
2024-04-10·17页·1.1 M

绝密启用前 【山西专版】


英 语








第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)

做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有 2 分钟的时间将试卷上


第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最

佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每


例:How much is the shirt?




答案是 C。

1.When will the class meeting begin?

A.At 9:10.

B.At 9:20.

C.At 9:30.

2.What is the woman doing?

A.Selling coffee.

B.Visiting a cafe.

C.Asking for directions.

3.How does the man feel?




4.What are the speakers probably talking about?

A.A book

B.A film.

C.A writer.

5.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Boss and secretary.

B.Saleswoman and customer.

C.Doctor and patient.

第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个

选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒

钟;听完后,各小题给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。

6.What does the woman like doing?


B.Working with children.

C.Making quick decisions.

7.What will Tony probably be when growing up?

A.A teacher.

B.A journalist.

C.A doctor.

听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。

8.What is the man trying to do?

A.Learn about public schools.

B.Fund a private school.

C.Apply for an ideal school.

9.What does the quality of a school depend much on?

A.Where it lies.

B.How it is managed.

C.How large it is.

听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。

10.Why did the man go to South America?

A.To teach English.

B.To improve his Spanish.

C.To learn about the local life.

11.What voluntary work did the man do?




12.What did the man think of the food there?




听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。

13.How does the woman want to pay?

A.In cash.

B.By Venmo.

C.By Paypal.

14.What does the man think of PayPal?

A.It is convenient.

B.It is slow

C.It is popular.

15.Where is Venmo accepted now?

A.At many small shops.

B.At most big chain stores.

C.At a lot of restaurants.

16.What does the woman offer to do for the man?

A.Download the app

B.Send him an invitation.

C.Lend him some money.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。

17.What is the weather probably like?




18.Where did Matt begin his journey?

A.In England.

B.In California.

C.In Hawaii.

19.How long does Matt's longest flight last?

A.Fourteen hours.

B.Sixteen hours.

C.Sixteen and a half hours.

20.What does the speaker expect Matt to do?

A.Share his experiences:

B.Interview someone.

C.Plan on another flight.

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题



Looking for a way to arouse your inner competitive side and relax in some delightful

bites?Look no further than Hong Kong's top board game cafes.

Sweet &Fun Caf

Cafe-style board game spot,Sweet &Fun Cafe,is perfect for getting competitive and

comfortable in their booth-style seating.With no cover charge(服务费),you can support this

awesome place by ordering from their food and drinks menu.Every month they add about 3—

4 new board games to their wide collection,so you can keep coming back to try something

new.They also provide free Wi-Fi.

Jolly Thinkers

Jolly Thinkers gives you access to both English and Chinese games.If you find a new

favorite,you can always purchase the game from the retail store so that you can bring the fun

home!Reservation is recommended to make sure that your fun won't be spoiled due to lack of

enough seats.

808 Board Game

Learn the rules and the strategies for all the games you've ever wanted to play at 808

Board Game.With thousands of games to choose from plus dedicated staff available to teach

you,no game is off limits.Recently their games have taken on a focus on more Chinese

cultural games.Although they don't provide food,you are welcome to order your own

takeaway to bring into their space.

Capstone Boardgame Caf

Conveniently located in Causeway Bay,Capstone Board game Cafe allows you to play

games at their venue,and offers you a chance to bring all your new favorites home.A large

range of games make it suitable for kids,teens,and grownups.Become a member and make

new friends while you compete to win!

21.What is an advantage of Sweet &Fun Caf?

A.It offers food for free.

B.It is conveniently located.

C.It holds international competitions.

D.It rolls out new games regularly.

22.How can people secure a place at Jolly Thinkers?

A.By buying a new game.

B.By ordering food and drinks.

C.By booking in advance.

D.By becoming a member.

23.Where can you learn Chinese culture while playing games?、

A.At 808 Board Game.

B.At Jolly Thinkers.

C.At Sweet &Fun Cafe.

D.At Capstone Board game Cafe.


Crouching on all fours on Widdybank Fell in Teesdale,Margaret Bradshaw,a 97-year-old

botanist,calls out the names of some rare plants.This part of the uplands is a seemingly empty

landscape,heavily grazed(吃草)by sheep,but it hides botanical treasures that have been here

for more than 10,000 years.Some of the plants can't be found anywhere else in the UK and —

until Bradshaw arrived on the scene—many were unaccounted for.

