
2024-03-31·18页·4.4 M










第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30分)

做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有2 分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂


第一节(共5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)

听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A 、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对

话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

例:How much is the shirt?

A.19.15.B .9.18.C .E9.15.

答案是C 。

1.What will the weather be like in the afternoon?

A.Sunny. B.Windy. C.Rainy.

2.What time does Dave’s meeting start?

A.At8:30.B .At9:00.C .At 10:00.

3.How is the woman feeling now?

A.Relieved. B.Confused. C.Disappointed.

4.Where did the speakers probably meet last time?

A.At a conference. B.At a restaurant. C.At the sales department.

5.Who is the woman probably talking to?

A.A . customer. B.A salesman. C.A repairman.

第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)

听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A 、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。

听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5 秒钟的作答时间。


听第6 段材料,回答第6 、7 题。

6.What is Mike busy doing?

A.Writing a lab report.B.Raising money. C.Giving classes to children.

7.Who might be able to help Tom this week?

A.Mike. B.Cathy. C.Jane.

听第7 段材料,回答第8 至 10 题。

8.What does the man ask the woman to do?

A.Find something to read.

B.Check his reader’s card.

C.Look for his student ID card.

9.Where can the man find music books?

A.On the 2nd floor. B.On the 4th floor. C.On the 6th floor.

10.How long can the man keep books at most?

A.For two weeks. B.For one month. C.For two months.

听第8 段材料,回答第 11至 13 题。

11.Why does Bill look anxious?

A.He is short of money.

B.He has made a big mistake.

C.He is facing a tough choice.

12.What is Bill now?

A.A college student. B.An army officer. C.A computer engineer.

13.What does the woman seem to suggest Bill do?

A.Learn to repair cars. B.Decline the job offer. C.Ask his uncle for advice.

听第9 段材料,回答第 14至 17 题。

14.What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A.Language. B.Vacation plans. C.Cultural differences.

15.Why doesn’t the woman want to go to Mexico?

A.She’s afraid of flying.

B.She hates the food there.

C.She has been there before.

16.What does the man say about Spanish?

A.It’s very difficult to learn.

B.He’s been learning it for a year.

C.He can only say a few words.

17.What probably makes the woman change her mind?

A.The beauty of the beaches in Mexico.

B.The opportunity to learn some Spanish.

C.The friendly people.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 18至 20 题。

18.When did Ritchie Valens make his first record?

A.In 1950.B .In 1958.C .In 1959.

19.What was Ritchie Valens’s most famous song?

A.La Bamba. B.American Pie. C.Donna.

20.Who got a seat on the plane because of illness?

A.Don McLean. B.Buddy Holly. C.J. P. Richardson.

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A 、B、C和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


With the winter holiday on the way and time on your hands, you might be looking for something to read. The

following are four great books for you.

The Bright Side

Chad Otis is an author and illustrator. His new book, The Bright Side, is about finding hope in desperate

situations. Its hero is a boy who lives with his family in an old school bus because they can’t afford to live

anywhere else. This is something Otis experienced when he was a kid. He wants kids who are going through

similar struggles to know, “You are not alone. Stay strong. Stay optimistic.”


In Bunheads, Misty Copeland tells the story of how she fell in love with dance. As a girl. Copeland was shy

and afraid of talking in front of people. Dance helped her get past her fears. “Ballet gave me a language to

communicate in a way that worked for me,” she told TFK. “Ballet allowed me to speak... through my body.”

Little Daymond Learns to Earn

Linle Daymond Learns to Ear n teaches kids about money. It’s by Daymond John, who is one of the stars of

Shark Tank. With a little creativity and the help of his friends, little Daymond starts a small business. “Every single

business that you create does one thing— I t finds solutions to problems in life,” he says.

Facts vs. Opinions vs. Robots

What’s the difference between a fact and an opinion? Sometimes, it can be hard to tell them apart. Facts vs.

Opinions vs. Robots is a new picture book. It teaches kids about facts and opinions. The book uses robots to show

the difference between the two. Michael Rex wrote and illustrated the book, in which he asks questions of the


21.What is Chad Otis’s purpose in writing The Bright Side?

A.To teach some life skills. B.To share his life story.

C.To inspire kids in difficulty. D.To help kids to make money.

22.What does Daymond John think all companies have in common?

A.They put profit first.B.They launch new products.

C.They make discoveries. D.They focus on solving problems.

23.Who overcame fear with the help of art?

A.Chad Otis. B.Michael Rex. C.Daymond John. D.Misty Copeland.


