
2024-01-05·16页·2.9 M

湖北重点高中智学联盟2023 年秋季高二年级 12 月联考英语试题参考答案

听力:1-5 ABBCC 6-10 ABABC 11-15 BAACC 16-20 CABAB

阅读:21-23 DBC 24-27 ADDA 28-31 ACDB 32-35DCAB 36-40 EGACD

完形填空:41-45 BDCDB 46-50 DACBA 51-55 DBBAC


56. comprised 57. an 58. what 59. has been submitted 60. concentrating

61. their 62. adaptation 63. enthusiastically 64. about 65. that/which



Tu Youyou, Yuan Longping, and John Snow possess admirable qualities that have contributed to their

remarkable achievements. These qualities include determination, dedication, and a strong commitment to benefiting


Their exceptional traits have a profound impact on me. Witnessing their determination to overcome obstacles

encourages me to persevere in the face of challenges. Their unwavering dedication to their work inspires me to give

my best in everything I do. Moreover, their sincere commitment to improving the lives of others motivates me to

make a positive difference in my own community.

In conclusion, the outstanding qualities demonstrated by Tu Youyou, Yuan Longping, and John Snow serve as a

source of inspiration for me. Their determination, dedication, and selfless attitude remind me of the importance of

striving for excellence and using my abilities to contribute to the well-being of others.


Sample 1:

All the folks who showed up in the class that Saturday afternoon were activated by the magical

performance. Some of them even couldn’t help going to the platform to play with Robin Williams and Jim Cranna.

Our involvement and excitement made Mr. Williams overjoyed that he demonstrated us another skit physically and

mentally to the fullest. It was Robin and Jim’s passion and devotion that convinced the folks of the unique fantasy of

improv. Soon afterwards, all the present were stimulated and began to adjust postures naturally, improving skills of

comics. Our coach Jim Cranna approached me, wearing a big smile on his face, “Thank you, Micheline! You’ve

brought us astonishment and delight!”

What a delight for all of us that Saturday afternoon! It seemed that all the folks had stretched out their arms

and legs to get definitely relieved, love and passion extended. How long it would be before they were absorbed in the

state of happiness and relief, which, I think, was more than what any word could convey. All I know is that if I

hadn’t mustered up the courage to ask Robin to join us, none of us would have had that experience.

Sample 2:

All the folks who showed up in the class that Saturday afternoon were activated by the magical

performance. They entered their roles so quickly that everyone under the podium(表演台) seemed to have entered

the theater instantly. No matter what the involvement, the lines, and the body language are conveying, it's hard to

believe this is the fantastic power of an improv performance. “He's truly a professional actor! we marveled. It didn’t

take us long to adapt to such an internationally famous actor and comic—Robin Williams. Is this talent? One of the

folks murmured. I couldn't help but admire and sigh.

What a delight for all of us that Saturday afternoon! After class, we expressed our sincere gratitude to Robin

for joining us and said goodbye to him and his friend. I curiously asked him what made him choose to become a

comedian. Is this talent? Of course it's love, he replied, just like what I saw in your eyes just now, and that's

why I joined you. I couldn't suppress(抑制)the excitement in my heart, and secretly made up my mind at the same

time no matter whether I choose the same career as Robin in the future, I would maintain this love for performance

and comedy, living up to his recognition.


Sample 3:

All the folks who showed up in the class that Saturday afternoon were activated by the magical

performance. The atmosphere was filled with excitement as Robin Williams naturally integrated into the improv

activities, adding his splendid wit(风趣) and humor to each skit. His presence alone lifted the energy in the room,

inspiring everyone, from seasoned performers to novices(新手). Robin's willingness to fully immerse himself were

encouraging all of the folks to embrace the unpredictable nature of comedic expressions.

What a delight for all of us that Saturday afternoon! Robin's genuine enthusiasm enriched the class and left

a lasting impression on each of us. The opportunity to witness a comedy icon (偶像 崇拜对象)like Robin Williams

participate in our gathering was a privilege beyond words. Long after the class ended, we carried the invaluable

lessons learned from Robin's second half of the class with natural ease and the joy of free creativity. It was an

afternoon that none of us would ever forget, a demonstration to the pioneering power of shared laughter and the

endless possibilities of the human imagination.



Text 1

M: Did Ruth watch the football match last night?

W: No, she didn’t. She usually watches a little TV after supper, but last night she went straight to bed.

Text 2

W: James, did you buy the meat for the barbecue?

M: Oh, no, I forgot! I’ll get it tomorrow on my way home from work. Can you call me at work tomorrow to remind


W: OK. Everybody is coming at six.

Text 3

M: Foxtail Coffee, please.

W: Er, excuse me, I’m looking for the shuttle bus.

M: Certainly, madam. The university shuttle bus stops at the main gate of the building. It usually arrives here at

about 8:10. Look, it’s coming right there.

W: Oh, yes. Thank you very much.

Text 4

W: I like your jacket, Adam. Did you buy it at the big sale at Huntsville Mall?

M: Sale? I bought it online.

W: That’s too bad. You could have saved some money.

M: Oh no! I would have gone to it.

Text 5

M: Hi, Mandy. Are you all right?

W: As a matter of fact, I’m a bit upset. I just came out of a meeting and it didn’t go very well. No one would listen

to any of my suggestions. Instead they just kept arguing with each other.

Text 6

W: Those people we met at the beach today were nice, weren’t they?

M: Yeah. We’re having dinner with them at the hotel tonight, right? Maybe after that, we can invite them back

to the beach.

W: Yeah. We could make a little fire and have a beach party.

M: I’m not sure we’re allowed to make fires on the beach. Let’s check with the hotel staff to see if it’s OK.

Text 7

M: Honey, did you see that the new restaurant down the block finally opened?

W: I’m sorry, but I can’t chat right now. I need to start making dinner so it’ll be ready by the time the kids get home






