
2024-09-20·10页·1.2 M





1.本试卷共 10 页,满分 150 分,考试时间为 120 分钟。考试结束后,请将答题卷交回。

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第一部分:听力(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一部分:听力(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)

听下面的 5 段对话。每段对话后都有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完

每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

1.Why is the woman making changes?

A.To work at the office.

B.To follow her dream.

C.To go to university.

2.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.In a taxi. B.In a train station. C.In the speakers’ home.

3.Why does Geoff think it was a bad start?

A.He mistook the woman’s identity.

B.He didn’t help the receptionist.

C.He was late for work.

4.What time is Cathy’s interview?

A.At 2:00 p.m. B.At 3:00 p.m. C.At 4:00 p.m.

5.What does the man want to do?

A.Repair the roads. B.Cut back the trees. C.Examine the bird boxes.

第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选

项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,

各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。

6.What did the man think of the news story?

A.It was scary. B.It was inspirational. C.It was uninteresting.

7.How old is the man probably?

A.15. B.17. C.20.

听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。

8.What is the main topic of the conversation?

A.Favorite online newspapers.

B.A particular newspaper article.

C.The cost of online newspapers.

9.What field does the man probably work in?

A.Education. B.Journalism. C.Politics.

10.What does the man think of the price of The Wall Street Journal?

A.Cheapest. B.Incredible. C.Reasonable.

听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 13 题。

11.Who equipped the woman’s mother with the brightest colors?

A.Her daughter. B.Her physician. C.Her husband.

12.What did the physician suggest the woman’s mother mainly exercise for?

A.Having fun.

B.Strengthening her bones.

C.Losing weight.

13.Where does the woman’s mother prefer to work out?

A.At home. B.At the park. C.At the gym.

听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至 16 题。

14.How does the woman feel about self-driving cars now?

A.Uninterested. B.Unsure. C.Positive.

15.When would a self-driving car be useful, according to the man?

A.When the driver doesn’t have car insurance.

B.When the traffic accidents are fewer.

C.When the driver is too worn out.

16.In which market will the cars be available this year?

A.North America. B.Europe. C.Asia.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。

17.What does the speaker compare poetry to?

A.Writing novels. B.Watching a play. C.Listening to music.

18.What should poets avoid doing in most cases?

A.Switching between different patterns.

B.Concerning themselves with logic.

C.Getting friends to read their poems.

19.What will readers find rewarding according to the speaker?

A.Buying books of poems.

B.Reading the poem out loud.

C.Discovering the meaning themselves.

20.What does the speaker advise new poets to do?

A.Keep the poems simple.

B.Write a simple beginning.

C.Try to get complex ideas.

第二部分:阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


Course overview

Becoming an effective communicator can help you achieve your goals in life, both professionally and

personally. In this course, you will learn how to engage an audience and find and use the power of your own unique


What will I learn?

By the end of the course you will be able to:

apply the principles of effective communication to any situation, from writing to presenting and storytelling;

develop your own unique voice to communicate with any audience;

apply communication techniques for influence and emotional impact.

Who is this course for?

This course is aimed at anyone desiring to improve their communication skills, but specifically:

ambitious early juniors who want to equip themselves with the communication skills to advance and

achieve their career goals;

mid-level managers who wish to inspire and motivate team members and progress within their role;

senior leaders who need to better explain their ideas and vision to teams in order to achieve buy-in(认同)

and ensure optimum(最佳的)performance.

Course delivery

Courses are delivered in weekly modules(单元), allowing you to plan your time effectively. The

assessment criteria will be presented to you at the start of the course, so you can approach your studies with self-

assurance, knowing what is expected of you and how to meet those expectations.

Throughout your online learning experience, you will have access to your course tutor, who will help facilitate

your learning and provide you with support and guidance during your studies. You can interact with your tutor

through a range of media, such as live sessions, discussion forums, email or messaging.

What will I get on completion?

Evidence your learning with a Certificate of Achievement from the University of Cambridge on successful


21.What does the course primarily focus on?

A.Developing a distinct communication style.

B.Setting ambitious and achievable life goals.

C.Creating persuasive and powerful speeches.

D.Stressing the advantages of communication.

22.Who is the course particularly targeted at?

A.College students. B.Job seekers.

C.Career-driven professionals. D.Public speaking enthusiasts.

23.How does the course give you confidence?

A.By providing personalized study plans.

B.By teaching how to manage time wisely.

C.By conducting interactive learning activities.

D.By informing assessment standards in advance.


Students’ social-emotional skills are positively correlated with their reading and math performance, according

to a study by Branching Minds, an ed-tech company. It found that 60-70 percent of students who were identified as

needing additional social-emotional support were also identified as needing additional academic support.

To understand the links between social-emotional learning (SEL) and academic outcomes, the study analyzed

student screening assessments for social-emotional skills and reading and math performance of nearly 4,000 K-8

students in the 2021-22 school year.

