专题33 短文填空 考点2 选词填空(原卷版)

2024-09-10·58页·1.8 M

三年2022-2024中考英语真题分项汇编全国通用)专题33 短文填空 考点2 选词填空(2024中考真题)(2024甘肃兰州中考真题)阅读下面的短文,用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,使文意通顺,结构正确。(每个单词限用一次)earchangeableworksnowsomethingalsowhiledrytheyuntilHave you ever been to Dali? Dali is quite a beautiful place in Yunnan. The wind, the flowers, the 1 and the moon are not only landscapes and styles of Dali, but 2 its real sceneries and countless stories.There are nineteen peaks (山峰) in the Cangshan Mountain, all of 3 are snow-capped. This mountain, which extends across Dali, runs from north to south, 4 it reaches this small town with spring in the air. It is a companion to the Erhai Lake for thousands of years.The clouds of the Cangshan Mountain are 5 . When the clouds appear, fishing boats aren’t allowed to 6 in the lake. No matter what good weather it is now, it will soon be windy and the tides (潮汐) will be so high. It seems that the strong wind would only stop when the water in the lake became 7 .The Erhai Lake and the Cangshan Mountain make each other better. The shape of the lake looks like a(n) 8 . Many people come here every year. They won’t do 9 except sitting in the courtyard of a folk inn, enjoying the breeze (微风) from the lake and the nice sceneries. 10 riding a bike between the Erhai Lake and the Cangshan Mountain, you are really in a wonderland.(2024新疆中考真题)阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺,意思完整,每空晚填一词,每词限用一次。andfamoustocentersbothofpickjustlearnthousandmakeWhen we think of Xinjiang, sweet fruits, delicious foods and friendly people come to mind. Please follow me to 11 something else about Xinjiang.Muqam (木卡姆)Muqam is quite a special art form in China. During 12 of years, Muqam used to be a good example of cultural exchange between the East 13 the West. In order to 14 it pass down, the government has started protection work. Even some universities have set up Muqam classes.Xinjiang cottonXinjiang is home to cotton in China. It is 15 for its long-staple cotton (长绒棉), many factories choose to buy Xinjiang cotton because 16 its high quality. In the past, people mainly 17 cotton by hand.Thanks 18 the development of technology, more and more people use machines to do it now.Qiemo County (且末县)Qiemo was one of the most important trade 19 on the ancient Salk Road. Nowadays, Qiemo is still rich in 20 culture and nature, like well-known jade (玉), special folk customs and different natural wonders.If you have a chance to visit Xinjiang, 21 take it!项可知,如果你有机会参观新疆,就要好好把握。just“就”,故填just。(2024宁夏中考真题)阅读下面短文,从方框中选择恰当的词或短语并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一个词或短语,每个词或短语限填一次。up, forget, laugh, get out of, and, thing, sad, everyone, a lot of, alwaysHaving close friends is one of the best 1 in our life. In fact, 2 should have some close friends. One reason to have close friends is that you 3 have someone to work together with. For example, my friends 4 I often write songs together. We have written 5 wonderful songs by helping each other.Another reason for having close friends is that they can cheer you 6 . They try to do this whenever you are 7 . For example, when I got a disappointing grade on my math test last week, my friends told jokes to make me 8 .Life is better with close friends. They help us enjoy life sometimes and help us to 9 difficult situations. The next time your friends do something nice for you, don’t 10 to say, “Nothing beats having close friends.”(2024四川凉山中考真题)阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整,并将其答案写在答题卡上相应的位置。每词限用一次。affordbyeverythingeasyinformationmakeonlysmarttheywhenWith the development of science and technology, our life is becoming more and more convenient. It seems that 11 has been reinvented and greatly improved. But there is one thing unlike them. It’s a blind walking stick. It was invented over 100 years ago and has been used 12 many blind people for a long time. However, it had remained unchanged until an engineer named Kursat decided 13 a change. Kursat is blind. He deeply understands the difficulties and challenges that the blind face. He put some technical knowledge into his invention and invented a 14 stick. He hoped his invention would help the blind.The smart stick uses built-in speakers and different sensors (传感器) to warn about possible dangers. It helps blind people know about the environment around 15 by using modern technology. It makes their travel much 16 than before. The stick is priced at around $500. It is less than half the price of most smart phones. Most people can 17 it.In the future, this invention is going to make a big difference to more blind people. “It will not 18 change my life, but also the life of other people.” Kursat said, “These days, we are talking about flying cars, but the blind have been using just simple sticks. As a blind person, 19 I am at the subway station, I don’t know which is my exit. I don’t know which bus is coming or which stores are around me. But now, the smart stick can provide a lot of 20 for the blind,” he said, “I believe the life of the blind will be much more convenient and safer.”(2024四川达州中考真题)阅读下面短文,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。每词限用一次。 colortasterichalsowhichlieinterestpopularphotoonDazhou is my beloved hometown. It 21 in China’s southwest area and has a long history of more than 1, 900 years. There are so many places of 22 in Dazhou. Bashan Grand Canyon (大峡) is a 23 one. You can go drifting (漂流) there. You can 24 enjoy fantastic scenery and the show of Tujiahaocaoluogu. The actors wear 25 costumes, singing and dancing to their special songs. You can dance and take 26 with them. Everyone wants to keep a record of such a pleasant moment. Besides, Mount Batai is a place 27 you can’t miss. You can camp 28 the top of the mountain at night and admire the beautiful sunrise in the morning. And don’t forget 29 delicious Jiuyuan black chicken and potatoes. Dazhou is a lively and modern city. And it is 30 in cultural heritage (文化遗产). I love my hometown very much!(2024江苏苏州中考真题)请认真阅读下面短文,从方框中选择适当的单词或短语,在答题卡标有题号的横线上,填入其正确形式。每个单词或短语仅用一次。speedsinceplenty ofpollutesuch asFrogs are an environmental warning system. They have skin which takes in whatever is in the environment. This means that if the environment is 31 , a frog’s skin takes in the pollution and the frog dies. For this reason, if there’s something wrong in the environment, frogs are the first to die. If there are 32 frogs, it’s a good sign that the environment is healthy.Frog numbers around the world have been dropping at a faster 33 in recent years than ever before. Up to 200 kinds of frogs have died out 34 1980. This is a disaster. Frogs are needed in the food chain as food for animals like snakes, birds and fish. Frogs are also needed in the food chain to eat insects 35 grasshoppers. The world needs frogs.(2024湖北中考真题)阅读短文,从方框中选出恰当的单词并用其适当形式填空,使短文通顺、意义完整。每空仅填一词,每词仅用一次。after; attention; clean; collect; come; first; he; helpful; hold; lifeDo you believe picking up rubbish has become a world competition?In November of 2023, the first Rubbish Collection World Cup was 36 in Asia. Teams from 21 countries took part in it. According to the rules, each team will have 60 minutes to 37 rubbish as much as possible. Britain finally won the 38 prize. “We hope more people around the world will pay 39 to environmental problems,” said a British team member.When Ken, the founder (创始人) of the competition, was interviewed, he talked about how he 40 up with the idea. Several years ago, he found many sea animals died 41 they ate the rubbish in the sea. So he started to pick up rubbish on 42 way to the beach every morning.“Picking up a piece of rubbish may save a turtle’s (海龟的) 43 . It’s also a good way to keep the beach 44 .” In his eyes, changing people’s thoughts about rubbish was more important.“Picking up rubbish is meaningful and 45 ,” added Ken. “Now, I am glad to hear that lots of people take part in it to protect our environment.”(2024湖北武汉中考真题)阅读下面短文,然后用下面方框中所给的单词或短语填空,使短文在结构、语意和逻辑上正确。(提示:方框中有两个单词或短语是多余的。)leaves, spring, seen, wet, come, think, were used toMarch is a great time to enjoy the unusual flowers of the butterbur (蜂斗菜). This plant is 46 across most of the UK and it likes 47 places near rivers. Some people 48 that butterbur is like a toilet brush. When the flowers open, they have white on them. Then the heart-shaped 49 appear and they are huge, reaching up to one meter across. In the past, the butterbur had many uses. Its cool leaves 50 treat headaches.(2024河南中考真题)阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。sellheandrockpopularmovieneedcatchgreataboutHave you ever heard of Bao Zheng or Bao Qingtian? Today, I’m going to tell you a story about Bao, which is 51 among Chinese people.A young boy made a living by 52 fried dough sticks (油条) in the market. One day he fell asleep on a 53 after he got 100 copper coins. When he woke up, he found 54 coins were gone. The boy cried because the money was 55 to pay for the medical treatment of his sick mother.Bao happened to pass through the market. After knowing 56 the situation, he ordered everyone in the market to put a coin into a basin (盆) filled with water. When a coin created an oil bloom (油花) in the water, Bao 57 the man who dropped the coin and told everyone that he stole the boy’s coins. Bao explained, “The boy was the only one who sold oily products in the market 58 the man’s coin was the only one that created an oil bloom in the basin.”Many of the stories about Bao were made into some 59 , novels, operas and so on. Today Bao is still considered as one of the 60 officials in history and is loved by Chinese people.(2024江西中考真题)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,并将答案填写到答题卡的相应位置。每个词限用一次。evenasstartstoryordersuchtonsdifferentdishpopularrisesIn East China’s Jiangxi province, noodles are more than just a 61 — they’re almost a way of life.In fact, most people here 62 the day with a bowl of rice noodles in the morning. This dish is so popular that some locals have 63 compared having rice noodles to enjoying fresh sea food.Jiangxi is home to nearly 30,000 rice noodle restaurants. According to a report, Jiangxi produced more than 1.4 million 64 of rice noodles in 2020. More than 60% of the foreign sales of China’s rice noodles are from Jiangxi.This dish is also 65 among people from other parts of China. The report shows that people aged between 18 and 24 make up about 33% of customers. They often 66 rice noodles and takeaway meals online. The percentage (百分比) 67 to over 65% for customers under 30 years old.“Enjoying 68 a specialty (特产) is one way to get a real experience of local cooking culture,” said a local food expert. He added that more efforts should be made to find out the 69 behind Jiangxi rice noodles. The charm (魅力) of this common dish comes from its stories and 70 tastes—the noodles are prepared differently in each of Jiangxi’s 11 cities. 71 these noodles are such an important part of Jiangxi culture, locals have done their best to protect its reputation (声誉) as a local specialty.(2024陕西中考真题)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整正确。(每个单词限用一次,每空限填一个单词。)playbetraditionsendyourapidcheapneedemailpersonEmail is a way of sending messages to other people through the Internet. It is much 72 and quicker than sending a letter. If you want to 73 emails, you need to create an email address for 74 . This address is usually made up of letters and dots (点) and the symbol “@” (meaning “at”). This is what an address looks like Jenny@mail.com. When you email someone, type in (输入) this 75 email address, and then send your message on the Internet. Many people today don’t 76 to use stamps, envelopes or go to the post office since the Internet 77 invented. Quick and convenient—that’s the character of all 78 ! Ever since the birth of email, letters that are written and sent in the 79 way have received a special name—snail mail. Yet, technology is developing 80 , and some other ways of online communication, such as WeChat in China, have 81 a more important part than email.(2024四川广安中考真题)根据短文内容用方框内所给单词的正确形式填空,每空一词,每词一次。be, neither, instead, sweet, year, cook, the, surprise, on, understandIn children’s eyes, their mothers are always perfect. In my mind, my mother is good at almost everything but she can’t cook well. I still remember what happened 82 my father’s 35th birthday.My mother began to cook at 9 o’clock in the morning. Three hours later, only two dishes 83 served on the table—a salad and a roast duck (烤鸭). My father and I really expected 84 roast duck because it was our favourite. Unluckily, the duck was 85 nice in colour nor delicious in taste. How disappointed I was! My mother wanted to cook another one. To my 86 , my father didn’t complain (抱怨) at all. 87 , he ate one more piece of the duck and smiled at my mother, “Good taste, I love it. Thank you, dear! It’s the best roast duck that I have ever had!” My mother smiled happily and said, “Thank you. Happy birthday!”I couldn’t 88 what my father said at that time. Twenty 89 time has passed and my father is 55 years old now. He still loves the food my mother cooks, though she still isn’t good at 90 . And I get to know that no one is perfect, including my mother. Nothing is perfect, including my family. But love can make a difference. If there is love, home will be the 91 place in the world.(2024四川成都中考真题)从下面方框中选出10个单词,将其正确形式填入短文,使短文意思正确通顺(每词限用一次)。ageagreedecidefollowleadmeanperformpleasesolvetalenttheywideWilliam Shakespeare was born more than 450 years ago. He is 92 regarded as one of the greatest writers in history and is still influencing artists today. However, his language is too old-fashioned and difficult 93 because his time was quite different from today. This has 94 to a discussion: To update (更新) or not to update Shakespeare?Some people think updating Shakespeare is necessary. They say Shakespeare’s plays are great, but what is the point if they cannot be understood? So many 95 modern writers have rewritten Shakespeare’s plays in the way people speak today. This makes 96 clearer for today’s audiences (读者). At the same time, audiences would still get as much 97 from the plays.Some people 98 . They think Shakespeare’s works are beautiful and timeless. The richness of the language and the playful use of words should be celebrated. There are good reasons why the plays are still being 99 today. Many of Shakespeare’s expressions are still used, for example, “All that glitters (发光) isn’t gold.” His works tell us what it 100 to be human. Topics such as love, kindness and friendship last through the 101 .What do you think? Should Shakespeare be updated?