
2024-04-05·16页·383.9 K




1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。

2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改



3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。

第一部分听力(共两节,满分 30分)


第一节(共5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)

听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段

对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

1. Why does John come to Nancy?

A. To ask questions.

B. To borrow reference books.

C. To hand in his essay.

2. Where is the man’s envelope now?

A. In his room. B. At the post office. C. At the front desk.

3. What will Rosie do next?

A. Read books. B. Enjoy music. C. Go shopping.

4. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Strangers. B. Co-workers. C. Driver and passenger.

5. What are the speakers talking about?

A. A plan. B. An English course. C. An application

第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)

听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选

项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟,听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作


听第6 段材料,回答第6至7 题。

6. Who does the man buy a gift for?

A. His sister. B. His cousin. C. His mother.

7. What will the man buy?

A. A handbag. B. A handkerchief. C. A watch.

听第7 段材料,回答第8至9 题。

8. What does Alice like best about her new school?

A. The teachers. B. The environment. C. The food.

9. What does Alice’s new school look like?

A. It is in modern style. B. It is well equipped. C. It is newly built.

听第8 段材料,回答第 10至 13 题。

10. What encouraged Mr Roberston to go to the Antarctic?

A. A training course. B. A program. C. A report.

11. What was the biggest danger according to Mr Roberston?

A. Falling into ice holes.

B. Losing touch with others.

C. Living in extreme temperatures.

12. What caused the funny noise?

A. The wind. B. The plane. C. The device.

13. What was a surprise for Mr Roberston and his wife?

A. They could leave earlier.

B. They got some fresh food.

C. Someone lived near them.

听第9 段材料,回答第 14至 17 题。

14. How does Emily find her first surfing lesson?

A. Discouraging. B. Unforgettable. C. Exciting.

15. How old is Emily’s brother?

A. 15. B. 22. C. 25.

16. What does Micheal offer to do?

A. Teach Emily to surf.

B. Give Emily a surfboard.

C. Talk with Emily’s brother.

17. When will the speakers meet?

A. On Wednesday. B. On Friday. C. On Saturday.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 18至 20 题。

18. What makes the speaker a frequent visitor to teahouses?

A. Their tea. B. Their atmosphere. C. Their service.

19. What has the speaker done in the teahouse?

A. Settle an argument.

B. Learn Sichuan Opera.

C. Talk about business.

20. Why does the speaker think teahouses have powerful social function?

A. People can chat for a day there.

B. They help people makeup faster.

C. They attract like-minded people.

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


Birmingham is the second largest city of the United Kingdom. It lies near the geographic center of England.

It’s one of England’s major industrial and commercial areas. Here’re some places in Birmingham you may be

interested in living in.


Located 7.5 miles southeast of Birmingham, Solihull offers the best of both worlds for the perfect combination

of city and country living. With several top-rated schools, Solihull is a perfect location for families, and with over

1,500acres of parks, there’re plenty of green spaces to keep the kids entertained as well. With easy transport links

into Birmingham, it’s a great choice for commuters(通勤人员)and what’s more, Birmingham Airport is located

in Solihull.


Situated five miles northeast of the city center, Erdington has to be one of the best places to live in and around

Birmingham. This is a very well-connected city suburb, with easy motorway access, great bus links and a railway

station on the Cross City Line.


If you’re looking to buy your first home in Birmingham, Digbeth could be the perfect choice. The area is a hub

for the creative industry, with the Custard Factory and Fazeley Studios both hosting a huge variety of digital and

cultural businesses. It’s very tolerant of all kinds of culture, making it one of the most dynamic places to live in.


Edgbaston is one of the richest areas in Birmingham, well-known for its green spaces and Birmingham

Botanical Gardens. There’re many other attractions for those not interested in sports, including the pretty Victorian

campus of Birmingham University and multiple Michelin-starred restaurants. It is a suitable place to live in.

21. What’s special about Solihull?

A. It is very suitable for the old.

B. It has the largest park in Birmingham.

C. It is the trading center of Birmingham.

D. It shows the mix of rural and urban life.

22. Which place presents cultural diversity?

A. Digbeth. B. Erdington.

C. Edgbaston. D. Solihull.

23. What is the author trying to persuade readers to do in Birmingham?

A. Attend university. B. Go on a tour.

C. Buy houses. D. Start businesses.


Growing up in Kenya, Lesein Mutunkei, together with his family, always celebrated significant occasions by

planting trees, which motivated him to protect the environment. It’s what the now 18-year-old soccer player

treasures, especially since Kenya has an ongoing problem with deforestation.

Mutunkei follows in the footsteps of the late Kenyan Nobel Peace Prize winner Wangari Maathai who founded

the Green Belt Movement in 1977. This initiative has resulted in the planting of over 51 million trees to date.

