
2024-01-14·8页·353.3 K

呼和浩特市2023—2024 学年第一学期高三年级学业质量监测



1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号、座位号涂写在答题卡上。本试卷满分 120 分,考试时长 100分



第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题2 分,满分 30分)




Battle of wits(智力)

Do you feel a rush during discussions about your favorite sport? Do you experience excitement when discussing

your favorite team with your friends? Are you the one who turns to the last few pages of a newspaper first to run

through the sports columns?

SPJIMR’s SPRINT brings to you Battle of Wits, the flagship sports quiz. Your chance to go head-to-head with

sports enthusiasts from B-Schools across the country is here. Will you be able to stand till the end to win this battle?

Competition Rules:

Participation is open to all B-School students either in teams of 3 or as a lone wolf. There is no restriction on the

number of teams participating from the same B-School. In the case of 3 members, all must be from the same institute.

This event has two rounds: A Preliminary(预备的)round which will take place on Dare 2 Compete on 20

October and then the Finals which will take place on Zoom on 26 October. The top 8 teams will qualify for the Finals.

However, in case multiple teams from the same B-school tap the charts, only the top 2 teams from that B-School will

be allowed to play in the Finals. The qualifying teams will be announced on https://sprint-spjimr.coml on 23 October.

The Finals will be conducted in a Pounce-Bounce format. The exact details of the format will be announced on

the above website on 24 October.

21. Which students would mast probably enter for this event?

A. Debate lovers. B. Sports fans.

C. Animal raisers. D. Technology enthusiasts.

22. How many members can a B-School have to play Round Two at most?

A.2. B.6. C. 3. D.8.

23. When will the participants know if they reach the Finals?

A. On 20 October. B. On 24 October.

C. On 23 October. D. On 26 October.


In 1959, Handler changed how toy dolls were made when she introduced “Barbie” to the world. With her mature

figure, Barbie was one of the first “grown-up” dolls to hit the retail market.

Handler wanted to create a toy that was different from the baby dolls that dominated little girls’ toy boxes. She

wanted a doll that girls could project their future dreams upon and allowed for limitless clothing and career choices.

Inspired by paper dolls of the time, Handler, to much disagreement, made sure Barbie had the body of a grown


“My own philosophy of Barbie,” Handler wrote in her autobiography, “was that through the doll, the little girl

could be anything she wanted to be. Barbie always represented the fact that a woman had choices.”

There’s even a Barbie for cancer patients—Brave Barbie—a partnership between Mattel and CureSearch that

sends a bald(光头的)Barbie to families affected by cancer. “Gifting my daughter a Barbie who suffered from

cancer was tremendous,” Michelle, a cancer survivor said, “We would play with that Barbie together and I’d

heartbreakingly watch her pretend to take the doll to the hospital for chemo(化疗), or place its long wig on top of

its head and tell the doll ‘It’s time to be beautiful again’.”

Bald Barbie was super brave and went on awesome adventures after chemo. Sometimes she felt sick and needed

to sleep, but would feel much better after a rest. Bald Barbie always beat the cancer and went on to live a long and

happy life with her family. That Barbie became so much more than a plastic doll — she was a means of

communication and a coping mechanism during an extremely distressing time for little families.

24. Why did Handler create Barbie?

A. To inspire girls to make choices as they wish.

B. To appeal to girls with her diverse outfits.

C. To do a project on women’s career choices.

D. To make a hit in the retail market.

25. How might Michelle feel when watching her daughter with Brave Barbie?

A. Envious yet proud. B. Sad yet comforted.

C. Overwhelmed and ashamed. D. Heartbroken and regretful.

26. What does Brave Barbie mean to Michelle’s family?

A. A secret medium of negotiation. B. A glue for broken relationships.

C. An effective practical treatment. D. A reliable emotional support.

27. Where is the text probably taken from?

A. A financial journal. B. A charity brochure.

C. A story collection. D. A medical report.


The concept of “Smart Asian Games” is deeply rooted in all aspects of preparations for Hangzhou Asian Games.

Zhejiang promotes the intelligent level of Hangzhou Asian Cames with advanced technologies, and strives to present

a spectacular event.

