
2024-04-05·12页·267 K


(试卷满分 150 分,考试时间 120 分钟)







第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30分)


第一节 (共5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5分)

听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对

话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

例: How much is the shirt?

A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.


1. Where is the man going?

A. Kennedy. B. London. C. New York.

2. What are the speakers talking about?

A. A disease. B. A co-worker. C. A doctor.

3. What does the man intend to do?

A. Make friends. B. Collect papers. C. Do the typing.

4. What is the man doing?

A. Asking for information. B. Giving directions. C. Waiting for a bus.

5. What does the man want to know?

A. How to make dessert.

B. How to solve problems.

C. How to understand expressions.

第二节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5分)

听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选

项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时


听第6 段材料,回答第6、7 题。

6. What happened to the woman’s flight?

A. It failed to take off on time.

B. It was called off without notice.

C. It arrived about two hours earlier.

7. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. In a restaurant. B. On a plane. C At the airport.

听第7 段材料,回答第8、9 题。

8. How long is the woman going to stay at the hotel?

A. For two nights. B. For three nights. C. For four nights.

9. Why are the prices for the two double rooms different?

A. The rooms have different views.

B. The rooms are different in size.

C. The rooms are of different shapes.

听第8 段材料,回答第 10至 13 题。

10. When is the woman supposed to finish her essay?

A. By this Saturday. B. By next Monday. C. By next Friday.

11. Why is the woman behind with her writing class?

A. She was ill.

B. The course is too difficult.

C. She is busy with her reading task.

12. What does the man think of his college life?

A. Busy. B. Boring. C. Colorful.

13. What is the woman probably going to do on the 28th?

A. Visit an exhibition. B. Attend a party. C. Watch a play.

听第9 段材料,回答第 14至 17 题。

14. What is the man doing?

A. Introducing the woman to his neighbors.

B. Giving the woman advice on how to find a flat.

C. Showing the woman around the neighborhood.

15. What is the woman eager to do?

A. Visit the night market.

B. Jog in the high school.

C. Shop in convenience stores.

16. Why does the woman look for a library?

A. To get some information.

B. To find a map of the city.

C. To borrow some books.

17. Where will the speakers go next?

A. To a restaurant. B. To a bookstore. C. To a park.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 18至 20 题。

18. What should a public speaker avoid doing according to the woman?

A. Talking too loudly. B. Speaking too fast. C. Saying too much.

19. Why should the closing of a speech be carefully planned?

A. It’s usually the most remembered part.

B. It’s the last chance to make your point.

C. It’s as important as the opening words.

20. What does the woman suggest a public speaker do during the speech?

A. Show a good sense of humor.

B. Motivate the audience to act.

C. Meet challenges with courage.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 50分)

第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给A、B、C和D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。


Oaks Farms is a combination of experiences that are designed to keep your students engaged in fun and exciting

learning opportunities. We are truly a classroom without walls, offering educator-developed programs and field trips.

We invite you here to explore sustainability, which includes not only the environment but also animal welfare, safety

and our community.

The Pig Adventure

This program will help you learn all about pork and its benefits and discover the growth cycle of pigs from little

babies to full grown-ups. Monitor the development of baby pigs and see how the farm works at the Pork Education

Center. You will get first-hand knowledge about how our feeding system works.

The Dairy Adventure

This program encourages you to play as you learn, by opening up a fun space for dairy discovery including

learning how to use a “real” station. Understand the nutrition of the animal products, and how robots are used in the

Voluntary Milking System. You can start at the entrance to the adventure, and then stop by our Birthing Barn, which

is an independent education center, and take a look inside.

The Crop Adventure

Explore the Crop Adventure program to learn about the importance of working to feed 8 billion people, the many

uses of corn outside of consuming it, and how we can be sustainable with limited resources. See how a tractor can tell

you about the nutrients in the soil. Explore how technology assists farmers and the amazing biodiversity on the

Farmer’s Garden.

The Pig Adventure ($3/student)

The Dairy Adventure ($5/student)

The Crop Adventure ($4/student)

Whole Adventures — include admission to the Pig Adventure, the Dairy Adventure, and the Crop Adventure


21. What is Oaks Farms?

A. A special tour zone. B. A creative program.

C. An educational base. D. An adventurous activity.

22. What can people do in the Dairy Adventure?

A. Taste some delicious milk products. B. Witness the smart milking process.

C. Explore the process of pigs’ growth. D. Understand the importance of nutrition.

23. What is the minimum cost for visiting the Dairy Adventure and the Crop Adventure?

A. $7. B. $8. C. $9. D. $10.


Lying in the Mexican state of Oaxaca, the fishing village Huatulco is home to nine bays, 36 beaches and

thousands of baby turtles that apparently needed me. I had three open days on my calendar, and a desire to save some

turtles. And so, away I went to Huatulco with Wildcoast, a group of champions-for-change who were protecting

coastal and marine ecosystem in the U. S. and Mexico.

