
2023-11-23·14页·4.4 M

扫描全能王 创建


扫描全能王 创建


扫描全能王 创建


扫描全能王 创建


扫描全能王 创建


扫描全能王 创建


扫描全能王 创建


扫描全能王 创建


2023 年广西三新学术联盟高三年级 11 月联考

英语试题 参考答案

第一部分 听力(共两节;共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)

1-5.BABCC 6-10.AABCB 11-15.ACCAC 16-20.BBABA

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 50 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)

21-23.DCD 24-27.ADDA 28-31.ABCA 32-35.BCDB

第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)


第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节 完形填空(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

41-45.CDDBB 46-50.BDABB 51-55 CACBD

第二节 语法填空(共 10 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

56. to 57. impressively 58. represents 59. made 60. as

61. extending 62. the 63. thinnest 64. possibilities 65. but

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)

第一节 应用文写作(满分 15 分)

Dear Peter,

I’m delighted to hear that you will join us as an exchange student . Since you are interested in our

optional sports courses , I’m writing to share some relevant information.

Our school offers a variety of options, such as basketball , table tennis , and martial arts ,etc .These

sports are of benefit to enhance our mental and physical health. Among them, I would like to recommend

you a Chinese traditional sports -- Tai Chi, a slow and graceful form of exercise that focus on

balance,flexibility.and relaxation. Practicing it regularly will help you stay fit .

I hope you will enjoy trying out these sports during your stay. Looking forward to seeing you soon!

第二节 读后续写(满分 25 分)

Paragraph l:

As I continued walking I began to reconsider my plan. I could picture Mum pacing up and down at

home, feeling sorrowful that she couldn't afford us a promising Christmas. Peering through the glass of

the shoe store, I still saw the beautiful boots appealing to me, but I turned back to the decoration store in a

flash. I selected some colorful lights carefully and also bought a turkey. It began to snow on my way

home, the flakes whirling in the cold wind. It was freezing cold, but I was filled with great rejoicing, my

heart pounding rapidly.

Paragraph 2:

With great excitement, I came home and knocked on the door. Mum opened the door, Surprise! I

yelled, waving the lights and turkey in my hands. Merry Christmas! Mum stiffened for seconds, her

face lit up with pleasure. Mum was overwhelmingly touched with tears streaming down her cheeks. She

embraced me tightly. In the small but cozy house, we shared the turkey and talked merrily. The smell of

turkey bounced through the air, lights sparkling like jewels. It dawned on me that nothing is more blissful

than being accompanied by our beloved ones.




(Text 1)

M: All right, everybody. Now that we've seen the museum, we have to go check out the house that the

prince used to live in. It's supposed to be very fancy!

W: The map says it's just a few blocks from that park across the street. We can walk there. (1)

(Text 2)

M: I was thinking about going to Europe during the holiday. Do you have any recommendations? (2)

Otherwise I will probably spend most of my time at traditional restaurants.

W: Well, I really enjoy the food in France. England has the best museums, but I think Spain is the most

beautiful to explore.

(Text 3)

M: Have you seen my glasses? I always forget where I put them! I had them last in the bathroom. It's so


W: John, we don't have time for this. We were supposed to be on the road driving already! We'll

never get there on time! (3)

(Text 4)

W: That man just made water and sand all over me when he ran past me from the sea. (4)

M: Never mind. You can wipe it off with one of these tissues. I brought a box of them from the hotel.

(Text 5)

W: My father's group found the thief last night!

M: I'm so happy your dad is around to protect us! He's a great detective. (5)

W: Yes, he wants me to join the force, but I would rather be a nurse.

(Text 6)

M: Did you see the pictures of flooding in Beijing? (6)

W: I did. It looked quite serious. Do you think climate change is to blame?

M: I thought about that. I also wondered if the waste pipes were adequate.

W: Beijing is usually quite a dry place.

M: But, you know, it can rain heavily at this time of year, so we shouldn't be surprised. (6)

Some years are bound to be worse than others. That's nature.

W: It must be awful for people whose homes are flooded. Their carpets and furniture will be ruined.

M: Those things can be replaced. My parents had a flood once and the worst thing was the horrible

smell it left. It remained for months. (7)

(Text 7)

M: Professor, I think we are approaching a big discovery.

W: Tell me more. Is it connected with your experiments on plastic?

M: Yes. We might have found a way to turn plastic into harmless waste.

W: Is it through the heat treatment I recommended? (8)

M: We tried that. We also tried cooling it before that. (8) In the end, we found that bacteria were the


W: That is wonderful! This news must go straight to the related committee that could spread it to society.

M: But, surely we must apply for a patent. Otherwise, someone might copy it.

W: I know — but won't that be a good thing? Something as useful as this should be spread far and wide.

M: If not a full patent, what about a limited one?

W: I would be more in favor of avoiding any kind of patent. (9)

(Text 8)

M: Not another reality TV show! There are so many of them these days.

W: I like Bake Off. At least it doesn't use big stars, like Jungle Fun and Big Brother. Ordinary people take


M: Yes, but they soon become stars. Do you remember the policewoman? Now she has her own show.

And the teacher now writes recipe books.

W: What about that Asian lady? She's never off the TV and radio these days. She's the biggest star

of all. (11)







