
2024-02-22·14页·1007.8 K

听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7 题。

6. What does the woman like most about China?

英语试卷 A. Warm-hearted Chinese.

B. Mouth-watering food.

注意事项: C. Breathtaking scenery.

1. 答题前,考生务必用黑色碳素笔将自己的姓名、准考证号、考场号、座位号在答 7. Where did the man go this summer?

A. France. B. Canada. C. England. I



2. 每小题选出答案后,用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,

8. What will the woman be doing at 8 pm?


A. Meeting her admirers.


3 考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。满分150分,考试用时120分钟。 B. Doing a photo shoot.

C. Having an interview.

第 一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分) 9. What is the woman's job?

注意,听力部分答题时,请先将答案标在试卷上。听力部分结束前,你将有两分钟 A. Fashion model. B. Novelist. C. Movie star.

的时间将答案转涂到答题卡上。 听下面一段对话,回答第 10 至第12 题。

第一节(共5小题;每小题 1. 5分,满分7.5分) 10. What problem does the man have?

听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出 A. Knee injury. B. Obesity. C. High blood pressure.

最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关 11. What activity does the woman advise the man to do?

小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 A. Jumping rope.

1. How does the man feel? B. Running at a high speed.

A. Cold. B. Warm. C. Hot. C. Walking after each meal.

2. What is the woman doing? 12. What can the man have for dinner?

A. Working on the marketing plan. A. Sausage. B. French fries. C. Chicken breast.

B. Writing a monthly report. 听下面一段对话,回答第13 至第16 题。

C. Playing computer games. 13. What is wrong with the leaflets?

3. Where does the woman want to go? A. It failed to convey contact information.

A. The Art Gallery. B. Beijing Road. C. The City Museum. B. It contained many spelling mistakes.

4. What is the man going to do next? C. It was not beautifully designed.

A. Stop for a rest. 14. What does the woman sell?

B. Keep handling the problem alone. A. Furniture. B. Dogs. C. Cats.

C. Make a phone call. 15. Where does the conversation take place?

5. What does the woman want the man to do? A. In the man's studio.

A. Apologize to her. B. Lower the volume. C. Put on the headset. B. At the woman's home.

第二节(共15小题;每小题 1. 5分,满分22.5分) C. In the woman's store.

听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有2 至 4个小题,从题中所给的 A 、 B 、 16. What do we know about the man?

C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5 A. He is an animal lover.

秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后, 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白 B. He is careless.

读两遍。 C. He is a creative designer.

英语第1页(共10页) 圈二一二二二二二 英语第2页(共10页)


听下面 段独白, 回答第 17 至第 20 题。 eTo ensure a safe and enjoyable visit, face coverings are required for the protection of yourself

17. When are the listeners supposed to arrive at the classroom on Monday? and others. Please be considerate of people and exercise social distancing where you can 一

A. 8: 30 am. B. 8: 25 am. C. 4: 00 pm. especially in smaller spaces. Hand sanitiser stations cari be.found throughout the Museum and

18. What does Professor White dislike most? we recommend washing or sanitising your hands regularly. See the Visit Page for more

A. Copying others'work. information.

B. Being late for class. 21. Who are most likely to be interested in the exhibition?

A. Followers of painting. B. Lovers of modem Egypt.

C. Failing the tests.

C. Enthusiasts of sculpture. D. Fans of ancient mythology.

19. How much does the final test account for in the final score?

22. How much should a disabled adult and his assistant pay?

A. 20%. B. 50%. C. 40%.

A. 33. B. 30.

20. What does the speaker mainly talk about?

C. 63. D. 66.

A. Schedule and requirements of the course.

23. What is a must for tourists?

B. The introduction of Professor White. A. Washing their hands regularly.

C. Course contents. B. Booking tickets online in advance.

第二部分 阅读(共两节, 满分 50 分 C. Arriving 20 minutes earlier before the tour begins.

第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分, 满分 37.5 分) D. Wearing a facial mask the whole time.

