
2024-09-04·16页·1.3 M

2024-2025学年高三上学期 8 月试题







第一部分:听力(共两节,满分 20 分)

1.At what time will the flight arrive?

A.1:00 pm. B.1:30 pm. C.2:30 pm.

2.Why was Marvin away?

A.Because he was on sick leave.

B.Because he had to look after his father.

C.Because he went sightseeing in Argentina.

3.What does the woman agree to do?

A.Take a train. B.Change the seats. C.Sit next to her mom.

4.What does the man mean?

A.The major is unfit for him.

B.He is unwilling to take a test.

C.He wants to be a news reporter.

5.What will Peter do after dinner?

A.Play football. B.Go home. C.Watch a match.


6.Who is the new exchange student?

A.Li Yang. B.Tara. C.Lucy.

7.Where is Redding?

A.In California. B.In Tokyo. C.In New Delhi.


8.When did the woman start running in the park?

A.Today. B.One month ago. C.One year ago.

9.What is Plogging according to the man’s introduction?

A.A global trend that started this year.

B.An activity for the benefit of marathon runners.

C.A new trend combining picking up trash and running.

10.Why is Plogging becoming popular?

A.Because of the good effect of losing weight.

B.Because of the desire to be close to nature.

C.Because of the increasing awareness of the plastic problems.


11.Why is Mom disappointed?

答案第 1页,共 16页

A.Dominic performs badly at school.

B.Dominic intends not to become a doctor.

C.Dominic fails to be admitted to a high school.

12.What does Dominic desire to do?

A.Make instruments. B.Play on stage. C.Create songs.

13.What is the woman’s attitude towards Dominic’s decision?

A.Disapproving. B.Supportive. C.Unconcerned.


14.What do we know about the man?

A.He is staying in his friends’ house.

B.He is to blame for the stolen things.

C.He is busy with his own business.

15.When did the man leave the caf?

A.About 7:00 p. m. B.About 10:00 p. m. C.About 11:00 p. m.

16.What would the man’s friends care about most?

A.The TV set. B.The computer. C.The paintings.

17.Who is the woman?

A.The man’s wife. B.A policewoman. C.The owner of the house.


18.When will the final exam be held?

A.Next Tuesday. B.Next Wednesday. C.Next Thursday.

19.What should the students review before the exam?

A.Mid-term exam and class notes.

B.Mid-term exam and the textbooks.

C.Class notes and the textbooks.

20.What can we learn about the final exam?

A.It is very important for the students grade.

B.Students have to answer five questions to write the articles.

C.It's not very difficult if students have attended all the lessons.

第二部分阅读(共两节, 满分 50 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分, 满分 37.5 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


If you want to know something about British life, their spirit, and even their humor, watching some classic British

films will certainly help. Here are some recommended to you.

Notting Hill

After the success of his film Four Weddings and a Funeral, writer and producer Richard Curtis captured the essence

of being British in 1999’s Notting Hill. Set against the background of rich West London, the film became popular for its

charming and funny portrayal (刻画) of a British nobody trying to impress a Hollywood star.

The Full Monty

This 1997 film is a Sheffield-based comedy about six unemployed men who form a group to make money for a better

life. Despite its humor, the film dives deeper into some serious issues surrounding working-class culture. The Full Monty is

答案第 2页,共 16页

an uplifting film that gives an insight into the work and life of the working class in Britain.


Danny Boyle’s 1996 comedy-drama Trainspotting is about a group of Scots in the 1980s, based on the book by Irvine

Welsh. With a cast of truly great actors including Ewan McGregor, the tale impressed the audience globally. It rapidly

became a critical success.

Monty Python’s Life of Brian

Featuring a jam-packed cast of comedic stars, Monty Python’s Life of Brian tells the story of a young man who is in a

case of mistaken identity. The film reflects the unusual and wonderful British sense of humor. As a film guaranteed to

entertain, Monty Python’s Life of Brian is not to be missed by those looking for an insight into what makes the British laugh.

21.What do Notting Hill and The Full Monty have in common?

A.Released in the same year.

B.Being full of fun and humor.

C.Involving some serious issues.

D.Featuring a cast of world-famous stars.

22.Who successfully acted in the film Trainspotting?

A.Richard Curtis. B.Irvine Welsh.

C.Ewan McGregor. D.Danny Boyle.

23.What is Monty Python’s Life of Brian about?

A.Daily life of the working class.

B.Reflection of rich West London.

C.Unique experiences of some Scots.

D.A youth mistaken for another man.


Born on March 21, 1958, in Louisiana, Grant Cardone is not a typical celebrity. He didn’t come from a wealthy

family. He’s not a Hollywood superstar, nor does he have some amazing talents, like script-writing, politics or athleticism.