(2024甘肃白银中考真题)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文通顺、正确、连贯,每个单词限用一次。so, email, be, play, that, last, can, it, too, atHi, Tim!How’s everything going? Thanks for your 102 ! I was really pleased 103 you can come to our beach party. We’re going to have 104 next Saturday. Be there 105 about six o’clock.Lots of people from school 106 there. So will Richard. I met him during our school skiing holiday in France 107 winter. He’s great fun! Do you know Joanna Cooper? She’ll be there 108 . She’s really good at 109 the guitar.Dad will make a fire 110 we can cook sausages on it! We’ll have plates, but 111 you bring a spoon, a knife and fork with you? I’m sure we’ll have a nice day together!See you!Linda(2024广东中考真题)请从方框内选择适当的词,并根据需要用其正确形式填空,使文章语法正确、完整连贯,并将答案写在答题卡对应题目的答题位置上。注意:每空一词,每词仅用一次,有两词为多余项。alwaysamongandanswerbelievebigbutcitygrowseldomtheywheneverAs summer comes around, outdoor activities are getting more and more popular. One of 112 is bike riding, or biking. The biking craze (热潮) is now sweeping through China.Wang Jing is a student from Hangzhou. She 113 exercised before because she didn’t like sports much. But since her hometown hosted the Asian Games in 2023, her interest in sports has 114 a lot. She has realized the benefits of sports 115 is now a big fan of biking.“I feel free and peaceful 116 I ride,” Wang said. “Biking allows me to experience the beauty along the road and the world seems to slow down,” she added. Wang is only one of those who are deeply in love with biking. In 117 like Chengdu and Beijing, thousands of people have started to join in the biking craze.Will the craze in China last for a long time? The 118 is “Yes.” Thanks to the craze, there have been events like group rides and bike festivals. These create a sense of community 119 bikers. They share road information, biking experience and sometimes even meals. They are just like a 120 family. As biking has become a lifestyle, experts 121 that this biking craze will continue. They expect a sharp increase in the number of bike riders.(2024吉林中考真题)从方框中选择正确选项,完成短文,其中有两个选项是多余的。A.byB.worriedC. agoD.itE. overF. valuableG. tellH. moneyI. needJ. studentK. itsL. andGiving back lost things to the owner is one of virtues (美德). By law, we 122 to return the lost things we’ve found as well.Several months 123 , a university student left her personal computer in a sports center. Then a man picked 124 up. Without thinking twice, the man stayed in the sports center to wait for the owner. Two hours later, the 125 came back hurriedly. She looked very 126 . When she saw her lost personal computer, she was excited 127 moved. To thank the man, she wanted to give some 128 to him, but the man refused politely.According to the Civil Code (《民法典》), when you find something 129 accident, you must not keep it as your own. You can 130 the owner to get it or you can hand it over to the police. If the lost things are very 131 and the finder keeps them on purpose, he or she will be punished.It’s nice to return things we’ve found. It’s also necessary for us to know that giving back lost things is required by law.(2024山东临沂中考真题)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容从方框中选出恰当的单词或短语填空,使语意通顺完整。第一个方框供1—5 小题选用,第二个方框供6—10小题选用。每个选项只能使用一次,每框有一项剩余。A.dangerousB.dressC. look afterD.in surpriseE. safeF. appearedSomewhere deep in the rainforests and mountains of Colombia there’s a very special woman. You may never see her, but she’s there all the same. She wears a 132 made of leaves. She’s got no shoes on her feet and she has a ring of wild flowers on her head. Her name is Mother Mountain. Her job is to 133 nature and the environment, and to make sure that no one harms it. The animals of the rainforests and mountains love her. She’s their friend, and they know that they’re 134 with her.One day a man came into the forest. He saw a bear. As he was getting ready to catch it with a net (网), Mother Mountain suddenly 135 from nowhere and caught the net in her strong hands. The man turned and looked at her 136 .A.importantB.made a soft noiseC. beautifulD.meatE. fell to the groundF. fruit“Why have you come into the forest?” she asked. “To get 137 for my children to eat,” the man said. “You can’t kill any animals,” Mother Mountain said. Slowly her green eyes turned red and she said, “The environment is 138 for you and me! Get to sleep now. Then wake up and see!”The man 139 in a deep sleep. The bear touched Mother Mountain and 140 . It seemed to be saying “Thank you, Mother Mountain.”The men slept for several hours. Then he woke up from his deep sleep and looked round. He didn’t see Mother Mountain. She wasn’t there. He only saw how 141 the forest and its animals were. He walked home and promised never to hurt an animal again.(2024内蒙古赤峰中考真题)阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整,每空限填一词,每词限用一次。请将答案填写在答题卡指定位置。ChinesehighsurpriseplaysmilehardfunnotehavedescribeThree students are sharing stories about their favorite teachers.Yao Zhiqiang, 14I was not very good at math. Although I studied 142 , I often failed in exams. I felt sad. One day when I opened my book, I was 143 to find that there was a note in it — “Believe in yourself and keep trying!” I was moved to tears.From that day on, I have received many 144 from Miss Xu. Thanks to her love, my math grades have improved.Li Jiaxin, 15I would 145 my English teacher. Mr. Xiao. In a sports meeting, I was competing with another girl for the 146 jump. I would fail if I lost another jump. I stood there helplessly. At that moment, Mr. Xiao encouraged me with a 147 . And I successfully completed the jump.Zhang Le, 14Miss Liu is my 148 teacher. I still remember once we 149 a wonderful experience on a snowy day. We were busy preparing for our final exam. Miss Liu managed to make some spare time from our timetable and let us 150 in the snow for a whole lesson! We had 151 throwing snowballs and making snowmen. Those joyful memories will be in my mind forever.(2024四川雅安中考真题)阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的单词或单词的正确形式填空,请将答案填写在答题卡相应的位置。(每词限用一次)stepforfinallyneedIIt’s more and more important for us students to learn to cook food by ourselves. Do you know how to make delicious chicken soup? I am good at cooking it. Let me share 152 method with you. Chicken soup is very delicious and easy to cook. If you follow these 153 , you can enjoy the delicious chicken soup. First, you need a pot. Clean the pot and pour some water into the pot. Heat it as you do other things for cooking. Then, you 154 some chicken, vegetables, salt and pepper. Cut up the chicken and vegetables. Next, when the water boils, put the chicken into the pot. Wait 155 about an hour and add the vegetables. Cook for about ten minutes and then add salt and pepper. 156 , pour out chicken soup into bowls. Don’t eat at once because it’s too hot! You can enjoy it with your family five minutes later.(2024广西中考真题)根据语篇内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词,并用其正确形式填空。将单词填写在答题卡对应的横线上。每个单词只能用一次。celebrateclosefeelingtheyfavoritewritequietlyradiobecausewithoutWhat music does to your mood (心情)?Music has magic. Different kinds of music bring you different 157 . For example, rock music makes you excited while classical music makes you relaxed. And music in a film might make you feel warm 158 it might help you think of wonderful things. Music may lead you into a magic world.Why is music important?It’s hard to imagine a world 159 music. People often use it to 160 birthdays, festivals and so on. You can enjoy music on your own or in a group. Playing music in a group of people can help you get closer to 161 .How to get music in your life?It’s easy to get music in your life. You can just turn on the 162 and listen to different kinds of music for fun. You can also try creating your own songs by yourself. If your experiences are 163 into the songs, your life will be more fun.How to start a musical journey?When you want to relax, start a musical journey. First, find a quiet place and play your 164 music. Next, sit on a chair or lie in a sofa 165 and comfortably. And then 166 your eyes and let music paint pictures in your mind. When the music ends, open your eyes and write down what you remember. Now, it’s time to take your mind on a relaxing journey.(2024甘肃临夏中考真题)用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空,使短文通顺、正确、连贯,每个单词或短语限用一次。quick,they,in,ear,so that,cold,help,pick up,example,whyWhen it comes to rabbits, we always think of their long ears. But do you know 167 they have such long ears?With their long ears, rabbits can 168 sounds from up to three kilometers away. Most rabbits can move their ears in two different directions. Each ear can turn up to 270 degrees. This 169 them to hear the sounds from all directions. For 170 , when they hear the sounds of a wolf coming, the rabbits can 171 run away.Another reason why rabbits have long ears is for controlling 172 body temperature. Rabbits have many blood vessels (血管) in their long 173 . When a rabbit feels hot, the blood vessels will become greater 174 size. This allows more blood to move to its ears. As air blows over, it makes the blood cool down. Then the cool blood moves to other parts of the body 175 it feels comfortable. However, less blood moves to the rabbit’s ears on 176 days. This helps to keep the heat.(2024贵州中考真题)阅读下面短文,从框内6个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。A.butB.anC. atD.firstE. inF. usedFrom Tenez! to tennisTennis first appeared in England and France in the 16th century. It was called royal tennis and only kings and queens played it. It was 177 indoor sport and players started the game by saying “Tenez!” and that’s how it got its name.Modern tennis appeared 178 the 1860s. It was first called “Lawn Tennis” and players only played on grass. The 179 tennis match was at Wimbledon, London in 1877. Nowadays, players play on other kinds of courts, too.In the past, players didn’t use plastic rackets. They 180 wooden rackets and they were quite heavy. Men wore pants and shirts and women wore long dresses. The first person to wear shorts at Wimbledon was Bunny Austin in 1933. In the past, players also wore shoes, 181 players wear sneakers (胶底运动鞋) nowadays.Today, tennis is an Olympic sport. It is also part of the Paralympics and athletes play in wheelchairs.(2024四川泸州中考真题)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后选出可以填入短文空格处的词,并将该词的字母代号(不写出该词)填写在答题卡相应的位置上。A.becomeB.butC.ofD.effortE.challengesF.expensiveG.themH.crossI.enoughJ.safelyImagine living in a world you can’t see the obstacles (障碍) in your way, the traffic lights at a crossing, or the faces of people around you. For millions 182 the blind, this is a daily reality (现实). Traditional guide dogs have provided necessary support for the blind, helping them move 183 . However, training a traditional guide dog is unbelievably 184 and takes tons of time. It means that the number of guide dogs is smaller than that of blind people. Luckily, good news comes! Thanks to researchers from Northwestern Polytechnical University (西北工业大学) in China, AI guide dogs may soon 185 available to them. They achieved a breakthrough (突破) using an AI language model.The researchers are developing an AI guide dog that can help blind people 186 streets, use lifts and walk around indoors without having to be connected to the Internet.“In recent years, there have been some electronic guide dogs, 187 they cannot have conversations with people or fully understand human instructions,” said Sun Zhe, a teacher at the university. “They can only carry out tasks according to pre-designed programs. They are just cold machines. That’s not 188 .”“Our research makes it possible for the blind to get better guidance service and be less lonely. Blind people face many 189 in daily life. AI guide dogs can offer 190 a more convenient and safer life.” Sun added. According to the research team, there are still some ways to go before the guide dog can be put into use, and they will put more 191 into it and make it available to people in need as soon as possible.(2024山西中考真题)请阅读下面语篇,根据其内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使其通顺、连贯,并将答案写在答题卡相应的位置上。方框中有两个词为多余项。beaskwiseonlyrelaxproudyouthathidemuchlearnquarter“You must be Alex.” said a girl, offering her hand.Surprised, Alex quickly put the folded paper behind his back.The girl continued, “I’m Sophia. I 192 in Smart Start Group for a year. You’re welcome.”“Glad to meet you.” Alex tried to put himself at ease.“Could you tell me a little 193 about yourself? What do you like to do? What would you love to do here?”“I want 194 anything but math!” Alex replied.“Well, I guess that’s why you’re here,” Sophia said with a laugh. “I used to hate math, too.”Alex realized that Sophia was trying to make him feel 195 “What made you start to like it?” he asked politely.“Things in our life are all about math. Hey, may I have a look at what you 196 ? What is it?” she joked.“It’s nothing yet, but soon it will be,” Alex explained. Then, he folded and creased (压褶). “A crane!” he said, showing his work 197 .“That’s cool!” Sophia said, giving attention to the folds. “Do you mind if I take it apart?”Alex showed that he didn’t care. Sophia unfolded each step of the paper crane.“Don’t you see? What you have here is math, right in front of 198 !” Sophia spread the paper with her hands.“Do your first fold,” she ordered, and Alex did what he 199 to do. “You began with a square, and created two rectangles. And you have a fraction (分数), too: one half! Fold it again... and now you have four 200 ” Sophia pointed to the top fold. “What fraction does this piece stand for?”“One quarter?”“Right! Get out some more paper, and let’s do some geometry (几何).”It would be a thing 201 was expected to happen if math study was going to be paper-folding, Alex thought. He hoped it could be a Smart Start.(2023中考真题)(2023辽宁丹东统考中考真题)根据短文内容,从方框中选择适当的单词并用其正确形式填空,使短文内容完整。每个词只能用一次,有两个多余词。