
2024-01-14·12页·925.1 K



第一节 (共15小题,每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。



About us

You don't want just a gym membership.You want a membership that means something.And that means you

need support,expert help and a community.

Best Body Finess isn't just a gym:it's full-service fitness membership made for you.Here's how it works:

STEP ONE:Your assessment

We begin with an assessment session.This is a chance for you to see what we do at Best Body.Our

assessment plans are no-cost and no-risk.We'll also make a training plan specifically for you.

STEP TWO:Your training

When you decide to become a Best Body member,we show you what to do,how to do it and why you are

doing it.After a few sessions with an expert private trainer you will feel comfortable working out on your own.

STEP THREE:Your membership

Membership works on a month-to-month basis.There are no sign-up fees and no cancellation fees.Start and

stop whenever you want.And the best part?Our fees are the most competitive in the whole downtown area.

STEP FOUR:Your community

At Best Body Fitness,we see everyone as part of a big team.And when you work with a team, you can do

great things.Join any of our specialized classes,led by expert trainers.Come to our nutrition classes.Participate in

our regular social events.Everything is included in your fee.

Finally,we want to share with you some reasons why our members say that they have chosen us over any

other fitness centre in the city.

It's so EASY

Easy to start,stop,cancel or refund(退款) a membership.

Easy to access —we're open 24/7,we never close.

Easy results —our trainers and equipment give you success,fast.

Come and visit us for a personal tour!

21.What can one do in the second step?

A.Have a full assessment. B.Work with a team.

C.Learn from the private trainer. D.Make a training plan

22.If you become a member of this gym,you can

A.get refund when you cancel your membership

B.get expert training but you need to pay extra fee

C.go to the gym only from 6:00 am to 10:00 pm

D.go to the gym only from Monday to Saturday

23.What do you think the above passage is?

A.A storybook. B.A science magazine.

C.A TV show. D.An advertisement.


It's perhaps the world's most famous underwater attraction that remained in film and in legend: the

Titanic.But now experts say the ocean liner,once a wonder of the high seas,is falling to pieces.

Capt.Alfred McLaren,the scientist who in July led the most recent expedition to the ship's underwater

grave,said his team saw clear signs of the accelerating damage of the wreck (残骸).

There was damage likely caused by rust and sea life,and the captain's cabin had collapsed.

“I was absolutely astonished,”McLaren said.

Worse still,the fallen mast (桅杆)that crushed the ship's deck is believed by many to be the result of an

unapproved salvage(打 捞 )operation.“It was almost depressing to see how quickly she was getting

worse,McLaren says.“I would be really surprised if there's very much standing up from the bottom,two decades

from now.”

Ed Kamuda,who runs the Titanic Historical Society in Springfield,Mass.,says adventure tourists —who pay

$36,000 each to visit the wreck—are also contributing to the destruction of it.

“This is something I expected.I just didn't expect it to happen so quickly,”Kamuda said. “People are going

down just as an ego trip to say I was there.'All this takes a fare on the ship.”

The Titanic has sat at the bottom of the Atlantic since it sank after hitting an iceberg on its maiden voyage

on April 14,1912.More than 1,500 people died that night.The ship came to rest at the bottom of the freezing

North Atlantic,more than 2 miles beneath the waves.The wreck was discovered in 1985,and since then it has

been repeatedly visited by treasure hunters.

But still some scientists say those divers,and other thrill seekers are not necessarily to blame for the

Titanic's current problems.

Capt.Craig McLean of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration went on an expedition to the

Titanic in June as part of a government study that is monitoring the condition of the ship.He says it's unclear

what part of the damage is from Mother Nature and which is from human nature.

“It's too early and there isn't enough evidence to put our fingers on anything,”McLean said.

Regardless,most agree there's little that can be done for this most famous of wrecks.And soon, the mighty

Titanic could well be lost again.

24.McLaren expected that in twenty years

A.Only a minor part of the wreck would remain as it is

B.The wreck would be getting worse at a faster speed

C.Only salvage operation with the purpose of research would be approved

D.The wreck would be completely destroyed by unapproved treasure hunters

25.What is the tourist's purpose of visiting the wreck,according to Kamuda?

A.To contribute to the breaking down of the Titanic.

B.To help finance the preservation of the Titanic.

C.To satisfy their curiosity and adventurousness.

D.To better understand the history of the Titanic.