I was taken to La Escobilla to experience Wildcoast in action. Just one hour north of Huatulco, this protected

beach is where mass turtle nesting happens. This natural phenomenon lasts just four days during rainy season,

hundreds of thousands of female sea turtles swinging their way ashore to lay their eggs.

Between threats of dogs, crabs, development and oil spills, the little creatures have the whole world against them.

As recently as 2002, turtles hunting was not only a common practice, but an important part of the culture and diet in

the Oaxaca communities. Luckily, Wild coast rescues turtle eggs and recreates habitats by monitoring temperatures

and humidity. Thanks to their efforts, the sea turtles have made a major comeback, with now over 72 million turtles

being born on the beaches that Wildcoast protects.

I got to hold 50 of the tiny creatures in a bowl. Despite an average laying of 100 eggs, just one in 1,000 baby

turtles will make it to adulthood. Gazing into the bowl, I so badly wanted them to taste the sea and find shelter

somewhere deep in the ocean. Finally, it was time to liberate those little creatures. Out spilled the creatures, some

moving full steam ahead while others barely paddled in place. Literally, hundreds of them began to spread out across

the beach.

With each set of waves, we witnessed the survival of the fittest, some pushing past the white wash while others

crashed back to shore. Their fight for life made my eyes wet. A flock of birds were ready to dive into the sea for their

moving targets. “One in 1,000.” Nature was cruel and compassionate at the same time. After 30 long minutes, the last

creature made his way to the sea.

24. The baby turtles are threatened by various factors EXCEPT ______.

A. the cruel hunters B. the rapid development

C. the extreme weather D. the oil-polluted ocean

25. What do the underlined words “full steam ahead” in paragraph 4 mean?

A. With slow pace and fear. B. With all energy and enthusiasm.

C. With full caution and curiosity. D. With great satisfaction and responsibility.

26. What does the author indicate by mentioning “One in 1,000” in the last paragraph?

A. One baby turtle in 1,000 can make his way to the sea.

B. Thousands of baby turtles were crashed back to shore.

C. The struggle of baby turtles for life touched the author.

D. Baby turtles can hardly survive the tough living conditions.

27. What can we learn from the author’s experience in saving baby turtles?

A. Think twice before you leap. B. God helps those who help themselves.

C. Cease to struggle and you cease to live. D. When the buying stops, the killing can too.


Reunions offer a chance to reflect on how much has changed. One happened in Hollywood when Here premiered

(首映), bringing together the actors, director and writer behind Forrest Gump 40 years later for a new film. The stars

were “de-aged” using new AI tools, making them more youthful in some scenes and enabling the filmmakers to see

the transformation in real time while shooting.

With the use of generative AI in film making come things worth watching. The first is how AI will be used to tell

new types of stories, as storytelling becomes more personalised and interactive. No one is quite sure how the nature of

storytelling will change, but it is sure to. David Thomson, a film historian, compares generative AI to the advent (问

世) of sound. When movies were no longer silent, it changed the way plot points were made and how deeply viewers

could connect with characters. Cristbal Valenzuela, who runs a company providing AI-enhanced software, says AI is

like a “new kind of camera”, offering a fresh “opportunity to reimagine what stories are like”. Both are right.

Another big development to watch is how AI will be used as a time-saving tool. Generative AI will automate and

simplify complex tasks like film-editing and special effects. For a glimpse of the future, watch Everything Everywhere

All at Once, which won the Academy Award for Best Picture in 2023. It featured a scene that used a “rotoscoping”

tool to edit out the green-screen background and make a talking rock more believable. It shortened into hours what

might have otherwise taken days of video-editing.

What is also noticeable is more dramatic conflicts between creators and those running AI platforms. This year is

likely to bring floods of lawsuits (诉讼) from authors, musicians and actors about how their works have been used to

train AI systems without permission or payment. Perhaps they can agree on some sort of licensing arrangement, in

which AI companies start paying copyright-holders.

It will probably be a few years before a full-length film is produced entirely by AI, but it is just a matter of time.

28. What can we learn about the film Here?

A. It relates a story about youth. B. The theme of the film is reunion.

C. AI tools are employed in the film. D. It is adapted from Forrest Gump.

29. What does David think of AI’s application in film making?

A. Transformative. B. Destructive. C. Representative. D. Irreplaceable.

30. Why does the author mention the film Everything Everywhere All at Once?

A. To show the high efficiency of AI tools. B. To analyse a novel way of video-editing.

C. To demonstrate the influence of the film. D. To praise the hard work behind the scenes.

31. What is the article mainly about?

A. Conflicts between man and machine. B. AI’s huge effects on film production.

C. Drawbacks of dependence on AI tools. D. Hot debate on the use of technology.


Turning around corners, weaving through traffic, every second matters. It is neither a street race nor a 007 chase,

but the risky journey of a sushi roll.

