
2024-05-02·11页·185.9 K









第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50分)

第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


The backpack you take can make or break your trip when you go traveling. Here are the four best

travel backpacks on the market.

Amazon Basics 70L

It's much cheaper than many travel bags on the market and does not sacrifice any of the practical uses

or space that comes with more expensive bags. The bag may not be as luxury as some of the more high-end

bags, but its simple style lets you focus on the main thing you need to focus on when traveling: the


Eurohike Nepal 65L

The Eurohike Backpack is a great choice because of how adaptable it is. Besides having a great

amount of storage, it comes with an internal security pocket. It weighs just 1.38kg as opposed to other

backpacks, which can weigh up to nearly 2kg. If you're going to go hiking when you travel, then it is


Mountain Warehouse Tor 65L

First , its brand is one of the most trusted in the industry ,so quality is guaranteed. Second, the

backpack's adjustable back allows you to change how the bag fits according to your needs. Available in


both blue and green, this is a great choice if you want a bag that you can depend on.

Osprey Europe Farpoint 70L

Osprey is one of the best brands for backpacks. Its frame(框架)suspension, which can be adjusted to

different needs, allows you to travel more comfortably. Whether you're visiting Switzerland in a thick,

wool coat or the south of France in shorts and a T-shirt, the bag will match your look. This bag does say it

is marketed for men, but, of course , it can be unisex.

1. What is the selling point of the Amazon Basics?

A. Its luxury style. B.Its fashionable design.

C. Its huge space for use. D. Its good value for money.

2. What do Mountain Warehouse Tor 65L and Osprey Europe Farpoint 70L have in common?

A. They are rich in color.

B. They have the same capacity.

C. They can be adjusted as needed.

D. They are targeted for male customers.

3. Which will you choose if anti-theft function is a concern?

A. Amazon Basics 70L. B .Eurohike Nepal 65L.

C. Mountain Warehouse Tor 65L, D. Osprey Europe Farpoint 70L.


At just seven years old, Angelina Tsuboi discovered her passion for innovation. It all began with a

simple game she programmed in her Los Angeles public school's Grade 2class. Today ,at18,the Grade 12

student's initial curiosity has evolved into a deep-seated desire to use technology to decode(解码)real-world


In 2021, she co-developed Megaphone, one of her first apps, to tackle unanswered post- class

questions and poor communication about events and announcements. Her problem-solving ability kept

building from there.

When she took online CPR classes at the start of the pandemic, she figured it couldn't be just her who

was struggling with the steps. So she created an app called CPR Buddya winner in the 2022 Apple Swift

Challengewhich guides users through CPR using vibrations(震动) to regulate breath. After winning the


award, Angelina presented her work to Apple CEO Tim Cook, a highlight in her young career, but one she

didn't lose her cool over. “There's no point putting people on a pedestal (神坛),”she says.

The next year, Angelina built an app called Lilac, designed to assist nonEnglish-speaking single

parents with resources for housing, job opportunities and translation support. She was inspired by her own

experiences as a child of a single mother who immigrated to the US.

When Angelina decided to pursue pilot training at the age of 16, she was struck by how difficult it was

to find financial support, which encouraged her to create yet another app, Pilot Fast Track, which helps

those longing to be pilots find scholarships for flight training.

Looking to the future, besides applying to colleges with great labs, Angelina is exploring the field of

aerospace cybersecurity and mechatronics combining computer science, electrical engineering and

mechanical engineering.

“ There's not enough optimism in the world, she says. “I have also been in situations in my life

where I've lost a lot of hope. But in the end, it is a mindset, and there are ways in any situation you're in to

make it somewhat better.

4.What is Angelina's pursuit?

A. To design games for kids.

B. To stimulate teen's curiosity.

C. To address problems through technology.

D. To find innovative approaches to digital challenges.

5.What can we learn about Angelina from Paragraph 3?

A. She couldn't breathe regularly. B. She was inspired by celebrities.

C. She replaced CPR with an app. D. She was humble about her success.

6.What was the primary goal of developing Pilot Fast Track?

