
2024-09-06·28页·1.2 M



考试时间:120 分钟 满分 150 分


第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选

项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小


1.What will the speakers probably do on Sunday?

A.Watch TV. B.See a movie. C.Stay at home.

2.Who is the woman probably talking with?

A.A coach. B.A doctor. C.A manager.

3. Who often goes to the restaurant at weekends?

A.The man. B.The woman. C.The man's parents.

4.What is Dr. Freeth going to do?

A.Make an appointment. B.Attend a wedding. C.Go travelling.

5.Which sport did the woman do best in this year's competition?

A.Bicycle race. B.Badminton. C.Ping pong.

第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的

A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读

各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段


听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。

6. What will the man do during his vacation?

A. Travel with his family.

B. Visit his old friends.

C.Drive for vacation.

7.Where does the woman plan to go this summer?

高三英语 第 1 页共 12 页

A.Hawaii. B.Europe. C.New York.

听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。

8. Why does the man make the phone call?

A. To advertise a bookcase.

B. To purchase a bookcase.

C. To return a bookcase.

9.What is the man concerned about most?

A.The height of the bookcase.

B. The width of the bookcase.

C.The color of the bookcase.

听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。

10.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A. Tourist and guide. B.Classmates. C.Workmates.

11.Why did Rachel know nothing about this field trip?

A. She started the course later than others.

B. She had no access to the online courses.

C.She cared little about her academic study.

12.When does the coach leave for the Yellow Stone National Park next Monday?

A.At 7 a. m. B.At 7:45 a. m. C.At 8 a. m.

听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。

13.What does the man say about the sign?

.A.It is covered. B. It is too small. C.It is too far away.

14.What is the woman doing?

A.Charging the man for parking fee.

B. Giving the man a parking ticket.

C.Helping the man with directions.

15.What does the man think of the woman?

A.Rigid. B.Flexible. C.Considerate.

16.What will happen to the man's car?

A.It will be stopped. B.It will be repaired. C.It will be removed.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。

17.When does the speech probably take place?

A.At the beginning of a term.

高三英语 第 2 页共 12 页

B. In the middle of a term.

C. At the end of a term.

18.How long is the advisory office open during the weekday?

A.8 hours. B.11 hours. C.12 hours.

19.What can Jarrod Howard help with?

A.Study-related problems.

B.Information about jobs.

C.Money matters.

20.Whom should students turn to if they feel stressed at school?

A. Rodney Reid. B.Jim Smith. C.Laura Lea.

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


UC Berkeley Youth Recreation Summer Camps

UC Berkeley Youth Recreation will provide a wide variety of one-wveek

outdoor experiences and activities for the youth on summer camps 2024.

Here are four best summer camps.

Windsurfing Camp

This camp is designed to teach students the basics of windsurfing,

including balance and self-rescue. Through a combination of classroom

instruction,demonstration and water time, campers are able to master the

basics of the sport. A comfort with wind and water is strongly encouraged.

Campers must be ages 10~17to register. All campers must be able to swim and

weigh 100 pounds or more to safely use public windsurfing equipment.

Price: $330.Those who have participated before can receive 10% off.

Sailing Camp

Campers learn and review the essentials of sailing at their experience

level on the beautiful San Francisco Bay! 2024 brings exciting updates to the

camp and helps sailors master new skills. Previous sailing experience is required.

Campers must be ages 12~18to register, All campers must have basic swimming



Skateboarding Camp

In this camp,skateboarders will learn mechanics and basic riding skills such

高三英语 第 3 页 共 12 页

as balance, riding switches, and dropping-in. Skaters will be assessed on the first day

of the session and the lessons will be adapted to their ability. All participants are

educated in skateboard safety. Campers must be ages 8~16 to register.Participants

must bring their own skateboard, helmet(头盔)and knee amp;elbow pads(护


Price:$300.$240 per person for group registration.

Rock Climbing Camp

Learn climbing skills, knot(结)- tying, top-rope climbing and equipment care.

Sites include Strawberry Canyon, Remillard, Indian Rock and Cragmon t Parks. Campers

must be ages 9~15 to register. All campers can enjoy the bus service to and from the


Price: $275.

21.What is a must for the participants of Windsurfing Camp?

A.First aid knowledge. B.Appropriate wveight.