In 2018, Lesein decided to start a movement of his own. He started by planting one tree for every goal he

scored during a football match. He called it Trees4Goals, and it has grown so much that he now plants 11 trees, one

for each member of his team, every time he scores. Through this, he wants to inspire young people, specifically his

fellow athletes, to follow in his footsteps, take nature conservation seriously, and promise to plant trees every time

they score. As a result, some of them have adapted this practice for their sports. “Seeing that they’re taking that

responsibility because of the project I started, for me, that is the biggest achievement,” he said.

The initiative has caught the attention of English football club Arsenal and Kenya’s Ministry of Environment

and Forestry, which he now works with regularly and gets advice from.

Like Green Belt Movement, Trees4Goals, which has planted 5,500 trees so far, has made it. While Lesein has

received some recognition for his initiative, he sets his sights on making it a worldwide phenomenon. “Football is a

universal game, and climate change is a universal problem,” he explains. “It has the power to unite, educate and

inspire my generation to create a safer and greener future.” This is why he wants to work with the world’s biggest

football federation FIFA.

As for what others can do to fight deforestation or other environmental concerns, the teenager says it’s

important to just get involved in some way, no matter how small.

24. What made Lesein get interested in environmental protection?

A. The influence of his family.

B. Wangari Maathai’s huge assistances.

C. The demand of the football team.

D. His fellow athletes’ encouragement.

25. Why did Lesein found Trees4Goals?

A. To gain Kenya’s support.

B. To set an example for others.

C. To catch Arsenal’s attention.

D. To show his achievements.

26. What is Lesein’s hope for the future of Trees4Goals?

A. Promoting football’s development.

B. Going global with the help of FIFA.

C. Beating climate change completely.

D. Getting beyond Green Belt Movement.

27. What can we learn from Lesein’s story?

A. Fame is a great thirst of the young.

B. A youth is to be regarded with respect.

C. Positive thinking and action result in success.

D. Success means getting personal desires satisfied.


In a policy address to lawmakers, Japan’s Prime Minister, Fumio Kishida, said the country’s population

problem was a case of solving the issue “now or never”, and that it “simply cannot wait any longer because it can

affect social functions”.

“In thinking of the sustainability and inclusiveness of our nation’s economy and society, we place child care

support as our most important policy,” he said, adding that he wants the government to double its spending on

child-related programs, and that a new government agency would be set up in April to focus on the issue.

Japan has one of the lowest birth rates in the world, and it recorded fewer than 800,000 births in 2022 for the

first time since records began in 1899. The country also has one of the highest life expectancies in the world; in

2020, nearly one in 1,500 people in Japan were age 100 or older, according to government data.

These trends have driven a growing population problem, with a rapidly aging society, a shrinking workforce

and not enough young people to fill the gaps in the stagnating(停滞)economy. The country’s high cost of living,

limited space and lack of child care support in cities make it difficult to raise children, meaning fewer couples are

having kids. Experts point to the pessimism young people in Japan hold towards the future, many frustrated with

work pressure and economic stagnation.

How about other parts of East Asia? South Korea recently broke its own record for the world’s lowest birth

rate, with data from November 2023 showing a South Korean woman will have an average of 0.79 children in her

lifetime — far below the 2.1 needed to maintain a stable population. Japan’s birth rate stands at 1.3, while the

United States is at 1.6. Meanwhile, China’s population shrank in 2022 for the first time, adding pressure to its

economic growth.

28. How does the Japanese government feel about the falling birth rate?

A. Surprised. B. Confused.

C. Embarrassed. D. Worried.

29. Which of the following has led the birth rate in Japan to decline?

A. The rapidly aging society.

B. The high life expectancies.

C. The shortage of workforce.

D. The various stresses of life.

30. What are the statistics in the last paragraph used to show?

A. Ignorance of the birth rate.

B. Serious population crisis.

C. Weak care services for children.

D. Potential harm to women’s health.

31. In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?

A. Society. B. Health.

C. Education. D. Science.


Scientists have found a new way to break down a group of harmful chemicals very hard to get rid of. The

discovery could help solve a dangerous and growing problem — how to clean up the pollution of “forever


The group of chemicals known as PFAS(全氟烷基物)are pretty amazing. They’re non-stick, waterproof,

and oil proof. They don’t burn easily or dissolve(溶解)in water. So scientists got really excited when they were

discovered. Businesses started putting PFAS in all sorts of products, from non-stick pans to waterproof clothes, and

from fire-fighting spray to carpets that resist stains. Even things like food wrappers and floss for cleaning your teeth

contain PFAS chemicals.

But after a while, scientists realized the same things that made the chemicals useful also caused a real problem

— PFAS doesn’t break down in nature. It doesn’t dissolve in water or bum. Not even bacteria can break PFAS

down. No wonder these chemicals are known as “forever chemicals”.