However, what he has is something that is available to us all, and that is a determination to succeed.

At the age of 25, Cardone took the first job that he could find. That job was as a car salesman. It was a title and a

position that Grant was not very fond of. However, the economy was slow, which meant he didn’t have many options, so he

made it work.

Cardone was committed to becoming the best salesperson he could be. So, he invested (投资) heavily in his own

self-improvement by reading books and studying his craft and his industry. After committing himself to becoming his very

best, his income quickly doubled. And soon thereafter, he became one of the best car salesmen in the country. He eventually

moved on to running his own business, and was extremely smart and disciplined (自律的) with his money. Cardone only

spent money on what was absolutely necessary for food and housing. He would place anything left over into an investment

fund just for the property market.

Cardone’s focus on learning more so that he could earn more, along with having the discipline to invest his extra

money, instead of wasting it on useless things, helped him become a self-made millionaire just five years later by the age of


Cardone has since gone on to become a well-known international businessman, speaker and the owner of Cardone

Capital, a $ 1.5 billion investment firm. He’s authored the New York Times bestselling books If You’re Not First, You’re Last,

and other famous books like The 10X Rule, and Axiom Award winning Sell or Be Sold. In addition to this, he also founded

答案第 3页,共 16页

Cardone University, a popular sales training platform that has over 50,000,000 and growing users.

It took Cardone only five years to completely change his entire life. With the right mindset and sufficient willpower,

just imagine what five years could do for you.

24.Why did Cardone choose to become a car salesman?

A.To meet a superstar. B.To do research on cars.

C.To support himself. D.To maintain his interest.

25.How did Cardone handle his money?

A.He bought many clothes. B.He helped his family members.

C.He spent it on useful things. D.He put most of it in the bank.

26.What does paragraph 5 mainly tell us about Cardone?

A.His achievements. B.The plans for his company.

C.His experiences of education. D.The reasons for his popularity.

27.What can we learn from Cardone’s story?

A.Failure is the mother of success.

B.Investment is risky but rewarding.

C.Making money calls for professional advice.

D.Success requires determination and efforts.


How often have you wondered what the boy sitting across from you on the bus is really thinking? It seems that you

will never really know for sure. After all, the content of our thoughts is unperceivable to anyone else.

Neuroscience (神经科学) research into how we think and what we’re thinking makes it possible to watch directly

into the brain to read out the physical make-up of our thoughts, some would say to read our minds.

The technology that is changing what once was impossible in science into just plain science is a specialized use of

MRI scanning (扫描) called “functional MRI”, fMRI for short. It makes it possible to see what’s going on inside the brain

while people are thinking.

What neuroscientist Marcel Just and his colleagues have done is combine fMRI’s ability to look at the brain in action

with computer science's new power to sort through massive amounts of data. The goal is to see if they could identify exactly

what happens in the brain when people think specific thoughts.

They did an experiment where they asked subjects to think about ten objects—five of them tools like scissors or

rulers, and live of them buildings like castles or towers. They then recorded and analyzed the activity in the subjects’ brains

for each. When we think “ruler” or “tower” for example, Just says neurons start firing at varying levels of intensity (强

度) in different areas throughout the brain. “And we found that we could identify which object they were thinking about

from their brain activation patterns (激活模式) . We're identifying the thought that’s taking place,” he said.

IMRI scanning has already been used to try to figure out what we want to buy and how to sell it to us. It’s a new field

called “neuromarketing”. One of its pioneers, Gemma Calvert, says it’s a growing field. “What we’ve seen is a sort of

snowballing effect over the last few years.”

28.Which can best replace the underlined word “unperceivable” in paragraph 1?

A.Definite. B.Professional. C.Various. D.Secret.

29.What is fMRI used to do?

A.Observe your physical activities. B.Introduce plain science to the public.

C.Figure out what you are thinking about. D.Find out how your brain is made up of.

30.What is paragraph 5 mainly about?

答案第 4页,共 16页

A.The process of the experiment. B.The objects used in the experiment.

C.The major findings of the research. D.The subjects involved in the research.

31.What does Gemma Calvert think of neuromarketing?

A.Fruitless. B.Promising. C.Challenging. D.Unpredictable.


In the summer of 2020, a devastating wildfire, ignited by a lightning strike, swept across 43,000 acres of Cima Dome

within the Mojave National Preserve in California. This area is renowned for being home to the planet’s most extensive

Joshua tree forest. The inferno led to the destruction of 1.3 million Joshua trees, which equates to roughly a quarter of the

forest’s population. The task of rehabilitating this ecosystem was a formidable one. However, an unconventional approach

was implemented to aid in the revival of these distinctive desert flora: employing camels to assist in the restoration efforts.

