
2024-09-22·15页·35.1 K

长郡中学2025高三第一次调研考试英语参考答案题序12345678910答案CCBABACABC题序11121314151617181920答案CABCBABACB题序21222324252627282930答案ABDBACDBDA题序31323334353637383940答案ABCACAFGDB题序41424344454647484950答案ABCDABCABC题序5152535455答案DBDCA【语篇导读】本文是应用文。文章介绍了英国电影教育慈善机构Into Film的一个将电影制 作引入课堂的课程。21.A 。 根据第一段中的“this filmmaking and animation course will teach you howto use simple filmmaking techniques to aid assessment..establish strong connections with any area of the subjects”及What topics will the course cover?部分中的“Explore how to make simple films with your pupils”可知,综上可知,该课程的授课对象是老师。22.B 。 根 据What topics will the course cover?部分中的“Design a range of filmmaking briefs that can ensure filmmaking projects are class-focused”和 “Plan how to run in-class and remote filmmaking projects efficiently”,由此可推断,课程结束时,学该课程的人可能能 够设计出以课堂为基础的电影制作项目。23.D 。 综观全文,尤其是最后一段“So if you have any interest,don't hesitate to come and join us.You'll be amazed by the resources shared”可知,作者写作本文主要是为了吸引对该课 程有兴趣的人申请课程,参与其中。【语篇导读】本文是记叙文,Franco Cagnoli看到太阳从罗卡卡拉西奥的城堡升起时深受震 撼,于是决定并着手帮助复兴这个意大利小山村。24.B 。结合文章第一段和倒数第二段中Franco Cagnoli的话可知,第一段中的a mission that affected both the village and him deeply指帮助复兴罗卡卡拉西奥。25.A 。 根据第二段的Depopulation of rural or mountain villages in Italy ...accelerating after WorldWar Two可知,20世纪早期意大利的乡村和山村人口剧减,第二次世界大战后, 许多人离开了农村地区前往城市,人口减少加剧。26.C。 根据第三段的It began as a tower in a line of connected structures to control and protect the land that stretched inland from the Adriatic Sea可知,这座城堡最初是一排相连的建筑 中的一个塔,其目的是控制和保护从亚得里亚海延伸到内陆的土地。27.D 。 根据the complete revival has much to do with permanent residentsToday's teenagers, like my children,are proud of their land and are happy if they can stay here可知,Befani 认 为,罗卡卡拉西奥的彻底复兴与长期居住的居民有很大联系,如今的青少年为罗卡卡拉 西奥感到骄傲,如果他们能留在这里,他们会很高兴。由此可知,罗卡卡拉西奥有了真 正热爱它的居民,它的未来充满希望。英语答案 (第1页,共8页)【语篇导读】本文是一篇议论文。文章介绍并评价了考古学家Anita Rieche所著的《古罗马 建筑的重建》一书。28.B 。 根据第一段第二、三句可知,罗马建筑的重建有很多原因。其中一个是人们喜欢被 古代遗迹的重建所包围,在那里他们可以准确而真实地学习,就像在博物馆里一样。由 此可知,罗马建筑的重建能够帮助人们以一种真实的方式学习。29.D 。 根据第二段第二至四句可知,在引言中,作者将这些重建建筑进行了分组,并讨论 了影响重建的多重因素。这使读者能够区分1:1重建的模型和原本的建筑。读者也会更 好地理解重建古建筑背后的意图和过程中发生的问题。30.A 。 根据划线单词所在句可知,Anita 对重建的古建筑进行了彻底而公正的分析;结合 后两句可知,作者希望Anita 对这些具有挑战性的重建项目有更深入的个人思考。由此 可推知,作者认为Anita的分析具有局限性。31.A。 根据第四段可知,作者推荐这本书是因为Anita为读者提供了实用的罗马建筑复制 品指南;且提供其表面下的详细视角。由此可推知,作者应认为这本书实用且详细。【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了科学家对摇晃礼物这一行为的研究,该研 究证明了人们可以从他人微妙的动作中猜到对方的想法。32.B。 文章首句提到,没有什么比看到孩子们拿起礼物时想知道里面是什么更令人愉快的 了。再结合第一段第二、三句可知,研究表明,人的大脑能够追踪人们正在寻找的信息。 孩子们可以通过摇晃盒子来猜测里面是什么,我们也可以在孩子们摇晃盒子的时候,猜 测他们的意图。由此可知,这项新研究旨在通过观察他人的动作,了解人们内心的想法, 即探究视觉和思想的相互作用。33.C 。 根据第二段第二句可知,研究人员要求参与者观看两段视频,每段视频都展示了一 个人以不同的意图摇晃一盒物品。再结合第二段最后一句中的“thestudy participants were able to accurately determine the intention behind each shake”可知,参与者能够准确地 猜到每次摇晃背后的意图。34.A 。 根据第三段第一句中的“this ability to quickly distinguish the purpose behind a shake involves numerous mental calculations and observations of subtle cues”,再结合该段最后两 句可知,由此可推知,人们能够揭示细微动作的目的的能力是基于人们对于微小线索的 准确理解。35.C 。 根据最后一段第二、三句可知,在未来,研究团队想要了解人们是否能观察到你想 做的和你想学的之间的区别。由此可推知,文章最后一段主要介绍了该研究团队未来的 研究方向。【语篇导读】本文是说明文。在削减个人预算时,人们往往首先放弃的东西之一就是他们的 爱好。文章介绍了一些关于保持爱好的建议,它们可以帮助你在不花很多钱的情况下保持愉 快心情。36.A。 上文讲到在削减个人预算时,人们往往首先放弃的东西之一就是他们的爱好。下文 提出了一些关于保持爱好的建议,它们可以帮助你在不花很多钱的情况下保持愉快心 情。