
2024-01-26·9页·12.3 M

汕头市2023-2024 学年度普通高中毕业班期末调研测试


本试卷共 8 页,满分 120 分。考试用时 120 分。


2.作答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑:







第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


The Best Hotels in Edinburgh Close to the Must-See Sights

Edinburgh is home to some of the best hotels in Scotland. Here are some selected hotels, ranging from iconic

five-star institutions to new apartment hotels.

The Balmoral Hotel

For luxury accommodation, the Balmoral hotel offers five-star service and fantastic views of Edinburgh Castle. It

is in the city center and features the iconic clock tower. The Balmoral is probably the most famous hotel in the city

and is famous for its hospitality. It is also popular with locals for afternoon tea.

Wilde Apart Hotel

Wilde Apart hotel is a modern, stylish hotel. The hotel features well-appointed(设备齐全的)serviced

apartments that have fully equipped small kitchens, free WiFi, and car parking nearby. The apartments are ideal for

those who are staying in the city for more than a night or two and would like to have a small kitchen to enjoy

breakfast or lunch.

The Radisson Collection Hotel

The Radisson Collection Hotel overlooks the iconic Royal Mile. It’s just a short walk from attractions such as

Edinburgh Castle and Holy rood Park, and it’s within easy reach of local restaurants, shops, bars, and galleries.

Everything you will want to see and do in Edinburgh is close to hand, and it’s five minutes from Waverly Train

Station and airport links. The hotel’s design is modern.

Scotsman Hotel

Originally built as The Scotsman newspaper offices in 1905, Scotsman Hotel has been carefully restored into

nine floors of rooms and suites with commanding views over the city. Located at the top end of North Bridge, the

hotel occupies the prime real estate spot (黄金地段) in Edinburgh. Easy access to Waverley Train Station and airport

shuttles, the hotel is probably the most well-appointed accommodation in terms of transport links.

We hope you love the Edinburgh hotels we recommend!

21. Which hotel suits customers who love cooking by themselves?

A. Scotsman Hotel. B. Wilde Apart Hotel.

C. The Balmoral Hotel. D. The Radisson Collection Hotel.

22. What makes the Scotsman Hotel different from the others?

A. Its special origin. B. Its central situation.

C. Its commanding views. D. Its convenient transportation.

23. Where is this text probably taken from?

A. A travel journal. B. A tour report.

C. A tourist website. D. A hotel research.


I went to Yuanhe Middle School in Xihaigu, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, a place that used to be one of the

poorest regions in China, to participate in an English class with village children.

Most kids in the school come from poor village homes and are “left behind” children 一 kids whose parents work

in the cities to make a better living. After class, we chatted a lot, and they wondered about everything, using “outside

world” as a term to describe the wider globe for many times.

Taking care of rural children is essential. The school offers boarding services and free breakfast and lunch to the

students, who can also video chat with their parents daily. To better care for the village children, the school provides

outdoor hiking, technology, art, and foreign language program s to help them understand the outside world. After all,

high-quality education to disadvantaged village children is the key to poverty-alleviation(扶贫)efforts.

During my trip in Xihaigu, I also visited Ningxia Normal University, where over 70% of its students major in


In 2013, local and central governments launched public -funded programs to recruit students interested in

becoming teachers in Ningxia’s rural villages and districts. By 2023, 3, 500 students were enrolled in the program,

many of whom came from disadvantaged village households in Xihaigu.

I had the opportunity to speak with Yang, a public-funded student from the once-poor Xihaigu region. After

finishing school, he planned to stay in the Xihaigu area as a teacher to teach the kids knowledge.

Yang told me that knowledge is the key to leading a better life as well as understanding the world. A lack of

knowledge is one of the main factors of being poor. Money could help the poor for a while but not once for all. He

hopes that by sharing knowledge with the kids in his hometown, he can help them broaden their horizons and develop

an objective perspective on the world. He envisions a future where these children can use their knowledge to make a

better life, stop people’ stereotypes (固有印象) about China and share Xihaigu’s stories with the rest of the world.

