
2024-09-29·11页·1.3 M

2025高三9 月月考英语试卷 10. When were the speakers supposed to meet?

A. At 4:00 pm. B. At 4:30 pm. C. At 5:00 pm.

(试卷满分 150 分,考试时间 120 分钟)

11. What did the man do to help the driver?

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)

A. He called the police. B. He stopped the driver’s car.

第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)

C. He took the driver to the hospital.

1. What color is Amy’s hair?

12. Where does the conversation take place?

A. Blonde. B. Brown. C. Black.

A. At a bus stop. B. At the woman’s home. C. At a restaurant.

2. What is the man’s ethnic group?

听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。

A. Han. B. Miao. C. Tujia.

13. How old was Natalie when she took the picture?

3. Why is Jennifer going to the town?

A. In her early 10s. B. In her early 30s. C. In her early 40s.

A. She wants to visit someone. B. She is curious about its festival.

14. Where does Natalie live now?

C. She has something to show there.

A. In Jerusalem. B. In Washington D.C. C. In New York City.

4. How does Henry find the book?

15. What caused Natalie to quit her career in modeling?

A. Interesting. B. Useful. C. Challenging.

A. Preference for the acting profession.

5. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

B. Suggestions from her first agent.

A. An Olympic champion. B. An Olympic sports event. C. The origin of Olympic Games.

C. Pressure from her parents.

第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)

16. Which movie came out in 1995?

听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。

A. Lon. B. Heat. C. Mars Attacks.

6. What might help the woman most in speaking English?

听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。

A. Social clubs. B. Foreign bars. C. Language exchange centers.

17. Where did the race end?

7. What is probably the man?

A. In France. B. In the US. C. In Italy.

A. A tour guide. B. A businessman. C. A teacher.

18. What achievement did Offshore Team Germany make?

听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。

A. Winning the VO65 class. B. Winning the IMOCA class race.

8. Why is Jason unable to volunteer for the organization now?

C. Winning second place of the VO65 class.

A. For his inexperience. B. For his busy schoolwork. C. For his young age.

19. What was life like on the boat?

9. What area is the woman working on?

A. No fresh food was served. B. Phone calls were not allowed.

A. Transportation. B. Marketing. C. Social media.

C. People couldn’t get enough sleep.

听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。

20. Why was data collected? ton@nigelfrank.com or call me on 0191 3387487. My client is looking to begin the interview

A. To provide information for the next race. process as soon as possible, so don’t miss out!

B. To help the teams perform better. 21.What is “I” in the text most likely to be?

C. To help scientists do research. A.A data engineer. B.A consultancy boss.

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分) C.A recruitment specialist. D.A potential candidate.

第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分) 22.What does the advertised position involve doing?

A A.Developing Azure Data Lake. B.Helping clients with data platforms.

Data Engineer – Remote - 60,000 + bonus

C.Coding with both Python and SQL. D.Securing new customers for Microsoft.

Nigel Frank International Southampton, Southern 1 day ago

23.What would happen to an individual hired for the role?

45,000 – 60,000 Per Year Full-time Permanent

A.He’d work part-time. B.He’d bring in $5,500 a month.


C.He’d be asked to visit clients often. D.He’d be allowed to work remotely.

I am working with a Microsoft Partnered consultancy who are recruiting (招募) a Data


Engineer to join their growing team. You will have the opportunity to work on a variety of client

Among every generation, there are always youths ready to bear heavy burden of

projects across a number of different industries such as finance and the public sector etc.

responsibility and devoted to their community. Lee Hui Ling is one of them.

In this role your work will focus around the delivery of projects focusing on the latest Azure

Lee Hui Ling was exposed to environmental and social issues at a young age. Born into a

technologies. You will work directly with the organizations’ clients base, to consult with them

family of artists, her mother had a strong environmental conscience, which she had expressed

about their data initiatives and advise them on the best course of action when it comes to delivery

through her art and passed on to her daughter.

and implementation of cloud-based data platforms.

