
2024-01-20·34页·470.6 K


英 语

本卷满分:150 分,考试时间:120 分钟。







第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30分)



第一节(共5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5分)

听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选

项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅


例:How much is the shirt?

A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.

答案是 C。

1. Where does the conversation take place?

A. In a company. B. In a store. C. In a factory.

2. What is the woman likely to do?

A. Get some fresh air. B. Continue her work. C. Take two weeks off.

3. What’s the man’s opinion about his missed lecture?

A. He thought it boring.

B. He thought it interesting.

C. He thought it unimportant.

4. What was the Pony Express?

A. A movie. B. A country. C. A mail delivery service.

5. What kind of clothing does the store offer?

A. Expensive, ugly clothing.

B. Cheap, designer clothing.

C. Expensive, top-quality clothing.

第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5分)

听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项

中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完

后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

听第6 段材料,回答第6至7题。

6. What will the speakers bring for the grandma?

A. A picture. B. A delicious cake. C. Colored pencils.

7. What can we infer about the woman?

A. She doesn’t have time to make a cake.

B. She isn’t good at baking cakes at all.

C. She gave colored pencils to the boy.

听第7 段材料,回答第8至9题。

8. How can we know if a melon is ripe?

A. By its smell and size. B. By its color and shape.

C. By its color and smell.

9. What will the woman decide to buy?

A. A yellow melon. B. A green melon. C. A small melon.

听第8 段材料,回答第 10至 12题。

10. What’s the relationship between the speakers?

A. Friends. B. Mother and son. C. Husband and wife.

11. When may the conversation take place?

A. At 7:30 am. B. At 14:00 pm. C. At 18:00 pm.

12. What can we know about the convenience store?

A. It’s quite cheap.

B. It’s open all day.

C. It only sells Chinese hamburgers.

听第9 段材料,回答第 13至 16题。

13. Where are probably the speakers?

A. At home. B. In a car. C. On a farm.

14. What is the man’s plan?

A. To build a new house.

B. To travel around the world.

C. To buy a farm with his wife.

15. Why does the man plan to grow potatoes?

A. Because it is his favorite.

B. Because it doesn’t need much effort.

C. Because it doesn’t need much space.

16. What worries the woman most?

A. Money. B. Time. C. Heavy work.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 17至 20题。

17. Who is Jenny Smith?

A. A writer for the newspaper.

B. A painter for the newspaper.

C. An editor for the newspaper.

18. What is necessary for the job?

A. Typing skills. B. Speaking skills. C. Painting skills

19. How often does is the newspaper published?

A. Two days a week. B. Five days a week. C. Seven days a week.

20. What’s the main reason for people to work for the newspaper mostly?

A. For money. B. For fun. C. For experience.

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50分)

第一节(共 15 小题; 每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5分)

阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


4 of the Best Learning Apps of 2023

It’s never too late to broaden your knowledge, and in the digital age, information has never been more accessible.

Here are 4 of the best learning apps to help you pursue your quest for understanding.


TED exposes its audience to a variety of innovative ideas that seek to reassess the world we live in. Each TED

talk is a spoken presentation from leaders in hundreds of fields. You’ll find everything from hard science to art.


Brilliant teaches a series of science and math subjects through hands-on problem-solving. Unlike other learning

apps, Brilliant doesn’t wait until the end of reading to test you and instead proceeds to build your toolbox step by


Khan Academy

From preschoolers to high schoolers, there are few educational apps that can measure up to Khan Academy

when it comes to the wide range of courses it offers to students of all ages. Khan Academy’s YouTube videos cover

most subjects at a range of levels: math, science and engineering, arts, humanities, economics, and AP courses.


