专题19 阅读理解 考点2 记叙文(原卷版)

2024-09-10·244页·4 M

三年(2022-2024)中考英语真题分项汇编(全国通用)专题12 阅读理解 考点2 记叙文(2024中考真题)(2024安徽中考真题)It’s always a good thing to have a hobby. For Miss Patty, a school bus driver in Erie County, her hobby of knitting (编织) has made her really touch the community. Miss Patty always wanted to do something with her spare time to help the students. After a conversation with one of the students, things took a turn from knitting one hat to knitting more hats. “The one boy gets on the bus, and he goes ‘what are you doing?’ I said, ‘I’m making a hat. He said, ‘That would be great having such a warm hat in icy winter.’ So I said, ‘What color would you like?’ That started everything,” Miss Patty told the local newspaper. Several years have passed since that day, and Miss Patty has already knitted 7, 083 hats for students in her spare time. Sometimes she will get the student’s favorite color before she begins the project. What is more moving is that Miss Patty buys all the materials (材料) using her own money. Some people do give her gift cards around the holidays to help, but she still puts out a lot of her own money. Along with making hats for the students that will keep them warm, Miss Patty also gets praise for being a trusted friend to the students.1.What made Miss Patty decide to knit more hats?A.A drive to Erie County.B.A show of colorful hats.C.A letter in the newspaper.D.A conversation with a boy.2.Why does Miss Patty knit so many hats in her spare time?A.To practice her skill.B.To better her business.C.To make more friends.D.To gift students for winter.3.What makes Miss Patty’s act more moving?A.She refuses others’ help.B.She buys materials with her own money.C.She works during holidays.D.She knits hats of different colors for kids.4.Which of the following best describes Miss Patty?A.Humorous.B.Honest.C.Caring.D.Shy.(2024湖北中考真题)The Smiths woke up earlier than usual. There was something about hiking (远足) that made them feel wide awake and excited to start the day as their eyes were open.The family had a simple breakfast. They discussed the plan for the day at table. “Dad and I looked at a map last night,” said Mrs. Smith. “We found a nearby trail (小径). There are many interesting things along the way, and best of all, there will be a surprise at the end of the trail.”“What kind of surprise?” asked Jenny.“It won’t be a surprise if we tell you,” laughed her mom. “The sooner you get ready to go, the sooner you’ll find out.”They set out for hiking soon. It was a good day for seeing wildlife. Along the trail, the trees were filled with kinds of birds flying around. Hearing a noise in the grass, they stopped and saw two rabbits crossing the trail. After a while, Mike noticed several monkeys in the trees and Mr. Smith took photos before they ran away.Then, they continued their hiking. Jenny and Mike were discussing what kind of snake they had just seen on the way. At this moment, they came to an open area with some small pools. The kids’ eyes grew wide. They looked at their parents.“Is this the surprise?” asked Mike in excitement.Mr. and Mrs. Smith smiled as they walked over to one of the small pools. Steam (蒸汽) rose into the air. “They’re hot springs (温泉),” explained Mr. Smith. “The heat is produced from inside Earth.”“Could we have a bath (洗澡) in the spring if we have our bathing suits?” asked Jenny. Mrs. Smith nodded. “Your bathing suits are in the bag.” She laughed, putting her feet into the spring water.“I can’t believe it! Mom and Dad. This is a great surprise.” Jumped Jenny.5.The Smiths woke up earlier because of ________.A.the mapB.the trailC.the hikingD.the breakfast6.Which is the right order of the animals they saw on the way?A.snakes birds rabbits monkeysB.monkeys snakes birds rabbitsC.rabbits snakes monkeys birdsD.birds rabbits monkeys snakes7.What does the underlined word “surprise” refer to (指代)?A.An open area.B.The hot spring.C.A nearby trail.D.The heat from inside Earth.8.Why did the family make the plan for the day?A.To take photos.B.To enjoy nature.C.To watch birds.D.To protect wildlife.9.What is the best title for the passage?A.A Natural BathB.A Lucky FamilyC.A Humorous MomD.A Beautiful Pool(2024福建中考真题)Once upon a time, there was a little boy. His parents were poor farmers. They couldn’t pay for a worker, so the boy had to help. He worked hard.Every day, he had a one-hour rest at sunset (日落). He used that time to climb to the top of a hill. There, he could see a house on another hill. It had golden windows. They were really bright and shone like diamonds (钻石).One day, the boy’s father said to him, “You worked really hard, so you can take a day off. Try to learn something good.”The boy thanked his father. Then, he left home and walked to the far hill.He came to the house and knocked on the door, and a girl answered. He told her about the golden windows. The girl shook her head and said, “Poor farmers like us only have glass windows. Look there! That’s the house with the golden windows.” She pointed at something far away.When the boy looked, he saw his own house. He then thanked the girl and rushed home.Inside, he saw his family and smiled. He told them about his excellent day. He also said, “I learned a great lesson—our house has golden windows.”10.What do we know about the little boy?A.He was quite lazy.B.He was very rich.C.He was a son of poor farmers.D.He was a son of a worker.11.What did the boy do when he had a one-hour rest?A.He rested at home.B.He built a house.C.He helped his parents.D.He climbed to the top of a hill.12.The boy took a day off because he ________.A.worked hardB.wanted to playC.found a diamondD.needed to visit the girl13.What did the girl point at?A.The windows made of gold.B.The windows made of diamond.C.The windows of the girl’s house.D.The windows of the boy’s house.14.How did the boy feel when he got home?A.Happy.B.Lonely.C.Surprised.D.Strange.(2024天津中考真题)The Internet is often used to buy and sell products, pay bills, and communicate with people. But how safe is it when you use the Internet? Our magazine Interactions asked some Internet users about their experiences.Linda, 29, nurse: I pay all my bills online. One day, I received an email from my bank. It told me that someone was trying to take out money from my account (账号), so I should email my password (密码) to the “bank manager”. I felt something was wrong, so I called my bank and asked about the email. The bank said they never sent it. I realised that someone tried to cheat (欺骗) me of my money. I’ll continue paying my bills this way, but I’ll be more careful.Emily, 22, office worker: I was at work, and I sent an email to a friend of mine. I was telling her about my problems with Mark, the manager. A few minutes later, a friend of Mark’s came over to my desk. He said, “So you think Mark is too strict?” My face was red. I chose the wrong name on my address list. It was my own fault, so I’ll look over my emails more carefully before I click “Send” next time.Thomas, 21, university student: I love the Internet! I look up lots of information online. I often buy things on the websites—furniture, clothes, CDs, even foods. I have also sold some of my things on the Internet. I only use the websites I trust and I’ve never had a safety problem.15.Where is the passage taken from?A.A diary.B.A novel.C.A magazine.D.A history book.16.Linda probably got the email from a person who ________.A.refused to lend money to herB.asked about her experiencesC.sold things to her on the websitesD.tried to cheat her of her money17.The word “fault” in Paragraph 3 means “________”.A.projectB.mistakeC.advantageD.plan18.Who shared enjoyable experiences according to the passage?A.Linda.B.Emily.C.Mark.D.Thomas.19.What is the best title of the passage?A.The Internet: How Safe Is It?B.The Bank: How Useful Is It?C.The Website: How Cheap Is It?D.The Magazine: How Amazing Is It?(2024天津中考真题)Sara and Jack helped their mother and father work on the farm. They got food and drink from the farm.Sara got water from the stream. Jack got eggs from the hens. Sara got apples from the trees. Jack got corn from the field. Sara got milk from the cow. After Sara and Jack worked, they went into the house.When it got dark at night, Father made a fire so that the house had light. Then Mother told the family some news.“There is a new food called ice cream,” Mother said. “But some people call it cream ice.” The whole family smiled. The family thought that cream ice was a funny name for a food.“Can we try some ice cream, Mother?” asked Jack.“We need ice and milk to make it,” said Mother. “We have to wait until winter when it snows. Then we will get ice.”Sara and Jack couldn’t wait until winter so that they could try ice cream.20.Where did Sara and Jack help their mother and father work?A.In the hotel.B.On the farm.C.In the cinema.D.On the train.21.Where did Sara get water?A.From the cow.B.From the field.C.From the stream.D.From the trees.22.When the house had light, Mother ________ to the family.A.showed some photosB.sang some songsC.read some poemsD.told some news23.What did the family think of the name of cream ice?A.It was funny.B.It was easy.C.It was helpful.D.It was common.24.What did they need to make ice cream?A.Sugar and eggs.B.Ice and milk.C.Apples and corn.D.Milk and meat.(2024河北中考真题)Mike, a 12-year-old boy, lived in a hillside village. His neighboring village was famous because of a great discovery there. In 2003, paleontologists (古生物学家) found the bones (骨头) of the largest dinosaur (恐龙) in Europe in a field near his neighboring village. Mike liked dinosaurs more than anything else in the world. He also believed that there was an amazing dinosaur bone under the ground of his own village. His dream was to be the first person to find it. One summer morning, Mike was exploring (勘查) in a field near a river. He looked up to see his two friends Fern and Pepe running toward him with a colorful kite. Mike enjoyed playing with his friends and began to fly the kite with them. As he ran, he fell to the ground. “I caught my left foot on this grey object,” he said. “A rock,” said Fern. Mike looked at it carefully. “I don’t think it’s a rock,” he said excitedly. “Let me pull it out,” said Pepe. “No,” said Mike. “It’s better to leave the object right here.”Mike and the boys ran to school to tell their teacher. The teacher called the paleontologist’s office. The next day, a paleontologist came to the village to examine the object. “It could be a dinosaur bone,” he said. Soon, many paleontologists came and more bones were found. They turned out to come from a new kind of dinosaur. Fern asked, “What do we call this dinosaur?” “Interesting question,” said one of the paleontologists, “we’ll call it Mikesaur!”25.Why was Mike’s neighboring village well-known?A.Scientists often visited it.B.It was the largest in Europe.C.High hills were behind it.D.A great discovery was made there.26.What was Mike doing before he met his friends?A.Flying a kite.B.Exploring in the field.C.Collecting grey objects.D.Giving a report to his teacher.27.Why did Mike say “It’s better to leave the object right here.”?A.He thought it was a rock.B.He thought it was a common bone.C.He thought it was difficult to move.D.He thought it was something valuable.28.What do you think most probably happened next?A.Fern got an expensive gift.B.The teacher sent Pepe to hospital.C.Mike felt proud of himself.D.More people moved into this village.(2024湖北武汉中考真题)The silence of the pond (池塘) was broken by the first cry: “Found something!” A swimmer ducked (扎入) into the water with a lifeline connected to a boat. Soon, she appeared, holding a bright blue glass bottle. It was passed to another, then into the boat. On a fine Sunday morning in May, a team of 10 women over 65 years old, known as the Old Women Against Underwater Rubbish (OWAUR), looked for rubbish across Nova Pond in Scotia. When the team returned, they joked about the trip. “We didn’t even know what it was,” one swimmer said with a laugh, showing an electronic lighter they had found. “We had to ask a young person.”Part protection organization, part social club, OWAUR only accepted old women as its members. To improve the conditions of the ponds, the group made it its mission to take rubbish away from them. The idea of this group was from a moment of Sandy, a retired (退休的) reporter. As a lifelong nature lover, she liked swimming in ponds. However, the world of the pond, which was a little polluted, made her anxious. Then she came up with a slogan (标语): “OVER 65, IF YOU’RE HEALTHY ENOUGH, IS THE AGE OF ACTION.”Soon many people joined her. They found a sense of wonder at the pond cleanup moments. And their team could do a lot more than people might think. When many people thanked OWAUR for what they had done, some questioned why they called themselves “old women”. “You should call yourselves the Mermaids (美人鱼) Against Underwater Rubbish,” they said.29.What does “another” in paragraph 1 refer to?A.A pond.B.A swimmer.C.A glass bottle.D.A boat.30.The underlined word “mission” means “________”.A.an important taskB.a fair gameC.an interesting showD.a secret meeting31.By searching for the rubbish in the ponds, OWAUR ________.A.found interest and did wellB.changed people’s hobbiesC.improved their health a lotD.won fame and got prizes32.Why were the old women regarded as Mermaids?A.They must be good at swimming.B.They could be trusted by some people.C.They should be responsible for their group.D.They might be thought young and beautiful.33.What would be the best title for the passage?A.A Swimming ClubB.A Worrying PondC.A Ducking MomentD.A Warning Slogan(2024江苏苏州中考真题)Auggie’s StorySleepI’d been reading for over an hour and sleep still didn’t come. It was almost two a. m. Everyone else was asleep. I had my flashlight (手电筒) on under the sleeping bag. Maybe the light was why I couldn’t sleep, but I was too afraid to turn it off. What had happened kept coming back to my mind.When we got back to the camp, no one noticed we’d been gone. The teachers and all the other kids were still watching the movie. They didn’t know how something bad had just happened to me and Jack. It’s so strange how that can be, how you could have a night that’s the worst in your life, but to everybody else it’s just a usual night.Amos, Miles and Henry brought us back to our seats. Then they returned to their own seats. In a way, everything was exactly as we had left it. The sky was the same. The movie was the same. Everyone’s faces were the same. Mine was the same.But something was different. Something had changed.Home“So, do you want to hear about the bad part or the good part first?” I asked Mum.“Whatever you want to talk about,” she answered.“Well, except for last night, I had a fantastic time,” I said. “I feel like they ruined (毁坏) the whole trip for me.”“No, sweetie. Don’t let them do that to you. You were there for more than forty-eight hours, and that awful part lasted one hour. Don’t let them take that away from you, okay?”“I know.” I nodded. “But do I always have to worry about bad guys like that? Like when I grow up, is it always going to be like this?”“There are always going to be bad guys in the world, Auggie,” she said, looking at me. “But I really believe there are more good people on this earth than bad people, and the good people watch out for each other and take care of each other. Just like Jack was there for you. And Amos. And those other kids.”“Oh yeah, Miles and Henry,” I answered. “They were amazing, too. It’s very strange because Miles and Henry haven’t even really been very nice to me at all during the year.”“Sometimes people surprise us,” she said, rubbing the top of my head.34.Why couldn’t Auggie fall asleep?A.He kept thinking about something.B.He was doing bedtime reading.C.He was looking for his flashlight.D.He didn’t like his sleeping bag.35.According to the first part, what was different at the camp?A.The sky.B.Auggie’s face.C.The movie.D.Auggie’s feeling.36.Auggie was worried that ______.A.his mum would feel unhappyB.bad guys would always be aroundC.he would not have a good tripD.Jack would not be his friend any more37.What do we know about Miles and Henry?A.They ruined Auggie’s whole trip.B.They took something away from Auggie.C.They were nice to Auggie this time.D.They were Auggie’s best friends.(2024河南中考真题)Vicky’s mother opened the door. She had a look at Vicky’s bedroom.“What a mess! It looks as if a hurricane (飓风) passed through Vicky’s bedroom,” said Vicky’s mother. “I must ask her to clean it.”Vicky was eating breakfast. Her father came into the kitchen and said, “Mom wants you to clean your room. It looks as if a hurricane passed through it.”Joe, Vicky’s little brother, asked, “A hurricane? Is that a bad thing?”“Sure it is,” said his father.“I’ll do it after school, Dad,” said Vicky. “My first class is geography and Mr. Miller hates people to be late.” And off she ran through the front door.Twenty minutes later, Vicky ran into her classroom.“Today,” said Mr. Miller, “we’re going to learn about hurricanes. Have any of you seen a hurricane?” Vicky thought about her bedroom, but she said nothing.“I haven’t seen one. Not a real one but I watched a program on TV and I know they destroy (破坏) things and leave a mess,” said James who sat next to Vicky.“Yes,” said Mr. Miller. “But today I’m going to surprise you. Sometimes hurricanes do good.”“Hurricanes can be good things?” Vicky asked.“Oh, yes,” said Mr. Miller. “Hurricanes bring a lot of water to rivers and lakes that are becoming dry. Animals and fish come back to live in them. Hurricanes also pick up heat from the very hot areas of the world and drop it in less warm places.”“So, hurricanes can be good things,” Vicky said to herself. “I’m going to show Mom the good part.”When Vicky got home in the afternoon, she began to clean up her bedroom. She put all of her things in their proper places.“Mom,” she called. “Can you come here for a minute?”Vicky’s mother put her head around the door.“Vicky!” she said. “That looks fantastic! I told your dad this morning that it looked as if a hurricane had hit it!”“Are you sure that’s a bad thing, Mom?” asked Vicky, smiling.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。38.What happened at the beginning of the story?A.Vicky made a mess in her room.B.Vicky was late for school again.C.Vicky had a fight with her brother.D.Vicky failed her geography test.39.What surprised the students in Mr. Miller’s class?A.Hurricanes can be stopped.B.Hurricanes can cause earthquakes.C.Hurricanes can be good things.D.Hurricanes can destroy the environment.40.How would Vicky’s mother feel at the end of the story?A.Worried.B.Tired.C.Relaxed.D.Pleased.41.What can we learn from the story?A.Do as what your teachers tell you.B.Keep doing what you like till success.C.Put what you have learned into practice.D.Ask your parents before making a decision.42.What is the best title for the text?A.Tiger MotherB.Hurricane VickyC.Patient FatherD.Knowledgeable Teacher(2024江苏扬州中考真题)One day in autumn Squire Gordon, my master, went on a trip into town. John, my caretaker, went with him. I pulled the cart. The weather was rainy and windy, but we travelled happily.Gordon’s business took a long time. We didn’t leave until late afternoon. The wind was then much higher. My master said to John, “I have never been out in such a storm!” Mr Gordon and John could not see well in the rain.We came to a wooden bridge. It was very nearly dark. We could just see that the water was over the middle of the bridge. But as that happened sometimes when the floods were out, master did not stop. The moment my feet touched the first part of the bridge, I felt sure there was something wrong. I dare (敢于) not go forward, and I made a dead stop. “Go on, Beauty,” said my master, and he gave me a touch with the whip (鞭子), but I dare not move. He gave me a sharp cut and I jumped, but I dare not go forward.“There’s something wrong, sir,” said John, and he got out and tried to lead me forward. “Come on, Beauty.” But I knew that the bridge was not safe.Just then the man on the other side saw us.“Hey! Halloo! Stop!” he cried.“What’s the matter?” shouted my master.“The bridge is broken in the middle, and part of it is carried away. If you go onto it, you’ll be into the river.”“Thank you for saving us, Beauty!” said John. He gently turned me round to the right hand road by the river side. It grew darker and darker, stiller and stiller.When we returned home the Squire told Mrs Gordon, “Black Beauty saved our lives. He knew the bridge was dangerous.”John took me to the stable. Oh! What a good supper he gave me that night! What a nice bed of straw! I was glad of it, for I was tired.— Adapted from Black Beauty43.What was the weather like when Gordon, John and Beauty left town for home?A.The rain came to a stop.B.There was a heavy storm.C.It was sunny and windy.D.The wind was much gentler.44.Which of the following is the correct order of the story?a. The man warned them not to cross the broken bridge.b. The master touched Black Beauty with the whip.c. Black Beauty was well rewarded for his decision.d. Black Beauty refused to obey his master at the bridge.e. They three came to a wooden bridge, ready to cross the river.A.ebdacB.bdaecC.edcabD.dbeca45.Which detail supports the main idea that Black Beauty knew the bridge was dangerous?A.Mr Gordon and John could not see well in the rain.B.We could just see that the water was over the middle of the bridge.C.He gave me a sharp cut and I jumped, but I dare not go forward.D.He gently turned me round to the right hand road by the river side.46.According to the passage, what is Black Beauty like?A.Brave and smart.B.Modest and hard-working.C.Impolite and fearful.D.Impatient and unwise.(2024江西中考真题)Ed was a professional football player, but in 2017 he had an accident in a swimming pool. After that, he couldn’t move his body from the shoulders down.Doctors told him that he’d probably never walk again, but Ed didn’t want to believe this. He had recently got engaged (订婚) to the woman who is now his wife and he said that she was the main reason he wanted to get better. He spent six days staring at his toes (脚趾) and trying to make them move—and, finally, he succeeded! This was the start of a long journey.While in hospital, Ed met Paul, a man in his late thirties. Doctors had also told Paul he would never walk again, but Ed encouraged him not to give up and six months later, Paul told Ed he was walking with a stick.Only a year after his accident, Ed climbed the highest mountain in Wales. Since then he has also climbed a 6,500-meter mountain in Nepal and he said that after each big climb he noticed his body could do new movements.Two years later, 31-year-old Ed climbed 8,848 meters, the height of the world’s highest mountain, by going up and down his parents’ stairs 2,783 times. When he finished, he told a news reporter he had loved it although it sometimes was “painful” and “boring”. He also raised 46,000 for charity.Ed hopes his story can help people. That’s why he started his own charity, M2M, which aims to support “people facing challenges in life.”47.Who did Ed want to get better mainly for?A.His parents.B.His doctor.C.His friend.D.His wife.48.What is Ed like according to Paragraph 3?A.Brave.B.Helpful.C.Honest.D.Hard-working.49.What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 5 refer to?A.Raising money.B.Doing new movements.C.Visiting parents.D.Going up and down stairs.50.Put the events about Ed into the correct order according to the passage.a.Ed started M2M.b.Ed succeeded in making his toes move.c.Ed had an accident in a swimming pool.d.Ed climbed the highest mountain in Wales.e.Ed climbed his parents’ stairs 2,783 times.A.c-e-b-d-aB.c-b-d-e-aC.e-a-b-d-cD.e-b-d-c-a51.What would be the best title for the passage?A.A Football Player.B.A Challenge Lover.C.A Charity Worker.D.A Mountain Climber.(2024云南中考真题)Liu Lingli has been a teacher for hearing-impaired (听力受损的) children for 33 years. Her first communication with hearing-impaired people was with her neighbor, Mrs. Wang. One day, when Liu was playing in her house, Wang used sign language (手语) to communicate with her. But Liu couldn’t understand. Wang’s husband told Liu that Mrs. Wang wanted to make her a scarf. “I was moved by her kindness, and thought it would be great if she could speak,” Liu said, “so I decided to become a teacher for hearing-impaired students.”At first, Liu almost gave up because of difficulties. She then thought about her neighbor and the pain on her face when she could not make people understand what she was trying to say. That made Liu stick to her dream of being a “special education” teacher and she succeeded. Although she was only 18 at that time, she regarded the students as her children. Every day, she spent much time teaching them to speak. One of her students, Jiang Yan, said Liu would show over 100 times how to speak just one word. She also taught the students how to wash their face and clothes, and clip their nails (剪指甲). Liu Lingli put lots of efforts to help them live better, too. With her help and encouragement, another student Liu Hanxiang could communicate normally with others. Liu Hanxiang learned dancing and is a member of an art group now. Thanks to Liu’s devotion (奉献), more than 20 students have received higher education. “Whenever they tried to say ‘mom’ or ‘dad’ for the first time, I felt it was the sweetest sound in the world,” Liu Lingli said.52.Why did Liu Lingli decide to become a teacher of “special education”?A.Because she was interested in sign language.B.Because she wanted to be a successful teacher.C.Because she was moved by her neighbor’s kindness.D.Because she wanted to help Wang’s husband to speak.53.What did Liu Lingli teach her students to do according to paragraph 4? a. Speak.b. Learn art.c. Clip nails.d. Wash face and clothes. A.a, b, cB.a, b, dC.b, c, dD.a, c, d54.What can we know from the text?A.Jiang Yan dances well and is a member of an art group now.B.Liu Hanxiang advised Liu Lingli to communicate with others.C.Liu Lingli makes great efforts to help her students to live better.D.Less than 20 of Liu Lingli’s students have got higher education.55.Which of the following words can best describe Liu Lingli?A.Devoted.B.Honest.C.Quiet.D.Lucky.56.In which part of a newspaper can you probably read the text?A.People.B.Science.C.Sports.D.Travel.(2024四川宜宾中考真题)In a heartwarming story, Mr. Sun from Fushun, Liaoning province, made a video using AI technology to make his grandma happy. He used a special computer technology to make himself look and sound like his dad, who had been dead. It took him almost half a month to finish it. Then he sent the video to his 91-year-old grandma. Sun had lots of feelings while making the video. He felt a lot of sadness thinking about his dad and how much he missed him.Sun’s dad died in 2023 because of a serious disease. Sun’s grandma didn’t know about it because her family worried it would make her too sad. They told her that her son was still in hospital far away. However, the grandma missed her son a lot and wanted to talk to him.Sun got a creative idea from movies. He decided to use a computer program to make a video where he looked like his dad. He even had his hair cut to look more like his dad. With the computer program, he changed his face into his father’s in the video and said, “Mom, it’s Jihai, your son. I’m doing well in Beijing.” The video wasn’t very clear, but the grandma believed it was really her son.In fact, Sun made the video to help himself say goodbye to his dad as well and to start a new page in his life. Although it’s hard, Sun wants to be strong like his dad and take care of his family. Now, Sun is taking care of his grandma like his dad would have.57.What did Mr. Sun use to make the video?A.Some stories.B.AI technology.C.Some movies.D.His family photos.58.How long did Mr. Sun spend making the video?A.Half an hour.B.Two days.C.Almost a week.D.Almost half a month.59.Why did Sun’s grandma know nothing about her son’s death?A.Because she was too old to remember her son.B.Because her family wanted her to start a new page.C.Because she was very busy looking after her family.D.Because her family worried it would bring her much sadness.60.What’s Sun’s possible opinion about AI technology?A.It’s helpful.B.It’s terrible.C.It’s worrying.D.It’s unknown.61.Which can be the best title for the passage?A.The Importance of AIB.Mother’s Great LoveC.A Heartwarming StoryD.Ways of Saying Goodbye(2024四川自贡中考真题)Recently, the story of a Chinese girl playing the erhu on the streets of Milan, Italy has been reported. She has been trying street performances in her spare time since April 2023. Every time she performs, she attracts (吸引) many people to watch, building a bridge of communication between China and Italy through music. The girl is Zheng Xiaohui from Weifang, who is talented in playing the erhu.In 2021, Zheng went to Milan for study. There, she found the street art culture was very popular. She saw some wonderful street performances that caused many people to dance, “I was so touched, and found that music has a great power to bring people together,” she said.In 2023, Zheng started her street performance during Milan Design Week. And many tourists were attracted by her performance. Some even experienced playing the erhu. Zheng also performed at the 2023 Milan Fashion Week. “I am very happy that China’s erhu has shown its special beauty on the international stage,” Zheng said.With the popularity of her performances, Zheng has more chances to show traditional Chinese culture. Besides street performances, she also performs online and gives concerts to show the beauty of the erhu to the world. She hopes to meet more friends who love Chinese folk music and traditional Chinese culture through her performances.62.How does the writer begin the text?A.By telling a fact.B.By making a suggestion.C.By answering a question.63.What can we infer (推断) from the underlined sentence in paragraph 2?A.Zheng may learn to dance from local people.B.Zheng may make money by street performances.C.Zheng may produce the idea of playing the erhu on the streets.64.How many ways did Zheng use to show the beauty of the erhu?A.One.B.Two.C.Three.65.What is the purpose of Zheng’s performances?A.To make more people know her.B.To show her love for playing the erhu.C.To spread traditional Chinese culture through folk music.(2024四川自贡中考真题)Catia, a 73-year-old woman, is a hummingbird (蜂鸟) nurse. Her story with hummingbirds began in 2011, at a very difficult time in her life.She lost her husband in 2009. Two years later, she herself got cancer (癌症). To fight against her illness, she sold her five shops but it didn’t help much. So she felt depressed.One day, she was walking on the street when she noticed a tiny hummingbird with a serious eye problem. The kind woman took it home and named it Gucci. At first, she knew nothing about taking care of a bird. To look after Gucci, she studied the birds and their habits. Finally, Gucci got well.Later, Catia’s friends began to bring her sick and homeless hummingbirds. She never turned them away. Then, more and more hummingbirds were sent to her. So she used her apartment as a hospital and Safe House for them. Since then, her home has been a hummingbirds’ home.Now Catia is considered as an expert on hummingbirds and lives happily with hummingbirds. People think she is a protector of hummingbirds, but she thinks it is the tiny birds that save her. She told others the hummingbirds managed to pull her out of sadness and hopelessness. She always says, “The hummingbirds wrote me a new life.”66.When did Catia get cancer?A.In 2007.B.In 2009.C.In 2011.67.What does the underlined word “depressed” in paragraph 2 mean?A.Bored.B.Down.C.Angry.68.What is the correct order of the following events?Catia lost her husband.Catia is considered as an expert.Catia’s home has been a hummingbirds’ home.Catia helped a hummingbird with an eye problem.A.B.C.69.What is the main idea of the text?A.It’s important to protect animals.B.We should face difficulties bravely.C.Helping animals is helping humans.(2024四川南充中考真题)Recently, I asked a seeing friend who had just walked in the woods what she had noticed. “Nothing special,” she replied. How was it possible, I asked myself, to walk through the woods and see nothing worthy of note? I who cannot see find hundreds of things to interest me only through touch. If I can get so much pleasure from touch, how much more beauty must be found by sight (视力)? And I have imagined what I should most like to see if I were given the use of my eyes for just three days. On the first day, I should want to see the people who have made my life worth living and the books which have been read to me. In the afternoon, I should take a walk in the woods and admire the beauties of nature. That night, I should not be able to sleep. On my second day, I should go to the museums to see man’s progress. I should try to explore the spirit of man through his art. In the evening, I should spend at the movies. The following day, I should spend in the world of common people going about the business of life. At midnight permanent (永久的) night would close in on me again, and I should realize how much I had left unseen. I who am blind can give one suggestion to those who see: Use your eyes as if tomorrow you would be blind. The same is true of other senses. Hear the songs of birds, as if you would be deaf tomorrow. Smell the flowers, as if tomorrow you could never smell again…But of all the senses, I’m sure that sight must be the most pleasant. (Adapted from “Three Days to See” by Helen Keller)70.What makes the writer start imagining the three days?A.Walking in the woods.B.Asking herself questions.C.Seeing natural beauty.D.Touching interesting things.71.What does the writer want to do during the three days?A.Read books to people on the first day.B.Go to the movies on the second day.C.Succeed in business on the third day.D.Have a wonderful dream every day.72.What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?A.A description of different senses.B.A method of living a pleasant life.C.Encouragement to the blind people.D.Advice to people without disabilities.73.Which is the best structure (结构) of the passage? (=Paragraph 1=Paragraph 2…)B.C. D.74.Which of the following sayings may the writer agree with?A.Time is what we want most, but what we use worst.B.Never leave until tomorrow what you can do today.C.Live every moment and be thankful for what you have.D.The future belongs to those who are preparing for it now.(2024四川广安中考真题)Bob likes climbing very much. However, there wasn’t one climbing club in his school at first, so he felt sad.At the beginning of the second year of middle school, his school offered rock climbing lessons in order to encourage students to exercise. He was so happy that he joined at once.In the first lesson, the coach said, “Rock climbing needs strength, speed, courage and persistence (坚持). All these are necessary.” But in Bob’s opinion, rock climbing was just a fun activity. It interested him.During the following classes, the coach asked the students to run 1,000 metres first, and then climb with a rope. When Bob finished running, he almost lost his breath (呼吸) and got bored, and he even did not want to touch the rope. He thought it was less interesting than before. The coach noticed that and asked him, “Why do you want to take rock climbing lessons?” “I come for fun, of course.” “Is that fun?” he asked. Bob shook his head slowly. The coach then explained patiently, “That’s because you stop halfway. You know, beautiful sights are always on the top.”After hearing his words, Bob made up his mind to finish his journey. When he got to the top in the end, he felt really excited.Sometimes it’s hard to reach the top of the mountain, but it’s a pity to stop halfway, so don’t give up.75.Why did the school offer rock climbing lessons?A.To develop students’ hobbies.B.To encourage students to exercise.C.To offer students more clubs.D.To let students enjoy activities.76.How far did the coach ask the students to run first in the rock climbing lessons?A.One hundred metres.B.One hundred kilometres.C.One thousand metres.D.One thousand kilometres.77.What does the underlined word “it” refer to in Paragraph (段落) 4?A.Running.B.Rock climbing.C.Taking lessons.D.Touching the rope.78.How did Bob’s feelings change according to the passage?A.Sadhappyboredexcited.B.Excitedsadbored happy.C.Happysadexcitedbored.D.Sadboredexcitedhappy.79.What’s the best title of the passage?A.Learn to Accept Helpful AdviceB.Let’s Find the Best HobbyC.Don’t Give Up HalfwayD.Never Stay in the Same Place(2024四川遂宁中考真题)Li Jin was born in Guangxi but raised in Sanya, Hainan. In the past 9 years, Li has made great efforts to protect the waters of Sanya. He is now spreading the knowledge of environmental protection. He does this through the Internet. Around 2014, he began doing volunteer work to clear rubbish from the beaches and officially registered as a volunteer in May, 2017. Li took the lead in a clean-up activity on the Sanya River. In April, 2021, he used his own money to set up a volunteer service center. The center has 1,170 registered members who take part in all kinds of activities. So far, he has spent about 3, 800 hours on volunteer activities in over 550 events. More than 2,300 people have joined in the activities with his encouragement. They have drawn the attention of both adults and children to the importance of protecting oceans and beaches. His center has organized 51 beach-cleaning activities which have seen about 1,800 people join in since it was set up. In 2021, because of Li’s growing influence in environmental protection circles, the city government invited him to make a number of short videos. In the videos, he used simple words to explain how to protect the environment. Several of the videos have been watched millions of times. “Although many people speak highly of my work, what I have done is not for the compliment. I just want to make a difference to environmental protection. My volunteer work would be meaningless if I was paid. It is everyone’s duty to protect environment. The work itself is of great value, so I will continue doing the environmental protection work,” he said.80.How does Li Jin spread the knowledge of environmental protection?A.On TV.B.In the newspaper.C.Through the Internet.D.By poster.81.How many people joined beach-cleaning activities since Li Jin set up the center?A.Over 550.B.About 1,800.C.More than 2,300.D.About 3,800.82.What is the right order of the following events according to the passage? set up a volunteer service centermade a number of short videosbegan to clear rubbishtook the lead in a clean-up activityA.B.C.D.83.The underlined word “compliment” means__________.A.wealthB.praiseC.fameD.power84.Which word can best describe Li Jin?A.Responsible.B.Wise.C.Kind.D.Busy.(2024四川广安中考真题)A sixty-year-old American, Mr. Linden, wears many hats: a writer, a businessman, a traveller, an educator and the founder of a famous hotel. He has lived in a village in Yunnan Province for nearly 20 years. He now considers that he is one of the “cool new Dali people”.Mr. Linden was born and raised in Chicago. He first visited China in 1984. He received a scholarship (奖学金) from the Chinese Government and came to study in Beijing. During his stay, he was deeply attracted by Chinese culture and would love to be its communicator.After working and travelling in more than 100 countries, Mr. Linden gave up his job in the US, sold his house and moved to China with his family in 2004. He wanted to find a place and create a new lifestyle. After a tour around China, Mr. Linden and his wife finally decided to live in Xizhou, a small town not far from Dali.“I’m a fan of China’s traditional buildings. Xizhou is a beautiful town with hundreds of old buildings from the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Traditions here keep as alive as ever and the local people treat me like family,” said Mr. Linden.With the help of the Dali government, Mr. Linden repaired a traditional Bai-style (白族风格) house into a hotel for foreign tourists. The hotel provides international education projects for European and American schools. It also opens 50% of its room (空间) to the public, creating a place for more people to communicate with the villagers. It offers free English classes to villagers once a week.When talking about his future plans, Mr. Linden said he wanted to do more to share the beauty of China with the world. “Our goal (目标) is to turn Xizhou into a window for foreigners to learn about China,” said Mr. Linden. “I hope that through my efforts, more people will love China.”85.Mr. Linden does many things EXCEPT ________.A.writingB.doing businessC.travellingD.working on a farm86.What does the underlined word “attracted” mean in Paragraph 2?A.吸引B.扩大C.丰富D.吸收87.Where did Mr. Linden decide to live after a tour around China?A.In Beijing.B.In Xizhou.C.In Chicago.D.In Nanjing.88.With the help of ________, Mr. Linden repaired a traditional Bai-style house into a hotel.A.his friendsB.foreign touristsC.the local governmentD.American schools89.According to the passage, what is Mr. Linden’s goal in the future?A.To repair more ancient buildings.B.To let more people know about China.C.To teach more people English for free.D.To build more hotels.(2024四川达州中考真题)Li Baoguo was a university teacher in Hebei Province. He thought it wasn’t enough to give lessons just in a classroom. Li spent his whole life helping poor farmers improve their agricultural (农业的) skills. In 2016, the year he died, President Xi Jinping said that he was like “Yugong on the Taihang Mountains”. Li Baoguo did most of his important work in the Taihang Mountains. He heard that the farmers there were very poor and decided to help them. He thought that the farmers needed change the empty, lifeless mountains around them into green land and grow crops and trees on the mountains. He taught the farmers how to make ditches (沟渠) to collect rain water, and then helped then grow apple trees and other crops. He organized more than 800 training lessons and wrote simp books for them to read. After 1981, he spent more than 200 days every year planting trees and crops with the villagers. Thanks to him, this land now is covered with crops that help the farm make a lot more money. Li worked hard in the countryside of Hebei Province for 35 years. He helped about 100,000 farmers to live better. In all those long years, he never complained (抱怨) about the working conditions in the mountains. In 2018, a film, The Taste of Apple, was made. It tells the story of Li Baoguo. When it was shown in one of the villages that he had helped, people cried. The farmers recalled the hard work of Li. They said they would never forget his dedication (奉献) to helping them live a better life.90.Where did Li Baoguo do most of his important work according to the passage?A.At home.B.In the countryside.C.In the classroom.D.In a university.91.How did Li Baoguo help the farmers?A.By giving them money.B.By teaching them to build houses.C.By helping them move the mountains.D.By improving their agricultural skills.92.Why did the villagers cry when they watched the film?A.Because the film was scary.B.Because the film was about their village.C.Because it was difficult for them to watch a movie.D.Because they were thankful for Li Baoguo’s help.93.Li Baoguo was a person who _______.A.directed the film The Taste of AppleB.was born in the Taihang MountainsC.spent his whole life helping poor farmersD.wrote 800 simple books for the farmers94.Which is the best title of the passage?A.Yugong in Modern TimesB.A Farmer’s StoryC.A Great TeacherD.The Taste of Apple(2024陕西中考真题)When I was young, I loved paper cutting and I was pretty good at it. As I grew up, I became busy and didn’t have much time for it. Later, I stopped doing it.However, the news I came across online touched my heart and changed my mind. A little girl from Jieyang, Guangdong was practicing lion dance when a professional lion dance performance team (专业舞狮表演队) passed by. As soon as they saw the girl practicing, they started to beat drums and gongs for her and quickly she did a lion dance in return. People around all cheered for her. Her love for the ancient Chinese culture evoked my strong memories of paper cutting.I remembered the happy times of making paper cuttings with my teacher and friends in the club. When I was ten, I joined the paper cutting club. Every Monday and Friday, I learned to make paper cuttings there. Our teacher, Ms. Li, was very talented. With a pair of scissors and a piece of paper, she could create lively works (作品). That amazed us. And we learned much from her. Together, we created lots of works. They covered many topics, including animals, flowers and things about Chinese history. Every time we held a paper cutting show, our works attracted many visitors. The girl in the news encouraged me to go on with paper cutting. I want to be an inheritor (继承者) of the ancient Chinese culture. Together with other inheritors, I hope to pass down our excellent culture.95.What did the girl do after the team began to beat drums and gongs for her?A.She watched their show carefully.B.She did a lion dance in return.C.She cheered for the team.D.She made a paper cutting for the team.96.The underlined word “evoked” means “________” in Paragraph 2.A.brought backB.took awayC.cut offD.depended on97.What is the main idea of Paragraph 3?A.The long history of paper cutting.B.The steps of making paper cuttings.C.The writer’s happy times of making paper cuttings.D.The writer’s plans for setting up a paper cutting club.98.Which of the following is TRUE?A.The writer wasn’t good at paper cutting at a young age.B.Now the writer practices paper cutting twice a week.C.The writer hopes to be an inheritor of paper cutting.D.After watching the news, the writer decided to learn lion dance.(2024四川宜宾中考真题)Have you ever watched the movie Pegasus 2? It’s a comedy and it’s really exciting. The main character is Zhang Chi. He was once a great racer, but unluckily, he failed in a race and got hurt. Later, he taught people how to drive at a driving school. Although he lived a simple life, he still loved speed. When an old car factory owner offered to help pay for him to enter the Bayanbulak Rally (巴音布鲁克拉力赛), Zhang said yes at once.With the help of his two friends, Zhang formed a team. The team also had a young and skilled racer and a student who really wanted to learn and race. They faced many problems and solved them together by working hard. During the race, all the competitors were fast and wanted to win, but Zhang and his teammates were the best. They raced not just for the prize, but also for the fun of competing and the friendship they had. Either way, they knew they were special. Finally, Zhang and his team won the race with their great efforts.The movie shows that with skills, courage and working together, dreams will come true. For a race team, teamwork is the key to success. The story inspires us to continue our dreams, no matter how hard they seem.99.What kind of movie is Pegasus 2?A.A comedy.B.A cartoon.C.An action movie.D.A scary movie.100.What was Zhang’s job after failing as a racer?A.A bus driver.B.A taxi driver.C.A driving teacher.D.A factory boss.101.Why did Zhang’s team think they were special?A.Because they tried their best.B.Because they raced for the prize.C.Because they just wanted to complete the race.D.Because they enjoyed the race and valued their friendship.102.From the passage, what is the most important for a race team to win?A.Fun.B.Luck.C.Teamwork.D.Courage.103.What is the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “inspires”?A.激励B.产生C.联想D.利用(2024山东滨州中考真题)Peng Huidi is a swimmer who is disabled in hearing. She took part in the Chengdu FISU World University Games in 2023. It has been a life-changing experience and a meaningful journey for the young student who has been going for her sporting dreams.Peng was born in Shandong Province in 2004. Her hearing was damaged (损伤) because she had a high fever at the age of 2. It changed her life. For her disability, she was so shy that she was even afraid to speak to others. Hoping to make her brave and confident (自信的). Peng’s father took his daughter to the nearest swimming pool when she was six. It was there that Peng found her love for swimming and her talent was dug out by a coach.Supported by her parents, Peng tried her best to take care of both swimming training and schoolwork, which was really a great challenge for her. She told a reporter that she once thought about stopping swimming. “But I just told myself, my future will be totally different from what I have dreamed of if I give up,” said Peng.When things got too much to bear, her coach and parents just told her to have a break. So she took a vacation to have a relax. After that, she was even more dedicated to daily practice.The Chengdu games have been a turning point for Peng. Apart from pushing her limits (极限) in competition, Peng also treated the Chengdu games as a chance to meet new friends. She has become much more outgoing and confident through swimming.104.When was Peng’s hearing damaged?A.In 2004.B.In 2006.C.At the age of 6.D.2 years ago.105.Why did Peng’s father take her to learn swimming at first?A.Because he found Peng’s love for swimming.B.Because his home was near the swimming pool.C.Because he wanted Peng to be a swimming star.D.Because he hoped to make Peng brave and confident.106.What does the underlined word “dedicated” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?A.专注的B.特别的C.美好的D.紧张的107.Which of the following words could best describe Peng?A.Lovely and smart.B.Lonely and serious.C.Funny and outgoing.D.Talented and hard-working.108.What can we learn from Peng’s story?A.The younger, the better future.B.Age does not matter at all.C.Confidence comes from strength.D.Health is always important.(2024山东滨州中考真题)On April 8, in Hangzhou, a young man called Andy ordered and packed his breakfast at a local noodle house and got much more than he expected.Andy shared a video on the Internet about his experience at a noodle house in the morning. In the video, which had over 2.3 million views, Andy was shocked by what he found in his to-go bag instead of breakfast.“Why? There’s a couple of thousand yuan in my bag.” Andy said, “Why would they do this? Why would they give this to me?” Andy shared his shocking discovery on the Internet. He knew that he could just take the money, but finally, he said he knew what he needed to do.“Now I have to return it because I’m a good person, I guess,” Andy said, putting the money back into the bag.After he walked into the noodle house, he gave the bag to a worker at the door. The worker realized he was returning the money they had been looking for. With the grateful (感激的) smiles on their faces, one worker asked if they could give him a hug, which he accepted.Back in the car, Andy reflected on what he had done. “The workers were just all hugging me and thanking me. I got such a great feeling of pride when I saw the look of joy on their faces,” he said.“Honesty can lead me forward and make my future more colorful,” he wrote in his diary.109.What happened to Andy on the morning of April 8?A.He picked up a to-go bag.B.He lost a couple of thousand yuan.C.He had a delicious breakfast at a noodle house.D.He got some unexpected money at a noodle house.110.How did Andy feel when he found some money in his bag?A.Excited.B.Shocked.C.Scared.D.Relaxed.111.According to the passage, Andy walked into the noodle house again because _________.A.he wanted to make a videoB.he planned to return the moneyC.he wanted to get his breakfast backD.he hoped to get something as return112.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?A.The workers were thankful to Andy.B.Andy accepted the hugs from the workers.C.Andy kept the money for himself in the end.D.The video Andy shared online got tons of attention.113.Which of the following could be the best title for this passage?A.A Man Honest for Returning the MoneyB.A Shocking Discovery at a Noodle HouseC.A Staff Person Friendly to the CustomerD.A Worker Good at Making Videos on the Internet(2024山东东营中考真题)“Josh! Kate! Emma! Time to go!” Mrs. Cater called from the car.Emma and Kate hurried to finish their breakfast and Josh was busy looking for his Backpack.As usual, it was a big rush. Every morning, their mother or father had to drive them to school.“HURRY!” called their mother. Not so gently (温柔地) this time.Kids ran to the car. Then Mom turned onto the road.“Kids, what activities do you have after school?” Mom asked.“I have dance class.” said Kate.“I have soccer.” said Josh. “I have art class.” said Emma. Their mother just sighed (吸气).That afternoon, Mrs. Carter had to pick up everybody. She drove a long way. Finally they were home.Looking at the tired mother. Emma said. “I have an idea! We can ride bikes to school.”“It’s too far! And taking a taxi costs a lot. If there were buses, that would be nice.” said Kate.“Today we talked about cars in science class. Many people are all driving at the same time. That’s bad for the air. It uses too much gas (汽油). So we could do a carpool (拼车). Kill two birds with one stone!” said Josh proudly.“Fantastic! We can talk to our neighbors.” said Kate excitedly.“Yes!” said Josh “Mom! We could ask them to carpool.”That night the family went to visit their neighbors.The family told the Smiths their plan. They all loved the idea!Evan Smith and Josh were on the same soccer team. Their parents would take turns to pick up the boys.The Carters visited other neighbors. One family said they would drive to school two days a week. Another family had children to Emma’s art class. Someone else had kids in Kate’s dance class.Finally, they had a schedule (日程表). It showed when each family would drive. Josh said, “Tomorrow, I will tell my science teacher our plan. He will be proud of us! We are being careful with important Earth resources (资源). And we’ve solved our family problem.”114.What is the Carter family’s main problem?A.The kids can’t get ready in the morning.B.The kids have too many after-school activities.C.The parents and kids always come back home late.D.Driving kids to and from school makes the parents busy and tired.115.Who found the way to solve the problem?A.Emma.B.Kate.C.Josh.D.Mrs. Carter.116.What do the underlined words “one stone” refer to (指的是)?A.Riding bikes.B.Taking a taxi.C.Taking a bus.D.Doing a carpool.117.Which word best describes Josh?A.Honest.B.Intelligent.C.Friendly.D.Hard-working.118.Which would be the title for this passage?A.Let’s carpool!B.Let’s take action!C.Let’s save the earth!D.Let’s help each other!(2024山东东营中考真题)I ran into the forest to my favorite place and sat down on my special rock. I knew no one could find me. Al last I had peace and quiet. I lifted my guitar and began to play.“Hi, Desha!”Shocked, I found my brother James standing behind me.“Don’t you have a basketball game to watch?” I complained (抱怨).“The game was almost over when I noticed (注意) you left. I thought you might like some company (陪伴).”“Company is the last thing I want. Can’t I have a little peace and quiet?”James studied me for a minute. It’s hard having such a big family, isn’t it?”“Eliza’s always prying into my personal life. Yesterday I found her looking through my diary. Now everyone is in the living room watching the game. All I wanted to do was to watch a movie, but when I went to my room. Sara was there listening to the radio. I just want to be alone for a change.”James sighed and said, “I left the same way when I was your age. But now...”“Now you have your own room. After Daniel went off to college, you didn’t have to share anymore.”James smiled, “It is great to have my own room, but sometimes I really miss Daniel. We used to talk about everything—sports, school, friends... Although sometimes it seemed crowded, it was comforting (令人安慰的) to have someone else there.”“Yeah, ‘crowded’ is right.” I said.“I know.” James said. “But there are some good things that come out of it—we share memories and jokes no one else understands and we can support one another in face of difficulties.”I sighed.“Didn’t Sara stay up half the night with you last week helping you with your homework?” James asked.I admitted (承认) unwillingly. “Yeah, sometimes she can be all right.”“This place can be your ‘room’. Anytime you need peace and quiet. just come here,” James said, pointing at a rock.I was surprised to see James’ name there!James smiled, “This is a great place for getting away.”Leaning (依靠) on brother’s shoulder. I thought. “Maybe family is not bad.”119.Why did Desha leave home?A.She got angry with Eliza.B.She hated watching TV.C.She wanted peace and quiet.D.She wanted to meet James.120.Which words can help understand the meaning of the word “prying”?A.Looking through my diary.B.Watching the game.C.Listening to the radio.D.To be alone for a change.121.What changed Desha’s attitude to her family?A.Sara’s helpB.James’ wordsC.Daniel’s experience.D.The special rock122.What can we learn from the story?A.Nobody care about Desha in her family.B.Desha wanted her brother’s company at first.C.Desha finds it difficult to have peace and quiet at home.D.Dasha enjoyed communicating with her family members.123.What does the passage mainly tell us?A.We should learn to change.B.There is no place like home.C.Don’t always think about yourself.D.Being alone is the most important.(2024江苏无锡中考真题)Alex set his lunch tray on the table near his friend Leo. “Trade you some fries for some pretzels,” Alex said. “Deal,” said Leo, taking his bag of pretzels out of bis lunchbox. Alex noticed a folded piece of paper at the bottom of Leo’s lunchbox. “What’s that?” asked Daniel, another boy in their class. Before Leo could answer, Daniel grabbed the paper. He unfolded it and read in a loud voice: “Dear Leo, I hope you have a great day. Love. Mom.”Daniel snorted. “Your mom puts notes in your lunchbox?”“Yes,” Leo said. Daniel read the note again, to himself. It almost looked as if he wanted to keep it.“Give it back to Leo,” said Alex. “Well, who wants a note anyway?” Daniel said. “I do,” said Leo. Alex liked getting notes too. Daniel tossed the note and it fell to the floor. Alex picked it up. He handed it back to Leo, who put it into his pocket. On the bus that afternoon, Alex thought about what had happened. Alex’s older brother, Mateo, arrived home just after Alex did. “How was your day, little dude?” Mateo asked. “A boy in my class was mean to Leo,” Alex said. He explained the way Daniel had acted. Mateo shook his head. “How would Daniel like it if people picked on him for getting a note?”