After graduating from the Sarah Lawrence College in New York and moving back to


Malaysia, Hui Ling’s concerns for the environment grew, particularly after the Fukushima

Strong understanding of Microsoft Azure data platform architecture

nuclear crisis in 2011, her mother’s hometown. Hui Ling responded by setting up a Greenpeace

Coding experience with both Python and SQL

Malaysia online community on various social media platforms.

Experience working with Azure Data Lake and Delta Lake storage

A committed volunteer and a natural leader, Hui Ling was involved from the very beginning.


She helped to organize and lead at meet-ups in cafes and community halls, as well as run

This is a salaried role paying up to 60,000 per year depending on experience and a

workshops, and training. Taking direct action, she has participated in various campaigns like

company benefits package including bonus. This is mainly a home-based role with occasional

Break Free from Plastic.

fully expensed visits to client sites as and when required.

“Environmental activism has taught me that doing good is not a sprint, but a marathon, and

It’s just a brief overview of the role. For the full information, please email me at a.pinker

we need to develop the endurance to make it through the difficult times,” she said. “I think

activism has been normalized, and with that kind of normalization, it brings a level of safety. It Feld, McNair, and Wilk placed wood and concrete in a machine to determine the amount

becomes a very effective way to speak about social issues and affect change.” of stress needed to break the underside of the objects. A wood block can bend by about one

An artist and educator, Hui Ling organized participatory art projects in line with Greenpeace centimetre before it breaks, which requires a force of 500 newtons. Concrete blocks only need

Malaysia campaigns on deforestation, and plastic pollution. One of them was the Wings of to be bent one millimeter before breaking, but since the material is hardly bendable, that

Paradise project, where she led a team of 30 youth volunteers in creating a 64-meter-long mural displacement requires 2,500 to 3,000 newtons. And because some energy is lost upon collision

as part of a global street art campaign against deforestation in Papua. (碰撞), the fist needs to apply even more force than that in order to actually break the blocks.

“There is a climate emergency,” said Hui Ling. “However, there is a beacon of hope in the Thankfully, the human hand is capable of generating a very high degree of force in a very

youth activism of the last few years. The youths of today are well organized, and passionate in short time. The team discovered that within this brief time, “the hand of the Kung-fu master can

expressing their desire for positive change and a green and sustainable future for all.” apply a force of more than 3,000 newtons.” The team’s model indicates that the hand must reach

24.What can we know about Lee HuiLing’s mother? a speed of 6.1 meters per second to break wood and 10.6 meters per second to break concrete.

A.She was a successful artist. They write, “the former speed is within range of the beginner, but the latter one calls for training.”

B.She self-taught her daughter. The obvious follow-up question: “How is it that the hand of the Kung-fu master is not hurt

C.Her hometown was ruined by a nuclear disaster. by the force of the strike?” Here, it’s science to the rescue: Human bone is five times firmer than

D.Her family cared about the environment. concrete and fifty times harder to break. Of course, it’s technique, not strength, that provides the

25.Which best describes Lee Hui Ling? real power. “The precision to hit the center of the board makes kung-fu not only an excellent

A.Stubborn. B.Patient. C.Influential. D.Aggressive. physical discipline but also a mental one.”

26.What does the underlined phrase “a sprint” in paragraph 5 mean? 28.What is the motivation of the team’s experiment?

A.A momentary effort. B.A real dilemma. A.To explore the mechanics of barehanded strikes.

C.A tough decision. D.A fierce competition. B.To assess durability of different materials.

27.What might be the purpose of Wings of Paradise project? C.To demonstrate their passion for Kung-fu.

A.To create unique mural. B.To help protect forests in Papua. D.To manage the trick of breaking concrete.

C.To fight against plastic pollution. D.To honor young artists across the globe. 29.What can be inferred about barehanded breaking?

C A.Bendability is a contributing factor. B.Kung-fu masters can break all objects.

A team decided to perform an experiment inspired by their collective passion for Kung-fu. C.Concrete bends more before breaking. D.More energy is lost when breaking concrete.

