
2024-05-12·8页·772.4 K

听下面一段对话,回答第 10 至第 12 三个小题。


10. What are the speakers watching?

高三英语试卷 A. A movie. B. A stage performance. C. A TV show.

11. What is the man’s job?

命题学校:黄冈中学 命题教师:赵白红 涂金菊 李红英 秦媛 审题教师:卫亚丽

A. A cook. B. A salesman. C. A musician.

考试时间:2024年5月10日上午8:0010:00 试卷满分:150分

12. What is the woman trying to do?

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)

A. Inform the man. B. Encourage the man. C. Consult the man.

第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)

听下面一段对话,回答第 13 至第 16 四个小题。

听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。

13. Why has the picnic been cancelled?

听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

A. It has been raining. B. The man has another plan. C. The woman dislikes picnics.

例:How much is the shirt?

14. What did the man do just now?

A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.

A. He watched a game. B. He played soccer. C. He did an experiment.

答案是 C。

15. How does the woman probably feel about the exhibition?

1. Why did the woman stop playing the piano?

A. Uninterested. B. Disappointed. C. Excited.

A. She didn’t really enjoy it. B. She wasn’t very good at it. C. She didn’t have enough time.

16. Which of the following are shown in the exhibition?

2. What does the woman mean?

A. Jewelries. B. Oil paintings. C. Sculptures.

A. She is full. B. She wants some cake. C. She doesn’t like the meal.

听下面一段独白,回答第 17 至第 20 四个小题。

3. What is the relationship between the speakers?

17. What is the talk mainly about?

A. Teacher and student. B. Doctor and patient. C. Husband and wife.

A. A lecture on success. B. A graduation ceremony. C. A school award ceremony.

4. What time is it?

18. What kind of school is it?

A. 9:30 a. m. B. 10:00 a. m. C. 10:30 a. m.

A. A girls’ school. B. A boys’ school. C. A mixed school.

5. How will the woman probably go to the airport?

19. Who is quoted in the talk?

A. By taxi. B. By train. C. By bus.

A. A sportsman. B. A teacher. C. A singer.

第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)

20. What does the speaker say is the most important?

听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中

A. Confidence. B. Success. C. Trying.


第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)

5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)

听下面一段对话,回答第 6 和第 7 两个小题。

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项

6. When was the man called?

A. Today. B. Yesterday. C. Two days ago. A

7. What is wrong with the man’s mother?

Genes aren’t the only things we inherit. Readers share the rules and traditions that made them the

A. She is ill. B. She is dead. C. She is injured.

parents they are today.

听下面一段对话,回答第 8 和第 9 两个小题。

Like a Champ

8. What is the man mainly concerned about?

I grew up a very athletic tomboy. My mother occasionally told me to let the boys win, because they

A. The green space. B. The number of homes. C. The suburb development.

wouldn’t like me if I always beat them, so I did. My daughter is also quite athletic and has never heard

9. What does the woman say the area was like?

anything even slightly resembling those words. I tell her she’s as good as those boys and to do her best and

A. It was dirty. B. It was crowded. C. It was dangerous.

win. And she has. She has grown up very confident and is even more broadly admired for her

鄂东南教改联盟学校2024年五月模拟考 高三英语试卷(共10页)第1页 鄂东南教改联盟学校2024年五月模拟考 高三英语试卷(共10页)第2页

determination. What a difference a generation makes. In response to the boss’ trust in him, Tom bravely began preparing for this matter.

—Klari Frederick Linden, Michigan One day, while watching TV, he happened to see a program where the ventriloquist (腹语术者)


Buckle Up! Arthur interacted with the audience through a dummy( ) to convey information. This gave him

inspiration. The next day, he discussed his idea with his colleagues in the company and everyone

When I was growing up, my brother and I were told to buckle up on every drive — no exceptions to

supported his plan. On the day of the exhibition, they arrived at the scene early and prepared

Dad’s rule.

everything, although Tom was still a bit nervous.

