
2023-11-30·16页·336.7 K

阆中学校高 2021级 2023 年秋一模

英 语 试 题

(满分:150分 考试时间:120 分钟)


1. 本试卷共8 页,全卷满分 150 分,回答时间为 120 分钟;

2. 答卷前,务必将答题卡上密封线内的各项目填写清楚;

3. 本试卷由选择题和非选择题两大部分组成。选择题必须使用 2B 铅笔填涂,非选

择题必须使用 0.5 毫米黑色墨水签字笔书写,涂写要工整、清晰;


第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30 分)

第一节(共5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5分)

听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A 、B、C 三个选项中选出

最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每


1.When will the speakers meet?

A.At 2:50. B.At 3:00. C.At 4:00.

2.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.On a farm. B.In the street. C.At a supermarket.

3.What will the man do next year?

A.Attend a marketing course.

B.Look for a part-time job.

C.Continue to work in the company.

4.What was damaged in the storm?

A.The car. B.The roof. C.A window.

5.What are the speakers talking about?

A.The road conditions. B.A driving experience. C.A car accident.

第二节(共15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5分 )

听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A 、B、C三

个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒

钟;听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。

6.Where are the cups?

A.In the plastic bag. B.In the box. C.In the back of the car.

7.What have the speakers left behind?

A.The frying pan. B.The plates. C.The tent.

听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 9 题。

8.How does the woman feel about the dance competition?

A.Excited. B.Nervous. C.Confident.


9.What is the woman looking forward to most?

A.Dancing in front of many people.

B.Watching good dancers on stage.

C.Making some good new friends.

听第8 段材料,回答第 10至 12 题。

10.What did the man do today?

A.He watched Pamela Anderson’s new movie.

B.He took photos with Pamela Anderson.

C.He got Pamela Anderson’s signature.

11.What did the man get for the woman?

A.A photo. B.A poster. C.A magazine.

12.What does the man think of Pamela Anderson?

A.She is a great actress.

B.She looks younger than on the screen.

C.She attracts people because of her appearance.

听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。

13.How does Kirsty go to the sports village every morning?

A.By car. B.By bike. C.On foot.

14.What does Kirsty do at midday?

A.She practices shooting. B.She meets her coaches. C.She takes a walk.

15.What exercise does Kirsty do before supper?

A.She goes running. B.She goes swimming. C.She plays football.

16.When does Kirsty finish her football practice?

A.At 6:30. B.At 7:30. C.At 9:00.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 17至 20 题。

17.What is the speaker’s mother?

A.A designer. B.A doctor. C.A teacher.

18.What did the speaker do first after he left high school?

A.He got a full-time job.

B.He did a business course.

C.He went to an art college.

19.How long did the speaker stay in Milan?

A.One year. B.Two years. C.Three years.

20.What difficulty did the speaker have in New York?

A.He was homesick.

B.His parents didn’t support him.

C.He could not start a company there.

第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40 分)

第一节(共 15 小题,每小题2 分,满分 30分)

阅读下列四篇短文,从每小题后所给的A 、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并



Family-Friendly Events in January

ZooLights: Glow Wild Jan. 1-19

The Phoenix Zoo’s yearly holiday light show is on until Jan. 19, allowing families one or


more opportunities to enjoy the city’s zoo, with millions of lights giving an added dimension to

the festivities.

Glow Wild, 455 N. Galvin Pkwy. , Phoenix, phoenixzoo.org, $11. 95 members, $13. 95

general admission.

Downtown Mesa Festival of the Arts Jan. 4-18

The Downtown Mesa Festival of the Arts features the work of established and emerging

artists, including those who create woodwork, metal crafts, food items, art, photography and


On Macdonald, off of Main Street in Downtown Mesa, dtmesafest.com, free admission.

