湖北省黄冈市部分普通高中2023-2024学年高三上学期期中考试 英语答案

2023-12-08·8页·702.7 K

高三英语答案及详解1-5 ABBAC 6-10 BACAA11-15 BCBCC16-20 ABACB21-23 CAB 24-27 BDCB 28-31 BDAB 32-35 ADBC36-40 DAEGB 41-45 BCAAC 46-50 BDDBC51-55 DABAC56.to send57.that/which58. souvenirs 59. brightest 60. was named61.However62.It 63.Completing 64. stood 65. a书面表达 Good morning, ladies and gentlemen:It is a great honor for me to stand here and make a speech. My name is Lihua. In my opinion, selfies with wild animals should be banned. Animals, like humans, need their own space. If people get too close to wild animals, they may become scared. On rare occasions, wild animals may attack humans in self-defence. Last July, a man in southern California, who had tried to take a selfie with a local snake, ended up paying $153,000 for his hospital bill after the snake bit his arm. Therefore, there is no need for people to take such risks. Most importantly, wild animals should be treated with respect and left alone. People should not treat wild animals as subjects for photos to get likes on social media. Thank you for your listening.读后续写:After fifth grade ended, over the summer, I spent a month at a day camp. There I found that kids liked me for who I was, not for what I wore. Many campers came from wealthy families, and I spotted plenty of designer shoes, and high fashion T-shirts that cost three figures. Unlike my classmates at school, though, my fellow campers didn’t mind my no-name clothes. They simply accepted me as a friend. We spent our days swimming in the pool and riding horses. We had a fashion show and I was even encouraged to participate. And I did.With the love and support of my new friends, I became more confident. I stopped listening to my classmates’ remarks on my clothes. In the spring, the skirt that my classmates had laughed at made a reappearance. I wore it proudly to both the school dance festival and to my sixth- grade graduation ceremony. Because I knew that the one person I had to learn to impress was myself. And now the only label that matters to me is my own—how I“label”myself.A主题语境:人与自然——自然生态本文是应用文。文章主要介绍了一个有关鸟类保护的节日及其相关活动。 21. C。理解具体信息。根据第一段中的 festival participants can enjoy expert speaker presentations and virtual live adventures online 和下文中的Virtual lectures 以及24 trips to Area Hotspots可知,这个节日既有讲座也有野外考察。 22. A。理解具体信息。根据 Virtual lectures部分中的 Birding Coast to Coast: The Life of a Big Year Birder by David McQuade可知,David McQuade将会分享他观鸟的经历。 23. B。理解具体信息。根据文中的 Included with your Festival of Birds pass — $50 和最后一段中的 If you purchase your festival pass and use your unique festival code to register, you will receive a 10% discount可知,如果使用独特的节日代码进行注册购票,会打九折,所以只需支付45美元。B主题语境:人与自我——做人与做事本文是记叙文。作为一名字谜爱好者,作者通过不断努力终于将自己设计的字谜发表在了《纽约时报》上。 24. B。理解具体信息。根据第一段中的 after noticing that all of The New York Times puzzles had bylines, I figured, “Why couldn’t one of them be mine?”可知,作者看到《纽约时报》的字谜都有署名行,然后就打算亲自设计字谜。 25. D。推断。根据第二段中的 After reading, rereading, and more rereading of my puzzle, I decided that it was as good as it was ever going to be 和 His answer was basically, “Thanks, but no thanks.” What’s worse, I received nearly the same rejection from Shortz and his colleagues for the next several puzzles I submitted可知,作者对自己设计的字谜很有信心,但是得到的回复都是拒绝由此可推断,这种落差会让他感到失望。 26. C。理解具体信息。根据第三段中的 an actual acceptance message from The New York Times! They changed some of the clues to be more straightforward. Anyway, my hard work finally paid off. Naturally, I told all my friends and family to get a copy of the paper on the publication date, March 21, 2021 可知,在Mark的帮助下,作者的付出终于有了回报。