内蒙古赤峰二中2023-2024学年高三上学期第三次月考 英语

2023-12-07·13页·181 K

赤峰二中 2021 级高三上学期第三次月考英语试题第 卷第一部分:基础知识(共 20 小题,每题 1.5 分 满分 30 分)1. He was paged ________ (repeat) as the flight was boarding.2. For these students it's __________ (pronounce) that's the problem.3.The institution would only consider selling works by living artists with their __________ (permit).4.And in 2011, livestock exports to Indonesia were stopped after evidence of _________ (cruel) emerged there.5. Even in the ________ (commerce) heart of its largest city, religion remains central to life in Myanmar.6. There are plenty of places to enjoy a fantastic meal at a ________ (vary) of prices.7.Ask Istanbullus what makes their city special and the answer usually comes _________ (straight) from their stomachs.8. She said that that was how Peter had been __________ (systematic) stealing money from the company.9. Sarah Brown was showing a look of _________ (impatient), rolling her eyes, sighing and checking her watch every few seconds.10. If users are still _________ (satisfied), they can return the phone for a full refund.11. Who knows how long it will be _________ Mr Smith wants to try something else?12. Joe Bidon urges Americans to follow the advice of the local politicians, many of ________ the President will meet with later today.13.After decades in the prince's life, Diana knows_________the royal photographers are seeking.14.Mr. Brown said firmly, I knew I had to go _________ the people were suffering.15. ________ (judge) from the happy shouts outside tonight, I'm sure they have won the game.16. Mary is studying food science at college and hopes to open up ____European meat processing factory of her own one day .17. Could it have been the other day ________ Tom saw Mary seated and dressing herself on the bed?18. Kate suggested that not only__________I go to the party but also give a performance at the ball.19. Has your monitor lived up ________ his promise that he would have made it to Peking University ?20. The new policy _________ (make) known by the local educational authority since the start of school on September 1st.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,20 小题,满分 40 分) 第一节 (共 15 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。AThe Impact of Climate Change on Global AgricultureClimate change has become a pressing issue in recent years, with its effects being felt across various sectors, including agriculture. Rising global temperatures, changing precipitation(rainfall) patterns, and increasingly frequent extreme weather events pose significant challenges to agricultural systems worldwide.One of the main impacts of climate change on agriculture is crop yield reduction. Higher temperatures can decrease crop productivity, as certain crops have specific temperature requirements for optimal growth. Changes in rainfall patterns can lead to droughts or floods, both of which can negatively affect crop health and yield. Additionally, the increase in extreme weather events such as hurricanes and heatwaves can cause extensive damage to crops and infrastructure(基础设施).Climate change also interrupts the ecology of agricultural regions. Shifts in temperature and precipitation can affect the distribution of pests and diseases, leading to increased pest outbreaks and the spread of plant infections. This puts further pressure on farmers to adapt their practices and find alternative methods for pest control and crop protectionFurthermore, water scarcity (lack) is a growing concern in many agricultural regions as a result of climate change. Changes in precipitation(rainfall) patterns and increased evaporation(蒸发) rates contribute to reduced water availability for irrigation purposes. This can lead to water stress for plants and livestock, impacting their growth and productivity.What is one of the main impacts of climate change on agriculture?A. Reduction in crop yield B. Improved crop healthC. Decreased water scarcity D. Increased crop productivity 22. How can changes in rainfall affect agriculture?A. Increase water availability for irrigationB. Improve crop health and yieldC. Cause droughts or floodsD. Reduce the spread of pests and diseases23.What are the consequences of changes in precipitation(rainfall) patterns and increased evaporation rates?A. Increased water availability for irrigation B. Water scarcityC. Reduced pressure on farmers D. Reduced water availability BMusic transcends time and culture, touching the depths of our emotions and stirring our souls. Its ability to convey meaning and evoke powerful sensations makes it a universal language of the heart. In this article, we explore the transformative power of music and its impact on individuals and society.The first notes of a melody can transport us to different fields, stimulating memories of joy or sorrow. Whether it's a melancholic symphony(交响乐)or an upbeat pop song, music has the remarkable ability to connect with our emotions. It has the power to heal, uplift, and even bring solace in times of depression.Music is also a channel for self-expression. Through songwriting and performances, artists have the opportunity to share their deepest thoughts and emotions with the world. In turn, listeners relate to the lyrics and melodies, finding solace in knowing they are not alone in their experiences.Furthermore, music has the power to shape social narratives and bring about social change. Throughout history, anthems(赞美诗)and protest songs have united groups and sparked