37.F 。 根据第二段可知,这个世界上有很多智力游戏。你可以在图书馆找到大量免费的智 力游戏书,你也可以转向二手书,用非常少的预算沉浸在这个爱好中。因此空处应与玩 智力游戏的好处有关。英语答案 (第2页,共8页)38.G 。 本段主要讲的是摄影爱好。空前提到当你把摄影视为爱好时,你可能会认为你需要 一台昂贵的相机和大量的训练。空后提到还有很多免费的在线工具可以用来编辑和完善 照片。因此空处与上文应是语意上的转折关系,且内容与具体的做法有关。39.D 。 本段主要介绍的是一种免费的爱好——健身。空后提到你可以随时开始徒步旅行。 跑步是另一个选择,且你不需要一双昂贵的鞋子。你也可以利用各种在线资源在自己家里免费做瑜伽。由此可知,空处内容与健身有关。40.B。 空处位于段首,是本段的主题句,应能引出一个爱好。56.newly 57.to 58.was constructed59.and 60.elegant 61.moving62.plans 63.a 64.to follow 65.has gifted第四部分第一节【参考范文】Dear Chris,Learning that you're currently learning Chinese,I'm more than delighted.I'm writing to tell you something about the Chinese character xi(喜).Xi,together with fu,lu and shou,is regarded as a lucky symbol in China.Literally,it is two characters of “happiness”spelt together,meaning “happiness”is added to “happiness”or “double-joy is on the doorstep”.Commonly used in wedding ceremonies,moving to new houses and other festive occasions,xi is often cut out ofred paper or written on red paper,which is pasted on doors,windows and the walls of halls to show joy and blessings.May you make progress in learning Chinese!Yours, Li Hua【评分标准】一、评分原则1.总分为15分,按5个档次给分。2. 评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡 量、确定或调整档次,最后给分。3. 词数少于60或多于100的,从总分中减去2分。4. 评分时,应注意的主要内容为:内容要点、应用词汇和语法结构的丰富性和准确性 及上下文的连贯性。5. 拼写与标点符号是语言准确性的一个方面,评分时,应视其对交际的影响程度予以 考虑。英、美拼写及词汇用法均可接受。6.如书写较差,以至影响交际,将分数降低一个档次。 二、各档次的给分范围和要求档次描述第五档(13-15分)一覆盖所有必要内容。一应用了较多的语法结构和词汇。一语法结构或词汇方面有些许错误,但为尽力使用较复杂结构或较高级 词汇所致。一具备较强的语言运用能力一有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑。 一完全达到了预期的写作目的。英语答案 (第3页,共8页)第四档(10-12分)-覆盖所有必要内容。一应用的语法结构和词汇能满足任务的要求。一语法结构或词汇方面应用基本准确,些许错误主要是因尝试较复杂语法 结构或词汇所致。一应用简单的语句间连接成分,使全文结构紧凑。 一达到了预期的写作目的第三档 (7-9分)一虽漏掉一些内容,但覆盖所有主要内容。一应用的语法结构和词汇能满足任务的要求。-有一些语法结构或词汇方面的错误,但不影响理解。 一应用简单的语句间的连接成分,使全文内容连贯。 一整体而言,基本达到了预期的写作目的。第二档 (4-6分)一漏掉或未描述清楚一些主要内容,写了一些无关内容。 一语法结构单调,词汇项目有限。一有一些语法结构或词汇方面的错误,影响了对写作内容的理解。-较少使用语句间的连接成分,内容缺少连贯性。 一信息未能清楚地传达给读者。第一档 (1-3分)一明显遗漏主要内容,写了一些无关内容,原因可能是未理解试题要求。 一语法结构单调,词汇项目有限。-较多语法结构或词汇方面的错误,影响对写作内容的理解。 一缺乏语句间的连接成分,内容不连贯。0分一未能传达给读者任何信息:内容太少,无法评判。一写的内容均与所要求内容无关或所写内容无法看清。第二节【参考范文】After class,Jaron's classmates privately approached Hayes.Miss Hayes was curious,andasked with a big smile,“What's the matter,kids?”The children looked at each other with uneasy expressions.Finally,one boy got up the courage to say,“Miss Hayes,we are thinking if we could raise money to buy Jaron the special glasses.We can't imagine how dull life will be without colors.Hearing this,Hayes'heart melted.Touched by their kindness,Miss Hayes helped plan a fundraiser.Through collective contributions,they successfully amassed the funds required.Then in a class meeting,the students plotted a surprise and presented the gift to Jaron sincerely.Seeing the special glasses,Jaron was puzzled.But looking at the expectant faces of hisclassmates,he seemed to understand something.So he blushed and asked,Are they for me?“Of course!Now you're just like us!”His classmates cheered as Jaron accepted the gift.When Jaron put them on,he was moved to tears by the vivid colors.Overwhelmed with gratitude,he tightly hugged them,with his heart fluttering with wonder.He finally realized that although there may be differencesbetween people,friendship and love can bridge all the gaps.