
2023-11-18·18页·514.2 K


高 三 年 级 考 试

英 语 试 题 2023.11


答卷前 考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。

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回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后 用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。

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如需改动 用橡皮擦干净后 再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡

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第一部分 听力(共两节, 满分 30 分)

第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)

听下面 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 、 、 三个选项中选出最

5 A B C

佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 秒钟的时间来回答有关小



1. What did the woman do last night?

A. She went to a party. B. She attended a gathering. C. She picked up her friend.

2. Where does the conversation take place?

A. At a tea house. B. At a supermarket. C. At the woman s house.

3. What will the woman do?

A. Go back home.

B. Sleep in Anna s room.

C. Ask her mother for permission.

4. What is the weather like today?

A. Sunny. B. Rainy. C. Windy.

5. Why does the woman talk to the man?

A. To buy a new map. B. To ask for directions. C. To make a complaint.

高三英语试题 第 页(共 页)

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第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)

听下面 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 、 、 三个

5 A B C


各个小题,每小题 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读

5 5


听下面一段对话,回答第 和第 两个小题。

6 7

6. Which museum will the speakers visit?

A. Travel Town Museum.

B. Chinese American Museum.

C. California African American Museum.

7. What time will the speakers meet on Saturday morning?

A. At 9:30. B. At 9:00. C. At 8:30.

听第 段材料,回答第 、 题。

7 8 9

8. Who can get free books from the program?

A. Preschool children.

B. Primary school students.

C. High school students.

9. What do the speakers plan to do?

A. Donate some books.

B. Register for the program for Henry.

C. Introduce the program to those in need.

听第 段材料,回答第 至 题。

8 10 12

10. Why did Lili work on soccer shoes?

A. To fulfill a task.

B. To earn a living.

C. To make special shoes for Messi.

11. How did Lili feel when she received that photo?

A. Encouraged. B. Doubtful. C. Disappointed.

12. What are the speakers talking about?

A. Their favorite football players.

B. Lili s artworks for football shoes.

C. A pair of shoes for Lionel Messi.

高三英语试题 第 页(共 页)

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听第 段材料,回答第 至 题。

9 13 16

13. What is the woman?

A. A doctor. B. A hostess. C. A writer.

14. What is the team s study about?

A. The main causes of hearing loss.

B. Ways to deal with hearing problems.

C. The harm of loud sound to the young s hearing.

15. How did the team do the research?

A. By doing experiments.

B. By carrying out a survey.

C. By analyzing the existing data.

16. What does the woman think of the man s findings?

A. Useless. B. Important. C. Shocking.

听第 段材料,回答第 至 题。

10 17 20

17. How many people attended the contest?

A. About 1,000. B. About 1,500. C. About 2,000.


18. Why were Burmese pythons in Florida in the beginning?

A. To be brought there as pets. B. To be sent there for study. C. To look for a new habitat.

19. What does the US National Park Service say about Burmese pythons?

A. They have almost disappeared.

B. They are dangerous to humans.

C. They threaten small local wild animals.

20. What made Dustin Crum win a prize this time?

A. Catching the first python.

B. Catching the most pythons.

C. Catching the biggest python.

第二部分 阅读(共两节, 满分 50 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)

阅读下列短文 从每题所给的 、 、 、 四个选项中选出最佳选项。

, A B C D


Why shop ethically

Every time we shop we re voting with our wallet. When we buy from brands that have a

positive impact it s like voting for a better world.

高三英语试题 第 页(共 页)

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Good for the environment

(农 药)

We are faced with many environmental issues, from global warming to pesticide

(道 德 地)

pollution, that can in part be addressed by shopping more ethically . We can help

tackle climate change by switching to a green energy provider or help reduce the amount of

dangerous pesticides that are killing wildlife by buying organic products.

Good for society(both local and global)

Many of the products we buy have been produced by companies that pay their workers

poverty wages and then hide their profits in offshore tax havens. We can shop, for example, for

products that carry the Fairtrade qualification.

