福建省莆田市五校联盟2023-2024学年高三上学期期中考试 英语答案

2023-11-30·11页·43.7 K

2023-2024年上学期五校联盟高三英语期中考试卷参考答案听力(每小题1.5分,满分30分)1-5 AABBB 6-10 ACBCC 11-15 BBBCB 16-20 BABBC阅读理解(每小题2.5分,满分50分)21-23.A C B 24-27:BDCA 28-31:BABD 32-35:CDCA 36-40: GCFBA完形填空(每小题1分,满分15分)41-45. BDB A A 46-50. CC BAA 51-55. C DB BD语法填空(每小题1.5分,满分15分)56.to present 57.With 58.a 59.was aroused 60.until 61.whose 62.emphasis 63.immersing 64.truly 65.have been attracted书面表达(满分15分)Contributions WantedTo welcome the Hangzhou Asian Games, we have established a new column called “Athletes in the Asian Games” for our newspaper, and we would like you to write articles for this column.The compositions should be to the point, including the athletes’ major life experiences, achievements, and how they have inspired you. You can write stories, essays or poems, but remember, all articles must be no more than 400 words and written in English, and originality is a must. Anyone interested is welcome to submit your work to asiangames@123.com before October 15th. Don’t miss the deadline!We look forward to reading your work!The English Newspaper读后续写(满分25分)“Show us,” said Eric, handing Emma a piece of chalk. Emma took the chalk and began drawing. She drew shapes that were full of straight lines and bright colors. They were bigger than the shapes Lisa and Eric had drawn, covering each other to form new shapes. She colored the drawings purple, blue, and white. “Wow!” the art teacher showed up and said. “It’s beautiful.” The three students stood up and looked at what they had done, their heart swelling with pride.Hearing the teacher’s praise, many students gathered around. They made various comments, varying from the universe with planets and stars to a coral reef full of fish. Finally the teacher asked for Lisa’s opinion. Glancing at Eric and Emma, whose knees, elbows, and fingers were covered in colorful chalk dust, she beamed sweetly and said, “It looks like home.” “I think so. Why don’t you enlarge the home together?” At their teacher’s words, the students joined in the painting cheerfully, joy permeating the air of the court.【答案解析】A篇【导语】本文是一篇应用文。文章介绍了Forfar的海洋科学项目,提供了项目概览、项目细节等信息。21.细节理解题。根据Program Details部分中“Fall Group: October 27 — December 5, 2022(秋季团:2022年10月27日至12月5日)”和“Application Deadline Extended: September 27th(申请截止日期延长至2022年9月27日)”可知,如果对秋季团感兴趣,可以在2022年9月15日提交申请。故选A项。22.细节理解题。根据文末的“Certifications you’ll receive: PADI Open Water Diver, PADI Advanced Open Water Diver PADI Rescue Diver, etc. (PADI is the world’s leading scuba diver training organization.)(您将获得的认证:PADI开放水域潜水员、PADI高级开放水域潜水员、PADI救援潜水员等(PADI是世界领先的器械潜水员培训组织)。)”可知,参与这个项目的学生将会得到潜水相关的认证。故选C项。23.细节理解题。根据第一段中“Forfar Field Station, located on Andros, Bahamas, has been home to unique field study experiences for students since 1970 and IFS is happy to use the past 50 years of experience to support our program designed to give young adults a professional and academic experience of a lifetime.(Forfar实地观测站位于巴哈马群岛的安德罗斯岛,自1970年以来一直是学生独特的实地研究经验的所在地,IFS很高兴利用过去50年的经验来支持我们的项目,旨在为年轻人提供一生的专业和学术经验。)”可知,该项目在巴哈马群岛的安德罗斯岛进行。故选B项。