《纽约时报》对其字谜稍作修改后,使线索更明了,然后刊登在2021年3月21日出版的那期报纸上。27. B。推断。根据最后一段中的 Now I've made a lot in my spare time 可知,作者利用业余时间已经设计了很多字谜,由此可见他对字谜的热爱是坚定不移的。C主题语境:人与自然——自然生态本文是说明文。槲寄生虽然靠寄生生存,却乐善好施,堪称植物界的盗侠罗宾汉。 28. B。理解具体信息。根据第一段中的 They are parasites and live on the branches of their plant “hosts,” absorbing water and nutrients to survive. They accomplish this thievery via a specialized structure that infects their hosts可知,槲寄生依靠植物宿主吸收水分和养分来生存。它们通过一种专门的结构来完成这种偷窃行为,而且会感染它们的宿主。由此可知,槲寄生对它们的宿主有害。 29. D。推断。根据第二段中的 mistletoe species may well be the Robin Hoods of plants. (Robin Hood is a character in old English stories who lives in a forest with a group of friends and steals money from rich people in order to give it to poor people.) They provide food, shelter and hunting grounds for other animals 可知,在英国的古老故事中,罗宾汉和一群朋友从富人那里偷钱,然后把钱给了穷人。槲寄生同样通过寄生宿主为其它动物提供食物、住所和捕猎场所,这一点与罗宾汉相似。 30. A。理解具体信息。根据第三段中的 Most mistletoe fruits are berries containing a single seed that’s surrounded by a sticky layer. Roughly 90 bird species are known to consume mistletoe species’ seeds, so the birds can pass them to other trees on their bodies, or when they are eaten, seeds are passed through their waste可知,大都数槲寄生果实都是浆果,只有一颗种子,周围有一层粘性物质,它们通过鸟的身体传到其它树木上去,或者当它们被鸟吃掉后,它们的种子会通过鸟的排泄物传送出去。 31. B。理解具体信息。根据最后一段中的They evolved over and over and over, and this understory, root-parasitic, shrubby thing switched to being an aerial (meaning they infect above-ground plant parts, rather than roots), parasitic shrubby thing 可知,Watson解释了槲寄生的进化过程,它们从在树根生活进化到在树枝生活。D主题语境:人与社会——社会与文化本文是一篇科研说明文,介绍了育儿责任对于夫妻双方事业的影响。32. A。细节理解题。根据文章第一段和第二段,作者用了大量的数据来阐述调查结果中育儿责任对于人们事业发展的影响,又用数据详细说了对于男女事业的影响程度不同。33. D。词义猜测题。根据第四段There’s a lot of competing ideas about how we should try to improve the lot of women, how we should try and create a more levelled-up society. This report tells us very clearly how significantly workplace policies and workplace cultures are undermining those efforts,再结合前文可知,虽然人们一直在努力提高女性地位和改善女性生活环境,但是调查结果表明我们的职场规定和职场文化正在削弱这些努力的影响。34. B。细节理解题。根据文章最后一段The charity wants the government and employers to offer new fathers more paid time off to look after their children可知,该组织认为政府和企业都应该给父亲们提供更多的带薪休假。35. C。主旨大意题。根据文章第一段Three out of five women say that their caring responsibilities are preventing them from applying for jobs or promotion, while only one in five men say the same, according to new research,再综合考虑整篇文章,可知这篇文章主要是介绍了一个调查研究的结果,就是女性普遍比男性承担了更多的育儿责任。第二节 主题语境:人与自我——生活 本文是说明文。晕动病,也称为运动病,是指人们平日常说的“晕车、晕船、晕机”等情况,本文主要就此进行了介绍和说明。 36. D。根据该空前的It is not a rare disorder可知,晕动病并非罕见疾病,任何身处运动环境中的人都可能产生这种不适的生理反应。D 项中的 Instead, anyone may suffer 与该空前的 It is not a rare disorder和该空后的all people can develop呼应。 37. A。本段简要介绍了诱发晕动病的主要原因,即:人体主要依靠前庭、视觉和本体感觉系统来感受和控制身体平衡,当大脑的运动指令和感觉反馈不一致时,就容易产生冲突导致晕动病的发生,故 A 项作为本段小标题最恰当。本段中的arises from与A项中的causes呼应。 38. E。 根据本段小标题What are the symptoms of motion sickness? 和 该 空 前 的 stomach awareness、vomiting、a cold sweat、headache、spatial disorientation 以 及 a sense of sleepiness可知,设空处应该是与晕动病症状相关的信息,故 E项内容符合此处语境。 39. G。根据该空前的 when traveling, sitting in areas that experience the least amount of movement可知,乘坐交通工具旅行时要选择颠簸最少的区域。G项中的the lowest level in trains and buses 和 close to the water level in boats 与之相呼应。 40. B。根据该空前的 Many children feel better as soon as the vehicle they are riding in stops, and they’re able to get out and walk around和该空后的 In some children, motion sickness symptoms can last for several hours 可知,不同的人的晕动病症状持续时长也不一样,B 项内容在此表示转折关系,引出与之相反的情况。 