专题22 任务型阅读 考点1 还原句子(原卷版)

2024-09-10·90页·1.8 M

三年2022-2024中考英语真题分项汇编全国通用)专题22 任务型阅读 考点1 还原句子(2024中考真题)(2024江苏苏州中考真题)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。Recharge (充电) Your Body’s BatteryMy phone is showing that little red low-battery sign. What if I didn’t recharge it—no, that would stress me out. But what if I took a few minutes to recharge myself—yes, that would help. But how? 1 Tell yourself the truth.When something stressful happens, we often can’t help taking a deep breath at first. But we control what happens next. It’s possible to work with our stress, rather than against it. Thank it and remind yourself: “ 2 ”Turn your attention to joy.To protect energy stores, turn your attention to being present. Focus on what you can feel grateful (感激的) for. Smiling can reduce stress. 3 Plant something in your day that you look forward to.Work your stress out.You might think all your feelings live in your brain. But in fact, we feel them with our whole bodies. 4 It can change how you feel. Also, heating up and cooling down, like taking a shower, may cheer you up. 5 Being in crowded and busy places sends our bodies signs of danger. We can recharge our batteries with green space time—look for a park, gardens or plants to calm our bodies and minds.Life is short. It’s even shorter living on half a battery. We can break our daily stress habits and create more energy.A.My body is producing energy to help me deal with it.B.Relax yourself in green.C.My energy is running out.D.Here are a few ways to recharge yourself.E.Warn your body of danger.F.Joy can recharge us.G.Doing exercise can help your body reduce stress.(2024江西中考真题)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后根据短文内容从下面的七个选项中选择五个还原到文中,使短文意思通顺、结构完整,并在答题卡上将其序号涂黑。一空一句。Five Tips to Improve Your MemoryMost of us know that our brains become smaller in size as we get older, but did you know that diet and lifestyle have an effect on how well our brains work?Research shows that eating lots of fruit, vegetables and proteins (蛋白质) improves memory. 6 Eating oily fish or dark chocolate (with over 70% cocoa) and taking Vitamin D3 can also help make your memory stronger. 7 A 2011 study showed that regular exercise actually increases brain size. Another study found that exercise improved memory in some older people; surprisingly it found that one single training period had the same effect on memory as regular, long exercise period!One study found that eight weeks of short, daily meditation (默想) improved memory. Other ways to relax can also improve our short-term memory. Try taking 5-10 minutes of your day to meditate or listen to music. 8 Experts say that age reduces our ability to learn, but sleep can help. 9 A 2019 study found that students learned things better before and after a short sleep! 10 Try to memorize information like phone numbers and addresses rather than putting the information in your phone. You could also learn a language or do brain training like crosswords (填字游戏).A.Or even just take a shower!B.It’s important to keep a healthy body.C.The role of exercise is really important too.D.Use your phone to help you memorize things.E.To keep your brain in good condition, you need to use it.F.Try to avoid sugary foods such as cakes and milk chocolate.G.For your brain to work well, 7-9 hours of sleep is necessary.(2024云南中考真题)根据短文内容,从短文后所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。You may be too busy to notice the wonderful world where you live. Taking time to know your own town or city can help you see it in a new light. With the warm weather outside, now is a good time to go exploring (探索) with a trusted adult. 11 Act like a tourist. Many times, when you live in a place, you never really explore some of the most exciting parts that a visitor might. Start by asking yourself this question: 12 Maybe you can visit a historic building, a nice park, or a new ice cream store. Consider local attractions (景点). First, do some research online and talk to an adult about where to go. 13 A local museum or zoo might have a new exhibit. You might also head to a national park for a hike. 14 With an adult’s guide, look up walking tours for a whole new way to explore your city. Some cities offer walking tours focused on a theme, like food or local parks. You can also search for free self-guided walking tours in your area. Take a photography (摄影) walk. 15 Pick a theme for your photos, like special dishes, local waterways, or lovely birds. And at the end of the day, you can look back on all your explorations.A.Find out a guided tour.B.Here is how to get started.C.Go bike riding in a local park.D.Then try to think about which place is the best to explore.E.If I have never been to the town before, when is the best time to explore?F.If my friends came to town for the first time, where would I advise them to go?G.Another way to see where you live with fresh eyes is to go exploring with your camera.(2024陕西中考真题)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Rain forests are forests that get a lot of rain. It can rain more than one inch (=2. 54 cm) per day! There are tropical (热带的) rain forests all over the world. 16 They are very warm.The Amazon is in South America. It is the biggest rain forest in the world. More than half of the rain forest is in Brazil. 17 Many plants and animals live in the Amazon. There are more kinds of plants and animals there than anywhere else in the world. The biggest mix of plants and animals live in the canopy (遮篷). 18 The canopy keeps off most of the sunlight. The rain forest floor is very dark. 19 There are more than 400 different native tribes (土著部落)! Native people used to stay in the rain forest. They found food and built homes there. They made medicine from plants. Now they sometimes leave. They go into nearby towns to sell food. Still, they live in their own ways.Today, the Amazon is faced with the problem of deforestation. This means that too many trees are cut down by humans and 20 What can we do to protect the rain forest and the wildlife there?A.The canopy is a thick coat of trees.B.They are found near the equator (赤道).C.it brings harmful results to the wildlife in the Amazon.D.it makes more space for the animals in the Amazon to live in.E.They have found some wildlife near the equator.F.The rest spreads across eight other countries.G.People live in the Amazon too.(2024山东滨州中考真题)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。Do you have friends? How many friends do you have?Having a good friend can make your school life much more enjoyable. You can talk about something that brings you happiness. 21 But maybe making new friends at school is not so easy, especially if you’re a naturally shy person. 22 Here are some pieces of advice that might be helpful to you!The easiest thing to do is to smile, and it can make yourself look friendly. If you cross your arms on your breast(胸) and have your headphones on, your body language is saying “Stay away from me!” 23 On the other hand, if you’re feeling confident, you can try and approach someone. Just say “Hi, do you mind if I sit here?” 24 After that, continue the conversation, by finding something you have in common. Maybe the person is reading a book you’ve read or has something that interests you. 25 If you follow the advice, you can make friends easily.A.It is a great way to break the ice.B.So how can you make new friends?C.This will give you something fun to talk about.D.Never fail to be thankful to the friends around you.E.You can also share your problems and support each other.F.Instead, smile naturally if someone approaches (靠近) you.G.You don’t need to care if your friends are the same as you or different.(2024黑龙江绥化中考真题)根据短文内容,从下列选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项多余。Pan Yuzhen, 77, is an inheritor (继承人) of the intangible cultural heritage (非物质文化遗产) of Miao embroidery (刺绣) in Southwest China’s Guizhou Province. Pan has often been a guest on the International fashion stage. 26 “ 27 Since I was five years old, I have learned embroidery from my mother and sister. Miao embroidery methods are complicated (复杂的), but I have financially mastered all of them.” Pan said. “I can embroider clothe for myself and family.”Pan’s daughter Zhang Yanmei was born in 1977. She suffered from poliomyelitis (小儿麻痹症) at the age of three. Because her family is so poor, 28 She traveled to many cities including Shanghai, Beijing and other places by train. Zhang remembered that her mother was always back home in a hurry and brought some candies and new clothes to her, but she never complained about her hardship.In 1999, Zhang went to Beijing to join her mother after graduation from high school to do business while learning embroidery. 29 she met many foreign friends there. “They advised me to go abroad and sell embroidery products. I went to the United Sates to do business related to Miao embroidery from 2006 to 2016.” Pan said.Pan also went to the UK to join in all kinds of fashion show activities. Pan said. “When the foreigners saw these products 30 Miso embroidery is the pride of our Chinese people.”A.Due to the family’s heavy financial burden (经济负担).B.At that time, Pan had a stall (摊位) in Panjiayuan Antique (古玩) Market.C.who were interested in Miao embroidery.D.She has been famous for these experiences.E.Pan began to sell Miao embroidery products around the country.F.they rushed to take photos with the Chinese embroiderer.G.The girls in my hometown can embroider with needles (针) from a very young age.(2024江苏连云港中考真题)When winter comes, cranes migrate (迁徙) from northeast Siberia in Russia to Poyang Lake in Jiangxi Province, China. 31 However, climate change has influenced the birds’ living conditions. In some years, the Poyang Lake experiences floods, while in others, it experiences dry weather. 32 To help deal with the problem, the local government has planted 70 hectares (公顷) of lotus roots (莲藕) in Nanchang. 33 The birds’ population has risen from about 3, 000 to more than 5,000 over the past 20 years. Over the years, China has worked hard to protect migratory birds. Recently, 1,140 places in the country have been taken as important breeding (繁殖) grounds, wintering grounds and migratory stops. 34 They play a key role in cleaning water, preventing floods, and keeping the balance of the environment. 35 The law sets rules to help manage wetlands. And it stops harmful activities, including giving out waste water. Thanks to these efforts, China has reported more birds wintering in the wetlands.A.Most of them are wetlands.B.We need more people to count the birds.C.About 95% of the birds spend winter there.D.It’s important for us to do something to protect them.E.In this way, they provide food during the winter for the cranes.F.Both of these lead to the problem that there isn’t enough food for cranes.G.To protect wetlands, the Wetlands Protection Law was introduced on June 1, 2022.(2024四川眉山中考真题)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。“Look! Here is a black-faced spoonbill (琵鹭) at the Futian Mangrove (红树林) Ecological (生态的) Park,” said Yan Zihan, a 15-year-old student from Shenzhen, Guangdong. 36 Some experts said, “Spoonbills can live happily in Shenzhen because mangroves provide them with food and home. Generally, the special plants grow in warm places by the sea.” 37 So its mangrove area has increased from 22,000 hectares (公顷) in 2001 to 27,000 hectares today, making China one of the few countries in the world with an increase in mangrove areas.Recently, the world’s first international mangrove center has been set up in Shenzhen. 38 Local government has tried hard to protect mangroves. For example, back in the1990s when the city was building a road along the coast, instead of just cutting down the mangroves, they decided to move the road 260 meters to the north. 39 The protection of mangroves is also good for the people living in Shenzhen. The park hosts fun events like the spoonbill festival and the otter (水獭) festival. 40 Students can learn about nature through programs like researching on mangroves or designing the park. From 2019 on, over 3,000 students and teachers have taken part in educational activities about wetlands at the park.A.China works hard to protect mangroves.B.The transportation became more convenient than before.C.People can join in games and create picture books about the animals.D.This decision helped to save the important mangrove ecosystem (生态系统) in the city.E.He felt very excited to see this kind of endangered birds.F.The city is home to 296.18 hectares of mangroves according to People’s Daily.(2024湖北中考真题)阅读短文,从文后所列选项中,选出最佳选项填入对应空白处,使短文通顺、连贯。(选项中有一项多余)Many people make journeys to different places. However, the biggest journey is the self-discovery journey. How do you start it? 41 .Understand what you value about yourself 42 ? It could be about how creative you are. It could also be about your wonderful skills at football. This helps you better understand your own values and abilities. 43 What makes you happy? It could be when you are singing on stage (舞台), when you help your dad repair his car, or even when you are doing a science project.Travel to different placesTraveling to a new place is a good way to discover new things. When you are on your travels, you have chances to meet kinds of people and get to know different cultures. 44 .Ask yourself what you want to beWhat is your goal in life? How will you achieve it? 45 , and you will have a better understanding of yourself. These questions will help you reflect (深思).The self-discovery journey is not a fixed one. With time going by, many experiences in your life can change you, which helps you grow.A.Ask yourself these questionsB.Know what makes you excitedC.Here are some things you can doD.What do you like most about yourselfE.Have you ever been to different placesF.They can open your eyes and increase your knowledge(2024四川自贡中考真题)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。Do you like staycation (宅度假)? It can be relaxing and save money. 46 Firstly, you can travel in your city like a tourist. 47 You might discover something great right where you live. You can try different foods at local restaurants, too. 48 Choose movies that you love or the ones you’ve never seen before. Make your living room comfortable. Have the lights off for a better movie experience. 49 Clean your desk or put away your books. This might not sound like fun, but it feels great. You will create a peaceful space where you can enjoy spending time.Lastly, you can start a small garden or plant some flowers. 50 Watching your plants grow every day can bring a lot of joy.All in all, you don’t need to go far to have a wonderful holiday. The most important thing is to have fun.A.It’s a good idea to go to the movie theater.B.Organizing your room is also a good idea.C.Here are some ideas for a great staycation.D.Visit local museums, parks, or new places in your city.E.You can watch movies with snacks and drinks at home.F.Gardening is a peaceful hobby that can make you happy.(2024四川遂宁中考真题)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。Adolescence (青春期) is a difficult time for teenagers. It takes place when you’re aged between thirteen and nineteen. 51 For example, you used to be happy to be with your parents, but now you need your own space. In the past, your parents made most decisions for you, but now you want to decide things by yourself. In fact, these changes are perfectly normal. But it’s important to remember that they’ll influence your relationship with your parents. 52 First, let your parents know you love them all the time. 53 They may not say so, but they’ll probably feel a sense of loss. Secondly, 54 You may feel these are unnecessary, but your parents’ main worry is just to keep you safe. So try your best to follow the rules and stick to them. It may feel like a trouble to always remember to phone them and let them know where you’re, but make the effort anyway. Finally, it’s all about communication! 55 Tell them what you did today and let them know where you’re going. Besides, ask for advice if you need. All in all, the more you communicate with them, the more they’ll trust you.A.follow your family rules.B.Keep talking to your parents.C.follow your parents’ suggestions.D.As your body changes, you also begin to think and feel differently.E.In their eyes, they have forever lost the little child you used to be.F.Then how can you make sure that you get on well with your parents?(2024四川宜宾中考真题)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。Why are good eating habits important? Your body is like a super-strong, super-speedy machine, and the food you eat is what keeps you going. 56 Eating the right food helps your body run smoothly and stay strong.Give you energy.The food you eat gives you energy to run, jump and play. Proteins (蛋白质) are a good choice. 57 Help you grow.Are you trying to get taller and stronger? Eating things such as chicken, fish and beans does good to your growth. 58 Some foods are like tiny doctors. Fruits and vegetables, such as apples and carrots, have an active influence on your body if something goes wrong, like when you have a little cold.Keep you slim.Sometimes people eat too much sugar or fatty foods, and it’s like putting too much weight in your backpack. 59 Eating a good mix of foods can help you stay light.How can you start eating better? Firstly, eat all kinds of foods. 60 Don’t be too picky (挑食). Next, have three meals a day. You are supposed to have each meal on time. Lastly, drink water. As a garden needs watering, your body needs water too.A.Make you healthy.B.Exercise every day.C.Each kind is good for your health.D.It gets heavy and makes you tired.E.It’s just like putting the right oil in your car.F.Eggs and milk provide power for every movement you make.(2024四川南充中考真题)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑,选项中有一项为多余选项。If sports are something that interests you, you must want to know how to be good at them. Succeeding at a sport takes skill. 61 Skill alone may take you far, but you’ll never go all the way without the right attitude and team spirit. The following tips can help you be a better sports playerJoin a sports team. If you’re interested in sports, joining a team is a good way to start. 62 You are likely to develop friendships with at least some of your team members. Besides, even if your skills are low, joining a team will improve your skills. Set big but realistic (现实的) goals for yourself. This does not mean being unrealistic, or saying you’re going to go professional within a year. Instead, you should take a look at what you are, and decide where you think you would like to be. 63 Be a good sport. Being good at sports means more than physical strength and speed. 64 If you fail in a match, accept the loss and show respect to other players for their victory. Treat loss as a learning experience. Find out what you did wrong, and then try to improve it for the next game. 65 It’s possible to get so crazy about winning that you forget why you want to be good at the very beginning. Not taking the time to enjoy the sport you play results in a fast burnout. Whether you’re practising or playing a competition, remember it is the joy that matters.A.Let yourself have fun.B.Stay focused on the competition.C.Exercising with others is very enjoyable and encouraging.D.In order to be truly great, you need to be positive towards failure.E.Break a big goal down into small parts, and achieve them step by step.F.However, other things should be considered if you want to be a good sports player.(2024四川凉山中考真题)补全短文根据短文内容,从短文后方框中的A-F选项中,选出适当的选项补全短文,并涂在答题卡上相应的位置。选项中有一项为多余选项。Different countries have different manners about social situations. In Mexico, people shake hands when they meet for the first time. In Brazil, people sometimes kiss. In Korea, people usually bow. Do you know Chinese fist and palm salute (拱手礼)? It is one of classic greeting manners in China. 66 The occasions of making fist and palm saluteFor centuries, China has been known as a “Liyi Zhibang”. Nowadays, Chinese usually shake hands when meeting others, but sometimes they also make fist and palm salute. 67 People make fist and palm salute when they visit someone during the Spring Festival or attend someone’s wedding ceremony, birthday party and so on.The history of fist and palm salute 68 It stated in West Zhou Dynasty. If people met strangers, they would prepare for a fight if necessary, and hands were always ready for holding weapons (武器). Holding hands together pointed to themselves was a meaning of expressing kindness. Later it became one of traditional Chinese manners when meeting each other. 69 How do you make fist and palm salute properly? First, stand at attention. Then, if you are a man, right-hand half-fist, and then left-hand hold the right-hand in front of your chest. For a woman, left-hand half-fist, then right-hand put the left-hand on the top. Next, watch each other, raise both hands to brow (额头) and bend down. 70 Also, you could say some lucky greeting words to each other for three times.A.Now let’s learn more about it.B.The way to make fist and palm saluteC.When and where do people use it?D.It is often widely used among western countries.E.Finally, shake hands towards each other for three times.F.Fist and palm salute has a history of more than 3000 years.(2024四川达州中考真题)根据短文内容,从下面选项中选择适当的选项补全短文,选项中有一项为多余选项。