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、 B、C、 D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。 B

A Born in French Carnp, California, Hernandez used to spend half the year with his family in

Discoer the fascinating history of ancient Egypt and explore one of the most iconic spaces Michoa凶n, Mexico, before returning to the U. S. to follow the seasonal harvests. My

in the Museum before it opens to the public. childhood was typical of a migrant farm working family, a family that spends nine months out of

In the Egyptian sculpture gallery (Room 4) , you can see impressive statues of kings and the year picking fruits and vegetables from Southern California to Northern California,

gods , monumental tomb architecture and ancient tomb reliefs (浮雕) spanning 3,000 years. Hern dez told CNN in 2016. While others looked forward to summer vacation, I hated it.

These include the grand statues of Ramesses II and the Gayer-Anderson Cat. Summer vacation meant working seven days a week in the fields.

His earliest memory of space was watching the landing of Apollo 17 on his family's black

Learn about the importance of large-scale sculpture in ancient Egyptian temples, tombs and

and white television. Ever since that moment, he was set on becoming an astronaut. Since the

much more in this special guided tour.

traveling lifestyle led him to miss school and relocate often, his second-grade .teacher called for

Opening: 8: 50 am - 10: 00 pm, 9th Apr. 2024 — 10th May 2024

his parents to settle in one place so their kids could have a good education - an act that set


釭3 Hem dez on the right track to achieve his dream.

Hernandez went on to get a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from the University- of

e30 (Members)

the Pacific in 1984. Two years later, he earned a master's degree in electrical and computer

e30 (Students, jobseekers, disabled visitors)

engineering from the University of California, Santa Barbara. Hernandez then joined the

16.50 (Ages 5 - 15 years)

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Northern California, where he developed the first

.足e Free for under 5s and disabled visitors'assistant (no booking required)

full-field digital equipment for breast cancer examination.

More details: But his dream to become an astronaut didn't fade. Hernandez persisted through every

eThe tour will begin at 9: 00 am and will last 60 minutes. rejection letter - and kept on polishing his skills. He obtained his pilot's license, became a

ePlease meet at the Main entrance on Great Russell Street (WClB 3DG) at 8: 50 am with certified diver, and even learned to speak Russian. Finally, in 2004, at age 42, his acceptance

your email confirmation. letter came. After completing Astronaut Candidate Training, he was selected as a mission

eThis tour is limited to a maximum of 20 places per session. If youould like to bring a group specialist on the STS-128 mission, bound to launch in August 2009. During the 14-day journey

of 10 or more people or arrange a special out-of-hours tour, please email traveltradebookings aboard the shuttle Discovery, Hernandez helped transport seven tons of equipment and supplies

@ britishmuseum. org to discuss your options. to the International Space Station.

英语.第3页(共10页) 二一二二二二口 英语 第4页(共10页)


Still, while some large companies like Shutterstock have said that they'll obey opt-out

Today, Hem如dez serves as Head of the University of California and runs Tierra Luna, the

aerospace consulting firm he co-founded. He is also a . motivational speaker and is back to requests, it's unclear if everyone will jump on board. This is what makes Zhao's efforts so

picking fruit 一 this time, on his own terms, as he owns a vineyard, where he and his father appealing.

make and sell their own line of wines. In addition to Nightshade, Zhao's team has also developed Glaze, which is designed to

24. Why didn't Hernandez like summer vacations? prevent AI from .stealing an artist's style. It also works by injectingan invisible pixel into

A. He had too much homework to do. artwork. Eventually, the team wants to fold Nightshade into Glaze and allow artists to decide

B. The weather was usually unbearable in summer. which tool they wish to use. Together, Zhao hopes that these tools will help favor the artist in the

C. He had to work in the fields all day long. race to keep up with AL

D. The family moved a lot during summer vacations. 28. Why is the nightshade plant mentioned in Paragraph 1?

25. What inspired Hernandez to become an astronaut? A. To present the history of nightshade.

A. His lifestyle of travelling frequently. B. To introduce the background information.

B. Dramas he watched on family's television. C. To demonstrate different functions of nightshade.

C. Seeing the landing of Apollo 17 on TV. D. To explain why the name was given to the tool.

D. A suggestion from his second-grade teacher. 29. How does Nightshade work?

26. What do we know about Hernandez? A. By injecting pixels into artworks to fool AI generators.

A. He spent 128 days on Discovery. B. By forcing AI generators to pay artists.

B. He. earned a master's degree in 1984. C. By banning AI generators' access to artworks.

C. He spent most of his time in Mexico when young. D. By damaging the artworks uploaded.

D. He was accepted as an astronaut at age 42. 30. What will Zhao's team do next?

27. Which of the following can best describe Hernandez? A. Encourage more artists to use their inventions.

A. Faithful and humble. B. Am b1tious. and persevering. B. Integrate Nightshade into Glaze.

C. Inspirational and cooperative. D. Devoted and sensitive. C. Push for the proper use of AI image generators.

C D. Persuade AI generators to follow the opt-out rules.