26.Craig McLean is one of the scientists who believe

A.Visitors should not be prohibited from the Titanic and other famous wrecks

B.The influence of the thrill seekers on the wreck will finally be determined

C.The government should contribute more to the monitoring of the Titanic

D.The damage of the Titanic is not necessarily caused by the adventure tourists

27.The author is most likely to agree that the future of the Titanic is_________

A.promising B.discouraging C.controllable D.vague


In department stores and closets all over the world,they are waiting.Their outward appearance seems rather

appealing because they come in a variety of styles,patterns,materials,and colors.But they are eventually the

biggest deception(欺骗)that exists in the fashion industry today.What are they?They are high heels —a woman's

worst enemy (whether she knows it or not).High heel shoes are the downfall of modern society.Fashion myths

have led women to believe that they are more beautiful or stylish for wearing heels,but in reality,heels succeed in

creating short as well as long term troubles.Women should fight the high heel industry by refusing to use or

purchase them in order to save the world from unnecessary physical and psychological suffering.

For the sake of fairness,it must be noted that there is a positive side to high heels.First,heels are excellent

for aerating lawns(草 坪 通 气 ).Anyone who has ever worn heels on grass knows what I am talking about.A

simple trip around the yard in a pair of those babies gets rid of all the need to call for a lawn care specialist,and

provides the perfect-sized holes to give any lawn oxygen without all those messy blocks of dirt lying

around.Second,heels are quite functional for defending against potential enemies,who can easily be scared away

by threatening them with a pair of these sharp, deadly fashion items.

Regardless of such practical uses for heels,the fact remains that wearing high heels is harmful to one's

physical health.Talk to any podiatrist(足病医生),and you will hear that the majority of their business comes

from high-heel-wearing women.High heels are known to cause problems such as deformed feet and torn

toenails.The risk of severe back problems and twisted or broken ankles is three times higher for a high heel

wearer than for a flat shoe wearer.Wearing heels also creates the threat of getting a heel caught in a narrow

sidewalk gap and being thrown to the ground —possibly breaking a nose,back,or neck.And of course,after

wearing heels for a day,any woman knows she can look forward to a night of pain as she tries to comfort her

aching feet.

28.Women don't take the disadvantages of high heels too seriously because of

A.their attempt to show off their status

B.the rich variety of high heel styles

C.their wish to improve their appearance

D.the multi-functional use of high heels

29.What's the author's tone in presenting the positive sides of high heel shoes?

A.ironic B.favorable C.sympathetic D.objective

30.The writer uses “those babies”(Paragraph 2)to refer to high heels show their delicate characteristic show women's affection for them emphasize their small size indicate their trendy appearance

31.It can be inferred from the passage that women should

A.refuse to buy the products of the fashion industry

B.go to apodiatrist regularly for advice

C.avoid following fashion too closely

D.see through the very nature of fashion myths


Carried by the wind,dust particles( 微 粒 )from places such as the Sahara Desert can float halfway around

the world before settling to the ground.As the plastics abandoned by humans break down into tiny pieces in the

environment,they,too,travel through the atmosphere.Now scientists are a step closer to understanding how these

microplastics travel in the globe —both locally and on long-distance flights.

Researchers spent more than a year collecting microplastics from 11 national parks and wilderness areas in

the western U.S.They examined the particles that settled on dry days and those that fell along with rain or

snow.In addition to making clear how microplastics move around,the results,published on Thursday in

Science,reveal the seriousness of the problem:more than 1 million kilograms of microplastics —the weight of

120 million to 300 million plastic water bottles —fall on protected lands in the country's western region each


The new findings add to scientists' concern over microplastic pollution's potential impacts on the

environment and human health.“We're not supposed to breathe in this material,”says Steve Allen,a microplastics

researcher at the University of Strathclyde in Scotland,who was not involved in the new study.Plastics in the

environment carry all sorts of pesticides (农药),heavy metals and all the other chemicals that we ve made over

time,he adds.“They're going to carry them directly into our lungs.”

Since their discovery in oceans in the 1970s,microplastics —which can be as large as a grain of rice or

smaller than a particle of dust —have been found nearly everywhere researchers have looked:in cities,in Arctic

snow,on remote mountaintops.Their presence in areas distant from the place where human live has pointed to

them being carried by winds.

32.What do the scientists further understand now?

A.Why Sahara Desert is expanding to the south of Africa.

B.How plastic particles travel on the wind.

C.Why it is hard for plastics to break down.

D.How dust particles are spreading through the wind.

33.What do we know about the new study?

A.The results showed the amount of microplastics is huge.

B.Researchers collected microplastics across the U.S.

C.Researchers focused on plastic particles in dry days.

D.Numerous plastic water bottles were found each year.

34.What does Steve Allen say about plastics?

A.They should be recycled.

B.They do harm to weather.

C.They can be used to make all sorts of pesticides.

D.They carry harmful chemicals to human lungs.

35.What would be the best title for the passage?