Everyone wants to be happy but sometimes it can be difficult to make it. 71 Smile. When you’re happy, you smile. But believe it or not, when you smile, it also makes you happy. 72 Do exercise. Exercise isn’t just good for your body. 73 It doesn’t matter what kind of exercise you do. Try playing basketball, dancing in your bedroom, or running with your dog. Listen to music. Music is always a good way to bring more happiness into your life! Music can help you relax after hard work. There are so many feel-good songs and they can surely make you feel happier. 74 Why not spend time outdoors if you’re feeling down? A simple walk in the park, visiting a nearby town, or even taking your lunch break outside can work wonders. Do what you love. If you want to be happy, you’d better be with things or people that make you feel good. 75 Whatever happens, keep in a good mood every day!A.Enjoy nature.B.A healthy body is important to you.C.It’s also good for your mind.D.For example, if you like watching movies, then just do that!E.Here are some quick ways to make you feel happier.F.So practice smiling even when you don’t feel like it.(2024四川成都中考真题)根据短文内容,从短文后的AF选项中,选出5个适当的选项补全短文。Taking a great photo is not easy and there are lots of things to consider. How do you choose and organize your subjects within your photo? 76 Here are some tips from the art, design and photography experts.Find a focus. When taking a picture, ask yourself, “What’s the focus?” If you are taking a picture of a crowded street, choose a subject which draws your eye. 77 If it’s a landscape photo of a field, the focus could be a big tree. 78 It’s a bit boring to put your subject right in the middle. Place it a little on the left or right of your photo. Imagine your photo is divided into a three-by-three grid (网格) of boxes. One of the corners of your central square is where your focus should be.Create colorful contrasts (对比). Color in a picture is more easily noticed if it has a contrast. 79 They will stand out more if they are taken beside a grey stone wall, or photographed against a bright blue sky.Try different angles. To add more interest to a photo, try taking it from different angles. This means you need to move around, taking photos from different sides, from above or from below. For example, if you photograph a building from a plane it looks tiny but a photo of the same building looking up from the street makes it look huge. 80 Practice makes perfect. Try everything for the perfect shot.A.Place the photo correctly.B.It can tell a different story.C.Remember the rule of thirds.D.Think about focus, color, light and more.E.It could be a person wearing bright colors.F.If you take a picture of yellow flowers, don’t fill your picture with them.(2024吉林中考真题)Qian Xuesen was a great scientist. 81 He is also known as “the King of the Rocket.” Thanks to his research, China’s space technology has progressed in a rapid way.Qian was born in Shanghai on December 11th, 1911. 82 After graduation, he worked in America for a few years. In the early 1950s, he heard that New China had been founded (建立), and he decided to give up the good working conditions in America. Although the American government tried to stop him from leaving, he succeeded in coming back to China in 1955. 83 Then it became the leading organization for China’s rocket and air travel. At that time, the conditions in China were too hard. 84 On April 24, 1970, China’s first man-made satellite (卫星), “Dongfanghong I” was successfully sent into the air.A student of Qian Xuesen, Zhu Yilin, once said, “I learned professional knowledge and working spirit from Mr. Qian. 85 When New China needed scientists badly, he returned to help in the rocket industry.”根据短文内容,将下面的选项还原到文中空白处,使短文内容完整、通顺,每个选项只能用一次,其中有一个选项是多余的。A.I sensed his deep love for our country, too.B.Who visited Qian Xuesen when he was in China?C.At the age of 24, he went to America to study.D.But Qian and his team still faced the difficulties bravely.E.He is known as “the Father of China’s Space Program.”F.In 1956, Qian Xuesen suggested starting a special organization.(2024广东深圳中考真题)There are many humanistic monuments (人文古迹) and natural scenic spots (景点 ) in textbooks. Children are always interested in them, and they want to go there in person. 86 This kind of tour allows parents and children to deepen their understanding of the scenes (场景) mentioned in the textbooks. Many families have taken part in the textbook tour. 87 They can understand the cultural background and experience the historical period in the textbooks. For example, in Fuzhou, parents and children can watch lively shows and visit the museums to learn more about the famous writer Tang Xianzu in the Ming Dynasty. In addition, they can learn about the local customs. 88 The textbook tour is a connection between “reading thousands of books” and “travelling thousands of miles”. 89 Besides, the textbook tour further increases children’s pride in them other land. It also helps them learn about the excellent traditional culture of China. The rise of the textbook tour is a great chance for the connection between culture and tourism. For example, the Wen chuan government holds some activities on the birthday of Dayu. 90 This spreads local culture and provides an unforgettable experience for tourists. As the text book tour becomes a new fashion, the government should offer warm services to achieve a win-win situation for both scenic spots and tourists.A.This further makes their journey colorful.B.That’s why the textbook tour has become popular these days.C.They follow the stories in the textbooks and choose places to travel.D.Cultural workers teach “Dayu culture” to tourists in these activities.E.Through the practice, children can have a deeper understanding of the textbooks.F.Textbooks can broaden my horizons.(2024黑龙江齐齐哈尔中考真题)阅读下面文字,从A到F选项中为每个段落选出一个最适合的标题。What makes you happy? Different people have different answers—doing well at school, being picked to play in a sports team or receiving the birthday present you wanted. 91 Every year since 2013, the world has celebrated International Day of Happiness. It falls on 20 March and was created by the United Nations (UN). The UN set up the day to tell people that happiness is important. 92 This year, the goal for International Day of Happiness is “keep calm, stay wise and be kind”. Keeping calm reminds people not to let their worries out of control. Staying wise means choosing activities increases your happiness. Be kind to the people around. 93 Research has shown that happiness is good for people’s health. The happy people seldom get sick. The happier people will live longer and serve more to the communities where they live. 94 Lots of scientific research shows we can improve our happiness if we use the right ways, such as trying a new sport, setting a new goal, telling a friend something you like about them and so on. 95 No one feels happy all the time. Everybody may feel angry, nervous or sad from time to time. If you feel upset for a long time, you should talk to an adult you trust or share your feelings with your best friends.A.How to make yourself happyB.The meaning of happinessC.The advantages of happinessD.How to deal with unhappinessE.The date of International Day of HappinessF.The goal for International Day of Happiness(2024山东烟台中考真题)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。Around the 15th United Nations Chinese Language Day, which fell on April 20, some foreign students of Xi’an International Studies University practiced and enjoyed Chinese characters together with some Chinese experts and teachers. It has been a tradition for some foreign Chinese speakers and Chinese teachers to get together to mark the special day. 96 Chinese famous writer Lu Xun once said that the beauty of Chinese characters lies in three ways: their meanings educate the mind, their sounds please the ear, and their appearances please the eye. 97 The history of Chinese characters can date back over 3,000 years. To improve beauty and writing efficiency (效率), different kinds of characters were developed, such as zhuanshu, lishu, caoshu, and kaishu. 98 Many Chinese characters not only carry meanings but also have cultural significance (意义) passed down through history. 99 Through them, we can closely connect the past, present, and future of our country.According to a recent survey, more than 30 million people worldwide are learning Chinese. 100 As more people can speak their mother languages and Chinese, the culture of Chinese characters is likely to be better understood and enjoyed worldwide.A.They are symbols of Chinese traditional culture.B.The language is taught in over 190 countries and areas.C.He is happy to see a growing interest in Chinese characters.D.The beauty of Chinese characters is still clear and popular today.E.They enjoy sharing their understanding and benefits of this language.F.Another writer Yu Guangzhong also praised Chinese characters highly.(2024贵州中考真题)阅读下面短文,从短文后选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。Asking for advice is not so easy. In a recent study, 74 percent of people said they were afraid to ask for advice. But people who ask for advice are more likely to succeed at a task. So how do you ask for advice? 101 Look for the best person to give you advice. It might be easy to ask all your friends on social media for advice at once, but will you value all the advice equally (同等地)? 102 It might be better to choose one or two people whose opinions you value most. Ideally (最理想的是), you can ask for advice from people who have experience in the topic you’re asking about.Provide enough information clearly. For example, imagine you can’t decide how to organize a club activity. When you ask for advice, you should mention the topic, the place and the time. 103 If your questions require a lot of thought, you should ask the person for advice when he or she is clear-headed.Be specific (具体的) when you ask questions. Imagine you want to own a business someday. Do you ask a business owner, “ 104 ” No, because it’s not specific enough. Instead, try asking, “What college classes did you find helpful for starting a business?” 105 If you can’t solve your problem by following the first person’s advice, why not ask someone else who may think differently? The key is: Don’t be afraid to ask for advice.A.Probably not.B.The answer is yes!C.Here are some ways for you.D.What advice do you have for me?E.You should also consider when to ask.F.Sometimes you may need to ask for a second opinion.(2024山西中考真题)请阅读下面语篇,根据其内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,使其意思通顺,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有一项为多余项。Food safety is important, and it doesn’t end at our door. The fridge may be a perfect choice for keeping food safe and fresh, but it is not a magic box to keep all kinds of food. 106 The temperature in the fresh-keeping area can be different from shelf to shelf (搁板). The higher the shelf is, the higher the temperature will be. 107 If you store it on the right shelf, you can get the best out of your food. Try to put ready-to-eat food like burgers, pizza or cream cakes on top shelves. The middle shelves are for cheese, yogurt and eggs. 108 They can be used to store raw (生的) meat and seafood. Some fridges have a freezer for keeping these things, so use it if you have one.The fridge can stop the bacteria (细菌) from growing fast. Bacteria can grow quickly in temperatures between 5 and 60. If you want to get the most out of your food, the temperature in your fridge needs to be between 0 and 5. 109 Fruit and vegetables can also be stored at room temperature. Try to keep them in a cool, dry and dark place, away from direct sunlight. Once they are cut, they should be put in the fridge. 110 Hope you can follow them to live a healthy life.A.So make use of these different temperatures.B.The freezer temperature should be below -18.C.It’s necessary to know where to put your fridge.D.Bottom shelves are the coldest part of the fridge.E.The tips above can help you keep your food fresh.F.Let’s learn how to store food correctly in the fridge.(2024福建中考真题)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的五个选项中选出能填入短文空白处的最佳选项,使短文通顺、连贯,意思完整。How to give a presentationGiving a presentation is never easy. There is a lot of preparation to do. During the actual presentation, you need to appear relaxed, calm and confident (自信的). Your body language needs to show this. 111 Here are a few suggestions.Position 112 And try to avoid turning your back, or lowering your eyes too often if you’re looking at any notes.HandsAvoid touching things like your hair, nose or pens. 113 It may feel uncomfortable, but you’ll look relaxed. Also, avoid crossing your arms, or putting your hands behind your back or in your pockets.Gesture (姿态)Use gestures to help your classmates understand what you’re saying. You can use your hands to make your points clearer in your speech. Keep your feet apart and stand confidently. 114 Remember, look confident!Eye contact (交流)Remember to keep eye contact with your classmates. Choose someone to look at in one area and stay with them for a sentence or two. 115 Plan for success, look good, sound good and know your material! But above all, have fun with your presentation!A.And try to keep your arms by your side.B.Keep your shoulders back and your head up.C.Make sure you’re always facing your classmates.D.Then move to another area and choose someone else.E.But do you know what to do with your body during a presentation?(2024河南中考真题)Some of the jobs which were common fifty years ago are almost not seen now, and some that are popular today may disappear in twenty years. 116 Space tour guidePeople have been expecting an exciting travel in space. 117 Anyone who wants to see the Sun rising and setting over the Earth will be able to take trips to space. And for a trip of this kind, travelers will need a tour guide—someone who can explain to them what they are seeing and help keep them safe. 118 AI psychologist (心理学家)AI is used for more and more practical work. And machines will become more humanlike. 119 An AI psychologist would need to understand about both psychology and technology. It would be this person’s job to make sure that future supercomputers worked well.Human-technology integration (融合) specialist With all the new technologies on offer, people may need help to understand and use them. So human-technology integration specialists might be very important. 120 They would look at all the technologies a person could use and advise on the best ones and how to get the most out of them.根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使文章意思通顺、内容完整。A.It will soon come true for many people.B.They will need engineers for their “minds”.C.They could teach others how to use future technologies.D.So have you ever wondered what future jobs might be wanted?E.The person who will do this job has to be a good communicator.(2024吉林长春中考真题)Can you imagine what the human body in the future will be like? Our class had a discussion about it. Tiantian, an AI (artificial intelligence人工智能) robot, also joined us. Here are our guesses. 121 Humans are now ten centimeters (厘米) taller than 150 years ago. So, in the future, people will probably be even taller. Why? Because most of us today have much better food than those in the past.You must say that people will be stronger according to the first guess. 122 With the development of science and technology, we won’t have much physical work to do. If people get used to this kind of lifestyle, we will probably lose most of our muscles (肌肉).Next, let’s come to our hands and feet. We are already using our feet less, and our hands more. 123 At the same time, our fingers and our eyes will both get better because they’ll have to do more work together.Here comes the most interesting one—it’s very possible that people will have four toes (脚趾), not five. The little toe really isn’t needed anymore. 124 Let’s wait and see.Last but not least—people won’t have as much hair on their bodies as now, since we don’t need it to keep ourselves warm.What do you think of our guesses? 125 With the rise of AI, will we lose the ability of thinking independently?阅读短文,把AE五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整。A.But you’re wrong.B.Will all these things happen?C.Let’s start with people’s height.D.Will it still be there in the future?E.So we can expect our legs will get shorter and our feet smaller.(2024湖南长沙中考真题)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。每个选项仅使用一次。You’ve probably heard of books that will change your life. And a lot of readers agree that the book Atomic Habits (《原子习惯》) will meet your needs.James Clear, who did a lot of research on formation of habits, is the writer of Atomic Habits. 126 It has sold over 15 million copies and has been translated into more than 50 languages. And his website receives millions of visitors each month. 127 That’s because the book introduces a practical system (系统) for creating good habits and breaking bad ones. Readers everywhere are very interested in Clear’s “science of tiny habits”.In the book, file writer suggests trying to get 1% better each day. For example, you’d like to exercise but you don’t think you have the time or energy. Clear suggests starting with two minutes a day. Over time, the effects of this habit will increase as you repeat the actions. 128 “All big things come from small beginnings,” says Clear.Clear continues with the following advice: Don’t focus on (聚焦) what you want to achieve. 129 For example, two men want to break the habit of smoking. When offered a cigarette (香烟), one says, “No, thanks. I’m trying to give up smoking.” The other says, “No, thanks. I’m not a smoker.” While the first man still sees himself as a smoker, the second man doesn’t. Clear says, “Bad habits will die more easily if you focus on who you want to become.”Atomic Habits will reshape the way you think about progress and success. 130 Slowly but surely, it will have a great effect on your health, job and relationships.A.Why is it so popular?B.Instead, focus on who you want to become.C.He calls these repeated actions “atomic habits”.D.This book is a No.1 New York Times bestseller.E.Also, it will give you the tools you need to change your habits.(2024内蒙古赤峰中考真题)根据短文内容,从文后的A—E选项中选择恰当的句子完成短文。每个选项限用一次。Dear Harry,I didn’t do very well in a speech last week. I got nervous and forgot most things that I prepared to say. It’s been a week now, but I still feel upset. What can I do?Love, AndyDear Andy,It’s OK. Don’t feel bad about things that have already happened. 131 Just think how you can do better in the future. When I was at school, I was chosen many times to talk to a large number of people. 132 First, I chose a topic that I loved for my speech. 133 If possible, you can have a try. It can help you feel less nervous.Second, I would make sure I knew everything I had to say. I tried my best to remember my materials as well as possible. So a good preparation is necessary.Last, I concentrated on my main idea. When your attention is highly focused, anxiety (焦虑) will be under control. 134 You can make it your goal to pass your idea on to the other students. 135 Take every opportunity you have to improve this skill. I’m sure you will give a wonderful speech soon.Love, HarryA.You can’t change the past.B.Giving speeches is a useful skill.C.The following steps helped me a lot.D.Concentrate on the main idea of your speech.E.My love for the topic would be felt by the listeners.(2024四川乐山中考真题)根据短文内容,从选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。E-bikes usually have a big problem—it is much heavier than common bikes. Recently, a Romanian company has solved this problem. 136 In fact, an adult can even lift it easily.The reason for the low weight is the choice of material (材料), which is quite unusual. It uses a frame (车架) made of bamboo. 137 What’s more, the bamboo frame also makes riding more comfortable, because it has good vibration damping (减震). 138 Your smartphone is connected to the e-bike. So you can check your riding information in real time through a special app on your smartphone.The company manager said, “Creating the bikes was a hard journey. 139 To be honest, I really don’t remember how many times we had to face the failures (失败).”The manager continued, “But in the end, we succeeded. We have created a bike that is light-weight enough, strong enough and smart enough. 140 And now we have successfully developed these bikes to meet the needs of more people in cities.”A.This e-bike is also very “smart”.B.So I’m very proud that we never gave up.C.The weight of this new e-bike is just 15kg.D.This material makes it light and friendly to environment.E.It included many years of research, development and failures.(2024四川雅安中考真题)根据短文内容,从短文后面的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Confidence is very important. It can help you develop a healthy attitude (态度). But how can we be more confident? 141 Speak louder. When you are not confident, you may speak in a voice so low that other people can hardly hear you. 142 Your voice can help you become more confident. 143 Taking exercise makes you tired, but relaxed. A strong body helps you be full of confidence. Encourage yourself. Write down a list of things you did during the day to see how many things you did well. Did you finish your homework on time? 144 Give yourself praise for the good things you have done. Don’t be afraid of failure (失败). 