Now that I have kids of my own, they also have to wear their seat belts on every trip. During my

The much-anticipated presentation started. The presenter began with a light-hearted joke and then

daughter’s driver’s education lesson, she hopped into the back seat and put her seat belt on when it was

proceeded to share some interesting facts about Reality Robotics Company before revealing the innovative

another student’s turn to drive. An oncoming vehicle hit them head-on. A paramedic said the seat belt had work the company was undertaking. Throughout the presentation, there were no pauses or instances of

broken my daughter’s sternum — but that if it hadn’t been there, she’d have gone through the windshield. Tom’s dreaded phrase: “but what I really meant to say was...”. The audience was impressed by the

My dad’s rule saved my daughter’s life. innovative product the presenter described and hoped for a demonstration to see how effective the new

—Penny Males Lucas, Texas invention was. As the presentation drew to a close, the presenter said calmly and confidently, “And now I

Snow Time like the Present would like to share this stage with the man who invented me.”

My mom always prioritized exposing me to new experiences. We visited Canada when I was 11. My Tom walked onto the stage, looking exactly like the presenter. The “identical twins” took the

audience by surprise. Tom then spoke slowly, “What you have just witnessed is a demonstration of the

heart was brimming with excitement when I saw my first snow. My grandmother suggested that it was too

latest invention from the company — a presentation robot.” Suddenly it all clicked and the audience

late and that I could play tomorrow. But my mom said, “No, I think I’ll let him play a little now.” It’s a

erupted in cheers. Tom then explained how the company created such a robot and programmed it to speak.

philosophy I’ve implemented in my own parenting. Just one exception for my dear daughter: No skydiving,

“As you could see and hear, it had the confidence I could never exhibit in such a presentation. We can


model it into an exact copy of you.” The audience got excited at the prospect. The boss smiled approvingly.

—Jonathan Gewirtz Monsey, New York Maybe Tom deserved a promotion, he thought.

21. What can we learn about the passage? 24. What’s Tom’s problem?

A. Klari’s daughter doesn’t like sports. A. He tended to get nervous easily.

B. Klari follows the exact rule that made her the parent today. B. He failed to win his boss’ recognition.

C. Jonathan wants to expose her daughter to every new experience. C. He was not confident to speak in front of the public.

D. If Penny’s daughter hadn’t buckled up, she would have been seriously injured. D. He can’t communicate with people in his daily life.

25. What do we know about the presenter?

22. What does the passage want to tell us?

A. He was quite serious.

A. We should not expect our children to follow our path.

B. He didn’t live up to Tom’s expectations.

B. Parents’ love for their children is significant in a family.

C. He was inspired by the dummy that Arthur worked with.

C. Whatever happens, we should do our best to be good parents.

D. Though confident, he was a bit nervous giving the presentation.

D. Our growing experience has a influence on our parenting skills. 26. What does Tom’s company do?

23. What is this text? A. It creates innovative robots.

A. A research paper. B. A survey result. B. It helps present new ideas.

C. A magazine article. D. A book review. C. It advertises new products.

D. It produces ventriloquist’s dummies .

27. What mainly contributes to the presentation’s success?

B A. Luck and humor. B. Teamwork and creativity.

Tom is an expert from a robotics company who can communicate smoothly with people through C. Caution and responsibility. D. Courage and friendliness.

computers, phones, and other means. However, when facing the crowd on site, he will feel uneasy.

His boss arranged for Tom to showcase to the audience the innovative work their company is doing.

鄂东南教改联盟学校2024年五月模拟考 高三英语试卷(共10页)第3页 鄂东南教改联盟学校2024年五月模拟考 高三英语试卷(共10页)第4页

31. By saying “their appetite can upset entire ecosystems”, the author means .


A. amphipods have occupied a lot of ocean space because of their appetite

Alan Jamieson remembers seeing it for the first time: a small, black fiber floating in liquid. It B. amphipods’ habitat should be protected so as to address human impacts

resembled a hair, but when Jamieson examined it under a microscope, he realized that the fiber was clearly C. amphipods can produce chain effects since they are food resources of others

synthetic (人工合成) — a piece of plastic. And worryingly, his student Lauren Brooks had pulled it from D. amphipods consuming too much marine resources affect the balance of nature

the gut of a small amphipod (片脚类动物) living in one of the deepest parts of the ocean.