A.Dust Particles Is Harmful to Our Lungs

B.The Environment Is Threatened by Plastics

C.Microplastics Are Falling from the Sky

D.Microplastics Do Harm to Health



Teenagers are spending more money than ever.Just last year,31.6 million teens spent 155 billion,according

to the North-brook,Illinois-based market research group Teenage Research Unlimited. 36 __

Shocked at how much money kids spend?Maybe you haven't checked the price tags lately on some of the

younger generation's must-haves.To some,such luxurious spending on the changeable young might seem

unbearable. 37_ .Timothy Marshall,an associate professor of developmental psychology at Christopher

Newport University in Virginia,analyzed the widespread phenomenon after some research.

One factor is surely the sheer power of marketing through mass media.Teenagers are exposed to an

estimated 3,000 advertisements each day.Combine the ads with programming itself,like the fashion-,music-and

skin-filled shows on MTV,and you've got a large number of messages telling kids what they should own if they

want to fit in.

Many working parents probably compensate by spending money on their kids. 38 But also,spending

money is often more convenient in our fast-paced society than going to baseball games or other activities.

For many families,of course,keeping up with their children' costly demands for designer clothing,CDs,and

concert tickets is a financial impossibility.Marshall says,even for those families who can afford such luxurious

spending,striking a compromise between spoiling the kids and denying them is tricky,but possible.

39 Instead of just giving children the toys or clothing they desire,give them an allowance and show them

how they can save up for whatever they want.And don't be afraid to just say no.Most of the parents are working

nine-to-five or even working overtime to make ends meet. Therefore,shoulder the responsibility of instructing

the kids to tell right from wrong,and developing healthy habits of spending money is of great importance. 40__

A.Why do some parents give in?

B.How did they persuade parents to pay?

C.Teaching kids how to budget and save is key.

D.Kids shouldn't always take money for granted.

E.Much of that money,of course,comes from parents.

F.We need to step up and tell kids where the boundaries are.

G.There is probably some guilt involved in not spending enough time at home.

第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)

第一节 (共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C 和 D) 中,选出可以填入空白处 的最佳选


The last attempt of Ken Campbell to run could trace back to high school.When his wife,Susan, injured her

foot,she needed 41 to rejoin her running group,so Campbell went along to keep her company in the 42 .“We

were just walking at the beginning,he says,“I was heavy,and weighed over 90kg.But as the weeks and months

passed,the weight fell away,Susan recovered and Campbell's 43 _grew.At the age of 63,he ran 50km,and at

70,he 44 a 100km ultra marathon.

So how does someone with no 45 _experience of running become an ultra distance runner in his 60s and

70s?Susan had run marathons before her 46 ,but for Campbell,the turning point came when Susan's Fleet Feet

running group started the trails in the Sierra Nevada foothills near their home.

Campbell went out to visit Susan's group,and the trails were a terrible 47 .It had been raining,and I was

slipping,sliding and 48 .But I thought,well,I like this a lot.”What he liked above all was the feeling of being

wrapped by the trail,being 49 by the closeness of the vegetation(植被)and the nearness of the river.

Running the 100km ultra marathon took Campbell 16 hours.When Campbell 50 the finish line at 3

am,Susan handed him a 100km sticker to 51 on the back of his truck.He already had a 50km one on there.“It is

a public 52 that you are part of this community,he says. “Wherever we park,I see a line of vehicles with their

various stickers and I feel that we are a tribe (部落). ”

Campbell suffered from arthritis(关 节 炎 )before he started running,and was “a(n)53 for knee

replacement,but for now,he no longer needs a surgery.It can 54 the running —but the “sense of well-being and

accomplishment will carry me on forever,he says,“If I can't run,I will 55 .”

41.A.arrangement B.operation C.confidence

42.A.progress B.treatment C.recovery D.diagnosis

43.A.talent B.abilities C.experiences

44.A.completed B.managed C.won D.joined

45.A.precious B.previous C.special D.sufficient

46.A.graduation B.growth C.injury D.attendance

47.A.practice B.atmosphere C.dream D.mess

48.A.sighing B.falling C.complaining D.moving

49.A.appreciated B.appealed C.embraced D.buried

50.A.approached B.accomplished C.divided D.crossed

51.A.remain B.advertise C.locate D.display

52.A.statement B.reminder C.truth D.expectation B.alternative C.candidate D.survivor

54.A.put an end to B.get involved in C.keep an eye on D.take advantage of

55.A.die B.walk C.stop D.cry

第二节 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)


Machines work well at a constant speed —and the faster the better.Whether they are spinning cotton 56

_dealing with numbers,regular,repetitive actions are what they excel at.