“Daniel never gets notes,” Alex said. Suddenly, he had an idea. “That’s it! I know how to help Leo and Daniel.”Alex explained his idea to Mateo. Mateo agreed to help, and they worked on the plan all afternoon. At lunchtime the next day, Alex hurried to the cafeteria. He set out 23 folded pieces of paper on a table by the entrance. Each piece of paper had the name of a classmate on it. “What are these?” asked Mira. “We all have notes,” said Sabrina. Alex watched as Daniel picked up the note with his name on it. Alex knew that the note said Daniel, Have a great day. Alex saw Daniel smile as he put the note into his pocket. “Great idea, Alex,” said Leo. “Now everyone knows how it feels to get a lunch note,” Alex said.124.What does the underlined word “mean” mean in this story?A.Kind.B.Unkind.C.Generous.D.Ungenerous.125.Which of the following is the most suitable for?A.I’m glad you’re in my class.B.I’m glad you’re in a good mood.C.you’ve been so mean to me.D.you’ve been so friendly to me.126.What is the best title for this story?A.DIY LoveB.Good FriendsC.Lunch NotesD.Kind Offer(2024山东东营中考真题)Something terrible happened to Han Mei at school one day. When Han Mei and her friend Li Dan were walking down the stairs (楼梯) from the third floor, her classmate Xu Nuo accidentally hit her on the back. She lost her balance (平衡) and fell down the stairs. She broke her left leg and her right arm was bleeding. She had a bruise (瘀伤) on her right leg too.“Ouch! That hurt!” cried Han Mei. Her teacher Miss Gao called 120 right away.Han Mei had to stay in hospital for a week. In the ward (病房), she met Wang Hong, who broke her arm in a car accident. They talked for long hours. They left hospital on the same day.The doctor told Han Mei that she had to stay at home for a month so that her leg could get well again. Han Mei could not go to school. She was upset. Wang Hong went to visit her. She told Han Mei interesting stories to cheer her up. They played chess and watched cartoons together.When Han Mei could walk again, she joined some interest classes with Wang Hong.They visited many places together too. Since then, Wang Hong has been Han Mei’s best friend.“This accident caused me a lot of pain, but luckily, I got a best friend,” thought Han Mei.127.What happened to Han Mei at school?A.She fell down on the third floor.B.She was hit on the back purposely.C.She broke her arm in a car accident.D.She got hurt and was sent to hospital.128.Who did Han Mei meet in the hospital?A.Li Dan.B.Xu Nuo.C.Wang Hong.D.Miss Gao.129.Which of the following is TRUE?A.Han Mei left hospital earlier than Wang Hong.B.Han Mei was upset because she missed Wang Hong.C.Han Mei told Wang Hong interesting stories.D.Han Mei went to many places with Wang Hong.130.The right order of the following statements is ________.Wang Hong made Han Mei happy.Han Mei and Wang Hong studied and played together.Han Mei and Wang Hong met and got to know each other.A.B.C.D.131.What does Han Mei probably learn from this experience?A.Health is the most important thing.B.A bad thing may bring a good result.C.The same interests can bring people closer.D.Friends should bring out the best in each other.(2024内蒙古包头中考真题)Rain or shine, Peter O’Neill always competes in the triathlon (铁人三项运动) of his town. The 72-year-old has competed in every triathlon in the event’s 40-year history. He was part of the group that came up with the idea in the 1980s.“I used to jog around town,” Mr. O’Neill said. “I came into contact with an Olympian, David Power, and Dave had a hotel up here. A few of us got together and we discussed it and got it going in October, 1983.”The then 31-year-old suggested one of the group should compete. “Everyone else could either ride a bike or run, but I was the only one who could swim,” he laughed. “But I was happy to give it a go.”In the beginning, more than 220 athletes took part in the event, including 79 individual competitors and 48 teams. These days it’s a five-day festival—which includes 11 events in all—with more than 13,000 competitors.Rebecca van Pooss, head of operations for the triathlon there, said the event Mr. O’Neill helped to start was now an international event. “It is the world’s largest Olympic-distance triathlon,” she said. “That’s something we’re very proud of.”“Mr. O’ Neill’s efforts were inspiring. There are a couple of other athletes who have done 38, 39,” she said. “But Peter, he is the legend (传奇)—it’s pretty amazing to have someone who’s done all 40 of our races.”Mr. O’Neill trains year-round for the event, and enjoys the social side just as much as the physical benefits. “I’ve made so many friends… friends that I ride with and friends I swim with—it’s been wonderful,” he said. “When you’re in your 70s like I am, you’re quite happy to just do it because you know it beats the alternative (替代品), which is sitting around doing nothing.”132.What do the underlined words “give it a go” in paragraph 3 probably mean?A.Try doing it.B.Cooperate with others.C.Organize the game.D.Go to a friend’s home.133.What can we infer from Rebecca’s words?A.The athletes are mostly in their 30s.B.There are more than 40 events that they can choose.C.The triathlon will be an international event in the future.D.It’s very hard to keep on training and competing for the event.134.What can we know from Mr. O’Neill’s story?A.He is too old to be an athlete.B.He beats “doing nothing”, and becomes a legend.C.He helps many people in his hometown to find jobs.D.He has won many gold medals at the Olympic Games.135.In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?A.Fashion and Style.B.School and Education.C.Science and Technology.D.Sports and Fitness.(2024吉林中考真题)When I was a little boy, I lived next to David. He liked to plant trees in his large yard on weekends. But the way he planted trees was quite different. He never watered his new trees. I asked him why he did so, and he said that watering trees would spoil them. “If you water the trees, each baby tree will grow weaker and weaker.” said David. He told me that watering these new trees would make roots (树根) shallow (浅), but deep roots were very important for trees. I didn’t understand his words at that time.Several years after I left home, I came back to visit my parents. When I walked by David’s house, I saw the trees that he planted. They are strong now. I suddenly realize that planting a tree is like raising a child. As a father of two children, I shouldn’t care for them too much. Instead, they should depend on themselves. In that case, whatever happens, they can make their own decisions.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。136.When did David like to plant trees?A.On weekends.B.On Fridays.C.On sunny mornings.D.On rainy days.137.What does the underlined word “spoil” probably mean in Paragraph 1?A.be bad forB.be famous forC.be similar toD.be thankful to138.Why didn’t David water his new trees?A.Because he didn’t have enough water.B.Because he was too old to water trees.C.Because he wanted to make roots deep.D.Because he didn’t know how to water trees.139.How are the trees that David planted now?A.Dead.B.Strong.C.Small.D.Weak.140.What does the writer learn from his experience?A.Children should plant trees.B.Parents should water trees all the time.C.Children should depend on themselves.D.Parents should care for their kids too much.(2024山东临沂中考真题)On April 18 each year, people all over the world celebrate the International Day for Monuments and Sites (国际古迹遗址日). In China, young people are realizing the importance of their history and culture. Many are doing their best to protect Chinese cultural sites and try to promote (推广) them.Finding new artifacts (文物)Xu Danyang, a 29-year-old archaeologist (考古学家), found an amazing bronze statue (青铜像) at the Sanxingdui site in Sichuan. In 2021, he dug out this statue. In the beginning, his team thought it was a bird. But as they continued the digging, they had a surprise. It turned out (结果是) to be a statue of a man, about 16cm high. It shows a man kneeling with his head turned, and it surprises everyone who sees it.Making maps for protectionWu Yunjie who was born in the 1990s found a new way — by making a special map to show the best cultural sites in China. Wu is now famous on the Internet. He marked almost 10,000 places like old temples, towers, bridges and houses. Each site with colorful marks showed how special and important they are. As a kid, Wu loved going to a temple in his hometown in Ezhou, Hubei. However, it was pulled down years ago. He was sad and decided to record all the cultural sites in China.He started to travel across the country. He visits places in person and adds them to his map, making sure we all remember them. Now, Wu asks for help from people online to make his map better and better. And he hopes to share this amazing map with everyone who respects (尊重)history and culture soon.Making explanations (解释) funZhang Bin is a 31-year-old tour guide at Emperor Qinshihuang’s Mausoleum Site Museum in Xi’an, Shaanxi. He works to answer visitors’ questions about the famous Terracotta Warriors and shares all of his knowledge about them. Zhang often uses the traditional Chinese performance art of xiangsheng to explain them. He is doing something meaningful for the site.141.How many ways are mentioned to protect and promote Chinese cultural sites in this passage?A.Three.B.Four.C.Five.142.Why were Xu Danyang and his team surprised at the bronze statue?A.Because the statue was very big and scary with his head turned.B.Because the statue changed from a bird into a kneeling child.C.Because the statue which they thought was a bird turned out to be a man.143.What does Wu Yunjie do to make his map of Chinese cultural sites? He marks sites on his map. He visits places in person. He asks for help online. He answers visitors’ questions.A.B.C.144.What's the best title (标题) for the passage?A.Spreading Traditional Chinese ArtB.Introducing Chinese Cultural SitesC.Respecting History with Action(2024山东临沂中考真题)There was a very mean man named Mr. Black who lived on the sixth floor of an apartment building. He was so impolite to his neighbors that no one even knew his first name was Adam. He never said hello to anyone, and he left his rubbish out in the hallway. He always complained (抱怨) about all his neighbors and the noise they made. He even got upset when the couple who lived next door to him, Catherine and David, had a baby. Instead of saying congratulations, he loudly complained about how the baby would surely cry all night.One day when he was leaving his apartment, Mr. Black saw that his rubbish was gone. In its place, he found a note from David. “Good morning, Mr. Black. I saw your rubbish here, and since I was on my way out, I picked it up for you. I wanted to save you a trip. Have a nice day, David.” However, Mr. Black decided to ignore this act of kindness. He began thinking about the terrible traffic he would surely have to deal with on his way to work.But as time went on, Mr. Black started to feel a little silly. No matter how impolite he was, the couple always smiled at him and politely said hello. It became harder and harder for him not to simply say hello back.After a few weeks, Mr. Black was always happy to see the couple in the hall. They even started calling him Adam. Later on, they invited Mr. Black into their apartment for a cup of coffee. Mr. Black was very glad that they treated him nicely. He was so upset about it that he had been impolite to everyone he knew. He realized that he should try to do the same with the people he met.145.Which word can best describe Mr. Black according to Paragraph 1?A.Serious.B.Unfriendly.C.Strict.146.Who took out the rubbish for Mr. Black?A.Adam.B.Catherine.C.David.147.What does the underlined word “ignore” in Paragraph 2 mean?A.Pay no attention to.B.Say thanks to.C.Stick to.148.What did Mr. Black realize finally?A.He should say sorry to his neighbors in the building.B.He should treat others as he would like to be treated.C.He should thank all the people who ever helped him.(2024内蒙古赤峰中考真题)You must have heard of me. I’m Li Bai. I’m famous for my poems, but looking back on my fall and exciting life, I’d say friendship has been just as important as poetry.One of my friends is He Zhizhang who is forty-two years older than me. Once we were having such an interesting conversation that we decided to continue it over dinner. After finishing the meal, we realized that neither of us had brought any money. He immediately took off the golden tortoise (龟) decorated on his waist and used it to pay for our dinner. I knew the golden tortoise was given to him by the Emperor. His generosity touched me. This showed how much he valued our friendship.A letter started another of my friendships. The letter was from Wang Lun. He wrote to invite me to enjoy the ten-li peach blossom (桃花) scenery and the ten thousand restaurants in his area. I was expecting to see the special scenery and taste all kinds of food and wine so that I accepted this invitation at once.But when I arrived, to my surprise, I found that this clever man had used word-play to trick me into visiting him! The ten-li peach blossom referred to a lake named Peach Blossom Lake, which was about ten li away. The ten thousand restaurants were just a restaurant named Wan Jia, meaning “owned by Mr. Wan”! I was impressed by his cleverness, and we enjoyed a good laugh together.Although my friends and I don’t have many opportunities to get together, we keep one another in mind.149.What is as important as poetry in Li Bai’s heart?A.Handwriting.B.ArtC.Friendship.150.What does the underlined word “generosity” probably mean in Paragraph 2?A.慷慨B.自私C.无奈151.How did Wang Lun invite Li Bai?A.By sending him peach blossoms.B.By playing a word trick in a letter.C.By reading a poem about restaurants.152.What might be the best title of the text?A.Li Bai and His FriendsB.Poets and Their PoetryC.He Zhizhang and Wang Lun(2024内蒙古赤峰中考真题)Andrew has a mental illness. He doesn’t speak. He had used a picture chart to communicate. The pictures stand for words—people, places, food and activities.Years ago, Andrew’s parents discovered that he could communicate more by a letter board. He could point to and spell out words and thoughts. Using the letter board needs time and effort for Andrew. He hated to use the letter board, so his parents always offered it to him.On Andrew’s 15th birthday, his mother took him to a shoe store. After buying the shoes, she said. “It’s Andrew’s birthday today. Fifteen! Now we’re off to celebrate.”The salesmen said happy birthday to Andrew. Instead of having Andrew point to the “thank you” on his picture chart, his mother held up his letter board and asked Andrew how he’d like to respond. Andrew pointed to each letter one by one on the board— “Thank you.” Andrew’s mother smiled.One of the salesmen asked what it was. “This is a letter board that Andrew uses to communicate,” his mother replied. “We’ve practiced it for years. It’s amazing. It’s changed everything for us.” Then the salesman told them he had a brother called Jason. “Jason is 30 and doesn’t speak,” he said.“Andrew, what do you think?” his mother turned to Andrew. Andrew started pointing to letters, “Tell Jason...” She was excited. Andrew continued, “Tell Jason he will change everyone’s opinion of him in 26 letters.” Andrew’s mother and the salesmen were all moved and happy.Months later, Andrew’s mother returned to the shoe store and learned that Jason is now using a letter board to “speak”. This is how Andrew affected another person’s life in a split second (瞬间).153.What is the advantage of a letter board according to the text?A.It has many pictures.B.It communicates more.C.It is good for our health.154.How did Andrew express thanks to the salesmen?A.By pointing to and spelling out the words.B.By saying the words one by one very slowly.C.By looking at and reading the pictures aloud.155.What can we know about Jason?A.He has a letter board now.B.He is a very active person.C.He is only fifteen years old.156.What is the text mainly about?A.Andrew hated to use a picture chart.B.Andrew influenced another person’s life.C.Andrew got the best present on his birthday.(2024四川乐山中考真题)Have you ever thought about what goes into making a cartoon? Or maybe there is a famous cartoon from another country you like to watch in Chinese? But how do you change the language to Chinese? This is something called dubbing (配音). To dub means adding sounds or words in a new language to a movie, radio or TV show. Dubbing is usually done to make it easier for people in another country to understand a movie or a show.For me, I’ve had experience dubbing TV shows and cartoons from Chinese into English. I’ve done dubbing for many kinds of shows, such as love stories, kung fu movies, documentaries (纪录片) and more. However, my favourite ones to dub are cartoons. That’s because with cartoons I can use many different kinds of voices, such as high ones for good guys and low ones for bad guys.Two of my favourite cartoons that I’ve dubbed were called A Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix (《百鸟朝凤》) and The Foolish Old Man Who Removes the Mountains (《愚公移山》). In the first cartoon, I got to play a silly and very proud but well-meaning blackbird. In the second cartoon, I played both the main hero named Qingfeng and the main bad guy named Mountain Spirit Zheng. The hardest part was not reading the written words. But it was acting out (将……演出来) the voices while matching the actions at the same time. Still, it was really fun voicing all of these different roles!If you enjoy making different voices, then I highly suggest that you try dubbing at least once.157.Why do people dub foreign movies?A.To show their foreign language skill.B.To increase the movies’ ticket prices.C.To make the movies easy to understand.D.To add their own opinions in the movies.158.What is the writer’s favourite type of dubbing?A.Love stories.B.Kung fu movies.C.Documentaries.D.Cartoons.159.The underlined word “guys” in paragraph 2 means ______ in the text.A.rolesB.voicesC.storiesD.lifestyles160.What did the writer dub in A Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix?A.A child.B.A bird.C.A mountain spirit.D.An old man.161.What was the hardest part for the writer in dubbing the second cartoon?A.Dubbing the voice of a blackbird.B.Writing the words for the movies.C.Reading aloud behind the screen.D.Matching voices and actions well.(2024四川乐山中考真题)Harry and Annie lived a mile from town, but they walked there to school every day. It was a happy walk around the pond (水塘) on their way to school. In winter, when the ice was thick enough, they went across the pond. But their mother did not like them to do this. She said, “If there’s no one with you, you mustn’t walk across the pond.”“Don’t go across the pond today, children,” she said, as she kissed them goodbye one morning. “It is beginning to thaw.”“All right, mother,” said Harry, not very happy, for he liked running and sliding (滑行) on the ice very much.When they came to the pond, the ice looked hard and safe.“There,” Harry said to his sister, “let’s slide over it.”“But you promised mother,” said Annie.“No, I didn’t, I only said ‘All right’, and it is all right.”“I didn’t say anything, so I can do what I like,” said Annie.So they got on the ice and started to go across the pond.They had not gone far before the ice got broken, and suddenly they fell into the water.Luckily, a man who was at work near the pond heard the children’s cries. He rushed into the water and saved them successfully. Both of them were nearly drowned (淹死) before the man reached them.They went home almost frozen (冻僵的) and learned a lesson they would remember for a lifetime.162.What did Harry and Annie do about the pond in winter?A.Driving along the pond.B.Swimming in the pond.C.Walking across the pond.163.What does the underlined word “thaw” in paragraph 2 mean?A.融化B.结冰C.起雾164.Why did Annie think she could get on the ice too?A.Because her mother never stopped her.B.Because she didn’t promise her mother.C.Because her brother didn’t like her to do so.165.What happened in the end?A.A man managed to save the children.B.Harry saved himself without help.C.Annie was drowned in the pond.166.What is the best title for the text?A.Never Make Promises EasilyB.Be Calm in the Face of DangerC.Turning a Deaf Ear Has Costs(2024四川乐山中考真题)What represents (代表) China?China has a long history of over 5,000 years. What could represent China in your mind?The Great Wall represents China in my eyes. It is about 21,000 kilometers long and over 2,000 years old. There is a famous Chinese saying, “He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man (不到长城非好汉).” I really hope I can visit the fantastic place in the future!Di Xinran, ShenzhenIn my opinion, the colour red can represent China. We can see red every day in our lives, such as at weddings (婚礼), New Year, Lantern Festival and so on. But more importantly, red is the colour of the national flag of our country.Wang Jingqi, DalianI think the dragon is the symbol of China. We Chinese always see ourselves as “descendants of the dragon (龙的传人)”. The dragon is a magical animal. It stands for power in China. Parents hope we can become as successful as “dragons”.Mao Zhanglinxi, HefeiChina is a country. But the word also means porcelain (瓷器). I think porcelain is the symbol of China. In the past, Chinese porcelain was sold abroad. China was called “the nation of porcelain”. The invention of porcelain has greatly influenced the world.Xiong Anni, NanjingIn China, dumplings represents happiness and reunion (团圆). Families in China always get together and make dumplings during festivals. When they make dumplings, they talk and laugh. The food brings them happiness.Li Qinrui, Tianjin167.Who thinks the Great Wall represents China?A.Di Xinran.B.Mao Zhanglinxi.C.Li Qinrui.168.What represents China in Xiong Anni’s opinion?A.The colour red.B.The dragon.C.Porcelain.169.Which of the following represents happiness and reunion?A.The Great Wall.B.Porcelain.C.Dumplings.170.Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?A.We can only find the colour red during festivals.B.The dragon can represent power and success.C.In the past, porcelain couldn’t be sold abroad.171.In what column (专栏) can we find this text?A.Science.B.Culture.C.Sports.(2024黑龙江中考真题)Niu Niu, a six-year-old girl, has become a good helper in a silent foot spa (足疗馆). The owner of the foot spa and all of the workers can’t hear. And the girl helps them to communicate with the customers. Niu Niu is the daughter of the foot spa owner Hu Yong, who lost his hearing because of a high fever in his childhood. This made it difficult for him to get a job. After finishing training in a foot spa, Hu started his own business in Chengdu in 2019. Peng Feng, the mother, who is also deaf, works together with her husband at the shop. Though their shop is small, it is popular with customers because of the couple’s good skills. The foot spa is usually busy in the evening, when Niu Niu comes home from school and helps her parents. Niu Niu helps her parents in her sweet child voice and with rich body language. She is very funny and always makes customers laugh happily. “She is always cheerful, active and outgoing,” said one of the customers. “Dad taught me to work hard,” Niu Niu said. In her opinion, her parents are like superheroes who look after the family and her. “My parents are different from other people, but they are the best for me,” she added. Choose the best choice from A, B or C according to the passage.172.What is wrong with Niu Niu’s parents?A.They can’t see.B.They can’t hear.C.They can’t walk.173.How does Niu Niu help her parents?A.She helps communicate with the customers.B.She helps tell jokes to the customers.C.She helps look after the customers.174.When did Niu Niu’s parents start the foot spa?A.Three years ago.B.Four years ago.C.Five years ago.175.Why is their foot spa popular?A.Because Niu Niu’s parents have good skills.B.Because Niu Niu is good at telling jokes.C.Because Niu Niu’s parents are deaf.176.What do you think of Niu Niu? She is hardworking and shy. She is outgoing and helpful. She is cheerful and understanding.A.B.C.(2024四川雅安中考真题)Connor Halsa is a 15-year-old boy. One day, he caught a wallet while fishing with his family on Lake of the Woods. Connor opened the wallet and found there was some money in it. He showed everyone the wallet. Then they took out the money and put it all on the ground to make it dry. There was a total of $2,000 inside the wallet. “My dad said we should give the wallet back to the owner. We did it. We found a business card in the wallet and called the number. At last, we got in touch with the owner, who was a farmer named Jim Denney,” Connor said. A month ago, Jim Denney was fishing in the same lake. His wallet slipped (滑落) out of his pocket and fell into the water. He didn’t even realize it was missing until he had to pay for the boat trip. But he gave up looking for the wallet because the lake was so huge that it was nearly impossible to find the wallet. Jim Denney made the trip to meet Connor and his family. “To thank them, I tried to give them some money, but they refused,” he said.177.What was Connor doing when he found the wallet?A.Enjoying the boat trip.B.Fishing with his family.C.Playing on the ground.D.Camping by the huge lake.178.What does the underlined word “it” refer to (指代) in Paragraph 2?A.Calling the owner.B.Showing the wallet to everyone.C.Returning the wallet to the owner.D.Counting all the money in the wallet.179.How did Connor and his family find the owner of the wallet?A.With the help of a farmer.B.With the help of the police.C.With the help of the Internet.D.With the help of a business card.180.What can we learn about Jim Denney in Paragraph 3?A.He slipped and fell into the lake.B.He went to the lake two months ago.C.He didn’t know when his wallet was missing.D.He tried his best to look for the wallet in the lake.181.Which is the best title of the passage?A.The Story of a WalletB.The Story of a BoatC.The Story of a FishermanD.The Story of a Farmer(2024广西中考真题)Betty lived in a small town. Beautiful flowers were seen everywhere in the town. Because of the shyness, Betty just stood with few words in public. The shy girl hardly talked to people in social activities. She was often considered as a quiet girl in the community. She felt like a wallflower and wondered if she would go unnoticed all the time.However, her closest friend, Fiona, was completely different. Fiona loved to communicate with others and she encouraged Betty to change. She told Betty that life wasn’t always as beautiful as roses and that everyone was able to make it full of roses.With the encouragement of Fiona, Betty began to change. Instead of being a wallflower, she started attending a community theater class. She took an active part in acting in the theater group. Her gift for acting began to shine. However, new difficulties were never far away. One of Betty’s classmates became a thorn (刺) in her side. The classmate was not satisfied with her achievements, but Betty continued to deal with the situation. She managed to show herself and became friends with the classmate. All the changes made her feel fresh every day.Betty’s hard work paid off when the town’s famous director, Mr. Johnson, watched one of her plays. He liked her acting so much that he offered her the lead role in his new play. Betty’s moment arrived. People were happy to watch her show.Finally, Betty became a confident (自信的) girl. Her change was like a beautiful rose in full flower. She encountered many difficulties which taught her that there’s no rose without a thorn. But those thorns helped her develop her abilities. Betty proved (证明) that personal changes were possible for anyone.根据语篇内容,选择最佳选项。182.Why did Betty stand with few words in public?A.Because she was shy.B.Because she was great.C.Because she was tidy.183.What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?A.Betty’s encouragement. B.Betty’s changes.C.Betty’s gift for acting.184.What can we infer (推断) from Paragraph 4?A.Johnson was good at writing.B.Directors often act in plays.C.Betty did well in her show.185.What does the underlined word “encountered” probably mean in Paragraph 5?A.Gave.B.Met.C.Forgot.186.What does Betty’s story tell us?A.The more changes we make, the more confident we are.B.Friendship makes it possible for everyone to change.C.It’s possible for everyone to make a change.(2024山东烟台中考真题)Wangari Maathai, a Nobel Peace Prize winner, was born on April 1, 1940, in Kenya (肯尼亚). Growing up in the countryside, Wangari was deeply connected to the land from an early age. This early experience with the environment later inspired her life’s work, which has left an unforgettable mark on the world.With the help of a program, Wangari received her university education in the United States. After graduation, she returned to Kenya. In 1971, she got a doctor’s degree from the University of Nairobi, becoming the first woman doctor in East and Central Africa. But her greater achievement was outside the university. In 1977, Wangari set up the Green Belt Movement, an organization focused on tree planting, environmental protection, and women’s rights. She called on Kenyan women to plant trees in their hometown. This simple act not only helped to protect the environment but also made women powerful economically (经济地) and socially.Wangari focused not only on environmental problems. She made great efforts to fight for democracy (民主), human rights, and social fairness. Her activism (激进主义) often put her in disagreement with the Kenyan government. As a result, she was put in prison (监狱) several times, but she kept fighting bravely. It was because of her tireless work that she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004. She became the first African woman to receive the award.Wangari passed away on September 25, 2011, but her spirit continues to inspire a worldwide movement towards environmental protection and social fairness. Her book, Unbowed, records her life journey and the challenges she faced, offering an inspiration to countless people worldwide. Her story lives on through the millions of trees planted by the Green Belt Movement and the countless lives she touched through her hard work. It serves as a reminder that even the smallest actions, like planting a tree, can have a great influence on the world.187.For what purpose does the writer mention Wangari’s early life in Paragraph 1?A.To describe how she grew up in the countryside.B.To tell us why she studied hard for a doctor’s degree.C.To explain why she cared for environmental problems.D.To show how she became a Nobel Peace Prize winner.188.What does the underlined part “This simple act” mean in Paragraph 2?A.Setting up an organization.B.Planting trees in Kenya.C.Focusing on women’s rights.D.Fighting for democracy.189.Why was Wangari put in prison several times?A.Because there was something harmful in her book Unbowed.B.Because she founded the Green Belt Movement organization.C.Because the Kenyan government was angry with her activism.D.Because she received her university education in the United States.190.What can we learn from Wangari’s story?A.Small actions can make great differences.B.Brave people should win the Nobel Prize.C.Good education can help one be successful.D.We shouldn’t look down upon African women.(2024山东烟台中考真题)Last December, when An Lingfei, a doctor from an Inner Mongolia medical team, arrived in Kigali, the capital city of Rwanda (卢旺达), he set up a center in the Masaka District Hospital. Since then, the China-Rwanda Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Treatment Center has increased in popularity.According to An, the center now receives an average of more than 30 people daily, with most of them suffering from lower back pain or knee and ankle joint (踝关节) pain. Rwanda is known as the land of a thousand hills. Locals often have to walk on mountain roads year-round, which can lead to joint stress.“TCM has great advantages in treating these diseases, and the effects are very good.” An said. “The center now provides most kinds of TCM treatments, allowing local people to experience Eastern medicine.”Naomin, a 60-year-old patient, is amazed by TCM. She was unable to walk due to serious pain in both knees and ankles. But after a month of treatment at the center, she is now able to walk around with a walking stick. “The treatment has been a huge help,” she said.Another patient, Mukagatare, said that his back pain disappeared after three TCM treatments. According to him, doctors at the local hospitals had been unable to make a clear diagnosis (诊断) after many examinations, let alone reduce the pain.Besides treating patients, the center also educates locals about TCM and Chinese culture.Up to now, TCM has spread to nearly 200 countries and areas, with its worldwide influence continuously growing. “From treating a common cold to chronic (慢性的) and difficult diseases. TCM can all play an important role,” a Chinese expert said.191.Where did An Lingfei set up the TCM Treatment Center?A.In China.B.In Kigali.C.In his home.D.In Inner Mongolia.192.Why do many locals in Rwanda suffer from joint pain?A.Because their average ages are over sixty.B.Because they are given a wrong diagnosis.C.Because they can’t go to the local hospitals.D.Because they often walk on mountain roads.193.What improvement did Naomin achieve after a month of TCM treatment?A.Her back pain disappeared.B.Her knees didn’t hurt anymore.C.She could move around again.D.She didn’t need a walking stick.194.What can we infer (推断) from the passage?A.The local hospitals in Rwanda are not responsible.B.There are no effective ways to treat chronic diseases.C.TCM will have increasing popularity around the world.D.An’s center mainly focuses on spreading Chinese culture.(2024江苏连云港中考真题)Holly gets a pet dog. She’s so happy, and the dog is happy, too! “I want to call him Eco,” says Holly. “Come here, Eco!” And Eco wags (摇摆) his tail. “That dog is your responsibility (责任), Holly,” says her father. “No problem!” Holly agrees. Before school, Holly takes Eco for his first morning walk. She feels very tired. It’s really cold and dark—and it’s so early! But Eco doesn’t mind. He runs, stops, runs again, sees a black cat, tries to run after it and nearly pulls Holly off her feet! Holly realizes it’s late when she gets back from the walk. She quickly eats a piece of bread, takes her bag and jacket, and runs to school. What a busy morning! But that’s not all for looking after a pet dog. When Holly takes Eco for his evening walk, it’s quite dark outside. Holly feels nervous. She runs along the road with him, but it’s difficult. Because Eco often stops to study the bushes and trees. And he often tries to catch birds, or play with sticks and fallen leaves. A few days go by. Then…It’s raining outside. Eco enters…and the trouble starts. Eco’s dirty paws leave prints everywhere, on the floor, on the blanket, on the sofa…“Come here, Eco!” says Holly. She wants to stop him, but it doesn’t work. Holly gets really angry now. She decides to punish Eco. So that night Eco is kept in the green house alone. When Holly enters the green house next morning, it’s a disaster. Her mum’s plants and flowers are lying on their sides or on the floor. And the pots (花盆) are broken into a hundred pieces. And Eco is sitting in the soil and leaves. “Oh, no,” says Holly. She realizes it’s time to train the dog. “He needs to know the rules.”Every day after school, Holly repeats simple orders to Eco. If he can do as ordered, he can get nice bones. The amazing thing is, Eco really enjoys it. For him, it’s one big game. So Eco learns to sit when Holly says, “Sit!” He learns to come when Holly says, “Come here!”…And he doesn’t get into trouble!195.What can we learn from Holly’s words in paragraph 2?A.She is glad to take care of the dog.B.She is too busy to look after the dog.C.She wants her father to look after the dog.D.She thinks it’s hard to take care of the dog.196.To take care of Eco, Holly _________.A.is late for school every dayB.takes him for a walk once a dayC.has to get up early in the morningD.goes to school without having breakfast197.Which is the right order of the following events? a. Holly keeps Eco in the green house. b. Eco leaves the green house in a mess. c. Eco makes the house dirty on a rainy day. d. Holly decides to help Eco learn some rules. e. Eco doesn’t listen to Holly and that makes her angry. A.c-d-a-e-bB.c-e-a-b-dC.d-c-a-b-eD.d-e-c-a-b198.From the last two paragraphs we can learn that Holly is ________.A.braveB.politeC.patientD.modest(2024四川泸州中考真题)Anna Mary Robertson was a famous American painter. It is often said that Anna first took up painting when she was nearly 80 years old. In fact, when she was a little girl, she drew whenever she had a chance.Long before she became known, Anna lived a life full of challenges. She always kept busy with farm chores, housework, and children, but she never really stopped pursuing (追求) art.In Anna’s late age, she pictured some scenes in her mind before painting. She would close her eyes and recall a happy time from her early life. She would remember helping her father on the farm. She would see the people, the farm buildings, and the animals. She would imagine the blue mountains and the softly falling snow.Anna’s friends and family members loved the paintings. She gave them away as gifts. A friend hung several of the paintings in a local store. One day a stranger came into the store and bought every one of her paintings. He took her paintings to New York City and showed them to some art collectors. One of these collectors, Dr. Kallir, liked the paintings. He hung some of them in his gallery (画廊). The newspaper did a story about the art show. The reporter called Anna “Grandma Moses.” From then on almost everyone called her that way. Grandma Moses kept on painting. Her paintings got better, and they got more popular.In her lifetime, Moses created about 1,500 works of art. They were cheerful, warm and full of life, just like Grandma herself. Her paintings still remain popular today.“As I look back on my life, it’s like a good day’s work. It was done and I feel satisfied with it. I knew nothing better than painting and made full use of what life offered. And life is what we make it, always has been, always will be,” she said.199.When did Anna first take up painting?A.When she was a little girl.B.When she was about 80 years old.C.When she saw the blue mountains.D.When she helped her father on the farm.200.According to Paragraph 3, what’s the main theme of Anna’s paintings?A.Farming.B.Animals.C.Country life.D.Family members.201.What’s the correct order of the following events?Anna was known to the public.Anna’s friends received her paintings as gifts.An art show about Anna’s paintings was reported.A man brought Anna’s paintings to New York City.A.B.C.D.202.Which of the following words can best describe Anna?A.Honest and friendly.B.Outgoing and independent.C.Clever and well-educated.D.Creative and hard-working.203.In which part of a magazine can we read this passage?A.Language and culture.B.Art and people.C.Nature and environment.D.Science and technology.(2024山西中考真题)请阅读下面语篇,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。For Emma, PE class was the most difficult part. She didn’t mind the tiredness but the looks her classmates gave her. Emma was bigger than others of her age. A group of students often ran behind her, laughing and talking about how Emma ran.“Just one more year,” Emma kept telling herself, “One more year and I’ll graduate and won’t have to take this stupid PE class anymore.”But everything changed when a girl called Kit joined the class. She had short hair, bright eyes, and a long scar (伤疤) across the left side of her face. She introduced herself, “Hi, everyone, I’m Kit. I love sports and fashion. You might be wondering about the scar. I got it when I fell off my bike. I see it as a cool mark now.” Emma listened in surprise. How could the girl be so confident?During lunchtime, Emma was sitting at her usual table. Kit walked over to join Emma. Emma couldn’t believe such a confident girl would like to sit with her. She worked up the courage to share what was troubling her. “Hug yourself!” said Kit. Hearing that, Emma felt a wave of warmth wash over her. And she felt the weight lift off her shoulder.It was time for PE class again, but this time Kit was with her. Emma discovered that true confidence comes from within, not from others’ words. In the beautiful sunshine, the two girls walked together—one with a scar on the face and the other with a body that she finally felt she owned.204.Why did Emma hate PE class?A.She always felt too tired to run.B.She couldn’t get on well with others.C.She was laughed at because she was big.205.What made Emma surprised?A.Kit’s hobbies.B.Kit’s experience.C.Kit’s confidence.206.What did Kit advise Emma to do by saying “Hug yourself!”?A.Don’t mind what others say about you.B.It’s better for you to keep close to others.C.You should be brave to ask others for help.207.How did Emma feel after talking with Kit?A.She was relaxed about her PE grades.B.She wasn’t worried about her body shape.C.She was happy about choosing her favorite class.208.What does the passage mainly tell us?A.Accept what you are and be yourself.B.Sharing is the key to solving problems.C.The same interest can bring people together.(2024重庆中考真题)On Saturday morning, all the summer world was sweet and fresh. There was cheer in every face and a spring in every step, except Tom Sawyer.Aunt Polly made him paint their fence (栅栏) as a punishment. It was 90 feet long and 9 feet high. He stared at the fence, and all gladness left him. He painted one board and stopped. “This will take forever,” he sighed (叹气).He knew the boys with all kinds of toys would soon come along and make fun of him —the very thought of it burnt him like fire. At this dark and hopeless moment, an idea came to him! He went back to work quietly.Ben Rogers came along the road. He was singing happily and carrying a big apple.Tom went on painting—paid no attention to him. Ben stared a moment and called Tom.No answer. Tom surveyed his last touch with the eye of an artist, then he gave his brush another gentle sweep. Ben called him again.“Why, it’s you, Ben! I wasn’t noticing.” Tom turned suddenly and said.“I’m going to swim,” said Ben. “Do you want to come? Oh, you have to work, don’t you? What a pity!”“I’m not working.” Tom answered carelessly. “Well, maybe it is working, but I like it.”“What?” shouted Ben. “You like it?”“Well, I don’t see why I shouldn’t,” Tom kept painting, and said. “Boys don’t get to paint a fence every day.”That put the thing in a new light. Ben stopped eating his apple and watched Tom for a while. Tom swept his brush gently back and forth. The fence looked clean and white. Before long. Ben really wanted to paint, too! “Let me try a little,” he begged (乞求) Tom.Tom considered, “No, Ben, I can’t. Aunt Polly warned me to do it well. Only one boy in a thousand has the talent to paint.”“Oh, please, Tom,” said Ben. “I can do it. I’ll be very careful. I’ll give you half my apple. Wait, I’ll give you all of it.”Tom gave Ben his brush with worry on his face but joy in his heart. Tom rested under the tree. He ate the apple and smiled.Other boys came, too. By early that afternoon, Tom had got many new toys, ________ Aunt Polly was so pleased that she gave Tom a shiny red apple.209.What did Aunt Polly make Tom do as a punishment?A.She made him paint their fence.B.She made him plant the trees.C.She made him carry some apples.D.She made him work with Ben.210.Why did Tom survey his last touch with the eye of an artist?A.Because he really loved to paint the fence.B.Because he didn’t want to have a talk with Ben.C.Because he wanted to be an artist when he grew up.D.Because he wanted to make Ben interested in his work.211.Which sentence can be put in the ________?A.and he had returned the apple to Ben.B.and the fence had got three coats of paint.C.but other boys had made fun of him.D.but he had finished the work by himself.212.Which of the following best shows the changes in Tom’s feelings in the story above?A.B.C.D.(2023中考真题) (2023山东济南统考中考真题)Like most parents, mine spent much time advising me to take part in activities outside school. However, they never forced me, and I never found anything I was interested in. Then one day a friend at school told me about a local dance group and asked if I wanted to go with her. So after school we went to talk to the dance teacher. She explained everything to us and we both decided to join.My parents were really pleased to hear I’d finally chosen dancing. They think if you develop an interest in doing something yourself, it will be easier to succeed.I’ve now been attending the dancing classes for 3 years and I really enjoy it. We are organized into age groups, and at 16 I’m now in the oldest class. There are classes of swing dance, ballet (芭蕾舞), street dance and folk dance. I practice street dance and I’m quite good at it. I also help out leading some of the younger children.We also take part in events like local and even national dance shows, and relatives turn up to see their children perform. My parents are proud of me as they tell me all the time.Now I’ll be too old to continue dancing with the group. However, I have already made plans to continue with them. The dance school has become very successful and is opening new classes. The director has asked if I’d like to be one of the group leaders and of course I said “yes”!— By Julie, 161.Who made Julie decide to join the local dance group?A.Her parents.B.Her teacher.C.Her friend.D.Herself.2.According to Julie’s parents, what is more important to be successful?A.Interest.B.Hard work.C.Courage.D.Pride.3.When did Julie attend the dancing classes?A.1 year ago.B.2 years ago.C.3 years ago.D.4 years ago.4.What kind of dance is Julie good at?A.Swing dance.B.Ballet.C.Street dance.D.Folk dance.5.How does Julie feel about her future development?A.Unhappy.B.Clear.C.Scared.D.Worried.(2023山东青岛统考中考真题)The 21-year-old student from the college of Special Education of Changchun University, Jilin Province, Zhan Junyi has been deaf since birth. But he has overcome great difficulties to achieve his dream of becoming a professional dancer, and is now able to hear music through an artificial cochlea (人工耳蜗).When he was 2, his parents took him to some training courses, and he learned to understand people by reading lips (嘴唇). During the slow and hard process, not only his parents but also some teachers from the training center offered great help to him. Thanks to their lasting efforts and help, Zhan had the chance to achieve as much as someone who can hear. Zhan had an artificial cochlea implanted (移植) when he was 4 years old. Then he was able to better understand people with its help.In the summer of 2008, Zhan watched a dance show of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva (千手观音) by the China Disabled People’s Performing Art Troupe (剧团) at the closing ceremony of the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games (残奥会) on TV. Deeply moved by their excellent skill and energy, he began to watch videos of performances and competitions, learned to copy the movements and dreamed of becoming a dancer like them.After graduating from primary school in 2015, Zhan passed the exam for the troupe and began to learn dance with the other members. To help him keep up, his teacher repeatedly played the drum and told him where the beats and rhythm (节奏) points were. Then, the teacher also guided him by using sign language. What’s more, as his artificial cochlea could easily fall out, he had to wear a headband to help keep it in.Through lasting efforts and hard work, Zhan came to be perfect at dancing and entered Changchun University to study dance in 2021. In recent years, Zhan has built up lots of experience performing at events such as the opening and closing ceremonies of the Beijing 2022 Winter Paralympic Games and the 2023 Spring Festival Gala (春晚).After he graduates, Zhan wants to return to the troupe and become a national-level dancer. He hopes to help other children like him to learn how to dance and feel its joy.6.How did Zhan understand other people before he was four?A.By reading other people’s lips.B.By learning at a training center.C.By using an artificial cochlea.D.By getting help from his parents.7.What made him decide to learn to dance?A.Having some training courses.B.Taking part in the Olympics.C.Getting help from his teachers.D.Watching a dance show on TV.8.What can we inter (推断) from Paragraph Four?A.What the feelings of the dancer were.B.Why the teacher taught Zhan to dance.C.It was difficult for Zhan to learn to dance.D.More people will become interested in dancing.9.Which words can be used to describe Zhan according to the passage?A.Strict and honest.B.Encouraging and hard-working.C.Clever and careful.D.Humorous and warm-hearted.10.What is the best title (题目) of the passage?A.A Helping Hand to a Deaf Boy.B.A Brave Boy with a Hearing Problem.C.A Dance Class for Disabled People.D.A Deaf Dancer’s Road to Success.(2023湖北十堰统考中考真题)I have an 11-year-old son named Peter. I knew that playing sports would be good to our son. He would get some exercise, learn about teamwork and learn some physical skills. We continually encouraged him to have a try, but after a while it was clear that he didn’t like team sports, and there was nothing we could do to change it.We decided not to push him to take part in sports, even though most of his friends did sports. As time went by, we gradually realized that we had made the right decision. Don’t misunderstand (误解) me. I have nothing against sports. Now my son isn’t interested in sports, but I’m not pushing him to do sports. Here are the reasons:I want him to know I accept him unconditionally. I don’t even want Peter to feel that I will love him only if he behaves in a certain way or takes part in some activities. Whether he succeeds or fails, he will always be my son, and that will never change.I want him to form his own path (道路) in life. His path doesn’t have to be the same as mine. In fact, we both have similar interests in several areas like music, computers and Star Wars, but we’re also different in many ways. Peter needs to be free to go his own path.I want him to know that I don’t judge (判断) my worth by his achievements. Every father will feel proud of his son if he can make great achievements. So most parents always push them so hard. Sometimes we have seen ourselves indirectly through our own sons. Their achievements remind us of our wonderful days in the past. We must make sure we don’t want to make up for (弥补) our own regrets by pushing our sons to climb higher and go further than we did.11.The advantages of doing sports don’t include ________.A.getting some exerciseB.getting some exam skillsC.learning about teamworkD.learning some physical skills12.What was the writer’s final decision?A.Our son must master a kind of sport.B.He should do the same thing as his friends.C.We didn’t push him to do sports he disliked.D.We would push him to find what he was good at.13.What does the underlined word “unconditionally” mean?A.慎重地B.无条件地C.不耐烦地D.犹豫地14.How many reasons does the father give for not pushing his son to take part in sports?A.Two.B.Three.C.Four.D.Five.15.Which sentence can best describe the father in this passage?A.He is a wise and open-minded father.B.He doesn’t care about his son’s future.C.He is brave and knows when to give up.D.He is rich enough to support the whole family.(2023湖北十堰统考中考真题)Mike, GermanyI stayed with my host family for three weeks in China. It was unforgettable for me. I was lucky enough to study some Chinese culture. I visited Mount Wudang and learned a lot about Tai Chi. I even visited a famous traditional Chinese medicine hospital. Now I have a better understanding of Chinese culture.Lisa, AustraliaI spent five weeks with my host family. My host mother is an excellent Chinese teacher. She is really friendly and warm-hearted. With her help, my Chinese has improved a lot. And now I can talk with my Chinese friends freely. I like sharing my feelings with them.Judy, ItalyI lived in China for half a month. My host mother is a wonderful cook. She often makes different kinds of Chinese dishes, such as gongbao chicken and mapo tofu. They are tasty and I like them very much. I am able to make dumplings now. I plan to make them for my family when I return to my hometown.Nancy, CanadaRecently I took part in a program to study Chinese. I lived with a host family in China for 6 weeks. My host sister is a really hard-working student. It was amazing to see how well she did in English. She set a good example to me. We often exchanged opinions about study. And our friendship has become closer.16.Where does Nancy come from?A.Australia.B.Germany.C.Canada.D.Italy.17.Who stayed in China for the shortest time?A.Lisa.B.Judy.C.Mike.D.Nancy.18.What does Lisa think of her host mother?A.Hard-working.B.Amazing.C.Unforgettable.D.Warm-hearted.19.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.Mike can make dumplings.B.Judy’s host mother is a cook.C.Nancy’s English has improved a lot.D.Lisa dislikes to share feelings with her Chinese friends.20.We can read this passage from a magazine about ________.A.life experienceB.science fictionC.sports newsD.safety education(2023山东东营统考中考真题)When Jae came home from school, he couldn’t find his keys. “What now? I can’t just sit out here,” he thought. His parents wouldn’t be home for an hour. Just then, Ron, the man who lived next door, was coming. He asked Ron if he could stay at his room to wait for his parents. Ron agreed. Inside, Jae saw a baseball on a shelf (架子).Ron smiled when he saw Jae looking at it. “That one was signed (签名) by the Minnesota Twins, right after the World Series in 1987,” he said. “Dad takes me to their games sometimes,” Jae said. “Where did you get this?”“I was a professional umpire (裁判) for thirty years,” Ron answered. Jae’s eyes widened. “An umpire? In the 1980? Did you met ...” He began to ask Ron questions one after another. Ron told Jae a lot about past players. When it was time for Jae to go home, he asked Ron, “Can I come again?” “Sure,” Ron said. “Wow, losing my keys turned out okay,” Jae thought. The next day at school, Jae searched his desk, “Oh, no. Not again!” he groaned (叹息). “Need help?” asked Martina, a new classmate. “Yes, I’ve lost my dinosaur book,” Jae said. “Wow! That’s the same book that I use!” Jae exclaimed. “Are you into dinosaur, too?” “What’s your favorite?” “...” They kept talking. After school, they went to the park to play catch with Jae’s favorite baseball. “Martina’s pretty cool,” Jae thought. The next morning was Saturday, Jae wanted to do some throwing practice, but he couldn’t find his baseball. “Can we go to the park to look for my baseball?” Jae asked his mom. At the park, they saw a homeless dog playing with something. It was Jae’s baseball. “Mom, look!” Jae said. “Doesn’t he look like he needs a home?”His mother smiled. “Yes, he does,” she said. “He’ll be your responsibility, though.” Jae nodded excitedly and picked him up. “What a week!” Jae thought to himself. “I lost my keys, my book, and my baseball, but every time I lost something, I got a friend.”21.What did Jae do in Ron’s home?A.He watched a baseball game.B.He learned how to play baseball.C.He learned a lot about past baseball players.D.He learned how to be a professional umpire.22.Why did Jae say “Can I come again”?A.He didn’t want to stay at home.B.He thought he might lose his keys again.C.He wanted to share a dinosaur book with Ron.D.He liked Ron and wanted to tallk with him again.23.What does the underlined word “exclaimed” mean?A.惊呼B.哭喊C.怒吼D.狂叫24.From the passage, we can know ________.A.Ron never met the Minnesota TwinsB.Jae was a fan of baseballC.Martina and Jae didn’t have the same interestsD.Jae didn’t like dogs25.What was the real reason why Jae got friends?A.He always lost things.B.He was good at communicating with others.C.He and the people around all liked helping others.D.He and the people around were all good at sports.(2023山东东营统考中考真题)Can you imagine a school with only one student? There is one on the Out Skerries Islands, and Aron is the only student. The Out Skerries Islands, which are around 280 km from the coast of Scotland, are home to about 70 people. The nearest town is Lerwick on the Shetland Islands. You can only get there by boat and it takes two and a half hours. Besides Aron’s school, there are also two shops, a church and a community hall on the islands. Aron wasn’t the only student at the school at first. Until July there were several other children there. But now they are older, so they go to the secondary school in Lerwick. Aren has been the only student since September. The school is very small. It has two classrooms, an art room, a music room and a library. Each week Aron studies Maths, English, Science and Art with the same teacher. She also gives him PE lessons. This is usually a long walk around the islands. He also has the school playground all to himself. Of course, there is one problem. He has no one to play with. Aron has lived in Out Skerries since he was born and loves the outdoor life. He enjoys exploring (探险) the islands on his bike and jumping into the sea from the pier (突堤).But his mother is worried that Aron might get lonely. She would like to see more families with children coming to live there. Many people have moved away since the local factory closed ten years ago. That’s why there are so few children on the islands and why Aron has found himself being known as the loneliest schoolboy in Britain.26.What is NOT true about the Out Series Islands?A.There is a secondary school.B.There are less than 100 people.C.They are far from the coast of Scotland.D.There was a factory 10 years ago.27.What can we learn about Aron’s school?A.It has many classrooms.B.There are several students.C.It probably has only one teacher.D.Four subjects are taught in the school.28.In his PE class, Aron usually ________.A.walks around the islandsB.plays on the playgroundC.explores the islands on his bikeD.jumps into the sea from the pier29.What do you think Aron is probably learning at his school?A.Everyone is different and that’s a good thing.B.Teamwork is important to achieve things in life.C.It is important to know how to spend time alone.D.It’s good to learn how to get on with people of different ages.30.What is the passage mainly about?A.The smallest school in Britain.B.The loneliest schoolboy in Britain.C.Aron’s colorful life on the islands.D.Mom’s worries about Aron’s future.