
2024-09-29·25页·71.1 K

昆明市第一中2025高三年级第二次联考英语试卷本试卷共四个部分。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。满分150分,考试用时120分钟。注意事项:1. 答题前,考生务必用黑色碳素笔将自己的姓名、准考证号、考场号、座位号在答题卡上填写清楚,并认真核准条形码上的准考证号、姓名、考场号、座位号及科目,在规定的位置上贴好条形码。2. 每小题选出答案后, 用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。答在试卷上的答案无效。第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】What are the speakers talking about?A. When to leave.B. Where to meet.C. What to drink.【答案】B【解析】【原文】W: I’ll see you at the cinema this evening.M: Better still, why don’t we meet in the New Icon Cafe to have a nice little talk?W: Sounds wonderful I’ve always wanted to have a drink there.2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】How many people are expected to attend the opening ceremony?A. 40.B. 60.C. 100.【答案】C【解析】【原文】M: Do you know how many people have confirmed the attendance for the opening ceremony?W: So far, I have heard back from sixty people. There are still forty that have not replied.3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】Where does the woman want the man to drive her?A. To the tailor’s.B. To the gym.C. To her home.【答案】A【解析】【原文】W: Will you be driving straight home tonight?M: Yes, I don’t go to the gym on Thursdays. Why are you asking?W: I got my dress taken in yesterday, and the tailors has just called to say it’s ready to pick up. So it would be great if you could drop me off there.4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】How does the woman like the film?A. It’s amusing.B. It’s exciting.C. It’s disappointing.【答案】C【解析】【原文】W: Have you seen the movie Black Crimes? I went to see it last night.M: How was it? It said to be exciting.W: I had expected it to be amusing. But actually it let me down.5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】Where are the speakers?A. In a grocery.B. In a restaurant.C. In a cafe.【答案】A【解析】【原文】W: Hi, just the ice cream please and the milk.W: Sure.M: There are a lot of people here today. It was a really long line.W: Yes, that’s true, but did you know there is a machine over there? You don’t have to wait in line you can use the machine to pay.第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各个小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】6. Why does the woman want to meet Mr. Cooper?A. To introduce herself.B. To make an appointment.C. To discuss some business.7. What do we know about the woman?A. She is living in Beijing.B. She is new to the company.C. She has just got a promotion.【答案】6. C 7. C【解析】【原文】W: Hello, there. I am Linda Young. I have a meeting appointment with Mr. Cooper, the department head, to talk about the staff policies.M: Mr. Cooper is in a meeting at the moments but he would be available in a few minutes. Are you the new associate?W: Yes, but I’m not new to the company. I’ve just been promoted from Beijing branch office to come here. I enjoy living there.M: But you’ll enjoy living here soon.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】8. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. Animals in Australia.B. Their geography class.C. Their geography task.9. What can we learn about the man?A. He has been to Australia several times.B. He has done enough background reading.C. He found it hard to keep up with the class.10. What will the speakers do next?A. Take a geography class.B. See some animals.C. Do some research.【答案】8. B 9. C 10. C【解析】【原文】M: Did you enjoy today’s geography class about Australia? It really made me want to go there.W: It’s a great place. I’ve been there a few times.M: Really? Wow. Well, I certainly discovered practical knowledge I wasn’t aware of before. I was struggling to keep up sometimes though. Doing some background reading will help I think.W: Well, even though I’ve been there I can’t say I knew that much. What we did should really help with our next task. I wonder if we’ll get to find out about the animals in Australia.M: That’d be great but I have no idea if our geography class includes those. Let’s go to the library to find more about them.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】11. What caused the woman’s condition?A. Hard work.B. A lack of sleep.C. Improper use of medicine.12. What does the man suggest the woman doing?A. Take three days off.B. Take some painkillers.C. Take some relaxation.13. What should the woman stay away from?A. Books.B. Computer games.C. TV.【答案】11. A 12. C 13. B【解析】【原文】M: Good morning, what seems to be the problem?W: I feel terrible. I’ve got a cold and I have a pain here in my neck. I’m not sleeping well either. what do you think the problem could be?M: I’d say you’ve been working too hard or are under stress for some reason. Have you been taking anything for your cold?W: Yes, I bought some medicine at the chemists. I’ve been taking it for three days.M: I’m going to give you something stronger. It will make you feel sleepy and you certainly should rest.W: Okay, I can afford to take a few days off work and the pain and neck but…M: Don’t worry about that. It's probably because of the stress you’ve been under. You shouldn’t work or use any equipment that requires concentration like computer games. If I were you, I just sleep, read a book or watch TV.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】14. What does the eco-team do?A. Farming green food.B. Recycling household items.C. Offering recyclable shopping bags.15. How do the speakers usually go shopping?A. On foot.B. By bike.C. By car.16. What does the woman suggest doing this weekend?A. Going downtown.B. Going to a market.C. Eating outside town.