专题26 任务型阅读 考点5 判断正误(解析版)

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三年2022-2024中考英语真题分项汇编全国通用)专题26 任务型阅读 考点5 判断正误(2024中考真题)(2024黑龙江省龙东地区中考真题)One day, we were told that we would have a school trip at the end of the month. The whole class got very excited and the girls began to discuss what to wear and what to bring with them. But Danny simply told everyone he wouldn’t go. “Don’t you like it, Danny?” our teacher Mr. Smith asked with kindness. Danny stood up and said, “It’s too much money for me. My dad is ill in bed. My mom works in a supermarket every day. I will not ask them for money.”“I’m very proud of you that you can understand your parents. Not every student of your age can think about this,” Mr Smith replied. Then Mr. Smith asked us to come up with some good ideas to raise money for the trip by ourselves. We all thought it was really meaningful, and it would be a different and valuable learning experience for everyone. That day, we knew Danny more than before, because he was not only honest but also brave. He won the respect of all of us. Judge the sentences below true (T) or false (F) according to the passage.61. At the end of the month, the students would go for a school trip.62. Mr. Smith was kind to his students.63. Danny didn’t like the trip because he thought it was boring.64. The teacher asked his students to raise money for Danny.65. The students respected Danny, because he was honest and brave.【答案】61. T 62. T 63. F 64. F 65. T【导语】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了作者的班级月底要去旅行,但是丹尼由于家境贫困想要放弃这次旅行。丹尼的勇敢和诚实赢得了老师和同学们的尊重。【61题详解】细节理解题。根据“One day, we were told that we would have a school trip at the end of the month.”可知,月底,学生们将去学校旅行。故答案为T。【62题详解】推理判断题。根据“our teacher Mr. Smith asked with kindness”及文章可知,在得知丹尼无法参加学校旅行时,史密斯老师询问情况后对丹尼表示赞扬和理解。故推知史密斯老师对学生们很好。故答案为T。【63题详解】细节理解题。根据“It’s too much money for me. My dad is ill in bed. My mom works in a supermarket every day. I will not ask them for money.”可知,丹尼无法参加学校旅行,是因为费用对他来说很昂贵,而不是因为觉得无聊。故答案为F。【64题详解】细节理解题。根据“Then Mr. Smith asked us to come up with some good ideas to raise money for the trip by ourselves.”可知,史密斯老师让学生们自己筹钱参加学校旅行,并不是让学生们为丹尼募捐。故答案为F。【65题详解】细节理解题。根据“That day, we knew Danny more than before, because he was not only honest but also brave. He won the respect of all of us.”可知,学生们尊敬丹尼,因为他诚实勇敢。故答案为T。(2024黑龙江省齐齐哈尔中考真题)It is reported that about 300 million people in China have eyesight trouble. More and more parents hope to save their children’s poor eyesight with medicine or by correcting the ways that kids read and sit. But in fact, you should start with the exercise on your feet. Here are some ways to save eyesight. Don’t tie your shoes too closely. Try wearing comfortable or soft socks. You can look after your eyesight by walking without socks or shoes at home. While you are traveling, try wearing cloth shoes to improve blood moving. Walking on tiptoes (脚趾) is good for your eyesight. It can fight against eyesight trouble. Numbers show that most of ballet (芭蕾) dancers’ eyesight is better. Rope skipping can also be good for your eyesight. While skipping rope, you have to move rapidly. Skipping rope makes not only the brain but also the eyes excited. Maybe it also helps you grow taller. So start skipping rope now. Above all, you should often let doctor check your eyesight. 根据文章内容,判断句子正 (T)、误 (F)。41. Nowadays, a lot of people have problems with eyesight.42. In order to improve blood moving, you should tie your shoes closely.43. Skipping rope is useless for the brain and the eyes.44. Walking on tiptoes can improve your eyesight.45. The passage tells us that exercising on the feet can save eyesight.【答案】41. T 42. F 43. F 44. T 45. T【解析】【导语】本文是一篇说明文,主要讲述了通过改善脚部穿着及锻炼脚部运动可以改善视力。【41题详解】细节理解题。根据“It is reported that about 300 million people in China have eyesight trouble.”可知,中国约有3亿人有视力问题,可知现如今很多人有视力问题。故答案为T。【42题详解】细节理解题。根据“Don’t tie your shoes too closely.”可知,为了使血液流动,不要把鞋带系得太紧。故答案为F。【43题详解】细节理解题。根据“Rope skipping can also be good for your eyesight. While skipping rope, you have to move rapidly. Skipping rope makes not only the brain but also the eyes excited.”可知,跳绳不仅使大脑兴奋,而且使眼睛兴奋,对视力有好处。故答案为F。【44题详解】细节理解题。根据“Walking on tiptoes (脚趾) is good for your eyesight…Numbers show that most of ballet (芭蕾) dancers’ eyesight is better.”可知,大多数芭蕾舞演员的视力更好,所以踮起脚尖走路对视力有好处,可以改善视力。故答案为T。【45题详解】主旨大意题。根据“But in fact, you should start with the exercise on your feet. Here are some ways to save eyesight.”及全文可知,文章主要讲述了锻炼脚部可以拯救我们的视力。故答案为T。(2024黑龙江省绥化市中考真题)根据短文内容判断对错,对的选“T”,错的选“F”。As you may know, coral (珊瑚) is not a plant, but an animal. However, coral reefs (珊瑚礁) around the world are in danger. Here is a piece of bad news. Thailand will close one of its beaches to protect its coral from business activities for tourists. The beach is called Sunshine. It is so famous that many tourists put it on their wish lists. More than 5,000 visitors visit it a day. They arrive by boat. This does much harm to the coral reefs. Most of the coral has died. The beach will be closed between June and September to let the coral come back to life.Experts say that 80% of Thailand’s coral reefs have been killed. Too many tourists cause a lot of pollution to these beaches. An expert said the biggest problems were hotels by the beaches, boats, and plastic waste in the sea. He believed the best choice was to close the beaches forever. He said, “I hope the government can take steps to protect the coral reefs. At the same time. I also hope all of us should try our best to protect the environment around us.”71. Coral is an animal.72. Only the coral reefs in Thailand are in danger.73. The Sunshine beach is open in July.74. Experts say that 80 percent of Thailand's coral reefs have been killed.75. The government of Thailand has taken many steps to protect the coral reefs.【答案】71. T 72. F 73. F 74. T 75. F【解析】【导语】本文讲述了珊瑚不是一种植物,而是一种动物。然而,世界各地的珊瑚礁都处于危险之中。文中介绍了泰国保护珊瑚的措施。【71题详解】细节理解题。根据“As you may know, coral (珊瑚) is not a plant, but an animal.”可知,珊瑚是一种动物,表述正确,故答案为T。【72题详解】细节理解题。根据“However, coral reefs (珊瑚礁) around the world are in danger.”可知,世界各地的珊瑚礁都处于危险之中,不是只有泰国的珊瑚礁处于危险之中,故答案为F。73题详解】细节理解题。根据“The beach will be closed between June and September to let the coral come back to life.”可知,这个海滩在6月份到9月份之间是关闭,故答案为F。【74题详解】细节理解题。根据“Experts say that 80% of Thailand’s coral reefs have been killed.”可知,专家表示,泰国80%的珊瑚礁已经死亡,故答案为T。【75题详解】细节理解题。根据“I hope the government can take steps to protect the coral reefs”可知,希望政府能采取措施保护珊瑚礁,说明目前政府还未采取措施,故答案为F。(2024四川成都中考真题)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容判断句子正误。正确的涂“A”,错误的涂“B”。CALLING ALL BIG THINKERS!If you are interested in life’s BIG questions, why not join our online discussion group? It helps you to explore your own ideas and opinions, as well as those of others, including some of the world’s most famous thinkers! Build confidence and communication skills in a safe and friendly environment!BIG THINKERS-AGE 12-16Fun live discussions about life, the universe and everything in it with activities.Sundays 10 am and 4 pm starting 6th October.Six periods for 50.To explore more, visit www.thethinker***.com.31. Group members can discuss with the world’s most famous thinkers.32. The discussion group can help you improve yourself.33. A 15-year-old teenager can join in the discussions.34. There will be some fun outdoor activities.35. You can visit the website or call for more information.【答案】31. B 32. A 33. A 34. B 35. B【解析】【导语】本文是在线讨论组织的信息介绍,呼吁更多思考者们的加入。【31题详解】细节理解题。根据“It helps you to explore your own ideas and opinions, as well as those of others, including some of the world’s most famous thinkers!”可知它帮助你探讨自己的想法和观点,以及一些世界上最著名的思想家的想法和观点,因此并不是小组成员可以与世界上最著名的思想家们进行讨论。故填B。【32题详解】细节理解题。根据“Build confidence and communication skills in a safe and friendly environment!”可知讨论组可以帮助你提升自己。故填A。【33题详解】细节理解题。根据“BIG THINKERS-AGE 12-16”可知15岁的青少年可以加入讨论组,故填A。【34题详解】细节理解题。根据“Fun live discussions about life, the universe and everything in it with activities.”可知此处说明的是在线讨论的主题,并没有提到有户外活动。故填B。【35题详解】细节理解题。根据“To explore more, visit www.thethinker***.com.”可知需要了解更多消息,文中没有提到打电话,故填B。(2024云南中考真题)根据短文内容,判断正误 (正确“T”,错误“F”) Everyone should be proud of who they are. What makes you who you are? Part of who you are comes from the past. It comes from the culture of your parents, grandparents, and people before them. It comes from the art you see, the stories and music you hear, and the traditions you share. Traditional Chinese painting is one of the oldest art forms in the world. It usually shows the painters’ love for nature and life. It mainly includes three kinds: landscapes (山水), flowers and birds, figures. Landscape painting is seen as the highest form of Chinese painting. Traditional Chinese folk stories are part of our history. They usually carry some information about Chinese beliefs (信念) and traditions. Many traditional folk stories such as Yu Gong Moves the Mountains, Hou Yi Shoots the Suns, Chang’e Flies to the Moon, are passed down from one generation to the next. People tell these stories to teach, to remember and just to pass time. Traditional Chinese music is a treasure of the Chinese nation. It is a medium (媒介) for the ancient people to express their feelings, experiences and thoughts and is still much loved by people so far. Dragon boats have a history of more than 2,000 years. Dragon boat racing is a popular tradition in China. Racers must work together to win. Today dragon boat racing has become a modern world sport.21. People regard the painting of flowers and birds as the highest form of Chinese painting.22. Traditional Chinese folk stories can give us some information about Chinese beliefs and traditions.23. The ancient Chinese can express their feelings, experiences and thoughts through traditional Chinese music.24. Teamwork is very important in a dragon boat racing.25. The passage mainly talks about traditional Chinese festivals.【答案】21. F 22. T 23. T 24. T 25. F【解析】【导语】本文主要介绍中国古代的一些文化。【21题详解】细节理解题。根据“Landscape painting is seen as the highest form of Chinese painting.”可知,山水画被视为中国画的最高形式,而不是花鸟画。故选F。【22题详解】细节理解题。根据“Traditional Chinese folk stories are part of our history. They usually carry some information about Chinese beliefs (信念) and traditions.”可知,山水画被视为中国画的最高形式,中国传统民间故事是我们历史的一部分,它们通常带有一些关于中国信仰和传统的信息。故选T。【23题详解】细节理解题。根据“Traditional Chinese music is a treasure of the Chinese nation. It is a medium (媒介) for the ancient people to express their feelings, experiences and thoughts”可知,中国传统音乐是古人表达感情、经历和思想的媒介,故选T。【24题详解】细节理解题。根据“Racers must work together to win.”可知,选手们必须齐心协力才能获得赛龙舟的胜利。故选T。【25题详解】主旨大意题。本文主要介绍中国古代的一些文化,而不是节日,故选F。