河南省信阳高级中学 2023-2024 学年高三上期 11 月一模-英语试题+答案

2023-11-23·15页·837.1 K



命题人:刘雪蒙 审题人:熊云云

第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分 50 分)

第一节(共 15 题:每题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、

B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


KidsWorldFun Short Story Corftest

Calling all young writers from around the world!It's time to release,your creativity

and share your incredible stories with us.KidsWorldFun presents the ultimate Short

Story Contest,open to young people of all ages.

Two Modes of Entry

Free Entry:get the chance to win a certificate and have your story published on

our website.

Entry Fee of $10:get the chance to receive a cash prize as well as a certificate

and have/yourstory published.Payment links will be sent via email for these entries.

Amazing Prizes Await

First Prize:$100,certificate and publication;

Second Prize:$75,certificate and publication;

Third Prize:$50,certificate and publication.

Highly commented stories will also be published for the world to enjoy.

Contest Categories and Word Limits

To ensure fairness,we have set three categories for writers to choose from and

minimum and maximum word limits for each category.

Categories Ages Word Limits

Minimum Maximum

Sub-junior 7-9 300 words 1000 words

Junior 10-12 500 words 1000 words

Senior 13-16 700 words 1000 words

Submission Guidelines Include proof of age with your entry(scan or take a

photo of your identity card).Entries without proof of age will be disqualified.

Your story must be original and unpublished.

Type your story out.

Our judges will evaluate each story based on content,language and writing

style.Their decision will be final.For more information,please contact us at enquiry a

kids world fun.com.We're here to assist you every step of the way.

Don't miss this incredible opportunity to showcase your talent and win amazing

prizes!Enter the KidsWorldFun Short Story Contest today!

21.What may a free entry second prize winner get?

A.A reward of $10. B.A certificate and publication.

C.Prize money and honors. D.$75,certificate and publication.

22.Which of the following meets the entry requirements?

A.A handwritten draft.

B,A science fiction df'1s00 words.

C.An award-winning essay.

D.A printout of a 900-word original story.

23.What is the main purpose of the text?

A.To promote a reading website. B.To appeal for participation.

C.To explain an application process. D.To teach kids writing principles.


Paul O'Sullivan wandered around his Baltimore apartment one evening in

2014,feeling bored.So.like many others,he logged on to Facebook to find out just how

many others on the social network shared his name.Moments later,dozens of name

twins from around the world filled his screen.On a whim(心血来潮),he decided to

send friend requests to them all.

Many of his fellow Paul O'Sullivans

ignored him,but a few felt too curious to

refuse his invitation.As Baltimore Paul

scrolled through the other Paul

O'Sullivans' profiles,he noticed

something four of them had in

common:Theywere all musicians.Like

Baltimore Paul.Rotterdam Paulsang and

played guitar.Another Paul in

Manchester,England,played bass{低 音

(吉他)}.And Paul from Pennsylvania was

a drummer.Baltimore Paul had an idea.Wouldn't it be funny,he asked the other

musical Pauls,if they formed a band called The Paul O'Sullivans?Yes,they all agreed,

Starting a band across different time zones proved to be tricky.Shaky Wi-Fi and

other technical difficulties meant they were often out of sync(同步).And being even

half a second off from one another ruined their sound.To fix this,they created a sort of

musical assembly line.Baltimore Pauland Rotterdam Paul wrote and recorded a basic

track(曲 子 ),then e-mailed it to Manchester Paul.“ I listen to the song over a few

days,” says Manchester Paul,to get a feel for what bass arrangement seems most

appropriate.“ Once he recorded a bass track,he e-mailed it back to Baltimore

Paul,who then built it into the main song.Later,Pennsylvania Paul added the

drumbeat.Round and round the track went,with each member adding on his own layer

until they achieved the sound they want.

The Paul O'Sullivan Band released its first original song,Namesake,in March

2016,which was about long-distance relationships.And when COVID-19 slowly

shutdown the world,the Pauls didn't miss a beat.After all,the band had already got the

hang(窍门)of remote work.They used their time during the pandemic to record their

first EP(专辑)

Titled Internet Famous:A Retrospective,it was released last April.