The group was made up of Michael Feld, a physicist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 30.What do Kung-fu beginners need to successfully break concrete without injury?

undergraduates Ronald McNair and Stephen Wilk. They wanted to know: How can a bare hand A.A hand speed of 6.1 meters per second. B.Excellent academic discipline.

break a solid block of wood or concrete without injury? What’s the trick? C.A large amount of practice. D.The precise measurements.

31.What is the last paragraph mainly talking about concerning the strike? characteristics crucial to species identity.

A.Its follow-up experiments. B.Its influence on human bones. Both Mallet and Rosser think there are many more hybrid butterfly species out there. To

C.Ways to improve its effectiveness. D.The trick of avoiding bone injury. find these hybrid species, people need to start gathering genomic data for all butterflies.

D 32.What implication does the discovery of H. elevates have?

In 1837, Darwin sketched a “tree of life” in his notebook, 12 years before the publication A.It discredits a theory. B.It explains a phenomenon.

of his Origin of Species. Since then, the tree has been routinely used by biologists to explain how C.It justifies an assumption. D.It corrects a misconception.

new species emerge from a common ancestor. But some scientists believe that new species can 33.Which is hard evidence indicating H. elevatus is a hybrid?

also arise from two parental species combining their genomes (基因组). A.Its body size. B.Its behaviors.

Now there is proof. C.Its mating preference. D.Its color pattern.

Today, scientists report in the journal Nature that the Amazonian butterfly species 34.What did Mallet and Rosser do about H. elevatus in the two decades?

Heliconius elevatus arose from the combining of two others. By comparing the genetic blueprints A.They preserved its key habitats. B.They disclosed its real identity.

of other butterfly species, researchers led by Harvard University research associate Neil Rosser, C.They changed its genetic mechanism. D.They improved its unique appearance.

demonstrated that the H. elevatus genome is a mixture of 1 percent of the species H. melpomene 35.What is the best title for the text?

and 99 percent of H. pardalinus. A.Hybrid Butterflies Found

Two decades ago, Mallet realized that all the close relatives of H. elevatus wore a pattern B.Darwin’s Theory Overturned

called “tiger mimicry ring.” H. elevatus, on the other hand, wore a “nailhead ray” outfit that was C.Genetic Map of New Species Completed

only shared by H. melpomene, a distant relative. It was as if H. elevatus showed up at the family D.Breakthrough Made in Butterflies’ Preservation

reunion with an outfit borrowed from a stranger. This was a smoking gun that H. elevatus was a 第二节 (共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)

hybrid (杂交的) species, but Mallet had to wait for two decades for genomic data to confirm his If you’ve ever been on a long-haul (长途的) flight, you’ll know that it can be challenging

suspicion. to keep yourself rested and occupied for that many hours, especially if you’re not flying first-

While Mallet and colleagues gathered genomic sequences of Heliconius butterflies, Rosser class. 36 . Check out these 5 tips on how to make your flight more bearable.

set up butterfly cages to observe H. elevatus behavior. The combined effort of Mallet’s genomic Start by dressing for comfort. Since you’ll be in those clothes for over 24 hours — from the

sequencing and Rosser’s behavioral studies led to the discovery of key regions in the H. elevatus time you leave your home till you reach your destination — you’ll want to make sure that you’re

genome associated with color pattern, host plant preference, and mating preference. To Rosser wearing comfortably. Pick out casual clothes with loose-fitting tops and bottoms. 37 .

and Mallet’s surprise, all of these crucial genes came from H. melpomene. They also don’t restrict blood flow, which could be an issue when you’re sitting for so long.