otherterriblelikewelldevelopawaybewaysimplebutwatchthoughSometimes, we are down, tired or unhappy. That’s OK. Even if sadness is part of life, let’s try to make it small. Here are a few 1 to help you feel better when you are feeling sad.Smile. It’s easy to do and it has good results. This way can not only leave you in a good mood (情绪) but also bring 2 a good mood.Listen to music. It can 3 your favorite music. Maybe some kinds of music work well for you, but try to find out what kind of music works the 4 for you.Take some “me” time. You can find pleasure in reading a book, 5 a sunrise (日出) or taking a hot shower, or something 6 that.Exercise. Taking a walk will make you full of energy. It is a 7 and great way to clear your mind of anything that makes you sad.These ways will cheer you up when you are down, 8 don’t just use them when you are sad. Try and practice them every day to 9 a habit. You will be surprised that these simple ways will keep your sadness 10 . However, if you are in a deep depression (沮丧), go to the hospital.(2023四川雅安统考中考真题)阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的单词或单词的正确形式填空,请将答案填写在答题卡相应位置。(每词限用一次)goseriouslytohouseworkyouWhen I had something difficult to do, I used to ask my mum for help. But she always said, “Do it 11 , dear.” I would get so angry that I couldn’t talk with my mother at that time. I thought she was the worst mother in the world! One day, I decided to invite some friends 12 my home. My bedroom was in a big mess. Books were all over the table and the floor. I didn’t make my bed, so I asked my mother to help me clean it. But she said 13 , “Do it yourself, dear.” Because of my “lazy mum”, I have to wash my clothes and clean my room. I often help my parents do 14 . It is really hard to do everything on my own, but I have learned so much. As time 15 by, I begin to understand her. I clearly remember what my mum always says, “Do it yourself, dear! Work can make you sunny!”(2023辽宁锦州统考中考真题)根据短文内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文完整、正确。especially, tradition, take, safe, give, three, pollute, kind, for, celebrateThe “unity of man and nature”(天人合一) is necessary and important in the culture of China. The Chinese believe the unity of man and nature. They think it is a basic way of their philosophy(哲学) of life. Most 16 Chinese festivals build a right order of relationships among humans. They 17 for nature by humans, too. The ancient Chinese never placed themselves above nature. Zhuangzi, 18 example, believed “Heaven(天) and earth are parents to all things in the world”. The duty of nature is to “ 19 birth to all things” and “let all things grow”, while the duty of humans is to “make all things perfect”. Heaven, earth and humans should be one in unity. Each of the 20 parts has its own way. They are necessary to each other, so they should treat each other with 21 . The idea of unity of man and nature has been in the heart of Chinese people. It encourages modern Chinese 22 action to protect the natural environment. In most provinces of China, some rules have been made to cut down 23 . Many power stations(发电站) that produce and provide 24 and clean electricity have been built. The power is from water, wind and sunlight.Most of the Chinese, 25 the young, are ready to protect the natural environment. China is now working with all other countries to make the earth a better place to live in.(2023辽宁抚顺统考中考真题)根据短文内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文完整、正确(每个词只能用一次,有两个多余词)。lazyringshebecausecompletelysleepmealdecidealthoughhabitlatetroubleLaura Mills could never wake up early in the morning. She was always 26 for work and her life was in a mess.One day, after getting up late again, Laura had a terrible day. She felt upset(烦恼的)and 27 to make some changes. Then she came up with an idea. She bought an alarm clock for 28 . It could make a loud noise.Laura put her clock next to her bed. Every morning, when she heard the noise, she could wake up at once. However, a few days later, 29 the alarm clock was still loud and clear, it didn’t wake her up. A lazy voice in her head kept saying, “Don’t get up and 30 some more.” So she turned over in bed and fell asleep again. This made Laura get into 31 —she missed a very important meeting that morning. At that moment, she realized she must stop listening to the 32 voice. She put the clock next to her pillow(枕头)and went to bed early that night. The next morning, she forced herself to get up as soon as the clock 33 .From then on, she finished the things earlier and had time to do more things she liked. Her life changed 34 .Do you have the same experience? Good 35 make a good life. All of us can have another voice calling us early in the morning, saying “Get up and greet(迎接)a wonderful new day!” That is the alarm clock in our mind!(2023辽宁沈阳统考中考真题)阅读短文,然后根据其内容从方框中选出可以填入空白处的短语。cheerful personfull of fungives upsolve problemswith grey hairWe all have trusted elders (长辈) around us. They take good care of us and help us 36 .My grandma is a short woman 37 . She is always busy with housework. She is a very good cook. Her dishes are probably the best in the world! She looks after my family. She is really kind and patient.Mr. Li is my maths teacher. He is tall and thin. His classes are always 38 . He uses lots of games in his teaching. He is strict about our studies, but he always encourages us and gives us support.Uncle Zhang is my neighbour. He is an engineer. He never 39 when he meets difficult problems. He is a 40 . After work, he likes to play table tennis with me in the neighbourhood. He is the best neighbour I have ever had.(2023贵州统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,从框内6个选项中选出能分别填入5个小题空白处的最佳选项。A.ifB.inC. activitiesD.thisE. soF. differentEvery year, on January 5th, the city of Harbin in northeast China changes into a winter wonderland. Tourists from all around the world come to visit 41 wonderful ice and snow festival. The festival started in 1963 and began as a winter party. The festival often lasts for one month. However, 42 the weather stays cold and dry, it will go on for a few more days. Temperatures are usually very cold. They can go down to -17. Ice sculptors(雕塑家) use 43 tools to carve the hard ice and snow. These sculptors display their works 44 two main areas. “Sun Island” has huge snow sculptures of people and animals. “Ice and Snow World” has sculptures of buildings. At night, these buildings light up with brightly-colored lights. Visitors can do a lot of other 45 , such as skiing and ice sliding. They can also go swimming in the icy waters of the Songhua River.(2023辽宁统考中考真题)根据短文内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文完整、正确(每个词只能用一次,有两个多余词)。shapeawfulmaketooeitherbecomemiddleandspecialleavewithouthistoryThere is lots of delicious food in Xinjiang. But no food is as 46 as nang (馕). It is usually round and flat (平的), thick on the edge (边缘) and thin in the 47 . The food is quite popular in Xinjiang. People there say they can go a day if they don’t eat meat, but can’t live a day 48 nang. As for visitors, they can’t miss it, 49 .Nang has different sizes, tastes and 50 . It’s not difficult to make nang. It is made of flour (面粉). 51 nang more delicious, people add sesame (芝麻), milk, sugar, salt, meat or other things to it. Hot nang tastes good. You can have it with tea, soup or other things.Nang has a 52 of over 2,000 years. Here is a story about the start of the special food. On a very hot day, a man found some dough (生面团) was 53 outside and was cooked (熟的). It smelt and tasted good. He shared the food with others 54 they all liked it. Then people began to make the food and it 55 more and more popular.Now nang is very popular in Xinjiang. Many people in other parts of China are also trying the special food and falling in love with it.(2023四川遂宁中考真题)根据语境,从方框中选择给当的单词填空。builtoversincesuccessfulsymbolWhat may come to your mind first when you think of London? Is it the Big Ben or the Tower Bridge? How about the London Eye? The London Eye has become a place of interest in London 56 it was open in 2000. It is a 57 of the modern Britain, and it is called London’s Eiffel Tower.At first, it was 58 to celebrate the new year. So people thought it would only be during the year 2000 of perhaps just for a few years more. Nobody expected it to be so 59 .Today it is one of the UK’s most popular places and is visited by 60 3.5 million people a year. The wheel has 32 boxes and each can carry about 25 people. Visitors can see the whole London from the top.(2023辽宁营口中考真题)根据短文内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文完整、正确。每个词只用一次)makeculturedayfalluseitsomethingshowheavyhowFor thousands of years, bamboo inspired artists to create works of art. In the hands of artisans (手艺人), bamboo can 61 into beautiful objects.Wuyi Mountain is a UNESCO World Heritage (遗产) Site that is near Fujian and Jiangxi provinces, and bamboo grows 62 there. Apart from Wuyi Mountain’s tea, the place is also known for 63 bamboo weaving (编织) tradition. Artisans can make baskets, umbrellas, and almost 64 out of bamboo. Carrying a history of 2, 000 years, bamboo weaving art was listed as a national 65 heritage in 2008.Xie Hongxing, 40, as an inheritor(传承人)of bamboo weaving art, has been weaving bamboo for 22 years. Recently, he has become famous for a mini Tiangong space station made of bamboo. Xie surprised watchers online by 66 a knife to quickly cut bamboo into pieces of the same width. He said it took forty-six 67 to finish his mini space station. He used more than a dozen species of local bamboo 68 the beauty of the space station. It took him seven hours to figure out 69 to weave a small national flag of China.He hopes more young people 70 in love with the art and discover the beauty of traditional culture.(2023吉林统考中考真题)从方框中选择正确选项,完成短文,其中有两个选项是多余的。A.problemsB.interestedC. FinallyD.hisE. decidedF. bestG. otherH. foundI. BecauseJ. languagesK. withL. hersLi Shizhen is known as “the saint of medicine” in Chinese history. And his work, Compendium of Materia Medica or Bencao Gangmu, is one of the 71 medical books.When Li Shizhen was young, he was 72 in traditional Chinese medicine and began to read medical books. He 73 many mistakes in those books. He worried these mistakes would cause serious 74 or death. So Li Shizhen 75 to write a new book. He traveled everywhere to look for herbs(药草) and do research. And he talked 76 farmers, doctors and patients. He even tested herbs on himself and nearly lost 77 life many times. Li Shizhen collected and recorded over 1,890 herbs. He also read about 900 medical books. He worked day and night. 78 , the valuable work, Bencao Gangmu came out.Today Bencao Gangmu has been translated into many foreign 79 . It is widely read not only in China but also in many 80 countries around the world.(2023山东临沂统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容从方框中选出恰当的单词或短语填空,使语意通顺完整。第一个方框供1-5小题选用,第二个方框供6-10小题选用。每个选项只能使用一次,每框有一项剩余。A.intoB.came fromC. successfullyD.completedE. pleasedF. angrilyOne day, Ammaar Reshi was playing around with a chatbot called ChatGPT. A chatbot is a computer program that can imitate(模仿) human thinking and writing. Reshi wondered if he could use the program to produce a children’s book 81 . The book must be interesting for children to read.The idea for the book’s story 82 a conversation Reshi had with ChatGPT. The conversation was about a girl named Alice. Reshi wanted to use another AI program Midjourney to create illustrations(插图) for the book. Midjourney can translate words 83 pictures. Reshi couldn’t wait to start this work.A few days later, Reshi 84 a 12-page book, Alice and Sparkle. “Anyone can use these AI tools,” he said. “They are easy to get, and not hard to use.” But in fact, not everyone was 85 .A.instead ofB.searchesC. spreadD.withoutE. opinionsF. ifWhen Reshi shared the book online, a discussion started. Some people thought he was clever. But artists had different 86 . The problem, they said, was not just the poor quality (质量) of the artwork. It was the way the artwork was made.Midjourney 87 through millions of pictures across the Internet to create new pictures. Think of the artists who put their works online. Their works were used 88 their permission(许可). This might be harmful to them.Many artists and writers are nervous about their future. Will people pay them for their work 89 it can be done more cheaply by an AI program? Some companies are already choosing AI over human talent. “As somebody who makes money and finds joy in writing, I feel deeply worried to see people choosing cheap AI work 90 real human writing,” a reporter says.Reshi says there should be protection for artists and writers. “It’s really important to let artists and writers take part in these AI tools.”(2023山东济宁中考真题)阅读下面短文,从方框中选择适当的词语填空。 方框中有两个词语为多余选项。But, culture, dishes, fans, liked, missed, online, share, videosMax Burns, a 19-year-old British man, is very popular on the Internet because of his videos of making Chinese food.Max’s parents worked in China for many years. So Max spent his first 13 years being immersed(沉浸于) in Chinese 91 —learning the language and loving the food. When his family moved to Brighton, UK in 2017, Max 92 Chinese food very much. He began to order takeaways(外卖食物) from local Chinese restaurants at first. 93 the meals didn’t taste the same as they were in China. They were also very expensive. Then Max decided to try to make Chinese 94 at home.Max found that many of his friends didn’t know much about the real Chinese food. He wanted to do something. Then he made videos of making Chinese food and put them 95 . In his videos, Max shows others how to cook the real Chinese food at home. The videos have helped him win millions of 96 all over the world.“When people ask me where I’m from, I find it hard to answer because I grew up in China and now I’m living in the UK,” he says. “I’m just trying to 97 Chinese and British culture with Chinese and British people, and build a cultural bridge between them.”(2023山东威海统考中考真题)根据短文内容,选择适当的短语填空,使短文意思完整。每个选项仅使用一次。