For the first time in the competition’s history, two athletes are sharing a gold medal at the World Athletics


The USA’s Katie Moon and Australia’s Nina Kennedy found themselves in a difficult situation during the

women’s pole vault(撑竿跳)final. They both cleared 4.90 meters, but neither managed to clear 4.95meters on

any of their three attempts.

Kennedy says she looked at Moon and said, “Hey, girl, maybe you want to share this?”

“And the relief on her face—and you could see it on my face—and it was mutual(相互的).And yeah,

absolutely incredible to share a medal with Katie Moon. You know, we’ve been friends for so long, so it’s super

special,” Kennedy told reporters after the final.

Thousands of fans were on their feet at the National Athletics Centre in Budapest, Hungary, for Date 5of the

competition, which hosts almost 2,000 athletes from 192 countries. The dramatic event lasted two hours and ten

minutes. Katie Moon told FloTrack that as the final progressed, it became clear that very little separated the two


As the competition was going. I kept thinking. ‘I don’t want this to go to a jump-off(加赛),” Moon told

sports journalist Anderson Emerole. “This competition was the toughest battle I’d say that I’ve had. It was very

emotionally draining(消耗), and I think that’s why both of us were feeling like. ‘We’re not really feeling the

jump- off right now.’”

It was Moon’s second consecutive gold medal at the World Championships. She also w on an Olympic gold in

Tokyo in 2021.With a personal record of 4.95meters. Moon appeared to be the favorite.

Kennedy, however, did not back down. Not only did she set a new personal record, but she also broke the

Australian record by eight centimeters when she sailed over the 4.90-meter high bar. She held back tears after the

career-defining leap.

“It was a miracle to get the gold. I think a miracle happened tonight.”Kennedy told reporters.

24.What did Nina Kennedy suggest Katie Moon do?

A.Continue the competition. B.Take a break first.

C.Share the gold medal. D.Let go of the fear.

25.How did Katie Moon feel about Nina Kennedy’s proposal?

A.Joyful. B.Confused. C.Mixed. D.Disappointed.

26.What can we infer about Nina Kennedy and Katie Moon?

A.They felt tired physically and mentally when competing.

B.They didn’t take the competition seriously.

C.They were looking forward to a jump-off.

D.They hadn’t won a gold medal before.

27.What was the previous Australian record for the women’s pole vault?

A.4.80 meters. B.4.82 meters. C.4.95meters. D.4.98 meters.


As the movie Nomadland revealed to the world, ever since the 2008 financial collapse, people have mowed

into vehicles as a way of surviving the high cost of living. The pandemic also fuelled an increase in the nomadic


In 2020, my co-researcher Scott Rankin and I looked at how people who live in vehicles balance work and life.

This year, I continued my research to better understand why people live this way.

People of all ages and genders take part in van(面包车)living. The average age of van dwellers(居住者)

was 42.After asking respondents to rank the reasons why they chose to live in a vehicle, ranked from top to bottom

are: 1) freedom, 2) low cost of living, 3) adventure, 4)connection to nature,5)minimalism,6)avoiding undesirable

weather,7)starting a new life, 8)pursuing work in different places, 9)working remotely, 10)to be on their own,

11)to join a partner, 12)to leave a partner.

Above all else, vehicle dwellers sought to be free. Whether they were a re tire n in a $100,000 Mercedes van,

or young Canadians working from a $5 ,000 van, respondents wanted to be able to move their home to any place

that was best for them. For others, living in a vehicle minimized their costs, allowing them to work less or make the

most of their income without paying rent.

As it turns out, van living is not a fad. While many respondents were new to van living, on average,

respondents indicated they had been living in a vehicle for an average of 2.5 years. Seventy-eight per cent of

respondents permanently lived in a vehicle.

As the housing crisis deepens, we may see more people consider van living as a means of surviving the high

cost of living. It will be up to the government to accept this alternative living arrangement, and consider having

parking and facilities to support those who choose to live this way.

28.What’s the purpose of the author’s research?

A.To advocate a new lifestyle. B.To produce a scientific theory.

C.To understand a social phenomenon. D.To improve some people’s living conditions.

29.What do we learn about van dwellers?

A.Their top concern is money. B.They have different motives.

C.They value family more than work. D.They are mainly adventurous people.

30.What does the underlined word “fad” in paragraph 5probably mean?

A.Something that isn’t suitable for all. B.Something that isn’t likely to last.

C.Something that is popular for long. D.Something that attracts old people.

31.What’s the author’s attitude to van living?

A.Uncaring. B.Tolerant. C.Approving. D.Opposed.