In history, the nightshade plant was used to poison kings and emperors. So it's only fitting 31. What's the main idea of the text?

that a new tool used to poison AI art generators is named Nightshade. Created by Ben Zhao, a A. A tool defends copyright by misleading AI generators.

computer science professor at the University of Chicago, the tool is designed to help artists fight B. New challenges arise from AI image generators.

copyright infringement (侵权) by AI art generators that are trained using their artwork. C. AI image generators are violating artists'copyright.

Nightshade allows artists to inject an invisible pixel (像素) into their artwork before they D. Nightshade helps artists to create better works.

upload it online. If that artwork is then placed into an AI training set, it will infect the AI model D

and cause it to break. The original tool could be the saving grace of artists who are rightly Plants can often tell when they're in danger - by smell; But not all leaves sniff out threats

concerned about AI infringing on their copyright. equally well. In com plants, baby leaves do this best, new data show.

So what happens when an image is injected with Nightshade? Based on tests by the They recognize that danger is around the comer, says Lei Wang. He's a plant biologist

developers, the poison data affect the AI models. It can trick the system into thinking an image at the University of Bern in Switzerland. He and his colleagues shared the new findings in

of a cat is an image of a balloon or that cakes are a toaster. This results in unusable output; Current Biology.

and, once the uploaded image is infected, it's very difficult to remove. This means that tech Many plants are known to亘卫2 their chemical defenses when they're about to get bitten

companies will need to invest quite heavily in finding the infected samples in order to remove by insects. One way plants sense such threats is through smell. They can detect smell molecules

them. floating through the air. Those molecules may spread from an insect's saliva (唾液) .Or they

Currently, AI image generators like Midjourney, DALL-E, and Stable Diffusion do not pay may come from neighboring plants that have already been attacked and are on death's door.

artists for their work, and most do not offer an opt-out (退出) option. Recently, OpenAI began Originally, Wang and his team set otit to identify airborne chemicals that plants receive as

allowing artists to opt out of training sets for DALL-E, but some artists have found the process warning scents. But when they started their study, they found that the adult corn leaves they

quite difficult. tested did not produce many anti-predator chemicals in response to the smells.

英语第 5 页(共 10 页) 口一口 口口口口 英语 第 6 页(共 10 页)


So the researchers turned to baby leaves. These are much more fragile than the adult leaves Look at the very tools that power your workout. Are the machines equipped with

that scientists usually study. In the lab, the team exposed young and adult com leaves to a energy-efficient features? Do they employ the energy generated during workouts to contribute

common danger-signaling scent. This green-leaf compound is similar to the smell of freshly cut back to the gym's power needs?

grass. A com plant might encounter this scent if a nearby plant was in danger. The researchers e 38

measured how much danger signal each leaf released in response to the warning smell. The infrastructure (基础设施) of a gym plays a crucial role in its sustainability journey.

New leaves were more sensitive than adult leaves. Even though the adult leaves were worse The use of eco-friendly materials, energy-efficient lighting and strategic design for natural air

at smelling, however, they did release small amounts of defense chemicals. Other research circulation are key elements of a green fitness space.

shows that these leaves can process danger signals other than scent (such as insects munching on Explore the infrastructure of your gym. Does the overall design facilitate natural air

them) . They can respond to these attacks , too, by issuing chemicals aimed at tackling the circulation and use sustainable construction practices?

threat. e Waste management

Wang hopes his research may lead to the breeding of smarter crops — ones more resistant to As you are sweating it out at the gym, what happens to the waste generated? Sustainable

insects. In the long run, that should reduce a need for harmful pesticides. fitness spaces prioritise comprehensive waste management systems. 39 .