(2023中考真题)(2023吉林长春统考中考真题)It was a school trip. All of us were hungry for it for long. I went to Changbai Mountain with my classmates at the beginning of 2023. The trip was really wonderful.Jilin Province, in the northeast of China, is famous for Changbai Mountain. It is one of the “Top 10 Mountains in China”. The name of it means “a mountain which remains white all year round” in Chinese. The name Changbai Mountain was first used in the Liao Dynasty. The mountain was recorded in the Classic of Mountains and Seas under the name Buxian Mountain. It was called Taibai Mountain in the Tang Dynasty.In the early morning, we climbed the mountain from the western side. Along the way, we saw several wild animals and we were totally shocked at the beauty of the mountain. The whole mountain area is under thick snow cover for two months every year. The higher points from 1,500 meters to 2,400 meters above the sea level are covered with snow for more than six months. Changbai Mountain is one of the most popular places for winter sports and amusements. We even tried many thrilling rides on the snow. It was so much fun. Besides, we enjoyed different kinds of foods.What excited us most is undoubtedly the Tianchi Lake. It is the deepest alpine (高山的) lake in China. The Tianchi Lake is the place where the Songhua, Tumen and Yalu rivers begin and it has been regarded as a mysterious lake. Not all visitors are lucky enough to see the Tianchi Lake clearly the first time they go there, but we were. One more thing we remembered was taking baths in the hot springs. All our tiredness and pressure were gone there. As visitors, we can’t stop being in love with everything we experienced in Changbai Mountain. 根据短文内容,判断句子正 (T) 、误 (F) 。 1.Changbai means “remaining white all year round” in Chinese.2.The name Changbai Mountain was used in the Tang Dynasty.3.Along the way, the students were totally shocked at the wild animals.4.Some visitors can’t see the Tianchi Lake clearly the first time they go there.5.The students’ tiredness and pressure were taken away by different kinds of foods.【答案】1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.F【导语】本文主要介绍了作者和同学们的学校旅行,他们去参观了长白山。1.细节理解题。根据“Jilin Province, in the northeast of China, is famous for Changbai Mountain. ... The name of it means ‘a mountain which remains white all year round’ in Chinese.”可知长白在中文中的意思是“一年四季都是白色的”。故填T。2.细节理解题。根据“It was called Taibai Mountain in the Tang Dynasty.”可知在唐代并不叫长白山。故填F。3.细节理解题。根据“Along the way, we saw several wild animals and we were totally shocked at the beauty of the mountain.”可知沿途学生们震惊于山的美丽。故填F。4.细节理解题。根据“Not all visitors are lucky enough to see the Tianchi Lake clearly the first time they go there, but we were.”可知有些游客第一次去天池看不清楚。故填T。5.细节理解题。根据“One more thing we remembered was taking baths in the hot springs. All our tiredness and pressure were gone there.”学生们的压疲累和压力是在泡温泉的时候消失的。故填F。(2023新疆中考真题)In ancient China, people passed down plenty of classic stories from generation(一代人) to generation. Here are the stories of two famous characters.One person is Che Yin. He was from a poor family, but he loved studying. He had to work in the daytime, so he could only study in the evening. However, there was a problem. He couldn’t afford a lamp(灯). He didn’t worry about that in summer. In the evening, he caught some fireflies (萤火虫), put them in a bag and used it as a lamp. This lamp was not very bright, but Che Yin could do some reading by lamplight in the evening.The other person is Sun Kang. He was smart, but he was so poor that he couldn’t go to school. So he studied at home. He had to read just at night. Like Che Yin, he couldn’t buy a lamp. On snowy nights, he went out and read in the snow. Why? There was the light of snow outside.Later, people use “Nang Ying Ying Xue” to say that a strong spirit is very important no matter how hard the life is. When we are having a hard time in life, don’t lose heart. Never let life knock us down. Even in the hardest situation, there is hope that encourages us to move forward.根据短文内容,判断下面各小题的正(T)误(F)。6.Che Yin could study from day to night. 7.Che Yin put fireflies in a bag as a lamp on summer evenings. 8.Like Che Yin, Sun Kang could afford a lamp. 9.Sun Kang did some reading by the light of snow outside at night. 10.Che Yin and Sun Kang set a good example to us. 【答案】6.F 7.T 8.F 9.T 10.T【导语】本文主要讲述了“囊萤映雪”的故事。6.细节理解题。根据“He had to work in the daytime, so he could only study in the evening”可知,他只能晚上学习,而不是从白天学到黑夜,故答案为F。7.细节理解题。根据“He didn’t worry about that in summer...In the evening, he caught some fireflies (萤火虫), put them in a bag and used it as a lamp.”可知,夏天的晚上,他抓了一些萤火虫,把它们放在一个袋子里,当灯用,故答案为T。8.细节理解题。根据“Like Che Yin, he couldn’t buy a lamp. ”可知,孙康和车胤一样买不起灯,而不是买得起。故答案为F。9.细节理解题。根据“On snowy nights, he went out and read in the snow.”可知,在下雪的夜晚,他出去在雪地里看书,故答案为T。10.细节理解题。根据“Later, people use ‘Nang Ying Ying Xue’ to say that a strong spirit is very important no matter how hard the life is”及车胤用瓶子装萤火虫和孙康在雪地看书的故事可知,他们两人为我们树立了好的榜样,故答案为T。(2023黑龙江牡丹江统考中考真题)Liam Pope-Lau is a student at St. Michaels University School in Victoria, Canada. A few years ago, he fell into the ocean when he was learning to sail (航行) on a boat. He had no idea what he was in for (即将遭受) at that moment. “ I just remember how cold I was,” said Liam. “ It really kind of scared me and shook me up.” Thankfully, Liam was wearing a life jacket (救生衣).“Even if it was summer, I got really cold in the water,” said Liam. “ Later I looked up this physiological phenomenon (生理现象) on the Internet and found out it is called hypothermia (失温症). Liam saw many people die of hypothermia every year. So he decided to create something to help people keep warm in water-related (与水相关的) accidents.Liam then went to his friend, Fraser Tuck, for help. And together they came up with the idea of “LifeHeat” —a self-heating life jacket. After several experiments (实验), Liam and Fraser came across calcium chloride (氯化钙): a chemical (化学品) that creates heat when touching water. The boys put the chemical into a small bag, which can be glued to the inside of a common life jacket.Liam and Fraser spent a lot of time on LifeHeat, and they even tested their invention by jumping into the ocean themselves. They won several prizes and got some advice from experts. Now Liam and Fraser are still working to improve LifeHeat. They hope to turn it into a business.Liam and Fraser have advice for kids that want to create their own new technology. “Don’t be afraid to try it out because you never know where it could end up,” they said.Judge the following statements true (T) or false (F) according to the passage.11.Liam fell into the ocean without wearing a life jacket a few years ago.12.Liam decided to create something to help people keep warm in water-related accidents.13.Liam and Fraser Tuck thought of the idea of “LifeHeat” together.14.The underlined word “They” in Paragraph 4 refers to “experts”.15.Liam and Fraser encourage kids to create their own new technology.【答案】11.F 12.T 13.T 14.F 15.T【导语】本文讲述一名学生Liam和朋友一起发明了一款自热式救生衣。11.细节理解题。根据“Thankfully, Liam was wearing a life jacket (救生衣).”可知,利亚姆坠海时穿着救生衣。故答案为F。12.细节理解题。根据“So he decided to create something to help people keep warm in water-related (与水相关的) accidents.”可知,利亚姆决定创造一些东西来帮助人们在与水有关的事故中保持温暖。故答案为T。13.细节理解题。根据“Liam then went to his friend, Fraser Tuck, for help. And together they came up with the idea of ‘LifeHeat’ —a self-heating life jacket.”可知,Liam和Fraser Tuck一起想到了“LifeHeat”的想法。故答案为T。14.词义猜测题。根据“Now Liam and Fraser are still working to improve LifeHeat. They hope to turn it into a business.”可知,现在Liam和Fraser仍在努力改进LifeHeat。他们希望把它变成生意,they指的是Liam和Fraser,他们不是专家。故答案为F。15.细节理解题。根据“Don’t be afraid to try it out because you never know where it could end up”可知,利亚姆和弗雷泽鼓励孩子们创造自己的新技术。鼓励孩子们创造自己的新技术。故答案为T。(2023吉林统考中考真题)Have you seen the clay soldiers (士兵) in Xi’an’s terracotta museum? Do you know the true colors of them?More than 2,000 years ago, Qin Shihuang, the first emperor of China, ordered people to build the Terracotta Army. He hoped that the army would guard him after he died.In 1974, some farmers found several clay soldiers by accident in Xi’an. After that, about 8,000 more were found by archeologists (考古学家). Today, the clay soldiers in Xi’an’s terracotta museum are light brown. But they weren’t always this color. When they were made, they had the colors of white, green, blue, red, purple and yellow. Sadly, most of the colors disappeared today.An area with more than a hundred clay soldiers was discovered by archeologists a few years ago. Many of them still had black hair, pink faces and black or brown eyes when they were found. If they were not protected well, their colors would disappear, too. After a clay soldier was found, archeologists used two steps to keep its color. First, they sprayed (喷) a special “water” on it. Then, they covered it in plastic.Archeologists are facing a new challenge now. They are going to find a way to put the colors onto the clay soldiers again. If they succeed in doing it, people will be able to see what the clay soldiers originally (最初) looked like. It must be very amazing.根据短文内容,判断下列句子正(T)、误(F)。16.Qin Shihuang hoped the Terracotta Army would guard him after he died.17.Some farmers found several clay soldiers in Beijing in 1974.18.The clay soldiers were light brown when they were made.19.Archeologists used three steps to keep the clay soldiers’ colors.20.It’s a new challenge to put the colors onto the clay soldiers again.【答案】16.T 17.F 18.F 19.F 20.T【导语】本文主要介绍了兵马俑的颜色,考古学家如何保护这些颜色以及考古学家所面临的一个新挑战。16.细节理解题。根据“He hoped that the army would guard him after he died.”可知,秦始皇希望他死后兵马俑能保护他,表述正确,故答案为T。17.细节理解题。根据“In 1974, some farmers found several clay soldiers by accident in Xi’an.”可知,1974年,一些农民在西安偶然发现了几个兵马俑,不是在北京发现的,表述错误,故答案为F。18.细节理解题。根据“When they were made, they had the colors of white, green, blue, red, purple and yellow.”可知,当它们被制成时,它们有白、绿、蓝、红、紫和黄的颜色,表述错误,故答案为F。19.细节理解题。根据“After a clay soldier was found, archeologists used two steps to keep its color”可知,考古学家用了两个步骤来保持它的颜色,表述错误,故答案为F。20.细节理解题。根据“Archeologists are facing a new challenge now. They are going to find a way to put the colors onto the clay soldiers again”可知,考古学家现在面临着一个新的挑战。他们会想办法把颜色重新涂到粘土士兵身上,表述正确,故答案为T。(2023黑龙江绥化统考中考真题)根据短文内容判断对错,对的选“T”,错的选“F”Hello, everyone! I’d like to tell you something about a famous scientist named Qian Xuesen. He was born in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province in December 1911. After he graduated from Shanghai jiao Tong University in 1934, he got a chance to study in the USA.After he graduated, he became a teacher as well as a researcher that studies rockets and missile(导弹) theories(理论).When he was 44, he returned to our country and the county space research was almost a blank(空白). In 1956, he set up the first research institute(研究所) of rockets and missiles. He made such important contributions to the missile and space programs that he was honored as “The Father of China’s Missiles”. The Chinese people are proud of him.He passed away in October, 2009, but all the Chinese will remember him forever. His devotion to our country was expressed in his saying, “My career(事业) is in China, my success is in China and my destination(终点) is in China!” When someone said he could make much more money if he stayed in the United States, he laughed and said, “My family name is Qian, but I don’t like qian.” His spirit encourages us to love our country and devote ourselves to science.21.Qian Xuesen was born in Hangzhou.22.Qian Xuesen got a chance to study in England in 1934.23.Qian Xuesen returned to China in 1957.24.Qian Xuesen is “The Father of China’s Missiles”.25.The underlined word“qian”in paragraph(段落) 3 means money.