movements. The lyrics and melodies become rallying cries, inspiring individuals to stand up for justice and equality.In addition to its emotional and societal impact, music has been proven to have cognitive benefits. Studies have shown that learning and playing musical instruments enhance cognitive skills, including memory and attention. Music education in schools has been linked to improved academic performance and overall brain development.In conclusion, music is a powerful force that transcends boundaries. It has the capacity to evoke emotions, amplify voices, and cultivate our minds. Whether as a listener or performer, music has the ability to transform our existence and make a lasting impact on individuals and society.According to the article, how does music affect our emotions?A. It triggers memories and evokes various emotions.B. It can convey joy and happiness.C. It has no impact on our emotional state.D. It heightens our sense of sorrow and depression.25. What does the underlined phrase mean in para.3?A. feel empathy for B. feel pity on C. show passion about D. show interest in 26. How has music been used to bring about social change?A. By promoting equality and injustice.B. By removing divisions within society.C. By uniting groups and inspiring movements.D. By suppressing(压制) individual voices.27. What are the cognitive benefits associated with music?A. It enhances creativity and imagination.B. It improves physical health and perseverance.C. It has no impact on cognitive abilities.D. It strengthens memory and attention.CHuman activities are making the globe saltier, specifically in our soils, fresh water and air, according to a study released this week in the journal Nature Reviews Earth & Environment. Salt pollution isn’t some flashy threat to our existence ——like, say, a meteor hitting Earth — but the issue is gravely(severely)overlooked and is a “sleeping giant,” said Sujay Kaushal, lead author of the study. Over the past 50 years, salt have increased in streams and rivers as people have begun using and producing more salts. The team found that across the globe, about 2.5 billion acres of soil — an area about the size of the United States — have become saltier.Most people think of salt as the White specks we put in our food or the salt in the oceans, chemically known as sodium chloride (NaCl). That sodium salt can also be found in detergents(去污剂), other household products and more, but there are many different salts, including calcium, magnesium and other ions used in additional products——and they’re all increasing in places where they don’t normally occur.Salt is a natural and necessary component of Earth. The compound is brought to the surface slowly over long geological time scales, through natural processes such as weathering of sedimentary(沉积而成的)rocks. When exposed at the surface, the salt can mix with water, be transported into water or go into the air. Living organisms, from plants to people, take up small portions to help regulate daily functions. Excess salt hitches a ride with water molecules, entering groundwater, soil and the oceans. But human activities have altered this normal salt cycle in recent decades, the team found. Agriculture, mining, construction, water and road treatment, and other industrial activities are increasing the salt in our ground, freshwater systems and air.Before this study, scientists didn’t really know how much humans were changing salt concentrations around the globe. But the “magnitude to which we have altered one of Earth’s natural cycles is alarming,” said ecologist Bill Hintz, who was not involved in the research. He agreed with the study’s authors that these changes to the salt cycle are an existential threat to freshwater supplies. 28.The underlined word “flashy”in para 2 can best be replaced by ________instant B. serious C. damaged D. unsolvedWhat can we infer from Paragraph 3 about salt?People can only have access to sodium salt in daily life People intend to have a limited insight into salt Additional products are supposed to be banned Salts are increasing in the world scale 30.What’s the normal salt cycle according to paragraph 4?Forming as a compound——weathering of sedimentary rocks——-consumed by living organismsComing into being in Earth naturally——being brought to the surface-- combining with water---entering soil and oceansComing into being in Earth naturally---being transported to water and air——increased by human activities Forming as a compound--removing excessive salt——entering soil and oceans31.Which of the following words can best describe the study?A. Inefficient B. Unreliable C. Brain-washing D. Ground-breaking DIn the end it was the dust that did it for the dinosaurs. At least that is the finding of computer simulations of the aftermath of the asteroid(小行星) impact that reshaped life on Earth 66 million years ago.The cataclysmic(催化剂的) impact in what is now Chicxulub on Mexico’s Yucatn peninsula wiped out 75% of species on Earth, including non-avian dinosaurs. But the precise nature of the deadly blow has kept scientists busy for decades, with soot-spewing wildfires, volcanic eruptions and vast quantities of sulphur all considered culprits(罪魁祸首).Writing in Nature Geoscience, researchers in Belgium argue that the “exact killing mechanisms” set in train by the impact remain poorly understood and that too little attention has been paid to the role of potentially trillions of tonnes of dust kicked up by the violent event.Swirling(旋转) around