专题25 任务型阅读 考点4 综合任务(解析版)

2024-09-10·90页·1.7 M

三年2022-2024中考英语真题分项汇编全国通用)专题25 任务型阅读 考点4 综合任务(2024中考真题)(2024湖北中考真题)阅读短文,用英文填空或回答问题。(注意每小题的词数要求)Born in a small village, I saw how busy farmers were in spring, and what the season meant to them. Spring is a time when the land wakes up from its long sleep, and the fields are ready for crops (庄稼). If you are lazy in spring, you will get nothing in autumn. So, farmers seem to compete with time in spring.When I was a little girl, every weekend I was busy planting crops. Whatever it was, I had fun and learned a lot. For example, when we planted potatoes, we needed to cut the sprouted (发芽的) potatoes into pieces and made sure every piece of “seed” (种子) had one or two sprouts. It was really like a math game.Farm work is also teamwork. That’s why every spring field is busy with people of all ages working in it. While planting beans, my father dug small holes, and I carefully put some seeds into each hole. The work was hard and boring, but when we worked together, it seemed easier and more interesting.I felt magic of life in spring as well. In a few weeks, the seeds sprouted, encouraging us to care for them by watering and so on. As time went by, they grew into healthy plants.Because of these wonderful childhood experiences, I hold such a special feeling for spring.1. is the best season to plant crops.(仅填1词)2.If you don’t work hard in spring, you will .(不超过5词)3.Fill in the blanks according to the passage.Spring PlantingIdeas or FeelingsFarm workI had fun and learned a lot.planting potatoesFarm work is also teamwork. (不超过5词) (不超过8词)caring for seeds and watching their growth4.What’s your understanding of “compete with time in spring”? Use your own words. (结合自身实际,不超过20词)【答案】1.Spring 2.get nothing in autumn 3. planting beans I felt magic of life in spring 4.We should cherish and make full use of the valuable time in spring.【导语】本文是一篇议论文,作者通过讲述儿时种庄稼、干农活的经历,表达了对春季的热爱,告诉我们应该珍视春季的时间。1.根据第一段“Spring is a time when the land wakes up from its long sleep, and the fields are ready for crops (庄稼).”可知,春天是种植庄稼的最好季节。故填Spring。2.根据第一段“If you are lazy in spring, you will get nothing in autumn.”可知,如果你在春天不努力,秋天你将一无所获。故填get nothing in autumn。3.根据第三段“Farm work is also teamwork…While planting beans”可知,作者在种豆子的过程中感受到农活也是团队合作。根据第四段“I felt magic of life in spring as well. In a few weeks, the seeds sprouted, encouraging us to care for them by watering and so on.”可知,作者在给种子浇水,照顾它们的过程中感受到了春天里生命的魔力。故填planting beans;I felt magic of life in spring。4.划线句子compete with time in spring意为“在春天里争分夺秒”,意思是让我们珍惜并利用好“春季”的时间。参考答案为:We should cherish and make full use of the valuable time in spring.(2024河北中考真题)阅读下面短文,按要求完成下面小题。Nature has many ways to solve problems. We humans learn a lot from animals and plants in nature. There is a science about how we copy great ideas from animals and plants to create helpful products. It is called biomimetics (仿生学) . Some animals such as this sugar glider have wing-like structures (结构) to help them fly from tree to tree. When they jump, they spread out their arms and legs to help them fly down easily. Wing-suits, a kind of clothes, can let people experience flying. The idea of these clothes comes from the sugar glider. Some animals have structures used for self-protection. An armadillo has a hard cover that can protect it from other dangerous animals. When an armadillo feels that it is in danger, it will change into a ball. Once the dangerous animal goes away, it comes out of the ball. The armadillo has taught people to create a backpack with a hard surface. The surface of the backpack protects things inside from being broken. Plants have helped people come up with amazing inventions, too. Perhaps the best-known example is Velcro (尼龙搭扣) . It includes two pieces of cloth. They stick to each other when they are pressed together. Velcro is used on everything from handbags to clothes. The idea of Velcro is from burrs (带芒刺的小果实) of a plant. They have special structures to allow themselves to stick to people’s clothing or hair. They are taken to other places in this way. From these examples, we can see biomimetics is widely used in our daily life. What other problems will nature help us solve in the future? Let’s wait and see!1、2题完成句子; 3-5题简略回答问题。5.We humans learn a lot from .6.The sugar gliders spread out to help them fly down easily.7.What will an armadillo do if it feels that it is in danger? 8.Where is Velcro used? 9.What do the kind of plant and two kinds of animals in the text have in common?(依据短文内容从两个不同的方面回答) 【答案】5.animals and plants in nature their arms and legs It will change into a ball. Velcro is used on everything from handbags to clothes. 9.They have special structures. They help people to create helpful products.【导语】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了三种具有特殊结构并且能够帮助人们创造有用产品的动植物。文章告诉我们仿生学在我们的日常生活中得到了广泛的应用。5.根据“We humans learn a lot from animals and plants in nature.”可知,我们人类从自然界的动植物身上学到了很多东西。故填animals and plants in nature。6.根据“When they jump, they spread out their arms and legs to help them fly down easily.”可知,当它们跳跃时,它们张开胳膊和腿,帮助它们轻松地飞下来。故填their arms and legs。7.根据“When an armadillo feels that it is in danger, it will change into a ball.”可知,当犰狳感觉到自己处于危险之中时,它会变成一个球。故填It will change into a ball.8.根据“Velcro is used on everything from handbags to clothes.”可知,尼龙搭扣被用于从手提包到衣服的所有东西上。故填Velcro is used on everything from handbags to clothes.9.根据“Some animals such as this sugar glider have wing-like structures (结构) to help them fly from tree to tree”、“Some animals have structures used for self-protection.”及“They have special structures to allow themselves to stick to people’s clothing or hair.”可知,它们都具有特殊的结构;根据“Wing-suits, a kind of clothes, can let people experience flying. The idea of these clothes comes from the sugar glider.”、“The armadillo has taught people to create a backpack with a hard surface.”及“The idea of Velcro is from burrs (带芒刺的小果实) of a plant.”可知,它们都帮助人们创造出了有帮助的产品。故填They have special structures. They help people to create helpful products.(2024黑龙江绥化中考真题)根据短文内容,完成下列各题“Every ________ /w:k/ coming to Beijing has their own reasons. No one lives here without a dream,” said Chen Jianguo, a food deliveryman (送餐员) from a small city called Songyuan.Chen Jianguo dreamed of having his own business in Beijing about 16 years ago when he graduated from senior high school. (A) But his father asked him to take his place as a truck driver at the oil field. Although Chen disliked the job, he didn’t want to l ________ his father down, He took the job us a truck driver. Then he got married and had a son.“I got quite good pay, but life was boring there during those years. (B) time, had, of, do, the, I, to, nothing, most, because the trucks were not often used,” said Chen.Two months ago, Chen decided to give up his job and come to Beijing. His wife agreed that he should go for his dream.Chen has been a food deliveryman for a month. (C)他每天工作15小时and hardly has time for lunch at noon. Chen spends only 10 yuan on each meal to cut the cost of living in Beijing. “I went to give a better life to my wife and little son.” he said. “I must work harder and try to become the best food deliveryman at my station.” Chen likes his job because he can meet many different people. Every “thank you” from a customer is like praise for his work.Chen plans to start his own restaurant in the future, therefore he always writes down what food people have ordered. In this way, he gets a better knowledge of people’s tastes.10.根据读音完成单词 11.写出(A)处划线句子的同义句But he to take his father’s place as a truck driver at the oil field.12.根据句意及首字母补全单词 l 13.将(B)处划线部分组合成完整的句子 14.请在文中找出与下面英文释义相符的单词 to have the same opinion as somebody15.将(C)处划线句子翻译成英语 16.Why does Chen want to get a better knowledge of people’s tastes? 【答案】10.worker 11. was asked 12.(l)et 13.Most of the time I had nothing to do/I had nothing to do most of the time 14.agree 15.He works (for) 15/fifteen hours every/each day. 16.Because he/Chen plans/wants to start his own restaurant in the future./ To (plan to) start his own restaurant in the future./ For planning to start his own restaurant in the future./ For starting his own restaurant in the future./ Because he/Chen plans/wants to start a restaurant in the future.【导语】本文主要介绍了来自松原的送餐员陈建国,他以前是一位司机,现在是一名送餐员,他非常喜欢自己的工作,并打算将来开一家自己的餐馆。10.句意:每个工人来北京都有他们自己的原因。根据音标“/w:k/”可知,该单词是worker“工人”,Every后跟单数名词,故填worker。11.句意:但是他的父亲让他代替他在油田当卡车司机。根据修改后的同义句“But he ...to take his father’s place ”可知,原句中的宾语变成了主语,所以此处用被动语态,be asked to do“被要求做某事”,时态是一般过去时,he作主语,be动词用was,故填was;asked。12.句意:虽然陈不喜欢这份工作,但他不想让父亲失望,他接受了卡车司机的工作。根据“Chen disliked the job, he didn’t want to ... his father down”及首字母可知,应是不想让父亲失望,let sb down“让某人失望”,故填(l)et。13.根据标点和所给的单词可知,本句是一个陈述句,主语是I,谓语是had,nothing是宾语,to do是不定式作后置定语,most of the time是状语,可放在句首也可以放在句末。故填Most of the time I had nothing to do/I had nothing to do most of the time“大部分时间我无事可做”。14.根据“to have the same opinion as somebody”可知,表示“和某人有相同的意见”的单词应是agree“同意”。故填agree。15.他:he;每天:every/each day;工作15小时work (for) 15/fifteen hours。时态是一般现在时,所以he作主语,谓语动词用三单形式,故填He works (for) 15/fifteen hours every/each day.16.根据“Chen plans to start his own restaurant in the future, therefore he always writes down what food people have ordered. In this way, he gets a better knowledge of people’s tastes.”可知,他了解每个人的口味是因为他计划将来开一家自己的餐厅。故填Because he/Chen plans/wants to start his own restaurant in the future./ To (plan to) start his own restaurant in the future./ For planning to start his own restaurant in the future./ For starting his own restaurant in the future./ Because he/Chen plans/wants to start a restaurant in the future.(2024甘肃白银中考真题)阅读下面材料,按要求完成1至5小题。A Healthy MindThe brain is an amazing part of our body. Even with lots of research, no one can fully understand it. Like our bodies, it needs simple care. Sleeping well, eating right, and taking deep breaths help look after our bodies and brains.Some think the brain slows with age, and memory weakens. However, we can ________. I help my memory by picturing what to remember. If I need bread, milk, and a birthday card for my brother, I imagine a piece of bread, a box of milk with a cow on the front, and a birthday card with a football on it.This method works for remembering important dates too. It’s easier to recall events with a mental picture than just a date on a calendar.Exploring new places and having new experiences help the mind as well. Personally, learning another language keeps my brain active. Any language communication is important. Talking is better for your brain than watching TV or a screen.17.What can help us take care of our bodies and brains? List at least 2 ways.) 18.What method is helpful for remembering important things and dates? 19.Complete Sentence .(补全句,使文意通顺、正确。) 20.What’s the function of Sentence in the paragraph?(用英语写出句在文段中的作用。) 21.What does the underlined word “Exploring” mean in Sentence in English? 【答案】17.Sleeping well, eating right, and taking deep breaths can help us take care of our bodies and brains. 18.Recalling events with a mental picture is helpful for remembering important things and dates. do something to improve it To prove the author’s point. 21.It means travelling in or through an unfamiliar place.【导语】本文主要介绍了人类的大脑的重要性。17.根据“Sleeping well, eating right, and taking deep breaths help look after our bodies and brains.”可知,睡得好,吃得好,深呼吸有助于照顾我们的身体和大脑。故填Sleeping well, eating right, and taking deep breaths can help us take care of our bodies and brains.18.根据“It’s easier to recall events with a mental picture than just a date on a calendar.”可知,用脑海中的画面来回忆事件比只记日历上的日期更容易。故填Recalling events with a mental picture is helpful for remembering important things and dates.19.根据“Some think the brain slows with age, and memory weakens. However, we can ... . I help my memory by picturing what to remember.”可知,一些人认为,随着年龄的增长,大脑会变慢,记忆力会减弱。然而,我们可以……。我通过想象要记住的东西来帮助记忆。所以是做一些事来改善这个情况,故填do something to improve it。20.根据“If I need bread, milk, and a birthday card for my brother, I imagine a piece of bread, a box of milk with a cow on the front, and a birthday card with a football on it.”可知,作者在举例证明自己的观点,故填To prove the author’s point.21.根据“Exploring new places and having new experiences help the mind as well.”可知,……新的地方和有新的经历也有助于大脑,此处应是指“探索”,故填It means travelling in or through an unfamiliar place.(2024山东东营中考真题)阅读下面短文,根据要求完成下面各小题。Amy Phelps loves giraffes very much. She met her first giraffe when she was three years old. “My parents knew the giraffe keeper at the zoo.” she says. “He showed the magic of giraffes. They are gentle (温顺的), intelligent and funny. 3. To follow her dream of caring for giraffes, Amy became a zookeeper when she finished college.Her daily work starts with saying hello to each giraffe and cleaning up after them. It can be tiring but makes her happy. “It’s not my favourite part of the job.” says Amy. “But I like the exercise.”Feeding the giraffes is a big part of her job. They eat around 100 pounds of food every day, including branches (树枝), fruits and vegetables. She also gives them treats (美味佳肴). Besides, Amy takes care of their health. She’s amazed by how smart they are and teaches them different tricks, such as recognizing (辨认) parts of their bodies and even painting with a brush.Amy not only cares for the giraffe in the zoo, but also protects those in the wild. She works as a researcher to make sure Africa’s giraffes will not disappear. Besides, she raises money for the wild Animal Foundation (野生动物基金会) on World Giraffe Day every year. 4. My favourite thing is just spending time with giraffes. I love taking people to meet the giraffes and seeing how much they make people smile. A.根据短文内容简要回答问题。22.What jobs does Amy do to help giraffes? 23.What does Amy do for the giraffes in the zoo? B.将短文中划线的句子译成汉语。24. 25. C.请给短文拟一个适当的英文标题。26. 【答案】22.A zookeeper. Amy cleans up, feeds them, takes care of their health and teaches them different tricks. 为了实现照顾长颈鹿的梦想,艾米大学毕业后成为了一名动物园管理员。 我最喜欢的事情就是和长颈鹿待在一起。 26.Amy’s work and efforts in caring for the giraffes【导语】本文主要介绍了艾米为了照顾长颈鹿所做的工作和努力。22.根据“Amy became a zookeeper when she finished college.”可知,艾米成为了一名动物园管理员。故填A zookeeper.23.根据“Her daily work starts with saying hello to each giraffe and cleaning up after them.”,“Feeding the giraffes is a big part of her job.”,“Besides, Amy takes care of their health.”和“teaches them different tricks”可知,艾米在动物园打扫卫生、喂长颈鹿,照顾它们的健康并教它们不同的技巧。故填Amy cleans up, feeds them, takes care of their health and teaches them different tricks.24.To follow her dream of caring for giraffes为了实现照顾长颈鹿的梦想,Amy艾米,became a zookeeper成为了一名动物园管理员,when she finished college当她大学毕业时。故填:为了实现照顾长颈鹿的梦想,艾米大学毕业后成为了一名动物园管理员。25.My favourite thing is我最喜欢的事情,just只是,spending time with giraffes和长颈鹿待在一起。故填:我最喜欢的事情就是和长颈鹿待在一起。26.本文主要介绍了艾米为了照顾长颈鹿所做的工作和努力,故填Amy’s work and efforts in caring for the giraffes。(2024吉林中考真题)It might be difficult to make yourself better. If you try the following ways, they may help you. 27 You can’t decide what you look like, but you can decide what you want to be. So accept yourself, and then anything will be possible. 28 Learning is a lifelong journey. No matter how old you are, there will always be lessons in front of you. As the saying goes, “It’s never too old to learn.” 29 Good leaners keep practicing what they have learned. Try new things and practice them over and over again to make yourself better and better. 30 Life is like a mirror. If you smile at it, it will smile back at you. There is a lot of trouble in your life. Keep smiling when you are in trouble. 31 Maybe you don’t dare to take part in school activities. That’s because you don’t believe in yourself. But actually you are great. Just have a try.(a)根据短文内容,从方框中选出每段的主旨大意,其中有一个选项是多余的。A.Trust yourself.B.Smile at your life.C. Talk with others.D.Never stop learning.E. Try to accept yourself.F. Practice makes perfect.(b)根据短文内容,补全下面的思维导图,每空一词。 32 33 34 35 36 【答案】27.E 28.D 29.F 30.B 31.A 32.ways/rules/ideas 33.old/late 34.practice 35.when/if/whenever 36.in【导语】本文是一篇议论文,文章介绍了如何让自己变得更好的方法。27.根据“So accept yourself, and then anything will be possible.”可知,本段介绍要试着接受自己。故选项E“试着接受自己。”符合本段主题。故选E。28.根据“Learning is a lifelong journey.”可知,本段介绍要终身学习,不要停止学习。故选项D“永远不要停止学习。”符合本段主题。故选D。29.根据“Good leaners keep practicing what they have learned.”可知,本段介绍要不断练习。故选项F“熟能生巧。”符合本段主题。故选F。30.根据“Keep smiling when you are in trouble.”可知,本段介绍困境中要经常微笑。故选项B“微笑面对你的生活。”符合本段主题。故选B。31.根据“That’s because you don’t believe in yourself. But actually you are great. Just have a try.”可知,本段介绍要对自己自信,要相信自己。故选项A“相信自己。”符合本段主题。故选A。32.根据“If you try the following ways, they may help you.”可知,文章介绍了如何让自己变得更好的方法/规则/想法。故填ways/rules/ideas。33.根据“It’s never too old to learn.”可知,活到老,学到老;学习永远不会太迟。故填old/late。34.根据“Try new things and practice them over and over again to make yourself better and better.”可知,尝试新事物并且不断练习。故填practice。35.根据“Keep smiling when you are in trouble.”可知,当/如果/无论何时你遇到麻烦,要始终保持微笑。故填when/if/whenever。36.根据“That’s because you don’t believe in yourself. But actually you are great. Just have a try.”可知,最后一段表达要相信自己。believe in oneself“相信自己”。故填in。(2024黑龙江齐齐哈尔中考真题)It’s unbelievable to save this black bear from falling off a 30-meter-high bridge. The bear was (A) ________ her way home after a long day in a California’s mountain. She was walking across the bridge when, suddenly, two cars entered from both sides. There was nowhere to run, so the frightened bear jumped onto the rail (护栏) and began to fall down. Luckily, the bear pulled herself onto an arch under the bridge, but she couldn’t get out. A driver saw the surprising scene and called for help. Robert Brooks, an animal control officer from a nearby arch n. 桥town, was sent to find out the truth. “I thought it was a joke.” he said. But it wasn’t a joke, so he called Dave Baker of the BEAR League, a group that helps bears in (B) ________. (C) Unfortunately, the sky was getting dark, so the workers who saved the bear had to wait. Early the next morning, Brooks and Baker returned to the bridge with more volunteers. To their surprise, the bear was still there. Then Baker had an idea. They should hang a net under the bear, push her into (D) it and then lower her to the ground. Police officers closed the road. When the bear was sleepy, a volunteer rock climber used his feet to push the bear off the arch, right into the middle of the net. When the bear was gently lowered to the ground, everyone cheered. The police officers then cleared all the people from the area and left the bear alone when she slept. Since then, no one has seen the bear. “I don’t think she’s going near the bridge any more.” Brooks said. 阅读短文,根据题目要求完成下列任务。37.在文中 (A) 处和 (B) 处各填入一个适当的词,使文章意思完整。 (A) (B) 38.根据上下文,请选出与 (C) 处划线词Unfortunately 意思相近的词:__________A.UnusuallyB.UnexpectedlyC.Unluckily39.用英文写出文中 (D) 处划线词it所指代的内容: 40.在文中处,选出能够填入“Then Brooks shot a sleeping drug (药) into the bear’s shoulder.”的最佳位置: 41.Do you think the bear is worth saving? Why or why not? 【答案】37.on trouble/need/danger 38.C 39.the net 40. 41.Yes, I do. Because animals are our friends, we should protect them./No, I don’t./I don’t think so. Because saving the bear is too dangerous.【导语】本文讲述了一只熊回家途中从桥上坠落,困在了桥的拱门里,营救人员想办法并成功营救了熊,真是一个奇迹。37.根据“The bear was (A)...her way home after a long day in a California’s mountain.”可知,(A)处是on her way“在她去……的路上”;根据“But it wasn’t a joke, so he called Dave Baker of the BEAR League, a group that helps bears in (B)...”可知,熊联盟是一个帮助陷入困境/危险/有需要的熊的组织,in trouble/need/danger符合语境,故填on;trouble/need/danger。38.根据“Unfortunately, the sky was getting dark, so the workers who saved the bear had to wait.”可知,天色渐渐暗了下来,所以救熊的工人们不得不等待,这是不幸运的事,故填C。39.根据“They should hang a net under the bear, push her into (D) it and then lower her to the ground.”可知,他们应该在熊下面挂一个网,把她推进去,然后把她放到地上。此处it指的是“网”,故填the net。40.“Then Brooks shot a sleeping drug (药) into the bear’s shoulder.”