专题17 完形填空 考点3 说明建议类(原卷版)

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三年(2022-2024)中考英语真题分项汇编(全国通用)专题17完形填空考点3说明建议类(2024中考真题)(2024安徽中考真题)Pets aren’t just a fun member of the family. They are also good for your health and happiness. People with pets are more likely (可能的) to be 1 . Playing with a cat or taking a dog for daily 2 around the garden gets you moving your body, and out in the fresh air too. Spending time with your pet helps you get 3 . Talking to your pet about your worries can make you feel comfortable and helps you feel 4 . When you’re with your pet, you can let go of problems 5 you give them your full attention. Having an animal in the family helps you learn new 6 , like how to teach them to understand orders, such as “Sit” or “Lie down”. 7 games to play with them allows you to practice being creative. Learning how to 8 pets, understanding what they want and making sure that they live 9 , teaches you to understand others’ feelings. Pets can also help you get to know other dog owners on walks, or help you become 10 with them when you tell funny stories about your pets.1.A.activeB.carefulC.usefulD.modern2.A.testsB.talksC.showersD.walks3.A.tiredB.touchedC.relaxedD.bored4.A.prouderB.betterC.wiserD.cuter5.A.even ifB.asC.as ifD.unless6.A.skillsB.languagesC.culturesD.spirits7.A.WatchingB.AttendingC.InventingD.Winning8.A.wake upB.search forC.depend onD.look after9.A.quietlyB.happilyC.lazilyD.busily10.A.friendsB.relativesC.trainersD.members(2024陕西中考真题)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从各小题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文连贯完整。Do you like dogs? As the saying goes, “Dogs 11 man’s best friends.” And this animal has been good friends 12 human beings for thousands of years. In China today, 13 people keep dogs as their pets in the city. In the countryside, people keep dogs 14 doors of their houses. The army or police also keep dogs, but for different working purposes.Crime (犯罪活动) sometimes takes place in the society. Police dogs have an important role in fighting crime. Each dog 15 with one police officer. Together, the dog and the officer go through a 16 program of difficult training. From the training, the dog can learn many skills. 17 will help it a lot in its future tasks. After the dog 18 , it will use its super-powerful nose to help the officer look for criminals, search for stolen things and sniff (嗅) out something dangerous and illegal. A police dog and its human partner always work 19 as a team. They stay together almost all the time.This explains 20 good helpers to people.The word “illegal” means not allowed by the law.11.A.amB.isC.areD.be12.A.atB.asC.inD.with13.A.manyB.muchC.fewD.little14.A.watchB.to watchC.seeD.to see15.A.has workedB.was workingC.workedD.works16.A.four-monthB.four monthsC.four-month’sD.four months of17.A.SkillsB.The skillsC.SkillD.A skill18.A.trainsB.trainedC.is trainedD.was trained19.A.closeB.closelyC.poorD.poorly20.A.why do dogsB.why dogs doC.why are dogsD.why dogs are(2024四川广安中考真题)There is a small thing we use every day. We usually put 21 in the bathroom. If we don’t use it, we might have tooth problems. Can you guess what it is? Yes, it’s the toothbrush. But do you know 22 about its history?Before toothbrushes appeared, the ancient Chinese people 23 their teeth with some small tree branches (树枝). About 800 years ago, people 24 a kind of toothbrushes with pig hair and bamboo. It might be the world’s earliest form of toothbrushes. As time went by, the form of toothbrushes 25 . For example, people didn’t use pig hair to make toothbrushes 26 it was too hard (硬的). They began to use horse-tail hair which was much softer. Imagine that you travel back to hundreds of years ago and brush your teeth 27 . It sounds fantastic, doesn’t it?Around the 15th century, the Chinese toothbrush found its way into Europe. It became 28 among local people soon. The 29 of toothbrushes was not as famous as that of paper-making, but it was very useful in daily life. Today we get into the good 30 of brushing teeth. We should thank the ancient Chinese for it.21.A.themB.theyC.itD.its22.A.somethingB.anythingC.somewhereD.anywhere23.A.cleanedB.brokeC.tookD.protected24.A.didB.repairedC.madeD.showed25.A.appearedB.touchedC.discoveredD.changed26.A.becauseB.soC.orD.but27.A.angrilyB.hardlyC.comfortablyD.badly28.A.popularB.differentC.strangeD.boring29.A.actionB.pollutionC.traditionD.invention30.A.taskB.habitC.resultD.fact(2024四川自贡中考真题)Baduanjin (八段锦) is an ancient health exercise from China. It has become 31 these days with more and more people sharing their exercise experiences online. They believe that after 32 baduanjin, their bodies have become stronger.Baduanjin is a simple health exercise. It has eight gentle steps. It is good for the 33 , and it is also fit for young people who 34 for long hours in the office or have bad feelings. Besides, the practice doesn’t need much space or time. It uses breathing and concentration (专注) skills to 35 both body and mind.31.A.popularB.interestingC.important32.A.sharingB.practicingC.remembering33.A.oldB.poorC.disabled34.A.sitB.sleepC.study35.A.guideB.checkC.improve(2024四川广安中考真题)Dear Mother Earth,Thank you for giving me a home. There’s no other planet like you! Your soil (土壤) 36 me grow and eat fruit and vegetables. Your air lets me breathe. Your water lets me play and swim in it, especially in hot summer. Your wood allows me to have a warm fire when it is cold. I’m sorry 37 your forests are getting smaller and smaller.I promise I will do my best to protect you. I will produce less 38 by using more cloth bags and china cups. I will reuse paper so many of your trees won’t get cut down! I’ll try to recycle everything I can, like plastic and newspapers, so they can be made 39 some toys and other useful things. I hope none of the animals get hurt or killed. I’ll keep my 40 .Happy Your Day!Love,Your child36.A.asksB.tellsC.allowsD.lets37.A.whatB.thatC.whichD.where38.A.wasteB.powerC.energyD.water39.A.inB.intoC.ofD.from40.A.problemB.presentC.promiseD.place(2024四川宜宾中考真题)Recently, it has been reported that a boy fell down into a sewer (下水道), because he lost himself in his smart phone. When he realized his situation, he tried hard to get out of the sewer, 41 he failed. Later, with the help of the police, he was finally 42 . It sounds a little unbelievable, but when we look at the people around, we can find most of them are paying more attention 43 their phones rather than face-to-face communication. Many people like to talk on the Internet, so they don’t care the things in the real world. No matter what they are doing, such as 44 for the bus or sitting at the table with their friends, smart phones are always at their hands. Even though smart phones play an important role in our daily life, they should be used wisely. We can’t let the technology control 45 . We are the masters of our own lives!41.A.andB.butC.orD.so42.A.savedB.foundC.caughtD.stopped43.A.atB.onC.inD.to44.A.askingB.lookingC.waitingD.cheering45.A.myselfB.ourselvesC.yourselfD.yourselves(2024四川南充中考真题)Within the next 80 years, our lives may be changed a lot by 3D printing. It has already 46 many things in our lives, right down to the food we eat. For example, some 47 in London have served 3D-printed hamburgers to customers. But perhaps the biggest success that people have achieved is in medicine. It is 48 when people see a beating heart printed with 3D printing technology. The printed body part might help people live a normal life again 49 an illness or an accident. And it is not just humans who are 50 —in Brazil, people have built new 3D-printed body parts for animals injured in a forest fire!46.A.wastedB.testedC.influencedD.separated47.A.restaurantsB.officesC.librariesD.hospitals48.A.tiringB.relaxingC.amazingD.disappointing49.A.beforeB.afterC.untilD.through50.A.trainingB.arguingC.fightingD.benefiting(2024四川眉山中考真题)There are many great jobs in the world. The people 51 do these jobs work hard to help us. 52 know much about science. They use their knowledge to discover or create new things.Engineers help build almost everything we use. Some engineers make TVs sound good. Some make robots 53 in our daily life. Some also make old things work well for people.Police officers work hard to keep towns and cities safe. When accidents happen, they help people get out of danger. The police also try to stop accidents from happening. They make sure that people don’t 54 the law.Cleaners pick up rubbish to keep our environment clean. They work day and night to keep us healthy, because we can get sick 55 germs (细菌) if rubbish is not picked up.51.A.whoB.whichC.whomD.whose52.A.DoctorsB.CooksC.TeachersD.Scientists53.A.thankfulB.peacefulC.helpfulD.careful54.A.breakB.keepC.followD.make55.A.toB.fromC.atD.on(2024四川达州中考真题)Do you like flying kites? Do you know anything about kites? The kite is one of the traditional folk arts in 56 , and it has a history of more than 2, 000 years. In ancient China, the kite was known as yao. And in North China 57 was known as yuan. The kite is always made of painted silk and bamboo, with a silk string (丝线) attached to it. The kite takes on 58 shapes. Most kites in China are like animals such as flying 59 . Now kite-flying has become a much-loved outdoor activity in China. Known as the birthplace of kites, Weifang in Shandong Province has a 60 history of making kites. And there’s an international kite festival there every April.56.A.EnglandB.ChinaC.America57.A.sheB.heC.it58.A.differentB.the sameC.the only59.A.planesB.rocketsC.birds60.A.shortB.longC.new(2024吉林长春中考真题)阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。