The streets of China are filled with delivery drivers racing noodles, sandwiches and soups across cities. While the

everyday consumer may find these services convenient, most do not realize the true cost of their delivery. How much

is that late-night snack really worth?

Strict time limits are the main concern for delivery drivers. The Chinese delivery app Meituan decreased the

maximum time allowance from 50 minutes to 30 or even 20. Time literally means money: Surpassing the limit can

result in fines, which are paid to the firm rather than to the consumers. Yet, beyond fines, there is often a greater cost.

According to Pandaily News, one delivery worker is injured or killed in accidents every 2.5 days in Shanghai and,

sadly, companies seldom provide insurance claims when their time limits lead to these consequences. Drivers are

pushed to break traffic rules and risk their lives so your sushi is not a minute late.

Furthermore, low wages and extensive working hours exacerbate these issues. Some companies in China take

advantage of the economic inequalities between China’s large cities and less developed interior to offer extremely low

pay to migrant delivery drivers while demanding long hours. Yet these long hours and low pay are common

throughout the global delivery industry. In the United States, advertised earnings of $22 per hour are largely

exaggerated while workers complain that food delivery apps rarely give them all their tips.

What is the solution? First, consumers should recognize what is behind their impossibly cheap and fast delivery:

exploitation. We should expect more from the delivery app companies and less from their drivers. That is, we should

pay more and wait longer while only ordering from companies who offer their drivers fair wages, insurance and a safe

working environment. In the end, your sushi is just not worth it.

32. Who will be paid the fines for a delayed delivery?

A. The delivery firm. B. The delivery worker.

C. The sushi restaurant. D. The ordinary consumer.

33. What does the underlined word “exacerbate” in paragraph 4 mean?

A. Integrate. B. Comprise. C. Worsen. D. Ease.

34. Why does the author mention the “earnings of $22 per hour” in the US?

A. To indicate that delivery drivers shouldn’t expect much.

B. To emphasize that delivery companies should provide insurance.

C. To prove that the pay and working environment are better in the US.

D. To show that low pay and overwork are common issues in the industry.

35. Which of the following is the best title for the text?

A. The Harm of Delivery Services B. The True Cost of Convenient Deliveries

C. The Overrated Popularity of Sushi D. The Benefits and Problems of Delivery Apps

第二节 (共5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5分)


Younger generations of Chinese citizens have developed new methods to relieve stress, which include raising

unconventional “pets”, hugging trees, watching stress relief videos and so on.

On social media platforms, a new toy called “mango dog” recently emerged. 36 In the eyes of some

netizens, the “mango dog” has special meanings. “Every time I see it, it heals me,” “It’s fluffy (毛茸茸) and cute.”

37 For example, college students have shared online their experiences of raising stones and paper box “dogs”.

These “pets” share similar characteristics — they don’t cry, make noise or get sick.

Tree hugging has also become a new stress relief for young people. “You may think you are hugging the tree, but

in fact, the tree is embracing you,” this is a feeling shared by a netizen. Many netizens with such experiences have

expressed that their anxiety has been reduced, and they feel a sense of communication with nature. 38

“I came across the idea online. I tried it and felt truly relaxed,” said a young office worker. “In those brief

seconds, it felt like the tree released a lot of pressure and stress from me.” 39 “I especially enjoy watching

stress relief videos, like washing blankets and cutting soap. After watching them, I feel like the stress of the day is

relieved and it’s easier to fall asleep.”

40 According to public data, there are currently more than 800 companies in China with names, business

scopes, products, services or trademarks containing the term “stress relief”. In 2023 alone, more than 70 new

registered companies with this focus were added.

A. Various “pets” are made to cater to different people.

B. It is claimed to bring a sense of calmness and give a healing effect.

C. This is not the first time that young people have raised novel “pets”.

D. A young media worker also finds the relief in watching short videos.

E. In some cities people have even organized “tree hugging interest groups”.

F. Other toys such as squeeze balls have also gained popularity as a way to relieve stress.

G. The popularity of these methods reflects an increasing need to release people’s pressure.

第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分 30分)

第一节 完形填空(共 15 小题;每小题1 分,满分 15分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

Elmer Whitaker sighed as he looked over his muddy crops. A terrible 41 had swept through his farm the

night before, and his crops were now covered in 42 and destroyed. His neighbor, a kind young man named

Thomas, 43 to offer his help.

“What a disaster,” Whitaker said. My whole family has always survived on the harvests of this field. I feel

44 and don’t know what to do now.

Thomas calmed him down and thought for a moment. “I see this not as a disaster but as an 45 ,” he said.