Bradshaw is the chief caretaker of some of the country's rarest flowers.She has spent

seven decades studying the unique flora(植物群)of Teesdale,in the north of

England.Although once they were widespread in Britain,now only a few remain,and 28

species are threatened with extinction.

Bradshaw has just written a 288-page book on the subject,Teesdale's Special Flora:

Places, Plants and People,published as part of the Princeton Wild Guides series.The Teesdale

fora is celebrated because it is a mix of alpine-arctic(高寒的)flowers and southern European

species;nowhere else in Britain do they all grow together.

Now,though,the area's unique features are under threat.Bradshaw has been recording rare

plants here since the early 1950s and has witnessed great declines.Since the 1960s, plant

abundance has dropped by 54%on average.Some have essentially disappeared,such as the

dwarf milkwort,down by 98%,and the hoary whitlow-grass,down by 100%.

She says,“We've got various buildings in the country—Stonehenge,Durham Cathedral,

and others;if they were falling apart,there would be groups and money helping stop it,because

people would say we can't let this happen.These flowers' communities are much older,and in

some respects they are more beautiful.

The main reason for the decline of these plants is an unusual one—not enough sheep.

The number of sheep on the areas had been reduced by half by 2000,as the uplands were

generally believed to be overgrazed.Bradshaw says while some upland areas are damaged by

sheep,reducing grazing on Teesdale has been devastating.Longer grass overshadows the

delicate flowers,taking away the light they need to grow.

24.Why is the flora in Teesdale unique?

A.It is site-specific.

B.There is a book about it.

C.It is under strict protection.

D.There are many sheep feeding on it.

25.Why are some buildings mentioned in paragraph 5?

A.To recommend popular tourist attractions.

B.To recognize their historic value.

C.To draw attention to the flora in Teesdale.

D.To praise the conservation efforts.

26.What is the main threat to the flora in Teesdale?

A.Overgrazing in upland areas.

B.Reduced sheep population.

C.Response to climate change.

D.Lack of enough shadows.

27.What does the underlined word“devastating”in the last paragraph mean?






Handwriting is a fine motor skill that none of us is born with;it needs to be taught and

practiced.It is also a skill that benefits us by stimulating our brain:We remember information

better when we write it down by hand,research shows.

But for many of us,handwriting can feel difficult as we turn to smartphones,other devices

and even robots for many of our hand tasks.The problem isn't only that we're less likely to use

handwriting.Technology has changed the way we use our hands.The more time we spend on

our devices,the greater the probability of problems with our hands and wrists,such as pain,

weakness and nerve changes.

“The hand-brain connection is stronger when we write something by hand instead of

typing it,”said Paula Heinricher,an occupational therapist.“Although we might be able to take

more notes on a keyboard than by hand,there's research that shows when you write by hand,

there is a deeper brain connection and a deeper understanding,so you remember that

information longer.”

The ability to write quickly and legibly(易辨认地)also has a critical link with academic

performance.A 2013 study found that children who had good handwriting skills in preschool

performed better in reading and math in second grade.And in a 2019 study of 141 first-

graders in four schools in Italy,children who were taught handwriting developed better

reading and writing skills compared with a control group.

But devices aren't the only one to blame.In general,we're not engaging in as many fine

motor activities as in the past.With key less entry,for instance,many of us no longer turn a key

to unlock our car or the front door;instead,we push a button or tap out a code.So handwriting,

a fine motor activity,is becoming a little less used in daily life.However,even as we continue

to use technology and devices,we can enhance our handwriting muscles with a few strategies.

28.What can be learned about handwriting?

A.It is a natural ability.

B.It is practiced less often.

C.It has lost its appeal.

D.It causes nerve changes.

29.Which best describes the impact of handwriting according to Paula Heinricher?





30.What do the studies in paragraph 4 imply about handwriting?

A.It contributes to learning.

B.It strengthens students' speaking ability.

C.It improves quickly with training.

D.It is popular among researchers.

31.What might the author continue talking about?

A.Advancements in science and technology.

B.Similar research done by scientists.

C.Significance of excellent handwriting.

D.Measures for improving handwriting.


We have all heard that reducing meat and dairy(乳制品的)consumption is an important

behavioral change that can help with our planet's climate.However,what is a successful

strategy to get people to consume more plant-based food?

