
2024-09-29·10页·3.5 M

2025高三一轮复习联考(一) 10.What does David plan to do tomorrow night?

A.Discusswith the house owner.

英 语 试 题 B.Help Mary move house.

C.Help Mary repair the air conditioner.


注意事项: 11.What do the speakers have in common?

1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡上。 A.They dislike the smell of smoke

2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动, B.They like running in the morning.

C.They both have a younger brother.


12.What does Gary usually do with his friends?

卷上无效。 A.Go toparties B.Watch movies C.Play cards

3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 13.What do we know about the woman?

考试时间为120分钟,满分150分 A.She has to pay 8800 for the rent per month.

B.She will be Gary's roommate.

C.Her fiends visit her frequently.

第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。

做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转 14.What is the woman doing?

涂到答题卡上。 A.Conducting an interview.B.Hosting a talent show. C.Planning an activity.

第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 15.What is the man's profession?

听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选 A.Ajoumalist B.A photographer C.An editor.

项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读 16.What is Chuck mainly concemedabout in his job?

一遍。 A.Thespiritual strength of the work

1.What are the speakers talking about? B.The number of artwork.

A.A mountain. B.A picture. C.A rainbow. C.The artistic style.

2.How will Crystal spend most of her time in Italy? 17.What inspired Chuck's interest in exploring the world?

A.Dealing with her work. B.Traveling around. C.Visiting hersister.

3.What does the woman suggest the mando? A.The demand of his career.

B.His desire to change his lifestyle

A.Use money wisely. B.Buy cheap things. C.Spend les timeon shopping C.His curiosity to discover new things

4.Where are probably the speakers?

A.On the train. B.At the cafe. C.In the taxi. 听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。

5.When is the math test? 18.What does Franco Bocci do?

A.This Saturday. B.Next Monday. C.Next Thursday. A.He's a weather forecaster.B.He's a college teacher. C.He's a BBC news reporter.

第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 19.What should people considerwhen deciding to run orwalk in the rain?

听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项 A.The windspeed.

中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各 B.The direction they move forward.

小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 C.Their body shape and the wind's direction.

听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 20.What does Franco Bocci finally advise people to do when caught in the rain?

6.What is Alex doing at the beginning of the conversation? A.Run if the wind comes from behind.

A.Surfing the Intemet. B.Writing to Yale University.C.Fixing hiscomputer. B.Run as fast as they can generally.

7.What is Alex probably going to do next? C.Walk at the same speedas the wind ifthe wind blows from side.

A.Choose a major. B.Give advice. C.Go to an ofice 第二部分阅读(共两节,满分50分)

听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。 第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)

8.What is troubling Mary?

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 、 、 、 四个选项中选出最佳选项。

A.She can't afford the rent. A B C D

B.She can't get the money back A

Pre-University SummerSchool courses help preparestudents foruniversity.Each course offers an

C.She can't handle the air conditioner

in-depth exploration of a subject area at degree-level and improves students'understanding of

9.Why wasMrs.White angry with Mary?

A.Mary didn't pay the rent on time. university study.Our courses provide insight into the key debates and themes of a subject.Students

B.Mary didn't inform her of the broken air conditioner will have the opportunity to cooperate on group assignments and experience social leaming which are

C.Mary did something without her permission central elements of undergraduate study.Our Summer School offers a wide variety of courses in

一轮复习联考(一)英语试题第1页(共8页) 一轮复习联考(一)英语试题第2页(共8页)

different disciplines.Pre-University Law course is one of them. material in the polymer's final recipe

What does this course cover? That recipeimproves the device's signalenhancement abilities,Grace reports.It also makes it

This couse examines the foundations of Intemational Law and the key challenges within this more stable in the human body.Indeed,that salt increasedthe transistor's ability to boost a signal by

discipline.It has been desigped to give you a core understanding of different areas and an insight into 97 percent.Compared lo an untreated version of the device,adding the salt upped its ability tostore

studying this subjecL Our central location,next to the Royal Courts of Justice and Inns of Court, an electric charge by 107 percent and increased its electical signal mobility by 77 percent.

ensuresthat you will benefit from a number of course activities and trips designed to broaden your “Because theseelectical derices are so cost-effecive,and diverse,Grace says,“Ihope lo

understanding of the professional practice of Law. proride more accurate,safer,as wel as cheaper medical diagnostics and treatment for a variety of

What will you achieve? diseases.