【答案】21.T 22.F 23.F 24.T 25.T【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了我国导弹之父钱学森的生平事迹,他热爱祖国、献身科学的精神值得我们永远学习。21.细节理解题。根据“He was born in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province in December 1911.”可知,他出生于浙江省杭州市,故答案为T。22.细节理解题。根据“After he graduated from Shanghai jiao Tong University in 1934, he got a chance to study in the USA.”可知,1934年从上海交通大学毕业后,他有机会到美国留学,而不是英国,故答案为F。23.细节理解题。根据“He was born in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province in December 1911”和“When he was 44, he returned to our country”可知,他44岁,也就是1955年回到中国,而不是1957年,故答案为F。24.细节理解题。根据“He made such important contributions to the missile and space programs that he was honored as ‘The Father of China’s Missiles’.”可知,钱学森被誉为“中国导弹之父”,故答案为T。25.细节理解题。根据“When someone said he could make much more money if he stayed in the United States, he laughed and said, ‘My family name is Qian, but I don’t like qian.’”可知,他本可以在美国转到很多钱,但是他回到祖国报效国家,所以此处指虽然姓钱,但是不喜欢金钱,故答案为T。(2023黑龙江齐齐哈尔统考中考真题)Before the discovery of DNA information in the 1980s, fingerprint(指纹) science was the easiest way to solve serious crimes. It’s believed that each one of us has our own fingerprints. But did you know that our fingerprints could show a lot about us?According to the expert, fingerprints can show lifestyle and environment, eating habits, possible medical problems and even the job of a person.So how can we work all this out from just a simple fingerprint?Well, a fingerprint is formed when a finger touches a surface. Most fingerprints can’t be seen to the eye and require a chemical development process in order to make them shown.Besides, its use could be much wider. For example, it may be helpful in the future to doctors treating their patients. A fingerprint exam may also tell a doctor whether a patient is properly taking medicine. In the treatment of some of the most serious illnesses, taking proper medicine is important. In the future, finger print science can be used by the police and help doctors keep us in the best possible health.根据文章内容,判断句子正(T)、误(F)。26.People didn’t discover DNA information until the 1980s.27.Fingerprints can show a person’s both looks and lifestyle according to the passage.28.People can easily see all the fingerprints without the help of technology.29.Doctors can know about patients just through a finger print exam.30.In the future, fingerprint science can still make a difference in our life.【答案】26.T 27.F 28.F 29.F 30.T【导语】本文主要介绍了指纹以及指纹科学的重要意义。26.细节理解题。根据“Before the discovery of DNA information in the 1980s”可知,直到20世纪80年代,人们才发现DNA信息。故答案为T。27.细节理解题。根据“fingerprints can show lifestyle and environment, eating habits, possible medical problems and even the job of a person”可知,指纹可以显示生活方式和环境、饮食习惯、可能的医疗问题,甚至一个人的工作,文章没有提到指纹能显示人的外貌。故答案为F。28.细节理解题。根据“Most fingerprints can’t be seen to the eye and require a chemical development process in order to make them shown.”可知,大多数指纹肉眼看不见,需要经过化学显影才能显现出来。故答案为F。29.推理判断题。根据“it may be helpful in the future to doctors treating their patients. A fingerprint exam may also tell a doctor whether a patient is properly taking medicine.”可知,指纹检查只是辅助医生了解病人,不能帮助医生获得全部信息。故答案为F。30.推理判断题。根据“In the future, finger print science can be used by the police and help doctors keep us in the best possible health.”可知,未来,指纹科学仍然可以对我们的生活产生积极影响。故答案为T。(2023广西统考中考真题)The day came. Grandma was moving out of her big house. I was sad. I had a lot of memories in that house.I asked where Grandma was moving to. My dad said, “Somewhere near us. Don’t worry.”But I was worried. I spent a lot of time with Grandma. In fact, I wanted to see her more. I thought no one wanted to tell me, because they knew I would be sad. “It must be far away,” I said to myself.We put all of Grandma’s things in the truck. I sat beside her in the car. On the way, we talked a lot.After a while, we arrived. I saw her new house.It was our house! Grandma was coming to live with us.根据语篇内容,判断下列句子正误,正确的在答题卡上将“T”涂黑,错误的在答题卡上将“F”涂黑。31.I had many memories in Grandma’s house.32.I wanted to see Grandma more.33.I didn’t talk with Grandma on the way.34.Grandma was not coming to live with me.35.I loved Grandma very much.【答案】31.T 32.T 33.F 34.F 35.T【导语】本文主要讲述了作者误以为奶奶要搬离那个让她充满回忆的房子,搬到离她比较远的地方,一路上充满了不舍,最后发现是要搬进自己的家。31.细节理解题。根据“ I had a lot of memories in that house.”可知,作者在奶奶的房子里有很多回忆,故答案为T。32.细节理解题。根据“ In fact, I wanted to see her more”可知,作者想多去看望奶奶,故填T。33.细节理解题。根据“On the way, we talked a lot.”可知,一路上作者和奶奶说了很多话,而不是没说话,故填F。34.细节理解题。根据“It was our house! Grandma was coming to live with us.”可知,奶奶要来和作者一起住了,而不是不要来,故答案为F。35.细节理解题。根据“But I was worried. I spent a lot of time with Grandma. In fact, I wanted to see her more.”和“On the way, we talked a lot.”可以看出,作者对奶奶很是不舍,所以应是很爱奶奶,故答案为T。(2023黑龙江统考中考真题)There is a little elephant. His name is Gaston. He doesn’t like to work. He only likes to play. One morning Gaston’s mother says, “My dear, it’s time for you to work.” Gaston doesn’t want to work. He runs away.He has a very good time: he runs, jumps and plays games with other little animals. In the evening he is very hungry. He goes to the lion and says, “Mr. Lion, I am so hungry. Would you like to give me some bananas to eat?” “All right!” says the lion. “But you must work first. Then you can get your supper.” The little elephant doesn’t want to work. So he runs away. He asks a lot of animals to give him some apples to eat. “OK,” says the tiger, “but you must work first.” And Gaston runs away.He asks a lot of animals to give him something to eat. But they all ask him to work first.So the hungry elephant runs back home. When he sees his mother, he says, “Dear Mom, I’m so sorry! Now I know I must work if I want to have something to eat.”36.Gaston runs away from home because he doesn’t like his mother.37.He spends all day playing with little animals.38.Gaston likes eating bananas and apples.39.Gaston asks the lion and the tiger for lunch.40.From the passage, we know if Gaston wants to have something to eat, he must work first.【答案】36.B 37.A 38.A 39.B 40.A【导语】本文主要讲述了一个懒惰的小象不想工作,在跟其它小动物要东西吃时被拒绝了,他回家告诉妈妈现在明白要先工作的重要性了。36.细节理解题。根据“Gaston doesn’t want to work. He runs away”可知,他不想工作所以跑开了,而不是不喜欢他妈妈,表述错误,故答案为B。37.推理判断题。根据“He has a very good time: he runs, jumps and plays games with other little animals. In the evening he is very hungry”可知,他跟其它小动物玩了一天,表述正确,故答案为A。38.推理判断题。根据“Would you like to give me some bananas to eat”以及“He asks a lot of animals to give him some apples to eat”可知,他喜欢吃香蕉和苹果,表述正确,故答案为A。39.细节理解题。根据“He asks a lot of animals to give him some apples to eat”可知,他向许多小动物要吃的,不只是老虎和狮子,表述错误,故答案为B。40.细节理解题。根据“Now I know I must work if I want to have something to eat”可知,想要吃东西必须先工作,表述正确,故答案为A。(2023甘肃天水统考中考真题)阅读以上天气预报,根据其内容判读下列句子正误。正确填(涂)A、错误填(涂)B。1.The sun rises at 6 o’clock in the morning on Wednesday.2.It may be rainy on Thursday.3.Friday would be the best day for an outdoor soccer game.4.Saturday will be sunny.5.The night of Sunday will be the warmest.【答案】1.A 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.B【导语】本文是一则天气预报。1.推理判断题。根据“sunrise:06:00”和“Thur”,可知,明天礼拜四,那么今天是礼拜三,早晨6点日出。故答案为A。2.细节理解题。根据图表可知,礼拜四可能会下雨。故答案为A。3.细节理解题。根据图表可知,礼拜六是晴天,会是户外足球运动的最佳选择,礼拜五可能会有阵雨,不是最佳选择。故答案为B。4.细节理解题。根据图表可知,礼拜六是晴天。故答案为A。5.细节理解题。根据图表可知,周日的最低温度是五度,不是最温暖的。故答案为B。(2023湖南岳阳统考中考真题)阅读下面的材料,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容。符合的填涂“T”,不符合的填涂“F”(T=True,F=False)On May 18th, 2023, the China-Central Asia Summit (中亚峰会) was held in Xi’an. Many guests from other Asian countries attended this important meeting. President Xi Jinping made a speech on “One Belt, One Road” (一带一路). It has been 10 years since President Xi announced (提出) the initiative (政策). The great initiative has offered the chances to do business between countries. It helps products from other countries enter China’s market. At the same time, all kinds of products made in China are sold to other countries, too. It leads to a win-win situation. Many countries hope to get stronger and stronger through “The Belt and Road”. Besides international trade, China has built plenty of high-speed railways for neighbor countries. The China-Laos Railway (中老铁路) is a typical project of “The Belt and Road.” It is a lot more convenient tor Chinese to visit Laos. The high-speed railway runs 1,035 kilometers, from the city of Kunming to Vientiance (万象), the capital of Laos.“The Belt and Road” is based on (基干) the ancient Silk Road. However, there are differences between them. It focuses on (集中) the Asian, European and African countries, and is also open to all the other counties. It’s not only the name of trade roads but also a bridge of culture between China and many other countries. China also works more closely with the countries in languages, science and education. A lot of countries which have joined the team exchange culture freely. There is even a Silk Route Museum (丝绸之路博物馆) in Jiuquan in China. It has over 35,000 objects from all along the Silk Road. Over the past 10 years, “The Belt and Road” has made a great progress in economy (经济) development, cultural exchange and quality of life.6.It has been 20 years since China announced “One Belt, One Road”.7.The China-Laos Railway connects Dali with Vientiance.8.A lot of products are sent to Laos through the China-Laos Railway.9.“The Belt and Road” is the same as the ancient Silk Road.10.There is a Silk Route Museum in China.【答案】6.F 7.F 8.T 9.F 10.T【导语】本文主要介绍了“一带一路”建设在经济发展、文化交流、生活质量等方面取得了巨大进步。6.细节理解题。根据“It has been 10 years since President zi announced (提出) the initiative (政策).”可知中国提出“一带一路”倡议已经10年了,不是20年,故选F。7.细节理解题。根据“The high-speed railway runs 1,035 kilometers, from the city of Kunming to Vientiance (万象), the capital of Laos.”可知中老铁路连接昆明和万象,不是大理,故选F。8.推理判断题。根据“The great initiative has offered the chances to do business between countries. It helps products from other countries enter China’s market. At the same time, all kinds of products made in China are sold to other countries, too.”(这一伟大的倡议为各国之间的商业往来提供了机会。它帮助其他国家的产品进入中国市场。与此同时,中国制造的各种产品也销往其他国家。)可推知很多产品通过中老铁路运往老挝。故选T。9.细节理解题。根据“‘The Belt and Road’ is based on (基干) the ancient Silk Road. However, there are differences between them. ”可知“一带一路”是以古丝绸之路为基础的,但是它们之间存在差异。故选F。10.细节理解题。根据“There is even a Silk Route Museum (丝绸之路博物馆) in Jiuquan in China. It has over 35,000 objects from all along the Silk Road.”可知中国有一座丝绸之路博物馆。故选T。(2023云南统考中考真题)根据短文内容,判断正误(正确“T”,错误“F”),并将所选答案涂到答题卡的相应位置上。Since April 13, 2023, the China-Laos Railway (中老铁路) has started cross-border (跨境的) passenger service. The railway starts in Kunming, the capital of Yunnan Province, and runs south through Yuxi, Pu’er, Xishuangbanna, and the border town of Mohan in China. Then, it goes through Boten, Luang Prabang, Vang Vieng before reaching Vientiane, the capital of Laos. Now, it takes only 2 hours and 46 minutes to travel from Kunming to Pu’er, 3 hours and 24 minutes from Kunming to Xishuangbanna, 10 hours and 30 minutes from Kunming to Vientiane. Traveling by China-Laos Railway is an exciting way to enjoy the unusual scenery (风景) and rich cultures along the line. On arriving in Kunming, travelers can visit the Stone Forest, Dianchi Lake and Dounan Flower Market. After getting off at Pu’er Station, tourists can experience the ancient tea-horse road in southern Yunnan and enjoy the tea gardens within half an hour by car. Starting from Xishuangbanna Station, visitors can reach the Wild Elephant Valley and Olive Dam within an hour by car. If you are going to visit Yunnan and Laos, traveling by China-Laos Railway will be a great choice.11.The cross-border passenger service of the China-Laos Railway started in February, 2023.12.It takes ten hours and a half to travel from Kunming to Vientiane on the cross-border train.13.The writer introduces three places to visit in Kunming in Paragraph 2.14.After getting off at Pu’er Station, tourists can visit the tea gardens.15.The text comes from a sports magazine.