A.want a changeB.safer placeC. a better lifeD.move abroadE. with my friendsF. with childrenG. the warm weatherH. more spaceI. without my fatherJ. pack their belongingsMoving from Here to There...Do you know someone who moved to your city or town? Maybe they came from a rural(乡村的)area, or from another city. Perhaps they came from another country.Every day, people 98 and move to new places. Why do people move? Let’s look at three important reasons.JobsPeople move to find jobs and 99 . Sometimes, people move from rural areas to urban(城市的)areas to get a job. In 1990, about a quarter of the people in China lived in cities. Today, over half of the Chinese people live in cities.People 100 to find a better way of life, too. For example, immigrants(移民)from Europe moved to Brazil in the 1950s to work in factories.Li Lin: Last year my father moved to the city of Chengdu to find work. My mother and I stayed in our small town. I felt lonely 101 . Now we all live together in an apartment in Chengdu. I’m in a good school, and I really like my new friends.ServicesWhen another city has good services, people want to move there. A city with good services may also be a cleaner and 102 to live in. Sometimes people move from a city to areas called suburbs(郊区). Suburbs are near the outside of a city. Suburbs have 103 for schools, hospitals, clinics, shopping malls, and zoos. Families 104 like to live in suburbs.Mark: When I was three, my parents sold their flat in central London and bought a house in the suburbs. My dad has to drive further to work now, but I can walk to school. There’s lots of space to play football 105 here.New ExperiencesFinally, people move when they 106 in their lives, or to find new experiences. Older people often move to places with better weather. If students want to learn about other places, they sometimes go to universities in other countries.Tiago: My grandparents moved to Portugal when I was five. They visit us here in Stockholm in summer, but in winter they stay in Portugal. They love 107 there.As you can see, people move for many reasons. Maybe someday, you, or someone you know, will move, too!(2023内蒙古赤峰统考中考真题)阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。usualwellcoldrichholdfindtheylivefriendshipandOnce a poor man hoped for good luck and 108 a tree in the wild. He took it home and grew more trees from its seeds(种子). This really made him a 109 man, so he named it the money tree. People say that the trunk(树干) of the money tree can 110 luck in it. The five leaves stand for metal(金属), wood, water, fire 111 earth—the five things of balance. That’s why Chinese people like the money tree 112 than other plants.Now the Chinese money tree is popular for those celebrating Lunar New Year. People believe it can bring good luck into 113 life. People also give the tree to friends or to new neighbors to show 114 . This plant can get to 15 meters tall, but we 115 see them as desktop plants of maybe a 1.2-1.5 meter tree.The tree is very easy to care for and can 116 for years. It grows best in temperature between 18 and 27. It’s better to keep the tree away from 117 air. Don’t put it near an outside door.(2023甘肃兰州统考中考真题)阅读下面的短文,用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,使文意通顺,结构正确。(每个单词限用一次)strongplacesavoideasilyworldweardownsofollowleadA new study shows that 1 billion young people are at risk for hearing loss(损失). Because music, movies, phones and concerts have a 118 influence on it. It’s common for young people to listen to something too loud for a long time. Maybe it’s time to turn 119 the volume(音量).The World Health Organization(WHO)says that millions of people around the 120 have serious hearing loss, especially young people. Because they overuse listening devices (设备).For example, too much use of earphones among them increases hearing loss. It may 121 to tinnitus (耳鸣)for a while or long time. Besides, they often visit 122 with loud music. It is reported that there are about 0.67 to 1.35 billion young people joining in unsafe listening activities, 123 they are also at risk for listening loss. The earlier they are in noise environment, the more 124 they will have hearing problems.As hearing loss is becoming worse and worse, hearing and understanding others is getting more difficult. What should you do? To prevent hearing loss, you’d better 125 the advice:Keep the volume at a safe level.Reduce the time of 126 earphones. 127 staying in loud spaces for a long time.Increase the distance between you and the source of the noise.(2023广东统考中考真题)请从方框内选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使文章完整连贯。注意每空一词,每词仅用一次,有两词为多余项。请将答案写在答题卡对应题目的答题位置上。it either be because what else by invent clean popular habit hundredThere is a small thing we use every day. We usually put 128 in the bathroom. Without it, we might have tooth problems. Can you guess 129 it is? Yes, it’s the toothbrush. But do you know anything about its history?According to some research, before toothbrushes appeared, the ancient Chinese people 130 their teeth with some small tree branches (树枝). About 800 years ago, people made a kind of brushes with pig hair and bamboo. It might 131 the world’s earliest form of toothbrushes. As time went 132 , the forms of toothbrushes changed. For example, people chose horse-tail hair instead of pig hair 133 pig hair was too hard. Imagine that you travel back to 134 of years ago and brush your teeth comfortably. It sounds fantastic, doesn’t it?Around the 15th century, the Chinese toothbrush found its way into Europe. It became 135 among local people soon. The 136 of toothbrushes was not as famous as that of paper-making, but it was very useful in daily life. Today we have a good 137 of brushing teeth. We should thank the ancient Chinese for it.(2023新疆中考真题)根据短文内容,在每个空格处选择一个恰当的词,并用该词的适当形式填空,使文章意思完整且符合逻辑。每空一词,不可重复使用。usifinbacktoucheddifficultyallfourthanywhereteachZhu Jinxiang has carried his disabled classmate Zhong Huaqiang for nearly 10 years. They are from Jiangxi Province 138 the southeast of China. Zhong can’t walk and Zhu has helped him deal with all the 139 he faces at school.Zhu carries Zhong on his 140 , walks into the classroom and puts him on his seat every day. The two boys sit next to each other. When he finishes class, Zhu will turn to ask Zhong at once 141 he wants to drink water or go to the bathroom.Zhu and his friend Zhong began to study in the same class in the 142 grade in primary school. They have known each other and been friends. Zhu is always with Zhong anytime 143 at school.With the help of Zhu, Zhong does well in 144 his subjects and helps Zhu with his studies. “We help each other. I get him through the little things in life and he supports me in the study. This makes 145 better and better,” Zhu said.Their teacher, named Xiao, said that their story 146 their classmates how to help each other. The friendship between the two classmates has also 147 many people on the Internet to do amazing and kind things for their friends.(2023广西统考中考真题)根据语篇内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词并用其正确形式填空。每个单词只能用一次。proudlyseeIdoorforeignerfirstshowstrongbackhistoryHanfu (汉服) has become popular again in China. More and more young people love it, and they usually wear Hanfu happily and 148 . The style has also attracted (吸引) many 149 . Tom, a young man from England, is one of them.Tom teaches English in a school in Xi’an. In the city, people in Hanfu are often 150 in the streets. After seeing that many times, Tom started to have a 151 interest in it and really wanted to have a try. “My first try was the Tang style. I can’t forget the 152 time I put it on.” said the young man. “It made 153 very special, and it is still my favourite one today.” Ever time he puts on Hanfu, he has a feeling of travelling 154 to ancient times.Hanfu is like a 155 for Tom. It leads to a room of colourful Chinese culture. In the past, he only knew China has a long 156 . And now Hanfu helps him to know more about Chinese culture.Tom is making short videos about Hanfu. “I can’t wait to 157 Chinese culture to the world,” said Tom. “I hope more people will learn about Hanfu and China through my videos.”(2023山东菏泽统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,用方框内所给词汇的适当形式填空,使短文语义完整。smokeandseequicklychopstickbeitgifthusbandintoThere is an interesting legend about how chopsticks were invented. It is said that Jiang Ziya and his wife once lived a poor life in the Shang Dynasty. The cruel wife was not satisfied with their life and always wanted to hurt her 41 .One day, Jiang Ziya’s wife cooked some meat and put something into it secretly. When Jiang Ziya was about to take the meat, a bird flew in through the window 42 pecked (啄) him. He didn’t eat the meat and hurried off to catch the bird. Jiang Ziya knew it 43 a fairy bird, so he pretended (假装) to drive the bird and ran after it out to a hillside. The fairy bird stopped on a bamboo, shook off two bamboo sticks and whispered, “Jiang Ziya, you should pick up the meat with these bamboo sticks.”Jiang Ziya 44 picked the two bamboo sticks and returned home.When his wife asked him to eat the meat again, Jiang Ziya put the two bamboo sticks 45 the bowl to hold the meat. Suddenly, he 46 the bamboo sticks hissing (发出“嘶嘶”声) out green smoke. Jiang Ziya pretended not to know about the truth and said to his wife, “How can the meat 47 ? Is there anything wrong with the meat?” As he said it, Jiang Ziya picked up the meat and offered 48 to his wife’s mouth. His wife’s face turned white and she hurried out of the door.Jiang Ziya knew that these bamboo sticks were a 49 sent by the fairy bird. From then on, he used the two bamboo sticks for every meal.After the story was told, not only did his wife dare not hurt him again, but also the neighbors learned to eat with bamboo sticks. Later, more and more people ate with 50 , and the custom was passed down from generation to generation.(2023湖南郴州统考中考真题)从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空、使短文完整、通顺(每空一词,每词限用一次)。nonesilentstandwecouragequestionfastprotectbutwithoutOnce in a physics class, the teacher asked students, “Why do we have brakes (刹车) in our cars?” Soon, students gave different answers. A student 1 up and replied, “Sir, to stop the car.” Another one said, “To reduce and control the speed of the car.”However, 2 of the answers was the same as the teacher’s. Then he said, “All of your answers are right. But in my opinion, the brakes in the car make us able to drive much 3 .”“If the car has no brakes, how fast are we ready to drive? It is the brakes in the car that give us 4 to drive fast and safely.” Listening to this, the whole class was 5 because no one had imagined this answer.Similarly, there are many such “brakes” in our life, which seem to stop us. For example, our parents may ask 6 about progress or decisions in life. Their 7 or suggestions may be considered as “brakes” which stand in our way. But we can see them as our supporters which can 8 us while taking risks. Sometimes, we have to stop or even step back, so that we can take a big step.In fact, it is the “brakes” in life that help us a lot. 9 these “brakes”, we could lose our direction or get into danger. So we need to understand that “brakes” in our life are not meant to push us back 10 to make us move forward more quickly than before.(2023甘肃天水统考中考真题)用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空,使短文通顺、正确、连贯,每个单词或短语限用一次。friend,or,silly,look up,you,a little,in,what,sometimes,haveDear Li Ming,How are you? My name is Mary. I’ve been looking forward to 11 a pen pal for a long time now. I hope we can become great 12 !Ever since I got your name and address from my teacher, Mrs. Brown, I have been thinking about 13 to write. First, I thought of telling 14 what it’s like to go to school here in London. But then, I thought you could 15 London on the internet and read about it yourself. And then I had the idea to tell you about my family, but I realized that the story of my little brother losing a tooth 16 the time we got a new kitten might be kind of boring. After that, I thought about asking you questions about what it’s like to live 17 Gansu, but I was afraid you might think my questions were 18 .I guess I can tell you 19 about myself. In fact, you’ve probably already learned one thing about me. I 20 have a hard time making up my mind! I hope you will write me back anyway.Sincerely,Mary(2023湖北随州统考中考真题)从方框中选择适当的单词,并用其适当的形式完成短文,每词只能用一次,每空一词。harmfulinfartradekillgroupifslowstrongtheySave the Sharks!Many have heard of shark fin soup. This famous and expensive dish is especially popular 21 southern China. But do you realize that you’re 22 a whole shark each time you enjoy a bowl of shark fin soup?When people catch sharks, they cut off 23 fins and throw the sharks back into the ocean. This is not only cruel, but also 24 to the environment. Without a fin, a shark can no longer swim and 25 dies. Sharks are at the top of the food chain in the ocean’s ecosystem. 26 their numbers drop too low, it will bring danger to all ocean life. Many believe that sharks can never be endangered because they are the 27 in their food chain. But in fact, around 70 million sharks are caught and 28 in this industry every year. The numbers of some kinds of sharks have fallen by over 90 percent in the last 20 to 30 years.Environmental protection 29 around the world, such as WildAid and the WWF, are teaching the public about “finning”. They have even asked governments to develop laws to stop the sale of shark fins. So 30 , no scientific studies have shown that shark fins are good for health, so why eat them? Help save the sharks!(2023山东泰安统考中考真题)根据短文内容,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使文章通顺、完整,每词限用一次。improve, solve, unusual, why, read, expression, good, from, enough, mightChatGPT is an AI system(系统) that can have a discussion and create written work. It can create material based on what it has learned 31 digital books and online naissance. Now three high school students in Cyprus have developed an 32 robot with the help of their teachers. It is special as it uses ChatGPT AI technology. The robot is named AInstein. It is the size of a small adult and even has a screen for a face that appears to show human facial(面部) 33 . It speaks a North American form of English. And it can tell jokes, like “ 34 was the math book sad? Because it had too many problems.” The robot enjoys 35 science books and spending time playing the violin. The creators of AInstein want to use the technology to 36 learning experiences in the classroom. In fact, there 37 be a place for robots in education after all. British education expert Anthony Seldon predicts that robots will take over the classroom in 2027 and teachers will work as their helpers. One thing is certain, though. A robot teacher is 38 than no teacher at all. In some parts of the world, there aren’t 39 teachers and 9—16 percent of children under the age of 14 don’t go to school. That problem could be partly 40 by robots, because they can teach anywhere and won’t get stressed, or tired, or move somewhere for an easier, higher-paid job.