For the past decade, Jamieson, a marine biologist at Newcastle University, has been sending vehicles D

to the bottom of marine trenches (海沟), which can be as deep as the Himalayas are tall. These landers To say that the child learns by imitation and that the way to teach is to set a good example

have collected amphipods — scavenger relatives of crabs and shrimp that thrive in the depths. Jamieson oversimplifies. No child imitates every action he sees. Sometimes the example the parent wants him to

originally wanted to know how these animals differ from one distant trench to another. But a few years ago, follow is ignored while he takes over contrary patterns. Therefore we must turn to a more subtle theory

he decided to analyze their body for toxic, human-made pollutants, which have been banned for decades than “Monkey see, monkey do”.

but which persist in nature for much longer. Look at it from the child’s point of view. Here he is in a new situation, lacking a ready response. He is

“It’s not a good result,” Jamieson said. “I don’t like doing this type of work.” When he submitted his seeking a response which will gain certain ends. If he lacks a ready response for the situation, and cannot

findings to a scientific journal, the researchers who reviewed the paper reasonably asked how he could tell reason out what to do, he observes a model who seems able to get the right result. In other words, the child

that the fibers were actually plastic. To satisfy the critics, his team chemically analyzed a subset of the looks for an authority or expert who can show what to do.

fibers and found that all of it was synthetic. There is a second element at work in this situation. The child may attain his immediate goal only to

Food is scarce in the deep, so amphipods eat pretty much anything, which makes them particularly find that his method brings criticism from people around. When shouting across the house achieves his

vulnerable to plastics. And since they sit at the bottom of the ocean food webs, their appetite can upset immediate end of delivering a message, he is told that such an action is unpleasant, and that he should

entire ecosystems. “They’re like bags of peanuts,” Jamieson says, “Everything else eats amphipods — walk into the next room to say his say quietly. Thus, the desire to solve a problem is overlaid by the desire

shrimp, fish — and they'll end up consuming plastics, too. And when the fish die, they get consumed by to solve it properly. One early thing the child learns is that he gets more affection and approval when his

amphipods, and it goes round and round in circles.” parents like his response. If one is to maintain others’ support and his own self-respect, he must adopt

“So what can we do? The International Union for the Conservation of Nature recommends we protect responses his social groups approves.

30 percent of every marine habitat to address human impacts, but that will only help if we’re also In finding trial responses, the child does not choose models at random. He imitates the person who

sustainably managing the remaining 70 percent, reducing carbon emissions, and limiting the pollution seems a good person to be liked, rather than a person whose social status he wishes to avoid. If the pupil

being dumped in the ocean in the first place.” wants to be a good violinist, he will observe and try to copy the techniques of capable players, rather than

28. Which conclusion can NOT be drawn about the fiber? those who may most influence his approach to books.

A. It has been proved to be generated by human. Admiring one quality often leads us to admire a person as a whole, and he becomes an identifying

B. It won’t appear again through human’s efforts. figure. We use some people as models over a wide range of situations, imitating much that they do. We

C. It was found in the body of a small amphipod. know they are dependable and rewarding models because imitating them leads to success.

D. It indicates plastic pollution in the deep ocean. 32. What does the author mean to do with the last sentence of the first paragraph?

29. What does Jamieson’s research focus on ? A. To compare children’s behaviors to monkeys’.

A. The food of amphipods. B. To tell us that children do not learn by imitation.

B. The habitat of amphipods. C. To warn that children should not learn by imitating their parents.

C. The difference between amphipods in different trenches. D. To show it is partial to regard imitation as “Monkey see, monkey do”.

D. The existence of human-made pollutants in amphipods. 33. According to the passage, what’s the first element at work when a child learns by imitation?

30. What’s the scientific journal’s initial attitude towards Jamieson’s findings? A. The desire to please others. B. The need to avoid criticism.

A. Negative. B. Doubtful. C. Supportive. D. Disapproving. C. The need to ensure a safe result. D. The desire to fit into a new culture.

鄂东南教改联盟学校2024年五月模拟考 高三英语试卷(共10页)第5页 鄂东南教改联盟学校2024年五月模拟考 高三英语试卷(共10页)第6页

34. What are the last two paragraphs mainly about? 第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分 30 分)

A. How children choose models. B. How children learn by imitation. 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

C.The motives of children’s imitation. D. The influence of children’s imitation. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选

35. Which of the following serves as the best title of the passage? 项。

A. Admiration for Children’s Imitation. Several years ago I was teaching in Melbourne, Australia. Like most Brits down under, I wanted to

B. Misunderstanding of Children’s Imitation. 41 my time in this country, so I would take every chance to travel around the far 42 of Australia.

C. Children’s Imitation: Not a Simple Trick On one trip, I and three friends went as far into the Outback(内陆地区) as it was possible to go,

D. Children’s Imitation: Not Unique to Humans camping and 43 Arnhem Land in the Northern Territory. In these riverine areas, there were plenty of

crocodiles and smaller, deadly 44 to make us nervous.

