
2024-01-30·15页·358.9 K





2.每小题选出答案后,用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干


3.考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。满分 150 分,考试用时 120 分钟。

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30分)



第一节(共5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5分)

听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话

后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

1. What does the man like to drink?

A. Tea. B. Coffee. C. Water.

2. What will the man do next?

A. Go to the movies. B. Keep on studying. C. Check out some books.

3. What sport did the woman learn to play today?

A. Soccer. B. Volleyball. C. Swimming.

4. When did John arrive at the classroom this morning?

A. At 7:45. B. At 8:00. C. At 8:15.

5. Where are the speakers?

A. At a restaurant. B. At a flower shop. C. At a concert.

第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5分)

听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。

听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。


听下面一段对话,回答第6 和第7 两个小题。

6. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. Their work. B. An exhibition. C. A collection of arts.

7. What will the man do later?

A. Call his friend David. B. Invite Bob for dinner. C. Send the woman the address.

听下面一段对话,回答第8 和第9 两个小题。

8. What subject is Julia good at?

A. English. B. Science. C. Music.

9. Which major will Julia probably choose?

A. Sports medicine. B. Business English. C. Computer science.

听下面一段对话,回答第 10 至第 12 三个小题。

10. Why is the woman upset?

A. The man is smoking. B. The baby keeps crying. C. The man lets the baby listen to rock music.

11. What is the man going to do in the end?

A. Sing a song. B. Read about Beethoven. C. Put on some different music.

12. What is the relationship between the speakers?

A. Mother and son. B. Husband and wife. C. Teacher and student.

听下面一段对话,回答第 13 至第 16 四个小题。

13. How did Kate feel last night?

A. Scared. B. Tired. C. Strange.

14. How often will Hector go to the gym next two months?

A. Every day. B. Three times a week. C. Once a month.

15. What will Hector do to keep fit in the next two months?

A. Eat less. B. Have enough sleep. C. Stay peace of mind.

16. How long has Kate l worked at the gym?

A. For a week. B. For two months. C. For a year.

听下面一段独白,回答第 17 至第 20 四个小题。

17. What is the speaker’s opinion?

A. People should drive less and walk more.

B. People should stop using phones on the road.

C. People should use more advanced technology.

18. Where is it against the law to send messages while walking?

A. In Philadelphia. B. In Los Angeles. C. In Honolulu.

19. What will the speaker do in a few minutes?

A. Show a video. B. Listen to questions. C. Go to the police station.

20. What happened to Kim?

A. She hurt her leg.

B. She had to pay a fine.

C. She caused an accident.

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。


The European Towns and Cities That Are Magical at Christmas

Hallstatt, Austria

The town of Hallstatt and its beautiful landscape enjoy UNESCO protection. The old townhouses, tiny lanes and

snow make this the ultimate destination forgetting into the festive mood. Hallstatt’s Christmas market is the stuff of

legend. Picture a brightly lit tree and stalls selling decorations and handicrafts and you’re halfway to imagining just how

special this spot is.

Valkenburg, Netherlands

Valkenburg has much of the usual European Christmas charms to attract visitors. However, what makes it special

is the fact that they can all be found underground. The town’s Christmas Caves have become internationally renowned,

with a wide range of stills selling festive gifts and decorations. The larger Municipality Cave is home to one of the

largest indoor Christmas markets in Europe.

Wroclaw, Poland

Wroclaw is regarded as one of Poland’s most beautiful cities, but it takes things to another level at Christmas. The

city’s Christmas market is home to over 250 stalls and a superb fair. The architecture here captures the Christmas feeling

too, with Gothic structures meaning everyone can tap into the special feeling that only comes round at this time of year.

Gothenburg, Sweden

Gothenburg is full of festive surprises for those willing to risk traveling north and brave the Scandinavian chill.

And chief among them is the Liseberg Christmas Market. Set in an amusement park celebrating its100th anniversary in

2023, visitors can enjoy rides here and taste delicacies(佳肴) from across the country, including pickled herring, reindeer

and spiced wine.

21. Which of the following places has underground Christmas charms?

A. Hallstatt. B. Valkenburg. C. Wroclaw. D. Gothenburg.

22. What do the listed places have in common?

A. They have amusement parks. B. They feature Gothic buildings.

C. They provide Christmas markets. D. They enjoy UNESCO protection.

23. Which section of a newspaper is this text most likely from?

A. News. B. Business. C. Nature. D. Travel.


Splendid straw-made miniatures(缩微模型) of classic ancient buildings decorate Xu Jian’s home. They range from

the Yellow Crane Tower to Forbidden City’s turrets. They are all full of details and delicately crafted, tied and arranged

by Xu’s hands from countless sorghum straws(高粱杆).