Brigham and Women's Faulkner Hospital has an answer.They pioneered a vegetarian/

vegan option to reduce climate change.Faulkner is among the 60 hospitals, universities,major

companies, and cities that have signed an international pledge(保证)to reduce food-related

greenhouse gas emissions(排放)by 25%by 2030.

The hospital focused on the benefits of the ingredients in the dish rather than mention

“vegan”or“vegetarian”in the name of any dishes on the hospital cafeteria menu.Another

strategy that has been experimented with is the order of foods.For example,putting vegan and

vegetarian foods before the ones containing meat urges the patients to take plant-based foods


Through the research,the hospital has found that vegan and vegetarian labeled foods tend

to categorize foods and attract only a certain number of the hospital's patients.Much like other

labels,vegan and vegetarian foods have been left out of the diets of people who don't have any

dietary restrictions

Although food is only a small percentage of hospital carbon emissions,reducing meat in

cafeteria food will reduce the carbon emissions significantly.Additionally,vegan and

vegetarian diets will help diversify people's diets,increasing their intake of healthful fiber,

vitamins, and other micro-nutrients.Adding fish to their menu in the future is another good

option since it can be sustainably fished.

Since starting the pledge,the hospital has seen a 2.2%decrease in total emissions per

calorie.This result of this strategy matches a similar study from MIT and could change what

we think of plant-based foods

32.What is the author's purpose in writing paragraph 1?

A.To make a comparison.

B.To lead in the topic.

C.To provide background information.

D.To introduce a new theory.

33.What aspect of the research is paragraph 3 mainly about?

A.Its target

B.Its findings

C.Its methods.

D.Its influence.

34.To reduce food-related carbon emissions,one can_

A.limit the food intakeB.change diets frequently

C.avoid fish in the dietD.reduce meat consumption

35.Which is the best title for the text?

A.Do Labels Impact How We Eat?

B.A Tendency Toward Labeled Foods Does Exist

C.Plant-Based Foods—the Best Choice for Your Health

D.Does Going on a Green Diet Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions?

第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)



Making decisions,big or small,can sometimes be difficult.We've all experienced

indecisiveness. But you can get better at it with practice and time.Here are a few methods to

try that may help you become more decisive.

Make decisions for yourself

___36___ Ultimately,if you trust your intuition(直觉),you will know what the right

decision is.Nobody else can give you the correct answers on what's best for you.Try not to

allow others to be the decision-maker for you and your goals.

Let things go

The fear that comes with worrying about making thewrongdecisions can make one lose

his common sense.Try not to worry about mistakes.___37___Once you accept that things are

not always in your control,making decisions will be much less threatening.

Talk it out

The simple act of speaking out loud will help lessen indecision and internal conflict.

___38___ Decisions can become less confusing and worrisome when we do so.

Outline the pros and cons

If you get stuck,draft a simple pro-con(支持-反对)list.___39___ Mentally weighing the

pros and cons is simply adding to the indecisiveness.Pro-con lists facilitate objective and

sound decision-making.

Flip a coin

Of course,flipping(掷)a coin shouldn't be used for big decisions,such as marriage.But

this will work if it's something as simple as what to order on the menu.This simple trick

makes the decision for you.And,there are times when the coin lands the wrong way.___40___

A.They're a part of life.

B.A little practice also goes a long way.

C.If it feels right,voice your thoughts out loud.

D.The important thing to remember is to write it down.

E.Decision-making can have a negative impact on self-worth.

F.Asking 10 people about one topic will only confuse you further.

G.Then,your reaction will actually reveal what your stomach truly wants.

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白


Fifteen years ago,Pilots N Paws was founded by Debi,an animal lover,and Jon,a pilot.

Debi wanted to___41___a dog from a shelter and needed to get it from Florida to South

Carolina, so Jon helped her make it___42___.Most animals were transported on the ground

back then,but the two had the idea of transporting the animals via ___43___.Thus,Pilots N

Paws___ 44___Pilots N Paws is a nonprofit organization that works with pilots all throughout

the United States.Since its foundation,more than 200,000 animals have been___45___.The

Pilots N Paws pilot network has grown to___46___over 6,000 pilots.The organization also

___47___Cirrus Aircraft,who supports it financially.

Though Pilots N Paws ___48___ transports dogs and cats,the organization has actually

helped all kinds of animals.Pilots have flown dolphins,a baby bear badly burned in a wildfire,

eagles,and snakes.