When my friend suggested that we join the new Tai Chi (太极拳) Club, I thought he was 61 . I always believed tai chi was for old people. However, after the first class, I 62 that I was wrong. It was amazing. Tai chi led to a big 63 both in my body and mind.I still remember my first few tai chi classes. The basic skill I learned was keeping a balance (平衡). An action was called “golden rooster (公鸡) standing on one leg”. Following the instructions, I tried to 64 on one leg. It seemed that it was not a hard one, but I still 65 many times. Soon, I felt bored and 66 from practicing over and over again. I started to 67 myself. Maybe I was really 68 in this kind of exercise. Just then, my coach taught me how to relax myself. Step by step, I made 69 . Later, I was able to do more difficult actions and feel peace of mind as well. My love for tai chi became 70 . I even wanted to look into the ancient Chinese culture behind tai chi.I discovered tai chi is deeply from Chinese yin and yang. The practice of it helps to keep a balance through 71 : left and right, up and 72 , breathing in and breathing out... Finally, tai chi brings about a state of body balance and 73 peace.Now I can honestly say it helps me become much 74 . I sleep better at night, and I am more active during the day. More importantly, practicing tai chi has made me better 75 the Chinese culture. I am sure I will continue to practice tai chi and enjoy the advantages it has brought me.61.A.jokingB.waitingC.readingD.explaining62.A.forgotB.dreamtC.requiredD.realized63.A.decisionB.problemC.changeD.love64.A.sitB.standC.lieD.jump65.A.fearedB.wishedC.failedD.received66.A.lazyB.tiredC.afraidD.hungry67.A.thankB.praiseC.doubtD.control68.A.rightB.weakC.strictD.interested69.A.friendsB.mistakesC.noiseD.progress70.A.strongB.quietC.strangeD.important71.A.habitsB.chancesC.abilitiesD.opposites72.A.onB.downC.offD.away73.A.worldB.mindC.lifeD.thought74.A.saferB.heavierC.prouderD.healthier75.A.understandB.teachC.translateD.encourage(2024湖南长沙中考真题)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。The China International Search and Rescue Team (CISAR) was formed in 2001. It 76 help and hope to those whose lives are changed by a storm, an earthquake, or any other natural disaster (灾难).After long and 77 training, the Chinese team went on its first international rescue (救援) tasks in 2003. That year, the team helped save lives after earthquakes in Algeria and Iran. It was the first time that the CISAR had worked outside China, and the team 78 high praise for their bravery and skill. Since then, the CISAR has completed lots of rescue 79 — they braved terrible conditions to rescue people in Indonesia, Haiti and Pakistan.Rescue workers are trained to find people, treat injuries (伤痛), and 80 food, water, and other things. They have to be able to do difficult work when it is very 81 . For example, there is usually no electricity or water after a disaster, and there may be illnesses and accidents. Rescue workers get to save lives, but they must also deal with the dead. That means they have to be 82 in both body and mind. Rescue workers must have big 83 , too. It takes lots of love and courage to risk (冒险) their own lives to 84 someone else’s. The members of the CISAR are always ready to go wherever help is needed.Rescue workers leave their homes and families for a job that offers little pay and less sleep. We can’t imagine how much they have sacrificed (牺牲) selflessly. We don’t even know most of their names. They are really 85 heroes!76.A.closesB.sellsC.brings77.A.carefulB.poorC.useless78.A.gaveB.wonC.missed79.A.tasksB.mistakesC.excuses80.A.give upB.hand outC.cut down81.A.comfortableB.safeC.dangerous82.A.weakB.strongC.slow83.A.heartsB.mouthsC.eyes84.A.wasteB.enjoyC.save85.A.unskilledB.unsungC.untrained(2024吉林中考真题)The Leaning Tower of Pisa (比萨斜塔) is in Italy. The tower was 86 in 1173. It’s 56.67 meters tall on the 87 side, and 55.86 meters tall on the low side. The tower has experienced four earthquakes, 88 it still stands there. Why doesn’t it fall down? Because the soil (土壤) 89 the tower is soft, it doesn’t shake a lot during the earthquake. The soil makes the 90 lean. This makes it one of the most popular buildings in the world.86.A.boughtB.builtC.sold87.A.highB.bigC.small88.A.orB.andC.but89.A.inB.onC.under90.A.towerB.grassC.tree(2024内蒙古赤峰中考真题)I was always busy with work and travel. I didn’t think I would have 91 or energy to care for a pet. But everything changed when I met Kitty.Kitty was a homeless cat that I found on the street one 92 night. She was wet, hungry and frightened, and she looked at me as if she was begging (祈求) for 93 . So I decided to take her to my 94 .At first, Kitty was 95 and nervous. She hid under the sofa and only came out when I offered her food and water. She didn’t like to be 96 or held, and she would scratch (绕) me if I tried to pet her. I wondered if she would ever 97 me or love me.But as time went by. Kitty started to warm up to me. She began to 98 me around the house, and sit next to me on the sofa or the bed. She would play 99 with the toys I bought her and would wait for me at the door when I came home from work.Kitty 100 my life for the better. She made me feel more relaxed. She taught me how to be more patient and caring.91.A.healthB.timeC.room92.A.rainyB.windyC.cloudy93.A.adviceB.moneyC.help94.A.homeB.schoolC.factory95.A.cuteB.shyC.rude96.A.leftB.touchedC.shared97.A.visitB.refuseC.trust98.A.biteB.followC.hit99.A.nervouslyB.sadlyC.happily100.A.changedB.joinedC.stoppedIn the warm waters near an island, a small group of dolphins comes up for air. The dolphin in the front is Mother Dolphin.Mother Dolphin will 101 Baby Dolphins for a long time. She’ll stay beside her babies until they grow up. Baby Dolphins are very playful. They can swim well and love to push their mother softly. After playing so much, they get tired. At night, they 102 just below the surface of the water with Mother Dolphin.Dolphins may look like fish, 103 they aren’t really fish. Dolphins have their own underwater language of sounds. They use these 104 to communicate with each other.Dolphins always travel in small groups to 105 themselves against their enemies, like the shark. They can live for many years. Some dolphins live up to 35 years in the wild.101.A.look afterB.take awayC.shout at102.A.talkB.sleepC.sing103.A.ifB.soC.but104.A.soundsB.handsC.tails105.A.findB.hurtC.protect(2024广西中考真题)阅读下面语篇,从各小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项。My name is Daniel. I live in Tennessee. When I was 7, I found some plastic (塑料的) bottles on a riverbank. I felt worried because I knew plastic bottles and other rubbish could be 106 to animals in rivers. Now I’m 13, and I work to keep rubbish out of rivers.The Tennessee River is 107 polluted with plastics and other rubbish. And I want to do something to help stop more 108 . I do some 109 cleanups with others. We go along the riverbanks. Sometimes we go to places that we can only reach by boat. We often find plenty of 110 , such as broken toys and plastic bags.Doing cleanups makes me really 111 . I know I’m making a difference and 112 lives—not just animal lives, but human lives as well, because it continues up the food chain (链条).What happens to them happens to us.Last year, I set up the Cleanup Kids with my friends to call on kids all around the world to 113 rubbish. People take pictures of the rubbish 114 send them to us, so we can know how many pieces they found. We will 115 our goal (目标) of 1,000,000 pieces at the end of this month.We’re never too young to change the world. Kids are a small part of the population, but we are 100% of the future.106.A.goodB.helpfulC.harmful107.A.badlyB.hardlyC.carefully108.A.inventionB.pollutionC.attention109.A.seaB.lakeC.river110.A.rubbishB.fruitC.fish111.A.nervousB.boredC.happy112.A.studyingB.savingC.creating113.A.pick upB.look afterC.throw away114.A.orB.andC.but115.A.findB.setC.hit(2024黑龙江齐齐哈尔中考真题)阅读短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。In our life, nobody wants to lose, but we must accept that losing is a part of life. 116 , we can’t win all the time. We can learn 117 valuable from every failure. This may help us succeed in the future. So we must know 118 to be a good loser. We must not be afraid of losing. When losing, just accept it with a (an) 119 and look at the bright side. Failure can’t be avoided in our life. Edison failed 1,000 times before he 120 the light bulb (灯泡). When he was asked how he felt, he said that he didn’t fail 121 learned 10,000 things which didn’t work. We must know that history is full of examples of men and women who achieved success although 122 failed many times. Losing is not very disgraceful (丢脸的). We must accept our failure and learn from it. Remember that it can be 123 . It can help us grow up rapidly. So we’d better take action to walk out of it. When we lose, think about what we did and how we can improve. If someone else can help, we’ll be 124 enough. Many people enjoy helping 125 solve problems. This can save us a lot of time so that the same mistake won’t be made 126 in the future. We should face our failure when we lose. There is only one 127 in every competition. Some win, while some lose. It’s 128 for us to experience failure. The more active we are when facing the failure, the more confident we will be. 129 , being a good loser will help us to be better in life. It might be painful 130 the beginning, but there are many advantages. Good losers set examples to us, and most importantly, they finally win.116.A.After allB.As a resultC.At first117.A.anythingB.nothingC.something118.A.whyB.howC.when119.A.smileB.sadnessC.excitement120.A.discoveredB.inventedC.found121.A.butB.andC.or122.A.weB.youC.they123.A.thankfulB.wonderfulC.helpful124.A.wiseB.luckyC.proud125.A.otherB.the otherC.others126.A.everB.againC.once127.A.winnerB.loserC.player128.A.strangeB.normalC.interesting129.A.In a wordB.In the wayC.In that case130.A.toB.ofC.at(2023中考真题)(2023湖南岳阳统考中考真题)通读全文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个正确答案。