145 It will be easier for you to become more confident if you understand that. Try to start again and believe you can do better.A.Play sports.B.Failure is part of life.C.Here are some suggestions.D.Did you give your friends help?E.Try to speak loud enough to make people hear you.(2024山西中考真题)请阅读下面语篇,根据每段内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出适当的小标题,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Dogs and cats are the most popular pets in the world. Some people think dogs are our finest friends. Others believe cats are our best pals. Let’s see who is perfect. 146 Cats don’t use words, but they make a lot of sounds to tell what they’re thinking about. So do dogs. They use different sounds to “say” what’s on their minds, and “chat” with other dogs or their owners. 147 Cats are great climbers. They love to stay in trees and even on the top of houses. They can jump long and almost always land on their feet. Still, when it comes to traveling far, dogs are hard to beat. Some of them can run or work all day. 148 Dogs’ noses know better. They smell the air and get a lot more information than cats, for they have twice as many scent cells (细胞) as cats. But cats’ hearing is king. They can hear many sounds that dogs would never notice. 149 Most dogs like to hang out with other dogs. Most cats prefer to be alone. In order to get along, cats usually have to be raised together. Cats might like to be held in their owners’ arms, but they leave the pet parties to the dogs. 150 Dogs can be trained to follow different orders and do all kinds of tasks. They can help search for lost people. They can serve as guide dogs for blind people. Some can even help police officers to catch criminals. Cats can be trained to jump through hoops, catch toys and give high fives.When a cat curls up on your lap, or a dog rubs your head or licks your face, you’ll know who the perfect pet is. Whichever one you own!A.Who is smarter?B.Who talks more?C.Who senses better?D.Who is more social?E.Who has more sports talent?(2024山东临沂中考真题)How to Develop Good Study HabitsMost teenagers need to learn how to develop good study habits. Learning effective (有效的) study methods can make you feel less stressed about school and improve grades. Here are some useful methods. Make a plan ahead of time. First, create a calendar. Use a large wall calendar and write all of your tasks and activities on it. Next, create a weekly planner (规划簿). 151 You should make sure to include time to work on each task a few days before it’s due. Then, create a daily list. This to-do list helps you to know what you should do a day and see how much progress you’re making. Consider study environment. 152 Maybe you work better alone. Or, maybe you like to work in a group. No matter what place you choose, when it’s homework time, that’s the environment you should study in. 153 It can be very distracting (使分心) to have to look for a pencil or a ruler in the middle of studying. Find a place where they can keep all your homework materials so you’re ready to go. Keep a worry notepad (便笺). If you are easily distracted by your own thoughts, a worry notepad is a good tool for you. Instead of trying to deal with all the distracting things, you can write them down on the notepad. 154 Good study habits don’t always come easily. It takes time to develop.A.Have all materials on hand.B.What good study habits do you have?C.Make a study plan for each week.D.Do you study better at school or at home?E.When you finish your homework, then you can deal with the things.(2023中考真题)(2023山东济南统考中考真题)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。We all love spending time by the sea. Some lucky ones might live on the coast and enjoy the benefits (益处) all around the year. 1 Most of us would say we feel healthier by the ocean. In the past, doctors would actually suggest spending time by the sea to their patients. And research has shown that people who live on the coast are more likely to believe their health is good compared to those living in a city. So how do we benefit, exactly?Well, to start with, it’s great for our mental (心理) health. Scientists have discovered that we have something called a blue mind. They have shown that watching, listening to the waves (海浪) or being in the ocean helps our brains slow down. 2 This is why people who have trouble sleeping are often told to listen to recordings of the sound of waves hitting the beach to help them relax at bedtime. 3 We go out a lot more we’re on holiday by the sea. We often become more active on holidays and people who live on the coast are usually more active too. 4 Walking on sand requires more effort than on the pavement. And the sea air is good for people with breathing problems too. There is less pollution in the air near the ocean and in autumn and winter the air is fresher. This is healthier than the dry air in homes with central heating. It has even been found that the chemicals in sea water may help us have healthy skin. 5 We look forward so much to having our next one!A.Breathing the air in the city makes you more active.B.Others usually have to wait for the next vacation.C.Being by the sea is also good for our physical health.D.Kids especially like to have fun by the sea in summer.E.Naturally we often feel so great at the end of a seaside holiday.F.The sound of them can help us relax and feel free from stress.G.And if you take your walks on the beach, this is a lot better.(2023江苏宿迁统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Life is full of unexpected (始料不及的) moments. Whether these moments are surprising or challenging, we all need to face them bravely. 6 Here are four simple ways. Take a deep breathBreathing exercise can help relax us in both mind and body. We can breathe deeply through our nose, then blow slowly through our mouth. 7 . Be creativeIf we fail to express ourselves, we can turn to artistic outlets (艺术表现途径). 8 These can help us share our thoughts and feelings. 9 We can get good advice through reading. Good books are good friends. They can help us feel better after a busy day. They can also open up a whole new world to us. Practise positive (积极的) self-talkIf we often practise negative (负面的) self-talk, we will think negatively about ourselves. 10 Shall we try these ways when we face the unexpected moments?A.Do some readingB.We need to speak to someone we trust.C.So we’d better talk to ourselves in a positive way.D.Then, how can we students face these properly?E.This can be a great way to help us feel calm.F.For example, we can colour, paint, or keep diaries.G.Try different things to find out which one is right.(2023黑龙江大庆统考中考真题)Choose the sentences to complete the passage. We often have arguments in all relationships. But that is not always a bad thing. Sometimes we can choose to be in a win-win situation. What is important is how we manage the argument. 11 Treat each other with respect. If your friend calls your names or makes fun of you, tell him or her to stop. 12 , walk away and tell him or her you do not want to talk any more. Respect has to be won and if you want people to respect you, do the same to them. Listen to other people patiently. When everyone is talking, who does the listening? Listen to understand, not to reply. 13 Listening in silence is sometimes stronger than arguing in vain (徒劳无益). 14 If giving in to others can lead to a nice result, there is no need to argue just to win someone else. After all. solving an argument doesn’t have to be a tug-of-war (拔河). In a word, we each should do our own part to deal with arguments. 15 A.If your friend continuesB.Give in when it is necessary.C.If you don’t want to talk about your friendD.The following suggestions might help you.E.Do not be too quick to judge what you hear.F.The more you talk, the better the result will be.G.In this way, we can achieve a win-win situation.(2023黑龙江绥化统考中考真题)根据短文内容,从下列选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项多余.Different colors have different effects on us 16 We use colors which make us feel safe and comfortable to decorate our homes. We dress ourselves and show ourselves to the world in our favorite colors. Colors’ influence over all of us is powerful and the following are some of fun facts about colors that may surprise you. 17 Studies have found that babies as young as two weeks old can tell (辨别) the color red from other colors. As they grow up, the number of colors they can tell continues to increase until they can tell all the colors by the age about five months. 18 Studies of accidents and colors have found that white is the color of cars least likely to cause an accident resulting in death. 19 Black. It is found that deadly accidents are 12 percent more likely to happen among cars of that color. 20 Scientists suggest that if you are on a diet, remember not to use these two colors in your kitchen! It is found that people eat 24 percent more food when seeing red with yellow. Fast food companies found this out years ago and started using these two colors in their logos (标识;标志), advertisements and restaurant designs (设计).A.Red is the first color a baby sees.B.Green is the color of nature and represents (代表) new life and growth.C.We are surrounded (环绕) by colors and we use them every day.D.Blue can make people feel peaceful and calm.E.White is the color of safety.F.Yellow and red together make you hungry.G.What is the least safe color?(2023湖北十堰统考中考真题)Everybody knows that protecting the environment today will prepare for a better tomorrow. Kids can also be taught to do their bit for helping the environment.A large number of people just have the water running when they are washing faces or brushing teeth. 21 Another thing kids can do is taking a shorter shower.Video games use a lot of energy. Encourage kids to go out to play in the fresh air or finish their homework instead of playing these video games. 22 Teach kids to turn off lights when they are not in use. 23 Since kids are not told about environmental problems, they do not know they are wasting electricity. 24 Try not to use paper cups and plates whenever possible. Cutting down on use of paper wherever possible will help to save more trees. Use recycled paper.Kids must be educated about saving the environment at a young age. 25 And we can together make a great effort to have a cleaner and greener earth.A.In this way, kids can save energy.B.Ask your kids to try to save paper.C.If kids can also play a role in helping to save the earth, it will be great.D.Kids should be taught to turn off the tap when they do the same things.E.Most of the time, kids will leave the lights on when they leave the classroom.(2023江苏徐州中考真题)Once upon a time, all the animals were called to an early meeting. As they gathered in the public square, one of them, the chicken, was seen by her neighbours going in the opposite direction. “Hey, Chicken! 26 ” they asked. “Didn’t you receive the invitation?”“Yes, I did,” replied the chicken. “ 27 The thing is, I have some very important personal business that I must deal with. Now, please excuse me. 28 Please tell everyone at the meeting how sorry I am. Tell them that although I won’t be there in body, I will certainly be there in spirit! Whatever you decide, you can count on my complete support. Bye!”The topic the animals would discuss was what to do with the order of the lion. The lion ordered them to give him something to eat. 29 Then they decided that they would offer the lion just one animal. All they asked in exchange was that the lion left the other animals in peace. 30 They chose the chicken.A.I really must go home.B.Why are you going away from the square?C.And I would of course come to the meeting.D.They had a lively but surprisingly short discussion.E.The decision about which animal to offer was reached without any disagreement.(2023四川雅安统考中考真题)根据短文内容,从短文后面的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。The sun is out. The weather is cool. It’s a great day for running. 31 Be safe 32 So pay attention to what is happening around you while you run. If you are running along a road, wear light-colored clothes so that drivers can see you clearly. Listen to your bodyRunning is tiring and can hurt. But continuous (持续的) pain means something is wrong. Maybe you need to change the way you move to put less pressure on certain joints (关节). 33 Having a rest when necessary will help you get back to running as soon as possible. 34 Pick out comfortable shoes that fit your feet. This will stop strain (拉紧) on your feet, legs and back. Mix it upSome experts suggest doing other physical activities besides running. 35 By doing different kinds of exercise, you keep away injuries (伤害) caused by repeated actions.A.Choose good shoesB.Always remember safety comes first.C.Or maybe you are too tired and need a day off.D.That could mean biking, swimming or playing a sport.E.But before you start running, here is some advice for you.(2023辽宁锦州统考中考真题)还原句子。根据短文内容,从短文后的五个选项中选出能够填入短文空白处的最佳选项。It is 600 years old and has become a popular snack around China. You can buy it every morning at small street stalls(摊位) for around 5 to 10 yuan in most Chinese cities. 36 But it is cooked in many different ways. 37 The Tianjin Catering Industry Association(天津餐饮行业协会) made standards for jianbing guozi to keep the traditional taste on May 25, 2018. 38 According to the new rules, jianbing guozi should be made of ingredients(原料) that include green bean flour(面粉) and eggs. It should be 38 to 40 centimeters in diameter(直径). 39 They have pointed out that everyone has different tastes and that it is useless to create the standards for food. “The jianbing guozi with no standard is the one I like eating.” One Sina Weibo user wrote. The association has explained that it doesn’t want to make everyone cook the snack the same way every time. 40 It just aims to better regulate(规范) the cooking process, techniques(做法) and food safety than before.A.It depends on where you buy it.B.The reason of making standards is to pass down the cooking skills.C.The snack is called jianbing guozi.D.It’s not its aim(目标) to make it standard. E.But some people are wondering if it’s necessary to create such standards.(2023湖北恩施中考真题)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。每个选项只用一次。After spending more than 20 years in the US, the giant panda Ya Ya finally came back to her hometown China. 41 Ya Ya was born at the Beijing Zoo in 2000. At the age of three, she was taken to the Memphis Zoo in the US with a male giant panda, Le Le, for a research project. In 2006, Ya Ya began to lose fur. 42 Ya Ya received good medical treatment, but the situation didn’t change for the better.The two giant pandas brought much fun for the Americans. Unluckily, the male giant panda Le Le died on February 3rd, 2023. 43 In December, 2022, the Memphis Zoo announced that it would return Ya Ya. Before Ya Ya came back, the Memphis Zoo hosted a farewell party for her on April 8th, 2023. 44 On April 27th, Ya Ya arrived at Shanghai Pudong International Airport in the afternoon after a 16-hour flight from Memphis. Ya Ya’s Chinese fans said they looked forward to seeing her in good health and living the rest of her life at home. “ 45 I hope that Ya Ya can get well soon and wish her a long life,” one of the fans said.A.And the situation became worse in 2014.B.Hundreds of people took part in the event.C.All the Chinese were very happy to hear that news.D.The Memphis Zoo said Le Le died of heart disease.E.We all hope giant pandas can receive love and respect from the whole world.(2023吉林长春统考中考真题)Choosing a job—something you’re thinking of doing for the rest of your working life—isn’t always easy but necessary. Plans for your future job will have a great influence on your whole life. 46 Know yourself well.It’s true that things like pay are important, but don’t let money lead you in the wrong direction. Firstly, follow your heart and your personality—if you’re not very outgoing, don’t go for a sales job, even if the pay’s good. 47 If you do well in getting along with children, to be a teacher may be a fantastic choice. 48 Generally speaking, people get more satisfaction out of their jobs if they feel they are doing something valuable for others. It doesn’t have to be charity work—it could be a job that helps other people, like being a cleaner. Just imagine what our city would be like without cleaners?Your first decision isn’t forever.Some lucky people get it right first time—they choose a job, find they love it and stick at it. 49 So remember—you’re allowed to change your mind! There’s no need to let it worry you for years: maybe you’ve got three or four possible things you’d like to do, so come to a decision and try one—and if you don’t like it, try another one. 50 The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today. Remember to be responsible for yourself when you are young.阅读短文,把A-E五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整。A.Do something of value.B.But it isn’t always like that.C.Here are some suggestions for you.D.Secondly, think about what you are good at.E.Making a clear plan for your future job is meaningful.(2023广东广州统考中考真题)Years ago, green was simply a color. Now it’s much more! In the 1970s, some people began to worry about what we did to mother Earth. 51 It is a big idea that touches governments all over the world, and a small idea that touches us all in our homes.Architects (建筑师) and building engineers are thinking about how to make buildings greener. These days, green architecture is becoming more and more popular. 52 We need to be very careful about the materials (材料) we use. It is better to choose renewable materials-those that the Earth replaces quickly. 53 Also, for those materials that are not renewable, we need to use them as little as possible. Our mother Earth has offered us many other possibilities, such as wind and solar power.Planners must think about the needs of those who will spend time in green buildings. In many cases, green energy is more comfortable for people. 54 Natural lighting is often kinder to the eyes than electric lighting. In fact, many people who live or work in green buildings report feeling happier and healthier. 55 For example, they might try to use as little land as possible. If a building covers a large area, there will be less space for plants and trees. They also have to think about cutting down waste and pollution while the building work is going on.Although green buildings are more expensive to build, they are less expensive to run.A.Or we can reuse some materials.B.As a result, green thinking was born.C.To understand it, we have to look at three different areas.D.For example, natural wind brings people cleaner and fresher air.E.Architects must consider what the building will do to the environment.(2023新疆中考真题)阅读下面短文,把A-E五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整。What color of wearing may make our day cheerful? Probably, dopamine(多巴胺) clothes have been a trend(潮流) on some short videos. 56 So they can get more dopamine and feel happy. But is there really any science behind this? 57 This kind of chemical can influence how we feel. According to Science Magazine, there is no study about how colorful clothes can increase dopamine, but there are ones that show a relationship between the clothes we wear and how we act and feel.One study found that wearing red can lead to a better physical performance in soccer over the last 55 years. 58 Another study showed that wearing green can make people more creative. 59 Perhaps it can remind us of the nature. Yellow has signs of warmth. It makes people feel warm. 60 Maybe there is more science to be waiting for us to study.A.Wearing yellow can bring people happiness, energy and excitement.B.It encourages people to choose colorful clothes.C.Dopamine is a chemical(化学物质) in our brain.D.Green has also been found to help people relax.E.It showed that teams in red uniforms always played best in home games.(2023辽宁营口中考真题)从A-E五个句子中选择正确选项还原到文中,使短文内容完整、正确。Do you have a sleep problem? 61 You may need to see more sunlight, especially in the morning, according to a study.A team of researchers from New York, US did the study, reported Yahoo News. The team did a study on 109 office workers across the US. Some of the workers saw lots of light during the morning hours, between 8 a.m. and lunchtime. 62 They also fell asleep more quickly at night. 63 Researchers say it helps us set our “body clock”. When there is less and less sunlight at the end of the day, our body starts to make melatonin (褪黑素). It makes us feel sleepy so that we know it’s time to go to bed. 64 But during the day, sunlight tells our body to make less melatonin so that we can stay awake and do our work.Researchers suggest that we should see 15 minutes of sunlight in the morning. 65 A.Why is sunlight so important to our sleep?B.The researchers found that these workers had a better sleep than other workers.C.If you do, here is a simple way to help you improve your sleep.D.It can help balance the melatonin in our bodies.E.Our body makes the most melatonin at night.(2023河南统考中考真题)Have you found that it’s hard to take your eyes off your phone? Are you afraid of missing any messages from your friends? If the answer to any of these questions is “Yes”, you may be suffering from social anxiety(焦虑). But don’t worry, here are some tips that are helpful to you. 66 You should stop worrying about what you may be missing out on. Instead, try to focus on(关注) the good things you have already been doing. Use your spare time to do things you enjoy, such as painting or playing soccer. 