
2024-02-22·15页·5.4 M









2024 年新高考联考协作高三2 月收心考试


1-5BABCB 6-10 BBABC 11-15 CCACC 16-20 CBAAA

21-23 BAD 24-27 ACDB 28-31ACBD 32-35 DABD 36-40CDAEF

41-45DBCAD 46-50 BACDA 51-55 BCBAD

56. was/had been 57. Fondly 58. and 59. when 60. Despite

61. to cover 62. happiest 63. admiration 64. an 65. priced


Dear fellow students,

This is Li Hua. I am excited to announce that our newly constructed indoor swimming pool is about to

open its doors for everyone! The swimming pool will be open from 1pm to 9pm on the weekday and from

8am to 9pm on the weekend. Before you dive in, remember to follow the safety guidelines posted around the

pool area.

We encourage all students to take advantage of this fantastic facility. Swimming is not only a great

getaway to relax but also an excellent form of exercise to keep your body fit and healthy. So, grab your

swimsuits and dive in for a refreshing experience!

See you at the pool!


Paragraph 1:

After what seemed like hours, I felt a sigh of relief rush through my body. Emerging from the dense bush,

I found myself standing in a familiar place, the collection of sticks and stones from

our weekend adventures with my dad scattered around. It was then that I realized I had circled back

to our special spot. The familiar rustling of leaves and the cool air on my back reassured me

that I was indeed near home. In the foggy distance, a fuzzy but familiar figure stood still beneath the tall tree in

front of my house. It was my dad! I gathered all my strength and ran towards the house.

Paragraph 2:

“You are alive!” my dad shouted, “You are alive!” My dad’s voice echoed through the early

morning, filled with a mixture of relief and concern. I threw myself into the warm embrace of my worried father,

exhausted but relieved. He had been searching crazily for me as the night wore on. I shared my adventure, from the

mysterious screech to the challenging encounter with the river. My dad, though relieved, couldn’t

help but chuckle at my determination to explore even in the dead of night. From that day forward,

our weekend adventures became even more special, filled with stories the Australian sky.


Text 1

M: Terrisa came back from Macao this afternoon. Let's hang out with her tomorrow morning.

W: Sorry, I have to visit my grandma then. I won't be back until tomorrow afternoon.


Text 2

W: Do you still want to be a professor, George?

M: No, I’m going to do business and make a fortune in the south.

W: Good luck for you. I still want to be a doctor.

Text 3

W: What will the weather be like tomorrow?

M: The day will start showery until late afternoon although we might see a sunny period

at noon. It will be cloudy the whole afternoon.

Text 4

M:Hello,Jennifer.This is Dave.What are you doing?

W:I'm cooking some steak.Would you like to come over for dinner?

M:Why not? I’ll bring some orange juice.

Text 5

M:I joined a dragon boat racing team. We’ve been practicing three days a week for the past month.

W: Great. When do you practice?

M: Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from five to seven.

Text 6

W:Wow, you look like a drowned rat!

M: I forgot to take an umbrella. It is raining cats and dogs outside.

W: You'd better take a hot shower right now, or you'll catch a cold.

M: OK. I don't want to be get sick during the exam week.

W: I'm cooking chicken soup for our grandma in hospital. There's a lot of soup. Have some after you finish the

shower. It can help prevent colds.

M: OK. Thank you.

Text 7

W: Which teachers will you have?

M: Mr. White for Chinese, Mr. Xu for maths, and Caroline for English...

W: Caroline is really humorous. I love her lessons.

M: But I don’t like Mr. Green for physics. He speaks too slow and in too low a voice. It’s so boring that I often

fall asleep in his class.

W: Come on, he’s so knowledgeable that you really need to focus. I admire him.

M: Perhaps that’s why you are smarter than me.

Text 8

M: Calm down, Madam! What can I do for you?

W: It’s all about my daughter Emma. She’s missing.

M: Sit down. Mrs White. Let me get more details.

W: Well. She went to school at 7:30 this morning and should have been back at five o’clock. But now three

hours later she’s still not back, yet.

M: What does she look like?