表示“然后,布鲁克斯向熊的肩膀注射了一剂安眠药。”,注射安眠药后,熊应该是睡着了,后“When the bear was sleepy, a volunteer rock climber used his feet to push the bear off the arch, right into the middle of the net.当熊昏昏欲睡时,一名攀岩志愿者用脚把熊从拱门上推下来,正好推到网的中央。”符合语境,故填。41.本题属于开放性试题,言之有理即可。参考答案:Yes, I do. Because animals are our friends, we should protect them.或No, I don’t./I don’t think so. Because saving the bear is too dangerous.(2024山东烟台中考真题)阅读下面短文,完成短文后的问题。[1] Citywalk is becoming a new travel fashion for the youth in China who are exploring cultural spots (景点). Unlike traditional travel, it aims to avoid famous tourist spots and large crowds to get a better experience.[2] Many young people enjoy gathering a couple of good friends and hanging out in the streets when they visit a new city. They can follow a typical city route (路线), exploring old buildings, going window-shopping, drinking a cup of coffee, or enjoying local snacks.[3] In order to show their Citywalk, more and more people prefer to share their experiences and thoughts through social media (媒体). Xiao Yiyi, a young guide in Changsha, recently shared six Citywalk routes of different cities on the Internet, providing experiences for visitors to “walk in open-air museums”. Her Changsha travel route includes more unusual sights such as historical buildings, old streets, and even some snack bars.[4] Citywalk is spreading from the largest cities to smaller ones, encouraging more travelers and event organizers to join. Some places, such as Beijing and Shandong, have included Citywalk in their plans to develop cultural tourism and relaxing tours. Shanghai has set up Citywalk bus routes to help day-trippers reach more faraway areas first, and then continue on foot.[5] Citywalk not only offers a way for young people to explore a city but also provides them with a new social situation, where they can share their interests and ideas and make friends easily. What’s more, Citywalk provides an opportunity for tour guides and travel companies to offer a more professional service to meet the ever-changing market requirements.42.How is Citywalk different from traditional travel? 43.Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese. 44.Why did Xiao Yiyi share some Citywalk routes online? 45.For what purpose did Shandong include Citywalk in its plans? 46.What does Paragraph 5 mainly tell us? (no more than 6 words) 【答案】42.Citywalk aims to avoid famous tourist spots and large crowds to get a better experience. 许多年轻人到一个新城市时,喜欢和几个好朋友聚在一起,在街上闲逛。 44.To provide experiences for visitors to “walk in open-air museums”. 45.Its purpose is to develop cultural tourism and relaxing tours. 46.The benefits of Citywalk.【导语】本文主要介绍了“城市漫步”这一旅游方式,对比了它与传统旅行不同之处以及它的好处。42.根据“Unlike traditional travel, it aims to avoid famous tourist spots and large crowds to get a better experience.”可知,与传统旅游不同,它的目的是避开著名的旅游景点和人群,以获得更好的体验,故填Citywalk aims to avoid famous tourist spots and large crowds to get a better experience.43.Many young people“许多年轻人”,enjoy doing sth“喜欢做某事”,gather a couple of good friends“几个好朋友聚在一起”,hang out“闲逛”,in the streets“在街上”,when they visit a new city“当他们参观一个新城市时”,故填:许多年轻人到一个新城市时,喜欢和几个好朋友聚在一起,在街上闲逛。44.根据“Xiao Yiyi, a young guide in Changsha, recently shared six Citywalk routes of different cities on the Internet, providing experiences for visitors to ‘walk in open-air museums’”可知,为了给游客提供“在露天博物馆漫步”的体验,故填To provide experiences for visitors to “walk in open-air museums”.45.根据“Some places, such as Beijing and Shandong, have included Citywalk in their plans to develop cultural tourism and relaxing tours. ”可知,为了发展文化旅游和休闲旅游,故填Its purpose is to develop cultural tourism and relaxing tours. 46.通读第五段内容可知,此段主要介绍了城市漫步的好处,故填The benefits of Citywalk.(2024贵州中考真题)阅读下面短文,根据其内容填空和回答问题。(1至4题每题答案不超过3个单词,5题须用完整句子回答。)She makes the world hear the “voice of China”Zheng Xiaohui is a Chinese student in Milan, Italy. To spread traditional Chinese culture to the world, she has given lots of erhu shows on the street.Zheng has been playing the erhu since she was 9. and she has won prizes in many national music competitions. Zheng arrived in Italy in 2021. Since April 2023, she has been performing on the street during her free time. And now she does three or four street shows a month.At first, Zheng did not plan to perform on the street. But after watching a video of a violinist’s street performance, she changed her mind.Thinking back to her first street performance, she said she was worried at the time. But the enthusiastic response (热情的回应) from the audience (观众) cheered her up. “When I played Goodbye, my friend. a grandfather started to dance. Many people in the audience followed him. Even I could not help dancing along with them,” Zheng said.After performing a few times. Zheng began sharing videos of her street shows on the Internet. And these videos soon became popular online. Zheng says she wants to show the beauty of Chinese erhu to the world. “I believe that Chinese music has built a bridge for cultural communication,” she says.Talking about the future. Zheng looks forward to it. She says whatever she does and wherever she lives, she will bring her erhu with her. “I hope to hold my own special concert in the future to make more people learn about Chinese folk music.” she says.47.Zheng Xiaohui spreads to the world by playing the erhu.48.Now Zheng performs times on the street in Milan every month.49.Zheng by the audience during her first street performance.50.The last paragraph mainly talks about .51.Do you like Zheng’s story? Why or why not? 【答案】traditional Chinese culture three or four was cheered up the future 51.Yes, I do. Because she is brave to spread traditional Chinese culture to the world.【导语】本文主要介绍郑晓慧在米兰街头表演二胡传播中国文化。47.根据“To spread traditional Chinese culture to the world, she has given lots of erhu shows on the street.”可知,为了向世界传播中国传统文化,她经常在街上表演二胡。故填traditional Chinese culture。48.根据“And now she does three or four street shows a month.”可知,现在她一个月要做三到四场街头表演。故填three or four。49.根据“Thinking back to her first street performance, she said she was worried at the time. But the enthusiastic response (热情的回应) from the audience (观众) cheered her up.”可知,回想起她的第一次街头表演,她说她当时很担心,但观众的热烈反应使她振奋起来。故填was cheered up。50.根据“Talking about the future.”可知,最后一段主要讲的是未来,故填the future。51.本题属于开放性试题,言之有理即可,参考答案Yes, I do. Because she is brave to spread traditional Chinese culture to the world.(2024重庆中考真题)阅读下文并回答问题。On a warm spring day. Liu Song walked past the green wheat fields and through the flower fields before arriving at his office. There, he had a meeting with his team to discuss important village matters.As a graduate of Zhejiang University, Liu used to work in several big companies (公司). In September 2020, he became the manager of Yong’an Village in Hangzhou City. In the beginning, things were difficult for Liu and his team. The village was poor. Most people made a living only by growing rice.Having grown up in the countryside, Liu loved the land and the people there. And he knew very well that the village’s real advantage was its large farmland. He and his team tried to help the villagers put it to good use. They introduced new technology for farming. They improved the public services. And in order to develop tourism (旅游业), they hold different village cultural festivals every year. They also put short videos online.Now the villagers’ dream of living a better life is coming true. Their income (收入) has increased. The village has attracted a lot of tourists with its wider roads, clearer river water, and restaurants with village specials.Shen Yan, one of Liu’s team members, is a native of Yong’an Village. Before returning to her hometown, she had studied abroad and had been a member of a company management. When she first told her father about her decision to return to work in the village, her father ________52.Were things difficult for Liu and his team at first? 53.Why do the villagers hold different village cultural festivals every year? 54.What makes Liu Song successful as the manager of Yong’an Village? 55.What might happen next? Finish the ending. (about 30 words)When she first told her father about her decision to return to work in the village, her father 【答案】52.Yes. In order to develop tourism. His bravery, hard work and the support from the villagers. 55.didn’t agree. He didn’t know why she gave up such a good job abroad to work in the village instead. However, when seeing the great changes and bright future in the village.He came to understand his daughter’s decision.【导语】本文主要介绍浙江大学毕业生刘松毕业后回村帮助村里发展。52.根据“In the beginning, things were difficult for Liu and his team.”可知,一开始,对于刘和他的团队来说,事情很困难。故填Yes.53.根据“And in order to develop tourism (旅游业), they hold different village cultural festivals every year.”可知,为了发展旅游业,他们每年都会举办不同的乡村文化节。故填In order to develop tourism.54.刘松毕业后回村发展显示了他的勇敢;过程中刘松和团队努力帮助乡村发展,他们很努力;村民们过上更好生活的梦想正在实现,也很支持刘松。所以他的勇敢、努力和村民们的支持让刘松成为永安村的成功管理者。故填His bravery, hard work and the support from the villagers.55.根据“Before returning to her hometown, she had studied abroad and had been a member of a company management.”可知,在回到家乡之前,她曾在国外学习,并曾是一家公司的管理人员。所以回村工作,父亲应该是不同意的。但是看到村里的发展,会理解女儿的决定。故填didn’t agree. He didn’t know why she gave up such a good job abroad to work in the village instead. However, when seeing the great changes and bright future in the village. He came to understand his daughter’s decision.(2023中考真题)(2023甘肃天水统考中考真题)阅读下面材料,并按要求完成1至5小题。Fan Jinshi: Daughter of DunhuangThe Mogao Grottoes are a very special place in China, which stand in Dunhuang, Gansu province. The Mogao Grottoes are thousands of years old and were listed as a world cultural heritage (遗产) by UNESCO in 1987.Many people, including archaeologists (考古学家) and researchers, work hard to take care of the Mogao Grottoes and learn more about them. Fan Jinshi is one of them.Fan was born in Beijing on July 9, 1938. Her father was a graduate of Tsinghua University and had a strong interest in Chinese classical art and culture.Influenced by her father, Fan liked visiting museums when she was in middle school. With the great love of Chinese culture, she studied in the archaeology department in Peking University and graduated in 1963. Then she started working at Dunhuang and has worked there ever since. She spends almost 60 years taking care of Dunhuang. People call her the “Daughter of Dunhuang.”On May 4, 2023, “Daughter of Dunhuang” Fan Jinshi returned to Peking University and brought back 10 million RMB donations to set up the Fan Jinshi Education Fund (基金) to support the research of Dunhuang Studies at Peking University.“Money made should be spent in the right way. People cannot only think of themselves,” she said. “Hopefully the setting of the Fund can help Dunhuang studies at the university, so it can raise cultural confidence and strength.”阅读短文,根据其内容完成以下任务。任务一:回答问题。1.Who influenced Fan Jinshi to be interested in Chinese culture and decide to study archaeology?_____________________________________________________________2.Why do people call Fan Jinshi “Daughter of Dunhuang”?_____________________________________________________________任务二:列举一条有关the Mogao Grottoes的事实性信息(fact)。(用英语列举)3.______________________________________________________任务三:根据短文最后一段补全下面句子。4.Fan Jinshi hopes the Fund will _____________________________任务四:填写以下信息卡中所缺的内容5.__________上填写一词)Name: Fan JinshiBirthday: July 9, 1938Country: ChinaProfession: ArchaeologistsWorkplace: the Mogao GrottoesEducation Background: graduated from Peking University in 1963Personality: knowledgeable and (个性) 5. _________【答案】1.Her father. Because she spends almost 60 years taking care of Dunhuang. The Mogao Grottoes stand in Dunhuang, Gansu Province. help Dunhuang studies at the university. 5.helpful【导语】本文主要讲述了被誉为“敦煌女儿”的樊锦诗在保护莫高窟上所付出的努力和所做的贡献。1.根据“Influenced by her father, Fan liked visiting museums when she was in middle school.”可知,是受她爸爸的影响,故填Her father.2.根据“She spends almost 60 years taking care of Dunhuang. People call her the ‘Daughter of Dunhuang.’”可知,因为她花了近60年的时间来照顾敦煌,故填Because she spends almost 60 years taking care of Dunhuang.3.根据“The Mogao Grottoes are a very special place in China, which stand in Dunhuang, Gansu province.”可知,莫高窟位于甘肃敦煌,这是有关莫高窟的事实性信息,故填The Mogao Grottoes stand in Dunhuang, Gansu Province.4.根据“Hopefully the setting of the Fund can help Dunhuang studies at the university”可知,希望基金的设立能对敦煌大学的研究有所帮助,故填help Dunhuang studies at the university.5.根据“Fan Jinshi returned to Peking University and brought back 10 million RMB donations to set up the Fan Jinshi Education Fund (基金) to support the research of Dunhuang Studies at Peking University.”可知,带回了1000万元的捐款,成立了教育基金,支持北京大学的敦煌研究,由此可见她是有帮助的,故填helpful。(2023河北统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,按要求完成下面小题。Last week we went on a school trip to a science museum. Ms. Liu, the guide, showed us around a smart home.We started with the front door. Ms. Liu asked me to ring the doorbell. I didn’t notice the tiny camera that was fixed just above it. After I pressed (按) the doorbell, the camera sent a live video (视频直播) to the home-owners. “They can electronically open the door when they are not at home,” said Ms. Liu.The other thing I couldn’t see on the door was a lock. “There must be one,” I thought. At this time, Ms. Liu took out a smart phone and put it against the door. And it opened. “Oh, the key is on the smart phone.”After entering the living room, I saw a computer on a table. By using the computer, the owners can control how much energy is used. In this way, they can manage their living cost.One of the rooms I wanted to see most was the bedroom. To my great surprise, the bed disappeared into the floor at the touch of the smart phone. The window has a smart blind (百叶窗). It can be raised and lowered with a voice.As I left the smart home, I looked back on what I had just seen. Scientists often say that these products are improving our life. I think the technology in the smart home may make us lazier. However, there is no doubt that it will become more popular in the homes of tomorrow.1、2题完成句子;3~5题简略回答问题。6.Ms. Liu showed the students around ___________________ in a science museum.7.The home-owners can electronically ___________________ when they are not at home.8.Where is the key to the door?___________________________________________________________________________9.How can the owners control how much energy is used?___________________________________________________________________________10.Do you like the technology in the smart home? Why or why not?___________________________________________________________________________【答案】6.a smart home 7.open the door 8.On the smart phone. 9.By using the computer. 10.Yes. Because it is very convenient.(言之有理即可)【导语】本文主要讲述了智能家居。6.根据“Ms. Liu, the guide, showed us around a smart home.”可知,导游刘女士带我们参观了一个智能家居。故填a smart home。7.根据“They can electronically open the door when they are not at home”可知,他们不在家的时候可以用电子方式开门,故填open the door。8.根据“Oh, the key is on the smart phone.”可知,钥匙在智能手机上。故填On the smart phone.9.根据“By using the computer, the owners can control how much energy is used.”可知,通过使用电脑,业主可以控制使用多少能源。故填By using the computer.10.言之有理即可。故填Yes. Because it is very convenient.(2023山东泰安统考中考真题)阅读下面的短文,并根据短文后的要求答题(请注意问题后的词数要求)。[1] In recent years, plastic pollution has become one of the most serious environmental problems around the world. Many countries have been looking for ways for a better future. On November 7, 2022, China started a “bamboo instead of plastic” activity with the International Network for Bamboo and Rattan(INBAR国际竹藤组织). This will hopefully increase the use of green bamboo products and reduce(减少) plastic pollution. [2] Bamboo is a renewable natural resource(资源) of great value. Unlike trees which usually need so long time to fully grow, bamboo can be harvested(收割) in 3 to 5 years. As long as it is protected well, bamboo can be cut every year and doesn’t have to be replanted. Bamboo can be used to ________ different kinds of products. These products can take the place of plastic products in many fields, such as packaging(包装), building and daily things. Even a new bamboo washing machine has been invented in some ________ areas where people don’t have electricity or money to buy traditional washing machines. It uses the natural flow of the water as power to run the machine. It’s believed that bamboo is a harmless material. It doesn’t cause any pollution when it has to be thrown away. [3] China is one of the countries with the richest bamboo resources in the world. The Chinese are a pioneer in the use of bamboo. Provinces Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hunan and Guizhou have set up companies to produce and develop bamboo products. What’s more, China is also sharing its technologies and experience to help other countries with rich bamboo resources. It is hoped that countries will work together ________ green development around the world.11.When did China start the “bamboo instead of plastic” activity? (No more than 4 words)________________________________________________12.Why did China start the “bamboo instead of plastic” activity? (No more than 16 words)________________________________________________13.What is China sharing to help other countries with rich bamboo resources? (No more than 8 words)________________________________________________14.Fill in each blank in the passage with one proper word. ________________________15.Translate the underlined sentence in the second paragraph into Chinese. ______________________________________________16.What’s your opinion about using plastic products? Please write down your answer and list one or two reasons. ______________________________________________【答案】11.On November 7, 2022. To increase the use of green bamboo products and reduce plastic pollution./Because it hopes to increase the use of green bamboo products and reduce plastic pollution. 13.China’s technologies and experience./China is sharing its technologies and experience. 14. make/produce poor for/on 只要保护得好,竹子每年都能够被采伐,并且不需要重新种植。 16.Opinions: I’ll continue using plastic products./I’ll use fewer plastic products./I’ll stop using plastic products.Reasons: They’re convenient and helpful in our daily lives./They’re very common in our daily lives and some of them are very cheap./They’re harmful to our environment and our health./It can pollute the environment without dealing with them correctly.【导语】本文主要讲述了中国与国际竹藤组织共同发起“以竹代塑”倡议,在全球深化“以竹代塑”合作,增加绿色竹产品的使用比例,更好发挥竹子在代替塑料产品方面的突出优势和作用。11.根据“On November 7, 2022, China started a ‘bamboo instead of plastic’ activity with the International Network for Bamboo and Rattan(INBAR国际竹藤组织)”可知中国在2022年11月7日开始“以竹代塑”活动的,故填On November 7, 2022.12.根据“This will hopefully increase the use of green bamboo products and reduce(减少) plastic pollution.”可知是为了增加绿色竹制品的使用,减少塑料污染。故填To increase the use of green bamboo products and reduce plastic pollution./Because it hopes to increase the use of green bamboo products and reduce plastic pollution.13.根据“What’s more, China is also sharing its technologies and experience to help other countries with rich bamboo resources”可知中国分享其技术和经验,以帮助其他拥有丰富竹子资源的国家。故填China’s technologies and experience./China is sharing its technologies and experience.14.根据“Bamboo can be used to...different kinds of products”可知是指竹子可以用来制作/生产各种各样的产品。make“制作”,produce“生产”,不定式符号to后加动词原形;根据“where people don’t have electricity or money to buy traditional washing machines.”可说明这个地方比较贫穷,poor“贫穷的”,形容词作定语;根据“It is hoped that countries will work together...green development around the world.”可知希望各国共同推动绿色发展,此处可以用work together for/on表示“为……共同努力”。故填make/produce;poor;for/on。15.As long as“只要”;it代指竹子;is protected well“被保护得好”;amboo can be cut every year“竹子每年都能够被采伐”;and“并且”;doesn’t have to be replanted“不需要重新种植”。故填:只要保护得好,竹子每年都能够被采伐,并且不需要重新种植。