(2023辽宁丹东统考中考真题)A lady wanted a birthday gift from her husband. For many months, she had liked a beautiful ring, and knowing her husband could afford it, she told him that was all she wanted. On the morning of the birthday, her husband told her how proud he was to have such a good wife, and how much he loved her. He gave her a beautiful gift package (盒). She opened it and found a dictionary. She raised her voice and said to her husband, “With all your money, you give me a dictionary?” After that, she left him.Many years passed and the lady was very successful in business. She owned two large companies. She realized her husband was very old, so she thought perhaps she should go to visit him. But before she could, she received a letter telling her that he had died, and gave all of his possessions (财产) to her. She needed to come back and take care of the things.When she arrived at his house, she was surprised to see the still new dictionary there, just as she had left it years before. With tears in her eyes, she opened it and began to turn the pages. A ring dropped from the dictionary to the floor and a card could be seen. She picked it up and found it was the ring she wanted in those days. And on the card was the date of her birth, and the words “LOVE YOU ALWAYS”.Please remember sometimes the best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, unless they are felt with your heart.31.What was the wife always thirsty for before her birthday?A.A dictionary.B.A beautiful ring.C.All of her husband’s possessions.D.Two large companies.32.What can we infer (推断) from the underlined sentence?A.The lady was satisfied with the dictionary.B.The lady was thankful to her husband.C.The lady was moved by what her husband said.D.The lady felt angry after seeing the dictionary.33.What happened to the lady many years later?A.She failed in business.B.She got married again.C.She succeeded in business.D.She was unhealthy.34.Why did the wife want to go back to see her husband?A.She needed his help.B.She wanted to get back the dictionary.C.She knew her husband was dying.D.She thought he was old.35.What can we know from the text?A.The husband was too poor to pay for the ring.B.The husband loved his wife very much.C.The lady left her husband because of her business.D.The lady didn’t mind her husband’s death at all.(2023四川雅安统考中考真题)Rosie loved bedtime. Her dad always told her stories before she fell asleep. Sometimes, he told fairy tales. Sometimes, he told animal stories. And sometimes, he told sports stories. Rosie couldn’t wait to hear Dad’s next story. But that night, Mom came in and said, “Dad is sick, but I can tell you a story.” So Mom told Rosie a story. But to Rosie, it wasn’t the same. She felt sad. She didn’t want Dad to be sick, and she missed story time with Dad. She thought maybe Dad missed story time, too. So Rosie got out of bed and went to Dad’s room. She knocked on his door. “Come in,” Dad said. When Rosie opened the door, Dad smiled weakly, “I’m sorry. I’m going to miss story time tonight.”Rosie sat on Dad’s bed. “No, you won’t. I’m going to tell you a story.” So Rosie told Dad a story about a panda, a tiger, and a lion. Dad loved the story and he fell asleep with a smile on his face.36.When did Rosie’s dad tell her stories?A.When she was ill.B.After she got up.C.While she had dinner.D.Before she fell asleep.37.Why did Rosie feel sad that night?A.Because her dad was ill.B.Because her dad fell asleep.C.Because her dad forgot to tell her stories.D.Because her dad didn’t want to tell her stories.38.What is the meaning of the underlined word “miss” in Paragraph 4?A.想念B.错过C.丢失D.避开39.What kind of story did Rosie tell her dad that night?A.A fairy tale.B.An animal story.C.A sports story.D.A love story.40.What can we learn from the last paragraph?A.Rosie’s father felt happy.B.Rosie’s father felt worse.C.Rosie’s father didn’t like the story.D.Rosie’s father didn’t enjoy story time.(2023辽宁锦州统考中考真题)A few years ago, I went to Italy as an exchange student. Before leaving, I asked my mother what gifts I should take to the teachers and the classmates there. Mom said that the Chinese fan was a good option, for China is praised as “the Fan Kingdom”. I agreed completely, because it is more than a tool for cooling. And it’s also an important part of Chinese culture. I went shopping and bought three kinds of Chinese fans. The first kind was the feather(羽毛) fan for the teachers, which was made of bird feathers. It was the symbol of Zhuge Liang, a very smart man in ancient China. The fans I bought for the girls were silk fans. They were also called “round silk fans”. Fans of this kind were made of silk with paintings of beautiful women, birds or flowers. They were very popular with women of all ages. As for the boys, I picked the folding fans from Rongchang, a place in the west of Chongqing. The folding fans were made of paper and bamboo. There were great paintings and calligraphy(书法) on them. At the welcome party in Italy, my new friends were all excited to get the wonderful fans. And they were even more excited after learning about the stories and culture behind them.41.What did the writer want to do before going abroad?A.To prepare gifts for his mom.B.To buy gifts for new friends in Italy.C.To learn Italian culture.D.To make a good plan for the trip.42.The underlined word “option” has the similar meaning to ________.A.choiceB.placeC.testD.party43.What does the writer think of his mom’s idea?A.Bad.B.Terrible.C.Wonderful.D.Awful.44.The folding fans that the writer picked for the boys were made of ________.A.featherB.silkC.cottonD.paper and bamboo45.What’s the writer’s purpose of going to Italy?A.To introduce fans to Italians.B.To go on vacation with his mom.C.To be an exchange student.D.To take gifts to the new friends.(2023江苏宿迁统考中考真题)In Flanders, a small town in Belgium, lived a little boy called Nello. He became an orphan (孤儿) at the age of two. Then he lived with his grandpa in a small house. Life was harder for them. Their life depended on Nello’s grandpa. Every morning, the old man would collect fresh milk from one house to another. He then had to load (装载) the milk on a cart and sent it to the city. Growing up a little older, Nello would try to help his grandpa to travel from Flanders to the city. One day, as Nello and his grandpa were going home from the city they saw a large dog lying on the side of the road. The dog was motionless. “What happened?” asked Nello. “Is the dog dead?” His grandpa touched the nose of the dog with his hand and examined the body of the dog. He then said to Nello, “The dog is seriously ill. We have to take him to a vet (兽医), or he will die.” With the words, his grandpa put the dog on the cart and the two went home. The fact was that the dog was abandoned (抛弃) by his master because of his serious illness. Seeing the dying dog, Nello was heart-broken. The kind hearted boy took good care of him. Even though Nello and his grandpa did not have enough to eat, he would still feed the dog with milk and bread. Day by day, the dog began to stand on his feet and became stronger and stronger. “We should give him a name,” said Nello one day to his grandpa. “That’s a good idea,” replied his grandpa. “What name do you want to give him? How about Patrasche?” said Nello. “Patrasche is a beautiful name,” said his grandpa. From then on, Patrasche became a member of the family. One day, as Nello and his grandpa loaded the cart with milk and were ready to start their journey to the city, Patrasche stood in front of the cart. “Out of the way, Patrasche,” said Nello. “We’ll be late.” But Patrasche refused to move. He was simply staring at Grandpa and wagging(摇摆) his tail. “What does he want to do?” asked Nello. His grandpa smiled and said. “I believe our Patrasche wants to help pull the cart.” Hearing Grandpa’s words, Patrasche was wagging his tail even harder. Patrasche had been badly treated by his master all his life. Never had anyone treated him nicely as Nello and his grandpa. Patrasche was thankful for the kindness he received, so he wanted to help, Grandpa tied a stripe on Patrasche, and he started to pull the cart right away. From then on, people in town would see such a scene a large dog was pulling a cart loaded with milk with the grandpa pushing behind and Nello helping at the side. (Adapted from A Dog of Flanders)46.How did Grandpa rase the family?A.By taking care of a dog.B.By working in the city.C.By serving as a vet in the town.D.By sending milk with a cart.47.What does Patrasche probably mean by wagging his tail even harder in the story?A.He became a little bit tired.B.He thought he got a new master.C.He was well understood by Grandpa.D.He was satisfied with his new name.48.What is the correct order of what happened in the story?a. Patrasche helped to pull the cart.b. Nello named the dog Patrasche. c. Nello and his grandpa found a sick dog.d. Patrasche became a member of the family. A.c-b-d-aB.a-c-b-dC.c-b-a-dD.a-c-d-b49.What can we learn from the story?A.Honesty can make a big difference.B.Humans and animals can help each other.C.Life will become sweeter through hard work.D.Abandoned animals are real friends of humans.(2023北京统考中考真题)Betty was excited to show her brother David the basket filled with seashells. But David was busy helping Dad get everything back into the car. “What are you going to do with those useless things?” he said. “You can’t take them home.”“But I want these seashells,” Betty said unhappily. “Each one is a different shape and size. They are all special.”Suddenly, David saw the water rising along the beach. He shouted to Betty, “The waves (海浪)are about to take your toys!” As Betty ran to get her things, she called to David, “Please put my seashells into the car!”David was putting one of the beach chairs into the car when his foot accidentally knocked over the basket. As David lifted a heavy box, he slipped(滑倒)and dropped the box right on top of the seashells, breaking most of them into pieces. Betty came back with her toys. When she saw her seashells broken, she began to cry. David started to pick up the seashells and place them carefully back into the basket. Dad tried to explain to Betty that it was an accident. But Betty was still upset. David also felt sad. He thought about what he could do to make it up to his sister. When he got home, he had a perfect idea. The next morning David waited for Betty with the basket of seashells and some strong glue. He also had a framed(装框的)photo of the two of them. Together they looked through the basket and found several seashells that were not broken and could still be used. Then they glued the seashells to the frame. “I’m really sorry, Betty.” David said. “Yesterday I was very careless with something special to you.”Betty looked at her brother and smiled. “You’re the best big brother ever!”50.What did Betty think of the seashells?A.Clean.B.Useless.C.Expensive.D.Special.51.Betty began to cry when ________.A.she slipped and hurt herselfB.she knocked over the basketC.she saw the broken seashellsD.she told her dad about the accident52.David glued the seashells to the frame to ________.A.make it up to his sisterB.develop his painting skillC.prepare a gift for his dadD.make the picture beautiful(2023湖北恩施中考真题)Books have great power. Between their pages, readers can travel to any place and become anyone or anything. Unfortunately, many children all over the world don’t have any books to read.Maria Keller, an American girl, wanted to change that fact. When Maria was young, she loved reading. When she was eight, she noticed that some of her classmates didn’t read as much as she did. She asked her mother why that could be, her mother said that they were not able to afford books. After hearing her mother’s words, she decided to create an organization to help those children.With her mother’s help, Maria created Read Indeed. It is a non-profit (非盈利) organization that collects and gives books to children in need. During the early stages of Read Indeed, Maria set the first goal—to collect and give one million books. At the age of 18, she achieved this goal.Maria says, “I cannot live without books. So I just can’t give up helping the kids who have no books.” She has recently set a new goal—to collect and give books to more kids in need in every state of the USA, and even other countries in the world.53.What does the underlined phrase “that fact” refer to?A.Many books are very interesting.B.Many children can’t travel to any place.C.Many children don’t like reading.D.Many children have no books to read.54.Who helped Maria when she created Read Indeed?A.Her grandparents.B.Her mother.C.Her father.D.Her teacher.55.How old was Maria when she achieved her first goal?A.Eight.B.Fourteen.C.Eighteen.D.Twenty-four.56.Maria’s new goal is to ________.A.make more moneyB.collect and give books to more kidsC.travel to more placesD.create another organization57.How do you like Maria Keller?A.She is helpful.B.She is honest.C.She is easy-going.D.She is shy.(2023辽宁抚顺统考中考真题)Watching videos is becoming a part of our daily life. Most of us like to watch them to relax or kill the time. Some videos are just for fun, some are news and some are short films...Two retired (退休的) teachers are well-known for making short videos. They make them to share knowledge.Wu Yuren is a retired physics teacher. She has become known as “Grandma Wu” by making videos. She uses a humorous and easy-to-understand way to do physics experiments (实验) online. She is good at using everyday tools to experience the magical world of science. She wants young people to be curious about daily life. In this way, young people enjoy finding out the knowledge of science hidden in our life. Wu is more than 70 years old now but still works hard.Wang Pinxian is an 87-year-old marine geologist (海洋地质学家) and teacher at Tongji University. During the past two years, he has used his videos to share his knowledge of the sea. He often studies things like the secrets of the Bermuda Triangle (百慕大三角) and whether there are sea monsters (怪物) in the sea.These videos have been popular and thousands of people have watched and shared them. Many fans express their thanks for the chance to learn new things and stay in touch with the world around them.Their videos are like “classrooms without walls and universities without barriers (障碍)”. The two gray-haired people have created real energy(能量) to society through their actions.58.In the second paragraph (段落), the two teachers share knowledge by ________.A.giving free classesB.teaching in the countrysideC.making short videosD.going back to universities59.The underlined phrase (画线短语) “be curious about” in Paragraph 3 means “________”.A.be thankful forB.become nervous aboutC.be busy withD.become interested in60.According to Paragraph 3 and Paragraph 4, their videos are about ________.A.scienceB.musicC.historyD.English61.We can know that the two teachers are both ________ from the passage.A.over seventyB.film directorsC.shy peopleD.book lovers62.The main idea of the passage is that ________.A.short videos can help people relax and kill the timeB.how the two old people create real energy to societyC.lots of old people enjoy the knowledge of scienceD.how physics experiments can solve daily problems(2023浙江衢州统考中考真题)Tom always lived for grades. He was always interested in books and ideas. Why should he care about people? They only made fun of him. They were jealous (妒忌的) because he was so smart, or so he thought. It seemed that Tom knew everything — except one thing. He didn’t know how to get along with other people. He made his parents believe that school was a waste of time, so he began home schooling with special teachers. He dreamed of being the youngest person to enter university, and he sent letters to famous professors (教授) to see if it was possible.One day, the doorbell rang. When Tom opened the door, there was his idol—Professor Rosen. Tom was so excited that he could hardly speak. The two talked for a long time, exchanging ideas. The professor was surprised at what this young boy knew. “Tom, tell me about your friends. What do you do for fun?” the professor wanted to know.There was silence as Tom realised that he didn’t really have any friends. “Well, I don’t have time for all that. I’m too busy with my studies,” he said.“That’s a problem, Tom. You have to learn that the world is not just filled with ideas. It’s filled with people. And you have to remember to be what you are … a boy. Boys need to have fun.”The professor talked a bit more and then said, “I have to go, but I have a test for you. In this box, there are three things. I want you to learn how to use them. It is not very simple and you’ll need another person to help you. Experiment and learn how to use them, and I’ll be back in a week to see how you’re doing. Then, I’ll have another test for you.” The professor left and Tom opened the box. Inside were two baseball gloves and a ball. He tried on a glove and picked up the ball, looking at the other glove with a bright smile …63.What does the underlined word “it” mean in Paragraph 2?A.Writing letters.B.Attending university early.C.Studying at home.D.Visiting famous professors.64.What do Professor Rosen’s words mean in Paragraph 5?A.It’s good for Tom to share new ideas with his teachers.B.It’s important for Tom to remember what he’s learnt.C.It’s necessary for Tom to realise what his problem is.D.It’s helpful for Tom to know the differences among people.65.Why did Professor Rosen set the first test for Tom according to the text?A.To improve Tom’s testing skills.B.To check Tom’s language level.C.To stop Tom from being silent.D.To encourage Tom to make friends.66.What will Tom probably do next according to the text?A.Work much harder on his studies.B.Give the box back to the professor.C.Go out to play baseball with someone.D.Ask for more information by letter.(2023江苏无锡统考中考真题)Sam and I walked along the main street, the small buildings giving us a break from the sun. Through the window of the candy shop I could see tubes of colorful jelly beans. A sign on the window’s glass read LOST: Gold and blue necklace. Verry special. If found, call Chrissy at 555-9924.Chrissy had drawn a crayon version of the necklace at the bottom of the poster and a border made of orange exclamation points.The necklace looked different from the one I clutched (紧握) in my pocket, I decided. Rounder, bluer. The poster appeared old and weathered. It must have been put up months ago.“Hey,” Sam asked, “are you coming with me?”We continued to walk, and I noticed four more posters. Someone must have returned that necklace by now, I thought.Once home, I placed the necklace into my old yellow retainer box. I’d cleaned it out and made it my special place for special things. So far, it held twin miniature seashells, a pebble that looked exactly like a bird’s egg, and 11 half-burnt birthday candles.I looked at the stone, so clean and polished. Could it be Chrissy’s? Was it her “very special” necklace?“Uncle Coop,” I called, “would you take me to the store?”We went into town together and stopped at Luann’s. Uncle Coop let me borrow his cell phone to call the number on the poster.“Hello?” said a girl’s voice after one ring.“Hi,” I said, . “Is this Chrissy?”“Yes.”“Um, my name is Ryan. I think I may have something that belongs to you.”“My necklace?”Fifteen minutes later, I was sitting at a table across from Chrissy. We were drinking milkshakes and sharing an order of sweet-potato fries while Uncle Coop and Chrissy’s dad drank coffee at the counter.“It was a gift from my mom,” she said, “before she got sick.”Chrissy looked down at the blue stone in her hand.“I’m really sorry,” I said. “Holding on to it somehow makes things a little better,” she said. “Do you know what I mean?”I thought about the mean kids at school and how holding on to beautiful things often made me feel better.I nodded. “I think I do.”67.Which word is the most suitable for ?A.patientB.excitedC.nervousD.relaxed68.What can we infer from the passage about the necklace?A.Chrissy had lost it in the candy shop.B.Ryan and Sam found it together.C.Chrissy’s mother bought it long ago.D.Ryan wanted to keep it at first.69.Which is the best title for this story?A.An Honest GirlB.Lost and FoundC.An Important GiftD.Family and Love(2023内蒙古包头统考中考真题)Kids in British schools can do many sports. In most British schools, children do two hours or more of sports every week, and they can choose from between 15 and 20 different sports. Here are several students talking about their school sports.“I’m Craig Hopkins, and I’m in Year 11 at Park School. I love playing football and cricket. My favorite sport is rowing. There is a big lake near my school, and we go there once a week to row. I’m in the school team and two or three times a year we row against teams from schools in other parts of the country.”“Hi, I’m Julia in Year 11 at River School. Though I’m not in any team, I can swim, play tennis and baseball at school. I love orienteering (越野识途比赛) most! In orienteering, you have to run and run—but you have to find where to go, too! You have a map and a compass, and you have to get to a place as fast as possible. It’s great fun—even when it’s raining!”“I’m Brendan. I have played handball with Newcastle Tigers for nearly two years. It’s a very enjoyable team sport. In summer we played on the beach. This year I won the best player of the year award for my outstanding training attitude and hard work. I also joined a handball club at school and some other school sports too.”70.What’s the favorite sport of Craig?A.Rowing.B.Football.C.Orienteering.D.Handball.71.Why could Brendan win the award?A.He won many competitions.B.He had a gift for handball playing.C.He joined a professional handball club.D.He had a good training attitude and worked hard.72.What do the listed students have in common?A.They come from the same school.B.They show no interest in team sports.C.They are members of the school teams.D.They can choose many kinds of school sports.(2023湖南常德统考中考真题)Irwin Corey was a famous American film actor. But today, the story you will read is not about his achievements in film but about his begging (乞讨) life. He became a beggar once and often walked in the streets of Manhattan. He wore old and broken clothes. He was very thin and seemed to be weak, looking like a poor homeless old man. ________ He only asked for some change from passing drivers, and then he gave the driver a free copy of the newspaper he bought. Each time he asked for money, he was always smiling and also told jokes to the drivers. The drivers thought him kind and humorous, so they never let him go empty-handed. Although all the money he begged was coins, he still made lots of money at the end of the day. Irwin Corey had been begging for money for many years. However, he didn’t spend any of the money he had asked for. Every time the money was up to a certain amount (量), he donated it to a charity which bought medical supplies for Cuban children. For 17 years, he donated all his hard-earned money to the charity. He was not short of money. He lived in a $ 3.5 million big house. He was not a beggar, either. “On the one hand, I just want to help people in need. On the other hand, begging can make me feel not lonely, as my wife had passed away,” he said.73.What is the story about?A.Irwin’s achievements in films.B.Irwin’s begging life.C.Irwin’s poor life.74.Which can best take the place of “________” in the third paragraph?A.He begged for money in a special way.B.He thought the drivers were rich.C.He was a successful film star.75.What did the drivers think of Irwin Corey?A.Friendly but lonely.B.Kind and famous.C.Kind and humorous.76.What can we learn from the passage?A.Irwin was actually rich.B.Irwin was a poor homeless old man.C.Irwin donated all his money to charity.(2023辽宁沈阳统考中考真题)Both my wife and I are running lovers. I usually run on the track in my neighbourhood. Most people walk on the track, so I am faster than them. My speed seems amazing to the walkers and I often pass by them twenty or more times around the track. This makes me feel proud. One day, a short man came. He didn’t look like much of a runner. I saw him get out of the car and warm up before running when I passed by two walkers. He started running a few metres ahead of me. He was fast but I sped up and managed to catch up with him. I had someone to compete with. But after a lap (圈), I fell behind him and had great difficulty in breathing. After two laps, my foot began to hurt, so I had to slow down and began to run at my usual speed. This time I could breathe again without sounding like I had a lung disease (肺病) and the pain in my foot went away. In a very short time, he was far ahead. He was too fast for me to follow.That day, I learnt several lessons. In life, there will always be those slower and faster. Some have natural talent (天赋), and some have trained harder. Don’t judge (判断) the capacity of a person by how he or she looks.The point is that we each have our own speed. When we are trying to keep up, we often end up hurting ourselves and being out of breath. Slow down or speed up, but run your race to your best. Don’t run fast when you should be running slowly. Don’t run at all when you should be walking. Don’t walk when you should be running.77.What was the author’s first impression of the short man?A.He was an amazing runner.B.He was an experienced driver.C.He wasn’t good at running.D.He was too proud of himself.78.What happened to the author when he slowed down?A.His breath became much heavier.B.His foot didn’t hurt any more.C.He sounded like having an illness.D.He started to have a pain in his foot.79.What does the underlined word “capacity” probably mean?A.ageB.jobC.attitudeD.ability80.Which can be the best title for the text?A.The slower, the healthierB.The faster, the betterC.Keep fit through runningD.Enjoy your own speed(2023广东广州统考中考真题)Come on, Amy. You must TRY HARDER. Amy told herself silently. She was in her class’ Second-Day-of-School Game with her teammates, whom she only met yesterday. This was her first chance to make new friends, and she was nervous.So far Amy hadn’t given any useful suggestions—after all, she was totally new to this town. Luckily, no one seemed to care about it. This relaxed her a lot.Since the Blue Team left the park, they had worked out the first two clues (线索) and had been to the post office. Now they were in front of the cinema.Henry was reading aloud the third clue: Go to our town founder’s last resting place.I know THIS ONE! Amy thought, excited.“To the cemetery (墓地)” Cindy said.“No, wait!” Amy said. “I’ve read about it. The founder was buried near the library.”“Wow. I’ve walked by every day,” Tyler said. “Never knew that!”“Good job! That will save valuable time, ” Cindy smiled at Amy.“We still need to hurry,” Tyler reminded, pointing to the Yellow Team coming near.“I know a shortcut!” Henry suggested. “Follow me!” No one moved.“No, seriously,” Henry said. “You know I’m always running late. I know every shortcut in town.” The others finally agreed.A few sharp turns, and they were there! This time Amy read the clue aloud: Now go to the place where the football is running around!“The football stadium!” They called out together and started to run…Now they’d got the final clue: Look where you’ve been, see where you are. Use your map wisely and you’ll be a star!Looking closely at the map, everyone thought hard.“Aha! A star!” Cindy suddenly broke the silence. She quickly took out a pencil.As they watched her drawing lines on the map, everyone understood.They began running back to where they started. They were closer and closer, and finally crossed the finish line-just one step behind the Red Team!“So…close…” Tyler made a face, and they all laughed together.“Nice job, new girl,” Cindy gave Amy a high-five.“That was really fun,” said Henry. “I hope we’ll be on the same team soon.”“Me, too,” Amy agreed, smiling.81.What does the beginning of the story tell us about Amy?A.She didn’t want to play the game.B.She was a new student in her class.C.She was a member of the Red Team.D.She didn’t understand the game rules.82.Why did the team let Henry lead the way at last?A.He ran fastest in the team.B.They didn’t know the way.C.They trusted his rich experience.D.He was best at playing the game.83.Where was the finish line of the game?A.In the park.B.Next to the post office.C.In front of the cinema.D.Outside the library.84.Why did Amy smile at the end of the story?A.Her team came in first.B.She was accepted as a friend.C.She no longer felt nervous.D.There would be a game soon.(2023黑龙江大庆统考中考真题)You can never imagine how crazy I was about football then. I used to play football until dark every day. But I unluckily developed a serious disease one day. Soon my mother rushed to me to the hospital and the doctor said that I needed to receive treatment in the hospital for some time. My dad often spent the night with me in the hospital while my mother looked after my sister at home. Then came the happiest moments when my father told me wonderful stories. My father was a talented storyteller. In the hospital, he would tell me a story or two. He copied sounds of bicycles or animals, so the pictures would never disappear from my mind. So happy was I that sometimes I wished to stay in the hospital a little longer. Because of my mom’s strict and careful care later, it became difficult to get well slowly. No longer sick, no more stories. Disappointed, I went into my father’s room one evening. “Dad, you tell me stories only when I’m sick.”My father laughed, “You are already eight and can read by yourself.”He handed me a book and said, “Go and read it. It will tell you stories.”That night, I opened the book and read the most interesting story I had ever read. Then I became thirsty for books and now I am a curious reader.85.What was the writer’s life like before he was seriously ill?A.He received help from doctors.B.He liked reading very much.C.He used to play football every day.D.He played basketball with friends.86.What information can we get from the passage?A.The writer got well slowly.B.His father is good at telling stories.C.His mother is strict and never looks after him.D.The writer didn’t want to stay in the hospital87.Why did the writer’s father give him a book?A.His father didn’t like the book.B.His father thought he was well then.C.His father didn’t like telling stories any more.D.His father wanted to encourage him to read by himself.88.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?A.How I Met ReadingB.Why I Love FootballC.How Time FliedD.Why Books Matter(2023黑龙江大庆统考中考真题)Many artists draw with pens and brushes, but few “paint” with knives. Wang Jing, a woman from Shenyang, China, has given most of her time and energy to this art form for 27 years. In 1995, Wang got the idea by chance when she cut a piece of red paper using a knife and it left a white line. Then she believed that she might have created something out of common things. After that, using knives and paper, she completed a painting of a pair of birds. People usually “add” colors to create paintings, but knife painters use knives to “take away” colors on specially made coated paper. They use different pressure on the paper in different directions (方向) to create different colors. Once the marks are left on the paper, they cannot be covered, so it requires the painter to be completely lost in the work. Few people knew the great art form just after Wang created it. Besides, Wang herself was not expecting to make it something big at the beginning. But thanks to her love for the art form, she has kept painting for the past 27 years. So far, she has completed hundreds of paintings, and her favorite is a 2.8-meter-long painting. Wang said she would continue working in the field and make it known across the world.89.What first made Wang decide to try knife painting?A.Knives and paper.B.The white line.C.The painting of birds.D.The red paper.90.How can knife painting be done?A.By drawing on paper with a pencil.B.By creating shapes with brushes.C.By cutting the paper with a knife.D.By pressing on the coated paper.91.What can be learned from paragraph 3?A.Wang hadn’t expected knife painting to be popular.B.Wang continued her work because of her family.C.Wang’s favorite painting work is 28 meters long.D.Wang said she might stop her work in the near future.92.Which of the following sentences can best describe Wang?A.Kill two birds with one stone.B.Where there’s a will, there’s a way.C.Two heads are better than one.D.When in Rome, do as the Romans do.(2023江苏泰州中考真题)Poems from Tang and Song dynasties, operas from Yuan dynasty, and novels from Ming and Qing dynasties are very famous in China’s history. Today, I’d like to recommend Song of Autumn, one of the poems by Liu Yuxi(772-842), a famous poet and writer in the mid Tang dynasty.Just as shown in the first line of the poem, most ancient poets liked to describe autumn as a sad time, but in this poem the season appears differently. In Liu’s eyes, autumn, full of life and hope, is even better than spring morning. He describes the bright scene of a crane riding the clouds and flying into the blue sky.With his poems paying special attention to expressing personal feelings, as well as the daily life of common people, Liu wrote poems with beautiful music-like words. You may feel it in this poem. Though being translated thoughtfully by experienced Xu Yuanchong, the poem still reads not so beautifully as that in Chinese. I personally think that English is sometimes not so powerful as Chinese.Here is another example, in Liu’s essay An Eulogium on a Humble Cell(《陋室铭》), with less than 100 words, he shows a lively picture of his humble cell. However, it also shows how he was pleased with the poor and simple life. People may find it strange that one can feel happy living in such a humble cell. Learning from his famous sentence, “be fragrant because of my virtues”(斯是陋室, 惟吾德馨), I think to be a respectable man is more important than to live in big houses, to wear beautiful clothes, to enjoy delicious food, and even to gain knowledge.93.Which dynasty is the poem Song of Autumn written in?A.Song.B.Yuan.C.Ming.D.Tang.94.How was autumn in Liu’s eyes at that time?A.He thought it was a sad time.B.He thought that autumn was rather cloudy.C.He thought Spring was better.D.He thought autumn was a hopeful season.95.Which of the following is the feature of Liu Yuxi’s works according to the passage?A.Expressing personal feelings.B.Describing daily life of young people.C.Picturing blue sky and a crane.D.Writing songs according to music.96.How did Liu feel about living in a humble cell in the writer’s opinion?A.Strange.B.Unhappy.C.Satisfied.D.Lonely.97.Influenced by Liu Yuxi, which of the following does the writer think is the most important?A.To be a respectable man.B.To live in a big house.C.To wear beautiful clothes.D.To gain more knowledge.(2023新疆中考真题)The first marathon (马拉松) of the modern Olympic Games took place in 1896. Now marathon is a popular sport across China. On April 26, more than 300,000 runners took part in 26 marathon events nationwide, reported China Daily.Teenagers have also taken part in marathons actively. Xu Qian, a 15-year-old boy from Suqian, Jiangsu, loves running. He took first place in the 5-kilometer Happy Run of the Jingdong Suqian Marathon on April 2. For Xu, the race meant months of training and preparation. He ran about 30 to 40 kilometers each week ahead of the run. “The 800-meter run at school is more about speed while a marathon tests a runner’s endurance and psychological quality (心理素质)”, he said. When he felt tired during the race, he told himself to fight on.As well as one’s fighting spirit, kindness from the people also plays a part in helping runners get to the finish line. Li Zhouzi from Shanxi took part in a 3-kilometer Kid Run of the Berlin Marathon in Germany in 2019 when she was 10. The support from the people cheering along the course (跑道) really encouraged her. “When things were hard, they cheered me on. The simple words ‘keep it up’ meant a lot to me and I was encouraged to keep going to the end,” Li said.98.How many runners took part in 26 marathon events nationwide on April 26? ________A.More than 3,000.B.More than 30,000.C.More than 300,000.D.More than 3,000,000.99.Why did Xu Qian run 30 to 40 kilometers each week ahead of the run? ________A.He wanted to help more runners.B.He had nothing to do but run.C.His father wanted him to do so.D.He trained in preparation for the race.100.Which of the following best explains the underlined word “endurance” in Paragraph 2? ________A.想象力B.创造力C.忍耐力D.自控力101.What encouraged Li Zhouzi to keep going to the end? ________A.The people’s support.B.The finish line.C.Other runners’ help.D.The hard things.102.What is the best title for the text? ________A.The Meaning of Marathon.B.The History of Marathon.C.Runners from China.D.Hope for the Future.(2023四川遂宁中考真题)These days, Riverside High School has cut down the students’ homework and encouraged them to take part in social activities. Last week, the school newspaper asked the students about them. Here are some of the replies.Xue Mei, 13I fell in love with paper cutting as soon as I watched it on TV. This year, I have time to learn it in our local art museum on weekends. Now I am able to make a lot of wonderful paper cuttings. I also teach my classmates to do it. I hope that our traditional Chinese art can be passed down from one to another.Wang Yan, 14My father tells me that food is the first necessity of man. This spring, I grew some tomatoes and corn with the help of him. While working in the field, I feel close to nature. It’s hard but meaningful to look after my plants. I believe that the food grown by myself must be the most delicious.Wen Man, 14I spend every weekend working in my uncle’s pet shop. There I care for the pets and play with them. When I help the homeless animals find warm-hearted owners, I get a strong feeling of satisfaction. Working at the pet shop is tiring but interesting, I hope to have my own pet shop some day.Tian Hao, 15I’m a ping-pong lover. Without so much homework, I can practice it with my classmates more often. Now my ping-pong skills have improved a lot. And I can even help teach little kids in the ping-pong club. I plan to take part in the city’s ping-pong competition next summer.103.You can ask Xue Mei about ________ if you are interested in it.A.paper cuttingB.tomato plantingC.animal caningD.ping-pong playing104.Wen Man may work in the pet shop on ________.A.MondayB.TuesdayC.FridayD.Saturday105.Wang Yan thinks the food is the most delicious mostly because ________.A.tomatoes and corn are her favorite foodB.the food is grown by herselfC.working with her father makes her happyD.she enjoys being close to nature106.What is Tian Hao going to do next summer?A.Practice ping-pong more often.B.Improve his ping-pong skills.C.Take part in a ping-pong competition.D.Be a ping-pong trainer in the club.107.What’s the structure of this text?A.B.C. D.(2023内蒙古通辽统考中考真题)Narrator: There once was a pretty princess whose favorite toy was a golden ball. One day the princess tossed the ball too high, and it landed in the well. As the princess cried over her lost treasure, she heard someone ask a question. Frog: Why are you so sad, pretty princess?Narrator: The princess looked around and saw only a frog. Princess: My favorite golden ball fell into the well. Frog: I can retrieve it for you, but first, you must agree to one condition. You must promise to take me home and be my friend. Narrator: The princess didn’t want to be friends with a frog, but she promised anyway. When the frog brought her the ball, the princess snatched it from him and hurried home.Frog: What a selfish princess! I’m certain that she has forgotten her promise. I’ll just hop over to the castle to remind her. Narrator: The frog hop-hop-hopped through the grass and knocked on the heavy door of the castle. Princess: What are you doing here, you bumbling frog?Frog: Dear princess. I am here to remind you of the promise you made.Narrator: The princess slammed the door in the frog’s face with a big BANG. King: I heard a door slam. What’s happening? If you made a promise, you must honor it. Narrator: The princess was angry but obeyed her father. So, the king, the princess, and the frog enjoyed dinner together. It was mutton stew, the cook’s specially. Frog: I was hungry, but now I’m full. Thank you for dinner. Kindly show me to my bed now.Narrator: The princess did as she was asked, but the frog looked sad. Frog: You have welcomed me into your home, but I can tell that you don’t want to be my friend. Narrator: The princess’s face went red, for what the frog said was true. She bent down to kiss the frog, but ended up kissing a prince.Frog: I am a prince who was turned into a frog, and your kiss turned me back. Thank you, dear friend.Narrator: The prince and princess were wonderful friends from that day on and lived happily ever after.108.The reading material above is ________.A.a playB.a poemC.a surveyD.an interview109.What’s the meaning of the underlined word “retrieve”?A.put awayB.bring backC.carry awayD.cut down110.Why did the frog hop over to the castle?A.To ask the king for help.B.To enjoy dinner with his friend.C.To give the ball to the princess.D.To remind the princess of her promise.111.What is the right order of what the princess did in the story? She went back to the castle. She bent down to kiss the frog. She got help from the frog and made a promise. She obeyed her father and ate the meal with the guest.A.B.C.D.112.What can we learn from the story?A.We shouldn’t be afraid of making friends.B.It’s a pleasure to see friends from far away.C.We should ask for help when we are in trouble.D.Once you make a promise, you must keep it.(2023四川遂宁中考真题)Peng Jingxuan, a 26-year-old Chinese girl, is now studying in a music university in Paris. While learning abroad, she is also working at spreading traditional Chinese culture to the world. She can often be found on French streets, wearing a silk Han Dynasty-style dress and playing the guzheng to passers-by.Born in 1995, Peng began to learn the guzheng when she was seven years old. After arriving in France in late 2017, she saw many people do street performances, but few of them knew about Chinese music. So she decided to play the guzheng on the streets.Peng made her first performance in from of a theater in October, 2018. “I was very nervous at that time, but a lot of people said they enjoyed my performance,” Peng said. Then she started to perform during weekends and holidays. After being asked plenty of times by local people about the guzheng, Peng now carries a book that explains the instrument to foreigners. Later, she posted her first video of playing the guzheng online and it spread quickly. From then on, Peng has posted many videos of her street performances. The videos have got many likes and made her a very popular guzheng artist. She has millions of fans on the Internet now.More and more people show great interest in the guzheng after watching Peng’s performances. “People come to me and praise me for the beauty of the instrument and the music. Every time they ask me which country the guzheng comes from, I am very happy to tell them it’s from China.” Peng feels she has more responsibility to spread traditional culture. “What is national is universal. I hope to play a bigger role in making Chinese music known by the world.” said Peng.113.Peng started to learn the guzheng ________.A.in 1995B.in 2002C.in 2017D.in 2018114.Why did Peng decide to play the guzheng on the streets in Paris?A.Because she needed to make money for her education.B.Because she wanted to become famous.C.Because she found few people there knew about Chinese music.D.Because she wanted to make videos to post online.115.What’s the come order of the following events? put her first video onlinegot many fanswent to Parismade her first performanceA.B.C.D.116.What is the book that Peng carries about?A.Han Dynasty-style dresses.B.Street performances.C.The guzheng.D.French instruments.117.What is the passage mainly about?A.Advising people to visit Pang.B.Telling the story of a popular guzheng artist.C.Asking people to learn the guzheng.D.Encouraging readers to do street performances.(2023辽宁统考中考真题)Lulu, a Hungarian PhD (匈牙利哲学博士) student at Tsinghua University, first came to Beijing in 2017. She soon fell in love with the city. She also found her greatest hobby—Peking Opera.Lulu watched Peking Opera for the first time in an opera museum. “I found it really fantastic,” she said. “Both the outfits (装束) and the movements were so wonderful. The face-painting was something I’d never seen before. It is so different from Western opera.”With great interest, she joined the Peking Opera group of Tsinghua University. That made her see that Peking Opera is much more than just the looks. “There is really, really huge cultural and historical background in Peking Opera.”The group members practice twice a week. Mostly, they practice singing and movements. The biggest problem for Lulu was learning the Asian way of singing. “To start with, my throat was in great pain, because I was using my voice in the wrong way,” she said. But with the help of teachers, she has improved a lot.There are other international students in the group. “I really love Peking Opera because it brings us together,” she said. “I believe that art has no boundaries (界限) and music has no language barriers (障碍). I hope to share my love for Peking Opera with more people outside China.”118.Lulu first came to Beijing in ________.A.2016B.2017C.2018D.2019119.When Lulu first watched Peking Opera, she found the outfits and movements were ________.A.uglyB.strangeC.wonderfulD.old120.Lulu practices Peking Opera ________ a week in the group.A.onceB.twiceC.three timesD.four times121.Lulu had trouble with the way of singing at first because ________.A.she didn’t get enough practiceB.she wasn’t good at singing at allC.she couldn’t pronounce Chinese wellD.she didn’t use her voice in the right way122.From this passage, we can infer (推断) that ________ in the future.A.fewer Peking Opera groups will be set upB.the Asian way of singing will be harder to learnC.Lulu will introduce Peking Opera to more foreignersD.more students in Tsinghua University will learn Western opera(2023辽宁统考中考真题)Once upon a time, there was a king. He always worried about what might happen in the future. One day, the king noticed a cobbler (修鞋匠). Although he wore ragged (破旧的) clothes, he was very happy. How could he smile so brightly? The king decided to find out.The next day, the king dressed in rags and followed the cobbler home.“Please, sir, can you give some food to me?” asked the king.“Of course,” said the cobbler.“Why are you so happy?”“Today I made enough money by repairing shoes to buy the bread.”“But what if you don’t make enough money for food tomorrow?”“I have faith (信心). Everything will be fine.”This touched the king. But he wondered what would happen if the cobbler couldn’t make enough money. So the next day, the king didn’t permit anyone to repair shoes. The cobbler was puzzled (困惑的), but he wasn’t down. When he saw some villagers trying to carry water home, he helped them and got coins from them.That evening the king went to the cobbler’s house again. The cobbler was having soup and smiling.“How could you pay for the food today?” asked the king.“I made money by helping the villagers carry water.” said the cobbler.“But what will you do tomorrow?”“I have faith. Everything will be fine.”“Your faith has driven away my fear about the future. Thank you.” said the king.123.The king was unhappy because he ________ too much.A.cared for his peopleB.loved his moneyC.worried about his futureD.missed his family124.The king followed the cobbler home to find out ________.A.what he ateB.why he was happyC.if he had breadD.how much he made125.The underlined (画线的) word “permit” means “________”.A.serveB.warnC.allowD.control126.The cobbler got the money by ________ when nobody repaired shoes that day.A.carrying sandB.selling waterC.repairing shoesD.helping villagers127.The passage tells us that we should _________.A.have faithB.learn to shareC.trust othersD.remember to relax(2023山东枣庄统考中考真题)The thing that I really miss most is playing with my friends. We were a big group of around 15 friends or more. We usually played balls in the parking lot. Our neighbors often talked about our faults because sometimes the ball hit the cars or broke the street lights, most of the time we shouted too loudly and made them annoyed.We played every day from about 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.. After that, we went back home to take a shower, have dinner and then met again. In the evening, we talked about many different topics such as collecting stamps, fishing, cartoons, popular film stars. Even though some of us had a different opinion about something sometimes, we never had an angry argument with each other.A few years later, we stopped playing because we grew up. We didn’t have enough time to do things together. Some of us started college, others got married or moved away. The group started to be smaller and smaller. Sometimes we didn’t see each other for a long time.Nowadays, I don’t hear from them. I wish I could meet them again to remember all those good times that we had in our childhood.128.The underlined word “annoyed” in Paragraph 1 means “_________”.A.deafB.happyC.angryD.surprised129.How often did they play together?A.Every day.B.Once a week.C.Twice a week.D.Three times a week.130.They stopped playing after some years because _________.A.they started collegeB.they moved awayC.they were marriedD.they grew up(2023辽宁统考中考真题)How time flies! Graduation (毕业) is coming for ninth-graders! During the last three years, what was your highlight (高光时刻) of middle school? Some students in our school were invited to share their stories.Jack, Class 2When I was in Grade Eight, our school celebrated its 75th birthday. I was asked to make videos for the celebration. Every day at lunchtime, I took photos and made videos around the school. And I caught every chance to invite my teachers and classmates to say blessing words (祝福语) to the school. When I watched the video I made at the celebration ceremony (仪式), I felt proud. It was my highlight.Lucy, Class 4I’m on my school dancing team. The team is like a family to me. In the daily training, all the members practice hard. We always help each other and encourage each other. Thanks to all our hard work, we have won many prizes. They are the highlights of my time in middle school.Kate, Class 5I still remember our charity (慈善) sale. Our class needed to buy things and sell them, then give away all the money we made to children in some poor areas. The things we bought were some soft toys and key rings with animal pictures. The sale was a great success. We made over 1,000 yuan and I took pride in our class and its team spirit. It was my highlight.131.Jack ________ for the celebration of his school’s 75th birthday.A.drew picturesB.made videosC.interviewed parentsD.said blessing words132.Lucy’s dancing team won many prizes because of ________.A.hard workB.kind teachersC.great talentD.special chances133.Kate’s class held a charity sale to help ________.A.animals in the forestB.old people in her cityC.students without toysD.children in poor areas134.Which of the following sentences is TRUE according to the passage?A.Jack took photos in the evening.B.Lucy won many prizes in singing.C.Kate sold soft toys to make money.D.The three students are in Grade Eight.135.What’s the best title (标题) of the passage?A.Helpful TrainingB.Wonderful HighlightsC.Happy GraduationD.Meaningless Activities(2023辽宁营口中考真题)Chen Zhou gives popular inspirational (激励的) speeches around the world. He talks about his journey visiting over 700 of China’s cities and climbing over 100 mountains. It’s an impressive thing for anyone, but even more so when you know that Chen doesn’t have any legs. He gets around and climbs mountains with his hands in wooden boxes.After his parents’ divorce (离婚) when he was little, Chen was raised by his grandparents. They were very poor and from a young age, Chen would go out to find ways to make money. One day, while riding a train he realized he was going in the wrong direction and jumped of the train. Chen’s legs were cut off. He was just 13. Chen started to sing in the street. It was there that he met the woman who would become his wife. Ability Magazine reported that she asked him “Do you need any help after you finish singing?” From then on, the two began to see each other every day and feel for each other. On the 10th anniversary (周年) of their wedding (婚礼), they climbed China’s Five Sacred Mountains together.Chen has become a true inspiration for people. In 2016 he encouraged the then-11-year-old, Gao Zhiyu to climb mountains. Like Chen, Gao also lost his legs in a terrible accident. Chen invited Gao to climb Laoshan Mountain with him after hearing his story. Gao lost his legs in a car accident and was out of school for four years, doing his schoolwork in the hospital. Before this, Gao had never climbed a mountain. But together they climbed a summit (顶峰) 900 meters high. Chen really shows the power of the human spirit!136.What is talked about in Chen Zhou’s speeches?A.His dream of climbing more mountains.B.His pleasure of singing in the street.C.His journey visiting cities and climbing mountains.D.How he made a living by climbing over 100 mountains.137.How did Chen Zhou lose his legs?A.He was born without legs.B.He lost them in a train accident.C.He was hurt in a car accident.D.He lost them because of a disease.138.When did Chen meet his wife?A.While he was working as a street musician.B.When he was interviewed by Ability Magazine.C.When he was attending somebody’s wedding.D.While he was climbing China’s Five Sacred Mountains.139.What is the last paragraph mainly about?A.It is very important to have big dreams.B.Chen Zhou is not the only poor one in the world.C.Chen Zhou inspires people to get over difficulties.D.Special people can also make great achievements.140.Which word can best describe Chen Zhou?A.Strong-minded.B.Ill-minded.C.Small-minded. D.Absent-minded.(2023四川内江统考中考真题)Mrs. Brown is a farmer. She lives a peaceful and happy life with her family on the farm. Every day she gets up at six o’clock in the morning and then starts her work: water the plants, clean the yard, take out the rubbish, and pick some vegetables from the garden for lunch, …, a lot of work to do! Mr. Brown usually makes noodles and eggs for breakfast. But today Mr. Brown isn’t in the kitchen. She looks at the table. There is no food for her. “Tom!” she calls her son loudly. But there’s no answer. “That’s strange,” she thinks. Mrs. Brown goes outside to the yard and calls Max, her dog. “Max!” she calls. Max doesn’t come. “That’s strange,” she thinks. Mrs. Brown goes to feed the chickens. She looks in the backyard. No chickens. “That’s strange,” she thinks. Mrs. Brown goes to see the cows. She looks in the barn, a place for housing her cows. No cows. “That’s strange,” she thinks. Mrs. Brown looks in the field. No animals. “Where are the sheep? Where are the pigs? Where’s the horse? That’s very strange!” she thinks. Just at that time, Mrs. Brown hears a noise behind the house. She goes to look. Everyone’s in the garden: Mr. Brown, Tom, Max, the chickens, the cows, the pigs and the horse. “Surprise!”“Where’s my breakfast, honey?”“Today’s breakfast is cake. Birthday cake! Happy birthday, my love!”141.Which word best describes Mrs. Brown’s morning?A.Busy.B.Boring.C.Quiet.D.Relaxing.142.How many people are there in Mrs. Brown’s family?A.Two.B.Three.C.Four.D.Five.143.What is Mr. Brown doing this morning?A.Preparing for his wife’s birthday.B.Taking care of the animals.C.Making breakfast for his family.D.Taking out the rubbish.144.Which can be the best title for the text?A.She’s AngryB.He’s SmartC.That’s StrangeD.It’s Terrible(2023山东临沂统考中考真题)Seba and his family live in Memphis, Tennessee—a place famous for music. He grew up with music all around, but he especially loved the drumming(鼓声) of Mr. Copeland from the band The Police.Before he turned three, his parents asked him what he wanted for his birthday. “Drums!” he answered. They bought him a junior drum kit(击鼓用具). It was a huge step. “He didn’t stop playing,” says his dad, Everett.But soon Seba grew upset. He couldn’t get his junior drum kit to make the sound she heard Mr. Copeland making. So his parents bought him a professional drum kit and sent him to have drum lessons. In just a few months, his drum teacher reported that Seba was learning very quickly and needed a higher level of training. He was four years old then.Seba’s parents encouraged him to learn more music. Seba learned bass, guitar and piano. He faced some challenges but he kept on practicing. To his parents’ surprise, Seba started a band in kindergarten(学前班). By the first grade, he was making money by playing music. In 2020, Seba joined a summer music program at Berklee (伯克利) at the age of 8. He studied bass and practiced up to 36 hours a week. In 2021, Seba spent four months in Utah, performing in “School of Rock the Musical”. Since he could play so many instruments, he was in almost every scene.When he was only 10 years old, Seba became the youngest person ever to receive a professional certificate(证书) in music from Berklee. He says that even though music is something he’s naturally pretty good at, “I still had to practice a lot.”Seba hopes to go to college at Berklee when he’s old enough. He’s still practicing and playing.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。