Pilots N Paws___ 49___the gap between the pilot and the person wanting to adopt the

animal. The___50___ is not to make the pilots go significantly out of their way to save an

animal, but rather to have them rescue the animal on a flight they would take___51___The

customer needing transportation of an animal has to___ 52___ a request on the Pilots N Paws

website,and the pilots can view the requests like a forum.Once a pilot___ 53___ one,they

coordinate (协调)the___54___ of the animal.When filling out a transport request,the

requester is asked if they are willing to drive the animal to the airport,making the ___55___

much smoother for the pilots.

41.A.examine B.adopt C.identify D.film

42.A.legal B.necessary C.clear D.possible

43.A.car B.boat C.bus D.plane

44.A.caught on B.came into being C.broke down D.held the lead

45.A.rescued B.dismissed C.trained D.maintained

46.A.affect B.include C.assist D.appoint

47.A.trusts B.defends C.partners D.controls

48.A.typically B.rarely C.temporarily D.secretly

49.A.bridges B.mixes C.widens D.explores

50.A.advice B.assumption C.objective D.problem

51.A.instead B.otherwise C.away D.regardless

52.A.choose B.receive C.place D.consider

53.A.accepts B.describes C.repeats D.submits

54.A.giveaway B.pickup C.takeover D.turnaround

55.A.communication B.search C.process D.landing

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式,并将答案填


My friend and I went on an exciting trip from Shanghai to Mount Wu gong in Jiangxi

Province.The place ___56 ___(know)for its extraordinary beauty,ancient culture,and a special

mountain peak—the Golden Peak,___57 ___stands an old temple.

Mount Wugong is really high—2,000 meters above the sea,making it tough___58___

(climb) up.Luckily,there are small shops along the way,so we could get snacks and drinks.

We made it to the top at sunset.It was ___59___ (incredible)amazing—golden clouds

flowing down the mountain, ___60 ___(explain)why it's called the Golden Peak.We felt

like we were thinking the same thoughts as people from ancient China.At night,we ___ 61

___ (lie) under the stars,feeling the history of the place.

The next morning,I woke up just in time for the most ___62 ___ (wonder)sunrise ever

—something that will stick in my memory forever.Afterwards,we explored ___63 ___old

temple on top of the mountain,which showed us how Chinese people connected nature with

spiritual things.

Mount Wugong offered us not only an unforgettable adventure,but also a real insight

___64 ___ the depths of Chinese culture,history and the enduring bond between humanity

___ 65 ___ the natural world.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)

第一节(满分 15 分)


动方案。请你给负责人 George 写一封邮件,内容包括:



注意:1.写作词数应为 80 个左右;


Dear George,






Li Hua

第二节(满分 25 分)


Mama notices that there has been a rise in bad manners in the family lately,such as

Sister taking things from Brother without asking,and Brother pushing Sister without saying

Excuse me.It then turns into a shoving(推操)match between the kids,with them calling each

other names and making faces.Their table manners are getting worse,as instead of asking to

pass items across the table,Brother and Sister stuff their mouths with food and use some of it

to engage in a food fight and kick each other from under the table.

Mama tries to coax(用好话劝)the kids,then complains,and finally shouts.She also tries

to ask Papa for help,but he is also part of the problem,as when Papa gets angry at the kids ,he

bangs (猛捶)on the table.Nothing for Mama works,so she decides to take out a big piece of

cardboard and writes out her politeness plan.When she is done,Mama calls a family meeting

and introduces the plan to Papa and the kids:if they do something rude such as forgetting to

say“please”or“thank you”,the punishment is to sweep the floor.Brother and Sister object to

the politeness plan,telling Mama that she's not being fair.Mama,however,reminds the kids that

they're the ones who aren't being fair to themselves or other people.She then explains what

manners are and why they are important until Papa interrupts her.

While Mama is thankful for Papa's comment,she notes that he breaks one of the rules.

She hands him a feather duster and has him dust the room.Brother and Sister note how serious

the plan is and both come up with the idea of being super polite to get Mama to call off the

politeness plan.

注意:1.续写词数应为 150 个左右;


They put their idea into practice._____________________________________________


Mama is pleased with the change.____________________________________________






