河南省实验中学 2023——2024学年上期期中试卷-英语试题+答案

2023-11-23·13页·258.3 K


高三 英语 命题人:王华 审题人:陈林

(时间:120 分钟,满分:150分)

第一部分 听力 (共两节, 满分30 分)

第一节(共5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5分)

听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题目中所给的A 、B、C 三个选项中选

出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。


例:How much is the shirt? A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15. 答案是C 。

1. What will the speakers do next?

A. Check the map. B. Leave the restaurant. C. Park the car.

2. Where are the speakers?

A. At a bus stop. B. At home. C. At the airport.

3. What did the speakers do last week?

A. They had a celebration dinner.

B. They went to see a newborn baby.

C. They sent a mail to their neighbors.

4. Why does the man make the phone call?

A. To cancel a weekend trip. B. To make an appointment. C. To get some information.

5. What does the man probably want to do?

A. Do some exercise. B. Get an extra key. C.Order room service.


听下面5 段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题目中所给的A 、B、C 三个选项中选出最

佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各

小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

听第6 段材料,回答第6 、7 题。

6. Why does the woman come to the man?

A. To ask for permission B. To extend an invitation. C. To express thanks.

7. When are the students going to the museum?

A. On Friday. B. On Saturday. C. On Sunday

听第7 段材料,回答第8 至 10 题。

8. What are the speakers talking about?

A. Buying groceries. B. Choosing gifts C. Seeing friends.

9. Who is Clara?

A. The man’s wife. B. The man’s sister. C. The man’s daughter.

10. How much did the man spend on the city passes

高三 英语 第 1 页 (共 12 页)

A. $36. B. $50 . C. $150.

听第8 段材料,回答第 11至 13 题。

11. Why did Tracy bring dogs to the children?

A. To teach them to love animals.

B. To help them gain confidence.

C. To protect them from dangers.

12.What is Kevin’s concern about the dog?

A. They may misbehave. B. They may get hurt. C. They may carry diseases.

13. What will Helen do tomorrow morning?

A. Give a talk. B. Meet the children. C. Take some photos.

听第9 段材料,回答第 14至 17 题。

14.What is the man doing?

A. Attending a lecture. B. Hosting a workshop. C. Conducting an interview.

15. Why is Emily doing unpaid work in the new of the show?

A. To follow the latest trend.

B. To help raise the crew’s pay.

C. To support the post-production.

16. What enables Emily to try different things in her field?

A. Her college education. B. Her teaching experience. C. Her family tradition.

17. What does Emily think of her work at the Film Centre?

A. Boring. B. Rewarding. C. Demanding.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 18至 20 题。

18.Who is the speaker talking to?

A. Sports club members. B. International tourists. C. University students.

19.Where did Emma work for a rugby team?

A. In Manchester. B. In Dublin. C. In Vancouver.

20. What can be a challenge tn Emma’s wonk?

A. Competition in the health care industry.

B. Discrimination against female scientists.

C. Influence of misinformation on the public.

第二部分 阅读 (共两节,满分50 分)

第一节 (共15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5分 )

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A 、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


It can be tough to pull kids away from their computers and mobile phones these days.

While they’re playing games, wouldn’t it be great if they could be learning at the same time?

Good educational apps offer fun challenges that teach specific grade-level skills. Here are four

高三 英语 第 2 页 (共 12 页)

that combine fun and learning.

Understanding Math ($ 3. 99; iOS)

Understanding Math goes beyond basic comprehension to gain a deeper understanding of

the whys and hows of math. The app tracks your child’s progress to determine strengths and

weaknesses in different skill areas, and you can customize( 订 制 ) your child’s learning

experience to suit the needs.

Word Creativity Kit ($2. 99; iOS)

Word Creativity Kit aims not only to make creative writing fun but also build up grammar

rules. The app presents a series of words from seven categories, such as space or fantasy. Kids

add their own words to finish the complete thoughts that these words have inspired.