145.Seba wanted _______ for his third birthday.A.a pianoB.a guitarC.drums146.Which of the following is TRUE?A.Seba grew upset because he couldn’t learn from Mr. Copeland.B.Seba started a band when he was in the first grade.C.Seba got a professional certificate in music from Berklee at the age of ten.147.The writer organizes the passage according to _______.A.the placesB.the timelineC.the feelings148.From the passage, we know that _______.A.interest and practice made Seba succeedB.a famous teacher helped Seba succeedC.family’s support was the most important for Seba’s success(2023山东威海统考中考真题)Penguin(企鹅) Swims 5, 000 Miles Every YearJoao, 71, lives on an island near Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He has retired(退休), but still works as a part-time fisherman. One day, about five years ago, when he was fishing, he found a tiny, sick penguin on the beach near his home. The penguin’s feathers(羽毛) were covered in oil. The poor bird was dying. Joao felt sorry for the sick, little bird, and so he took him back to his home. He cleaned him and fed him fish, and he gave him the name Din dim. The penguin soon became strong and healthy again.After a week or two, Joao went down to the coast and tried to put Din dim back into the water. The penguin didn’t want to go. He stayed with Joao, getting bigger and bigger—beautiful new feathers grew on his back. Eight months passed. Joao was very happy because he was enjoying the company of his new friend. Then suddenly, one day in February, Din dim disappeared. Joao was sad to lose him, but hoped that the bird just wanted to return to his penguin family. Four more months passed, Joao was walking sadly home from the beach, when suddenly he heard a familiar (熟悉的) “honking” sound—Din dim was back.Every year since then, Din dim spends eight months with Joao and then disappears for four months. Where does he go? It is thought that he swims 2, 500 miles to the coast of Argentina or Chile to start a penguin family and then swims 2, 500 miles to Joao. That’s 5, 000 miles a year to be with the man who saved his life.149.What was the penguin like when Joao first met him?A.He was tiny and sick.B.He was strong and healthy.C.He had clean and beautiful feathers.150.When the penguin became healthy after a week or two, what did he do?A.He still stayed with Joao.B.He returned to his penguin family.C.He walked sadly on the beach every day.151.How might Joao feel when he suddenly heard a familiar sound?A.Sorry and sad.B.Surprised and sad.C.Surprised and happy.152.Which is the right order according to the passage?a. The penguin was found.b. The penguin was hurt.c. The penguin was back.d. The penguin disappeared.A.d c b aB.b a d cC.a b d c153.Why does the penguin swim to Brazil every year?A.To star this penguin family.B.To look for more delicious food.C.To visit the man who saved his life.(2023内蒙古赤峰统考中考真题)Born in 1991 in Anshan, Liaoning Province, Xu Mengtao had a hard childhood. A small room, a stove, and a small bed were all she and her parents had at that time. Her father supported the family by selling mutton skewers(羊肉串) around busy streets. After making his first money, her sports-loving father bought a television set. They watched different sports events every day.Xu began to learn gymnastics(体操) when she was only 4 years old. To help her in training, her father picked up a small carpet(地毯) near his home, washed it clean, put the carpet on the ground, and setup a small “gymnastics field”.Finishing sixth in her first Olympics at Vancouver 2010, Xu won the second place at Sochi 2014. Then 2018 seemed to be her time to win gold. But she finished ninth. After so many peaks and valleys, Xu finally realized her dream of winning Olympic gold in the freestyle skiing women’s aerials event(自由式滑雪女子空中技巧) at Beijing 2022.“Looking back, I need to thank my parents, especially my strict father,” Xu said.154.How was Xu Mengtao’s childhood?A.Exciting.B.Easy.C.Hard.155.What can we know about Xu Mengtao’s father according to the text?A.Her father won a gold medal.B.Her father built a large gym.C.Her father loves sports a lot.156.When did Xu Mengtao begin to learn gymnastics?A.In 1995.B.In 2010.C.In 2014.157.What does the underlined phrase “peaks and valleys” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?A.远近B.起伏C.山谷(2023山东济宁中考真题)Hi everyone! Kim and I are trying a new lifestyle. We usually live in the city, but this month we’re living in a forest without electricity, Internet, phones and things like that.So, how am I writing this? Well, we come into town once a week to use the Internet and buy some things we need. The town is about 10 km away and we always walk here—it’s great exercise! I’m using the computer in the library at the moment, to check my email and to write to you. Kim’s looking for some blankets (毯子) in a shop because it’s really cold at night!We’re living in a really simple house which has a nice vegetable garden. Life is good, but it’s hard work. We get up at 5:30 a.m. every day. We have a simple breakfast, and then work for most of the day. We pick vegetables in the garden and we collect wood in the forest. We finish work at about 6 p.m. In the evenings, we play cards, read or just sit in the garden...when the weather’s nice. We go to bed early, too, usually around 9 p.m. We’re not missing TV at all!Anyway, we’re really enjoying it so far!158.What does the writer have in the new home?________A.A phone.B.A computer.C.A garden.D.A TV.159.How do the writer and Kim go to town?________A.By bus.B.By car.C.By bike.D.On foot.160.Where is the writer writing this article?________A.In a forest.B.In a library.C.In a shop.D.In a simple house.161.Which of the following best describes their new lifestyle?________A.Simple and healthy.B.Hard and cold.C.Easy and convenient.D.Quiet and boring.(2023甘肃兰州统考中考真题)Pandas are very popular in China. People around the world like this black and white animal very much, too. Ya Ya is among them. Now let’s know more about Ya Ya.When Ya Ya was born in the Beijing Zoo, she weighed about 0.14 kilos. For a research and protection plan, she was taken to the Memphis Zoo in Tennessee in 2003. But there was something wrong with her fur in 2006. Her health condition became worse in 2014. Experts at the Memphis Zoo and in China tried many ways but couldn’t solve the problems. On April 27, Ya Ya returned to China after staying for 20 years in America. The panda was then quarantined(隔离) in Shanghai Zoo before moving to Beijing. On May 29, Ya Ya arrived at its home, the Beijing Zoo.The Beijing Zoo has prepared a special feeding place for Ya Ya as well as feeding plans, care and medical support, according to the National Forestry and Grassland Administration. As she is old, she needs to rest and adapt(适应) to the new environment. So she will not be visited for a short period of time. The zoo will tell the public about Ya Ya’s health condition through its official Weibo account, according to the administration.A lot of people pay much attention to Ya Ya. They hope she will get better soon.162.Where was Ya Ya born?A.In the Beijing Zoo.B.In the Shanghai Zoo.C.In the Memphis Zoo.D.In the Tennessee Zoo.163.When did Ya Ya come back to China?A.In 2003.B.In 2006.C.In 2014.D.In 2023.164.The Beijing Zoo has prepared something special for Ya Ya except ________.A.feeding plansB.a feeding placeC.a research and protection planD.care and medical support165.People are not allowed to visit Ya Ya because ________.A.she is taken to the Memphis ZooB.she is quarantined in the Shanghai ZooC.her health condition becomes betterD.she needs to rest and adapt to the new environment166.Where can you most probably read the article?A.In a newspaper.B.In a movie poster.C.In a travel guide.D.In a sports magazine.(2023河南统考中考真题)Plunk! I dropped another pecan (山核桃) into my basket. Then a gentle autumn wind blew some more off the tree. I ran to pick them up. Whew! Pecan picking was hard. My basket was only half full.I was visiting my grandpa’s farm in Kansas, and Grandpa sent me into the woods to pick up pecans for us to enjoy later. I wasn’t about to let him down.Then something caught my eye: a squirrel picked up a pecan, climbed up a tree and disappeared into a large hole. A moment later, the squirrel climbed down to the ground to pick another pecan. Once again, he took the pecan back to his secret hiding place inside the hollow (洞) of the tree.Not so secret anymore, I thought. I ran over to the tree and found the hollow was filled with sweet pecans. They were right there for the taking. This was my chance. Handful by handful, I took all the pecans from the hollow. Now the basket was full!I was so proud of myself. I couldn’t wait to show Grandpa all of the pecans I’d collected.“Look, Grandpa,” I shouted, “look at all of the pecans I found!”Grandpa took a look at my basket. “Well, well, how did you find so many, Jimmy?” I told him how I’d followed the squirrel and taken the pecans from his hiding place. Grandpa congratulated me on finding out something about the squirrel’s habits. Then he did something that surprised me. He handed the basket back to me and put his arm gently around my shoulders.“That squirrel worked very hard to collect his winter food,” he said. “Now that all of his pecans are gone, don’t you think that little squirrel will be very hungry when it gets cold?”“I didn’t think about that,” I said.“I know,” Grandpa said. “But a good man should never take advantage of someone else’s hard work, even the squirrel’s.”Suddenly I felt as hollow as that old tree. The image (形象) of that hungry squirrel wouldn’t leave my mind. There was only one thing I could do.…根据材料内容选择最佳答案。167.Why did the writer go to the woods at the beginning of the story?A.To pick up pecans.B.To catch little animals.C.To feed the squirrels.D.To look for his grandpa.168.The writer was proud of himself because ________.A.he was praised by his grandpaB.he found out his grandpa’s secretC.he helped the squirrel in the hollowD.he filled his basket with so many pecans169.Which of the following can best describe Grandpa?A.Kind and wise.B.Caring and humorous.C.Shy and friendly.D.Patient and hard-working.170.What is the possible ending to the story?A.The writer sent the pecans to his neighbors.B.The writer put all the pecans back into the hole.C.The writer hid the pecans in his grandpa’s house.D.The writer enjoyed all the pecans with his family.171.What is the best title for the text?A.An unusual treeB.The stolen pecansC.A smart squirrelD.The magic basket(2023黑龙江统考中考真题)One pleasant evening, I was holding Grandpa’s hand and taking a walk in the park. “Where are the peanuts? Give me now!” He suddenly said. How I wished I had some with me! “Oh, my little Tom, the monkeys are taking long to come out today. Wait till they smell the peanuts.” I knew he was lost in one of his memories again. I remembered the stories he told me of how he fed the monkeys when he was a kid. Then, he saw the goldfish! He acted as if he was seeing them for the first time.Poor Grandpa! He fell ill with Alzheimer’s disease (阿尔茨海默氏病) last year. The doctor said it was a lifelong disease which could destroy a person’s memory. The patient might also not be able to make reasonable judgement (判断). But when my parents invited him to stay with us, he turned down and said he liked living alone. One day, he forgot to turn off the fire after cooking porridge. Luckily, one of the neighbors came to help him before the fire could spread.It was then that my parents brought Grandpa to live with us. Often, he would forget my name and ask me who I was and what I was doing in his house. Each time I would answer softly, “It’s me, Tom, Grandpa!” He had forgotten who I was, but he would always be my beloved grandfather.Choose the best choice according to what you read.172.What did Grandpa want to do in the park?A.Eat peanuts.B.Smell flowers.C.Feed monkeys.173.What would happen to Grandpa according to the doctor?A.His memory could get better.B.He might not judge things correctly.C.He had to live by himself.174.After getting to Grandpa’s house, the neighbor ________.A.turned off the fireB.cooked porridgeC.shared the meal175.Why did the writer’s parents bring Grandpa to live with them?A.To make sure of his safety.B.To help him remember their names.C.To answer his questions in time.176.Which of the following best describes the writer?A.Honest. B.Caring. C.Brave.(2023内蒙古包头统考中考真题)I’m about to begin my fifth season of tree planting. Each year, around this time, I have mixed feelings about the job. After enjoying the warmth of my home for the winter months, I begin to miss the challenges of life in the bush.In the early hours of the morning, we join our team—normally 6 to 12 men and women. Some of us will be covered in suncream and dirt. Our trucks travel deep into the woodlands. When we step out of the trucks, we’re faced with a hillside that has just been logged (砍伐) and is covered with piles of logs (原木) and branches.We quickly fill our bags with hundreds of tiny trees. Skilled tree-planters treat this more like a sport than a job, and competition fills the air. Once our bags are full, we jump from log to log. We fall many times, always pushing ourselves to go faster.Daily pains get to us all. We feel uncomfortable in the heat, deal with cold at night and suffer from anger. But beautiful moments are always waiting. I remember, lying in my tent one night, listening to a pack of wolves howling in the distance. The season afterward I came across a bobcat that was sitting and calmly staring at us.I’ve worked with a 62-year-old tree-planting legend (传奇人物) called Grant—believed to have planted seven million trees in 40 years. Once he got caught in a rockslide and broke his back. It took him years to recover, but he came back stronger than ever. His passion (热爱) for the job reminds me of what I love about it.Tree planting is a laboratory of self-growth. You master your mind and face the worst and the best in your nature. A new version of yourself awaits at the end of the experience. And after sleeping in a tent all summer, you learn never to take your bed for granted. So value what you have had and face the challenges in your life with great passion.177.Why does the author plant trees?A.To be well-known.B.To make a living.C.To challenge himself.D.To learn planting skills.178.Which of the following could best describe Grant?A.Honest.B.Quiet.C.Humorous.D.Strong-willed.179.What does the underlined part in the last paragraph probably mean?A.You need to be yourself.B.You can be more careful.C.You should be thankful for what you own.D.You should take your bed with you next time.180.What is the best title for the text?A.Crying in the BushB.Planting with PassionC.A Lesson from GrantD.A Mistake in the Wild(2023湖北荆州统考中考真题)Welcome to Global Friends! Come and find pen pals from all over the world.Alice NewmanAge: 34/Language: English I am open-minded, living in Scotland. I love to travel but haven’t travelled much over the past few years. Last year I taught myself how to knit(编织). It is now one of my favorite hobbies.Dean GillAge: 26/Language: French I’m a shy person. I love to write and draw. I’m now looking for someone who truly enjoys writing and drawing. We can share our goals, dreams and so on.Shirley StaceyAge: 19/Language: English Hi there! I am from Northern California in the US. I love hanging out with my family and listening to music. I also love reading. I am a bit shy with new friends. I am looking for a pen pal of my age.181.On Global Friends, people can _______.A.learn about different sportsB.go to concerts in different countriesC.improve their cooking skillsD.find pen pals from all over the world182.Last year, Alice Newman _______.A.travelled widelyB.made lots of new friendsC.learned to knit by herselfD.wrote many letters to her friends183.Both Gill and Stacey _______.A.speak EnglishB.are shy sometimesC.are 19 years oldD.live in North America(2023湖南张家界统考中考真题)Going green makes a big difference in our life. I’m Jessica Wong. Today I’ll tell you what my family does every day to save the earth. It’s reported that a common family produces more than one ton of rubbish a year. Some of this waste takes hundreds of years to decay. Also, it costs much money to buy new things to take the place of the things we throw away. In order to protect the environment and save money, my family has recycled everything. On the one hand, we collect used things every day, such as paper, bottles and boxes, and put them into different bins. Then they are sent to a recycling center. Finally, they are treated and can be used again. Recycling will help reduce a lot of waste. On the other hand, we use old clothes to make different kinds of bags. I especially like to use old jeans to make bags. These cute and useful bags are popular with young people. As a result, I open a small shop and set up a website to sell them online. What’s more, my parents and my brother often go to work by bike. If it rains, they’ll take the bus. We’re also going to grow our own vegetables, raise cows, keep hens and ducks. Soon, we’ll be able to have eggs and milk for meals. What a difference we make for our earth!184.How much rubbish does a common family produce?A.Two hundred kilos.B.One ton.C.Over one ton.185.The underlined word “decay” in the passage means ______ in Chinese.A.腐烂B.浪费C.运送186.What are the bags made of in Jessica’s shops?A.Paper.B.Old clothes.C.Boxes.187.How does Jessica’s brother often go to work?A.By bike.B.By car.C.By bus.188.According to this passage, what do we know?A.Going green makes little difference in our life.B.Jessica’s bags are popular with all people.C.We can do small things to help save our earth.(2023湖南株洲统考中考真题)The sun was shining brightly over our heads and sweat (汗水) was pouring down our backs and faces. We stood still without making any noise, all hot and tired. But everyone kept standing as straight as trees. It was something most junior high schools give to new Junior One students-military (军事的) training. We spent four days in a closed environment. Although we couldn’t go home at night and the training was strict and difficult, our humorous young sergeant (教官) was a real pleasure of our days. We laughed at his jokes, sat in rows singing different songs and listened to him telling true stories about his life. He gave us the feeling that sunlight and sweat were not the only things that military training offered. After this journey, we were stronger than we had imagined and we were much braver than we had expected. Students who looked pale rested for a little while, then right away came back to the team. Students who were late rushed to the playground at once and began to run. Sweat poured down our faces, but we didn’t care about it at all. Military training taught us to be brave and strong and never to give up. On the last day of our training, the confidence could be seen on our faces. We shouted so loud that our voices could be heard across the sky. With eyes like burning fire, we walked into the future. Now the sun is smiling at all of us.189.Although all of the students were ________, everyone kept standing as straight as trees.A.noisyB.tiredC.sleepy190.How long did the military training last?A.3 days.B.4 days.C.5 days.191.What didn’t the students do during the training according to the passage?A.They sang songs.B.They listened to stories.C.They watched movies.192.What does the word “it” in paragraph 3 mean?A.Being late.B.Running.C.Sweat pouring.193.What can be the best title of the passage?A.Our Military TrainingB.A Humorous SergeantC.Junior One School Life(2023广西统考中考真题)Peng Shilu was born in a family of heroes in Haifeng, Guangdong in 1925. When he was less than five years old, his parents died. The young boy was taken care of and protected by the poor, and he moved between different families and lived a difficult life. The people’s kindness influenced him deeply at his early age.In 1940, Peng Shilu was taken to Chongqing. Later, with the help of the CPC (中国共产党), he went to study in Yan’an. In 1951, he went abroad to learn chemical engineering. When he completed his studies, he got an excellent grade.In 1956, Peng Shilu was asked, “Are you willing to change your research field?”“Of course, as long as the motherland has a need!” With the strong belief (信念), Peng Shilu began to study nuclear power (核能) at once. In the early 1960s, China’s development of nuclear submarines (核潜艇) was almost a “blank”. Peng Shilu and other scientists were learning, exploring and practicing. In 1970, China’s first nuclear submarine was built. In 1974, China became the fifth country in the world to have a nuclear submarine.Peng Shilu worked very hard. He spent all his life on nuclear power. “I have only done two things in my life. One is to build nuclear submarines and the other is to build nuclear power stations,” said Peng Shilu.He died on March 22, 2021, at the age of 96. As a pioneer in nuclear power, he is remembered by the people and the country. On March 3, 2022, he was named “Touching China’s Figure of the Year 2021”.根据语篇内容,选择最佳选项。194.What influenced Peng Shilu deeply at his early age?A.The scientists’ spirit.B.The people’s kindness.C.The teachers’ words195.Why did Peng Shilu change his research field?A.The field was easierB.He wanted to be famousC.The motherland had a need196.When was China’s first nuclear submarine built?A.In 1970B.In 1956C.In 1940197.Which of the following best describes Peng Shilu?A.Honest and politeB.Humorous and strictC.Hardworking and selfless198.What’s the best title for the text?A.A Pioneer in Nuclear PowerB.A Suggestion for Further StudyC.A Study on the History of the CPC(2023湖北孝感统考中考真题)A photo of a boy carrying his tennis rackets in a bamboo basket becomes popular online. The boy, Wang Fa, 14, is a member of the Va (佤族) from Yunnan. After he won the under-14-title(十四岁以下男单冠军)at the ASICS Tennis Junior Tour in Guangzhou, an audience (观众) from Yunnan gave him the bamboo basket as a gift and the photo was taken. “We always carry bamboo baskets when we work in the field. This is a typical(有代表性的)farming tool of the Va. I carried my rackets in this basket to honor my hometown.” Wang said. Before playing tennis, Wang was just a village boy. But in 2016, he was chosen by a local club as a professional tennis player. “I was nervous at the beginning because the outside world was so different from my home. Tennis has helped me make more friends and get a better education.” he said. Over the past six years, Wang has trained hard to improve his skills at the Yunnan Wild Elephants Tennis Club. He would get up at 6:30 a. m. and practice for more than six hours a day. He needed to swing a racket (挥拍) more than 7,000 times and run 9 kilometers every day. “If it were not for tennis, I would still be helping my family with farm work at home.” Wang said. Wang’s parents didn’t want him to learn tennis at first because they couldn’t afford it. Luckily, the tennis club offered to teach him for free. For Wang, winning the ASICS Tennis Junior Tour title was the beginning of the future with hope, “I will try my best to get to the top on the professional stage.” he said.199.What did Wang Fa get from an audience from Yunnan?A.Tennis rackets.B.The first prize.C.A photo.D.A bamboo basket.200.The underlined word “honor” in Paragraph 3 is similar to “________”A.show love toB.make a promise toC.depend onD.play a part in201.What’s the main idea of Paragraph 5?A.Wang’s great success.B.Great changes in Wang’s life.C.Wang’s daily life in the club.D.The reason why Wang chose tennis.202.Who paid for Wang Fa to learn tennis?A.A tennis club.B.Wang’s parents.C.Wang’s school.D.An audience from Yunnan.203.Which of the following is True according to the passage?A.Wang disliked his tennis training.B.Wang comes from a village in Guangzhou.C.Wang expressed his hope for the future life.D.Wang liked farming more than playing tennis.(2023湖北孝感统考中考真题)When was it that something made you stop, take a good look and get lost in thought? For me, it was last Sunday. My friend invited me to a European art exhibition in Shanghai. To be honest, I’m not interested in art paintings at all. I know very little about European art. So, at first, I refused to go to the exhibition. But finally I became excited to see the artworks of the famous artists like Monet(莫奈) and Van Gogh(梵高). The exhibition included 52 artworks. It was really a different experience to see them face to face. My friend was happy to see so many different painting styles in one place. The visit made her remember the trip to Paris several years ago. She told me that art could be found in every corner of the city. Most of the visitors, I thought, had limited(有限的) knowledge about art, too. They were just busy taking pictures, and then showed everyone on WeChat that they had been there. Under the influence of my friend, who is an art lover, I began to look at the paintings carefully. One painting that moved me most was Van Gogh’s Long Grass With Butterflies. Those things such as grass, butterflies were quite common in my life. However, I had never thought they were worth attention. I had usually followed the crowd to see what was “special”. Actually, we should pay more attention to the “common” things around us. Sometimes we are supposed to have a careful look, think for a while, then we will find the beauty in our life.204.Where was the exhibition held?A.Shanghai.B.Europe.C.Paris.D.Not mentioned.205.The underlined word “them” in paragraph 2 refers to “________ ”.A.the artistsB.the artworksC.the visitorsD.the writer and her friend206.Which is the right order about the writer according to the passage?I refused to go to the art exhibition. I went to see the exhibition with my friend. I was invited to the exhibition. I was moved by Long Grass With Butterfly.A.B.C.D.207.What can we know from the passage?A.The writer used to show great interest in art paintings.B.This exhibition included 52 artworks of different styles.C.Monet’s Long Grass With Butterfly was very special in fact.D.All the visitors enjoyed taking photos and showing them on WeChat.208.What’s the best title of the passage?A.A Visit to EuropeB.Stop, Listen and ShowC.Enjoy the ArtworksD.Stop, Look and Think(2023湖南郴州统考中考真题)You may receive lots of gifts on your birthday. But have you ever thought about giving your birthday gifts to people in need? Kyle Breeden, a 12-year-old boy from Maryland, USA, has done that ever since he was six years old. On November 19th every year, Kyle invites his friends to his birthday celebration. He asks each friend to bring a new toy to donate(捐赠) to Toys for Tots.Toys for Tots is a project which gives out toys to children whose parents cannot usually buy them toys. Kyle has donated more than 2, 000 toys to the project. And he plans to continue collecting toys for other kids for years to come.When Kyle was five, he asked his parents how he could help others. Kyle’s parents were excited to hear that and they helped him get in touch with Toys for Tots. From then on, he has looked forward to his birthday, but only to get toys. Then he collects the toys and goes to the Toys for Tots celebrations to donate them.John Minadakis, who hosted a Toys for Tots celebration, said he had never seen someone give so much at such a young age. He believed the ability to put others before himself could take the boy far in life.Kyle feels good when he helps others. He hopes that through his example, other kids will be inspired to give back. “Many people around my age don’t have toys to play with. I want to do something,” Kyle said. “Even the smallest toy can make a kid’s day.”209.When is Kyle’s birthday?A.On December 19th.B.On November 12th.C.On November 19th.210.Kyle’s parents helped him get in touch with Toys for Tots when he was ________.A.12 years oldB.6 years oldC.5 years old211.What does the underlined word “inspired” probably mean in Chinese?A.改善B.激励C.介绍212.What can we infer from the passage?A.Kyle plans to buy some toys to donate to Toys for Tots.B.John Minadakis highly praised Kyle for his kind action.C.A kid cannot spend a day happily without the smallest toy.213.What’s the best title for the passage?A.Giving Birthday Gifts to Others B.Toys for Tots CelebrationsC.Toys are Important to Kids(2023河南统考中考真题)Many years ago, on my first day of middle school, one of my roommates turned to me for help. He took a bottle of water out of his bag. I opened it for him easily, and he thanked me. But I felt quite shy when he said thanks to me.A week later, we started to receive military training(军训). We needed to gather at 6:30 a. m. every day. However, I was still in the bed at 6:00 on the first day. My roommate woke me up and I really thanked him. Luckily, neither of us was late for that day’s training. Later, I had a talk with him. “Perhaps we don’t have to say thanks to each other so often because we have become real friends.” I said. He thought over my words and nodded.Over the next three years, we continued to help each other, but we almost never said thank you. For many years, I didn’t think it was necessary to say thank you out loud. I also felt embarrassed(尴尬的) after I had been thanked for offering someone just a little bit of help.My attitude(态度) towards saying thanks didn’t change until I helped a group of kids. It was a tiring walk when I was on my way home after a day’s class. Some little kids threw the ball onto the tree by accident while playing football. They asked me for help, so I did. Then tho kids said “Thank you” one by one with big smiles on their faces when I handed the ball to them. I was surprised, but it really made me feel warm at that moment. I realized the importance of expressing thanks from then on.Showing thanks is a polite way for a conversation. It will let the other side know that you’re thankful for his or her action. So next time, when you feel thankful, express your thanks bravely.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。214.How did the writer feel when his roommate thanked him?A.Happy.B.Proud.C.Shy.D.Warm.215.Why didn’t the writer often say thanks to his roommate?A.Because he never said thanks.B.Because he thought real friends needn’t say thanks.C.Because he thought the help was too little to say thanks.D.Because he thought saying thanks made him embarrassed.216.What changed the writer’s attitude towards saying thanks?A.The advice of the teacher.B.The help of his roommate.C.The influence of his parents.D.The thanks from the little kids.217.In which order is the text written?A.Space.B.Time.C.Persons.D.Opinions.218.What is the best title for the text?A.Say thank you aloud.B.Ask questions actively.C.Offer help to others.D.Learn to make changes.(2023四川广安统考中考真题)A woman kept a bird and she really liked it. But one day the bird flew away. The woman was sad and went out to look for it on the mountain near her home. At last, she met the bird.The woman said excitedly, “Will you please go home with me, my bird?” Though the bird was also happy to see the woman, it shook its head.“Take me to your home and let me see how you live.” the woman said. The bird led the woman to its new home. She found it lived well with many other birds. So she decided to go back home alone. Before she was leaving, the bird gave her a basket.When she returned home, she told her husband what had happened. Her husband opened the basket and saw a lot of gold. The man was very greedy (贪婪的) and he went to the bird’s home, too.“Hello, my bird. I miss you very much.” cried the man falsely (虚伪地). In fact, he used to treat the bird badly. The bird said nothing. It took out two baskets, a light one and a heavy one. The bird asked him to choose one and he could open it after he reached home.Of course, he chose the heavy one and took it home with great difficulty. However, when he opened the basket, he found it was full of stones!219.What did the woman do on the mountain?A.She wanted to visit her friend.B.She found a basket full of gold.C.She looked for her lost bird.D.She looked for gold.220.The woman went back home alone because ________.A.she found the bird lived wellB.the bird gave her a basketC.the bird didn’t like herD.her husband asked her to do that221.Why did the woman’s husband go to the bird’s home?A.Because he loved the bird.B.Because he wanted to bring the bird home.C.Because he wanted more baskets.D.Because he wanted more gold.222.Which of the following is TRUE about the woman’s husband?A.He got two baskets from the bird.B.He missed the bird very much.C.He got lots of gold at last.D.He didn’t treat the bird well.223.What does the story mainly want to tell us?A.We should try our best to keep more birds.B.Be kind to others and don’t be greedy.C.Kind people can get everything they want.D.We can get lots of gold if we are friendly to birds.(2023江苏连云港统考中考真题)Seiichi Sano, an 89-year-old Japanese man, rides a wave at Katase Nishihama Beach, Thursday, March 30, 2023. He has been recognized as the oldest male to surf(冲浪)by the Guinness World Records.But maybe he will just keep surfing. “I think it would be interesting to try to surf until I’m 100,” Sano said. “I think I take better care of myself when I have dreams like this. Even now, I take better care of myself than I did before.”Sano said he got the idea to try surfing from a worker at his local bank. The man’s skin was always dark and he did not look like a usual worker. His secret to keep healthy and energetic, he said, was surfing. So, Sano found a teacher.Sano gets out most weekends on the black-sand beach. “I don’t consider myself an old man,” he said in his wet suit, board standing next to him. “I have never thought of myself as an old person. I always feel that I can still move forward. I can still do it. I can still enjoy it.”Several young students who also work with Sano’s surf teacher talked about Sano.“I think age doesn’t matter in surfing,” a 12-year-old surfer said.“He is so amazing,” added his younger brother.“To be honest, I was surprised by his age,” said Sano’s surfing teacher. “I was worried that he would get hurt. I did not know how fit he was.”Sano still works 9-to-5 at his job. Surfing helps make him less stressed. “People often say that surfing is life itself,” he said. “I think it is true.”224.What does the underlined word “recognized” in paragraph 1 probably mean?A.Led.B.Given.C.Accepted.D.Collected.225.Paragraph 3 mainly tells us ________.A.where Sano learnt to surfB.why Sano tried surfingC.how Sano planned to surfD.when Sano went surfing226.From the words of the young students and Sano’s surf teacher, we can infer ________.A.they respect Sano very muchB.Sano’s age influences his surfingC.they’re worried about Sano’s workD.Sano is often hurt when practising227.According to the passage, we know Sano ________.A.is too old to start surfingB.gets bored with surfingC.feels stressed after surfingD.enjoys a lot from surfing(2023浙江丽水统考中考真题)There were only 15 minutes until lunch. But everyone in Mrs. Stretch’s math class was waiting excitedly for the start of Around the World. Around the World was Eddie’s favorite classroom game. He loved racing against a classmate to solve a math problem. Eddie won and lost. But his friend Michael never lost. He was the champion(冠军)of Around the World. Every week he would go around the classroom winning against everyone. “Are we all ready?” Mrs. Stretch asked. Everyone nodded. “Then let’s begin,” said Mrs. Stretch. “Talia, you start.”Talia was new to the class. This would be her first time playing. She jumped up and went over to Eddie’s desk. Eddie stood up, too. “Twelve times two,” said Mrs. Stretch. “Twenty-four!” Talia called out, a second before Eddie could. Eddie sat down, disappointed but still happy to know the right answer. Talia moved on to challenge the next classmate. She seemed unstoppable. Finally, Talia got to Michael. “Eight times twelve,” Mrs. Stretch said. “Ninety-six!” shouted Talia first. The class sat shocked, then everyone cheered for Talia, today’s champion. “Nice job, Talia,” said Mrs. Stretch. “It’s time for lunch, everyone. Now line up, please.”Eddie stood to go to lunch. He noticed Michael had his head down on his desk, his face buried in his arms. Eddie walked to Michael and put his hand on his shoulder. “It's OK to lose,” Eddie said. “I lose Around the World all the time. You’re still great at multiplication.”“That’s not why I’m upset,” Michael said into his arms. “No one likes me. They cheered when I lost.”“You think they cheered against you?” Eddie asked. “ ” Michael said. “I think they cheered because they were too surprised,” Eddie said. “You’re the champ. Talia had to do her best to beat you. So, people were excited about it.”“She is really good at math,” Michael agreed. “And so are you,” said Eddie. “You help us all work harder. Because of you, we probably have the best math class in the whole school.”“Thanks,” Michael said. He smiled at Eddie, “Do you want to sit together at lunch?”“Sure,” said Eddie. “You can quiz me on math problems and help me get better.”Michael stood up. “Challenge accepted!”1.What is Around the World?A.A math challenge.B.A running race.C.A computer game.D.A writing competition.2.What can we know about the characters in the story?A.Talia was really good at math.B.Mrs. Stretch liked the champion best.C.Eddie cared a lot about whether he won or lost.D.Michael was hard-working but seldom helped others.3.Which of the following is the best sentence to fill in in Paragraph 18?A.What else?B.Why else?C.Who else?D.Where else?4.Which of the following can best express the message(启示)of the story?A.Once a champion, always a champion.B.To be a good loser is to learn how to win.C.The only way to grow is to challenge yourself.D.Never forget failure is just an event, not a person.(2023重庆统考中考真题)Prince Caspian’s parents died. He lived with his uncle, Miraz, the King of Narnia and his aunt. Though he had wonderful toys, he liked best the last hour of the day when the toys had all been put away and Nurse would tell him stories.He didn’t care much for his uncle and aunt, but about twice a week his uncle would ask him to come and have a walk together.One day, while they were doing this, the King said, “Well, boy, we must soon teach you to ride and use a sword. You know we have no children, so it looks as if you might have to be King when I’m gone. How shall you like that, eh?”“I don’t know, Uncle,” said Caspian. “What do you wish?” asked the King. “I wish-I wish—I wish I could have lived in the Old Days,” said Caspian.Up till now the King had been talking in a tiresome way, which made it quite clear that he wasn’t really interested in what they were saying, but he suddenly gave Caspian a sharp(锐利的) look.“Eh? What’s that?” he said. “What old days?”“Oh, don’t you know, Uncle?” said Caspian. “Once there was a White Witch(女巫) and she made herself Queen of the whole country. And she made it so that it was always winter. And then two boys and two girls came from somewhere and killed the Witch and they were made Kings and Queens of Narnia. And so they ruled for a long time and everyone had a lovely time, and it was all because of Aslan.”“Who’s she?” said the King. If Caspian had been a little older, the tone(语气) of his uncle’s voice would have warned him it would be wiser to shut up. But he talked on...5.What was Caspian’s favourite hour during a day?A.When he played with wonderful toys.B.When his uncle had a walk with him.C.When he learned to ride a horse.D.When Nurse told him stories.6.What does the underlined word “tiresome” in Paragraph 5 mean?A.Fantastic.B.Boring.C.Funny.D.Wrong.7.What can we infer from the passage?A.Caspian didn’t live with his uncle and his aunt.B.Caspian wasn’t satisfied with his present life.C.Caspian thought this uncle was a great king.D.Caspian had an enjoyable walk with his uncle.8.How did the King feel at the end of the story?A.Proud.B.Worried.C.Angry.D.Calm.(2023湖北宜昌统考中考真题)Zhi Nong was born in a small town in Yunnan Province. When he was young, he moved to Kunming with his mother. Feeling like a caged (笼中的) bird in big city, he was bored with the busy and noisy city life and looked forward to nature.His chance soon came. In 1983, he helped shoot a documentary about birds. That experience led him to learn photography and take photos of flying birds. In the 1980s, the Internet was not that popular in China and cameras were expensive. He managed to borrow a camera and threw himself into studying how to use it. During that time, the library became his favorite place where he first read some magazines about nature. It opened a door for him to connect with nature.In 1992, a research program was organized to protect a type of unusual monkeys which only live in China. Usually the home of these monkeys has half-a-year-long winters. It created great challenges for Zhi Nong’s work, but he never drew back. “I didn’t see the monkeys in the wild until I went into the mountains the third time,” said Zhi Nong. He went into the snow mountains six times just to get valuable photographs of the monkeys.Three years later, his works won international prizes. People around the world began to pay attention to the protection of wild animals in China. And he is the first Chinese winner of the world Wildlife Photographer of the Year.In order to call up tons of people to protect wildlife with cameras, he started “China Wildlife Photography Training Camp”. He hopes that more young people will join in for the nature protection.9.What can we learn about Zhi Nong from Paragraph 1?A.He felt like a free birdB.He was satisfied with the city life.C.He was born in Kunming.D.He would like to live in the nature.10.Which is the right order of Zhi Nong’s experience?a. He won some prizes in the world.b. He joined in shooting a documentary.c. He took some pictures of monkeys.d. He set up a camp to train photographers.A.a-b-c-dB.b-c-a-dC.c-a-d-bD.d-a-b-c11.What do the underlined words “drew back” mean in Paragraph 4?A.Gave up.B.Grew up.C.Set out.D.Put on.12.Where is the passage probably taken from?A.A diary.B.A survey.C.A magazine.D.a guidebook.13.What is the best title of the passage?A.A Photographer’s Way of Protecting NatureB.A Door between Magazines and NatureC.Difficulties of Taking Wildlife PhotosD.World Attention to Animal Protection(2023浙江丽水统考中考真题)When Drew Mascotti graduated from high school, he got a job delivering(送)pizzas. But soon he realized that it wasn’t what he wanted to do for the rest of his life. So he took a night class at a local tech school to see if welding(焊接)—which joins two metals together with heat—was a skill that “was going to stick.”It did. Mascotti wanted to learn everything about welding and decided he’d make welding his career. But one night class wouldn’t be enough. Mascotti went to Hobart Welding School in Ohio for real, technical training. Besides welding courses, Mascotti also took classes in subjects like metallurgy-the study of metal—and reading blueprints. He became more certain that he would stick to the job. For the past 18 years, Mascotti has been a welder. He now works for the EEW Group. The company has a big project to carry out. It’s in the process of opening a factory that will produce monopiles for offshore wind turbines(涡轮机). Wind turbines produce eco-friendly electricity. A typical day for Mascotti includes a number of tasks and skills. One minute, he’s driving a forklift. The next, he’s reading blueprints, or cutting materials. “There are a lot to deal with,” he told Time for Kids. “It’s not just welding.”Mascotti’s favorite part of being a welder is “making an honest living”. He also takes pride in helping the environment. “I’m glad to stick to what I really want to do,” he says. “I’m working for a company that is helping the country to go green, and it’s satisfying to be a part of that process.”14.What is Drew Mascotti?A.A deliveryman.B.A welder.C.A driver.D.A salesman.15.What does the underlined word “It” refer to in Paragraph 2?A.The night class.B.The skill of Welding.C.The local tech school.D.The way of delivering pizzas.16.How might Drew Mascotti think of his job?A.Busy but meaningful.B.Easy and satisfying.C.Tiring but highly paid.D.Relaxing and helpful.17.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?A.Welding GreenB.Sticking to ItC.Working for EEWD.Living Honestly(2023河北统考中考真题)HomeNewsActivitiesIdeasPilarWhen I was a child, I collected books about nature. I loved learning about animals from other countries. When I get older, I find out that my own country has interesting nature too. That’s why I like studying nature now. I often write articles about nature and put them on my website. Sarah I love birds and animals because my school has organized many visits to forests and lakes for us. I also like walking in the countryside and seeing what I can find. I’ve taken many photos about nature. Some are published (发表) in our school magazine. Some are hung on the walls of the school hall.LiaA few years ago, I read an article with beautiful photos of animals, birds and plants in it. It made me start looking at what lives around us. I’ve made some short videos and I often show them to my friends. Now I sometimes give talks about nature at school. I love it. I was once interviewed by the local newspaper.18.Where can we read Pilar’s articles?A.On the walls.B.In the newspaper.C.On his website.D.In his favorite book.19.Why does Sarah love birds and animals?A.Because of a talk about nature.B.Because of an article about nature.C.Because of the people around her.D.Because of her visits to forests and lakes.20.What does Lia show to her friends?A.Some videos.B.Some magazines.C.Some photos.D.Some collections.(2023湖北随州统考中考真题)Pyramid SurpriseLinda and I were born only a few days apart, so every year we plan a birthday party together. This year, our birthday theme (主题) was “Discover the Pyramids”.“What about inviting Mary?” Linda asked.Mary was lonely, and hadn’t made many friends, but she was better at math than anyone else in class.“Hmm, she wears the same old trousers every day. How could she even afford a party dress?”After school the next day, Linda handed me a box. “What’s that?” I asked.“My birthday gift from my aunt. I thought it would be nice to give this to Mary,” Linda said.I opened the box. Inside was a gift certificate (礼品券) for our favorite clothes store.“Wow,” I gasped. We both knew how many cute clothes that would buy.“So, are we going to just hand it to her?”“How embarrassing that would be!” Linda answered.She was right. Mary would be totally embarrassed if we gave her money for clothes.“What if we ask our teacher…”“Wait a second. I have an idea.” Linda said.“What? What?”“I’m not going to tell you!”On the day of our party, Mary arrived, with—no surprise—the very old brown trousers.We sang, danced and ate biscuits. “And now for the big prize game,” Linda said. Big prize? My mouth dropped. This was not in the plan.“The big prize game is like this: Tom and Sam were building pyramids... If their pyramids had to be 60 feet high, who would finish first?”A math game. Of course! Linda winked (眨眼示意) at me. No one was surprised when Mary came up with the answer before anyone else and walked off with the box.The next week, Mary wore a new pair of trousers, and even a new dress. The whole time she had a big smile on her face.And so did we.21.Whose birthday party was it?A.Mary’s.B.Linda and the writer’s.C.Linda’s aunt’s.D.Tom and Sam’s.22.How did Linda try to help Mary?A.By giving her the gift directly.B.By asking the teacher for help.C.By setting up a big prize game.D.By inviting her to the clothes store.23.What can we learn from the passage?A.No one needs help.B.Math skills lead to success in life.C.A good friend is like a mirror.D.Helping others also makes us happy.(2023湖北随州统考中考真题)During my last year of junior high school, our teacher, Mrs. Debby, gave us a quiz (测试). I was a hard-working student and I did well in all subjects. I finished the question successfully until I read the last one: What is the first name of the woman who cleans the school?Of course I thought that must have been a joke. I saw the cleaning woman every day. She was short and about 50 years old. She had dark hair. But how could I know her name? I had never talked with her before. In fact, I’d never even thought about talking to her. I looked at my paper and started to feel rather guilty (内疚的). Finally, I handed in my paper, leaving the last one unanswered.Before the quiz ended, one student asked if the last question would be counted in our grades.“Of course,” the teacher said. “In your life, you will meet many people. They are all important. They deserve (值得) your attention and care, even if all you do is to smile and say hello.”I’ve never forgotten that lesson. Everyone deserves my attention and I should get to know all of the people who work and live around me. That was, perhaps, the most important lesson in my life. Later, I also learned that the cleaning woman’s first name was Hannah.24.We can know from the passage that the writer ________ during junior high school.A.was not hard-workingB.didn’t like to go to schoolC.did well in all subjectsD.always talked with the cleaning woman25.What was the writer’s answer to the last question of the quiz?A.“Debby.”B.“I don’t know.”C.“Hannah.”D.He didn’t answer it.26.By the last question of the quiz, the teacher wanted to tell the students that ________.A.they should work hardB.they should learn from each otherC.they should pay attention to all the people around themD.they should clean the school by themselves(2023河北统考中考真题)My best friend Bill is always trying to find out ways to give the environment a helping hand. One day, Bill brought some green cakes to school. At lunch, he shared his cakes with us. “Delicious!” “Wonderful!” Everyone liked the cakes and wondered how he made them.The story goes back a few weeks. Bill’s family likes fruit very much. His father especially loves watermelons. He eats a lot of them in summer. They always throw away the skins (皮).After seeing the cleaner working hard to pick up the heavy rubbish pail (桶), Bill said. “There must be a good way to use all the watermelon skins.”After a lot of thinking, he decided to make something with the skins. First, he made the skins into juice. Then he carefully made his delicious GREEN cakes.Once he tasted the cake, he knew his cakes were a great by-product (副产品) of the watermelon eating. And it was nature friendly too.From now on, he doesn’t need to worry about the heavy waste from eating watermelons. And everyone always wants more of his special cakes.27.What did Bill share with his classmates one day?A.Something he bought.B.Something he made.C.Something he planted.D.Something he picked.28.What do we know about Bill’s family?A.They work very hard.B.They like fruit very much.C.They help pick up the rubbish.D.They enjoy making green cakes.29.What will Bill most probably write in his diary?A.I made very good cakes and everyone enjoyed them.B.I worked with the cleaner and my parents praised me.C.I made some fruit juice but my classmates needed more.D.I tried to help others but I worried about the heavy waste.(2023山西统考中考真题)请阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Times change! The day I heard that the Bright Bookstore was closing, I was sad. The bookstore had been in the neighborhood for 50 years, and it was a great place where people could connect through their love of books. When I met Old Tim, the store’s owner, he told me it was difficult to run(运营)a traditional bookstore. Most young people preferred reading e-books and more people bought books online. Childhood memories came back to me so clearly. A group of us kids often went to the store. We looked at the new books, or just talked with Tim. We spent hours reading there. Tim encouraged us to share our ideas by writing them on a large board. A few months later, I was back and was surprised to see that the Bright Bookstore was still open for business. It was still old, but inside it was like a different world. In an area, a book reading was going on. Nearby, some readers were sharing their ideas on a screen instead of the large board. Some were reading on computers. It even had a coffee shop selling nice food. Clearly, the Bright Bookstore was in good, creative hands. Tim told me that there were more community events in the coffee shop such as book readings and even concerts and movie nights. The bookstore was turned into a place where the book lovers got together and shared ideas and experiences. “Well, as you can see, technology and creativity have brought my old bookstore into the 21st century! I’m so glad to see that everything I wanted it to offer to the community is still here,” said Tim. No matter how times change, there are always people who love reading. With the development of technology, traditional bookstores should also change in a creative way.30.What made the writer sad about the old Bright Bookstore?A.No kids read in it.B.It was closing.C.It moved to another place.31.Why did the writer miss the old bookstore?A.Because he had a good time working there.B.Because the owner often read stories to him.C.Because it brought him back to the good old days.32.How was the bookstore different a few months later?A.The board helped people share ideas easily.B.The coffee shop brought people closer together.C.The new look from the outside surprised people.33.What did Old Tim want the bookstore to offer?A.A way for the neighbors to sell food.B.A chance for the kids to show their skills.C.A place for the book lovers to read and share.34.What does the writer want to remind us?A.E-books will take the place of paper books.B.Reading always plays an important role in our life.C.Traditional bookstores will disappear in the future.(2023山东滨州统考中考真题)Basket full of dreamsA set of photos of a boy carrying his tennis rackets in a bamboo basket has gone viral (走红).The boy, Wang Fa, 14, is a member of the Va ethnic group (佤族) from Yunnan. After wining the under-14 title (冠军) in the Guangzhou stop of the 2022 ASICS Tennis Junior Tour, an audience (观众) member from Yunnan gave him the bamboo basket as a gift and the photos were taken.“We always carry bamboo baskets when we work in the field. This is a typical farming tool of the Va ethnic group. I carried my rackets in this basket to honor my hometown,” Wang said after the match.Before tennis, Wang was just an ordinary boy from a village. But in 2016, he was chosen by a local club as one of the first 10 local children to learn to play professional tennis, “I was nervous at the beginning because the outside world was so different from my home,” he said, adding that tennis has helped him make more friends and get a better education.Over the past six years, Wang, along with other players at the Yunnan Wild Elephants Tennis Club, has trained hard to improve his skills and physical strength. The children would get up at 6:30 a.m, and practice for more than six hours a day, Every day, they need to swing a racket more than 7,000 times and run 9 kilometers.“If it were not for tennis, I would still be helping out my family with farmwork back home,” Wang saidWang’s parents didn’t want him to learn tennis at first because they couldn’t afford it. But the tennis club offered to teach him for free. Wang’s hometown, the mountainous Cangyuan Va autceomous county, was just lifted out of poverty (脱贫) in 2019, reported China Daily. For Wang, winning the ASICS Tennis Junior Tour title was the beginning of a hopeful future. “I will aim for the top spots (位置) on the professional stage,” he said.35.How old was Wang Fa when he started to play professional tennis?A.Six.B.Seven.C.Eight.D.Nine.36.Where did Wang Fa get the bamboo basket in the photos?A.His parents gave it to him to carry rackets.B.It was the one that he used to do farmwork.C.It was one of the prizes from the competition.D.One of the game audience members gave it to him.37.Paragraph 4 is written to ________.A.describe Wang’s life in the clubB.show how Wang’s life has changedC.explain why Wang chose this activityD.present Wang’s talents in his young age38.What can we learn from Wang’s words in Paragraph 6?A.He thinks that the training is tiring.B.He is thankful for joining the tennis club.C.Competition is serious in the tennis club.D.He likes doing farmwork more than playing tennis.39.What do we know about Wang Fa?A.He is hopeful about his future.B.He helped his family out of poverty.C.His parents don’t support his dream.D.He needs to make more money for the club.(2023重庆统考中考真题)Most people remember their childhood by looking at old photos or videos. But for some, they choose to remember it by making models of their old homes where they grew up.Du Yi, a Chinese miniature artist, used to make models of historic buildings. One day, a friend asked him to make a model of his old home in the countryside. He thought it was meaningful, so he helped. After he posted a short video online, it went viral. He won thousands of followers. Today, he has over 200,000 followers online.Du often makes the miniature (微缩模型) house 30 times smaller than its real size. It usually takes him one to two months to make a model with the pictures provided by customers. Hundreds of small pieces and about 50 different materials, including wood, paper, and materials straight from nature are used. He often visits the villages to take a closer look at the details. He can spend the whole week studying one building, trying to understand the story, shapes and colors. “I have to be very careful about the details. If they are good, the work will come to life,” Du says. His miniature houses are sold at a starting price of around 20,000 yuan.“When I first saw the model of my old home, it took me back to my childhood. Grandfather taught me how to farm and make toys from things around us,” says Hao Wei, one of Du’s customers.When a skillful hand meets the need of people, a good business starts.40.How do most people remember their childhood according to the passage?A.By taking new photos.B.By watching TV.C.By looking at old photos.D.By visiting friends.41.What does the underlined word “viral” in Paragraph 2 mean?A.Difficult.B.Popular.C.Terrible.D.Important.42.What can we learn from the passage?A.Du Yi is believed to be the best miniature artist in China.B.People who need miniature houses want to live in the past.C.Miniature artists make a lot of money by posting videos online.D.Du Yi’s excellent skills and hard work are helpful for his success.43.In which part of a newspaper can you probably read this passage?A.Sports.B.Health.C.Life.D.Nature.(2023江苏扬州统考中考真题)That night, July 11, 2022, Nick Bostic was driving down the streets of Lafayette, Indiana, when he found a two-story house was on fire.Flames (火焰) were climbing up the front porch. Without pausing for a moment to think about the danger, Bostic stopped his car and ran from the back door into the burning building, which belongs to the Barrett family.Bostic had just started climbing the stairs when he looked up and saw four faces appear from a room at the top of the stairs and look down at him, their eyes wide. “Your house is on fire, you need to go!” Bostic yelled.Bostic hurried the four girls into the fresh air. “Anybody else in there?” Bostic asked.