As a result, PFAS chemicals surge in the environment. The chemicals are found in air, water, and dirt around

the world — and in animals and people. In the US, 97% of humans have PFAS in their blood.

Luckily, scientists in the US have now found a way to break down some PFAS chemicals. Their solution

requires boiling PFAS with two other very common chemicals. These chemicals can be found in just about any


Dr. Brittany Trang, one of the scientists involved, said she didn’t even want to test the idea at first. “I thought

it was too simple,” she said. But the process worked.

The research involved 10 types of PFAS, including two of the most common kinds. That’s a big step. But

there are over 12,000 different kinds of PFAS. It’s important to note that the new method can only break down

PFAS chemicals that have already been collected. Figuring out how to remove PFAS chemicals from the

environment and collect them remains a huge challenge.

32. What can we infer about PFAS chemicals from paragraph 2?

A. Scientists were so excited to invent them.

B. They were environmentally friendly at first.

C. They are really widely used in our daily life.

D. They have more advantages than disadvantages.

33. What does the underlined word “surge” in paragraph 4 refer to?

A. Increase fast. B. Float everywhere.

C. Extend fully. D. React quickly.

34. What does the author think of dealing with PFAS chemicals?

A. It’s already too late to get rid of them.

B. There’s still a long way to go about it.

C. The new method is too simple to work well.

D. It’s impossible to get them removed from the environment.

35. Which is the best title for the text?

A. Say Goodbye to Forever Chemicals

B. PFAS Chemicals Are a Two-edged Sword

C. PFAS Chemicals Will Remain a Challenge for Long

D. Scientists Find a Way to Break down Forever Chemicals

第二节(共5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)


Is going alone in an unknown area the right way to go, or do you want a tour guide to show you the highlights?

I think that you can combine the two ways in one trip and have the best of both worlds. 36 The best

purchase we made was for a bus tour that would take us around the capital and point out all the main sites. That

allowed us the next day to travel on foot to the ones we especially wanted to see.

Let’s look at the San Francisco Bay Area which is another one of my favorite vacation spots. Some areas are

so familiar to tourists that it’s possible to view the attractions on your own. 37 Fisherman’s Wharf and Pier

39 are good examples. Just by walking a few blocks, you can tour Aquarium of the Bay and the Riptide Arcade on

Pier 39.

38 If you go to Alcatraz Island, you have a choice of going alone, having a live tour guide or being

guided by earphones. I would recommend the live tour guides. I went all three ways, and I received more

enjoyment by someone telling me items interest I know I had missed on previous tours. 39 It gives you a

behind-the-scenes look of colorful Chinatown. The tour covers history, traditions of the local people and culture

that you probably wouldn’t know or see by travelling alone.

You can go alone to attractions or take a guided tour. It’s your choice and you can choose whichever would

give you the most memorable experience. 40

A. I recommend both.

B. It’s possible to drive to the area and go alone.

C. One trip we recently took was to Washington DC.

D. Some attractions are worth having a tour guide for.

E. Chinatown Walking Tours are a tour-guided must-see.

F. That allows you to take your time and go at your own pace.

G. The tour guides know what we have never found out on our own.

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题1 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

I was then in my early twenties. Even though I was armed with a degree in Education, finding a 41

teaching job was not easy. I had to try some temporary ones.

This year, when a golden opportunity 42 to teach 5th grade students in a local school. I 43 it

and took things seriously. I 44 myself with lesson plans, taught with enthusiasm, and stayed 45

with the students. I had no hesitation in 46 the kids when they got the answer right, and encouraged them if

they didn’t.

One day when the kids were 47 , a girl approached and handed me a 48 before she went home.

On it was a lovely drawing full of childlike wonder, 49 by the words, “You are the best teacher I have ever

had!” It really amazed me that one of my kind comments had 50 that girl’s heart greatly. I took that note

home and 51 put it in a folder, looking on it as a 52 because it was very important. Anytime I was

feeling down I would look at it and it proved to be a 53 .

That experience showed me the 54 of just a single kind word. It encouraged me to continue to try my

best each day to 55 love and kindness through my words and actions. Wish the same for others.

41. A. first-rate B. well-paid C. labor-saving D. full-time

42. A. escaped B. demanded C. arose D. arranged

43. A. jumped at B. thought about C. waited for D. dreamt of

44. A. occupied B. amused C. concerned D. contented

45. A. familiar B. positive C. strict D. consistent

46. A. evaluating B. supporting C. instructing D. congratulating

47. A. graded B. dismissed C. tested D. taught

48. A. note B. gift C. parcel D. book

49. A. judged B. indicated C. emphasized D. accompanied

50. A. hardened B. touched C. broken D. gladdened

51. A. simply B. casually C. carefully D. eagerly

52. A. reminder B. treasure C. proof D. secret

53. A. comfort B. fortune C. fantasy D. privilege

54. A. target B. application C. power D. principle

55. A. clarify B. find C. feel D. spread

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

March 14 is right around the comer, and math learners know 56 that means. It’s Pi Day, a holiday

honoring one of math’s most famous constants(常量): pi.