16.开放性作答,结合实际,言之有理即可。参考答案为Opinions: I’ll continue using plastic products./I’ll use fewer plastic products./I’ll stop using plastic products. Reasons: They’re convenient and helpful in our daily lives./They’re very common in our daily lives and some of them are very cheap./They’re harmful to our environment and our health./It can pollute the environment without dealing with them correctly.(2023浙江绍兴统考中考真题)阅读下面材料,从所给的A—E五个选项中选择正确的选项(其中一项是多余选项),将其序号填入1-4题,并回答第5题。A Guide to Have More FunWhen is the last time you had fun? Felt truly happy? If you’re making efforts not to be bored in your life, we’ll offer you expert advice on how to have more fun.Find a new hobby. You may not be having as much as you want because you feel like you’re doing the same old thing day after day. 1 It will not only provide something to look forward to in your daily life, but it will also make you more open to new ideas. 2 Experts suggest that music helps reduce (减少) stress and improves your feelings. Every time you feel stressed, turn on a song you like to reduce your stress. By doing so, you’ll make it a part of your daily activities which will improve your feelings.Take a trip together. Travel is great for your mental health. 3 And try to improve your relationships with the people you travel with. Travel doesn’t have to be big or expensive either. It can be as simple as taking a road trip just a few hours away. 4 You won’t seriously influence your productivity if you take the time to enjoy a little game once in a while. Even just playing with silly putty while you’re at your desk will make your study day a little more enjoyable.Even busy with your study, it’s still important to find time for fun. It makes your life not so boring and offers lots of health benefits like less stress, better memory and more energy.A.Listen to music.B.Play some games.C. Stay alone at home.D.Get a change of scene.E. Try a new activity you love.17.________18.________19.________20.________21.What else can you do to have more fun?_________________________________________________________________________【答案】17.E 18.A 19.D 20.B 21.本题属于开放性试题,言之有理即可。参考答案:Eating a meal you like can also have more fun.【导语】本文就如何获得更多乐趣给出建议。17.根据“Find a new hobby.”可知,本段建议找一个新的爱好,选项E“尝试一项你喜欢的新活动。”符合语境,故选E。18.根据“Experts suggest that music helps reduce (减少) stress and improves your feelings.”可知,音乐有助于减轻压力,改善你的情绪。选项A“听音乐。”符合语境,故选A。19.根据“Take a trip together.”可知,本段建议去旅行,选项D“换一个环境。”符合语境,故选D。20.根据“You won’t seriously influence your productivity if you take the time to enjoy a little game once in a while.”可知,如果你偶尔花点时间享受小游戏,就不会严重影响你的工作效率。选项B“玩一些游戏。”符合语境,故选B。21.本题属于开放性试题,言之有理即可。参考答案:Eating a meal you like can also have more fun.(2023浙江温州统考中考真题)I was travelling on a British ship from India to London in 1905. Among all the passengers, no one would fail to notice Padishah, an Indian businessman. From the moment he got on the ship, he kept showing off the diamond on his turban. The big diamond successfully attracted attention, including that of the five ostriches on the deck.One morning, as Padishah passed by the ostriches, one swallowed his diamond suddenly. The bird ran around and mixed itself with the others in no time.“Whose are these stupid ostriches? I want my diamond back!” Padishah shouted angrily. People began to crowd on the deck. I was among the first to arrive. I didn’t feel half sorry for the man as he was asking everyone what to do for the diamond’s return.Word swept across the ship about the accident, reaching a man named Potter. After lunch in the hall, Potter went to Padishah and claimed, “I’ve contacted the ostriches’ owner in London. He accepted my offer for all five and now I am the owner. I have the right to keep the birds and the diamond inside.” I thought Potter was rather smart and regretted deeply at a lost chance.Padishah was so upset and blurted, “There’s no way you can get my diamond,” he continued as he got calmer. “I can offer you 100 pounds for the birds.” Potter simply refused and left.After a while, Potter came back to the hall with a sly smile. He announced that he wanted to sell four birds separately to separate people by auction. The starting price was 80 for a bird. One of them, he would keep for himself.Before the crowd realised what was happening, a diamond businessman got one bird for 100 pounds. The prices for the following birds rose higher and higher. After the fourth being sold, Padishah got half mad, not knowing what to do. Potter seemed suddenly sorry and said, “I should have kept them all. But... Trust me! The last bird must be the one.”I stared at the last bird for quite a while and asked Potter for a private conversation. After a long talk, I finally got the bird for 700 pounds.______The next morning, I was waiting in line to get off the ship, picturing the amazing future life in mind. Then, I saw Padishah and Potter walk arm in arm on the shore, just like old friends. At that moment, I learnt a lesson worth a diamond.22.What happened to Padishah on the deck?A.He was hurt by a passenger.B.He failed to get others’ attention.C.People shouted angrily at him.D.An ostrich took away his diamond.23.Potter came back to the hall to ______.A.say sorry to PadishahB.tell people he was the new ownerC.sell ostriches at high pricesD.talk with the diamond businessman24.Which of the following can he put into ______ in Paragraph 8?A.How worried I was!B.What a great deal it was!C.How upset Padishah was!D.What an honest man Potter was!25.What does the writer mean by the underlined sentence in the last paragraph?(请用约40词回答)_____________________________________________________________【答案】22.D 23.C 24.B 25.The writer realised that Padishah and Potter were old friends and they worked together to lie to people and get money. Though the writer knew that he was cheated, the lesson he learnt was valuable—don’t trust people easily./seeing is not believing./don’t be greedy.【导语】本文主要讲述了作者在乘船前往伦敦的过程中,两个人合谋欺骗别人说鸵鸟吞下了钻石,之后他把每只鸵鸟进行拍卖,而作者也买了一只鸵鸟,结果却发现这两个人是朋友。22.细节理解题。根据“One morning, as Padishah passed by the ostriches, one swallowed his diamond suddenly”可知一只鸵鸟吞下了他的钻石。故选D。23.推理判断题。根据“After a while, Potter came back to the hall with a sly smile. He announced that he wanted to sell four birds separately to separate people by auction”可知他回到大厅并且宣布他想通过拍卖的方式将四只鸟分别卖给不同的人,由此可推知他想以高价卖这些鸵鸟。故选C。24.推理判断题。根据“After a long talk, I finally got the bird for 700 pounds”可知经过长时间的交谈,作者终于以700英镑的价格买到了这只鸟,他觉得很值得,选项B“真是一个好交易”符合语境。故选B。25.根据“Then, I saw Padishah and Potter walk arm in arm on the shore, just like old friends”可知作者看到那两个人手挽手走在岸边,就像老朋友一样,所以他们两个合谋欺骗别人的钱,所以作者从这个故事中学到不要轻易相信别人,眼见不一定为实,不要贪婪。故填The writer realised that Padishah and Potter were old friends and they worked together to lie to people and get money. Though the writer knew that he was cheated, the lesson he learnt was valuable—don’t trust people easily./seeing is not believing./don’t be greedy.(2023浙江统考中考真题)第一节 阅读以下材料,然后从下面方框中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出符合各部分信息的问句(其中一项为多余选项) ,完成各题。GALLANT KIDSHow to Make a DifferenceLiam’s Lunches of LoveLiam Hannon was only ten when he started handing out free lunches to people who were hungry. With help from his family and other supporters, he hands out 75 to 100 lunches three times a month. We asked Liam to tell us about it. Q: 1 A: Four summers ago, I didn’t want to go to camp. Instead, I did an online treasure-hunt program. My first task was to do something to help homeless people, and I got the idea of making them lunch. Q: What’s the best part about what you do? A: I’d say meeting the people. They’re real people who just need a little kindness in their lives. Some of them have become friends of our family. Q: 2 A: I want to tell them to do something they enjoy. And get help from friends and family. I invite my friends to help with lunches, and almost every time, they’ve come and given out lunches with me and my dad. EDITOR’S(编者) NOTE 3 First, think what needs to be improved. By doing this, you may see steps you can take towards that goal. Many people don’t give a start because they want to make a HUGE difference. But actions and results don’t have to be huge to be meaningful. Take Liam, for example. His goal was not to solve the problem but to help. So he did. For the people who got those lunches, he made things better. Share your ideas with a parent. Every helpful act you do, no matter how small, makes the world better! A.How can you make the world a better one? B.What do you like doing in your spare time? C. How did you get the idea of making free lunches? D.What would you tell other kids who want to make a difference?26.________27.________28.________29.What can you do to make a difference? Why? _____________________________________________________________________________________【答案】26.C 27.D 28.A 29.We can turn off the lights when we leave the classroom, because it helps to save energy. /Many children like reading but don’t have enough books, so I will donate some to help them./I want to be a volunteer in an old people’s home. I can tell the old people funny stories and cheer them up.(答案不唯一)【导语】本文主要讲述了如何让世界变得更好。26.根据“My first task was to do something to help homeless people, and I got the idea of making them lunch.”可知,作者的第一个任务是做一些事情来帮助无家可归的人,于是有了给他们做午餐的想法,因此此处询问想法怎么来的,选项C“你是怎么想到做免费午餐的?”符合语境,故选C。27.根据“I want to tell them to do something they enjoy.”可知,此段描述作者对孩子说的话,选项D“你会对其他想要有所作为的孩子说些什么?”符合语境,故选D。28.根据“Every helpful act you do, no matter how small, makes the world better!”可知,描述了如何让世界怎么变得更好,选项A“你怎样才能让世界变得更美好?”符合语境,故选A。29.开放题,言之有理即可。We can turn off the lights when we leave the classroom, because it helps to save energy./Many children like reading but don’t have enough books, so I will donate some to help them./I want to be a volunteer in an old people’s home. I can tell the old people funny stories and cheer them up.(2023山东青岛统考中考真题)People in the countryside are used to having unexpected visitors—wild animals like frogs and snakes. But what if the visitor is an elephant?Pu Cuifen, a villager from Yunnan Province, experienced that two years ago. “I’ve only seen elephants in a zoo before, not expecting a wild elephant would appear at my doorstep,” said Pu. The elephants were harmful to no one, but had corn and beans on the farm. The villagers lost up to(A)50,000 yuan. Earlier than that, villagers would drive away the elephants to protect their crops(庄稼), which made the animals angry and led to human injuries(伤害) or deaths.Now the government has helped to pay the money for the crops damaged(破坏) by elephants. Such things will help protect the interests of farmers, and at the same time avoid the wild animals being hurt by humans. The government has also created “dining halls” for the wild elephants to grow their favorite food, such as elephant grass and bamboo. Villagers now simply leave the elephants alone. “Our corn might get damaged, but we treat them with care and accept them with love.” said Pu.Yunnan Province is not the only example of protecting wild animals. In Tibet, Migmar used to be a hunter(猎人), but now has become a rescuer(营救者) at the wildlife rescue station of Qomolangma. He and his friends take turns to go around to check there’s no trouble or danger for wild animals every day. The wildlife rescue station was set up in (B) 2019. From then on, they have saved (C) 17 wild animals. During this period, they learned to bandage the animals and clean their wounds, and set them free into the wild when they got well again. “Animals don’t talk, but I can feel their trust. We have the responsibility to protect them,” said Migmar.Examples of taking care of wild animals appear more around us. From damage to protection, people see more changing human-wildlife relations. Even the simplest change and action can make a difference to the world.1.What does “that” refer to(指的是) in Paragraph Two? 2.Which sentence in the passage has the similar meaning to the following one?The elephants didn’t hurt anyone, but only ate some farm plants in the field. 3.Why did the government create “dining halls” for the wild elephants? 4.How did Migmar and his friends save wild animals? 5.Ask ONE question about one of the following numbers from the passage. (A) 50,000(B) 2019(C) 17 6.What do the two examples have in common? 【答案】1.The visitor is an elephant. The elephants were harmful to no one, but had corn and beans on the farm. To help protect the interests of farmers, and at the same time avoid the wild animals being hurt by humans. They bandaged the animals and cleaned their wounds, and set them free into the wild when they got well again. 5.How many wild animals have they saved since the wildlife rescue station was set up?/When was the wildlife rescue station set up? /How much did the villagers lose?6.Protecting and taking care of wild animals that appear around us.【导语】本文主要以云南政府为例,讲述了政府采取措施来保护野生动物以及营救者Migmar野生动物救助站来帮助野生动物。1.根据“Pu Cuifen, a villager from Yunnan Province, experienced that two years ago.”及“I’ve only seen elephants in a zoo before, not expecting a wild elephant would appear at my doorstep”可知,大象突然出现在家门口,故填The visitor is an elephant.2.“The elephants didn’t hurt anyone, but only ate some farm plants in the field.”表示“大象没有伤害任何人,但只吃了田间的一些农场植物”,与“The elephants were harmful to no one, but had corn and beans on the farm. ”句意相近,故填The elephants were harmful to no one, but had corn and beans on the farm.3.根据“Such things will help protect the interests of farmers, and at the same time avoid the wild animals being hurt by humans.”可知,有助于保护农民的利益,同时避免野生动物受到人类的伤害,故填To help protect the interests of farmers, and at the same time avoid the wild animals being hurt by humans.4.根据“During this period, they learned to bandage the animals and clean their wounds, and set them free into the wild when they got well again.”可知,给动物包扎伤口,清洗伤口,并在它们康复后把它们放归野外,故填They bandaged the animals and cleaned their wounds, and set them free into the wild when they got well again.5.根据“The villagers lost up to(A)50,000 yuan.”可知,村民损失高达5万元,所以可以询问“村民损失了多少”。根据“The wildlife rescue station was set up in (B) 2019.”可知,2019是野生动物救助站成立的时间,所以可以询问“野生动物救助站是什么时候建立的”。根据“From then on, they have saved (C) 17 wild animals”可知,17是他们救的野生动物的数量,所以可以询问“自从野生动物救助站建立以来,他们已经拯救了多少野生动物”,故填How many wild animals have they saved since the wildlife rescue station was set up?/When was the wildlife rescue station set up? /How much did the villagers lose?6.文中列举了两个例子,一个是云南政府采取措施来保护野生动物,另一个是营救者Migmar野生动物救助站来帮助野生动物,所以这两个例子共同点就是保护和照顾出现在我们身边的野生动物,故填Protecting and taking care of wild animals that appear around us.(2023山东青岛统考中考真题)Chinese writing has a history of six or seven thousand years. Calligraphy(书法), the art of writing, is almost as old as writing itself.In ancient times, written Chinese was first symbols and pictures. Then, they gradually became characters. Later, characters and even full sentences were written on animal bones or shells for communication.With time passing by, a number of written forms appeared. Each had its own local style. In the 3rd century BC, the First Emperor, Qinshihuang, set the same standard for the written characters— “small seal” script. It was first used in his own state of Qin, then in the whole nation. That writing system was very important in uniting(联合) the Chinese people and culture. At the same time, Cheng Miao developed another style called “clerical” script. It used short, straight brush strokes (笔画) to write quickly. By Han times, calligraphers had created a new style known as “regular” script. From the Tang Dynasty, it became the standard form used in government exams.Over the centuries, Chinese artists and people with knowledge saw beauty in the forms of their written language. They turned calligraphy into one of the fine arts, in which calligraphers expressed themselves. In the Tang Dynasty, calligraphy was helpful for a person to get a place in the government.The tools of calligraphy were simple enough. What we needed were the Four Treasures of the study: a brush, ink(墨), an ink stone and a writing surface. Students of calligraphy practiced the main types of script and improved their skills by copying the works of past masters. With the increase of their knowledge and practice, they slowly developed their own styles.The art of calligraphy reached a high point in the 4th century. At that time, calligrapher Wang Xizhi was often regarded as the greatest master. Calligraphy remains a living art form to this day. It has become part of the school courses to pass on the Chinese culture.7.What is the Chinese meaning of “characters” in Paragraph Two? 8.Why did the writer mention Emperor Qinshihuang in the passage? 9.What is the main idea of Paragraph Two? 10.根据短文内容填空。(每空不超过三个单词)Calligraphy is almost as old as writing itself. Calligraphers not only used it to communicate, but also as a way to in different dynasties. In certain dynasty, for those who wanted to in the government, calligraphy could even increase their chances. Students of calligraphy usually made progress by others’ styles and continuing before they formed their own styles. Now, to pass on the Chinese culture, schools it as part of the school courses.【答案】7.Symbols and pictures. Because he set the same standard for the written characters— “small seal” script. 9.The history/development of Chinese characters in ancient times. 10. express themselves get a place copying practising and improving make【导语】本文主要介绍了中国汉字的发展历史。7.根据“In ancient times, written Chinese was first symbols and pictures. Then, they gradually became characters. ”可知,它是符号和图画,故填Symbols and pictures.8.根据“In the 3rd century BC, the First Emperor, Qinshihuang, set the same standard for the written characters— ‘small seal’ script.”可知,因为他为汉字设定了同样的标准——“小篆书”,故填Because he set the same standard for the written characters— “small seal” script.9.通读第二段可知,本段主要讲述了汉字在古代的历史/发展,故填The history/development of Chinese characters in ancient times.10.根据“They turned calligraphy into one of the fine arts, in which calligraphers expressed themselves.”可知,也是表达自己的一种方式,express themselves“表达他们自己”,动词不定式to后接动词原形。根据“In the Tang Dynasty, calligraphy was helpful for a person to get a place in the government.”可知,在唐代,书法有助于一个人在政府中获得一席之地,get a place“获得一个位置”,动词不定式to后接动词原形。根据“Students of calligraphy practiced the main types of script and improved their skills by copying the works of past masters. With the increase of their knowledge and practice, they slowly developed their own styles.”可知,书法学生通过临摹历代大师的作品,练习了主要的字体类型,提高了技巧。随着他们知识和实践的增加,他们慢慢形成了自己的风格,copy“临摹”,by后接动名词,practise and improve“练习和提升”,continue doing sth“继续做某事”。根据“It has become part of the school courses to pass on the Chinese culture.”可知,传承中国文化已经成为学校课程的一部分,make“使,让”,主语是复数形式,动词用原形。故填express themselves;get a place;copying;practising and improving;make。(2023湖北十堰统考中考真题)Pound was a famous professor of Law College of Harvard. Although he was 80, he still worked eight hours every day no matter what the weather was like.His workmate once said, “Though he was old, he kept on walking from his house to the office. It would take him an hour to do so, but he insisted (坚持) because it made him get a sense of success. I admired him. He not only made great achievements in his field, but also came up with creative teaching methods to inspire students.”One day, a student got out of the professor’s office with a lot of books. He complained (抱怨), “He always answers my questions with just a yes or ______. At the same time, he always gives me too many books and advises me to read them again and again. I have to spend plenty of time ______ the answers on my own.”By accident, the professor knew what the student complained about. He explained to him patiently. “This is the method I have learnt—the harder you work independently, the better solutions you will get. If you can make full use of the books, you will probably become a good lawyer.” He believed “Teaching people to fish is better than giving them fish”.Ten years later, the student became a well-known lawyer. When he returned to Law College of Harvard, he met the professor again. He thanked the professor. Besides, he gave away many books to Harvard. 