【答案】14. B 15. A 16. B【解析】【原文】M: Hi there Lily. What are you up to?W: Oh, I’m reading this really interesting article about a woman called Helen, who set up an ECO team.M: An ECO team? I’ve never heard of that before. What do you mean by that exactly?W: Well, an ECO team is a group of people who get together to learn about how they can lead more environmentally friendly lives. Now the ECO team is doing things, like recycling their household rubbish so they do things like reusing their old plastic bags when going shopping.M: Oh, I always reuse mine. I’ve got lots of them at home.W: Sounds great. Where am I? Oh yes, the team also tries to cycle or walk to the shops instead of going by car. But we both usually walk there, don’t we?M: Well, that’s mainly because the shops are so near the university.W: Now what was I saying. Oh yes the team also tries to eat healthy food so they go together to the markets and buy green food. Helen says that there is a link between health and the environment. There’s a farmer’s market once a week on Saturday just outside town. We could take a look this weekend. We could both do with eating a bit more healthily.听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】17. How many Olympic titles did Michael Johnson win?A. 4.B. 8.C. 12.18. Why didn’t Michael Johnson make the final in the Barcelona Olympics?A. He was influenced by his illness.B. He wasn't selected due to an injury.C. He dropped out two weeks before the start.19. What did Michael Johnson think of the attention from the media?A. It brought him more bad luck.B. It made him feel slightly angry.C. It helped him build a reputation.20. What do people think distinguished Michael Johnson?A. His talent.B. His commitment.C. His enthusiasm.【答案】17. A 18. A 19. B 20. B【解析】【原文】M: Michael Johnson is one of the most successful professional athletes of all time. He won four Olympic gold medals and a world championship golds. People used to think that it was impossible for the same person to win the two hundred meters and the four hundred meters. But Johnson won both at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics. Many people think that with better luck Johnson may have won even more medals. He was expected to be part of the team to the 1988 Olympics but he had an injury and wasn’t selected. Then in 1992 he got ill after eating in a restaurant two weeks before the start of the Barcelona Olympics. As a result he didn’t get as far as the final that he had been expected to win. In 1996 he avoided bad luck and the success story began. Johnson success made him rich and famous but he didn’t always seem to enjoy the reputation. He sometimes sounded angry at interviews. After retiring he explained that he’d found the press attention annoying. Johnson of course had a natural talent and great passion for running. But many people say that it was his ability to focus and his devotion to training that made him so exceptional.第二部分:阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C、D) 中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AWe’re lucky enough to have some of the best art exhibitions happening in NYC right now: Ice Cold: An Exhibition of Hip-Hop Jewelry (首饰) Open through January 5, 2025Representing the history of hip-hop from the 1980s to today, Ice Cold features some of the jewelry worn by hip-hop’s biggest cultural influences. The exhibit walks through the development of jewelry and its relationship with rap culture. Other artists’ accessories (配饰) on display include Nicki Minaj and Erykah Badu. Price: Museum admission Where: American Museum of AdmissionPaul McCartney Photographs 1963-64: Eyes of the Storm Open through August 18, 2024Get an inside look into the life of Paul McCartney, the famous member of The Beatles. In this brand new exhibition, you’ll get a look into never-before-seen photos from the peak era of his career. With over 250 photos on display, you can see a personal glimpse into the band’s 1960s touring schedule and his personal life outside music. If you like The Beatles this exhibit is a must-visit. Price: Museum admission Where: Brooklyn MuseumSleeping Beauties: Reawakening Fashion Open through September 2, 2024Sleeping Beauties: Reawakening Fashion features around 220 fashion dresses and accessories. They takes the theme of nature to a whole new level. You can smell your way through the exhibit, touch the walls and dresses, and check out how the “artwork” of fashion can be brought back to life through sensory experience Price: Museum admission Where: The Metropolitan Museum of ArtBLOOMTANICA Open through June 9, 2024Designed in partnership with celebrity floral artist Jeff Leatham and Genesis House, this brand new exhibit is a total visual feast inspired by the principles and practices that shape Korean gardens. Visitors can walk through this first-of-its-kind journey that mixes nature and technology like never before. Price: Free Where: 40A 10th Ave21. Which exhibition might rappers visit?A. BLOOMTANICA.B. Sleeping Beauties: Reawakening Fashion.C. Ice Cold: An Exhibition of Hip-Hop Jewelry.D. Paul McCartney Photographs 1963-64: Eyes of the Storm.22. Where are the precious images of the band exhibited?A. American Museum of Admission.B. Brooklyn Museum.C. The Metropolitan Museum of Art.D. 40A 10th Ave.23. What do we know about Sleeping Beauties: Reawakening Fashion?A. It is free of charge.B. It mixes nature and technology.C. It celebrates hip-hop culture.D. It is a feast for different sense.