The number pi, or , is equal to the circumference(圆周长)of a circle 57 (divide)by the circle’s

diameter(直径). That comes out to about 3.14159. This is true for circles of all sizes, from 58 (penny)

to pizzas to planets. Pi’s value is often rounded to 3.14. That’s why Pi Day 59 (celebrate)on March 14.

It’s also why one Earth-sized planet orbiting another star every 3.14 days is nicknamed “Pi Earth.”

But the exact value of pi is 60 (actual)impossible to write out. Last year, a 61 (power)

computer calculated pi to record-breaking 62.8 trillion(万亿)figures. And in2005, one 23-year-old used clever

mental tricks to recite nearly 68,000 of those figures from memory. No one, though, will ever get to 62 end

of pi.

Historians aren’t sure when people first 63 (discover)the concept of pi. But it’s been known in some

form 64 almost 4,000 years. Ancient Greeks and Babylonians knew estimates of it. The Egyptians may

have used pi 65 (build)the pyramids. And still today, pi is used in just about all math involving circles.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40分)

第一节(满分 15 分)




1. 情况介绍;

2. 你的评论;

3. 你的建议。

总体情况 利用周末做家务的中小学生占 91.50%

打扫卫生 洗碗 烹调 做农活


85.50% 81.60% 36.80% 22.2%


1. 写作词数应为 80 左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。




第二节(满分 25 分)


What should have been a regular Sunday at the YMCA turned into a day one teenage lifeguard will never


Eighteen-year-old Natalie Lucas has been working as a lifeguard at the YMCA in Longmont, Colorado, for the

past three years. Recently, a couple entered the pool area while she was on duty. The woman was very pregnant, so

Natalie kept a close eye on her as she eased herself into the shallow end of the pool.

Tessa Rider was nine months pregnant that day. She and her husband, Matthew Jones, came to the pool a few

times that week to ease the discomfort of a nerve pain.

As Tessa was resting in the pool, she suddenly realized something was happening. Natalie noticed Tessa

climbed out of the pool, so she went over to check on the couple. “I walk over and Matthew, the husband, says to

me, ‘We’re having the baby right now.’ I’m like, ‘OK!’” Natalie recalled.

Matthew called 911, but as he spoke to the operator he knew it was too late. Tessa was already pulling her

bathing suit off. Natalie helped Tessa and Matthew by bringing over the center’s medical supplies and towels, and

calling for more assistance from the front desk. Throughout it all, she told herself to remain calm and focus on

caring for Tessa.

“I knew I needed to stay calm,” Natalie said. “So I made sure to keep my head on and stay with them, keep

asking them questions, and keep them focused on the baby and made sure that they were the most comfortable.”

Less than five minutes later, Matthew caught his newborn son as he was born on the pool edge.

After helping clear the baby’s airway and ensuring he was breathing, Natalie used her back to support the new

mom until paramedics(护理员)arrived. Once there, baby Tobin Thomas Rider received a clean bill of health!


1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Paragraph 1: Matthew and Tessa are both grateful that Natalie was there to help them.__________




Paragraph 2: Natalie said Tobin’s unexpected birth was all just part of her job._________________




长郡中学 2024 届高考适应性考试(二)


题序 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

答案 A C B A C A B C B C

题序 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

答案 A B B A C A C B C A

题序 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

答案 D A C A B B C D D B

题序 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

答案 A C A B D C F D E A

题序 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

答案 D C A A B D B A D B

题序 51 52 53 54 55

答案 C B A C D


21. D。根据 Solihull 中的“Solihull offers the best of both worlds for the perfect combination of city and country

living”可知,Solihull 体现了城市和乡村生活的完美结合。

22. A。根据 Digbeth 中的“It’s very tolerant of all kinds of culture, making it one of the most dynamic places to

live in”可知,Digbeth 具有很强的文化包容性。

23. C。根据第一段“Here’re some places in Birmingham you may be interested in living in”以及文章对四个地方


【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。在肯尼亚长大的 Lesein Mutunkei 是一名足球队员,发起了“一球一树


目前为止,该运动已经种植了 5500 棵树。

24. A。根据第一段“Growing up in Kenya, Lesein Mutunkei, together with his family, always celebrated

significant occasions by planting trees, which motivated him to protect the environment.”可知,在 Lesein 成长的


25. B。根据第三段“Through this, he wants to inspire young people, specifically his fello watchletes, to follow in