Family Fun Winterfest Jan. 4

OdySea Aquarium in the Desert is hosting the third annual Family Fun Winterfest in its

Desert Courtyard, featuring real snow for the kids to play in. This free event features

everything from bounce houses to rides, games, snowflake crafts and face painting to go with

various stands set up by local sellers, with food and other offerings for sale at the event.

9500 E. Via de Ventura, Scottsdale, odyseainthedesert.com, free.

Youth Fine Arts Course Jan. 18-Mar. 7

Mesa Arts Center is hosting an eight-week youth arts course on Saturdays to teach artistic

skills and knowledge through fun and challenging art classes in a wide variety of art materials,

including painting, drawing, mixed media and sculpture, ensuring mentally stimulating

sessions for all.

Mesa Art Center, 1 E. Main St, Mesa, mesaartscenter.com, $93.

21.How can you get a discounted ticket to the ZooLights show?

A.Bring a friend. B.Get a membership.

C.Join a tour group. D.Book a ticket online.

22.What can you do at Family Fun Winterfest?

A.Have free food. B.Take art classes.

C.Enjoy real snow. D.Meet local artists.

23.Which event lasts the longest?

A.ZooLights: Glow Wild. B.Downtown Mesa Festival of the Arts.

C.Youth Fine Arts Courses. D.Family Fun Winterfest.


As a child, I was proud of my southern origin. My own voice reflected my family’s past

and present-part northern Mississippi, part Tennessee, all southern. There was no sound I loved

more than my grandmother’s accent: thick, sweet, warm.

While growing up, I began to realize outside of our region, southerners were often

dismissed as uncultured and ignorant. I was ready to leave behind my tiny town in West

Tennessee, starting a new life and jumping at big chances in some far-off cities. In that

embarrassing space between “teen” and “adult”, my accent was a symbol of everything I

thought I hated about my life in the rural South. I feared it would disqualify me from being a

noted magazine writer. I would have to talk less “country”. So I killed a piece of myself. I’m

ashamed of it, but I’m more ashamed that I tried to kill that part of someone else-change

Emily’s accent.

I met Emily in college. She was determined to work for the student newspaper, which was

where I spent most of my waking hours, and we became friends. She, unlike me, accepted her

roots. Early in our friendship, her mother asked where I was from, assuming it was somewhere


up north. Then I felt my efforts paid off and even wanted to ignore the mistake.

Emily is two years younger and she cared about my opinion. I advised her to be more like

me and hide her signature Manchester accent. I stressed that throughout our college years, often

by making fun of her vowel (元音) sounds. I told myself I was helping her achieve her dream

of working as a reporter. Now, I see that it was actually about justifying my hiding part of


Grandma Carolyn used to tell me, “Girl, don’t forget where you come from.” Now I truly

understand that. Many things have faded from memory, but this sticks in my mind with

uncomfortable clarity. Now that I am grown and have left the South, it’s important to me.

24.What made the author want to leave her hometown?

A.Appeal of convenience in cities. B.Her dream of becoming a writer.

C.Outside prejudice against southerners. D.Her desire for the northern accent.

25.How did the author feel about the mistake of Emily’s mother?

A.Upset. B.Pleased. C.Ashamed. D.Surprised.

26.Why on earth did the author try to change Emily’s accent?

A.To prove herself right. B.To help Emily be a reporter.

C.To make herself influential. D.To protect Emily’s self-dignity.

27.What message does the text want to convey?

A.Stay true to your roots. B.Never do things by halves.

C.Hold on to your dreams. D.Never judge a person by his accent.


Human responses to moral dilemmas (两难选择) can be influenced by statements written

by the artificial intelligence chatbot ChatGPT, according to a study published in Scientific

Reports. The findings indicate that users may underestimate the extent to which their own

moral judgments can be influenced by the chatbot.

Sebastian Krigel and colleagues asked ChatGPT multiple times whether it is right to

sacrifice (牺牲) the life of one person in order to save the lives of five others. They found that

ChatGPT wrote random statements arguing both for and against sacrificing one life, indicating

that it is not biased towards a certain moral stance (立场).