67 Setting time limits(限制) for how long you rend through or use social media each day can be helpful. Although the powerful Internet seems to connect us all together, the relationship it brings to us is not real. 68 Expressing your problems may help you find people with the same problems. You’ll realize that you are not alone. You can also have a discussion with them and look for solutions together. 69 When you feel lonely, why not meet up with people in the real life? Don’t lose yourself in the Internet. Take the first step bravely. Ask your friends out. 70 By recording three things you really want lo thank most every day, you can find out more important things than smart phones or the Internet in your life.根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使文章意思通顺、内容完整。A.Do things you like.B.Keep a thankful diary.C.Speak out your anxiety.D.Cut down the time you spend on social media.E.Develop your social connections in the real world.(2023山东威海统考中考真题)根据短文内容,将下面的句子还原到文章当中,使短文内容完整。请将答案编号涂卡。Our lives are influenced by our general look on life, experiences, and how we choose to see things. While there are some roads that lead to a happy life, other roads lead to a life controlled by many things. 71 Tip 1There’s no doubt that some people are born with a silver spoon in their mouths. They have certain advantages over others. 72 Yes, you might have to work harder. But what kind of person you will be depends on how you regard your weakness and make it work for you. Tip 2It’s natural for people to wonder and worry about opinions of others. But sometimes we lose ourselves when we spend too much time worrying about how other people see us. 73 As long as you are happy, healthy, and not hurting anyone, you’re living a good life.Tip 3We all have at least some unhappiness from things that have happened in our past. No matter how much we want to change what happened, we can’t. 74 It’s a waste of time, and it’s a waste of energy. Whatever has happened, you need to learn to let it go. See it as a lesson and move forward. When you can manage to do it, you will feel much relaxed.Tip 4A large number of people never really try or achieve much in their life. That is because they are too afraid of failing. 75 Try to change how you look at failure. Then you’ll realize that never starting or giving up are the only ways you can fail. Don’t live a life full of regret because of fear.A.Don’t try to please everyone all the time.B.So there’s no need to let the past control the present.C.Here are some tips for you to avoid being controlled.D.If you’re too afraid to start, here is no chance to succeed.E.However, where you came from should never control where you’re going.(2023内蒙古赤峰统考中考真题)根据短文内容,从选项中选择恰当的句子完成短文。每个选项限用一次。You have a cough and your head hurts. 76 You may have a cold. Below are four ways to help stop a cold spreading and to feel better again.Wash your hands regularly. When you shake hands with someone who has a cold, the germs (细菌) get on to your hands. 77 Regular handwashing can help protect you from getting sick.Cover your nose and mouth. Always use an issue (纸巾) to cover your mouth and your nose when coughing and sneezing. 78 So the cold germs won’t spread to things you touch. 79 Cold germs are spread very easily. You can use disinfectant (消毒剂) to clean your house. Be sure to use only your own towel, toothbrush and cup.Look after yourself. Some medicine can help stop aches and fever. Eat healthy foods. Get enough rest and sleep. Remember that a common cold only lasts a few days. 80 A.And then throw it away.B.You feel very tired.C.You will feel better soon.D.They can live on your hands.E.Clean your house.(2023湖南长沙统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。每个选项仅使用一次。How to Improve Your ReadingLearning how to read well in English might not be an easy task. 81 Reading well in English is useful for many reasons, not only for taking tests. If you want to improve your reading in English, the following are just for you!Choose right reading materials (材料). There are so many choices! There are textbooks and graded readers, but there are also a lot more books you can read. 82 Here is a good rule to follow: choose reading materials where you understand at least 80% of the content (内容). Be intentional (意图明确的). Being intentional means doing something on purpose with a reason in mind. With reading, you need to be intentional by setting a reading aim. Decide on a certain number of pages you want to read each day. 83 To make sure your daily practice gets done, spare some time and put it in your study plan! 84 Reading can both introduce you to new vocabulary (词汇) and teach you how to use them. Many words in English are often used together in a consistent (相互连贯的) way. Reading groups of words, or words that go together, will help you better understand how to use your new vocabulary. Don’t try to understand everything. As you’re practicing your reading, you need to accept the fact that you might not understand every single word, and that’s OK! Your brain can’t learn so many new things at one time. It’s more important to get the big picture of what you are reading. 85 A.Read word groups.B.Don’t choose a book that is too easy or too difficult.C.You could also be intentional with planning a time to read.D.But it’s something you’ll have to do on your language learning journey.E.And you can go back to check the new things you don’t understand later.(2023湖北统考中考真题)Superfoods are foods that are full of vitamins and nutrients(营养). 86 Blueberries, chia seeds (奇亚籽), and green tea are all superfoods. Some research shows a diet (饮食) with many superfoods can prevent illness. 87 Many people like blueberries with their breakfast in the early morning, as they are sweet and tasty. They are good as part of a meal or we can eat them alone. These small round berries came from North America, but now they grow in Europe as well. Blueberries contain (包含) a lot of vitamins which help the body stay healthy. The United States is the biggest national producer of blueberries. 88 One healthy seed comes from Mexico. Chia seeds contain a lot of fiber (纤维素), which gives us energy and makes us feel full. You can add chia seeds to cereals, cakes and smoothies. Just one ounce of these seeds contains 10% of our daily protein needs. Runners eat energy bars containing chia seeds to help them run for longer. Chia seeds help our blood stay healthy and reduce the risk of brain disease. 89 There are many ways to enjoy superfoods in drinks. Green tea is a healthy superfood. Chinese people drink about half of the green tea in the world. Studies show green tea is good for your heart. 90 Some people don’t like green tea, as they think it tastes bitter. Other people like this taste. Many families drink green tea at mealtimes or take it out.It’s important to eat a balanced diet. We can’t live just on superfoods, but they are good to eat and drink.A.They are good for health and fitness.B.We can eat these seeds all year round.C.Superfoods can be part of our daily meals.D.It grows 690 million pounds of the fruit every year.E.It also helps you remember things, and it can reduce stress.(2023河南统考中考真题)Have you heard of Oliver Twist or Peter Pan? These are just some of the characters (角色) that have been created by British writers.Geoffrey Chaucer was a famous poet in the 1300s. He wrote poetic short stories about people travelling to Canterbury. 91 Probably the most famous British writer was William Shakespeare. In the late 1500s and early 1600s, Shakespeare wrote plays that became famous all over the world. 92 Some of his plays were comedies, such as Twelfth Night, others were tragedies (悲剧), such as King Lear. 93 Early stories were often printed a chapter (章节) at a time in a newspaper. People would have to get the newspaper every week to read the whole story. One of the most famous stories, Oliver Twist, was written by Charles Dickens at that time. 94 Maybe you have heard of some of them. Robert Louis Stevenson wrote the adventure novel Treasure Island. J. M. Barrie wrote Peter Pan and Lewis Carroll wrote Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Do you know a teddy bear called Winnie the Pooh? 95 And it is still one of children’s favorite characters.There are so many famous characters in British plays, novels and poetry. What other characters do you know?根据材料内容,从下而五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使文章意思通顺、内容完整。A.It was created by A.A.Milne.B.They are still very popular today.C.British people love reading stories.D.The stories are called The Canterbury Tales.E.There are many children’s books by British writers.(2023四川乐山统考中考真题)根据短文内容,从选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。World Wildlife DayWorld Wildlife Day falls on March 3 every year. It’s a global (全球的) celebration of all the wonderful wild animals and plants on the planet. 96 Cheek out the suggestions below.Learn more about the wildlife in your areas. You can visit your local wildlife saving center and botanical garden (植物园). 97 If you find a wild animal or plant somewhere, don’t take it home. 98 Wild animals and plants need to stay in their home environment to live. 99 Some animals can get sick from eating human food. Others may depend on your food little by little and forget how to search for food on their own. 100 The rubbish may make wild animals dangerous.If you can find a hurt wild animal, call your local wildlife saving center. The workers there will help care for the animals.A.You can take a picture of it instead.B.Don’t feed wild animals human food.C.Don’t throw food waste or other rubbish on the road.D.Reading books about wildlife is also a good choice.E.What can we do to make the world a better place for them?(2023山东青岛统考中考真题)Enjoy Nature with Foraging (搜寻)!Do you enjoy walking in nature? Do you like learning about trees and plants? 101 . Foraging is a lot like looking for a treasure. You look around in places like forests and lakes to find different kinds of plants that you can eat.Foraging is a lot of fun. 102 . Some of these plants are dangerous. Some of them are good to eat. You can spend many relaxing hours walking around in the wild, looking for good plants to eat. 103 . It is exciting and challenging to find plants that you can eat, but do not eat them until you are very sure of what they are. Before you go foraging, take a class about it. Learn how the different kinds of plants that you can eat look in the wild. Practice finding them with your foraging teacher. Then join a group of foragers. 104 . Never eat anything until you are 100% sure of what it is. Some people have become sick by accident because they ate a wild plant that was dangerous.Foragers follow some important rules. They do not collect all of the plants in one area. If you take all the plants from one area, no more will grow there. 105 , like by a road or parking lot. If the area is very dirty, the plants there will not be good to eat and may make you very sick.根据短文内容,从选项中选出能填入文中空白处的最佳选项,选项中有一项为多余选项。A.Your answer is yesB.You may like foragingC.Look for wild plants togetherD.Do not look for plants in areas with a lot of carsE.While foraging is a lot of fun, you still have to be carefulF.When you walk in the forest, you can find many kinds of plants(2023四川德阳统考中考真题)People today are living a good life. They think health is the most important. They try doing many things to keep healthy. As for us young students, how can we keep healthy? Here are some suggestions that may be very useful. Do more exercise. If we do exercise every day, we can become stronger and healthier. We should spend at least an hour a day doing sports. 106 We can choose to do what we like. Doing sports is also a good way to relax ourselves. 107 As young students, we should sleep at least eight hours every night. We should form a good habit of going to bed early and getting up early. If we can’t fall asleep soon or aren’t able to have a good sleep, we can lie in a comfortable way, calm down and clear our mind. 108 Keep our mind positive (乐观的) and active. This is necessary for the mental health. 109 Smile to ourselves and people around us. A smile can drive away the dark clouds and bring a sunny day. It encourages us to try again when we fail. 110 Nature can make us less worried and improve our sense of happiness. We should not worry about the health problems day and night. Try the above ways in our daily life and we will find it easy to be a healthy person.A.Smile is a good way.B.Have good sleeping habits.C.Go to bed as early as possible.D.We can also get close to nature.E.There are different kinds of sports.F.In this way, we can fall asleep quickly.(2023贵州统考中考真题)根据短文内容,从6个选项中选出能分别填入5个小题空白处的最佳选项。Do you know what your IQ is? You can find out by taking a test. But what about your EQ(情商)? 111 EQ is a measure of your ability to recognize(辨别)and manage your emotions, as well as the emotions of others, according to Psychology Today. Simply put, having a high EQ means that you’re a “people” person. You know yourself very well and you can easily understand others. 112 They are the ability to recognize your own emotions; the ability to use those emotions to solve problems; and the ability to manage emotions, such as by calming yourself down when you' re feeling nervous. Does it seem obvious to you that having a high EQ can be a good thing? 113 They show great social skills, especially when they take up jobs that need them to deal with strangers often. According to MindTools, an online resource for career skill-building, many companies are now using EQ tests when interviewing new staff. 114 For example, when two friends have an argument, people with a high EQ can “read” the other person’s emotions and know when and how to stop the argument, perhaps by ending it in a humorous way. If you feel like you have a low EQ, don’t worry. 115 A good way is using positive thinking to help you get out of failures. By doing so, you can improve your EQ gradually.A.It’s possible to improve it.B.Do you know what EQ is?C.A low EQ will make us get into trouble.D.Many experts divide EQ into three skills.E.People with a high EQ perform much better at work.F.Having a high EQ can help you in everyday life as well.(2023黑龙江牡丹江统考中考真题)There was a little boy living in a city with his parents. Every summer holiday, the parents would take their son to visit his grandparents. 116 And the boy loved to stay with them.Year by year, the boy grew up. One day, he said to his parents, “Now, I am big enough. This holiday, I can go to my grandparents’ house alone. 117 ” The parents said yes, but they were worried about him. So they taught him everything he needed to know to travel alone.The day came when the boy was to leave for his grandparents’ house. His parents came to the train station to see him off. While waiting, the boy’s father handed him a letter and said, “Son, if you feel afraid on the way, open this letter and read it. 118 ” The train began to move and the boy was very excited. It stopped at every station and people kept coming and going. At one station, a big man got on the train and sat next to the boy. The boy got a little scared. 119 He opened the letter, “Don’t be afraid. I am here with you on this train.” Just after reading the letter, all his fear was gone.In fact, life is like that. When we do something alone, we needn’t be sad or afraid. 120 We can just do whatever we want and remember we are actually not alone.Choose five out of the six sentences to complete the passage. Each choice should be used only once.A.Please let me go by myself.B.It will help you calm down(镇静).C.His parents decided to go with him.D.They lived far away in another city.E.Then the boy remembered his father’s letter.F.Our parents and friends are always on the journey with us.(2023四川内江统考中考真题)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。It’s not a secret that there are some bad people on the Internet. 121 . So it is necessary to pay much attention to Internet safety. However, staying safe online doesn’t ask you to turn your Internet off. 122 .Check the links (链接) carefullyYou may often receive unknown links when you check your emails or read online. Before clicking them, you should make sure they are safe. 123 . First, put the mouse over it and the full link will appear near the mouse. Then you can compare this link with the official (官方的) website. If they are the same, the link is safe. Avoid sharing your personal information 124 . The information includes your family information, bank information, and the password (密码) to your social media. You should also know that anything you post on social media may continue to be there online for a long time. So, be careful about anything you post on the Internet. 125 . If a public Wi-Fi doesn’t have a password, it is possibly unsafe. Don’t use such a Wi-Fi. When you have to use one, avoid entering in any personal information.A.Remember to use a safe public Wi-FiB.They try to get your money or informationC.There’s a good way to tell whether a link is safeD.It is very important for you to keep the password safeE.You should never tell others your own information onlineF.The following advice will help you avoid dangers on the Internet(2023吉林统考中考真题)I’m Wang Jun. Every morning, I run by the seaside near my home. 126 He walks on the beach and looks for something. This morning, I stopped running and walked to him.“Hello! I see you here every morning. 127 ” I asked.“I’m taking away the stones on the turtles (海龟). There are always some baby turtles under the stones. The stones can stop them from going to the sea, so I come to help these turtles every morning,” he replied.“It’s really kind of you. 128 After all, you can’t help all baby turtles under the stones,” I said.He smiled and said, “When I see them get out of trouble, I feel so happy. It’s my own way of making a difference.” Then he took away a stone beside him. 129 He looked at the turtle and went on, “At least it’s meaningful to this turtle.” 130 It’s true that we can’t change the whole world at once. But we can help one person, one animal, or one thing at a time. If everyone can do something good, it will make a big difference.根据短文内容,将下面选项还原到文中空白处,使短文内容完整、通顺,每个选项只能用一次,其中有一个选项是多余的。A.What are you doing?B.He is swimming there.C.I always see a young man there.D.I thought about his words in silence.E.A baby turtle went towards the sea quickly.F.But do you think you can make a difference?(2023湖北孝感统考中考真题)阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入文中空白处的最佳选项。(每个选项只用一次,选项中有一项为多余选项)The Lantern Festival is an important festival in China. It began 2,000 years ago during the Han dynasty. 131 It also means the end of the Spring Festival celebrations.People celebrate the festival in many ways. The lantern show is the most important part of the festival. On the night of the festival, many lanterns are hung in the streets and parks. 132 People often go out and watch the lantern show with their family and friends. Lantern riddle games are also popular during the Lantern Festival. Riddles are written on colourful lanterns. 133 Tangywan is the traditional food of the Lantern Festival. It can have many different fillings and tastes. Shaped like a round ball, tangyuan is delicious. 134 On the other hand, the shape of tangyuan means family reunion(团圆). 135 In the daytime, people can enjoy the performances such as a dragon lantern dance, a lion dance, a Yangge dance and beating drums. At night, except for the beautiful lanterns, fireworks(烟花)form a beautiful scene. Some local governments usually organize a fireworks party. People enjoy themselves during the Lantern Festival.A.Shows are everywhere all day.B.Parents often take their children to the parties.C.It is on the 15th day of the first lunar month.D.These lanterns light up the night during the festival.E.On the one hand, people eat tangyuan for good luck.F.If someone gets the right answer, he or she will get a gift.(2023黑龙江统考中考真题)Now students’ English handwriting gets worse and worse. That makes their teachers feel worried. Is your English handwriting beautiful? If not, here are four steps that really work! 136 Using paper that has lines can keep you writing straight when you write English words or sentences. Those lines on the paper can help you to write words in the right size. 137 If your writing is hard to read, slow down a little. For some kids, going slower makes the handwriting clear. If you write too fast, it’s hard for you to stop where you should, and even worse, you may make more mistakes. 138 When you hold your pencil in the correct way, writing is much easier. Some kids press (按,压) down really hard when they write. That makes the handwriting not nice. Relax yourself, don’t hold the pencil so hard. 139 Drawing can improve your handwriting. You need to use the skills to control your pencil better when you are drawing pictures. 140 Handwriting is very important. Imagine you are a world-famous movie star or a well-known sports player, what do you do when your fans run up to you? Choose the best topic from A to F according to the passage.A.Slow down.B.Hold your pencil right.C.Use paper with lines.D.Draw more picturesE.Give them your autographs. (签名)F.Never give up.(2023山东潍坊统考中考真题)Saying no is not easy, but it is necessary sometimes. It’s not easy to say no bravely. 