You feel tired and have a fever, you have a sore throat and cough. Don’t be afraid—you have probably gotten H1N1 flu (甲流). Every year, some people experience these sick feelings, especially old people and 1 children. HIN1 flu is similar to the common cold, but it is much more serious. It can cause a 2 temperature above 39 , and the symptom (症状) of fever may last (持续) 3~4 days, or even 5~7 days. H1N1 flu is a disease (疾病) that 3 quickly and widely around the world now. When someone sneezes (打喷嚏) or coughs near you, virus (病毒) travels through the air and enters your body, then makes you become ill. If you have H1N1 flu, you will go to the hospital as soon as possible. Take some medicine and you will become well.How do you keep away from H1N1 flu? Experts give some good 4 . Avoid going to the places full of people during flu seasons. If you have to, you had better 5 a mask (口罩). 6 to wash your hands carefully before meals and after 7 things outdoors. Eat a balanced diet (均衡饮食) that includes different kinds of 8 vegetables and fruits. They will give people vitamins (维他命) which body needs. Do more sports, like running, swimming and 9 . Exercise an hour a day, and live a happy life. Try to have 10 8 hours’ sleep every night.All in all, it’s important to have a healthy living habit. The healthier you body is, the fewer risks of getting HINI flu you will have.1.A.youngB.braveC.disabled2.A.lowB.highC.normal3.A.is puttingB.is carryingC.is spreading4.A.suggestionB.ideaC.advice5.A.wearB.dressC.offer6.A.ForgetB.RememberC.Disagree7.A.hearingB.touchingC.seeing8.A.freshB.dirtyC.creative9.A.asking for helpB.playing computer gamesC.climbing mountains10.A.a fewB.at leastC.a little(2023山东滨州统考中考真题)When I first arrived in China, I knew little Chinese. And some of the Chinese words I 11 had something to do with food. I learned the names of a few dishes, but still didn’t know most of the things I saw on Chinese restaurant menus. Luckily, there were 12 to help me.Nearly every restaurant menu in China has pictures of food 13 it. But many restaurants I’ve been to in the US don’t. What is the 14 for the difference?One thing I’ve definitely (明确地) 15 about China is that food is a bigger part of their culture than it is in the US. A common way to 16 someone in China is to ask them if they’ve eaten yet. Food is just a bigger deal here—and having pictures of food in menus is part of that. Some menus are almost like works of art, with beautiful photos.Another thing is the 17 of the dishes. Chinese dishes sometimes have fanciful (别出心裁的)names like “palace guard chicken” or “three fresh things from the soil”. These are interesting names, but they don’t really tell you 18 the dishes are like. Therefore, it’s 19 to have pictures so you can actually see what you are going to eat.There are 20 even more reasons. All I know is that I was very thankful to have those picture menus when I first came to China years ago.11.A.learned aboutB.came upC.kept awayD. cleared out12.A.videosB.coversC.picturesD.materials13.A.atB.forC.fromD.in14.A.resultB.reasonC.choiceD.list15.A.noticedB.thoughtC.reflectedD.imagined16.A.introduceB.rememberC.respectD.greet17.A.platesB.colorsC.pagesD.names18.A.whatB.howC.whyD.which19.A.harmfulB.helpfulC.colorfulD.awful20.A.nearlyB.simplyC.probablyD.hardly(2023安徽统考中考真题)Dear Bruce,Thanks for your email—good to hear from you. I’m looking forward to the exchange(交流), too!Anyway, about the 21 and things. The school here isn’t very 22 about most things, but there are a few things you need to know. First of all— 23 . You can wear what you want, 24 you can’t wear jeans(牛仔裤)with holes in them. You should 25 comfortable things. And it’ll be cold when you’re here so you’d better bring some 26 clothes.The school’s pretty strict about phones—of course you can 27 them, but you have to 28 the phones and keep them in a place as you are required before class. You can’t just put them on silent, right? And you can bring 29 to school but you must eat it outside during the break. If it’s raining, you can eat in the classroom.In short, it’s a good school and the teachers are kind. You really don’t have to worry about anything here. Hope my advice is 30 to you. Write again soon, OK? And tell me if there’s anything else vou need to know.Yours,Saral21.A.interviewsB.hobbiesC.marksD.rules22.A.strictB.fairC.modernD.sure23.A.questionsB.reportsC.clothesD.subjects24.A.orB.soC.forD.but25.A.borrowB.wearC.receiveD.sell26.A.cleanB.dryC.warmD.new27.A.bringB.returnC.compareD.repair28.A.hand outB.throw awayC.turn offD.pick up29.A.moneyB.foodC.paperD.water30.A.helpfulB.similarC.secretD.free(2023四川眉山统考中考真题)Weekends give us an important break from the work days. How should you spend them to make yourself feel 31 ? Here is some advice for you.*Take time to exercise. Exercising is a great way to relieve (缓解) stress after a long week. You can go to the gym or play a sport to get your body moving.*Get outside. 32 the weather is nice, try to spend at least an hour walking around your neighborhood or going to a nearby park. It’s 33 a good idea to stay at home all the time.*Enjoy a great meal. You can go out to a restaurant to taste new 34 or special drinks. You can also have fun cooking at home.* 35 friends and family. Weekends are great for spending time with people you don’t often get to see during the week. You can set up a game night for your family or have a good time with your friends.31.A.relaxedB.surprisedC.boredD.interested32.A.UnlessB.BeforeC.AlthoughD.If33.A.alwaysB.neverC.sometimesD.usually34.A.meatB.fruitC.dishesD.candies35.A.MeetB.CallC.HelpD.Trust(2023湖南怀化统考中考真题)阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。It was Friday afternoon. After getting off the school bus, Susan ran into the 36 happily.“How was school, Susan?” asked her mom.“ It was 37 , mom. Labor Day(劳动节) is coming. I am excited that I will have no 38 next Monday!”Susan woke up early on Labor Day morning. Mom told her that they 39 to do something meaningful. Susan couldn’t believe it. She thought Labor Day was a holiday.“ Susan, your 40 is ready. We have many things to do today. Let’s be quick,” said Mom.Susan didn’t like the idea, 41 she had to follow her parents. After she had breakfast 42 , she began the work unhappily.But things began to 43 while she was doing the housework. She found it was so interesting when she brushed the dog. She also 44 to clean the house. When she finished her work, she felt happy to see the house much 45 than before.Holidays are not just for fun or rest. We can feel happy by doing something meaningful.36.A.schoolB.houseC.library37.A.greatB.terribleC.boring38.A.classesB.friendsC.gifts39.A.hatedB.wantedC.refused40.A.supperB.lunchC.breakfast41.A.andB.butC.or42.A.kindlyB.happilyC.quickly43.A.changeB.stopC.close44.A.forgotB.helpedC.failed45.A.dirtierB.smallerC.cleaner(2023江西统考中考真题)Saving Baby ElephantsMishak rubs (擦) his eyes when he prepares warm milk. Like other people looking after babies, he is 46 . It is 5:30 a.m., and he hasn’t had much sleep. Mishak sits next to the baby elephant, smiles and makes sure she finishes the breakfast.Mishak is a 47 from an elephant rescue (救援) center. 48 , many elephants meet problems, so they need rescuing here. For one thing, hunters 49 elephants for their ivory. For another, people build homes and plant fields where 50 used to live. Hungry elephants walk into the villages and fields to look for food. They often cause serious damage(破坏), so farmers kill 51 . As a result, adult elephants often leave their babies behind.When a baby elephant 52 its mother, it’s also in great danger. This is because it needs its mother’s milk for about four years. 53 this milk, the baby has little chance to live. Research shows that elephants, like people, have 54 . If the mother elephant dies, the baby elephant often becomes sad and ill.The center’s job is to raise these baby elephants and send them back to the 55 step by step. First, keepers take turns looking after the baby elephants 56 they don’t want an elephant to depend on one of the keepers too much. Then keepers take the elephants into the forest. This is a(n) 57 part of the process because the elephants learn how to eat in the wild and communicate with others. When an elephant is four and no longer needs 58 , keepers move it to the wild. This makes elephants become 59 . It often takes them eight to ten years to get used to the wild.At bedtime, Mishak has to lie down and 60 with his baby elephant. Mishak says that when he leaves the babies, they cry. Does he need an alarm to wake up? “Oh, no,” he says. “The elephants are our alarms.”46.A.nervousB.downC.tiredD.shy47.A.teacherB.keeperC.doctorD.policeman48.A.UnluckilyB.FinallyC.ExcitedlyD.Suddenly49.A.buyB.killC.keepD.collect50.A.huntersB.elephantsC.adultsD.keepers51.A.usB.itC.herD.them52.A.losesB.helpsC.savesD.follows53.A.ByB.ForC.AsD.Without54.A.foodsB.homesC.friendsD.feelings55.A.centerB.zooC.wildD.city56.A.unlessB.butC.orD.because57.A.easyB.fastC.importantD.strange58.A.milkB.fruitsC.grassD.leaves59.A.braveB.popularC.friendlyD.patient60.A.workB.playC.studyD.sleep(2023云南统考中考真题)从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并将所选答案涂到答题卡的相应位置上。My mom is pretty cool. She is always trying to come up with ways to give the environment a helping hand. One day, she brought a green 61 to work. At lunch, she shared the cake 62 friends. Everyone liked it. They were all surprised how she made it. The story goes back a few weeks. Our city 63 a new recycling program—families were supposed to separate food rubbish from the other kitchen waste. My 64 loves fruit. My father especially loves watermelons. He 65 a lot of them in the summer. The skin (果皮) always ends up in the rubbish. That’s almost half the weight of a watermelon!After a lot of thinking, my mom found a 66 way to use all the melon skins. She brought out the blender (搅拌器) and cut the melon skins into small pieces. 