D篇:32. C解题思路:词义猜测题。画线词上文提到用纸和竹子等植物材料制成的吸管,通常被宣传为比塑料制成的吸管更可持续、更环保。然而,这些吸管中存在着PFAS。再结合第二段内容可知,PFAS是对人体和环境都有害的化学物质。由此可推知,这些吸管中PFAS的存在意味着之前的宣传是“令人质疑的”。“doubtful”意为“可疑的”,符合语境,故选C项。33. D解题思路:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“They biodegrade very slowly over time and can persist over thousands of years in the environment, a property that has led to them being known as ‘forever chemicals’.”可知,随着时间的推移,PFAS的生物降解非常缓慢,可以在环境中存在数千年,这一特性使它们被称为“永久性的化学物质”。由此可知,PFAS被称为“永久性的化学物质”的原因是它们需要很长时间才能降解。故选B项。34. C解题思路:细节理解题。根据第三段中的“They found that…steel straw tested.”可知,在39个不同品牌中的五种材质吸管里,研究人员发现,大多数(69%)品牌的吸管中含有PFAS,并且他们总共检测到了18种不同的PFAS。在纸质吸管中,90%的品牌检测到了PFAS。在80%的竹吸管、75%的塑料吸管和40%的玻璃吸管中也检测到了PFAS。在测试的五种钢吸管中均未检测到它们。由此可知,纸吸管含有PFAS的可能性最高。故选B项。错项分析:文章提及在测试的五种钢吸管中均未检测到PFAS,A项与之相悖,故排除A项;文章提到钢吸管中并未检测到PFAS,但这并不代表不锈钢吸管一定不含有任何对人体有害的物质,故排除C项;实验中检测出40%的玻璃吸管中含有PFAS,而钢吸管中并未检测到,因此玻璃吸管不是最环保的吸管,故排除D项。35. A解题思路:推理判断题。根据最后一段内容可知,PFAS浓度很低,考虑到大多数人往往只是偶尔使用吸管,因此对人体健康构成的风险有限。然而,PFAS可以在体内停留多年,浓度会随着时间的推移而增加。Groffen博士总结道,少量的PFAS虽然本身无害,但会增加体内已经存在的化学负荷。由此可推知,最后一段旨在强调PFAS的潜在威胁。故选A项。错项分析:文章最后一段展现了PFAS的潜在危险,并未展示安全使用吸管的方法,故排除B项;C、D两项分别是根据倒数第二段最后一句臆造的选项,作者在最后一段并未展示不锈钢吸管的优势,也未呼吁消费者在日常生活中避免使用吸管,故排除C、D两项。生词1. longevity n. 耐用期限2. adversely adv. 不利地,有害地3. heat-resistant adj. 抗热的语块1. thyroid disease 甲状腺疾病2. liver damage 肝损伤3. kidney cancer 肾癌阅读七选五:【导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章讲述了在灾难降临之后如何尽自己的一份绵薄之力。【36题详解】根据上文“Disasters can happen close to home or far away. But when we hear the news, it affects us. It has a deeper impact if you know people who are affected.(灾难可能发生在离家近的地方,也可能发生在很远的地方。但当我们听到新闻时,它会影响我们。如果你认识受影响的人,影响会更大)”以及后文“It’s good to find a way to help.(想办法帮忙是件好事)”可知,上文提到如果您了解受影响的人,它会产生更深的影响;下文讲到找到办法帮助他们很有用,可知本句承上启下指出灾难影响到自家人的情况。故G选项“如果灾难发生在离家很近的地方或影响到你认识的人,压力会更大”符合语境,故选G。【37题详解】根据后文“Check the website of a group like the Red Cross. Or reach out to a local community center, places of worship, or other organizations that are setup to help. They know what people need most and the best ways to help. You can pitch into support their efforts.(看看像红十字会这样的组织的网站。或者向当地社区中心、礼拜场所或其他组织伸出援手。他们知道人们最需要什么,也知道最好的帮助方式。你可以支持他们的努力)”可知,下文提到查看红十字会等团体的网站。或者联系当地社区中心、礼拜场所或其他为提供帮助而设立的组织,即了解人们需要什么帮助,故C选项“找出人们需要什么样的帮助”符合语境,故选C。【38题详解】根据上文“You could decide to do something as a family.(你们可以决定作为一个家庭做点什么)”可知,本句为本段最后一句,与上文并列,说明提供帮助的不同场合。故F选项“或者你可以在学校做点什么,或者和你所在社区的人一起做”符合语境,故选F。【39题详解】根据上文“Plan what you’ll do, and make it happen.(计划好你要做的事情,然后去做)”以及后文“After you find out what’s needed, you’ll want to post a list of what to bring and when and where to drop it off.(在你找到需要的东西之后,你会想要发布一个清单,列出要带的东西以及何时何地交付)”可知,后文提出了列清单,说明是要收集东西,故B选项“假设你打算收集物资”符合语境,故选B。【40题详解】根据后文“Giving is a way to make a positive difference in people’s lives. Even small acts of kindness and giving have an effect. It reminds others that they are not alone and that there are people who are willing to help.(给予是给人们的生活带来积极影响的一种方式。即使是小小的善举和给予也会产生影响。它提醒别人,他们并不孤单,有人愿意帮助他们)”可知,下文提到给予是给人们的生活带来积极变化的一种方式。即使是小小的善举和给予也会产生影响。故A选项“你的行为有助于他人”符合语境,故选A。完形填空【解析】【导语】这是一篇记叙文。Matt Shaha的母亲在患病放疗后失去了头发,为了让母亲重新找回自我,Matt Shaha用了两年多的时间把自己的头发留长,给母亲做了一顶假发。