Like Khan Academy, BrainPOP is a one-stop-shop educational app: It has hundreds of animated educational

videos, accompanied by interactive quizzes, activities, and games. The main difference between BrainPOP and Khan

Academy is that the latter is better for high schoolers, while BrainPOP focuses on upper-elementary and middle


1. Which app can you visit to listen to speeches?

A. TED B. Brilliant C. Khan Academy D. BrainPOP

2. What is special about Brilliant?

A. It understands users’ need.

B. It tests users along the way.

C. It helps solve science and math problems.

D. It can quickly develops users’ skills and knowledge.

3. What do Khan Academy and BrainPOP have in common?

A. They focus on games.

B. They have the same target users.

C. They provide rich learning resources.

D. They offer spoken presentations from leaders.


In 2007, when Felix Finkbeiner was nine, he had to give a report on climate change as a fourth grade school

assignment. To his nine-year-old worldview, that meant danger for his favorite animal, the polar bear. As he

researched his report, Felix learned about Wangari Maathai, a Kenyan woman who started the United Nations tree-

planting program, the Billion Tree Campaign, and whose heroic campaign to recover barren land with trees resulted

in the planting of 30 million trees.

“I realized it’s not really about the polar bear, it’s about saving humans.” Felix was inspired. He told his

classmates, “Let’s plant a million trees in every country of the world!”. His tree-planting project, “Plant-for-the-

Planet”, began.

Sharing the idea is almost as important as planting the trees. Felix went to other schools and encouraged them

to plant trees. Plant-for-the-Planet also offers training for students. The group hopes the students will not just plant

trees, but will also talk to adults in government and businesses to try and get even more trees planted.

Word of Felix’s project spread rapidly. He spoke to the European Parliament and attended UN conferences. By

the time he delivered his speech at the UN in New York in 2011, at the age of 13, Germany had planted its millionth

tree. At this time, Plant-for-the-Planet was officially launched. The project had a website and more people were

willing to join it to be full time employees. By 2014, the environmental cause had expanded into a global network of

children activists working to slow the Earth’s warming by reforesting the planet.

In 2015, Plant-for-the-Planet bought 52 square miles (135 square kilometers) of land in the Yucatn Peninsula

in Mexico. Most of the trees there had been cut down. The group planted millions of new trees on the land.

Plant-for-the-Planet’s slogan has been, “Stop Talking. Start Planting.” They want to plant 1,000 billion trees,

which could absorb an additional 10 billion tons of carbon dioxide every year.

4. What was Felix’s inspiration for starting his tree-planting project?

A. A Kenyan woman’s story.

B. His concern for the polar bear.

C. His understanding of saving humans.

D. His experience with planting trees in school.

5. What was the first step Felix took to start his tree-planting project?

A. He spread awareness and educated others.

B. He created a website to promote his project.

C. He contacted the government of to ask for support.

D. He raised money to buy seeds and tools for tree planting.

6. How did Felix’s project gain popularity around the world?

A. Through word of mouth.

B. Through his full-time employee.

C. Through his international speeches.

D. Through Plant-for-the-Planet’s office.

7. Which word best describes Felix?

A. Old-fashioned. B. Narrow-minded. C. Strong-willed. D. Bad-tempered.


One of the reasons why so many people listen to music during exercise is that it has a number of benefits. The

research around the positive influences of music during exercise was reviewed in a paper in the February 2020 issue

of Psychological Bulletin.

Probably the biggest influence of music on exercise, based on these findings, is that listening to music during

exercise can make you feel better about what you have done. Experiments find that people feel more positive about

the exercise when they have listened to music than when they have not. The impact of music didn’t depend on the

intensity of the exercise, and the effect appeared for both trained and untrained athletes.

Music also seems to reduce people’s feeling of how much they are exerting themselves. That is, at the same

level of intensity of activity, listening to music can make you feel like you are exerting less effort than you would

feel without music. Some studies have also shown that when athletes are free to set their own exertion level, they are

willing to exercise more intensely with music than without. For some people (particularly when they are early in their

training), music helps them focus on the music rather than on pain.

Music also appears to have a small effect on performance overall. Athletes perform better both during exercise

and while engaging in their sport when there is music. In the studies analyzed, fast music, with a tempo greater than

120 beats-per-minute, was more effective than slow music. Interestingly, it doesn’t seem to matter whether the athlete

chooses the music or whether it is chosen by someone else. So, the playlists selected by the teachers of an exercise

class you’re taking may work even if you don’t love all of the songs.