67 she blended them, she got a whole cup of green watermelon juice. Then, she mixed the juice with flour (面粉). From there, she 68 made her delicious GREEN cake. What a great product of the melon eating! And it was nature friendly too. From now on, my mom doesn’t need to 69 the heavy waste from eating melons. And everyone always wants more of her 70 cake.61.A.cakeB.hamburgerC.sandwichD.watermelon62.A.aboutB.withC.intoD.at63.A.refusedB.missedC.stoppedD.started64.A.neighborB.familyC.coachD.doctor65.A.makesB.drinksC.eatsD.throws66.A.betterB.worseC.shorterD.harder67.A.ThoughB.WhetherC.BeforeD.After68.A.carefullyB.politelyC.hardlyD.sadly69.A.look upB.worry aboutC.give outD.put up70.A.terribleB.commonC.specialD.white(2023四川宜宾统考中考真题)It is necessary for middle school students to have some after-school activities. However, the best way to plan their after-school activities is to make sure that they keep a good balance (平衡) between studies 71 activities. The activities should 72 all kinds of sports, like running, basketball, swimming and some artistic programs, such as music or art. It is also 73 for students to mix up their activities. They should try to find new activities and develop different interests 74 taking part in the same activity every day. This helps students to stay active and 75 them from getting bored.71.A.orB.soC.andD.but72.A.holdB.includeC.createD.collect73.A.braveB.politeC.simpleD.important74.A.out ofB.thanks toC.instead ofD.according to75.A.preventsB.advisesC.organizesD.encourages(2023四川广安统考中考真题)Thanks to the Double Reduction Policy (“双减”政策), many students have more time to enjoy after-school activities.It is 76 for students to take part in these activities. First, it is a good short 77 from study. After the break, students can do better in 78 school work. Next, students can 79 some friends while doing after-school activities. Finally, students can get some new 80 from the activities. For example, students can learn how to play basketball or how to dance.76.A.carefulB.thankfulC.helpfulD.beautiful77.A.breakB.hobbyC.meetingD.habit78.A.theyB.themC.theirD.theirs79.A.doB.makeC.takeD.put80.A.prizesB.booksC.pensD.skills(2023四川成都统考中考真题)Claude Monet brought sunshine into painting.He was one of the first artists to work 81 . That may sound 82 to us today. But before 1870, most artists did all their paintings in rooms. They used models dressed up as Greek gods or heroes from history. They painted with dark colors so their pictures would look more 83 .However, Monet and his artist friends 84 the rules. They took their paints and brushes to paint lakes, flowers and woods in the open air. They wanted to show 85 sunlight made water and boats look at different times during the day. If they painted people, they always painted common people. They used 86 colors and painted quickly.For years, Monet had 87 in making money. Sometimes he could not pay the rent (租金); sometimes his family had no heat; sometimes they went hungry. 88 , Monet would not give up.Today, he is one of the most famous artists ever. Paintings by Monet sell for millions of dollars and 89 in museums around the world. We’re all lucky that Monet never 90 .81.A.insideB.outdoorsC.everywhere82.A.usualB.specialC.strange83.A.funnyB.livelyC.serious84.A.supportedB.brokeC.followed85.A.whenB.whyC.how86.A.brightB.darkC.peaceful87.A.funB.troubleC.success88.A.StillB.AlsoC.Besides89.A.standB.stickC.hang90.A.keptB.stoppedC.avoided(2023四川自贡统考中考真题)If you see a group of kids riding bikes on a city street, and there’s one adult with them, also on a bike, this is a bike bus.It’s not a real bus, but one group of 91 together does what the bus does. Take the following bike bus as an example.Devin Olson is a dad in the US. He organizes a bike bus for local schools. It drops off students at 2 primary schools. “We 92 at 8 a.m. to play soccer and eat breakfast,” Olson says. Then we check our 93 and start our ride. It’s nothing but laughing.”The group makes about 8 stops along the way to 94 children. “We want kids to enjoy going to school. They can ride with their parents, brothers or sisters. And they can 95 with students in different grades,” says Olson.Recently, pictures and videos of bike buses got lots of attention 96 they were posted online. “What a simple idea it is! How 97 it is to get started,” says one Weibo user.Now, many parents agree with the idea. And more 98 are giving up cars for a ride. This helps fight climate change, 99 exercise and reduce school drop-off traffic. And it also makes the children 100 than before.91.A.walkersB.ridersC.drivers92.A.stopB.sleepC.meet93.A.bikesB.bagsC.boxes94.A.look afterB.cheer upC.pick up95.A.standB.agreeC.talk96.A.whenB.beforeC.until97.A.easyB.boringC.strange98.A.schoolsB.familiesC.communities99.A.believeB.understandC.encourage100.A.smarterB.happierC.shyer(2023四川自贡统考中考真题)Every year on May 20th, it’s World Bee Day. It’s a day to thank bees. 101 bees, we wouldn’t have any food! When bees fly from plant to plant, they 102 pollen (花粉). The pollen makes new plants grow.It’s also a day to learn more about their 103 . Losing natural homes, getting sick and higher temperatures are making the number of bees drop. 104 , people are now making a plan to save bees. It makes robot bees to help 105 and look after the queen bee. This will get the queen bee to lay more eggs and make more bees.101.A.WithoutB.AboutC.For102.A.helpB.carryC.make103.A.habitsB.interestsC.problems104.A.LuckilyB.ProbablyC.Secretly105.A.washB.feedC.use(2023四川南充统考中考真题)Monarch butterflies (黑脉金斑蝶) are common in North America. What makes monarchs interesting is their migration (迁徙). They travel to find food, or 106 warmer weather. Every autumn, monarchs 107 black and orange wings begin a long journey to the south.However, until recently no one knew 108 they did this. Scientists have found out that the monarchs can tell the time of day. They use their eyes to measure the 109 of the sun. These two pieces of information—the time of day and the place where the sun is in the sky—allow the monarchs to decide the way to go. Finally, the monarchs make it 110 to reach the places where they will spend the winter.106.A.care forB.look forC.prepare forD.wait for107.A.onB.atC.withD.under108.A.howB.whyC.whenD.where109.A.sizeB.shapeC.positionD.temperature110.A.usefulB.relaxingC.necessaryD.successful(2023四川凉山统考中考真题)Chinese food is very famous in the world. Chinese people think 111 is one of the most important things during their life. They do not greet each other with “How are you?” but they ask, “Have you eaten?”Since table manners are part of Chinese cooking culture, Chinese people still 112 their table manners today.There is a seat for the “guest of honor” or the oldest person in the family. In most parts of China, the “seat of honor” is 113 the one facing the front door of the room. The “seat of honor” can also be the one in the middle facing east of the room if there is no seat facing the door.As for the host, he may take 114 seat. It is always the nearest to the kitchen or service door. It is better to sit after the elder or the “guest of honor” sits down. Guests should wait for the host to invite them to get seated.Chinese people like having meals together and they put all the dishes on around table. There is sometimes a round rotating disc (旋转盘) in the 115 of the dining table. It makes sure that all the diners can enjoy the meal and feel respected.111.A.knowledgeB.moneyC.food112.A.breakB.followC.make113.A.neverB.usuallyC.already114.A.the most convenientB.the least expensiveC.the most comfortable115.A.eastB.westC.center(2023四川泸州统考中考真题)C919, the first China-made large passenger airplane, completed its commercial flight (商业飞行) on May 29th, 2023.The plane took 116 at 10:32 a.m. from Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport and safely 117 at Beijing Capital International Airport at 12:31 p.m. After landing, it was welcomed with a water salute (水门仪式).There 118 over 130 passengers who experienced C919’s first air travel. At the beginning of the journey, China Eastern Airlines (CEA) provided everyone on board with a specially designed ticket.“Sitting in the airplane C919, I felt very excited and proud. And I’m lucky enough to be 119 the history.” said Zhang Keli, a passenger from Beihang University in Beijing.The event shows that our country is able to build a world-class airplane independently, and it also plays 120 important role in the development of China’s civil aviation industry (民航工业).116.A.offB.awayC.upD.in117.A.arriveB.arrivesC.arrivedD.arriving118.A.areB.wereC.hasD.had119.A.partsB.parts ofC.a partD.a part of120.A.aB.anC.theD.one(2023江苏徐州中考真题)Peter: Mum, I’m so proud that you are a 1 . How many students are there in your class? Mum: Forty-five.Peter: Then it’s hard to have many one-to-one talks with each person. How do you know what’s going on in their minds in class? Mum: My 2 ? I look at their body language.Peter: Their body language? But 3 ? Mum: It’s easy to see when students show interest in a lesson. Most 4 and make eye contact. They lean forward and look at me. People like to lean towards whatever they are interested in. When I tell a joke, they 5 . When I talk about something 6 , they are at a loss. If a student keeps looking at his watch, it shows he is 7 and just counting the minutes for the class to end. 8 two friends lean their heads together, they are probably writing notes to each other. Of course, not everyone who looks up is 9 in class. Some students look up but there is no eye contact. Their eyes seldom move, and they 10 wear the same expression. It seems that they are asleep with their eyes open!Peter: From time to time I daydream in class. 