By the end of the course,you should have:experienced a variely oflearning activities typical of 24.What is the main function of the transistor device improved by Grace Sun?

a fist-year undergraduate degree in Law;built on your existing knowledge ofcore topics covered in a A.To detect and enhance sigmals in the body for medical use.

first-year undergraduate degree in Law;carried out independent research on a given topic and B.To control extermal electronic devrices with signalsin the body.

produced a structured and well supported response to an assignment brief;worked cooperatively in C.To improve traditional transistors in medical applications

diverse groups to produce a presentation. D.To transform body heat into electrical energy for devices

Who is this for? 25.Why have bioelectronic devices not been commercialized according to Grace?

It is open to high-achieving students who are about to start or who are enrlled im their final two A.There's no market for such devices. B.They have performance problems.

years of high school and are typically aged 16 and 17. C.They're too complex for mass production. D.They lack scientific foundation.

Duration:Iweek 26.What is Grace's goal for her research?

Fee:E2,900 A.Investigate the substance further.

21.What is the main purpose of the Pre-University Summer School courses? B.Receive this year's Innovator Award.

A.To enhance the practical skills of the undergraduates C.Maximize the overall effectiveness of health care.

B.To help students prepare for their future college careers. D.Make diagnosis and treatment more precise and affordable.

C.To explore advanced research topics in all subject areas 27.Where is the textmost probably taken from?

D.To provide a comprehensive overview of Pre-University Law A.A guidebook to a new drug

22.What is one of the key benefits of thePre-University Law course? B.A review of modern treatment.

A.Direct involvement in current legal cases. C.An introduction to a teen scientist

B.Access to a wide range of legal textbooks. D.An essay on the function of a new device

C.Closeness to professional law practices and courts. C

D.Opportunities to attend intemational law conferences. Social relationships are important to human happiness.But once relationships are formed,some

23.What is expected of students by the end of the Pre-University Law course? will naturally wax and wane(兴衰),with many of us losing touch with friends and family that we

A.Master all areas of Intemational Law. were once close with.

B.Argue a case in a virtual tial competition. Across seven studies,the psychologists examined the attitudes of almost 2,500 participants to

C.Complete an undergraduate course in advance reconecting with lost friendships,the bamriers and reasons for doing so,and whether targeted

D.Conduct independent research on an assigned topic interventions could encourage them to send that first message to an old friend

B The psychologists set out-to measure this hesitanceto reconnect by getting participants to rate

Grace Sun,16,won 2024 George D.Yancopoulos Innovator Award and 875,000.She's a junior their willingness to immediately carry out a range of activities,including calling or texting a friend

at Paul Laurence Dunbar High School in Lexington,Ky.The teen improved a type of electronic derice they had lost touch with.They found that participants were as unwilling to reach out to an old fiend as

that could work inside the body to help diagnose and treat health problems.Her innovation affects a they were to strike up a conversation with a stranger—or even to pickup rubbish.

type of transistor(晶体管).That's a device that enhances electrical sigals. The top reported barriers included fears that one's old fiend might not want to hear from them,

The type Grace worked with can pickup suci signals that naturally occur in the body—then that it would be _too awkward after all this time',and feeling‘guily'.An excuse of being too

strengthen them.For example,she says,an implanted version might one day help regulate someone's busy—both the old friend and the participant—was the lowest cited reason for not reaching out.

heartbeat or monitor blood-sugar levels. Notably,the psychologists found that participants believed there were only a few logical reasons

Researchers have been developing these bioelectronic devrices-for many years.But none are for to get in touch,with the fiend's birthday reported as the most convincing.Reconnecting over the

sale yet.“That's because of their curent performance issues,Grace says.They've proven unstable in memory of a shared experience was the second most reported reason.Participants were least likely to

the body and slow to move electrical ignals consider getting in touch withan old friend to ask them a favour.