The craft involves carving grooves(沟槽) into the sorghum straws, before multiple straws are locked together

through those identically sized grooves, Xu says, adding that the sorghum straw art requires a great deal of patience,

especially for works depicting ancient architecture.

Under the influence of his father Xu Yanfeng, Xu Jian got his hands on sorghum straws in childhood. He still

vividly remember show his father would follow a film featuring scenes of Tiananmen Square and then note down all

the details before creating a delicate miniature of it for over three years. The work was then sent to Japan for exhibition

and collected by a local museum. Ever since, many of his father’s works made their way to exhibitions at home and


Xu Jian became committed to the art after he reached 19, getting into the depth of the related techniques. “My

father urged me to keep in mind traditional Chinese architectural skills and the history of traditional building protections,

and to apply them to my own sorghum straw artworks,” he says. Through hands-on guidance from his father, Xu Jian’s

skills became increasingly proficient. While inheriting the craftsmanship from his father, Xu Jian has produced his own

creative works.

To date, Xu Jian’s works have been exhibited in over 40 provincial and national-level exhibitions, earning

numerous gold awards. To promote the art, Xu Jian joined hands with the School of Civil Engineering, Hebei University

of Science and Technology, in 2013, and founded a sorghum straw carving and tying base where the art has been

integrated with architectural courses to enhance students’ thinking and practical skills.

24. What’s the feature of Xu Jian’s miniatures?

A. They are made from rare materials.

B. They are skillfully created by hand.

C. They are sold in the Forbidden City.

D. They are identical to ancient buildings.

25. What can we infer about Xu Yanfeng from the text?

A. He showed great perseverance.

B. He was fond of watching films.

C. He won popularity only in China.

D. He attached importance to creativity.

26. Why did Xu Jian establish a sorghum straw carving and tying base?

A. To exhibit his artworks. B. To assist a university.

C. To accommodate artists. D. To spread craftsmanship.

27. Which of the following can best describe Xu Jian?

A. Patient and innovative. B. Generous and productive.

C. Caring and strong-willed. D. Critical and open-minded.


Does work ever leave you feeling stuck in a boring way of life with limited opportunities to be creative? To

thrive(成长), you might want to increase your brain’s flexibility. But is this even possible, and if so, how?

Most jobs require the ability to problem-solve and cope with challenges, at least to a certain extent. Imagine a

teacher who has a new and very nervous student in their class. If that teacher is a flexible thinker, they will be able to

adapt their classroom management, even if they haven’t seen this situation before. According to Leonard Mlodinow,

author of Elastic, flexible thinkers rely on idea generation and imagination—they are willing to experiment and take

risks. “Elastic(灵活的) thinking is what you need when the circumstances change, and you are dealing with something

new. It’s not about following rules.” Therefore, instead of following the typical procedure for handing a new student,

the teacher might come up with a tailored response, based on prediction and previous experience.

So, how can you become a more flexible thinker? According to Dr. Lisa Feldman Barrett, it’s all about exercising

the brain. One way of doing this, she says, is through exposure to a variety of experiences which make it easier to adjust

to new situations. A lot of companies now consider flexible thinking in the workplace, especially when it comes to

design. Workspaces may have couches where workers can lie down and relax, giving them the space to come up with

and process new ideas. Mlodinow says it’s very important to take time today dream, listen to ideas and concepts you

disagree with and spend time doing activities outside of your comfort zone. This will help you understand multiple

opinions and therefore blossom in many different aspects of your career.

In a word, if you want to make a change, you can become a flexible thinker too, with a little practice.

28. What may a flexible thinker be like?

A. Fond of challenges. B. Good at teaching students.

C. Willing to follow rules. D. Able to make quick responses.

29. How can you become a flexible thinker according to Dr. Barrett?

A. By learning to design. B. By adjusting to new procedure.

C. By doing more exercise. D. By experiencing various situations.

30. Why is it important to do activities outside of your comfort zone?

A. It helps you test your flexibility. B. It helps you succeed in your work.

C. It helps you handle disagreement. D. It helps you identify good opinions.

31. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?

A. A Wonderful Journey to Flexibility B. Changes Make Flexible Thinkers

C. How to Get Out of Boring Life D. Ways to Make a Positive Change


Officials of Detroit, Michigan, have equipped apiece of road with new technology designed to charge electric

vehicles (EVs) on the path. The roadway is meant to serve as a demonstration project for the technology, which could

be expanded to larger road systems.

The system uses a series of copper wires placed underneath the road. These wires have the ability to send electricity

through a magnetic field to charge an EV’s battery. Charging can happen while the car is driving or sitting above the

equipment. Elect re on says the electric road system is safe for people and animals walking over it and does not harm


The technology was created by Electreon, a developer of wireless charging solutions for EVs. Stefan Tongur,

Electreon’s vice president of business development, told The Associated Press EVs require special equipment to receive

the wireless signal. “The technology is smart,” Tongur said, and “knows who you are...”