Good for animal welfare


To sell their products overseas many cosmetics companies still test on animals,

by buying from brands that refuse to test on animals you can be sure that no animals are harmed

in the production of your cosmetics.

Good for body and soul

We also know that a healthy balanced diet is good for you and this usually means leaving

behind high sugar and salt products that are often irresponsibly marketed to children or

abandoning cosmetics that contain harmful components.

“ ’ ”

21. What does Every time we shop we re voting with our wallet in Paragraph 1 mean?

A. When we shop, we re voting for candidates.

B. The way we spend our money can help to change the world.

C. When shopping, we should behave ethically.

D. We should shop the products with the Fairtrade qualification.

22.What can we do to protect the environment?

A. Turn down the green energy provider.

B. Reduce the amount of killing wildlife.

C. Shop organic products as much as possible.

D. Value the importance of pesticide in farming.

23. It is good for body and soul if .

A. we market cosmetics to children irresponsibly.

B. we only focus on the brands when we shop.

C. we usually buy high sugar and salt products.

D. we shop in a morally correct and acceptable way.

高三英语试题 第 页(共 页)

4 12



Anyanna Philipps is no ordinary teacher. She s an admired kindergarten educator for

whom teaching is a mission. She believes that self-respect and strong relationships are the real

building blocks of educational development and the path to self-actualization in life. And

Philipps, known as Cool Miss P, continues to win hearts on social media, as well as in the

classroom, with millions of views on TikTok and Instagram.

Philipps, from Georgia, in the US, is on a mission to put self-respect into the little ones

she works with. She has hung a mirror on her classroom door so the children can practice daily

“ (肯定)” “

mirror affirmations as she enthusiastically encourages them to be the best that you

can be .

Since she was young, Philipps was told by people around her that her love for children

would make her a great teacher one day. She was also inspired by several of her own teachers.

Then a serious accident last year made her feel grateful for living and encouraged her to bring

joy into her classroom. She tries to make sure that her students are happy by putting her heart

into developing the teacher-student relationship.

Philipps shares one of her Instagram posts: I am sticking to my purpose. I am a teacher,

working to impact, inspire, and elevate all of these precious little lives. For young kids, positive

‘ ’

affirmations can help make them feel capable of doing more big kid things. They can also

’ (有 承 受 力)

help increase kids self-respect and make them more resilient to bullying and

other negative life situations.

Cool Miss P puts this idea into action each and every school day to inspire all her young

students. So it s not surprising that so many people viewing her posts leave comments saying

that the world needs more teachers like her.

24. Why does Philipps hang a mirror on her classroom door?

A. To raise students confidence.

B. To decorate the classroom.

C. To light the classroom.

D. To check students appearance.

25. What did Philipps decide to do after the accident?

A. Ask previous teachers for advice.

B. Strengthen connection with students.

C. Carry out teaching outside the classroom.

D. Attract people s attention to early education.

高三英语试题 第 页(共 页)

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26. What is the impact of her positive affirmations for children?

A. They will be in an easier situation.

B. They will submit to bullying on campus.

C. They can deal with challenges positively.

D. They will feel less hesitant to ask for help.

’ ’

27. What is people s attitude towards Philipps s practice in teaching?

A. Approving. B. Indifferent. C.Unclear. D. Doubtful.


Getting rid of old tyres has long been a problem. Every year more than a billion reach the

end of the road. Until recently, most were thrown into landfills or piled up in storage yards.

Tougher environmental laws mean many countries now insist tyres are recycled.

Some firms, therefore, have begun exploring a great idea. Since tyres are mostly made from

hydrocarbons, it should be possible in principle to turn old tyres into low-carbon fuel which can

be used to run the vehicles they came from. One of the most ambitious firms pursuing the idea

is Wastefront, which is based in Oslo, in Norway. Later this year the company will start building

a giant tyre-recycling plant. In a couple of years, when the plant is fully operational, it will be

able to turn 8m old tyres into new products, including some 25,000 tons of a black liquid called

( )

tyre derived oil TDO .