“ What are the odds,says Baltimore Paul,that a random Facebook request would

lead not only to new music but to lasting friendships as well?Some things are just

mean to be.

24.How can the four Paul O'Sullivans be different?

A.By the musical instruments they play. B.By their e-mail addresses.

C.By the musical styles they like. D.By the place they come from.

25.What doesthisrefer to in paragraph three?

A.The inaccessibility of Wi-Fi. B.The existence of technical barriers.

C.Their being in different time zones. D.Their lack of experience.

26.What can we infer from the underlined sentence in paragraph flve?

A.The band had to pause because of the pandemic.

B.They got inspired and composed original songs.

C.The whole world was badly destroyed by COVID-19.

D.The band continued to work in spite of the pandemic.

27.What can be the best title for the article?

A.Banding Together B.A Random Facebook Request

C.Long-distance Friendships D.A Pure Coincidence


Researchers have developed a material made of collagen protein(胶原蛋白)from

pig's skin,which is like the human cornea(眼 角 膜 )and recovered vision to 20

people.The promising result of the trial brings hope to people suffering from corneal


An estimated 12.7 million people around the world are blind due to their corneas

being damaged or diseased.Their only way of regaining vision is to receive a

transplanted cornea from a human donor.But just one in 70 patients receives a cornea

transplant.Furthermore,most of them live in low and middle-income countries in

which access to treatments is very limited.

To avoid the above disadvantages of traditional cornea treatment,the researchers

used collagen protein from pig's skin.It is possible to develop a biomaterial that

meets all the criteria(标准)for being used as human implants(移植物),which can be

mass-produced and reach more people with vision problems,said Professor Neil

Lagali.While donated corneas must be used within two weeks,the bioengineered

corneas can be stored for up to two years before use.The pig skin used is a byproduct

of the food industry,making it easy to access.

The researchers have also developed a new surgical method for treating the

disease.No stitches(缝针)are needed with this new method.In a pilot study,14 of the

20 participants were blind before the operation.After two years,all of the patients

regained their sight.Three of the Indian participants who had been blind had perfect

vision after the operation.

The researchers also want to study whether the technology can be used to treat

more eye diseases,and whether the implant can be adapted to the individual for even

greater effectiveness.

28.What is the disadvantage of traditional cornea treatment?

A.Serious side effects. B.Low availability rate.

C.Poor medical equipment. D.Complicated surgical process.

29.What do we know about the biomaterial?

A.It has higher production costs.

B.It can be stored for much longer.

C.It is able to be used for several times.

D.It can help people prevent vision problems.

30.Which of the following best describes the new surgical method?

A.Successful. B.Ineffective. C.Convenient. D.Controversial.

31.What is the main purpose of the text?

A.To spread knowledge about cornea donation.

B.To show the difficulties of treating blindness.

C.To call on people to protect their eyes properly.

D.To present a new breakthrough in the medical field.


The possible explanations for the natural roots of envy are easy to imagine.Social

comparison is how we judge our relative place in society,and thus how we know what

to achieve in order to stay competitive for resources.When we see that we fall behind

others,the pain we feel often encourages us to build ourselves up—or to tear others


How people act in the face of this pain has led some scholars to distinguish

between kind envy and harmful envy.The former is miserable,but is met with a desire

for self-improvement and to catch up with the envied person.In contrast,harmful envy

leads to destructive actions,such as aggressive thoughts and behavior intended to harm

the other person.Kind envy occurs when you believe that admiration for the other

person is deserved;harmful envy kicks in when you believe it isn't.

Envy—especially when harmful—is terrible for you.Scientists find that envying

other people stimulates the brain,which is associated with both physical and mental

pain.It can also spoil your future.Ordinarily,people become psychologically healthier

as they age;envy can prevent this trend.Even though other studies have shown that

kind envy might encourage your ambition,this one did not find that envy predicted

later economic success at all.

To feel envy,you need to have exposure to people who appear more fortunate

than you.That is simple enough in ordinary interactions.But the conditions of envy

explode if we expose people to a wide group of strangers presenting their lives to look

as splendid,successful,and happy as possible.Obviously,I am describing social medial

In fact,academics have even used the term Facebook envy to capture the uniquely

fertile(rich)circumstances that social media creates fon this destructive emotion.