During the ice age, the now-extinct giant sloths played a pivotal role in the dispersal of Joshua tree seeds through

their feeding habits. In their absence, smaller mammals have assumed this function, but with significantly less effectiveness.

“Joshua tree seeds are not dispersed rapidly,” remarked Debra Hughson, a worker at the Mojave National Preserve. “Their

movement is slow and limited when relying solely on the presence of small mammals.”

The strategy focused initially on reviving the Cima Dome region due to its higher altitude, which offers the trees a

better chance of withstanding the impacts of climate change. Hughson, along with her team of professional volunteers,

commenced the planting of seedlings in the scorched landscape. However, the theoretically sound plan did not translate well

into practice. The location’s remote wilderness status means that even reaching it requires a multi-hour hike.

This is where Herbie, Sully, and Chico, three camels, stepped in as unlikely heroes.

The innovative idea to utilize these camels originated from Nance Fite, a 70-year-old volunteer at the reserve. Upon

learning about the restoration initiative, she dedicated herself to persuading the Park Service to enlist the camels’ assistance.

She also managed to convince her friend Jennifer Lagusker, the camels’ owner, to bring them to the preserve. Since 2021,

these three camels have been instrumental in the restoration process, with approximately 3,500 young Joshua trees planted

to date. They have been instrumental in transporting water and seedlings during the lengthy treks across the desert reserve.

Upon completion of this phase of work, the Park Service intends to concentrate on another area ravaged by the

wildfire. The camels will stand ready to provide their services wherever they are required in the ongoing efforts to restore

the Mojave National Preserve.

32.What happened to the Mojave National Preserve in 2020? ______

A.Joshua trees in this area went extinct.

B.Lightning caused damage to its camels.

C.A wildfire swept across the whole reserve.

D.Its desert trees encountered a natural disaster.

33.What do the underlined words “the role” in paragraph 2 refer to? ______

A.Spreading the seeds. B.Restoring the trees.

C.Helping giant sloths. D.Working for a reserve.

34.Why did the volunteer team’s first attempt turn out ineffective? ______

A.Hiking was legally forbidden in the wilderness.

B.They had trouble traveling to the Cima Dome area.

C.Few people in the team were willing to plant seedlings.

D.The trees couldn’t survive the effects of climate change.

35.What can we learn from the text? ______

答案第 5页,共 16页

A.The idea of using camels was initially adopted easily.

B.The Park Service is satisfied with the camels’ work.

C.Nance Fite is responsible for raising the three camels.

D.The restoration project has been followed in many areas.

第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)


World Environment Day, celebrated annually on June 5th, is a global event that encourages action for the protection

of our environment. Established by the United Nations in1974, it has become a platform for the public in over 100 countries.

36 Here are four simple ways you can care for your environment.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

The principle “reduce, reuse, recycle” is important. 37 Reduce: Be mindful of your consumption. Use

products with minimal packaging and consider if you truly need that new item. Reuse: Think of creative ways to repurpose

items. Recycle: Make sure to recycle paper, plastics, metals, and electronics.

Conserve water

Water is a precious resource, and conserving it helps ensure its availability for future generations. A dripping faucet

can waste gallons of water over time so ensure all taps, pipes, and toilets are leak-free. 38

Choose sustainable transportation

Transportation is a significant source of greenhouse gases. Opting for more sustainable modes of transport can make

a big difference. 39 Also consider buses, trains, or carpooling to reduce the vehicles on the road. Consider

investing in an electric vehicle, which has a lower environmental impact compared to traditional cars.


This step helps reduce your carbon footprint and promotes sustainable agriculture. Local products travel shorter

distances to reach you, reducing transportation emissions. Plus, organic farming practices reduce the use of pesticides and

fertilizers, promoting soil health.

Small, consistent actions can lead to significant benefits. Remember, every action counts ,and together we can create

a more sustainable future.

A.Support local and organic products

B.For short distances, consider walking or cycling.

C.Improve air quality and provide habitats for wildlife.

D.This year, we focus on everyday steps that anyone can take.

E.Use water-efficient appliances, for example, low-flow shower heads.

F.It reminds us of the reasoning behind minimizing waste and conserving resources.

G.They include these simple practices into your daily life and contribute to our planet.

第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A.B.C.D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

One of my major life-turning points happened during my exchange study in Finland. At the University of Economics

in Prague where I studied it was extremely 41 to get on an Erasmus exchange trip abroad since the demand was

42 . Everyone wanted to go!