(2023山西统考中考真题)请阅读下面短文,根据语篇内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文通顺、连贯,并将答案写在答题卡相应的位置上。方框中有两个词为多余项。shemakeclubmuchvaluedifferenthetellworkkindparentunderstandLast year we had a new classmate. 41 name is Danny. He was tall and handsome with dark brown eyes. Many classmates liked him. One day, we 42 that we would have a school trip at the end of the month. The whole class got very excited and the girls began to discuss what to wear and what to bring with them. But Danny simply told everyone he wouldn’t go. “Don’t you like it, Danny?” our teacher Mr. Sims asked with 43 . Danny stood up and said, “It’s too much money for me. My dad is ill in bed. My mom 44 in a supermarket every day. I’m not asking them for money.”“I’m very proud of you that you can understand your 45 . Not every student of your age can think about this,” Mr. Sims replied. Then Mr. Sims said to the class, “This year, we are going to do things 46 . Would you like to raise money for the trip by yourselves? I hope each of you can come up with at least one idea.And we 47 a plan tomorrow.”“Well, my family can afford the trip. Do I still have to do that?” Shelly asked. “Shelly, this will be a different and 48 learning experience for everyone, whether you have the money or not.”That day, we knew Danny 49 than before because he was not only honest but also brave. His behavior(行为)helped us 50 what his family had or didn’t have couldn’t decide who he was. He won the respect of many of us.(2023河南统考中考真题)阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。screenreceivebecauseplaypatientchooseheshortsituationhelpImagine you are collecting some information about winter traditions of northern China. You open a video that you think it could be 51 to you. But it takes time to load(加载). After ten seconds, it hasn’t even 52 yet. Will you continue to wait patiently?Computer science expert Ramesh Sitaraman placed 6. 7 million people in a 53 similar to the one above. According to 54 study, 52% of people would give up waiting for the video after only two seconds. And with every second passing, another 5.8 percent of people would 55 to give up. Sitaraman’s research shows that people are becoming less and less patient. Because of the fast Internet speed, we are used to 56 “instant gratification (即时满足)”. We expect to get what we want without waiting. When we don’t get what we want 57 , we will be worried or even angry. This happens in front of our 58 and beyond.But being 59 doesn’t just solve your troubles. It is also the key to success in life. To some degree, many people including J. K. Rowling and Deng Qingming succeed 60 they are quite patient. When you want to get instant gratification next time, remember that good things do take time. It’s better to be patient.(2023陕西统考中考真题)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整正确。(每个单词限用一次,每空限填一个单词。)beendeasybirdproblemdevelopgetnoisehighofferNature is wonderful. It 61 our best teacher. It teaches us a lot and we are born to learn from it to solve 62 . For example, scientists used what they saw in nature to improve our way of travelling. In days of high-speed train research and 63 , scientists were once faced with a noise problem. The trains pushed air through tunnels at 64 speeds. So, when a train came out of a tunnel, it could be very, very 65 . However, kingfisher birds hardly make a sound when they get into lakes or rivers. Engineers 66 a clever idea. They changed the front of the trains to match the shape of the kingfisher. Then the air could 67 pass over the trains. The problem was solved! The kingfisher 68 example is just one that we learned from nature. Scientists study the smart models that nature can 69 . Then they use their wisdom(智慧) and imagination to design new products. Nature provides us with 70 possibilities to find wonderful ways to improve our lives. Learning from nature knows no bounds(永无止境)!(2023江苏苏州统考中考真题)请认真阅读下面短文,从方框中选择适当的单词或短语,在答题卡标有题号的横线上,填入其正确形式。每个单词或短语仅用一次。in front ofmovememberhappycompleteThe Shenzhou XV mission (飞行任务) crew (乘组) returned to Earth on June 4 after a six-month mission. The crew 71 are Fei Junlong, Deng Qingming and Zhang Lu.After everything was ready, the astronauts were carried out of the capsule (返回舱) one by one and placed on chairs 72 the capsule. Then, the astronauts shared their feelings and thoughts with a reporter from CCTV in a live program. Fei said, “We have 73 our tasks before returning safely to Earth. We are all in good condition.” Deng said, “I expected the chance to fly into space for twenty-five years. It was the 74 moment of my life to know that I could be in the mission.” Zhang said, “We will go back to training as soon as possible. We will always be ready to return to space.”After the interview, the astronauts were 75 away for health checks.(2023江西统考中考真题)enterstealwhatwhileanotherlaughvisitorimpolitelyheightwiseenvironmentMany years ago, there were many states in China. The State of Qi used to be very strong, but it became less powerful. Yan Zi was a 76 adviser, so the king of Qi sent him to ask Chu to support each other.The king of Chu knew Yan Zi was very short. He tried to make Yan Zi feel shy about his 77 . When Yan Zi arrived, the guard told him 78 through the small gate. Yan Zi didn’t get angry. “Only a state of dogs will greet 79 with a gate for dogs. I’m visiting the State of Chu. This gate isn’t for me.” Yan Zi said. So the guard had to take him through the main gate.The king of Chu was unhappy at 80 Yan Zi did. “Why did Qi send YOU? Don’t they have anyone better?” the king tried 81 way.“If Qi meets a great king, it’ll send the best ambassador (使臣). I’m the worst. That’s why I’m here.” Yan Zi replied calmly (镇定地). At this time, the guards brought a thief (小偷) to the king. The thief was from Qi. “Ha! Yan Zi, is Qi a state of thieves?” asked the king 82 .Yan Zi replied, “The orange trees south of Huai River produce big and delicious fruit, 83 the orange trees north of Huai River produce small and sour fruit. The 84 makes the fruit grow differently. In Qi, people are good and honest, but here, they 85 . What made that person a thief here?” Finally, the king looked at Yan Zi and 86 , “I was wrong about you and your state!”(2023四川广安统考中考真题)根据短文内容用方框内所给单词的正确形式填空,每空一词,每词一次,并将答案写在答题卡上的相应位置。ifIexciteaffordthebookshoppickfromfewluckyWhen I was in primary school, I fell in love with reading. The books brought a wonderful world to 87 . The more I read, the more I wanted to know. However, my parents could not 88 so many books. I had to solve the problem myself.There was a 89 near my home. One day I walked into the bookshop and 90 up a book. I didn’t know whether I could read there without buying any books. To make sure, I just read a 91 pages and then put it back. 92 , no one noticed me. After that, I went there to read every day. Several days later, while I was reading, the owner came up and asked, “You like reading?” I looked down and replied nervously, “Yes.” “Don’t worry,” he said with a smile, “You may read books here 93 you help me clean the shop.” I felt quite 94 , “Wow! It’s so kind of you!” From then on, I spent a little time cleaning the shop. After that, I quietly read there. Finally, I became one of 95 best writers in our school.Now studying in high school, I can borrow books 96 the library. My hobby of reading is kept. It will make a big difference to my life.(2023浙江宁波统考中考真题)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次(每空一词)。nearbyhappenstealhourfeelLast year, my friends and I went on a trip. We started early in the morning and traveled for several 97 on a bus. When we arrived, everyone was tired.While we were getting off the bus, I noticed a young man, probably in his early twenties, standing very close to one of my friends. Suddenly, I realized that he was trying to 98 my friend’s wallet from her bag! I 99 really nervous, but I knew I had to take action to stop him. Luckily, I saw two police officers standing 100 and got an idea. So I fell over and cried out painfully. The police officers heard that and came over to help. When they were by my side, I told them what was 101 . They caught the thief right away.After that, we thanked the police officers and went on with our trip happily.(2023四川成都统考中考真题)短文填空从下面方框中选出10个单词,将其正确形式填入短文,使短文意思正确通顺 (每词限用一次)。actualadvantagechancechilddifficultdifferencefewhearmanypossiblesilencetellDo you believe a rose plant says “I want some water” or a tree shouts “My arms hurt”? Maybe you will say this could only happen in some 102 stories.In fact, plants are not always 103 . A recent study has found plants shout when they are in need of water or having their stems cut. “Even in a quiet field, there are 104 some sounds that carry information. However, the pitch (音高) is too high for people 105 ,” said Lilach Hadany, a professor from Tel Aviv University.The researchers used microphones to record some tomato plants and found that stressed plants send out 106 sounds than unstressed plants. “When tomatoes are not stressed at all, they are very quiet,” Professor Hadany said. They also trained a machine in 107 the differences between thirsty plants and cut plants. The result shows that when the causes of stress change, they shout 108 . After the team recorded many kinds of other plants, they found that many plants like corn, wheat and grape plants send out sounds when they are under stress, too.“There is a 109 that a lot of communication is happening,” Professor Hadany said. “Because other plants can probably hear the call of the stressed plants.”Sound recordings of plants could bring humans lots of 110 , especially in farming. For example, people will make sure whether corn is getting enough water or where water is needed most without much 111 .(2023四川泸州统考中考真题)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,选出可以填入短文空格处的词并将该词的字母代号(不写出该词)填写在答题卡相应的位置上。A.theyB.beautyC. alsoD.physicalE. somethingF. atG. foundH. expressI. betterJ. medicineReading and writing poems is a very personal experience. Poets use language as a way of expressing their feelings. Poets can describe the 112 of nature, a person, a dream or a memorable event. Most people have tried writing poems 113 some time. For children, it’s a good way to enjoy language and have fun with words as well as to 114 themselves.But teachers and psychologists (心理学家) have 115 another use for poems as a form of therapy (疗法) to help with problems. Writing poems can help deal with change in their lives, death or feelings of sadness or serious disease. By writing down your feelings, you can learn to understand yourself 116 than before.Poems might be a way of telling someone 117 when you don’t feel able to talk about it face to face. Poems written as therapy can be funny too, as laughter is also considered to be very good 118 for illness.Students at a special school in England read and write poems every day. Some of the poems that 119 write are very good, but their reason for writing is not just to be creative. All of them have some mental and 120 problems. But by writing poems, students are growing in self-confidence. The poems provide a channel for them to communicate with the world and express their feelings. They 121 help them to find out and work out their problems and to develop a positive attitude to life.(2023四川凉山统考中考真题)阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每词限用一次。successhowsendeducationvillagertheywithouthard-workingreceivereallyOn May 15, 2023, the Activity of Choosing People Who Moved Liangshan in 2022 was held in Xichang. Ten people 122 the proud prize. Among them was Lou Se’er whose four children got into the famous universities in China. Two of them are studying in Tsinghua University. He was given a special prize by the government on October 31st, 2022. It’s impossible for him to get such special prizes 123 the great effort.Luo and his wife live in a small mountain village in Butuo. They have a common and hard life as most other 124 in their neighborhood. They have little education, but how can they bring up four excellent children? Luo told reporters about his “secrets of 125 education.” “I hope my children can get more education and have a better future.” said Luo. “My wife and I faced lots of challenges and difficulties. We don’t know 126 to read or write. We can hardly count.”They 127 realized the importance of education for their children. They made up their minds 128 them to good schools. They can’t help their children with studying at home during weekends, summer and winter vacations. The children have to learn by 129 and sometimes the elder brothers helped their younger brother and sister. They studied very hard and made great progress in examinations. “My all children are in good universities. In fact, there is no secret. It’s just a whole-hearted decision, I together with my wife will support them all the time as long as they need. We think 130 plays a very important role towards success.” added Luo.Many people are touched by the story about the poor family—parents with little education and four 131 children. They believe that the Luos’ life must become better and better.(2023四川达州统考中考真题)选词填空 阅读下面短文,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。每词限用一次。theyplantstandardthreeforeverydaysupportusediscusstraditionFor middle and primary school students, learning to cook has become a must. They will also need to learn how 132 vegetables, raise poultry (家禽) and maintain home appliances (修理家电) under new requirements for labor (劳动) education.The Ministry of Education (MOE教育部) brought out a new 133 for labor education in school last year. From the 2022 fall term, students in primary and middle schools have to take courses on labor skills at least once a week. The new standard includes three kinds of labor tasks (任务). The first is for things like 134 chores, including cleaning, organizing, cooking and maintaining home appliances. Next is productive labor, such as making hand-made works and 135 new technologies. The 136 is service work which includes volunteer work.Schools in China have 137 paid more attention to studying, and many have seen chores as a waste of children’s time. But according to the MOE, labor education must be built up to help students and develop an interest in labor.Online, people have been busy 138 the new standard on social media (社交媒体). Liu Fang, a mother of 6-year-old twins in Beijing, strongly 139 labor education. For the past year, she has trained her daughters to do chores and make simple dishes 140 the family.