A. To direct pilots' career paths.

B. To help to-be pilots find funds.

C. To pair future pilots with airlines.

D. To evaluate pilot training schools.

7. What might be the best title?

A. Breaking the code B. Bearing growing pains


C. Facing life as it is D. Following role models


Some people today might be early risers because of DNA they take after Neanderthals tens of

thousands of years ago, suggests new research.

When early humans migrated from Africa to Eurasia roughly 70,000 years ago, some of them mated

with Neanderthals, who had already adapted to the colder, darker climates of the north. The ripple(涟漪)

effects of that intermating still exist today: Modern humans of non- African ancestry(血统)have between 1

and 4 percent Neanderthal DNA. Some of that DNA relates to sleep more specifically, the internal body

clock known as the circadian rhythm.

For the new study, researchers compared DNA from today's humans and DNA from Neanderthal

fossils(化石).In both groups, they found some of the same genetic variants involved with the circadian

rhythm. And they found that modern humans who carry these variants also reported being early risers.

For Neanderthals, being “morning people” might not have been the real benefit of carrying these

genes. Instead, scientists suggest, Neanderthals’ DNA gave them faster, more flexible internal body clocks,

which allowed them to adjust more easily to annual changes in daylight. This connection makes sense in

the context of human history. When early humans moved north out of Africa, they would have experienced

variable daylight hours--shorter days in the winter and longer days in the summer-for the first time. The

Neanderthals' circadian rhythm genes likely helped early humans' offspring(后代 )adapt to this new


Notably ,the findings do not prove that Neanderthal genes are responsible for the sleep habits of all

early risers. Lots of different factors beyond genetics can contribute , including social and environmental

influences. The study also only included DNA from a database called the U.K. Biobank-so the findings

may not necessarily apply to all modern humans. Next, the research team hopes to study other genetic

databases to see if the same link holds true for people of other ancestries. If the findings do apply more

broadly , they may one day be useful for improving sleep in the modern world, where circadian rhythms are

disturbed by night shifts and glowing smartphones.

8.What does the new research focus on?

A. DNA's dramatic changes.


B. Genes’ influence on early risers.

C. Neanderthals’ sleeping patterns.

D. Ancestors’ environmental adaptability.

9.What is paragraph 2 intended to show concerning the new research?

A. Historical context. B. Additional proof.

C. Sample analysis. D. Studying process.

10. What is the real benefit of carrying Neanderthal's DNA for modern humans?

A .Getting up earlier. B. Having healthier daily routines.

C. Being more flexible in their work. D. Possessing a better circadian rhythm.

11. What can be inferred about the findings from the last paragraph?

A. They get proof from other studies.

B. They are confirmed by early risers.

C. They suggest potential applications.

D. They reveal factors in sleeping disorders.


I had to say something after reading The Anxious Generation. It is going to sell well , because

Jonathan Haidt is telling a scary story about children's development many parents are led to believe.

However, the book's repeated suggestion that digital technologies are rewiring our children's brains and

causing the epidemic (流行病)of mental illness is unsupported by science. Worse , the rude proposal that

social media is to blame might distract (分心 )us from effectively responding to the real causes of the

current mental-health crisis in young people.

Researchers have searched for the effects suggested by Haidt. Our efforts have produced a mix of no,

small and mixed associations. Most data are correlative. When associations over time are found, they

suggest not that social-media use predicts or causes depression, but that young people who already have

mental-health problems use such platforms more often or in different ways from their healthy peers.

We are not alone here. Several analyses and systematic reviews centralize on the same message. An

analysis done in 72 countries shows no consistent or measurable associations between well-being and

social media globally. Moreover, studies from some authorities finds no evidence of intense changes

associated with digital-technology use.


As a psychologist studying children's and adolescents’ mental health, I appreciate parents’

frustration(沮丧)and desire for simple answers. As a parent of adolescents, I would also like to identify a

simple source for the pain this generation is reporting. There are, however, no simple answers. The

beginning and development of mental disorders are driven by a complex set of genetic and environmental


More young people are talking openly about their mental-health struggles than ever before. But

insufficient services are available to address their needs. In the United States, there is, on average, one

school psychologist for every 1,119 students. We have a generation in crisis and in desperate need of the

best of what science and evidence-based solutions can offer. Unfortunately, our time is being spent telling

stories that are unsupported by research and that do little to support young people who need, and deserve,


12.What is presented in The Anxious Generation?

