
2024-06-23·10页·1.4 M




本试卷共 8 页,满分 150 分,考试用时 120 分钟。





3.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如




第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)


第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试

卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读


例:How much is the shirt?

A. 19.15. B.9.18. C.9.15.


1.What day is it today?

A.Thursday. B.Friday. C.Saturday.

2.What does the man like least about the movie?

A.The action scenes. B.The special effects. C.The main character.

3.What is happening with the girl?

A.She is looking for a job.

B.She is visiting a new city.

C.She is distancing herself from her father.

4.What difficulty does the man have in learning French?

A.Pronunciation. B.Spelling. C.Grammar.

5.What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A.Mike’s good manners. B.Mike’s eye problem. C.Mike’s meeting with his boss.

第二节(共 15 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选

项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作


听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。

6.Who is the girl probably?

A.The man’s student. B.The man’s employee. C.The man’s classmate.

7.How long will the career fair last on Thursday?

A.For 2 hours. B.For 4 hours. C.For 10 hours.

听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。

8.Where does the conversation take place?

A.In a restaurant. B.In the office. C.In the man’s home.

9.Why does Matt decide to bring lunch?

A.To eat healthier food. B.To gain weight. C.To save money.

听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。

10.What information is the woman eager to know?

A.The library website.

B.The opening hours of the library.

C.The study room availability in the library.

11.What does Sam advise the woman to do?

A.Avoid peak hours. B.Book in advance. C.Get her work done.

12.When does the library close at night now?

A.At 10 p. m. B.At 11 p. m. C.At midnight.

听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。

13.What is the relationship between the speakers?

A.Guide and visitor. B.Father and daughter. C.Host and guest.

14.What was the woman’s first job at the space center?

A.Building the hardware. B.Creating space vehicles. C.Planning missions to Mars.

15.What interested the woman most when she was young?

A.How to enter space. B.How things function. C.What biology is about.

16.Who gave the woman the confidence to pursue science?

A.Her teacher. B.Her brother. C.Her father.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。

17.How many marathons has Kline run alone?

A.45. B.Over 55. C.Over 100.

18.With whom did Kline run a 10k?

A.His nephew. B.A boy with disabilities. C.A mom with two girls.

19.What is Kline like?

A.Generous. B.Silent. C.Caring.

20.What did other runners do when they saw Peter Kline pushing the disabled people?

A.They laughed at them. B.They waited for them. C.They gave them high-fives.

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


Four Best Shows for Toddlers (学步的孩童)

Peppa Pig

If you’re looking for a British TV show for toddlers, look no further than Peppa Pig. This charming series will

have your little one love Peppa and her family as they start their adventures through life in a colorful world.

Each episode of Peppa Pig is like a colorful storybook, combining five parts into 25 minutes of pure joy. Not

only is it entertaining, but it also teaches essential social skills, such as kindness, loyalty, and thoughtfulness,

making it an ideal choice for young kids and preschoolers.

Sesame Street

If you have fond memories of watching Sesame Street back in the day, why not pass on some of that magic to

your little one? The show now is in its 54th season, which is the longest running program of the four shows, and the

whole group is still bringing the fun. Not only is the 30-minute program still a crash course in all things smart, with

numbers and words on the menu, but there’s also wonderful music.

Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood

Step into the interesting world of Daniel Tiger, the lovable star of this show that’s a popular offshoot (分支) of

the timeless Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood. With a runtime of 30 minutes, this show offers plenty of learning

opportunities through engaging stories and catchy musical numbers.

Curious George

If you have fond memories of your parents reading Curious George books, you’re in for a treat! The beloved

stories were transformed into a charming lively series on PBS in 2006, ideal for toddlers. Each episode clocks in at

a solid 30 minutes, and it’s all about encouraging kids to be as curious and eager to explore as George himself.

21.What can children learn from Peppa Pig?

A.Math skills. B.Artistic abilities. C.Social skills. D.Scientific knowledge.

22.What do we know about Curious George?

A.It is adapted from books. B.It was put on PBS in 2005.