The authors then presented 767 U.S. participants, who were on average 39 years old, with

a dilemma whether to sacrifice one person’s life to save five others. Before answering,

participants read a statement provided by ChatGPT arguing either for or against sacrificing one

life to save five. Statements were from either a moral advisor or ChatGPT. After answering,

participants were asked whether the statement they read influenced their answers.

Eighty percent of participants reported that their answers were not influenced by the

statements they read. However, the authors found that the answers participants believed they

would have provided without reading the statements were still more likely to agree with the

moral stance of the statement they did read than with the opposite stance. This indicates that

participants may have underestimated the influence of ChatGPT’s statements on their own

moral judgments.

The authors suggest that the potential for chatbots to influence human moral judgments

highlights the need for education to help humans better understand artificial intelligence. They

propose that future research should design chatbots that either decline to answer questions

requiring a moral judgment or answer these questions by providing multiple arguments and



28.What are ChatGPT’s answers to a certain moral stance?

A.Inconsistent. B.Valuable. C.Creative. D.Simple.

29.What is learned about the participants?

A.They admitted the power of ChatGPT.

B.They were interviewed by a moral advisor.

C.They were affected by ChatGPT unknowingly.

D.They were presented with different moral dilemmas.

30.What is the last paragraph mainly about?

A.Different findings of the study. B.Future potentials for chatbots.

C.Major focuses of future education. D.Solutions to the impact of chatbots.

31.Which of the following is the best title for the text?

A.ChatGPT Tends to Cause Moral Panics

B.ChatGPT: Is It Likely to Affect Our Life?

C.ChatGPT: Why Is It Making Us So Nervous?

D.ChatGPT Can Influence Human Moral Judgments


Is there a single word that motivates us more than “weekend”? It’s like the promise of a

sweet holiday following what seems like long-time exhaustion. It’s the spring in our step that

gets bouncier with each passing day — until by Friday, we’re practically bumping our heads

against the ceiling.

The trouble is that the weekend is a rip-off. You think you’re getting 48 hours of

unconditional downtime, but reality takes a discount. In fact, it takes most of Sunday. That’s

when anxiety comes creeping in and another countdown begins: 12 hours until Monday. Sure,

the weekend is free time. But the mounting stress of an incoming Monday can ease any joy you

might get from a Sunday evening.

That feeling is so common among the Monday-to-Friday crowd that there’s even more

than one name for it: the Sunday Scaries, or Sunday Fear Syndrome. Going from a countdown

to the weekend to a countdown to Monday can be difficult. Even monster.com — a website that

specializes in binding humans to the Monday-to-Friday cycle — admits it’s a problem. In a

survey, Monster found that 76% of Americans have “really had” Sunday night blues.

For most people, Sunday is no holiday at all. It may all come down to the same problem:

We can’t stop thinking about tomorrow. Even worse, we may develop some downright

unhealthy coping strategies for that transition from weekends to Monday. Some might resists

— staying up late, milking every minute of a fleeting Sunday in the form of mind-numbing


But why should Monday cast such a long and fearful shadow on our lives? Maybe it’s

because the counter is reset and the weekend, or happiness, seems at furthest point. If, like most

of us, you have a tolerable job, but don’t much like the whole idea of working, there are plenty

of ways to make Mondays a little less stressful. Most importantly, don’t leave any unsettled

Friday business hanging over the weekend. So, clear the decks and tie up loose ends.

32.What do we know about the weekend in Paragraph 2?

A.It is hard-earned. B.It doesn’t bring joy as expected.

C.It adds to people’s anxiety and stress. D.It provides good time to relax.

33.Why does the writer mention monster.com in the text?

A.To clarify a question. B.To show its popularity.

C.To provides an illustration. D.To support his idea.


34.What does the writer think of the way most people spend the weekend?