Although only 1 percent of the H. elevatus genome comes from H. melpomene, these are 38 . These include a travel pillow, an eye mask and ear plugs to help you sleep.

spread across the H. elevatus genome in 44 independent “genetic islands,” and control Also bring along your own earphones as the ones provided by the airline may not fit comfortably

or have great sound. the neighbourhood were 52 it and they stopped by sometimes to see what’s 53

Once you board, monitor the time at your destination and adjust your sleep-wake cycle inside the mailbox.

accordingly, even if it means resisting the temptation of in-flight entertainment to sleep during Don says he now doesn’t want to know who is 54 for the mailbox saga (连续事

the night. 39 . It will help with the jetlag that will surely come after you touch down. 情) but he hopes it will 55 as “the little adorable couple makes our life full of surprise

Lastly, drink plenty of water to counteract the dry cabin air — shoot for a glass every hour. and satisfaction.”

Bring a big empty water bottle with you on the plane and once you’re comfortably seated and 41.A.unusual B.useful C.easy D.familiar

before the plane takes off, ask a flight attendant to get it full. 40 . 42.A.bill B.note C.picture D.report

A.They aren’t only for your comfort 43.A.reached out B.set out C.moved in D.messed up

B.Next, pack some creature comforts 44.A.Suddenly B.Recently C.Gradually D.Initially

C.Then, bring about the most advanced device 45.A.release B.replace C.recover D.return

D.Sticking to this new routine will pay off later 46.A.disappointed B.confused C.ashamed D.embarrassed

E.To calm your nerves, do it at the start of the flight 47.A.joke B.mission C.promise D.test

F.This way, you don’t have to keep asking for refilling throughout the flight 48.A.discovered B.purchased C.selected D.accepted

G.Try to avoid looking like you’ve just wrestled a bear when stepping off the flight 49.A.occupied B.claimed C.acquired D.followed

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分) 50.A.disappeared B.faded C.mixed D.emerged

第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 51.A.posters B.gifts C.photos D.greetings

One day, as usual, Don Powell was pulling envelopes from his large mailbox. Then, he 52.A.challenging B.comparing C.monitoring D.enjoying

noticed something 41 : A tiny doll couple were sitting on a seat inside the mailbox. 53.A.sheltered B.returned C.updated D.processed

There was also a small sticky 42 kept inside, reading “We’ve 43 .” 54.A.responsible B.grateful C.anxious D.suitable

44 , Powell figured that somebody must have left the dolls inside his mailbox by 55.A.pause B.continue C.survive D.end

mistake and whoever left them there would come back to 45 them, but the note made 第二节 (共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

him quite 46 . So, he asked the neighbours whether anybody had left dolls in their 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

mailboxes, and everyone told him “No”. Powell had thought this must just be a 47 . Walking along the picturesque shores of Dongshan Island in China’s Fujian Province,

Soon, he and his wife 48 new items in the mailbox — the small couple had 49 visitors can enjoy 56 (they) in a poetic world full of 57 (create),

a table and a pillow. Over the next several months, massive items secretly 50 : a four- encountering children’s poems carved on the coastal rocks.

poster bed, a painting and a wood-burning stove, to name a few. The couple even got 51 These poems come from the Dongshan Island International Children’s Poetry Beach Project,

for holidays, like a Christmas tree. This gave the community a little fun and humor. People in displaying children’s 58 (imagine) reflections on their life. For example, a child

writes, “My two hands empty, can still hold back the wind.” “Absolutely, we’ve got this,” I agreed, performing a little victory dance on the sidewalk once

“Poetry is a bridge that enables people around the world 59 (cross) the cultural the library door had closed behind us. We had both been nominated (提 名 ) for the Youth

barriers,” says Qiu, who initiates the project. Excellence Program, an honor and a chance almost every student was crazy about.

Since last September, the project 60 (support) by local government has been That weekend, Alex and I sat in my living room, carefully completing the program

inviting children from around the globe to submit their poetry. It 61 (receive) more application. We each aimed to show we had all qualities the program valued: academic

than 5,000 submissions from children under the age of 16 from various countries. A group of excellence, leadership, community service, integrity, and civic responsibility. I detailed my

judges, 62 (consist) of artists, poets, and translators, have selected 500 poems to be devotion to challenging courses, while Alex described his volunteer work at the local food bank.

carved onto the seaside rocks, about 400 of 63 have been completed by now. We left no stone unturned, fully confident in our joint success.