【答案】11.F 12.T 13.T 14.T 15.F【导语】本文介绍了中老铁路国际旅客列车开行的情况。11.细节理解题。根据“Since April 13, 2023, the China-Laos Railway (中老铁路) has started cross-border (跨境的) passenger service.”可知自2023年4月13日起,中老铁路开通跨境客运服务。句子表述错误。故选F。12.细节理解题。根据“Now, it takes only 2 hours and 46 minutes to travel from Kunming to Pu’er...10 hours and 30 minutes from Kunming to Vientiane.”可知从昆明到万象坐跨境火车需要十个半小时。句子表述正确。故选T。13.细节理解题。根据“On arriving in Kunming, travelers can visit the Stone Forest, Dianchi Lake and Dounan Flower Market.”可知作者介绍了石林、滇池和斗南花市三个景点。句子表述正确。故选T。14.细节理解题。根据“After getting off at Pu’er Station, tourists can experience the ancient tea-horse road in southern Yunnan and enjoy the tea gardens within half an hour by car.(在普洱站下车后,游客可以在半小时内体验滇南茶马古道,欣赏茶园。)”可知在普洱站下车后,游客可以参观茶园。句子表述正确。故选T。15.推理判断题。本文介绍了中老铁路国际旅客列车开行的情况,最有可能在经济或者旅游板块看到,不会在体育板块看到。句子表述错误。故选F。(2023山东枣庄统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,然后判断短文后面小题,正确的答案涂“T”,错误的答案涂“F”。When a young elephant is born, it stands quickly on its feet. It drinks milk from its mother for a few years.The mother elephant teaches it how to use its nose. She teaches it many things. The mother elephant is very important to a young elephant.Elephants travel a lot. Sometimes they have to cross rivers. A young elephant can be washed down river. Or it can fall into a hole. When young elephant is separated from its mother, it becomes an orphan(孤儿). Sometimes young elephant becomes an orphan because its mother has been killed.In the wild, a young elephant needs its mother. It can’t live without her. It can get sick.Some people, called keepers, take care of the orphan elephants in a park. The keepers take care of the elephants until they can take care of themselves. Then, the keepers take the elephants back to the wild.The keepers need to teach a young elephant how to feed. To make it more comfortable, they rest its nose against a huge coat, which feels a little like its mother.In the wild, a young elephant will go under its mother to find protection from the sun. In the park, the keepers put an umbrella over them.Orphan elephants don’t forget where they were cared for.16.A young elephant drinks milk from its mother for several months.17.A young elephant becomes an orphan if it’s parted from its mother or its mother dies.18.The orphan elephants are looked after by the keepers in the wild.19.The keepers protect young elephants from the sun with a large coat.【答案】16.F 17.T 18.F 19.F【导语】本文主要介绍了孤儿象与母亲分离后会被饲养员照顾。16.细节理解题。根据“When a young elephant is born, it stands quickly on its feet. It drinks milk from its mother for a few years.”可知一头小象要连续几年喝大象妈妈的奶,不是几个月,故选F。17.细节理解题。根据“When young elephant is separated from its mother, it becomes an orphan(孤儿). Sometimes young elephant becomes an orphan because its mother has been killed.”可知如果一只小象与象妈妈分离或象妈妈去世,它就会成为孤儿。故选T。18.细节理解题。根据“Some people, called keepers, take care of the orphan elephants in a park.”可知饲养员在公园里照顾孤儿象,不是在野外,故选F。19.细节理解题。根据“In the park, the keepers put an umbrella over them.”可知在公园里,饲养员们用雨伞给小象们遮阳,而不是大外套,故选F。(2023四川成都统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容判断句子正误。正确的涂“A”,错误的涂“B”。A Survey on Sports in Chengduby Class 1, Grade 9Q: What are Chengdu people’s favorite sports?Walking is No. 1 favorite. Another four most popular sports are running, ping-pong, swimming and badminton. Greenways and parks near their homes are green gifts for Chengduers to do sports conveniently.Q: Do Chengdu people do sports just to lose weight?Not really. Physical shape doesn’t matter that much. The chart on the right shows the reasons for exercise.Q: Do Chengdu people use much technology when doing sports?Yes. Technology, such as smart watches, sports apps or smart gyms, is used to record exercise habits, provide suggestions, give reports on health and even remind people to do sports. 20.The top three popular sports in Chengdu are.21.Places for sports are easy to find in Chengdu.22.The chart shows that about a quarter of Chengduers exercise to spend time with family.23.We can learn that hobby is more important than fashion for Chengduers to do sports.24.Technology is smart but hardly used in daily exercise.【答案】20.B 21.A 22.B 23.A 24.B【导语】本文主要是关于成都市体育现状的调查。20.细节理解题。根据“Walking is No. 1 favorite. Another four most popular sports are running, ping-pong, swimming and badminton.”可知,散步排名第一,另外四种最受欢迎的运动是跑步、乒乓球、游泳和羽毛球。该项表述错误,故选B。21.细节理解题。根据“ Greenways and parks near their homes are green gifts for Chengduers to do sports conveniently.”可知,家附近的绿道和公园是成都人方便运动的绿色礼物。该项表述正确,故选A。22.细节理解题。根据图表显示“Family activity 8.1%”可知,有8.1%的成都人通过锻炼来与家人共度时光。该项表述错误,故选B。23.细节理解题。比较“Hobby 51.5%”和“Fashion 31.8%”可知,对于成都人来说,爱好比时尚更重要。该项表述正确,故选A。24.细节理解题。根据“Technology, such as smart watches, sports apps or smart gyms, is used to record exercise habits, provide suggestions, give reports on health and even remind people to do sports.”可知,智能手表、运动应用或智能健身房等技术被用来记录运动习惯、提供建议、提供健康报告,甚至提醒人们进行运动。该项表述错误,故选B。(2022中考真题)(一)(2022新疆中考真题)根据短文内容,判断下面各小题的正(T)误(F)。When it comes to daily choices, we already have a lot of tasty plant “milks” to choose from, but the latest one, potato milk, is a new one. Potato milk doesn’t sound like the most delicious thing in the world, neither does oat milk (燕麦奶).If you hope to try potato milk, you’ll be happy to know that you can make it yourself at home. Generally, you just boil the potato, then mix it with the water it is boiled in, strain (过滤) it and add more water until it is what you want. The only welcome potato milk, recently has been firstly sold on the market. Although some people noticed the potato milk when it was sold, the success of this “milk” still needs time, as some people who have tried it said that it tasted so so, others thought that it tasted a little salty. But growing potatoes needs less land than growing oats, and it requires little water. Also it has more production than most plants. The new healthy drink may have a huge hill to climb, but it certainly has a chance to become the next big thing.47.Potato milk is a kind of new plant milk.48.People can’t make potato milk at home.49.The success of potato milk doesn’t need time.50.Potato milk may not taste good to some people.51.The production of potatoes is less than that of most plants.【答案】47.T48.F49.F50.T51.F【解析】本文主要介绍了在“牛奶”届有机会成为下一个热门的“土豆牛奶”,介绍了在家制作的过程,人们对它的评价等。47.细节理解题。根据“When it comes to daily choices, we already have a lot of tasty plant “milks” to choose from, but the latest one, potato milk, is a new one”可知,土豆牛奶是一种新型的植物牛奶,此句表述正确,故填T。48.细节理解题。根据“If you hope to try potato milk, you’ll be happy to know that you can make it yourself at home”可知,可以在家制作土豆牛奶,此句表述错误,故填F。49.细节理解题。根据“Although some people noticed the potato milk when it was sold, the success of this “milk” still needs time”可知,这种“牛奶”的成功还需要时间,此句表述错误,故填F。50.细节理解题。根据“as some people who have tried it said that it tasted so so, others thought that it tasted a little salty”可知,土豆奶对某些人来说可能味道不好,此句表述正确,故填T。51.细节理解题。根据“Also it has more production than most plants”可知,它的产量超过了大多数植物,此句表述错误,故填F。(二)(2022甘肃武威中考真题)阅读以上书信,根据其内容判读下列句子正误。正确填(涂)A、错误填(涂)B。36.It’s a letter from Kimmy to Andrew.37.Andrew’s class pet is furry.38.Miss Lee took Tobin to the class.39.Tobin’s mother gave birth to four pups.40.Andrew is sure that his pen-pal has a pet and loves animals.【答案】36.B37.A38.A39.B40.B【解析】本文是Andrew写给Kimmy的信,信中介绍最近养的宠物的情况。36.细节理解题。根据“Dear Kimmy”可知,这封信是Andrew写给Kimmy的,表述错误,故填B。37.细节理解题。根据“we have a class pet...take care of our new furry friend”可知,宠物毛茸茸的,表述正确,故填A。38.细节理解题。根据“Miss Lee showed us how to take care of our new furry friend. She explained that her own hamster had...Tobin is one of them”可知,这只宠物是李老师拿过来的,表述正确,故填A。39.细节理解题。根据“She explained that her own hamster had given birth to three pups”可知,仓鼠妈妈生了三个幼崽,不是四个,表述错误,故填B。40.细节理解题。根据“Do you have a pet”可知,Andrew并不知道Kimmy是否有宠物,表述错误,故填B。(三)(2022湖南岳阳中考真题)阅读下面的材料,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容。符合的填涂“T”,不符合的填涂“F”(T=True, F=False)There are three characters on everyday stage. I’m the main character COVID-19 vaccine(新冠疫苗), you are my partner nucleic acid test(核酸检测). We have an enemy, his name is COVID-19(新型冠状病毒).Nowadays, COVID-19 is spreading around the world. He is very tiny but harmful, people can’t see him with their eyes. He can spread from one person to another easily and quickly. People are afraid of him because he can make them sick and have a fever. That’s why people stay at home and hide from him. Then I’m coming, my name is vaccine, everyone needs me because there is no special medicine to treat COVID-19. I can help people to stay away from the virus(病毒). People can get me for free, if they get me twice, they will have green health codes(健康码)with a needle(针)hat. Now people are supposed to get me a third time in the hospital. This can lower(降低)the risk of getting virus. With the third vaccine, people’s green health codes put on a shield(盾牌), it’s also a passport to enter public places. You are my best partner, nucleic acid test. People just need to stand there and open their mouths to take you. Doctors and nurses are working hard to check whether people have COVID-19 or not. They all think you are the most useful way. So far, you and I have performed pretty well on this stage. Thanks to our strong country, we will pull together to make sure people can live a normal and safe life.26.COVID-19 is so small that people can’t see him.27.Getting vaccines isn’t helpful to stop COVID-19 from entering human body.28.It costs people much money to get COVID-19 vaccines.29.Nucleic acid test is the partner of COVID-19.30.To check if they have COVID-19, people need to take nucleic acid tests.【答案】26.T27.F28.F29.F30.T【解析】【导语】本文讲述新冠病毒的危害,讲述打新冠疫苗和做核酸检测的必要性。26.细节理解题。根据第二段“He is very tiny but harmful, people can’t see him with their eyes”可知,新冠病毒非常小,人们用肉眼看不到。句子表述正确。故填T。27.细节理解题。根据第三段“I can help people to stay away from the virus”可知,新冠疫苗可以帮助人们远离病毒。句子“新冠疫苗不能阻止新冠病毒进入人体”表述错误。故填F。28.细节理解题。根据第三段“People can get me for free”可知,新冠疫苗是免费的。句子“新冠疫苗要花费人们很多钱”表述错误。故填F。29.细节理解题。根据第一段“I’m the main character COVID-19 vaccine, you are my partner nucleic acid test”可知,核酸检测是新冠疫苗的伙伴。句子“核酸检测是新冠病毒的伙伴”表述错误。故填F。30.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“Doctors and nurses are working hard to check whether people have COVID-19 or not. They all think you are the most useful way”可知,为了检测是否感染新冠病毒,人们需要做核酸检测。句子表述正确。故填T。