A.Tolerant. B.Conservative. C.Unwise. D.Practical.

35.Which of the following is the best title for the text?

A.Why People Are Stressed Out on Fridays

B.Why Monday Takes a Bite out of Sunday

C.Why a Countdown to the Weekend Is Difficult

D.Why Monday Casts a Fearful Shadow on Our Lives

第二节(共5 小题,每小题2 分,满分 10分)



There are hundreds of genres (流派) of music, so while some might like one kind, others

might like something completely different. Why do people like different kinds of music?

36 At the same time, music can also help us feel like part of a group or a culture,

especially one that shares an interest in a certain kind of music.

Music can also be nostalgic, that is, it creates a kind of longing for the past. Musicians

leave behind a footprint with their music. 37 Even long after the musicians are gone,

people still find something in the musicians’ recordings that they can enjoy.

We may also find that the music we like is strongly tied to our memory. Maybe there was

a song that someone sang to us when we were little that brings up good memories. 38

When we listen to music that we like, a chemical called dopamine is sometimes released

in the brain, which can make us feel good. 39 There are some algorithms (算法) today

that can help pick up on the kind of music we like. When we are streaming music, some

programs will let us like or dislike songs.

People’s taste in music can remain the same in their whole life or it can change many

times. But the truth is, we don’t know all the exact answers to why people like different kinds

of music — or sports, or food, or colors. 40 We are all different people who like

different things.

A.It’s music to our ears.

B.Music can be a part of our identity.

C.It becomes a mirror that we are holding up.

D.They leave a permanent mark in people’s lives.

E.Therefore, we might want to listen to a song on repeat.

F.Other times, we might find music can bring up sad memories.

G.There are lots of different factors that can influence our preferences.

第三部分:语言知识运用(共两节,满分45 分)

第一节 完形填空(共 20 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 30分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题的A 、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出适合填入对应空白处


Walking alone on a remote beach in southwest Florida, I was surprised to hear splashes

coming from the water. As I walked in the 41 of the sounds, I saw a manatee(海牛)

show its head out of the water, 42 a great snuffling(带鼻音的) breath. It seemed that it

was in 43 and trying to get out of it.

I'd never seen a 44 like this before. I wanted to 45 , but there was no one else

on the beach. So I went into the shallow water and went toward the animal. I came 46


enough to make out the manatee. Then, a second manatee, much smaller, appeared beside it.

47 , the manatees were also moving toward me. Soon I was 48 by several manatees. I

could clearly see the larger manatee 49 the little one up with her flipper( 鳍状肢) and

pushed it to the 50 beside me.

As the two slipped underwater, two other manatees moved up from behind, one on either

side, 51 gently against my body as they swam past. They circled and 52 the

action, this time 53 by the mother and her baby. I held my hand out touching their back

as they passed me. Since they obviously enjoyed touching me, I began 54 each of them

as they swam by.

I stood there enjoying the scene, 55 to move, until finally the rising tide forced me

back to the shore. Later I knew exactly what took place that morning. The manatees 56

me in their celebration of a birth and I was welcome to meet the 57 member of their


During that unexpected scene, I felt more involved in the rhythms of 58 on our

earth than ever. Each year, I head for that 59 for a quiet little birthday picnic on the

shore. After all, you never know who might 60 up for your party.

41.A.direction B.condition C.middle D.side

42.A.making out B.putting out C.coming out D.letting out

43.A.force B.trouble C.loss D.action

44.A.look B.feel C.sight D.smell

45.A.leave B.see C.find D.help

46.A.close B.soon C.quick D.straight

47.A.Luckily B.Personally C.Unexpectedly D.Sadly

48.A.watched B.surrounded C.attacked D.separated

49.A.turn B.eat C.throw D.hold

50.A.field B.surface C.pool D.bank

51.A.rubbing B.preventing C.surfing D.comforting

52.A.practiced B.changed C.repeated D.showed

53.A.seen B.followed C.taught D.ordered

54.A.moving B.hitting C.catching D.touching

55.A.unwilling B.ready C.unable D.afraid

56.A.invited B.protected C.included D.fought

57.A.best B.oldest C.toughest D.newest

58.A.life B.music C.world D.development

59.A.boat B.hill C.beach D.scene

60.A.build B.show C.look D.step

第二节 语法填空(共 10 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 15分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Porcelain, also named china, is made by heating raw materials, often a mix between china