【答案】21. C 22. B 23. D【解析】【导语】本文是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了在纽约市正在举行的四个不同的艺术展览,包括各自的特色、开放时间和地点等信息。【21题详解】细节理解题。根据Ice Cold: An Exhibition of Hip-Hop Jewelry部分中的“Representing the history of hip-hop from the 1980s to today, Ice Cold features some of the jewelry worn by hip-hop’s biggest cultural influences. (Ice Cold展览代表了从20世纪80年代至今的嘻哈历史,展出了一些嘻哈文化最大影响力人物佩戴的珠宝)”可知,Ice Cold展览了一些嘻哈文化最大影响力人物佩戴的珠宝,因此嘻哈歌手可能会参观这个展览。故选C项。【22题详解】细节理解题。根据Paul McCartney Photographs 1963-64: Eyes of the Storm部分中的“With over 250 photos on display, you can see a personal glimpse into the band’s 1960s touring schedule and his personal life outside music. If you like The Beatles this exhibit is a must-visit. Price: Museum admission Where: Brooklyn Museum (展出超过250张照片,你可以从中窥见乐队20世纪60年代的巡演安排以及他在音乐之外的个人生活。如果你喜欢披头士乐队,这个展览是必看的。价格:博物馆入场费。地点:布鲁克林博物馆)”可知,珍贵的照片在布鲁克林博物馆展出。故选B项。【23题详解】细节理解题。根据Sleeping Beauties: Reawakening Fashion部分中的“You can smell your way through the exhibit, touch the walls and dresses, and check out how the “artwork” of fashion can be brought back to life through sensory experience (你可以通过嗅觉体验展览,触摸墙壁和衣服,并看看如何通过感官体验将时尚的“艺术品”重新焕发生机)”可知,Sleeping Beauties: Reawakening Fashion展览是一个多感官的盛宴,参观者可以通过嗅觉、触觉等多种感官来体验展览。故选D项。BKallan Benson was born in Sweden in 2006. From a young age, she has been concerned about nature and the environment, which was influenced by her parents who are also environmental enthusiasts. Growing up, she remembers being deeply affected by documentaries and news reports about the challenges facing the planet, and she knew she wanted to do something about it. Kallan’s activism began in 2018 when she founded the non-profit organization, Kids for Earth. Its mission is to raise young people’s awareness about the importance of environmental sustainability and to empower them to take action against environmental issues. Kallan believes that young people have a crucial part to play in shaping the future. Through Kids for Earth, she has organized various campaigns and initiatives, such as tree planting events, clean-up drives, and educational workshops. One of Kallan’s most notable achievements is her “Green New Deal” campaign, which she launched in 2019. This campaign aims to push governments and businesses to commit to a green economy and to implement policies that will reduce carbon emissions and fight climate change. Kallan has traveled around the world, speaking at conferences and meeting with policymakers to advocate for a Green New Deal. She has also gathered support from other young activists and celebrities, making the campaign a global movement. Despite her young age, Kallan has faced plentiful challenges. She has received threats from people who do not agree with her views, but she has not let these hardships hold her back. Kallan believes that change can only happen if people are willing to speak up and take action, even in the face of difficulty. Kallan lives by the saying “You are never too young to make a difference.” Her determination and contribution are a reminder to everyone that we all have a role to play in protecting our planet.24. What initially drew Kallan’s attention to the environment?A. Her parents’ passion for it.B. The unsettling news reports.C Her experience of growing up.D. The factual videos she watched.25. What do we know about Kids for Earth?A. It is intended to make a profit.B. It has been established for a decade.C. It has become a global movement.D. It features the youth’s role for the planet.26. What does the underlined word “implement” in Paragraph 3 mean?A. Revise.B. Avoid.C. Introduce.D. Reject.27. What can be a suitable title for the text?A. Environmental Protection: the Challenges and ProspectsB. Environmental Activists: Waiting No More to Take actionC. Kallan Benson: Always Stick to the Original Dream and GoalD. Kallan Benson: Young Environmentalist Making a Difference【答案】24. A 25. D 26. C 27. D【解析】【导语】本文为一篇记叙文,讲述了青少年卡伦本森创建环保组织、发起环保运动致力于保护环境的事迹。24题详解】细节理解题。根据文章第一段“From a young age, she has been concerned about nature and the environment, which was influenced by her parents who are also environmental enthusiasts.(她从小就关注自然和环境,这是受她同样是环保爱好者的父母的影响)”可知,Kallen开始关注环境起源于父母的影响。故选A。【25题详解】细节理解题。根据文章第二段“Its mission is to raise young people’s awareness about the importance of environmental sustainability and to empower them to take action against environmental issues.(它的使命是提高年轻人对环境可持续性重要性的认识,并使他们能够采取行动应对环境问题)”可知,该组织突出了年轻人对地球的作用。故选D。【26题详解】词义猜测题。根据划线词前文“This campaign aims to push governments and businesses to commit to a green economy(该运动旨在推动政府和企业致力于绿色经济)”及后文“policies that will reduce carbon emissions and fight climate change(减少碳排放和应对气候变化的政策)”可知,该运动旨在推动绿色经济,实行环境友好政策,划线词与introduce意思相近,表示“推行,采用,实施”。故选C。【27题详解】主旨大意题。通读全文内容并结合最后一段““You are never too young to make a difference.” Her determination and contribution are a reminder to everyone that we all have a role to play in protecting our planet.(“你永远不会因为太年轻而不能有所作为。”她的决心和贡献提醒着每个人,在保护我们的地球上,我们都可以发挥作用。)”可知,本文讲述了青少年卡伦本森创建环保组织、致力于环境保护的故事,因此,D选项“卡伦本森:年轻的环保主义者正在发挥作用”符合本文主旨。故选D。