After picking up some 45 from an isolated shop near an even more isolated settlement, we

第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)

reached a 46 which had to be forded(涉过). It was a likely 47 for dangerous salt water


crocodiles to be loitering(游荡), so all of us were warned to 48 any “salties” as our vehicle entered

No woman can be too rich or too thin. This saying from the late Dutchess (公爵夫人) of Windsor

the water.

reflects much of the odd spirit of our times. Being thin is recognized as such a virtue. The problem with

At first the water only reached the top of the 49 , but within seconds it was lapping at the

this view is that some people actually attempt to live by it. 36 Consequently, I have been on a diet

windows. My heart was beating fast as I peered out, searching for any 50 logs floating towards us.

for the better-or-worse-part of my life.

51 there was a scream from the back seat. “Ah! Get it off, it hurts!” I turned round, feeling quite

37 And when did eating butter become a sin (原罪)? All religions have certain days when

52 that I was about to see a horrifyingly grizzly animal. As it 53 , one of my friends had bought a

people contain their desire from eating and excessive eating is one of Christianity’s seven deadly sins.

hot pie in the isolated little store. The contents, hotter than the Arnhem Land sunshine, had 54 onto

However, until quite recently, most people had a problem getting enough to eat. In some social groups,

his bare legs as we bumped through the stream.

wealth was a blessing and a symbol of high morals, and fatness a sign of wealth and well-being.

We made it to the other side with no “salties” 55 . Just one passenger with a very sore leg.

38 We have shifted to thinness as our new mark of virtue. The result is that being fat, or

41. A. run out of B. take hold of C. make the most of D. catch sight of

somewhat overweight, is bad because it implies a lack of moral strength. 39 It is true that we have

42. A. fields B. corners C. villages D. surroundings

more overweight people than before, and that being overweight correlates with an increased risk of heart

43. A.exploring B. searching C. swimming D. climbing

and blood diseases. These diseases, however, may have as much to do with our way of life and our high-fat

44. A. mammals B. humans C. plants D. creatures

diets as with extra weight. And the risk of cancer in the digestive system may be more of a dietary problem

45. A. water B. supplies C. clothes D. friends

—too much fat and a lack of fibre —than a weight problem.

46. A. stream B. lake C. valley D. cliff

The real concern, then, is not that we weigh too much, but that we neither exercise enough nor eat

47. A. station B. channel C. spot D. yard

well. Exercise is necessary for strong bones and overall health. A balanced diet can also help the body

48. A. reach out for B. wait up for C. turn a deaf ear to D. keep an eye out for

avoid diseases. Simply being thin is not enough. It is actually dangerous if those thin people think they are

49. A. wheels B. walls C. seats D. legs

automatically healthy and thus free from caring about their lifestyle. 40

50. A. easy-going B. fun-loving C. suspicious-looking D. fast-flowing

A. Today the opposite is true.

51. A. Interestingly B. Unbelievably C. Occasionally D. Suddenly

B. Thinness makes a big difference.

52. A. curious B. certain C. amazed D. bored

C. Then where did we go off the track?

53. A. turned out B. stood out C. made out D. found out

D. It is time to change their (and our) concept of thinness.

54.A. cracked B. extended C. spilled D. crashed

E. There is much to do when we realize we’ve gone too far.

55. A. lost B. caught C. missed D. sighted

F. Our addiction to thinness is also fueled by health concerns.

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

G. I myself have fantasies of slipping into narrow designer clothes.

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

鄂东南教改联盟学校2024年五月模拟考 高三英语试卷(共10页)第7页 鄂东南教改联盟学校2024年五月模拟考 高三英语试卷(共10页)第8页

Shenzhen University offered pillows as a graduation gift to graduates on Sunday 56 the hope of on their faces and tears in their eyes. Confused, I glanced toward my stonefaced teacher. Having no choice,

reminding them of the importance of sleep and pursuing their dreams. I slowly raised the report I had slaved over, hoping to hide myself. What could be causing everyone to act

At the graduation ceremony, president of the university Mao Junfa encouraged the young graduates this way?''