Regardless, I decided to sign up early for my last semester, just to see what the process was like to be better prepared

for 43 again in a year. I did make it through all the three rounds and 44 got a spot at a University in

Turku, Finland! I was 45 . The success brought its own 46 , but once you set your eyes on the goal,

答案第 6页,共 16页

nothing can stop you.

And I had the time of my life in Finland. I met the most amazing people, traveled a ton, partied a lot, and 47

with friends from all over the world. 48 I was one of the few people there who really needed to pass all the

courses and additionally write the papers, I 49 to run on an impossible sleep schedule of four hours per night.

But I 50 it! My study in Finland opened up my 51 , too.

After the exchange study, I 52 my life in Finland. This adventure led me to choose a life of 53

made up of remote work and plenty of travelling. I couldn’t have asked for a better 54 . And it gave me one of

my favorite 55 that I can now share with others.

41.A.ridiculous B.significant C.impossible D.difficult

42.A.huge B.flexible C.temporary D.random

43.A.distributing B.acquiring C.applying D.performing

44.A.obviously B.importantly C.immediately D.surprisingly

45.A.disappointed B.confused C.excited D.embarrassed

46.A.reactions B.challenges C.opportunities D.achievements

47.A.competed B.bonded C.conflicted D.agreed

48.A.Now that B.Even if C.In case D.So long as

49.A.happened B.managed C.presumed D.hesitated

50.A.ignored B.dismissed C.made D.expected

51.A.horizons B.companies C.responsibilities D.organizations

52.A.wrapped up B.picked up C.held up D.brought up

53.A.experiment B.employment C.discipline D.freedom

54.A.salary B.outcome C.position D.profession

55.A.traditions B.fictions C.experiences D.legends

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分, 满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The core value of Chinese traditional culture is the concept of harmony. Harmony is, in fact, a complete cultural

system that consists of not only 56 (value) but also a philosophy with its own world outlook. Harmony means

“proper and balanced cooperation between things”.

With harmony at the heart, traditional Chinese principles suggest that there is a built-in dynamic in the universe that

turns imbalance into balance. This concept, deeply 57 (mix) into the history of Chinese society, advocates for a

balanced and 58 (peace) coexistence within the individual, between people, and between humanity and nature.

At the center of Chinese cultural harmony is the belief in the interconnectedness of all things. It 59 (reflect)

in various aspects of Chinese life, from the emphasis on family unity and social bond 60 the practice of traditional

arts and the governance of the state.

The significance of harmony in Chinese culture cannot be overstated. It has shaped China’s approach to international

relations, 61 (highlight) harmonious coexistence and shared benefit. In taking care of the environment, 62

inspires efforts to live according to natural cycles and to respect all forms of life. Moreover, the concept of harmony, 63

has enabled China to maintain social 64 (stable) and cultural consistency despite the challenges of history, offers a

model for settling conflicts and promoting a sense of community and belonging. As the world becomes 65 (steady)

interconnected, the principles of Chinese cultural harmony offer valuable insights for creating a more balanced and

sustainable global society.

答案第 7页,共 16页

第四部分写作(共两节, 满分 40 分)

第一节(满分 15 分)

66.假定你是李华,你校英文报“Healthy Lifestyle”专栏正在组织以“有效减压”为主题的讨论,请你给编辑写一封信





1.写作词数应为 80 左右;


Dear editor,







Li Hua

第二节(满分 25 分)


In the summer of 2005, Kathryn Fumie, having just finished her freshman year of college, was living in an apartment

and learning to cook. One day, she decided to make soup on the stove.

As the soup gently cooked on the stove, Fumie went to check on it. In a moment of distraction, she accidentally

knocked the pot over, causing the boiling soup to splash onto her hand. The pain was immediate and unbearable, and she

quickly realized she had severely burned her skin.

Her classmate, who was nearby, saw the accident and quickly called for an ambulance. Within minutes, the

ambulance arrived, and an EMT (急救医疗医生), wearing a mask, began to assist her. The EMT helped Fumie stay calm

during the 45-minute drive to the hospital, despite her continuously asking for some alleviation of her pain.

“Could you do something to ease my pain, please? Could I have a cold pack?” Fumie asked repeatedly. The EMT

explained gently but firmly that he couldn’t give her a cold pack because extreme cold might cause further damage to her

already injured skin. She had to tolerate the pain until they reached the burn unit.

At the hospital, the doctor treating her took a compassionate (有同情心的) approach. He talked to her throughout the

treatment process to help distract her from the pain. They chatted about various topics, including her part-time job at a

factory, which helped to take her mind off her injuries. Most importantly, the doctor made her know that she was going to be


“He had an amazing voice, and just was so calm. He made sure that I got the right treatment,” Fumie remembered.