CThe obesity (肥胖) rate in the United States is now over 40 percent, and other countries are dealing with the problem as well. In fact, research has linked the problem of obesity with heart disease, mental conditions and even some cancers. So it’s no wonder that almost any discussion on health includes the topic of weight control. According to healthcare professionals, eating a healthy diet and practicing weight control significantly reduces the risk of serious health problems. However, countless false claims and misinformation about weight loss fail to address the obesity issues. Methods promising quick weight loss aren’t healthy. Fortunately, trusted health specialists provide people with healthy ways to maintain a proper weight. They noted that healthy diets rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals certainly top the list, but eating healthily isn’t the whole story. Another essential aspect of weight control is exercise. People who exercise not only burn calories but also build muscle. You don’t have to spend hours at the gym to make that happen. Activities like walking, biking or swimming can make a difference in your weight and overall health. Just exercise consistently so it becomes a habit. In addition to a healthy diet and exercise, it’s essential to make lifestyle changes that support weight control. One significant lifestyle factor that contributes to weight gain is stress. Stress causes the body to release hormones (激素) that can lead to overeating. Therefore, finding healthy ways to manage stress can be beneficial as they help you maintain a healthy weight. For example, simple breathing exercises and morning stretches help regulate anxiety and depression. Regular exercise helps manage stress, too. Another factor that contributes to weight gain is lack of sleep. Sleep is essential, and studies have shown that an insufficient amount of sleep can contribute to weight gain. Aim for at least seven to eight hours of sleep each night to help your body maintain a healthy weight.28. What is the first paragraph mainly about?A. The effects of overweight.B. The necessity of weight control.C. The obesity rate in the USA.D. The efforts to deal with obesity.29. Which of the following is a view of the health experts?A. Quick weight loss increases the risk of serious diseases.B. Eating healthily alone will not address the issue of obesity.C. False information about weight loss can rarely be identified.D. Nutrients, vitamins and minerals guarantee effective weight loss.30. What can we learn about excising for weight control?A. Seeking professional guidance is a must.B. Excising at a gym doesn’t pay off.C. Burning calories outweighs building muscle.D. Informal workout done regularly matters.31. Why does stress contribute to weight gain?A. It fuels our appetites.B. It changes our lifestyles.C. It weakens sleep quality.D. It prevents daily exercise.【答案】28. B 29. B 30. D 31. A【解析】【导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章论述过度肥胖的危害及控制体重的几点建议。【28题详解】主旨大意题。根据第一段“The obesity (肥胖) rate in the United States is now over 40 percent, and other countries are dealing with the problem as well. In fact, research has linked the problem of obesity with heart disease, mental conditions and even some cancers. So it's no wonder that almost any discussion on health includes the topic of weight control. (美国的肥胖率现在超过了40%,其他国家也在处理这个问题。事实上,研究已经将肥胖问题与心脏病、精神疾病甚至某些癌症联系起来。因此,几乎所有关于健康的讨论都包含体重控制的话题也就不足为奇了。)”可知几乎所有关于健康的讨论都包含体重控制的话题,所以本段讲述的是控制体重的必要性。故选B。【29题详解】细节理解题。根据第二段“Fortunately, trusted health specialists provide people with healthy ways to maintain a proper weight. They noted that healthy diets rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals certainly top the list, but eating healthily isn't the whole story. (幸运的是,值得信赖的健康专家为人们提供了保持适当体重的健康方法。他们指出,富含营养、维生素和矿物质的健康饮食当然是最重要的,但健康饮食并不是全部。)”可知健康专家会认为单靠健康饮食并不能解决肥胖问题。故选B。【30题详解】推理判断题。根据第三段中“You don’t have to spend hours at the gym to make that happen. Activities like walking, biking or swimming can make a difference in your weight and overall health. Just exercise consistently so it becomes a habit. (你不需要花几个小时在健身房锻炼。像散步、骑自行车或游泳这样的活动可以改变你的体重和整体健康。只要坚持锻炼,让它成为一种习惯。)”可知,要控制体重没有必要非得去健身房正式地锻炼,像走路、骑车或游泳等锻炼,只要养成习惯,对体重控制和整体健康起到作用,故推知定期进行非正式锻炼很重要。故选D。【31题详解】细节理解题。根据第四段“One significant lifestyle factor that contributes to weight gain is stress. Stress causes the body to release hormones (激素) that can lead to overeating. (导致体重增加的一个重要生活方式因素是压力。压力会导致身体释放激素,导致暴饮暴食。)” 可知,压力使身体产生一种导致过度饮食的激素。故选A。DIt has been more than fifty years since man last set foot on the moon but we’re going back. In 2023, both Russia and India launched unmanned probes (探测器) designed to land on the moon. Unfortunately, the Russian probe had an engine misfire on its approach to the moon and crashed. Although Russia has never landed people on the moon, it has landed unmanned probes on the moon, although the last time that happened was in 1976. China was the third country to successfully land an experimental package on the moon and the first to discover strange glass beads (珠) that it estimates could contain vast amounts of water. In June 2024, China’s Chang’e-6 spacecraft successfully landed on the far side of the moon, marking the first landing there, and collected lunar samples to Earth. China has announced it aims to put its astronauts on the moon by 2030. The Americans are also headed for the moon. They plan to launch a vehicle called Artemis Two in 2025 with four astronauts on board. The US also hopes to have scientists living on the moon by 2030. All of this space exploration is dangerous and extremely costly but there are good reasons to go back. There is a lot we can learn about the history of the Earth by looking carefully at