57 (attach) importance to their health and avoid staying up late. He warned them not to wait until sleep Quickly, I flashed back to the day Miss Lancelot gave me the task. This was the first real talk I

becomes 58 luxury. The front of the pillow features four different designs that contain iconic received in my new school. It seemed simple: go on the Internet and find information about a man named

buildings representing Shenzhen and the university. On the back, a message from the university 59 George Washington. Since my idea of history came from an ancient teacher in my home country, I had

(read), “Look up at the starry sky at night to dream, 60 step solidly on the ground during the day to never heard of that name before. As I searched the name of this fellow, it became evident that there were

chase dreams.” two people bearing the same name who looked completely different! One invented hundreds of uses for

Mao said that instead of 61 (wake) up by an alarm clock in the morning, it is the problems they peanuts, while the other led some sort of army across America. I stared at the screen, wondering which one

need to solve and the dreams they desire to achieve 62 get them out of bed. my teacher meant. I called my grandfather for a golden piece of advice: flip (掷) a coin. Heads — the

In previous years, the university gifted graduates items such as umbrellas with the meaning of commander, and tails — the peanuts guy. Ah! Tails, my report would be about the great man who invented

breaking a path through troubles and backpacks symbolizing 63 (adventure) spirit. peanut butter, George Washington Carver.

In addition to the customized pillows, the university also prepared commemorative test tubes of soil Weeks later, standing before this unfriendly mass, I was totally lost. Oh well, I lowered the paper and

and 64 (branch) from the university’s lychee garden. The materials were 65 (careful) selected, sat down at my desk, burning to find out what I had done wrong. As a classmate began his report, it all

collected and sterilized for graduates to take away as part of their memories of the school. became clear, “My report is on George Washington, the man who started the American Revolution.”

注意:1. 续写词数应为 150 词左右;

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分) 2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。

第一节(满分 15 分) Paragraph 1:

假定你是李华。为丰富校园生活,你校在上周举办了一年一度的校园艺术节。请你向学校校报 Para 1: The whole world became quiet! How could I know that she meant that George Washington?


1. 活动目的;

2. 活动内容;

3. 活动意义。

注意:1. 词数 80 左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

3. 文章中不得出现真实的姓名、学校等信息。

Paragraph 2:

Para 2: Obviously, my grade was awful. Heartbroken but fearless, I decided to turn this around.

第二节(满分 25 分)


Proudly reading my words, I glanced around the room, only to find my classmates bearing big smiles

鄂东南教改联盟学校2024年五月模拟考 高三英语试卷(共10页)第9页 鄂东南教改联盟学校2024年五月模拟考 高三英语试卷(共10页)第10页

细节理解题。根据第三段 可知,第一个因素要在上文寻找,而第二

鄂东南省级示范高中教育教学改革联盟学校 年五月模拟考 33. C There is a second element ...

2024 段 He is seeking a response which will gain certain ends 和 he observes a model who seems able to get the