141 However, sticking to your principles (原则) may not always make people like you, but will surely get you more respect. Have you ever bravely said no to someone? Wang Shanshan, Beijing When I was in primary school, two of my classmates always asked me to do many things for them, like buying breakfast or copying the materials, which put me under great anxiety. So I decided to refuse all their unreasonable requests. 142 From this experience, I learned to say no to unfair things bravely, because only in this way can I get respect. Emily, London My classmates used to laugh at me because of my weight. I cared too much about their opinions so I ate less and paid more attention to my appearance (外貌). 143 After realizing that everyone was unique, I refused to change myself. Now I have got back my confidence and don’t care about what others say. I think it is necessary to say no and stand up for myself. Lucas, Rome 144 To help me, my classmates showed me their answers directly. However, I still couldn’t work out the problems during the next test. Then I realized that if I want to improve myself, I have to say no to their help. Since then, I refused my classmates’ help and improved math on my own. 根据短文内容,从下列选项中选出能填入文中空白处的最佳选项,选项中有一项为多余选项。A.Sometimes, we do things that we don’t want to do.B.I used to have difficulty working out math problems.C.As a result, they didn’t order me to do anything any more.D.There is a big difference between pleasing people and helping people.E.The more I cared about their comments (评论), the more worried I became.(2023山东临沂统考中考真题)National Volunteer Week started in 1974 and is held every April. 145 It is also a perfect chance to encourage others to take their first step towards becoming a volunteer. Making the decision to take the first step can be the biggest problem, because they often wonder if they will be able to meet the expectations(期望) of the organization(组织) . Some people fear that they don’t know anyone else in the group. Some people worry they don’t have enough time to volunteer. 146 Start out slowly, don’t add too much pressure. Even a few hours a month can make a big difference in someone’s life.Choose an organization with the same interests and common values.Take part in a training meeting for new volunteers, even if it is not asked. 147 He volunteered a lot. He can help you increase the confidence and completely understand the organization’s expectations.Invite a friend or family member to serve. It is a good experience to volunteer with them. Finally, it is the most important to enjoy the volunteer experience. And it is also important to remember that not all volunteer experiences are perfect. If one experience doesn’t work, don’t give up. Believe in yourself and you’ll surely find the right chance. 148 “Volunteering makes you look at the world differently. You see how little things can change a person’s life for the better, which makes everyone a better person.” Mason, a volunteer said. “Little things can change a person’s life.”根据短文内容,从下列选项中选出能填入文中空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。A.Work with an experienced volunteer.B.It is a time to thank volunteers for their achievements.C.The following advice can help if you have some of these worries.D.We need to come up with a plan to help people in need.E.Spend some time on volunteer work and you will see great changes in people’s lives. (2023江苏连云港统考中考真题)“I feel my heart beating, my eyes widen and almost automatically (自动地), I start to smile,” Prayitno Goenarto said. This is how he feels when he sees a new kind of bird.Goenarto is a birdwatcher and wildlife photographer from Indonesia. He is now 31 years old. When he became sick in college, his doctor asked him to go out more often for sunlight, exercise and fresh air. 1 A birdwatcher needs to know a lot and be brave and strong. Goenarto spends most of his time working in the wild. He knows where and when to find different kinds of birds. Sometimes he has to go deep into the forest to find the shy birds. 2 He might get lost. He has to look out for snakes and some big animals. Once, Goenarto went to a faraway island to look for some rare birds. 3 He worked in wet clothes for the whole trip.Goenarto loves his work. Birdwatching helps him stay healthy and he can make friends with other birdwatchers. 4 This helps more people learn about birds and take action to protect them. That’s the best part of the job! 5 They study and protect the rare birds. Terry Townshend is a British birdwatcher in China. He has studied Beijing swifts for over ten years. Xu Zhuo protects red-crowned cranes in Heilongjiang. Her father, aunt and grandparents also spent their lifetime looking after the birds. Now the young girl has the job.A.It can be dangerous.B.It rained heavily every day.C.Most birds are active in the daytime.D.That’s when he started watching birds.E.If we do nothing, there may be none left soon.F.Moreover, he catches wonderful moments of birds.G.In China, there are lots of birdwatchers like Goenarto.(2023湖南岳阳统考中考真题)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Have you ever drunk “the first cup of milk tea in autumn”? Milk tea is enjoyed by most young people. There are so many milk tea shops around every street. 6 such as bubble milk tea (珍珠奶茶), house milk tea (招牌奶茶) and iced milk tea. But it is also a good idea to make a cup of milk tea by hand at home. Today DIY (Do it Yourself) is very popular with young people. On the one hand, it can give people real experience in doing something and they can express their own ideas by DIY. 7 It’s time to make iced milk tea. First, prepare things you need, they are milk, black tea, sugar or honey, and some ice. Then, boil the black tea until the water turns light brown. 8 Add 1/4 or 1/2 cup of ice, it will melt (溶解) and bring the tea down to a room temperature. Next, pour the milk into the tea, and mix them up. After that, add sugar or honey to adjust (调整) the taste. 9 Generally, milk tea is cooled in a fridge. 10 Finally, add something else you like. Now, enjoy the delicious milk tea with your friends or family, we know that everything is better when shared.A.Don’t forget to add a teaspoon of honey.B.If you want to drink iced tea without waiting, you’ll need to add more ice.C.The color of light brown means the tea is ready.D.On the other hand, they can enjoy the happiness from it and get the sense of success.E.Try not to add too much.F.It’s difficult for us to make a cup of milk tea.G.People have different choices depending on their tastes.(2023陕西统考中考真题)Farmyard robots can cut down chemical pollution. 11 ? Many of them use chemicals to kill weeds (杂草). The trouble is, these weedkillers also kill wildlife, pollute rivers and are bad for the fields. 12 . This kind of robot can cut weedkiller use by 90%. The robot is really smart because it only kills weeds but not crops (庄稼). 13 ? Several cameras are built into the robot. The cameras facing the ground take photos to help the robot “see” the plants it passes. The robot compares each photo to a library of plant photos to decide on which plants are weeds. Robot arms move into position to give a small dose (剂量) of weedkiller on the weeds. The robot is energy-friendly. 14 .How the robot will developThe scientists do not want to just stop at the achievement they have made. 15 . The improved model of robots will exactly discover weeds and dig them out instead of weedkillers. Robots could be programmed to leave some harmless weeds in the fields to support wildlife living there.A.But scientists have created a farmyard robotB.It is powered by the energy from the sunC.Where the robot is usedD.They’re working on the new designs to improve the modelE.How the robot worksF.Why do farmers choose the robot to work in their fieldsG.How do farmers usually kill weeds in the fields(2023江苏苏州统考中考真题)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。I once gave a lesson to a group of primary school students for a TV program.I suggested that we create small gardens.First, I asked the students to look for their favorite place in the school. 16 Then I had each of them describe their experiences of nature in a small garden.In a box of about one and a half by two feet, they were free to organize—soil, stones, leaves and grass. Even as an active garden designer, I was impressed with their imagination. 17 One child created “water” that flowed into a “lake”; another child put grass in a way to represent “wind”; and yet another child tried hard to create shade... 18 That was why they took great interest when they created their small gardens. They spent a wonderful time together with nature. 19 If you notice a stone lying on the ground, pick it up and hold it. When you see beautiful flowers by the side of the road, stop and enjoy the pleasant smell.Then, inside your mind, create a small garden of your own. 20 A.It will relax you.B.Flowers like these are all around you.C.The gardens were built many years ago.D.Try spending time with nature yourself.E.The gardens they made were really creative.F.Once there, I let them try hard to empty their minds.G.These children were often busy doing their schoolwork.(2023云南统考中考真题)根据短文内容,从短文后所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项,并将所选答案涂到答题卡的相应位置上。Reading is a lifelong journey. Put yourself into a world of books and get lost in another world—but where do you start? 21 Ask a librarian (图书管理员). The best people to throw your questions are librarians! 22 If you tell a librarian what you’ve read before and what you liked or disliked about it, they will suggest some possible books for you to try. Make a change. 23 You may get used to reading history books or you just take an interest in science fictions. What about the books about culture? You’ll never know until you try. Give a new style a chance and you may enter a whole new world of reading. Read reviews. Book reviews can help you decide if a book is for you. There are usually short reviews on the covers of books. 24 Some websites provide book suggestions from writers, parents and teachers. Some people’s opinions about the books are very interesting. Their ideas may help you get a right pick. 25 Reading something comfortable might be your first choice. But why not challenge yourself to read something more complicated (复杂的)? It is a good way of pushing yourself to improve your reading skills.A.Challenge yourself.B.They are cool book brains.C.You can also read reviews online.D.Let me tell you how to write book reviews.E.Changing into a new style of book is not easy.F.Here are some suggestions to pick a great book.G.Developing good reading habits takes a long time.(2023江西统考中考真题)Bamboo is a wonderful plant for many people around the world. 26 People make tables, clothes, medicine, and musical instruments with it. Pandas may eat bamboo every day, but people can also eat it. 27 Some bamboo grows so quickly that people say they can watch it grow. The speed of growth depends on the type of bamboo, the earth and the season. Normal bamboo grows 3—10 cm a day. It usually grows in tropical (热带的) areas. 28 Bamboo plants are found in Asia, Australia, parts of Africa, and South America.One of the world’s oldest building materials is bamboo. Like today, people use it because it’s very strong. They used it to build houses, boats, and bridges. The Chinese made a bamboo bridge over the Min River in Sichuan, China almost 1000 years ago. 29 Also, bamboo is still used to make houses today, especially in China and Philippines.As a part of history, bamboo is very important. The great scientist Thomas Edison did not invent the light bulb (灯泡), but he made it perfect. He wanted the material inside to burn for a long period of time. He tried over 1000 different types of materials. 30 One day, he tried to use a piece of bamboo and the light bulb lit up for over a thousand hours. This invention helped other scientists to make the modern light bulb we use today.A.You can still visit it today.B.There are over 1000 uses for it.C.However, none worked very well.D.Bamboo is light because it is empty inside.E.It can also be found in other parts of the world.F.Chinese people like drawing pictures of bamboo.G.The fastest growing plant in the world is bamboo.(2023山东枣庄统考中考真题)七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入小题横线上的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Maybe you want to exercise more or start going to bed earlier in the coming year. 31 Make a detailed(详细的)plan.If your New Year’s plan is to exercise five days each week, a plan like “I’ll exercise on weekdays” would not be clear. A detailed plan like “I’ll exercise at school on weekdays during my lunch break” would be better. 32 Make it fun.If it’s not fun to exercise or study, you won’t keep it easily. 33 If you can only drink your favourite juice during study hours, you’ll look forward to studying. 34 Tell a few friends about your goals so you’ll feel a deep sense of shame if they check back later and find out you haven’t followed through.Give yourself more chances.You planned to get to bed early every night, but one Friday you stayed up late. 35 But giving yourself one or two more chances can help you get better results.A.Make more friends.B.Get a little help from your friends.C.Maybe you’re going to take up a hobby like painting.D.Here is some advice that can help you keep your goals.E.After that, you may want to give up the early-to-bed plan.F.But if you get fun from your exercise or study, you’ll keep longer.G.All in all, you should give all the facts or information about something in your plan.(2023湖北荆州统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,从短文后的五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。每个选项只能用一次。One afternoon, your computer shut off all of a sudden. It was caused by a blackout (断电). 36 The traffic lights on the streets also stopped working.Blackouts can happen at any time. It’s important to be prepared for a blackout. Here are a few tips for you.Keep a flashlight in every room of your home. 37 However, if a blackout lasts for several hours, you might want to save that phone charge for other tasks. 38 But please be careful while using them. You can never be too careful with fire. 39 Canned food would work well here. Also, remember to keep some bottled water at home.If your family has medicine that needs to be kept cold, make sure you have some ice packs ready. 40 When a blackout hits, only open your fridge when you need the medicine – the cold air inside runs away each time it’s opened.A.Keep some candles and matches.B.Sure, your mobile phone has a flashlight.C.Keep some food that doesn’t require cooking.D.Put them along with the medicine in your fridge.E.Without electricity, people couldn’t work, cook or watch TV.(2023福建统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的五个选项中选出能填入短文空白处的最佳选项,使短文通顺、连贯,意思完整。Sailing a boat is great exercise, which can be enjoyed with family or friends. Many people all over the world sail each year. With some lessons and practice, you could be one of them. 41 Understand the basics (基础知识).When you’re starting out in sailing, learn the basics first. 42 It works like any sailboat-with sails to catch the wind and push the boat forward. The sailor, the person working the boat, has to be able to move the sails, as well as use a rudder (舵) in order to direct the boat where they want it to go. Find sailing near you.The most important lesson you can learn in sailing is how to do it safely, with the help of experienced sailing coaches. 43 Then ask your parents to call them to find out what lessons or camps they have for kids in your age group. Prepare for your lesson.As a beginner, your lesson will start on land. You’ll learn skills, like how to raise the sails by pulling on the lines. 44 It includes the boat and a life vest (救生衣). Ask what type of shoes you should wear, and dress in clothes that will dry easily. 45 Remember to always wear your life vest on or near water, even when you’re on the dock (码头). Don’t go near a boat or take one out unless your parents agree, and never sail or swim alone.A.Stay safe.B.Here’s how to get started.C.You should begin on a small boat made for kids.D.The lesson should also provide most of what you need to sail.E.First, find sailing clubs and search for youth lessons near you.(2023湖南郴州统考中考真题)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。Some people learn a second language easily. Other people have trouble learning a new language. How can you learn a new language, such as English? 46 First, feel positive about learning English. If you believe that you can learn, you will learn. Be patient. You don’t have to understand everything all at once. 47 We can learn from our mistakes.Second, practice using your English. For example, you can write a journal, or a diary, every day. Soon, you will feel more comfortable writing your ideas in English. After several weeks, your writing will improve. 48 You can practice speaking with your classmates after class. You might make mistakes, but it’s no worry. Gradually you will feel confident when you write and speak in English.Third, keep a record of your language learning experience. You can write your learning experience in your journal. After each class, think about it. Do you answer questions correctly in class? 49 Perhaps the lesson is a bit difficult, but you can try to understand it. Write these reflection (反思) in your journal. 50 You should believe that you can do it. It is important to practice every day. You can make a record of your achievement. Make learning English fun, and have more confidence in yourself.A.Do you understand the teacher?B.Besides, try to speak English every day.C.You should be positive about learning English.D.There are several ways to help you learn English more easily.E.Often you will make mistakes when you are learning something new.(2023湖北随州统考中考真题)Now there is a family problem. 51 In fact, we are probably 15 or 16 years old. In their eyes, we are always little ones and often do wrong things. For example, when we need to stay at home alone, they always worry about us and our life without them.Most parents always think that they have offered the best things to make their children live in a comfortable world. They buy their children pretty clothes, cool shoes and expensive school things. They think that they have done everything that they can do for their dear children. 52 But why still can’t we understand our parents? Does it mean that we still want more material things? No. Actually, what we want is a true family. 53 I think it means a place where we can hide ourselves from the cold world outside. From here, we can get warmth, we can get consolation (安慰), and we can get happiness. And one important thing is that we will become stronger and more confident in the outside world because we know that we have a true family. 54 I think that parents should sit down to talk with their children to let them know that they have a happy family, so the children and their parents can understand each other better and better. 55 That’s what we really need from our parents.A.What does a true family mean?B.Nearly every parent says that we never grow up.C.Then, parents will not treat their children as little ones.D.Not everything can be transmitted (传达) through materials.E.In return (作为回报), they only want their children to get good results in the exams.(2023山东泰安统考中考真题)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。Life cycle of a butterflyHave you ever seen a baby butterfly? If you have seen a caterpillar(毛虫), then you have! 56 This is called the larva stage(幼虫阶段). Now let’s learn about the life cycle of butterflies. 57 Some types of butterflies lay only one egg at a time. Other types lay up to a few hundred at a time! Caterpillars hatch(孵化)from the eggs. They are very tiny at first. The main job for caterpillars is to eat a lot and grow. They eat the leaves of the plant where they hatched. 58 They form a cocoon(蚕茧)around themselves. Some types of caterpillars stay in their cocoons for only a few days. Other types stay inside for many months. 59 This change is called a metamorphosis(变形,尤指从蛹到昆虫). After the metamorphosis is done, they come out of their cocoons. But they are no longer worm-like babies! They are adult butterflies. They have beautiful wings. 60 Most of them live only two to four weeks. None of them live more than one year. So they start laying eggs right away. The cycle starts again!A.Adult butterflies do not live very long.B.Butterflies lay eggs on plants.C.But all of them go through an amazing change!D.Caterpillars then begin the pupa stage(蛹阶段).E.Butterflies start their lives as worm-like caterpillars.(2023湖北宜昌统考中考真题)With everything that’s going on in the world, it’s no wonder many of us have sleep problems. It’s normal at night, especially when stress is keeping you up. 61 For example, set the comfortable temperature and turn off screens 30 minutes before bed. Here are more easy ways for you.Test your pillow (枕头). If you bought your pillow in 2020, it’s already old. 62 You’d better replace it every one to two years. If not, it can cause neck pain. When your brain senses the pain, you can’t sleep well.Get an hour of sunlight each day. Morning sunlight is useful for good sleep. It tells your brain that it’s time to be awake. 63 It’s necessary to get about 30 minutes’ direct light and two 15-minute outdoor breaks during the day. And the sunlight is helpful to have a good sleep at night. 