【评分标准】一、评分原则1.总分为25分,按5个档次给分。2.读后续写评分以15分为参考线,根据续写内容的连贯性,情节的合理性以及语言质 量定档给分,然后以该档次的要求衡量、确定或调整档次,最后给分。3. 评分时,应注意的主要内容为:与所给短文及段落开头语的衔接程度;内容的丰富 英语答案 (第4页,共8页)性和与首句关键词的衔接情况;语法结构和词汇的丰富性和准确性;上下文的连贯性。 4.不足120词扣1分;对词数没有上限,即超词不扣分。5. 如果仅续写一个段落,三档中位12.5分为上限,在此基础上相应扣分。6.拼写与标点符号是语言准确性的一个方面,评分时,应视其对交际的影响程度予以 考虑。英、美拼写及词汇用法均可接受。7.书写较差以至于影响交际的酌情扣分。8. 摘抄阅读理解或前文的一律记0分。 二、各档次的给分范围和要求档次描述第五档(21-25分)一创造了新颖、丰富、合理的内容,富有逻辑性,续写完整,与原文 情境融洽度高。一使用了多样且恰当的词汇和语法结构,表达流畅,语言错误很少, 且完全不影响理解。一自然有效地使用了段落间、语句间衔接手段,全文结构清晰,前后 呼应,意义连贯。第四档(16-20分)一创造了比较丰富、合理的内容,比较有逻辑性,续写比较完整,与 原文情境融洽度比较高。一使用了比较多样且恰当的词汇和语法结构,有些许语法错误,不影 响理解。一比较有效地使用了段落间衔接手段,全文结构比较清晰,意义比较 连贯。第三档(11-15分)一创造了基本完整的故事内容,但有的情节不够合理或逻辑性不强, 与原文情境基本相关。一使用了简单的词汇和语法结构,有部分语言错误和不恰当之处,个 别部分影响理解(低级语法错误,如主宾格使用混乱,时态错误,拼 写错误等)。一尚有语句衔接的意识,全文结构基本清晰,意义基本连贯。第二档 (6-10分)一内容和逻辑上有一些重大问题,续写不够完整,与原文有一定程度 脱节。一所用的词汇有限,语法结构单调,错误较多且比较低级,影响理解。 一未能有效地使用语句间衔接手段,全文结构不够清晰,意义欠连贯。第一档 (1-5分)一内容和逻辑上有较多重大问题,或有部分内容抄自原文,续写不完 整,与原文情境基本脱节一所使用的词汇非常有限,语法结构单调,错误较多,严重影响理解。 一几乎没有使用语句间衔接手段,全文结构不清晰,意义不连贯。0分白卷、内容太少无法评判或所写内容与所提供内容无关。英语答案 (第5页,共8页)听力材料(Text 1)W:What kind of ball game do you like,David?M:I once learned football,but I was not good at it.Then I preferred tennis,but now I think nothing can compare with basketball.(Text 2)M:What can I do for you,madam?W:I've booked Room 128 to invite several friends for dinner.May I have a look at it?M:Of course.This way please.(Text 3)M:Amy,the concert starts at eight tonight.Shall we meet at twenty to seven and head for the hall together?W:Well,Andrew,Imight be babysitting my sister then.Could we make it twenty past seven? M:Okay.(Text 4)W:What's wrong with you,Bob?I find you are coughing and your nose is running.M:I don't feel well.Perhaps I have a cold.Could you call my teacher to ask for sick leave today?W:Sure.Have a rest and I'll take you to the doctor later.(Text 5)M:Professor Johnson,I am wondering how you are going to calculate our final grades.W:They are based on many things:homework,attendance,and performance in monthly exams, midterms,and finals.M:What counts the most?W:Actually I look at all of them and let's not forget class participation.(Text 6)W:How about the two-bedroom flat?It's on the third floor,and newly decorated,equipped with furniture.M:It's all right.Is there a subway station nearby?W:Yes.And there are lots ofpopular restaurants and shops within walking distance.M:That's really convenient and appealing.How much is the rent?W:$1,200 per month.But you can share it with another person,and then that's only $600.M:Good idea.(Text 7)W:Look at the promotion of that movie,Sean.I know the novel it is adapted from has a strong plot.M:The movie must tell a great story,too.W:I bet.It's said that many splendid special effects are used in it.But what I expect most is the players.It has an all-star cast.M:Wow.I can't wait to see it.Have you got the tickets,Jenny?W:No.The movie will be on at the cinema on Thursday morning,but Thursday's tickets have sold out.Tickets for Friday afternoon and Saturday morning are available.M:Let's go to see it this Friday. W:OK.See you then!