“Kaylani is in there! We can’t find her!” Seionna, the eldest of the girls, screamed referring to her six-year-old sister. Without hesitating, Bostic ran back inside.By now, the whole side of the house was in flames. Bostic went upstairs. He searched every bedroom. No kid. The smoke was thick now. He lifted his T-shirt, trying to cover his mouth and nose when he heard the sound of crying, from the dark smoke below.Bostic felt about in the blackness and heat, moving downstairs toward the sound. Then suddenly Kaylani was in front of him. Bostic quickly lifted the girl into his arms. Where is the front door?! Bostic remembered seeing a window on the side of the house where the fire hadn’t reached.Bostic climbed back up, made it to the room and broke the glass, Kaylani still in his arms.Bostic and Kaylani looked down at the open grassy space. The girl said, “” He was thinking the exact same thing.But they had little choice. The flames were inching ever closer. Holding Kaylani tightly in one arm, Bostic ran forward and threw himself out of the window. He managed to land on the other shoulder. Kaylani was almost unhurt.Days passed. Bostic woke up from first-degree burns to his leg and arm, He felt like he’d just done what anyone would have done in that situation. But outside the hospital, the story of Nick Bostic was already spreading. He was a hero—the pizza man who had run into a burning building not once, but twice.44.What does the underlined word “hesitating” mean in Paragraph 5?A.交谈B.犹豫C.埋怨D.期待45.Which of the following is the correct order of the story?a. Bostic looked for the door with Kaylani in his arms.b. Bostic led the four girls out into the fresh air.c. Bostic went upstairs to search every bedroom for Kaylani.d. Bostic jumped out of the window holding Kaylani tightly in one arm.e. Bostic followed the sound of crying to the dark smoke below.A.cbadeB.bceadC.ceabdD.baedc46.Which sentence should go in the empty box in Paragraph 3 from the bottom?A.I want my sisters!B.Wow, we’ll be heroes!C.I can’t thank you too much.D.I don’t want to jump out the window.47.The picture in the passage is helpful because it shows ________.A.when Kaylani was foundB.how brave Kaylani and Bostic wereC.what the two-story house on fire was likeD.how the hero saved Kaylani at the very moment(2023浙江台州统考中考真题)Kendall spends a lot of time playing in the earth. She has a huge garden that produces over 100 pounds of food each year! But for this seven-year-old girl, gardening isn’t just about fruits and vegetables. It’s about people. “My favorite thing about growing food is doing it with my family and friends.” she says. Kendall began gardening at the age of three, when her grandmother gave her some potatoes, Grandma told her. “Don’t throw away the small ones, because if you put them in the ground, they will grow back.” Kendall tried it and was amazed when the small potatoes grew new leaves. Soon after, her parents put in a small yard garden. When friends came over, Kendall enjoyed sharing what she knew. And she says. “My friends help me water and care for the plants.”At the age of six, she became the youngest licensed farmer in Georgia. Today, her garden has grown to include sixty plant beds and twelve trees! When the vegetables and fruits are ripe(成熟的), Kendall says, “I pick them, then I do a food sale so other kids and families can have some.” People who don’t have enough food are invited to take what they need. Kendall is an inspiration to other kids too. She speaks at libraries and schools and hosts a community garden club for kids. “I also invite kids to visit my garden and help me with it, to see how fun it is,” she says. “Growing food takes a lot of work, but together you can do it.”48.Kendall spends much time in the garden to _______.A.make money for her friendsB.play games with her family thereC.host a community sports club for kidsD.enjoy growing food with her family and friends49.The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 2 refers to _________.A.digging the small potatoes in the fieldB.putting the small potatoes in the groundC.watering the small potatoes in the gardenD.throwing the small potatoes in the trash bin50.What did Kendall’s friends do when they came to her garden?A.They helped take care of the plants.B.They brought the food that they grew.C.They built a gardening school for Kendall.D.They taught Kendall how to be a good leader.51.The underlined sentence in the last paragraph probably means __________.A.we can learn a lot by doing a food saleB.it’s important to speak at the libraries and schoolsC.it’s worth gardening together though it’s hard workD.we should spend more time working with Grandma(2023四川眉山统考中考真题)Recently, I’ve found many old photos of Mom, Dad, David, me and my first dog Coco. They meant a lot to me. I wondered how to keep them forever. Luckily, my son used a new app to clear up and improve some of the old photos. Looking at them brought back so many loving and happy memories. I even used one as my computer screen saver (屏保).It is a picture of me sitting in my favorite chair, across from the wood stove (炉子) next to a bookcase full of old books. I am wearing my special Snoopy shirt and hugging Coco. There is a big smile on my face and a joyful shining light in my eyes. It was how I spent a lot of my winter afternoons as a girl, hugging Coco and reading an old book.It is surprising how 60 years later that girl still lives inside of me. I still love comfortable chairs, warm stoves, Snoopy clothes, hugging dogs and reading books on cold winter days. But when I look in the mirror now, all I see is a thin face, grey hair, and lots of wrinkles (皱纹). The only thing that hasn’t completely changed is the eyes. They are hiding behind glasses now and full of wisdom (智慧) given by ages. But they still have that same joyful shining light.Looking at the little girl smiling at me from the computer screen and that 66-year-old woman looking back at me in the mirror can be a little bit strange at times. They look so different. However, they are both me. We can’t stop getting older, but we can remain both joyful and young at heart forever.52.How did the writer’s son deal with the old photos?A.He threw them away.B.He improved them with an app.C.He gave them to his family members.D.He used one of them as a screen saver.53.What can we learn about the writer’s memories of her family?A.They were mostly sad.B.They were happy and sweet.C.They were too painful to recall.D.They were all forgotten over time.54.What has changed about the writer over time?A.She no longer likes to read.B.She looks less joyful than before.C.She is no longer young but wise.D.There is no light in her eyes any more.55.Which word describes the writer’s feeling towards getting older?A.Sad.B.Excited.C.Accepting.D.Unbelieving.(2023陕西统考中考真题)Li Na is a middle school student. Last term, while she was watching a clothing show on TV, a kind of traditional clothes called hanfu caught her eye. How she wished to have her own hanfu! She told her mother that she wanted one. Her mom thought for a while and said, “You can have one if you make progress by the end of this term.” She felt disappointed(失望的)but decided to make it. After that, she studied harder than before. Whenever she faced difficulties, she tried her best to solve them. Sometimes she thought about giving up, but she fought on. Then, in the final exam, she made great progress. And her mom was happy with her. Finally, the “big” day came. When she got home one afternoon, she saw a beautiful big box on the table: “Wow, hanfu!” Her wish came true. On a sunny Saturday, Li Na wore her own hanfu to a park with her family. There, a lot of people were attracted by her clothes including some foreign children. Li Na introduced hanfu to them proudly. She told them that hanfu—a symbol of Chinese culture, is getting more and more popular. That day, she enjoyed the beauty of hanfu and experienced the traditional culture. Looking back at the past days, she thinks she has got a lot more than the new clothes. Whenever she sees hanfu, it reminds her that hard work can help people get what they want.56.When did Li Na watch the clothing show?A.Last year.B.Last term.C.Last month.D.Last week.57.What did Li Na do at the park?A.She introduced hanfu to the people.B.She took part in a hanfu show.C.She asked her mom for hanfu.D.She helped foreign children put on hanfu.58.The underlined sentence in the last paragraph probably means that ________.A.she has got a beautiful big box and hanfuB.besides hanfu, she has made more foreign friendsC.she has received more gifts from her mom including hanfuD.she has got hanfu, different experiences and feelings(2023浙江杭州统考中考真题)I like going to stores, but how do you know if a store has what you want? The great thing about shopping online is saving time! There are so many choices, and it doesn’t take much time to find what you want! (Jake, Sydney, Australia)The first time I bought something online, I was a little nervous. I didn’t know how they were going to ship it. But it arrived OK. Now the only problem is that I do too much shopping online. And because I don’t have to go out much anymore, I’m not very fit! (Mari, Lima, Peru)I wanted to buy a new pair of sunglasses, but I was too busy to go to the stores in the city center. So I decided to order them online. They arrived quickly, but they were broken and the case looked used! So I had to go to the store to change them. What a waste of time! (Troy, Jersey City, USA)I bought a lot of electronics online last year, and everything was a good deal. The problem is that someone stole my credit card (信用卡) information and went shopping. My advice is: Be very careful when you shop online! (Eric, Ottawa, Canada)I buy all my things online-it’s so cool! I never have to go to the mall or wait in line to pay. And I don’t have to go around to different stores to compare prices. The only problem is that I usually spend too much money! I’m broke! (Nancy, Seattle, USA)59.How did Mari feel when she first shopped online?A.Disappointed.B.Excited.C.Worried.D.Interested.60.What was Troy’s opinion on his online shopping experience?A.It wasted time.B.It saved money.C.It harmed health.D.It provided choices.61.Who does all the shopping online?A.Jake.B.Mari.C.Eric.D.Nancy.(2023江苏苏州统考中考真题)It was my first day at school. It was also Miss Caroline’s first day to be a teacher.Miss Caroline began the day by reading us a story about cats. Then she started to teach us the alphabet (字母表).When Miss Caroline discovered that I was literate (有读写能力的), she said, “Tell your father not to teach you any more. It’s best to begin reading and writing with a fresh mind.”After supper that night, Atticus sat down with the paper and called, “Scout, ready to read?”I told Atticus I didn’t feel very well and didn’t think I’d go to school any more if it was all right with him.“You never went to school and you do all right, so I’ll just stay home too. You can teach me like Grandaddy taught you.”“No, I can’t,” said Atticus. “I have to make a living. Besides, they’d put me in prison if I kept you at home. Now what’s the matter?”I told him what happened at school. “Miss Caroline said you taught me all wrong, so we can’t ever read any more. Please don’t send me back, please sir.”“First of all,” he said, “if you can learn a simple trick, Scout, you’ll get along a lot better with all kinds of people. You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view—”“Sir?”“—until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.”Atticus continued, “You learned many things today. Miss Caroline learned several things herself. We could not expect her to learn all our ways in one day, and we should understand her when she knew no better.”“But if I keep on going to school, we can’t ever read any more…”“That’s really worrying you, isn’t it?”“Yes, sir.”When Atticus looked at me, I saw the look on his face that always made me expect something. “Do you know what a compromise (妥协) is?” he asked.“Breaking the law?”“No, an agreement. It works this way,” he said. “If you promise me to go to school, we’ll go on reading every night as usual. Is it OK?”“Yes sir!”62.What happened to Scout on her first day at school?A.She was not able to read the alphabet.B.She lost interest in reading and writing.C.She couldn’t follow Miss Caroline in class.D.She was asked to stop learning from Atticus.63.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 11 mean?A.To play a small trick on him.B.To walk hand in hand with him.C.To tell him about your thoughts.D.To think from his point of view.64.What did Scout agree to do towards the end of the story?A.Go to school.B.Stay at home.C.Teach herself.D.Make a living.65.What can we infer from the passage?A.Scout didn’t trust Atticus.B.Scout didn’t like reading.C.Atticus was a wise father.D.Atticus was mad at Scout.(2023湖南怀化统考中考真题)Antarctica (南极洲) is one of the coldest places in the world. There is a penguin called Henry. The only thing he does all day is to swim in the cold water. He doesn’t like his life because it is boring for him. He wants to go out and see the world outside Antarctica. He tells it to his mother. However, his mother doesn’t allow him to go out.But Henry leaves Antarctica. At first, he is so happy because the water is still cold and everything outside of Antaretica is different and beautiful. But he doesn’t know his mother is following him. As he swims far away, he finds that the water is warmer and warmer. And he feels exhausted, so he has to stop his trip. He is afraid and doesn’t know what to do.At that time, he sees his mother, “I should listen to you, Mom.” His mother says, “It’s OK. I am sure you won’t leave Antarctica any more.”At last, Henry swims back to Antarctica with his mother.66.Where does Henry live?A.In Africa.B.In Asia.C.In Antarctica.67.What does Henry do all day?A.He talks with his mom. B.He swims in the cold water. C.He sings in the water.68.What does the underlined word “exhausted” mean?A.疲劳的B.兴奋的C.羞愧的69.Where is this passage probably from?A.A newspaper.B.A storybook.C.A report.(2023山东烟台统考中考真题)Podareva, 28, was born in the hometown of Russia’s famous poet Sergei Yesenin. She has loved poetry (诗歌) since her childhood. Growing up, she wrote many poems in both Russian and English. After she came to China to study Chinese in 2013, the world of Chinese poetry opened up before her.Podareva has had colorful experiences in China in the past ten years. She has won prizes in many Chinese poetry writing competitions and published her own Chinese poetry collections. Her most unforgettable memory is that one of her Chinese poems written in 2020 was turned into a song. And even better: She sang it herself.“Some people may praise China in a direct way, but I prefer to express my feelings about the country and describe the friendship between China and Russia through different styles of poems,” Podareva says.Podareva has always wanted to be a cultural ambassador (使者) between the two countries. In 2020, she began to make videos and shared them online. Besides sharing Chinese poems she had written, Podareva also produced videos about cultural differences between China and Russia. Sometimes she made humorous videos to explain the misunderstandings that Chinese people have towards Russians.Besides writing poetry, Podareva has also been painting. She doesn’t think the two art forms are different from each other. “Wang Wei was a famous Chinese poet, and he was also a painter,” she says. In December 2022, Podareva held an exhibition in Shanghai with 66 of her paintings on show.“All art is a way for the creators to express their spirit,” Podareva says. “I hope to create a website in Russia and introduce China—through my poetry and paintings-to Russians, so that the friendship between the two countries will be much deeper.”70.According to the passage, how many languages in all has Podareva used to write poems?A.Two.B.Three.C.Four.D.Five.71.What is the second paragraph mainly about?A.Podareva’s experiences in China.B.Podareva’s most famous poem.C.Podareva’s love for Chinese poetry.D.Podareva’s way of winning prizes.72.How does Podareva try to be a cultural ambassador between China and Russia?A.By spreading cultural differences between China and Russia.B.By finding some funny misunderstandings towards Russians.C.By making and sharing videos about poems and culture online.D.By learning to write Chinese poems from famous Chinese poets.73.Why does Podareva want to create a website in Russia?A.To exhibit some of her 66 paintings on the website.B.To introduce some ways of creating poems in Chinese.C.To help deepen the friendship between China and Russia.D.To explain why poetry and painting are the same art form.(2023天津统考中考真题)In the morning, Daniel and Peter finished their breakfast quickly. They put on their school uniforms (校服), took their school bags and walked quickly to the bus stop. They had to wait for their school bus as usual. They waited for half an hour but the bus didn’t come. The two brothers were starting to get worried. They did not want to be late for school.Just then, Daniel’s classmate, Ben, came with a football on his bike. They were surprised to see that Ben wasn’t in his school uniform.Ben stopped in front of the two brothers and asked, “Where are you going?”“To school,” replied Peter quickly.“Why aren’t you ready for school, Ben?” Daniel asked.“Have you forgotten that today is a school holiday?” laughed Ben. “We have no lessons today!”When Daniel and Peter told their mother about it, they all laughed. At last, the brothers joined Ben in playing football in the field nearby.What a special morning!74.When did the story happen?A.In the morning.B.At noon.C.In the afternoon.D.In the evening.75.How did Daniel and Peter feel when their school bus didn’t come?A.Angry.B.Excited.C.Lonely.D.Worried.76.Why were the two brothers surprised?A.Ben was a football fan.B.Ben wasn’t in his school uniform.C.Ben had a bicycle.D.Ben was leaving school.77.The bus didn’t come because ________.A.the weather was badB.the driver was sickC.it was a school holidayD.there was something wrong with it78.What did the two brothers do at last?A.They went to the cinema.B.They played football with Ben.C.They read books at home.D.They cooked with their mother.(2023浙江绍兴统考中考真题)One Sunday afternoon in May 2021, waiter Paul Blachut, 24, was busy at work at the FLOSSLANDE restaurant in scenic Augsburg, Germany. From behind the bar, Blachut had a good view of the Lech river below, in which many people were cooling their feet. The water is very cold at this time of year, and it runs quickly.Among those enjoying the cooling water were a mother and her two teenage daughters. They were playing with an inflatable tube (充气轮胎) by the riverbank, when suddenly the girls lost their footing and fell into the river. It all happened so fast. The girls caught the tube, which their mother was sitting in, pulling her into the river, too. Now all three were being carried away, shouting, “Help! Help!”Blachut looked up from his busy work when he heard the shouts. Then he found the three women not far away, flapping their arms, trying to catch anything. Without thinking, Blachut ran down to the river and jumped into the cold water. All he wanted to do was rescue (营救) them.As Blachut got closer to them, he could tell that the mother seemed to be in the most trouble; her head was now out of sight. At once, Blachut went down under the mother, pushing her upward and towards the bank. Then an onlooker (旁观者) got close to grab the woman’s hand, pulling her to the land.Blachut knew he needed to rescue the two daughters, who were now further down the river. He jumped into the water again and succeeded in getting one out in the same way he did her mother, while the other was saved by another onlooker.Several onlookers expressed their admiration for Blachut following the accident. “The whole rescue only took two or three minutes,” he said, adding that it was not a big deal. Actually, it was a job very well done.79.When the three women fell into the water, Blachut was ________.A.enjoying the beautiful sceneB.watching the customers eatingC.working busily in the restaurantD.cooling his feet in the river80.The underlined word “grab” in Paragraph 4 probably means “________”.A.checkB.controlC.shakeD.catch81.It can be inferred from Blachut’s words that he ________.A.was proud of saving the womenB.thought he just did something normalC.felt sorry for the accidentD.decided to work harder than ever before82.What’s the best title for the passage?A.A Cold Water rescueB.A Hard-working ManC.An Unlucky Family D.A Highly Paid Job(2023安徽统考中考真题)Ten years ago, J. B.Gill decided to make a change. He moved from the city to start his own farm. As one of the members of a pop group, Gill had lived a busy life but the farm gave him a way to relax.Although farming was new to him, Gill took the challenge and his experiences helped him write his book Ace and the Animal Heroes. The story follows Ace, whose life changes greatly when he moves to the countryside. After trying on a pair of magical wellies(长筒靴), Ace realizes he can speak to the animals, who make up their minds to protect the farm.Gill says that if he had his own pair of magical wellies, he would love to speak to wildlife, especially the wild deer(鹿) that sometimes appear near his farm. As they have no owners, Gill feels like he’s sharing their home. “It’s really interesting to hear what they’re thinking and know where they’re at,” he said.Gill got his ideas for writing from the animals on his family farm. His children, Ace and Chiara, helped out with his book. Together, Gill’s family made sure that the pictures in the book looked like the animals they’d been based on. He said, “All of those have been really great to piece the whole book together.”83.What did Gill decide to do ten years ago?A.Live a busy life.B.Start his own farm.C.Move to the city.D.Form a pop group.84.What’s paragraph 2 mainly about?A.Gill’s farm.B.Gill’s family.C.Gill’s book.D.Gill’s animals.85.What can we learn about Gill from paragraph 3?A.He cares about wildlife.B.He develops many interests.C.He was born with magic.D.He is the owner of the deer.86.Where did Gill get the idea for his book?A.From his group members.B.From his children’s pictures.C.From the magical wellies.D.From the animals on the farm.(2023江西统考中考真题)A Bright IdeaEvans Wadongo was from a village of Africa. He had to do homework by the light of a kerosene lamp(煤油灯). Evans’ eyes hurt and this made studying difficult. It was common in his village. Many children left school for this reason, so they remained poor for the rest of their lives.Although studying was difficult, Evans was an excellent student and went to a university. He continued to worry about the kerosene lamp. By this time, he realized it was not just bad for schoolchildren but for the whole family. First, it can cause illnesses such as coughs. Also, the light can hurt people’s eyes. Besides, it can lead to fires. Lastly, kerosene is expensive, so families have less money for food. It was difficult to come up with a different kind of lamp that was cheap and good for the environment. Yet Evans did not give up.One day, he had an idea. He could use a small solar(太阳能的)light. Sunlight is free and solar power is good for the environment. Evans built his first solar lamp, and it worked. He began to build more lamps and sent them to local families. An organization heard about this and provided money for him to build more solar lamps.Each lamp only cost $20. However, this was a lot of money to many villagers, who only earned around $34 a week, so Evans made sure he kept the cost down. First, Evans used recycled materials. Next, volunteers built the lamps. Finally, people from many countries gave away money to his team, so the lamps were usually free.Thousands of people had safe light. Julia, a mother of three, said, “Thanks to Evans, my children have light to read, and I have my own light to cook.” The solar lamps made a big difference.87.What does the underlined word “this” in Paragraph 1 refer to?A.Leaving school.B.Doing homework.C.Having eye problems.D.Having a bright idea.88.How many problems about kerosene lamps are mentioned according to Paragraph 2?A.6.B.5.C.4.D.3.89.Put the following information into correct order according to the passage.a. Evans went to a university. b. Thousands of people had safe light.c. His first solar lamp was invented. d. Kerosene lamps hurt Evans’ eyes.e. Recycled materials were used in the lamps.f. People from many countries gave away money.A.d-a-c-e-f-bB.d-f-b-a-e-cC.a-d-f-e-c-bD.a-e-c-d-f-b90.Why does the writer give Julia’s example in Paragraph 5?A.To share Julia’s experience.B.To show Evans’ influence.C.To describe Evans’ feelings.D.To introduce Evans’ invention.91.What is Evans like according to the passage?A.Polite, talented and humorous.B.Quiet, smart and honest.C.Humorous, clever and friendly.D.Hard-working, loving and creative.(2023云南统考中考真题)A young man with excellent grades wanted to get a job in a big company. He met the manager for the interview. The manager asked, “Who paid for your education?”“My parents.” The young man replied. “Where do they work?”“They work as clothes cleaners.”Then, the manager asked the young man to show his hands. He found the young man’s hands were so smooth, and asked, “Have you ever helped your parents wash the clothes?”“Never.”“Now go home and clean your parents’ hands, then see me tomorrow morning.”The young man felt upset. When he got home, he asked his parents to let him clean their hands. They felt strange but happy. While the young man was cleaning their hands, he found his parents’ hands were so wrinkled (起皱的), and there were so many bruises (瘀伤) in their hands. His tears fell. After cleaning his parents’ hands, he quietly washed all the rest of clothes. The next morning, he went to the manager’s office. The manager asked him, “Can you tell me what you did and learned yesterday in your house?” He told the manager all he did with tears in his eyes and added, “Now I know what appreciation (感激) is. Without my parents, I would not be who I am today... By helping my parents, I realize how much they’ve done for me. And I also realize the importance and value of helping one’s family.”The manager smiled and said, “This is what I’m looking for.”92.Why did the young man meet the manager?A.Because the manager was his friend.B.Because the manager needed his help.C.Because he wanted to find a job.D.Because he wanted to ask for information.93.What did the young man’s parents do?A.Street cleaners.B.Clothes cleaners.C.Factory workers.D.Farm workers.94.What did the manager ask the young man to do after going home?A.To wash the clothes.B.To talk with his parents.C.To clean the house.D.To clean his parents’ hands.95.What can we infer (推断) from the last paragraph?A.The young man got the job.B.The young man failed the interview.C.The manager laughed at the young man.D.The manager was angry with the young man.96.What does the text mainly tell us?A.We should face difficulties bravely.B.We should learn to be thankful.C.Excellent grades are the most important.D.It’s hard to get a job in a big company.(2023安徽统考中考真题)A yearbook is a tradition in some high schools. The book contains(包含)the name and the picture of each student in your final year, so that you can remember who you went to school with.A 15-year-old schoolgirl Catherine Cook and her brother David, 16, wanted more than this. They thought, “We don’t really know our classmates from just a picture, so why not have a yearbook online? You could learn about people’s musical tastes, the movies they like, and so on.” With their hard work, a website named myYearbook was set up, which soon became popular among schoolmates.On the website, members can connect with each other by sharing movies, music, photos and study guides. Some students feel that they don’t fit in at school, but can make friends more easily online. MyYearbook users can also make virtual(虚拟的)“Lunch Money” by completing activities on the website. They then give it away to charities(慈善机构) in the myYearbook “causes” programme, which has sent 22,000 books to Africa, and bought 20,000 kilos of rice for people without enough food.Running the website did not stop Catherine and David from completing their schoolwork successfully. Now, they go on to university, but still manage to put in 50 hours a week developing the website.97.Why did Catherine and David want to have a yearbook online?A.To make more money.B.To become popular at school.C.To watch movies online.D.To know more about schoolmates.98.What is “Lunch Money” used for?A.Travelling to Africa.B.Helping people in need.C.Running the website.D.Completing schoolwork.99.What is the best title(标题) for the text?A.An Online YearbookB.The Website ActivitiesC.A Charity ProgrammeD.The Final Year at School(2023浙江宁波统考中考真题)It was the last day of the school year. The classroom was filled with excitement. When our teacher, Mr. Johnson, walked in, holding a CD player, everyone’s face lit up with a smile. We knew that this wasn’t going to be another normal day, but a special one.“Please calm down and sit,” said Mr. Johnson, “I’m glad everyone’s here for the final reading test of the year.” When everyone cried, Mr. Johnson laughed, saying it was just a joke. Then he reminded us that we still had a job to do. “You need to clean out your desks and put all your things into your backpacks.” he added gently.As we began our task, Mr. Johnson turned on the CD player. The lively music made the room feel like a party. Some of us started singing along with the music, others were dancing around their desks while they were cleaning them out. Even Mr. Johnson showed us a few dance steps, making everyone laugh heartily. After we finished cleaning, someone asked, “When is break time?” Mr. Johnson took out some balls and started playing with them. Suddenly, he let the balls drop and said, “Break time starts ... now!”Just as we were about to rush out, our headmaster, Mrs. Miller, appeared at the door. “Mr. Johnson!” she cried out. A moment of silence fell over the room as we thought, “Mr. Johnson might be in trouble.” However, to our surprise, Mrs. Miller couldn’t help but laugh at the sight and left us to enjoy our break.During break time, Mr. Johnson surprised us with another treat. He went to the cafe and came back with ice creams for everyone. We all cheered for him!As we walked back to the classroom, we passed Mrs. Miller’s office. Someone joked, “Don’t play with the ice creams, Mr. Johnson!” We all laughed together...100.What is the correct order of the following activities?Mr. Johnson played with balls.Students got ice creams happily.Students did the cleaning.Mr. Johnson joked about having a test.A.B.C.D.101.What does the underlined word “them” in Paragraph 3 refer to?A.Balls.B.CDs.C.Desks.D.Backpacks.102.Which sentence in the passage shows that the headmaster is kind?A...., Mrs. Miller, appeared at the door.B.Mr. Johnson might be in trouble.C.Mrs. Miller couldn’t help but laugh...D.“Mr. Johnson!” she cried out.103.Which of the following most probably happened at the end of the story?A.The students went back home happily.B.Mr. Johnson became angry with the students.C.The students still had a reading test.D.Mrs. Miller came out running after the students.(2023四川广安统考中考真题)A woman kept a bird and she really liked it. But one day the bird flew away. The woman was sad and went out to look for it on the mountain near her home. At last, she met the bird.The woman said excitedly, “Will you please go home with me, my bird?” Though the bird was also happy to see the woman, it shook its head.“Take me to your home and let me see how you live.” the woman said. The bird led the woman to its new home. She found it lived well with many other birds. So she decided to go back home alone. Before she was leaving, the bird gave her a basket.When she returned home, she told her husband what had happened. Her husband opened the basket and saw a lot of gold. The man was very greedy (贪婪的) and he went to the bird’s home, too.“Hello, my bird. I miss you very much.” cried the man falsely (虚伪地). In fact, he used to treat the bird badly. The bird said nothing. It took out two baskets, a light one and a heavy one. The bird asked him to choose one and he could open it after he reached home.Of course, he chose the heavy one and took it home with great difficulty. However, when he opened the basket, he found it was full of stones!104.What did the woman do on the mountain?A.She wanted to visit her friend.B.She found a basket full of gold.C.She looked for her lost bird.D.She looked for gold.105.The woman went back home alone because ________.A.she found the bird lived wellB.the bird gave her a basketC.the bird didn’t like herD.her husband asked her to do that106.Why did the woman’s husband go to the bird’s home?A.Because he loved the bird.B.Because he wanted to bring the bird home.C.Because he wanted more baskets.D.Because he wanted more gold.107.Which of the following is TRUE about the woman’s husband?A.He got two baskets from the bird.B.He missed the bird very much.C.He got lots of gold at last.D.He didn’t treat the bird well.108.What does the story mainly want to tell us?A.We should try our best to keep more birds.B.Be kind to others and don’t be greedy.C.Kind people can get everything they want.D.We can get lots of gold if we are friendly to birds.(2023江苏连云港统考中考真题)Seiichi Sano, an 89-year-old Japanese man, rides a wave at Katase Nishihama Beach, Thursday, March 30, 2023. He has been recognized as the oldest male to surf(冲浪)by the Guinness World Records.But maybe he will just keep surfing. “I think it would be interesting to try to surf until I’m 100,” Sano said. “I think I take better care of myself when I have dreams like this. Even now, I take better care of myself than I did before.”Sano said he got the idea to try surfing from a worker at his local bank. The man’s skin was always dark and he did not look like a usual worker. His secret to keep healthy and energetic, he said, was surfing. So, Sano found a teacher.Sano gets out most weekends on the black-sand beach. “I don’t consider myself an old man,” he said in his wet suit, board standing next to him. “I have never thought of myself as an old person. I always feel that I can still move forward. I can still do it. I can still enjoy it.”Several young students who also work with Sano’s surf teacher talked about Sano.“I think age doesn’t matter in surfing,” a 12-year-old surfer said.“He is so amazing,” added his younger brother.“To be honest, I was surprised by his age,” said Sano’s surfing teacher. “I was worried that he would get hurt. I did not know how fit he was.”Sano still works 9-to-5 at his job. Surfing helps make him less stressed. “People often say that surfing is life itself,” he said. “I think it is true.”109.What does the underlined word “recognized” in paragraph 1 probably mean?A.Led.B.Given.C.Accepted.D.Collected.110.Paragraph 3 mainly tells us ________.A.where Sano learnt to surfB.why Sano tried surfingC.how Sano planned to surfD.when Sano went surfing111.From the words of the young students and Sano’s surf teacher, we can infer ________.A.they respect Sano very muchB.Sano’s age influences his surfingC.they’re worried about Sano’s workD.Sano is often hurt when practising112.According to the passage, we know Sano ________.A.is too old to start surfingB.gets bored with surfingC.feels stressed after surfingD.enjoys a lot from surfing(2023江苏连云港统考中考真题)The next day, Peter held up a notice as The Green Dragon came out of the tunnel towards the cottage (a small house in the country). The notice said, “LOOK OUT AT THIS STATION.”The old gentleman saw the notice. He looked out at the station as the train came in. He saw a little girl—it was Phyllis—running towards his carriage. He stood up and leaned out of the window of his carriage.“Please read this,” Phyllis said, and put a letter into his hand.The train left the station. The old gentleman sat down and read the letter. It was from Peter. The letter said:Dear Mr. We do not know your name.Mother is ill, and the doctor says we must give her some special things. But Mother can’t afford them. We do not know anyone here because Father is away, and we do not know where he lives.Father will pay you, or if he has lost all his money, I will pay you when I am a man. I promise you. Please get all the things on this list, and give them to the station master tomorrow.The letter was signed by Peter, Roberta, and Phyllis.The old gentleman read the letter and smiled. Then he put it in his pocket and started to read his newspaper again.That night there was a knock on the door of the cottage. The porter from the railway station was there.“An old gentleman gave this parcel (包裹) to the station master,” he said. “It’s for you.”The parcel was full of everything on the list of special things to make Mother well again. There was a letter from the old gentleman. It said:Dear Peter, Roberta, and Phyllis,Here are the things on your list. I am very happy to give them to you, and I hope your mother is soon better. When she asks where the things come from, tell her they are from a friend. When she is well, you can tell her the truth. She may say that you were wrong to ask a stranger for these things.I think you were right.The letter was signed “G.P.” and something that the children could not read.“I think we were right to ask the old gentleman for his help,” Peter said. “The important thing is for Mother to feel better.”113.When Mother was ill, Peter, Roberta, and Phyllis tried to get help by ________.A.meeting the station masterB.looking for a greater doctorC.waiting for Father at the stationD.writing a letter to the old gentleman114.What does the underlined word “it” in paragraph 6 refer to?A.The notice.B.The letter.C.The money.D.The newspaper.115.Which is the right order of the following events?a. The old gentleman read the letter from Peter.b. Phyllis put a letter into the old gentleman’s hand.c. The old gentleman gave a parcel to the station master.d. The porter gave the parcel to Peter, Roberta, and Phyllis.e. Peter, Roberta, and Phyllis read the letter from the old gentleman.A.a-b-d-e-cB.a-e-d-b-cC.b-a-c-d-eD.b-c-d-a-e116.Which of the following best describes the old gentleman?A.Helpful.B.Funny.C.Brave.D.Clever.(2023浙江统考中考真题)Kendall Johnson spends a lot of time playing in the dirt(泥土). She has a huge garden that produces over 100 pounds of food each year! But for this seven-year-old kid, gardening isn’t just about fruits and vegetables. It’s about people. “My favourite thing about growing food is doing it with my family and friends,” she says. Kendall began gardening at the age of three, when her grandmother gave her some green stems(茎). “Grandma told me not to throw them away, because if we put them in the ground, they will grow back,” she says. She tried it and was amazed when the stems grew new leaves. Soon after, her parents built a small backyard garden. When her friends came over, Kendall enjoyed sharing what she knew. She says, “My friends loved that. And they helped me water and care for the plants.”When she was six, she became the youngest certified(有资质的) farmer in Georgia, the USA.Today, her garden has grown larger, including sixty plant beds and twelve trees! Kendall says, “When the vegetables and fruits are ready, I pick them. I do a food sale so other kids and families can have some.” People who don’t have enough food are invited to take what they need. Kendall wants to inspire other kids too. She speaks at libraries and schools, and hosts a community garden club for kids. “I also invite kids to visit my garden and help with it, so they can see how fun it is,” she says. “Growing food takes a lot of work, but together you can do it.”117.Kendall might become interested in gardening when ________.A.she found the stems grew well in waterB.she learned green stems could grow backC.her parents bought a small backyard gardenD.her friends shared what they knew about plants118.Which is one of the ways Kendall deals with her vegetables and fruits?A.She keeps them in the backyard.B.She sells them in large stores.C.She puts them away for her family.D.She gives them away to people in need.119.The underlined word “inspire” in the last paragraph probably means “________”.A.protectB.satisfyC.encourageD.introduce120.Which of the following best describes Kendall according to the passage?A.Shy.B.Strict.C.Honest.D.Helpful.(2023四川泸州统考中考真题)Lu Hong who was listed among the finalists for Touching China 2022 was diagnosed with cerebral palsy (脑瘫) when he was a child. His disabilities meant that he spent his primary and middle school years in pain. Every time he had PE class, all his classmates could run and jump as they liked on the playground while he had to sit alone in the classroom.After graduation he opened his photo shop. At first, most customers would turn away from Lu’s shop because they doubted his skills and service. To get customers, Lu promised to take pictures for free if customers were not satisfied with his work. Thanks to his skills and hard work, Lu impressed his customers and his shop’s business grew stronger.In 2017, with the help of the Association for Disabled People in Suzhou, Lu Hong opened a photo factory and offered jobs to disabled people. In just a few years his factory has developed from a small workshop to a proper company.There are over 40 workers in Lu’s factory, more than 30 of whom are disabled. “It’s not easy for people with disabilities to find work. I hope to provide them with an opportunity to realize their full ability and go for their life goals,” he said.During the epidemic, the factory was forced to close for a while, but he kept on paying salaries (工资) to the workers as he guarded the empty factory alone.He bought machinery and equipment worth nearly 5 million yuan ($726,000) to make sure production when his staff could not come to work. Besides, Lu started exploring e-commerce (电子商务) opportunities to increase income.Today, Lu Hong’s factory is a celebrated company that has made a great contribution (贡献) to supporting the poor and providing jobs for the disabled. In the future, he hopes to change from being helped to helping and contributing to society.121.What do we know about Lu Hong when he was young?A.He had a hard time.B.He was good at sports.C.He enjoyed sitting alone.D.He avoided playing with classmates.122.How did Lu Hong make his shop successful?A.By giving a good first impression.B.By taking pictures for free.C.By improving skills and service.D.By providing many choices.123.Why did Lu Hong offer jobs to the disabled?A.To get more workers.B.To pay less money.C.To communicate easily.D.To provide support.124.What did Lu Hong do during epidemic?A.He didn’t pay the workers.B.He stopped production completely.C.He tried his best to save the company.D.He guarded the factory with the workers.125.According to the passage, what kind of person is Lu Hong?A.Honest and smart.B.Warm-hearted and humorous.C.Careful and friendly.D.Strong-minded and responsible.(2023四川自贡统考中考真题)There was a rich man who had many banana trees in a village. After a good harvest (丰收), he decided to give some bananas to the nearest temple as an offering to God. He asked one servant to take the bananas to the temple.The servant got very hungry and ate two bananas on the way. When he reached the temple, he gave the remaining bananas to the temple. That night, the rich man had a strange dream. In his dream, God visited him and said, “The two bananas you gave me were very good.” The rich man woke up suddenly and was surprised by his dream.The next morning, he asked the servant whether all the bananas had reached the temple or not. The servant told him he had eaten two bananas. The rich man was disappointed but wasn’t angry. Instead, he realized that helping the poor was the only way to reach God.From that day on, the rich man started helping people in need in the village. He gave away food, clothes and money to the poor, and he even built a school for the children. His kind actions inspired others to do the same. Great changes took place in the whole village soon. Everyone was happy, and there was no more poverty. They learned that the true path (道路) to happiness was through kindness.126.Why was the rich man surprised by his dream?A.God visited the servant.B.God got only two bananas.C.God liked the bananas very much.127.What can we say about the rich man?A.He planted banana trees for God.B.He asked others to help the villagers.C.He offered the children a place to get educated.128.What is the right order according to the story?a. The rich man had a dream.b. The servant ate two bananas.c. The rich man knew the only way to reach God.d. The servant was asked to send bananas to the temple. A.d-c-a-bB.d-b-a-cC.b-c-d-a129.What can we learn from the change of the village?A.Asking the rich for help is useful.B.Being kind to others makes us happy.C.Giving more bananas to God is helpful.(2023四川泸州统考中考真题)Two years ago, I was sitting in my car waiting in a long line for a toll (通行费) station. When I finally reached the station, the toll station worker told me that the person in front had paid for me and I was free to go. I was so shocked. I didn’t need to save the 5 dollars. I would never know who he was. I was tired by the heavy traffic and the long line, and that behavior was surprising and unbelievable, which really touched my heart. So I decided to pay for the next car waiting in line.The first time I tried to pay forward the toll, I kept looking into my rear view mirror (后视镜) to see who I’d be paying for. In the mirror, I saw a tired looking taxi driver. And I felt satisfied that my money would be going to a good place. But before we got to the toll station, the taxi driver had suddenly changed his way and now there was someone else behind me. She looked upset and was gesturing (举止) angrily in a conversation with her friend. I wasn’t willing to be paying for a woman like that and was certainly judging her by what I was seeing in the mirror. Anyway, I paid the toll for both of us and left.Thirty seconds later I was surprised to hear a honk (鸣笛声). It was the woman and her friend waving at me from the other way! She looked cheerful and happy. She wasn’t what I thought she was like. This was a valuable lesson that I shouldn’t judge people so quickly…After all, I don’t know their stories.130.Who paid for the author?A.A caring stranger.B.A close friend.C.A disappointed woman.D.A toll station worker.131.Why did the author pay forward the toll?A.He didn’t need to save the money.B.He wanted to pass on the kindness.C.He was satisfied with the taxi driver.D.He made a mistake because of the tiredness.132.How many vehicles (车辆) did the author pay for?A.0B.1C.2D.5133.What do we know about the author from the passage?A.He disliked the woman.B.He helped the taxi driver.C.He gladly paid for the woman.D.He changed his feelings towards the woman.134.What’s possibly the best title for the passage?A.An unbelievable behavior.B.An unforgettable experience.C.Misjudgment in the mirror.D.Payment at the toll station.(2022中考真题)(一)(2022辽宁大连中考真题)In a small village, there was a wise old man named Ryan. One day his young nephew (侄子) Keith came to visit him. During their talk, Keith said he was sad and worried about his little progress in learning the guitar. However hard he tried, he just couldn’t improve much.Keith asked his uncle for advice. “Follow me.” said Ryan, and he led Keith up to the high hills around the village. This road was long and difficult, but Keith followed the old man. As they got higher. Ryan said that he needed to go to the top of the highest hill where he had never been to. Keith was surprised but decided to help his uncle.With great difficulty, Keith helped his uncle climb the hill. Sometimes he even carried the old man on his back. At the top, sweating(流汗), he put his uncle back on the ground and laughed with joy.“Do you remember the times when you were a little boy? Sometimes you returned home with tears in your eyes,” said Ryan. “The other children teased (嘲笑) you. Do you remember why?”Keith looked around and nodded. He remembered that as a child he often played on the hills with other children. They called this hill Mount Impossible, because small children couldn’t reach its top. “At that time I was unable to get here,” said Keith. “The bigger kids had no problem.”“And today,” said Ryan. “you not only climbed here, but also dragged me up.”“I became bigger and stronger.”“Instead of climbing Mount Impossible every day, you played on the smaller hills and became better at climbing. You became stronger.” said Ryan. “Mount Impossible became possible for you to climb while you weren’t even thinking about it.”1.What made Keith sad and worried?A.His guitar skill improved little.B.It was tiring to practice the guitar.C.He wasn’t big and strong enough.D.Other children often laughed at him.2.How did Ryan and Keith climb up the highest hill?A.Ryan carried Keith on the back.B.They chose a smooth and short path.C.Keith followed Ryan with great difficulty.D.Keith tried different ways to drag Ryan up.3.To solve Keith’s problem, what did Ryan do on top of the hill?A.He introduced some big kids to Keith.B.He shared his own climbing experience.C.He showed Keith around Mount Impossible.D.He talked about Keith’s progress in climbing.4.What did Ryan want to tell Keith?A.Rome was not built in a day.B.There is no success without effort.C.The future is what you make it.D.Nothing is impossible for a wise man.(二)(2022广西中考真题)When I was in Grade 8, I had a heated argument(争吵)with my classmate, Tony. I have forgotten what the argument was about, but I have never forgotten the lesson I learned that day.I believed that I was right and he was wrong, and Tony believed that I was wrong and he was right. Our teacher, a kind and smart lady, decided to teach us a lesson. She brought us to the front of the class and placed him on one side of her desk and me on the other. In the middle of her desk was a large and round object. I could clearly see that it was black. The teacher asked us what color the object was. “White,” Tony answered. I couldn’t believe he said the object was white! “Clearly, it was black!” Another argument started between Tony and me, this time about the color of the object.The teacher told me to go and stand where Tony was standing and told him to go and stand where I was standing. We changed places, and now she asked me what color the object was. I had to answer, “White.” It was an object with two differently colored sides—from his side it was white, while from my side it was black. “Boys, now, what do you say?” The teacher smiled at us. Tony has been my best friend ever since.My teacher taught me a very important lesson that day: When you disagree with others, you’d better be in their shoes. That will help you look at the situation through their eyes, and truly understand their ideas and ways of thinking.根据语篇内容,选择最佳选项,并在答题卡上将选定答案的字母标号涂黑。5.What did the teacher do at first?A.She shouted at the boys.B.She called the boys’ parents.C.She walked out of the classroom.D.She brought the boys to her desk.6.How did the writer feel when Tony answered “white” in paragraph 2?A.Surprised.B.Pleased.C.Afraid.D.Thankful.7.Why did the writer give two different answers?A.Because he was unfriendly to Tony.B.Because he changed his place with Tony.C.Because he wanted to have another argument.D.Because he turned around the object.8.What would the writer probably do after this lesson?A.He would forget the arguments.B.He might shake hands with Tony.C.He would sit in the front of the class.D.He might listen to the teacher carelessly.9.Which is the best title for the passage?A.Great minds think the sameB.Many hands make light workC.Look at things in another wayD.Burn the candle at both ends(三)(2022山东济宁中考真题)When I got up this morning, I was so surprised to find a new watch on my desk. I couldn’t help crying. I lost my old watch last Monday. It was a present from my father for my thirteenth birthday. I still don’t know where or how I lost it. I felt really sad when I couldn’t find the watch. I stayed at school to look for it until very late. When I came home, no one was there. At nine o’clock, Mom called back and told me that Dad was hit by a car on his way to look for me. He was sent to the hospital. I went to the hospital that night and told Dad I was sorry. I also told him I lost my watch, but he did not get angry. Dad’s left leg was badly hurt, and he stayed in the hospital for several days. He just came back home yesterday, and this morning I found the new watch. Thank you, Dad, for loving me so much.10.Why did the writer start crying this morning?A.Because she got up too late.B.Because she had lost her watch.C.Because her dad was in hospital.D.Because she was moved by her dad.11.Where did the writer lose her watch?A.Nobody knows.B.In the hospital.C.On the playground.D.On her way to school.12.What happened to Dad while he was looking for her?A.He suddenly fell ill.B.He lost his way.C.He was hit by a car.D.He hit someone.13.Who most probably bought the new watch?A.Her mom.B.Her dad.C.Her friend.D.Her teacher.(四)(2022四川雅安中考真题)Lucy Brown, aged 12, puts smiles on the faces of kids and keeps them very warm too. She sews (缝纫) blankets (毯子) for children who are dealing with challenges such as being sick, feeling unhappy, or losing a family member.Lucy got the idea four years ago. She had just learned to sew and made a blanket as a gift for her friend’s birthday. “She loved it,” Lucy says. “So, I thought maybe other kids might need that kind of love.”Her mom posted (发布) on the Internet that Lucy wanted to make a blanket for someone who needed care. They collected the kids’ suggestions. When 20 suggestions came, Lucy didn’t just choose one. She met all of their needs! She has already made more than 800 blankets for kids in countries.Her favorite part is learning about each child. “I love hearing their stories and getting to know them,” she says. She tries to design styles according to the children’s interests.On each of the blanket, Lucy adds a hand-sewn (手工缝制的) heart. “That’s to let anyone who gets the blanket know they are loved,” she says.Many kids who receive a blanket keep in touch with Lucy. She now has friends all over the world. “I love knowing that I can make a difference.” Lucy says. “Everyone can do something. Even the smallest act of kindness can change lives.”14.When did Lucy get the idea to sew blankets for other kids?A.At the age of 4.B.At the age of 8.C.At the age of 12.D.At the age of 20.15.Who made the kids know Lucy’s idea?A.Her mother.B.Her friend.C.Her friend’s mother.D.Her machine.16.Why does Lucy add a hand-sewn heart on each of the blanket?A.Because all the kids like hearts.B.Because her mother wants her to do it.C.Because she wants to make the blanket more beautiful.D.Because she wants to let the kids know they are loved.17.Which of the following can best describe Lucy?A.Brave and clever.B.Beautiful and quiet.C.Kind and caring.D.Honest and polite.18.What can be the best title of the passage?A.Small Action, Big LoveB.Giving and TakingC.Mother and DaughterD.Blankets and Lives(五)(2022湖北鄂州中考真题)(Li Lin and Li Wei are on the station platform(站台), saying goodbye to each other. )Li Lin: Tell Mum and Dad I’ll miss them…I’ll miss you all. Li Wei: And we’ll miss you, too. Li Lin: See you at the Spring Festival. Li Wei: Take care. Bye!(Li Lin gets on the train and looks for his seat. )Li Lin: Excuse me, sir. I’m afraid you’re sitting in my seat. Elderly man: I’m sorry, young man. What did you say? I can’t hear very well. Li Lin: You’ve taken the wrong seat. Elderly man: Really? Let me look at my ticket. Ah, here it is! Car 9, Seat 12A.This is Seat 12A, isn’t it? (The ticket officer arrives. )Ticket officer: Tickets, please. Please have your tickets ready. Elderly man: Excuse me, is this Seat 12A? Ticket officer: Yes, it is. Let’s have a look at your ticket. Oh, I see the problem. This is Seat 12A, but you should be in Car 9. This is Car 8. Elderly man: Oh, how stupid of me! I’d better go and find Car 9. (The elderly man gets up and starts to collect his bags. )Li Lin: Wait a moment, sir! Please stay here. I’ll take your seat in Car 9. Elderly man: Well, that’s very good of you. Thank you. Ticket officer: Yes, thank you, young man.19.Where are Li Lin and Li Wei?A.They are at home.B.They are on the train.C.They are at the railway station.D.They are in a car.20.Who is Li Wei?A.She is Li Lin’s sister.B.She is Li Lin’s friend.C.He is Li Lin’s father.D.He is Li Lin’s classmate.21.Why is the elderly man sitting in Li Lin’s seat?A.Because he did not buy a ticket.B.Because he thinks it is his seat.C.Because he is too tired to move.D.Because he cannot find his seat.22.What does Li Lin decide to do?A.Take the seat from the elderly man.B.Ask the ticket officer for help.C.Change seats with the elderly man.D.Get off the train.(六)(2022江苏徐州中考真题)Making a deer out of paper without cutting or using glue sounds impossible. But for Du Jialei, paper can be folded (折) into anything. There is no limit to his imagination.Du, 23, is a student from Shanghai University. He won third place at the ninth IOIO (国际折纸奥林匹克) in February this year. A total of 803 competitors from 59 countries and areas took part in this year’s event.Du discovered his interest in folding paper in his childhood. After Du went to college in 2017, he had enough time to take the hobby seriously. He learned folding from online teachers and experts. Later he copied patterns from books. He spent almost three years improving his basic skills by making copies of other artists’ designs. Then he made his own creations.For Du, folding paper develops his ability to pay attention to both the bigger picture and the details. He is creative as he has been challenging himself to make original (原创的) works.23.What place did Du win at the ninth IOIO?A.1st place.B.2nd place.C.3rd place.D.4th place.24.Before making his own creations, Du did plenty of learning and ________ work.A.designingB.cuttingC.writingD.copying25.What is the right order of Du’s experience? He took part in the ninth IOIO. He went to Shanghai University. He discovered his interest in folding paper. He worked hard to improve his basic skills in folding paper.A.B.C.D.