The intelligent operation & maintenance platform makes venue(场馆)management more elaborate. In Asian

Games Intelligent Management Centre, various data of Hangzhou Olympic Sports Centre Stadium and Hangzhou

Olympic Sports Centre Tennis Centre such as venue energy consumption, visitor flow and traffic flow are recorded in

the intelligent management platform, which is convenient for working personnel to conduct management. In addition,

the smart venue management system of Tonglu Equestrian(马术)Centre also integrates meteorological(气象学

的)monitoring data, to carry out real-time monitoring for weather conditions around venues, and provides guarantee

for event operation.

Smart robots offer more efficient services. At Gongshu Canal Sports Park Gymnasium, smart robots can provide

venue guides, event explanation, question answering and other services for audiences, and can also start the automatic

patrol(巡逻)function. Moreover, the intelligent monitoring system of each venue can detect faults and inform

relevant personnel on time for handling.

Advanced technology achieves a better watching experience. On the external road of Shaoxing Baseball &

Softball Sports Centre, the self-driving bus decorated with Hangzhou Asian Games element patterns shuttles among

Asian Games venues to facilitate the travel of audiences. Passengers can also enhance the watching experience by

adjusting the interior lighting and temperature on the intelligent screen of the vehicle. Hangzhou Asian Games

Organising Committee launches Smart Hangzhou 2022 as the first one-stop digital watching service platform in the

history of the international large-scale comprehensive sports events. It provides the one-stop service from ticket

purchase, travel and watching to accommodation, catering and tourism.

28. What does the underlined word “elaborate” mean?

A. Carefully organized. B. Quickly designed.

C. Slowly fixed. D. Easily built.

29. What can smart robots do?

A. Inform questions. B. Guide audiences.

C. Collect data. D. Handle errors.

30. Which of the following belongs to efforts for improving the watching experience?

A. Smart Hangzhou 2023. B. Smart lighting system in accommodation.

C. Adjustable temperature among venues. D. The self-driving buses on the street.

31. What can be a suitable title for the text?

A. Hangzhou Asian Games: the best ever Asian Games.

B. Hangzhou Asian Games: a spectacular visual feast.

C. Advanced technology: high intelligent Asian Games.

D. Advanced technology: a better watching experience.


Ancient builders across the world created structures that are still standing today, thousands of years later. Roman

builders built thick concrete sea barriers against waves. Mayan builders created great sculptures, and Chinese builders

constructed walls against foreign enemies.

A growing number of scientists have been studying materials since a long time ago. They are breaking apart

pieces of buildings and reading historical texts hoping to learn how they have stood for thousands of years. The

research has turned up a surprising list of materials that were mixed into old buildings. They include tree bark,

volcanic ash, rice and beer. These unexpected materials cam have the ability to get stronger over time. Figuring out

how to copy these features can have real impacts today. While some of our modern concrete has the strength to hold

up very tall buildings and heavy structures, it cannot compete with the durability of these ancient materials.

Many scientists have turned to the Romans. Starting around 200 BC, the Roman Empire was building concrete

structures that have stood the test of time. Even in places where seawater has been hitting structures for ages, you will

find concrete basically the way it was when it was poured 2,000 years ago. They think they have found an important

reason why some Roman concrete has held up structures for thousands of years. That the ancient materials have an

unusual power to restore themselves when they form is the most shocking for them. Exactly how is not yet clear, but

scientists are starting to find the reasons.

Today’s builders cannot just copy the ancient processes. Even though Roman concrete survived from earlier

times, it couldn’t hold up heavy buildings. Instead, researchers are trying to take some of the ancient materials and add

them into modern mixes. People don’t need to make things last quite as long as the Romans did. If we add 50 or 100

years to concrete’s lifespan, we’ll surely require less pulling down, less maintenance and less material in the long run.

32. What were the mentioned Roman and Chinese buildings both used for?

A. Seawater control. B. Travel. C. Soldier training. D. Defence.

33. Which word can best describe the ancient buildings?

A. Thick. B. Delicate. C. Long-lasting. D. Heavy

34. What surprises the scientists most about the ancient building materials?

A. Their self-repairing ability. B. Their clear concrete.

C. Their internal structures. D. Their large cracks.

35. What is the author’s attitude to the future concrete?

A. Tolerant. B. Suspicious. C. Expectant. D. Indifferent.

第二节(共5 小题;每题2 分,满分 10分)


Why was school created? 36 Especially on test days, many students wonder exactly why they’re being

subjected to such terrible and unusual punishment!