(四)(2022四川成都中考真题)Tuesday 23rd MayHi SilviaWe’re having great time in Scotland. The people are very friendly, but they speak with a strange accent. I can’t always understand what they say! We left Edinburgh yesterday and are now heading north. Tomorrow we are going to go looking for the Loch Ness Monster. Have you heard of it? Say hello to everyone at school. See you on the 29th! HansMs Silvia Toti32 King’s RoadBRIGHTONSussexBR24 7PQ36.Hans has difficulty in communicating with the people in Scotland.37.Loch Ness is in the north of Edinburgh.38.Silvia will meet Hans the next Wednesday.39.Silvia’s address is on the right side of the postcard.40.Hans writes to invite Silvia to see the Loch Ness Monster.【答案】36.A37.B38.B39.A40.B【解析】【导语】本文是Hans写给Silvia的明信片。36.细节理解题。根据“but they speak with a strange accent. I can’t always understand what they say”可知Hans听不懂苏格兰人在说什么,此句表述正确。故答案为A。37.推理判断题。根据“are now heading north. Tomorrow we are going to go looking for the Loch Ness Monster”可知他们离开爱丁堡向北走,去寻找尼斯湖水怪,可见尼斯湖在爱丁堡的北部,尼斯湖不在爱丁堡内,不能用介词in,此句表述错误。故答案为B。38.细节理解题。根据“Tuesday 23rd May”以及“See you on the 29th”可知他们29号见,23号是周二,29号是下周一,此句表述错误。故答案为B。39.细节理解题。根据“32 King’s Road”以及明信片的格式可知,明信片的右边有收信人Silvia的地址,此句表述正确。故答案为A。40.推理判断题。根据“Tomorrow we are going to go looking for the Loch Ness Monster. Have you heard of it”可知Hans明天要去寻找尼斯湖水怪,而不是邀请Silvia去看,此句表述错误。故答案为B。(五)(2022云南昆明中考真题)It is well-known that silk was discovered in China. It is wonderfully strong, light and soft. As one of the best materials for clothes, silk has a perfect look and feel that no other materials can match. There is a story about how silk was discovered. Lei Zu, the wife of Huang Di, was having tea under a mulberry tree when a silkworm cocoon (蚕茧) fell into her cup. As she tried to take the cocoon out, it started to unwind (展开) and the “line” seemed endless. She realized that the strong line could be used to make clothes. Then Lei Zu taught her people how to raise silkworms and how to get silk. In this way, the silk industry was born. For hundreds of years after that, silk was only used by rich people. It was a symbol of identity and status (身份和地位). With the development of the silk industry, more silk was produced. It was no longer just for rich people. In the Han Dynasty, silk was transported as far away as Spain, Rome and many other countries. The trade road was famously known as the Silk Road, which connected China with the rest of the world. Today, silk can be used for many kinds of things, not just for clothes but also for paintings, writing brushes, kites and even fishing nets. Wherever silk goes around the world, it is always warmly received. 根据短文内容,判断句子正(T)误(F)。36.Silk is one of the best materials for clothes.37.Huang Di discovered silk could be used to make clothes by accident.38.As more silk was produced, it reached more people’s homes.39.The silk industry was born because of the Silk Road.40.This passage mainly talks about the history and the popularity of silk.【答案】36.T37.F38.T39.F40.T【解析】【导语】本文主要介绍了丝绸的发现过程和用途。36.细节理解题。根据“As one of the best materials for clothes, silk has a perfect look and feel that no other materials can match.”可知,丝绸是最好的服装面料之一,故选T。37.细节理解题。根据“There is a story about how silk was discovered. Lei Zu, the wife of Huang Di, was having tea under a mulberry tree when a silkworm cocoon (蚕茧) fell into her cup...”可知,是皇后发现丝绸可以用来做衣服,并不是皇帝,故选F。38.推理判断题。根据“With the development of the silk industry, more silk was produced. It was no longer just for rich people.”可知,随着丝绸工业的发展,生产了更多的丝绸,它不再是富人的象征,它到达了更多的家庭,故选T。39.细节理解题。根据“Then Lei Zu taught her people how to raise silkworms and how to get silk. In this way, the silk industry was born.”可知,雷祖教她的人民如何养蚕,如何获得丝绸,就这样,丝绸业诞生了,故选F。40.主旨大意题。根据“It is well-known that silk was discovered in China.”及“Today, silk can be used for many kinds of things, not just for clothes but also for paintings, writing brushes, kites and even fishing nets. Wherever silk goes around the world, it is always warmly received.”及整个文章的理解可知,本文主要是介绍丝绸的历史和流行,故选T。(六)(2022云南中考真题)根据短文内容,判断正误(正确“T”,错误“F”)。Every Saturday, Wang Fokun travels 40 minutes to “watch” a movie with his friends. He became blind in his early 50s. However, he can still enjoy movies in a “talking movie” club-Xin Deng Theater. The club is in Kunming, Yunnan. A group of volunteers there describe movies to blind people.“I listened to a movie for the first time in the summer of 2019, and it was amazing. The volunteers did a great job.” said Wang.Describing movies to blind people can be challenging (有挑战性的). The volunteers must watch a movie three or four times to know everything in the movie. This way, they can describe the movie very clearly.Zhou Quan started the club in 2017. “Movies are for everybody,” said Zhou. “Xin Deng Theater hopes to share movies with blind people and help to light up their lives.” Thanks to the special club, many blind people go out of their homes and their lives are more interesting.Now many blind people come to Xin Deng Theater to “watch” movies every week. “They can enjoy the movies here. I’m so glad that I bring enjoyment to them.” said Zhou.“It’s meaningful for us to spend our free time volunteering.” said one volunteer.36.Wang Fokun goes to Xin Deng Theater three or four times a week.37.The volunteers in the club describe movies to blind people.38.Xin Deng Theater was set up in 2019.39.Both blind people and the volunteers enjoy spending time in the club.40.The passage mainly talks about a movie.【答案】36.F37.T38.F39.T40.F【解析】【导语】本文主要介绍了云南的一个专门向盲人描述电影的俱乐部。36.细节理解题。根据“Every Saturday, Wang Fokun travels 40 minutes to “watch” a movie with his friends”可知,他一周去一次,此句表述错误,故填F。37.细节理解题。根据“A group of volunteers there describe movies to blind people”可知,那里的一群志愿者向盲人描述电影,此句表述正确,故填T。38.细节理解题。根据“Zhou Quan started the club in 2017”可知,这个俱乐部是在2017年创办的,此句表述错误,故填F。39.细节理解题。根据“They can enjoy the movies here. I’m so glad that I bring enjoyment to them”及“It’s meaningful for us to spend our free time volunteering”可知,盲人和志愿者都愿意待在俱乐部,此句表述正确,故填T。40.主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了云南的一个专门向盲人描述电影的俱乐部,此句表述错误,故填F。(七)(2022湖南娄底中考真题)阅读下面的短文, 判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符, 符合的写(A), 不符合的写(B)。Chile is a long and beautiful country with ocean to the west and mountains to the east. Some of the villages are a very long way from the city, and some of the schools are very small.It is difficult for some small schools to teach science because they don’t have enough teachers or equipment (设备). This is why the Science Bus Project wants to help them. The bus brings special science teachers, new ideas and equipment to schools in different parts of the country. Sometimes the children go inside the bus for science lessons or clubs. Sometimes the teachers even bring the equipment inside the classroom for the children to do experiments (实验).The goal of the Science Bus Project is to bring science to children all over Chile. Since 2012, the bus has visited lots of schools in Chile and hundreds of teachers have learned how to make their science classes fun and exciting.Science is important to all of us, as it helps us understand our world better and we can learn about it inside or outside of the classroom.1.Some schools in Chile are small and far from the city.2.It’s easy for some small schools in Chile to teach science.3.The Science Bus Project only brings teachers to schools in Chile.4.The project has helped many teachers make their science classes fun.5.The children can learn a lot about science through doing experiments.【答案】1.A 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.A【导语】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了科学巴士项目的目标是将科学带给智利各地的儿童。自2012年以来, 该巴士已经到过智利的许多学校, 数百名教师已经学会了如何让他们的科学课变得有趣和令人兴奋。1.细节理解题。根据“Some of the villages are a very long way from the city, and some of the schools are very small.(有些村庄离城市很远,有些学校很小。)”可知智利的一些学校很小,离城市很远。故答案为A。2.细节理解题。根据“It is difficult for some small schools to teach science because they don’t have enough teachers or equipment(设备).(一些小型学校很难教授科学,因为他们没有足够的教师或设备。)”可知智利的一些小型学校很容易教授科学是错误的,是很难教授科学。故答案为B。3.细节理解题。根据“The bus brings special science teachers, new ideas and equipment to schools in different parts of the country.(这辆巴士为全国各地的学校带来了特殊的科学教师、新思想和设备。)”可知科学巴士项目只将教师带到智利的学校是错误的,是带来了特殊的科学教师、新思想和设备。故答案为B。4.细节理解题。根据“Since 2012, the bus has visited lots of schools in Chile and hundreds of teachers have learned how to make their science classes fun and exciting.(自2012年以来, 该巴士已经到过智利的许多学校,数百名教师已经学会了如何让他们的科学课变得有趣和令人兴奋。)”可知该项目帮助许多教师使他们的科学课变得有趣。故答案为A。5.细节理解题。根据前文讲述科学巴士项目给智利的一些学校带去了设备, 使孩子们能够做实验, 了解科学和“Science is important to all of us, as it helps us understand our world better and we can learn about it inside or outside of the classroom.(科学对我们所有人都很重要,因为它帮助我们更好地了解我们的世界,我们可以在课堂内外了解它。)”可知通过做实验,孩子们可以学到很多关于科学的知识。故答案为A。(八)(2022湖南湘西中考真题)Have you ever experienced something unforgettable? Last year, I went through a terrible storm and felt the power of nature.That day, black clouds were making the sky very dark like midnight and I could hear strong winds blowing outside my home in Alabama. Everyone in the neighborhood was busy. My dad was putting pieces of wood over the windows while my mom was making sure the flashlights and radio were working. She also put some candles and matches on the table.I was helping my mom make dinner when the rain began to beat heavily against the windows. After dinner, we tried to play a card game, but it was hard to have fun with a serious storm happening outside.I could not sleep at first. I finally fell asleep when the wind was dying down at around 3:00 a.m. When I woke up, the sun was rising. I went outside with my family and found the outside world was quite different. Fallen trees, broken windows and rubbish were everywhere. We joined the neighbors to help clean up the neighborhood together. I have learnt a lesson from this. We should work together to face difficulties.阅读短文,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容。符合的选T,不符合的选F。6.I lived in New York when the storm happened.7.My mom put some candles and matches on the table.8.We had fun in a card game with a serious storm happening outside.9.I could not sleep until around 3:00 a.m.10.I learn from this experience that we should work together to face difficulties.【答案】6.F7.T8.F9.T10.T【解析】本文是一篇记叙文。本文讲述了一场暴风雨让作者意识到应该共同努力面对困难。6.细节理解题。根据“That day, black clouds were making the sky very dark like midnight and I could hear strong winds blowing outside my home in Alabama.”可知那天,乌云密布,天空漆黑如午夜,在阿拉巴马州,我能听到我家外面刮起的大风。可知暴风雨发生时我住在阿拉巴马州。故选F。7.细节理解题。根据“She also put some candles and matches on the table.”可知我妈妈在桌上放了一些蜡烛和火柴。故选T。8.细节理解题。根据“After dinner, we tried to play a card game, but it was hard to have fun with a serious storm happening outside.”可知晚饭后,我们试着玩纸牌游戏,但外面发生了一场大风暴,很难玩得开心。故选F。9.细节理解题。根据“I finally fell asleep when the wind was dying down at around 3:00 a.m.”可知凌晨3点左右,风停了,我终于睡着了。故选T。10.细节理解题。根据“We joined the neighbors to help clean up the neighborhood together. I have learnt a lesson from this. We should work together to face difficulties.”可知我们和邻居们一起帮助清理街区。我从中吸取了教训。我们应该共同面对困难。故选T。(九)(2022广西梧州中考真题)阅读短文,根据短文内容判断下列句子的正T,误F。