C.Previous learning experience. D.Personal protective equipment.

22.What is special about Skateboarding Camp?

A. It is intended for primary pupils.

B.It'll issue certificates of excellence.

C.It bases its lessons on campers' levels.

D.It gives a 10% discount for group registration.

23.Which camp offers public transportation for camp-goers?

A.Windsurfing Camp. B.Sailing Camp.

C.Skateboarding Camp. D. Rock Climbing Camp.


Over the years, as I dealt with the pressure of finishing my Ph. D. and starting my

post-doctor, I had grown more competitive. I pushed myself to be the first to generate

thrilling results and to publish in high-impact journals. Those who could have been

collaborators(合作者)became rivals I hated.

But the effect of this competitive character was exactly the opposite of what I had

hoped for. When I encountered scientific problems, I thought I had to solve them myself

instead of asking for help. The pressure became overwhelming.I began to feel alone and

lost. I became less and less productive.

I emailed my mentors (导师),explaining that I had put myself second and the

高三英语 第 4 页 共 12 页

job first for too long. They told me that I wasn't the first academic to feel that way,and

that I wouldn't be the last. They agreed that I should take the time I needed to take

care of myself. So, with my mentors' support and an uncertain future,I left.

Back home, I spent time with family and friends and opened up about my

struggles. At first, I was ashamed. But the more I talked about my demons, the more

other people told me about their own. I also started to receive emails from my

workmates. After a few lines asking how I was, many expressed worries about how they

were managing the stress of academic life. Vulnerable(脆弱的)researchers were poking

their heads out of their shells. Our relationships deepened. I began to feel less alone.

Three months later, I was prepared to go back to the science that I loved,and I

now had a foundation to be more open with my colleagues. I understood that we all

struggle sometimes, and that collaboration can be more powerful than competition.

With a bit of time, collaboration has replaced competition. Working wvith others

and seeking help doesn't weaken my value or contributions; it means we can all win. I no

longer feel lonely and unhappy.

24.How did the author feel after adopting a competitive approach?

A.Empowered and successful. B.Overwhelmed and isolated.

C.Motivated and productive. D.Ashamed and annoyed.

25.Why did the writer take a break?

A.He was always the last. B.He needed some time to readjust.

C.He got seriously homesick. D.He failed to care about himself.

26.What does the underlined phrase mean?

A.Trying to be open with others. B. Starting to walk out regularly.

C.Being more confident in research. D.Tending to be happier than ever.

27.Which can be the most suitable title for the passage?

A.From competition to cooperation B. From selfishness to selflessness

C. From problems to solutions D.From uncertainty to certainty


The humble beaver(海狸) could hold the key to saving our water,according to a

new research that has found how their dam building skills protect the rivers threatened

by climate change.

The research, done on the rivers in Colorado, found the wooden banners built

高三英语 第 5 页共 12 页

by beavers raise water level upstream. As it builds up, the water flows into surrounding

soils and secondary waterways. These acts separate out extra nutrients and pollutants

before water reenters the main channel downstream.

Extreme weather events, such as severe storms, impact water quality in major river

systems. Droughts and floods are becoming more frequent, and the scientists have also

found they are contributing to an increase in the American beaver in the US, and

consequently an explosion of dam building.

The team chose to monitor a 40-kilometer stretch of the East River. They reviewed

data on water levels gathered hourly by sensors fixed in the river and the areas along the


They also collected water samples, including from below the ground's surface to

monitor nutrient and pollutant levels. The researchers compared water quality along the

stretch during a historically dry year, to water quality the following year when water levels

were unusually high. They also compared these year-long datasets to water quality during

the nearly three-month period, starting in late July2018, when the beaver dam blocked the


The study revealed the dams increased nitrate ( 硝 酸 盐 ) by nearly 50 by

increasing the pressure of the water flow upstream 10 times over,which pushed more

water out into the surrounding areas.The nitrates are absorbed and digested by tiny

organisms in the soil. This helped increase the oxygen content and quality in the rivers.

Beavers' hard work is responsible for the land they love.

28.What do the wooden barriers created by beavers act as?

A.Waterways. B.Samples.

C.Dams. D.Sensors.

29.What is the direct result of frequent droughts and floods in Colorado?