“Through doing housework, their eye-hand coordination (手眼协调), time management and organization skills can be trained and it’s also good to help 141 relax.” Through such education, Liu thinks her twins have found fun in doing chores and are more independent.(2022中考真题)(一)(2022辽宁大连中考真题)阅读下面短文,从方框中选择适当的词或短语并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每个词或短语限用一次。luckylearnknowmagiclook upPatrick never did homework. “Too boring,” he said. He played baseball and basketball instead. His teachers told him, “Patrick! Do your homework, or you can’t ____1____ a thing.” And it’s true. Sometimes he did feel like a fool. But what could he do? He hated homework.One day, Patrick’s cat was playing with a little “doll”. He found it wasn’t a doll at all, but a man of the smallest size. The man called, “Save me! Don’t give me back to that cat. I have ____2____. I will help you if you save me!”Patrick couldn’t believe how ____3____ he was! Here was the answer to all of his problems. So he said, “Only if you do all my homework till the end of the term. If you do a good enough job, I can even get A’s.”The little elf (精灵) kicked his legs and rubbed (搓) his hands. “All right. I’ll do it.”And true to his words, that little elf began to do Patrick’s homework. Sometimes he ____4____ what to do and he needed help. “Help me! Help me!” he’d say. And Patrick would have to help — in whatever way.“What does this word mean?” the elf cried while he was reading Patrick’s homework. “Get me a dictionary. No, what’s even better, ____5____ the word and explain it to me.”(二)(2022辽宁沈阳中考真题)阅读短文,然后根据其内容从方框中选出可以填入空白处的短语。had funin needraised my spiritsso niceyour visitDear Betty,I’m writing this letter to express my thanks to you. You helped me a lot when I was ____6____ . My parents had to work all day, so I felt lonely while in hospital. Before ____7____ , I was feeling very low. When you came, everything changed. We ____8____ together. When I said that I needed some photos of the park near my home, you offered to bring them to me on your next visit. You were____9____ . I was able to make a nice painting of the park. I have taken a photo of my painting, and sent it to you with this letter. You really helped me during my illness. You ____10____, and made me feel loved. Thank you so much! Yours,Cindy(三)(2022广西梧州中考真题)阅读短文,从方框中选择单词填空,使短文意思完整、通顺。部分单词需进行词形转换,每词限用一次。they be under much come find animal difference outside andThe weather gets colder, days get shorter, and leaves fall off the tree. When winter ____11____, people live in warm houses and wear thick coats ____12____. But what happens to the animals?Some animals sleep for part or all of the winter. It is a special, very deep sleep called hibernation (冬眠). These ____13____ body temperature drops, and their heartbeat (心跳) and breathing slow down. In autumn, they get ready for winter by eating ____14____ food than in summer and storing it as body fat. This fat provides ____15____ with enough energy while they are sleeping. Bears, snakes, frogs ____16____ even some bugs (甲虫) hibernate.Some animals stay active in winter. It is hard for them ____17____ food. Some of them, like mice, collect extra food in autumn and store it to eat later. Some other animals eat ____18____ kinds of food as the seasons change.They may live in holes, in trees or ____19____ the ground to stay warm. Some birds, like wild geese(大雁), fly to the south for the winter. We call this migration (迁徙).Nature _____20_____ full of magic. Aren’t the ways that animals get through the winter amazing?(四)(2022广西河池中考真题)阅读下面短文, 从方框中选择单词, 根据实际情况用其适当形式填空, 使短文意思完整、通顺。每空一词, 每词只能用一次。withrunhowflowergoodMarch 22nd is World Water Day. Let’s learn __21__ to save water at home! There’s no need to keep the water __22__ while you’re brushing your teeth. And you’ll save a lot of water if you spend less time in the shower. A bowl with just enough water is a __23__ way to wash your fruit or vegetables. Then use what’s left to water the __24__. While you are waiting for the shower water to warm up, put a bucket (桶) under it. The collected water can be used to sweep the floor.Don’t forget to share these ways of saving water __25__ your family and friends. (五)(2022辽宁盘锦中考真题)根据短文内容,用方框中所给单词填空,使短文意思完整、连贯。(每个单词限用一次,有两个多余的单词)inspiritaffordspentperiodwokesummercostcoldsuccessfulsawwinterDuring the Jin Dynasty (266-420), there was a child called Che Yin. He was smart and loved to read. He grew up in a poor family and couldn’t ___26___ lamp (灯) oil to study at night.One night, he ___27___ fireflies (萤火虫) outside his house and came up with an idea. He caught some fireflies and put them ___28___ a cloth (布) bag and hung the bag up as a lamp. It was said that he___29___ all of his summer nights reading like this.Another child named Sun Kang lived during the same ___30___. At that time, a lot of people loved reading very much. One night during ___31___, Sun used up all of his lamp oil and couldn’t study at night. When he suddenly ___32___ up at midnight, he noticed the thick snow reflecting the moonlight. His first thought was “Oh, I can use the reflected light to read!” He still took out his books and read, even if it was very ___33___.Both of the kids later became ___34___ government officers. People were touched by their hard-working ___35___. Their stories inspired (启发) the Chinese idiom(成语) nangying yingxue, or “to read by the light of bagged fireflies or the reflected light of snow”.(六)(2022辽宁营口中考真题)根据短文内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文完整、正确。(每个词只用一次)ChinareturnteachfamilyrealstudyonepridethatbearHello, everyone! I’d like to tell you something about a famous scientist named Qian Xuesen. He was ____36____ in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province on December 11, 1911. After graduating from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 1934, he got a chance ____37____ in USA.After he graduated, he became a ____38____ as well as a researcher who studied rockets and missile(导弹)theories(理论).When he was 44, he ____39____ to his motherland and the country’s space research was almost a blank. In 1956, he set up the ____40____ research institute (研究所) of rockets and missiles in China. He made such important contributions to the missile and space programs ____41____ he was honored as “The Father of China’s Missiles”.The Chinese people are ____42____ of him.He passed away on October 31, 2009 at the age of 98, but all the ____43____ will remember him forever. His devotion (忠诚) to China was expressed in his saying, “My career is in China, my success is in China and my destination is in China!” When someone said he could make a lot more money if he stayed in the United States, he laughed and said, “My ____44____ name is Qian, but I don’t like qian.” His spirit ____45____ encourages us to love our country and devote ourselves to science. He sets a good example for us.(七)(2022辽宁朝阳中考真题)阅读短文,用所给词的适当形式填空,每空一词,每词限用一次,使短文完整、正确。方框中有两词是多余选项。daymemoryreturnbutgohourinterestMany Chinese people these days leave their hometowns to work in the cities. They usually ____46____ to their hometowns one or two times a year. Zhong Wei hasn’t been back in close to three years. He has worked in a factory in Wenzhou for 13 years. Although it is only about ten ____47____ bus ride, he is just too busy to go back.People like him are ____48____ in how their hometowns are changing. New buildings are often built by the government. Zhong Wei thinks these changes are good because things need to change in order to become better. ____49____ he also thinks some things will never change, and his hometown is still the place that holds all his soft and sweet ____50____.(八)(2022山东菏泽中考真题)阅读下面短文,用方框内所给词汇的适当形式填空,使短文语义完整。invent, warm, be, teach, both, encourage, and, into, silk, thatIn ancient times, people covered themselves with animal skins or leaves until the arrival of the Goddess of Silkworm(蚕神).She was a pretty and kind-hearted girl. Unluckily, at that time ___51___ her parents were ill, and she had to go out herself to pick wild fruit for them. But soon there ___52___ no more fruit to pick around her home. She was so worried ___53___ she began to cry under a mulberry(桑葚) tree. Finally, the Emperor in Heaven was moved by her story and sent a god to turn ___54___ a silkworm on the mulberry tree.The silkworm dropped some sweet mulberries into the girl’s mouth. When she realized that the mulberry could be eaten, she was very happy ___55___ picked some for her parents every day.That summer, the silkworm began to give silk and build a cocoon(茧). The girl took the ___56___ out of the cocoon and then made into clothes. The clothes felt cool in the summer and stayed ___57___ in the winter. So she picked some silkworms from the mulberry tree and raised them. Later, she began to ___58___ local people to weave(纺织) and wear beautiful and comfortable silk clothes.The King was happy about her ___59___ and decided to give her a new name Leizu. Later, Leizu married the Yellow Emperor and helped him unite China. She also ____60____ the emperor to spread sericulture(养蚕业) across the country. Since then, Leizu has been respected by Chinese people as the Goddess of Silkworm.(九)(2022黑龙江哈尔滨中考真题)阅读短文,用方框中所给词或短语的正确形式填空,使文章通顺、连贯、合理。(每空只能填一个单词或一个短语,每个单词或短语限用一次)achieveIclimbmuchthink aboutheightsadnaturalIt was nearly dark. The sun was going down. A little boy, Mike, came back home ____61____ from the mountain.“What’s the matter, Mike?” his mother asked.“The mountain is so ____62____ and full of big or small stones on the way. I was very tired, so I had to return,” Mike cried.“It doesn’t matter.” his mother said.“But standing at the top of the mountain by ____63____ is a dream from childhood (童年)!” Mike said.His father came up. “What did you notice when ____64____ up the mountain? “There were a lot of beautiful flowers by the sides of the road.” Mike replied.“Did you feel the beauty of ____65____?” his father asked.Mike ____66____ the question for a while.“Yes, the blue sky the white clouds and the green trees.” Mike answered.“That’s enough!” his father smiled and said. “Please remember, Son. The beautiful scenery (风景) is on the way. You have ____67____ a lot although you didn’t reach the top of the mountain. It is one of the ____68____ valuable lessons in your life”.(十)(2022广西中考真题)根据短文内容,用方框里所给单词的正确形式填空,使短文意思完整。每个空格只能填一个单词,每个单词只能用一次。looksocountrylovegoodYou may know the lovely mascots(吉祥物)of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, the five “Fuwa”dolls. On September 17 of 2019, two other __69__ mascots first showed on TV. They are “Bing Dwen Dwen” and “Shuey Rhon Rhon”.One mascot looks like a panda. It wears an iceshell(冰壳)and looks fat, __70__ we call it “Bing Dwen Dwen”. It likes ice sports very much and is good at them. That’s why it is the mascot of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games.Do you think the other mascot __71__ like a lantern? The lantern’s name is “Shuey Rhon Rhon”. When the Chinese New Year comes, people always make or buy red lanterns for __72__ luck. People think “Shuey Rhon Rhon” can give players hope and help them do well in the 2022 Beijing Winter Paralympic Games(冬残奥会).Many people in different __73__ like the two mascots very much, and they show their love to them on the Internet.(十一)(2022广西贵港中考真题)根据短文内容,用方框中所给单词的正确形式填空,使短文通顺、完整。每词限用一次。ittakeleafquickpossibleMany people explain the meaning of purity (纯洁) to someone by giving the example of the lotus (莲花). The lotus is a plant growing in the dirty earth. But its ___74___ and flowers are not dirty at all. How does the lotus clean ____75____? Scientists have got the answer.The lotus leaf is round and large on the water. It is almost ____76____ to get it wet. Why? That’s because the lotus leaf has a kind of wax (蜡) on its surface. The wax can keep the water away ____77____. If you put water on a lotus leaf, the water will get off it right away. At the same time, the dirty things will be ____78____ away by the water. This is the reason why the lotus leaf always stays clean. It’s the same to the lotus flowers. So we often see the lotus in bright colors.(十二)(2022湖南郴州中考真题)从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文完整、通顺(每空一词,每词限用一次)。heifgoholeenoughanotherstronginrepairadviceOnce upon a time, there was a shepherd. He kept many sheep. ____79____ the day time, he herded (放牧) them outside; at night, he drove them into the sheepfold (羊圈) which was enclosed by dry grass and pegs. One morning, the shepherd ____80____ to herd the sheep and found one sheep lost. He then found that the sheepfold had been broken and there was a big ____81____ . “The wolf must have stolen the sheep through the hole.” He thought. “You’d better ____82____ the sheepfold and mend the hole as soon as possible.” The neighbor advised him. “The sheep has been lost. It’s no use repairing the sheepfold.” He didn’t take the neighbor’s kind ____83____.The next morning, he went to herd and found _____84_____ sheep lost. “The wolf had done it again!” The shepherd was very angry. But this time, he regretted not taking ____85____ neighbor’s advice and not taking action in time. He mended the hole soon, and made the whole sheepfold ____86____ than before. From then on, his sheep didn’t get stolen any more. The shepherd was smart ____87____ to prevent sheep from being stolen by mending the hole of the sheepfold. What would you do ____88____ you made a mistake or did something wrong? Do something to make it up, just as the saying goes, “Better late than never!”(十三)(2022四川广安中考真题)根据短文内容用方框内所给单词的正确形式填空,每空一词,每词一次。surprise; a; help; hand; with; final; good; but; note; askDanny lived a hard life with his mother in a small town. Although they were poor, they were always ___89___ to those in need.One day, Danny saw ___90___ old man carry a huge bag. The man looked tired and hungry. He ___91___ people to help him carry the bag. ___92___ nobody agreed to help him. Danny offered to give him a ___93___. The old man told Danny that he had no money to pay him.