the geology (地质学) of the moon. If, in fact, there is water near the moon’s south-pole, that could also give us valuable information about our own origins. The moon is seen as a stepping-stone towards manned landings on Mars. Manned exploration of the Red Planet is certainly possible within the Red Planet lifetimes. It’s fascinating to watch this activity, but don’t hold your breath waiting for Earthlings to visit another inhabitable (适合居住的) planet, one that could support us without the need for space-suits. The closest one of those is thought to be orbiting another star more than four light-years away, a journey that would take more than six thousand years and many generations using current technology. Will we get there someday? Perhaps, and the current space exploration may be baby-steps towards that day.32. What happened to the 2023 Russian lunar mission?A. The probe broke down on the way.B. The spacecraft caught fire on the moon.C. It lasted longer than the 1976 mission.D. It sent an unmanned probe to the moon.33. Which of the following is a record created by China’s lunar exploration?A. Collecting lunar samples.B. Landing astronauts on the moon.C. Launching the first lunar probe.D. Gaining beads with potential for water.34. Why is the presence of water on the moon important according to the author?A. It makes further moon-landing possible.B. It supports human activities without space suits.C. It may reveal how humans came into being.D. It is essential for finding another inhabitable planet.35. What does the author think of the search for another inhabitable planet?A. It’s a waste of time.B. It’s too far to achieve.C. It’s mature and fruitful.D. It takes efforts of generations.【答案】32. A 33. D 34. C 35. D【解析】【导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了俄罗斯、中国和美国的月球探索计划及其成果,同时探讨了月球探索的重要性和面临的挑战。【32题详解】细节理解题。根据第一段中“Unfortunately, the Russian probe had an engine misfire on its approach to the moon and crashed. (不幸的是,俄罗斯探测器在接近月球时发动机发生故障并坠毁)”可知,2023年俄罗斯的月球任务中,探测器在接近月球时发生了发动机故障并坠毁。故选A项。【33题详解】细节理解题。根据第二段中“China was the third country to successfully land an experimental package on the moon and the first to discover strange glass beads (珠) that it estimates could contain vast amounts of water. (中国是第三个成功将实验包着陆在月球上的国家,也是第一个发现奇怪玻璃珠的国家,据估计这些玻璃珠可能含有大量水分)”可知,中国是第一个发现可能含有大量水分的玻璃珠的国家,这是由中国月球探索创造的记录。故选D项。【34题详解】推理判断题。根据第四段中“If, in fact, there is water near the moon’s south-pole, that could also give us valuable information about our own origins. (如果月球南极附近确实有水,那么这也可以为我们提供关于我们自身起源的宝贵信息)”可知,作者认为月球上存在水很重要,因为它可能揭示人类的起源。故选C项。【35题详解】推理判断题。根据最后一段中“The closest one of those is thought to be orbiting another star more than four light-years away, a journey that would take more than six thousand years and many generations using current technology. (据认为,离地球最近的一颗行星正围绕另一颗恒星运行,距离超过4光年,使用目前的技术,这段旅程将需要6000多年和许多代人的努力)”可推知,作者认为寻找另一个适合居住的星球需要多代人的努力。故选D项。第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。While there is no denying that plastics are convenient, it has led to a severe global plastic pollution. ____36____ . The biggest impact you can have is reducing single use plastics. Here are some ways on how you can help. Bring your own cup everywhere. ____37____ . I have a large stainless steel (不锈钢) bottle for water. Whenever I have longer trips, I bring 1-2 Nalgene bottles. Yes, these are made of plastic, but I've had one for 16 years so I don't want to replace it now. Stainless steel is better though, as it contains nothing possibly affecting your health. Refuse bags and really reuse the ones you have. Keep reusable bags in your car for shopping and if you have a large purse, just put small items in your purse rather than getting a bag. ____38____ . Even paper bags are not the best for the environment because of their carbon footprint. Put produce directly in your cart. Your apples, oranges, and tomatoes don't need a bag! I can only think of a few items that are hard to put directly into the cart (e. g. green beans, mushrooms) . ____39____ . For the items that do need bags, you can use these reusable produce bags. ____40____ . There may be as many as 8 billion plastic straws (吸管) littering shorelines around the world, many of which end up damaging ecosystems and harming ocean creatures. Metal and paper straws are better choices for those who need to use straws and are able to make the change. But if you can avoid the straw altogether, even better.A. Keep one in the carB. Keep clear of plastic strawsC. For the rest, skip the plastic bagsD. Clear the ecosystem of plastic strawsE. Over 40% of plastics are used just onceF. Make sure you use your reusable bags repeatedlyG. Its convenience makes it difficult for us to give it up【答案】36. E 37. A 38. F 39. C 40. B【解析】【导语】本文为一篇说明文,介绍了减少塑料污染的四点建议。【36题详解】前文“While there is no denying that plastics are convenient, it has led to a severe global plastic pollution.(虽然不可否认塑料很方便,但它导致了严重的全球塑料污染)”表明塑料带来便利的同时也造成全球范围内的塑料污染;空后“The biggest impact you can have is reducing single use plastics.(你能带来的最大影响是减少一次性塑料)”提到个人所能起到的影响便是减少一次性塑料的使用。E选项“超过40%的塑料只使用一次”承接上文中塑料污染严重的原因,也引出了下一句中减少一次性塑料的建议。故选E。【37题详解】本段主旨句“Bring your own cup everywhere.(随处带着你自己的杯子)”表示这段建议外出要带上一个自己的水杯,A选项“Keep one in the car(在车里放一个)”中one指代前一句中的cup,且“in the car”与下一句中的 “longer trips”相呼应。故选A。【38题详解】前文“Keep reusable bags in your car for shopping and if you have a large purse, just put small items in your purse rather than getting a bag.