If you’re honest with yourself, though, you know what a great place school is. 37 . Sure, tests can be

stressful, but think of how boring life would be if you didn’t get to learn new things and see other people so often!

Schools are not a new invention. You may have seen some old one-room schoolhouses that have been around for

several hundred years or more. 38 .

In fact, education dates back to the very first humans ever to live on Earth. Why? To survive, every generation

has found it necessary to pass on its knowledge, skills, values, and traditions to the next generation. How can they do

this? Education! Each subsequent generation(后代)must be taught these things.

39 They educated young people within the family unit. Over time, however, populations grew and

societies formed.

Rather than every family being responsible for education, people soon found out that it would be easier and more

efficient to have a small group of adults teach a larger group of children. 40 .

A. In this way, the idea of school was born.

B. The earliest schools, though, date back thousands of years.

C. At that time, schools focused on reading, writing, and maths.

D. Ancient schools weren’t like the schools we know today, though.

E. We’re sure that’s a question that every student asks from time to time.

F. The earliest human beings didn’t need schools to pass along information.

G. You have fun, learn all kinds of interesting things, and get to spend time with your friends.

第二部分 知识运用(共两节,满分 45分)

第一节(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30分)



On July 10,1980, I was aboard an old destroyer(驱逐舰), sailing from Singapore to the Philijppines. The day

was gray with threatening clouds. There was a typhoon 41 our way. All of us were looking forward to arriving

in the Philippines as quickly as possible.

Suddenly, the lookout 42 an object floating. He announced that it was a boat with many people on it in a

43 area with reefs(礁石).The captain announced that we were heading towards the boat to offer 44 .

Everyone prepared for the possible rescue. I made my way to the back end of the ship. The ship 45 . But along

the way, I heard most of the crew were 46 about assisting the people. And I even heard an engineer 47

said, “We ought to leave them out there to die!”

We got close to the boat and sent out the whaleboat with a small crew to 48 it out further. The crew

reported back it was an old wooden boat 49 with about 50 men, women and children, who were very weak. Our

ship became even more 50 after that news. Some gathered any dry clothes they could 51 and I prepared

the area for rest and all the medical items.

We 52 got alongside the boat and the first thing I noticed was the strange sound of babies crying. Then

came the sound of the men and women excitedly talking with pain in their voices. All their faces 53 great

tiredness. We helped gen them 54 . The weakest received 55 while the rest got a place to rest.

During those hours after the 56 . I noticed a big change in the 57 of the crew. The same 58

even helped in caring a baby girl. Outside, the weather was growing worse, but inside, everything felt 59 and

pleasant. Our new friends were very happy as if they were on a luxury ship 60 an old destroyer.

41. A. blocking B. heading C. passing D. sweeping

42. A. confirmed B. recognized C. got D. spotted

43. A. risky B. narrow C. remote D. vast

44. A. assistance B. guidance C. convenience D. comfort

45. A. turned around B. broke down C. came alive D. palled out

46. A. setting B. concerning C. quarreling D. complaining

47. A. mercifully B. casually C. angrily D. nervously

48. A. help B. carry C. knock D. check

49. A. equipped B. crowded C. surrounded D. occupied

50. A. prepared B. refreshed C. disturbed D. secured

51. A. wear B. sew C. change D. spare

52. A. finally B. secretly C. naturally D. accidentally

53. A. covered B. predicted C. reflected D. produced

54. A. recovered B. settled C. motivated D. appreciated

55. A. support B. treatment C. permission D. favor

56. A. disaster B. search C. rescue D. adventure

57. A. patience B. speech C. attitude D. attention

58. A. lookout B. captain C. crew D. engineer

59. A. tiring B. warm C. cold D. clear

60. A. instead of B. in spite of C. by means of D. apart from

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15分)

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

China’s newest online sensation is a pink fox called LinaBell from Shanghai Disneyland. After 61

(make)her debut(初次登台)on September 29 , the life-size figure has taken the Chinese social media. Unlike

other Disney 62 (character), LinaBell has never been on the big or small screen. All we know is that she

met Duffy, Mickey Mouse’s teddy bear gifted to him by his sweetheart Minnie, in the forest and 63 (help)

him find his way home, according to Disney’s introduction video of the character. Since her first debut, the fluffy

(毛茸茸的)character 64 (win)the hearts of many visitors that were attracted by her unique personality

and 65 (adore)appearance.