【41题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:现年27岁的Matt Shaha留了两年的头发,为他的母亲Melanie Shaha制作假发,他的母亲自2003年以来一直与良性肿瘤作斗争。A. settling解决;B. battling战斗;C. preventing阻止;D. complaining投诉。根据后文“with a benign tumor”指和良性肿瘤作斗争应用battle with。故选B。【42题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:Melanie在2003年至2006年间接受了两次手术切除肿瘤,但在2017年肿瘤复发,医生建议进行放射治疗。A. tests测试;B. examinations检查;C. registrations注册;D. surgeries外科手术。根据后文“to remove the tumor”可知要移除肿瘤需要进行手术,故选D。【43题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:Melanie在2003年至2006年间接受了两次手术切除肿瘤,但在2017年肿瘤复发,医生建议进行放射治疗。A. received收到;B. recommended建议;C. revealed揭示;D. rejected拒绝。根据后文“radiation treatments”可知,肿瘤复发,所以医生建议放射治疗。故选B。【44题详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:放射治疗三个月后,她永久性地掉光了所有的头发。A. permanently永久地;B. merely仅仅;C. previously以前地;D. formally正式地。根据前文儿子花费两年给她制作假发,可推测她永久性地掉光了所有的头发。故选A。【45题详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:她说:“无论到哪里都戴帽子,会让你在人群中很突出。”A. stand out突出,脱颖而出;B. push forward提出;C. break down出故障;D. jump up跳起来。根据上文“When you wear a hat everywhere”可知,无论去哪里都戴着帽子在人群中会很突兀。故选A。【46题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当Matt看到他妈妈的处境时,他决心要让他妈妈恢复正常。A. stressful紧张的;B. regretful后悔的;C. determined坚定的;D. touched感动的。根据后文“to make his mom look like herself again”指Matt看到他妈妈的处境时,他决心要让他妈妈恢复正常。故选C。【47题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:当Matt看到他妈妈的处境时,他决心要让他妈妈恢复正常。A. occasion时刻;B. failure失败;C. situation情况;D. mission任务。根据上文“I don’t mind being sick, but I do mind looking sick.(我不介意生病,但我介意看起来有病)”此处指Matt的妈妈没有头发的处境,故选C。【48题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:虽然他的母亲最初不想接受他的提议,但他坚持了下来,到2022年3月,他的头发长了12英寸。A. reminder提醒物;B. offer提议;C. duty义务;D. comment评论。此处指Matt想要用自己的头发给妈妈做假发的提议,一开始母亲不接受。故选B。【49题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:那个月,Matt把头发剪了,并请理发师帮他做了假发,Matt说:“整个过程对我来说都是非常有益的。”A. styled设计;B. spread传播;C. mixed混合;D. observed观察。根据后文“with a hairdresser to create a wig that month”指让理发师设计假发送给妈妈。故选A。【50题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:那个月,Matt把头发剪了,并请理发师帮他做了假发,Matt说:“整个过程对我来说都是非常有益的。”A. process过程;B. exchange交换;C. trick诡计;D. collection收集。根据后文“was super rewarding for me”指Matt为母亲留长发以及制作假发的过程对Matt非常有益。故选A。【51题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:6月中旬,假发终于到了,Melanie戴着她儿子的金色长发,说她感到如释重负,因为她又能找回自己了。A. interested感兴趣的;B. confused困惑的;C. relieved安慰的;D. ashamed羞愧的。根据后文“that she could feel like herself again”可知,母亲又能找回自己,感到如释重负。故选C。【52题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:“你可以想象,它的颜色和我的肤色非常匹配,因为我们是一家人,而且发色相同!”A. measure测量;B. inspiration鼓舞;C. promise承诺;D. match匹配。根据后文“the same coloring”可知因为是一家人肤色相同,所以发色和肤色很匹配。故选D。【53题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:“你可以想象,它的颜色和我的肤色非常匹配,因为我们是一家人,而且发色相同!”A. access接近;B. share分享;C. manage管理;D. dominate控制。根据后文“the same coloring”指家人共享一个发色,故选B。【54题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:Matt牺牲了很多,才送了这么贴心的礼物。A. competed比赛;B. sacrificed牺牲;C. praised赞美;D. forgave原谅。根据上文“Two years was a long time for him to have longhair.(对他来说,留长发两年太久了)”可知,指Matt牺牲了很多给母亲送礼物。故选B。