Barefoot World Atlas ($ 4. 99; iOS)

Barefoot World Atlas helps kids learn about geography and world cultures with a touch of

the screen. Each region features a set of sub-topics, from wildlife and natural features to native

people, landmarks, and architecture. These facts and illustrations are delivered in photographs,

sounds, and hundreds of mini videos.

My Grades & Homework ($0. 99; iOS)

A combination of grades and homework tracker My Grades& Homework can help

your child stay organized and on top of the progress in school. A convenient calendar and

course list format and offer a glance at your child’s assignment schedule that he or she might

not normally get from standard homework planners.

21. Which app is helpful to improve children’s writing skills?

A. Understanding Math. B. My Grades & Homework.

C. Barefoot World Atlas. D. Word Creativity Kit.

22. What is the common part of the four apps?

A. They help children find jobs.

B. They make studies fun for mini videos.

高三 英语 第 3 页 (共 12 页)

C. They need buying when they are used.

D. They inform parents of their children’s progress.

23. The passage is probably written for ______.

A. parents B. engineers C. friends D. Doctors


French writer Annie Ernaux won the 2022 Nobel Prize in literature on Oct 6. She is the

first French female to win the prize. In the words of the Nobel committee, Ernaux was given

the award for the courage and sharp insight of her writing.

Having spent over five decades as a writer, the 82-year-old winner has published more

than 20 books to her name, including Cleaned Out, Shame, a 2008 memoir called The Years

and A Girl’s Slory. Rather than consider herself a writer of fiction, Emaux has used the term

“an ethnologist (民族学家) of herself” to describe herself.

Born in 1940 in a rural village in Nomandy, France, Ernaux grew up in a working-class

environment as her parents ran a combined grocery store and cafe. She worked as a teacher

before becoming a full-time writer.

According to CNN, her “upbringing and experiences navigating adolescence and

adulthood” inspire many of her works. For example the book Shame explores the theme of

childhood trauma while A Girl’s Story follows a young woman’s coming of age in the 1950s.

Though the matters Ernaux describes in her books are serious and even sometimes heavy,

they are always written in plain language. Ernaux described her style as “flat writing” through

which she aims to tell her stories objectively, “unshaped by florid(过分装饰的) description or

overwhelming emotions.” noted Fox News.

“She writes about things that no one else writes about, for instance her jealousy, her

experiences as an abandoned lover and so forth, I mean, really hard experiences,” Anders

Olsson, chairman of the Nobel Committee for Literature said after the award announcement in

Stockholm. He went on to say, “She gives words for these experiences that are very simple and

高三 英语 第 4 页 (共 12 页)

striking. They are short books, but they are really moving”.

24. What can we learn about Annie Ernaux from the text?

A. She is the first French person to win the Nobel Prize.

B. She was awarded for the bravery and observations shown in her writing.

C. The Nobel-committee described her as “an ethnologist of herself.”

D. She started working as a full-time writer in 1974.

25. Where did she get inspiration for her works?

A. Her students’ lives. B. The stories of guests to her cafe.

C. The history of her hometown. D. Her personal experiences.

26. Which of the following best describes Ernaux’s writing style?

A. Objective and easy to understand. B. Plain and relaxing.

C. Descriptive and serious. D. Emotional and touching.

27. Why is Annie Ernaux different from other writers, according to Anders Olsson?

A. She shares painful feelings through her writing.

B. Her works are about unexplored subjects.

C. She suffered a lot of hardships.

D. Her works are short and moving.


Most people enjoy variety. We like to eat different foods from meal to meal. We wear

different clothes. We like to try new activities and visit new places. We become bored when

there is little variety. Nevertheless, there’s one place where we tend to dislike variety, and

that’s in each other. We often feel uncomfortable with people who practise different habits, or

hold beliefs or values that we do not share.

There are reasons for this. When we are exposed to new and different things, our brain

works a bit harder than usual. When we’re learning, our nerve cells require more resources,

such as water, salt, and various other chemicals. This extra metabolic(新陈代谢的) activity can

高三 英语 第 5 页 (共 12 页)

feel unsettling and unpleasant. And it can feel worse if our nervous system is already under

pressure, like in the midst of the pandemic.