11.请根据短文内容,分别写出、处所缺单词。(每空限填一词) 12.阅读短文,从短文中找出与下面句子意思相近的句子。If you can put the books to good use, perhaps you will be a good lawyer. 13.请把上文中划线的句子翻译成汉语。 14.How old was the professor ten years later? 15.What did the student do when he met the professor again in the last paragraph? 【答案】11. no finding/getting If you can make full use of the books, you will probably become a good lawyer. 13.授人以鱼不如授人以渔。/教人们去钓鱼比给他们鱼更好。 He was 90 (years old)./He was ninety (years old). 15.He thanked the professor and gave away many books to Harvard.【导语】本文主要讲述了一位著名的教授不仅在他的领域取得了巨大的成就,而且还想出了创造性的教学方法来启发学生,本文分享了一个他传授学生“授人以鱼不如授人以渔”的一个小故事。11.根据“He always answers my questions with just a yes or”可知,or后面的应是与yes相反的词,也就是no。根据“I have to spend plenty of time … the answers on my own”可知,花了大量的时间自己去找/获取答案,find“找”,get“得到”,spend time doing sth“花费时间做某事”,故填no;finding/getting。12.“If you can put the books to good use, perhaps you will be a good lawyer.”表示“如果你能善用这些书,也许你会成为一名好律师”,与“If you can make full use of the books, you will probably become a good lawyer.”同义,故填If you can make full use of the books, you will probably become a good lawyer.13.Teaching people to fish“授人以渔/教人们去钓鱼”;better than“比……更好”;giving them fish“授人以鱼/给他们鱼”,故填:授人以鱼不如授人以渔。/教人们去钓鱼比给他们鱼更好。14.根据“Although he was 80, he still worked eight hours every day no matter what the weather was like.”可知,10年后是90岁,故填He was 90 (years old)./He was ninety (years old).15.根据“He thanked the professor. Besides, he gave away many books to Harvard.”可知,他感谢教授。此外,他给了哈佛许多书,故填He thanked the professor and gave away many books to Harvard.(2023山东东营统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,根据要求完成下面各小题。Why do Chinese people drinks hot water? Many westerners find it so interesting that they always see Chinese peple drink hot water no matter which season it is. For lots of Chinese people, nothing is more commom than drinking hot water every day. But for most of the westerners, the idea of drinking hot water is really strange since they drink cold water even in winter. Hot water vs cold water, which one is better? Follow us to find an ideal answer. Eating habitsWe all know that Chinese people prefer hot meals every day. What’s more, some parents always teach their children to drink hot water with meals, because they think mixing cold water with hot meals is really bad for the stomach. In western countries, westerners often have food with high calories (卡路里), such as hamburgers and cheese. They need cold drinks to cool them off. Medical ideasUnder the influence of traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese people believe that drinking hot water is helpful to almost all kinds of cold symptoms (寒症). They think hot water can wash away the coldness in your body, so you can feel less painful. For most westerners, the idea of drinking hot water is strange enough. They believe that drinking hot water may weaken your body immunity (免疫力) and make you get ill easily. A.根据短文内容简要回答问题。16.According to their eating habits, why do Chinese people like drinking hot water? 17.Why do westerners like drinking cold water? B.将短文中画线的句子译成汉语。18. 19. C. 请给短文拟一个适当的英文标题。20. 【答案】Because they think mixing cold water with hot meals is really bad for the stomach. 17.Westerners often have food with high calories. They need cold drinks to cool them off. 18.对于很多中国人来说,没有什么比每天喝热水更普遍的了。 对于大多数西方人来说,喝热水的想法已经足够奇怪了。 20.Hot water vs cold water, which one is better?【导语】本文主要就热水好还是凉水好给出了回答。16.根据“We all know that Chinese people prefer hot meals every day. What’s more, some parents always teach their children to drink hot water with meals, because they think mixing cold water with hot meals is really bad for the stomach.”可知中国人喜欢喝热水是因为他们认为把冷水和热饭混在一起对胃不好。故填Because they think mixing cold water with hot meals is really bad for the stomach.17.根据“In western countries, westerners often have food with high calories, such as hamburgers and cheese. They need cold drinks to cool them off.”可知西方人喜欢喝凉水是因为西方人经常吃高热量的食物,他们需要冷饮来降温。故填Westerners often have food with high calories. They need cold drinks to cool them off.18.For lots of Chinese people“对于许多中国人来说”;nothing“没有什么”;is more commom than“比……更重要”;drinking hot water“喝热水”;every day“每天”。故填“对于很多中国人来说,没有什么比每天喝热水更普遍的了。”19.For most westerners“对于大多数西方人来说”;the idea of drinking hot water“喝热水的想法”;is“是”;strange enough“足够奇怪的”。故填“对于大多数西方人来说,喝热水的想法已经足够奇怪了。”20.根据“Hot water vs cold water, which one is better? Follow us to find an ideal answer.”可知文本就喝热水更好还是喝凉水更好这个问题给出了回答,用“Hot water vs cold water, which one is better?”做标题最合适。故填Hot water vs cold water, which one is better?(2023山东聊城统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,根据其内容完成后面各项任务。Five rules for a healthy lifeThanks to better health care, most people are living healthier and longer lives. It’s even thought that in the future more and more people will celebrate their hundredth birthdays. Here are five rules for a healthy life.1. Get off the sofa!Sure, it’s comfortable to sit on the sofa and watch TV. But doctors say you should get off the sofa. 要保持健康,你每天至少应走10000步。In the past, people’s jobs required more physical effort. They often had to walk for miles every day. When farmers were working, they were keeping fit at the same time. Think about it: Do you get the same amount of exercise today as they did in the past?2. Eat healthy food!It’s important to eat food that is fresh and natural, for example, fruit and vegetables. Fast food is not healthy. You should only have it once in a while. Eating too much of the wrong food will harm your health.3. Rest while you can!When we were babies, we slept for much of the night. Teenagers do not need as much sleep as babies, but it’s important for you to get about eight hours’ sleep a night. At weekends, you’ve got more time, so use it not just for your friends, but for rest too.4. Don’t worry. Be happy!Many people believe that happiness is important for our general health. Sometimes it is not easy to be a teenager because of the difficulties of school, exams or friendships. If you’re worried about something, talk to your parents or your teacher.5. Say no to smoking!Yes, you knew I was going to say this! It’s so important. Smoking is not cool. It is dangerous. It harms nearly every part of your body. Think about how your family and friends will feel, and think about what it will do to your health.21.将文中划线的汉语句子译成英语。 22.从文中找出与下面所给句子意思相近的句子。If you eat too much of the wrong food, your health will be harmed. 23.将文中划线的英语句子译成汉语。 24.回答问题:How many kinds of difficulties are mentioned in the part “4. Don’t worry. Be happy!”? 25.回答问题:What does the underlined word “It” in the last paragraph refer to (指)? 【答案】21.To keep fit, you have to walk at least 10,000 steps every day. Eating too much of the wrong food will harm your health. 婴儿时期,我们夜里大部分时间都在睡觉。 24.Three/3. 25.Smoking.【导语】本文就如何享受健康的生活,从运动、饮食、休息、心态以及吸烟等方面给出了合理建议。21.要保持健康to keep fit,你you,每天every day,至少at least,应走10000步have to walk 10,000 steps。故填To keep fit, you have to walk at least 10,000 steps every day.22.“If you eat too much of the wrong food, your health will be harmed.”表示“如果你吃太多不健康的食物,你的健康就会受到损害”,与文中“Eating too much of the wrong food will harm your health.吃太多不健康的食物会损害你的健康”语意相近。故填Eating too much of the wrong food will harm your health.23.When we were babies当我们还是婴儿的时候,we我们,slept for much of the night夜里大部分时间都在睡觉。故填:婴儿时期,我们夜里大部分时间都在睡觉。24.根据“Sometimes it is not easy to be a teenager because of the difficulties of school, exams or friendships.”可知,有时,由于学校、考试或友谊的困难,青少年并不容易。提到三方面的困难,故填Three/3.25.根据“Smoking is not cool. It is dangerous.”可知,吸烟并不酷,这很危险。此处It指的是“吸烟”,故填Smoking.(2023辽宁锦州统考中考真题)根据短文内容完成短文后的任务。Do you like to sit together with your family and drink tea after meals? Recently, “stove-boiled” tea (围炉煮茶) has become a popular activity all around China. For thousands (A) ________ years, tea has been a popular drink in China. Along with firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, (D) tea is regarded as one of the seven necessary things for life by Chinese people. Since ancient times, Chinese people have been planting, picking, making and drinking tea. Boiling tea is one of the oldest Chinese tea brewing methods(煮沏法), dating back to(追溯到) the Tang Dynasty(朝代). Tea leaves were boiled for a long time and sometimes they were cooked together with different kinds of herbs(药草) and fruits. (B) ________ people were boiling tea, they could enjoy a quiet time. Later in the Ming Dynasty, a fast and convenient method became popular-steeping(冲泡).However, the old method is now becoming popular again among Chinese young people. On the app Xiaohongshu or Little Red Book. there are over 40,000 posts(帖子) on the topic of “stove-boiled” tea. They lightly roast tea leaves before boiling them in a teapot on a stove(炉子) . People sit around the stove in a natural environment and have snacks with their hot tea. Some also wear hanfu as if(C) it could take them back to those ancient times.Through “stove-boiled” tea, people can taste a slower and more comfortable life and find their inner(内心的) peace. As is written in one Xiaohongshu post, “It is very relaxing to drink hot tea, feel the wind and chat with best friends.”26.在文中(A) 和(B) 的空白处分别填入适当的词: 27.划线部分(C) 指代的是: 28.将文中划线部分(D) 改写为:Chinese people tea one of the seven necessary things for life.29.从文中找出描述在煮茶、品茶过程中,人们对生活的感受的两个形容词: 30.从文中找出能说明本文中心大意的单词或短语: 【答案】26. of When 27.hanfu 28. regard as 29. quiet relaxing 30.“stove-boiled” tea【导语】本文主要介绍了“围炉煮茶”是目前很多年轻人当中流行的慢生活。26.根据“For thousands (A) ________ years. tea has been a popular drink in China.”可知,此处是thousands of短语,意为“成千上万的”;根据“(B) ________ people were boiling tea, they could enjoy a quiet time.”可知,当人们煮茶时,他们可以享受安静的时光,用when引导时间状语从句。故填of;When。27.根据“Some also wear hanfu as if(C) it could take them back to those ancient times.”可知,有些人还穿汉服,好像汉服能把他们带回古代。此处it指的是“汉服”,故填hanfu。28.根据“tea is regarded as one of the seven necessary things for life by Chinese people”可知,茶是中国人生活中必不可少的七件事之一,此处可用主动语态regard...as...短语替换,故填regard;as。29.根据“they could enjoy a quiet time”和“It is very relaxing to drink hot tea”可知,quiet和relaxing是人们在煮茶时对生活的感受,故填quiet;relaxing。30.本文主要介绍了“围炉煮茶”是目前很多年轻人当中流行的慢生活,所以“stove-boiled” tea是本文中心词。故填“stove-boiled” tea。(2023浙江衢州统考中考真题)阅读下面材料,根据文中信息为学校主题活动“Bright Eyes, Bright Views”制作一张英文海报,完成以下任务。任务A:补全第1-4题的信息。每空限填一词。任务B:写一个句子,完成第5题。不超过15个词。To see the world around us, we use our eyes. Our eyes are very clever. Each eye catches a different picture, so we can have a 3D picture of what we see. Our eyes can help us to see things that are a very long way away or very close. We can see well when it is bright or dark. Being able to see well is really important. We do things every day with eyes. If we couldn’t see well, it would be very dangerous. Our eye is made up of different parts. In the middle of the eye is the pupil that lets in light. The coloured part is called the iris, which helps the pupil open and close. The eyelid can stop the eyeball from being dry and protect it. The eyelashes keep dirt and other things away from our eyes. Our eyes will not work so well when we don’t use them properly. So it’s very necessary for us to take good care of our eyes. There are many things we can do to protect them. For example, it’s good for us to get our eyes checked at least twice a year. Our eyes are amazing and are working hard every second we are awake. Be kind to our eyes!Bright Eyes, Bright ViewsSee the world with our eyes Our eyes are clever. Each eye sees a 31 picture and helps form a 3D picture. Our eyes are important. They help us do a lot of things safely every day. Know about our eyes1. The Pupil—the part in the center of the eye that lets in 32 .2. The Iris—the coloured part that helps the pupil 33 and close. 3. The Eyelid—it keeps the eyeball 34 and protects the eyeball. 4. The Eyelashes—they stop dirt and other things from getting into our eyes. Look after our eyes Check our eyes at least twice a year. 35 【答案】31.different 32.light 33.open 34.moist 35.Do eye exercises. (答案不唯一)【导语】本文主要介绍了眼睛的重要性,眼睛的构成并建议要好好保护眼睛。31.根据“Each eye catches a different picture, so we can have a 3D picture of what we see.”可知,每只眼睛都能捕捉到不同的图像,所以我们能看到3D图像,故填different。32.根据“In the middle of the eye is the pupil that lets in light.”可知,在眼睛的中间是让光线进入的瞳孔,故填light。33.根据“The coloured part is called the iris, which helps the pupil open and close.”可知,有颜色的部分叫做虹膜,它帮助瞳孔打开和关闭,故填open。34.根据“The eyelid can stop the eyeball from being dry and protect it.”可知,眼睑可以防止眼球干燥,也就是保持眼球湿润,故填moist。35.开放性题,答案合理即可。参考答案为Do eye exercises. (2023山东潍坊统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,根据短文后的要求答题。The Earth’s going on a trip once again! Whether you have watched The Wandering Earth (流浪地球) in 2019 or not, the name must be well-known to you. Since it was China’s first science fiction (科幻) film, the cinemas were soon so crowded when it was on. The Wandering Earth came out on the first day of the Lunar New Year in 2023. It has become the newest hit. As a prequel (前篇) to The Wandering Earth in 2019, the new movie describes the fact that humans are in danger of dying out for some reasons. To survive, they make different plans. Finally, they decide to build tens of thousands of huge engines on the surface of the Earth. They plan to drive the Earth to the nearest solar system. The movie shows how humans fight against disasters (灾难). In order to save the Earth, a group of young people have to step forward to start a race against time for life and death. “The creators of The Wandering Earth are very similar to the characters in the movie. Their great courage and creative spirit are the engine to push the ‘planet’ of science fiction into the future,” said Liu Cixin, writer of the story The Wandering Earth and the novel The Three-body Problem. “We all know that China’s science fiction still has a long way to go. Luckily, there are a group of people who are working very hard for it.”From The Wandering Earth four years ago to this year’s prequel, director Guo Fan always hope people can remember the idea expressed in them. Because of the love for our homeland, we won’t escape from the Earth in a spaceship, but choose to wander with the planet at last. 根据短文内容回答下列问题36.Why was The Wandering Earth in 2019 so popular? 37.What does The Wandering Earth show us? 38.What are the creators and the characters of the movie like in Paragraph 3? 39.Please translate the underlined sentence into Chinese. (请将文中划线句子翻译成汉语) 40.In The Wandering Earth , humans are in danger of dying out for some reasons. Please imagine and write out two reasons. (请展开想象并写出两条合理的原因) (1) (2) 【答案】36.Because it was China’s first science fiction film. 37.It shows us how humans fight against disasters. 38.Brave/Courageous and creative. 39.因为对自己祖国的热爱,我们不会乘坐宇宙飞船逃离地球,而是最终选择与地球一起流浪。 40. It is too hot for plants to grow. Nature resources are almost used up.【导语】本文介绍了《流浪地球》这部电影,进一步表达对中国科幻电影未来的希望。36.根据“Since it was China’s first science fiction (科幻) film, the cinemas were soon so crowded when it was on.”可知《流浪地球》是中国第一部科幻电影,所以很流行。故填Because it was China’s first science fiction film.37.根据“As a prequel (前篇) to The Wandering Earth in 2019, the new movie describes the fact that humans are in danger of dying out for some reasons...The movie shows how humans fight against disasters (灾难).”可知《流浪地球2》展示了人们如何对抗灾难。故填It shows us how humans fight against disasters.38.根据“The creators of The Wandering Earth II are very similar to the characters in the movie. Their great courage and creative spirit are the engine to push the ‘planet’ of science fiction into the future”可知《流浪地球2》的创作者与电影中的角色非常相似。他们的勇气和创造精神是推动科幻小说“星球”走向未来的引擎。故填Brave/Courageous and creative.39.because of因为;love爱;homeland家乡;escape逃脱;Earth地球;in the spaceship坐宇宙飞船;choose选择;wander漫步;at last最后。故填:因为对自己祖国的热爱,我们不会乘坐宇宙飞船逃离地球,而是最终选择与地球一起流浪。40.本文是开放新试题,给出人们要灭绝的原因,参考答案:太热不适合植物生长/自然资源几乎用完了。故填It is too hot for plants to grow.;Nature resources are almost used up.(2023辽宁沈阳统考中考真题)In the coastal city of Laguna in Brazil, there is a special fishing team. (A) ________ is made up of fishermen and dolphins (海豚)! They cooperate (合作) to catch fish.Mauricio Cantor from Oregon State University, US, studied this relationship. As he told Science News Explores, (B) they started to work as a team more than 100 years ago.“The dolphins are really good at finding fish in dirty water and driving them to the coast,” Cantor said. “The fishermen are really good at catching the fish with their nets.” Once the fish are caught in the nets, dolphins can move in and get some for themselves. Cantor’s study described how fishermen and dolphins give cues (信号) to each other during fishing. When dolphins find fish, they drive them to the coast. After that, they arch (拱起) their backs in front of the fishermen to tell them to get nets ready. Fishermen may wait for a long time (C) 如果他们失去最好的机会. Therefore, they should be well-trained to understand the cues from dolphins.The study found that fishermen are 17 times more likely (可能的) to catch fish by working with dolphins. At the same time, cooperative dolphins have 13 % higher survival rates (生存率) (D) ________ other dolphins.Human-animal partnerships have been uncommon throughout history. But they give us an idea of how positive our human cooperation can be with nature.41.在文中(A)和(D)的空白处填入适当的单词: ; 42.将文中画线部分(B)改写为:they started to work more than a ago.43.将文中画线部分(C)译成英语: 44.将 “Fishermen will then throw the nets right away.” 填入文中,三处中最佳的位置是: 45.从文中找出海豚擅长做的两件事: ; 【答案】41. It than 42. together/cooperatively century if they lose the/their best chance/opportunity 44. 45. finding fish (in dirty water) driving them/fish (to the coast)【导语】本文主要介绍了渔民和海豚合作捕鱼的事情。41.根据“In the coastal city of Laguna in Brazil, there is a special fishing team. (A) ... is made up of fishermen and dolphins!”可知(A)处用it指代上文提到过的特殊捕鱼队,句子开头首字母大写;根据“At the same time, cooperative dolphins have 13 % higher survival rates (D) ... other dolphins.”可知是合作的海豚存活率比其他海豚高,形成对比,用than表示“比”。故填It;than。42.根据“they started to work as a team more than 100 years ago”可知是开始一起工作,as a team可用together或cooperatively替换;100年是一个世纪,a后接名词century表示“世纪”。故填together/cooperatively;century。43.“如果”if;“他们”they;“失去最后的机会”lose the/their best chance/opportunity。根据上下文可知用一般现在时。故填if they lose the/their best chance/opportunity。44.“Fishermen will then throw the nets right away.”意为“渔民们会立刻把网扔掉”,结合“After that, they arch their backs in front of the fishermen to tell them to get nets ready.”可知渔民收到海豚发出的信号后会及时撒网捕鱼。故填。45.根据“When dolphins find fish, they drive them to the coast.”可知海豚擅长找到鱼和驱赶鱼。故填finding fish (in dirty water);driving them/fish (to the coast)。(2023辽宁沈阳统考中考真题)Here is some information about three organizations. They provide funds (基金) to help children, women and animals in need.CCTFCCTF is short for the China Children and Teenagers’ Fund. One of the CCTF’s special activities is the Spring Bud Project. In 1989, 4.8 million children in the country, aged from seven to fourteen, (A) were unable to attend school. 83% of them were girls. As a result of this, the CCTF started the Spring Bud Project to help them. (B) From then on, the project started to help them go back to school.UNICEF is the “United Nations Children’s Fund”. A lot of children suffered during World War II. It was started in 1946 to help those children. (C) 今天它仍然很重要. It offers help to children and women in over 190 countries. It helps them get proper food, clean water and (D) everyday health supplies (供给品).The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) was set up in 1961. It uses a panda as its logo. The WWF is (E) ________ environmental organization. Now many animals become endangered (F) ________ people kill them and destroy their homes. The WWF aims to build a future where people live in harmony (和谐) with nature.UNICEFWWF46.