(解 构)

The process works by deconstructing a tyre into three main parts. One is steel,

which is used to brace the structure of a tyre. The second is carbon black, a powdery carbon

used to improve the durability of the tyre. The third is rubber.

In order to do the deconstructing, the tyres are first shredded and the steel bracing

(热 解)

removed. The remaining material then goes through a process called pyrolysis . This

involves exposing a material to high temperatures in the absence of air. That causes the rubber

to turn into a mix of hydrocarbon gases, which are drawn off. What is left behind is pure

carbon black. Once the drawn-off gas has cooled down, a part of it changes into TDO. The

remaining gases, which include methane, are funneled back around to be burned, fuelling the


The overall output of the process by weight is 40% TDO, 30% carbon black, 20% steel

and 10% gas. The recovered TDO is similar to crude oil fresh from the ground. The carbon

black can be re-used to make new tyres, which is of interest to tyre-makers. This, says Vianney

Vals, Wastefront s boss, creates a closed-loop system that prevents emissions.

高三英语试题 第 页(共 页)

6 12


28. What can we learn about old tyres from the first paragraph?

A. A billion of them are on the road.

B. Throwing them into landfills is easy.

C. How to handle them is challenging.

D. Environmental laws insist tyres be piled up.

29. Why will Wastefront start building a giant tyre-recycling plant?

A. To get hydrocarbons.

B. To explore a great idea.

C. To produce new tyres.

D. To turn old tyres into fuel.

30. What is the author s purpose in mentioning Vianney Vals?

A. To show his ambition.

B. To show the success of the idea.

C. To stress the output of deconstructing.

D. To compare different output of deconstructing.

31. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?

A. Recycling tyres: Fuel from your wheels

B. One Common Energy Recovery Method

C. How to deconstruct old tyres reasonably

D. An alternative, pleasingly realistic idea


“ (公 平)”

The term digital equity has been talked about for several years, but school

closures during the COVID-19 epidemic have brought increased attention to the issue.

However, while much focus has been on improving access to technology for students, an area

of digital equity that often gets neglected is how parents are expected to engage with their

children s schools.

Research shows that students with engaged families earn higher grades, adapt more

quickly, have better behavior and social skills. Parents who know what is happening in the

classroom are better equipped to help their children succeed and can combine learning at home

with learning at school. That s why equitable communication with parents needs to be part of a

district s overall equity goals.

Equitable parent communication requires schools to meet parents where they are,

especially considering that nearly 1 in 4 US homes live with no Internet access. Parents who do

高三英语试题 第 页(共 页)

7 12


not have smart phones or personal computers should have the same access to their children s

teachers as parents with the latest technology.

Often districts use communication platforms that require parents to log into a website,

choose a messaging service, or download software. Each of these obstacles restricts

communication pathways for parents who do not have access to the required technology.

Districts should consider platforms that enable parents to receive phone calls to fixed-line

telephones and SMS messages to standard cellphones.

“ ” “ ”

In addition, platforms that focus on blast and mass types of messaging are sufficient

for distributing information related to an entire classroom or school but miss the mark on

developing meaningful relationships with individual parents and creating real engaging

opportunities. Districts should opt to use tools that create digital equity for parents and create

an environment where meaningful conversations can take place.

To conclude, good school-home relationships are a crucial factor in children s education.

Positive school-home relationships must get supported as equitable communication is the

pathway to engaging all parents in helping students achieve more success.