高三英语参考答案 right result 说明小孩子模仿别人是为了在陌生处境中让自己的行为举动获得一个安全可靠的结果。

34. A 段落大意题。本篇说明文为总分结构,第一段提出主要话题“不能简单理解孩子的模仿行为”,


第二三段分析孩子为何模仿他人,第四五段介绍孩子如何选择模仿对象(第四段首句 In finding trial

1-5 CABCA 6-10 BCAAB 11-15 CBABC 16-20 ACBAC

responses, the child does not choose models at random 即为提示)。


35. C 标题选择题。本文介绍了孩子的模仿行为不简单,分别从“为何模仿”和“模仿谁”两个方

21-23 DDC 24-27 CCAB 28-31 BDBC 32-35 DCAC 36-40 GCAFD

面展开论述,证实了模仿背后大有乾坤,所以 Children’s Imitation: Not a Simple Trick 为最佳标题。

21. D 细节理解题。依据是第二个故事:...if it hadn’t been there, she’d have gone through the windshield.

36.G 36题为段中句,作细节补充。前一句讲“问题是一些人试图把追求瘦当成人生标杆”,然后

My dad’s rule saved my daughter’s life:如果不是系了安全带,她就会被甩出挡风玻璃。

马上举例,现身说法介绍自己幻想能挤进窄版的大牌服装,因此节食减肥,也不知是好是坏。G 选

22. D 推理判断题。意为:我们的成长经历会对我们如何当父母有影响。文章分享了3个读者寄来的



37.C 37题为段首句,为本段主题句。第二段介绍了人们追求瘦的历史渊源,段首用两个并列的问

23. C 推理判断题。从文章第一段 Readers share the rules and traditions that made them the parents they

句概括主题。从第二句 And when did eating butter become a sin (原罪)可知37也应为疑问句。

are today. Readers 是关键词,文章是读者分享的3个家庭故事。

38.A 38题为段首句,为本段主题句。第二段结尾介绍了历史上也有以胖为美的时候,第三段则转

24. C 细节理解题。从文章第一段可以得知Tom通过手机、电脑等别的方式和别人交流都没有问题,



39.F 39题为段中句,作细节补充和上下文过渡。前几句说了人们崇尚瘦是因为认为它是美德的象

25. C 推理判断题。从文章第二段可以得出信息: One day, while watching TV, he happened to see a


program where the ventriloquist (腹语术者) Arthur interacted with the audience through a dummy(假


人) to convey information. 其中,This gave him inspiration 为关键信息。

40.D 40题为末段末句,一般对本段和全文应该有总结作用。那些忽视自己的生活方式而一味追求

26. A 推理判断题。从文章第三段和第四段可以得出公司是做innovative products 的,而the


presenter 就是公司产品的一个典型代表:a demonstration of the latest invention from the company —

第三部分语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)

a presentation robot.


27. B 推理判断题。纵观全文,Tom 受腹语术假人dummy的启发,做出一个跟他自己长一模一样的

41-45 CBADB 46-50 ACDAC 51-55 DBACD

机器人来代替他做展示,这体现了他的创新能力;第二段The next day, he discussed his idea with his

41. C 考查短语动词词义。句意为“就像大多数来澳大利亚的英国人那样,我想要充分利用在这里

colleagues in the company and everyone supported his plan. On the day of the exhibition, they

的时间,所以我常常抓住一切机会去游览澳大利亚的偏远地区”。run out of... “用完”;take hold of...

arrived at the scene early and prepared everything可知,这次展示的成功是整个公司的团队合作的

“抓住;握住”; make the most of... “充分利用”; catch sight of...“看见”。


42. B 考查名词词义,句意同上。corner 意为“(较偏远的)区域;地区”。

28. B 细节理解题。从文章最后一段 recommends we protect 30 percent of every marine habitat to

43. A 考查动词词义。explore 指“探索;探险”。

address human impacts, but that will only help if... 可知,自然保护组织只是建议(recommend),而且要

44. D 考查名词词义。 句意为“在这片多河流的区域,有很多鳄鱼和更小的、致命的动物使我们


感到不安”。creature 意为“生物;动物”;mammal 是指“哺乳动物”。

29. D 细节理解题。从文章第二段 But a few years ago, he decided to analyze their body for toxic,

45. B 考查名词词义。句意为“在从一个更偏僻的定居点附近的偏僻的小商店里买了一些补给品之

human-made pollutants 可知。

后,我们到达了一条必须要涉水淌过的小河”。supply 指“补给品”,联系后文可选出。

30. B 观点态度题。从文章第三段 the researchers who reviewed the paper reasonably asked how he

46. A 考查名词词义,句意同上。stream 指“小溪;小河”,联系后文易选出。

could tell that the fibers were actually plastic. To satisfy the critics...可知。

47. C 考查名词词义。句意为“这是一个咸水鳄可能出没得地方,所以当我们的车入水之后,我们

31. C 推理判断题。选项 C 意为:片脚类动物因为处于食物链的底端,所以会产生连锁反应。从文

所有人都被警告要当心咸水鳄”。spot 指“场所;地点”。

章第四段尤其是这一句 since they sit at the bottom of the ocean food webs 可以得出答案。

48. D 考查动词短语,句意同上。keep an eye out for...意为“留意;当心;警惕”。

32. D 句意理解题。Therefore we must turn to a more subtle theory than “Monkey see, monkey do”意为

49. A 考查名词词义和句意理解。句意为“刚开始,水只到达了车轮的顶部,但几秒后就拍打窗户



结合第一段第一句话的 oversimplifies 可知,孩子的模仿行为比我们以为的要复杂许多,所以 D 项“表

50. C 考查形容词词义。句意为“我探出头,心跳得很快,搜寻着任何看起来可疑的木头朝着我们


漂浮过来”。这里的 log (木头)比喻浮在水中露出头的鳄鱼。suspicious-looking 指“看起来可疑

鄂东南教改联盟学校2024年五月模拟考 高三英语参考答案(共6页)第1页 鄂东南教改联盟学校2024年五月模拟考 高三英语参考答案(共6页)第2页

的;形迹可疑的”。 第二节读后续写 (满分25分)

51. D 考查副词。句意为“突然,从后排座位传来一声尖叫”。 One possible version:

52. B 考查形容词和句意理解。句意为“我转过身,确信我会看到一只可怕的灰色动物”。作者听 Para 1: The whole world became quiet!How could I know that she meant that George Washington?