(七)(2022辽宁盘锦中考真题)Anna is a 6-year-old girl, and she lives in a big house with her parents, grandparents and her brother.“What are you busy with, mom?” Anna asked her mother on a cold afternoon.“Making dinner for our neighbor,” her mother replied.“Why?” the girl asked.“She lost her daughter very recently. She’s quite sad now. We should take care of her,” her mother answered.“Why does she need our care?” the girl asked again.“Her daughter passed away a few days ago. Now, she can’t do the same things she used to do with her daughter. She doesn’t know what to do. Even little things like making dinner and cleaning the house are harder for her to do now. Maybe you can think of a way to help her,” her mother said.The little girl thought about this for some time. She wondered what she could do. She decided to go over to her neighbor’s house and pay her a visit. She knocked on the door. The woman came to the door, looking quite tired and down.“Can I help you?” the neighbor asked.“My mom told me you’re sad because you lost your daughter...” the girl said slowly as she handed a bandage to her neighbor. The woman looked at the girl in surprise. “Put this on your chest(胸口). Maybe then your heart won’t hurt so much,” the girl continued.The neighbor was soon moved to tears(眼泪). She gave the girl a big hug and said, “Thank you. This bandage will help more than you even know.”26.Who was making supper for the neighbor?A.Anna’s mother.B.Anna’s father.C.Anna’s brother.D.Anna’s grandfather.27.The mother looked after her neighbor because________.A.the neighbor didn’t want to clean the houseB.the neighbor was too sadC.the neighbor disliked making dinnerD.the neighbor’s chest hurt28.When the neighbor got the bandage, she was_________ at first.A.movedB.surprisedC.angryD.pleased29.The passage mainly tells us that________.A.mother’s love is greatB.helping others is helping ourselvesC.small acts can make a big differenceD.children should make friends with their neighbors(八)(2022山东临沂中考真题)Words in the SnowIn the time of the Yellow Emperor, there were no written words. People recorded things by tying knots(打结)in ropes and carving(雕刻) shapes on stone walls. One day, the Yellow Emperor discussed an event with a wise man named Cang Jie. Cang took out a piece of knotted rope, but found it was rotten(腐烂的). It was impossible for him to remember the event clearly. Then he turned to a stone wall, but could hardly read the shapes on it. They had been carved by another person except himself. “The ropes will be rotten. And the shapes can only be read by a few people, the emperor said to Cang. “Can you come up with something better?”Cang thought over the matter for days and nights. On the morning after a heavy snowfall, the earth was completely white. He saw the footmarks of some different animals by accident. These footmarks helped him to recognize what animals had passed by. Cang suddenly had an idea. He picked a stick and drew on the snow-covered ground. He first drew a tiger and a bear to show that they had passed by. But soon, he found this was taking too much time. He realized that he had to make the drawings easier. All the shapes on the stone walls flashed through his mind. Cang kept making all kinds of shapes on the ground easier. To show the sun, for example, he used a circle with a dot(小点)in the middle. A half-circle and a vertical line(竖线)made up the moon. And three curves(曲线) were used to show water. Later, the sun appeared. These simple marks shone brightly in the snow. In the end, Cang created a whole set of symbols to record things. People could easily understand these symbols. Since then, they have been able to record their own history. 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。30.Cang Jie couldn’t remember the event clearly because he couldn’t ________.A.record things by tying knots in ropesB.carve shapes on the stone wallsC.read the rotten rope or the shapes about it31.The underlined word “recognize” in Paragraph 4 probably means “________”.A.knowB.praiseC.accept32.In Paragraph 4, the writer explains Cang’s simple marks by ________.A.giving some adviceB.giving several examplesC.asking a few questions33.The passage mainly tells us _________.A.what reminded Cang Jie to use shapes or marks to show different thingsB.why Cang Jie was asked to come up with better ways to record thingsC.how Cang Jie created a whole set of symbols to record things(九)(2022湖南常德中考真题)The grizzly is the star of our little town in the mountains. Many people visit here for this kind of strong large brown bear. When a grizzly grows up, it may become as heavy as 680 kg. But never think this gigantic animal moves slowly. In fact, the grizzly can run as fast as 55 km an hour.Though grizzlies look quite big and dangerous, they eat not only meat, but also flowers and grasses. ________ On summer nights, they enjoy catching fish in the rivers. That is why people usually come watching grizzlies in this season.Now the number of grizzlies is getting smaller because they have been killed by people who sell grizzly body parts as medicine. Many people of our town are worried about this and have asked for help to save our big friends.34.What’s the grizzly? A.It’s a star in the sky.B.It’s a famous person.C.It’s a brown bear.35.Can the grizzly move fast? A.Yes, it can.B.No, it can’t.C.Not mentioned.36.Which can best replace “________” in the passage? A.Fish is their favorite food.B.They like to go fishing in summer.C.They enjoy spending time with visitors.37.What do we know about the grizzly now? A.The size of it gets smaller.B.They’ve been killed for travelling.C.People are trying to save the grizzly.(十)(2022广西玉林中考真题)For 17 years, Mohamed Nasar has supported his family of five by fishing in the Nile River.But the 58-year-old says fishermen like himself catch fewer fish every year as the Nile has been filled with plastic bottles, bags and other waste.“The fish are caught in the bottles, and they die,” said Nasar.A local environmental group named “VeryNile” has asked the island’s fishermen to use their boats to collect plastic bottles from the river. VeryNile says it buys the bottles at a higher price than the market price offered by traders or recycling factories.The initiative (倡议) provides a solution for helping to clean up the Nile, while providing a way to make more money for fishermen like Nasar.“This job has helped us a bit. We come and collect about 10 to 15 kilos of plastic bottles, and we get about 12 Egyptian pounds for each,” Nasar said when he sat in his boat collecting bottles.Nasar, who made about 100 EGP a day after six hours of fishing, can now make another 200 EGP by collecting bottles.Another fisherman said cleaner Nile water would mean more fish. “On the one hand, the Nile is cleaner, and on the other hand, the fisherman now has more ways to make money,” he said.With the help of more than 40 fishermen, over the past year VeryNile has collected around 18 tons of plastic bottles, and most of them went to the recycling factory and were made into new things.38.Why did Nasar catch fewer fish every year?A.Because he was too old.B.Because he was too lazy.C.Because he has fished for 17 years in the Nile River.D.Because the Nile has been filled with plastic bottles, bags ad other waste.39.What did VeryNile ask the fishermen to do?A.To catch fish.B.To sell the bottles to traders.C.To buy the bottles.D.To collect plastic bottles from the river.40.Which place did most of the plastic bottles go to?A.The traders’ home.B.The recycling factory.C.The market.D.The fishermen’s home.41.What was the main purpose of VeryNile?A.To make the fishermen busier.B.To make the Nile River cleaner.C.To make the Nile River have more fish.D.To make the fishermen set up recycling factories.(十一)(2022广西玉林中考真题)Lu Junling, a security guard from Hebei University, became popular on the Internet. As an ordinary (平凡的) person, though Lu Junling is more than 50 years old, he memorizes English vocabulary for CET 6 under the street lights every day just to improve himself. When he is free, he also writes novels and sings operas. That’s not all! Painting, music, kongfu, ancient poems, etc. are all his hobbies. So a number of people call him “treasure security guard (宝藏保安)”. Lu Junling said, “If I want to become an artist, I will always work hard for my dream!” Mr. Lu’s words live in many people’s memory.In fact, there are many dream chasers (追逐者) in university. They not only love their jobs, but also keep on learning. For example, Mrs. Xing Guoqin, a cleaning lady from Tsinghua University, started to learn piano by self-learning at the age of 55. What a great surprise! “Your hobbies have nothing to do with your age. It’s never too late to do things you love.” she said.A professional cook in a college dining hall asked for a leave from work to be a referee (裁判) for the Winter Olympic Games, which has surprised many people. And they couldn’t help saying, “He is too powerful to hide!”Though they all just have ordinary jobs, they never forget to chase their dreams. Their positive attitude and their brave efforts have amazed the whole world. They show to the world with their own strength (毅力): “Life has no limits (限制). You can do anything. Whoever has a dream is remarkable (卓越的)!”42.Why did many people call Mr. Lu “treasure security guard”? __________A.Because he writes novels and sings operas.B.Because he has many talents as an ordinary person.C.Because he can memorize English words every day. .D.Because painting, kongfu and ancient poems are his hobbies.43.How did Xing Guoqin learn to play the piano? __________A.By learning on the Internet.B.By going to the piano lessons.C.By teaching herself.D.By learning from the students.44.What kind of person is not mentioned in the passage? __________A.A guard.B.A cleaner.C.A singer.D.A cook.45.What do the three characters have in common? __________A.They are interested in cooking.B.Each of them has many hobbies.C.They are all popular with people.D.They are ordinary people but never giving up chasing their dreams.(十二)(2022辽宁沈阳中考真题)My name is Mary White. I have five children, so our house is always noisy. Luckily, I love gardening and my garden helps me relax. For a long time, I guarded the garden of peace and quiet. When the children followed me into the garden, I would expect them to be out of sight (视野). And I would hand out tasks. “Here: you water the tomatoes, you dig the hole, and …” Soon they would be tired, and they would leave me to myself. But during a recent spring, while I was working in the garden, my 13-year-old son, Josiah noticed me. He picked up a tool and began helping. Working as a team, we finished the job soon. I appreciated Josiah and kissed him, realizing that I’d enjoyed working with him. One day, when I was picking the peas (豌豆) and having a taste alone, Abby saw me and ran over. I put several peas into her mouth. She just loved how tasty they were. “Mum, I want the others to try them too.”Suddenly, I realized I had been wrong for long. I’d tried to keep the happiness of gardening to myself, and here was a child who couldn’t wait to share with others. “Sure, dear, let’s pick some. We’ll make a wonderful meal.”From then on, I enjoyed all of the garden’s beauties with the children. We brought the vegetables back home, preparing and cooking together, because we knew that everything was better when shared.46.How did Mary White make her garden peaceful and quiet?A.She offered her children some tasks.B.She kept her children digging holes.C.She served her children some tomatoes.D.She taught her children about gardening.47.What does the underlined (画线的) word “appreciated” probably mean?A.refusedB.thankedC.orderedD.educated48.What do you know about Mary White from the text?A.She found that teamwork was difficult.B.She went on working in the garden alone.C.She still disliked the help from her children.D.She got to enjoy the time with her children.49.What’s Mary White’s attitude (态度) towards sharing?A.It is useless.B.It is painful.C.It is meaningful.D.It is common.(十三)(2022湖南株洲中考真题)My father was good at playing the guitar. He was one of the best guitar players in our town. He could not read music, but if he heard a tune a few times, he could play it. When he was young, he was a member of a small country music band.Dad loved to take out his guitar and play for the family. We three children: Trisha, Monte and I, would often sing along. We often sang songs such as Tennessee Waltz, Harbor Lights and the well-known song Silver Bells. During every Christmas, “Silver Bells, Silver Bells, it’s Christmas time in the city...would ring throughout the house. Another song King of the Wild Frontier was a favorite song for the family. It was a song in the Walt Disney program: Davey Crocket. Dad only had to hear the song twice before he learned it well enough to play it. He knew we enjoyed the song and the program and would often get out the guitar after the program was over. Our house was full of music and laughter.Dad loved to give pleasure to his family. We enjoyed singing and hearing him play. He liked that.He was always there, sacrificing(付出)his time and efforts to see that his family had enough in their life. Nobody played the guitar like my father. He could touch your soul with his music. He wore big smiles on his kind face when we children sang along. You could see his pride in his ability to play the guitar so well for his family.50.What was the writer’s father good at?A.Reading stories.B.Playing the guitar.C.Cooking delicious food.51.How many songs does the writer mention?A.Three.B.Four.C.Five.52.In Paragraph 2, Davey Crockett is ________.A.a toy shopB.a storybookC.a Walt Disney program53.How did the father feel when the children sang along?A.Happy.B.Surprised.C.Sad.54.The passage mainly tells us about ________.A.a talented loving fatherB.three happy childrenC.some famous songs for kids(十四)(2022湖南娄底中考真题)Foreign reporters have been seen carrying bags from the 2008 Summer Olympics as they work for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics inside CNCC(国家会议中心). This seems to be a coincidence (巧合). In fact, these bags have appeared many times in the past 14 years. And this has got lots of attention widely. And many people speak highly of the products made in China.“I carry the bag from the 2008 Summer Olympics every time I report sports competitions. A bag is a very important object for a photojournalist (摄影记者) like me, and this bag is of high quality (质量) and its design is useful,” an Iranian reporter says.“I carried the bag with me to London 2012, Rio 2016 and Tokyo 2020.” says Fernando, a Spanish reporter.Besides the bags which are given to media(媒体) workers, the gold medals from the 2008 Summer Olympics also showed a high level of quality. For example, a Russian athlete, found that the gold medal was not broken after a fire.For the 2022 Winter Olympic Games, media workers from around the world has received a new media bag and there are objects like a cup, paper-cutting, Chinese knots(中国结)and other gifts in the bag.The center can hold over 1, 700 reporters from all over the world, so the popular bags become a beautiful scene(风景).55.Which Olympic Games did the reporters get the popular bags from first?A.Beijing 2008.B.London 2012.C.Tokyo 2020.56.Why does the Iranian reporter speak highly of the bag?A.Because he got the bag from Rio2016.B.Because he likes its high quality and useful design.C.Because he needs a bag when he reports Olympic Games.57.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.The Spanish reporter didn’t carry the bag to London 2012.B.The Russian athlete’s gold medal was not broken after a fire.C.The media workers weren’t given a new media bag in Beijing 2022.58.The material is probably from ________.A.a story bookB.a music magazineC.a sports newspaper59.What’s the best title of the passage?A.Objects made in China.B.Olympics held in China.C.Reporters working in China.(十五)(2022湖南娄底中考真题)A man named Jack came home from work and found his three children outside. They were still in their pajamas (睡衣), playing in the mud (泥). Toys were lying all over the garden. The front door to the house was wide open.Walking in the door, he found an even bigger mess. In the living room, the TV was turned up loud. There were toys and clothes all over the places.In the kitchen, there was a broken glass under the table and dishes filled the sink(水槽). Breakfast food was still on the dining table. The door of the fridge was open. In the bathroom, the bathtub was full of water. Soap and toilet paper were on the floor. Toothpaste(牙膏)was all over the mirror and walls.He quickly went upstairs, looking for his wife. He was worried that she was sick or that something bad happened.As he ran into the bedroom, he found his wife in bed. Still in her pajamas, she was reading a novel. She looked up at him, smiled and asked how his day went. He looked at her and asked, “What happened here today? ”She smiled again and answered, “You know every day when you come home from work and you ask me what on earth(究竟)I do all day...?” “Yes, ” he replied.She answered,“Well, I didn’t do it only today.”60.Where did the story take place in the passage?A.In a hotel.B.At Jack’s home.C.In a museum.61.The underlined word “bathtub” means “ ________” in the passage?A.水槽B.浴缸C.厕所62.How did Jack feel before he saw his wife?A.Angry and tired.B.Happy and excited.C.Surprised and worried.63.What did Jack see when he got back from work? The kids were playing in the mud.The house was in a big mess.His wife was sick and lying in bed.A.B.C.64.What can we infer(推断) from the passage?A.The wife is a lazy woman and does nothing every day.B.The wife is sick and she can’t do anything for the family.C.The wife is hard-working and usually keeps her house tidy.(十六)(2022湖北湖北中考真题)Online classes in space got lots of attention among Chinese students. The “classroom” in space station is about 400 kilometers away from the earth. The space classes make the young be proud of our country. As a special “teacher”, Wang Yaping is regarded as “the most beautiful astronaut”.Wang Yaping was born in a small village in Shandong in 1980. She studied hard all those years. She was good at all subjects, especially sports. Luckily, in 1997, she was accepted by the Air Force, Changchun Flight Academy.Wang’s space dream started in 2003, when China sent its first astronaut Yang Liwei into space. She told herself, “China now has a male astronaut. When will there be a female one?” At that time, Wang was a pilot in the Chinese army. After having safe flights for 1,600 hours during nine years in the training center, Wang was a strong candidate (候选人) to become an astronaut in 2010. In 2013, Wang realized her space dream. She was sent to space by Shenzhou-10. She joined the team of Shenzhou-13 in 2021 and flew into the space for the second time.However, it is difficult to be an astronaut. She has to experience a lot of pain that most people can’t stand and keep training all the time. Wang Yaping told Xinhua, “The space environment won’t change because you are a woman.” She pushed herself hard, getting the same training as men, including the pull-ups and barbells (杠铃). That finally made her dream come true.“You are on the way to success as long as you stick to your dreams.” Wang Yaping said. She set a good example to the young. Millions of students are encouraged and inspired by the most beautiful astronaut.65.How far is the space station from the earth?A.About 2,400 kilometers.B.About 1,800 kilometers.C.About 400 kilometers.D.About 600 kilometers.66.When was Wang Yaping born?A.In 1979.B.In 1980.C.In 1997.D.In 2013.67.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.Wang did well in all subjects except sports.B.Wang took part in Shenzhou-10 tasks in 2003.C.Wang flew into the space for the second time in 2021.D.Wang’s training was different from men astronauts’.68.What made Wang Yaping achieve her dream?A.Beautiful look.B.Strong spirit.C.Nice family.D.Good luck.69.What’s the best title of this passage?A.The Most Beautiful AstronautB.The Special Space ClassesC.The Introduction to ScienceD.The Life in Space Station(十七)(2022湖北湖北中考真题)“Wow!” said Susan. “I have finished my homework and I’m going to paint a picture of our stairs (楼梯). It’s for a competition in school tomorrow.”“Do you need any help?” her father asked. “It’s almost time for bed.”“I’ll be quick,” said Susan. “I wonder what color to use.”“Well, our stairs are brown.” said her father. “Thanks, Dad.” said Susan.When she finished her picture, Susan began playing with her brush which was still wet. Suddenly, She dropped the brush right on the picture! There in the middle of her picture was a blob (污点) of brown paint!“Oh, Dad! What will I do?” Susan cried. “My picture is ruined. And it’s too late to paint another.”“Let me see,” said her father. “The blob looks just like a spot on a dog. All you have to do is to draw a dog around the spot!”“That’s a wonderful idea!” cried Susan. She drew a dog around the blob of brown paint. “That looks just fine. You know, few things are as bad as they are seen at first. With a little imagination you can turn bad into good.” said Susan’s father.The next day Susan went to school early. When the competition began, Mr. King said, “I’ve chosen three pictures, and I want you to say which one you like best.” The children did not like the first one. The next picture was on black paper, but the stairs were red. So it was not so good. Then Mr. King showed the third painting. It was Susan’s!“The stairs are straight.” said Joe.“Yes, and the brown paint shows up well on the white paper.” said Lucy.“The little dog seems to belong there.” said Terry.The children voted (投票) and Susan’s painting won.“Susan had a good idea,” Mr. King said. “That little dog finished a good painting. It made the stairs seem real.”Susan smiled. She could hardly wait to tell her father the news. He was right. With a little imagination you can turn something bad into something good!70.When did Susan paint her picture?A.At noon.B.In the morning.C.In the afternoon.D.At night.71.What happened when Susan finished her picture?A.She dropped the wet brush on the picture.B.She began playing with her dog.C.She drew a blob in the brown paint.D.She went to school early.72.The underlined word “ruined” is similar to ________.A.lostB.brokenC.stolenD.sold73.What did Mr. King say about Susan’s picture?A.The little dog made the stairs seem real.B.The brown paint showed up well.C.The little dog seemed to belong there.D.The stairs were straight.74.What can we learn from the passage?A.Fathers always love their children.B.Most things are as bad as they are seen.C.Never give up when we face difficulties.D.We can turn bad into good with imagination.(十八)(2022浙江台州中考真题)Dear Erik,Surprise! I believe you didn’t expect a note from your mom in your lunchbox! How is your school day so far? I hope it is going well. You always do your best. I am proud of you!Because I had to leave so early this morning, I wrote this note last night and put it into your lunchbox to wish you well on your speech today. With all of your amazing research, writing, and practice, you are going to do great!I know that you get a little nervous talking in front of large groups—everybody does. But, just remember what you practiced and you just might forget about being nervous.Here are just a few things to remember when you are giving a speech:1.Make eye contact(眼神交流) with your classmates. 2.Speak clearly and slowly.3.Look at your notecards only when you have to.4.Enjoy yourself! Once you are in front of the class, pretend(假装) that you are a famous expert on your topic and everyone is listening carefully to your EVERY word. (I do that sometimes!)Well, that’s all for now. I am thinking of you today and I know you will do great. Do your best and be brave like George Washington. He was an excellent choice for your speech.Good luck Erik!Maybe we can go out for ice cream after school!Love,Mom75.Where did Erik probably find this note?A.In his house.B.In his book.C.In his wallet.D.In his lunchbox.76.What was Erik mainly going to do in school that day?A.To give a speech.B.To research his topic.C.To have ice cream.D.To write some notecards.77.Erik’s mother advised him to ________ to enjoy himself.A.read his notecardsB.look at his classmatesC.talk like a famous expertD.practice with his friends78.We can infer(推断) that Erik’s mother was full of ________ from this note.A.loveB.fearC.thanksD.surprise(十九)(2022河南中考真题)Joey was happy because he had many special friends four squirrels (松鼠), two rabbits, and many colorful birds. At the meal time, these wild animals came near to the family and they would feed these special friends.In the large yard stood thirteen trees of different sizes. One day, while Joey was playing with his sister under the trees, he noticed that a tree trunk (树干) had a sad look. He ran into the house to tell his mom about it. She told Joey to find the reason why it was sad.So Joey went into the yard, ran to the sad tree and asked, “Why are you unhappy?”“I am the smallest tree around. The birds don’t fly to me. The rabbits don’t eat grass under me. The squirrels don’t climb to my top. Nobody needs me or loves me,” replied the sad tree.After knowing the reason, the family had a meeting. Joey suggested making a seat under the sad tree. Joey’s father said he could help make a seat around the tree. The family would sit under the tree and the tree wouldn’t feel sad anymore.When Joey told his special friends the tree was sad, they decided to do what they could to help make the sad tree happy again.Early the next morning, when Joey woke up, he noticed birds singing happily in the little tree and saw squirrels running up and down in it. Rabbits were eating the fresh grass around the tree. The little tree was happy again.Joey ran inside to tell the good news to his family. Joey’s mother and father went into the yard and saw the happy tree.“Let’s start to build the seats around the trees. I will need help to build them. Get the nails (钉子) for me, Joey,” said the father.“I can help you hold the nails, Dad,” said Joey’s sister.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。79.Why did the tree feel sad?A.Because Joey didn’t talk to it.B.Because it thought no one liked it.C.Because it was the only tree in the yard.D.Because Joey’s sister didn’t play with it.80.What is the correct order according to the text?a. Joey went to find out why the tree was sad.b. Joey’s special friends decided to help the tree.c. Joey found a tree unhappy when he was playing.d. Joey’s father started to build the seats around the trees.e. Joey’s family discussed how to make the sad tree happy.A.a-b-d-c-eB.b-a-c-e-dC.c-a-e-b-dD.d-c-a-b-e81.Which words can best describe Joey’s family?A.Serious and polite.B.Brave and honest.C.Quiet and friendly.D.Kind and helpful.82.What can we learn from the text?A.The difficulty brought the family together.B.Love helped the tree become happy again.C.The special friends were thankful to the tree.D.The tree spread happiness to everyone around it.83.What is the text?A.A story.B.A poem.C.An interview.D.An introduction.(二十)(2022浙江嘉兴中考真题)My Olympic volunteering journey started last September. I was excited as I was myself a sports fan and my home country has not hosted a competition like this. It was a great chance for me to both watch and serve the Olympics.After getting trained through the Internet and spending two weeks in quarantine (隔离), I began to volunteer inside the Wukesong Sports Center. The Center hosted ice hockey games for both men’s and women’s teams. My job was to guide the audience (观众) to their seats and answer their questions. I was wild with joy to be present and watch my first-ever Olympic games live, on the ice. All the games were interesting, and I watched them whenever my volunteering duties would allow.In our free time, we had pleasant conversations. It was the best chance for us foreign students to learn more about the Chinese New Year celebrations, and this year, to celebrate it together with our Chinese friends. It was really a big festival. We had special Chinese dishes like dumplings, fish and spring rolls. I also tried to write Chinese characters.I decided to make the most of the chance and introduce my African and Rwandan customs to other volunteers. I showed to them the real Africa that they had never seen on TV before. From geography to social life, I made them understand more about Africa by giving examples of my hometown. It was a great platform (平台) for us young people to share both our cultures and futures.As an international volunteer for Beijing 2022, I was given a special experience to help others and more importantly, to learn about the spirit of the Winter Olympic Games. I’ll never forget it.84.Which was one of the reasons why the writer volunteered in Beijing 2022?A.He was a fan of sports.B.He was free in winter.C.He wanted to learn Chinese.D.He likes travelling around.85.What did the writer’s duties as a volunteer include?A.Guiding the teams to their places.B.Cleaning the Center after the games.C.Giving out food and water to the players.D.Answering questions from the audience.86.What does the underlined word “it” refer to in Paragraph 4?A.The Chinese Spring Festival.B.The Beijing Winter Olympics.C.The Wukesong Sports Centre.D.The Foreign Students’ Organization.87.Why does the writer write the passage?A.To share his Olympic volunteering experiences.B.To express the strong love for his home country.C.To show the spirit of the Winter Olympic Games.D.To spread African cultures to the rest of the world.(二十一)(2022江苏泰州中考真题)Daniel, Sandy and Simon are in the lab.Simon: Let’s do an experiment. I fill a jar(罐子) with water. I cover the top with a piece of cardboard(纸板) and hold it there. Then I turn the jar upside down and take my hand off the cardboard. Can you guess what will happen? Daniel: I think the floor will get wet. We should do this experiment outside, Simon.Sandy: I think the cardboard will hold the water.Daniel: I don’t think so.Sandy: You think the water will pour out, Daniel. I think the water will stay in the jar. Let’s do the experiment to test whose opinion is correct.Simon: Good idea, Sandy. That is called the scientific method.Sandy: I am so sure of my opinion that Simon can do the experiment over your head and I know you won’t get wet.Daniel: Well, let’s try.Simon: Are you ready, Daniel?Daniel: No! Wait! (He puts on a raincoat and sits down.) Now I think I’m ready.Sandy: Simon, take your hand off the cardboard.Daniel: No! (Daniel closes his eyes tightly(紧紧地), and Simon takes his hand off the cardboard. The water stays in the jar.)Sandy: See, Daniel!Daniel: How is that possible?Simon: The force(力) of the air keeps the water in the jar. It is strong enough to hold the water.Daniel: Wow!Simon: So what have we discovered?Sandy: We have discovered the air pressure(压力) helps the cardboard hold the water in the jar.Simon: Right. What do you conclude, Daniel?Daniel: I conclude that air is stronger than I thought.88.How does Daniel feel during the experiment?A.Excited.B.Nervous.C.Tired.D.Unhappy.89.What keeps the water in the jar according to the result of the experiment?A.Simon’s hand.B.The water pressure.C.The force of the air.D.The force of the jar.90.Which of the following is the right order of the experiment according to the script? Put a piece of cardboard over the jar. Fill the glass jar with water, Take the hand off the cardboard. Turn the glass jar over quickly and hold the hand on the cardboard.A.B.C.D.91.The underlined word “that” refers to(指的是) ________.A.Sandy’s guessingB.Daniel’s opinionC.doing an experimentD.discussing with others92.What does the script mainly tell us?A.Teamwork can help solve problems.B.Safety is important when doing experiments.C.The air pressure is always strong enough to hold the water.D.Correct conclusions can be got through doing experiments.(二十二)(2022福建中考真题)Anna Brown was an artist who believed that it was important to help others. When she heard of a summer camp for children with serious illnesses, she came up with an idea. It cost money for these kids to go to the camp, so Anna decided to see what she could do to help. It was impossible for her to donate (捐赠) a lot of money, so she had to think of another way.She wanted to take advantage of her love of art. So she started making and selling beautiful cards to raise money for these kids. Because these cards were all handmade, it would take her a long time to make a lot of them. So Anna had another idea. She started inviting friends to her house to help her make the cards. At first her friends were hesitant. Many said that they were not artistic and didn’t know how to make cards. But once they saw the beautiful materials that she had in her workroom, her friends felt more comfortable doing things such as drawing and cutting in order to make a new card.But the materials were expensive. To make money without spending money, Anna asked for and got donations of paper, glue, scissors, and other things from nearby stores. She sold her cards for three dollars each in different art markets during the year. Anna raised more than $30,000 in her 10 years making cards.93.What was Anna?A.An artist.B.A doctor.C.A worker.D.A teacher.94.What did Anna invite her friends to do?A.Sell cards.B.Make cards.C.Buy materials.D.Donate materials.95.What does the underlined word “hesitant” in Paragraph 2 mean in Chinese?A.坐立不安的B.犹豫不决的C.兴高采烈的D.心甘情愿的96.Where did Anna sell her handmade cards?A.In her house.B.In her workroom.C.In nearby stores.D.In art markets.97.Which of the following can best describe Anna?A.Kind-hearted.B.Polite.C.Brave.D.Humorous.(二十三)(2022黑龙江中考真题)Lu Xun is one of the greatest Chinese writers of the 20th century. He not only wrote stories, but also wrote articles about living conditions of Chinese people.Lu Xun was born in 1881. In 1898, his grandfather was put into prison for taking money. His father became seriously ill. From that time on, his family were no longer accepted by their relatives and friends. These early experiences greatly influenced his writing. In 1902, he went to study in Japan. He showed a talent for writing and translating. He even wrote several books. He returned to China in 1909 because he was in need of money. After working for several years as a teacher in Beijing, Lu Xun again returned to writing. In 1918, he wrote his famous short story Diary of a Madman. It was the first Chinese novel published using the everyday language that people spoke, which helped make it a great success. This, together with his novel The True Story Of Ah Q(1921), made Lu Xun a leading Chinese writer. Lu Xun still worried greatly about China’s future. In 1926, he moved to Shanghai and gave up writing stories. He then only wrote articles which called on people to fight against the government. For this, the government stopped him from publishing any more books.He died in 1936. Lu Xun’s importance and influence have grown. Today some of his works are included in school textbooks and his works are read by millions of people around the world.Choose the best choice according to what you read.98.Which of the following greatly influenced Lu Xun’s writing according to the passage?A.The people he met in Japan.B.The experiences in his early life.C.Working as a teacher in Beijing.99.Why was Lu Xun’s story Diary of a Madman so popular according to the passage?A.It was based on Lu Xun’s diary.B.It was the first novel using everyday language.C.Its story took place in modern times.100.What does “This” refer to?A.The success of Diary of a Madman.B.The True Story of Ah Q.C.The first Chinese novel.101.What did Lu Xun mainly write after moving to Shanghai?A.Funny stories.B.Articles about himself.C.Articles calling on people to fight against the government.102.Which is TRUE about Lu Xun according to the passage?A.Some of his articles were about living conditions of Chinese people.B.In 1898, his father was put into prison for taking money.C.Lu Xun only wrote stories all his life.(二十四)(2022黑龙江大庆中考真题)With the winter vacation coming, I realized I needed to find a part-time job, because I didn’t want to ask my parents for money. I had imagined having a job at a winter camp where I could play games with children. In fact, the only job I could find was cleaning up tables at a local convenience store. At first, I wanted to give up the job because getting up too early in the morning made me unhappy. I’ll never forget how tired I felt on my first day, but I’ll never forget sitting together and talking about our days with my workmates for the first time either. Suddenly, I felt good to be a member of them. After working at the convenience store for almost one year, I was used to getting up so early, because I knew there would be a few good moments every day there. Working at the convenience store, I’ve learned to grow into a boy that can depend on myself and get along well with others. And I’m not the shy person that I used to be. Meeting an impolite customer might make me feel bad, but very soon I could deal with it without difficulty. The job has given me so much, and I can’t wait to go back to the convenience store and continue to grow from my experience.103.How did the writer feel at first when he found the job at the convenience store?A.Excited.B.Surprised.C.Disappointed.D.Satisfied.104.What can we know from the passage?A.He didn’t want to go back to the convenience store.B.He had few good moments at the convenience store.C.He forgot talking about their days with his workmates.D.He improved himself after working at the convenience store.105.The underlined word “it” in the last paragraph refers to(指的是) __________.A.being a shy personB.getting along well with his workmatesC.meeting a rude customerD.growing from the experience106.What’s the best title of the passage?A.My WorkmatesB.A Tiring JobC.A Local Convenience StoreD.A Meaningful Work Experience(二十五)(2022广东中考真题)Jerry is a world-famous mountain climber. He has climbed many high mountains in the world. Starting in 2015, he and his friends spent two years on an adventure(探险)in South America, covering 7,800 miles. He was even named Adventure of the Year by a famous geography magazine in 2018.Although Jerry had achieved great success, he didn’t feel fulfilled. He asked himself, “Is it enough to climb the highest mountains? Am I doing something helpful? How can I turn my adventures into something that can help the world?”Jerry learned that scientists need plants, rocks and water samples(样本)from the places far away to do research. But scientists can’t get there themselves as such places are hard to reach——only the bravest adventurers can make it. Jerry thought himself could do something to help. He then came up with an idea. He set up a team of top adventures to collect samples for scientists. By studying the samples, scientists could know more about the earth and find ways to protect it.Recently Jerry and his adventurer friends have discovered a special plant life of Mountain Qomolangma. The samples they brought back have helped scientists how plants live in extreme(极端的)conditions.For Jerry, this kind of adventure is most satisfying. “Such adventures had made us see life in a different way. Now, being the best climber isn’t important for me, what matters is doing something helpful while climbing the mountains. There is still much more we can do.” Jerry said to a newspaper.111.What is paragraph 1 mainly about?A.Jerry’s friends.B.Jerry’s achievements.C.High mountains.D.A geography magazine.112.What does the underlined word “fulfilled” in paragraph 2 mean?A.Satisfied.B.Lonely.C.Patient.D.Worried.113.Why did Jerry set a team of top adventures?A.To make friends.B.To help scientists.C.To study plants.D.To train scientists.114.Jerry’s and his friends’ adventures had changed ________.A.their hobbiesB.their friendshipC.their understanding of lifeD.their living conditions115.Which can be the best title for the passage?A.Dangerous Mountains Climbing.B.Important Scientific Discoveries.C.Plants Found on High Mountains.D.Adventures Turned into Something Greater.(二十六)(2022山东济宁中考真题)As we all know, too much trash is a big problem for our environment. A woman in Indonesia’s Java island has come up with a great idea—lending books to children in exchange for trash. Raden Roro Hendarti, nearly 50 years old, is a librarian in Muntang village. She started a “trash library”, hoping to make children read more as well as make them realize the importance of environment protection. Each weekday, Raden puts all kinds of books on the back of her three-wheeler (三轮车) and rides to Muntang village. There, children line up to exchange plastic cups, bags and other trash for books from Raden’s mobile library. After finishing the exchange, Raden carries back all the trash. In the library where Raden works, there are thousands of books. Every time she shows up, children run to her “trash library”. They all carry trash bags, and Raden’s three-wheeler quickly fills with trash as the books fly out. Raden collects about 100kg of trash each week. It is then sorted out (分类) and sent for recycling or sale. She is happy that children spend less time on online games because of the books. Raden plans to take the mobile library service to neighboring areas as well. She says, “We all should take care of our trash in order to fight climate (气候) change and save the earth.”116.What does the underlined word “trash” mean?A.plasticB.rubbishC.paperD.information117.Which of the following shows how Raden’s idea works?She rides to Muntang village.She carries back all the trash.Children line up to get books for their trash.She puts books on her three-wheeler.A.B.C.D.118.How much trash can Raden collect each weekday?A.About 100 kg.B.About 50 kg.C.About 25 kg.D.About 20 kg.119.What’s Raden going to do next?A.To ask her neighbors for help.B.To give the mobile library to her neighbors.C.To exchange books for trash in more villages.D.To tell children to spend less time on online games.(二十七)(2022江苏徐州中考真题)Peter loves baseball. Last summer, he helped coach a school baseball team. When he first watched the team of 12-year-olds play baseball, his first impressions were not really positive.One player often left as soon as they started losing. Another player paid too much attention to all their mistakes during the game. Other boys preferred to dig up the grass when they weren’t in the play. A lot of boys threw their baseball bats when they lost the catch.While their baseball skills improved over time with more practice, there were still problems with their all-important character. The team had a long way to go. For example, some boys were hard on those who made mistakes. Instead of being supportive or encouraging, they blamed (责怪) each other.Peter started one-on-one talks with each player to discuss things that he had noticed. Some were about skills like holding the bat up higher or opening their eyes when they were making a catch. But most were about staying positive and supporting each other.Slowly things began to change. The boys began to take the duties for their play instead of blaming others for mistakes. They stayed optimistic even when losing. The team culture was improving.Players began encouraging each other, high-fiving and supporting teammates. Peter was especially pleased to see some of the boys taking leadership roles and having their own one-on-one talks with their teammates.Peter doesn’t think he made huge progress in teaching the boys how to throw, catch or hit better, but he was pleased that their conversations around character led to something positive. Although the team still lost games, the players had stronger characters. Next season, their characters will be tested again.120.When did Peter begin to help coach a school baseball team?A.Last spring.B.Last summer.C.Last autumn.D.Last winter.121.Paragraph 2 mainly tells us that the players had problems with their ________.A.baseball skillsB.baseball batsC.charactersD.training122.What does the underlined word “optimistic” in Paragraph 5 mean?A.精益求精的B.吹毛求疵的C.悲观的D.乐观的123.What can we infer from the passage?A.Peter’s efforts for the team work.B.The team will win the next season.C.The coach of the team wants to leave.D.They’ll be many fights among the boys.(二十八)(2022湖北荆州中考真题)When I was walking back home at around 12:15 p.m. one day, an apple core(果核) came flying toward me. It landed just before my feet. Surprised, but I felt lucky not to get hit by it.The apple was thrown over a wall by a school student. I live opposite a school. The wall separates my house from the school.Thinking it was a one-off(一次的) experience, I told my friends, and we laughed about it.Then, a week later, I was walking along exactly the same place at the same time and bam! Another apple core came over. This time it landed on the roof(屋顶) of a house. Oh, my God! I was nearly hit by it!Last week I was on my way home. I checked my phone. It was 12:15 p.m. I thought about those two times when I had seen apple cores thrown over the wall. But suddenly, another apple core was thrown over with speed!Enough was enough. Someone could be really hurt by these cores. Did the student(s) not realize that people live across the wall? Or did they not care? I told my friend about it. “You should just throw the apple back over the wall. That will teach them,” my friend suggested. But I don’t want to play that “game”. As they say, an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.Maybe I’ll call the school and let them know. The students need to know that they might hurt someone if they keep throwing their waste. What’s more, waste belongs in the bin, not anywhere else.124.How did the writer feel after she saw the first thrown apple core?A.Bored.B.Lucky.C.Embarrassed.D.Angry.125.How many times did the writer see an apple core thrown over the wall?A.Once.B.Twice.C.Three times.D.Four times.126.From the underlined sentence, we can learn that ________ .A.the writer will set up a camera on the wallB.the writer will throw the apple back next timeC.the writer was hit in the eye by the thrown apple coreD.the writer will not fight back by doing the same thing127.What can we infer(推断) from the story?A.Somebody was once hurt by thrown waste there.B.The apple cores were thrown by the same student.C.The students could see clearly when the writer was walking by.D.The school may find out about the problem and make new rules.(二十九)(2022四川广安中考真题)Nightingale was the world’s first great nurse. She was born in a rich family in 1820, in Florence, Italy. She could have lived an easy, comfortable life. But instead, she chose to work hard and care for the sick. Because she is one of the world’s greatest nurses, every year on her birthday, May 12, people celebrate International Nurses’ Day to remember the love and help that she gave to so many people.When she was 24, she told her parents she wanted to be a nurse. But they didn’t like the idea. The family had lots of money, so they thought it would be better if she didn’t work. Nurses were not very well respected at that time. But Nightingale went on with her dream. She went to Germany to learn to be a nurse. There were no nursing schools at that time. She had to learn by practising. During a war in 1854, Nightingale and a team of 38 nurses from England went to care for soldiers near Turkey. She made the hospitals much cleaner there. At night, she would look after the soldiers. She carried a lamp(灯) with her, and soldiers began to call her “The Lady with the Lamp”. In 1860, after the war, Nightingale opened the first nursing school. She also worked to make hospitals better and make rules for nurses. She died in 1910 in London, England at the age of 90. Nightingale’s birthday became International Nurses’ Day in 1974.128.Nightingale was ________.A.an AmericanB.a CanadianC.an ItalianD.a German129.When did Nightingale begin to want to be a nurse?A.At the age of 24.B.When she was still a little girl.C.Since she was born.D.After she went to England.130.What problems did Nightingale have before 1854?A.Her parents didn’t want her to be a nurse.B.There were no nursing schools at that time.C.She didn’t have enough money.D.Both A and B.131.When did Nightingale’s birthday become International Nurse’ Day?A.In 1820.B.In 1854.C.In 1860.D.In 1974.132.What did the soldiers mean by calling Nightingale “The Lady with the Lamp”?A.She sold lamps.B.She could bring hope to others.C.She lent lamps to others.D.She loved the lamp.(三十)(2022北京中考真题)I joined a band (乐队)as a drummer in my middle school. I thought it would be fun playing the drum and meeting new friends. At first it was easy, but a month later, it got difficult. I was the only one who couldn’t keep pace (节奏)with the other players. Our teacher, Angie, singled me out to keep practicing while everyone else got to relax. I felt ashamed (羞愧的)as my teammates watched me fail so many times. Finally I got so tired of practicing that I didn’t care about doing it right.“Are you giving up on me. Steve?” Angie asked.“Yes, I am,” I shouted. Angie sent me inside the music room where I cried out. Then she came in and said. “Don’t be sad. I believe you can make it!” She told me never to give up. She left me alone and I realized Angie was right—by giving up, I was also giving up on the team and myself.With her comfort, I decided to go on practicing. However, I still couldn’t play well. Knowing my difficulties, my teammates gave me a hand. They spent about three more hours practicing with me every week. Thanks to their support and help, I began to keep pace with them. Later, we performed wonderfully in an important show.In the whole process, I was taught that although we each had our own job to do in a show, it would take all of us working together to make the show great. I felt accepted and made great progress. I love everyone in the band. I can’t imagine what my school life would be like without them.133.One month after he joined the band, Steve felt playing the drum was _________.A.funnyB.helpfulC.noisyD.difficult134.With Angie’s comfort, Steve decided to _________.A.have a good restB.go on practicingC.give others a handD.start another band135.From his experience, Steve learned about ________.A.the value of teamworkB.the effect of showsC.the importance of hobbiesD.the power of music(三十一)(2022湖南郴州中考真题)Jiang Mengnan, a girl from Chenzhou, Hunan, received the Touching China Person of the Year Award for 2021. Jiang Mengnan was born in 1992 in Mangshan, Chenzhou. When she was six months old, she was found unable to speak. Three months later, she was diagnosed(诊断)with heavy loss of hearing in two ears and the doctors said they couldn’t cure her. Since then, Jiang Mengnan’s world has been silent. Her parents, who are both teachers, didn’t want their lovely daughter to be a deafmute(聋哑人) all her life. In order to make the girl speak, they tried all possible ways. At last, they decided to teach her vocalization(发声)and lipreading(唇语). In this way, Mengnan learned to understand others and even learned to talk with others, though it was a long and hard process. With her great efforts, Jiang Mengnan finished her primary and secondary education smoothly. In 2011, she got into Jilin University and in 2018 she became a Doctor of School of Life Sciences, Tsinghua University. She is so strong-willed and hard-working that she has changed her life completely. Jiang Mengnan can’t be a doctor because of her hearing loss, but she wants to help people with illness, so she chose Pharmacy as her major(专业). Though she is disabled, she has done what common people can’t do. Her story makes us believe the saying, “Where there is a will, there is a way.”136.When was Jiang Mengnan born?A.In 1990.B.In 1991.C.In 1992.137.What does the underlined word “cure” probably mean in Chinese?A.关心B.治愈C.解决138.What is Jiang Mengnan’s father?A.A doctor.B.A teacher.C.An engineer.139.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.Jiang Mengnan learnt vocalization and lipreading.B.Jiang Mengnan was found unable to speak at the age of six.C.In 2021 Jiang Mengnan got into Jilin University.140.From the passage we know that Jiang Mengnan is________.A.humorous, lovely and activeB.outgoing, smart and beautifulC.helpful, hard-working and strong-willed(三十二)(2022山东聊城中考真题)Zhu Lihua is a 65-year-old blind massage therapist(推拿师) and a member of the CPC(中国共产党) for 28 years. She has helped over 100 blind people find jobs, donated(捐赠) 5.06 million yuan to hundreds of poor students and treated many patients over the past few years.Zhu became blind when she was 18. At first, she was very sad. But in 1983, she heard the story of Zhang Haidi on the radio. Then Zhu became happy again and took part in the massage training for blind people in 1985. After three years of training, she began to work at a local orphanage(孤儿院). Zhu’s magic hands helped many children.As a person living in Jiaxing city, Zhu has been influenced by the Red Boat spirit since she was a child. She joined the CPC in 1994. Driven by the Red Boat spirit, Zhu started a massage clinic(诊所) in 2008. It only trained blind people.Where there are difficulties, there are helping hands from Zhu. In 2008, Zhu heard the news of the Wenchuan earthquake on TV and gave 100,000 yuan to the hard-hit area of the earthquake. And by now she has treated over 4,000 servicemen freely.Three years ago, Zhu Lihua became the “Touching China 2019 Person of the Year”. All people said, “Although bad luck closed her door, Zhu opened a window of hope for others.”141.What can we know about Zhu Lihua?A.She was blind when she was born.B.She is an old member of the CPC.C.She donated over 5 million yuan to poor workers.D.She treated 100 blind patients over the past few years.142.Zhu Lihua heard the story of Zhang Haidi ________.A.on the radioB.on TVC.in the orphanageD.in the clinic143.What’s the right order of the following things Zhu did? Zhu joined the CPC. Zhu started a massage clinic. Zhu worked at a local orphanage. Zhu took part in the massage training.A.B.C.D.144.Paragraph 3 is mainly about ________.A.the city of JiaxingB.the massage clinicC.the birth of the Red Boat spiritD.the Red Boat spirit’s influence on Zhu145.Which of the following is NOT true?A.Zhu gave hope to many people.B.Zhu treated many servicemen freely.C.Only blind people were trained in the clinic.D.No area of Wenchuan got help from Zhu in 2008.(三十三)(2022广西柳州中考真题)Visiting Xi’an was once Leah’s dream. It came true when she went to China along with her two friends last year.During her 20 days in Xi’an, Leah got a chance to learn about Chinese culture closely. She visited many old buildings there. Xi’an City Wall was her favourite. In Xi’an, she enjoyed many kinds of food and watched some traditional shows. All of them left a wonderful impression on her. Now, Xi’an is like her second home. Since Leah came back to Spain, she has been missing Xi’an very much.Leah’s 20-day stay in Xi’an was a great experience. It was a chance to increase her understanding of cultural diversity. Leah said, “The Chinese people are all friendly. The cultures are varied among countries, but we are connected by the bond(纽带) of friendship. The future of nations is hopeful with development and peace. The trip in Xi’an will always be in my memory.”根据短文内容, 从A、B、C三个选项中, 选出最佳的选项。146.Visiting Xi’an was once Leah’s ________.A.jobB.habitC.dream147.In Xi’an, Leah visited many ________ buildings.A.oldB.newC.tall148.Now, Xi’an is like Leah’s _________ home.A.firstB.secondC.third149.What does the underlined word “diversity” probably mean?A.Environment.B.Background.C.Difference.150.What can we know about Leah from the passage?A.She thought her stay in Xi’an was an unforgettable experience.B.She has been missing Xi’an so much that she hopes to go to Xi’an again.C.The Chinese people are very friendly and she has made two friends in Xi’an. (三十四)(2022广西中考真题)Days ago, I made a skirt for a friend’s daughter. Today, I noticed a message on my phone on wechat (手机微信). It was my friend saying, “I know you worked hard on the skirt and it looks very nice, but Lingling doesn’t like the pattern(图案)on the skirt. Could you change it?”I was angry and wanted to call her back. Then I suddenly thought of Grandma and what she had once done for me long ago.It was a summer when I was eight. One day, Grandma decided to dress up my hair with some flowers. She spent a long time on it, and she enjoyed doing that. When Grandma finished, she was so happy, and I stood on a chair to look at myself in the mirror. My heart went cold.“You can go out and play now,” Grandma said, smiling.I nodded and slowly walked towards the door. I looked out of the door and saw some kids playing outside. My best friend, Liu Mei, saw me and waved at me to go outside, but I couldn’t move. I knew everyone would laugh at my hair, but I couldn’t tell Grandma how I felt.Finally I went into Grandma’s room and said in a scared voice, “Grandma, I don’t think the flowers in my hair look nice.”Grandma looked sad, but didn’t say a word, she stood me back on the chair in front of the mirror. While Grandma was pulling out the flowers gently (轻柔地), I realized she loved me so deeply that she put my feelings before hers. And that is the kind of love I try to pass on today.I picked up my phone and replied to my friend on wechat, “I am glad to change it.”根据短文内容,选出最佳选项。151.How did the writer feel when she noticed the message on her phone on wechat?A.Unhappy.B.Worried.C.Excited.D.Interested.152.What does the underlined sentence “My heart went cold” mean?A.The writer felt a little cold.B.The writer had a bad cold.C.The writer had a heart problem.D.The writer didn’t like the flowers in her hair.153.The writer didn’t tell her grandma how she felt at first because ________.A.her grandma was busyB.her grandma wasn’t at homeC.she feared that her grandma would be angryD.she wanted to pull out the flowers by herself154.From the passage we can infer (推断)________.A.the writer’s friend didn’t like the pattern on the skirtB.the writer would change the pattern on the skirtC.the writer was angry with her grandma from then onD.the writer didn’t want to play with kids when she was eight155.What’s the writer’s purpose of writing this passage?A.To tell us she was good at making skirts.B.To tell us she didn’t like putting flowers in hair.C.To tell us she was afraid of her grandma.D.To tell us to put others first if we love them.