in the atmosphere for years, soot, sulphur(硫磺) and dust all have the capacity to block out the sun and contribute to a global winter where vegetation fails, with destroying knock-on effects for the animals it supports.To dive deeper into the role of the different factors, the scientists ran simulations of the ancient climate that took into account measurements of fine particles recovered from a site in North Dakota where a layer of dust generated by the Chicxulub impact (希克苏鲁伯撞击效应) settled.According to the simulations, dust of the size found in Dakota could have remained in the atmosphere for up to 15 years after being exploded into the sky. By blocking out the sun’s rays, up to 2,000bn tonnes of it could have shut down photosynthesis(光合作用)for nearly two years and cooled the planet by up to 15.Created from pulverised granite(粉碎的花岗岩) and other rock at the impact site, the dust “most likely drove the last mass extinction event through the disruption of photosynthetic activity,” said Cem BerkSenel, a researcher on the study. According to the computer models, it would have taken two years for photosynthesis to resume.Steve Brusatte, a professor of palaeontology and evolution, described the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs as “disastrous”. “The asteroid didn’t kill all the dinosaurs in one go, but it was a more secret murderer, which triggered a war of conflict that led three out of every four species to die.”32.Which of the following statements is correct according to the passage?The disasters asteroid impact happened in Belgium 66 million years ago75% of dinosaur species on Earth died out in the impact Scientists have paid little attention to tonnes of dust after the impact Researchers in Belgium are totally against wildfires and volcanic eruptions being considered as culprits33 .How did scientist conduct the research to work out the “killing mechanisms”?By floating around in the atmosphere for years By performing computer simulations of the ancient climate By measuring five particles By generating a layer of dust 34.Why did the dust drive the last mass extinction ever according to the study?It remained in the atmosphere for such a long time It was blasted into the sky by the impact It shut down the photosynthetic activityIt resumed the planet temperature by 1535.What’s the main idea of the whole passage?It is the dust that be the exact murderer of the mass extinction Computer simulations reshaped life on Earth 66m years agoThe asteroid impact has been fully studied in =BelgiumDinosaurs were totally wiped out by the asteroid impact第二节 (共 5 小题, 每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Want to eat healthy and also save the planet? ___36___Making simple substitutions, such as switching from beef to chicken or drinking plant-based milk instead of cow’s milk, would help both the planet and your health.How do our food choices affect climate change?Food production accounts for about 20% of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. ___37___Swapping out“high-emission”food and replacing it with“low-emission” food reduces the amount of greenhouse gases needed to grow, process, transport, distribute, prepare, consume and dispose of that food. In each of four food groups——protein, mixed dishes, dairy and beverage——researchers looked at foods that disproportionately contribute to greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming. ___38___Finally, they calculated what the impact would be both for an individual’s carbon footprint and for the country’s if the dietary changes were made. By doing this, it will be pretty easy for people to adopt the new dishes because they will be pretty similar to what they are currently eating.Top foods to swap outUSA TODAY asked if there is one specific food (or food group) that would be most recommended to be swapped out of.___39____ Replacing beef with poultry or vegetarian items was particularly impactful, but other options include replacing juice with whole fruit and replacing dairy milk with nondairy milks like soy or almond milk. ___40___Even replacing just one serving per day or one serving per week can add up to meaningful benefits.A.If universally adopted, the recommended changes would lower the nation’s dietary carbon footprint.B.The team then matched each of these environmentally unfriendly foods to a similar option with a far lower carbon footprint.C.The good news is that there are many options for small changes to make to reduce your carbon footprint and improve your diet.D. A drastic change in your diet isn’t necessary to make a significant difference. E. You don’t have to make these changes all the time to make a difference. F. This means that changing what we eat can reduce greenhouse gas and carbon pollution.G. If you are a person who make the changes that we propose, you’re likely to see the benefits you want.第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分) 第一节 完型填空(共 20 小题, 每小题 1.5 分,满分30 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Time management is a crucial skill that can greatly affect our productivity and overall success.41.______managing time effectively, we can accomplish more tasks, reduce stress, and create a better work-life balance. One of the key aspects of time management is setting42.______and prioritizing tasks. By identifying our goals and breaking them43.______intosmaller, manageable tasks, we can ensure that we allocate our time44. ______Moreover, it is important to evaluate the45.