到尖叫声,以为一定会看到一只鳄鱼,所以选 certain。 It was as if time had frozen, and I stood there,grappling with the realization that I had chosen

53. A 考查短语动词。 句意为“结果是我的朋友先前在那个偏僻的商店里买了一份热馅饼,馅饼 the wrong George Washington. The weight of my mistake settled heavily on my shoulders, and I

里面的馅比阿纳姆的太阳还烫,在我们过河的时候,热馅都洒到他的光秃秃的腿上了”。As it turned could feel the eyes of my classmates staring at me, filled with disappointment and pity. Miss

out 意为“结果是...”。 Lancelot’s expression softened slightly, perhaps sensing my confusion, but it offered little comfort

54. C 考查动词词义。句意同上,spill 指“洒出;溢出”。 to me.

55. D 考查动词词义。句意为“我们最终成功地到了河对岸,没有看到鳄鱼,只看到一个腿痛的乘 Para 2: Obviously, my grade was awful. Heartbroken but fearless, I decided to turn this around.

客”。 sight 作动词,指“看到,发现”。 I believed I deserved a second chance. With a firm determination, I embarked on a journey of

self-improvement, immersing myself in the study of American history and diligently working on

第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) my writing skills. It was a challenging road, filled with setbacks and moments of doubt, but I

56.in/with 57. to attach 58. a 59. reads 60.and 61. being woken refused to give up. Slowly but surely, my perseverance paid off,and with each passing assignment,

62. that 63. adventurous 64. branches 65. carefully I could feel myself growing stronger and more confident, ready to face whatever obstacles lay

56. 考查介词搭配。in/with the hope of 抱着...希望。 ahead.

57. 考查动词搭配。encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做...。

58. 考查不定冠词。此处 luxury 作可数名词,指“奢侈的事情”或“不常有的乐趣等”。 附听力录音稿:

59. 考查谓语动词和时态。 句意“枕头的后面写着一句话,...” ,时态跟上文中的 features 保持一 Text 1

致,用一般现在时。 M: I just love the piano. There’s an endless variety of music that can be played on it.

60. 考查并列结构。句意“夜晚仰望星空做梦,白天脚踏实地追梦”,中间用 and 连接。 W:I really enjoy it too. I used to be really good at piano actually. But I stopped playing in high school

61. 考查非谓语动词。句意“......没有被闹钟叫醒”,在介词 of 之后,又有被动含义,因此填 being because I was so busy.

woken。 Text 2

62. 考查特殊句式。 结合整句话判断,此处为强调结构。 M: Can I offer you another piece of cake?

63. 考查形容词变形。adventurous 指“有冒险精神的;大胆开拓的”。 W:Thank you. If I had it, I would burst. It’s nice of you to prepare this meal for me.

64. 考查名词的复数。 branch 以 ch 结尾,变为复数要加 es。 M: Great. As long as you enjoyed it.

65. 考查副词。 此处修饰动作,要用副词 carefully。 Text 3

W: So, tell me sir, when did you first notice the problem with your leg? I will examine it later.

M:I was at a restaurant with my wife and friends about three weeks ago. I suddenly felt a sharp pain.


Text 4

第一节. (满分15分)

W:George, where have you been? You said nine o’clock. I’ve been waiting here for an hour and a half

In order to enrich our school life and broaden the students’ horizons, our school held the annual

since then.

School Art Festival last week. And once again it was amazing fun. Students from each class, together with

M:I’m really sorry, Jenny. I set off at eight this morning, and would you believe I’ve been stuck in traffic?

teachers, took an active part in it.

Text 5

As scheduled, the festival started with a singing competition, attracting dozens of students who had a

W: Do you know if the last bus has gone ?

talent for music. Ten contestants stood out and won the prizes in the end. Then followed the school art

M:I'm afraid it left a couple of minutes ago.

show, in which many works from both the students and teachers were on exhibition, ranging from

W: Oh no! Do you know where I can get a taxi to the airport?

calligraphy to paintings. The highlight of the art festival was the gala, with various kinds of performances

M:You can go to the Red Star Square near the railway station. There are usually a few taxis there.

feasting our eyes.