32. What do the underlined words beef up in Paragraph 3 mean? Direct your attention to how your gym manages waste. Are there visible recycling programs

A. Dismiss. B. Balance. C. Strengthen. D. Overcome. for plastics , paper and other common gym materials? Does the gym use eco-friendly cleaning

33. What can be learned from the text? products, demonstrating a commitment to minimising its environmental impact?

A. Plants defend themselves in various ways. e Renewable energy integration

B. Plants sense danger from insect saliva. 40 , but sustainable fitness facilities find innovative ways to employ renewable energy.

C. Freshly cut grass was used in the research. Solar panels and other renewable energy sources are integrated into the gym's infrastructure to

D. Adult com leaves can't produce defense chemicals. offset power consumption, reducing the facility's carbon footprint and contributing to a greener

34. What does Wang hope to achieve with his research? energy landscape.

A. To reduce the use of poisonous pesticides. Investigate whether your gym is tapping into renewable energy sources. Are there solar

B. To improve the taste of crops. panels or wind turbines integrated into the infrastructure?

C. To cultivate more profitable plants. A. This involves recycling programs for common gym materials

D. To create safer pesticides. B. Green building practices

35. What is the best title for the text? C. Adaptable fitness facilities

A. Scientists Developing Smarter Crops D. But how do you know if your gym is truly sustainable

B. New Study Revealing the Secret of Plants E. The energy demands of a busy gym can be considerable

C. Plants Recognizing Danger in Different Ways F. It's now contributing to the joint efforts for a greener planet

D. Young Com Leaves Smelling Danger Better G. Are there signs that your workout increases carbon footprint

第二节 (共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分, 满分 12.5 分) 第三部分 语言运用(共两节, 满分30分)

根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。 选项中有两项为 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分, 满分 15 分)

多余选项。 阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白

In the dynamic world of fitness, where treadmills (跑步机) hum and weights clink, an 处的最佳选项。

emerging concern for sustainability is reshaping the gym experience. 36 ? In this guide, Undoubtedly, Sherpas (夏尔巴人) are the unsung heroes of Mount Qomolangma. Back in

we'll navigate through key aspects of eco-conscious fitness to help you figure out if your gym is on 1953, Edmund Hillary could not have reached the 41 of the world's highest mountain

the sustainable track. without the 42 of Sherpa mountaineer Tenzing Norgay. Today Sherpas continue to challenge

e Energy-efficient equipment nature on this famous mountam.

A sustainable gym starts with the tools that push your workout. Modern fitness equipment is Recently Gelje Sherpa carried out a (n) 43 rescue when a Malaysian climber came

evolving beyond the pursuit of personal records. 37 . Energy-efficient machines, equipped close to death in Qomolangma's infamous death zone. 44 the Himalayan Database,

with regenerative braking systems and smart technology, employ the power generated during Qomolangma has 45 more than 310 lives since 1924. The Malaysian climber looked likely

workouts to balance electricity consumption. to join this number when Gelje came across him, alone on the mountain and 46 equipment.

英语 第7页(共10页) 二一口口二口二 英语.第8页(共IO页)


第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)

Gelje was faced with a(n) 47 : continue guiding his client tthe mountain's peak, or

第一节(满分 分)

48 the journey and save the struggling climber. For Gelje, it was a no-brainer. The climber 15

假定你是李华, 你的外国笔友 最近被北京大学录取了。 请你给他写一封信,

had to be saved. Gelje convinced his 49 to give up the peak attempt, 50 the climber to Christ


his back and carried him down 600 metres over the course of six hours. Later, he was joined by

another 51 , Nima Tashi Sherpa, who helped to carry the climber the rest of the way to base 1. 表示祝贺;

camp. 2. 你的感想;

3. 表达祝愿。

It is almost 52 to save climbers at that altitude, Department of Tourism official I

Bigyan Koirala told the Reuters news agency. [t is a very 53 operation. 注意:


But Gelje beat the odds, and his heroic efforts 54 . The rescued climber, whose name 1. 80 词左右;


was not 55 to the media, was flown home after his condition improved. Someone, please 2.

buy Gelje a drink! Dear Christ ,

41. A. back B. surface C. peak D. trail

42. A. admission B. assistance C. command D. commitment

43. A. dramatic B. heroic C. effortless D. typical Yours sincerely,

44. A. Accordmg to B. With regard to C. On behalf of D. Owing to Li Hua

第二节(满分 分)