If I could snap(捻)my fingers and wipe out envy from my life,I would,and I bet

you would toe.But envy is natural,and getting rid of it would be impossible for all but

perhaps the most enlightened(开 明 的 )people.Lots of research shows that gratitude

destroys envy.So,next time the dog of envy barks inside you,quiet it with thoughts of

the people who love you,the things you enjoy,and the good fortune you have had.

32.How does the author introduce the topic?

A.By making comparisons. B.By giving explanations.

C.By making a judgement. D.By imagining a scene.

33.What has been found by scientists about envy2

A.People of kind envy usually live a miserable life.

B.Harmful envy occurs when people deny their beliefs.

C.Envy may contribute to terrible suffering to people.

D.It proves that kind envy contributes to great success.

34.Why is the term Facebook envy used by academics?

A.To refer to a phenomenon common in social media,

B.To describe how destructive the harmful emotion is.

C.To show how splendid and happy people's lives are.

D.To illustrate the influence of ordinary interactions.

35.What can prevent us from being envious?

A.Finger snaps and dog barks. B.Gratefulness and appreciation.

C.Thoughtfulness and confidence. D.Self-improvement and optimism.

第二节(共 5 小题,每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)



Your neighbors are probably the first line of defense in case of any problematic

situation. 36 It gives you an assurance that you have people close by looking out

for you.Here are easily applicable tips on creating stronger neighbor relationships.

The first step is introducing yourself when you move to a new neighborhood or

when a newcomer moves in.Leave them a note under their door to introduce yourself.

37 It doesn't have to cost you a fortune and opting for a potted plant or baked

biscuits will do.These actions present excellent opportunities to connect with them.

Be respectful of your neighbors.It's in poor taste to have regular insensitive

parties at your place causing disturbances.Before your party,it's good practice to

notify your neighbors.Besides,avoid chatting them up for hoyrs on end,which may be

inconvenient,especially if you don't know their schedules. 38 When you borrow

anything,return it in due time.If you accidentally break their things,replace them

without being asked to.

39 You could offer to babysit your neighbors' kids,help with snow removals

or even keep an eye on their home when they're away.Such acts of reaching out to

your neighbors make for stronger relationships.

As Emma Seppl put it,“social connectedness generates a positive feedback

loop(圈)of social,emotional and physical well-being.It feels so easy to just stay home

without having to engage with your neighbors but connecting with them is worth the

effort. 40

A.Remember every small gesture counts.

B.A crisis is a test of communication skills.

C.It can actually boost your mood in the long run.

D.Slipping it in their mailbox further solidifies friendship.

E.It's essential to ensure you maintain proper relationships with them.

F.Alternatively,you can give them a gift while making yourself known to them.

G.Only by establishing healthy boundaries will you achieve peaceful coexistence.

第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

White was dressed up as Captain America for the annual Anti-Bullying(反 霸

凌 )Superhero Day.But when spotting 41 one afternoon;he couldn't 42 any


It was rush hour.White was 43 home when he noticed a pickup(货车)on the

opposite side of the two-way street.It was hard to 44 ,for it was crashing into the

curb(马 路 牙 子 )before course-correcting,only to hit it again.As the car drew

closer,White got a good look at the 45 :The driver appeared to be asleep.He had

to46 that vehicle

47 ,White made a U-turn,facing in the same direction as the pickup,but there

were four cars48 them.White pressed his horn,hoping the cars in front would move

aside.They didn't.Trapped.White pulled his car over.He 49 up the sidewalk,cut into

the road and ran around to the driver's side.White 50 the frame(框)of the open

window,his legs moving in step with the pickup,and with a powerful 51 ,jumped


DeAngelis,the man behind the 52 ,had unexpectedly faced dangerously low

blood sugar,and just come to.He was 53 by the odd sight of a stranger lying across his

stomach.White immediately brought the pickup to a stop.DeAngelis was rushed to a

hospital,where it was determined that had his blood sugar gone lower,his life could

have been endangered.