英语答案 (第6页,共8页)(Text 8)M:Good morning,madam.I'm Jack from Oxford University.W:Good morning,Jack.Nice to meet you.Please take a seat.I know you've applied to be a teacher.Please tell me why you want to do thatM:OK.First of all,I have been enthusiastic about teaching since I was in middle school.And I'm not looking for an easy job—I like the challenge!Also,I want to work with young people.W:And why have you decided to become a PE teacher?M:I want to inspire and help young people to do sports.I believe it's important to them at school And playing sports is my favorite.W:Oh,mine is watching sports.Well,why do you think it is so important?M:Firstly,it helps young people keep fit both physically and mentally.Besides,doing sports can reduce the pressure of study,helping them learn more effectively.Finally,playing sports teaches young people life lessons,like responsibility and teamwork.W:OK,Jack.Let's stop here today.Ill let you know the result soon.(Text 9)M:Here you come finally,Julia.We are worried about you.Where have you been all these days? W:Thankyou,Allen.I'm fine.I've been helping my aunt on her farm.M:But you look upset.What happened?W:I couldn't join the international voluntary team to Morocco. M:It's a pity.How come?W:My father doesn't agree.He thinks going abroad is too dangerous.He once went to Tanzania in eastern Africa on business,where he experienced something unpleasant.I've explained to him that the situation was not like what he thought,but he insisted on his opinion and asked me to travel only across New Zealand.We almost argued over that.M:I can understand his worry.He just cares about you too much.How about your mother?W:My mother stands by me.She thinks what I want to do is worth my while.But she fails to persuade my father to give up his idea.M:Then what do you plan to do this holiday? W:I don't know.What's your advice?M:If I were you,I would learn something new like programming.Last year,I learned driving英语答案 (第7页,共8页)during the holiday.The swimming course was also part of my plan,but there was not enough time. W:Thank you,Allen.I'l consider.(Text 10)W:This summer I joined a two-week summer camp in China.The camp was for language learning.The other campers and I learned Chinese through activities like storytelling and role-playing.In the first week,to use the vocabulary we'd learned in real-world situations,we were encouraged to buy vegetables at the market and book entry tickets to the museum.During the second week,the activities were richer.We attended classes in traditional Chinese art in the first three days,such as fan painting,paper cutting and Chinese calligraphy.It was so cool to drive out the summer heat with a fan painted by myself.Then the following day we went to eat traditional food there.We also spent two days visiting some places of interest,learning about the local history of the area.In the last day of our camp,we had a sharing session,during which we were asked to describe the part we like best of our camp.It was a hard choice.For me,every activity was fun —Chinese culture,the food and people all impressed me deeply.I hope to come again in the future第二节到此结束。现在,你有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到客观题答题卡上。 听力部分到此结束。英语答案 (第8页,共8页)