Xu Yuanchong, who is famous for translating Chinese, ancient poems into English and French, died in Beijing at the age of 100 on Thursday, June 7th, 2021.Xu was born on April 18th,1921 in Jiangxi Province, China. He studied at the National Southwest Associated University in Kunming, Yunnan Province.He studied translation very hard during his college years. In 1939, he published(发表) an English translation of a poem, which was written by Lin Huiyin, Don’t Cast Away. It is now known as his earliest work. Xu spent a few years in France studying French literature in the late 1940s. He then returned to China after graduation(毕业)and gave all his attention and effort to translation. And Xu was the first Chinese to translate Chinese poems into English and French in rhyme.Xu devoted his life to translation for more than 60 years. For him, translated literature is “a beautiful art for all the world”.11.Xu is famous for translating modern poems. ________12.In 1939, Xu’s earliest work was published. ________13.Xu studied French literature in the early 1940s. ________14.Xu was the first Chinese to translate Chinese poems into English and French in rhyme. ________15.We can learn that Xu enjoyed translating poems and hoped to introduce them to the world. ________【答案】11.F12.T13.F14.T15.T【解析】文章介绍翻译家许渊冲的生平及成就。11.细节理解题。根据“Xu Yuanchong, who is famous for translating Chinese, ancient poems into English and French, died in Beijing at the age of 100 on Thursday, June 7th, 2021.”2021年6月17日,星期四,以将中国古诗翻译成英语和法语而闻名的许渊冲在北京去世,享年100岁。可知,题干“许以翻译现代诗歌而闻名”叙述错误。故答案为F。12.细节理解题。根据“. In 1939, he published(发表) an English translation of a poem, which was written by Lin Huiyin, Don’t Cast Away. It is now known as his earliest work.”1939年,他出版了林徽因的一首诗《不要抛弃》的英译本。它现在被认为是他最早的作品。可知题干“1939年,许最早的作品出版。”叙述正确。故答案为T。13.细节理解题。根据“Xu spent a few years in France studying French literature in the late 1940s.”20世纪40年代末,许在法国学习了几年法国文学,可知,题干“许在20世纪40年代初学习法国文学。”叙述错误。故答案为F。14.细节理解题。根据“And Xu was the first Chinese to translate Chinese poems into English and French in rhyme.”许是第一个将中国诗歌押韵翻译成英语和法语的中国人。可知,题干“许是第一个将中国诗歌押韵翻译成英语和法语的中国人。”叙述正确。故答案为T。15.细节理解题。根据“Xu devoted his life to translation for more than 60 years. For him, translated literature is “a beautiful art for all the world”.”60多年来,许一直致力于翻译工作。对他来说,翻译文学是“面向全世界的一门美丽的艺术”。可知,题干“我们可以了解到,许喜欢翻译诗歌,并希望把诗歌介绍给世界。”叙述正确。故答案为T。(十)(2022湖南邵阳中考真题)正误判断 阅读短文,根据短文内容判断所给句子正(T)误(F)。China’s Shenzhou XIII astronauts have completed their six-month stay in the Tiangong space station. They returned to Earth safely on April 16, 2022. They are Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu.“We thank all the Chinese people for their support and encouragement. Our thanks also go to our workmates who took part in the mission (任务) and worked with us all the time,” Zhai said to the reporter after he landed on the ground. “It is the power and strength of our country that built the high-flying space station. I am proud of our great motherland.”Wang Yaping is the first Chinese woman to live in the Tiangong space station. She is also the first Chinese woman spacewalker. She told her little daughter happily, “Mom has returned after reaching for the stars.”The three astronauts have set a new record for China’s longest spaceflight. They did more than 20 different scientific experiments and gave two live space classes. They also spent much time getting the station ready for its next visitors.The success of the mission shows that China has mastered the key technologies of the space station. As the Tiangong space station is going to be completed at the end of this year, it will be a comfortable “home” for astronauts to further explore the space.16.China’s Shenzhou XIII astronauts returned to Earth safely on March 16, 2022.17.Zhai Zhigang thinks the success belongs to all the Chinese people.18.From the space Wang Yaping got a real star for her daughter.19.The three astronauts have set a new record for the world’s longest spaceflight.20.From the passage, we can know that China’s space technology is getting more and more powerful.【答案】16.F17.T18.F19.F20.T【解析】本文主要介绍了中国神舟十三号宇航员已经在天宫空间站完成了六个月的停留。他们于2022年4月16日安全返回地球。16.细节理解题。根据“They returned to Earth safely on April 16, 2022, They are Zhai Zhigang,Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu.”可知他们于2022年4月16日安全返回地球,故选F。17.推理判断题。根据“We thank all the Chinese people for their support and encouragement. Our thanks also go to our workmates who took part in the mission (任务) and worked with us all the time”可知翟志刚认为成功属于全体中国人。故选T。18.细节理解题。根据“ She told her little daughter happily, “Mom has returned after reaching for the stars”结合常识可知星星是不可能被摘下来的,故选F。19.细节理解题。根据“The three astronauts have set a new record for China’s longest spaceflight.”可知这三名宇航员创造了中国最长太空飞行的新纪录,不是世界上,故选F。20.推理判断题。根据“The success of the mission shows that China has mastered the key technologies of the space station.”可知从文章中,我们可以知道中国的空间技术越来越强大。故选T。(十一)(2022黑龙江牡丹江中考真题)About five years ago, my grandma came to Australia from the Netherlands(荷兰) to live with us. She loved cooking and collecting different kitchen things. She didn’t use all of them, but she loved seeing her kitchen with all kinds of nice cups, glasses, and plates. Before she came to Australia, she had to make hard choices. She stood in the kitchen and didn’t know what to bring with her and what to leave behind. She spent many hours looking at everything and in the end she made a decision to take a set of plates made of china(瓷).Then she came to Australia with the beautiful plates. Several weeks later, a new friend invited my grandma to have dinner in her house and asked her to bring a plate. My grandma was confused(困惑的), but her English was not very good at that time and she couldn’t ask clearly what her friend meant. On that day, she picked out her most beautiful china plate and brought it to her friend’s house. She was sure everyone would like it. When she arrived at her friend’s house, she was proud and put the plate on a table. Around her empty plate were plates filled with different kinds of food. “There must be something wrong,” she said to herself. Her friend smiled when she saw her empty plate. “‘Bring a plate’ means ‘bring some food’ in Australia,” her friend said.Grandma learned a good lesson that day. Since then, she has never brought an empty plate to anyone’s house again.Judge the following statements true (T) or false (F) according to the passage.21.The grandma loved collecting different kitchen things and used all of them.22.It was difficult for the grandma to decide what kitchen things to bring to Australia.23.The grandma’s English was so good that she understood what her new friend meant.24.In the end the grandma didn’t learn the true meaning of “bring a plate” that day.25.From the passage we know different countries have different customs.【答案】21.F22.T23.F24.F25.T【解析】本文主要讲述了作者的祖母在澳大利亚要去朋友家里做客,因为误解“bring a plate”的含义而闹了笑话的故事。21.细节理解题。根据“She loved cooking and collecting different kitchen things. She didn’t use all of them,”可知,作者的祖母喜欢收集不同的厨房用品,但并没有全部用掉它们。句子表述错误。故选F。22.细节理解题。根据“Before she came to Australia, she had to make hard choices. She stood in the kitchen and didn’t know what to bring with her and what to leave behind.”可知,祖母很难决定带什么厨房用品到澳大利亚。句子表述正确。故选T。23.细节理解题。根据“My grandma was confused, but her English was not very good at that time and she couldn’t ask clearly what her friend meant.”可知,祖母的英语并不是很好,没能理解朋友的意思。句子表述错误。故选F。24.细节理解题。根据“Grandma learned a good lesson that day. Since then, she has never brought an empty plate to anyone’s house again.”可知,祖母最后理解了“带盘子”在澳大利亚的意思是“带点食物”的意思。句子表述错误。故选F。25.推理判断题。本文主要讲述了作者的祖母在澳大利亚要去朋友家里做客,因为不同的国家有不同的风俗习惯,所以误解“bring a plate”的含义而闹了笑话。句子表述正确。故选T。(十二)(2022广西河池中考真题)阅读短文,判断短文后句子的意思是否与短文内容相符。用“T”表示相符,“F”表示不相符。Once in a rich and peaceful country, there lived an unhappy king. He slept badly and didn’t feel like eating. He often cried for no reason. This made the queen and his people worried.One day, a doctor was called in to examine the king. But he found nothing wrong with his body. “What he needs is the shirt of a happy person to wear. That’ll make him happy.” said the doctor.The prime minister and the king’s banker were called to the palace. But they both said they were not happy. The prime minister was worried about losing his power while the banker was afraid of losing his money.Then, the king’s top general was told to go out and find a happy man in three days. He searched and searched, but he couldn’t find anyone that was truly happy. Two days passed. Just as he was about to give up, he saw a poor man eating with his hands and singing happily on the street. The general went up to him and asked, “What makes you so happy? You have no power, money or fame.” The poor man answered, “I have everything I want, and I don’t want what I can’t have. So I’m happy.” Then the general asked the man if he could buy his shirt for the king. The poor man laughed and said he didn’t own any shirts at all.26.Once there lived a happy king in a rich and peaceful country.27.The doctor said, “The king will be happy if he wears the shirt of a happy person.”28.The prime minister was not happy because he worried about losing his power.29.The general found a truly happy person on the first day.30.Though the poor man didn’t own any shirts, he was happy.【答案】26.F27.T28.T29.F30.T【解析】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了一个富裕国家的国王却不快乐,他派将军去寻找快乐的故事。26.细节理解题。根据“Once in a rich and peaceful country, there lived an unhappy king.”可知从前在一个富裕而和平的国家里,住着一位闷闷不乐的国王。故答案为F。27.细节理解题。根据“‘What he needs is the shirt of a happy person to wear. That’ll make him happy.’ said the doctor.”可知医生说他需要的是一件快乐的人穿的衬衫。那会让他高兴的。故答案为T。28.细节理解题。根据“The prime minister was worried about losing his power while the banker was afraid of losing his money.”可知首相担心失去他的权力,而银行家担心失去他的钱。故答案为T。29.推理判断题。根据“Two days passed. Just as he was about to give up, he saw a poor man eating with his hands and singing happily on the street.”可知两天过去后,正当他准备放弃的时候,他在街上看见一个穷人正在用手抓着东西吃,唱歌唱得很开心。可知他不是在第一天就找到了一个真正快乐的人。故答案为F。30.细节理解题。根据“he saw a poor man eating with his hands and singing happily on the street.”和“The poor man laughed and said he didn’t own any shirts at all.”可知这个穷人很开心,但他根本就没有衬衫。故答案为T。(十三)(2022黑龙江哈尔滨中考真题)Long long time ago, a man called Tom got a book. It was about the secret of a special pebble (鹅卵石) that could turn anything into real gold. The special pebble was lying among other ones on the beach. Because they looked the same, the special pebble was almost impossible to be found. If people touched the special pebble, it would feel warm. However, other pebbles were cold.After learning the secret, Tom was excited. He dreamed of becoming rich. So he sold all that he had, bought garden forks, went to the beach and started picking up pebbles. On the first day, he picked up pebbles and then he threw them into the sea if there were not special. Again and again, the special pebble didn’t appear. But he didn’t give up and then he continued.Several years later, suddenly he picked up one pebble which was warm. But because he had such a strong habit of throwing one pebble afer another without thinking, he threw this special one into the sea as usual. He lost the chance to be rich. What a pity!In fact, good chances do come in our life at any time. Try to hold them as soon as possible instead of missing them.根据短文内容判断正 (A) 误 (B) 。