White 54 a superhero,but his quick thinking and daring 55 made him a

real-life hero.

41. A. barrier B. unfairness C. violence D. trouble

42. A. give way to B. turn to C. get around D. forget about

43. A. cycling B. running C. driving D. walking

44. A. locate B. miss C. search D. contact

45. A. outcome B. tendency C. process D. pr6blem

46. A. stop B. move C. report D. disable

47. A. Mistakenly B. Sincerely C. Decidedly D. Hesitantly

48. A. following B. separating C. threatening D. approaching

49. A. waved B. escaped C. wandered D. faced

50. A. struck B. measured C. grabbed D. broke

51. A. bug B. lift C. blow D. kick

52. A. scene B. pickup C. steering wheel D. seat

53. A. shocked B. ashamed C. discouraged D. amused

54. A. protected B. encountered C. created D. played

55. A. rescue B. visit C. guidance D. comment

第二节(共 10 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1


Peng Ling,a college student,received numerous advertising messages on her

phone in the weeks 56 (lead) up to this year's Double Eleven shopping

festival.The confusing thing was 57 some online shops were strange to her.When

our personal information is leaked for the purpose of marketing, 58 can be quite

annoying.But it would be even 59 (bad)if our data isused for much more serious


On Nov.1st.the Personal Information Protection Law came into effect in China,which

has detailed rules to 60 (strong)the protection of personal information. 61 law

defines personal information as any kind of information about people who are or can

be identified.There is also some personal information that 62 ( regard)as

sensitive,such as fingerprints,faces,religious 63 (believe),etc.

64 individuals,it's important to raise awareness of protecting personal

information.If you find your personal data has been used[v(legal),you can report to

consumers' association with evidence.

第四部分写作(共两节,满分 40 分)

第一节(满分 15 分)



身运动(National Fitness Program)”。请你代表学生会,给全校学生写一份倡议





注意:1,写作词数应为 100 左右:2.开头和结尾已给出,不计入词数,可以适当


Dear fellow students,

With the successful holding and complete conclusion of the Asian Games.the

National Fitness Program is proceeding with full vigor in our city.

After all,the greatest wealth is health.

The Students’ Union

第二节(满分 25 分)



Robbie loved swimming in the sea.When he was a little boy,he had always

dreamed of becoming a professional swimmer.And he moved well on his career

journey when he grew up.But one day,unfortunately,he got badly injured while he

was training for a swimming competition.

After months of treatment,his condition got better.But the doctor strongly

advised him never to go swimming again,or else his life would be in danger.This

broke his heart.

Despite the fact that he had to give up swimming,his love for swimming never

died.So he rented a beach house,which would allow him the comfort of being close to

the seawater.And to make ends meet,he tried to sell souvenirs(纪念品)to tourists who

visited the beach.

One early summer evening,Robbie was making his way home from the beach

when he heard a cry.It was reported that it might rain that day,so most people had left

the beach early.But Robbie believed he had heard something.The cry came again,and

he had a quick look around.He found the beach was empty.Suddenly,he heard a shout

from the sea.

Help!a frightened and tired kid shouted.He learned later that the kid was 12

years old,called Nicole,and lived in an orphanage(孤儿院).She lost her parents when

she was a baby.Her parents were professional swimmers and she dreamed about

becoming a good swimmer like them.That early summer evening,after dinner,she left

the orphanage alone and went to the beach,hoping to learn to swim on her own.The

girl almost drowned.When she was calling for help that evening,Robbie happened to

hear it.

He immediately called the police.“ But waiting for help might be too late,”

Robbie thought.He thought of how life-threatening it was for him to swim.The kid is

drowning!but he thought as he fought his fear.“I must help.”


1.续写词数应为 150 左右:


Then,he jumped in.

Feeling pity for Nicole,Robbie decided to teach her how to swim.

