
2024-09-29·3页·26.3 K

运城市2024—2025学年高三摸底调研测试英语答案听力 (共两节, 满分30分)1-5 BBCAC6-10 ACBCA 11-15 BACCA 16-20 AABCC第二部分 阅读 (共两节, 满分50分)21-25 DCCDA26-30 BACDB31-35 CCBBC 36-40 BGEDF第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)41-45 ACDBC 46-50 BACDB 51-55 BACCD第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)56. to 57. the 58. was invited 59. Europeans 60. caught 61. Recalling 62. to pass 63. that/which 64. largely 65. or 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (满分15分)One possible version:My name is Li Hua. Great to learn about your quest for a travel companion in China and I believe I can be the perfect match to guide you through the vibrant streets of our cities, for I am an enthusiastic explorer and a native.For this city walk, I envision a journey that goes beyond mere sightseeing in my hometown. It’s about immersing ourselves in the local culture, tasting authentic street food, and engaging with the friendly locals. We’ll stroll through ancient alleys and marvel at historical landmarks, giving you a genuine taste of life in China, Looking forward to hitting the street with you and creating unforgettable memories together. Yours,Li Hua第二节(满分25分)One possible version:“I have an idea to stay warm!”Tom shouted excitedly. Spreading his arms, he suggested joining the penguin huddles. Worried that the penguins wouldn’t let them , Mary hesitated but was soon persuaded by Tom’s assuring grin. He slowly approached the crowded penguins, crouching down. Gently stroking them with care, he whispered softly. Though startled at first , the penguins recognized Tom and let him into their group. Mary quickly followed. The children squeezed into the huddle’s edge with the penguins. Just as the birds did, they moved toward the middle and strove to the edge of the circle as the group shifted. Two and a half hours later, the parents returned with help. Rushing in calling for the kids, they were surprised. The children were safely surrounded by penguins in a large huddle. When asked how they stayed warm , the kids looked at each other proudly. “We copied what the emperor penguins do.” they told their parents. Mary patted Tom’s shoulder with admiration , calling him a penguin whisperer. With a big smile, Tom gave credit to the penguins who taught them a lot. Their teamwork had seen them through the difficult cold with the penguins’ aid.【听力录音原文】Text 1W: Mike, how did you enjoy your trip to Los Angeles?M: It was alright. The problem is transportation. The bus service is terrible. Text 2M: When will we arrive at New York?W: Let me see. It’s nine thirty now. I think we will reach the destination in twenty minutes.Text 3M: Could you help me? I’m looking for the latest issue of Vogue. Can you tell me where it is? W: Over there. Middle shelf. Next to Time magazine.Text 4M: Have you finished the history essay, Nancy? I have a few questions on it. I can’t solve them without reference to others. W: I’ve done it under the guidance of the lecturer. Feel free to ask, John. I’ll tell you everything that I know.Text 5 W: I have to attend a parents’ meeting this evening at my daughter’s school. Please help me cancel the meeting at 7:30 p.m. M: OK.I can arrange it for tomorrow morning.Text 6M: Why don’t we go to the beach this afternoon?W: It looks like it’s going to start pouring any minute. Maybe we have to wait until tomorrow.M: I can’t believe it! When I woke up early this morning, there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. And last night, weather forecasters predicted that today would be a beautiful day.W: Weather is unpredictable sometimes. Even the best weatherman will make mistakes.M: I know, but it seems like they never get it right.Text 7 W: The Painting Club.Can I help you?M: Yes. I was told that you’re going to offer some painting classes. I’d like to know something about it. W: OK. We’ll have some classes starting on February 20th, lasting 8 weeks and meeting twice a week. M: How much does it cost?W: $160.That’s $10 for each class.M: How much does it cost if I’m a member of the Painting Club?W: It’s half price. Members pay half.Text 8 M: Hi, Siobhan.What are you up to these days? Are you still working in the shop?W: No. I got bored with working behind a counter, so I started looking for a new job on the Internet last year, but I finally found this job with my friend’s help. M: So what do you do now? W: I’m a flight attendant.M: That’s great! How are you finding it?W: I'm really enjoying it and it is great fun.The only bad thing is working at night. Sometimes I have to go to work in the middle of the night. M: That’s awful.W: It's OK. We get a lot of annual vacation and I went to Jamaica last month.M: I’m glad it’s all going well for you.Text 9 W: Hi, I’m Susan. So you’re Andrew, the new student from China?M: Yes. I hope I can improve my English quickly with the help of your family.W: No problem. Look, this is your bedroom. I hope it’s big enough for you. And this is a cupboard. Let me help you with your big suitcase.M: Oh, thank you, but I can manage it myself.W: The bathroom is next door. To have a hot water shower, switch the water heater on in the morning.Do I speak slowly enough for you?M: Oh, yes. It’s very kind of you to try to speak slowly. But I’m afraid my English is not good enough to say everything I want to.W: Oh, don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll soon learn.M:Thank you, Susan. By the way, is there a bank nearby? W:Yes. Did you notice a big theme park on your way here? It’s next to a bank opposite a bookstore.Text 10 Are you thinking of having a celebration but aren’t sure what to do or where to go?Party Time company offers an original and popular place to celebrate any event, and it is perfect for office parties. We have boats available 12 months of the year to entertain groups of between 10 and 50 people. Trips are usually between two and five hours, and can take place in the evening or afternoon. We can supply a delicious three-course meal — all prepared on board of course by our top chefs. Please feel free to talk with Mr. Johnson, our general manager, in order to arrange the perfect atmosphere for your party.By the way, the price of hiring the boat includes country or dance music. We can also supply live entertainment at an extra cost, which varies from jazz bands to a comedy show. You can book through our website or by telephone. Alternatively you can come to our office, which is at the back of the City Leisure Center, beside the bar, and our staff will be very happy to discuss your arrangements.