Footage of meet-and-greets with the pink fox are all over the Internet and LinaBell can be seen communicating

66 every visitor through expressive body language. She corrects those visitors 67 mispronounce her name,

shows love for those queuing up for hours to meet her and hands out free candy.

Visitors to Shanghai Disneyland were the first people 68 (meet)LinaBell as she made her global debut

from the Chinese city. As a “ 69 (local)born” character, LinaBell can understand different Chinese dialects

beyond that of Shanghai, and can interact with visitors from different parts of China.

Disney’s localization efforts, including the company’s IP products have resulted in its popularity in China.

Shanghai Disneyland has been 70 considerable financial success compared to Paris and Hong Kong.

第三部分 写作(共两节,满分 35分)

第一节(共 10 小题;每小题1 分,满分 10分)

假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10 处语言错






2.只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。

I take part in the Cultural Exchange Week in London last month. Honest speaking, I enjoyed myself in a city. I

paid a visit a city museum and some places of interest. They made me have a better understanding of the British

society, culture or history. Of course, I also made several new friend there, who hobbies are similar to mine. What’s

more, I was lucky to call on a pen friend, Johnson, who had been in touch with myself for a long time. I will never

forget the most happiest days that we spent together. When returning to China safely, I felt very satisfying.

第二节 书面表达(满分 25分)

Teen Times 正在向中学生征集庆祝“世界环境日”的活动方案。请你写一篇短文投稿,参加本次活动。



2 你的理由。

注意:1.词数 100 左右;2.短文的首句已为你写好。

World Environment Day falls on June 5th.______________________________________________________





2023-2024 学年呼和浩特市高三年级质量数据监测



A篇 21-23 BBC B篇 24-27ABDC C篇 28-31ABDC D篇 32-35 DCAC

七选五:36-40 EGBFA

完形填空 41-45 BDAAC 46-50 DCDBA 51-55 DACBB 56-60 CCDBA


6l. making 62.charactcrs 63. helped 64. has won 65. adorable

66. with 67. who/ that 68. to meet 69. locally 70.a


71.【答案】将第一行第一句“I take part in.....”中“take”改为“took”。

72.【答案】将第一行第二句“Honest speaking”中 Honest“Honestly”

73.【答案】将第一行第三句“I enjoyed myself in a city”中“a”改为“the”。

74.【答案】将第二行第一句“I paid a visit a city museum and some places of interest.在“visit”和“a city”之


75.【答案】将第三行第一句“culture or history 中“or”改为“and”

76.【答案】将第三行第二句“I also made several new friend there”中的“friend”改为“friends”。

77.【答案】将第三行第二句“who hobbies are similar to mine”中“who”改为“whose”

78.【答案】将第四行第二句“who had been in touch with myself....”中的“myself”改为“me”.

79.【答案】将第五行第一句“I will never forget the most happiest…”中的“most”去掉。

80.【答案】将第五行第三句“I felt very satisfying”中“satisfying”改为“satisfied”. satisfying 是令人满意

的,而这句话中是我感到满意,故应用 satisfied.


One possible version:

World Environment Day falls on June 5th. I believe we can organize two activities to celebrate the day.

First, we can organize a bird feeder building activity, where students can use recycled materials to build different

kinds of bird feeders. It can not only stimulate students’ creativity but also give them a chance to observe birds’

behavior later. Secondly, we can make a garden on our campus. Students can grow vegetables and get involved in the

whole process of plant growth, from seed to harvest. Students will gain hands-on experience, learn to respect others

labor and reduce food waste.

All in all, both activities are practicable and fun, which undoubtedly will appeal to students and help raise their

environmental awareness.