The electrified road stretches about one half-kilometer. It will be used to test and improve the technology in

preparation for wider releases. Tongur said the project aims to “demonstrate how wireless charging unlocks widespread

EV adoption, addressing limited range, grid(电网) limitations, and battery size and costs.” He looks forward to a future

in which, in his words, “EVs are the norm, not the exception.”

Michigan’s Department of Transportation (DOT) signed a five-year agreement with Electreon to develop the

roadway charging system. Offcial shave said they plan to build another electrified stretch of road in another part of the

city. Michigan transportation officials say the wireless-charging roadway project has helped position the state and city

of Detroit as national leaders in EV technology. “In Michigan, we want to stay ahead of the curve,” Michigan DOT

Director Bradley C. Wieferich told the AP.

32. What is the new technology intended to do?

A. Provide power for EVs. B. Demonstrate a project.

C. Expand road systems. D. Improve EVs’ batteries.

33. What can we learn about the electric road system?

A. People and animals may get an electric shock near it.

B. EVs are charged through contact with its copper wires.

C. It charges EVs only if they stay still on the equipment.

D. A special device is needed to pick up its wireless signals.

34. Which of the following can best replace the underlined phrase “stay ahead of the curve”?

A. Develop more smoothly. B. Make progress in the industry.

C. Take the lead in the field. D. Achieve a goal ahead of time.

35. What is Bradley’s attitude towards the project?

A. Skeptical. B. Tolerant. C. Favorable. D. Objective.

第二节(共5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5分)


How to Change Limiting Beliefs

Have you ever felt trapped by thoughts like “I’m not good enough” or “I can’t achieve that”? 36 .But it is

possible to change your limiting beliefs and start living a happier and healthier life.

1. Know your limiting beliefs

We’re often not even conscious of our limiting beliefs. 37 Make a habit of carrying a notebook and pen

around with you for the next week. Notice when your mood changes for the worse or when you’re feeling particularly


2. Collect the evidence

Once you’ve discovered what your limiting beliefs are, start collecting evidence that disproves the limiting beliefs.

If you think about this properly, you’ll find that there is a lot of evidence out there. 38 On the contrary, you will

realize there is very little evidence to support those beliefs.

3. 39

Repetitive thoughts form our beliefs and so it’s essential to start making your internal dialogue positive, rather than

negative. Over time this will become automatic, and you will start to form healthier beliefs about yourself.

4. Take action

Taking action is the single most important tool when it comes to making any sort of change in your life. Knowledge,

without action, is worthless. Taking action to change your life is a choice. 40 .It takes effort and determination.

A. There’s no quick fix

B. There is no substitute for taking action

C. Trade your limiting belief for an empowering statement

D. You’ve just been unconsciously ignoring it your whole life

E. For each limiting belief you have, turn it into a positive affirmation

F. These are known as limiting beliefs, stunting (阻碍) our potential

G. Because we believe them to be a reality, we don’t recognize them for what they are

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题1 分,满分 15分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

My phone was an extension of myself. I couldn’t go anywhere 41 it. I scrolled through my friends’ 42

into late night and turned my phone on before my eyes were fully open. I enjoyed having it until that day when I realized

that what had started as a useful tool had turned into a(n) 43 . So, I made a 44 decision to turnoff that

smartphone and 45 my old dumb phone out of hiding.

When I was watching TV shows or movies and there was a boring part, I 46 picking up the phone and

checking out “what everyone else was doing.” Now I had to pay attention or find a way to 47 myself with my

thoughts instead. When I visited New York City, I had to write out 48 and ask people where an intersection(十字

路口) was 49 pulling out my phone.

I have welcomed silence into my life with open arms and am enjoying the increased 50 from not constantly

having to fight with the 51 to check my phone while Pm trying to get something done. I am allowing my thoughts

to speak to me instead of my phone.am connecting with others in a 52 way that isn’t all about me. Instead of

always posting about what’s going on in my 53 perfect life, I am connecting with my friends one-on-one, talking

about the reality of our lives and being there for them from a place of 54 .

As much as having a smartphone was 55 , not having one is freeing on a much bigger level.

41. A. through B. without C. despite D. upon

42. A. updates B. instructions C. assessments D. decisions

43. A. symbol B. responsibility C. reality D. addiction

44. A. conscious B. shameful C. foolish D. random

45. A. sell B. pull C. throw D. mind

46. A. avoided B. denied C. missed D. allowed

47. A. assist B. improve C. associate D. occupy

48. A. requests B. thoughts C. directions D. comments

49. A. instead of B. regardless of C. but for D. apart from

50. A. creativity B. productivity C. knowledge D. independence

51. A. routine B. necessity C. loneliness D. temptation

52. A. genuine B. grateful C. direct D. desperate

53. A. naturally B. certainly C. seemingly D. gradually

54. A. wonder B. imagination C. interest D. authenticity

55. A. depressive B. comfortable C. stressful D. boring

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Meat, milk, cheese—just some of the things provided by goats. But now we can also add fire safety to this list.