24. Why did the kids repeatedly mention “outside world”?

A. Out of curiosity about the unknown world.

B. With the hope of changing the world outside.

C. To show their experiences about the wider globe.

D. For lack of confidence towards their inner world.

25. What is paragraph 3 mainly about?

A. The key to poverty-alleviation efforts.

B. The aid to the kids on life and education.

C. The teaching conditions of the school.

D. The high-quality education of the school.

26. What can we infer from the author’s trip in Ningxia Normal University?

A. Students in this university can be free of charge.

B. The authorities support Ningxia’s rural areas by stressing education.

C. The public -funded programs target at the students from poor regions.

D. Money is less important than knowledge for the people in Xihaigu’s villages.

27. Which of the following may agree with Yang’s opinion?

A. Learn and live. B. Sharp tools make good work.

C. Hang on to your dreams. D. Poverty-alleviation starts with education.


As archaeologists(考古学家)examined ancient tombs in Turfan in western China, they discovered some

surprisingly well-preserved and familiar relics. Though hardened from over 1,000 years, there sat little dumplings.

Exactly who invented dumplings remains a mystery. But some scholars suspect they were first spread by

nomadic(游牧的)Turki c peoples living in western China and Central Asia. This is thought to be the case because

“manti,” meaning “dumpling” or “steamed bun” in many Turkic languages, appears to be the root word for dumpling

in several other languages. Ancient Turkic people probably filled their dumplings with meat. But it’s unclear when

this practice began, or whether they learned the art of dumpling-making from others. However this happened,

dumplings certainly gathered steam in ancient China.

Dumplings continued to take off and diversify in China over the next thousand years. Instead of the traditional

meat filling, some communities chose vegetarian(素食)dumplings. People developed new cooking methods. The

relationship between Chinese dumplings and those in other areas is tricky to trace, but food historians have made their

best guesses based on available clues.

Besides Turkic tribes, some scholars believe that the Mongol Empire also contributed to the spread of dumplings,

perhaps introducing them to parts of Eastern Europe. These dumplings could have come by way of China or directly

from some of the Turkic peoples the Mongols hired to run their empire. One theory is that this gave rise to dumplings

like pelmeni in Russia, pierogi in Poland and vareniki in Ukraine. The Mongol Empire also controlled Korea and

might have likewise introduced dumplings there. Later, after Chinese dumpling varieties were introduced to more

countries, English speakers began calling them dumplings, which means “little lumps”. During the Second World

War, Chinese “jiaozi” were brought to Japan. So what about the Italian dumpling-like pasta? Some historians think it

might be brought by Arab conquerors.

It’s unlikely that all dumpling dishes came from the same root tradition. However, we can appreciate the

mysterious historical web that made dumplings so various.

28. What made Turkic peoples suspected to first spread dumplings?

A. The languages they used. B. Their eating habits.

C. Their dumpling-making skills. D. The newly found tombs.

29. What does the phrase “gathered steam” in paragraph 2 mean?

A. Originated. B. Stabilized.

C. Got well-cooked. D. Became popular.

30. What does paragraph 4 focus on?

A. The spreading process of dumplings.

B. The possible origins of dumplings.

C. Differences between various dumplings.

D. Reasons for the popularity of dumplings.

31. Which of the following best describe dumplings according to the passage?

A. Delicious. B. Diverse. C. Unusual. D. Regional.


Sonia Kleindorfer was a new director of the Konrad Lorenz Research Center in Austria. At her institute, Konrad

Lorenz was a famous Austrian zoologist who could correctly name each kind of goose, which made Kleindorfer feel a

certain amount of pressure. “I can do five, but when the next five come, I start to have a mental meltdown,” she says.

So she contacted a more technically-minded colleague and asked him: Could he write a program to distinguish these


He said, yes, but he’d need a database of geese photos to work with. Kleindorfer got her team out there, snapping

picture s of the geese from every angle. After building the database, they wrote a piece of facial recognition Al that

could ID a goose, by looking at specific feature s of its beak(喙). After a couple of years, the team reports that their

goose recognition software is now about 97% accurate.

“Geese have such drama—there are archrivals(劲敌), and jealousy and retribution(报答),” Kleindorfer

says. To find out how faces figured into this drama, she presented the geese with full-sized pictures of themselves,

their partners, or another member of the flock. She showed evidence that geese seemed to recognize photos of their

partners and friends, but not themselves. For further study, Sonia Kleindorfer hopes birdwatchers will someday be

able to snap a picture of a goose, ID it, and share its location with scientists. But she adds, just remember, her new

research suggests that bird watching goes both ways: Geese can remember faces too. “If you are ever not kind to a

goose,” she warns, “that goose may find you again.”