C.It is less popular than other shows. D.It has a runtime of 25 minutes each episode.

23.Which show has been on for the longest time?

A.Peppa Pig. B.Sesame Street.

C.Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood. D.Curious George.


Standing on the South Pole at the start of the year with the wind blowing across the Antarctic, travel blogger

Johnny Ward felt a wave of relief.

Just a week before, in early January 2024, he’d struggled through snow and ice to climb to the top of the

Vinson Massif, Antarctica’s highest peak. Years before, in 2017, he’d become the first Irish person to visit every

country in the world.

Now, after decades of traveling and mountaineering, Ward could claim another world first—the Ultimate

Explorer’s Grand Slam (大满贯), which involves reaching the highest peak on every continent, and visiting both

the North and South Poles in addition to visiting every country.

“I feel relieved,” Ward recalled as he slowly made his way back to his home in Thailand after climbing to the

top of the Vinson Massif and then setting foot on the South Pole. “But also I’m aware I’m a normal guy, not a

world-class athlete, so I guess it was more about resilience and determination more than any ability. Although I met

with lots of barriers, I overcame them one by one.”

Ward had previously devoted a decade of his life, between 2007 and 2017, to visiting every country in the

world. The incredible journey saw him hitchhike (搭便车) a ride on a container ship from Oman to Socotra in

Yemen, travel overland from Cairo to Cape Town and travel from South Korea to Australia by bus and boat.

“It had been a huge life goal, over a decade of my life, and then when I finished that I was aimless and had no

idea what to do next,” he said. “I started eating badly, drinking too much, putting on weight and I ignored my


Ward decided that the best way to overcome this was to challenge himself again. He began running

ultramarathons (超级马拉松) and climbing mountains, and soon found that with extreme purpose and direction, he

was back to loving life again.

So where will Ward go next? Space? The bottom of the Mariana Trench, the deepest point of the ocean? “All

good things come after suffering, and I want to share that with people. So that’s the next plan,” he said.

24.What did Johnny Ward achieve in early January 2024?

A.He climbed to the highest peak in Antarctica.

B.He set a new record for traveling in Antarctica.

C.He became the first person to visit the South Pole.

D.He became the first Irish person to visit every country.

25.What does the underlined word “resilience” in Paragraph 4 refer to?

A.The ability to bounce back from difficulties. B.The quality of being strong and honest.

C.The skill of achieving goals quickly. D.The power to control one’ s emotions.

26.How did Johnny Ward feel after achieving his life goal in 2017?

A.Relaxed. B.Satisfied. C.Lost. D.Excited.

27.Which of the following can best describe Johnny Ward?

A.Helpful and motivated. B.Athletic and generous.

C.Proud and self-centered. D.Determined and strong-willed.


Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, has become a lot more common in recent decades. Some even

consider myopia an epidemic (流行病). But what causes myopia and what reduces it?

While having two myopic parents does mean you’re more likely to be nearsighted, there’s no single myopia

gene. That means the causes of myopia are more behavioral than genetic.

Scientists have learned a great deal about the progression of myopia by studying visual development in baby

chickens. They do so by putting little hats on baby chickens. Lenses (镜片) on the face of the hats cover the chicks’

eyes and are adjusted to affect how much they see.

Just like in humans, if visual input is wrong, a chick’s eyes grow too large, resulting in myopia. And it’s

progressive. Blur (模糊) leads to eye growth, which causes more blur, which makes the eye grow even larger, and

so on.

Two recent studies featuring extensive surveys of children and their parents provide strong support for the idea

that an important driver of the increase in myopia is that people are spending more time focusing on objects

immediately in front of our eyes, whether a screen, a book or a drawing pad.

Other research has shown that this unnatural eye growth can be interrupted by sunlight. A 2022 study, for

example, found that myopia rates were more than four times greater for children who didn’t spend much time

outdoors—say, once or twice a week—compared with those who were outside daily. At the same time, kids who

spent more than three hours a day while not at school reading or looking at a screen close-up were four times more

likely to have myopia than those who spent an hour or less doing so.