写出文中画线部分(A)和(D)的同义词或近义词: ; 47.将文中画线部分(B)改写为: then, the project has helped them to school.48.将文中画线部分(C)译成英语: 49.在文中(E)和(F)的空白处填入适当的单词: ; 50.从文中找出两个基金会的简称: ; 【答案】46. couldn’t daily 47. Since return 48.Today it is still (very) important./Today it remains (very) important. 49. an because 50. CCTF UNICEF;WWF(任意两个)【导语】本文主要介绍了三个基金会的情况。46.were unable to表示“不能够”,且were是过去式,所以couldn’t是它的同义词;everyday“每日的”,形容词,daily是它的同义词,故填couldn’t;daily。47.fron then on=since then“从那时起”,go back=return,故填Since;return。48.today“今天”,此句是一般现在时;it is still/it remains“它仍然是”;(very) important“非常重要”,故填Today it is still (very) important./Today it remains (very) important.49.根据“The WWF is … environmental organization.”可知,空处表泛指,且environmental是以元音音素开头的,所以填an;根据“Now many animals become endangered … people kill them and destroy their homes.”可知,空格后“人们杀死它们,摧毁它们的家园”是解释前半句“许多动物濒临灭绝”的原因,所以用because引导原因状语从句,故填an;because。50.根据“CCTF is short for the China Children and Teenagers’ Fund.”“UNICEF is the ‘United Nations Children’s Fund’.”“The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) was set up in 1961.”可知,CCTF,UNICEF,WWF都是基金会的简称,故填CCTF;UNICEF;WWF(任意两个)。(2023贵州统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,根据其内容填空和回答问题。WRITING SYSTEMSTopic overviewThere are two main kinds of writing systems. alphabets(字母表)picturesBasic informationFirst writing system: 3,000 BCE(Before Common Era)First alphabet system: 2,000-1,000 BCEChinese writing system: from 1,000 BCEAlphabet writing systemsSome writing systems use alphabets. Alphabet writing systems use letters to tell you what sounds to make. Arabic and English both use an alphabet. There are 26 letters in the English alphabet and 28 letters in the Arabic alphabet. The first alphabet started in the Middle East 3,000 years ago. The English and Arabic alphabets both come from this alphabet. Picture or symbol writing systemsSome writing systems use pictures or symbols to show the meaning of words. Picture writing started 5,000 years ago in the Middle East. Modern Chinese also uses a picture writing system today. Japanese uses some of the symbols from the Chinese picture system. For example, the Chinese word for fish is “yu” and the Japanese word is “sakana”, but both languages write it in the same way. There are thousands of symbols in picture writing systems -you have to learn 4,000 symbols to read Chinese. Writing systems and changeLanguages sometimes change their writing systems. Before 1423, the Korean language used the Chinese picture system. In 1423, the Koreans invented their own alphabet system. Now Korean uses an alphabet system. Turkey also changed its writing system. Before 1928, Turkish used the Arabic alphabet. Today it uses an alphabet like English, but with some extra symbols, like “” and “”. Do you use symbols?Today, in many languages, we use symbols to explain what we mean. For example, many people use symbols likeandwhen they write text messages or emails. These symbols show how we feel. They are called emoticons(表情符号) because they tell people about our emotions. See also: Ancient civilizations: Middle East, ChinaLanguages: Arabic, Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean, Turkishwriting system: the way of writing a language51.The records show that the was invented in 3,000 BCE. (答案不超过3个单词)52.Both the first alphabet and the picture writing started in . (答案不超过3个单词)53.Some of the Japanese symbols the Chinese picture system. (答案不超过3个单词)54.Korean changed its writing systems years earlier than Turkish. (答案不超过3个单词)55.Do you like using emoticons such asand? Why or why not? (须用完整句子回答。) 【答案】51.first writing system 52.the Middle East 53.are from/come from 54.505 55.本题属于开放性试题,言之有理即可。参考答案:Yes, I do. Because emoticons can express my emotions better than words.【导语】本文是一篇说明文,介绍书写系统的相关内容。51.根据“First writing system: 3,000 BCE”可知,最早的文字系统出现于公元前3000年,故填first writing system。52.根据“The first alphabet started in the Middle East 3,000 years ago.”和“Picture writing started 5,000 years ago in the Middle East.”可知,第一个字母表和图画文字都起源于中东,故填the Middle East。53.根据“Japanese uses some of the symbols from the Chinese picture system.”可知,日语使用了一些来自中文文字系统的符号,故填are/come from。54.根据“In 1423, the Koreans invented their own alphabet system. Now Korean uses an alphabet system. Turkey also changed its writing system. Before 1928, Turkish used the Arabic alphabet.”可知,韩国和土耳其改变书写系统的时间分别是1423年和1928年,韩国比土耳其早了505年。故填505。55.本题属于开放性试题,言之有理即可。参考答案:Yes, I do. Because emoticons can express my emotions better than words.(2023吉林统考中考真题)Different people have different opinions. This is very common. When you disagree with others, do you know how to deal with disagreement? Here’s some advice. 1 Why not wait and listen to others’ ideas first? If you do that, you will understand them better. It will also help keep the conversation going well. 2 You should express yourself in a polite way when you disagree with others. You can start with these sentences like “I understand your meaning. But I’m afraid I can’t agree with you. What do you think about…instead?” 3 As we know, body language is very important when you are communicating with others. Never cross your arms or point at others while expressing your opinions. 4 Friendship is valuable. Don’t hurt your friends’ feelings when you show your opinions. When your friendship is broken, you may lose your friends. 5 You may learn new things from other people. Think of others’ different opinions carefully, and you may find something good or useful. It’s a good chance for you to learn from them and you can improve yourself quickly.(a)根据短文内容,从方框中选出每段的主旨大意,其中有一个选项是多余的。A.Value your friendship.B.Say goodbye to others.C. Wait and listen to others.D.Express yourself in a polite way.E. Learn from different good opinions.F. Pay attention to your body language. 56 57 58 59 60 (b)根据短文内容,补全下面的思维导图,每空一词。 61 62 63 64 65 【答案】56.C 57.D 58.F 59.A 60.E 61.advice 62.well 63.at 64.hurt 65.new【导语】本文是一篇说明文,主要就当你不同意别人的意见时,如何处理分歧给出建议。56.根据“Why not wait and listen to others’ ideas first?”可知,为什么不先等等,听听别人的想法呢?选项C“等待并倾听别人的意见”符合语境,故选C。57.根据“You should express yourself in a polite way when you disagree with others.”可知,当你不同意别人的意见时,你应该用礼貌的方式表达自己。选项D“用礼貌的方式表达自己”符合语境,故选D。58.根据“As we know, body language is very important when you are communicating with others.”可知,正如我们所知,当你与他人交流时,肢体语言是非常重要的。选项F“注意你的肢体语言”符合语境,故选F。59.根据“Friendship is valuable.”可知,友谊是宝贵的。选项A“珍惜你的友谊”符合语境,故选A。60.根据“You may learn new things from other people.”可知,你可以从别人那里学到新东西。选项E“从不同的好意见中学习”符合语境,故选E。61.根据“When you disagree with others, do you know how to deal with disagreement? Here’s some advice.”可知,本文就当你不同意别人的意见时,如何处理分歧给出建议。故填advice。62.根据“It will also help keep the conversation going well.”可知,这也有助于保持对话的顺利进行。故填well。63.根据“Never cross your arms or point at others while expressing your opinions.”可知,在表达自己的观点时,不要交叉双臂或指着别人。故填at。64.根据“Don’t hurt your friends’ feelings when you show your opinions.”可知,当你表达自己的观点时,不要伤害朋友的感情。故填hurt。65.根据“You may learn new things from other people.”可知,你可以从别人那里学到新东西。故填new。(2023湖北鄂州统考中考真题)阅读下列材料,根据其内容完成阅读任务。It is 8:30 a.m. at the Chengdu Research Base. Panda keepers are preparing milk for the baby pandas’ breakfast. At 9:00 a.m., they find that most of the babies are already awake and hungry. When the babies see the keepers, they run over to them with excitement and some of the young pandas even walk into their friends and fall over!Lin Wei, one of the panda keepers, says, “They’re so cute and lovely. I take care of them like they’re my own babies. I wash, feed and play with them every day. They’re very special to me.” In fact, many people around the world love these black and white animals. Pandas have become so popular that they are now a symbol of China.Scientists say there are now fewer than 2,000 pandas living in the forests. Another 300 or so live in zoos or research centers in China and other countries. Pandas do not have many babies, maybe only one every two years. The babies often die from sicknesses and do not live very long. Adult pandas spend more than 12 hours a day eating about 10 kilos of bamboo. Many years ago, there were a lot more bamboo forests and pandas in China, but then humans started to cut down these forests. As the forests get smaller and other human activities cause more problems, pandas cannot find enough to eat and they are having fewer babies.An education program in Chengdu teaches children about pandas and other endangered wild animals. They send people to schools to tell children about the importance of saving these animals. And the Chinese government is trying hard to help save the pandas. Scientists are doing research to better understand the habits of pandas. We all hope that in the future there will be a lot more pandas.66.Baby pandas for breakfast.67.In fact, pandas have become so that they are now a of China.68.What does the underlined word “sicknesses” mean in English? 69.How many pandas are there in the forests now? 70.What is the passage mainly about? 【答案】66. drink/have milk 67. popular symbol 68.Illnesses. 69.Fewer than 2,000 pandas. 70.To save the pandas./To protect the pandas./Saving the pandas./Protecting the pandas.【导语】本文介绍了国宝大熊猫,呼吁人们保护大熊猫。66.根据“ Panda keepers are preparing milk for the baby pandas’ breakfast.”可知熊猫宝宝早餐喝奶,用动词短语“drink/have milk”表示。故填drink/have;milk。67.根据“ Pandas have become so popular that they are now a symbol of China.”可知熊猫变得很有名,现在是中国的象征。故填popular;symbol。68.根据“The babies often die from sicknesses and do not live very long.”和常识可知,刚生出来的大熊猫比较小,很容易因为疾病而死,sickness表示“疾病”,可以用illness替换。故填Illnesses.69.根据“Scientists say there are now fewer than 2,000 pandas living in the forests.”可知现在森林里有不到2000只的大熊猫。故填Fewer than 2,000 pandas.70.根据“An education program in Chengdu teaches children about pandas and other endangered wild animals. ”可知本文介绍了大熊猫的生活习性,以及数量减少的原因,然后呼吁人们保护大熊猫。故填To save the pandas./To protect the pandas./Saving the pandas./Protecting the pandas.(2023山东济宁中考真题)“No touching” is a rule of many museums. However, there is a museum where touching is the most important thing to do. It is Please Touch Museum, a museum in Philadelphia, USA.It encourages visitors to touch, feel and see everything in it.Please Touch Museum opened in 1976 and has been a good place for kids and parents ever since. It offers interactive exhibits (互动式展品) on art, history, science, culture, and more for all ages. There are also special events for the whole family. There is always something new to see and do.The “Food & Family” exhibit is one of the museum’s most popular exhibits. Kids learn about where food comes from, where they can find it, and how important it is in different cultures. There is also a role-playing game. Kids will shop for dinner at the supermarket, make a pizza in the kitchen and study cheeses and tea from around the world.The museum is educational, and the interactive exhibits make learning fun. Also, there is an area in the museum for parents and their kids to talk, play and spend time together. What’s more, the tickets aren’t expensive! That’s why it’s so popular with families.71.When and where did the Please Touch Museum open? (no more than 7 words) 72.What does the museum encourage visitors to do? (no more than 11 words) 73.What is the last paragraph mainly about? (no more than 8 words) 74.请将文中画线的句子翻译成汉语。 75.请给短文拟一个适当的英文标题。 【答案】71.In 1976 in Philadelphia, USA. 72.To touch, feel and see everything in it. 73.The reason why it’s popular with families. 74.孩子们了解到食物来自哪里,他们能在哪里发现食物,和食物在不同文化中是如何的重要。 75.Please Touch Museum【导语】本文主要介绍了美国的请触摸博物馆。71.根据“It is Please Touch Museum, a museum in Philadelphia, USA.”及“Please Touch Museum opened in 1976 and has been a good place for kids and parents ever since.”可知请触摸博物馆在1976年建于美国费城。故填In 1976 in Philadelphia, USA.72.根据“It encourages visitors to touch, feel and see everything in it.”可知这个博物馆鼓励游客触摸、感受和看里面的一切。故填To touch, feel and see everything in it.73.根据“That’s why it’s so popular with families.”及全段内容可知最后一段主要这个博物馆在家庭中很受欢迎的原因。讲故填The reason why it’s popular with families.74.Kids“孩子们”;learn about“了解到”‘’where food comes from“食物来自哪里”;where they can find it“他们能在哪里发现食物”;and“和”;how important it is in different cultures“食物在不同文化中是如何的重要”。故填“孩子们了解到食物来自哪里,他们能在哪里发现食物,和食物在不同文化中是如何的重要。”75.本文主要介绍了美国的请触摸博物馆。可以这个博物馆的名称做标题。故填Please Touch Museum。(2023甘肃兰州统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,按要求完成后面的小题。One afternoon, a woman visited her neighbor. When she was about to knock at the door. she heard someone talking in the room.A little girl said, “Would you like some chicken today?” Another girl said, “No, I would like some beef.”Hearing the words, the woman knocked at the door and went into the room. She saw them siting at table. To her surprise, there were only some pieces of dry bread and two cold potatoes and a glass of water on the table. The woman said. “I heard you talking about chicken and beef, but…” One girl said, “I just imagined that. In this way, I think simple food will be .The other girl said happily, “When you imagine the bread as cakes, the bread will be very tasty. If you consider the bread as ice cream, it will be even more delicious.”After leaving the family, the woman realized that she had a new understanding of life. She found that the key to happiness is not from substance (物质), but from people’s heart. She also learned that the active attitude (态度)creates wonderful life while the negative attitude wastes life.Life is like a book. Everyone has two pens to write this book. One is picturing happiness and the other is showing sadness.76.How did the woman feel when she entered the room and saw the foods on the table? 77.请结合文意,在文中找出一个形容词填入处,使上下文通顺、连贯。 78.In the woman’s opinion, the key to happiness is from .79.请将处划线句子翻译成中文。 80.What do you think of the two girls? 【答案】76.Surprised. 77.delicious 78.people’s heart 她也了解到积极的态度创造美好的生活,然而,消极的态度浪费人生。 80.They have active attitude toward life.【导语】本文主要介绍了两个女孩对生活积极的态度,告诉我们创造美好的生活,要靠积极的态度。76.根据“To her surprise, there were only some pieces of dry bread and two cold potatoes and a glass of water on the table”可知,女人很惊讶,故填Surprised.77.根据第四段“When you imagine the bread as cakes, the bread will be very tasty. If you consider the bread as ice cream, it will be even more delicious.”可知,当你把面包想象成蛋糕时,面包会很美味。如果你把面包当作冰淇淋,它会更美味,所以此处是指靠想象,让简单的食物很美味,delicious符合语境,故填delicious。78.根据“She found that the key to happiness is not from substance (物质), but from people’s heart.”可知,在女人看来,幸福的关键在于人的内心。故填people’s heart。79.She “她”;also“也”;learned“了解到”;that引导宾语从句,无实际意义;the active attitude“积极的态度”;creates“创造”;wonderful life“美好的生活”;while“然而”;the negative attitude wastes life“消极的态度浪费人生”。故填:她也了解到积极的态度创造美好的生活,然而,消极的态度浪费人生。80.根据“To her surprise, there were only some pieces of dry bread and two cold potatoes and a glass of water on the table.”以及“When you imagine the bread as cakes, the bread will be very tasty. If you consider the bread as ice cream, it will be even more delicious.”可知,两个女孩桌子上只有几块干面包、两个冷土豆和一杯水,但是她们靠内心的想象,让简单的食物很美味。所以她们对生活有积极的态度。故填They have active attitude toward life.(2023黑龙江齐齐哈尔统考中考真题)“We all have suffered(遭受) from air pollution. If we don’t call for an end to firecrackers(鞭炮), the environment will get worse and worse in the future.” said Zhang Wei. He put up a notice in his neighborhood. In the notice, he called on more people to set off fewer firecrackers during this year’s Spring Festival.Lots of parents agreed with Zhang Wei. (A) They said that they hated the noise of firecrackers. The noise often woke up their babies easily. And the babies really needed a (B) place to have enough sleep.More Chinese are looking forward to celebrating the holiday in greener ways. Many people decide not to set off firecrackers and they decide not to waste food. They think that the new ways are fashionable. “My family didn’t buy firecrackers this year. (C) , we gave the money away to a charity. It’s good for the environment and the charity.” the Internet user “Fighter” wrote on the Blog.In my opinion, it’s very important for us to celebrate our traditional festival—the Spring Festival. But it’s more important to reduce air pollution and protect our environment. We need more people like Zhang Wei or “Fighter” who uses electronic ways like QQ, WeChat or Blog to spread the ideas of environmental protection. I believe more and more people will join them and our environment will get better and better.阅读短文,根据题目要求完成下列任务。81.用英文写出文中(A)处They所指代的内容: 82.在文中(B)处和(C)处各填上一个适当的词,使文章的意思完整。(B) (C) 83.在文中处,选出能够填入“We had better express our cheerful feeling and best wishes in greener ways.”的最佳位置: 84.在文中找出一个与所给英文释义相匹配的单词。 : the process of making air, water, soil etc. dirty or dangerous85.请根据文章内容,给此文拟一个恰当的标题:(不超过8个单词) 【答案】81.Lots of parents 82. quiet/peaceful Instead 83. 84.pollution 85.The Spring Festival goes green(greener)/Celebrating the Spring Festival in greener ways(in a greener way)/Celebrating(Having)a greener Spring Festival/Reducing air pollution during(at)the Spring Festival/Protecting our(the)environment during(at)the Spring Festival【导语】本文通过张伟对放鞭炮的看法引出文章主题:我们应该把环境保护放在首位,庆祝春节时减少或者不去燃放烟花爆竹。81.根据“Lots of parents agreed with Zhang Wei. (A) They said that they hated the noise of firecrackers. The noise often woke up their babies easily.”可知,许多父母讨厌鞭炮声,因为那会吵醒婴儿,“They”指代“Lots of parents许多父母”。故填Lots of parents。82.根据“The noise often woke up their babies easily. And the babies really needed a (B) … place to have enough sleep.”和常识可知,婴儿需要在安静的地方睡觉,quiet/peaceful“安静的”,形容词作定语,修饰名词“place”;根据“My family didn’t buy firecrackers this year. (C) …, we gave the money away to a charity.”可知,他们把钱捐了出去,而不是用来买鞭炮,副词instead“相反”符合语境,首字母大写。故填quiet/peaceful;Instead。83.给出的句子与庆祝节日的方式相关,根据最后一段“it’s very important for us to celebrate our traditional festival—the Spring Festival. But it’s more important to reduce air pollution and protect our environment.”可知,此处作者应提出要以环保的方式庆祝春节,“我们最好用更环保的方式表达我们愉快的心情和最美好的祝愿”最适合放在处。故填。84.“the process of making air, water, soil etc. dirty or dangerous”意为“使空气、水、土壤等变脏或变危险的过程”,与原文中的pollution“污染”匹配。故填pollution。85.通读全文,尤其是尾段“In my opinion, it’s very important for us to celebrate our traditional festival—the Spring Festival. But it’s more important to reduce air pollution and protect our environment.”可知,作者的目的是让大家以环保的方式庆祝春节,标题与之相关即可。故填The Spring Festival goes green(greener)/Celebrating the Spring Festival in greener ways(in a greener way)/Celebrating(Having)a greener Spring Festival/Reducing air pollution during(at)the Spring Festival/Protecting our(the)environment during(at)the Spring Festival。(2023黑龙江绥化统考中考真题)根据短文内容,完成下列各题There are many great stories in Chinese history. This is one of the most educational stories. Kuang Heng was a very famous 1________ /p: sn/ in the Western Han Dynasty(西汉), and he was born in a poor family. He liked reading very much. He needed to work in the daytime, so he had to read books during the night 2(A)He was so poor that he couldn’t buy a candle. One day, he found his neighbor had candles, but the light couldn’t go through the wall. After thinking for a while, he had a good 3i________.4(B) small, a, hole, he, dug, wall, in, the. Then he could use the light from his neighbor’s house to read books. From that day on, he read books every night until the light went out.After some days, in his house there were no books for him to read. Then he went to a rich man’s house and worked for him without asking for any money. Hearing this, the rich man thought Kuang Heng was stupid but still asked “You meant you would work for me for free. But why?” Kuang Heng replied, “Well, I only want to borrow your books to read. That’s enough”.6(C)那个富人被深深地感动了. Kung Heng read all the books in the rich man’s house. Finally, he became a great scholar (学者). If you are also worried about reading books, it’s necessary to learn from Kuang Heng.86.