______of each task based on its urgency and importance. This helps us focus on high-priority tasks first and avoid46.______being overwhelmed by a long to-do list.Another important element of time management is avoiding47._____time. Procrastination is a common48.______that can prevent our productivity. By recognizing our tendencies to procrastinate and implementing strategies such as setting deadlines and49.______rewards, we can overcome this habit and make better use of our time.Additionally, effective time management involves50.______time for rest and relaxation. 51._______it may seemcounter-productive to allocate time for breaks, it is crucial for maintaining productivity and preventing burnout. Taking short breaks52.______tasks can help refresh our minds and increase our focus and efficiency when we return to work.Moreover, it is essential to effectively53.______our major assignment and avoid over-committing ourselves. Saying no to additional tasks or commitments when our54.______is already stretched thin is important for maintaining a balanced and realistic schedule. It allows us to devote sufficient time and energy to the tasks that truly matter. Furthermore, utilizing tools and techniques can 55.______our time management skills. Utilizing 56.______ and calendar apps can assist in organizing and prioritizing tasks. Moreover, time-tracking methods such as the Pomodoro Technique can help us stay 57.______and make the most of our time by working in focused bursts 58.______ taking regular breaks. In conclusion, time management is a 59.______skill that can significantly impact our productivity and well-being. By allowing time for rest, managing our schedule, and utilizing effective tools and techniques, we can 60.______our use of time and achieve success in various aspects of our lives.41.A.Within B. ByC.Without D. Despite 42. A.objectives B. boundaries C. guidelines D. limitations43. A.up B. about C. down D. out44. A.properly B. accordingly C. approximately D.generously45. A. significance B. duration C. necessity D.complexity46. A. ending up B. ending at C. ending with D. ending in47. A. managing B.valuing C. wasting D. listing48. habit B.obstacle C. trait D. skill49.A. earning B. granting C. providing D. awarding50. A. balancing B. ignoring C. postponing D. arranging51.A. Since B.AsC.While D. Where 52.A. among B.over C. between D. during53. A. organizing B.prioritizing C. rescheduling D.representing54.A. attention B. energy C. motivation D.dedication55.A. decline B.prevent C.enhance D. ruin56.A. pens B. papers C.emails D. planners57.A.exhausted B.confused C. energized D. distracted58. A. without B.while C.before D. after59.A.insignificant B.tiny C. vital D. unessential60.A. better B. neglect C. regard D. overlook第二节(共 10 小题,每题 1.5 分,满分 15 分) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。TikTok, a hugely popular short-form video platform, shut down its Shop apparatus in Indonesia after the country banned commerce 61._______ social media platforms, a setback for the app's venture in a major market. TikTok Shop is one of the social network's latest attempts 62.___________(generate) more revenue. Creators and brands can add a Shop button 63.________ their videos and live broadcasts, 64.__________(allow) users to buy products with a few taps without leaving the app.The app 65.______(it) was not banned in Indonesia. But people there could no longer buy or sell goods through TikTok or other social media platforms after the trade ministry issued new regulations. The rules, 66.________ essentially authorize the separation of e-commerce and social media, 67.___________(mean) to protect local merchants, prevent algorithms from dominating the market and stop the use of personal data for business purposes.Zulkifli Hasan, Indonesia's trade minister, said recently that predatory pricing by social media companies was hurting small merchants.Some Indonesian merchants who had relied on TikTok Shop said the new rules hurt their business. =Dennies Soesanto, who sells bags and suitcases, said his sales on TikTok Shop were triple that of other e-commerce platforms. 68.__________(close) TikTok Shop is not saving the small and medium enterprises, he said, but saving other e-commerce platforms.The crackdown in Indonesia, home 69._______ six million sellers on TikTok, could increase the pressure on TikTok Shop in the other countries 70.________ it operates. 第 卷 第四部分:写作 (共两节,满分 35 分)第一节 短文改错 (共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改同桌写的作文。文中共有 10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处,错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:把缺词处加一个漏词符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。When my cousin graduated from college three years ago, he offered a high-paid job in the city. Considering his passion for gardening, he quit a job and returned to his hometown, where lies in the east of Henan Province. Despite his parents’ disapproval, but my cousin determined to set up a modern farm to grow organic fruits and vegetable. With loads of difficulties overcoming, up to now, his efforts had paid off. Big although the farm is, it is watered by an automatically irrigation system. Besides, the products are mainly picked by several robots. Fresh and tasty, it sell well all the year round, making the farm a model to follow.笫二节 书面表达(满分 25 分)请观察右图两幅漫画,完成一篇作文 描述漫画内容 2. 解读漫画含义 3. 表述你的观点 注意: 1. 词数 100 左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯.