Fortunately, just a few minutes a day with glasses that correct blur stops the progression of myopia, which is

why early vision testing and vision correction are important to limit the development of myopia.

28.What can we learn from the study on baby chickens?

A.Myopia in chicks is not progressive. B.Myopia is mainly caused by genetic factors.

C.Visual input affects the growth of a chick’s eyes. D.Lenses can prevent chicks from developing


29.What might be the main cause of myopia according to the text?

A.Absence of enough sleeping hours. B.Too much screen time.

C.Poor and unbalanced diet. D.Lack of high-intense activities.

30.What’s the main idea of paragraph 6?

A.Outdoor light helps prevent myopia. B.Reading is the direct cause of myopia.

C.Researchers have found a cure for myopia. D.Children should play outdoors twice a week at


31.What is the author’s attitude towards early vision testing?

A.Unclear. B.Approving. C.Doubtful. D.Dismissive.


Much of Earth is unexplored. An ocean census (普查) hopes to change that.

“Earth” has always been an odd choice of name for the third planet from the Sun. After all, two-thirds of its

surface is covered not by earth at all, but by oceans of water.

Because humans are land animals, most of the Earth remains under-explored. Marine (海洋的) biologists think

the oceans might host more than 2 million species of marine animals, of which they have so far identified perhaps a


A new initiative hopes to change this. Launched in London on April 27th, Ocean Census aims to discover 100,

000 new species of marine animal over the coming decade. It is backed by Nekton, a British marine-research

institute, and the Nippon foundation, Japan’s biggest charitable foundation. Its first ship, the Norwegian icebreaker

Kronprins Haakon, set sail on April 29th, bound for the Barents Sea.

The initiative is happening for two reasons. One is that the longer scientists wait, the less there will be to

identify. Climate change is heating the oceans, as well as making them more acidic (酸的) as carbon dioxide

dissolves goes into the water. Already around half the world’s coral reefs (珊瑚)—thought to be home to around

25% of all ocean species—have been lost. Oliver Steeds, Nekton’s founder, says that one of Ocean Census’s

priorities will be identifying species thought to be in the greatest danger from climate change. The second reason is

technological. Marine biologist s find about 2, 000 new species a year, a rate hardly changed since Darwin’s day.

Ocean Census is betting it can go faster.

Exactly what the new effort might turn up is impossible to predict. But history suggests it will be fruitful. Half

a century ago scientists discovered hot vents (喷口) on the sea bed. These days, such vents are one possible

candidate for the origin of all life on Earth. There are more practical benefits, too. Many drugs, for example, come

originally from biological substance. An ocean full of unidentified life will almost certainly prove a rich mine from

which to mine more.

32.Why is “Earth” an odd choice of name for the third planet from the Sun?

A.Its climate is changing rapidly. B.Humans have not explored much of it.

C.Most of its surface is covered by water. D.It hosts a large number of marine animals.

33.What can we infer from paragraph 5?

A.The rate of discovering new species won’t change.

B.The new initiative will mainly focus on coral reefs.

C.Climate change has a great impact on marine species.

D.Scientists have identified nearly all the species in the ocean.

34.What might be the potential benefits of the Ocean Census according to the last paragraph?

A.It may result in a reduction in overfishing.

B.It may lead to the discovery of new drugs.

C.It may contribute to the advancement of technology.

D.It may prove the oceans are our life-support system.

35.What’s the best title for the text?

A.The Endangered Planet B.Reducing Sea Pollution: A Global Initiative

C.How to Protect the Oceans? D.The Misnamed Earth: Exploring the Ocean’s Secrets

第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)


Tired of having the same old travel experiences that leave you feeling unfulfilled (失望的) and disconnected?

Mindful travel is offering a new way to explore the world that is meaningful and sustainable.

Mindful travel is a concept that encourages individuals to fully dive into the present moment while exploring

new destinations. Individuals are aware of their surroundings, engaging all the senses, and enjoying the beauty of

each experience. 36

Mindful travel is not just about the destination but also the journey. The goal is to create a positive impact on

both individuals and the world around them. 37 It is an opportunity for people to positively contribute to

the world.