语言知识运用 第一节 主题语境:人与自我——做事本文是记叙文。失业后情绪低落的 Helen 去公园画画,没想到却意外成就了一番新的事业。 B本题考察名词词义辨析。该句句意为:2014年,中国戏剧艺术研究院的一名大二学生和朋友一起去北京动物园过生日。B项“celebration”符合句意,意为庆祝。C本题考察动词词义辨析。该句句意为:他几乎不知道,在水族馆里遇到的机会带来终生的爱好。C项“encounter”符合题意,意为遇到。A本题考察名词词义辨析。结合42题解析以及后文中Xu从培养珊瑚到加入珊瑚保护团队可知A项符合题意,意为酷爱;热衷的爱好。A本题考察动词词组辨析。结合后文Xu对看到珊瑚的表现可知,此处应表达“惊奇感席卷了他”,因此选择C项,本意为冲刷,此处引申为席卷。C本题考察动词词义辨析。后文中描写了Xu对于珊瑚的强烈兴趣,因此此处选择C项,此时“frequent”作动词,意为常去;常到。B本题考察名词词义辨析。“who”引导的定语从句表示卖植物、鱼和珊瑚的人,因此选择B项,意为商人;商家。D本题考察动词词义辨析。根据前后空的内容可知,Xu安装了一个小鱼缸并且开始“培养”珊瑚,因此选D项,意为培养;培育。D本题考察形容词词义辨析。根据后文中“extremely high requirements”和“not good”可知珊瑚是很“脆弱的”,因此选择D项。B本题考察名词词义辨析。根据前文中所提到珊瑚是脆弱的,所以在Xu最开始培育珊瑚时,它的“状态”不好,因此选择B项,意为状态。C本题考察动词词义辨析。该句句意为:随着Xu对珊瑚的了解,包括如何在养殖过程中控制诸如如水温、pH值等因素,以及如何在培养过程中追溯微量元素浓度。C项符合题意,意为控制。D本题考察动词词义辨析。根据上文可知Wu学习了许多有关珊瑚培育的知识,所以他的珊瑚逐渐茁壮成长,因此选择D项。A本题考察动词词义辨析。A项与原文形成“be known as”短语,意为作为…而闻名,符合题意。B本题考察形容词词义辨析。该句句意为:珊瑚为四分之一的海洋水生物提供了住所,因此选B,意为海洋的。A本题考察动词词义辨析。根据常识以及后文中海洋温度上升的信息,可知此处表示温室效应增强,因此选择C项。C本题考察动词词义辨析。该句意为:大学毕业后,他抓住机会成为了一名珊瑚保护主义者,并正式加入了海南的一个研究团队。B项符合题意,意为抓住。第二节 答案解析:本文讲述了日本天才少女池江浴火重生,与中国选手张雨霏在亚运会一战,虽不敌张雨霏,但仍收获了观众的掌声和对手的尊重。张雨霏在赛后表示要给池江送上一份礼物,增强双方的联系。to send 考察动词不定式。主语中包含抽象名词wish, 表语用动词不定式。that/which 考察定语从句的引导词。设空处引导定语从句,修饰gift, 且在从句中作主语,故填“that 或者 which”。souvenirs 考察可数名词的复数。“souvenir”纪念品,复数加“s”。brightest 考察形容词的最高级。was named 考察被动语态。However 考察转折词,上一句提到池江在2018年亚运会上狂揽六金,下一句说到她在2019年诊断出白血病,两句话之间是转折关系。It 考察形式主语,这个句子中 “to return to the pool”是真正的主语,缺一个形式主语,且句首大写,故此空填“It”。Competing 考察非谓语,Ikee与 compete 之间构成主动关系,故填 “Competing”stood 考察一般过去时态,on Sunday 是一个过去时间点,故填“stood”。a 考察不定冠词,a warm reception 意为“热烈的欢迎”。 听力原稿Text 1 W: Tom, are you ready?M: Yes, I think so. I’ve been preparing for it the whole week. W: Great. I’m sure the students will love your speech. Text 2 W: Excuse me, could you tell me the starting time for morning classes and afternoon classes?M: Morning classes begin at 8 o’clock, and they last till 12 o’clock. Afternoon classes follow after a one-hour lunch break. Text 3 W: Did you finish the report?M: Yes, finally! I’ll be able to give it to Dr. Smith and go home early for a change. I’m looking forward to cooking a big supper. W: Well, I think you’d better take another look at your spelling. Text 4 W: Good morning, sir. Can I help you?M: Yes. I have some wool pants that need to be cleaned. I spilled wine on them at a restaurant. I really hope they are not ruined.Text 5 M: Can you tell which team seems to win?W: Hard to say. But now the score is in our favor. M: Yes. Our guest team is really tough. Text 6 M: I just started taking a photography class, and my first assignment is to take photos of my family. Can I take some photos of you right now, or are you busy?W: Right now? I look terrible! I’m not busy, but I just got back from work! I love getting my photo taken, but not when I don’t look my best.M: The pictures are supposed to be natural. Please?W: Okay, fine. Do I have to do anything?M: No, just act like I’m not here.Text 7 M: Do you have the latest information on the hotel?W: Yes, I think so.M: Right. Tell me something about it. W: OK. The hotel is in Sitges, a small town which is 37 kilometers away from Barcelona. And there is a bus stop right outside the hotel. M: That’s good. The hotel we booked last year was near a busy road, and it was 2 kilometers from the beach. I hope this hotel isn’t like that. W: No, it’s only about 100 meters away from the beach. M: OK. What about the entertainment?W: There’s tennis, table tennis, volleyball and mini golf. Oh, they also organize football