Her simple and low-cost innovatioo:Add a salt to the polymer(聚合物)=that makes up the As part of the research,the psychologists tested targeted interventions and they found hat

device.And that greatly improved thie device's peformance.Grace tested=fourf salts-as potent间 practisingsocial connection with current networks by first sending a message to a warm friend,was the

additives.The one knowa as TBACI gave the best resilts.Amounts of compounds are fequently most successful strategy,boosting reach out rates by over two thirds.

measured in moles.Grace found TBACI worked best when that salt was on n every five moles of But an expert explained:“Interestingly,despite people telling us that a key barrier to making

一轮复习联考(一)英语试题第3页(共8页) 一轮复习联考(一)英语试题第4页(共8页)

contact with an old fiend was concems over how the message might be received,the intervention that 33.What does the underlined word revampin paragraph 2 probably mean?

we designed to help overcome this anxiety had litle efect.”The expert adds:“We know from A.Ignore. B.Fix C.Discover. D.Escape.

decades of research that social relationships are a key source of happinessand meaning in our lives.” 34.What is Eerke Boiten's atitude towards the ethicists'proposals for LMs?

28.What is the primary focus of the psychologists research? A.Tolerant. B.Conservative. C.Enthusiastic D.Skeptical

A.The benefits of maintaining friendships 35.Which of the following is suggested as a step to make LLMs more truthful?

B.The process of forming new friendships. A.Linking to relevant sources. B.Using more complex data statistics.

C.The attitudes towards reconnecting with old friends. C.Encouraging user interaction D.Reducing the size of the language models.

D.The reasons for losing contact with long lost friends 第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)

29.What did the psychologist find regarding people's wllingnes to reach out to old friends? 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多

A.Most participants were eager to reconnect 余选项。

B.Participants hesitated to contact old friends Fathersplay an important role in their sons lives and developing a strong father-son relationshipis

C.Participants preferred to reach out to ask for favors. vital for oveall welbeing.What a son gains from his father willshape the man he will become 36

D.Being too busy was the main reason for not reaching out Here are several strategies that might help you strengthen father-son relationships.

30.How does the expert think of the resultof their intervention on social anxiety? Spend time together

A.Unsatisfactory. B.Unidentifable. C.Predictable D.Far-reaching. 37 Teach him to ride a bike,throw a ball around,gofishing,orbuild a birdhouse together

31.What's the best title for the text? Thistime will let your son know that he is valued.This special time together is also good for a child's

linguistic,cognitive,and socio-emotional development.Not only will you be building this important

A.Gaining Happiness Through Social Ties B.The Pathways to Meaningful Connection

C.To Strike up a Conversation with a SrangerD.Reviving Pre-existing Close Friendships connection,you will also be creating positive memories that will last a lifetime.

Be a good role model.


One of the things you can do to develop a strongbond with your son is to set a good example and

Can artificial intelligence be made to tell the truth?Probably not,but the developers of large

to be a positive role model. 38 So how a father interacts with his partner and others teaches a son

language model(LLM)chatbotsshould be legally required to reduce the risk of errors,says a team of respect or disrespect and how to deal with differences of opinion or conflict.This influence can be

ethicists(伦理学家).“What we're just trying to do is to create a structure to get the companies to positive or negative.Being a positive role model will teach empathy and respect for others.

put a greater emphasis on truth or accuracy when they are creating the systems,says Brent

Mittelstadt at the University of Oxford.

to having open and efctive communication with your son is an important buildingblock

LLM chatbots,such as ChatGPT,generate human-like responses to users'questions,based on to a strong relationship.Actively listen to your child without interrupting or tying to fx things.You

statistical analysis of vast amounts of text.But although their answers usually appear convincing,they can do that by giving your son your full undivided attention.Tum off the TV and put your cellphone

also tend to have“hallucination”.“We have these really,really impressive generative AI systems, down and really listen.Have conversations about real issues,like social media,bullying,peer

but they get things wrong very frequently,and as far as wecan understand the basic functioning of the presure,and relationships.This willallow your child to make their own healthy decisions

systems,there's no fundamental way to revamp that,says Mittelstadt. Recognize achievements.