45. A. endangered B. ignored C. claimed D. spared 25

阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

46. A. momtonng B. lacking C. hiding D. tracking

I went out one early November morning last year to walk the dogs, a break from caring for

47. A. challenge B. defeat C. opportunity D. decision

my husband, Dale. Some neighbors were passing by with their dogs too. I told them how weak

48. A. arrange B. sustain C. prohibit D. abandon

Dale was. Even though he was finally home from the hospital after suffering two strokes and a

49. A. friend B. supporter C. compamon D. colleague

heart attack, his breathing still labored from his initial Covid infection in September. I looked

50. A. stuck B. fastened C. forced D. assigned

down our street, at the homes that would soon be lit in a communal holiday display, and pushed

51. A. athlete B. consultant C. tourist D. guide

away the thought that this Christmas might be Dale's last. We'll have to skip lighting up this

52. A. impossible B. limitless C. critical D. tough

year, I said. Dale's all that matters, and I need to get these dogs walked so I can get back to

53. A. rare B. routine C. innovative D. precious

him. The couple offered to take care of our Christmas lights, but I turned their offer down

54. A. fell short B. spread out C. faded away D. took off

because it was just too big a job.

55. A. submitted B. granted C. clarified

D. released We usually went all out, cleaning the house, wrapping the tree, lining the yard and

第二节(共 小题;每小题 分, 满分 分)

10 1. 5 15 driveway with candy canes. It was a full day's work for Dale and me. Actually, Christmas was

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

1 the reason we'd moved to Ashby Avenue in one of Des Moines' must-see holiday neighborhoods.

When BBC's Planet Earth came out in 2006, the documentary series 56 (praise) for

For the entire month of December, cars paraded down the streets from 6 to 10 pm. Carolers (唱

its thrilling footage of wildlife from around the world. Hosted by famed naturalist David 诗班) and community groups filled the sidewalks. The whole neighborhood took on a festive air.

Attenborough, this project aims to showcase the beauty and 57 (diverse) of the natural I'd always dreamed of being part of it, and when Dale and I heard the news that there was a

world; and, by doing so, it has urged the public 58 (take) care of our planet. Fast house going on the market three years ago, we jumped at the chance.


forward 17 years , Planet Earth III has made 59 to the airwaves I returned with the dogs as fast as I could, in the meantime, feeling sad that we wouldn't be


A few weeks ago, BBC shared a trailer ) of Planet Earth III, 60 whales swim able to celebrate Christmas as we used to do. Dale was lying on the bed awake, his eyes staring

across the ocean and wolves walk on a 61 (freeze) body of water. And while there are some out of the window. I helped him sit up. He wasn't able to talk much, but we only grew closer in

anxiety-filled encounters, the video does point out who the real threat is. Seals are trapped by our quiet time together.

fishing nets, and primates 62 (cautious) cross a road where cars are zooming by. 注意: 1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;

Critics point out while the footage is breathtaking, there's a layer of heartbreak to it. Some 2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

of the species 63 (have) some positive developments over the last few years. But 64 The phone rang a few days after I'd run into the fellow dog-walkers.

show also presents how other creatures have had to adapt not only to c_limate changes, but also to

the direct effects humans have had鸟their habitats. Echoing Attenborough's urgent appeal On the night of Christmas Eve, I pressed the switch to light up the house.

from 2022, Planet Earth III presents the hardships these creatures face and also reminds the

audience why they're worth fighting for.

英语.第9页(共10页) 二一二二二二二 英语 第10页(共10页)




第一部分 听力(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)

1~5 CACCB 6~10 ABABB 11~15 CCAAC 16~20 BBACA

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)

21~25 CBDCC 26~30 DBDAB 31~35 ACBAD

第二节(共5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)

36~40 DFBAE

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题1 分,满分 15 分)

41~45 CBBAC 46~50 BDDCB 51~55 DAABD

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

56.was praised 57.diversity 58.to take/(should) take 59.it 60.where

61.frozen 62.cautiously 63.have had 64.the 65.on/upon

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)

第一节 (满分 15 分)


Dear Christ,

Learning the good news that you have been admitted to Beijing University,I am offering my

sincerest congratulations on your success.