11 you teachers see it? Mum: Sure! With their chins(下巴) on their hands, daydreamers look out of the window or up at the ceiling. They are certainly interested in something, 12 who knows what? When they are attracted by other things, they spend all their time looking anywhere but at me. Then I 13 them to pay attention in class. As a teacher, my 14 is helping every student to learn. Their 15 language helps me know when to adjust(调整) class activities, and when to talk to students separately, so they can all get the most out of school.Peter: Mum, you are so great!1.A.policewomanB.driverC.doctorD.teacher2.A.questionB.answerC.reportD.advice3.A.whereB.whenC.howD.why4.A.look downB.look upC.look backD.look through5.A.cryB.nodC.laughD.whisper6.A.difficultB.easyC.importantD.funny7.A.excitedB.worriedC.boredD.amazed8.A.SinceB.AlthoughC.BecauseD.If9.A.keeping in touchB.paying attentionC.taking a messageD.getting along10.A.alwaysB.sometimesC.seldomD.never11.A.CanB.MustC.ShouldD.May12.A.andB.butC.soD.or13.A.encourageB.allowC.wishD.remind14.A.talentB.spiritC.dutyD.plan15.A.bodyB.spokenC.writtenD.foreign(2023四川雅安统考中考真题)China is the homeland of tea. Wild tea trees with over 3,000 years old can still be found in Southwest China. Tea plants are usually 16 on the sides of mountains. Nowadays, tea is more popular than any other 17 except water in China. You can find plenty of teahouses 18 , especially in the top tea culture cities. In traditional Chinese culture, 19 tea to a guest is a sign of respect (尊重). A younger person can show respect for an older person by serving a cup of tea. This is common during big celebrations, such as birthdays or the Spring Festival. Tea is believed to be a(n) 20 drink by Chinese people. In China, people believe that drinking tea every day could reduce (减少) the risk of some diseases.16.A.usedB.grownC.cutD.carried17.A.foodB.drinkC.fruitD.vegetable18.A.easilyB.difficultlyC.quietlyD.tiredly19.A.pickingB.producingC.drinkingD.serving20.A.interestingB.luckyC.healthyD.delicious(2023山东聊城统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。How did you spend your summer and winter holidays? Did you travel? Or did you just stay at home and watch TV? As for 14-year-old Wang Ziyue, he had a 21 way to spend his holidays. The boy spent his holidays running a mobile library.Wang got the 22 of building a library in August 2018. At that time, he was spending his 23 holiday at his grandma’s home in a town in Taizhou, Zhejiang. He found that 24 of the children in the town watched TV all day on their holiday as they hardly had any books at home. Wang wanted to help them. During the winter holiday in 2019, he 25 more than 500 books and brought them back to the town. At his grandma’s home, Wang built a small library to 26 his books with others. His library helped to make some children fall in love with 27 . But Wang didn’t stop there. He made a cart(手推车)into a mobile library. On market days, he 28 his cart to the market so that more children were able to read the books. For four years Wang has helped hundreds of children, and his library now has about 1,200 books. Many people 29 praise Wang for what he has done. They say the library is small, 30 it is a big help to children in the town.21.A.commonB.specialC.secret22.A.adviceB.agreementC.idea23.A.summerB.National DayC.winter24.A.manyB.fewC.none25.A.lostB.choseC.wrote26.A.mixB.compareC.share27.A.speakingB.listeningC.reading28.A.soldB.tookC.returned29.A.highlyB.luckilyC.nervously30.A.soB.orC.but(2023山东潍坊统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 When you turn on the tap in your house, water comes out. This water has 31 a long way. This water comes from rain in the sky. The 32 that water arrives to the tap in your house is called the “water supply”. Most of the water on the earth is in the 33 . This water has a lot of salt in it. We cannot drink this water. Salt water makes us ill. But when the sun shines, it 34 a part of the ocean. This water rises up to make clouds in the sky. The more water rises up, the heavier and larger the clouds become. The clouds will get so heavy and large that they will change colour from white to 35 . The water will fall down into rivers and lakes 36 rain and travel back to the sea. This is called the “water cycle”. We use half of the rain water 37 falls over the earth. There are parts of the world where there is 38 fresh water. In the Arab countries, salt water can be made safe to drink. This is done by freezing or boiling it. The salt is left 39 and the clean water is then taken off. This process is very 40 , but in some areas this is the only way to get clean drinking water.31.A.pulledB.walkedC.rushedD.travelled32.A.wayB.pathC.methodD.condition33.A.streamB.oceanC.riverD.lake34.A.takes inB.gives offC.heats upD.cools down35.A.purpleB.greyC.blueD.pink36.A.throughB.withC.asD.by37.A.itB.thatC.thisD.what38.A.fewB.muchC.enoughD.little39.A.behindB.aloneC.offD.out40.A.rapidB.cheapC.simpleD.expensive(2023天津统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Tom had a bad toothache. His mother wanted to take him to the dentist’s (牙科诊所), but he 41 . He was afraid of the 42 when the dentist had to extract (拔出) his tooth. Tom’s mother told him that if he did not visit the dentist, the pain would get 43 . At last, Tom had to agree.There were not many people at the dentist’s. 44 , it was Tom’s turn. He walked nervously into the room and sat down. The dentist looked 45 and said hello to him with a smile. He asked Tom to 46 his mouth. And then he told Tom that he had to extract the bad tooth. The dentist gave Tom an injection (注射) and 47 him that he would not feel any pain.Tom really did not feel any pain. Then the dentist advised Tom to brush his teeth twice a day and taught him the 48 way of brushing his teeth. He also told Tom not to eat too many sweet things 49 his teeth would be healthy.After that, Tom 50 how important it was to protect his teeth.41.A.relaxedB.refusedC.noddedD.joked42.A.painB.trustC.successD.training43.A.nicerB.smallerC.warmerD.worse44.A.SometimesB.RecentlyC.SoonD.Especially45.A.dangerousB.friendlyC.noisyD.careless46.A.fillB.shutC.openD.cover47.A.allowedB.askedC.warnedD.promised48.A.rightB.braveC.weakD.rich49.A.butB.so thatC.orD.whether50.A.regrettedB.hopedC.realisedD.guessed(2023河北统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。Some people have no interest in sports. They think that sports make them 51 and smell bad. They say, “Why waste time playing sports?” To these people, I politely say, “You have not discovered the 52 of sports!”Let me share with you a basketball game I played two weeks ago. Our parents and friends were there to 53 us. A lot of people were watching. We all wanted to 54 the game in front of so many people.The game was 55 over and we were one point behind. Our coach called us together and said, “Okay, this is it! Either we score now or the game is over. Let’s work hard to score. Even if we don’t score, 56 we know that we have tried our best. So, boys, don’t think too much. It doesn’t matter if we lose. Just do it.”Well, in the last 57 of the game, we truly scored and two teams tied (打成平局)! We went into overtime (加时) and we lost in the end. But after the game, the coach hugged all of us. He told us that he was 58 because he had never seen a team try harder than us.To be honest, I 59 a lot of pleasure in playing sports. It makes me happy and comfortable. That’s why I play sports whenever I get the chance. So my 60 is to choose a sport and keep doing it. Your body will thank you and your mind will be ready to work well.51.A.lazyB.tiredC.uglyD.stupid52.A.priceB.timeC.funD.level53.A.callB.praiseC.helpD.cheer54.A.winB.watchC.joinD.report55.A.suddenlyB.nearlyC.finallyD.recently56.A.at firstB.at onceC.at timesD.at least57.A.monthB.weekC.hourD.minute58.A.braveB.activeC.proudD.honest59.A.feelB.faceC.guessD.give60.A.adviceB.orderC.actionD.interest(2023四川遂宁中考真题)Many of China’s most popular dishes come from Sichuan. If it’s the first time for you to visit Sichuan, don’t have your hometown dishes. Try a hot pot dinner 61 . And if you go, be sure to bring your friends and family—you get lots of food!At a hot pot 62 in Sichuan, the waiter serves the food uncooked. You cook it yourself at the table. You get a large pot of boiling soup, vegetables and meat or seafood. Add these foods to the 63 one by one. When it’s finished, enjoy it with relish you like. It’s fun to eat at a hot pot restaurant. Just several months ago, the first hot pot bus 64 in Chengdu. On the bus, you can eat hot pot, go around the city and learn about the history of Sichuan hot pot. People like hot pot because it is delicious and it’s 65 to make. You can even make it at home by yourself. Everybody is a cook!61.A.againB.insteadC.aloneD.bravely62.A.homeB.supermarketC.restaurantD.hotel63.A.bottleB.bowlC.plateD.pot64.A.appearedB.happenedC.brokeD.stopped65.A.easyB.popularC.necessaryD.tasty(2023吉林统考中考真题)As an exchange student, Tony has studied in China for one year. He finds where students have lessons is different 66 China and America.In China, most students stay in the same classroom to have different lessons. When the school bell rings, students wait for their teachers 67 then start their lessons. Students put their school things in the 68 .In America, however, things are quite different. For 69 subjects, students are supposed to go and find the right classrooms. They have to 70 their classrooms. They put their things in the lockers (储物柜) out of the classrooms.Tony thinks these two patterns have their own advantages. He likes both of them.66.A.outsideB.behindC.between67.A.andB.butC.or68.A.playgroundsB.officesC.classrooms69.A.easyB.differentC.busy70.A.breakB.changeC.lose(2023黑龙江齐齐哈尔统考中考真题)阅读短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。It seems that on every street corner in the world, there is a fast-food restaurant. People everywhere are 71 , so they do not want to wait for their food. Around the world, $240 billion a year 72 on fast food. Yet, 73 fast food has become quite popular, there are many myths(荒诞的说法) 74 itThe first myth is that fast food is a recent 75 . This is not true. More than 2, 000 years 76 , the people of Rome lined up in the street to buy quick meals at small stands. One type of their most popular fast food 77 a lot like a modem hamburger. All through history, people have always eaten fast food.The second myth is that all fast food is 78 . While many modern fast-food restaurants are American, some very traditional Chinese food is nearly fast food. This 79 mantou, noodles and Chinese dumplings. 80 , one of the most popular fast food chains(连锁店) in the US is a Chinese food chain, Panda Express. 