This is a“very big problem”for LLM systems,given they are being rolled out to be used in a Another way to strengthen your father-son relationship is by recognizing his achievement.

variety of contexts,such as govemment decisions,where it is important they produce factually Celebrate achievements and victories of any size.Show your son that you take pride im his

corect,truthful answes,and are honest about the limitations of their knowledge,he says. accomplishments,both large and small. 40

To address the problem,Mitelstadt and his colleagues propose a range of measures.They say A.Practice open communication.

large language models should react in a similar way to how people would when asked factual questions. B.Develop emotional inteligence

That means being honest about what you do and don't know.“It's about doing the necessary steps to C.Actively participate in your son's life journey.

actually be careful in what you are claiming,says Mittelstadt.This seems like a praiseworthy aim, D.Some quality one-on-one timeis really what your son wants.

but Eerke Boiten at De Montfort University,UK,questions whether the ethiciss'demand is E.A son leams from watching his father,even when the parent isunaware.

technically practical.“I don't understand how they expect legal requirements to mandate(强制执行) F.The recognition helps to boost your son's self-esteem and his self-worth.

what Isee as fundamentally technologically impossible,”he says. G.However,with the demands of modem life,it can be challengingto develop this bond.

Mitelstadt and his colleagues do suggest some more straightforward steps that could make LLMs 第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分30分)

more truthful.The models should link to sources,he says—something that many of them now do to 第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

evidence their claims,while the wider use of a technique known as“retrieval( 检 索 )enhanced 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳

generation”tocome up wit answers could limit the likelihoodof “hallcinations. 选项。

32.What is the main concem of the ethicistsregarding LLM chatbots? A family of thrce,mom,dad and baby Romey,5 months,were lying on an aiplane together.

A.The enormous development cost. B.The ethical decisions made by AI. This was Romey's first time on an airplane.During the flight,Romey 41 the woman sitting next to


C.Its inability to guarantee truthfulness. D.Its efficiency in processing texts

一轮复习联考(一)英语试题第5页(共8页) 一轮复习联考(一)英语试题第6页(共8页)

The woman,Meegan,was crocheting(钩针编织)on the plane, 42 her hands back and Bison Council,sees the calfs birth 65a reminder“that we need to live in a good way and treat

forth,over and over again.Romey was 43 by the crocheting and couldn't stop watching herwork. others with respect.

Thisbaby was too 44 .Meegan happened to have the same color yam(纱线)as the sweet baby's 第四部分写作(共两节,满分40分)

outfit.So she decided to 45 Romey a little baby hat. 第一节(满分15分)

When the plane landed,the woman had finished the hat and gave it to the family and it 46 假定你是李华,你的英国笔友Peter想了解一下你校心理社团(Psychology Club)的情况,请

Romey perfecty.Romey's parents were quite 47 to her and everyone around them started.48 写一封回信,内容如下:

Meegan then wenton to say,So Pm 49 going to make Romey a little baby dress,because I love 1.介绍你校心理社团;

it.”What a sweet thing for her to say. 2.心理社团开展的活动及意义。

Whilewe aren't sure how long the flight was,what a 50 it is to be able tomakea whole hat 注意:

during the length ofa flight.And what a great 51 Meegan has to think ofmaking it for the baby. 1.写作词数应为80个左右;

52 is the bidge that cdoses the gap between strangers.Giving of your time,talent,or 2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

treasureto someone that speaks to your heart is a sure way to 53 love around.As the proverb Dear Peter

says,The fragrance( 芳 香 )always 54 in the hand that gives the rose”,and Meegan is an