The study’s findings are in line with previous research that shows social-emotional learning has a positive

impact on students’ academic achievement, but there’s still a gap in understanding how those pieces of data about

academic and social-emotional strengths should be integrated and used together to create intervention plans for


The study also found that social-emotional skills may act as “a protective factor” for some students performing

below academic standards, meaning that students’ social-emotional strengths could be used to boost their academic

achievement, said Essie Sutton, the director of learning science at Branching Minds. Therefore, “it would be

beneficial for educators to think about more combined support plans for struggling students,” she added.

For example, if a student is struggling with reading, but he is very social, “how can we build that into a

support plan, and perhaps make these targeted or individualized reading support groups more social and play to that

strength that they have?” Perhaps the student could take on the role of teacher and explain something to their peers

in order to help them practice reading comprehension, as well as social skills, Sutton said.

In the study, it is recommended that results from academic, social-emotional, and behavioral screeners should

be used when developing intervention plans for students. “It’s really important to look at students’ strengths and

needs comprehensively,” Sutton said. To do that, district and school leaders should ensure that their academic,

behavioral, and social-emotional support teams work together and that all stakeholders-students, parents, and

teachers-are part of the process of creating intervention plans.

24.How did the researchers carry out the study?

A.By interviewing students. B.By carrying out experiments.

C.By conducting data analysis. D.By referring to the previous data.

25.Why is the example mentioned in paragraph 5?

A.To attach great importance to social skills.

B.To narrow the gap of the previous research.

C.To explain social skills can protect everyone.

D.To advocate the integrated support strategies.

26.What matters when designing intervention strategies according to the passage?

A.Cooperation. B.Assessment. C.Flexibility. D.Individuality.

27.What is the passage mainly about?

A.The prospect of applying social emotional skills.

B.The effects SEL skills have on academic performance.

C.The methods to develop students’ SEL skills to the full.

D.The useful intervention plans for academic performance.


Artificial intelligence-powered medical treatment options are on the rise and have the potential to improve

diagnostic accuracy, but a new study found that about almost half of participants would choose a human doctor

rather than AI for diagnosis and treatment.

“While many patients appear resistant to the use of AI, accuracy of information and a slight push from

physicians may help increase acceptance,” Dr. Slepian mentioned the study’s other primary finding: that a human

touch can help clinical practices use AI to their advantage and earn patients’ trust. “To ensure the benefits of AI are

secured in clinical practice, future research on best methods of physician involvement and patient decision making

is required.”

In the study, participants were asked whether they would prefer to have an AI system or a physical doctor for

diagnosis and treatment, and under what circumstances. Researchers conducted structured interviews with actual

patients, testing their reactions to current and future AI technologies. Then they. polled 2,472 participants across

diverse ethnic, racial and socioeconomic groups using a blinded, randomized survey.

Overall, participants were almost evenly split, with more than 52% choosing human doctors as a preference

versus approximately 47% choosing an AI diagnostic method. If study participants were informed their primary

care physicians felt AI was superior, the acceptance of AI by study participants on re-questioning increased. This

signaled the significance of the human physician in guiding a patient’s decision.

Disease severity didn’t affect participants’ trust in AI. Compared to White participants, Black ones selected AI

less often and Native Americans more often. Older participants were less likely to choose it, as were those who

self-identified as politically conservative. These findings suggest differing groups will need specific attention as to

informing them as to the value and usefulness of AI to enhance diagnoses.

“I feel this study will guide many future studies and clinical translational decisions even now,” Dr. Slepian

said. “The onus will be on physicians and others in health care to ensure that information in AI systems is accurate,

and to continue to maintain and enhance the accuracy of AI systems as they will play an increasing role in the

future of health care.”

28.What can be inferred from Dr. Slepian’s words in Paragraph 2?

A.Most patients are still doubtful about AI medical treatment.

B.Human physicians can do a lot to promote AI medical treatment.

C.The unacceptance of AI is mainly due to the inaccuracy of information.

D.The reality that patients choose human doctors limits the development of AI.

29.What’s the key factor in increasing participants’ preference for AI treatment?

A.The gravity of the disease. B.The guidance of the physician.

C.The superiority of AI system. D.The personal background of the participant.

30.What does the underlined word “onus” in the last paragraph mean?

A.Responsibility. B.Attempt. C.Dependence. D.Focus.

31.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A.The Trust in AI: A Split among Patients.

B.Bridging the Gap: Human Doctors and AI.

C.An Important Study: The Future of AI Systems.

D.Improving Diagnostic Accuracy: The Role of AI.


Many have probably heard of Thoreau, even though his message of simplicity may sound old-fashioned.