matches. It used to have KTV and keep-fit classes, but now they’re closed. M: Oh, what a pity! What about the overall price?W: Well, it’s the high season so the price is really high for the moment, $800 one night. M: Wouldn’t it be better to cut it down to $699? We can try to bargain with the hotel manager. W: OK. Let’s do it. Text 8 M: Firstly, we’d like you to do a brief self-introduction. W: My name is Jessie Chan. Three years ago I graduated from Peking University, where I studied English. I worked as a secretary in General Motors for one year and then went to America for further education. I just came back last month. M: All right, how old are you?W: 25 years old.M: Are you married?W: No, I’m still single and I have no plan for marriage right now. M: Why do you want to be an English editor?W: Well, I have made up my mind to be an English editor ever since I was eight years old. I thought, “It must be great to see my own name printed on the magazine. And thousands of people will get to know me.” But now, I think an English editor is supposed to spread knowledge. And sharing knowledge itself will lead to self-improvement. Text 9 M: Excuse me, Mary.W: Yes? You look so worried. Is everything OK? M: Well, two of my friends just called me saying they will come to visit me tomorrow. I haven’t seen them for a while and… They’ve helped me a lot when I was working with them last year. So I’d like to return the favor by cooking a dinner for them. And the day after tomorrow I’m going to show them around the new museum of our city. W: Oh no! It’s Friday today. You promised me that we would be there enjoying a pleasant weekend!M: Yes, I know. I am terribly sorry. W: I have already booked the tickets for tomorrow’s concert and you know I really look forward to attending it! M: I’m really really sorry but I can’t go with you, dear. I give you my word that I will be there next time. W: Wait a second… are you saying… I can go?M: Yes, I know how much you enjoy concerts. So I will be at home receiving my friends and I will cook the dinner for them. W: Thank you so much for doing this for me, dear. M: Well, I guess that’s why you marry me. Text 10 M: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I’m Mike Smith. I feel honored to be invited to the conference. I don’t know whether you’ve heard about the Slow Food Movement before. Now, I’ll talk about it. The Slow Food Movement is really a reaction to fast food and our fast modern lifestyles. People eat too many hamburgers, too many pizzas, and too much fast food in general. The movement itself was started by an Italian called Carlo Petrini. He organized it because a McDonald’s had opened near the Spanish Steps in Rome. He felt it was sort of symbolic of the destruction of many valuable traditional things and he tried to promote healthier ways of eating and living. Some people may think Slow Food just means healthier food. Not exactly. I think it’s more about our lifestyles than anything else. We’re always in such a hurry. We don’t have enough time to take care of ourselves, or enjoy our lives. Fast food companies advertise that their food is healthy as well. It may be right in a way, but for me, and for a lot of Slow Fooders, the problem is that wherever you sit down for a meal, whether it’s in Tokyo or Milan, what you’re given is too similar. It makes eating and life in general, boring. Traditional food isn’t going to be lost completely, but we do want as many people as possible to enjoy it.





