节(满分 25 分)


My 13- year- old son, Anthony, jumped out of bed one morning in March2020 and asked me the question he’d

asked every day for the last eight weeks. “Are we going to pick up the dog today?”

Two months earlier, a couple from Texas had reached out to me on social media to give us one of the puppies.

I wasn’t sure. I had been struggling with getting Anthony, whom I’d recently adopted, to trust that I was his forever


I grew up in poverty in Uganda, a country of Africa, enduring daily beatings from my father and struggling for

basic necessities.. When I was 10, I fled and lived on the streets of Kampala for four years, working at a produce

market to survive. A kind family took me in, provided food and eventually a home, and offered to pay for my

education. After graduating from college in California on a scholarship, I pursued a career as a translator, focused

on helping vulnerable(易受伤害的)children.

In 2016, I became a foster(代养的)parent, welcoming children into my home and providing them with a

loving environment. Now, here I was, four years later, with an adopted son who watched my every move,

wondering if he could fully trust me.

As the weeks went by, the more I saw of my younger self in Anthony. He read voraciously(如饥似渴地),

helped around the house and asked me for very little. He was working very hard to please me —a clear sign that he

didn’t trust my commitment to care for him.

One afternoon, I came into the kitchen and Anthony immediately started cleaning up.

I stopped him. Would he always wonder if I was going to give him up? “You don’t need to work so hard,” I

said. “This is your forever home. You belong here. You can be yourself.”

He shrugged. “I just don’t want to mess this up.”

My heart broke for him. I was more determined than ever to make him feel loved.

In early 2020, we moved to Charlotte, North Carolina. Not long after, the couple in Texas offered us this

puppy that Anthony couldn’t stop thinking about. He had been asking about the dog ever since.

That morning in March, he asked again.. ______________________________________________________




Simba was adorable, but he tested my patience as puppies do. ______________________________________