Kleindorfer thinks that facial recognition is going to play a really important role in conservation and ecology.

“We need more computer scientists trained in behavioral ecology and we need more conservation scientists trained in

computer science,” she says. “But working together, I think we can do this.”

32. What was the problem of Sonia Kleindorfer at work?

A. She was always stressed. B. She was not able to count the geese.

C. She suffered a mental illness. D. She couldn’t recognize all the geese.

33. How does the program distinguish the geese?

A. By snapping pictures of the geese. B. By presenting the full-sized pictures.

C. By identifying the beaks in the photos. D. By building the database of the geese.

34. What is the finding of the new research?

A. Birdwatching is a dangerous activity.

B. Geese can locate and find human beings.

C. Geese have the ability of facial recognition.

D. Birdwatchers can snap a picture of a goose.

35. What does Kleindorfer stress in the last paragraph?

A. Science training. B. Computer science.

C. Photo-taking skills. D. Cross-subject study

第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)


How do we slow down and eat more deliberately? And what are some techniques we can use to eat at a health y

pace? 36 That’s when you use your senses to enjoy the food and notice how it makes you feel.

The first tip is to take at least 20 minutes to finish your meal. Very often we find ourselves eating while doing

something else, and that can make us eat faster than we normally would. When you sit down to eat, spend about 20

minutes doing so. 37

38 Remove all distractions while you eat. They can interfere with your ability to enjoy your food and

notice when you are full. Spend time to eat and only eat. Make sure your cell phone is face down and you’re not going

to be responding to any messages that come through.

Noticing all the little details about your food would have great benefits as well. 39 One way to slow

down is to engage your senses and think through all the details about your meal. Ask yourself: what’s on my plate?

How hungry am I today? Is it too salty? Notice the smell, the texture and whatever other senses that arise as you eat.

Instead of wolfing down, don’t forget to actually chew. If you’re inhaling(吸入)your food you’re probably

not chewing it. 40 Look at each bite before popping it into your mouth, acknowledge what you’re eating and

chew, chew, chew.

A. Putting your phone away is also advisable.

B. So, you’d better eat in a more healthy way.

C. Second, remove food that would make you distract.

D. Experts share helpful tips on how to eat more mindfully.

E. Experts suggest that chewing is an important part of digestion.

F. You might wonder how to spend 20 whole minutes eating a sandwich.

G. It takes about that time for your body to get the signal to the brain that you are full.

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 、 、 、 四个选项中选出可以填入空格处的最佳选项。


In 9th grade, I joined a military training (军训) camp. The special eye- opener forced my friends away, who were

41 to be away from their families while I turned excited at the 42 .

In the camp, the 43 was the first challenge. Honestly, I started to be 44 to my parents, who had

insisted on doing my part at home. It’s not as easy as it sounds. Not to mention, they had to do everything themselves,

from dishes to 45 , for us without complaint. But in the camp, we got only 20 minutes during the break to

make our beds, sweep the floor and do the washing.

Besides, from the moment I arrived, the camp impressed me most with a sense of 46 . The days were long

and demanding, filled with 47 designed to push us to our limits. We had a(an) 48 instructor whistling

loudly at 5 a. m. Waken up early on cold December mornings, we were 49 to run four laps before breakfast. It

was a real 50 . If one failed, the whole team got two more laps.

Gradually, the pain 51 . Later in the mountain climbing competition with Boy Team, we Girl Team was

the champion! After those freezing mornings, we 52 it. Each member of our team worked so hard on our

skills. 53 , the shared experiences taught us a lesson of 54 . We relied on each other for support.

Overall, the experience, like the sun in that winter, warms my heart and 55 my way.