In China, carving poems on rocks has long been a cultural tradition known 64 The following day, we submitted our applications to the teacher hopefully.

cliff inscriptions (摩崖石刻), typically for cultural celebrities. This project, however, gives the Weeks passed.

honor to children, who are “natural poets” in Qiu’s eye. “Children’s poetry is best suited to build Then one day, I received a letter about the project. I rushed out of the classroom and opened

a platform for global and cross-cultural communication,” Qiu explains 65 he chose it. I felt a stab of sadness right in my heart: my name was not on the list.

children for the project. At that very moment, I saw Alex came jogging over, waving his letter with a beaming smile.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分) It was clear he had news that contrasted with my own. Without hesitation, I turned away to avoid

第一节 (满分 15 分) him. I knew he was eager to share his joy. Perhaps, he even had planned to celebrate the good

66.假定你是李华,在教师节来临之际你自制了一份有中国特色的礼物赠送给外教 news together with me.

Chris,同时你想写一封信表达对外教的感谢,内容包括: But I just couldn’t face it: they picked him but refused me. How could fate be so unjust?

1.赠礼原因; 2.礼物简介; 3.表达期待。 Anger and despair just blinded me. I

注意:1.写作词数应为 80 个左右; 2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 That afternoon, on the school bus, I sat alone and avoided eye contact with Alex. When the

Dear Chris, bus arrived at my street, I just jumped off, without saying goodbye or smiling to him. I hurried

____________________________________________________________________________ home, thrusting (塞) the letter into my mom’s hands. I buried my face in the cushions, sobbing

Yours sincerely, uncontrollably as waves of heartache swept over me.

Li Hua 注意:1.续写词数应为 150 左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

第二节 (满分 25 分) From that day on, I didn’t talk to Alex.

67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的 ____________________________________________________________________________

短文。 Finally, Mom talked with me, saying Alex wasn’t the one to blame.

“We’ve got this,” my friend Alex laughed loudly as we stepped off the library steps. ____________________________________________________________________________


第一部分 听力

1—5 BABCA 6—10 CACBA 11—15 BCBCA 16—20 BCBAC







56.themselves 57.creativity 58.imaginative 59.to cross 60.supported

61.has received 62.consisting 63.which 64.as 65.why

Dear Chris,

With the Teachers’ Day approaching, I’m writing to express my gratitude to you. I present

you a handcrafted gift with Chinese characteristics because you have taught me so much and

inspired me greatly. The gift is a beautifully painted fan, featuring traditional Chinese landscapes.

It symbolizes the elegance and charm of our culture.

I sincerely hope it will bring you joy and you will continue to guide us in the future.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求考生给外教 Chris 一份有中国特色的礼物并写一





代表:symbolizestand for




原句:With the Teachers’ Day approaching, I’m writing to express my gratitude to you.

拓展句:As the Teachers’ Day is approaching, I’m writing to express my gratitude to you.

【点睛】【高分句型 1】The gift is a beautifully painted fan, featuring traditional Chinese


【高分句型 2】I sincerely hope it will bring you joy and you will continue to guide us in the

future.(hope 后运用了省略 that 的宾语从句)


From that day on, I didn’t talk to Alex. Each day at school, I navigated the hallways with a

new route, avoiding the places he frequented. The shared excitement that once connected us was

replaced by a painful silence. Alex tried to do something to mend it. One day, he even left me a

note, trying to comfort me. But I looked at him coldly, “Leave me alone.” I knew I was hurting

him, but the sting of rejection was too fresh, and I couldn’t find the words to bridge the gap.

Finally, Mom talked with me, saying Alex wasn’t the one to blame. She reminded me that

success and failure were parts of life’s journey. “You should have congratulated your friend on

this instead of feeling pitiful for yourself,” she said seriously. It suddenly struck me that how

unfairly I treated Alex. Seized by guilt, I followed mom’s advice and left Alex a note, expressing

my feelings—not as an apology, but as a step towards healing and rebuilding our bond. It was

time to face my fears and embrace the reality that our friendship could weather this storm.