This sort of variation may be uncomfortable for individuals, but it’s critical to the survival

of any species. If all finches(雀科鸣鸟) were identical, for example, and their environment

changed in some significant, harmful ways, like an increase in the temperature or a decrease in

water, all of them would be equally affected and the species might become extinct. This insight

into variation comes from Charles Darwin, and it’s known as population thinking. Most people

associate Darwin with his evolutionary theory of natural selection, but population thinking may

be an even greater scientific achievement. The idea of “survival of the fittest” implies that

individuals must vary. Some are more suited than others for a given environment, making it

easier for them to survive, grow, and reproduce. Variation is therefore a prerequisite for natural

selection to work.

Dealing with the vast variety of humankind can be demanding and even annoying at

times, but it’s a good investment, sort of like exercise for your brain. When you meet someone

who looks different or thinks differently from you, treat your discomfort as a cue to be curious

and learn instead of a signal of a problem. Don’t hold the view that the other person should be

silenced. Ultimately, this mindset can make you more flexible in adapting to challenging

situations, and more adaptable to change.

28. Which of the following might make people feel uncomfortable?

A. Having an adventure in the wild.

B. Taking a trip to a foreign country.

C. Sharing traveling experiences with others.

D. Socializing with people from diverse cultures.

29. What does the second paragraph focus on?

A. People’s unwillingness to deal with new things.

B. The biological explanations for people’s discomfort.

高三 英语 第 6 页 (共 12 页)

C. The significance of learning new things in our life.

D. The role of the nervous system in learning new things.

30. What does the underlined word “prerequisite” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

A. Requirement. B. Substitute. C. Motivation. D. Challenge.

31. What does the writer mainly want to convey?

A. Why we tend to chase and enjoy variation.

B. How we can benefit from seeking variation.

C. How we should treat the differences we find in others.

D. Why we should get along with people different from us.


Distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic has made both physical and social

connections a touch more difficult to maintain. For Stanford University student Millie Salvato,

being apart from her friend on the opposite coast has proved challenging. Sometimes a text or

video call is not enough, and people in Salvato’s situation often long for a way to send a

comforting hug from afar. In a new study detailed in IEEE Transactions on Haptics, she and

her colleagues demonstrated a wearable sleeve that can simulate( 模 拟 ) human touch and

convey social messages sent electronically.

Salvato and her team measured how 37 participants expressed social messages in different

situations. In each test, one person wore a pressure-sensing device on an arm, and another

touched it to respond to six different scenes: attention seeking, gratitude, happiness, calming,

love and sadness. After collecting 661 touch movements, Salvato and her colleagues mapped

the location and pressure of each. Next, they used a machine-learning algorithm(算法) to select

the movements that were most reliable part of each response. Finally, they programmed a

wearable sleeve to simulate these movements using eight built-in disks that vibrate when

electronically signaled. “The instant it received signals, I could feel the touch and identify its

intended meaning.” One participant reported.

高三 英语 第 7 页 (共 12 页)

Even with no training, the participants correctly matched the simulated touches to the six

scenes 45 percent of the time. For comparison, a previous study found participants could match

scenes for touches from real human hands 55 percent of the time.

Gerling, a touch researcher at Harvard who was not involved in the study, said the

invention was really surprising. But the study was small and needs to cover far larger groups of

people to determine exactly which are the most desirable responses. Besides, he believes the

sleeve surely will enjoy great popularity once launched on the market.

32. What were participants asked to do during the study?

A. Pick up reliable responses. B. Model on electronic touches.

C. Respond to different situations. D. Mark out programmed movements.

33. Why did Salvato and her team invent the wearable sleeve ?

A. To keep track of the COVID-19 pandemic.

B. To imitate human touch and express social messages sent electronically .

C. To enjoy great popularity once launched on the market.

D. To stress the significance of physical and social connections .

34. What does Gerling suggest according to the last paragraph?

A. Covering more scenes. B. Launching on the market.

C. Conducting further research. D. Interviewing the participants.

35. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?