55 of that.She used her talents to show love to other people

41.A.took advantage of B.took a look at C.took pride in D.took a fancy to Yours,

42.A.waving B.moving C.dragging D.striking Li Hua

43.A.annoyed B.frightened C.attracted D.touched 第二节(满分25分)

44.A.small B.cute C.clever D.naughty 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

45.A.purchase B.offer C.design D.make One aftermoon,Emma and I were walking home fom school,chating about our day.Emma,

46.A.fitted B.astonished C.grabbed D.decorated with her curious eyes shining,asked me about my friendship with Lucy.Without thinking,I said,“I

47.A.polite B.patient C.grateful D.considerate only hung out with Lucy because she wanted me to,but I didn't really want to be friends with her.She

48.A.commenting B.clapping C.competing D.arguing was kind of boring.”

49.A.definitely B.regularly C.temporarily D.randomly Unluckily,I didn't know Lucy was neaby.When I looked up,she was ight there,having heard

50.A.reward B.lesson C.pity D.talent everything.Her face tumed pale,and her eyes got big with surprise.She didn't say anything and ran

51.A.chance B.power C.heart D.hand off.Emma and I just stood there,feeling bad.I knew I should go after Lucy and say sorry,but I was

52.A.Kindness B.Curiosity C.Enthusiasm D.Sympathy too shocked to move.Emma's face tumed red too.We walked home without talking,and it felt like

53.A.transmit B.spread C.seek D.pursue our steps were getting heavier

54.A.flls B.invests C.holds D.remains The next days were hard.I felt really bad about what I said and wanted to fix things with Lucy.I

55.A.experience B.exercise C.example D.exception needed to say sorry.But what should I say?Even though I didn't mean to,I hurt Lucy's feelings

第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) Every time I saw her at school,I looked away quickly.

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Then,something interesting happened in our speaking class.On Tuesday,Ms.Julia said we

In a rare and awe-inspiring event,a white bison calf(野牛幼崽)was bom in Yellowstone would do pre-class speeches.She had witen our topics on small pieces ofpaper and put them in a

National Park's Lamar Valley.This extraordinary occurrence 56 (witness)by park visitor and bor.We had to pick one without knowing what it was.I was a bit nervous.When I reached into the

wildlife photographer Erin Braten, 57 happened to be at the right place at the right time. box,I pulled out a paper that said,“Tell your most embarassing moment.”My heart was beating

Braaten,a resident of Kalispell,Montana,visits Yellowstone a few times each year,but she fast.It felt like I was given a chance to make things right

never imagined she would witness such a rare and 58 (symbol)moment.Stopping to admire the I spent the next few days practicing my speech,trying to find the right words to apologize to

calf and its mother,Braaten managed 59 (take)some incredible photos from a safe and Lucy.I wanted to be sincere and show her I wassorry.When the day of the speech came,I wasstil

respectful distance. nerous,but I knew it was important to face my mistake.I stood in front of the class,took a deep

The signifcance of a white bison calf is 60 (deep)rooted in Native American culture breath,and began to share my story,hoping itwould helpme and Lucymove forward

particularly among the Lakota people.According to Lakota legend,the birth of a white bison caf 注意:

promises better times ahead.The legend 61 (tell)of atime around 2,000 years ago when food 1.续写词数应为150个左右;

was notenough and bison were disappearing.White Bison Calf Woman appeared, 62 (present)a 2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

sacred pipeand a bundle(包袱)to the Lakota people,teaching them how to pray and and bring

Knouoing tohat I had to say,I calmed myself douon and toalked to the stage.

bison to the area for food.As she left,she transforme into 63 white bison calf.

The birth of the calf may “reflect the presence of a natural genetic legacy that was preserved in That day marked a tuming point.

Yellowstone's bison”that hasbeen revealed thanks to the successful 64 (recover)of the animal's

population in the park.Troy Heinert,the executive director of the South Dakota-based InterTribal

一轮复习联考(一)英语试题第7页(共8页) 一轮复习联考(一)英语试题第8页(共8页)