The past few years has witnessed your great enthusiasm for Chinese learning and the tireless

efforts you have put in achieving your goal. From my perspective,this admission is a reward that

you richly deserve and a testament to the saying“no pains,no gains”. Beijing University is the

dream university for countless students,where not only can you learn from distinguished professors,

but you will also be accompanied by the most brilliant peers.

I wish you greater achievements in the future and I am looking forward to seeing you in China.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

英语参考答案第1 页(共9 页)

第二节(满分 25 分)


The phone rang a few days after I’d run into the fellow dog-walkers. It turned out my neighbors

shared our story with their friend Bob,a contractor,who offered to decorate our house free of charge.

I was stunned. He showed up at my doorstep the next day with four other men. No sooner had I

showed them where the lights were stored than they rolled up their sleeves and started working. Dale

and I watched from the front window as the men worked nonstop. In three hours,the crew was

done. When it was time to say goodbye,words failed to convey our gratitude to them.

On the night of Christmas Eve,I pressed the switch to light up the house. As we were ready to

celebrate this Christmas by just the two of us,surprisingly,I saw many familiar faces pouring into

our yard,all carrying carefully wrapped presents,mouth-watering dishes,one even dressing up as

Santa Claus. Immediately the house took on a festive air. So many people said they were coming for

us,keeping us in their prayers. I felt as if floating in the sea of happiness. Dale watched most of the

night from the window with tears in his eyes. The last 19 months of the pandemic had been so

isolating for all of us. Now there was a real sense of coming together during a season that was made

for it.


第二部分 阅读



主题语境:人与社会 —— 博物馆展览


21.C 细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“In the Egyptian sculpture gallery(Room 4),you can

see impressive statues of kings and gods,monumental tomb architecture and ancient tomb

reliefs(浮雕)spanning 3,000 years.”可知,在埃及雕塑展厅,游客可以参观有着三


22.B 细节理解题。根据 Tickets 部分可知,残疾游客门票为 30 英镑,他们的陪同人员门票

免费(Free for under 5s and disabled visitors’ assistant),故选B。

23.D 细节理解题。根据 More details 最后一点“To ensure a safe and enjoyable visit,face

coverings are required for the protection of yourself and others.”可知,在参观过程中,


英语参考答案第2 页(共9 页)


主题语境:人与自我 —— 人物介绍

【语篇导读】本文是记叙文。讲述了 Hernndez 如何成为一位宇航员的故事。

24.C 细节理解题。根据第一段最后两句话“ While others looked forward to summer

vacation,I hated it. Summer vacation meant working seven days a week in the fields.”

可知,Hernndez 讨厌夏天是因为他得一直在田间劳作,故选C。

25.C 细节理解题。根据第二段第一、二句“His earliest memory of space was watching the landing

of Apollo 17 on his family’s black and white television. Ever since that moment,he was set

on becoming an astronaut.”可知,在自家黑白电视上观看了 Apollo 17 着陆之后,Hern

ndez 就有了成为宇航员的梦想,故选C。

26.D 细节理解题。根据第四段第四句“Finally,in 2004,at age 42,his acceptance letter

came.”可知,Hernndez在 42 岁时收到了录取通知,故选D。

27.B 推理判断题。根据文章第二段第一、二句“His earliest memory of space was watching the

landing of Apollo 17 on his family’s black and white television. Ever since that moment,he

was set on becoming an astronaut.”可知,他志存高远。根据文章第四段第一、二句

“But his dream to become an astronaut didn’t fade. Hernndez persisted through every

rejection letter — and kept on polishing his skills.”可知,Hernndez 是一个锲而不舍的



主题语境:人与社会 —— 科技发展

【语篇导读】本文是说明文。介绍了一款名为 Nightshade 的软件,它能帮助设计师解决

AI 绘图的侵权问题。

28.D 推理判断题。根据第一段的内容可知,茄属植物(nightshade)在历史上用于毒害国

王和皇帝。赵教授带领的团队所研发的软件也是通过给AI 绘图软件“下毒”来解决

AI 绘图侵犯设计师权利的问题,因此得名 Nightshade,故选D。

29.A 细节理解题。根据第二段第一、二句“Nightshade allows artists to inject an invisible pixel

(像素)into their artwork before they upload it online. If that artwork is then placed into an

AI training set,it will infect the AI model and cause it to break.”和第三段的第二、三两

句“Based on tests by the developers,the poison data affect the AI models. It can trick the

system into thinking an image of a cat is an image of a balloon or that cakes are a toaster.”