stone and kaolin clay, in a kiln (窑) at a temperature as high as 1, 200 degree Celsius, which is

key 61 making porcelain. 62 (go)through the fire of reinvention at a

high temperature gives porcelain with greater 63 (strong), more translucence (半

透明) and a feast of colors.

Blue porcelain produced in Longquan, Zhejiang province, a technique which 64

(pass) down at least 1, 600 years ago, is a typical example of craftsmen’s pursuit of the perfect


green light. And 65 takes 72 steps to produce Longquan celadon’s jade-like green.

Plum green and light green are two colors of the best quality.

Porcelain has also been a carrier for cultural exchanges. Along with China’s silk and tea,

porcelain was one of the first goods 66 (receive) worldwide trade. As it 67

(gradual) travelled around the globe through the ancient Maritime Silk Road, porcelain enjoyed

great popularity among royal families and upper classes in Europe, 68 were

attracted by these beautiful containers they named after China, a product that could be

produced only in the far East.

Porcelain began as a 69 (practice) container and evolved into pieces of art.

Even when shattered into pieces and buried deep in mud, cultural values 70 (attach)

to porcelain would never disappear.

第四部分:写作(共两节,满分35 分)

第一节 短文改错(共 10 小题,每小题1 分,满分 10分)


中共有 10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处错误。要求你在错误的地方增加、删除或修改


增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(), 并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除: 把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。

修改: 在错的词下划一横线( ) , 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。

注意: 1.每处错误及修改均仅限一词;

2 .只允许修改 10处 , 多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。

Should the listening test in an English test be kept and canceled? Some students think that

the listening test should not canceled. They insist listening is one of the four basic skill in

language learning. Therefore, we cannot ignore it. Besides, listening is an important channel

for us to getting information. It should be strengthened today as an international cooperation is

becoming more frequently. But the others disagree. They think the listening test is fair to the

students in the areas that radio signals cannot be picked up effectively. And for certain reasons,

there was a big difference in teachers and equipment among the countryside and the city.


书面表达(满分 25 分)

72.你校英文报正在进行征文比赛。请你以“Tough Times Never Last but Tough People Do





注意:1.写作词数应为 80 左右;


Tough Times Never Last but Tough People Do






英 语 答 案


【原文】W: The concert starts at three. Shall I meet you there at about ten to three?

M: Well, I don’t like the first band, so I’m not planning to get there until four.

W: OK. I’ll see you then near the entrance.


【原文】M: Don’t you love shopping here?

W: I sure do. The farmers’ fruits and vegetables are always so fresh.

M: It’s nice to be outside with these green plants.


【原文】W: I hear you’re going back to study for a while next year.

M: That’s right. It’s a full-time course in marketing. My company is going to pay half the fees.

W: I’m surprised you didn’t decide to do something part-time.

M: I’d rather concentrate on the course, to be honest.


【原文】M: Was your roof all right after the storm? I saw a workman there today.

W: That wasn’t a problem. The workman was putting some new glass in an upstairs window. It

was broken by a tree branch. Luckily it didn’t damage my car.


【原文】M: I’m glad we’re safe.

W: Yeah, it was terrifying. The road was so narrow as we went up and everyone seemed to be

driving so fast as we came down. I’m surprised there were no accidents.

6.B 7.A

【原文】W: Now that we’ve put the tent up, let’s make something to drink. I’ll get the cups.

They’re in the plastic bag in the back of the car, aren’t they?

