
2024-04-24·10页·9 M











1-5 CBABC 6-10 ABCAA 11-15 CBCBB 16-20 ACACB


21—23 ADC 24—27 ACBB 28—31 CABD 32—35 CBDD 36----40 BGAFD


第一节 完型填空

41-45 BABCA 46-50 CADCA 51-55 DBCBD

第二节 语法填词

56 when 57 so 58 features 59 surrounding 60 has provided

61 locals 62 like 63 more popular 64 written 65 to appreciate

第四部分 写作


Dear Peter,

I’m sorry to say that I cannot go climbing with you on Saturday afternoon. I

have just found that I have to attend an important class meeting that afternoon. I hope

the change will not cause you too much trouble.

Shall we go on Sunday morning? We can set out early so that we’ll have more time

to enjoy the breathtaking scenery. If it’s convenient for you, let’s meet at 8:30 outside

the school gate. If not, let me know what time suits you best. I should be available any

time after school next week.

Looking forward to your early reply.

Li Hua


Ridoy, a 12-year-old boy, lived a carefree life under good care of his mom and dad.

Just like any other boy of his age, he often lost his temper with his parents. Sometimes

he obeyed what they said, but sometimes he would completely ignore them. For

example, one day, Ridoy’s mom needed to go shopping for some ingredients for

cooking and she asked Ridoy to help look after his one-year-old sister. But Ridoy just

blurted “no way”, slapped the door and locked himself into his bedroom. There was

another time when Ridoy’s dad urgently needed Ridoy to fetch a pair of fliers for him

when he was fixing his bike. Ridoy just refused without thinking. But Ridoy’s parents

did not worry a lot since this was very common in kids.

高三英语 第 1 页 共8页

It was an unexpected holiday announced by the school of Ridoy and he had a

five-day holiday. For the first two days, he spent a good time with his mother. She took

him for outings. They went to the beach and amusement parks, and had delicious dining.

She cooked his favorite foods and played with him. Three days were left and Ridoy’s

mother wanted to clean the house, which she intended to involve Ridoy in. To her

surprise, he accepted without hesitation. With the help of Ridoy, the house instantly

became very tidy and the floor shone like a mirror. Everything she asked him to do

during the three days was done to perfection. Although she was astonished by his

behavior, a delicious sweetness well up in Ridoy’s mom’s heart.

While she was cooking the dinner meal on the fifth day, Ridoy gave her a piece of

paper written by him. Since his mom was busy cooking, she asked him to place the

paper on the dining table. After cooking the meals, she took the paper left by his son.

The piece of paper contained the following list:

Cutting grass in the garden –$2

Cleaning the house – $3;

Taking care of my sister – $3;

Removing the garbage –$ 2;

In total, you owe me $20

She was literally shocked! She thought back the days and nights spent on her son, to

whom she dedicated all her time and energy, tears rolling down her cheeks. Speechless,

she took out a piece of paper and wrote: Before you were born, I carried you day and

night for nine whole months. Whenever you were sick, I spent sleepless nights taking

care of you. Whenever you were down, I did what I can to cheer you up. For so many

years, I have been caring for you like a precious gift. So, my dear son, how much do

you owe me?

The boy was in tears when reading the paper. How ridiculous he was to charge his mom

for doing such tiny things. He rushed to his mom and gave a tight hug that he had never

done before. Ridoy, lowering his head to avoid eye contact with his mom, murmured,

“Mom, I love you so much! I’m sorry for everything!” She took him in her arm and

kissed him on the forehead, a warm smile spreading across her face. That day, Ridoy

learned his mom’s unconditional love for him. Since then, he has changed a lot, taking

his share in housework as a member of the family.

高三英语 第 2 页 共8页