(在你的车里放可重复使用的袋子,如果你有一个大的钱包,就把小的东西放在你的手提包里,而不是拿一个袋子)”表示要使用可重复使用的袋子,F选项“Make sure you use your reusable bags repeatedly(确保重复使用环保袋)”与此处意思一致。故选F。【39题详解】前文“Put produce directly in your cart. Your apples, oranges, and tomatoes don't need a bag! I can only think of a few items that are hard to put directly into the cart (e. g. green beans, mushrooms) .(把农产品直接放进购物车。你的苹果、橘子和西红柿不需要袋子!我只能想到一些很难直接放进购物车的东西(比如青豆、蘑菇))”提及只有少数农产品需要使用袋子,其余的可以直接放在购物推车中,即,省去塑料袋,C选项“For the rest, skip the plastic bags(对于其他的,不要使用塑料袋)”符合语境。故选C。【40题详解】空处为本段小标题,后文“Metal and paper straws are better choices for those who need to use straws and are able to make the change. But if you can avoid the straw altogether, even better.(对于那些需要使用吸管并能够做出改变的人来说,金属吸管和纸吸管是更好的选择。但如果你能完全避免吸管,那就更好了)”可知,塑料吸管对生态环境造成严重危害,所以应该远离塑料吸管,B选项“Keep clear of plastic straws(远离塑料吸管)”符合主旨。故选B。第三部分:语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C、D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。The fire raced through Lahaina Hawaii last August so fast that it killed 100 people and left more than 7, 000 people without their possessions and in need of shelter. The afternoon, Kalyn Lepre grabbed her wallet and ___41___ the fire. She lost everything else in her house including seven surfboards. Lepre surfed almost every day; surfing was a source of joy and a(n) ___42___ of maintaining her mental health. How ___43___ it was to see her surfboards reduced to a pile of fibers. Jud Lau, who has been riding the ___44___ and building surfboards for the last 15 years, understood the ___45___ of a good surfboard. “Losing a surfboard is like losing pert of your whole being. ___46___ in Hawaii, where surfing originated,” he said. ___47___ to help the victims in some way, Lau realized surfboards would bring surfers ___48___ and that he could give that back to them. He started by connecting people to donate their ___49___ boards. His friends in California collected 550 boards and ____50____ them to Hawaii for him to give away. ____51____ his labor, he made more than 50, 000 dollars’ ____52____ of boards, 45 in total and also ____53____ other shapers to build 20 more surfboards. Those who received Lau’s ____54____ included Lepre. “I cried when I saw it,” Lepre said, emotion ____55____ up in her voice. “He gifted me back a huge part of my mental health by creating an art piece for me. Feeling joy again helped me move forward.”41. A. startedB. spreadC. controlledD. escaped42. A. effectB. meansC. startD. symbol43. A. heartbreakingB. breathtakingC. thrillingD. exhausting44. A. bikesB. stormsC. wavesD. winds45. A. standardB. weightC. qualityD. popularity46. A. particularlyB. simplyC. absolutelyD. generally47. A. ProceedingB. RegrettingC. RememberingD. Desiring48. A. fortuneB. wealthC. comfortD. honor49. A. favoriteB. extraC. uselessD. inexpensive50. A. shippedB. soldC. removedD. limited51. A. WastingB. WithdrawingC. QuittingD. Donating52. A. profitB. priceC. worthD. loss53 A. turned downB. appealed toC. searched forD. related to54. A. effortsB. thanksC. awardsD. calls55. A. dryingB. endingC. easingD. welling【答案】41. D 42. B 43. A 44. C 45. B 46. A 47. D 48. C 49. B 50. A 51. D 52. C 53. B 54. A 55. D【解析】【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了去年8月夏威夷拉海纳发生火灾后,Kalyn Lepre失去了包括七块冲浪板在内的所有财产,而冲浪是她保持心理健康的一种方式。Jud Lau理解一块好冲浪板的重要性,因此他决定帮助受害者,通过捐赠和制作冲浪板来给予他们心灵上的慰藉。【41题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:那天下午,Kalyn Lepre抓起钱包,逃离了火灾。A. started开始;B. spread传播;C. controlled控制;D. escaped逃离。根据前文“The fire raced through Lahaina Hawaii last August so fast”可知,去年8月夏威夷拉海纳发生了火灾,所以Kalyn Lepre是逃离了火灾。故选D项。【42题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:冲浪是快乐的源泉,也是保持她心理健康的一种手段。A. effect影响;B. means手段,方法;C. start开始;D. symbol象征。根据前文“Lepre surfed almost every day”和后文“maintaining her mental health”可知,冲浪是Kalyn Lepre几乎每天都会做的事情,也是她保持心理健康的一种手段。故选B项。【43题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:看到她的冲浪板变成了一堆纤维,真是令人心碎。A. heartbreaking令人心碎的;B. breathtaking令人惊叹的;C. thrilling令人激动的;D. exhausting令人筋疲力尽的。根据前文“She lost everything else in her house including seven surfboards”和后文“see her surfboards reduced to a pile of fibers”可知,Kalyn Lepre失去了包括七块冲浪板在内的所有财产,所以看到冲浪板变成了一堆纤维,应该是令人心碎的。故选A项。【44题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:Jud Lau在过去的15年里一直冲浪和制作冲浪板,他理解一块好冲浪板的重要性。A. bikes自行车;B. storms暴风雨;C. waves波浪;D. winds风。根据前文“has been riding...”和后文“building surfboards”可推知,Jud Lau一直冲浪和制作冲浪板;ride the waves“冲浪”。故选C项。【45题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:Jud Lau在过去的15年里一直冲浪和制作冲浪板,他理解一块好冲浪板的重要性。A. standard标准;B. weight重要性;C. quality质量;D. popularity流行。根据后文“Losing a surfboard is like losing part of your whole being”可知,Jud Lau认为失去一块冲浪板就像失去了你整个存在的一部分,说明他知道一块好冲浪板的重要性。故选B项。【46题详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:失去一块冲浪板就像失去了你整个存在的一部分,尤其是在冲浪起源地夏威夷。A. particularly特别地,尤其;B. simply仅仅;C. absolutely绝对地;D. generally通常。根据后文“in Hawaii, where surfing originated”可知,冲浪起源于夏威夷,所以在夏威夷,冲浪板尤其重要。故选A项。【47题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:为了以某种方式帮助受害者,Lau意识到冲浪板会给冲浪者带来安慰,他可以把这种安慰还给他们。A. Proceeding进行;B. Regretting后悔;C. Remembering记住;D. Desiring渴望。根据后文“Lau realized surfboards would bring surfers 8 and that he could give that back to them”可知,Lau想要帮助受害者,他渴望以某种方式帮助受害者。故选D项。【48题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:为了以某种方式帮助受害者,Lau意识到冲浪板会给冲浪者带来安慰,他可以把这种安慰还给他们。A. fortune财富;B. wealth财产;C. comfort安慰;D. honor荣誉。根据后文“Feeling joy again helped me move forward”可知,再次感受到快乐有助于人们前进,说明冲浪板给人们带来了安慰。故选C项。【49题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他开始联系人们捐赠他们多余的冲浪板。