“The era of global warming has ended and the era of global boiling has arrived,” the UN secretary general,

Antonio Guterres, said after scientists confirmed July 2023 was the world’s hottest month on record.

“Humanity is in the hot seat,” Guterres told a press conference on Thursday. “For vast parts of North America,

Asia, Africa and Europe, it is a cruel summer. For the entire planet, it is a disaster. And for scientists, it is clear that

humans are to blame. Climate change is here, it is terrifying, and it is just the beginning. The era of global warming

has ended; the era of global boiling has arrived.”

Guterres urged politicians to take swift action. “The air is unbreathable, the heat is unbearable, and the level of

fossil fuel profits and climate inaction is unacceptable. Leaders must lead. No more hesitancy, no more excuses,

and no more waiting for others to move first. There is simply no more time for that.”

“It is still possible to limit global temperature rise to 1.5and avoid the very worst of climate change but only

with dramatic, immediate climate action. We have seen some progress, but none of this is going far enough or fast

enough. Accelerating temperatures demand accelerated action.”

The WMO secretary general, Petteri Taalas, said, “The need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is more

urgent than ever before. Climate action is not a luxury but a must.”

Other climate scientists confirmed the findings. Karsten Haustein at Leipzig University found the world was

1.5 hotter in July 2023 than in the average July before industrialisation.

Marina Romanello, a climate and health researcher at University College London, said, “We have data

showing how the very foundations of health are being undermined by climate change. But we still have time today

to turn the tide and to ensure a liveable future for us and our children.”

32.What made Guterres feel worried?

A.Global economy. B.Natural disasters.

C.Serious pollution. D.Rising temperatures.

33.Why did Gutemes use the phrase “global boiling”?

A.To appeal to quick action. B.To change people’s concept.

C.To frighten the general public. D.To make his report vivid.

34.How does the author develop the text?

A.By analyzing some facts. B.By quoting some experts.

C.By offering statistics. D.By giving explanations.

35.What would be the best title for the text?

A.Global Bailing: It Is Time to Act.

B.Global Boiling: Who Is to Blame?

C.Global Boiling: It Isn’t That Serious

D.Global Boling: What Measure n Should Be Taken?

第二节(共5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)



No matter how friendly your tone is or how honey-sweet you are in a conversation, when you start your

sentences with one of these words(or both), the message to your recipient is “You are wrong.” 36 They

are “No” and “But”.

These words don’t say, “Let’s discuss this” or “I’d love to hear what you think about this” to people. They say.

“You are wrong and I am right.” If your conversation companion is also eager to win at any cost, you will have a

potential battle on your hands. The result? 37

Are you interested in a little test to see how competitive your co-workers are? Try this. For one week, keep a

scorecard of how many times each person uses “No” or “But” to start a sentence. 38 And, if you drill a

little deeper, you’ll see patterns emerge. For instance, some people use these words to gain power. You’ll see how

much people dislike it, consciously or not, and how it kills rather than opens up discussions.

39 Practically without even thinking, I keep count of their use of these two little words. It’s such an

important indicator! If the numbers pile up in an initial meeting with a client. I’ll interrupt him or her and say.

“We’ve been talking for almost an hour now, and do you realize that you have responded 17 times with either ‘No’

or ‘But’?”

Stop trying to defend your position and start monitoring how many times you begin remarks with “No” or

“But”. 40 For example, “That’s true, but…”(Meaning: You don’t really think it’s true at all.)Another

expression is “Yes, but...”(Meaning: Prepare to be contradicted.)

A.Why do people like saying this?

B.I use this technique with my clients.

C.What are these conversation stopping words?

D.Nothing more can happen that will be productive.

E.It’s human nature to like being accepted and recognized.

F.You will be shocked at how frequently these words are used.

G.Pay close attention to when you use these words in sentences.

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题1 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A 、B、C和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答


A boy in Florida called 911 but didn’t have a real emergency. Instead, he wanted a hug from an officer, and

the responding officer understood.

Footage(镜头)from the home’s doorbell camera 41 the officer Scott Pracht responding and talking

to the boy’s mom.

“We had a 911 call,” Pract says in the video.

“We can talk to my son.” the mother says.

Her young son 42 the door with his cellphone and when asked if he called the police, he says, “Well, I

wanted to give him a hug.” Then the boy runs out to hug Pracht 43 , who embraces him back.

After hugging the boy, Pracht 44 that 911 is for those who need help. “You need to be 45

when you call that number.” he tells the boy. “Only when you are 46 . And if you’re hurt, or someone is

doing something they’re not 47 to do, give us a call, okay?” The boy 48 , and Pracht tells him not

to worry about it.