根据读音完成单词 87.写出(A) 处划线句子的同义句He was poor buy a candle.88.根据句意及首字母补全单词i 89.将(B)处划线部分组合成完整的句子 .90.请在文中找出与下面英文释义相符的单词 silly/foolish91.将(C)处划线句子翻译成英语 .92.If you are also worried about reading books, what should you do? 【答案】86.person 87. too to 88.(i)dea 89.He dug a small hole in the wall 90.stupid 91.The/That rich man was deeply moved./The/That rich man was moved deeply. 92.If we are/were also worried about reading books, it’s necessary for us to learn from Kuang Heng./If I am/I’m also worried about reading books, it necessary for me to learn from Kuang Heng./I/We should learn from Kuang Heng.【导语】本文主要介绍了匡衡凿壁偷光的故事。86.根据音标可知, 此处是单词person“人”。故填person。87.句意:他穷得连蜡烛都买不到。此处可改为“他太穷了,买不起蜡烛”,即可用too adj./adv. to do sth.“太……而不能”。故填too;to。88.根据“After thinking for a while, he had a good”以及下文的介绍可知,他想到了一个主意,a后加名词单数idea“主意”。故填(i)dea。89.根据所给词以及标点可知,句子是陈述句,主语是He;谓语是dug;宾语是a small hole;状语是in the wall。故填He dug a small hole in the wall“他在墙上挖了一个小洞”。90.silly/foolish意为“愚蠢的”,和文章中的stupid意义相近。故填stupid。91.由语境可知句子用一般过去时的被动语态,主语是the/that rich man,be动词用was;感动:move,其过去分词为moved;深深地:deeply,可放be动词之后,也可放句尾。故填The/That rich man was deeply moved./The/That rich man was moved deeply.92.根据“If you are also worried about reading books, it’s necessary for learn from Kuang Heng”可知如果你也为读书而烦恼,那就必须向匡衡学习。故填If we are/were also worried about reading books, it’s necessary for us to learn from Kuang Heng./If I am/I’m also worried about reading books, it necessary for me to learn from Kuang Heng./I/We should learn from Kuang Heng.(2023山东菏泽统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,完成相关任务。It was early winter several years ago. I had pulled out my old winter coat for another year’s use. It was still in pretty good shape after so many winters’ wear. I didn’t really need a new one but I wanted one and casually (不经意地) mentioned it to my daughter one day. She is such a sweet, loving soul that I should have guessed what would happen next. A few weeks later she gave me a gift of a bright red, brand new, winter’s coat.I put the old one in my closet (壁橱) and started to wear the new coat every day. Each day, though, when I opened my closet something upset me. It seemed a shame that my still good, old coat should just sit there keeping no one warm during the cold, winter days. After a few weeks I took it out and drove to a local charity (慈善机构). I knew that there someone who couldn’t afford a coat might get my old one. I dropped it off and walked out the door. Then I saw a shivering (瑟瑟发抖的) man in only a thin jacket walking in. I wondered if he would end up in my old coat. Then I smiled and went home with a warm heart.My new coat is old now. It is in too bad of shape to even give away to charity. I wonder if I should buy a new one soon but I think I will wait a while. I don’t really need a new one and maybe I can find a few more things to give to the charity instead.Perhaps the best way to deal with our wants is to give. Love, after all, brings us the most joy. And the more of it you give away, the more of it you have. May all of your days be full of Warmth! May all of your days be full of Giving! May all of your days be full of Love!36.请回答问题。Who bought a new winter coat for the writer? 37.请把文中划线句子翻译成汉语。 38.请从文中找出与下面所给句子意思相近的句子。It is in such bad shape that I can’t give it away to charity. 39.请给短文拟一个恰当的英文标题。 40.请结合自身实际回答问题。How do you usually deal with your old clothes? 【答案】36.The writer’s daughter. 37.然后我笑了笑,带着一颗温暖的心回家了。 38.It is in too bad of shape to even give away to charity. 39.The best way to deal with our wants is to give. 40.I usually give my old coat to people in need.【导语】本文主要通过两件大衣的故事,阐述处理我们欲望的最好方法是捐赠我们自己的东西,你付出的越多,你拥有的东西就越多。36.根据“A few weeks later she gave me a gift of a bright red, brand new, winter’s coat.”可知作者的女儿买的新大衣。故填The writer’s daughter.37.Then“然后”;smiled“微笑”;went home“回家”;with a warm heart“带着一颗温暖的心”。故填:然后我笑了笑,带着一颗温暖的心回家了。38.It is in such bad shape that I can’t give it away to charity意为“它的状况如此糟糕,我不能把它捐给慈善机构”,和文章中句子“It is in too bad of shape to even give away to charity.”意义相近。故填It is in too bad of shape to even give away to charity.39.本文主要通过两件大衣的故事,阐述处理我们欲望的最好方法是捐赠我们自己的东西,你付出的越多,你拥有的东西就越多,故文章的标题可为The best way to deal with our wants is to give。故填The best way to deal with our wants is to give.40.开放性试题,言之有理即可。例如:我通常把我的旧大衣给需要的人。故填I usually give my old coat to people in need.(2022中考真题)(一)(2022湖南娄底中考真题)阅读下面的短文, 按要求完成后面各个小题。Tom and Annie lived a little far from a town. They used to spend half an hour going to school on foot every day. 4. It was a happy walk for them because there was a very beautiful lake beside the road.When the ice was thick enough, they walked across the lake. However, their mother didn’t allow them to walk on the ice unless there was an adult with them. One day she said to them, “Don’t go across the lake today, children. It’s beginning to melt(融化).”When Tom and Annie came to the lake, the ice looked hard and safe. 5.汤姆忘记了妈妈所说的话. He told his sister, “The ice hasn’t melted. It is not dangerous at all. Don’t worry. Let’s enjoy ourselves on the ice.”So they stepped (踩) on the ice, and started to go across the lake. They had not gone far before the ice broke, and then they fell into the water. Luckily, a man heard the children shouting for help. He quickly jumped into the lake to save them. Tom tried to get to the shore(岸) without any help. However, poor Annie wasn’t able to swim. She couldn’t get to the shore by herself. At last, the man saved her from the water successfully.Tom got a bad cold after the accident. He remembered the lesson (教训) as long as he lived.根据短文内容用简要答语回答下面三个问题1.What did the mother ask her children not to do on that day? ________________________________________________2.What happened to Tom and Annie when the ice broke? ________________________________________________3.What can you learn from Tom’s lesson? ________________________________________________4.将短文中划线的句子翻译成中文。________________________________________________5.将短文中划线的句子翻译成英文。________________________________________________【答案】1.She asked them not to go across the lake.2.They fell into the water.3.Listen to your mother and be careful outside.4.这对他们来说是一次愉快的散步,因为路边有一个非常美丽的湖。5.Tom forgot what his mother said.【解析】本文主要讲汤姆和安妮在上学途中不听妈妈教诲私自在冰面上走并掉进湖里后被解救的故事。汤姆被救回后感冒严重,他会永远记住这次教训。1.根据“Don’t go across the lake today, children. It’s beginning to melt(融化)”可知妈妈叫孩子们不要从冰面上走,冰在融化了。故填She asked them not to go across the lake.2.根据“and then they fell into the water.”可知他们掉进水里了,故填They fell into the water.3.开放性题型,答案合理即可,比如“听你妈妈的话,在外面要小心”。故填Listen to your mother and be careful outside. 4.a happy walk一次愉快的散步;for them对他们来说; because因为;there was有;a very beautiful lake非常美丽的湖;beside the road路边。故填:这对他们来说是一次愉快的散步,因为路边有一个非常美丽的湖。5.根据句意要用一般过去时;forgot忘记;what his mother said妈妈所说的话。故填Tom forgot what his mother said.(二)(2022辽宁沈阳中考真题)There were many famous explorers(探险家)in ancient China. Let’s have a look. Xu FuXu Fu was an explorer during the Qin Dynasty. Emperor Qin Shihuang asked(A)________ to look for the medicine that could make a person live for ever. Xu Fu went on two trips. In his second trip, he took more people with different skills to go with him. Finally, they arrived on a big island. They taught the people there many skills, for example, to(B)grow rice. Zhang QianZhang Qian was a Chinese explorer in the Han Dynasty and he was also a pioneer in setting up the Silk Road. The emperor sent Zhang Qian to explore and open routes(路线)to the outside world. (C)他去了许多国家. His journeys were difficult. After he came back, he made useful reports(D)on the people and cultures there. Zheng HeZheng He was a famous Chinese explorer in the Ming Dynasty. (E)He was also an officer of the Yongle Emperor. He took seven great voyages(航行). He built a group of ships,(F)________ biggest in the world at that time. The ships were known as treasure ships. His travels were so important that they are still studied today.6.在文中(A)和(F)的空白处填入适当的单词:________;________7.写出文中画线部分(B)和(D)的同义词或近义词:________;________8.将文中画线部分(C)译成英语:________9.将文中画线部分(E)改写为: He also ________ ________ an officer of the Yongle Emperor.10.从文中找出两位中国探险家并写出他们的名字:________;________【答案】6. him the7. plant about8.He travelled to many countries.9. worked as10. Zhang Qian Zheng He【解析】本文主要介绍了三位著名的探险家。6.根据“Emperor Qin Shihuang asked…to look for the medicine that could make a person live for ever. Xu Fu went on two trips”可知,秦始皇让徐福去寻找长生不老药,所以A处应填宾格him指代“Xu Fu”;biggest是形容词最高级,要与the一起连用,故填him;the。7.grow表示“种植”,与plant同义;on表示“有关”,与about同义,故填plant;about。8.travel to“到……旅行”;many countries“许多国家”,描述过去发生的事情,句子用一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填He travelled to many countries.9.“He was also an officer of the Yongle Emperor”表示“他也是永乐皇帝的一名官员”,也就意味着他担任永乐皇帝的一名官员的职位,work as“担任”,根据was可知,改写后的句子用一般过去时,故填worked;as。10.根据“Zhang Qian was a Chinese explorer in the Han Dynasty”及“Zheng He was a famous Chinese explorer in the Ming Dynasty”可知,张骞和郑和是中国的探险家,故填Zhang Qian;Zheng He。(三)(2022山东菏泽中考真题)阅读下面短文, 完成相关任务。It was a lovely Spring morning here in the mountains of my home. The sky was blue, the sun was out, and the air was warm. As I drove along the roads I could see thousands of wild flowers in bloom. When I rounded a curve(转弯)I slowed. I saw some volunteers picking up rubbish along the side of the road. I smiled as I saw them doing some “Spring Cleaning” for Mother Earth. And my mind floated(飘荡)back in time to another Spring day long ago.When my children were younger we used to walk around the lake near our home. One Spring day my daughter and I noticed just how much rubbish was lying along the path. The next day then we brought a big rubbish bag with us and started to slowly, step by step, pick up the rubbish along our way. There were plastic water bottles, wrappers(包装袋)for candy bars, empty chip bags, pieces of broken fishing line, and even an old thrown—away shoe. We stopped and picked up each one and even fished a few pieces of garbage out of the edge of the water. By the time we had circled the lake the bag was nearly full.Tired but happy, we put the bag in an empty dustbin. We stopped before we headed home and took one last look at the lake as the sun set. It looked more beautiful than ever and I felt like the angels were looking down upon it with us and sharing our smiles.I know that at times you wonder what you can do to make a difference. But the truth is EVERYTHING you do makes a difference! Every time you pick up a single piece ofrubbish you make a difference. Every kind word you say makes a difference. Every loving thought you think, every flower you plant, every animal you save, everything you do, no matter how small, makes a difference in this world. Make your difference today! Share your love. Shine your light.11.What made the writer remember another Spring day long ago? __________________________________________________12.When was their bag nearly full? ___________________________________________________13.How did the writer and her daughter feel after their work that day? ___________________________________________________14.请把文中的划线句子翻译成汉语。___________________________________________________15.请给短文拟一个恰当的标题。____________________________________________________【答案】11.some volunteers picking up rubbish along the side of the road.12.By the time they had circled the lake.13.Tired but happy.14.我知道有时你会想知道自己能做些什么来改变现状。15.Small actions make big differences【解析】本文主要讲述了作者看到一些志愿者在路边捡垃圾,回忆起了几年前和女儿在湖边一起捡垃圾的场景,号召大家改变要从小事做起。11.细节理解题。根据“I saw some volunteers picking up rubbish along the side of the road. I smiled as I saw them doing some “Spring Cleaning” for Mother Earth. And my mind floated(飘荡)back in time to another Spring day long ago.”(我看到一些志愿者在路边捡垃圾。当我看到他们在为地球母亲做“大扫除”时,我笑了。我的思绪又回到了很久以前的另一个春日。)可知,作者看到一些志愿者在路边捡垃圾,使作者想起了很久以前的另一个春天。故填some volunteers picking up rubbish along the side of the road.12.根据“By the time we had circled the lake the bag was nearly full.”(我们绕湖一圈时,袋子几乎满了。)可知,绕湖一圈时,袋子几乎满了。故填By the time they had circled the lake.13.根据“Tired but happy.”(很累,但是很开心。)可知,作者和她的女儿那天工作结束后感觉很累,但是很开心。故填Tired but happy.14.I我;know知道;that宾语从句引导词, 可不译;at times有时;you你;wonder想知道;what什么;you你;can能够;do做;to去;make a difference作出改变。故填:我知道有时你会想知道自己能做些什么来改变现状。15.根据“But the truth is EVERYTHING you do makes a difference! Every time you pick up a single piece ofrubbish you make a difference. Every kind word you say makes a difference. Every loving thought you think, every flower you plant, every animal you save, everything you do, no matter how small, makes a difference in this world. Make your difference today! ”(但事实是,你所做的一切都有意义!每次你捡起一块垃圾,你都在改变。你说的每一句话都有影响。你想的每一个爱的想法,你种的每一朵花,你拯救的每一种动物,你做的每一件事,不管多小,都会对这个世界产生影响。)可知,本文主要讲述了作者看到一些志愿者在路边捡垃圾,回忆起了几年前和女儿在湖边一起捡垃圾的场景,号召大家改变要从小事做起。所以文章的标题可以是“Small actions make big differences(小的行动产生大影响)”。故填Small actions make big differences。(四)(2022黑龙江哈尔滨中考真题)A famous writer was born in a small town. Although his family was very poor, his parents managed to send him to school. He worked hard until he left college with good grades.He then put his heart into writing. But he made little money. He couldn’t afford his meals sometimes. Publishing (出版) his works was hard for him. An old woman heard of his experiences. She offered his money. Then he could live on and went on writing. Finally, his books came out. They sold well.The success of his books brought him great wealth. So he made up his mind to help other young writers in the same way. He built up a fund (基金会). Many young writers received his help.Kindness is passed on which makes the world a warm place.阅读短文,根据英文释义及首字母提示拼写单词。s____16____ to make somebody go or be taken to a placeg____17____ a mark given in an exam阅读短文,进行同义句转换,每空一词。He couldn’t afford his meals sometimes.He couldn’t afford his meals ____18____ time ____19____ time. 根据短文,内容回答问题。Where was the famous writer born? ____________________20____________________.What did the old woman offer the famous writer?____________________21____________________.Did many young writers receive the famous writer’s help? ____________________22____________________.【答案】16.(s)end17.(g)rade18.from19.to20.The famous writer/He was born in a small town./In a small town.21.The old woman/She offered the famous writer/him money./Money.22.Yes, they did./Yes.【解析】本文介绍了一个著名的作家家境贫穷,但他努力学习并得到了一位老妇人的帮助,他成功后也建立了基金会帮助别的年轻作家。16.根据“Although his family was very poor, his parents managed to send him to school.”可知,虽然作家家很穷,但他的父母设法送他上学,send“送”,和英文释义to make somebody go or be taken to a place“使某人去或被带到一个地方”相符。故填(s)end。17.根据“He worked hard until he left college with good grades.”可知,他努力学习,直到大学毕业,成绩很好,grade“分数,成绩”,和英文释义a mark given in an exam“考试中的分数”相符。故填(g)rade。18.根据“He couldn’t afford his meals sometimes.”可知,他有时吃不起饭,sometimes的词义“有时”,和from time to time“有时”同义。故填from。19.根据“He couldn’t afford his meals sometimes.”可知,他有时吃不起饭,sometimes的词义“有时”,和from time to time“有时”同义。故填to。20.根据“A famous writer was born in a small town.”可知,作家出生在一个小镇上,故填The famous writer/He was born in a small town./In a small town.21.根据“An old woman heard of his experiences. She offered his money.”可知,这位老妇人给这位著名作家提供了钱,故填The old woman/She offered the famous writer/him money./Money.22.根据“He built up a fund (基金会)Many young writers received his help.”可知,许多年轻作家得到了这位著名作家的帮助。故填Yes, they did./Yes.(五)(2022山东聊城中考真题)阅读下面短文,根据其内容完成后面各项任务。A good book can teach you many things. It can open your eyes and clear your minds. It is important and necessary to get into a good reading habit. Here are some ways to develop it.Plan your time你应该每天阅读30分钟。When time is set, nothing can change it. For example, make it a habit to read before breakfast or lunchtime.Always carry a bookWherever you go, take a book with you. When you leave the house, make sure that you always carry a good book as well as your school things. Remember that a book always stays with you.Have a library cardHave a library card and you can read as many good books as possible in the library. Make it a weekly trip to the library. This helps you spend less money on books.Put it onlineOne of the best ways to develop a good reading habit is to put some e-books into your net disc(网盘) and share them with your friends. Ask your friends and family to feel your joy or sadness and offer you suggestions.23.回答问题:What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 1 refer to (指代)?______________________________________________________________24.将文中划线的汉语句子译成英语_____________________________________________________________25.将文中划线的英语句子译成汉语。_____________________________________________________________26.在文中找出与下面所给句子意思相近的句子。If you do this, you can save more money on books._____________________________________________________________27.回答问题:Who may give you advice according to the last paragraph?_____________________________________________________________【答案】23.A good reading habit.24.You should read 30 minutes every day.25.记着身边总要有一本书。26.This helps you spend less money on books.27.Your friends and family.【解析】本文主要介绍了培养读书这种爱好的方法。23.根据“It is important and necessary to get into a good reading habit. Here are some ways to develop it.”可知,下文是介绍了培养一个好的阅读习惯的方法,所以it指代“a good reading habit”,故填A good reading habit.24.你:you,作主语,大写首字母;应该:should,后接动词原形;阅读:read;30分钟:30 minutes;every day每天,作时间状语。故填You should read 30 minutes every day.25.本句为祈使句;remember“记得”;that引导宾语从句,无实际意义;a book“一本书”;always“总是”;stay with you“与你同在”,故填:记着身边总要有一本书。26.“If you do this, you can save more money on books”表示“如果你这样做,你可以在书上节省更多的钱”,与文中的“This helps you spend less money on books”是同义句,故填This helps you spend less money on books.27.根据“Ask your friends and family to feel your joy or sadness and offer you suggestions”可知,朋友或家人可能会给你建议,故填Your friends and family.(六)(2022江苏徐州中考真题)阅读短文,回答短文后的五个问题。Chinese traditional painting and dance are two important parts of the art world. But what about when they meet each other?This year, a dance drama called Poetic Dance: The Journey of a Legendary Landscape Painting (《只此青绿》) was shown on CCTV’s Spring Festival Gala. It became popular overnight.According to CCTV, this poetic dance got the idea from the 900-year-old Chinese painting A Panorama of Rivers and Mountains (《千里江山图》). Created by Song Dynasty painter Wang Ximeng at about 18, the painting is amazing in its sweeping size, rich coloration and expressive details. It shows a Chinese blue-green landscape: “mountains and groupings of endless rise and fall between cloudless sky and rippling water”. A The dance shows the Chinese traditional beauty of the painting. The dancers each had a different hairstyle, which looked like a mountain rock. B The clothes that they wore were shades of green and blue, which is also poetic show of the mountains and rivers. C When the dancers swayed beautifully, the audience seemed to be looking at the moving mountains and rivers. D More than a thousand years later, green mountains and rivers still wow people as they did long ago.In recent years, more and more modern shows highlight Chinese traditional culture and have received warm welcome, especially among young people. They show _________ Chinese culture and are proud of it.注:每题答案不超过5个词。28.What does the underlined word “they” refer to in Paragraph 1?___________________________________________________29.In A Panorama of Rivers and Mountains, what colour is the Chinese landscape?___________________________________________________30.What does the dancers’ hairstyle look like?____________________________________________________31.In Paragraph 4, the sentence “Huge mountains and rivers are coming to life!” is missing. Where should we put it, A, B, C or D? ________32.Please fill in the blank in the last paragraph.