The doctor’s professional and empathetic demeanor made a significant difference in her experience.

Fumie was in hospital for four and a half days, receiving excellent care. Two months later, fully recovered, she

returned to her part-time job as a receptionist at the factory. However, the story didn’t stop here.


1.续写词数应为 150 个左右;


One day, while working at the reception desk, a man approached her.

答案第 8页,共 16页





“I just really wanted to come check on you,” said the EMT.


1.C【原文】M: Excuse me, when will the flight CA 981 from new York arrive?

W: It’s supposed to arrive at one p.m., but it will be delayed for an hour and a half.

2.B【原文】W: Did you see Marvin this morning?

M: Didn’t you know that? He hasn’t been here for at least two weeks.

W: What happened?

M: He went to Argentina. His father was ill.

3.B【原文】M: Excuse me, madam. Would you mind switching seats with me? I’d like to sit next to my mom. It’s the first

time she takes a train. And my seat number is 15B.

W: No problem.

4.A【原文】W: Jerry, you’ve got a chance to go to college without taking a test, right?

M: Ah, yes, the news goes so fast. But I haven’t decided yet.

W: Don’t hesitate. That’s a very famous university.

M: Maybe. But the major is not fit for me.

5.C【原文】M: Hi, mum.

W: What’s up, Peter?

M: I won’t be back home for dinner. My Chinese friend Li Ming has come to London. We’ll have dinner together, and then

watch a football game.

W: I get it.

6.B 7.A

【原文】M: Hello! I’m the Monitor Li Yang. Are you the new exchange student?

W: Yes. I’m Tara. I’m from Redding, the USA.

M: Where is Redding?

W: It’s located in northern California. It is not a big city, but it’s not as crowded as Tokyo and New Delhi.

M: Oh. Welcome to Class 4. This is your seat, which is between the other two exchange students Lucy and Tom.

答案第 9页,共 16页

W: Thanks.

8.A 9.C 10.C

【原文】W: Hi, Mark. Long time no see.

M: Nice to see you, Jenny. It’s the first time we’ve met in this park since I began jogging.

W: I just began running here this morning. Why do you carry a plastic bag with some trash? Do you forget to drop it?

M: Ha...no. I’m involved in an activity called Plogging, in which you pick up trash while running.

W: Interesting. But I’ve never heard this word, Plogging.

M: The word combines picking and jogging. All you need is a pair of running shoes and a trash bag, and it can help you

keep fit by picking up trash and carrying weight in jogging.

W: Then I think the health benefits are increased.

M: You said it. The trend appears to have started one year ago, but is now going global, due to the increasing awareness of

plastic problems around us.

W: Running and good causes have always gone hand in hand- just like all the fundraising marathon runners do.

But there couldn’t be a more popular way of keeping fit than Plogging.

M: That’s right. Anything that's getting people out in nature and connecting positively with their environment is a good

thing. Come and join us next time.

W: I will.

11.B 12.C 13.A

【原文】W: What’s wrong with Mom and Dad? Mom looks very disappointed and Dad looks tired.

M: Dominic just called and said he would like to go to art school instead of senior high school.

W: Why? He studied very hard. He even stayed up late studying because he wanted to become a doctor in the future.

M: No, he didn’t want to do that. It’s our parents who have always wanted him to be a doctor. Do you remember the times

he played the organ and the guitar?

W: Yeah, he always played very well. He could compose a song very quickly with those instruments.

M: That’s his actual passion. He doesn’t like performing on stage. He only hopes that the songs he creates can be loved by


W: But I don’t think he should make such a decision. Doesn’t he need to consider our parents’ feelings?

M: But everyone has the right to pursue their dreams.

14.A 15.C 16.C 17.B

【原文】W: Did you report a break-in to us just now?

M: Well, it isn’t my place. I am just staying here for two months while my friends are out of the city. So besides the TV set

and some paintings, I don’t really know what else is missing. All the drawers had been emptied out and I guess something

was taken. My friends will be mad.

W: I see. Now...

M: It wasn’t my fault, of course. All the windows and doors were locked.

W: Now how exactly did you discover the break-in?

M: I went out at 7:00 as I do every Thursday to attend my computer class. Afterwards I stopped at a caf for a drink and I

got back here just after 1 1 o’clock.

W: How can you be so sure of the time?

M: Because I was at the caf till the ten o’clock news was over, and it’s only a two-minute walk from here. Is there any

chance that anything being recovered? I know my friends will be especially sad about the paintings.

答案第 10页,共 16页