A. Scary stories affect children's brains.

B. Parents are responsible for children's health.

C. Teen's mental illness results from screen time.

D. The epidemic of mental illness is unavoidable.

13.What does “the same message ”underlined in paragraph 3 refer to?

A. Many countries do research in mental health.

B. Well-being and social media are closely related.

C. The young are trapped in the mental-health crisis,

D. Social media don't necessarily cause mental illness.

14. What is implied in the last paragraph?

A. Effective actions need to be taken. B. Positive stories should be shared.

C. Financial support needs to be provided. D. Broader research should be done.

15.What is the author's purpose in writing the text?

A. To suggest ways to help those in need.

B. To encourage parents to brave the crisis.

C. To recommend a newly-published book.

D. To give a voice to children's mental issues.


第二节(共5 小题;每小题 2.5分,满分 12.5分)


It was dinner time, yet I hadn't finished my work for the day. Cheery people who were enjoying their

holiday time buzzed around me. But with my head down and headphones in, I had interacted with very few

of them. The day passed more like a fast-forwarded video than something that I actually fully experienced.


This was my first week living the digital nomad lifestyle. I had left my corporate role and found

freelance(自由职业的)writing work online to afford me the freedom to travel. 17 With enthusiasm, I

expected my attitude would also change. Instead, the first surprising realization of my travel journey had hit:

despite changing my formal suits to casuals, I was the exact same person I had been at home.

I had prepared excitedly, surfing online about digital nomadism. 18 While you might expect

finances to be the biggest killer of this lifestyle, unrealistic expectations are the death blow that I hear about

most often. After six years abroad, realism is now the primary message I share.

19 Instead of an office room, you'll work from a balcony overlooking the Mediterranean or a sunny

rooftop in the heart of Marrakesh. Instead of waiting at the coffee machine next to complaining colleagues,

your daily coffee run will lead you down dusty cobblestone streets into tiny cafes. These dreams exist and

are waiting for you once you clear customs.

But that's not all that's waiting for new digital nomads. 20 At-home life and life on the road can

at times feel shockingly similar, or, if bad work habits take over, even worse. It's an important expectation

to understand before you set out on your digital nomad lifestyle: your surroundings will change, but you

take you everywhere that you go. No matter how ultra-light you pack.

A. And my surroundings looked different.

B. But this wasn't at a tiring nine-to-five office job.

C. This was a typical day back in my office I managed to escape.

D. New surroundings may also make you fully engaged in your work.

E. Should you choose to become a digital nomad, your environment will change.

F. You'll still wake up with emails in your inbox and to-dos begging to be handled.

G. Yet somehow I unknowingly over-consumed expectation and under-consumed realism.


第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30分)

第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题1分,满分 15分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

I had never picked up a camera before my freshman year in 2012,when my journey to an artist began.

For four years, I 21 G-Star School of The Arts, where my 22 for photography and filmmaking were


Having seen my first short film, my teacher came over, saying: “You got a good 23 . Why not

consider doing this as your profession. I think you've got a 24 in it. Then, it clicked. I, therefore, 25

my bank account and bought my first camera.

Since then , I was amazed by the 26 the world has to offer. I have to 27 , though: I, shy and

chicken-hearted , tended to capture nature-related scenes, 28 anything to do with people.

As I was 29 my way, I started photographing myself, the only one I felt 30 with. The camera

soon became my strongest 31 , serving as the tool for how I expressed myself. Gradually , I gained

enough 32 to start taking photos of other people , greatly touched by how I was able to 33 the best

in them through the lens(镜头).

Each year,I would look back on all of the shots I did that year and would 34 them to the first one I

ever took in my career. Although the progress seemed substantial, I realized the key to growth as an artist is

to never be 35 .This allows me to create progressively better work year after year.