81 has more than 1, 600 restaurants in America.Finally, many people think that fast food is always bad for them. This is true of a lot of fast food. However, nearly every fast-food restaurant has some healthy food on its 82 , and some fast-food restaurants 83 make healthy food. The problem is not fast food, 84 the choices we make. We can choose 85 healthy food, even at fast food restaurants.71.A.tiredB.busyC.lazy72.A.is spentB.is paidC.is put73.A.so thatB.even thoughC.as soon as74.A.forB.fromC.about75.A.inventionB.traditionC.prediction76.A.agoB.laterC.before77.A.soundedB.smeltC.looked78.A.BritishB.ChineseC.American79.A.meansB.includesC.has80.A.In factB.At firstC.So far81.A.OneB.ThisC.It82.A.tableB.menuC.plate83.A.onlyB.neverC.also84.A.andB.becauseC.but85.A.to cookB.to refuseC.to eat(2023黑龙江统考中考真题)I 86 in the UK last weekend to learn English. So far I have already made 87 friends and had some traditional English food there. But 88 having hamburgers, sandwiches and potatoes, I thought none could be 89 than Chinese food, 90 my favorite—huo guo. You can’t imagine how 91 I was when I got to know that there was going to 92 a free meal of hotpot to welcome the new students. On the way to the canteen, I seemed to smell huo guo in the air.To my 93 , when I stepped into the room, I didn’t see any sign of huo guo. Where was it? 94 many questions in my head, I 95 down to have the free meal. After I talked with an English girl, I got to know that Chinese huo guo was completely different 96 hotpot. Chinese huo guo is 97 in two words—hot pot; and hotpot, one word, is a traditional English dish.Hotpot is made from mutton and onion. On the top are pieces of potatoes. People put it in the oven all day in a heavy pot on a low heat. It 98 very little effort to prepare. You can often see it at parties in the UK because it’s easy 99 for many people and is not expensive.Hotpot tastes 100 . However, I still miss huo guo—hot pot, two words!86.A.arrivedB.reachedC.got87.A.littleB.a littleC.a few88.A.beforeB.afterC.for89.A.much deliciousB.more deliciousC.less delicious90.A.especiallyB.normallyC.suddenly91.A.exciteB.excitingC.excited92.A.haveB.beC.being93.A.surpriseB.surprisedC.surprising94.A.WithB.OnC.About95.A.sitB.seatC.sat96.A.fromB.ofC.in97.A.writingB.wroteC.written98.A.takesB.spendsC.costs99.A.prepareB.preparedC.to prepare100.A.wellB.badC.good(2023湖南张家界统考中考真题)The Lantern Festival is a traditional festival in China. It is celebrated on the 15th day of the 101 month of the lunar (农历) year. A school in Changsha held all kinds of 102 for teenagers. In the morning, the teenagers made yuanxiao with their parents. Yuanxiao is the typical food of the festival. 103 the help of their parents, they successfully made sweet and 104 yuanxiao and felt the happiness of working together.Besides, the teenagers enjoyed the festival by making lanterns. They used the waste paper and other waste materials 105 lanterns. Then they hung the lanterns high. The most interesting thing was writing riddles (灯谜) on the lanterns and guessing 106 . The winners would get gifts. Both the parents 107 the teenagers had a great time. How do you spend the important festival in your city?101.A.firstB.secondC.third102.A.stationsB.activitiesC.messages103.A.WithB.AtC.On104.A.terribleB.easyC.delicious105.A.madeB.to makeC.making106.A.theyB.theirC.them107.A.althoughB.butC.and(2023山东泰安统考中考真题)Studying in a foreign country can be exciting. It can also be difficult, especially when the country is very different 108 your own. For 18-year-old Kusedyo, a Chinese language learner, to learn the language, hard work is not just enough, a certain level of “craziness” is also 109 . “To learn and understand Chinese, you have to be a bit crazy. You have to understand the tones(音调)and the 110 , and change your thinking,” he said. For many students, the learning process is not easy. Prosper Marindiko, 111 Chinese language learner, believes that motivation(动机)is very important to learn a second language as an adult. “ 112 it gets so frustrating(令人沮丧的)trying to learn a language because you think you have understood this word, then when you meet a Chinese out there and try to say the word, they don’t understand you at all,” he said. “The reason why I am learning Chinese is because at work we communicate a lot with the Chinese, and usually we have some wrong understandings 113 language barrier(障碍),” said Marindiko. Nowadays, for some foreigners, China has become a more popular study place than some 114 English-speaking countries. At the same time, knowing Chinese 115 doors to many job chances. Although learning Chinese is a difficult task, technology and the Internet are making it 116 difficult, even for those with no chances to meet native speakers of the language. In the future, the Chinese-speaking 117 will become larger and larger.108.A.againstB.fromC.with109.A.neededB.servedC.created110.A.abilityB.courseC.culture111.A.otherB.the otherC.another112.A.SometimesB.FinallyC.Unless113.A.as ifB.such asC.because of114.A.strangeB.traditionalC.humorous115.A.locksB.closesC.opens116.A.fewerB.lessC.more117.A.populationB.websiteC.company(2022中考真题)(一)(2022安徽中考真题)Your brain doesn’t have to do anything extra (额外的) to tell the truth. You think of what you want to say, and you say it. Lying ____21____ much more work.Here’s an ____22____ of what goes into a simple lie. Imagine you’re late for class and the teacher asks ____23____ and you decide to lie. You now have to either came up with a story or remember the story you ____24____ as you were rushing to class. So you say, “I had to stop by the ____25____ and borrowed a book.” Your teacher asks, “The book I recommended (推荐) last period?”You must decide how to answer ____26____. If you say yes, the teacher might ask you to show her the book. Or she might ____27____ you to read from it in class. If you say it is a ____28____ book, she might ask which book you’ve checked out. So you have to be ready with the ____29____ of another book and make sure it’s a book the school library owns.You give your ____30____ a ton of extra work! Why not just tell the truth? It’s much easier.21.A.refusesB.avoidsC.takesD.fixes22.A.exampleB.abilityC.interviewD.agreement23.A.whenB.whoC.whyD.which24.A.listened toB.made upC.wrote downD.left behind25.A.storeB.gateC.stationD.library26.A.recentlyB.secretlyC.angrilyD.quickly27.A.expectB.helpC.hateD.pay28.A.boringB.personalC.cheapD.different29.A.coverB.nameC.priceD.size30.A.bookB.examC.brainD.class(二)(2022湖南岳阳中考真题)FIFA World Cup is one of the biggest sports events in the world. It ___11___ every 4 years. The first World Cup was in 1930. It has a history of over 90 years. During the World Cup, ___12___ fans watch the games and cheer for their favorite teams or players. We have known some famous football players from the football competitions, such as Beckham, Messi, and Figo. They have excited football fans for many years. The World Cup ___13___ the best chances for football players around the world. The winners can get not only ___14___ but also respect(尊重). The 2022 World Cup will start on November 21st and ___15___ on December 18th. The competition is going to last(持续)___16___ days. To avoid the high ___17___ in Qatar(卡塔尔), the games will come in winter ___18___ summer. Gianni Infantino, FIFA’s president(国际足联主席)said, “This is a good decision, the ___19___ temperature in Qatar is up to 45. It’s too hot for players to compete.” The true spirit of the 2022 World Cup is “Where there is life, there is struggle(奋斗).” It’s sure that every football player will try ____20____ best to achieve their goals. If you have time, if you love soccer, why not come to Qatar to enjoy the exciting football event?11.A.takes offB.takes a walkC.takes place12.A.fewB.littleC.quite a few13.A.has agreedB.has refusedC.has provided14.A.silenceB.honorC.mistakes15.A.endB.beginC.cross16.A.8B.18C.2817.A.priceB.heatC.speed18.A.instead ofB.in totalC.in front of19.A.deepestB.highestC.widest20.A.theirB.theirsC.them(三)(2022四川自贡中考真题)Sagarika Sriram is a high school student living in Dubai and founder(建立者)of Kids for a Better World—a digital platform(数字化平台). It ____16____ nearly 10,000 teens together from all over the world. Its goal is to fight climate(气候)change.When Sagarika was 10 years old, she felt ____17____ about the future of Earth. Sagarika knew she needed to do something. So she ____18____ a group that organized cleanup activities in Dubai. “The ____19____ helped me understand what one person could do and how I could ____20____ make a difference,” she said. In 2016, Sagarika ____21____ Kids for a Better World. She believes even ____22____ actions can make a big difference.Kids for a Better World is for people aged 8 to 16. It teaches kids about what they can do at home and in their community to fight climate change. They can ____23____ food or plant trees. They can collect recycables or stop using plastic bags. Sagarika wants schools to teach these lessons. “These can help change our future,” she says.Sagarika has big ____24____. She’d like to study at Stanford University. And while she’s there, she won’t stop ____25____ Kids for a Better World. Sagarika hopes to encourage more and more people to fight for a greener planet.16.A.ordersB.servesC.brings17.A.surprisedB.sorryC.uneasy18.A.knewB.joinedC.met19.A.experienceB.hobbyC.feeling20.A.reallyB.clearlyC.quickly21.A.leftB.createdC.noticed22.A.smallB.specialC.new23.A.borrowB.buyC.grow24.A.changesB.dealsC.plans25.A.showingB.runningC.helping(四)(2022四川达州中考真题)We feel angry or guilty (内疚的) about the things we did or did not achieve, about the things we cannot have, and many other things. It seems that everyone carries their own bad emotions (情绪). But neither guilt ___21___ anger can help us. Over time, they can be heavy weights on our ___22___.These bad emotions don’t do anything good for us ___23___. So you might ask yourself-is it possible to put down this heavy burden (负担) and give yourself a ___24___? It is