Mindful travel provides an opportunity to disconnect from the stresses of everyday life. 38 Whether

it’s wandering through a busy market, hiking in nature, or simply sitting by the ocean, it allows us to let go of our

worries and fully enjoy the beauty of our surroundings.

39 By stepping out of our comfort zones and experiencing new cultures, we gain a fresh viewpoint on

life. We become more open-minded, adaptable, and caring. Through interactions with locals and fellow travelers,

we learn about different ways of life and develop a greater understanding of the world.

Mindful travel also has a positive impact on the destinations we visit. Mindful travelers are aware of their

impact on the environment. 40 By choosing eco-friendly accommodations, supporting local businesses,

and respecting cultural traditions, we can ensure that our travels leave a green footprint.

A.They can deeply appreciate the surroundings through it.

B.Mindful travel promotes self-reflection and personal growth.

C.When traveling, we often leave behind our routines and duties.

D.Mindful travel positively impacts our mental and physical well-being.

E.The demands of daily responsibilities often leave little time for self-care.

F.They try to reduce waste, conserve resources, and support sustainable initiatives.

G.It’s about being mindful of one’s actions and how they affect others and the environment.

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

The Beauty of Creative Friendships

I recently walked through an incredible exhibition in Venice. It 41 about 75 art works that a Dutch-

American artist created during the time he spent in Italy in 1959 and 1969. The pieces on show included his ink-on-

paper drawings, some gestural drawings, landscapes and sculptures.

Born in 1904, de Kooning spent the majority of his artistic career as a (n) 42 but in 1969, while

visiting Rome, he 43 an old friend, the sculptor Herzl Emanuel, who invited him to his studio and 44

him to try working with 45 .

At age 65, de Kooning 46 his first sculptural works, 13 small clay items. It was the 47 of a

new artistic era for him and, over the next 15 years, sculpture became a (n) 48 and inseparable part of his


Later, after I left the exhibition, I was 49 by how beautiful it was that de Kooning began making

sculpture because of the initial 50 and encouragement of his 51 . It got me thinking about the often

unacknowledged role that some friendships play in the creative process of 52 across all types.

We often think about those friendships that journey deeply with us in our private lives, 53 us through

emotional ups and downs. But friendships that develop our professional selves are also 54 .In offering

courage, insight and clarity on the work that we produce, these friendships 55 the overall quality of our


41.A.mentioned B.sold C.expressed D.displayed

42.A.architect B.actor C.painter D.photographer

43.A.argued with B.ran into C.dealt with D.relied on

44.A.requested B.forced C.encouraged D.ordered

45.A.stone B.clay C.wood D.glass

46.A.created B.discovered C.purchased D.described

47.A.rebirth B.recovery C.beginning D.sign

48.A.minor B.irrelevant C.hard D.significant

49.A.confused B.convinced C.struck D.annoyed

50.A.invitation B.desire C.purpose D.decision

51.A.follower B.friend C.teacher D.neighbor

52.A.writers B.visitors C.scientists D.artists

53.A.supporting B.ignoring C.lecturing D.controlling

54.A.close B.priceless C.brief D.innocent

55.A.maintain B.damage C.assess D.improve

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

World Poetry Day takes place each year 56 March 21 to promote the teaching of poetry, as well as the

publishing, writing, and reading of this form of writing around the world.

It 57 (declare) by UNESCO in 1999 in the hopes of supporting language diversity through poetic

expression and increasing the opportunity for endangered languages 58 (hear). World Poetry Day was

about giving fresh drive and 59 (recognize) to international, regional, and national poetry movements. It

also focused on promoting a return to the oral (口头的) tradition of poetry recitals, as well as 60

(strengthen) the association between poetry and other forms of expression, such as dance, music, and painting.