64 In a study, researchers followed 32l patients with high-salt food and sleep problems for 12 weeks. “More salt woke up people more often to go to the bathroom at night” one researcher says. “When people cut down on salt, their toilet trips were fewer than before.”Deal with your troubles before dinner. If you need to do with your troubles, don’t wait until night. It’s better to solve them before dinner. 65 Some researches show that going to bed peacefully makes you sleep better and be joyful the next morning.A.Keep salty snacks away before bed.B.Simple steps can help you sleep well.C.Sharing them with friends is a good way.D.Experts suggest buying a new one instead.E.It also makes you feel fresh in the morning.(2023山西统考中考真题)请阅读下面短文,根据语篇内容,从所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有一项为多余项。Every one of us has a chance to try new things. 66 The risk is that we will not be satisfied with our choice. For example, we may try a food we have never had before. 67 It can be too sour, too salty or too spicy. We may try a new style of music and get a headache. We may try a new sport like skating and end up falling down a lot. We may see a different kind of art and be completely disappointed(失望的). We may try to speak or write a different language and end up embarrassing ourselves. It sounds risky(有风险的)to us. 68 For example, we can try a new food. And we fall in love with it finally. It can be sweet or tastes very good. We may try a new sport and fall down but we get back up and finally experience pleasure, even for a minute. We may see why people love that sport so much. If we try a new kind of music, we may regret we didn’t find it sooner. 69 We can try to write speak a different language, and we may be a little embarrassed at first, but we know that the only way improve is to make mistakes and keep on trying. 70 Then you will have chances to get rewards(回报).A.How can we try a new sport?B.But it is not so bad to take risks.C.And we don’t like the food finally.D.All in all, keep trying something new.E.When we try something new, there’s always the risk.F.We can see a new kind of art and may be surprised at its beauty.(2023湖南永州统考中考真题)阅读下面的短文,从所给的A~F六个选项中,选出正确的答案填空,使短文通顺,内容完整,并填涂在答题卡上,其中选项中有一项是多余的。5 Healthy Habits That Are Easy to Add to Your DayIf you feel like you don’t have enough time for daily self-care, you aren’t alone. Many people consider their busy work as an excuse to have healthier lifestyles. But what if you only need five minutes? Believe it or not, there are quick, practical activities you can do in five minutes or less to make an active influence on your health. 71 .Focus on your breathWant to reduce stress and improve your health at once? Simply spend a few minutes taking long, deep breaths in and out of your nose. In as little as 90 seconds, deep breathing lowers blood pressure and reduces heart rate, according to research. Move your bodyBeing sitting still for a long time is not only harmful to your body but also your mind, increasing your risk of death. Moving your body for even five minutes at a time can make a difference. In fact, a 2020 study found that just 11 minutes of exercise every day, increases your lifetime. 72 . As long as you keep your body in movement, the kind of exercise doesn’t matter. Connect with a friend 73 . It’s always better to meet up with a friend or loved one in person, and it can stop loneliness which is connected with heart illness and early death. You can talk with them by asking how their days are going and volunteering information about your own days. 74 Have you ever been watching TV and wanted a snack but didn’t want to take the time to wash the fresh fruit in your fridge, so you caught a bag of chips instead? I know I have. Convenience is an important reason for making healthy choices, so taking five minutes to prepare fresh foods for snacking can be helpful. Take a quick walk 75 . And a newer research has found that even a little walking helps. So just one five-minute walk around your neighborhood or inside your office building can improve your health. Unlike other ways for better health, such as giving up chocolate forever, the five-minute activities listed above are more practical. Keep practicing and they can become healthy habits.A.Prepare healthy snacksB.Dance to your favorite songsC.How you move your body is up to youD.Take five minutes to feel seen and heard each dayE.Below are the five science-backed, health-improving activitiesF.Research has shown that 10,000 steps a day can lower your risk of early death(2023四川眉山统考中考真题)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。On March 4th, after 10 years of difficult talks, nearly 200 countries agreed to a new UN agreement—the High Seas Treaty (《公海保护协议》). It is the first of its kind in 40 years. 76 Oceans cover about 71% of the earth’s surface, and are home to all kinds of animals and plants. Healthy oceans play a very important role in a healthy planet. 77 Overfishing (过度捕捞) has had terrible influence on many kinds of fish and other animals. Pollution has caused serious damage (破坏) in many areas.In 1982, one UN sea agreement described the “high seas”—the parts of the oceans that aren’t controlled by any country. 78 The high seas cover about 2/3 of the ocean. But now only 1.2% of these areas are protected. 79 It also requires that research should first be done to see what influence human’s activities might have on the ocean environment.During the past 10 years, the talks were held time and time again. 80 For example, there are disagreements about how much to control fishing or pollution. Now the agreement has a long way to go, which must be officially accepted at a UN meeting and be supported by enough countries before it works.A.But the oceans are in trouble.B.And it’s a great achievement in protecting the world’s oceans.C.The agreement was finally reached after difficult discussions.D.So all countries have the right (权利) to fish and send ships there.E.That is because different countries have their own different ideas.F.The new agreement sets a goal to turn 30% of the high seas into protected areas.(2023浙江杭州统考中考真题)下面文章中有五处(第1—5题)需要添加小标题。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合意思的标题。选项中有一项是多余选项。What Makes A Movie A Hit? 81 Some stars have fans who will go and see any movie they are in. However, not all movies that have big stars in them are successful, and using famous actors can be expensive! 82 There are lots of movies which come from books, comics, computer games or TV shows. Just think of Harry Potter, Wonder Woman, X-Men, Star Wars, etc. People already love these, so they can’t wait to see the movie. 83 Before people go and see a movie, they often check to see what others write or talk about it in the newspapers or on the websites. Also, people who love a movie will tell their friends how good it is. 84 This is really important. As well as posters, most big movies will now have a website that gives extra information about the movie. Also, when a new movie comes out, the stars of the movie usually travel around the world and give interviews to get people interested in the movie. 85 Awards (奖) like the Oscars and the Golden Globes let people know which movies are good to watch. A movie that gets an award often becomes much more popular than before.A.Make a movie that might win a prize.B.Use a story or characters people like.C.Advertise the movie well.D.Use actors who are really famous.E.Make a movie with high technology.F.Make a movie that people will write or talk about.(2023湖南衡阳统考中考真题)根据短文内容从文后的六个选项中选择五个还原到文中,使短文内容完整、意思连贯。Sometimes it may seem difficult to improve our health. 86 Eat breakfast every morning.Research shows that if you eat a meal in the morning, you may not become too fat or eat too much during lunch. Eating breakfast can help people feel better through the day. 87 Poor sleep can influence our memory and learning. It can also cause traffic accidents! Studies show that people who don’t get enough sleep seem to get into more accidents. So get enough sleep and stay safe!Take a walk every day.Walking is an easy way to exercise. You’d better meet friends for a walk, not for a meal. 88 Once you try, you will find that adding a walk into your daily life is very easy.Join social groups.Social groups can provide support. They might include sports teams, art or music groups. The people in the group can offer advice and help each other in difficult times. 89 An active mind is a healthy mind!Have a hobby.A hobby could be running, reading or making something with your hands. Hobbies help people to relax and rest. 90 A.As you walk, you will see the beautiful world around you.B.If so, the following healthy habits may help you.C.Get enough sleep.D.Get up early.E.Hobbies bring us happiness as well.F.Also, being in a group keeps your mind busy.(2023山东烟台统考中考真题)阅读下面短文、从短文后的选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。A survey shows that the number of lonely adults is increasing. According to recent research, loneliness can have harmful effects on health. So if you feel lonely at times, be sure to care about it. Here are some tips for you to avoid being lonely.Make time to meet peopleMaybe it seems that you don’t have time to meet new friends, but you need to consider your social life first. 91 You can even offer to take a neighbor’s dog for a walk. The neighbor will surely like to make friends with you.Build your community onlineWithout doubt, it’s difficult for you to move to meet like-minded people. However, the Internet can easily bring people with the same interests together. 92 Try some safe meetup websites, which list local groups and events, bringing people with common interests together.Know more about your friendsIn order to find possible friends, try to know more about them. What do they like doing? Join one of their activities. What subject (话题) are they interested in? 93 In this way, you can know each other much better.Work as volunteersVolunteering is good for both body and mind. It gives you the chance to communicate with people. Helping at the local food store or in a charity (慈善) shop will give you a warm feeling and you’ll get to know other volunteers. 94 Plan ahead 95 Rather than just suggesting meeting together, carry it out with an exact date and a careful plan. If you plan to meet more people, making a survey about the plan ahead of time will make the meeting more successful.A.Find out more about it and discuss it with them.B.So it is easy to build an online friend community.C.There are so many ways you can talk face to face now.D.Everyone’s busy, so getting people together needs a good plan.E.It’ll also give you something to talk about with friends and family.F.Instead of checking your phone, go for a walk and chat with someone.(2023四川宜宾统考中考真题)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。Our low-carbon (低碳) lifeMore and more people in Beijing would like to take part in the environmental protection. It is playing a key role in improving Beijing’s air quality. 96 Before the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, the government started a “No Car Day” activity. 97 The purpose of the activity is to reduce the capital’s air pollution. So far, people in Beijing have stopped using their cars for about 940,000 days together. Almost 100,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions (碳排放) have been prevented. 98 What’s more, a mini program began in Beijing in 2021 through WeChat. 99 It can record our own personal carbon dioxide emissions. If a person uses the mini program, he or she can win credits (信用积分) by living a low-carbon lifestyle. 100 The credits can be exchanged for subway tickets and are also used to pay for the cost of using shared bikes. It is strongly suggested that humans shoulder the responsibility to protect our environment. Protecting environment is protecting ourselves.A.As a result, air quality in Beijing has improved greatly.B.It is also good for Beijing’s low-carbon transition (转型).C.A low-carbon lifestyle is a kind way to get on with others.D.The program is about personal carbon dioxide emissions.E.The activity asked people to stop driving one day every month.F.The lifestyle includes taking public transportation and riding shared bikes.(2023四川成都统考中考真题)补全短文根据短文内容,从短文后的AF 选项中,选出5个适当的选项补全短文。Money may not buy happiness, but it helps. Many teenagers want to learn how to manage money before going out into the world. 101 This idea is raised by Dr. Mara Harvey, a money expert. The following are some of her tips.Learn to make money. Ask parents or neighbors if you can do chores to make pocket money. These could include washing a car or taking the dog for a walk. 102 In this way, you can also improve your communication skills, which will help when you have a grown-up job, too.Help your money grow. Money can’t grow if it’s sitting inside a piggy bank. Put your money in the bank and you can get interest (利息) . 103 One day you may feel surprised at how much money you have.Make a plan. If you have a big event, such as a holiday coming up, it might mean you will need to spend more of your pocket money. Try making a plan for spending and saving. 104 Then it will help you take control of your money. 105 Figure out how much you can reasonably spend each month. Spend your money on what you truly need. Then try to cut down on spending. For example, rather than eating out, you can choose to cook at home.A.Spend your money wisely.B.Be smart with your money.C.Set a goal of saving money.D.Save your money in the long run.E.Agree on the value of different jobs before you start.F.Write down how much money you have and what you are spending.(2023四川自贡统考中考真题)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。If you’re an outdoor-loving kid, you should follow some nature manners:No litteringJuice is nice when you get tired on a beach. 106 . They are bad for the environment. Take a small bag with you on your next trip. Put all of your litter in it.Say no to graffiti (涂鸦)As art, graffiti looks nice. But graffiti is not a good way to have fun in nature. 107 . Nature is for all of us to enjoy. Don’t do anything to destroy it.Just look with your eyes 108 . But nature out there is their home. So do not touch them. And don’t give food to them. It may not be good for them. 109 Camping is a good way to have fun in nature. Many make a fire when they camp. If you’re in a forest, don’t make a fire. Fires can destroy forests.Be a nice personYou’re not the only one in nature, so please be nice to other visitors. If you listen to music, use earphones. 110 .A.No fire in forestsB.We should protect othersC.So do not draw on trees or rocksD.But juice boxes do not look nice thereE.It is nice to see animal friends in natureF.If your pet is also there, don’t let him trouble others(2023四川凉山统考中考真题)根据短文内容,从短文后A-F选项中,选出适当的选项补全短文。选项中有一项为多余选项。A powerful robot named ChatGPT has been made by a US company Open AI. It is developed to make up human-like texts. It can translate languages, talk with people and write songs, poems and even jokes. 111 If you ask the robot to write a bedtime story, just type in (输入) “A cat wants to go to space”. One second later, you’ll get a story of a cat called Max, who was on his way past many difficulties to sing among the stars. 112 They posted their results on social media. Some asked it to take notes or give advice on how to communicate with people at a party, some wrote history articles with it.The power of ChatGPT lies in its speed and understanding of difficult maters. We may spend hours researching, understanding and writing an article on a certain topic. 113 Another good thing about it is that if you ask dark, harmful questions, such as how to make weapons (武器), it will not give you an answer.ChatGPT appears at a time when AI is becoming better at doing creative tasks. The system can produce something similar to human’s own works. 114 But the creation of art should also be a lot more personal. So people have many worries about that. However, the ChatGPT is a completely new thing. It is only natural for it to cause some problems. 115 A.People around the world tried ChatGPT.B.It has the writing skills of a real person.C.We expect the problems to be solved over time.D.People start depending on ChatGPT for art works.E.Nowadays few people use ChatGPT to write or draw.F.But ChatGPT can produce a well-written article at once.(2023四川南充统考中考真题)阅读短文,根据短文内容,从其后所给的六个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑,选项中有一项为多余选项。Daily newspapers in Britain and the United StatesNewspapers in Britain can be divided into the quality newspapers (more serious newspapers) and the popular newspapers. Quality newspapers are for readers who want full information on public things. 116 They also carry sports, cultural events, travel news and book reviews. 117 People who want funny news prefer reading them. They have large headlines (标题), a lot of big photos, and news about famous people.The Times is the most famous of the quality newspapers. It began in 1785. 118 The Sun, founded in 1964, is the most successful of the popular newspapers. It sells more than any other daily newspaper. 119 In the United States, you can find the quality newspapers like The New York Times and The Washington Post. 120 You can buy the bigger ones all over the country. The US also has a lot of tabloids (小报), such as The New York Daily News, which are similar to British tabloids.A.Around four million people read it every day.B.Popular newspapers are also known as tabloids.C.In Britain, there are also several daily and weekly newspapers.D.They usually have the name of the city where they are produced.E.They have home and international news, and financial (金融的) reports.F.It is read by important people such as officers, lawyers and businessmen.(2023四川达州统考中考真题)根据短文内容,从下面选择适当的选项补全短文,选项中有一项为多余选项。From English words to history events, you have to remember a lot at school. Is it difficult? Do you want to find some good ways to remember easily and quickly? If you have a photographic memory (过目不忘的记忆), will things be different? Scientists have made an effort to find ways to improve our memories for years. 121 Sleeping in a rocking bedWhen we were babies, we could easily fall asleep in our mothers’ swaying (摇晃的) arms. Some scientists have found that if we sleep in a bed which moves softly forwards and backwards, we can have a deeper sleep. 122 Buying a rocking bed may be a good idea and it must be very fun. Haha!Becoming emotionalThinking back to the past, it seems that we could always remember those things that make us sad or happy easily. Why? 123 The moment you become emotional, you can remember things really well. Because the amygdala (杏仁核) in our brain is responsible for dealing with both emotions and memories. The brain wants us to remember those things. When you want to remember some knowledge next time, try to make yourself angry or excited. Then, take out your book to catch the chance to learn new things. 124 In an experiment (实验), scientists divided 100 people into two groups. People in the first group were asked to ride a bike slowly for 60 minutes. People in the second group only had to do it really fast for 6 minutes. It shows that the short but intense (剧烈的) exercise made the brain produce more of a chemical called “brain-derived neurotrophic factor (脑源性神经营养因子). People can remember things quickly with this chemical. 125 That’s the time when you need to sit down and start to remember things.A.Having intense exerciseB.Because memories can influence emotions (情绪).C.Here are some tips from their findings.D.Its amount (数量) goes to the highest point after six minutes of intense exercise.E.It can improve our memories as well.F.Because emotions can influence memories.(2022中考真题)(一)(2022广西梧州中考真题)Holding conversations may not seem like a skill. After all, we talk to people every day. But many people feel nervous when making conversations. ____1____Use your body language. ____2____ The way you stand and act tells people a lot about you. When you’re talking with someone, stand straight and look him in the eye. When you’re listening, look at the other person, and lean(倚靠)forward to show that you’re interested in what he is saying.Try to interact(互动)with each other. A good conversation is not a speech. ____3____ If you’re doing all the talking, stop to give the other persons time to speak. If they don’t say anything, try asking them a question. Maybe they’ll say something you are also interested in and can reply to. People are excited to find others with similar interests.___4___ Don’t worry if the conversation has quiet moments. Think of them as chances to change the topic to something you’re interested in. ____5____ Or once again, you can ask a question to the other persons.With any skill, you will improve on holding conversations with time.A.Don’t be afraid of silence.B.It means that people should talk in the conversation.C.As we all know, many conversations happen without any words.D.You could also talk about something you’ve done recently.E.Here are some ways to make a good conversation.(二)(2022辽宁营口中考真题)从A—E五个句子中选择正确选项还原到文中,使短文内容完整、正确。