A. Electronic Sleeves Helping Feel Virtual Touch

B. New Technology Improving Social Connections

C. New Sensing Device Increasing Physical Touches

D. Electronic Sleeves Responding to Different Situations

高三 英语 第 8 页 (共 12 页)

第二节 (共5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5分)


The term “growth mindset” has become something of a buzzword(流行语) in our life. You

can find it everywhere you look — in the seminars of motivational speakers, in the education

course descriptions, and in the mission statements of companies. 36

One of the biggest misconceptions about growth mindset is that it is the same thing as

being open-minded in your beliefs. This is untrue. Being open-minded in your beliefs is often

the belief on what true growth mindset is, but this is actually called “false growth mindset” in

the research community. 37 What this means is that they have a fixed belief on their

intelligence level, which is exactly what a fixed mindset is. They believe that they are growing,

when in reality they are not.

Being open-minded to other people’s beliefs and new things is great, but it does not mean

that you are actually learning anything. Furthermore, there is no way to ever have a truly

complete growth mindset. 38 It is important that you accept this and embrace it,

while still desiring to experience growth anyway. This is the only way you can truly foster a

growth mindset .

39 Unproductive efforts that are merely done for the reward or outcome are not

considered to be growth mindset. True growth mindset has nothing to do with reward or

outcome. Rather, it is based entirely on the learning and growing process itself. When you are

invested in a growth mindset, you are invested in the process regardless of the outcome.

40 You cannot simply “have” a growth mindset. You have to want one, and

invest in having one. Understanding the truth about growth mindset will enable you to

understand exactly how this quality can assist you in life.

A. Mindset is a lot harder than “just do it”.

B. It is virtually impossible, as we are all fixed in some way or another.

C. Another false belief is that growth mindset is about rewarded efforts.

高三 英语 第 9 页 (共 12 页)

D. A second misconception is that people’s motivation comes from the process.

E. But despite its popularity, some people don’t understand what it actually means.

F. This is essentially people who have an “I already have it, and I always have” attitude.

G. Growth mindset assists people in having greater results from what they set out to


第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30 分)

第一节 (共15 小题;每小题1 分,满分15 分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A 、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

If you have a smartphone, you probably use its front-facing camera for selfies and the

occasional video call. Perhaps, if you’re 41 , you’ll shoot the next TikTok masterpiece.

You might use your next smartphone’s 42 camera for the same things, but there’s a

chance that camera won’t completely 43 once you’re done with it.

This week, chipmaker Qualcomm revealed its latest Snapdragon processor, which will

44 many of the high-end Android smartphones you’ll see in stores. And a new feature built

into that chip could allow smartphone makers to keep those front-facing cameras on

45 .

The idea of a camera that stays on as long as your phone does seems deeply 46 ,

even in an age where people are convinced that smartphones are already eavesdropping(窃听)

on our 47 . So why is a company responsible for building the brains of our smartphones

trying to make “always-on”cameras a(n) 48 feature?

In time, a phone using this new chip could practicably 49 itself when it sees your

face, and automatically lock itself again when you’re not looking at it anymore. Or, if it sees

someone else’s face next to yours, the phone could automatically 50 notifications so

no one else can see what your 51 emails or Slack messages are about. The benefit of a

phone that’s always looking for you, it seems, is that it knows to act different when you’re not

52 .

As it turns out, the Qualcomm tech that could make such features possible is conceptually

pretty 53 .“What’s happening here is detecting a binary(二进制) : is there a face, or is

there not a face,”Heape, Senior Director of Product Management of the Qualcomm,told me.

“There is not a photograph taken. There is no 54 being recorded. He also noted that

none of camera data 55 the chip when it’s being analyzed for faces.

41. A.famous B.lucky C.committed D.skilled

42. A.extra B.back C.front D.special

43. A.turn down B.shut out C.turn off D.shut up

44. A.power B.start C.move D.protect

45. A.all the time B.every time C.many a time D.next time

高三 英语 第 10 页 (共 12 页)