A. favorite最喜欢的;B. extra多余的;C. useless无用的;D. inexpensive便宜的。根据前文“donate”可推知,Lau希望人们能捐赠多余的冲浪板。故选B项。【50题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:他的朋友们在加利福尼亚收集了550块冲浪板,并将它们运送到夏威夷,让他分发。A. shipped运送;B. sold卖;C. removed移除;D. limited限制。根据前文“His friends in California collected 550 boards”和后文“to Hawaii for him to give away”可知,Lau的朋友在加利福尼亚收集了550块冲浪板,将它们运送到夏威夷。故选A项。【51题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:通过捐赠他的劳动,他制作了价值超过50,000美元的冲浪板,总共45块,还呼吁其他制板师再制作20块冲浪板。A. Wasting浪费;B. Withdrawing撤退;C. Quitting放弃;D. Donating捐赠。根据前文“Lau realized surfboards would bring surfers 8 and that he could give that back to them”和后文“he made more than 50,000 dollars’ 12 of boards”可知,Lau想要帮助受害者,所以他自己免费制作冲浪板,这也是一种“捐赠”形式。故选D项。【52题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:通过捐赠他的劳动,他制作了价值超过50,000美元的冲浪板,总共45块,还呼吁其他制板师再制作20块冲浪板。A. profit利润;B. price价格;C. worth价值;D. loss损失。根据前文“50, 000 dollars’”和后文“45 in total”可知,这是45块冲浪板的价值。故选C项。【53题详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:通过捐赠他的劳动,他制作了价值超过50,000美元的冲浪板,总共45块,还呼吁其他制板师再制作20块冲浪板。A. turned down拒绝;B. appealed to呼吁;C. searched for搜索;D. related to与……有关。根据前文“45 in total”和后文“other shapers to build 20 more surfboards”可知,Lau自己制作了45块冲浪板,然后又呼吁其他制板师再制作了20块冲浪板。故选B项。【54题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:收到Lau的成果的人包括Lepre。A. efforts努力的结果,成果;B. thanks感谢;C. awards奖励;D. calls呼叫。根据后文Lepre的话“He gifted me back a huge part of my mental health by creating an art piece for me”可知,Lepre收到了Lau制作的冲浪板,这是Lau的成果Lau“帮助”的人包括Lepre。故选A项。【55题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:“当我看到它时,我哭了,”Lepre说,她的声音里充满了情感。“他为我创作了一件艺术品,给了我很大一部分精神健康。再次感受到快乐帮助我前进。”A. drying变干;B. ending结束;C. easing减轻;D. welling涌出。根据前文“I cried when I saw it”可知,Lepre看到冲浪板时哭了,非常感到,所以她的声音里充满了情感;well up“情感涌动”。故选D项。第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Zheng He, originally ___56___ (call) Ma Sanbao, was born to a Chinese Muslim family in Kunyang, Yunnan province, China. Ma Sanbao was later given the name Ma He by the Ming military. From an early age Ma He set ___57___ apart through his intelligence and leadership abilities. He received ___58___ (literature) and military training and quickly advanced through the ranks in the Ming court. In 1402 the Yongle emperor gave Ma He a new surname, Zheng, and ___59___ (choose) him to lead a grant armada (舰队) to the “Western Oceans.” Zheng He’s ___60___ (honest) , knowledge and diplomatic (外交的) and military skills helped make the seven voyages ___61___ great success. Zheng He’s first two voyages followed familiar trade routes to Southeast Asia and India. He visited ___62___ are now Vietnam, Thailand, the Malaysian port of Melaka and Java, crossed the Indian Ocean to Kozhikode in India, and stopped at Sri Lanka. The rulers he encountered were impressed by his diplomatic skills and the fancy gifts he brought them. They agreed ___63___ (send) ambassadors to the Ming court. Subsequent ___64___ (voyage) took him to Arabia, the eastern coast of Africa, Southeast Asia, and India. Chinese reach to Southeast Asia increased in the wake of these missions, resulting ___65___ trade to China that lasted into the 19th century.【答案】56. called 57. himself 58. literary 59. chose 60. honesty 61. a 62. what 63. to send 64. voyages 65. in【解析】【导语】本文为一篇记叙文,讲述了郑和下西洋的路线和意义。【56题详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:郑和原名马三宝,出生于中国云南昆阳的一个穆斯林家庭。空处作定语修饰Zheng He,Zheng He与call构成逻辑上的被动关系,用过去分词作定语。故填called。【57题详解】考查代词。句意:从很小的时候起,马和就以他的智慧和领导能力脱颖而出。空处表示马三宝,主语和宾语是一个人,用He的反身代词。故填himself。【58题详解】考查形容词。句意:他接受了文学和军事训练,并迅速在明朝朝廷中晋升。空处与military并列,用形容词作定语,literature对应的形容词为literary,意思为:文学的。故填literary。【59题详解】考查动词时态。句意:1402年,永乐皇帝给马三宝起了一个新姓“郑”,并任命他率领一支舰队前往“西大洋”。空处作谓语,与gave并列,用一般过去时。故填chose。【60题详解】考查名词。句意:郑和的诚实、知识以及外交和军事技巧使七次下西洋取得了巨大的成功。空处为名词,与knowledge,skills并列作主语,用honesty。故填honesty。【61题详解】考查冠词。句意同上。本句中的success抽象名词具体化为可数名词,意为“(一件)成功的事”,为泛指,用不定冠词,great以辅音音素开始发音,不定冠词用a。故填a。【62题详解】考查宾语从句。句意:他访问了现在的越南、泰国、马来西亚港口马六甲和爪哇,穿过印度洋到达印度的科日科德,并在斯里兰卡停留。visited为谓语动词,空处引导宾语从句,从句缺少主语,表示“……的地方”,指代物,用连接代词what引导宾语从句。故填what。【63题详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:他们同意派大使到明朝朝廷。agree to do意思为:同意做某事,空处用不定式作宾语。故填to send。【64题详解】考查名词。句意:随后的航行将他带到阿拉伯半岛、非洲东海岸、东南亚和印度。空处作主语,此处的航行不止一处,用名词复数。故填voyages。【65题详解】考查介词。句意:在这些任务之后,中国人对东南亚的接触增加了,导致与中国的贸易持续到19世纪。result in意思为:导致,固定短语,符合句意。故填in。第四部分:写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)66. 假定你是李华,重阳佳节 (Double Ninth Festival) 即将到来,请你给正在你校交流的交换生朋友Taylor写一封邮件,邀请他一起共度佳节,内容包括:1. 节日介绍;2. 节庆安排。注意:1. 写作词数应为80个左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Dear Taylor, ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Yours, Li Hua【答案】Dear Taylor,I hope the email finds you well. With the Double Ninth Festival drawing near, I’m writing to invite you to celebrate it with me. Just as its name suggests, the Double Ninth Festival falls on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month. Intended to honor elders, the festival is marked by showing love and respect to the seniors. It has also been a custom to climb hills on the special day in hope for well-being and in honor of the ancestors. To celebrate the festival, I recommend that we hike the West Mountains after paying a visit to the elderly in the nursing house, where we shall do some voluntary work and keep them company. Why not join me in observing the festival and have a better understanding of traditional Chinese culture? Looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua【解析】【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文。