Text 6

The art festival proved to be a huge success. It provided a platform for us students to showcase our

M: I came as soon as I could.

talents and passions, whether it be through music, dance, drama, or visual arts.

W: Did Caroline call you just now?

鄂东南教改联盟学校2024年五月模拟考 高三英语参考答案(共6页)第3页 鄂东南教改联盟学校2024年五月模拟考 高三英语参考答案(共6页)第4页

M: No, it was last night, but I didn’t have the car. I'm sorry I wasn’t here to help. M: Oh sure, we finished it ten minutes ago. It was hard playing in the mud. Everyone was slipping and

W: It's OK. You missed the drama, but she’s OK now. She’s just a little shaky. falling.

M: Poor Mom. I thought she would be dead, the way Caroline explained it to me. W: You’re crazy. Um, my lab experiment has also been cancelled, so I don’t have much to do tonight.

W: Oh no, she’s tough. She didn’t even break any bones. Just a few marks. M:You know, my roommate is an art major. He’s always telling me about the Minneapolis Institute of Art.

M: Where did she fall? It’s not far from here , and it’s free. I hear they even have a number of things from China.

W: The carpet on the stairs was loose and she went head first. W: Really? I can’t believe it!

M: Wow. She had a lucky escape. M: It’s even more than that. There’s even a separate hall for Chinese collections.

Text 7 W:I wonder what kinds of Chinese collections are shown there.

W: What do you think of the development? M: My roommate says there are many interesting things like Chinese water paintings, handcrafts, jewelries,

M: You’re creating a whole new community. and other fascinating stuff. We can go there and look around for a while , and you can tell me all about

W: We certainly are —400 homes, 40 shops and two schools. them.

M: Don’t you worry that you’re taking more green space away from the city? W:That’s great! Let’s go.

W:Look, Mr. Sharples, you must understand that this city needs more affordable housing. Text 10

M: But surely we have to consider the environment as well. Will you be living here or will you be in a Good evening, gentlemen and boys! Thank you for being here this evening. We’re here to congratulate the

suburb where you can see trees everywhere? top achievers of this year. The boys here have worked hard in order to be a part of this ceremony.

W:I’d gladly live in one of these homes. In fact, I’ll let you into a secret. I grew up in this area. Recognition of achievement can make us push ourselves and reach our full potential. The prizewinners are

M: Really? I didn’t know that. a true representation of everything that we value here at Hampton School. I have every confidence that you

W: Oh yes, and it wasn’t the perfect place you imagine. It was safe and not so crowded, but there was young men will be precisely the kind of young people who will make a positive difference to the country

rubbish and dirt everywhere. and the world.Your success will be built on being true to yourself. You should recognize your problems

Text 8 and doubts as well as your positive qualities. I remember listening to an interview with Andy Murray, one

W: What’s the matter? of the top tennis players in the world. After he was defeated in the first round of a tournament by a much

M: That’s it. I give up. lower ranked player, the media went crazy. However, Murray was straightforward and wise. “Nobody died

W: What do you mean? here,” he said, “I only lost a tennis match, nothing more.” We are proud of our prizewinners today. They

M: This guy is amazing. I've never seen anybody play the guitar on stage like that in person. I might as should be proud of themselves. But let's be clear, if you link motivation to winning prizes in life, you set

well stop trying. yourself up for disappointment. The greatest prize of all is that you can look yourself in the eye and say, “I

W: But you’re good as well. tried my absolute best.”

M: I'm not in the same league as him. It’s time that I changed my profession and started selling insurance

or cooking people’s dinners.

W:Don’t be silly. Just use him as inspiration. Be the best you can be. Lots of people like your music and I


M: Thank you for your faith.

W: Remember, the man who we're watching once couldn’t play the guitar at all. He had to learn and

practice to get to this level.

M: I bet he practiced every day of his life.

W: Have confidence in your ability, and enjoy the show.

Text 9

M: I hate to tell you this, but the picnic has been cancelled.

W: Because of the rain?

M: Yes.

W: Did you still play your soccer game?

鄂东南教改联盟学校2024年五月模拟考 高三英语参考答案(共6页)第5页 鄂东南教改联盟学校2024年五月模拟考 高三英语参考答案(共6页)第6页