河南省信阳高级中学 2023-2024 学年高三上期 11 月一模


21.B 22.D 23.B



21.细节理解题。由文章第一个黑标题 Two Modes of EntryFree Entry:get the

change to win a certificate and have your story published on our website.Entry Fee

of $10:get the chance to receive a cash prize 得知免费参赛者只能得到证书和出版

的机会,付费参赛者才会有奖金。故选 B。

22.细节理解题。由文章四个黑标题 Submission Guidelines 下第三行“Your story

must be original and unpublished.(你的故事必须是原创的和未发表的。)”可知,

参赛作品不能是一篇获奖文章。由文章四个黑标题 Submission Guidelines 下第

四行“ Type your story out.(把你的故事打出来。)”可知,参赛作品不能是手

稿。由文章表格的最后一栏“Maximum”和“1000 words(1000 字)”可知,文

章字数不超过 1000。故选 D。

23.推理判断题。由文章第一段中“ Calling all young writers from around the

world!It's time to release your creativity and share your incredible stories with us.(号


故事了。)”可知,文章主要是呼吁各地的年轻作家参与大赛。故选 B。

24.D 25.B 26.D 27.A

【导语】这是一篇记叙文,讲述了 Paul O'Sullivan 在脸书上寻找和自己同名的




24.细节理解题。根据第二段“ They were all musicians.Like Baltimore

Panl,Rotterdam Paul sang and played guitar.Another Paul in

Manchester,England.played bass.And Paul from Pennsylvania was a drummer.(他们



乐,但不同在于来自不同地区。故选 D。

25.词句猜测题。根据第三段“Shaky Wi-Fi and other technical difficulties meant

they were often out of sync.And being even half a second off from one another

wrecked their sound.”(不稳定的 Wi-Fi 和其他技术问题意味着它们经常不同步。


络延迟和卡顿的难题,因而“this”此处指代技术问题的障碍,选项 B.“The

existence of technical barriers.”(技术问题限制),符合题意,故选 B。

26.推理判断题。根据第五段“After all.the band had already got the hang of remote

work.They used their timeduring the pandemic to record their first EP.”(毕竟,乐队



管在大流行期间,这个乐队仍然继续着他们音乐的制作。故选 D。



故事。B 项、C.项、D 项都只概括了文章的某个方面,而 A 选项中的 banding


的友谊,一语双关,为最优项。故选 A。

28.B 29.B 30.A 31.D


原蛋白制成的材料,这种材料类似于人类角膜,并使 20 人恢复了视力,这项试


28.细节理解题。根据第二段“ But just one in 70 patients receives a cornea

transplant.Furthermore,most of them live in low and middle-income countries in

which access to treatments is very limited.(但 70 名患者中只有 1 人接受了角膜移




途径非常有限。故选 B。

29.细节理解题。根据第三段中的“While donated corneas must be used within two

weeks,the bioengineered corneas can be stored for up to two years before use.(虽然捐


知,生物材料可以储存更长的时间。故选 B。

30.推理判断题。根据第四段“ No stitches(缝 针 )are needed with this new

method.In a pilot study,14 of the 20participants were blind before the operation.After

two years,all of the patients regained their sight.Three of the Indian participants who

had been blind had perfect vision after the operation.(这种新方法不需要缝针。在一

项初步研究中,20 名参与者中有 14 人在手术前是盲人。两年后,所有的病人


手术方法是成功的。故选 A。

31.推理判断题。通读全文,尤其是第一段的“ Researchers have developed a

material made of collagen protein(胶 原 蛋 白 )from pig's skin,which resembles the

human cornea(眼角膜)and restored vision to 20 people.(研究人员开发出一种由猪

皮肤胶原蛋白制成的材料,这种材料类以于人类角膜,并使 20 人恢复了视

力)”和倒数第二段的“The researchers have also developed a new surgical method

for treating the disease.(研究人员还开发了一种新的手术方法来治疗这种疾病)”



域的新突破。故选 D。

32.B 33.C 34.A 35.B



32.推理判断题。根据第一段中的The possible explanations for the natural roots of

envy are easy to imagine.Social comparison is how we judge our relative piace in

society,and thus how we know what to achieve in order tostay competitive for

resources.When we see that we fall behind others,the pain we-fee!often encourages us

to build ourselves up—or to tear others down.(对嫉妒的自然根源的可能解释很容