quite possible. Start by actually looking at your feelings. How do they get inside of us? Why do we carry them for so long instead of putting them down? Can we live ___25___ them?By thinking about our bad emotions, we can find healthy ways to ___26___ them. Unhealthy behaviors are not the way to do this. They provide no relief. Instead, there are better ways to handle them. One of the best ways is forgiveness (原谅). Forgiveness is a powerful tool. We should forgive ___27___ first. We shouldn’t keep bad emotions inside. We must also forgive others who have made us guilty or angry. This is not always easy. But ___28___ we learn to forgive ourselves, it becomes easier to forgive others as well. There is nothing good about carrying years of emotional burdens. By forgiving ourselves and others, we can put down our burdens and feel better about ourselves. ___29___ you do this, you will start to feel a lot lighter. Years of heaviness will be magically lifted! You’ll start to feel like you have more ___30___ and you’ll be much happier with your life.21.A.orB.norC.bothD.and22.A.shouldersB.handsC.legsD.arms23.A.in allB.above allC.at allD.all in all24.A.secretB.resultC.painD.break25.A.withoutB.inC.forD.with26.A.look afterB.worry aboutC.deal withD.bring up27.A.yourselfB.ourselvesC.themselvesD.myself28.A.unlessB.althoughC.whereD.when29.A.As soon asB.As well asC.As often asD.As far as30.A.prideB.difficultyC.energyD.knowledge(五)(2022河北中考真题)Kevin is a special swimmer. He took risks to ___11___ in very cold places because he wanted people to pay attention to environmental problems. As a boy, Kevin visited national parks and he learned the Earth is in ___12___ condition. He felt worried, and he wanted to ___13___ the Earth. In 2009, he went to swim in water near North Pole(北极)to draw people’s attention to the melting glaciers(融化的冰川). Kevin said that the swim was so painful that it would be his ___14___ time swimming in cold water. In 2016, he heard about a lake in the Himalayas(喜马拉雅山脉). It was formed by melting glaciers. He ___15___ to swim in cold water again. It was difficult to swim in the lake. The air was so ___16___ that it was hard to breathe. He told people about his experiences on TV. He wanted people to know that glaciers in the Himalayas are disappearing ___17___ global(全球的)warming and that there’s less water for people in nearby ___18___ like China, India, and Pakistan. From Kevin’s story, we learn two ___19___ . We learn that people can do a lot of harm to the Earth without realizing it. Also, we learn that if we ___20___ the way we think, we can do something to protect our environment. With the new way of thinking in our minds, we can enjoy a bright future.11.A.flyB.swimC.runD.skate12.A.rightB.safeC.poorD.natural13.A.protectB.leaveC.findD.share14.A.lastB.greatC.freeD.long15.A.hatedB.agreedC.learnedD.decided16.A.freshB.thinC.clearD.cool17.A.because ofB.opposite toC.according toD.instead of18.A.citiesB.countriesC.townsD.villages19.A.choicesB.reportsC.reasonsD.lessons20.A.askB.showC.changeD.record(六)(2022湖南怀化中考真题)I often hear some students say English is difficult, so they can’t learn it well. ___11___ English is very easy for me. I’m good ___12___ it. I’m very glad to tell you ___13___ about how I study English. ___14___, I think an interest in English is very important. When I was in Grade Three, we had a new ___15___ — English, it was new for me. I was interested in it. I worked hard at it. Soon we had an English exam and I got a very good mark. How ___16___ I was! After that, I learned English harder. Our English teacher often teaches us English songs, and ___17___ sound nice. I often think how interesting English is!Second, I think English is a foreign language. I learn it well in the following ways: ___18___ to the teacher carefully, read aloud and have a good vocabulary. Then practice again and again, never be tired. When I have a ___19___, I often understand it by _____20_____ our English teacher.11.A.AndB.OrC.But12.A.inB.forC.at13.A.somethingB.anythingC.nothing14.A.FirstB.SecondC.Third15.A.classB.subjectC.lesson16.A.sadB.sorryC.happy17.A.theyB.itC.them18.A.hearB.listenC.tell19.A.ideaB.suggestionC.question20.A.askingB.answeringC.replying(七)(2022江苏苏州中考真题)Like most children growing up in the countryside, Mike loved being outdoors and traveled around every inch of the area. With a deep love of the land, he had a strong wish to __1__ it. When Mike saw rubbish floating in the rivers, he got __2__ . He knew he had to do something. While only in third grade, Mike started a group. Its purpose was to __3__ the countryside and teach other young people about pollution and its dangers. But Mike faced a challenge. As he was __4__, he found it hard to speak out in public. However, with his mom’s help, Mike __5__ dealt with his fear. He said, “I took responsibility(责任)and did what needed to be done. When your heart is into it, __6__ will stop you.”Mike worked hard to __7__ his idea to the public. He handed out leaflets and even appeared on radio and TV. His efforts paid off. He won __8__ from several thousand people. And his group collected and recycled more than 22,000 pounds of rubbish. Now as a college student, Mike’s __9__ remains the same. He often says, “I want to create a ___10___ life for my kids and grandkids. It’s beautiful countryside, where I’m from, and I want my kids to see it like I see it.”1.A.practiseB.protectC.prepareD.provide2.A.weakB.tiredC.relaxedD.angry3.A.clean upB.break intoC.set upD.move into4.A.shyB.sadC.proudD.polite5.A.clearlyB.carefullyC.successfullyD.traditionally6.A.anythingB.nothingC.somethingD.everything7.A.acceptB.changeC.followD.introduce8.A.courageB.victoryC.supportD.reward9.A.wishB.chanceC.luckD.fear10.A.busierB.harderC.betterD.crazier(八)(2022陕西中考真题)Dear Museum Scientists,My name is Yang Jingjing. ________ live by the sea, near a mangrove swamp (红树林沼泽地).My mom is ________ tour guide. She knows a lot about the mangrove swamp. She loves ________ people the beautiful animals that live there. I am writing to you ________ I’m worried about what is happening near my home. The mangroves are home to many ________ such as birds, butterflies, snakes and so on. Down in the water under the trees are homes of fish and shrimp. The mangroves also protect us ________ wind, waves and floods (浪潮与水灾).However, in the past few years, things ________ greatly. These changes bring lots of worries to more and more people. New neighborhoods (社区) ________ last year and the year before. It turned the place with mangroves into stores, houses, cinemas, restaurants and car parks. What is even ________, all these things are still going on! What will happen to the animals that live in the mangroves? I don’t know ________. How I wish we can find a way to live together with the mangroves and animals!Sincerely yours,Yang Jingjing11.A.MyB.MineC.ID.Me12.A.aB.anC.theD./13.A.showB.to showC.giveD.to give14.A.althoughB.beforeC.becauseD.unless15.A.plantB.plantsC.animalD.animals16.A.fromB.withC.aboutD.for17.A.has changedB.have changedC.is changingD.are changing18.A.buildB.are builtC.builtD.were built19.A.badB.worseC.goodD.better20.A.what we can do B.what can we doC.how we can do D.how can we do(九)(2022黑龙江中考真题)People have been trying to find out whether homework is good or bad for school children, and they have different ____1____.Some people think that homework is an important part of ____2____ for students. They believe it not only enables children to practice what they have learned ____3____ class, but also helps ____4____ their handwriting. They also say that homework is able to teach children ____5____ to work on their own. Also, it’s a skill which is ____6____ to them in future life.Others disagree, though. They think homework puts ____7____ stress on children. And the time spent on homework could have been used to do ____8____ activities like reading and playing sports, To back up (支持) their opinion, they give the ____9____ of Finland (芬兰).In Finland, students have little homework. But the country remains one of the most educationally ____10____countries in the world.In my opinion, whether the homework is good or bad ____11____ the purpose of it. If there is no clear reason for giving homework, the students will not get ____12____ from doing it, so it should not be set. ____13____, I still believe that homework can ____14____ help with children’s learning, if teachers clearly tell them why they ____15____ do the homework and let them know how they will do their homework. Students will get more from homework.1.A.adviceB.opinionsC.idea2.A.learnB.to learnC.learning3.A.inB.forC.after4.A.changeB.increaseC.improve5.A.whatB.howC.which6.A.usefulB.hardC.difficult7.A.much tooB.too muchC.too many8.A.anotherB.othersC.other9.A.nameB.exampleC.number10.A.successfulB.successC.succeed11.A.works outB.works onC.depends on12.A.somethingB.anythingC.nothing13.A.HoweverB.ButC.Or14.A.hardlyB.suddenlyC.really15.A.shouldB.couldC.may(十)(2022黑龙江齐齐哈尔中考真题)Have you argued with a friend or done anything you regretted? ____16____ it’s hard to put things right, especially when your feelings are hurt. Knowing ____17____ to apologize (道歉) can help you become friends again and understand why you argue, ____18____ you’ll separate from each other forever.Why do you argue?You argue for all kinds of reasons. Your friend’s idea is ____19____ yours about something or your sister always drives you crazy. When you are ____20____ , you may say or do something to hurt others. Arguing with others is quite normal but it’s important to ____21____ it and learn from it.What does an apology mean?Everybody makes mistakes in his life. Apologizing is a good ____22____ of admitting (承认) your mistakes. In fact, it’s very difficult to say sorry to others. Most of the people think saying sorry means regretting what they’ve ____23____ done. But as long as you decide to correct your mistakes, you should ____24____. It’s believed that a good apology needs to show that you’re truly