【55题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:“有了它,我就能拥有更正常的外表,”Melanie说。A. schedule计划表;B. design设计;C. path道路;D. appearance外表。根据上文“she could feel like herself again.(她又感觉像自己了)”可知,假发让她的外表正常了,出现在人群中不那么突出了。故选D。语法填空【导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了扬州的中国大运河博物馆。56.考查非谓语动词。句意:最近几个月,扬州的中国大运河博物馆吸引了大量游客,该博物馆旨在展示大运河的历史和文化。应为不定式作宾语。故填to present。57.考查介词。句意:博物馆每天提供15000张门票,游客可以提前预订。分析句子成分可知,应为with的复合结构:with+n.+doing。置于句首首字母大写。故填With。58.考查冠词。句意:他们通常在周末卖光,使博物馆成为中国东部的热门地标。此处应为不定冠词表示泛指表示“一个受欢迎的地标”。且空后词未辅音音素开头。故填a。59.考查动词时态语态和主谓一致。句意:那些乘客激起了我的热情,所以我也带着我的孩子们去了博物馆。分析句子成分可知,空处应为谓语动词。根据结果状语从句谓语动词“took”的时态以及空前主语“My passion”可知,应为一般过去时,为被动语态,为单数。故填was aroused。60.考查连词。句意:直到我到达那里,我才知道为什么它有如此大的魅力。分析句子成分可知,两个句子之间需要连词连接。根据句意,应为固定句型not…until…“直到……才……”,其中until引导时间状语从句。故填until。61.考查定语从句。句意:这个博物馆,它的外观像一艘巨轮,占地8万平方米,有14个展厅。分析句子成分可知,空处应为引导非限制性定语从句的关系代词,指代先行词“The museum”,且在从句中和名词“appearance”构成所属关系,故应为关系代词whose作定语。故填whose。62.考查名词。句意:在讲述故事的同时,博物馆强调改善游客的体验。固定搭配put an emphasis on“强调……”。故填emphasis。63.考查非谓语动词。句意:年轻人可以参加由博物馆设计的真人角色扮演游戏,将他们送回明朝,并沉浸在一个神奇的世界中。分析句子成分可知,应为doing形式和“transporting”并列作结果状语,表示意料之中的结果。故填immersing。64.考查副词。句意:这确实是一次非常有意义的经历。应用副词作状语修饰句子。故填truly。65.考查谓语动词。句意:“这不是我第一次被吸引了。”应为固定句型this is the first time that sb have/has done sth“某人第几次做某事”,故提示词应为现在完成时,且照应主语,应为被动语态,为复数。故填have been attracted。听力原文:1.【原文】W: Do you use Google Translate?M: Yes. I use it a lot, especially when I’m on vacation abroad.W: It has added 24 languages to its translation service, bringing the total number to133 The 24 new languages are spoken by more than 300 million people worldwide.2.【原文】M: Hello, Miss. I’d like to check out.W: Well, sir. If you want to check out now. We’ll charge you $300 as well.M: OK.3.【原文】W: Have you seen Sally recently, Stephen?M: No, Sandy. I heard that she has gone back to New York.4.【原文】W: What do you eat for lunch at work?M: Oh, I usually just order a takeout.W: I used to do the same thing, but I’ve got tired of it. Now I bring food with me from home.M: That’s cool. But cooking takes a lot of time and energy.5.【原文】M:What’s the homework for history class?W:I think we’re supposed to read the 2 chapters after Chapter 4.第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 6. 【原文】W: Have you heard about the dance competition my class is going in for, Uncle Sam?M: Yes, your mom said you were really excited about it. Aren’t you just a bit nervous about dancing in front of so many people, though?W: No. There will be lots of really good dancers. Our teacher says we’ll learn lots just by watching them on stage.M: I expect you’ll make some good new friends there.W: Mm. That’s what I’m looking forward to most of all.7.【原文】W: We care about quality here, not just about doing enough work to get by. When you work at Trader Joe’s, you’ re more than an employee. You’ re like family!M: In my family, we usually argue over things like whose turn it is to take out the trash. We also complain a lot when there’s no dessert. Is working here like that?W: OK... Let me give you a better idea. Working here is like being in a family in some ways. You know how children get punished when they don’t clean their rooms, or when they go out with friends before they finish their homework?M: Yes, I can relate to that.W: Well, that’s more like how it is to work at Trader Joe’s. The employees are the children ... and I’m the mother.M: Are you the only parent at this store? I think I’d rather be adopted by someone else...8.