41. A. eager B. pleased C. afraid D. hesitated

42. A. potential B. adventure C. campaign D. gathering

43. A. homesickness B. routine C. standard D. housework

44. A. grateful B. pitiful C. respectful D. devoted

45. A. washing B. workout C. schedules D. relationships

46. A. boredom B. urgency C. security D. discipline

47. A. systems B. strategies C. challenges D. tracks

48. A. enthusiastic B. strict C. considerate D. responsible

49. A. commanded B. advised C. expected D. persuaded

50. A. treat B. thrill C. struggle D. shame

51. A. eased up B. paid off C. faded away D. came along

52. A. took B. meant C. got D. made

53. A. Furthermore B. Still C. However D. Anyway

54. A. sportsmanship B. teamwork C. friendship D. order

55. A. changes B. follows C. lights D. clears

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

On a chilly December morning in Beijing, Zhang Ting 56 (rise) at 6 a.m. and started to dress for her trip

to the Summer Palace. Two hours later, the stylish 28-year-old,a hip-hop singer-songwriter, 57 (wear) hanfu—

traditional Chinese costume, arrived at the Summer Palace, an imperial garden established during the Qing Dynasty

(1644-1911) and 58 UNESCO World Heritage site. She visited here 59 (gain) inspiration for a new

song, for which she planned to mix elements of 60 (tradition) Chinese culture with her own style of music,

known as guo feng, or music with a Chinese flavor.

Zhang joined a workshop 61 (launch)by a platform aimed at supporting and cultivating original

Chinese music and independent 62 (musician)from China.

Soon afterward, she wrote the song Hong Yu in memory of Liang Hongyu, a respected heroine during the Song

Dynasty(960-1279). “Images of these female roles came instantly to mind 63 I saw the ancient stage at the

Summer Palace,” she said.

The three-day activity brought together singer-songwriters from around the country and targeted new songs

featuring elements of guo feng. Li Liang, head of the program, said, “Young people grow up with the internet and are

open 64 different cultures. They are now embracing 65 (they)own cultural aesthetics(美学),

which is meaningful.”

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)

第一节(满分 15 分)

假定你是李华,新的一年到了,你的英国好友 Jim 来信说他去年的新年计划未能落实,感到苦恼,向你询问

按时实施计划的方法。请你给 Jim 回信,内容包括:





1.写作词数应为 80 左右;


3.参考词汇:新年计划 New Year resolution

Dear Jim,


Li Hua

第二节(满分 25 分)


Every time I think of the card attached with a picture, it reminds me that success is important, but why not

sometimes just admit the journey, regardless of success or failure, and show our approval? Our approval may bring us

another story, while for others, another chapter of life.

One month ago, I was temporarily appointed to be in charge of a class, when they just finished an important

exam. A boy walking out of the classroom with his friends greeted me happily. The sunny smile on his face showed

his confidence in the exam. He was Mark, a top A student. During the following days, Mark impressed me with his

optimism in class and after class.

One Monday morning, as I rushed towards my office, I encountered Mark. We greeted each other, but his good

morning” face wasn’t as bright as usual. “Maybe he doesn’t like Monday as much as I do.” I thought jokingly.

At the office, Mark’s less-than-enthusiastic look reminded me of his sunny smile. Recalling the first time we met,

I drew a boy with a broad smile and sparkling eyes. As a new teacher, pupils like Mark were my favourite. Personally,

they learned by heart, and always met our expectations. Moreover, they were easily satisfied. Even a simple “Well

done!” could brighten their day. To encourage students, I had my own award system, including empty cards, where I

would write three or four sentences of encouragement based on students’ individual situations.

As I enjoyed the pleasure of getting a new idea, I heard a knock at the door. It was Mark, dragging his feet with

his head down, “Madam, I’m upset.” His words amazed me. What could make such an excellent student so down? I

asked if he had problems with his friends, but he shook his head. Concerned, I inquired if he was being bullied, but

received the same response.

“Do your parents put pressure on you?” I wondered. As for this question, Mark’s voice began to tremble and he

lowered his head again, whispering, “They trust me and expect me to get better and better. I had been doing my best

but I got the third place in the exam.”


1.续写词数应为 150 左右;


Hearing his words, I was lost in thought.

With my encouragement, Mark opened the card.

汕头市 2023-2024 学年度普通高中毕业班教学质量监测



21-25 BACAB 26-30 BDADA 31-35 BDCCD 36-40 DGAFE


41-45 CBDAA 46-50 DCBAC 51-55 BDABC


56.rose 57.wearing 58.a gain 60.traditional

61.launched 62.musicians 63.when 65.their





