
2023-11-17·4页·15.5 K

棠湖中学高2021级高三上期第二月考试英语试题参考答案:一.听力部分1.B 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.C 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.B 10.A 11.C 12.C13.C 14.B 15.A 16.B 17.C 18.C 19.C 20.A二.阅读理解21.C 22.A 23.B 24.D 25.D 26.C 27.B 28.C 29.D 30.A 31.C32.A 33.C 34.D 35.A 36.D 37.C 38.G 39.B 40.F三.完形填空41.C 42.B 43.D 44.A 45.D 46.A 47.C 48.B 49.D 50.A 51.B 52.C 53.C 54.A 55.B 56.D 57.A 58.D 59.C 60.B四.语法填空61.dating 62.to be 63.which 64.found 65.have conducted 66.with 67.earliest 68.an 69.strongly 70.discovery五.短文改错1.playplays 2.tooso 3.refusing后加to 4.suffersuffering 5.UnfortunatelyFortunately6. orand 7.difficultdifficulty 8.towith 9.去掉been 10.myselfourselves六.书面表达72.Dear Steve,Knowing that you’re interested in Chinese food, I'd like to recommend you dumplings.The factors for my recommendation are as follows. Considered as a Chinese cultural symbol, dumplings are a kind of traditional food loved by people almost everywhere China. Dumplings are easy to make and they are delicious. What usually goes inside dumplings is cabbage and pork or something else. Most importantly homemade dumplings are often associated with homesickness, as flavors and fillings vary from family to family.I hope you can come to China to taste Chinese food some day.Yours,Li Hua听力原文Text1:W: When I’m 65 I will get Social Security payments from the government.M: That means you have twenty years to go and then you can quit your job.Text2:M: The short video has more than 2 million views now. Have you watched it?W: You mean the one you shared yesterday? Yes. I was even touched to tears. M: To tell you the truth, so was I.Text3:W: Your story is fantastic, Joe, but the spelling is bad. Worst of all, your handwriting is nothing if not awful. Please rewrite it. This time concentrate on your expressions, please.M: Sorry, Miss Green. I will improve my work. Did I make any grammar mistakes?W: Only a few.Text4:W: Bob, I’m going to the mall. Would you like to go with me?M: Sorry, I have too much homework to do. There is no milk in the fridge. I must have one cup of it every day. Could you buy some for me?Text5:M: What happened to your son?W: My little boy fell down the stairs while he was playing with his classmates.M: I’m sorry to hear that. Let me examine him right now... Luckily, he didn’t break any bones.Text6:M: Lisa, there are dark circles under your eyes. Did you stay up late last night?W: No, I just lost sleep. I have to give a presentation next week so I thought about too much about work.M: You were just stressed out. Take care of your health to avoid problems. W: You are right. I think I need to see a doctor and take some sleeping pills.M: There is no need to do so for the time being. You can do yoga before going to bed or go for a walk after supper. And remember not to drink some strong tea or coffee before bedtime.W: I’ll have a try. Thanks a lot.Text7:M: Oh, Linda. What are you up to these days? It seems ages since we met in our university canteen.W: Well, I work part time at a supermarket.M: What do you do there? W: I usually work in the produce section in the early morning, wrapping fresh fruit and vegetables. Sometimes it really gets busy. Have you got a job, Phil? M: Yeah, I do garden work on weekends. Watering, cleaning leaves, pulling weeds, and things like that. W: It must be nice to work outdoors. M: Sometimes it is, except when it rains or snows.W: Every job has its shortcomings. There are times when I get pretty tired. But a job is a job, and on the whole it ensures a great sense of achievement. And I hope to cover my college fees as much as possible.M: Me too. Well, I’d better get going. My friend is waiting there.Text8:Many people who drink alcohol also like to smoke cigarettes. Drinking and smoking seem to be closely linked. But this may be more than just a mixing of two fairly common activities. New research has looked more closely at the relationship between cigarettes and alcohol. And the relationship is one of equal dependence. Smoking and drinking seem to feed on each other. Mahesh Thakkar, head of the research explains that when a person drinks alcohol they get sleepy. He says the drug, nicotine, in cigarettes fights that sleepy feeling. Thakkar’s earlier research shows that more than 85 percent of alcohol-dependent American adults also depend on nicotine. However, the new study shows a dependent relationship between alcohol and nicotine. The World Health Organization says 7 million people die every year from alcohol and nicotine use. Mahesh Thakkar and his team identified why alcohol use and smoking are often linked. He says this knowledge may help people break their addictions to alcohol and nicotine.Text9:M: Welcome. Jenny and I have got lots to tell you.W: That’s right. This week Westfield Radio runs its annual competition. Last year it was to find the best dancer, and next year it will be the turn of local actors to enter. But this year we’re looking for the best singer in our city.M: And what are the rules?W: Not many. You need to phone your entry. We don’t accept entries through the Internet or by fax.M: Right. Well, it’s school holidays this week, so what’s on offer?W: The sports hall will open an hour earlier than usual at 8:00 am and shut later at 10:30 pm instead of nine. The indoor football ground is always popular and has to be booked in advance.M: But what about the swimming pool?W: Not quite such good news, I’m afraid. It will be open about a week later than planned, but good news now—there will be no charge for swimmers for the first week. It’s the same size as the old one, but it is much better equipped.M: That’s great.Text10:Welcome to our Video Programme! Is there anybody who impressed you a lot? And is there anyone who you want to say thanks to? Today, we’re going to share a story which happened to Susan last week.One day, Susan and her friends had just finished their supper at a party when it began to rain heavily. As it became lighter, Susan decided to get her car by herself and go home then. Her car was parked two blocks away. But her friends recommended that she should not go alone, for she was having a baby in five months. One of her friends wanted to go with her, but she refused politely, because her friend needed to take care of her baby too. Then Susan walked away very carefully. When she arrived at the first crossroads, a taxi stopped and a passenger came out with an umbrella. Before Susan knew what was happening, he walked right beside her and told her that he would accompany her to where she would go. Susan refused politely, but the man insisted. During the walk, the stranger kept telling her to walk slowly.When they finally got to the car park, Susan thanked him, and the man went away without leaving his name or address. What a touching experience! So, there is someone who is willing to help those in need. Best wishes to all of them!