___94___ a laugh, Danny said that he was just trying to help. He asked the old man where he wanted to go. He told Danny to follow him.___95___, the old man stopped right in front of Danny’s house. “This is my house!” cried Danny. The old man just turned around and told Danny, “This bag is for you. Use it ___96___.” Then he went off. Danny opened the bag and was ___97___ to find a lot of money inside. A ___98___ inside it said, “Help comes to those help.”(十四)(2022四川雅安中考真题)阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的单词或单词的正确形式填空,请将答案填写在答题卡相应位置。(每词限用一次)correctinpoorifstudyHappiness is for everyone. In fact, happiness is always around you, if you put your heart into it. When you are ____99____ trouble at school, your friends will help you. While you are ___100___ at home, your parents always take good care of you. When you do something wrong, people around you will help you to ____101____ it. When you help others, you will have a strong feeling of happiness too.Happiness is not bought with money. It is a feeling of your heart. When you are ____102____, you can also say you are happy. As the saying goes, “Life is a revolving(旋转的) door.” When it closes, it also opens. ____103____ you take every chance you get, you can be a happy and lucky person.(十五)(2022山东济宁中考真题)阅读下面短文,从方框中选择适当的词语填空。方框中有两个词语是多余的。 badly, because, family, friends, health, leave, perfectly, poor, stay withMatt Owens of New Zealand was on his way home one day when he saw an injured (受伤的) bird on the side of the road. The ____104____ bird looked very lonely, so Matt decided to take him home and bring him back to ____105____. And he gave the bird a name: Swoop. After spending plenty of time caring for his new friend, Matt helped him walk and even fly. Finally, it was time to set Swoop free back into the wild, but the bird chose to ____106____ Matt and his cat Mowgli instead! At the beginning, Matt didn’t want to introduce Swoop to Mowgli ____107____ he was afraid Mowgli might not like him. But since Swoop was part of their ____108____, Matt sat down with Mowgli and helped the cat accept his new brother. It worked out ____109____! Today, Swoop gets on well with Mowgli. “They have become very good ____110____, and they play with each other all the time,” Matt said. Swoop has made Matt’s life better in more ways than one!(十六)(2022辽宁辽宁中考真题)根据短文内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文完整、正确。(每个词只能用次,有两个多余词)easymistakeonlybeforesuggestiontravelcoverpainfulthoughstone changednothingLong long ago, people always walked barefooted(光脚的). A king happened to ___111___ far into the countryside. He was greatly troubled because there were lots of broken ___112___ on the road and they hurt his feet seriously. When he returned to his palace, he told his men ___113___ all the roads with cattle hide(牛皮革). He hoped walking would no longer be a ___114___ thing. But even if all cattle in the country were killed, there wouldn't be enough hide to get the work done. They could do ___115___ but shake their heads. At this time, a clever general in the palace made a(n) ___116___ , “My king, why don’t you take an easy way? You don’t need to kill so many cattle. You ___117___ cover each of your feet with a piece of hide.” The king was surprised and pleased, and he ___118___ his mind at once and supported the plan. This is why people use hide to make shoes. ___119___ it seems strange, it encourages us to think. It is usually ___120___ to change oneself than to change the world. Try to put yourself in the position of the person you deal with. Then when you use another way of thinking, you will find it is not difficult for you to solve the problem.(十七)(2022吉林中考真题)从方框中选择正确选项,完成短文,其中有两个选项是多余的。A.seeB.worseC.kingD.alsoE. betterF. soG. popularH. personsI. ifJ. anotherK. culturesL. hope2022 is the Year of the Tiger in China. Tigers are very ____121____ not only in China but also in Western countries. Would you like to learn something about tigers in different ____122____?In Chinese culture, the tiger plays an important role. It is the ____123____ of all animals. It often reminds people of power, bravery and protection. It’s said that the ____124____ who are born in the Year of the Tiger are brave and strong. You can ____125____ the pictures of tigers on the walls of houses. That is because the owners ____126____ to keep away from bad things.In Western cultures, tigers are ____127____ very powerful animals in people’s eyes. In English, ____128____ you want someone to keep his cool, you can say “easy tiger”. There is ____129____ phrase “eye of the tiger”, which means fierceness (凶猛) and strength. However, in some Western countries, a tiger is not seen as the strongest one of all animals, but a lion is.Now, you may understand tigers ____130____. Isn’t it amazing?(十八)(2022广西中考真题)根据语篇内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,并将单词填写在答题卡对应的横线上。每个单词只能用一次,每空一词。voiceoutsidemucheveryonedangerlosingfungivenumberdifficultWorld Animal Day falls on October 4th. It is to make the world a better place for all animals.Protecting animals has got ____131____ attention all over the world. Every year IUCN(国际自然保护联盟)reports some important information about the plants and animals in ____132____. The giraffe is one of them. Over the last 30 years, the ____133____ of giraffes has dropped by 40%. There are now fewer than 100,000 giraffes in the world today! Things are getting worse. Many animals are ____134____ their lives because of human activities. Animals are often killed for their meat, teeth or even just for ____135____.Animals will get more help, if ____136____ starts to do something. Here are the things you can do. Love animals. You could ____137____ them a hand when it is necessary. Go ____138____ to see wildlife. If you take a walk in nature, you can enjoy seeing all the plants and animals around you. Speak up for wildlife. Animals can’t speak for themselves. You can be a ____139____ for your animal friends. Learn more about animals’ ____140____ situations. By learning about their problems and pains, you can find new ways to help them.(十九)(2022内蒙古赤峰中考真题)阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。findgooddropropehappyfishwhatitskylookFish for the Moon in the Well(水井)One evening, a ‘clever’ man, Haojia went to fetch some water from the well. When he ____141____ into the well, he found the moon shining in the well. “Oh, Good Heavens, ____142____ a pity! The beautiful moon has ____143____ into the well!” So he rushed home for a hook(钓钩), and tied it with the ____144____, then put it into the well to ____145____ for the moon.After some time of hunting for the moon, Haojia was happy to ____146____ that something was caught by the hook. He thought ____147____ must be the moon. He pulled hard on the rope. Because of the excessive pulling, the rope broke and Haojia fell on his back. Just then Haojia saw the moon again high in the ____148____. He said to himself, “Aha, it finally came back to its place! What a ____149____ job!” He was proud of what he did. He told everyone about it ____150____, but he didn’t know how silly he was.(二十)(2022海南中考真题)选用方框内所给词的适当形式,完成短文。(每词限用一次)be; I; number; polite; walkOne day, a little boy came into a shop. He ___151___ to the shop assistant(售货员) and said, “I’d like twelve exercise books of six cents each and nine pencils of ten cents each. How much are they?”The shop assistant wrote these ___152___ down on a piece of paper and thought for a minute. Then she answered, “$1.62.”“If I give you $10, how much money will I get back?”“You will get $8.38 for change. Here you are. These ___153___ the things you want.”“No, thanks. In fact, I don’t need to buy anything. This is ___154___ math homework.” The boy looked at the piece of paper and asked ___155___, “Can I take it away?”(二十一)(2022广西贺州中考真题)阅读下面材料,用方框中所给单词的适当形式在空白处填空,每词限用一次。请将完整的单词填写在答题卡对应的横线上,每空只能填一词。gooditfactorysurprisesetencouragehardbutforsuccessA man sees a butterfly. The butterfly tries to get out of ____156____ chrysalis (蛹). The man cut the chrysalis and the butterfly comes out easily. To his ____157____, the butterfly is unable to fly. If the butterfly doesn’t struggle (挣扎) to get out of the chrysalis, it can’t fly. The struggle develops the energy in the butterfly. Similarly, the challenges of life bring out the ____158____ in young people and prepare the ability to “fly”.When people are young, meeting and overcoming challenges will make them strong and ready to face life. For successful people, the more challenges they have had, the more ____159____ they are. One famous man, who now owns many big ____160____, used to sell socks from door to door when he was young. Another successful man is Eric. He ____161____ up a college at the age of 30. His father died when he was only 16. He worked ____162____ in the day and studied hard in the night. His father’s death forced him to grow up fast. He took up the challenges and overcame them. Today, not only he himself, ____163____ also his brothers and sisters are leading successful lives.Nowadays, some parents and teachers actively ____164____ young people to face challenges. It is important ____165____ them to learn to meet challenges and overcome them.(二十二)(2022河南中考真题)阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。childhelpifwaywhichsolveintolongdeveloptheyHand washing with soap can reduce (减少) illnesses. One of the easiest ____166____ to stop the spread of illness is to wash your hands. But many children haven’t ____167____ the right habit of hand washing. Children do not wash ____168____ hands often enough or long enough. It’s such a simple habit, but the children aren’t doing it.Issar and his friend decided to ____169____ the problem using a fun method. They tried many times and created a tool called Soapen. It turned hand washing ____170____ a fun activity.As the name suggests, Soapen is a pen ____171____ is made out of soap. The children draw on hands with the Soapen and then wash the drawing off. The colors will remain on the children’s hands ____172____ they don’t spend enough time washing them off. It is very ____173____ for a teacher in a classroom. After all, not all the teachers have the time to make each ____174____ wash his hands properly.“Children wash hands much ____175____ than before now because they like drawing on hands. Soapen does help children make a good habit of hand washing,” said Issar.(二十三)(2022四川凉山彝族自治州教育科学研究所中考真题)阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整,并将其答案写在答题卡上相应的位置。每词限用一次。governmentfirstwithoutgreathournoalwaysseeworkifIn Mianning, Liangshan, the village doctor Ma Li is at the health center by herself. On the door is her phone number. She is ____176____ on call as long as the villagers fall ill.When Ma Li arrived at the village for the ____177____ time, she was completely shocked. As a doctor, she felt very sad to learn that women often died ____178____ getting medical care in time when they gave birth to children. It was just because ____179____ hospital was nearby. So she made a decision to help them.Many years has passed, Ma Li is still sticking to her work. Every day she gets up early and ____180____ hard. She sees at least 10 patients, sometimes even 30 or 40. It may be many ____181____ walk to a patient’s home. It’s dangerous to walk on those mountain roads. It is not easy for a woman. People often ask ____182____ she is afraid. Ma Li says she is a daughter of the mountains, she has been used to life here. And she says the number of village doctors like her is about 1.3 million in China.Since a targeted poverty relief project (精准扶贫) was introduced to the village, ____183____ have made efforts to develop the village and the results are ____184____. There are lots of changes—a new health station is being built in the village, a bridge across the river is standing over the river...As a daughter of the mountains, Ma Li is happy ____185____ these changes. She will continue to be a village doctor in the mountains. She is a beautiful flower deeply grown in the mountains.(二十四)(2022新疆中考真题)根据短文内容,在每个空格处填写一个适当的词,使文章意思完整且符合逻辑。每空一词,每词限用一次。calledpainteralwaysoftryingmoveworkshealthstartedseriousZhang Junli, an amazing woman, is from Taiyuan, Shanxi Province. She has overcome life’s greatest difficulties to become one of the most famous ___57___ in China. She has been paralyzed (瘫痪的) for over 30 years. When she was six, Zhang had a ___58___ illness. At eight, she could not move 90% of her body. She can only ___59___ her shoulders and neck a little now. However, being paralyzed never prevented her from ___60___ to follow her dreams. Zhang took up drawing at a young age and ____61____ learning painting in 2015. Though it is hard for her to pick a paintbrush, her love for painting is ____62____ pushing her to challenge herself. “Painting has changed me. The first time I picked up a brush, I felt that I liked to draw,” says Zhang. “The world is so beautiful. Even if I am in poor ___63___, I don’t want to give up the chance to live”. Now Zhang has created thousands ___64___ pencil sketches (素描). She also has an online shop ___65___ Zhang Junli’s Paintings, where she sells her works. Zhang wants to use her ___66___ to encourage those who are like her, and to tell them never to give up. “Instead of crying and worrying all day, find your meaning in life. Live in the present,” says Zhang, a true inspiration.(二十五)(2022甘肃武威中考真题)用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空,使短文通顺、正确、连贯,每个单词或短语限用一次。can, I, be, five, miss, good, in, road, wait for, back“What a great film!” says Dan.Dan Parks and Sue Barrington are leaving the Odeon cinema in Oxford.“I love Eddie Redmayne,” says Sue.“Yes, he’s a ___41___ actor,” replies Dan.He looks at his watch.“It’s ___42___ o’clock already,” he says. “Time to get home.” “Yes,” says Sue. “It’s beginning to get dark.” They walk up the street and look for their bikes. There ___43___ a lot of bikes in Oxford. The city is flat and a lot of people cycle.“There’s my bike,” says Dan. He looks for Sue’s, but he ___44___ see it.“Where’s ___45___?” asks Sue. “It’s not here.” Then they see her bike lock on the ground — ___46___ two bits.“Oh no!” says Sue. “Bike thieves!” Dan looks up and down the road. He sees a police car fifty metres away on the other side of the street.