Wildfires 56 (make) possible by hot, dry weather conditions as well as a supply of dead vegetation that serves as

fuel. We may have limited control over the first factor, 57 we can control the second. Reducing the fuel load

lowers the probability of wildfires occurring, as well as the amount of damage 58 (cause). This is where we can

turn to goats to provide a 59 (solve) .Goats have a very digestive system. Much vegetation that are toxic(有毒

的) to other animals can be eaten by goats. It’s not just fully-grown plants 60 goats are able to deal with: any

seeds that pass through ago at will not grow. Human clearance teams worry about 61 (send) to hard-to-reach

vegetation patches(土地)goats don’t. They are 62 (skill) mountain climbers and when standing on their legs,

can reach up to two meters to eat shrubs and grass that humans would struggle 63 (reach). Because of this, using

goats can reduce both workplace accidents and the amount of money spent 64 fire protection measures. Goatherd

shave been found to clear some patches of land for 65 third of the price of human vegetation control teams.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40分)

第一节(满分 15分)





注意:1.写作词数应为 80 左右;


第二节(满分 25分)


Student Union


I’ve been a leader of a youth group in my community for a number of years. Among all those organized group

activities, the kids’ favorite is called ARK night, with ARK standing for Acts of Random Kindness. A couple of times

a year, on a Sunday night, we go out into our community to perform kind acts for others.

We split into small groups and complete assignments around town. One group typically goes downtown to where

the homeless population is gathered and hands out sandwiches and cold water in the summer, and hand warmers and

hot bread in the winter. Sometimes a group makes posters and goes to local police and fire stations to say thank you.

We often have groups that visit nursing homes and hospitals to share a smile and conversation with the patients.

One time, the small group I was leading left Post-it notes with positive messages on the windshields(挡风玻璃) of

all of the vehicles in the visitors’ parking lot at the hospital. The hope was that someone who was sad or worn out after

visiting a patient would be cheered up by our note.

We had spent the first part of the evening in my home, with the kids writing positive messages on their Positive

notes, things like “Tomorrow is another day.” “Keep smiling.” “Things will get better.” and “Have a nice day.” One

girl had curvy, beautiful handwriting and she decorated the corners of her notes with pretty multi-colored hearts.

After the kids left their notes on all those cars, one girl said to me, “We didn’t see one single person. How will we

know that our notes made a difference?”

“We’ll just have to trust that they did,” I said. Normally, the kids could see the reactions of the people they were

helping, and I could tell they were disappointed at the lack of interaction with people during this assignment. I wondered

about it, too. Would the notes cheer anyone up, or would they be thrown away like the advertisements that are sometimes

left on car windshields?

注意:1.续写词数应为 150 左右;


One day, I no tied a post by a friend of mine on Facebook.

It was one of our Post-it notes!

贵阳第一中学2024 届高考适应性考卷(五)


第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30分)

1~5CABCA 6~10BCBAC 11~15CBCBB 16~20CBCAA

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5分)

21~25BCDBA 26~30DAADB 31~35BADCC

第二节(共5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5分)


第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分 30分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题1 分,满分 15分)

41~45BADAB 46~50CDCAB 51~55DACDB

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15分)

56.are made 57.but 58.caused 59.solution 60.that

61.being sent 62.skilled/skilful/skillful 63.to reach 64.on 65.a/one

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40分)

第一节(满分 15分)



Our school will hold an English debating competition in the school concert hall on the afternoon of March 15th.

In order to participate, interested students are required to sign up in groups of four by filling out a form in the

Student Union. We encourage all participants to spare no time to debate for their group. Additionally, keep in mind that

the deadline for registration is on February 18th, so please sign up in time.

It is a good chance for us students to show our debating skills in English. We are looking forward to your active


Student Union

第二节(满分 25分)


One day, I noticed a post by a friend of mine on Facebook. She described a series of unpleasant things that had

happened to her over the weekend. “But then,” she added, “I was hurrying to work this morning and stopped quickly in

front of the bank to draw money. There, on the side of the ATM was the nicest little note. It made my day.” She included

a photo of the note.

It was one of our Post-it notes. I recognized it immediately from the little heart on the corner. I have no idea how

that note traveled from the hospital across town to the bank, but I’m pretty sure that it must have encouraged some

strangers. Knowing that what we did was meaningful, I was overwhelmed with joy. I “liked” her post and couldn’t wait

to share this warm story with kids in my group. Small kindness did matter and we would definitely continue with our