英语参考答案第3 页(共9 页)

可知,受到像素感染的数据可以影响AI 模型。它能够欺骗AI 系统,使它相信猫的图


30.B 细节理解题。根据最后一段第三句“Eventually,the team wants to fold Nightshade into

Glaze and allow artists to decide which tool they wish to use.”可知,研究团队最终希望

将 Nightshade和 Glaze 的功能融合在一起,故选B。

31.A 主旨大意题。根据全文介绍可知,文章主要围绕着 Nightshade 这个软件如何通过在艺

术品中添加像素,混淆数据来误导AI 绘图软件,从而解决AI 绘图侵权的问题,故选



主题语境:人与自然 —— 科学研究



32.C 词义猜测题。根据第三段第一、二句“Many plants are known to beef up their chemical

defenses when they’re about to get bitten by insects. One way plants sense such threats is

through smell.”可知,很多植物感知到危险即将来临的时候,会加强防御,故选C。

33.B 细节理解题。根据第三段第二至四句“One way plants sense such threats is through

smell. They can detect smell molecules floating through the air. Those molecules may

spread from an insect’s saliva(唾液).”可知,植物可以通过气味感知危险。他们可以


34.A 细节理解题。根据最后一段“Wang hopes his research may lead to the breeding of smarter

crops — ones more resistant to insects. In the long run, that should reduce a need for

harmful pesticides.”可知,研究团队希望研发出更耐虫害的植株。长远来看,这样可


35.D 文章标题题。文章介绍了最新研究成果:比起成熟的叶子,玉米的嫩叶能更好地感



主题语境:人与社会 —— 可持续发展的健身房


36.D 考查句间顺承关系。后一句说到“在这则指南中,我们将会引导大家了解环保型健身



37.F 考查句间转折关系。前文提到现代健身的追求已经超越了创造个人的健身记录,此处


英语参考答案第4 页(共9 页)

38.B 段落标题题。这一段说到健身房的基础设施在可持续发展中扮演重要角色。使用环保


39.A 考查句间顺承关系。前一句说到可持续发展的健身房会将细致的废弃物管理系统放在


40.E 考查句间转折关系。后一句说到“但是可持续发展的健身设施能够找到创新的方式利



第三部分 语言运用


主题语境:人与社会 —— 登山向导拯救遇险登山者



41.C 考查名词的辨析。back“背后”;surface“表面”;peak“顶峰”;trail“小径”。该句要

表达的意思是:在 1953 年,要是没有夏尔巴登山向导 Tenzing Norgay 的帮助的话,

Edmund Hillary 是不可能到达世界最高峰的顶峰的,故选C。

42.B 考查名词的辨析。admission“承认;允许”;assistance“帮助”;command“命令”;


43.B 考查形容词的辨析。dramatic“戏剧的”;heroic“英雄的”;effortless“不费力的”;


著的“死亡地带”险些遇难时,登山向导 Gelje Sherpa 英勇地救下他,故选B。

44.A 考查介词短语的辨析。according to“根据”;with regard to“关于”;on behalf of“代

表”;owing to“因为;由于”。该句要表达的意思是:根据喜马拉雅山的数据库,从

1924 年至今,珠穆朗玛峰已经夺去 310 多条生命,故选A。

45.C 考查动词的辨析。endanger“危及”;ignore“忽视”;claim“夺去(生命)”;spare“赦


46.B 考查动词的辨析。monitor“监测”;lack“缺乏”;hide“藏”;track“追踪”。该句要

表达的意思是:当 Gelje 找到这位马来西亚的登山者的时候,他独自一人在山上,缺


47.D 考查名词的辨析。challenge“挑战”;defeat“失败”;opportunity“机会”;decision“决

定”。该句要表达的意思是:Gelje 面临一个抉择:是继续带领他的顾客登山,还是放


英语参考答案第5 页(共9 页)