“___47___ me,” he says to Sue, and runs across the street.She watches him. He talks through the window of the police car and points ___48___ at her.Then a policewoman gets out of the car and comes across the road with Dan.“Hello,” says the policewoman to Sue. “I’m PC Jennings. Your friend tells me your bike is ___49___ . Now tell me about the bike.” “Well, it’s blue,” begins Sue. “It’s a ____50____ bike. And it’s only a year old.” Jennings writes everything in her notebook.…(二十六)(2022湖北随州中考真题)从方框中选择适当的单词,并用其适当的形式完成短文,每词只能用一次,每空一词。goodrealizealthoughtheyuseinteresthidefacequickinHow I Learned to Learn EnglishLast year, I did not like my English class. Every class was like a bad dream. The teacher spoke so ____36____ that I did not understand her most of the time. I was afraid to ask questions because of my poor pronunciation. I just ____37____ behind my textbook and never said anything.Then one day I watched an English movie called Toy Stony. I fell ____38____ love with this exciting and funny movie! So I began to watch other English movies, too. ____39____ I could not understand everything the characters said, their body language and the expressions on their ____40____ helped me to get the meaning. I also ____41____ I could get the meaning by listening for just the key words. My pronunciation improved as well by listening to the conversations in English movies. I discovered that listening to something ____42____ is the secret to language learning. I also learned ____43____ sentences like “It’s a piece of cake” or “It server you right”. I did not understand these sentences at first. But because I wanted to understand the story, I looked ____44____ up in a dictionary.Now I really enjoy my English class. I want to learn new words and more grammar so that I can have a ____45____ understanding of English movies.(二十七)(2022江苏苏州中考真题)请认真阅读下面短文,从方框中选择适当的单词或短语,在横线上填入其正确形式。每个单词或短语仅用一次。dishfinishuntilhave a gift forso thatMom often says, “Cooking is an important skill, and it can be fun!” But I had no interest in cooking at all ___44___ I met with a cooking app(应用软件). There are different kinds of recipes(菜谱)in the app. They offer detailed instructions ___45___ users can follow them step by step. Most of them even include photos or videos, which are quite useful for beginners. Last week, I picked up a popular recipe to cook fish. When I ___46___, it was exactly what I wanted and tasted delicious. Then I tried more recipes. Now I can cook a couple of ___47___. I find cooking is great fun and it seems that I ___48___ cooking. My plan is to invite my friends over next weekend and show them my new skills. I hope they will like my cooking.(二十八)(2022江西中考真题)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,并将答案填写到答题卡的相应位置。每个词限用一次。desert; space; heavy; be; when; woman; Chinese; love; hot; see; thenWang Yaping is an astronaut. In 2013, she became the second Chinese woman to travel to ___47___. She is also famous for a physics class televised for more than 60 million people.Wang trained very hard for many years ___48___ an astronaut. The hardest part was ___49___ training. Wearing a spacesuit and carrying special and ___50___ equipment(装备), she walked several kilometers through the ___51___ and sandy desert. “Sometimes it was so windy and dusty(布满灰尘的),” she says, “that we couldn’t ___52___ each other even though we were just a few meters away.”Wang ___53___ her job. She remembers watching the first ___54___ astronaut go into space. “I was so proud and also very excited. But ___55___ I watched it, a thought came into my mind: We have men pilots and women pilots; and ___56___ a man astronaut. When will there be a ___57___ astronaut? And today, it’s me becoming one of the first few.”(二十九)(2022山东泰安中考真题)根据短文内容,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使文章通顺完整。(每词限用一次)first,require,among,care,be,different,both,habit,how,finallyCooking is supposed to be the most basic living skill for humans. However, there are many kids who are used to being fed and taken ____37____ of everywhere like “little emperors and little princesses”. They can’t tell the ____38____between food materials like leeks(韭菜)and shallots(小葱). In order to stress(强调)the importance of hard-working spirit education ____39____ students, the Communist Party of China Central Committee recently released(发布)the guidelines. The guidelines call for students to respect labor(劳动)work. Students should learn basic life skills and develop good working ____40____ through such education. Students will be ____41____ to understand and master the basics of home cooking from preparing vegetables to ____42____ being able to complete the whole process of home cooking independently. These will be lifelong skills for kids, helping them develop into well-rounded individuals(个体)not just students who ____43____ able to take exams. As children’s ____44____ teachers, parents should also encourage children to learn ____45____ to do chores at home. Students should master one or two life skills every year. These skills can include cooking, washing their own clothes and tidying their rooms. It’s really important for students to take labor education ____46____ at school and at home.(三十)(2022山西中考真题)请阅读下面短文,根据语篇内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文通顺、连贯。方框中有两个词为多余项。do; she; clean; leaf; interest; meaning; you; tell; have; thing; happy; celebrateIt was Friday afternoon. After getting off the school bus, Laura ran into the house ___45___.“How was school, Laura?” asked ___46___ mom.“It was great, Mom. Labor Day(劳动节) is coming. I am excited that I ___47___ no school next Monday!”Laura was woken up early on Labor Day morning by her dad. He said that in honor of(纪念) Labor Day, the family planned ___48___ some cleaning. Laura couldn’t believe it. She began to wonder if this was just a bad dream.“Laura, your breakfast is ready. We have many ___49___ to do today. Let’s get a move on,” said Laura’s mom. Laura asked her parents, “Are you serious about working today? Isn’t Labor Day a holiday?”“Yes, Laura, it is,” replied her dad. “But your mom and I thought working hard today would make you realize why Labor Day ___50___ in the beginning.”Laura disliked the plan, but she had no choice. First, she was asked to wash the breakfast dishes. After that, her dad ___51___ her to give their dog a bath. It was a hard task, which needed a lot of careful work. She began the work unhappily.But things began to change as she was doing the chores. She found it was so ___52___ with so many soap bubbles(泡泡) when she brushed the dog. Then it was yard work and she helped to pick up sticks. When she finished her chores, Laura felt happy to see the yard looked much ___53___ than before.Holidays are not necessarily for fun or rest. Doing something ___54___ can also get special pleasure. Maybe this is the spirit of Labor Day.(三十一)(2022陕西中考真题)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整正确。(每个单词限用一次,每空限填一个单词。)helivefinalluckypeoplesuccessachievemeetmuchbeIn October 2021, a local newspaper told a story of a common man, Jia Shuangdeng. He ____41____ from Shaanxi Province. He not only works hard but has helped many deaf people ____42____ a better life as well.At the age of 14, something ____43____ happened to Jia and turned him into a deaf person. Sad and heartbroken, he had to leave school and learned by ____44____ at home for more than two years. Later, with other ____45____ help, he cheered up and made a living by making shoes. He ____46____ many diffculties but he faced them bravely and kept on working hard. ____47____ his shoes became popular and sold well. After a few years, he started his own factory and it was ____48____ However, he didn’t forget those who had helped him. So he decided to help the people in need. These years, he has offered many deaf people chances to work.What he did has benefited (有益于) lots of deaf people. “The person I want to thank ____49____ in my life is Mr. Jia. Thanks to him, I’ve got a good job and have a happy life now. He always tells us although we are disabled, we can also ______50______ our dreams by working hard,” said Xie Ting, who was helped by Jia.(三十二)(2022四川成都中考真题)clearcompleteexcitefollowhealthinterviewluckshinesilencetentouchwellWhen the other models appeared on the stage, the audience cheered and clapped. Then it was Niu’s turn. The audience suddenly became __51__. However, after four or five seconds, Niu __52__ heard someone next to the stage say in admiration, “So cool!”Niu Yu, 24, became a(n) __53__ star at Shanghai Fashion Week for her confidence, even though she was wearing a prosthetic leg. When Niu was only 11, she __54__ lost her right leg during the Wenchuan Earthquake. Niu has won lots of praise. This gives those who have prejudice(偏见) against the disabled a hit on the nose. “I __55__ by something they said. They said the traditional view was that sports were for people with __56__ legs, but sports should be a kind of spirit. Even though I have lost a leg, I still deeply love sports and will do so forever,” Niu said. Actually, Niu first drew the public's attention when she __57__ a marathon—a 42-kilometer race in 2018, which was held in Wenchuan to mark the __58__ anniversary(周年纪念) of the earthquake. Now, Niu works as a photographer and has more than 850, 000 __59__ on social platforms, such as Douyin. “I feel I have a social responsibility to bridge the disabled and the public. Showing my life to the public can allow them to ___60___ understand our group and can also tell other disabled people that our society is more tolerant(宽容) than they imagined,” she explained.(三十三)(2022四川达州中考真题)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。每词限用一次。be; post; science; other; surprise; see; while; one; anything; weWhat color is a tennis ball? Ask your classmates, and they might give you some ___51___ answers. The Atlantic asked 30, 000 people this question. Among the people surveyed, 52 percent said tennis balls are green, 42 percent said yellow, and 6 percent said ___52___ else. According to the International Tennis Federation, tennis balls ___53___ yellow. So, why do most people say that they’re green?When we ___54___ see an object in natural light, our brains recognize its true color. Even if the object ___55___ in different kinds of light later, our brains can still tell its true color. ___56___ call this color constancy (色彩恒常性). For example, we know that China’s flag is red. When we see it during sunset or under purple light, we still know that it is red, even if it looks like a different color. However, the color of a tennis ball is not as pure (纯的) as the flag. It appears to be a mixture of yellow, a “warm” color, and green, a “cool” color. The US-based magazine says that when ___57___ brains try to figure out what color the ball is, some people ignore (忽略) cool colors like green, blue and purple. So they see the ball as yellow. ___58___ ignore warm colors, such as red, yellow and orange. They see the ball as green. It is not just tennis balls that make such confusion. In 2015, a girl ___59___ a picture of a dress online. Some people said the dress was black and blue ___60___ other people said it was gold and white. They had different opinions based on whether they ignored cool or warm colors.(三十四)(2022浙江宁波中考真题)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次 (每空一词)。happenalsoshownaturemuchLaughter is good for you, and that’s no joke! A good laugh helps you right away. When you laugh, changes ___46___in your body. For example, you take in ___47___ air than usual, which is good for your heart. A good laugh increases your heart rate. When you laugh, your brain also releases (释放) chemicals that make you feel happy. Laughing can also make you feel relaxed for up to 45 minutes.Laughter can ___48___ reduce pain. You probably don’t want to chuckle (偷笑) when you’re hurt, but laughter helps the body make its own ___49___ medicine. Laughing is also great exercise! Research ___50___ that laughing 100 times is as good as riding a bike for 15 minutes.So why don’t you try laughing out loud every day?(三十五)(2022四川遂宁中考真题)根据语境,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,并将正确答案填在短文后的横线上。millions ofset uppartespeciallyhowThe World Health Organization(WHO) was ____51____ in 1948. In the past 74 years, the WHO has greatly improved health conditions of the world, ____52____ in developing countries. It cures, prevents and controls serious diseases (疾病), and educates people about ____53____ to protect their health. It has helped ____54____ people by training doctors and nurses, and by teaching mothers how to take better care of their children. China is one of the first members. It offers help to the countries in need. So China has played an important ____55____ in dealing with the health problems.(三十六)(2022四川泸州中考真题)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后面的括号内选出可以填入短文空格处的词,并将该词的字母代号(不写出该词)填写在答题卡相应的位置上。Night came, noises calmed down and the Mexican sports center of the Olympics stood quiet in darkness. Greenspan, the world famous reporter, found the center ___56___ after making the scenes where the marathon(马拉松)winners received the medals and marked the victory. It was time for him to return to the hotel for a rest. He was about to leave when he suddenly saw a bandaged man ran into the center with his right ___57___ bleeding. This man ran lamely(一瘸一拐的)out of breath, but he didn’t ___58___. After he ran along the runway for a circle and got to the ___59___, he fell down on the ground. Greenspan guessed this was a marathon runner. Feeling interested, he went over to ask why the runner wanted to run to the goal with ___60___ a difficulty. The young man ___61___ Kowari from Tanzania replied, “That my country sent me here from more than 20,000 kilometers is not to let me get off the mark in the competition, but to make me complete the game. I want to run to the goal, ___62___ I have fallen behind all other runners. I have a great goal ___63___ them. I will run to the goal. Though the audience(观众)won’t cheer me any more, my motherland is watching me ___64___ from behind…”Tears welled up in Greenspan’s eyes. Soon, he ___65___ the most touching scene in the history of the Olympic Games to every corner of the world. (A.calledB.closelyC.legD.emptyE. goalF. likeG. stopH. spreadI. suchJ. though)