Nowadays, smartphones flood us with text messages. Many consumers are buying the latest digital devices, from

tablets and fitness trackers to commercial drones. Simple living seems to be a thing of the past.

As a writer who declared the value of simplicity almost two centuries ago, Thoreau was a contrarian(叛逆

者)for his time. He lived during the height of the Industrial Age, distinguished by the rise of large factories,

expanding urban developments, and powerful machines such as steam engines.

Turned off by the constant hustle and bustle of his time, Thoreau withdrew from city life to live alone in the

woods. He brought with him only the necessities of life and wrote about this adventure in his book Walden. In

Walden, Thoreau is basically making a philosophical statement. We are not living deliberate or meaningful lives,

thanks (or no thanks) to modern technology. We created powerful machines to make life more convenient.

Unfortunately, these machines have done the opposite. In his words, “men have become the tools of their tools”.

That is to say, we are not the ones controlling technology. Technology is controlling us. Let me try updating

Thoreau’s message with a couple 21st-century examples. Every few minutes, smartphones may distract us with

messages. At least half of Americans check their phones several times an hour. Meanwhile, information overload

from social media can weaken our concentration and heighten confusion.

When technology causes that much distraction and confusion, it may be healthy to simplify life by reducing

technology overuse. Personally, I’ve done so in two ways. First, I use very little data on my phone and keep the

apps on it to a minimum. The vast majority of the time, I only use my phone to call or text. Second, I quit most

social media. Sure, those two things aren’t as extreme as Thoreau withdrawing into the woods. Nevertheless,

they’re realistic moves I can make toward living a more meaningful life.

32.Which statement would Thoreau probably agree with?

A.Technology holds back our ambition.

B.Technology is key to a meaningful life.

C.Simplicity is possible in a tech-driven world.

D.Simplicity is outdated in modern times.

33.What was the primary reason for Thoreau’s withdrawing from city life?

A.To escape the harsh economic conditions of his time.

B.To throw himself into the completion of his masterpiece.

C.To experience a new and exciting lifestyle away from technology.

D.To find a quieter existence that allows for deeper reflection and purpose.

34.What is presented in the last paragraph of the text?

A.Theoretical models. B.Popular beliefs.

C.Practical measures. D.Realistic analyses.

35.What is the purpose of the passage?

A.To criticize the overuse of 21st-century modern technology.

B.To illustrate Thoreau’s ideas on simple living in the modern context.

C.To explore the role of technology in shaping contemporary lifestyles.

D.To examine the effects of reduced social media use on personal well-being.

第二节(共 5 小题:每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)


Rock climbing has become a mainstream pleasure enjoyed by many. The natural world offers a thrilling

adventure through beautiful environments filled with wildlife.

However, rock climbing happens in places that are generally hard to access and unsuitable for agricultural

expansion and urbanization. As a result, they have generally suffered less human impact and the areas tend to be

important sites for biodiversity. 36 With the sport booming, the amazing biodiversity sustained by cliff

ecosystems is under pressure.

37 Giving nesting birds some place is what climbers can do. The presence of climbers at the cliff

where birds are nesting tends to cause them to abandon their chicks to starvation. Climbers should check in advance

if there are any bird nesting restrictions. This information is usually available on climbing guidebooks. 38

If climbers spot a nest, try to leave a note and find a way to communicate this to the rest of the local climbing


Some cliff-specialist plant species have very narrow ranges. If a suitable habitat is rare, they have few

opportunities to grow elsewhere. However, climbers can remove vegetation and soil when establishing a route that

has not been climbed before. 39 So climbers should keep the impact on vegetation in mind when

developing new climbing routes. Even they can work with other route developers and conservationists to

understand the potential impact on the plants.

The number of climbers heading out to these cliffs is increasing at an astonishing pace. It is essential for

climbers to know what they can do for the protection of the cliff ecosystem. 40 Please help those with less

experience and knowledge by sharing the information about climbing and biodiversity damage!

A.This can wipe out the cliff ecosystem that was there previously.

B.And some organizations have an online database offered to check.

C.Therefore, every climber is responsible for protecting the cliff ecosystem.

D.Even climbers can ask the climbing gym to organise a discussion about this topic.

E.Seemingly a straightforward way is to spread the word about these good practices.

F.These data can then be accessed by scientists to avoid environmental issues on cliffs.

G.For example, 40% of sport climbing areas in Spain are found in nature protection areas.

第三部分:语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节(共 15 小题:每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

Staton, once a Maryland sanitation(公共卫生)worker, was accepted to Harvard Law School. His 41

American success story went viral.

“Although I get 42 for diligence, working hard was the easy part because I could control that,” said

Staton. “But I just happened to be around people who cared enough about me.”

From early on Staton understood the 43 of life. His mother 44 the family when he was 8. He

and older brother Reggie were raised 45 by their dad. The family of three struggled to make ends

46 . He saw his family’s continual struggle to stay 47 , the uphill battle to do better.