(三十五)(2022山东菏泽中考真题)Do you have a library in your school or local area? Perhaps you even have a library bus that brings books. Well, children in Baluchistan, Pakistan (巴基斯坦), were getting books from a camel.Many schools in this area were closed because of COVID-19, and the area did not have the Internet or books. The officials and teachers were worried about how to keep children learning during that time. After some thought, they realized that the answer could be a camel, so the Camel Library project started. Then the camel Roshan became a mobile “camel library”.Roshan could cross deserts and get through streets. This would be difficult for cars. Three times a week Roshan set off with his owner and a teaching volunteer. Roshan sent books to four different villages. The books, from the Alif Laila Book Bus Society, were available for children aged between 4 and 16.The camel library was open for a few hours, and kids could take books home and return them when the library headed back. The camel loved what he did: brought books for children and then waited happily while they read. Local people were so thankful to Roshan for his kind work.Now, the village schools have reopened, but local officials say the people still ask for the camel library. The project is expected to continue and cover more villages. Money is being collected and about $117.50 is needed for hiring (租用) Roshan.156.Why did they have Roshan bring books?A.To prevent COVID-19.B.To keep children learning.C.To take the place of Internet.157.What is the local people’s attitude (态度) toward Roshan?A.Interested.B.Worried.C.Thankful.158.What do we know about the project?A.It will probably continue.B.The local people said no to it.C.The camel Roshan disliked the work.159.What is the best title of the passage?A.A School LibraryB.A Mobile Camel LibraryC.An Online Library(三十六)(2022辽宁朝阳中考真题)Martina’s Grandpa Peter lived with the family after Grandma’s death.One day, Mom Susan decided to do the spring cleaning. They cleaned the house until everything was clean. Then Mom pointed to Grandpa’s sofa and said, “That old sofa has got to go. We’ll buy Grandpa a new one.”But as they moved the sofa, Grandpa stopped them and shouted, “You can’t take my sofa! I don’t want a new one.” Mom had to say, “We will talk about it tonight when John gets home.” John, Martina’s dad, was still at work.“Grandpa, why don’t you let us take away the sofa?” Martina asked at supper. Grandpa shook his head, “I sat in this sofa, with your grandma, when I asked her to marry me. It was so long ago, but when I sit in this sofa and close my eyes, she seems to be near.”“It’s surprising!” Martina thought, “How Grandpa can remember things from the past. These days he forgets almost everything.”Grandpa smiled to Martina, “The night your father was born, I sat in this sofa. I was nervous when they placed the little baby into my arms.”“Many years later,” Grandpa continued, “I sat in this sofa when the doctor told me your grandma was ill. I was lost without her, but the sofa gave me the comfort.”“I do see now.” Martina looked at Grandpa. “This is not just an old sofa. It is more like a friend.” “Yes.” Grandpa added, “We’ve got through a lot together.”The whole family agreed that the house would be boring without the old sofa.160.What was Grandpa like these days?A.Forgetful.B.Impatient.C.Angry.D.Careless.161.Who does the underlined phrase “the little baby” in Paragraph 7 refer to(指的是)?A.Martina.B.John.C.Susan.D.Peter.162.According to the passage, what important things did Grandpa experience sitting in the old sofa?Grandma’s deathholding the little baby for the first timeasking Grandma to marry himhearing the news that Grandma was illA.B.C.D.163.We can infer(推断) that the family were probably ________ at the end of the story.A.surprisedB.boredC.movedD.nervous164.What’s the best title for this passage?A.Martina’s WishB.A Spring CleaningC.A Happy FamilyD.Grandpa’s Old Sofa(三十七)(2022辽宁朝阳中考真题)Michelle, a famous lady, has found that more than 25% students are too fat in her country. It is a very serious problem. So she starts a Health Program to deal with it. The Health Program is to reduce the number of fat students today and in the future.The program will get families, schools, newspapers, magazines and TVs to join together and deal with the students’ obesity so that students will be at a healthier weight.The program includes: Food stores should sell healthier foods; schools should arrange(安排) healthier meals without too much fat and more gym classes.The lady is trying to fight the students’ obesity all over the country because it can cause illnesses and high food cost. She wants the students to eat right, exercise more and control their weight. She also wants the students to understand it is important to have less sweet food and drink water, milk and fresh juices, but not to choose cokes. At the same time, she has also set a good example by planting a vegetable garden. She hopes that the garden will encourage more people to plant one, too.The Health Program is really meaningful to the students today and in the future. As she says, “We can’t always build the future for the young, but we can build the young for the future.”165.In Michelle’s country, over ______ of the students are too fat.A.15%B.a quarterC.a halfD.75%166.What does the underlined word “obesity” in Paragraph 2 mean in Chinese?A.厌食症B.抑郁症C.肥胖症D.强迫症167.What does the lady want the shops to do?A.To arrange gym classes.B.To plant a vegetable garden.C.To serve meals with less fat.D.To sell healthier foods.168.According to the passage, which of the statements(陈述) below is right?A.Everyone must plant a vegetable garden.B.The students’ obesity can cause many kinds of sicknesses.C.Schools are supposed to arrange meals with too much fat.D.We can know that Michelle comes from America.169.What’s the main idea of the passage?A.The lady fights obesity in students.B.The lady cares about food cost.C.The lady introduces healthy drinks.D.The lady worries about the height.(三十八)(2022江苏镇江中考真题)Characters: Peter; Wendy, Slightly, Nibs, the twinsWhen everyone was ready, Peter knocked on the door gently.The door opened slowly, and a lady came out. It was Wendy. The boys all took off their hats “Where am I?” Wendy asked.Of course, Slightly was the first to get a word in.“Wendy lady,’’ he said quickly, “we built this house for you.’’“Oh, please say you like it!” cried Nibs.“What a lovely, lovely house,” Wendy said. The boys were delighted. “We are your children.” said the twins.They all lowered their knees and held out their arms.“Oh, Wendy lady, please be our mother!” they cried in union.“I would love to,” said Wendy, “but you see I am only a little girl. I have no experience of being a mother.”“_______” said Peter. “We just need a nice motherly person.” “Oh, really?” Wendy said. “I think that is exactly what I am.’’“It is. It is!” they all cried.“Very well,” she said, “I will do my best. Come inside now you naughty children. I think there’s just enough time for me to finish the story of Cinderella before I put you to bed.”They went in, and that was the first of the many joyful evenings they had with Wendy. By and by she made them comfortable in the big bed in their home under the trees. But she herself slept that night in the little house. Peter kept watching outside with a sword(剑), because the pirates(海盗) could be heard drinking far away, and the wolves were going about for food. The little house looked very warm and safe in the darkness. After some time, Peter fell asleep, and all was still and quiet in the Neverland.(adapted from Peter Pan)170.Which of the following is the most suitable for the blank(空格)?A.It’s really a pity.B.It’s my pleasure.C.That doesn’t matter.D.I’m sorry to hear that.171.According to this passage, Peter is __________.A.polite and braveB.curious and creativeC.patient and practicalD.modest and confident172.What can we learn from the passage?A.There was possible danger around the house.B.The children disliked the story told by Wendy.C.Peter fell asleep after he drove the pirates away.D.Wendy was unwilling to be the children’s mother.(三十九)(2022辽宁营口中考真题)Preparing for the college entrance exam is heavy work for high school students. For Wang Xiaofeng, who has a muscular (肌肉的) illness, the challenge was especially big.The 17-year-old boy comes from Luoyang, Henan Province. When he was at high school, he had a serious illness. As a result, he often fell while walking. And this became more serious as he grew older.Every night, Wang had to use a ventilator (呼吸机) while he was sleeping. To correct his bent back, he wore a rigid frame (钢架) on his upper body during the day.In spite of all these difficulties, he refused to give in and never stopped learning. “I am fighting against the illness, and I cannot give myself up.” he said.According to Wang’s mother, Wang got up at 5:45 am and went to bed at 11:30 pm every day during his three years at high school. Sitting down means a big challenge for Wang. Because of his illness, he always felt very tired after sitting for two classes, let alone seven or eight classes a day. But he seldom complained, and just fixed on studying.The school gave Wang the greatest support. To make it easier for him to take lessons, his class was arranged in the school on the first floor. And that lasted for 3 years. The school also gave his mother a job as a cleaner and offered them free rooms to live in.Luckily, Wang’s hard efforts paid off. He was admitted into Nankai University in 2021. He decided to do something to repay the kindness he received. So during the summer vacation, he offered free teaching on high school courses to the students from his village. He hoped to help them realise their personal ambitions.173.________ was Wang’s biggest challenge while he was preparing for the college entrance exam.A.No room to live inB.Lack of sleepC.His bent backD.The muscular illness174.What did he do with all these difficulties he faced?A.He refused to give in.B.He had to stop learning.C.He always complained about them.D.He never fought against them.175.In order to have more time to study, Wang only slept about ________ hours a day while he was at high school.A.8B.4C.18D.6176.________ was not the support given to Wang by his high school.A.Giving his mother a jobB.Providing him with a ventilator and a rigid frameC.Arranging his class on the first floorD.Offering him and his mother free rooms177.How did he repay the kindness he received?A.By teaching students high school courses to make money.B.By helping all the villagers to realise their personal ambitions.C.By letting the students know about his muscular illness.D.By offering free teaching to the students from his village.(四十)(2022辽宁盘锦中考真题)Xu Yuanchong, China’s most famous master translator, died in Beijing at the age of 100 on June 17th, 2021.Xu Yuanchong was born in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, in 1921. He began to translate some works during his college years. In 1939, as a freshman, he published an English translation of a poem as his earliest work. Since 1978, Xu has published more than 100 translated novels, anthologies(选集), and plays.Xu worked on translating for more than 70 years. He has tried his best to pass on the beauty of ancient Chinese poetry all his life. In his opinion, a translated work should be as beautiful as the original(原著). Instead of directly translating words from one language to another, he made the translated words clear and enjoyable to readers. In 2014, Xu became the first Asian winner of the Aurora Borealis Prize for Outstanding Translation of Fiction Literature(北极光杰出文学翻译奖), which is one of the world’s highest prizes.Xu pursued(追求) the beauty of language all his life and his works have served as a cultural bridge linking the East with the West. His translations are so beautiful that English and French-speaking readers are able to better understand Chinese literature(文学). At the same time, Chinese readers can understand foreign works in the same way they would read novels and poems written in their mother tongue(母语).178.Xu’s earliest translation work is a(n) ________.A.playB.novelC.anthologyD.poem179.Xu thinks a translated work is supposed to be _________ the original.A.as beautiful asB.as famous asC.less beautiful thanD.more famous than180.The underlined word “linking” probably means _________.A.comparingB.connectingC.dividingD.mixing181.Which is the best title for this passage?A.A China’s Famous WriterB.The Most Beautiful PoemC.The World’s Highest PrizeD.A Great Translator in China(四十一)(2022广西河池中考真题)阅读短文,根据短文内容,从下面各小题所给的四个备选项中,选出最佳选项。Su Bingtian ran into the record books at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games on August 1. He became the first Chinese to enter the men’s 100m final (决赛) at the Olympics. And with 9.83 seconds in the 100m semi-final (半决赛), he set a new Asian record.Although he finished sixth, Su recorded a time of 9.98 seconds in the final, 0.18 seconds behind the winner Lamont Marcell Jacobs of Italy, who clocked 9.80 seconds. “Actually, I am very happy to run under 10 seconds twice in such a short time. Making it into the finals, I have already given all I have,” Su said after the race.The last Chinese track-and-field athlete (田径运动员) to make history at the Olympics was Liu Xiang. Liu won a gold medal in the men’s 110m hurdles (跨栏赛) in Athens in 2004 and brought China its first Olympic gold medal in a men’s track-and-field event.“If it wasn’t for Liu Xiang’s achievement, we’d never have thought that an Asian would step on the Olympic track-and-field final and even win the race,” Su said. “I hope my sixth place at the Olympic final will encourage more Chinese athletes to go forward.”182.Su’s Bingtian became the ________ Chinese to enter the men’s 100m final at the Olympics.A.firstB.secondC.thirdD.fourth183.Su finished sixth in the final and it’s just ________ seconds behind the winner.A.0.15B.0.18C.9.83D.9.98184.Su was very _________ to run under 10 seconds twice in such a short time.A.tiredB.boredC.worriedD.glad185.________ brought China its first Olympic gold medal in a men’s track-and-field event.A.Lin DanB.Ma LongC.Liu XiangD.Su Bingtian186.People mostly think that ________ seldom steps on the Olympic track-and-field final.A.an AsianB.a EuropeanC.an AmericanD.an African(四十二)(2022黑龙江牡丹江中考真题)A few days ago, a friend gave me a restaurant gift card, and I picked a sunny Sunday afternoon to use it. It felt good taking my family to a nice restaurant. The meal was delicious, and we all had a good time together. The gift card covered almost all of the check(账单). I reached into my wallet to get enough cash(现金) to cover the rest. I saw two bills(钞票) inside, a smaller one and a larger one. The smaller one would only cover the rest of the check. The larger would also cover a nice tip(小费) for the waitress. I decided to pick the smaller one.At that time, my mind went back to 30 years ago. I was working as a cleaner in a restaurant much like this one. It was long hours of hard work for low pay. I always worried about how I could pay the rent(房租).I blinked(眨眼晴) and was back in the present again, with my fingers touching the smaller bill in my wallet. I smiled, put it back and picked out the larger bill. I handed the gift card and the larger one to the waitress. “You keep the change(零钱),” I said with a smile and a happy heart.We are all one family in this world. Do your best to be kind. Do your best to be a good person.Choose the best choice from A, B or C according to the passage.187.The writer took his family to the restaurant ________.A.30 years agoB.at the end of the dayC.on a Sunday afternoon188.The underlined word “covered” in Paragraph 1 means ________.A.够付B.偿还C.赊欠189.What was the writer’s job like in a restaurant 30 years ago?A.He worked long hours for low pay.B.It made him feel happy.C.He felt relaxed after long hours’ work.190.At last the writer handed the waitress ________ to pay for the meal.A.the gift card and the smaller billB.the gift card and the larger billC.the smaller bill and the larger bill191.What’s the main idea of the passage?A.Try to be an honest person.B.We should be responsible for our family.C.Show our kindness and be a good person.(四十三)(2022湖南常德中考真题)One day Kavya and I were playing with the racket and ball and the ball went into a Takku’s house.Though we were scared, we went to his house and asked him if he could give us our ball.He said “No”. We felt helpless.Suddenly, I had an idea. There was a water tank behind the Takku’s house.I looked at it and told Kavya, “Kavya, look at this. We can climb the water tank and jump over the gate.”Kavya agreed, but we were both wearing skirts. We couldn’t climb with that.“It doesn’t matter, we can see tomorrow. Don’t forget to wear pants,” said Kavya.“Bye,” I said and went back home.The next day I went to Kavya’s house early. We were both wearing pants.“Best of luck,” said Kavya’s brother Vijay. He knew everything.He said, “Shout loudly if you need me.”We went to the water tank. “Who will climb first?” asked Kavya.“You,” I said.She agreed.She climbed down into the Takku’s house. I followed her and then we were looking under a bed for the ball when we heard a noise.It was Vijay. “Mother is calling you,” he whispered.We hurried and took out the lost ball. But along with the ball was a ... gold bar! We quickly took both the ball and the gold bar and climbed up the water tank again. When we reached Kavya’s house, the TV was on. It was News time.I couldn’t believe my ears when it said that 20 gold bars were stolen from a gold shop.They showed a picture of the gold bars and it was exactly like the one we had found. We all knew it because there was a look of surprise on everyone’s face.We quickly told the story to Kavya’s mother and she called the police.192.How did they feel when the ball was in a Takku’s house?A.Excited.B.Angry.C.Scared.193.Why couldn’t they climb the water tank and jump over the gate at first?A.They felt helpless.B.They were wearing skirts.C.The water tank was dangerous.194.What can we tell from the end of the story?A.The police came at once and caught the Takku.B.The police found the rest of the gold bars in another family.C.Kavya and the author each got a gift science book from the police.195.Which can be the best title?A.The Lost Gold BarB.The Lost BallC.The Helpful Mother(四十四)(2022湖南常德中考真题)I have loved dancing ever since I can remember. It was a part of my life when I was growing up and it is still important to me now. What can be better than dancing to your favorite songs? I love going to clubs and discos. I can dance all night long. I never get tired of it. When I was small, I used to go to school discos. I’d also dance at the parties my parents, friends and neighbors had. I don’t think I’ll ever stop dancing. I also love looking at dancing. Ballet is beautiful. Dances from all over the world are beautiful. I think the life of a professional dancer must be a good one. One thing that always amazes me is how much children love dancing. I think dancing must be in their blood.196.Which can best replace “ ” in the passage? ________A.It has to be the best way to exercise.B.What fun it is to sing my favorite song!C.Dancing is as good as singing when exercise.197.What may be “discos”? ________A.A music hall.B.A dance hall.C.A sports hall.198.What does the writer think of ballet? ________A.Relaxing.B.Terrible.C.Beautiful.199.In the writer’s opinion, do children love dancing? ________A.Yes, they do.B.No, they don’t.C.Not mentioned.(四十五)(2022山东滨州中考真题)This is a story of a man who works in a big factory. I have seen him for years, but I’ve never paid any attention to him. He was a little bit weird (怪异的). He always wore an old red hat and carried a rubbish bag. He usually spent his break time and his lunchtime walking around in that old big factory and collecting used tins (铝罐).One day, I was fixing one of the broken machines in the factory when this “tin man” came with his bag. As usual, he picked up the tins, which were all around the place. My manager was standing there, watching me.When I finished my job, I heard my manager ask the “tin man” about what he was going to do with those tins he had collected. I never even thought about this kind of question, because I always assumed that “tin man” would take those tins to the recycling center. Unexpectedly, the “tin man” answered, “I will give these tins to my neighbor. He has been ill for many years and cannot work.”I was so shocked to hear that, so I asked him: “You mean you collect all those tins just to help your neighbor?” “I know this does not help much,” he said. “But I give everything to him, because he cannot work. He needs help.”It was the most beautiful moment in my life. It has made me feel humble (谦卑的) every day since then.200.What’s the relationship between the “tin man” and the writer?A.Friends.B.Neighbors.C.Workmates.D.Classmates.201.The underlined word “assumed” in Paragraph 3 probably means _________ in Chinese.A.推断B.提到C.承担D.发现202.What was the “tin man” going to do with the tins?A.To invent a machine with the tins.B.To give the tins away to his neighbor.C.To take the tins to the recycling center.D.To reuse the tins to make a gift for his neighbor.203.How did the writer feel when hearing the “tin man’s” answer?A.Weird.B.Humble.C.Interested.D.Shocked.204.What’s the story mainly about?A.What the big factory was famous for.B.How a man helped others in his own way.C.The humblest man the writer has ever met.D.How a weird man made money in the factory.(四十六)(2022内蒙古通辽中考真题)I prefer to go slowly when I drive in the mountains of my home, because the forest scenery is beautiful no matter what the season is. This morning I was driving slower than usual because an early March snow had made the roads slippery (湿滑的). Going up a mountain road, I had to slow down as I rounded a sharp, snowy curve (转弯处). That was when I saw a strong and handsome male deer standing in the middle of the road. I came to a full stop and for a few seconds we just looked at each other. His eyes seemed wise and calm. Finally, he nodded his head at me. I nodded in return and waved with my hand for him to go on. He then jumped and ran across the road, up the hill, and back into the woods. I drove on smiling at the magic of this moment and thanked that I had been going slowly enough not to hit this beautiful creature. Most of us rush through this life not knowing what we are missing. We hardly get to enjoy what each day brings us. Wouldn’t it be better to go slowly through our days here? Life is meant to be savored. Moments are meant to be valued. Days are meant to be lived in love and joy not flown through at a crazy speed. The next time you find yourself going too fast, slow down. Take the time to watch the sunrise fill the world with light. Take the time to smile, laugh and sing. Take the time to read and relax. Take the time to live your life with love and delight in all the miracles each day brings you. If you do, your life will be much better and more beautiful. And you might even end up not hitting a deer on your way home.205.Why does the writer like to go slowly in the mountains?A.Because there is much snow.B.Because the forest scenery is beautiful.C.Because the road is dangerous.D.Because there is a male deer.206.What might the writer regret most if he drove too fast in the mountains according to Paragraph 1?A.Missing the beautiful scenery of the mountains.B.Missing the chance of spending time with animals.C.Missing the chance of enjoying an early March snow in the mountains.D.Missing the chance of having magical communication with a deer.207.How did the writer feel after meeting the deer?A.Upset.B.Thankful.C.Worried.D.Lucky.208.What does the underlined word “savored” mean in Chinese?A.积极B.创造C.品味D.勇敢209.What’s the best title of this passage?A.Enjoy LifeB.Love NatureC.Protect AnimalsD.Drive Slowly(四十七)(2022山东日照中考真题)This big-sister thing wasn’t pleasant. I was five, and my sister Lisa was two years younger. Every time we did something that we shouldn’t do, I got into more trouble. It seemed everybody paid attention to her.One day I was playing with the kids next door, and found out that in other people’s houses, the older kids had later bedtime. Going back with my new-found information, I asked my mother to make a change and she said no.So I went to my room and started to pack. Into the suitcase (行李箱) went my books and some toys. Putting some more clothes into, I went downstairs. Mum looked up and asked if I was running away. As I told her yes, she wasn’t nearly as upset as I expected.“Are you going to Grandma Sylvia’s?” I couldn’t believe she would know this. She was like a witch (女巫).Without answering her, I went out, pulling the suitcase with great difficulty, not knowing Mum was following behind.Finally I got to Grandma’s house about two kilometers away. Before I knocked, the door opened. Grandma told me she was happy to see me , and I realized Mum had already called ahead.Soon Mum came in; sat in my grandmother’s chair, took my hot little face in her hands and said, “Sweet-heart, I don’t want you to be so unhappy. If it’s hard for you to live with Lisa, tomorrow I’ll call the orphanage (孤儿院) and send her away.”Knowing what an orphanage was, I started to cry. “Don’t send my sister away!” Mum unwillingly agreed that we would all go home and give it another try. That night, Mum fed us, gave us a bath and sent us to bed at the same time.In the following years, once in a while Lisa and I would have a fight, and to this day, if I turn over my shoulder and say, “Mum, Lisa’s being mean (坏) to me!” Mum always answers in the same way, “You had your chance.”210.The girl ran away from home because she thought _________.A.Lisa always made troubleB.Lisa had later bedtimeC.she had to share love with LisaD.she was treated differently211.Why did the girl think Mum was like a witch?A.Mum didn’t care about her leaving.B.Mum refused to make a change.C.Mum knew where she was going.D.Mum knew Grandma was waiting for her.212.What does the mother want to tell the girl by saying “You had your chance”?A.She should try to fight back.B.She can run away from home again.C.She can still send Lisa to the orphanage.D.She should learn to get along well with Lisa.213.Which of the following best describes the mother in the story?A.Mean.B.Wise.C.Strict.D.Unfair.(四十八)(2022江苏无锡中考真题)Lupe Medrano, a shy girl, was a straight-A student. Though Lupe had a sharp mind, she could not, no matter how much she tried, run as fast as the other girls. The truth was that Lupe was no good in sports.“I’ll never be good at sports.” She felt angry one rainy day as she lay on her bed, looking at the shelf her father had made to hold her awards. “I wish I could win something, anything, even marble(弹珠).”At the word “marbles”, she sat up. “That’s it. Maybe I could be good at playing marbles, and marbles is a sport.” She rushed out of her room and found the marbles in her brother’s room.She practiced shooting softly at first. The marble rolled from her thumb(拇指) and clicked against the targeted(作为目标的) marble. But the target wouldn’t budge. She tried again and again, but the power from her thumb made the targeted marble roll only an inch or two.She realized her thumb was weak and then decided to squeeze(捏) a rubber eraser one hundred times, hoping it would strengthen her thumb.The weeks passed quickly. Lupe worked so hard that one day, while she was drying dishes, her mother asked why her thumb was swollen(肿胀的).“It’s muscle,” Lupe explained, “I’ve been practicing for the marbles championship.”“You, honey?” Her mother, Mrs. Medrano, knew Lupe was no good in sports.“Yeah, I beat Alfonso, and he’s pretty good.”When her father, Mr. Medrano, heard this, he was very happy and encouraged Lupe.Practice, practice, practice. Lupe got better and better. Then the day of the championship came. She beat her first competitor easily, and won one marble, and then one after another. At last, Lupe was in the final to play against a girl in a baseball cap. The girl never even looked at Lupe.“I don’t know, Dad. She looks tough.”“You can do it,” her father encouraged. “Just think of the marbles, not the girl, and let your thumb do the work.”It was a tough fight. But finally Lupe won the most marbles and became the winner!“I did it!” Lupe said under her breath. She rose from her knees, which hurt from bending all day, and hugged her father.Back home, in her own bedroom, she was happy. She had always won praise because of her brains, but winning in sports was a new experience. She thanked her tired thumb. “You did it, thumb. You made me champion.” As its reward, Lupe went to the bathroom, filled the bathroom sink with warm water, and let her thumb swim as it pleased. Then she climbed into bed and fell into her sweet dreams.214.What does the underlined word “budge” mean in this story?A.Jump.B.Spin.C.Float.D.Move.215.How did Lupe feel when she saw the girl in a baseball cap?A.Sad.B.Ashamed.C.Curious.D.Worried.216.Which is the best title for this story?A.The Thumb.B.A Sharp Mind.C.The Marbles.D.A New Experience.(四十九)(2022江苏常州中考真题)This is a typical(典型的) day for Yang Jinlong.At 9 a. m. , he drives to primary schools and middle schools in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, to teach students about Shaanxi kuaiban. It is a traditional Chinese form of storytelling to the rhythm(节奏) of bamboo clappers(响板), which the art form is named after. Sometimes, he helps students prepare for competitions. Usually, his classes run until about 6. p.m. , and then he returns home to prepare classes for the next day.On June 10, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism announced 325 national intangible cultural heritage(非物质文化遗产) items in Beijing, increasing the list to 1, 557 items. Shaanxi kuaiban, which appeared during the late Qing Dynasty, has been included. The art form has been introduced to local schools as part of their art education.Yang has been teaching young people the art form since 2003 after graduating from the National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts in Beijing. He studied quyi there. Quyi is general term for Chinese folk art forms, including storytelling, crosstalk and clapper talk.“Art education is important for students in China. Just as many students learn to play Western musical instruments like the piano and violin, there are many people learning traditional Chinese folk arts, including Shaanxi kuaiban, which I’ll work for my whole life,” he said.Kuaiban is popular in northern China, including Beijing and Tianjin. According to Yang, Shaanxi kuaiban was influenced by the art of different areas. The art form can be played by a group of players or only one. With one or two pairs of kuaiban of different sizes in hand, the players speak in the local dialect(方言) while telling stories, which are usually about heroes. The player tells stories while playing kuaiban, and it’s easy for the watchers to remember the stories since all the lines rhym.Thanks to artists like Yang, this traditional Chinese form of storytelling is passed on and stays alive in our country.217.Why is today a typical day for Yang Jinlong?A.He is teaching students about kuaiban as usual.B.His work starts at 9 and lasts 6 hours like every day.C.He is preparing for a kuaiban competition today.D.His life today is as busy and boring as every day.218.Which of the following about Shaanxi kuaiban is TRUE?A.It is named after the Shaanxi dialect.B.It is listed in the national intangible cultural heritage.C.It is more popular than the piano and violin in northern China.D.It is played to tell stories usually about common people.219.Which of the following best describes Yang Jinlong?A.Devoted.B.Stressed.C.Generous.D.Curious.220.Why does the writer report Yang Jinlong’s story?A.To show how to play Shaanxi kuaiban in the local dialect.B.To tell the difference between Chinese and Western arts.C.To prove that kuaiban players are living a busy life.D.To praise the work of spreading traditional Chinese art.(五十)(2022黑龙江大庆中考真题)On a snowy day, there was a man walking in a hurry on the road. His clothes were in poor condition. You might think he was a beggar(乞丐), but in fact he was a painter. His name was Vincent Willem van Gogh. With a painting he had just finished, the poor Vincent went into a painting store. “Can you buy this painting to help me pay the rent(租金)?”“I don’t really like your painting, but it is said that you are gifted(有天赋的) and I want to help you. Here is five francs(法郎).”Although it was only five francs, Vincent was very happy. He took the money and said thanks, thinking that he could buy some food and pay the rent. Near his home, Vincent saw a little girl in dirty clothes shaking in the snow. The girl smiled sadly at the painter asking for some help. It was clear that the girl was hungry and cold. “Poor child! I should help her!”Vincent put the five francs into the girl’s hands, totally forgetting that he still needed money to pay the rent. Before the girl expressed her thanks, the kind Vincent had gone away with his empty stomach.107.From the passage, we can know that the man was a _________.A.beggarB.painterC.singerD.house owner108.According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?A.The girl refused Vincent’s help.B.Both the girl and Vincent were hungry.C.The girl had expressed thanks before Vincent left.D.After selling his painting, Vincent bought some food.109.Which word can best describe Vincent?A.HelpfulB.FunnyC.CarelessD.Stupid110.This passage is mainly about ________.A.a poor girlB.Vincent’s great paintingC.Vincent’s kindness to a strangerD.a man selling a painting to pay the rent(五十一)(2022广东广州中考真题)Slowly but surely, Amy and her grandparents were making progress. Boxes of all sizes were placed on top of each other throughout the house. Amy’s grandparents had lived in the house for years and they had collected many things.The dining room was full of memories. Amy’s grandfather kept many fine dinner plates(盘子)from his hometown. Amy remembered that they ate from the red, yellow, and blue plates during important holidays.After carefully wrapping up(包裹)the plates and putting them into a box, Amy lifted it up and moved it out of the way. But the box was too heavy. It suddenly fell from her arms and dropped to the floor. All three of them heard the plates shatter.“ I’m sorry! ” Amy apologised.“ It’s okay, ” her grandfather said quietly. “ It was an accident. ” They opened the box and, sure enough, many of the plates were broken. Only a few remained whole. Looking at the small pieces, Amy felt really terrible. She knew these plates were passed down from her great grandparents and … “ Don’t worry, ” her grandmother said, patting her on the back. Carefully, they put the broken pieces into a rubbish bag.They continued packing for a little while, but Amy still felt very sorry. She was trying very hard to think of a way to make it up for her grandparents.Soon, Amy’s father came.“ I have to go, ” she said. “ Dad is here to pick me up. ” She kissed her grandparents both, picked up the bag of the broken pieces and left.“ What’s that? ” her father asked, as Amy climbed into the car.Amy looked at the bag in her hands as an idea came to her. “ This, ” she said, “ is an art project. ” The following day, Amy went to an art store and bought everything she needed. Then she started to work. She used a thin board as the base. Then she took out the colourful plate pieces and glued them in a creative way on the board. When it was dry, Amy wrapped it up.A few days later, Amy’s family had a big dinner at her grandparents’ new house. She handed her gift to her grandparents.“ This is fantastic, Amy! ” said her grandfather.“ I can’t wait to hang it up in our new home, ” Amy’s grandmother said as she gave her a big hug.30.What was Amy helping her grandparents do at the beginning of the story?A.Move to a new house.B.Wrap up some presents.C.Collect fine dinner plates.D.Prepare a big family dinner.31.Why did Amy feel sorry for the broken plates?A.They were never used by the family.B.They were valuable holiday presents.C.They were meaningful family treasures.D.They were expensive hometown products.32.How did Amy finally deal with the broken plate pieces?A.She sent them to an art store.B.She put them in her father’s car.C.She made a special gift with them.D.She threw them into a rubbish bag.33.Which of the following best describes Amy?A.Kind and creative.B.Brave but forgetful.C.Careless but helpful.D.Funny and hardworking.(五十二)(2022湖北随州中考真题)My mom told me a story that was about the school picnic. At that time, schools didn’t have a field day. The biggest day for them was School Picnic Day.School Picnic Day was usually held on the last day of school in June. On that day, kids played simple games. No one cared who won or who lost.Before the school picnic, parents always packed picnic baskets for the kids. They filled them with a lot of good food.There was a poor family. They had no picnic lunch that year. When my mom noticed this, she tried to help them.Just then, the teacher said there was going to be one final race before lunch. It was the sack race, in which two people get inside a sack and hop as fast as they can to the finish line. The winner would receive a special lunch basket.My mom wanted to enter this race. She waited until she saw Mary, the eldest sister of the poor family, stand up. She asked Mary if she could be her partner, and Mary agreed. My mom went out of her way to make Mary win.Later, Mary came and thanked my mom for being her partner. She said that her brothers and sisters really enjoyed the picnic lunch. According to mom, it was the best school picnic in the whole world.16.What did children usually do on School Picnic Day?A.Play simple games.B.Make delicious food.C.Meet family members.D.Pick up apples.17.Who always packed the baskets for kids before the school picnic?A.Their parents.B.Their teachers.C.Their friends.D.Their partners.18.Why did the writer’s mother want Mary to win the game?A.Because Mary could run really fast.B.Because she never took part in games like this.C.Because she wanted to help the poor family.D.Because she liked Mary.(五十三)(2022湖北随州中考真题)What Juliet was child, she often went to the city park and played with her friends. On a sunny morning, when Juliet came to the park with her mom, she looked around and felt very unhappy.“What’s the matter, dear? What’s wrong with you?” asked her mom.Juliet replied, “Mom, how beautiful and clean it used to be! But now there’s so much trash on the ground.” Juliet’s mom looked around. There were scraps (碎片) of paper, boxes, glass bottles and a lot of other trash everywhere.“What can we do?” asked Juliet sadly.“I’m sure you will think of something,” said her mom.As soon as Juliet and her mom went home, Juliet painted a picture of the park and wrote a sign in large black letters at the top of the picture. The sign read “PLEASE KEEP OUR PARK CLEAN”. Later, she look plenty of bags and went back to the park with her mom. Juliet put up her picture on a big trash can (垃圾桶).“Will you help me pick up the trash, mom?” Juliet said as she handed her mom a bag.“I surely will,” replied her mom smilingly.The children at the park ran over to see what was going on. Juliet handed them each a bag. “Let’s clean this place up,” said Juliet. Then they began to pick up the trash, talking and laughing. Soon all the bags were full.“We need to come back another day. There’s still some trash on the ground, but the park looks much better,” said Juliet.Her mom said, “So it does. I knew you would think of a way to help.”23.Why was Juliet sad?A.Because the weather was bad.B.Because she couldn’t find her mom.C.Because there was too much trash at the park.D.Because her friends were not at the park.24.Juliet drew the picture to ________.A.show off her painting skillsB.give her mom a big surpriseC.show people how beautiful the park wasD.encourage people to keep the park clean25.What can we learn about Juliet’s mom from the underlined sentence?A.She was proud of Juliet.B.She was angry with Juliet.C.She thought Juliet was lazy.D.She thought Juliet was outgoing.26.Which of the following is TRUE about the children at the park?A.They laughed at Juliet.B.They joined Juliet in picking up the trash.C.They had an awful and tiring day.D.They bought some bags from Juliet.(五十四)(2022湖北随州中考真题)Do you have any online classes? It is possible to take classes at home. All you need is a computer and a headset.However, most students don’t seem to like online classes. According to a recent survey, only 33 percent of the students would take such classes. Over 1,500 students from 10 cities took part in the survey.Many students said it was hard to focus on studying while taking online classes. This was true for Lian Ruohan, 15, at the Affiliated High School of Peking University. “There are no classmates and no real teachers watching me. I can surf the Internet or do other things if I want to. It’s harder to always stay focused,” she said.Lian prepares a lot before taking her classes to make sure she will keep her attention. She also pushes herself to communicate with teachers. Students can come up with or answer questions while taking online classes.Wen Jiayi, 14, at Yucai Middle School Attached to Chengdu No. 7 High School, thinks online interaction (互动) isn’t enough. “The online teachers don’t really get to know me. When I don’t hand in homework, all I get is a short message instead of real concern (关心),” she said.However, online classes still have advantages. “It saves time and money compared with taking offline classes. Also, if I don’t understand some parts of a lesson, I can watch it over again,” Lian said.27.Many students think ________.A.it is impossible to take online classes at homeB.it’s hard to focus on studying while taking online classesC.they have to prepare a lot before taking online classesD.they can’t communicate with the teachers online28.The underlined word “offline” means “________” in Chinese.A.函授的B.网络的C.线下的D.媒体的29.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.Lian thinks it easy to always stay focused.B.Wen is a student from a high school in Beijing.C.Lian thinks that online interaction isn’t enough.D.Lian pushes herself to communicate with teachers in online classes.30.The passage is mainly about ________.A.what the students think of online classesB.how the students take online classes at homeC.where the students take online classesD.why the students like taking online classes(五十五)(2022湖北武汉中考真题)All through grade school, I got extra help with schoolwork. If I got a D, I was very happy. If I got a C-minus (C-), I had achieved greatness. A’s and B’s were a kingdom I could never enter. Once my teacher, Miss Mills, had given me a list of ten spelling words. My mother and I went over the list until I knew those words. I felt great. I thought, “Wow! This time, I’m going to pass.” The next day, I went into the classroom and began to write down the words. The first word was carper. I wrote that one down: c-a-r-p-e-t. I was feeling pretty confident. Then came neighbor-I wrote down the letter n. Then rhythm-I knew there was an r. Suburban-I wrote s-u-b. My confidence failed me. I had gone from 100 percent to maybe a D-minus. Where did the words go? Some people talk about information sliding off your brain. That was my life. I was an underachiever (未能充分发挥学习潜力者). Now I know I have dyslexia (诵读困难症). A person with dyslexia might see the as teh, and bird as brid. My brain learns differently. A learning disability can really change the way you feel about yourself. Now I know that even if I learn differently, I can still be filled with greatness. Today when I visit schools as an actor, director, and co-author of children’s books, I tell children that everyone has something special inside. It’s our job to find out what that is and get it out, and give it to the world as a gift.36.What’s the writer’s problem in grade school?A.He had trouble spelling.B.He often got C-minuses.C.He was absent-minded.D.He had a physical disability.37.From Paragraph 2, we can infer that the writer ________.A.wrote down 20% words correctlyB.knew he had dyslexia thenC.felt upset about himself at lastD.studied hard and passed the test38.The underlined phrase “sliding off” in Paragraph 3 probably means ________.A.coming intoB.going throughC.moving aroundD.disappearing from39.After the writer knew he had dyslexia, he ________.A.felt very excitedB.had more difficulties in studyC.was filled with sadnessD.changed his view of himself40.What would be the best title for the passage?A.A Change for SureB.A Great UnderachieverC.A Gift from the WorldD.A Special Spelling Bee(五十六)(2022湖北武汉中考真题)Boris, a foreign student at Communication University of China, often shares his experiences of Chinese culture on his vlog (视频博客). In one video, for example, Boris shared how he had learned the Chinese word dongxi. He translated each part separately into “east west”. And he introduced one theory (说法) about how dongxi came to mean “things”. He told people that all marketplaces in ancient Chinese cities were set up along a single road that ran from east to west. So when you would say qu mai dongxi. you’d be saying, “I’m going to buy things.”Some other videos show his reading Chinese poems and performing kung fu in Chinese traditional costume, which are quite welcome among his 40, 000 followers. “Many of my followers are learning Chinese,” Boris said. “But sadly, they know little about Chinese culture and the country.”Like many foreigners, Boris once believed that all Chinese could perform kung fu, flying onto roofs and walking over walls. He thought the country was not that developed. But after he got a scholarship (奖学金) to study in China in 2019, his view changed. “China has entered a new period, but many people’s impressions of China are still stuck in the1970s,” Boris said. “That’s why I started to shoot vlogs to share Chinese culture in 2019.”Until now, Boris has posted more than 40 Chinese culture vlogs online. But making these vlogs is not easy. Take reading the poem Second Farewell to Cambridge by Xu Zhimo as an example. “I can understand and read every word in the poem,” Boris said. “But to touch readers, I need to use proper feelings while reading.” So he needed to look for much background information and make his feelings suit each part of the poem. Though shooting these vlogs takes lots of time, the young man feels proud that his vlogs have inspired many people. Boris said that he wanted to continue bridging the differences between two cultures. “This goal may not be achieved easily, but I will spare no efforts to do my part.”41.Through the vlogs, Boris mainly wants to ________.A.teach foreigners ChineseB.introduce a Chinese universityC.sell Chinese productsD.share his experiences in China42.Boris learned the Chinese word dongxi by ________.A.translating it as a wholeB.knowing its cultural backgroundC.making up some sentencesD.comparing it with similar words43.What inspired Boris to shoot vlogs?A.His hunger for new technology.B.His wish to show the real China.C.His interest in Chinese culture.D.His dream to be a big vlogger.44.The poem Second Farewell to Cambridge is mentioned to ________.A.meet the followers’ needsB.express Boris’s love for poemsC.show Boris’s efforts at vlog-makingD.give an example of Chinese culture45.The passage is probably written to ________.A.say yes to Boris’s actionsB.build bridges by making vlogsC.call for more helpD.achieve a common goal(五十七)(2022湖北宜昌中考真题)During work hours in Becker’s bread shop, the kitchen is especially quiet except the sound of the machine. The quiet environment is not the result of the strict rules, but because all the workers are deaf. They use sign language to communicate with each other from time to time.Becker’s shop is in Changsha City, Hunan Province. It sells many kinds of German bread, cakes and coffee. It is very popular for the story of Becker who opened it.Over twenty years ago, Becker and his wife heard about a Chinese public project. It provided language training for the disabled children, but it was short of trainers in Changsha. So they came in 2002 with a common wish to do something meaningful in life.In Changsha, together with other Chinese trainers, they helped children improve their hearing and language pronunciation. Every little progress each child experienced was a great encouragement to them, and they achieved their goal in life.After ten years of working for this project, they found that the disabled adults couldn’t be independent because they had no professional skills. Then Becker and his wife set up a bread shop to teach these people how to make bread. With their help, all of them were able to live on their own.Luckily, Becker and his wife have also got the support from the local government. More people join them and understand that disabled people can work as well as others when they have the same chances.16.What makes Becker’s bread shop popular according to the passage?A.Its owner’s story.B.Its quiet environment.C.Its strict rules.D.Its good location.17.How long have Becker and his wife lived in China?A.For about 10 years.B.For about 15 years.C.For about 20 years.D.For about 30 years.18.Who does the underlined word “ they ” in Paragraph 5 refer to?A.The local people.B.Becker and his wife.C.The Chinese trainers.D.The disabled children.19.Where can we probably read the passage?A.In a travel guide.B.In a notice.C.In a science report.D.In a magazine.20.What’s the best title for this passage?A.A Silent Bread Shop B.A Training CourseC.A Beautiful CityD.Delicious Local Food(五十八)(2022湖北宜昌中考真题)The brush pen, one of the “Four Treasures of the Study”, was invented thousands of years ago. However, the oldest pen was just a stick or a piece of bamboo. It was difficult for people to write well on thin silk.It is said that Meng Tian, a general of the Kingdom (王国) Qin, improved the pen. When Meng was leading an army to fight against the Kingdom of Chu, he had to report the situation to his king in time. But his pen was too hard and caused him much trouble, so he was thinking of ways to improve it.One day after hunting (狩猎), Meng made his way home with some wild rabbits on the horse back. Fat and heavy, one rabbit’s tail left a long trail (痕迹) on the ground when they moved on. Suddenly a good idea came to his mind when he saw it, “If I tie the rabbit’s hair to a stick, would it be easy to write with?” On arriving home, he tied the rabbit’s hair to a stick and tried writing with it. But the rabbit’s hair was too smooth to write well and wasted a lot of silk. Meng was so disappointed that he threw away his “invention” into a stone hole in the yard.However, Meng never gave up and kept trying all the time. A few rainy days later, he happened to find his “invention” fatter in a stone hole. He picked it up with hope. The brush worked beautifully on silk. It turned out that the special water had cleaned the oil from the hair. Meng succeeded at last.Thanks to Meng, the brush pen is playing a key role in Chinese culture. Today, students are taught to use the brush pens in school. It makes their life more colorful and helps them better understand Chinese culture.21.Why did Meng Tian want to improve the pen?A.Because the king asked him to do so.B.Because he wanted to be an inventor.C.Because he didn’t have silk to write on.D.Because the pen brought him much trouble.22.When did Meng think of the good idea in Paragraph 3?A.Before hunting animals.B.When he saw the trail.C.During cleaning the hair.D.After he wrote a report.23.Which is the right order of improving the brush pen?a. The brush pen could write well.b. Meng tied the rabbit’s hair to a stick.c. The special water washed the oil away.d. Meng dropped the stick into a stone hole.A.b-d-a-cB.d-b-a-cC.b-d-c-aD.c-d-b-a24.How can the students understand Chinese culture better?A.By learning to use brush pens.B.By playing a role.C.By planting more bamboo.D.By inventing things.25.What can we learn from the passage?A.Make friends with animals.B.Value fantastic memories.C.Keep trying and never give up.D.Build a peaceful world.(五十九)(2022湖南衡阳中考真题)During the past summer vacation, a 15-year-old boy made a model plane on his own in less than a month. Then he new it successfully, which surprised all the people around him.The boy named Li Banghua is from Hefei. Anhui Province. He made the plane completely by himself. The plane is 0.6 meters wide, has a wingspan (翼展) of 4.4 meters and weighs about 40 kilograms. According to a local report, Li just finished his high-school entrance exam a year ago and got good grades. After the exam, he threw himself into the work of making the model plane right away.Li has been interested in model planes since he was a child. Besides, he has been studying building model planes for years. This time the model plane is the largest he has ever built and he considers it the most successful one.Throughout the process of building the plane, he came across many failures. “But the biggest difficulty I had was that the adults couldn’t understand me well,” Li said. “When I said I was going to build a model plane, a lot of adults thought it was impossible. But I decided to keep on working hard. That is because once I start something, giving up is not a choice for me.What’s more, on May 1st, 2022, he took the “fire fighting drone” (消防无人机) to a test flight in the field of his hometown in Feixi County successfully.When talking about his future, he said he dreamed of becoming a plane engineer.16.How old is Li Banghua now?A.15.B.16.C.17.17.What’s the weight of the model plane?A.4 kilograms.B.40 kilograms.C.4.4 kilograms.18.The biggest difficulty he had throughout the process of building the plane was ________.A.the lack of timeB.the lack of moneyC.the lack of understanding from adults19.From Li Banghua’s words, we learn that “________”.A.To help others makes us happyB.Where there is a will, there is a wayC.Actions speak louder than words20.What is the best title of the passage?A.Development of Model PlanesB.History of Model PlanesC.A Boy and His Model Planes(六十)(2022河北中考真题)Last year I had a trip with my friend, Nancy. The weather was cloudy except for one night. Nancy and I sat in the field and we felt relaxed. We talked about the fantastic trip, looking at the stars. “It’s a pity we don’t know which stars we’re looking at, Jenny,” said Nancy. “I know some of them,” I answered. Nancy felt surprised when I finally finished telling her all the names I knew. My interest in stars began when I was eight. My aunt took me to a planetarium(天文馆). A guide showed us the groups of stars and told us stories about how they got their names. The stories were wonderful. Everyone knows we can see the stars better when it’s not cloudy, but lots of people don’t realize that a bright moon also stops us seeing very much. I always look for the Plough(北斗星), because once I see that, I can find the North Star and other stars. I wanted to learn more about the stars, so I took a course at the club. There are so many lights in the city that we have to go into the countryside to see any stars. I’m planning to make videos about stars in the countryside. I’ll post them online for everyone to watch. My greatest dream is to be an astronaut(宇航员)and I wish I could have a space travel.24.How did Nancy feel after Jenny told her the names of stars?A.Relaxed.B.Surprised.C.Angry.D.Wonderful.25.What is Jenny planning to do?A.Have a space travel.B.Take courses online.C.Make videos about stars.D.Give a talk about names.26.Which of the following would Jenny probably agree with?A.Students should move to the countryside.B.Children’s favorite hobby is to write stories.C.The best place to watch stars is the city center.D.A bright moon may stop people seeing very much.(六十一)(2022湖南湘潭中考真题)Five years ago, Jennifer, a girl from Australia, came to Xiangtan University to study Chinese. There she fell in love with Chinese culture and met her husband, who is a local (当地的) young man. They got married after she finished her study. Since then, she has started her new life in Xiangtan City. As Jennifer learned that tigers have important and special meaning in China, she decided to prepare some interesting gifts for her baby on the way. Like some Chinese people, she’d like to call it “Tiger Baby”, because 2022 is the Year of Tiger. She has already learned to make tiger hats and shoes in the shape of a tiger’s head for her baby, hoping her baby will grow to be as strong as a little tiger. Father has decided that his baby grows up, he will teach the baby to draw pictures of tigers. Grandma has helped make some cloth tiger to “eat up” illnesses. Grandpa’s stories are ready, like those about Tiger General (虎威将军) and Hufu (虎符).Next week, Jennifer’s parents will fly from Australia to take good care of her. And in 3 months, the family will welcome a big day. Jennifer believes she will be the happiest mom in the world. What a warm family!16.According to the text, Jennifer came to Xiangtan University _________.A.to see her friendsB.to study ChineseC.to leach English17.Why has Jennifer made tiger hats and shoes?A.To hope the baby will be as strong as a tiger.B.To show her perfect skills of making things.C.To send them to her Chinese friends as gifts.18.Who will teach the baby to draw pictures of ligers?A.Grandma.B.Grandpa.C.Father.19.What will probably happen in 3 months?A.The baby will only get a cloth tiger as a gift.B.Jennifer’s mom will send wishes from Australia.C.Jennifer will give birth to a baby at that time.20.What can we know from the text?A.Jennifer lives a very happy life in China.B.The baby will be a general in the future.C.Jennifer’s parents like the story of Hufu.