31.The special pebble that could turn anything into real gold would feel cold.32.To become rich, Tom sold all that he had, went to the beach with garden forks and started picking up pebbles.33.If the pebbles were not special, Tom threw them into the sea on the first day.34.After several years, Tom had a strong habit of throwing books without thinking.35.In the end, Tom found the special pebble but he missed it.【答案】31.B32.A33.A34.B35.A【解析】本文通过讲述Tom捡到了能够变得富有的鹅卵石最后却失败的故事,想告诉我们:好机会随时都会出现在我们的生活中。 尝试尽快抓住它们,而不是错过它们。31.细节理解题。根据“If people touched the special pebble, it would feel warm.”可知,能把任何东西变成金子的特殊卵石会让人感到温暖。句子表述错误。故选B。32.细节理解题。根据“So he sold all that he had, bought garden forks, went to the beach and started picking up pebbles.”可知,为了变得富有,Tom卖掉了所有的东西,买了花园叉子,去海滩捡起了鹅卵石。句子表述正确。故选A。33.细节理解题。根据“On the first day, he picked up pebbles and then he threw them into the sea if there were not special.”可知,在第一天Tom如果捡到的鹅卵石没什么特殊的,就会扔进海里。句子表述正确。故选A。34.细节理解题。根据“But because he had such a strong habit of throwing one pebble afer another without thinking, he threw this special one into the sea as usual.”可知,Tom养成的是扔鹅卵石的习惯,不是扔书。句子表述错误。故选B。35.细节理解题。根据“Several years later, suddenly he picked up one pebble which was warm. But because he had such a strong habit of throwing one pebble afer another without thinking, he threw this special one into the sea as usual. He lost the chance to be rich. What a pity!”可知,最后Tom找到了那块特殊的鹅卵石,但他却把它扔了。句子表述正确。故选A。(十四)(2022广西中考真题)Lanterns have been part of Chinese culture for centuries, there were mainly three kinds of lanterns: Palace lantern (宫灯) They were mainly used in palaces in ancient times. When making palace lanterns, fine wood was used. The palace lanterns were covered with silk or glass. These lanterns were not only used as lights but also as decorations (装饰) in palaces.Gauze lantern (纱灯) Red gauze was used when making gauze lanterns. In Chinese culture, red lanterns are symbols of happiness and good wishes. So red lanterns are always hung on important festivals such as Lantern Festival, Spring Festival and National Day. In some famous Chinatowns abroad, you can see red lanterns all the year round. They have become a symbol of Chinese culture worldwide.Shadow—picture lantern (走马灯) The shape of shadow—picture lantern was much like that of the palace lantern. There were two layers (层) of covers. Pictures were drawn on the inside layer and appeared on the outside cover when they were moving.Nowadays, more modern technology is used to make lanterns. The shapes of the modern lanterns have changed a lot, too.根据短文内容,判断下列句子意思与原文是否相符,相符的选T,不相符的选F。36.In ancient times, fine wood was used to make palace lanterns.37.Red lanterns are symbols of happiness and good wishes in Chinese culture.38.You can see red lanterns in some famous Chinatowns abroad only in Spring Festival.39.The shape of shadow—picture lantern was much like that of the gauze lantern.40.Modern technology is used when making lanterns.【答案】36.T37.T38.F39.F40.T【解析】本文主要介绍了灯笼的历史、种类以及现在灯笼的变化等。36.细节理解题。根据“When making palace lanterns, fine wood was used.”可知,在古代,精细的木材被用来制作宫灯。故选T。37.细节理解题。根据“In Chinese culture, red lanterns are symbols of happiness and good wishes.”可知,在中国文化中,红灯笼象征着幸福和美好的愿望。故选T。38.细节理解题。根据“In some famous Chinatowns abroad, you can see red lanterns all the year round.”可知,只有在春节的时候,你才能在国外一些著名的唐人街看到红灯笼是错误的。故选F。39.细节理解题。根据“The shape of shadow—picture lantern was much like that of the palace lantern.(走马灯的形状很像宫灯)”可知,走马灯的形状和纱灯很像是错误的。故选F。40.细节理解题。根据“Nowadays, more modern technology is used to make lanterns.”可知,制作灯笼时使用了现代技术。故选T。(十五)(2022广西柳州中考真题)Tom got a fishing rod (鱼竿) for his birthday. He decided to go ice fishing to make good use of his gift. Early the next morning, he took all things for fishing to the ice. When he arrived, he dug a large hole in the ice and put the rod in. Suddenly he heard a voice, “There are no fish in it.” So he moved to another place and dug another hole, but then the same voice spoke again and told him there were no fish in it. So he moved again, and the voice told him there were no fish a third time. Tom looked up in surprise and saw an angry man looking down at him. “How do you know there are no fish?” asked Tom. The man said coldly, “Well, first of all, this is a hockey rink (冰球场) and second of all, you must pay for those holes.”根据短文内容判断正误,正确的在答题卡上涂A,错误的涂B。41.Tom got a fishing rod for his birthday.42.Early the next morning, Tom took all things for fishing to the ice.43.Tom heard a voice that said there were many fish in it.44.Tom saw a man looking down at him happily.45.Tom went to a wrong place for ice fishing and he must pay for what he did.【答案】41.A42.A43.B44.B45.A【解析】本文主要介绍了汤姆去冰球场钓鱼的故事。41.细节理解题。根据“Tom got a fishing rod (鱼竿) for his birthday.”可知,汤姆生日得到一根钓鱼竿。故选A。42.细节理解题。根据“Early the next morning, he took all things for fishing to the ice.”可知,第二天一早,汤姆把钓鱼的所有东西都带到了冰上。故选A。43.细节理解题。根据“Suddenly he heard a voice, “There are no fish in it.””可知,汤姆听到一个声音说里面有很多鱼是错误的。故选B。44.细节理解题。根据“Tom looked up in surprise and saw an angry man looking down at him.”可知,汤姆看到一个男人高兴地看着他是错误的。故选B。45.推理判断题。根据“The man said coldly, “Well, first of all, this is a hockey rink (冰球场) and second of all, you must pay for those holes.””可知,汤姆去了一个错误的地方进行冰上钓鱼,他必须为此付出代价。故选A。(十六)(2022山东枣庄中考真题)读下面的文章,然后判断文章后面各小题,正确的答案写“T”,错误的答案写“F”。Chinese astronaut Wang Yaping made history on November 7 when she became the country's first woman to do a spacewalk, according to the national space agency. At the moment, Wang and Zhai Zhigang, two of the three members at China's new Tiangong space station, successfully completed the 6.5-hour spacewalk in the early hours of the morning of November 8, according to the China Manned Space Agency. The third astronaut of the Shenzhou-13 members, Ye Guangfu, stayed on the space station to support the spacewalk. It's the first time the astronauts have left the space station since their arrival on October 16. Shortly after stepping out of the spaceship, Wang waved to audiences on Earth and said she felt great. During the spacewalk, the team fixed a suspension(悬挂)device and connectors to the station's robotic arm. They also tested the safety of supporting equipment(设备), including the spacesuit produced by China. Wang is China's second woman in space, after Liu Yang made history by joining the Shenzhou-9 spacecraft in 2012. Before Wang, only 15 women around the world had done spacewalks since 1984, when Soviet astronaut Svetlana Savitskaya became the first to do so. So far, most women spacewalkers have been American NASA astronauts. The Shenzhou-13 members will do one or two more spacewalks during their six-month stay at the space station. This is not the first time astronauts have worked at Tiangong space station. In September, three other Chinese astronauts successfully completed a three-month stay at the station. By December 2022, China plans to have the station ready to be used—a great target that seems to be possible.46.The Shenzhou-13 members arrived at the Tiangong space station on October 16.47.During the 6.5-hour spacewalk, all the Shenzhou-13 members stepped out of the space station.48.Wang is the 16th woman around the world who has done a spacewalk.49.The main idea of this passage is about China's space travel.【答案】46.T47.F48.T49.F【解析】本文主要讲述了中国宇航员王亚平创造了历史,她成为中国第一位进行太空行走的女性。46.细节理解题。根据“It’s the first time the astronauts have left the space station since their arrival on October 16”可知神舟十三号成员于10月16日抵达天宫空间站。题干与文章意思相符,故选T。47.细节理解题。根据“At the moment, Wang and Zhai Zhigang, two of the three members at China's new Tiangong space station, successfully completed the 6.5-hour spacewalk in the early hours of the morning of November 8,”可知中国新天宫空间站三名成员中的两人王和翟志刚在11月8日凌晨成功完成了6.5小时的太空行走,题干与文章意思不符,故选F。48.细节理解题。根据“Before Wang, only 15 women around the world had done spacewalks since 1984, when Soviet astronaut Svetlana Savitskaya became the first to do so”可知王亚平是世界上第16位完成太空行走的女性。题干与文章意思相符,故选T。49.主旨大意题。通读全文可知本文主要讲述了中国宇航员王亚平创造了历史,她成为中国第一位进行太空行走的女性。题干与文章意思不符,故选F。(十七)(2022吉林中考真题)Today, many teenagers have already put technology to good use. Here are two good examples. A new reader (阅读器) for the blind The two 14-year-old students, Meng Shuqi and Feng Boyao, are from Taiyuan. They invented a new kind of reader to help the blind read books. The new reader can turn words into raised dots (盲点) when connected to a computer.As we know, the blind read by touching raised dots. However, there weren’t many books for the blind in the past, and it was difficult for them to get new information in time. As the old readers in the market were very expensive and difficult to use, the two students decided to invent the new reader which was easier to use. They hoped that the new reader could be widely used to help more blind people. A smart system for the oldA 16-year-old American boy Vetri Vel created a smart system. It is made up of a small computer and a camera. The system can catch the heat signals (热感信号) of a fallen person and send messages for help at once.After Vetri’s neighbor had fallen down alone at home, Vetri realized that falling down was a common problem for many old people. It may even lead to death. Vetri hopes that his invention can help more old people in time.Teenagers’ technological inventions full of love and intelligence can make our lives easier and more convenient. Why not have a try?根据短文内容,判断下列句子正(T)、误(F)。50.The two Chinese students invented a new reader to help the blind read books.51.It is more difficult for the blind to use the new reader.52.The smart system is made up of a small computer and a camera.53.Vetri created the smart system because he fell down alone at home.54.The inventions in the passage can make our lives easier and more convenient.【答案】50.T51.F52.T53.F54.T【解析】本文主要介绍了列举了学生们很好地利用了科技的例子。50.细节理解题。根据“The two 14-year-old students, Meng Shuqi and Feng Boyao, are from Taiyuan. They invented a new kind of reader to help the blind read books”可知,这两个中国学生发明了一种新的阅读器来帮助盲人读书,此句表述正确,故填T。51.细节理解题。根据“the two students decided to invent the new reader which was easier to use”可知,这个新的阅读器更容易使用,此句表述错误,故填F。52.细节理解题。根据“A 16-year-old American boy Vetri Vel created a smart system. It is made up of a small computer and a camera”可知,它是由一台小型计算机和一台照相机组成的,此句表述正确,故填T。53.细节理解题。根据“After Vetri’s neighbor had fallen down alone at home, Vetri realized that falling down was a common problem for many old people”可知,在他邻居摔倒后,让他意识到这个问题,此句表述错误,故填F。54.细节理解题。根据“Teenagers’ technological inventions full of love and intelligence can make our lives easier and more convenient”可知,文中提到的发明让我们的生活更方便,此句表述正确,故填T。(十八)(2022黑龙江绥化中考真题)根据短文内容判断对错,对的选“T”,错的选“F”。When we feel hungry, we can take out our phones and order some food easily. When we need to take a taxi, we can also use our phones to book one. It’s so easy. But what will happen to the old who don’t know how to use a smartphone?With the development of technology, our lifestyle has been changed a lot. Lots of things can be done through the Internet, such as shopping, buying tickets and so on. New apps are easy for the young, while they are difficult for the old. Now China has come up with several ways to solve this problem. Everyone should take actions to overcome this “digital gap” (数字鸿沟).Sometimes we only need several minutes to learn something new, but maybe it costs old people hours or even a few days. Next time when the old need help, we should be patient with them and never forget what they’ve done for us.55.We can take out our phones and order some food easily when we feel angry.56.We know we can use the Internet to shop and buy tickets.57.To book a taxi by using the phones is difficult when the young want to go to some places.58.Maybe it takes the old much time to learn new things.59.All of us should play a part in overcoming his “digital gap”.