Increasingly,our world is being designed by machines and for machines.We adapt to machines and hold

ourselves to their standards:People 57 _(judge)by the speed at which they respond, not the quality of their

response.“Always on”becomes something to take pride 58 _.When I ask people _______59 they are

doing,they almost always answer “busy.Ticking things off the “to do”list becomes 60 means of defining

ourselves. 61 (occupy)if not with work then with family or our social networks,most of us feel


A few years ago,I became very interested in what it meant 62 _(pause).I started to notice where pauses

show up in my own work and life.For example,I realized when I was writing,a short walk was a(n) 63

(effective)way to focus than concentrating harder.The small walk acted as a pause, 64 _(enable)me to

rest,reflect or refresh,appreciate and break a block in my 65 (creative).I realized that pause is not nothing!

A minute eating ice-cream is not the same as a minute doing push-ups.Even time itself isn't a uniform raw

material —as the physics of Einstein shows.


第一节 (满分15分)

假定你是某国际学校的学生会主席李华。随着手机越来越智能,学生们所受的影响也越 来越大。请你






2. 内容充实,行文连贯;

3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear fellow students,



第二节(满分 25 分)

阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Daniel got a job as a delivery man to work his way through college. His parents couldn’t save up all the

money he needed to get into law school, so since he was 15, he would take summer jobs and find some other

jobs between studies to earn extra cash.

The boy was determined and every day he would wake up at 5 a.m., summer or winter, riding on his old

bike to deliver parcels. It wasn’t an easy job, especially during winter. Besides that, his old bike was slow,

making things harder. But that wasn’t a problem for Daniel.

Daniel’s schedule was always the same every day and people in the neighborhood already knew him. He

called them by their names, and they would often wave and greet him as he passed.

It was a normal day and Daniel was delivering parcels as usual. “Morning, Daniel! Check out my brand-

new mountain bike!” called out a man whose home Daniel visited frequently. “Morning, Mr. Warren! That’s a

really fancy bike!” Daniel screamed back at him as he rode towards his first delivery. He couldn’t help

imagining what it would feel like to own a bike like the one Mr. Warren had just shown him. “My deliveries

would double with that” he thought longingly.

Suddenly, Daniel lost balance and fell on the road. He got up and leaned the bike against the wall to see

what had happened. He found a nail stuck in the back tire (轮胎) and he unluckily had a flat tire.

As he turned around and tried to think of what to do, he saw something unusual. A strange man Daniel had

never seen before furtively (鬼鬼祟祟地) looked around and placed a package under his jacket. “Hey!” Daniel

shouted at the man. “Hey there! What are you doing? That’s not yours!” The man heard Daniel and started to

run as fast as he could.


1. 续写词数应为 150 左右:

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

After having a look at his bike’s flat tire, Daniel quickly started to run after the man.

Mr. Warren arrived on his new bike, and then helped pin (按住) the thief down.




21-23 CAD 24-27 ACDB 28-31 CABD 32-35 BADC


36-40 EAGCF



41-45 DCBAB 46-50 CDBCD 51-55 DACAB


56.or 57.are judged 60.a 61. Occupied 62. to pause 63.more effective 64.enabling




Dear fellow students,

Smart phones have become an indispensable part in our life.Lots of students having been adversely

affected,we appeal to every one of us to reasonably use smart phones.

It can be noted that dissatisfying behaviors involving smart phones are going viral,such as getting drowned

in games and even cheating in exams.Therefore,it's urgent that we take instant measures.Initially,we call on

every student to prioritize our academic work.Fully engaging ourselves in classes rather than phone

entertainment,we are more likely to improve our academic performance.Additionally,we advocate strengthening

the awareness of fair play.A majority of students make persistent efforts to attain higher scores,so all of us are

expected to take exams honestly to guarantee fair play.

Irresistible though smart phones are,it's high time that we started from lessening the screen time bit by

bit.Let's take action right now!

Li Hua


Paragraph 1:

After having a look at his bike’s flat tire, Daniel quickly started to run after the man. “Stop! Thief!” Daniel

cried out as he ran. The man was fast, but Daniel was faster. Daniel was gaining on the thief with every step he

took. The desperate thief had to look over frequently to check the distance between them. Suddenly he tripped

over a stone and fell. Daniel immediately caught him by the arm. The thief struggled to his feet, waving his fist

toward Daniel in an attempt to escape. Daniel was holding the thief tight when he heard someone shouting “Here

I come!”

Paragraph 2:

Mr. Warren arrived on his new bike, and then helped pin (压住) the thief down. Daniel told Mr. Warren

what had happened and called the police. Shortly afterwards, a policeman arrived and took the thief away. When

Daniel was about to leave, Mr. Warren stopped him and offered his new bike to Daniel and told him it was a gift

for him. When Daniel tried to refuse such a generous gift, Mr. Warren insisted he take the bike, saying that it

was actually a reward for Daniel’s bravery. Tears in his eyes, Daniel said, “Thank you so much! I’m glad to be