(六十二)(2022湖南湘潭中考真题)Liu Min is an English teacher. These days, her family are experiencing a different life of working and studying. They get up and do morning exercises at 6:30 in the living room. After breakfast, they start their work and study. Her husband turns on his computer in the study (书房), reading his e-mails and making a list of today’s work. Before Liu Min begins to give lessons online, she makes sure her students, including her daughter, are all there. Because of COVID-19, many people are now working and studying at home like them, and they are called telecommuters (居家办公者). When they are working at home, they can follow their own plans and get connected with the workplaces through the Internet. Working at home brings them something good. There is more time than before to communicate with their family members. While working at home, they can look after their children, too. On the other hand, they save more time and money without traveling to work. It also helps produce less pollution and fewer traffic problems. However, the family still hope they can come back to their normal life. Thanks to the Chinese government, things are getting better now. As a manager, the husband can talk with his workers face to face. Liu Min and her daughter can return to school.21.Liu Min’s husband does these things in the study except ________.A.reading his e-mailsB.making a list of today’s workC.doing morning exercises22.From the text, which of the following is one of the advantages of working at home?A.They can have big meals with family.B.They can save more time and money.C.They can look after their old parents.23.In paragraph (段落) 2, what does the underlined word “them” refer to (指代)?A.Liu Min’s family.B.Liu Min’s children.C.Liu Min’s students.24.According to the text, we can know that ________.A.Liu Min is a Chinese teacherB.Liu Min is her daughter’s teacherC.Liu Min’s family don’t need to work25.What can be the best title (标题) of the text?A.Different WorkplacesB.Liu Min’s Teaching OnlineC.Working and Studying at Home(六十三)(2022江苏连云港中考真题)There was an old oak tree in the garden. Holly’s father wanted to cut it down and build a new office there. Holly felt sad and didn’t agree. She moved into the old tree house, which was her favourite place in the world. One day, it rained all night. Lightning lit up the sky and thunder rumbled. The tree house was moving. A branch (树枝) broke. Holly and her dog Eco fell down from the tree. Her parents ran towards her and took her into the room. Luckily, Holly was all right.The next day a tree surgeon (外科医生) named Harry examined the oak tree. He did some tests, then he talked to Holly and her father.“This is a lovely tree,” he said. “I can see why it’s so important to you, Holly. Unfortunately, it’s very old, and it has a disease. It really isn’t safe. I’m afraid it has to come down.”Holly nodded. Her father put his arm around her.“Can you cut it down?” he asked.“Yes, of course,” said Harry.“And after that… can you plant a new tree?”“A new tree?” asked Holly, surprised. “Where?”“In the same place, of course,” her father replied.So Harry cut down the old oak tree and planted a new one in its place. Holly helped him fill the hole with earth, and Eco jumped in and out of it while they were working. Later the whole family stood around the new tree.“It’s small, isn’t it?” said Holly’s sister Sophie.“It’s small now,” said Holly, “but it’s going to grow. It’s going to grow as big as my old tree.”Then she turned to her father.“Dad, where are you going to build your new office?”“Over there,” said her father, pointing.“On the lawn?” asked Holly. Her parents were crazy about their stupid lawn!“It’s OK,” her mother said. “The tree’s more important. In fact, I want you to have a party in the garden for your new tree. And I want you to invite all your friends.”Holly and Sophie smiled. It was going to be a great summer after all.34.What does the underlined word “examined” probably mean in paragraph 2?A.Changed.B.Climbed.C.Checked.D.Collected.35.What can we know about the old oak tree?A.It was cut down by Holly.B.It had a disease and wasn’t safe.C.It came down by itself suddenly.D.It would grow with a young tree.36.How did Holly feel about the new tree later?A.Strange.B.Angry.C.Worried.D.Hopeful.37.From the passage, we can know that Holly’s father would ________.A.give up building the new officeB.share one office with his friendsC.build the new office on the lawnD.choose to work in the tree house(六十四)(2022江苏苏州中考真题)On warm winter days, Yang Liheng, 89, enjoys sitting by the window and looking through old photos. These photos bring him joy and happiness once more. For Yang, one of the long-expected activities during the Spring Festival is to take photos with family members. On the early morning of the second day of the Chinese New Year when the whole family reunite, he would dress up and wait for the photo to be taken. Yang became a photographer in the late 1950s. With his camera, Yang recorded the great changes of his hometown over time. “I had a painful childhood, but I got a chance to be a photographer after the founding(成立)of the People’s Republic of China.” Yang told Beijing Review. “I want to record, in the form of photographs, the local customs, the scenes and people’s brave spirit of fighting against the hard conditions here in my hometown.”“I used to take pictures for everyone else, but seldom turned my camera at my family members,” Yang said. “My grandson gave me the idea to record the growth and development of my own family.” Taking family photos then became a tradition for Yang’s family. Though now some of his grandchildren are working and living in other cities, they try their best to return home during the Spring Festival and prepare for the special moment. Last year was an important year for Yang Liheng. Most of his photos were displayed in Yinchuan to show the development of the area over the past sixty years.14.What does Yang expect most during the Spring Festival?A.Wearing new clothes.B.Having a big dinner.C.Taking a family photo.D.Visiting his relatives.15.What does the underlined word “reunite” in paragraph 2 mean?A.Get separated.B.Get much wealthier.C.Get improved.D.Get together again.16.What is the main idea of paragraph 3?A.When Yang was interviewed.B.Where Yang learnt to take photos.C.Why Yang had a painful childhood.D.What Yang recorded with his camera.17.What do we know about Yang’s family?A.It is full of love.B.It is full of mysteries.C.It is a rich family.D.It is having a hard time.(六十五)(2022江苏苏州中考真题)When I was little, I was really little. But my dream was big. I dreamed of being a basketball player. I tried out for the teams at school, but I was never given a chance. As I got older, I did grow a little bigger, but not a lot bigger. On my 12th birthday, I decided to try a new sport: running. I told Grandpa. “I’m going to be an athlete.”“Dave.” Grandpa began gently, “if you can’t be big, you can do something big.”I ran 12 miles on my 12th birthday. On my 13th birthday, I did it again, but I added an extra mile. On my 14th birthday, I ran 14 miles. 15 on my 15th, 16 on my 16th, and you guessed it—17 miles on my 17th birthday. All this running inspired(激发)another big dream. Someday, I’d run the Boston Marathon(波士顿马拉松赛). I told Grandpa about my decision. “But, Dave, you haven’t trained for the marathon. Are you sure you’re ready?” Grandpa asked. But he still promised to walk over and cheer me on. I ran fast that day, But I fell at Mile 18 and was driven to the hospital. Later that night, I called Grandpa and told him I failed. “No,” he said calmly, “you didn’t fail. You discovered something.”“I did?” I asked. “Yes, you discovered that big dreams don’t just come true. They take work. If you train and work hard, I promise to wait for you next year and cheer you on.”I trained every day, running miles and miles. Sadly, just two months into my training, Grandpa died. He wouldn’t be waiting for my second Boston Marathon. I decided I’d run for him. That day, I ran fast. “Keep going! You can do it!” His words filled my head as I forced my legs to make each painful step. As I crossed the finish line, I threw my arms in the air and cried, “Grandpa, we did it!”22.Why did Dave fail to join the school basketball team?A.He couldn’t run fast.B.He didn’t work hard.C.He was not tall enough.D.He wasn’t a quick learner.23.What does the underlined word “it” in paragraph A refer to?A.Adding an extra mile.B.Running on his birthday.C.Training for the marathon.D.Trying out for the basketball team.24.Which of the following words best describes Grandpa?A.Creative.B.Modest.C.Generous.D.Encouraging.25.What is the best title for the text?A.Dream BigB.The Boston MarathonC.Think TwiceD.The Story of Grandpa(六十六)(2022江苏宿迁中考真题)One day, Helen shouts, “Roger, come and look at the egg! It’s cracking(裂开).” Slowly a long beak(喙)appears. They are unsure what it is.Dad checks on the computer, “Hey, look! It’s a pterodactyl(翼手龙).” “A pterodactyl?” shout the children. “Yes, it’s a type of dinosaur. Pterodactyls can fly,” says Dad.Then Helen names it Dacty.A month later, he grows up. But there is something wrong with his wings. “My room is too small and Dacty keeps banging(碰撞)his wings on the walls. I feel sorry for him,” says Helen. Finally, they take Dacty to a vet(兽医).Two weeks later, Dacty’s wings are better. However, he isn’t willing to fly. They phone Aunt Elizabeth. Soon she arrives. “My office is very big. It’s perfect for Dacty during the day. And at night, when the museum is empty, Dacty can fly around happily.” Then she takes them to the museum. On arriving, they take Dacty out of the basket. He stretches(伸展)his wings, flies high up and lands on a stone statue.“Look, he likes here,” shouts Helen. “Can he see in the dark?” asks Roger. “Yes, they see clearly in the dark, just like owls(猫头鹰),” says Aunt Elizabeth.Six months passes and Dacty is very big now. One night, Dacty sees lights moving inside the museum. Two men—Bert and Eric come in with torches(手电筒). They are wearing masks and trying to open a case(箱子). Inside it is a mummy(木乃伊). Suddenly Eric looks up and sees Dacty. He is very scared. “Look, Bert, there is a huge bird up there.” Bert looks up. Dacty doesn’t move, “Eric, don’t be silly. It’s only a statue,” says Bert. “Come on. I will open the case. You look for the gold medallions(大奖章).” At the moment, Dacty flies down and catches Eric. The thief is very scared and he can’t say anything. Dacty flies up and lifts him on top of a statue. He’s stuck. At once, Dacty flies down again and catches Bert, too. Both of them are stuck there.The next morning, when Aunt Elizabeth comes in, she sees the broken mummy case and the two men. They are shouting loudly.Dacty flies down to her. “Here you are, Dacty,” she says and pets(爱抚)his head. “Thank you, you did a great job.” Then she phones the police.The mayor(市长)shakes Dacty’s wing and puts a big shiny medal over his head. “Congratulations, you did a great job.” Then he turns to Aunt Elizabeth, “It’s great to have a big bird as a guard!”“Dacty is a pterodactyl!” Roger says.“Dacty is a hero now,” says Aunt Elizabeth.“A pterodactyl?” shouts another man. “Wow! They love warm weather and jungles(丛林). I work in the Botanical Gardens(植物园).We have a wonderful palm(棕榈)house, big and warm, just like a jungle. He will love there. You can come to visit it anytime.”So now Dacty is living in the Botanical Gardens. Roger and Helen visit him every day.(Adapted from The Surprise)42.How does Dacty hurt his wings?A.He plays games with the children.B.He falls off the tree when flying.C.He bangs on the walls in Helen’s room.D.He practises flying in the museum.43.Which word can best describe Dacty?A.Curious.B.Honest.C.Generous.D.Smart.44.What is the correct order of what happens in the story?a.Dacty is taken to see a vet.b.Helen names the pterodactyl Dacty. c. Dacty lives in the Botanical Gardens. d. The thieves steal things in the museum.A.b-d-a-cB.d-a-b-cC.b-a-d-cD.c-d-a-b45.What can we infer(推断)from the story?A.All dinosaurs enjoy cold weather and jungles.B.Humans and animals should care about each other.C.Children think it necessary to raise an animal at home.D.It is better for a dinosaur to live with humans than in nature.(六十七)(2022江苏扬州中考真题)Every month, Julia and her cousins would go for the big family meal at their grandparents’ house. On each visit, their grandpa would give them a few coins. Then all the children would run off to buy sweets. One day, he gathered the children together. He said, “Let’s have a competition to see who can manage money wisely. At the end of this year, tell me how you’ve used your money.”Ruben and Nico, the two smallest kids, continued spending their money all on sweets. Every time, they would show off their sweets in front of the other children. This made Clara and Joe so angry that these two could no longer keep saving their money. They soon joined Ruben and Nico.Monty was a clever boy. He decided to manage his money by buying and selling things. Soon he made a lot of money with little effort. The way he was going, he would end up almost a rich man. However, he began to spend his money on more and more expensive things for himself. A few months later, he hadn’t a single penny(便士)left.Alex saved and saved all the coins he was given, and at the end of the year he had collected more money than anyone. He was the clear winner.There was also Julia. Poor Julia hadn’t a penny on the day of the competition. She had spent all her coins on her secret plan. Julia knew a poor violinist who played in the park, and she offered him all the coins for his violin lessons. Although it wasn’t much money, on seeing Julia’s excitement, the violinist agreed. A little after a year the violinist loaned her a violin so they two could play together in the park. They were so successful that she managed to buy her own violin. Even better, she later became a very famous violinist.34.Why did the children’s grandpa suggest the competition to them?A.To encourage them to win competitions.B.To teach them how to manage their money.C.To tell them money was important to them.D.To know who was the cleverest child in the family.35.The underlined words “these two” in Paragraph 2 refer to(指的是)________.A.Clara and JoeB.Ruben and NicoC.Monty and AlexD.Alex and Julia36.What can we learn from Julia’s story?A.Get rich slow, or get poor fast.B.Little effort always brings much money.C.A little money well spent can help realize your dreams.D.It is not wise of you to spend all the money you've got.37.What is the best title for the passage?A.Grandpa’s coinsB.Julia’s cousinsC.A saving competitionD.A happy family(六十八)(2022江苏扬州中考真题)My five-year-old son befriends the woman. It starts with voices in the yard. When I come out to check on Daniel, his face is pressed on the fence(篱笆). The woman says, “You wait right here; I’ll be right back. ”She returns with a saw(锯子). There’s a whirring. A circle in the wooden fence drops out of sight.“Dad! Sandy just drilled out a hole in the fence so Sandy and I can talk! ” Daniel spins around.I hadn’t known her name was Sandy. We’ve lived here a month before Daniel was born.Daniel’s and Sandy’s murmuring voices continue. Whenever Daniel is outside, he circles near the fence that isn’t a fence any more. Some days my son just goes to stand at the hole, yelling, “Sandy! Saaaaandyyyyy!” Sometimes I hear bits of their talk.“We painted a ghost at school.”Or: “Wheeler and Jackson were playing football, and they told me I couldn’t play.”“That wasn’t very nice, ” says Sandy. “Did that hurt your feelings? Did you let them know that?”I can’t hear how he replies. A moment of envy runs through me. He never talks about his school things with me.Daniel and Sandy not only keep chatting through the hole, they also exchange gifts. A coloring book, then a Hot Wheels car. It’s unclear what Daniel gives Sandy in return.One afternoon, I hear Sandy’s voice floating over the top of the fence with the hole. “I thought maybe Daniel could come for a play date.”We ring the bell on Sandy’s porch. She’s a middle-aged woman with smiling eyes. Sandy’s yard is sweet with the smell of flowers. We have a pleasant afternoon with Sandy, my son’s adult friend, the first friend Daniel has made on his own. A month later, Sandy leaves to care for her mother in Kansas. She left behind a box of presents: a coloring book, sidewalk chalk, the missing orange part in the Hot Wheels track. When I look at Daniel, he’s looking down at his shoes.He sometimes wanders down to the fence. Instead of calling “Sandy! Saaaaandyyyyy!” he cries. “Hello! Helloooooo!”One day, Daniel receives Sandy’s postcard. They write frequently, warmly.38.Which of the following is the correct order of the story?a. Sandy leaves for Kansas to care for her mother.b. Daniel and Sandy exchange gifts through the hole.c. Daniel and Sandy are good pen friends.d. Sandy drills out a hole in the fence.e. Sandy invites Daniel to come to her yard for a play date.A.dbeacB.badecC.dceabD.ecadb39.Which sentence should go in the empty box in Paragraph 4 from the bottom?A.The neighbourhood I grew up in has a fence like this.B.We’ve passed through the hole in the fence.C.Beyond that fence stands Sandy’s blue house.D.I’m a person who looks on the bad side of the fence.40.What can we know about Daniel from the underlined sentences in the story?A.He doesn’t care about Sandy’s leaving.B.He is impressed with the shoes from Sandy.C.He is heartbroken when hearing the news.D.He does not want to be Sandy’s friend any more.41.Which sentence best expresses the theme of the story?A.Parents are children’s best friends.B.Trust and friendship can go beyond ages.C.A good fence makes a good neighbour.D.Grass is greener on the other side of the fence.(六十九)(2022江西中考真题)Why is the sea salt? Long before we discovered scientific ways of thinking about it, we explained it in a story. Even though the answer isn’t scientific, it holds some other truth in it — especially about the human heart.Long ago, a poor old couple lived on the coast. One day, an old storyteller came to their village. The old couple gave him a meal. In return, he gave them a coffee mill (磨粉机) and said, “Say, ‘Mill, please grind (磨粉)’,” and it’ll make whatever you want, to stop it, say ‘Mill, please cease (停止) grinding’.”Soon the old couple had a much better life. They’d been happy people, and they didn’t need much more. But the young couple next door were never satisfied. When they saw the old couple wearing good clothes and buying good food, they burnt with envy (羡慕). So one day, the young husband went to the old couple’s house secretly and heard, “Mill, please grind hot chocolate!” He was surprised to see it coming out.Then the young couple stole the mill from the old couple. With it, they rode a horse and set off down the coast, where no one would know them. Along the way, the husband showed proudly and asked, “What do you want it to make?” “Oh. I don’t know. Why not salt?” the wife said. “Mill, please grind salt!” he said. “It works!” the wife shouted. But then they noticed the salt went everywhere. “Make it stop,” the wife said. But the husband didn’t know how. “Mill, please stop grinding! Please, no more!” His words didn’t work. The mill kept grinding. Finally, the young husband threw the mill into the sea as far as he could.And there it’s been, for hundreds of years, endlessly grinding salt. That’s why the sea is salt.27.The passage is probably a(n) ________.A.folk storyB.instructionC.science fictionD.science report28.Put the things happened to the mill in correct order.a. It began to produce salt.b. The young husband threw it.c. The young couple stole it.d. The old couple got it.A.b-d-a-cB.b-a-d-cC.d-a-c-bD.d-c-a-b29.What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 4 refer to?A.The coffee.B.The horse.C.The mill.D.The chocolate.30.How did the young husband’s feelings change?A.sorry — sad — excitedB.thirsty — excited — afraidC.happy — nervous — proudD.surprised — thankful — happy31.What does the word “truth” in Paragraph 1 imply (暗指)?A.Being patient.B.Working properly.C.Being satisfied.D.Listening carefully.(七十)(2022陕西中考真题)If someone is 2.57 meters tall, we would say this person is super tall. Can this person be the tallest on record?The tallest man in history was Robert Pershing Wadlow. He was 2.72 meters tall! When he was born, he was just like other babies. But as he was growing, he became unusual from other children. Let’s take a look at the timeline of Robert’s early years of life:Childhood1918Robert Pershing Wadlow was born on February 22. He weighed a normal (正常的) 3.9 kilograms. When he was six months old, he weighed 13.6 kilograms.1919When he was 18 months old, he weighed almost 30 kilograms.1923Robert went to kindergarten—the place like a school or class for children aged five. He was already 1.7 meters tall. He could wear the clothes of a 17-year-old boy.1926When Robert was eight years old, he was over 1.8 meters tall.1927Robert could carry his father up the stairs (楼梯) of their home.21.How tall is the tallest person in history?A.2.57 meters.B.2.75 meters.C.2.27 meters.D.2.72 meters.22.In which year did Robert weigh almost 30 kilograms?A.In 1919.B.In 1923.C.In 1926.D.In 1927.23.Which of the following is TRUE?A.Robert was just like other babies at birth.B.At the age of six, Robert weighed 13.6 kilograms.C.Robert was 1.7 meters tall when he was eight years old.D.In 1926, Robert could carry his father up the stairs.(七十一)(2022四川德阳中考真题)There was a big lake in the forest. A crocodile (鳄鱼) with his wife lived in the lake. They ate fishes. By the lake stood a big tree. A monkey lived in it. He ate fruits. The monkey and the crocodile met every day and often played together.One day, the crocodile’s wife saw the monkey and she wanted to eat the monkey’s heart. She said to her husband, “I don’t want to eat fishes in the lake any more. I think the monkey’s heart must be delicious. Go and get it for me!” The crocodile didn’t agree. But his wife added, “Don’t worry. Just bring him here and try to push him down into the water.” After thinking for a long time, the crocodile agreed.The next day the crocodile invited the monkey to play by the lake. While they were playing, the crocodile pushed the monkey down into the water. The monkey asked the crocodile why he did that. The crocodile said, “My wife wants to eat your heart.” The monkey was shocked but he said, “I left my heart in the tree. Let’s go to take it.” The crocodile agreed. When they reached the tree, the monkey climbed up the tree quickly and said, “My heart is in my body.”19.What did the monkey and the crocodile often do?A.They ate meals together.B.They caught fishes in the lake.C.They played together.D.They fought with each other.20.What did the crocodile’s wife want to eat?A.The monkey’s heart. B.The monkey’s head. C.Fishes in the lake.D.Fruits on the tree.21.What can we learn from the text?A.The monkey was smart when he was in danger.B.The crocodile agreed with his wife right away.C.The monkey left his heart on the top of the big tree.D.The crocodile invited the monkey to swim in the lake.22.Where can you probably find the text?A.In a history book.B.In a science magazine.C.In a story book.D.In a fashion magazine.(七十二)(2022四川德阳中考真题)One Monday morning, the students were talking about their homework in the classroom. Last weekend, their homework was to sell something. They would use the money they made to buy school things for the children in poor areas. Now it was time for them to show how successful they were.Liu Ling was the first one to speak. “I made some cakes and sold them. I made 40 yuan,” she said happily. “My friendly words and smiles helped me. At the same time, the cakes were rally delicious.” “Good,” said the teacher.Yang Mei said, “I sold newspapers. I made 55 yuan and I told everyone that newspapers can tell us what is happening around the world.” “Very good, Yang Mei,” said the teacher.Li Hang said, “I sold my toys and I made 62 yuan. I told everyone they were much cheaper than new toys.” “Great!” said the teacher.Then it was Zhou Yi’s turn. Everyone looked at him. Zhou Yi walked to the front of the classroom and put a box of money on the teacher’s desk.“1,242 yuan,” he said.“1,242 yuan!” said the teacher. “What did you sell?” “Toothbrushes,” said Zhou Yi.“Toothbrushes?” the teacher asked. “How did you do it? How many toothbrushes did you sell to make that much money?” “I found the busiest street in town,” said Zhou Yi, “I set up a chocolate stand (货摊) and invited everybody who walked by to taste my chocolate for free. They all said, ‘Your chocolate tastes good but it makes my teeth black!’ Then I said, ‘It is. Do you want to buy a toothbrush?’ ”23.Why did the students sell things?A.To help their classmates.B.To make money for themselves.C.To make a survey about selling.D.To help the children in poor areas.24.What did Yang Mei sell?A.Cakes.B.Newspapers.C.Toys.D.Toothbrushes.25.Who made the most money?A.Liu Ling.B.Yang Mei.C.Li Hang.D.Zhou Yi.26.What can we learn from the text?A.The teacher made a lot of money.B.Li Hang and Liu Ling made 102 yuan.C.Zhou Yi’s chocolate tasted really awful.D.Yang Mei and Zhou Yi made 1287 yuan.(七十三)(2022四川广元中考真题)One day, a man was walking by the corner of a street. There he met a little boy holding a bird cage and selling the birds inside. The man stopped and looked very sadly at the birds in front of him. The birds were screaming in the cage, giving a high cry and trying to fly away.After standing for a moment, he said to the boy, “How much does your bird cost? I want...”“One, fifty cents, sir.” the boy answered quickly.“I am afraid that you are mistaken. I am not asking how much it is.” The man said, “I would like to buy all of them. What I ask is how much you want for them.”Hearing this, the boy happily counted the number of the birds in the cage.“Five dollars.”“Here you are!” The man passed the money. The boy counted excitedly. Suddenly he was surprised to find the cage was empty!“Oh, my god, for what reason did you do that, sir? You don’t even get a bird!” The boy asked the man who set the birds free.“My boy, let me tell you why I did this.” The man said, “I have no right to keep them. Every life should be free and they are our friends. So we should let them free.”36.Where did the man meet a little boy holding a bird cage?A.At the crossing of a street.B.At the corner of a street.C.At the gate of a market.D.At the door of a shop.37.What does the underlined word “screaming” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?A.欢唱B.抽泣C.尖叫D.低语38.How many birds did the boy sell at last?A.One bird.B.Five birds.C.None of his birds.D.All his birds.39.Why was the boy surprised?A.Because the man misunderstood him.B.Because the man didn’t give him money.C.Because he got too much money.D.Because he found all the birds had flown away.40.What does the writer mainly want us to learn from the passage?A.We should love and protect birds.B.We should keep birds in cages.C.We should be friendly to each other.D.We should try to understand each other.(七十四)(2022天津中考真题)Steve is James and John’s big brother. One day, when their mum left for work, James and John started crying. They didn’t want her to leave. Steve tried to stop them crying and said, “Let’s play hide-and-seek (捉迷藏). You hide and I’ll count to ten. Then I’ll try to find you.” Steve found James under a chair and John behind a door. They played over and over again. Each time, the two boys hid in the same places. Finally, Steve felt too bored with the game. “Let’s take the dog for a walk,” he said.When Steve walked the dog, he found James and John were running in the street. He thought it was so dangerous. Then he had an idea. “Anyone who walks back to the house with me can have some snacks!” Steve shouted.At home, the boys ate some cookies and got ready for a sleep. James and John wanted a story. Steve told them the story about the little red hen. When their mum returned home, she was pleased to find the three sleeping boys.26.James and John started ________ when their mum left home.A.cryingB.runningC.readingD.sleeping27.Where did James hide during the game?A.Under a table.B.Under a chair.C.Behind a door.D.Behind a box.28.Why did Steve feel bored with the game?A.Because he was not good at it.B.Because he didn’t know where to hide.C.Because his brothers made the room dirty.D.Because his brothers always hid in the same places.29.What were James and John doing when Steve walked the dog?A.Staying in the house. B.Shouting at Steve.C.Running in the street.D.Eating some snacks.30.How did their mum feel when she found the sleeping boys?A.Angry.B.Pleased.C.Afraid.D.Sad.(七十五)(2022云南昆明中考真题)I asked my dad if I had ever made him cry before because I couldn’t remember ever seeing him cry. “There was once,” he said. He told me that when I was one year old, he put a pen, a piece of paper money and a toy in front of me. He wanted to see which one I would pick. It’s a tradition that a lot of Chinese people do when their kids are one year old. According to this tradition, it shows what the kid will value most when he or she grows up. For example, if the kid takes the pen, it means he or she will be an intelligent person in the future. If the kid takes the money, it means he or she will value money more than others and become rich. If the kid takes the toy, it means he or she will like fun things and play a lot. My father was doing it because he was curious (好奇的). It was interesting for him to see which one I would pick. He said that I just sat there and stared at the three things. He sat across from me and waited to see the result. According to him, I moved toward him and he held his breath. Then I pushed everything aside and went right into his arms. Tears (眼泪) came to his eyes. He didn’t realize that he was one of the choices. And that was the first and only time I made him cry.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。26.How many choices did the father prepare?A.One.B.Two.C.Three.D.Four.27.According to the tradition, if the kid takes the pen, it means he or she will be __________.A.richB.intelligentC.humorousD.successful28.Which one did the writer finally pick?A.The father.B.The pen.C.The money.D.The toy.29.The father felt __________ after the writer pushed everything aside and went into his arms.A.curiousB.nervousC.relaxedD.moved30.Which of the following could be the best title for this passage?A.A father’s warm hugB.Joyful tears for an old traditionC.Different choices of a fatherD.A tradition for a kid’s first birthday(七十六)(2022云南昆明中考真题)For 16-year-old Ma Yifei, the violin performance of the Beijing 2022 Olympic theme song, Snowflake, was her best present for Paralympians (残奥运动员) all over the world. Even though snowflakes are related to winter, she let others feel warmth, hope and light through her performance. “I’m also disabled and I want to do something for them with my music,” said Ma. Ma went blind at the age of two because of an illness. She became interested in music when she was young. She started to learn to play the piano at five and the violin at nine, experiencing the “colorful” music through sound and emotion. Ma’s mother Ha Chunyan, a former music teacher in a primary school, helped her memorize the music score (乐谱) before she played the piano. Ma could not see the keys and always played the wrong notes. It took her thousands of tries to play a piece correctly. Learning the violin was more challenging. Ma needed to feel the teacher’s hands, arms and back to learn the movements, and listen to the strings (弦) over and over again to feel the muscles (肌肉) herself. “After three years of learning, she still could not make any sound except terrible noises,” said Ha, who advised her daughter to give up the violin. But Ma said, “As I’ve been practicing so long, it’s hard to give up. I believe I will play better if I persist in practicing.” In 2018, Ma got a chance to follow Sheng Yuan and Cao Yuhan, famous musicians from the Central Conservatory of Music, to study music in Beijing. She left her home in Ningxia to follow her musical dream, though she knew there would be more challenges ahead. Ma expressed her excitement about performing at the big event. “All my hard work has paid off. I’m proud of standing on the stage today.” 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。31.The violin performance made people feel __________.A.regret, hope and lightB.fear, warmth and hopeC.warmth, hope and lightD.pity, warmth and light32.How does the writer describe Ma’s difficulties in learning the violin?A.By questioning.B.By listing numbers.C.By offering advice.D.By giving examples.33.Which of the following is TRUE about Ma?A.Ma began to learn to play the piano at nine.B.In 2018, Ma got a chance to study music in Beijing.C.It was more challenging for Ma to learn the piano than the violin.D.Ma could memorize the music score by herself before playing the piano.34.What does the underlined phrase “persist in” probably mean in Paragraph 5?A.keep onB.end upC.take pride inD.look forward to35.Ma’s story tells us __________.A.old habits die hardB.there is no place like homeC.practice makes perfectD.a good friend is like a mirror(七十七)(2022浙江湖州中考真题)Last week, I finally managed to ask my parents to buy me a new football shirt for the school match. I was very excited and wore it to the training before the match, but I wished I hadn’t done that! My new shirt was torn (破损的) after the training and only a tailor (裁缝) could help!As I walked home worriedly, I saw a shop sign: All Kinds of Repairs and Services! I went inside at once. I looked around the shop and saw broken toys, broken chairs … I wondered if I was in the wrong place. Just at that moment, a man with white hair came up to me and said cheerfully, “ Welcome! This is a repair shop and I can repair everything!” “But...what I need is a tailor to deal with my football shirt.” “You’ve come to the right place. I’ve been waiting a long, long time to repair a football shirt.” “Really?” I held the shirt in my hands.To my surprise, he took the shirt from me, put on glasses and sat down on the sofa with my shirt in his hands. “I guess you are a striker (前锋),” he smiled warmly. How could he know? The man gave me a wink and said calmly, “See that picture on the wall? That was me 30 years ago.” I couldn’t believe my eyes! He was Orhan, the famous footballer who was on the city team years ago! I told him I was playing for the school team and I had been his fan for years. I told him everything, my dream, my practice and even my dad’s words. “Dad thinks I should be an engineer or a doctor.” I lowered my head.“Follow your dream, choose a job you love and carry on.” The man smiled at me with his blue eyes. He patted (轻拍) me on the shoulder and put the shirt he had repaired in my bag.Today I have become a footballer and I still keep that shirt in my closet.25.Why did the boy go into the old man’s shop?A.To visit the old man.B.To get his football shirt back.C.To repair his football shirt.D.To ask the old man for advice.26.In which order did the boy’s feelings change in the story?A.surprisedencouragedexcitedworriedB.surprisedexcitedworriedencouragedC.excitedworriedsurprisedencouragedD.excitedsurprisedencouragedworried27.What can we infer (推断) from the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4?A.The old man repaired football shirts as his job.B.The old man had a special feeling for football shirts.C.The old man was relaxed when he saw the football shirt.D.The old man had waited a long time for the boy to come.28.What does the writer mainly want to tell us?A.Two heads are better than one.B.Action speaks louder than words.C.Stick to your dream and you’ll make it.D.All things are difficult before they are easy.(七十八)(2022浙江金华中考真题)Just a few days after his 18th birthday, Beijing 2022 gold medal winner Su Yiming received a surprise gift—a letter from Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China. In the letter, Xi expressed his congratulations to Su and other sportsmen in ice and snow sports for their great achievements at the Beijing Winter Olympics, hoping what they had achieved would encourage young Chinese to aim(立目标) high. When Su first stepped onto a snowboard at the age of four, a future as a world-class sportsman seemed to be “a dream too big” for him. Little did he know that he would not only compete for his country but also take home gold. With the great excitement of winning an Olympic gold medal still fresh in his mind, Su wrote a letter to the president, telling him how lucky he felt to have made his dream come true. Su still remembers what Xi wrote in the reply, “The new era is the time for young people to realize their dreams.”“I have always kept those words in my mind,” Su said. “When I made up my mind to be a professional(职业的) snowboarder, I know there is a big gap between my performance(表现) and that of the top sportsmen in the world. But I have been working hard to realize my dream. Now my story shows the fact that hard work will pay off.” Su said. Su believes the sky is the limit. “Find the thing you love, believe in yourself and do your very best. Finally, your dream will come true.”Now Su has his strong wish to win all the competitions in his sporting field.19.What was the surprise gift Su Yiming got after his birthday?A.A letter.B.A gold medal.C.A birthday cake.D.A snowboard.20.Su wrote a letter to the president to ________.A.invite young Chinese to try snow sportsB.encourage young Chinese to make big plansC.express his excitement of realizing his dreamD.congratulate Chinese sportsmen on their achievements21.The underlined word “gap” in Paragraph 6 probably means ________.A.agreementB.differenceC.fightD.relationship22.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?A.Ice and snow sportsB.Aim high and win bigC.The secret to successD.Fight for a bright future(七十九)(2022浙江丽水中考真题)When she was 14 years old, Remya Jose’s life was turned upside down by a family crisis(危机).Remya, who lived in a small village in India, learned that her mother was ill and her father would have to spend his time caring for her. As a result, she and her twin sister had to do most of the housework—including washing clothes. To make things even more difficult, the Jose family couldn’t afford an electric washing machine. Instead, the two girls would have to do the washing all by hand in the local river, and then carefully carry everything back to their home—a task that took several hours.Being a good student interested in engineering, Remya wanted to make a washing machine which could be used without electricity. She started studying electric washers to learn how they worked. Remya then designed(设计)a machine that used bicycle pedals(踏板)and chain. To find those items, she and her father went to a local auto shop. Workers there not only gave her the parts, they helped her make the machine!Here’s how the machine works: Remya used a cylinder (圆筒)to hold the clothes and put it in a cube(立方体). Next, she connected the bicycle pedals and the chain to the cylinder. As Remya pushed the pedals with her legs, the cylinder cleaned the clothes just like a regular washing machine.Remya’s invention worked! She had created her own human-powered washing machine—and now a task that used to take several hours took only 30 minutes. Remya’s washing machine was chosen from among 25,000 entries as India’s best innovation! She was given India’s National Award and honored by the nation’s former president.The story of this young woman’s creative invention spread around the world.“Remya Jose made a difference,” said Jeanine Thomas of The Borden Project, “Her invention saves time and money for the world’s poor. Her story shows that with creativity, one individual can improve the lives of many.”27.What was Remya and her twin sister’s main problem?A.Their parents were too busy.B.They couldn’t get good education.C.Their home was far from the river.D.They spent much time washing clothes.28.Which of the following best shows how Remya solved the problem?getting bicycle pedals and chainsmaking a human-powered washertesting her machine by washing clothesstudying how washing machines workedA.B.C.D.29.The underlined word “innovation” in Paragraph 5 most probably means ________.A.prizeB.inventionC.ideaD.process30.According to Remya’s story, we can learn that ________.A.with help, an inventor can win great honorB.with kindness, one can save the lives of manyC.with courage, a poor girl can change the worldD.with creativity, one can make a great difference(八十)(2022浙江宁波中考真题)Katie’s father was at the airport waiting to meet her. She was going to spend a week with him, and usually she really enjoyed their visits. But this time was different: her dad was getting married, and Katie wasn’t at all sure if she liked the idea.On the way from the airport to her dad’s house, Katie almost kept silent. Finally, her dad asked, “Do you want to talk about it, Katie?”For a moment, Katie sat silently. Then she said, “I’m sorry, Dad. I just don’t think I want you to get married.”“I thought you liked Celia,” Katie’s dad said.“I do like Celia,” Katie answered, “It’s not that at all. I just don’t know if I want her for a stepmother—that’s totally different.”“It really is different,” her dad agreed, “But I hope you’ll get to like having Celia as a stepmother. She likes you a lot, you know, and I’ll bet Megan will, too.”“Who’s Megan?” Katie asked. She hadn’t heard that name before.“She’s Celia’s daughter,” her dad replied, “She is your age, actually, so maybe you’ll even have something in common.”After dropping Katie’s luggage (行李) off at her dad’s house, Katie and her dad went to meet Celia and Megan at a restaurant. They were going to have dinner together. When they got to the restaurant, Celia and Megan were already there. Celia introduced Megan to Katie. At first, Katie didn’t know what to say to Megan. But then, Megan said, “Mom, don’t forget I have swimming practice tomorrow.”“You like to swim?” Katie asked hopefully.“I love it—I’m on our school swimming team,” Megan answered excitedly, “Do you swim?”“I love to swim, too” Katie said with a smile. Maybe having Celia as a stepmother wasn’t going to be so bad after all.23.How did Katie feel about her dad’s getting married at the beginning of the story?A.Unhappy.B.Excited.C.Shocked.D.Agreeable.24.How did Katie’s dad know that Katie had something on her mind?A.Katie shouted at her dad.B.Katie wouldn’t get in the car with her dad.C.Katie didn’t say very much.D.Katie told her dad she was angry with him.25.The underlined word “She” refers to ________.A.KatieB.MeganC.Katie’s motherD.Megan’s mother26.Which sentence in the passage lets the reader know that Katie would end up being happy?A.“I’m sorry, Dad.”B.“I have swimming practice tomorrow.”C.“I do like Celia.D.“...a stepmother wasn’t going to be so bad after all.”(八十一)(2022四川乐山中考真题)One day, I picked up my daughter Lingling from school and went to the supermarket for a few things. I was hoping to be in and out quickly.I found a short line with just one person in front of me. It was an old woman, and she was paying for her things with only coins. After a long day at work, I thought the woman was very terrible.But then I watched a young salesman. He helped her count her coins, ever so kindly taking them from her shaking hands. I listened to him repeatedly say to her: “ Yes, ma’am (女士). ” When she asked if she had enough money to buy a bag, he told her she did. Then he walked over two lines and got one for her. This salesman wasn’t angry at all. He was patient and kind.As I was watching him, I saw Lingling was too. I realised my daughter was learning an important lesson from a stranger.When the woman was finished, the salesman began ringing up my things and thanked me for my patience (耐心). I thanked him too. I found the manager and told him about the salesman’s kindness and patience.Then we left the supermarket with a full basket, but also with a heart full of thankfulness for such an important lesson.41.How was the old woman in the writer’s eyes at first?A.Kind.B.Lazy.C.Awful.D.Humorous.42.From Paragraph 3, which of the following is TRUE?A.The old woman lived a comfortable life.B.The old woman might not have much money.C.The old woman was a friend of the salesman’s.D.The old woman didn’t want to pay for her things.43.Who gave the writer an important lesson?A.The old woman.B.The salesman.C.The manager.D.The writer’s daughter.44.What does the underlined phrase “ ringing up ” probably mean in Chinese?A.列清单B.打电话C.寄放D.收银45.What’s the best title for the article?A.An Old WomanB.A Kind StrangerC.Teaching a Lesson in LineD.Shopping in the Supermarket(八十二)(2022四川泸州中考真题)Peter was the richest in town. He had earned himself a bad name because he was too proud of his money. One day, Peter became blind. Only by doing a cornea transplant surgery(角膜移植手术)could he see again, but there was no donor(捐献者). Peter had to wait in the hospital sadly. One afternoon, Peter wanted to sit in the sun, so he felt his way for the little square before the hospital. He raised his head to enjoy the sunshine. However, he saw nothing but the whole darkness. Just as Peter felt hopeless, someone hit him hard all of a sudden. That angered Peter, so he shouted loudly, “Don’t you have eyes? Don’t you see who you hit! I’m Peter!”The answer was from a little boy, “I’m sorry, sir. I didn’t notice, please forgive me!”Peter changed his mind and ordered, “I can forgive you, but you must talk with me!”The boy began. “How beautiful! The grass is green, the sky is blue, the flowers are coming out everywhere, and the little trees are also very lovely. The clouds are floating…”As he was listening, Peter began to envy(嫉妒)that boy. Suddenly, he shouted, “Oh, my God, the little boy is so poor, nothing but a pair of eyes! Why do you give him light?”“You are wrong!” came the voice of a lady, “My son is too poor to have eyes. What he just described is what I told him!” Peter sat on the square silently, tears coming up in his eyes. Since then, the city charity(慈善机构)would receive a great deal of money every year from the richest person, Peter.31.What did people think of Peter at the beginning of the story?A.They treated Peter badly.B.Peter was good with money.C.Peter was unlucky.D.They disliked Peter.32.Who hit Peter in the square?A.A hopeless person.B.An unknown.C.A strange lady.D.A little boy.33.What does the underlined word “forgive” probably mean?A.原谅B.帮助C.惩罚D.忘记34.How did Peter probably feel after hearing the lady’s words?A.Angry and afraid.B.Nervous and excited.C.Surprised and moved.D.Worried and regretful.35.What is the theme of the story?A.Money can buy you friends.B.Light lies in people’s heart.C.Patience brings a good return.D.Rich people are always kind.(八十三)(2022四川泸州中考真题)A man in black clothes jumps high into the air. Sometimes, he carries a red fan(扇子). Sometimes, he spreads his arms like wings. When he lands, the crowd cheers loudly. His dance is eye-catching, and many people watch. He is Chinese dancer Ma Jiaolong. Since 2020, he’s made short videos of himself dancing in London. He has performed at the city’s parks and landmarks like Tower Bridge. The 35-year-old has nearly 5 million followers on Douyin. Classical Chinese dance mixes martial(武侠)arts movements with those of traditional Chinese opera. Ma was interested in the movements of classical Chinese dance and started to learn it at 12. Later, Ma studied at the Beijing Dance Academy. Since 2019, he has been teaching classical Chinese dance at Goldsmiths, University of London. Two years ago, Ma had to give online classes due to COVID-19. In his small home, he could only make small moves. One day, he took his wife’s suggestion and danced at Greenwich Park, a popular place for tourists. She took videos of Ma. He then edited(剪辑)the video, added music and sent it to friends, who loved it and inspired him to share it online. From then on, Ma made more short videos. As his videos went popular, he received messages from people around the world. “Now, making and sharing short videos has become a part of my life, and, most importantly, a great way to introduce traditional Chinese dance to more people, especially those in foreign countries,” said Ma.36.What’s Ma Jiaolong’s job?A.An editor.B.A pop star.C.A photographer.D.A dance teacher.37.What are Ma’s short videos about?A.London’s parks and landmarks.B.His classical Chinese dances.C.Traditional Chinese opera.D.His family life in London.38.Who inspired Ma to share his short video online?A.His wife.B.He himself.C.His followers.D.His friends.39.What’s the main reason for Ma to make short videos now?A.To spread Chinese culture.B.To become more popular.C.To enjoy his life fully.D.To make more money.40.What’s the best title for the passage?A.Short videos getting popular.B.Dance mixed with martial arts.C.A Chinese dancer abroad.D.Teaching dance in London.(八十四)(2022四川眉山中考真题)Twice a month, Jenny Green sits down, picks up her pen and writes a letter to her best friend. The British woman has been doing it for 80 years. She has sent more than 1,500 letters to her pen pal in America. The hobby started in 1942. Jenny, then 12 years old, was reading a magazine. Some ads in the magazine were asking for pen pals. One of them caught Jenny’s eye. It was from Alice Miller. She lived in America and was also 12. “It was exciting for me,” Jenny said. “I sat down at once, wrote a letter, put it in an envelope—together with a picture of myself —and posted it.”Jenny spent every day waiting for the postman. Two weeks later—which felt like a lifetime—a reply dropped through the letter box. “I was overjoyed,” Jenny said. “There was a letter and a picture of my new friend. She was all the way on the other side of the world!”Jenny and Alice wanted to learn more about each other. They kept writing. The two found that they had a lot in common. They liked the same books and the same films. However, both Jenny and Alice were too poor to afford a plane ticket. It was not until 1987 that they met. “I was glad to see the person I had been writing to for 40 years,” Jenny said. “We had a big hug and then sat down, chatting for hours.”Now in their nineties, Jenny and Alice are still writing to each other. And they still write by hand. “Writing is warmer and friendlier. So why shall we change the habit of a lifetime?” Jenny said. “I’m so glad that I wrote that first letter 80 years ago.”19.Where did Jenny Green first see Alice’s information?A.In a magazine.B.On a website.C.On social media.D.In a newspaper.20.The underlined word “overjoyed”(in Paragraph 3)probably means “________.”A.very sadB.very tiredC.very worriedD.very happy21.According to the article, what did Jenny and Alice have in common? They liked the same films.They were of the same age. They liked the same books.They liked the same movie stars.A.B.C.D.22.What can we learn from the last paragraph?A.Jenny has many pen pals.B.Jenny and Alice will keep writing by hand.C.Jenny doesn’t know how to use a computer.D.Jenny and Alice will write to each other by email.(八十五)(2022四川遂宁中考真题)April 22nd is World Earth Day—a day to remind people to protect the earth. So on that day, our family held an activity “bottle of trash challenge”. That means the trash needs to be put in a 600ml bottle. We decided to challenge ourselves and produce as little trash as possible.My father worked online all day, so he didn’t produce any paper waste except paper napkins. He made the least trash in our family.My mother cooked and produced plenty of kitchen waste, such as vegetable leaves, eggshells and food bags. What’s worse, we couldn’t eat up all the food of the dinner that day. So leftovers couldn’t be avoided. It was not easy for mom to deal with all the trash, but she found a way to put it all into the bottle. How amazing!My sister, a 16-year-old student, was busy preparing for her exams. She had to use paper to work out math or physics problems. She used only one side of the paper in the past. But that day, she tried to use both sides of the paper because she realized we were challenging ourselves. She did a good job!I was different from my sister. I love snacks and drinks. So my trash was almost from them. I was highly alert(警觉的) that I must produce less waste. I hardly ever had snacks or drinks. It was too difficult, but I did it! I’ve learnt a lot from this activity. I realize that everyone can produce less trash. We should start with small actions to protect the earth!36.What activity did the writer’s family hold on April 22nd?A.A challenge.B.A trip.C.A picnic.D.A party.37.Who made the least trash in the family?A.The writer.B.The writer’s father.C.The writer’s mother.D.The writer’s sister.38.What does the word “leftovers” mean in the third paragraph?A.Food bags that are used to put the vegetable leaves.B.Food that hasn’t been eaten up at the end of a meal.C.Waste that is produced in the kitchen.D.Dishes that are cooked by mother.39.What was the writer’s sister busy doing?A.Watching TV.B.Playing computer games.C.Preparing for her exams.D.Playing the piano.40.Why does the writer write the passage?A.Because he hopes that we can have less snacks and drinks.B.Because he hopes that we can use both sides of the paper.C.Because he hopes that we can eat up all the food of the dinner.D.Because he hopes that we can protect the earth by starting with small actions.(八十六)(2022四川遂宁中考真题)Dear Dr. Know,I’m so worried these days because I get pimples (青春痘). It causes many problems. I feel embarrassed when I enter the classroom because all my classmates look at me in surprise. Some students even laugh at me. I don’t want to communicate with anyone. I have to be the first one to get into the classroom and the last one to leave. And I become stressed out and can’t fall asleep at night. What should I do? Please write to me. I’m looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.Sad and FourteenDear Sad and Fourteen,I’m so sorry to hear that you are worried about pimples. I’m also sorry that I can’t stand beside you to share your stress. At first, you should know that getting pimples is quite normal in your age. Congratulations! It shows that you have grown up. Secondly, you don’t need to care too much. You can tell your classmates your problem directly and I think they will understand you. Thirdly, if you pay more attention to other things, like studying or outdoor activities, maybe you will find more fun. What’s more, you can ask the doctors for some medicine. I hope things will work out and everything will be better for you soon.Yours sincerely,Dr. Know41.What’s Sad and Fourteen’s problem?A.He can’t get on well with his parents.B.He gets pimples and it causes many problems .C.He has problems in learning English.D.He is not good at sports.42.How does Sad and Fourteen feel when he enters the classroom?A.Embarrassed.B.Worried.C.Happy.D.Excited.43.How many suggestions does Dr. Know give him?A.One.B.Two.C.Three.D.Four.44.In Dr. Know’s opinion, what does “getting pimples” mean?A.It means that he is unhealthy.B.It means that he is weak in study.C.It means that he has grown up.D.It means that he can’t sleep well.45.Where can you probably read the information above?A.In a newspaper.B.In a notice.C.In a tour guide book.D.In a novel.(八十七)(2022四川自贡中考真题)At one hall in a town, a huge board said, “FOOD SHORTAGE IN AFRICA.PLEASE HELP THE STARVING PEOPLE.”A large crowd was standing in line to hand over their donations(捐赠). Near the door of the hall stood a beautiful young girl, poorly but tidily dressed. With a shy look, she watched the people before her. She saw a businessman who laid a bag of gold on the table. Then came a rich lady who took out a lot of jewels. Some others handed cash, clothes and food. The girl wouldn’t like to take her turn but at last, she stepped forward.“But... it is so small. I am ashamed to give it. It seems worthless, but it is all I have, ” she said.“We are thankful for even the smallest donation,” the man at the counter replied kindly. “Here it is. I have nothing else to give,” she added. And then under her coat, she took out two long thick plaits(辫子)of her golden hair. As she did so, her hat fell back, showing the beautiful young bald(无发的)head.This beautiful girl donated her most priceless golden hair, which was more valuable than all the glittering gold, jewels or cash of the other donors.29.What does the underlined word “STARVING” in paragraph 1 mean?A.Hungry.B.Sick.C.Thirsty.30.What can we learn from the girl’s words?A.She didn’t want to give away anything.B.She thought her donation had no value.C.She thought she gave away the best thing in town.31.Why was the girl’s hair the most priceless donation?A.It was long and thick.B.It was badly needed in Africa.C.It was the only valuable thing the girl could give.32.Which word can best describe the girl?A.Kind.B.Humorous.C.Outgoing.(八十九)(2022重庆A卷中考真题)“Lots of restaurants say they’re the best. To be honest, we are not and we’ve never said we are. We just try to be a little bit better every day,” said Mr. Yang, who runs a restaurant named Grandpa Yang in Chongqing.Yang started the restaurant in 2011. He was unhappy when quite a lot of food was left uneaten. “If customers know more about the food before they order, they will know what to pick,” he thought. So he decided to write something about each dish on his menu online.Now there is something about the food. “Compared with our General Tao Chicken; this one is not THAT good,” says the introduction of Orange Beef. Another introduction warns. “Don’t let the name fool you. This one is NOT a real Sichuan dish.”“People often search online to find the right restaurant. I don’t want them to say, ‘Oh, it’s one of the best in the area, and it must be very good,’ but then they come here only to find it’s not so good,” Yang said, “Customers should read more about the food before they order, not only my introductions, but also other customers’ opinions.”Thanks to his honesty, the restaurant is having a moment under the sun. “It’s been a very exciting and busy time,” said Yang, “and I love it.”24.The restaurant Grandpa Yang was started ________.A.in 2001B.in 2011C.in 2012D.in 202125.Mr. Yang was unhappy when ________.A.the food was almost sold outB.customers knew a lot about the foodC.customers found the food unhealthyD.quite a lot of food was left uneaten26.Mr. Yang thinks that ________.A.his restaurant is the bestB.people shouldn’t search onlineC.General Tao Chicken is goodD.customers shouldn’t say anything27.According to the passage, the restaurant becomes successful mainly because ________.A.it offers good serviceB.Mr. Yang is honestC.it offers a good priceD.Mr. Yang is foolish(九十)(2022重庆B卷中考真题)A man gets out of his car. He rushes into a doctor’s office “DOCTOR! Please help me! I think I must be seriously ill.”“Tell me what’s wrong,” the doctor says beside his desk.“Everywhere I touch on my body, it hurts!” the man answers. “Come on and sit on the chair. Please show me.”So the man touches his left foot and cries out of pain. Then he touches his right knee and cries, “Ouch.” Then he touches his back and jumps out of the chair.As he is about to continue, the doctor says,“That’s enough. Let me see.” After a while, the doctor says, “Oh, I know. Feel your finger.”21.The man thinks he must be ________.A.seriously illB.really heavyC.very healthyD.terribly thin22.The doctor asks the man to sit ________.A.in his carB.on the chairC.on the floorD.on the desk23.The doctor finds the man probably breaks ________.A.his footB.his kneeC.his backD.his finger