“ ”

32. What does the underlined word neglected in Paragraph 1 mean?

A. Mentioned. B. Ignored. C. Explored. D. Stressed.

33. What is the result of the research in Paragraph 2?

A. Students can adapt to school life easily.

B. Students can deal with challenges on their own.

C. Parents habits significantly affect their children.

’ ’

D. Parents involvement in children s schooling is rewarding.

34. What should districts do to promote positive school-home relationships?

A. Make environment more friendly.

B. Provide free cellphones for parents.

C. Popularize communication websites.

D. Find ways to provide equitable communication.

35. What is the main idea of the text?

A. Digital equity can help students succeed.

B. Parents should value communication platforms.

C. School-home relationships are important in children s education.

D. Meaningful conversations will benefit children s education greatly.

高三英语试题 第 页(共 页)

8 12


第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)



Breaking the Habit of People-Pleasing

If you feel like you may be a people-pleaser, you re not alone. Most people have a

growing desire for pleasing others. 36 It can also result in weak boundaries, problems with

decision-making, and low self-worth. For that reason, it s important to recognize and overcome

your own people-pleasing behaviors. Here are simple exercises that you can start working on


1. Practice being alone

37 Trust that people will not abandon you, even if you don t drop everything for them.

Believe you are lovable for who you are, not what you do. Practice this by going to a movie or

restaurant alone.

2. Keep plans with yourself

38 Otherwise, you are sending a message to your brain that a plan you make with

yourself does not hold as much value as a plan you make with someone else. Don t break any

plans you make with yourself, whether it s going to the gym or studying for an exam.

3. Practice saying“no”

’ “ ”

If you re a people-pleaser you may find it hard to say no because you feel it comes

“ ”

across as cruel or uncaring. 39 Be clear, be direct, and use I statements. Try statements

“ ’

like: I would really love to be able to help you, but unfortunately, I m already committed at

that time.

’ ’

By consistently integrating these strategies into your life, I m confident you ll break your

people-pleasing habits. 40 This will yield an overall improvement in self-confidence and

life satisfaction.

A. So it is not necessary to say no.

B. But it absolutely does not have to.

C. Learn to love your own company.

D. You ll develop more healthy, interdependent relationships.

E.You are not confident about the plans you make with yourself.

F. Your own plans are as important as plans you make with others.

G. People-pleasing behavior can lead to mental and physical problems.

高三英语试题 第 页(共 页)

9 12


第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 、、、 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。


Born in 1997 in a small town, not far from the capital, Kingston, Khadija Shaw was the

youngest of 13 children. She loved watching boys play 41 on the street outside their home. A

” “

lot of people would gather and 42 who was going to win, Shaw recalls. I also joined in the

( ) ”

interesting discussion, butIwantto be a n 43 of that! So the boys 44 her off in goal.

Her parents weren t 45 . Her father, a shoemaker, and her mother, a rice farmer, 46

education for their kids and hoped for their good academic records. Her mother in particular

’ ’ “

thought football was a 47 of time. In Jamaica there were no girls or women s teams, but l

wanted to play football, says Shaw, who had a World Cup poster on her wall and 48

competing in the sport s greatest tournament.

So she d play while her mother was working in the 49 . After she was caught, she turned

“ ”

to 50 --- If I wash the dishes, can I go out and play? until she was 51 at age 14 for

Jamaica Under 15s. Her father 52 Shaw s reluctant mother that it would be a valuable


Shaw was on her way. She 53 the national team in 2015 and got a football 54 at the

University of Tennessee, where she earned a degree in communications, becoming the first

person in her family to 55 from university.

41. A. volleyball B. basketball C. table-tennis D. football

42. A. determine B. judge C. bet D. expect

43. A. element B. part C. quarter D. half

44. A. turned B. held C. kept D. started

45. A. happy B. angry C. upset D. eager

46. A. finished B. accepted C. ignored D. prized

47. A. reward B. waste C. lack D. touch

48. A. carried on B. cheered for C. dreamed of D. gave up

49. A. bank B. field C. factory D. shop

50. A. quarreling B. guaranteeing C. negotiating D. arguing

51. A. selected B. encouraged C. refused D. examined

52. A. reminded B. warned C. convinced D. promised

53. A. became B. managed C. established D. made

54. A. scholarship B. certificate C. course D. qualification

55. A. proceed B. graduate C. benefit D. exchange

高三英语试题 第 页(共 页)

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