【原文】M: Hi, Jane. How was school today?W: It was terrible, Dad. We had a math test and I only managed to finish half the questions before the teacher said the time was up.M: How many questions were there?W: There were 30 questions, and we had an hour to do it, but I spent so much time on the first few questions that I had to rush the rest.M: Well, your mom is good at math. She can help you build your confidence to answer questions quicker.W: That’s a good idea. I’ll speak to her now.9.【原文】W: Please have a seat, Mr. Saunders. I received your application a few weeks ago, and I must say I’m very impressed.M: Thank you.W: We’re a small financial company. May I ask why you’re interested in working for us?M: Your company has an impressive reputation. And I’ve always wanted to work for a smaller company. W: That’s good to hear! Would you mind telling me a little bit about your present job?M: I’m a clerk in a large international company. I deal with clients on a daily basis, handling all aspects of their accounts personally. W: Why do you think you are the right candidate for this position?M: I have a lot of experience in the stock market. And I enjoy working with people.W: Well, you might just be the person we’ve been looking for. But I have to discuss your application with my colleagues, and get back to you in two days, that is, by Friday. M: OK, thanks, it was very nice to meet you. W: Nice meeting you, too10.【原文】M: Abraham Lincoln was the sixteenth president of the United States. Every year on Presidents’ Day, we honor him as one of the greatest presidents in our country’s history. Abe Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809 in Kentucky. At night, he liked to read by candlelight, but in the day he worked on his father’s farm. As an adult, he lived in Illinois and became a lawyer. He served in Congress where he spoke out against slavery. By the time Lincoln was elected to the president in 1860, the nation was horribly divided over the issue of slavery. Eleven southern states decided to “escape”from the United States. That meant they broke off to form their own nation, which then led to the American Civil War.President Lincoln fought to keep the U.S. together as one united country. In the “Gettysburg Address”, President Lincoln honored the thousands of soldiers who died on that battlefield. He called for the nation to come together so that the“government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. After four long years, the American Civil War ended. Abraham Lincoln had kept the United States together in its most terrible crisis. Today, we remember him as a great leader who led his country out of its darkest hour.