代替:replace/take place of

度过:weather/get through





【点睛】[高分句型 1] One day, he even left me a note, trying to comfort me. (运用了现在分词


[高分句型 2] She reminded me that success and failure were parts of life’s journey. (运用了 that



Text 1

M: Susan, does everyone in your family have blonde hair?

W: No. My father has brown hair and my sister Amy has the same hair color as his. But she is

considering dying her hair black.

Text 2

M: I heard residents in your town still preserve their own traditions and live in old wooden houses.

W: You’re right. Residents in my town mainly belong to the Miao and Tujia ethnic minorities. We

have our own traditions. So are you also a member of an ethnic minority?

M: No. I’m a member of China’s most numerous ethnic group.

Text 3

M: Jennifer, I heard you’re traveling to a town in Czech Republic this weekend. Are you going to

visit anyone there?

W: No. The small town holds thousands of strange records and is hosting a festival to show them. I

really want to go and have a look.

Text 4

W: Henry, do you love reading the book?

M: Not really.

W: Why? It’s a book about a trip in space. I thought you were interested in such books.

M: Well, it’s in French. My French vocabulary is quite limited.

Text 5

W: Mark, do you know who was the first champion of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics?

M: Yes. I know it’s a Chinese girl. Her name is on the tip of my tongue.

W: It’s Qian Yang. She won the 10-meter rifle shooting competition on Saturday, July 24, 2021.

M: You’re right.

Text 6

M: Wang Mei, you can speak English very well. Have you ever studied in an English-speaking country?

W: No. Though I haven’t been to an English-speaking country, I have my own ways of speaking to

native English speakers.

M: So how do you meet native English speakers?

W: Sometimes I go to foreign bars and restaurants. I also go to sports clubs and social clubs. But I

usually go to language exchange centers to practice my English. I heard you’re learning French

and Spanish. Why do you learn the languages?

M: My work means I have to meet tourists from all over the world. I need to explain tourist

attractions to them.

Text 7

W: Jason, didn’t you say you want to find some volunteer work this summer?

M: Yes. I love volunteer work that involves dog rescuing.

W: Then why not volunteer for DFW Pug Rescue? It’s looking for volunteers aged 20 and over to

rescue and care for dogs.

M: But I’m not 20 years old yet.

W: You’ll turn 20 this July, won’t you? Then you can volunteer for it.

M: You’re right. So what do volunteers need to do?

W: They need volunteers in various areas, such as sports events, transportation, social media,

newsletters, and marketing. So which area are you most interested in?

M: Well, I really want to help find owners for the dogs on the Internet. So are you a volunteer for

the organization?

W: Yes. I help it with marketing.

Text 8

W: It’s already 4:30 pm. You’re half an hour late. What happened?

M: Something unexpected happened on my way here. While I was waiting for my bus, I saw a car

moving slowly in a strange way. When I looked into an open window, I saw a man bending over

the wheel.

W: That was terrible.

M: Yes. I immediately realized something was wrong. So I jumped into the moving car through the

open window and stepped on the brake of the car.

W: So did you take the man to the hospital?

M: No. It turned out that two police officers were following the vehicle, but they failed to notice

that medical help was needed. It was they that took the man to hospital for treatment.

W: No wonder you were late. Well, you’ve done something great. You’re really a hero. But now

let’s order our food.

M: So you haven’t ordered yet?

W: No. I don’t know what you love eating.

Text 9

M: Who is this beautiful woman on your computer?

W: It’s Natalie Portman. She’s a famous actress in the US.

M: She looks pretty young. So when was she born?

W: She was actually born in 1981. She’s in her early 40s now. This picture was taken 10 years ago,

you know.

M: So what did her parents do?

W: Her father is a doctor and her mother is an American-born artist.