After high school, Staton quit the admission to a college and worked in a trash company, where his co-workers

48 him to do more with his life and go to college. It motivated him. A year later, he found his 49 to the

University of Maryland.

But he knew the effort and sacrifice were not his 50 . Reggie dropped out of college to help with the

family finances when his father had a stroke, 51 Staton to finish college.

The 52 for a better life for his family was the main reason he applied to law school for the further

study. Staton was 53 to five of the nine law schools, Harvard included. “When my story went viral, the

media presented it as a happy story, something like ‘Garbage Man Applies to Harvard, 54 In’,” he said.

“But I did it to 55 my family.”

41.A.odd B.self-made C.original D.self-controlled

42.A.credit B.commitment C.bonus D.inspiration

43.A.value B.abundance C.instability D.poverty

44.A.abandoned B.abused C.sacrificed D.ruined

45.A.pessimistically B.cautiously C.delicately D.solely

46.A.cross B.depart C.hug D.meet

47.A.afloat B.awake C.aboard D.alert

48.A.witnessed B.permitted C.pushed D.assigned

49.A.attitude B.way C.calling D.honor

50.A.respectively B.alone C.literally D.along

51.A.identifying B.accelerating C.guaranteeing D.praying

52.A.profile B.project C.impression D.desire

53.A.distributed B.covered C.offered D.dismissed

54.A.Breaks B.Gets C.Admits D.Comes

55.A.strengthen B.restore C.resolve D.save

第二节(共 10 小题:每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Roujiamo is a traditional Chinese street food, similar to a sandwich. The dish, made up of slow-cooked meat

and a freshly-made flatbread called baijimo, 56 (refer) to as a ‘Chinese Hamburger’. Roujiamo is thought

57 (originate) over 2,200 years ago. The world’s oldest burger is the very street food 58 carries an

atmosphere of ancient dynasties, the Silk Road and far-off desert frontiers.

The word “Roujiamo” contains three Chinese characters: ‘Rou’ meaning pork, ‘Jia’ meaning placing meat

59 bread, and ‘Mo’ meaning bread. 60 the dish was traditionally made with pork, you can also find

beef versions in the predominantly Muslim areas of Xi’an. The flatbread is cooked by street vendors on the inside

of clay ovens. The hot pork meat braised(煨)for hours in a soup 61 (contain) over 20 different spices and

seasonings is put inside the flatbread once cooked, thus leading to 62 variety in flavor. The street vendors

have their own defining features 63 (attract) customers, with everyone having their own twist on the dish.

Now Roujiamo is still much-loved in China and its enduring 64 (popular) has given rise to numerous

nationwide chains. In recent years, Roujiamo stores 65 (spring) up in a long list of overseas countries,

making the Chinese snack familiar to more and more people and capturing the hearts of both locals and tourists

with its unique texture and rich nutrition.

第四部分:写作(共两节,满分 40 分)

第一节(满分 15 分)






1.词数 80 左右;



Dear Friends,




Thank you for your listening!

第二节(满分 25 分)


To some people, the sizzle and clatter of restaurant kitchens might be like an orchestra; to me, such sounds

behind the swinging doors just meant chaos. However unpleasant I felt the places were, I decided to apply for a

part-time job at a popular restaurant. The reason was simple: I needed money. I wanted to join a camping trip to the

Blue Mountains with my friends, but that would cost about 150 dollars. “You have to pay for entertainment by

yourself,” my parents said.

So I applied, and Mr. Smith, the boss of the restaurant, allowed me to have a try. My job was super easy and

boring: the newly prepared dishes would be put at the counter between the kitchen and dining room, and it was my

duty to deliver them to the right customers.

The first few days were tiring but OK. However, setbacks soon followed as I struggled to keep pace during a

particularly busy lunch rush. I awkwardly spilled a tray of drinks, making loud noises and the floor messy. I was

embarrassed and began to feel nervous. One evening, I mixed up orders for a large party, causing chaos and


I felt desperate. I screwed everything up. Then I heard Mr. Smith call me, and I went into his office with my

head low. To my surprise, he didn’t blame me. Instead, he made me a cup of coffee. “Relax, young man,” he said.

“Try to smile. Things always go wrong if you can’t really enjoy what you’re doing. Feel the fun in the job, and

you’ll be OK!”

I thought he was right. The next day when I was working, I glimpsed into the kitchen and was amazed: in the

narrow and crowded space everyone was busy - the chefs swirling(翻动)pans, the manager yelling customers’

requirements, others coming and going with dishes to deliver - but everything went smoothly without any lumping

or bumping. This was incredible!

注意:1.续写词数应为 150 左右;


My attitudes towards the restaurant job began to change.




On the last day of my contract, I went into Mr. Smith’s office again when I finished my job.