____________________________________________________【答案】28.Chinese traditional painting and dance.29.Blue-green.30.A mountain rock.31.D32.interest in【解析】本文主要以《只此青绿》为例阐述近年来越来越多的中国传统文化节目受到了热烈欢迎,尤其是在年轻人中。他们对中国文化很感兴趣,并为此感到自豪。28.根据“Chinese traditional painting and dance are two important parts of the art world”可知中国传统绘画和舞蹈是艺术世界的两个重要组成部分,所以此处的they指的是“传统绘画和舞蹈”。故填Chinese traditional painting and dance.29.根据“It shows a Chinese blue-green landscape”可知它展现了中国的蓝绿色景观,故填Blue-green.30.根据“The dancers each had a different hairstyle, which looked like a mountain rock.”可知舞者们每个人都有不同的发型,看起来像一块山石。故填A mountain rock.31.“Huge mountains and rivers are coming to life!”表示“巨大的山脉和河流正在恢复生机!”,结合“When the dancers swayed beautifully, the audience seemed to be looking at the moving mountains and rivers.”(当舞者优美地摆动时,观众似乎在看移动的山川。)可知应该放在D处。故填D。32.根据“have received warm welcome, especially among young people”可知中国传统文化在年轻人中受到了热烈欢迎,再结合“show”可知应该是指感兴趣。show interest in“对……感兴趣”。故填interest in。(七)(2022山东济宁中考真题)阅读短文,根据要求完成各题。 On the evening of September 26, 2019, the streets of Geneva in Switzerland went dark. This usually happens when there is a problem with the electricity, but this time the lights were turned off to allow people to go outside and look at the stars. This is often impossible in a city because of light population. Light pollution is when light from streetlights or buildings makes the night less dark. There are many reasons why this is a problem. Animals sleep less because they think it is still daytime. Birds that fly to warmer countries in the autumn need to see the moon and stars to find their way, but light pollution makes this difficult. Insects and birds in cities often fly towards lights at night, knock into buildings and die. Light pollution is also bad for us. It can stop us sleeping and give up headaches. Also, we don’t see the same sky that people in the past did. This means we almost never see one of the greatest scenes in the world: the millions of stars. Hundreds of thousands of people have never seen it in their lives. However, it is not difficult to do a few things to reduce (减轻) light pollution: we can all turn lights off when we don’t need them and we can cover our windows. If there is less light pollution, we will once again be able to enjoy the beauty of the night sky.33.Why were the streetlights turned off in Geneva? (no more than 11 words)__________________________34.What helps birds find their way? (no more than 4 words)_________________________35.Please list one way we can reduce light pollution. (no more than 3 words)_____________________36.请将文中画线的句子翻译成汉语。________________________37.请给短文拟一个适当地英文标题。_________________________【答案】33.To allow people to go outside and look at the stars.34.The moon and stars.35.Turn off lights./Cover our windows.36.如果光污染少一点,我们将能再次欣赏到夜空之美。37.Light pollution.【解析】本文是一篇说明文,向我们介绍光污染的相关内容。33.根据“but this time the lights were turned off to allow people to go outside and look at the stars”可知,灯被关掉了,让人们出去看星星。故填To allow people to go outside and look at the stars.34.根据“Birds that fly to warmer countries in the autumn need to see the moon and stars to find their way”可知,秋天飞往温暖国家的鸟儿需要看月亮和星星来找到路,故填The moon and stars.35.根据“we can all turn lights off when we don’t need them and we can cover our windows”可知,当我们不需要灯的时候,我们都可以关灯,我们可以遮住我们的窗户。故填Turn off lights./Cover our windows.36.If“如果”,there is less light pollution“光污染少一点”,we“我们”,will once again be able to do sth“将能再次做某事”,enjoy the beauty of the night sky“欣赏到夜空之美”。故填:如果光污染少一点,我们将能再次欣赏到夜空之美。37.本文主要向我们介绍光污染的相关内容,可以将“光污染”作为本文标题,故填Light pollution.(八)(2022吉林中考真题) 1 The ear is an important organ (器官). To make people know the importance of our ears, the government set up National Ear Care Day. It falls on March 3rd every year. How much do you know about the ear? 2 There are three parts in our ears — the outer ear, the middle ear and the inner ear. We can see the outer ear clearly. It can collect sound around us. Then the sound goes through the middle ear to the inner ear and finally to our brain. 3 Our ears keep working all the time even when we are sleeping, but our brain just pays no attention to it. Sometimes we may wake up suddenly at midnight. That’s because our brain hears something, although we don’t know what it is. 4 Our ears also help us keep a balance. There are some organs that are full of liquid (液体) with small hairs around them in the inner ear. The liquid and hairs send messages to our brain to make us keep a balance. 5 Our ears even have something to do with tasting food. We may have problems telling tastes if there is something wrong with our ears.You see, ears can do more than we think, so take good care of our ears from now on.(a)根据短文内容,从方框中选出每段的主旨大意。A.Helping us keep a balanceB.Keeping hearing day and nightC.Different parts of the earD.Helping with tasting foodE. An important organ—the ear____38________39________40________41________42____(b) 根据短文内容,补全下面的表格,每空填一词。DateNational Ear Care Day is on ____43____ 3rd.PartsOur ears have three parts. They are the outer ear, the ____44____ ear and the inner ear.Functions (功能)Sometimes we may wake up suddenly at midnight ____45____ our brain hears something.The liquid and hairs in the inner ear ____46____ messages to our brain to make us keep a balance.If there is something ____47____ with our ears, we may have problems telling tastes.【答案】38.E39.C40.B41.A42.D43.March44.middle45.because46.send47.wrong【解析】本文主要介绍了耳朵的结构以及它的作用。38.根据“The ear is an important organ”可知,此处是介绍耳朵这个重要的器官,E选项“一个重要的器官——耳朵”符合,故选E。39.根据“There are three parts in our ears”可知,此处介绍耳朵的不同组成部分,C选项“耳朵的不同部分”符合,故选C。40.根据“Our ears keep working all the time even when we are sleeping”可知,此处介绍耳朵是一直在工作的,B选项“日夜保持听力”符合,故选B。41.根据“Our ears also help us keep a balance”可知,此处介绍耳朵也可以帮助我们保持平衡,A选项“帮助我们保持平衡”符合,故选A。42.根据“Our cars even have something to do with tasting food”可知,此处介绍耳朵帮助我们品尝食物,D选项“帮助品尝食物”符合,故选D。43.根据“the government set up National Ear Care Day. It falls on March 3rd every year”可知,全国爱耳日是在每年的3月3日,故填March。44.根据“There are three parts in our ears — the outer ear, the middle ear and the inner ear”可知,耳朵由三部分组成——外耳、中耳和内耳,故填middle。45.根据“Sometimes we may wake up suddenly at midnight. That’s because our brain hears something”可知,因为大脑听见了什么东西,所以我们半夜可能醒来,用because引导原因状语从句,故填because。46.根据“The liquid and hairs send messages to our brain to make us keep a balance.”可知,液体和毛发向大脑传递信息,使我们保持平衡,故填send。47.根据“We may have problems telling tastes if there is something wrong with our ears.”可知,如果我们的耳朵有问题,我们可能无法辨别味道,故填wrong。(九)(2022黑龙江绥化中考真题)根据短文内容,完成下列各题In 1992, Zhiqiang was 1.b________ with no arms in a small village in Shandong Province. With hard 2. ________ /prkts/, he could do many things with his feet when he grew up. He learned to wash clothes, cook meals and do farm work. He said, “If I want to live like others, I have to try my best. 3. (A)每个人都有学习的能力. No matter how many difficulties I have, I will go out of my way to face them.”4. (B) smartphone, him, a, brother, his, bought. He thought it was so useful and decided to learn it. He managed to press its button with his toe tips (脚尖). The Internet connected him with the world. He had an idea when he knew the local farm products couldn’t be sold out of mountains.In 2015, he opened an online store which sold farm products.5. (C) When his business got successful, he decided to help other villagers. At first, few of them trusted him because they didn’t know what an online store was. With his effort, the products were popular online. And more villagers came to ask him for help. Later, he decided to sell their products on short videos. It was a great success and he won himself many followers. He has created a good life for himself and the villagers.Zhang’s story shows that nothing can stop us from achieving our dreams if we put our hearts into it. We can also fly even without wings because we have a brave and strong heart.48.根据句意及首字母补全单词 b________49.根据读音完成单词 ________50.将A处划线句子翻译成英语 __________________________51.将B处划线部分组合成完整的句子 __________________________52.写出C处划线句子的同义句When his business got successful, he ________ ________ ________ to help other villagers.53.请在文中找出与下面英文释义相符的单词________ liked by a lot of people54.What can we learn from the story?__________________________________【答案】48.(b)orn49.practicepractise50.Everyone/Everyone of us has the ability to learn/studyEach/Each one/Each of us has the ability to learn/studyWe each have the ability to learn/study51.His brother bought him a smartphone52. made a decision53.popular54.Nothing can stop us from achieving our dreams if we put our hearts into it.Zhang’s story shows (that) nothing can stop us from achieving our dreams if we put our hearts into it.【解析】本文是一篇记叙文,向我们介绍关于志强的励志故事。48.根据“In 1992, Zhiqiang was...with no arms in a small village in Shandong Province.”可知,天生没有胳膊,此处是be born with短语,意为“天生有”,故填(b)orn。49.根据音标“/prkts/”可知,此处是practice/practise,意为“练习”,故填practice/practise。50.everyone/every one of us/each/each one/each of us/we每个人,has the ability to learn/study都有学习的能力。故填Everyone/Every one of us has the ability to learn/study;Each/Each one/Each of us has the ability to learn/study;We each have the ability to learn/study。51.根据标点提示可知,本句是陈述句,分析所给单词,his brother作主语,bought作谓语,him作间接宾语,a smartphone作直接宾语。故填His brother bought him a smartphone。52.“When his business got successful, he decided to help other villagers”表示“当他的生意成功后,他决定帮助其他村民 ”,decide to do sth“决定做某事”,相当于make a decision to do sth,时态是一般过去时,故填made;a;decision。53.“liked by a lot of people”表示“被很多人喜欢”,即“受欢迎的”,“popular受欢迎的”符合。故填popular。54.本文通过介绍志强的励志故事告诉我们如果我们用心去做,没有什么能阻止我们实现梦想/只要我们用心去做,没有什么能阻止我们实现梦想。故填Nothing can stop us from achieving our dreams if we put our hearts into it.;Zhang’s story shows (that) nothing can stop us from achieving our dreams if we put our hearts into it.(十)(2022黑龙江齐齐哈尔中考真题)The nature is full of mysteries. When autumn arrives in the United States and Canada, you can see one of nature’s, greatest scenes—the yearly migration (迁徙) of the monarch butterflies (帝王蝶).No other butterfly in the world migrates like the orange and black monarch butterflies of North America. (A) They cannot live for long periods in cold weather. So each autumn around October, the butterflies travel up to 3,000 kilometers south to (B) ________. Some even fly to the mountains of Mexico. Plenty of monarch butterflies almost block out the sky. And you can hear their wings beating.The butterflies usually spend two months reaching Mexico. After five months of stay, they head back north in spring. But not one butterfly finishes the whole round-trip. They (C) ________ eggs along the way and die. Three generations of butterflies will live and die during the spring journey alone. The fourth and final generations of the year are born in early autumn. But the butterflies hardly rest before starting the long journey south again to Mexico. The most amazing thing about these monarch butterflies is that they always return to the (D) ________ trees in Mexico that their great-great-grandparents used the winter before.What mysterious monarch butterflies! They remind us of our nation. Millions of people, generation after generation use their blood and lives to build up our happy life. So as teenagers, we should (E) ________.阅读短文,根据题目要求完成下列任务。55.用英文写出文中(A)处They所指代的内容。______________56.为文中(B)处选择一个适合的短语,使句意完整:________________________A.see natural scenesB.enjoy the warm sunshineC.spend winter in warmer places57.在文中(C)处和(D)处各填上一个适当的词,使文章的意思完整。(C) ____________________(D) ____________________58.在文中找出一个与所给英文释义相匹配的单词。___________________: all the members of a family of about the same age59.Complete (E) after you read the passage. ________________【答案】55.The orange and black monarch butterflies of North America/Monarch butterflies56.C57. lay samevery58.generation59.pulltogether to make our country stronger and stronger/study hard to make a contribution to our country【解析】本文主要讲述了帝王蝶每年秋天都会进行迁徙。55.根据“No other butterfly in the world migrates like the orange and black monarch butterflies of North America. (A) They cannot live for long periods in cold weather”可知世界上没有其他蝴蝶像北美的橙色和黑色帝王蝶那样迁徙,它们不能在寒冷的天气里长期生活,故They指代“帝王蝶”。故填The orange and black monarch butterflies of North America/Monarch butterflies。56.根据“They cannot live for long periods in cold weather”可知它们不能在寒冷的天气里长期生活,所以它们进行迁徙去更温暖的地方度过冬天。故选C。57.根据“They...eggs along the way and die”可知此处指“下蛋”,lay eggs“下蛋”,句子用一般现在时,主语是they,谓语动词用原形lay;根据“trees in Mexico that their great-great-grandparents used the winter before”可知它们回到它们的祖先住过的树,所以是同一棵树或者是正是它们祖先住过的树,用same或very。故填lay;same/very。58.“all the members of a family of about the same age”意为“一个年龄相仿的家庭的所有成员”,和generation“一代人”意义相符。故填generation。59.根据“Millions of people, generation after generation use their blood and lives to build up our happy life”可知数以百万计的人,一代又一代,用他们的鲜血和生命来建设我们的幸福生活,所以作为青少年,我们应该团结一致让我们的国家越来越强大,或者努力学习为国家做贡献。故填pull together to make our country stronger and stronger/study hard to make a contribution to our country。(十一)(2022海南中考真题)阅读下面短文,按要求完成下列各题。Socrates was famous in ancient Greece for his knowledge. One day, one of his friends went up to him and said, “I’ve just heard something about your friend, do you want to know?”“Well,” Socrates said, “Before telling me anything, I’d like you to pass a test. It’s called the triple filter (三重筛选) test.” “Triple filter?”“That’s right,” Socrates continued, “Before you talk to me about my friend, it is a good idea to think about what you will say. The first filter is ________. Are you sure what you are going to tell me is true?”“In fact, I just heard about it and…” the man said.“All right,” Socrates said, “So you don’t really know whether it’s true or not. Now let’s try the second filter—goodness. Is what you are going to tell me good?”“No, on the contrary (相反)…” the man replied.“Okay,” Socrates continued, “The last filter is usefulness. Is what you are going to tell me useful to me?”“No, not really.” The man said.“Well,” Socrates ended, “If what you want to tell me is not true, good or even useful, why tell it to me at all?”60.Why did the man go up to Socrates one day? (根据短文内容回答问题)_________________________________________________61.How many questions did Socrates ask the man? (根据短文内容回答问题)_________________________________________________62.According to the story, what do you think of Socrates? (根据短文内容回答问题)_________________________________________________63.根据短文内容,给下面的句子补充一个单词,使句子意思完整。The first filter is ________.64.根据短文内容,完成句子。This story teaches us ________________________________.【答案】60.Because he had just heard something about Socrates’/his friend./To tell him something about his friend.61.Three./3.62.He was wise/smart/kind...63.truth64.we mustn’t talk about what is not true, good or even useful/we had better not tell others what is not true, good or even useful/not to talk about others behind their backs/...【解析】本文主要讲述了有一个人要告诉苏格拉底关于他朋友的事情,苏格拉底给他做了三重筛选测试,结果这个人一个也没答出来,说明在说一件事之前要三思。60.根据“I’ve just heard something about your friend, do you want to know?”可知是因为他刚刚听说了一些关于苏格拉底朋友的事情。故填Because he had just heard something about Socrates’/his friend./To tell him something about his friend.61.根据“Before telling me anything, I’d like you to pass a test. It’s called the triple filter test.”可知苏格拉底问了男人三个问题,故填Three./3.62.通读全文可知,当男人要告诉苏格拉底关于他朋友的事情,苏格拉底给他做了三个问题测试,结果这个人一个也没答出来,侧面反应苏格拉底是很聪明。故填He was wise/smart/kind...63.根据“Are you sure what you are going to tell me is true?”可知此处是指事实,应填一个名词truth,故填truth.64.开放性试题,言之有理即可。通读全文可知,有一个人要告诉苏格拉底关于他朋友的事情,苏格拉底给他做了三重筛选测试,结果这个人一个也没答出来,说明在说一件事之前要三思, 不能说什么是不真实的,好的,甚至有用的。故填we mustn’t talk about what is not true, good or even useful/we had better not tell others what is not true, good or even useful to talk about others behind their backs/...(十二)(2022湖北鄂州中考真题)阅读下列材料,根据其内容完成阅读任务。What’s the Silk Road? In history, it was an important international trade route(贸易路线)between China and the Mediterranean Sea(地中海). The Silk Road began in the Western Han Dynasty and has a history of more than 2,000 years. In the past, the road started in Chang’an(now Xi’an)and ended in Eastern Europe near the Mediterranean Sea. It was about 6,500 kilometers long and went across 1/4 of the world. The Silk Road got its name in the 19th century because Chinese silk was famous, and traders carried it to other places along this road. Traders also carried porcelain and other things to the West. And glass, gems and food like carrots from the West came to China. The Silk Road was very important to both China and the rest of the world. It was more than an international trade route. Lots of arts and science of other countries came to China across the Silk Road. In this way, languages and cultures influenced each other. Today, China is trying to make the dream of the Belt and Road come true.65.How long was the Silk Road in the past?66.The Silk Road got its name because traders ____________ to other places along this road.67.What does the underlined word “traders” mean in Chinese?68.Across the Silk Road, ____________ and _____________ in both China and the rest of the world influenced each other.69.What is the passage mainly about? ________________________________________________________【答案】65.About 6500 kilometers.66.carried silk67.商人68. languages cultures69.The history of the Silk Road.【解析】本文主要讲述了丝绸之路的历史。65.根据“In the past...It was about 6,500 kilometers long and went across 1/4 of the world.”可知过去丝绸之路长约6500公里,横跨世界的四分之一。故填About 6500 kilometers.66.根据“The Silk Road got its name in the 19th century because Chinese silk was famous, and traders carried it to other places along this road. ”可知丝绸之路得名于19世纪,因为中国丝绸很有名,商人们把它运到了这条路的其他地方。故填carried silk。67.根据“Because Chinese silk was famous, and traders carried it to other places along this road.”可知traders应指人,再根据“Traders also carried porcelain and other things to the West. And glass, gems and food like carrots from the West came to China.”可推出其意思为“商人”,故填:商人。68.根据“Lots of arts and science of other countries came to China across the Silk Road. In this way, languages and cultures influenced each other.”可知许多其他国家的艺术和科学跨越丝绸之路来到中国。就这样,语言和文化相互影响。故填languages;cultures。69.通读全文可知,文章主要描述了丝绸之路的历史,故填The history of the Silk Road.(十三)(2022湖北十堰中考真题)阅读短文,根据其内容,完成下列任务。My dear son,It seems like yesterday that we brought you home from the hospital, and now you are my little man. Your father and I were very nervous being first-time parents. I have been a mother for five years. When I look back these days, I cannot help but smile.Every milestone (里程碑) of yours was a kind of personal success for me. Your first smile your first word, your first step…As years passed, things started to get very challenging. Sometimes I found myself in very difficult situations. The mess you made and the millions of naughty things you did really stressed me out. The times I was worried the most were when you were sick.Now I have learnt to deal ________ them calmly. The one thing that helped me through the hard times was your smile — it made me forget everything and realize it was all ________ it.Soon it was time for preschool (幼儿园). I prepared you as much as I could for that terrible first day, but you cried so much and I sat down and cried with you. After the first week, you felt better, but I still cried because I didn’t want to let go. But I want you to enjoy yourself, enjoy your schoolwork, make good friends and most important of all be a good man. The conflict (矛盾) has troubled me for a long while.I have learned so much from you and will continue to do so in the following years. How to forgive (原谅), how to love unconditionally (无条件地) without expecting anything in return, how to enjoy the small things in life…The list is too long…Thank you! You have made my life meaningful! Wish you good luck!Love and always,Mom任务一:请根据短文内容,分别写出、处所缺单词。(每空限填一词)46. ________ ________任务二:阅读短文,从短文中找出与下面句子意思相近的句子。47.When you were ill, I was worried the most.