Whitaker looked at him 46 . “How can it be?” he asked. Thomas smiled 47 , “Now you have a chance

to try something new. You’ve always grown beans and cabbages. Why not try planting 48 crops that will also

fit in this soil? You can diversify and therefore 49 your farm once again.”

Elmer Whitaker considered this. Thomas was right — he had become 50 in his ways. This disaster could

push him to make his farm diverse and sustainable in a new way. “You have 51 me,” Whitaker said. He

clapped Thomas on the back. “Thank you for showing me the opportunity in this difficulty.”

And so Whitaker 52 new crops and soon, the farm was full of life again. Farmers from neighboring

towns were 53 with the wonder of Whitaker’s fields, and they began to 54 their crops as well. Elmer

Whitaker’s farm has become a 55 of adaptability and hope, telling everyone that in every storm, there is a

chance for new growth.

41. A. force B. smoke C. war D. storm

42. A. mud B. grass C. mist D. dust

43. A. went on B. set off C. came by D. burst in

44. A. special B. desperate C. sensitive D. tireless

45. A. opportunity B. agreement C. intention D. element

46. A. as usual B. in disbelief C. on purpose D. with pride

47. A. innocently B. gratefully C. politely D cheerfully

48. A. major B. traditional C. different D. natural

49. A. restore B. exchange C. donate D. abandon

50. A. uninterested B. set C. disappointed D. hurt

51. A. informed B. demanded C. enlightened D. promised

52. A. tasted B. planted C. shared D. received

53. A. careful B. troubled C. familiar D impressed

54. A. diversify B. remove C. deliver D. observe

55. A. manner B. dream C. symbol D. cause

第二节 语法填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15分)


Have you ever felt stressed and anxious when your maths teacher asks you 56 question? Or when you

are doing your maths homework? If so, you might have experienced 57 is called maths anxiety — the feeling

of being extremely nervous when 58 (face) with doing basic mathematics. If you have experienced maths

anxiety, you are not alone.

Mathematics 59 (be) a necessary skill that people use throughout their lives. 60 (fortunate),

many people feel anxious when they have to do maths. That seed of fear may come from many sources. Cultural

expectations may also be 61 (blame) — girls may be more likely to catch maths anxiety, perhaps because of

stereotypes (刻板印象) that girls are naturally not very good at maths. Your genes, meanwhile, might lead you to

anxiety more generally — 62 (make) you more likely to respond unwillingly to maths.

Whatever its origins, once the seed of the fear takes root, it may grow by 63 (it): the more anxious you

feel, the worse you perform; the more you shy away from maths, the more you worry when you face it again. Adults

with maths anxiety often have trouble 64 maths in their careers and everyday life. Adults with maths anxiety

are 65 (little) likely to show interest, enter, and succeed in careers relating to science, technology,

engineering, and mathematics.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40分)

第一节 应用文写作(满分 15分)

假定你是李华,外教 Ryan 给你的英语作文打了B,但你觉得应该得A。请你给外教写一封邮件,内容包括:

1.写信目的;2.说明你应得A 的理由(至少两点);3.提出希望。


1.写作词数应为 80 左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Dear Mr. Ryan,








Li Hua

第二节 读后续写(满分 25分)


Edun did not want to go on a hike. She especially did not want to go on a long hike in the mountains that led to a

tiny cabin with no electricity and no running water. She wanted to stay home reading a book instead while wrapped in

a warm blanket.

“Ready?” Mom asked cheerfully after breakfast. Edun looked out of the window and only saw rain, lots of it.

“We should go another day,” Edun suggested. “Maybe a hundred years from now.” She worried she would get tired

on the hike. She worried about getting bored at the dark cabin. Mom said it was time to stop worrying and get into the


Edun’s brother, Will, was waiting in the garage, who wore a camera around his neck. Will was four years older

than Edun and had climbed many more mountains. He’d started hiking when he was two and loved it.

Because it was raining, Edun had to wear her rain pants, her rain hat, her rain jacket, and her waterproof boots.

Her jacket had a rough material on the inside. She didn’t like how it felt against her skin.

After about half an hour’s drive, they parked at a trail head (登山口). The rain had stopped but the ground was

still dripping wet. “We’ll be there by afternoon!” Mom promised. The afternoon sounded far away.

Will identified a bird sitting on a nearby branch — “Fox sparrow!” — then he raced down the trail and was soon

out of sight.

Edun rested under a pine tree. “You can’t force me to walk,” Edun said. “You’re right,” said her mom smilingly,

standing under the tree, too, “But you will never know what may lie ahead and amaze us.”


1.所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右;


Paragraph 1

Thinking Mom was right, Edun followed her down the trail. __________________________________________






Twenty minutes later, they saw the cabin. _________________________________________________________