M: No, that’s got the new frying pan in it. You’ve packed the cups in the box with the plates.

W: Ah yes, that’s right. Here they are. But I can’t see the plastic bag anywhere.

M: Oh dear, we’ve left it behind, so we can’t cook anything. Well, we can still have a cup of


8.A 9.C

【原文】W: Have you heard about the dance competition my class is going in for, Uncle Sam?

M: Yes, your mom said you were really excited about it. Aren’t you just a bit nervous about

dancing in front of so many people, though?

W: No. There’ll be lots of really good dancers. Our teacher says we’ll learn lots just by

watching them on stage.

M: I expect you’ll make some good new friends there.

W: Mm. That’s what I’m looking forward to most of all.

10.C 11.B 12.C

【原文】W: You look so happy! What’s up?

M: I can’t believe it! Guess who I met at the shopping center today?

W: Who?

M: Pamela Anderson, the star of Baywatch. She was promoting her new film Superhero.

W: Oh, really?


M: Yes, I bought a picture of her. And she signed it for me.

W: How I envy you! I like her very much. So did you get anything else for going? Sometimes

they hand out free posters or magazines to the fans.

M: Actually, I got a poster signed for you. I know how you admire the rich and the famous!

W: That’s really nice of you. Thank you, Steven. Are you a big fan of Pamela?

M: Not really. Her acting skills aren’t that great. I think people just like her for her looks.

W: So what was your impression of her when you met her in person?

M: Well, I think she actually seemed a bit older than on the screen.

13.A 14.B 15.A 16.B

【原文】M: Thanks for making time to talk to us, Kirsty. Perhaps you should start by telling us

about a typical day’s training.

W: Sure. I get up at around eight and pack my bag. Then I drive to the sports village at 9:30. I

spend an hour at the training center doing shooting practice. Then I go swimming. It’s only a

short walk to the pool. At midday I have lunch and discuss my progress with my coaches. But I

can’t spend too much time with them because I go riding at half past one. The riding school is

about half an hour away.

M: Can you relax a bit after that?

W: Not exactly — I put on my shorts and running shoes for a gentle run around the track with

some of the other athletes. Afterwards I go home for a meal and a short rest.

M: How do you spend your evenings?

W: At 6:30 I come back to the sports center and play football for an hour. My day finishes after

I’ve done some exercise in the gym. At 9:00 p.m. I can go home and have a rest.

M: Well ...

17.C 18.B 19.C 20.A

【原文】 M: I’m quite often asked how I became a dress designer. For me, it was something

I always wanted to do. However, because my mother was a university teacher and my father a

doctor, they found it hard to accept that designing clothes could be a serious job.

Anyway, they said I had to do a year’s business course first after high school. I didn’t like it

at the time, but later, it made a big difference to me. And the other thing I did during that year

was to get a part-time job in the office of a small factory making good quality clothes.

Then I did two years at the local art college. I wanted to go to London straight away, but my

parents insisted. So I stayed at home until I won a prize for a design which actually gave me a

place at a London college for nine months. I went on to spend three wonderful years in Milan.

Then I got the job in New York for a year, which was really exciting, but unbelievably

stressful. I think it is probably because I was too far away from my family and missed them

very much. So, I ended up in London, starting my own company.

21.B 22.C 23.C


21.细节理解题。根据 ZooLights: Glow Wild Jan. 1-19 部分中“$11. 95 members, $13. 95

general admission (会员 11.95 美元;普通门票 13.95 美元,)”可知,获得会员资格就可以

买到 ZooLights 表演的折扣票。故选 B。

22.细节理解题。根据 Family Fun Winterfest Jan.4 部分中“OdySea Aquarium in the Desert is

hosting the third annual Family Fun Winterfest in its Desert Courtyard, featuring real snow for

the kids to play in.(位于沙漠中的奥德海水族馆正在其沙漠庭院举办第三届年度家庭趣味