____________________________________________________________________________________________任务三:请把上文中划线的句子翻译成汉语。48._________________________________________________________________________________________任务四:请根据短文内容回答下列问题。49.For how many years has the writer been a mother?____________________________________________________________________________________________50.What helped the mother through the hard times?____________________________________________________________________________________________【答案】46. with because of47.The times I was worried the most were when you were sick.48.有时我发现自己处于非常困难的境地。 49.Five years.50.The son’s smile.【解析】本文是妈妈写给儿子的信,信中回顾了儿子的成长以及对儿子未来的美好祝愿。46.根据“Now I have learnt to deal ________ them calmly.”可知,此处是deal with短语,意为“处理”;根据“it made me forget everything and realize it was all ________ it.”可知,儿子的微笑让作者忘记了一切,所以都是因为儿子的微笑,because of“因为”。故填with;because of。47.“When you were ill, I was worried the most.”表示“你生病的时候,我最担心。”,与原文中“The times I was worried the most were when you were sick.我最担心的时候是你生病的时候。”语意相近,故填The times I was worried the most were when you were sick.48.Sometimes有时;I我;found发现;myself我自己;in very difficult situations处于非常困难的境地。故填:有时我发现自己处于非常困难的境地。49.根据“I have been a mother for five years.”可知,做妈妈五年了,故填Five years.50.根据“The one thing that helped me through the hard times was your smile”可知,唯一帮助我度过难关的就是你的微笑,故填The son’s smile.(十四)(2022河北中考真题)阅读下面短文,按要求完成各题。“I could tell it was him by the way he walked.” If you’ve ever said that, you understand biometrics(生物识别技术). Biometric technology is an important topic in our work and private lives. It includes the use of finger prints or knowing a person’s voice. It is the science about what a person looks like and how a person does things. Like tree leaves, no two human beings are exactly the same. They’ve got different eyes and different hair. And everyone has a different way of walking or moving. This technology can tell you from others. At the moment if you travel through an airport, you need your ID card or passport. If you go to your bank to get some money, you need a card and a special number. But what should you do if you lose your passport or forget your number? Biometric technology can solve this problem. The technology is becoming more and more popular with old people because they no longer need to remember their passwords(密码). This technology is all around us in our life. We use them to unlock a smart phone, get into our homes, start our cars without a key or even pay for our shopping. Nothing is perfect. People are worried about the safety of their private information. However, the technology will become much better in the future, and it will become more and more important in our daily life. 1题完成句子;2、3题简略回答问题;4题找出并写下第二段的主题句;5题将画线句子译成汉语。36.Biometric technology includes _________________________ or knowing a person’s voice.37.What are people worried about? ____________________________________________________________________________________________38.Where can the technology be used according to the text? (至少写出文中提到的两个地方)____________________________________________________________________________________________39._________________________________________________________________________________________40._________________________________________________________________________________________【答案】36.the use of finger prints37.People are worried about the safety of their private information.38.We use them to unlock a smart phone, get into our homes.(至少写出文中提到的两个地方)39.This technology can tell you from others.40.这种技术在我们的生活中无处不在。【解析】本文主要介绍了生物识别技术的作用,它在我们生活中的用处以及它的弊端。36.根据“It includes the use of finger prints or knowing a person’s voice”可知,它包括使用指纹或识别一个人的声音,故填the use of finger prints。37.根据“People are worried about the safety of their private information”可知,人们担心他们的私人信息的安全,故填People are worried about the safety of their private information.38.根据“We use them to unlock a smart phone, get into our homes, start our cars without a key or even pay for our shopping”可知,我们用它们来解锁智能手机,进入我们的家,不用钥匙启动汽车,甚至支付我们的购物费用,故填We use them to unlock a smart phone, get into our homes.(至少写出文中提到的两个地方)39.根据“This technology can tell you from others”及整段的内容可知,此段主要介绍生物识别技术能够把你和其他人区别开这个用处,所以第一句话就是本段的主题句,故填This technology can tell you from others.40.this technology“这项技术”:all around us“在我们周围”:in our life“在我们生活里”,故填:这种技术在我们的生活中无处不在。(十五)(2022山东泰安中考真题)阅读下面的短文,并根据短文后的要求答题。(请注意问题后的词数要求)[1]Water is important in our life, but sometimes water can be dangerous for kids. So we must pay attention to the kids’ safety in water. Water safety begins at home or in the pool. Here are some suggestions for you. [2]Be(4)________ of the hot water. Hot water can be dangerous, especially for kids under five. These young kids have thinner skin than older kids and adults, so it’s easier for them to be burnt(烫伤). Staying in hot water that’s 60 for just 3 seconds can give a child a third-degree burn. You can reduce the risk by testing the water with your wrist(腕)or elbow before placing your kid in bath. [3]Watch out for danger in the bathroom. The bathroom is full of danger for young kids. Never leave a young child alone in the bathroom, especially while he or she is bathing. Remember to put away hair dryers and all other electrical appliances(家用电器)to avoid the risk. [4]Never let kids swim alone. Swimming in the water may make you feel great. As the kids move in the water, many small muscle(肌肉)groups are working to help them keep balance. But it’s not a perfect sport because of the risk of injury(伤害). For example, many types of swimming need repeated arm movements. Over time, the movements can cause shoulder and neck injuries. So it’s dangerous when they stay in the water alone, they may even drown(溺亡). So the kids are not supposed to swim(4)________ their parents’ company(陪伴). [5]Everyone should realize the importance of water safety. (75)To keep the kids safe, we need to learn more about what we should do. After all, everyone(4)________ only one life!26.Why is it easier for young kids to be burnt? (No more than 10 words)________________________________________27.What things should be put away to avoid the risk according to the third paragraph? (No more than 12 words)________________________________________28.What may happen if the kids repeat arm movements for a long time while swimming? (No more than 14 words)________________________________________29.Fill in each blank in the passage with one proper word. _________________________________30.Translate the underlined sentence in the fifth paragraph into Chinese. ________________________________________31.If your classmate invites you to swim in the river, what’s your proper response(回应)?Please write down your answer and list one or two reasons. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________【答案】26.Because they have thinner skin./Because their skin is thinner./Because they have thinner skin than older kids and adults.27.Hair dryers and all other electrical appliances./Hair dryers and all other electrical appliances should be put away.28.It/The movements can cause shoulder and neck injuries.或It/The movements can cause shoulder and neck injuries, and the kids may even drown.29. careful without has/owns30.为了确保孩子们的安全,我们需要学习(了解)更多我们应该做的事情。31.Possible responses:I will refuse to go with him (her) and advise him (her) not to do that. I’ll refuse/turn down his (her) invitation and prevent/stop him (her) from going swimming in the river. I’ll refuse to go with him (her) and tell his (her) parents/the teachers about it at once. I’ll accept his (her) invitation if parents can go with us. Possible reasons: Because it’s dangerous for us to swim in the river without parents’ company./Because it breaks the school rules./Because our teacher told us not to swim alone./Because we’ll be safe if parents go swimming with us.【解析】本文介绍了如何保证小孩在水里的安全问题。26.根据“These young kids have thinner skin than older kids and adults, so it’s easier for them to be burnt”可知,这些年幼的孩子比年长的孩子和成年人的皮肤更薄,所以更容易烧伤,故填Because they have thinner skin./Because their skin is thinner./Because they have thinner skin than older kids and adults.27.根据“Remember to put away hair dryers and all other electrical appliances(家用电器)to avoid the risk”可知,把吹风机和所有其他电器收起来,以避免风险 ,故填Hair dryers and all other electrical appliances./Hair dryers and all other electrical appliances should be put away.28.根据“Over time, the movements can cause shoulder and neck injuries. So it’s dangerous when they stay in the water alone, they may even drown”可知,这种动作会导致肩部和颈部受伤,甚至可能会溺水,故填It/The movements can cause shoulder and neck injuries.或It/The movements can cause shoulder and neck injuries, and the kids may even drown.29.根据“Be… of the hot water”可知,此处指要小心热水,be careful of“小心”。根据“So the kids are not supposed to swim… their parents’ company”可知,此处指没有家长的陪伴,孩子们不应该独自游泳,without“没有”。根据“everyone… only one life”可知,每个人只有一个生命,have“有”,own“拥有”,句子是一般现在时,不定代词everyone作主语,动词用三单,故填careful;without;has/owns。30.keep the kids safe“确保孩子们的安全”,动词不定式表目的状语;need to do sth“需要做某事”;learn more about what we should do“学习(了解)更多我们应该做的事情”,故填:为了确保孩子们的安全,我们需要学习(了解)更多我们应该做的事情。31.开放性题,答案合理即可。参考答案为:I will refuse to go with him (her) and advise him (her) not to do that. I’ll refuse/turn down his (her) invitation and prevent/stop him (her) from going swimming in the river.I’ll refuse to go with him (her) and tell his (her) parents/the teachers about it at once.I’ll accept his (her) invitation if parents can go with us.Because it’s dangerous for us to swim in the river without parents’ company./Because it breaks the school rules./Because our teacher told us not to swim alone./Because we’ll be safe if parents go swimming with us.(十六)(2022四川达州中考真题)根据短文后所给的任务,完成1—5小题。Wu Haotian is a ninth-grader from Shanghai. His parents are A medical workers. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, his mom and dad have been on the front line, leaving Wu alone at home. “I’ve recently been learning to cook beef with curry,” Wu told Shanghai Observer. Facing zhongkao, 吴不但必须努力学习,而且还要为自己煮饭。“I’ve made a schedule,” Wu said. “It includes when to get up, when to have online classes and when to cook. Following it strictly makes everything go smoothly.” B not all ninth-graders are going through this, many still feel the impact (影响) brought by the pandemic.“I’ve been studying online for nearly two months since March,” said Liu, Jiawei from Songyuan, Jilin. “The biggest challenge is that I can’t be as focused as in the classroom. is, teachers, not, help, it, either, for, to, convenient, ask.” As for zhongkao, Liu said, “I keep telling myself that all my peers (同龄人) are facing the same difficulties, so there’s nothing to be scared of,” he said.Zhou Xiuwei, another ninth-grader from Nanjing, said that the biggest impact comes from the change of policies (政策). “Our PE test and art test are canceled, which means all our hard work was in vain (徒劳地),” she said. “Some senior high schools have independent enrollment (自主招生), but they have canceled the interview part. Many students have wasted their time preparing for the interviews and need to focus more on the writing test now. We need to adjust (调整) our attitudes (态度) to these changes.”Both Liu and Zhou agreed that it’s necessary to be self-disciplined (自律的) and follow the guidance of teachers during this time. “You should think positively and believe that as long as you’ve tried your best, the results will be fine,” said Zhou.任务一:请分别在文中A、B两处的横线上填入适当单词(每空一词)。42.A.__________ B.__________任务二:请将文中处句子译成英语。43._______________________任务三:请将文中处划线的斜体单词连成句子。44._______________________任务四:请将文中处划线句子译成汉语。45._______________________任务五:What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 2 refer to? 46._______________________【答案】42. both Though/Although43.Wu not only had to study hard, but also cook for himself.44.It is not convenient to ask teachers for help, either45.许多学生浪费了时间准备面试,现在需要更多地关注笔试。46.The schedule.【解析】本文主要介绍了因为新冠疫情,很多学生的生活和学习都受到了很大的影响,但是只要尽自己最大的努力,结果会好的。42.根据“His parents are...medical workers”可知他的父母两个人都是医务工作者,表示“两者都”用both,故A处填both;根据“not all ninth-graders are going through this, many still feel the impact (影响) brought by the pandemic”可知前后两句是让步关系,用although/though引导让步状语从句,放句首首字母大写,故B处填Though/Although。故填both;Though/Although。43.描述过去的动作,用一般过去时,主语是Wu;不但……而且:not only...but also;必须:had to,后加动词原形;努力学习:study hard;为自己煮饭:cook for himself。Wu not only had to study hard, but also cook for himself.44.根据所给词以及标点符号可知,此处是结构“It is not adj. to do sth.”,意为“做某事不是……的”,ask teachers for help“向老师寻求帮助”,convenient“方便的”,形容词作表语;否定句中表示“也either”放句尾。故填It is not convenient to ask teachers for help, either“向老师求助也不方便”。45.Many students很多学生;wasted their time浪费时间;preparing for the interview为面试做准备;need to需要;focus more on更多地关注;the writing test笔试;now现在。故填:许多学生浪费了时间准备面试,现在需要更多地关注笔试。46.根据“I’ve made a schedule,” Wu said. “It includes when to get up, when to have online classes and when to cook. Following it strictly makes everything go smoothly”可知他制定了时间表,所以严格遵守时间表可以让一切进展顺利,故此处it指代“时间表”。故填The schedule.(十七)(2022浙江湖州中考真题)阅读下面采访材料,根据文中信息完成采访记录。任务A:补全1-3题的信息。每空不得超过三个词。任务B:根据采访内容补全Pierre的回答,完成第4题。不得超过10个词。( The reporter Lisa from the magazine A Bite of Xiamen is interviewing Pierre, a Frenchman who opens a restaurant in Xiamen, Fujian. )Lisa: Good morning, Pierre. I’m Lisa from A Bite of Xiamen. We’ve heard your restaurant The Pierre’s is really famous these days. Do you have a minute for several questions?Pierre: Sure, Lisa. It’s my pleasure.Lisa: So how long have you stayed in China?Pierre: Um … I came to China in 2002. I met my wife here and now we have two sons.Lisa: Wow, that’s 20 years! How do you feel about China?Pierre: I love this country. It’s now much like my second hometown. I must say I’m really surprised and happy about the fast development here.Lisa: Glad to hear that. Then what brought you to Xiamen?Pierre: Well, I chose Xiamen as it’s a perfect place for both business and relaxation. I fell in love with it on my first trip here.Lisa: Then what are the specials in your restaurant?Pierre: Actually, I have created some dishes that combine the best of French and Cantonese food (粤菜).Lisa: Really? I can’t wait to have a try. What do you want to say to the people who love your restaurant?Pierre: _____29_____ Lisa: Thanks for your time and sharing today.Notes of the InterviewInterviewee: PierreRestaurant: The Pierre’sPersonal information: French cook; has been in China for _____30_____ yearsFamilies: wife and _____31_____ Feelings of China: second hometown; _____32_____ about the fast developmentReasons to Xiamen: a perfect place for both business and relaxationSpecials in The Pierre’s: dishes that combine the best of French and Cantonese food【答案】29.Welcome to my restaurant. (言之有理即可得分)30.20/twenty31.two sons32.surprised and happy【解析】本文主要围绕采访Pierre而展开。29.根据“What do you want to say to the people who love your restaurant?”和全文内容可知,应该是欢迎对方来这里的餐馆;故填Welcome to my restaurant.30.根据“I came to China in 2002.”可知,2002年到2022年,已有20年;故填20/twenty。31.根据“I met my wife here and now we have two sons.”可知,有一个妻子和2个儿子;故填two sons。32.根据“It’s now much like my second hometown. I must say I’m really surprised and happy about the fast development here.”可知,这里就像我的第二故乡;对这里的快速发展感到惊讶和高兴。故填surprised and happy。(十八)(2022浙江丽水中考真题)Tom是校英文报的一名编辑。请你阅读下面材料,帮助Tom完成任务。 ________Teleport Specialist: Imagine walking onto a teleport station. Immediately you disappear, and then suddenly you reappear at the place you want to go. There will be no more cars and no more auto mechanics (机械师). Instead, the teleport specialist will help you move from place.________ Dirigibles (飞船) may change life in much of the world. They’re relatively cheap to operate and don’t require expensive airplane runways. They can stop in mid-air to drop off passengers or deliver goods. Skilled dirigible pilots will be in great need.________ More and more people will be taking leisure trips to space and they will need tour guide. One company has already begun a space program with trips costing about $ 200,000. In the future, these high prices should become more affordable, and more space guides will be needed.________Robot Mechanic: The robots available now mostly clean carpets or mow lawns. Someday these machines will become cheaper, and more families will be able to buy robotic personal assistants or companions. Some people will work as robot mechanics to take care of the mechanical problems of these robots.www.sunshineschool.englishnewspa per.com.cnTask 1: Choose one to complete the Editor’s Note.________A.What kind of people do you think can manage these jobs?B.Which of these jobs do you think will appear in the future?Task 2: Choose proper names of jobs.________ ________A.Dirigible PilotB.Online AssistantC.Space Tour GuideTask 3: Choose a proper picture for Robot Mechanic. A.B.C.Task 4: Design a title (标题) for the texts (not more than 5 words).31.________32.________33.________34.________35.________【答案】31.B32.A33.C34.C35.Jobs of the Future【解析】本文主要是畅想了未来的工作是什么样子的。31.根据“Editor’s note: The jobs of today may not be the jobs of the future”以及下文的内容可知,此处应填入一句话引出未来工作的情况,故选B。32.根据“Dirigibles (飞船) may change life in much of the world”及“Skilled dirigible pilots will be in great need.”可知,这份工作与飞船飞行员有关,故选A。33.根据“More and more people will be taking leisure trips to space … more space guides will be needed”可知,这份工作与导游有关,故选C。34.根据“Some people will work as robot mechanics to take care of the mechanical problems of these robots”可知,有些人会作为机器人机械师来处理这些机器人的机械问题,C图片符合,故选C。35.通读全文尤其是“Editor’s note: The jobs of today may not be the jobs of the future”可知,本文主要是畅想了未来的工作是什么样子的,故填Jobs of the Future。(十九)(2022浙江绍兴中考真题)阅读下面材料,从下面所给的A-E五个选项中选择正确的选项(其中一项是多余选项),将其序号填入1-4题,并回答5题。Making your school a better place will make everyone around you happier and will get you more exited to go every day. Besides, a better place will also make you more productive. The following are some of the ways to make your school a better place. 1 Do not stay silent when you see another student getting hurt by others. Speak up confidently and tell them to stop. This will help create a better atmosphere (气氛) at school.Try to deal with arguments between other kids. When you see other students in an argument, you can help deal with the problem. 2 After all, many arguments in school are just misunderstandings between two people. 3 If you know that other students have difficulty learning a subject that you’re good at, you can help them by teaching them in that subject. Helping other students to improve their grades will help create a positive atmosphere in school.Make friends with lonely students. If you notice a student who doesn’t have many friends or sits alone at lunch, make it a point to become their friend. 4 So why not encourage other people to become friends with them?A.Encourage your classmates to talk to each other.B.Friendship will make them less lonely.C.Teach other students if you can.D.You may get into trouble.E. Stand up bravely.31.________32.________33.________34.________35.What else would you like to do to make your school better? (回答不少于5个单词)_____________________________【答案】31.E32.A33.C34.B35.Don’t talk back to your teachers. (答案合理即可)【解析】本文主要介绍了一些使你的学校成为一个更好的地方的方法。31.根据“Do not stay silent when you see another student getting hurt by others. Speak up confidently and tell them to stop.”可知看到有人被伤害时要勇敢站出来制止,E项“勇敢站起来。”符合语境。故选E。32.根据“When you see other students in an argument, you can help deal with the problem.”可知有同学吵架时要劝他们谈谈,A项“鼓励你的同学互相交谈。”符合语境。故选A。33.根据“If you know that other students have difficulty learning a subject that you’re good at, you can help them by teaching them in that subject.”可知要帮助其他学生学习他们不擅长的科目,C项“如果可以的话,教其他学生。”符合语境。故选C。34.根据“Make friends with lonely students.”可知要和孤独的学生交朋友,B项“友谊会使他们不那么孤独。”符合语境。故选B。35.主观发挥题,答案合理即可。故填Don’t talk back to your teachers. (答案合理即可)