【答案】55.F56.T57.F58.T59.T【解析】本文介绍如今新科技对老年人的困难,告诉读者如果有老年人询问你如何使用高科技产品时,要有耐心地教他们。55.细节理解题。根据“When we feel hungry, we can take out our phones and order some food easily.”可知,当我们感到饿的时候,我们可以拿出手机,很容易地点一些食物。而不是生气的时候,该项表述错误,故答案为F。56.细节理解题。根据“Lots of things can be done through the Internet, such as shopping, buying tickets and so on.”可知,很多事情可以通过互联网做,如购物,买票等。该项表述正确,故答案为T。57.细节理解题。根据“When we need to take a taxi, we can also use our phones to book one. It’s so easy.”可知,需要打车的时候,我们也可以用手机,很容易。而不是很难,该项表述错误,故答案为F。58.细节理解题。根据“but maybe it costs old people hours or even a few days.”可知,学习新东西可能会花费老年人几个小时甚至几天的时间,该项表述正确,故答案为T。59.细节理解题。根据“Everyone should take actions to overcome this “digital gap” (数字鸿沟).”可知,每个人都应该采取行动,克服这种“数字鸿沟”。该项表述正确,故答案为T。(十九)(2022黑龙江黑龙江中考真题)I’m my mother’s third girl. When I was born, the doctor gently explained to my mother that my left arm was missing, below the elbow (肘). Then she gave her some advice, “Don’t treat her any differently from others.” And she did. There are five girls in my family, and we all had to help out. Once when I was about seven, I came out of the kitchen, “Mum, I can’t peel potatoes. I only have one hand.” “Get back to peel these potatoes, and don’t ever use that as an excuse for anything again!”Of course I could peel potatoes—with my good hand and my other arm. “Jenny, if you try hard,” she said, “you can do anything.”Once in the second grade, our teacher had each of us race across the monkey bar (攀爬架). When it was my turn, I said no. Some kids laughed. I went home crying. The next afternoon Mum took me back to the school playground. “Now, pull up with your right arm.” She advised. She praised me when I made progress. I’ll never forget when I was crossing the bar, the kids were standing there with their mouths open. It was the way with everything. Mum had the courage to face anything. And she taught me I could, too. Judge the following sentences true (T) or false (F) according to the passage.60.The writer has four other sisters in her family.61.The doctor’s advice means that the mum should treat the writer differently because her right arm is missing.62.The writer’s mum peeled the potatoes at last.63.Mum took the writer back to the school playground the next morning and asked her to try one more time.64.From the passage, we know that Mum encourage her daughter to face anything bravely just like her.【答案】60.T61.F62.F63.F64.T【解析】本文主要讲述了生下来就失去了左胳膊的作者,在妈妈的鼓励下,勇敢地面对生活中的困难的故事。60.细节理解题。根据“There are five girls in my family”可知,作者有四个姐妹,此句表述正确 ,故答案为T。61.细节理解题。根据“Then she gave her some advice, ‘Don’t treat her any differently from others.’ And she did.”可知,医生的建议意味着妈妈应该像对待其他人一样对待作者,而不是区别对待,故答案为F。62.细节理解题。根据“Get back to peel these potatoes, and don’t ever use that as an excuse for anything again! Of course I could peel potatoes—with my good hand and my other arm.”可知,是作者自己削了土豆皮,此句表述错误,故答案为F。63.细节理解题。根据“The next afternoon Mum took me back to the school playground.”可知,是第二天下午,妈妈把作者又带到了学校操场,此句表述错误,故答案为F。64.细节理解题。根据“It was the way with everything. Mum had the courage to face anything. And she taught me I could, too.”可知,妈妈鼓励她的女儿像她一样勇敢地面对任何事情,是妈妈给了作者面对一切的勇气,此句表述正确,故答案为T。(二十)(2022黑龙江中考真题)Bill’s favorite color is orange. But he can’t see what orange looks like. Bill is blind.A month after he was born, his mother noticed that his eyes weren’t quite as big as a normal baby’s. “Bill wouldn’t be able to see.” the doctor told his mother. After that, Bill’s mother began talking to him, describing things she saw outside the window. She described everything to him.Bill not only listens to his mother’s descriptions to learn about the world around him, but also sees with his ears and his hands. He has perfect hearing. When people make phone calls, he can tell the numbers they dial(拨).Bill loves computer science. He began teaching himself computer programming when he was just seven years old. His dream school would be Stanford University. He gets top grades in his class, making that a real possibility. “You can’t let excuses get in the way of your dreams, and if you do that, you can’t move forward and reach your goals,” said Bill.Judge the sentences below true (T) or false (F) according to the passage.65.Bill’s favorite color is orange and he can see what it looks like.66.A year after he was born, Bill’s mother noticed his eyes were different from other normal babies’.67.Bill’s hearing is perfect.68.Bill began learning computer programming by himself at the age of 17.69.Bill dreamed to go to Stanford University.【答案】65.F66.F67.T68.F69.T【解析】本文主要介绍了比尔是一个盲人,但是他的听力很好,并且七岁时开始自学计算机编程。65.细节理解题。根据“Bill’s favorite color is orange. But he can’t see what orange looks like. Bill is blind.”可知比尔最喜欢的颜色是橙色,但他是盲人,所以看不到橙色是什么样子,题干与文章意思不符,故选F。66.细节理解题。根据“A month after he was born, his mother noticed that his eyes weren’t quite as big as a normal baby’s”可知他出生一个月后,他的母亲注意到他的眼睛与正常婴儿的眼睛不一样,题干与文章意思不符,故选F。67.细节理解题。根据“He has perfect hearing”可知比尔的听力很好,题干与文章意思相符,故选T。68.细节理解题。根据“He began teaching himself computer programming when he was just seven years old. ”可知他七岁时开始自学计算机编程,题干与文章意思不符,故选F。69.细节理解题。根据“His dream school would be Stanford University.”可知他的梦想学校是斯坦福大学,题干与文章意思相符,故选T。(二十一)(2022贵州铜仁中考真题)根据短文内容,判断1-5小题句子的正(A)或误(B),并在答题卡的相应位置将其涂黑。Every living thing needs to reproduce(繁殖). Reproducing means creating more members of your group. In order for plants to reproduce, they have to spread their seeds(种子)to other areas. Plants have developed all kinds of ways to do this.The simplest way is gravity(重力). Many seeds are inside of fruit. When fruit gets too heavy, it falls from a tree to the ground. Sometimes animals will pick up the fruit and drop it in another area. That helps move the seed even farther away. Apples spread this way.Other plants use wind to spread their seeds. Dandelions(蒲公英)are a good example of this. Dandelion seeds are so light that when wind blows, it carries dandelion seeds to new places. Maple(枫树)seeds also use wind. Their seeds are connected with long, thin leaves that look like wings. When the seed falls from the tree, its “wings” help it fly farther from the tree.Some animals help plants spread their seeds. The animals eat the seeds. While the seed is in the animal’s body, it stays whole. When the seed leaves the animal, it’s in a new place.Ants also help spread seeds. Some seeds have a special smell that appeals to ants. The ants bring the seeds back to their home, which of course is underground. They only eat part of the seed. They leave the rest of the seed underground. After that, the seed can start growing.70.When fruit gets heavy enough, it will fall from a tree to the ground because of gravity.71.All plants can spread seeds by themselves.72.Wind helps apple and dandelion seeds to fly farther to new places.73.Some animals and ants eat seeds, and it is helpful for seeds to spread.74.The passage is mainly about the relationship between animals and plants.【答案】70.A71.B72.B73.B74.B【解析】本文主要介绍了植物传播种子繁殖的几种方式。70.细节理解题。根据“The simplest way is gravity…When fruit gets too heavy, it falls from a tree to the ground”可知,当水果够重时,由于地心引力的作用,它会从树上掉到地上,此句表述正确,故填A。71.细节理解题。根据“Other plants use wind to spread their seeds”可知,并不是所有的植物都可以自己传播种子,此句表述错误,故填B。72.细节理解题。根据“The simplest way is gravity…That helps move the seed even farther away. Apples spread this way”可知,苹果树是靠重力来传播种子,而不是靠风,此句表述错误,故填B。73.细节理解题。根据“They only eat part of the seed. They leave the rest of the seed underground. After that, the seed can start growing”可知,蚂蚁传播种子是因为没有吃完的种子开始慢慢长大,此句表述错误,故填B。74.主旨大意题。根据“In order for plants to reproduce, they have to spread their seeds(种子)to other areas. Plants have developed all kinds of ways to do this”可知,本文主要介绍了植物传播种子繁殖的几种方式,此句表述错误,故填B。(二十二)(2022黑龙江齐齐哈尔中考真题)June 5 is World Environment Day. Nowadays more and more people are trying different kinds of ways to face environmental problems around the world. What are people doing to protect our home—the earth?Most people are changing their shopping habits. On the one hand, secondhand clothes may be a smart choice. People are willing to buy the secondhand ones to wear in special situations because they only wear them once or twice. On the other hand, there are some companies for renting (租) clothes and renting clothes is cheaper than buying them. So people are able to save money and protect the environment.Several large companies have begun developing paper bottles to take the place of glass and plastic ones because there are lots of customers worrying about the environment. They think paper bottles have many advantages. The most important is that paper bottles are easy to recycle and weigh less than glass or plastic ones as well.A zero-waste life is that people hardly create any rubbish. A zero-waste theme store provides a number of everyday, practical and pleasant zero-waste products. The store helps people start on a one-stop, zero-waste life journey. A zero-waste life follows the 6R principle (原则) —Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Recycle and Rot.All in all, the earth is our home and it’s our duty to protect it.根据文章内容,判断句子正(T)、误(F)。75.Few people around the world are trying different kinds of ways to face the environmental problems.76.In order to save money and protect the environment, people can not only buy secondhand clothes but also rent clothes.77.Large companies have developed paper bottles successfully and put them into use.78.People can buy many everyday, practical and pleasant zero-waste things in every store.79.You are playing a part in protecting our earth while following the 6R principle.【答案】75.F76.T77.F78.F79.T【解析】本文介绍了越来越多的人正在尝试不同的方式来面对世界各地的环境问题。75.细节理解题。根据“Nowadays more and more people are trying different kinds of ways to face environmental problems around the world.”可知,如今,越来越多的人正在尝试不同的方式来面对世界各地的环境问题,故选F。76.细节理解题。根据“On the one hand, secondhand clothes may be a smart choice...On the other hand, there are some companies for renting (租) clothes and renting clothes is cheaper than buying them. So people are able to save money and protect the environment.”可知,为了省钱和保护环境,人们不仅可以买二手衣服,还可以租衣服,故选T。77.细节理解题。根据“Several large companies have begun developing paper bottles to take the place of glass and plastic ones”可知,几家大公司已经开始开发纸瓶来取代玻璃和塑料瓶而不是已经成功地开发出了纸瓶,故选F。78.细节理解题。根据“A zero-waste theme store provides a number of everyday, practical and pleasant zero-waste products. The store helps people start on a one-stop, zero-waste life journey.”可知,零废物主题商店提供了许多日常、实用和愉快的零废物产品,而不是在每一家商店都能买到,故选F。79.细节理解题。根据“A zero-waste life follows the 6R principle (原则) —Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Recycle and Rot. All in all, the earth is our home and it’s our duty to protect it.”可知,在遵守6R原则的同时,也在保护我们的地球,故选T。