Wushu, also known as Chinese Kungfu, will make its first appearance as an official(正式的) sport at the 4th Youth Olympic Games in 2022. ____6____The IWUF made applications(申请)to the International Olympic Committee(IOC)in 2001, 2008 and 2011, but failed. ____7____ The third application made it to the final voting(投票)but missed out once again.Over the years, both the IWUF and Chinese Wushu Association(CWA)have done a lot to make progress with strong support from the General Administration of Sport of China(国家体育总局). The Administration offers technical support, often sending experts or teachers to help their Wushu training camps. ____8____Every year, many local Wushu groups are sent abroad to put on Wushu shows, trying to improve the influence of Wushu in foreign countries. ____9____ Studies show that, today about 120 million people are interested in Wushu around the world.Finally, China got Wushu accepted as an official Olympic sport in January, 2020, which helps to make it more international.____10____ They’re men’s and women’s Changquan and men’s and women’s Taijiquan.A.The first two applications were refused at the very beginning.B.A total of 48 athletes(运动员)from across the world will compete in four Wushu events.C.It’s a breakthrough(突破)for the International Wushu Federation(IWUF).D.It also provides a great deal of Wushu equipment(设备)for free.E.Through their efforts, Wushu has become increasingly popular across the world.(三)(2022黑龙江哈尔滨中考真题)Love is not a single feeling. Although we love our family and friends, sometimes we just don’t know how to show our love to them. In fact people give love in different ways. Each way can be called a “love language.” ____11____First, offering praise. ____12____ Praise means attention and care. “You’ve done a good job.” “These shoes look nice on you”…Such praise will make others pleased.____13____ A gift means “I care about you.” The gift does not have to be expensive. Perhaps a piece of chocolate is OK.Third, spending time together. Have a relaxing time and do things we all enjoy. Don’t be busy all the time. Have a picnic with the family. ____14____Fourth, being a good learner. ____15____ When someone is down, what he wants is to understanding. Don’t talk about ourselves too much.These love languages help us to express love. They also make us understand love form others.根据短文内容,将下面的句子还原到文中空白处,使短文内容完整、通顺。(每个选项只能用一次)A.This kind of language uses words to show love.B.Or visit grandparents to talk to them.C.Second, giving gifts.D.Be ready to listen and try to understand.E.Here are some love languages.(四)(2022湖南郴州中考真题)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。With the development of technology, the Internet is becoming more and more important in our daily life. People may sometimes feel it difficult to go without the Internet. ____16____Firstly, the Internet provides a great deal of information. ____17____ For example, you can get information from food to clothes, from travel to study … In the time you spend in looking for a book in the library, you can get what you want with just a click of the mouse and a touch of the button. Secondly, ____18____ You needn’t go to real stores to buy everything. You can order and enjoy your dinner without going to the restaurant. You can even have a meeting at home. The Internet also helps set up and keep social relationships. Nowadays, people may easily connect each other by WeChat. ____19____ Don’t worry, add the related(相关)people into a WeChat group and discuss your plan. However, if you don’t use the Internet properly and reasonably, it will have bad effects on your life. For example, ____20____ Surfing the Internet too much is also bad for people’s health. So be a good Internet user and make full use of the Internet, and you will get much from it.A.Want to organize an activity?B.With the help of the Internet, you can search for everything.C.some teenagers are crazy about playing games and don’t go to school.D.Here are three main advantages of the Internet.E.the Internet makes our life much easier.(五)(2022湖北荆州中考真题)阅读下面短文,从短文后的五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。每个选项只能用一次。___21___ After eating several dishes, I found myself so full that I couldn’t eat anymore.___22___ I suddenly felt lighter and enjoyed the tasty cake. But wait, why do I always have room for dessert? ___23___ What’s your favorite food? And would you like to eat it every day? Imagine that you could eat your favorite food for two days in a row. Sounds good, doesn’t it? Now, let’s have the food for five days, and then ten days. You might get tired of this food.___24___ Dessert is usually the last dish served. After you’ve eaten many different kinds of foods, you gradually begin to lose interest in them. At this point, a dessert comes in as a different kind of food. The novelty (新颖性) makes your brain want to try it out.___25___ When you eat dessert, your brain gives out dopamine (多巴胺). This chemical will make you want more sweet things. So the dopamine “creates” new space for more dessert.Of course, because desserts are so delicious, we must be careful not to overeat. Too much of anything can be bad for your health!A.To answer this question, let’s consider two other ones first.B.Another reason has relation to a special chemical (化学物质).C.Last weekend, our family ate at a restaurant.D.Then, the ice cream cake came to the table.E.The same goes for any normal meal.(六)(2022四川雅安中考真题)根据短文内容,从短文后面的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。If you go into the forest with friends, stay with them. If you don’t, you may get lost. ____26____One way is to sit down and stay where you are. Don’t try to find your friends. ____27____ You can help them find you by staying in one place. That’s the most important thing you should do.____28____ Give them signals(信号)—shouting three times. Stop. Then shout three times again. Any signal given three times is a call for help.If you don’t think you will get help before night comes, try to make a little house cover up the hole with branches (树枝) with lots of leaves. ____29____When you need some water, you have to leave your little house. ____30____ As you walk, make some marks to help you find the way back.A.Let them find you.B.Don’t just walk away.C.If you get lost, this is what you should do.D.Make yourself a bed with leaves and grass.E.There is another way to help your friends or other people to find you.(七)(2022湖北恩施中考真题)The earth is our home. Some things we have done are good for the earth while some are bad. ___31___ We can see many kinds of pollution around us, especially water pollution.Water pollution is becoming serious in my hometown gradually. One year ago, it was a village with clean rivers and beautiful mountains. ___32___ As a result, it makes the water dirty and smell terrible. Most of fish in the water have gone and we can’t swim in the river. ___33___ Water is very important to human beings, so what should we do to protect and save it?___34___ The government should pass laws against water pollution. Second, we should save water in our daily life. For example, turn off the taps in time. Third, we should discover ways to reuse water. ___35___ Last, let’s try to spread the message about protecting and saving water. Make more people around us know the problem of water shortage and how to help to solve it.We must save every drop of water. Don’t let our tears be the last drop of water on the earth.A.Worst of all, we don’t even have enough drinking water.B.But now, some waste water from chemical factories is running into the rivers.C.Today, some large cities are reusing their water.D.First, we should protect our water resources and not pollute them.E.We have polluted the earth, and it is sick now.(八)(2022湖南长沙中考真题)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。每个选项仅使用一次。The human population on Earth grows larger each year. As a result, ___36___. Because of climate change(气候变化), growing more food is becoming even more difficult.When farmers tried to grow more food in the past, they would use farming methods that weren’t always healthy for the environment. To solve this problem, ___37___. They spent several years talking to farmers. They wanted to see what problems farmers were having and how these problems could be solved. ___38___. These special robots move around on farms and collect information about crops(庄稼). They can take pictures of plants, track(追踪)each plant’s growth and measure(测量)its size.In the past, though farmers did have information about the weather and the earth, they couldn’t track each plant. ___39___.By collecting information about plants, the robots can help farmers make predictions(预测)about how their plants will grow. ___40___. For example, if the robots find out which plants get sick, farmers can quickly throw them away before they are about to influence nearby plants. With the help of these robots, farmers can take better care of the plants in need.A.But now, with these robots, they canB.This led to the creation of special robotsC.some scientists carried out a research projectD.more and more food needs to be grown in order to feed everyoneE.By studying each plant, the robots can also help farmers grow plants well(九)(2022福建中考真题)Cyclists need to be more careful than other road users, as it’s much easier for you to get hurt. Remember that when you are on a cycle, you have no protection from dangers around you. ___41___Don’t use your mobile phone while cycling. This is because you need to look out for the road and other traffic.You should always wear a helmet as this can cut down the risk of getting hurt on the head in an accident.Do not change your direction suddenly. ___42___ Always look carefully before you start, stop or turn. Let drivers know you have seen them.___43___ If not, why not? Brakes must work well in all conditions: dry and wet. Are the tyres in good condition to make sure of the safety of your trip?Traffic laws apply (适用) to you as a cyclist, as well as other road users. ___44___ It is against the law for them to take the following actions.Jump red lights, including lights at pedestrian (行人) crossings, unless there’s a sign showing that cyclists are allowed to do this. ___45___Cycle the wrong way up a one-way street, unless there’s a sign showing that cyclists can do so.A.Cyclists must obey traffic laws.B.Is your bike checked from time to time?C.Here are some suggestions on how to keep safe.D.Show drivers what you plan to do in plenty of time.E.Ride across pedestrian crossings, unless you are allowed to.(十)(2022河南中考真题)Have you ever tried writing a poem? Maybe you think it is impossible especially if you do not think you are naturally creative. But if you follow the steps below, you can also write a better poem than you expected. ____46____Pick a theme (主题) that interests you. Find the theme that you are interested in. ____47____ “Love and friendship” is always the theme for a poem.Choose a form for your poem. Get your creative minds working by picking a poetic form. You may choose a poetic form that you find easy.Use your imaginations. You should always try to describe something using the five senses. ____48____ Using imaginations will lead your readers into the world of your poem and make images (意象) come alive for them.____49____ You could use “the heart of stone”, “as white as snow” and so on. With these expressions, your poem will be different. They can make your poem a piece of wonderful work to your readers.Read the poem out loud. Once you have completed a poem, you should read it aloud to yourself. ____50____ Pay attention to how each line of your poem moves into the next smoothly. Keep a pen close by so you can mark any lines or words that sound difficult and strange.根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使文章意思通顺、内容完整。A.Make use of special expressions.B.Start your poem with a clear idea.C.Notice how the words sound on the page.D.They are smell, taste, touch, sight and sound.E.You will be proud to share it with your friends.(十一)(2022湖北湖北中考真题)Mention the word shark to someone on the beach and you are sure to get a reaction (反应). Sharks have been the most feared predator (捕猎者) of ocean. Sharks are fish. ____51____ They can be found in oceans all over the world, and they have also been found in some rivers and lakes.One difference between most other fish and a shark is that most fish have bones and a shark has cartilage. ____52____ Another difference is that the shark is only able to swim forward, while most fish can swim forwards and backwards. Fish also generally have slippery scales (滑溜的鱼鳞), while a shark has rough scales that feel like sandpaper.____53____ In fact, there are about 368 different types. The differences include color, habitat, behavior, and size. Sharks are also known for their very sharp teeth. ____54____ Instead they swallow large chunks of food. They have five rows of teeth. If a tooth is broken, it is replaced by another tooth.Sharks are carnivores, meaning that they eat meat. ____55____ It seems like sharks attack (攻击) people a lot, but chances of getting stung by a bee or getting hit by lightning are greater. Even so, experts say it is important to keep an eye out for sharks when swimming in the ocean.A.Sharks do not normally attack people.B.There are many different types of sharks.C.They do not use their teeth to chew their food.D.Cartilage is tough, but it is not as strong as bone.E.They have been around since the time of dinosaurs.二、阅读还原7选5(十二)(2022辽宁朝阳中考真题)阅读短文,根据其内容,从所给的七个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,使短文内容连贯、完整。选项中有两项为多余选项。Every year, when the Dragon Boat Festival comes, Chinese people often hang a kind of plant on the door. It is called wormwood (艾草). ___56___ On the other hand, its special smell can also keep annoying insects away from rooms.In fact, wormwood tastes bitter but smells very pleasant. ___57___ So it can be seen in Compendium of Materia Medica (《本草纲目》). This book is widely believed to be the classic of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). The writer of the book is Li Shizhen. ____58____Wormwood is well-known for its ability to treat a great number of illnesses. Hundreds of years later, in Qichun, Hubei Province, it is still serving local people. Recently, Qichun has been busy preparing for the World Wormwood Industry Show. ___59___ And it will be good for the popularity of TCM and the traditional Chinese culture.Wormwood has become the main industry in this area. ___60___ At the same time, wormwood is gradually known around the world as a kind of traditional Chinese medicine.A.Wormwood can be eaten in many ways.B.You can try this plant.C.Hundreds of years ago, Chinese people began to use wormwood as a kind of medicine.D.It will take place during the Dragon Boat Festival.E.The life of local people is getting better and better by growing wormwood.F.He was a very famous TCM expert during the Ming Dynasty.G.On the one hand, people believe that wormwood can drive out evil spirits or bad luck.(十三)(2022广西柳州中考真题)Does talking in front of people make you shy? If so, you are not alone. Many people in the world suffer from shyness and want to change this situation. ___61___ Here are some tips for you.Find out the cause of your shyness. Do you become shy in front of new listeners? Please try to find out the thoughts that go through your head before the shyness comes out. You’re okay being around your family, right? Are they different from the strangers around you? Of course not. ___62___Place your attention on others. For most of us, when we think we will feel nervous if we speak up or stand out, we become shy. ___63___ When you stop paying attention to yourself, you stop worrying about your performance(表现).___64___ You have got used to hearing your own voice. Record your voice pretending(假装) to have conversations with others. At the beginning you’ll feel like an actor, but soon it will become a habit. After doing it for some time, you will be able to voice your opinions bravely.Stop comparing yourself to others. The more you compare yourself to others, the more you will feel shy because you may think you are not good enough. ___65___ Everyone else must have his own confidence problems too.根据短文内容,从下列七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。A.Listen to your own voice.B.Practise speaking loudly to yourself.C.That’s why you should notice others instead.D.Try not to think about your own disadvantages.E.However, it takes time and effort to solve the problem.F.You just know them better and what’s more, they know you as well.G.They may never see you again, so why do you care what others think of you?(十四)(2022山东枣庄中考真题)Everyone needs friends, and if you fail to make friends, ___66___ Maybe you have social faults such as talkativeness(多嘴) and improper behaviour, which drive away your new friends. Whatever your social faults may be, ___67___ A friendly person does his best to make a stranger feel comfortable, wherever he happens to be. Put yourself in the other person’s place and make him feel welcome. ___68___ It makes your new friends feel happy. And it gives them the feeling that they have made an impression(印象) on you because you remember them. If you do not agree with other people on a certain matter, ___69___ or you will lose friends easily. Finally a friendly person thinks of not only himself, but also others. ___70___A.Smile at someone and you may surely get a smile in return.B.do not argue, but discussC.you should think if there’s something wrong with your personality(性格).D.Treat different people in different ways.E.Try to remember names.F.People who refuse to consider others have few friends.G.look at them honestly, and try to correct them.(十五)(2022黑龙江绥化中考真题)根据短文内容,从下列选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项多余Do you like sports? What sports do you often play? Walking and running are good exercise. They are good for your body. Making plenty of preparations can make you fall in love with walking and running. ____71____ We have some good suggestions.Check the weatherYou need to know whether it is a nice day. ____72____ You must be careful in winter. You may like walking on snowy days. But the ice under snow may make you fall down.____73____You should make sure your clothes are comfortable. Sports shoes are good choices. Don’t wear leather shoes or slippers (拖鞋).Carry a map or a mobile phone with GPSIf you walk or run in a new place, you may lose your way. ____74____ Carrying a map or a mobile phone with GPS is a good idea.Take water and music players with youThere are two cheap things that can make your walking and running more enjoyable. They are water and music players. ____75____ Music can make you feel happy and relaxed.A.You need something to help you find the way.B.Make sure to take enough food with you.C.Do you know how to walk or run in a right way?D.Wear comfortable clothes and shoesE.Water is useful when you are thirsty.F.Three things you need to do before exercising.G.You will never have a great time walking or running on cold, hot or rainy days.(十六)(2022黑龙江大庆中考真题)How Can You Create Luck in Everyday Life?What is luck? It is agreed that more good things happen to some people. Let’s just call that luck. Now would you like to be one of these lucky people? ____76____.Feel lucky about what you have____77____, but they just don’t know it. Instead of giving all your attention to what you are short of, look at how lucky you are already. You no doubt have some wonderful friends, and a roof over your head. ____78____Luck doesn’t just happen to you—it comes to you when you’re open. Learning a new skill, visiting a new place and trying a new hobby are all great ways of creating your chances. Do it right nowYou’ll never create any luck if you sit there waiting for it to fall into your lap(大腿). ____79____. You will find you create more luck in everyday life. Ask for help if necessarySometimes people would be ready to help you out. ____80____, don’t wait for others to offer you help but go and ask them if they will give you a hand.A.Try special thingsB.Try something newC.When you are busyD.If you are in troubleE.Some people are already luckyF.Act towards your goals and dreams at onceG.Here are 4 top suggestions for creating your own luck(十七)(2022贵州毕节中考真题)Do you know how people send messages to each other? Scientists say only 35% of our communication is done through spoken language. ___81___ It is natural for us to use our bodies to share our thoughts and feelings. ___82___ For example, smiling may be the easiest body language. People understand its meaning without thinking. ___83___ But the meaning of some body languages change from one culture to another. Most people move their heads up and down to mean “yes” and side to side to mean “no”. You may think that these have the same meanings everywhere. ___84___ In a country, people move their heads side to side to mean “yes”, and up and down to mean “no”. As we have looked at some examples, there are many kinds of body languages and their meanings may change from one culture to another. ___85___ If we don't understand them, we may make a mistake and send a wrong signal(信号). The best advice is to watch what other people do in their cultures and follow them.A.Some of the ways of body language are the same all over the world.B.Body language is the most important.C.It is necessary for us to understand them.D.So it is good to smile when we meet people.E.The other 65% is done through “body language”.F.It is not polite to smile at people. G.However, they have the opposite meanings.三、阅读还原6选5(十八)(2022湖南娄底中考真题)阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。