The day is celebrated 61 (global). Government agencies, community groups and individuals get

involved in promoting or participating in the day, which enables children to learn and enjoy 62 (variety) of

poetry. It is a time 63 students are busy examining poets and learning about different types of poetry. Poets

may be invited to read and share their work to audience at book stores and schools. Ceremonies are held to honor

poets of 64 (remark) achievements.

All in all, it’s a day for poetry: 65 ancient art form that still enriches our understanding of humanity


第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)

第一节(满分 15 分)

假定你是李华,为提升学生思维,你校要举办创新创意节(Innovation and Creativity Festival)系列活动,

请给你校交换生 George 写封 e-mail,告知相关内容,并邀请他参加。内容如下:




注意:1.写作词数应为 80 左右;


Dear George,


Li Hua

第二节(满分 25 分)


Kris and Robin are sisters who grew up in Wisconsin. They work together and serve together.

In 2017, Hurricane Harvey struck with strong force across Florence, bringing fierce winds and record-breaking

rainfall. The city was destroyed by the storm’s intensity, leading to widespread damage and flooding. Emergency

services worked tirelessly to rescue those trapped by the rising floodwaters, while power failure left entire

neighborhoods in darkness.

In the face of such misfortune, both of Kris and Robin felt depressed and helpless, yet eager to assist. Upon

discovering Convoy of Hope’s volunteer program, they didn’t hesitate to sign up. Soon after, they were invited to

training, marking the start of their mission to serve together in this fighting.

However, their initial response to the arrangement was filled with anxiety for Kris. “I am kind of nervous

before heading out. I wonder if I could remember my training?” said Kris Logemann, her voice with uncertainty.

“Don’t worry! You see the staff do such a great job. They are incredibly supportive to us and will provide guidance

and reassure every step of the way.” Robin comforted. She also added, “I am right there for you, too, Kris, we are

in it together, and we’ll make it just like before.”

Robin Melcher remembered the first few rescues she and her sister went on. “We were helping a woman who

had just lost her husband,” said Kris. “We were taking things out of her house, but also holding her hand and loving

her. The ability to do that... it’s just really cool.” “Obviously we love it because we come back,” added Kris.

Full of power, Kris and Robin put their whole hearts into the training. During the Convoy of Hope’s detailed

training program, they learned about disaster response, safety procedures, and psychological first aid. Through

hands-on practice and team-building exercise, they prepared physically and mentally for the tasks ahead. As Kris

and Robin continued their volunteer work, they were faced with one of their most heart-struck and unforgettable


注意:1.续写词数应为 150 左右;


Word came that a school had been severely affected by flooding, with numerous students trapped.

After the rescue, the story of the sisters’ heroic efforts was reported.








56.on 57.was declared 58.to be heard 59.recognition


61.globally 62.varieties 63.when 64.remarkble 65.an


Dear George,

In order to foster critical thinking and imagination among students, our school has decided to hold Innovation

and Creativity Festival. I’m writing to invite you to take part in it.

The festival, scheduled to be held from July 1st to July 15th, will include various activities. Professors from

famous universities will give us lectures, followed by question and answer sections. A highlight of the festival will

undoubtedly be the exhibition of students’ projects. We would be delighted if you could join us and share your


I’m eagerly looking forward to your participation!


Li Hua

One possible version:

Word came that a school had been severely affected by flooding, with numerous students trapped. Arriving at

school, the scene was chaotic and they could hear the frightened screams of the students. Kris’s heart raced with

nerves, but Robin reminded her to breathe and focus on the task on hand. Kris and Robin, along with rescue teams

equipped with life jackets and ropes, were lowered into the flooding building. Kris did her best to calm them while

Robin withdrew them to the safety of the waiting boat. As the last student was rescued, the sisters felt relief and

gratitude, holding each other close.

After the rescue, the story of the sisters’ heroic efforts was reported. Being praised, they felt happy and proud.

Robin expressed the volunteering work was not only a step of giving, but also something to bring hope when it

seems like such a hopeless situation. Kris added she broke through herself and that their joint passion for

volunteering strengthened a profound bond between them. More importantly, they recommended volunteering for

anyone who wants to be “the hands and feet” in disaster response.