The one place where music doesn’t seem to have much of an impact is on physiological functioning. The heart

rate of an athlete is not consistently affected by music.

8. What is the main benefit of listening to music during exercise?

A. Improving performance.

B. Providing entertainment.

C. Reducing the effort of training.

D. Feeling better about the workout.

9. What does the underlined word “exerting themselves” mean in Paragraph 3?

A. Try hard. B. Break down. C. Growing up. D. Come back.

10. What type of music has been found to be most effective in improving athletes’ performance?

A. Soft music. B. Calm music. C. Gentle music. D. Rapid-paced music.

11. How does music affect an athlete’s physiological functioning during exercise?

A. It consistently increases their heart rate.

B. It consistently decreases their heart rate.

C. It depends on the intensity of the exercise.

D. It has no consistent influence on their heart rate.


A Beijing-based gene firm on Monday announced the world’s first cloned wild arctic wolf, which is listed as

endangered in the Red List of Threatened Species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, or the IUCN.

Experts said its birth pioneers the breeding of more rare and endangered animals through cloning technology.

“We started the research cooperation with Harbin Polarland on cloning the arctic wolf in 2020. After two years

of painstaking efforts, the arctic wolf was cloned successfully. It is the first case of its kind in the world,” Mi Jidong,

the company’s general manager of the Beijing-based Sinogene Biotechnology Co said at a press conference in Beijing.

The birth of the world’s first cloned wild arctic wolf is a milestone for the application of cloning technology,

which is of great significance to the conservation of rare and endangered animals and biodiversity, experts believe.

He Zhengming, the head of Chinese Experimental Animal Resources Research Institute for Food and Drug

Control said that the cloned animals still have the ability to reproduce if they have intact fertilized eggs (受精卵).

The cloning technology can copy all genetic information for selective reproduction.

From the world’s first mammal clone “Dolly”, cloning technology has provided the possibility to diversify the

populations of some species such as cattle, pigs and horses. When endangered species in some places are identified,

cloning of cells preserved from freezing technologies could also generate new life, experts said.

As part of a more concrete step to boost the breeding of more rare and endangered animals through cloning

technology, the Sinogene Biotechnology Co and Beijing Wildlife Park built a partnership on gene seed preservation

cloning technology applications in rare and endangered wild animals. Enhanced efforts for the protection of

endangered wildlife species and their habitats are part of the goals of the country’s national development plan for the

14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-25), according to the National Forestry and Grassland Administration.

12. Where is the text most probably taken from?

A. A guidebook. B. A report. C. A review. D. A novel.

13. What is the impact of the birth of the world’s first cloned wild arctic wolf?

A. It reduces biodiversity.

B. It helps to restore the wolf population.

C. It helps the conservation of rare species.

D. It increases the risk of animal extinction.

14. What is cloning technology able to do for some species such as cattle, pigs and horses?

A. Preserve fertilized eggs.

B. Copy their genetic information.

C. Help promote population diversity.

D. Prevent their populations from diversifying.

15. What is the last paragraph about?

A. Cloning technology creating a new species of arctic wolf.

B. Cloning technology cooperation promoting rare animal breeding.

C. Cloning technology helping build a gene seed preservation facility.

D. Protecting wild animals in National Forestry and Grassland Administration.

第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)



Cool, Unusual and Awesome Ways to Volunteer

Are you wondering what kind of volunteering you could be doing while traveling? ____16____ Here are some

unusual ways you could volunteer on your trip.

Volunteer for agriculture farming programs.

____17____ If you love being in nature, you’ll love helping local farmers on their plantations, and you’ll learn

about organic farming while you’re doing it.

Do a beach clean.

If you’re on your travels right now reading this post from a sunny beach, you can instantly become a volunteer

by picking up some trash. ____18____ By doing a beach clean whenever we visit our sandy shores, we’re doing our

small part to help the environment.