21.A.designed B.attended C. assessed D.arranged

22.A.duties B.requests C.passions D.needs

23.A.heart B.hand C. eye D.nerve

24.A.future B. memory C.schedule D. certificate

25.A.opened B. closed C.monitored D.emptied

26.A.beauty B.sound C.lesson D.chance

27.A.admit B.judge C.conclude D.negotiate

28.A.envying B.avoiding C. prioritizing D. recording

29.A.winding B. losing C. shooting D.clearing

30.A.familiar B.comfortable C.generous D.patient

31.A.resolve B.voice C. shoulder D.vision

32.A.knowledge B.integrity C. confidence D.insight

33.A.bring out B.comment on C.call for D.take ove

34.A.refer B.relate C.apply D.compare

35.A.self-conscious B.self-reliant C.self-centered D.self-content


第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 15分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

“ Cold the iron chains spanning over the Dadu River,Chairman Mao Zedong wrote in a poem,

describing the do-or-die battle which took place on the Luding Bridge. The Bridge, 36 ( measure )

103.67 meters in length and 3 meters in width, is located in Sichuan Province , which was 37

( original) built in 1705 during the Qing Dynasty. Near the Luding Bridge considered a historical landmark

38 (stand) a museum, in front of which there is a bronze statue of the soldiers whose spirit makes the

bridge a household name.

Over 80 years ago, the bridge was crucial to the survival of the CPC-led Red Army during the Long

March because if the soldiers had failed to dash through the Luding Bridge then, the Red Army might have

been wiped out. Upon their 39 ( arrive ), the Red Army found only thirteen heavy iron chains 40

( leave) across the river. With no time to waste, one by one the Red soldiers ventured forward to risk their

lives and of those who offered 41 ( they ), thirty were chosen. Though several soldiers fell into 42

fast-flowing river,the others crawled along the wood boards they had laid until they finally took control of

the east bank .

Probably never before had people seen fighters like these-men for whom soldiering was not just a rice

bowl, 43 a mission. They astonishingly accomplished 44 seemed like a task impossible and their 45

( courage) spirit will always stick in our mind.

第三部分 写作(共两节,满分 40分)

第一节(满分 15分)

你校与国外友好学校拟举行以“Farming on Campus”为主题的线上交流会,作为项目负责人,你被





1.写作词数应为 80 个左右:


Hi, everyone!

Thank you for your attention.


第二节(满分 25分)


Jack was new to Woodberry Forest School this year. He carried a secret burden: a stutter(口吃) that

often brought about laughter from his classmates. This made him very upset. Shy and reserved. Jack chose

to fade into the background rather than draw attention to himself. He felt like an outsider, never quite fitting


Jack was eager to exchange ideas with his classmates, but afraid of getting into trouble. Jack's science

teacher, Katherine, a warm and caring woman often wearing a smile, noticed Jack's stutter and shyness. She

observed how Jack struggled to express himself in class and how he would shy away when called upon to


Determined to lend a hand, Katherine took Jack under her wing, encouraging him to embrace bravery

and believe in his own abilities. Subsequently, Katherine adopted a set of systematic methods to help him.

She was glad to find the potential in him, the intelligence and creativity that lay hidden beneath his stutter.

Whenever possible, Katherine was always ready to praise his efforts, always declaring, You are so great!”

Whenever Jack stumbled over his words, Katherine always smiled at him encouragingly, providing him

with the strength to continue. Day by day, Jack found himself speaking with greater confidence and


One day, Katherine announced that each student should give a presentation of a science project in

front of the class. Jack's heart sank, the familiar fear and anxiety wrapping around him. How could he

possibly stand before his classmates to give his ideas clearly, knowing that they would laugh at him? As the

presentation drew near, Jack's anxiety mounted. Then came the big day. He watched his classmates take

turns to walk up to the front. They gave their presentation with confidence and backed to their seats with

satisfaction. However, while Jack was waiting for his turn, his heart beat so violently that he felt as if he

were sitting on pins and needles.


1.续写词数应为 150 个左右;


It was finally his turn.

When Jack finished his presentation, the room erupted into applause.