Scott Pracht’s office 49 the video on Facebook on Thursday, where it was 50 nearly 10,000

times. In a statement, Hillsborough Sheriff(警官) Chad Chronister said they “deeply appreciate the 51

shown by this young child.”

“Our officers are more than 52 to share a hug and spread love to children in our community. However,

it’s 53 for everyone to remember that 911 is a lifeline,“ he said. “We 54 parents and educators to

teach children about the 55 use of emergency services.”

41.A.analyzes B.guides C.shows D.explores

42.A.breaks B.fixes C.approaches D.locks

43.A.tightly B.secretly C.accidentally D.awkwardly

44.A.agreed B.explained C.complained D.realized

45.A.humble B.grateful C.patient D.careful

46.A.under protection B.on vacation C.in trouble D.on duty

47.A.supposed B.required C.reminded D.proposed

48.A.refuses B.cheers C.apologizes D.suspects

49.A.selected B.posted C.recognized D.completed

50.A.exchanged B.examined C.collected D.viewed

51.A.kindness B.wisdom C.independence D.curiosity

52.A.active B.serious C.generous D.happy

53.A.vital B.difficult C.possible D.sufficient

54.A.allow B.encourage C.train D.warn

55.A.flexible B.creative C.appropriate D.occasional

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式,并将答案填写在答题卡上。

A deliveryman who jumped off a bridge to save a drowning woman in June in Hangzhou. Zhejiang Province,

56 ( award)a first-class merit citation(一等功)on November 13.

The honor is the 57 ( high)that the Hangzhou government bestows(授予)on people who have acted

bravely without considering their own safety.

Peng Qinglin, a 31-year-old from Zhangjiajie, Hunan Province, 58 ( deliver)his first order of the day at

that time along Xixing Bridge when he heard a call for help. Without much hesitation, he jumped off the

12-meter-high bridge 59 crosses the iconic Qiantang River. before swimming to the drowning woman and

dragging her to safety.

A video capturing(拍摄)Peng’s heroics went popular 60 instant it appeared on Chinese social media,

61 ( make)him get much attention from the public.

“There are plenty of unsung 62 ( hero)in Hangzhou,” said Peng. “I just happened to be the one who got


For his 63 ( brave)and selflessness, Hangzhou police authorities earlier gave Peng the title of “Good

Samaritan” and a cash prize of 30,000 yuan. 64 addition, the delivery company that Peng works for gave

him a cash award of 50,000 yuan as well as the opportunity 65 ( study)in college for free.

Peng’s courageousness is quite touching and more people will learn from him and extend a helping hand when

other n need it.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40分)

第一节(满分 15 分)

假定你是李华,你的加拿大好友 Chris 正在准备中文水平考试(HSK),他感觉听力部分很难,请给他写一




注意:1.写作词数应为 80 个左右;


Dead Chris,



Li Hua

第二节(满分 25 分)


It was a typical Monday morning. My form teacher, Mrs Tan, was going through our exam questions. I pot

down some notes and did my corrections.

“Riiiiiiinnnngg!” A high-pitched sound pierced through the air like a knife. Covering my ears in annoyance,

realization dawned on me. It was the fire alarm! While I encouraged others to remain as cool as a cucumber, it was

in vain. My classmates were all screaming and running around like crazy.

“Calm down, everyone! Please queue up in an orderly manner! We have practised this in the fire drills!”

instructed Mrs Tan , sounding anxious.

The class ignored her and continued screaming at the top of their voices. One student even broke down in a fit

of panic. I rushed around the class, asking all my fellow students to settle down while waiting for further


A serious voice soon announced from the speakers in every class, drawing our attention. “All students are to

follow their teachers and evacuate(撤离)the building in a calm and organized manner. The fire may have been

caused by a gas explosion in the canteen; do not go near there!”

Mrs Tan finally managed to calm the panicky class down. In a strict voice, she told us that we were to use the

evacuation route to Gate 6.She arranged the pupils quickly in neat straight rows and led us out of the classroom.

Upon taking my first step out of the classroom, I took a deep breath instantly. The surroundings were hazy(模

糊的) as thick smoke came from the canteen. Choking, I unconsciously covered my nose. To make matters worse,

the ash from the smoky surroundings hurt my eyes. Coughing anxiously, I tried to see my teacher in the lead, but

the air was too hazy for me to see anything clearly. Within less than a minute, I lost sight of my class and was left


注意:1.续写词数应为 150 个左右;


A wave of anxiety washed over me.___________________________________________________________


Just then, the figure of Mrs Tan waving a torchlight appeared from the smoke.__________________________