Whether you’re a graphic designer, writer, engineer, or just great at English, you can donate your time by giving

away your services for free. You could do this in person by teaching English, or there are volunteer sites that allow

you to give guidance and instructions virtually to people most in need across the world.

Become a fly-over creator.

Hikers and cyclists taking on trails in preserves and nature areas rely on maps to find their way. ____20____

There are tons of apps that let you share your trails and you get the satisfaction of knowing you’ve helped out your

fellow adventurers.

A. Share your talents.

B. Become a volunteer teacher.

C. Plastic is a huge issue facing our oceans.

D. There are many other roles available, including editing maps.

E. There are many fun and interesting ways to donate your time to volunteering.

F. But these maps aren’t generated by authorities most created by volunteers.


G. Sustainable agricultural projects are a great way to combine volunteering and travel.

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

This afternoon after seeing my mom, I was driving home. I took the ____21____ that was more like a canyon

Drive with beautiful sceneries. Suddenly I heard a sound and it must be a big ____22____ tire. I pulled to the side,

but it happened to be around a curve (拐弯处) where people couldn’t see me, which made it ____23____. The cars

were speeding up and passing me without their ____24____ it. I couldn’t get out. Within ____25____, I saw a van

stopped at a distance behind me. The gentleman walked out, ____26____ help and I dared to walk out of the car very

____27____. It was so ____28____. He moved my car a bit out of the way while I was talking to AAA (美国汽车

协会), who said the ____29____ would be sent within 30 minutes.

The gentleman kindly offered to check my spare tire to _____30_____ its condition. Before I knew it, he took

it out and started changing the _____31_____ for me, while it was a dangerous _____32_____ with cars passing by

so fast. I couldn’t believe he _____33_____ and helped me before AAA did. I thanked him and he left. I saw in my

mirror that his van just _____34_____ me, making sure I was OK. I thought how lucky I was to be the receiver of

such _____35_____ in a hot dry afternoon.

21. A. route B. shower C. photo D. break

22. A. dirty B. flat C. spare D. modern

23. A. safe B. difficult C. dangerous D. peaceful

24. A. realizing B. throwing C. hearing D. ignoring

25. A. months B. centuries C. years D. minutes

26. A. refusing B. offering C. appreciating D. rejecting

27. A. confidently B. cheerfully C. abnormally D. carefully

28. A. clean B. narrow C. broad D. crowded

29. A. package B. postcard C. assistance D. email

30. A. ensure B. survive C. satisfy D. accept

31. A. car B. van C. tire D. phone

32. A. apartment B. seat C. campus D. location

33. A. stopped by B. rushed by C. walked by D. flew by

34. A. challenged B. directed C. followed D. led

35. A. award B. generosity C. present D. cruelty

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Jian Bing (or Jian Bing Guozi) is a thin pancake ___36___ (sell) at street stalls in China. It is ___37___ popular

breakfast in Beijing and Tianjin and consists of different foods: wheat and grain-based crepe, eggs, deep-fried

crackers and so on. Usually, Jian Bing ___38___ (eat) as finger food while people travel to work or school on busy


As a humble and cheap food, Jian Bing ___39___ (win) its nation-wide popularity for its freshness (always

made in front ___40___the customers) and its complex, multi-layered flavor. For visitors, tasty Jian Bing is an

absolute must-try. In recent years, it’s also getting ___41___ (internation) recognition. You can find it in ___42___

(restaurant) in large cities like London, New York, Sydney, etc.

Easily accessible and affordable, Jian Bing is seldom made at home in China. However, if you are away from

China and desire this unique street food, you should ___43___ (definite) try to make it in your own kitchen. When I

figured out ___44___to cook it effortlessly without using any special ____45____ (equip), I was overjoyed!

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)

第一节(满分 15 分)

46. 假定你是校英语演讲社团的负责人李华,请给新来的外教 Caroline 写邮件邀请她担任你们社团的指导老




注意:(1)写作词数应为 80 左右;


Dear Caroline,







Best regards,

Li Hua

第二节(满分 25 分)

47. 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Ella walked into the kitchen and twirled (旋转). She was wearing a new dress and she felt like a famous model.