sorry, you want to be responsible for what you do and get forgiveness (原谅).What if (万一) it’s not your mistake?Sometimes the mistakes have ____25____ to do with you, but another person may force you to say sorry. Be sure to try talking about why you argue at first. If ____26____ of you still can agree with each other, what should you do? Keep ____27____ and ask a parent or a teacher for help.Does apologizing always work?As far as I know, an apology itself ____28____ be enough, so try to ask someone else how he felt while you were arguing. Explain your side too, and make ____29____ clear that you’ll try to avoid making the same mistake again. An apology isn’t a magic stick. It may ____30____ people time to understand and forgive.16.A.PerhapsB.RecentlyC.Instead17.A.whatB.whereC.how18.A.andB.orC.so19.A.different fromB.similar toC.as well as20.A.happyB.boredC.angry21.A.solveB.refuseC.complain22.A.hobbyB.wayC.reason23.A.neverB.nearlyC.ever24.A.go awayB.try your bestC.talk back25.A.somethingB.anythingC.nothing26.A.allB.neitherC.either27.A.coolB.relaxedC.crazy28.A.mustn’tB.may notC.needn’t29.A.thatB.thisC.it30.A.spendB.takeC.cost(十一)(2022湖北鄂州中考真题)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Dealing with a nosebleed(鼻出血)might seem simple. But recently, the British RED Cross asked parents with young children how to help a child with a nosebleed. About 65 percent of parents did not ____31____ the correct action to help. Learning what to do if a little one has a nosebleed will help you ____32____ the situation quickly and calmly. Here, Claire shares the story of how she helped her daughter when her ____33____ was bleeding. On a very hot and sunny day, Claire took ____34____ daughter Bella, aged almost three and a half, to the park. On the way home, Bella fell ____35____ in the car.When they got home, Claire found something was wrong ____36____ Bella. “As I was laying her down, blood started ____37____ from her nose. It was all over her face and down her neck and that made me ____38____,” Claire said. Having already learned first aid, Claire knew ____39____ to do. “Bella got upset because of all the ____40____. I sat her up and leant(倾斜)her forward and ____41____ the sides of her nose,” Claire said. “I knew this wasn’t ____42____ , as leaning her forward would stop the blood from going into her airway or stomach.” ____43____, Bella’s nosebleed stopped after a few minutes. Claire was glad that she had remembered the key ____44____ to help children with a nosebleed: to pinch the soft part of their nose and ask them to lean forward. In fact, every parent should ____45____ first aid. Then he or she can save the child in a right way.31.A.controlB.makeC.chooseD.answer32.A.agree withB.deal withC.talk withD.play with33.A.toothB.earC.mouthD.nose34.A.theirB.yourC.herD.his35.A.asleepB.awakeC.sleepyD.alive36.A.aboutB.withC.throughD.for37.A.puttingB.workingC.gettingD.pouring38.A.happyB.boredC.scaredD.dangerous39.A.whatB.whereC.howD.when40.A.bloodB.situationC.breakD.risk41.A.hitB.pulledC.hurtD.pressed42.A.importantB.wrongC.necessaryD.right43.A.SuddenlyB.QuicklyC.LuckilyD.Heavily44.A.spiritsB.waysC.placesD.shapes45.A.useB.learnC.findD.show(十二)(2022辽宁盘锦中考真题)根据短文内容,从各题的四个选项中选择一个最佳选项。Dear students,You are leaving our class soon. You will set out on your new journey. It’s going to be strange and new to you for a while, and I hope it will be good to you.As your ____1____, I am proud of you, because you have grown up and you can make your own decisions. You see, up to now, I have been around to take care of you all the time and make you feel better. But now things are going to be different. You are going to ____2____ goodbye and start a new journey, and it will be ____3____ the unexpected. Living in the world will ____4____ love and courage, so I hope someone will take you by your hand and teach you the things you will have to know. At the same time, whenever you celebrate an achievement, ____5____ remember to be thankful to those who made it possible.Give yourselves quiet time to ____6____ the birds flying in the sky and the flowers smiling on the green hill. Remember the ____7____ are fantastic, and you can find your favorite articles there.Remember that it’s better to fail than it’s to give up, and the key is to learn from your failure(失败). But along with difficulties, there will also be ____8____ wonderful waiting for you.Remember to believe in yourselves, ____9____ someone tells that you are wrong. Treat yourselves gently(温柔地), but don’t ____10____ yourselves away from everything. Facing difficult situations will make you stronger. Just for today! Please believe that as you give to the world, the world will give to you.Yours,Mr. Green1.A.auntB.classmateC.teacherD.mother2.A.sayB.tellC.talkD.speak3.A.good forB.afraid ofC.known forD.full of4.A.provideB.dependC.appearD.require5.A.sometimesB.alwaysC.neverD.seldom6.A.watchB.preventC.lookD.count7.A.moviesB.songsC.booksD.shows8.A.anythingB.somethingC.nothingD.everything9.A.sinceB.thoughC.untilD.because10.A.helpB.enjoyC.keepD.punish(十三)(2022山东菏泽中考真题)It’s time for another new film adapted(改编) from Jack London’s 1903 novel The Call of the Wild. It was first shown in ___11___on November 13, 2020 in China.The main character of the film is still Buck, a big house dog.___12___, this time, Buck is a 100 percent character created by 3D technology. In fact, all of the dogs, and all of the other___13___ in the film, aren’t real in life.The new film does follow some of the novel’s storyline. Buck, who his first owner treats well as a family member, lives a___14___, relaxed life. But not for long, he is___15___ from his owner’s home in California and is sold to the Alaskan gold fields as a sled(雪橇) dog. On his journey, Buck meets a new group of sled dogs led by the dog king Spitz. He learns a___16___ by fighting for leadership(领导地位) and starts to think his true self. And then, Buck___17___ many cruel things, and he gradually realizes what he is truly meant for.Every dog has its day. So does Buck. In the final part of The Call of the Wild, the local wolves and other animals awake his desire(渴望) to___18___ to the wild. According to London’s story, the film focuses on___19___ Buck discovers his true purpose in life, which leads him to refuse human society. At the end of the film, the brave dog manages to find his way back to nature.So what’s the meaning of your life? Give this question a deep____20____ after having watched the film.11.A.cinemasB.factoriesC.schools12.A.AlthoughB.SoC.However13.A.cowsB.animalsC.wolves14.A.poorB.happyC.lazy15.A.stolenB.foundC.killed16.A.hobbyB.gameC.lesson17.A.experiencesB.hearsC.brings18.A.returnB.walkC.reply19.A.whatB.howC.when20.A.senseB.ideaC.thinking(十四)(2022四川雅安中考真题)There are many festivals around the world. Dads have Father’s Day. Mums have Mother’s Day. But do our grandparents have a ____21____? Yes, they do.The Double Ninth Festival is a ____22____ day for old people in China. The festival is on lunar September 9th. On this day, people show ____23____ and respect (尊敬)for their grandparents.Respecting old people is a tradition in China. There are many ways for Chinese people to ___24___ their respect. When an old person enters a room, everyone should stand up. Also, people are introduced from the ____25____ to the youngest. When we give something to an old person, two hands are used. The old usually don’t have to buy tickets for buses and young people always ___26___ their seats to old people on a crowded subway or bus.However, in western countries, old people have ____27____ lifestyles from those in China. They don’t often live with their children—they live ____28____. They don’t want to get help from others. They even don’t want to be offered seats by others.Westerners ____29____ respect old people. For holidays, families usually ____30____ at the grand-parents’ homes. A great smile and a warm hug are enough for grown children to show their respect.21.A.houseB.festivalC.partnerD.relative22.A.boringB.simpleC.specialD.surprising23.A.loveB.interestC.hopeD.invitation24.A.stopB.expressC.findD.refuse25.A.richestB.tallestC.oldestD.strongest26.A.offerB.lendC.sellD.take27.A.usualB.strangeC.sameD.different28.A.wiselyB.easilyC.aloneD.sadly29.A.stillB.evenC.onlyD.just30.A.grow upB.get offC.make upD.get together(十五)(2022广西贺州中考真题)阅读下面短文,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将其字母标号在答题卡上涂黑。Being street smart is an important skill to have and it’s a good way to take care of yourself.Always carry your phone with ___31___, but do not look at it while you are walking. Being able to communicate or call for help is important, ___32___ keep a list of useful phone numbers. But put your phone away while you are walking so that you can keep your ___33___ up and see what’s going on around. If you do need to check your phone, stop and look at it quickly.Don’t wear earphones while you are out. If you have to ___34___ something when you’re out, use only one earphone or play it at a very low volume (音量).Travel with ___35___ or family members when possible and never go anywhere with a stranger. It’s important to be ___36___ with strangers. Do not get into a stranger’s car.___37___ dark and out-of-the-way places. Do not take short cuts through dark areas, even if it will make your trip much faster. If you have to go to a place, and you’re not sure whether it’s safe or not, go ___38___ someone you know or speak to someone on the phone while you are there.Run and shout if you feel unsafe. Run away as ___39___ as you can towards a police station, hospital, or nearby shop for help. Shout as loudly as you can ___40___ the attention of people around.31.A.usB.meC.youD.them32.A.becauseB.soC.thoughD.but33.A.handsB.armsC.noseD.head34.A.talk toB.listen toC.wait forD.look for35.A.parentsB.sistersC.brothersD.friends36.A.carefulB.carefullyC.carelessD.carelessly37.A.AvoidB.FindC.VisitD.Clean38.A.toB.forC.withD.without39.A.fastB.fasterC.fastestD.the fastest40.A.getB.gettingC.gotD.to get