Nowadays, many of you want to do sports, but you often complain that you are too busy to go to gyms or stadiums(体育馆). Actually, there’s no need to go to those places if you really want to exercise. ___86___ Here are some suggestions.First, it’s not a good idea to sit in a chair all the time. ___87___ If you don’t want to use a standing desk, you can leave your chair and have a rest. You can also walk around for a few minutes.Second, take the stairs(楼梯)instead of using lifts. ___88___ Maybe your answer is that “I take the lift”. Why not take the stairs? Going home on foot is a good way to exercise your body.___89___ You can skip(跳绳)in the hallway. And you can do yoga(瑜伽)at home. You can also run if there is a yard.What’s more, take a walk or ride a bike instead of taking a bus or driving a car when you go out. ___90___ All in all, no matter what kind of sports you choose, it’s much better than just sitting. It can make your body healthier, it also makes you feel relaxed and happy. Let’s take action now.A.How do you usually go home?B.How often do you play soccer?C.You can try using a standing desk.D.You can exercise in your daily life.E.Third, you can dance in the living room.F.It is good for your body and meaningful to the environment.(十九)(2022湖南永州中考真题)阅读下面的短文,从所给的A~F六个选项中,选出正确的答案填空,使短文通顺,内容完整,其中选项中有一项是多余的。A fun way to put yourself in a good mood(情绪) is by creating a mood board. What’s that? ____91____ Susie Moore, a life coach, often guides people at mood-board-making classes. At the end of a class, each person has built a collection that puts him or her in an active mood.To create your own mood board, you’ll need a soft board or a cardboard. ____92____ Go through them, cutting out photos for your board. Use your feelings to choose what works best. Here, Shay Maunz uses Moore’s tips to create a mood board and offers tips on how you can make your own.____93____ Anything that makes you feel good, use it. I used photos of my favorite food watermelon, and my favorite animal, penguins.You might use your mood board to set goals for things your’d like to achieve. I want to read at least 30 books this year.____94____ Maybe it’s your classroom, a playground, or a comfortable corner at home. You can put photos of that place on your mood board, or choose photos that remind you of it. I used this photo of West Virginia, where I grew up.Not everything on your mood board has to serve a purpose or be connected to your life. Choose some photos just because you like them. ____95____A.This is also a good time to think about happy things.B.It’s anything that encourages you or makes you happy.C.One step to start is with some of your favorite things.D.Every time I look at these photos, they make me smile.E.Think about a place that makes you feel safe and happy.F.You’ll also need old magazines, greeting cards and photographs.(二十)(2022四川内江中考真题)Words to Describe Your SchoolThere must be something that you love about your school, whether it is the environment, culture, daily life, or even the school uniforms(制服).When you are talking about your school, the words to describe it will send a message about how you feel. ___96___Here is the list of the words you can choose to describe your school.CleanIn a clean school environment, the walls are free of graffiti(涂鸦). The floors are cleaned daily. ___97___ Even the bathroom smells fresh because it is cleaned so well. This is a good word to use when the school is clean because cleanliness helps students to live and study better.ModernA modern school environment is one with the latest equipment(最新设备). It helps students to learn through activities in clubs such as science clubs, robot clubs and computer clubs. ___98___ All these help students learn about new science and technology.Safe___99___ The school always has a team to protect students from dangers. This is a good word to describe your school that considers an important fact. That is, most students are unable to protect themselves from certain dangers.HardworkingA hardworking school is a place in which students are encouraged to give their best in whatever they do and to never give up. ___100___ You have no choice but to try and keep up with others. This is a good word to use when you always have something to do.This list will help you to pick the right word for your situation.A.There is no rubbish under the desks.B.The teachers never leave you to be lazy.C.That’s why your school looks so modernD.For this reason, you have to choose them carefully.E.Such a school environment means a danger-free area.F.It provides students with modern classrooms and labs.(二十一)(2022黑龙江牡丹江中考真题)“Every day, we see the sunrise 16 times. Do you know why? Well we circle the Earth every 90 minutes!” ____101____ On June 20, 2013, Chinese astronaut Wang Yaping gave a science lesson in space. Sixty million schoolchildren and teachers across China listened to it. ____102____On October 16, 2021, she and two other Chinese astronauts set off for the Tiangong space station. Wang became the first-ever woman to work in Tiangong. ____103____That made millions of people very excited.Wang’s space dream began when Yang Liwei became China’s first man in space in 2003. “____104____” she thought to herself. Wang was then a fighter(战斗机) pilot. Because of her excellent performance, in 2010, she was chosen to train as an astronaut. ____105____ And she became the first Chinese woman to ever complete a spacewalk on November 8, 2021.This time, Wang and her team stayed in space for 183 days. We also heard the first-ever Chinese New Year’s greetings coming from space.Choose five sentences out of the six in the box to complete the passage. Each choice should be used only once.A.Were you one of them?B.Do you still remember these words?C.When will our country have a space woman?D.She is the only Chinese woman astronaut who has been to space.E.Ms. Wang gave her “Lesson Two” with her workmates on December 9, 2021.F.After lots of hard training, the excellent woman achieved her space dream in 2013.(二十二)(2022贵州贵阳中考真题)Do you have difficulty falling asleep at night? If so, here is a piece of advice for you: Listen to some soft music.Scientists have found that soft music can help to improve sleep quality and quantity. It works for people of all ages. ____106____ Soft music can help us fall asleep faster, wake up less during the night and feel more rested in the morning. You may not notice the effects overnight, though. It could take as many as three weeks to see any improvements.____107____ The reasons aren’t clear yet. It may have something to do with the relaxing effect of a good song. Music can have real physical effects, too. Soft music can lower our heart rate and slow down our breathing. ____108____Scientists say that for most people, music that has 70 beats per minute (bpm) works best. Classical, jazz and folk music are usually more effective than other musical styles. ____109____ You may need to experiment(尝试) to make your own playlists. If you are not sure how many beats a song has in a minute, you can find out by entering its title into songbpm.com. And remember to get the volume right. Make sure that the final piece is one that slowly fades out(渐弱). ____110____It is very important to get enough high-quality sleep. Before you go to bed tonight, play some soft music. Then, just prepare to be rocked off to dreamland!A.This prepares us for sleep.B.Familiar songs work well, too.C.Scientists like different kinds of music.D.Why can soft music help us sleep better?E.If not, you may be woken up by the sudden silence.F.And it works much better for people with sleeping problems.(二十三)(2022吉林中考真题)Jack is my good friend. A few months ago, I saw a guitar in his room. ____111____ I asked him why the guitar was in his room. He told me that he would challenge (挑战) something difficult before 18 years old, and playing the guitar in public was the first thing he wanted to try. ____112____ but now he is confident (有信心的) enough after his first successful show at school.After watching Jack’s first show, I thought carefully about myself that night. ____113____ That was because I was not good at writing. Jack’s story made me think of the saying: “Where there is a will, there is a way.” I couldn’t achieve my dream in a day, but I could start to do something easy. ____114____From then on, I wrote every day to improve my writing skills so that I could publish (发表) articles in the school newspaper.Now everything is going well and my writing skills have improved a lot. ____115____ Thanks to Jack, my life is full of confidence.根据短文内容,将下面的选项还原到文中空白处,使短文内容完整、通顺,每个选项只能用一次,其中有一个选项是多余的。A.I nearly gave up my dream of being a writer.B.As far as I knew, he wasn’t able to play the guitar before.C.For example, I could begin to write some simple stories.D.So far, I have already published five articles in the school newspaper.E.First, invite some friends to the party.F.He used to be afraid of speaking in public.(二十四)(2022黑龙江黑龙江中考真题)Bridges are built over roads, rivers, or railways. They appeared a long time ago. Back then, they were built with stones, ropes and logs(原木). Some were very simple, like a footbridge (人行桥) made out of a big tree. ____116____ This is because we have better technology today. Bridges are a mix of maths, physics, design, and architecture(建筑). They are designed by skilled engineers and they take years to build. Bridges must be strong enough to support not only their own weight, but also the weight of the people and vehicles(交通工具). They must last a long time and be built in a way that protects them from earthquakes, strong winds, and freezing. ____117____ Let’s take a closer look at each one. Arch (拱) bridges were invented a long time ago by the Romans. They were built out of stone or brick(砖). Beam bridges are horizontal (水平的) beams supported by many columns. _____118_____These bridges are very old as well, and people used stone and trees to build them. Suspension bridges have a tower (索塔) on either side. The towers are connected by cables. They are more modern, with the first ones being built in the early 19th century. The oldest bridge in the world is the Zhaozhou Bridge in China. _____119_____ But if you’re looking for one of the most beautiful and famous bridges, it would be the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. It’s a suspension bridge built in 1937. It has is 2. 78 kilometers long. If you think that’s long, you should see the Danyang-kunshan Grand Bridge in China. It’s over 164. 85 kilometers long! _____120_____Choose five sentences out of the six in the box to complete the passage. Each choice should be used only once.A.It’s an arch bridge made out of stone that was built in 605A.D.(公元)B.The three main types of bridges are arch, beam and suspension.C.The present London Bridge is more than 100 feet wide.D.But today, bridges are bigger, stronger and more modern.E.The columns (柱子) take the weight of the people and vehicles passing on the beam.F.It’s the world’s longest bridge.(二十五)(2022内蒙古赤峰中考真题)根据短文内容,从六个选项中选择五个恰当的句子完成短文。Every year there are endless talks and suggestions on how to protect the environment. As for students, what should we do? ____121____Plant TreesThe most important method to protect the environment is to plant trees. Trees may take longer to grow, but they serve the next generation(一代). ____122____Save waterWater is life. What we should do is to save water. ____123____ The more time we take, the more water we are likely to use. As we brush our teeth, turn off the tap. Limit Car Use____124____ It may not be as comfortable as the car, but we will make a significant contribution to protecting the environment.Reduce Food WasteResearch shows that food that goes to waste in the world every year, is enough to feed almost a billion hungry people. ____125____ We can make a list of the food we are going to buy, and never order much more than we need in the restaurant.We depend on the environment for living, and the environment depends on us for living as well. As long as we keep on doing the simple things, we can protect the environment better.A.Reduce the time we take a bath.B.Turn off computers and lights which are not in use.C.Luckily, there are measures we can take to reduce food waste.D.Here are four amazing ways about protecting the environment.E.Trees provide shade (阴凉处) and reduce the need for air conditioner.F.We can choose biking, walking or public transport instead of a personal car.(二十六)(2022贵州黔东南中考真题)Do you know how music influences the lives of people? Researchers did a survey about it. Over 36,000 volunteers joined in the survey and experienced many different kinds of music. Then the volunteers offered information about their personalities(性格). ___126___ Pop Music. ___127___ While pop music lovers are hard-working and have high self-esteem(自尊), researchers suggest that they may be easy to get worried. Rock or Heavy Metal Music. When it comes to this kind of music, sometimes aggressive image(好斗的印象)about rock and heavy metal music may show up in our mind. ___128___ They can be creative, but are often shy. Classical Music. Classical music lovers are shyer. Those who are quiet may prefer to enjoy classical music. ___129___ ___130___ People usually believe that rap lovers are more aggressive, but researchers have found there is no such relationship between them. They say rap fans are usually outgoing. In my opinion, this research helps you know yourself and others better.A.They feel comfortable with themselves and the peaceful world around them.B.Rap or Hip-Hop Music.C.Different people have different opinions on music.D.Here are the results about the survey.E.However, researchers found that fans of this kind of music are usually very gentle.F.Fans of pop music are possible to be outgoing and honest.(二十七)(2022四川凉山彝族自治州教育科学研究所中考真题)根据短文内容,从短文后A-F选项中,选出适当的选项补全短文,并涂在答题卡上相应的位置。选项中有一项为多余选项。Have you ever done something that looks really silly, but makes you or your friends really moved? Today’s story is about that. It’s a story of a famous saying about the swan feather (天鹅羽毛) in China.____131____ A Tang Dynasty officer in Yunnan wanted to show his respect (尊重) to the emperor. He sent Mian Bogao to take some gifts to the emperor. ____132____ It was a very valuable gift at that time.Mian took good care of the swan on his way to the palace. One day, he walked for a long time with the swan. ____133____ But as soon as he set the swan free, the swan flew away, only leaving some feathers on the ground. Mian was very worried, but he didn’t run away. ____134____ He thought telling lies could lead to more trouble in the end. So he picked up a feather and kept going on his trip.When Mian met the emperor, he told him what happened and said, “This swan feather is light, but it carries my deep respect for you.” The emperor was moved by Mian’s honesty and sincerity (真诚). He wasn’t angry with Mian. The saying shows that a good gift doesn’t have to be expensive. ____135____ They play an important role in our life.A.He decided to tell the emperor the truth.B.One of the gifts was a beautiful swan.C.He wanted to make good friends with the emperor.D.This saying comes from a historic book called Lu Shi.E.Actually, honesty and sincerity are more valuable.F.He wanted to let the swan drink some water by a lake.(二十八)(2022湖北湖北中考真题)阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入文中空白处的最佳选项。(每个选项只用一次,选项中有一项为多余选项)Sometimes we may forget something easily. Don’t worry. If you want to have a good memory, please follow me. ____136____My first advice is that if you want to remember something well, you have to review it regularly (有规律地). After you learn the material, you need to review it right away, then two days later, then a week later, then two weeks later, and then a month later. ____137____My second advice is to mark the important parts of your book. This will help you in two ways. On the one hand, it will help you concentrate on (专注于) the most important parts. It is always easier to remember only the key points. ____138____ When you open your book, the colored parts will show you the most important parts at once. In this way, you needn’t read every word again.____139____ One good time for memorizing information is in the evening. Review what you have learnt before going to bed. It will be kept in your mind deeply. The other good time is in the morning because you have just rested and your brain is fresh and clear. ____140____Remember all the advice above, and your memory will be better and better.A.On the other hand, this will make reviewing easier.B.Here is some advice to help improve your memory.C.Another piece of advice is to review at a proper time.D.You have to read the whole book from the beginning to the end.E.So it’s easy to memorize the important information in the morning.F.After a month, you will find that you can remember the material easily.四、阅读还原5选4(二十九)(2022山东临沂中考真题)The Bird MaskToday, doctors know a lot about how to stop germs (病菌) from spreading. They suggest people cover their mouths when they cough. Washing your hands often also helps. However, people haven’t always known about germs. For many years, even doctors didn’t really understand how illnesses spread. ___141___ Some doctors even tried dressing like birds. In 1619, the French doctor, Charles de Lorme, invented a special uniform. He hoped it could protect doctors who were treating plague (瘟疫) patients. The uniform had a long coat, gloves, boots (靴子) and a hat. The doctors also carried sticks so they wouldn’t have to touch the patients. The most special part of the uniform was the mask (面具). ___142___ It had a beak (鸟嘴) that was about 15 cm long. There were also two eyeholes cowered in glass and two nostril (鼻孔) holes. At that time, doctors believed the plague was spread by bad air. Any air that had a bad smell was dangerous. ___143___ They believed this could stop them from breathing the bad air and they wouldn’t get sick because of the plague. Did it work? Well, not really. Certainly the germs sometimes traveled through the air, and the flowers weren’t able to stop them. ___144___Some forms of plague only spread through certain animals such as mice. The doctors’ uniform helped to protect them from this danger. However, largely the coat, gloves, boots and hat did the job, not the bird mask. 根据短文内容,从下列选项中选出能填入文中空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。A.The bird mask helped to protect the doctors from this danger.B.Many doctors still got sick by breathing through the nostril holes in their masks.C.The mask made the doctors look like birds.D.So the doctors put flowers in the beak of their masks.E.They did many things to avoid getting sick.(三十)(2022江苏常州中考真题)阅读下面短文从短文后所给的六个选项中选出四个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Life is full of choices and decisions. Here are some steps to help you make wise decisions.First, it’s better to make a decision quickly than avoid it for a month because you’re afraid of choosing. ____145____ Also, some choices usually have time limits. So to keep our brains from getting too tired, we needn’t think about the cost of every single choice. Narrow down the list and try comparing only the best two or three.Next, think about the value and cost of each choice. ____146____ Or better yet, create a scorecard,on which you give out bigger point values to what you think is more important. This way you can tell if one huge advantage is more important than a group of little disadvantages.Then, stay calm and give yourself some space. You don’t want to delay(延迟) for weeks, but if you’re about to make a hasty(仓促的) decision, you may end up picking something you regret. ____147____ And it might take you a few days for major choices, like choosing your ideal high school.____148____ Why? Because it’s good to get a fresh way of thinking from others who are not as worried as you. Consider their opinions(观点) even if they are not what you want to hear. You need to take different opinions into consideration so that you will make a wise decision.A.You’ll need at least one night to “sleep on it”.B.And you don’t have to make a decision alone.C.They are the best chances to show your personality.D.These ways of letting out what you are feeling are helpful.E.It’s very tiring to think things over but fail to decide in time.F.To do that, you can make a list of advantages and disadvantages.五、阅读还原4选4(三十一)(2022辽宁盘锦中考真题)Imagine wearing a magic hat that allows you to write words down just by thinking of them. In your opinion, it may only appear in a science fiction, ____149____ They used brain-computer interface (BCI, 脑机接口) technology to write the Chinese “fu”. “It’s ‘written’ by a robotic (机器人的) arm controlled by our researchers’ minds,” said Xu Mingpeng, a teacher at the university. In the lab, two researchers wore hats with sensors (传感器) while keeping their eyes on a computer screen to “mind write” “fu” on the red paper. At last, ____150____In fact, BCI technology has already been used in several different areas. In 2016, Chinese astronauts Jing Haipeng and Chen Dong used it in the Tiangong space lab. They tested a BCI system (系统) in space for the first time. It is hoped that in the future, astronauts can use these systems to do difficult tasks, ____151____BCIs can be used in smart homes in the future. For example, ____152____ BCI technology can also help with the disabled. The people who have lost their hands or arms can use BCIs to write messages and surf the Internet.A.it took the researchers 3 minutes to write it.B.because it’s not easy for them to move around in space.C.but the students at Tianjin University did the real research recently.D.simply thinking “turn on the lights” can turn on the lights in your home.