要求考生给正在学校交流的交换生Taylor写一封邮件,邀请他一起共度重阳佳节。【详解】1.词汇积累即将来临:draw neararound the corner目的是:intended to do sth.designed to do sth.纪念:in honor ofin memory of了解:have a understanding ofcomprehend2.句式拓展简单句变复合句原句:Intended to honor elders, the festival is marked by showing love and respect to the seniors.拓展句:The festival, which is intended to honor elders, is marked by showing love and respect to the seniors.【点睛】【高分句型1】Just as its name suggests, the Double Ninth Festival falls on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month.(as引导非限制性定语从句)【高分句型2】To celebrate the festival, I recommend that we hike the West Mountains after paying a visit to the elderly in the nursing house, where we shall do some voluntary work and keep them company.(运用了不定式作目的状语,虚拟语气,状语从句的省略和where引导的非限制性定语从句)第二节 读后续写(满分25分)67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。“My name is Jolene Johnson, but you can call me Jo-Jo. I am excited to be back in school. I have two new puppies, and you are all invited to see them after school!” Jolene announced to the 3rd grade class when it was her turn to introduce herself. Jolene knew she was outgoing and sometimes loud. With her bright red, curly hair and mismatched socks, Jo-Jo appeared a little intimidating (令人生怯的) to the shy kids. She couldn't help it! She loved school, her friends, and being the center of attention. Mrs. Anderson, the teacher, smiled and thanked Jo-Jo for sharing. Mrs. Anderson then introduced a new kid named Dee Rogen. When he spoke, he was quiet and didn't say much. Jo-Jo thought she had seen him at breakfast. He had been sitting alone and not eating. Mrs. Anderson then partnered him with Ben for the day. At lunchtime, Jo-Jo noticed that Dee was sitting with Ben and his friends but not talking to anyone. He looks lonely, thought Jo-Jo. The next morning, Jo-Jo saw that Dee was by himself at breakfast again. She also saw Ben was sitting with his own group of friends. Jo-Jo didn't like anyone to feel alone. She noticed that Dee had a shirt on that said “I Paused My Game to be Here. ” Jo-Jo had an idea. She took her lunch tray (托盘) near Dee and said, “I like your shirt. What games do you play?” Dee smiled and said his favorite was Minecraft. Jo-Jo loved that game! They spent the lunch break talking about the best ways to survive in the game by finding materials to build with and ways to find food. Ducking creatures was Dee's favorite part, especially the dragon. On Friday, Jo-Jo announced that she was having Minecraft Monday at her house after school and everyone in her 3rd grade class was invited. At break, Jo-Jo pulled out a sign-up sheet from her backpack and several students ran up to her. 注意:1. 续写词数应为150个左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡相应位置作答。After break, Jo-Jo noticed Dee hadn't signed up. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Jo-Jo decided to invite all new students to her house for Minecraft Monday. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________【答案】范文After break, Jo-Jo noticed Dee hadn't signed up. It was just contrary to her expectations. Disappointed as Jo-Jo was, she decided to ask Dee why he hadn’t wanted to participate in the event intended for him. Having waited until lunchtime, Jo-Jo finally had the chance to sit by Dee. “I don't really know anyone, Jo-Jo. I wouldn’t feel comfortable being there and playing by myself, ” Dee answered. His words brought a wave of pity welling up in her heart, with the previous scenes of Dee sitting alone flashing through her mind. It struck Jo-Jo that shy kids like Dee were having a difficult time fitting into a new school. “Don’t worry, Dee. I’ve got an idea! ” She sprang to her feet and declared. Jo-Jo decided to invite all new students to her house for Minecraft Monday. It would be a perfect occasion for the new students including Dee to bond with other fellow students. In a thrilled voice and high spirits, Jo-Jo explained to Dee that she meant to pair each new student with another one who had signed up. Then Jo-Jo officially invited Dee to be her game partner. A broad smile spread across Dee’s face and he couldn’t help asking, “Do you really want me to be part of Minecraft Monday? ” Hearing Jo-Jo’s positive response, Dee started to look forward to the next Monday. The following Monday night saw all the kids having fun together and Jo-Jo was so pleased with and proud of herself.【解析】【导语】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了新来的学生乔乔和迪,一个开朗外向,一个内向安静,最后成为了朋友的故事。他们都喜欢玩游戏,利用休息时间讨论在游戏中生存的最佳方法。这天乔乔宣布她将在放学后在家里举办《我的世界》周一活动,并邀请了班上的所有人,但是迪却没有报名,迪诉说了自己的担忧以后,乔乔为他更改了计划。【详解】1.段落续写:由第一段首句内容“课间休息后,乔乔注意到迪没有报名。”可知,第一段可描写乔乔同迪谈话了解他为什么不报名的经过。由第二段首句内容“乔乔决定邀请所有的新学生来她家参加《我的世界》周一活动。”可知,第二段可描写乔乔想出好的办法,并且迪也同意参加活动,大家一起玩的很开心。2.续写线索:乔乔失望——同迪沟通——想出好主意——迪同意参加活动——大家玩的很开心3.词汇激活行为类.决定去做某事:decide to do/make a decision to do.参加:participate in /take part in.回答:answer/reply情绪类.失望的:disappointed /be disappointed at/with disappointment.激动的:thrilled /excited【点睛】[高分句型1]. Disappointed as Jo-Jo was, she decided to ask Dee why he hadn’t wanted to participate in the event intended for him.(由连接词why引导的宾语从句作ask的宾语)[高分句型2]. It struck Jo-Jo that shy kids like Dee were having a difficult time fitting into a new school.(由that连接的主语从句,it为形式主语)[高分句型3]. In a thrilled voice and high spirits, Jo-Jo explained to Dee that she meant to pair each new student with another one who had signed up.(由that连接的宾语从句和who引导的定语从句)