A. More dams emerge on the rivers.

B.More American beavers appear in the US.

C. More pollutants are removed from the rivers.

D. More oxygen is created in the rivers.

30.Why did the researchers collect water samples from below the ground's


A. To keep an eye on the water quality.

B. To improve the nutient of the stretch.

高三英语 第 6 页共 12 页

C.To remove pollutants from the river.

D. To decrease the effect caused by the flood.

31.What is the main idea of the text?

A. Dams do good to water quality.

B. Beavers contribute to climate change.

C. Extreme weather catches researchers' eyes.

D.Beavers help protect rivers against climate change.


Anime(二次元)culture has become a very common culture in our daily

life.As people's mninds become more and more open, most people gradually

begin to accept anime culture. Although increasingly more young people like

anime culture than before, many still don't know why there are so many people

like anime culture in reality. What is its attractive charm?

First and foremost , anime is not immature and cynical ( 玩 物 丧 志

的).Many people don't understand people who like anime, just because they

don't try to understand anime. They only evaluate it through other people's

words and their own knowledge. Of course, the comments are not very pleasant.

After all, the older generation don't agree with anime.

Moreover, the reason why today's young people like anime so much is not

because they are killing time, nor because they are addicted to animation, but

because of pressure. Today's society is completely different from that of the

1980s.Back then, having a motorcycle or a big TV at home was already impressive.

But now, cars, houses, and savings are everywhere, and young people are easily


When we see anime protagonists(主人公)unconquerable in the drama,

willing to sacrifice everything to defeat enemies for their dreams and friends, it's

like seeing us unwilling to be outdone in reality. Aren't those bosses in anime just

like the things that bring us pressure in reality? When we see anime protagonists

hitting them one after another, it's like we're putting all the pressure on

ourselves,and we feel exhilarated(畅快淋漓).

In recent years, the rapidly rise popularity of anime games such as Genshin

Impact(原神)and Love of Light and Night(光与夜之恋)has certainly brought

a rich side to the life of the current young generation. Luo Xiang once said: Paper

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people are virtual, and after a long time in the virtual story, they are unwilling to

enter the real story. It is normal to embrace anime culture, but we still need to

have expectations for the future and believe in our youth and dreams.

32. What is the function of the first paragraph?

A. To enhance people's awareness of anime culture.

B. To persuade people stop contacting anime culture.

C. To lead the deeper description of the anime trend.

D. To arise reader's love to anime culture.

33.What is the seniors'view of anime?

A.Unbearable. B.Negative. C.awful. D.wonderful.

34.What are the reasons why young people like anime drama?

A.Young people cannot bear the enormous pressure of house loans.

B. Young people are often oppressed by their parents and elders.

C. Young people have lost confidence and hope in the current reality of life.

D.Young people have found their dream selves through the characters.

35.What can we infer from what Luo Xiang put in the article?

A. We cannot treat the virtual world as an Eden to escape real-life problems.

B. The current world is too false and not worth our time to pay attentionto.

C.In order to let people return to reality, all anime games should be banned.

D.The anime world is as important as the real world.

第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)



For many of us, the closest we get to wild animals is at a zoo. These places

let us see amazing animals from big cats to tiny lizards, and what they are like. It's

an enjoyable and educational experience for us, but is it the best environment for

these animals?

36 Later on, live animals were captured by explorers, brought home and

put on show to the public in menageries(野生动物园). 37 Modern

zoos, however, have transformed the living environments for animals, making

bigger enclosures, removing bars, and to some extent, copying their natural


Some people have questioned thecruelty of keeping animals captive(圈养的)

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for entertainment,but zoos are keen to show that they help wildlife by educating

us about conservation. In the UK, the introductionof the Zoo Licensing Act of

1981required zoos to educate the public. 38

Probably the biggest claim from zoos today is that they help protect

species in the wild that are under threat due to climate change. Robert Young,

Chair in Wildlife Conservation at Salford University said, There are quite a lot of

different species around the planet which we wouldn't have today if it wasn't for


39 Actor Leonardo DiCaprio recently praised Cheser Zoo in the UK for its

conservation work. It brought a rare fish species back from the dead after

breeding and releasing a school of golden skiffia fish back into their native river.

40 For instance, a virtual reality zoo enables the public to see rare

animals and have amazing interactions. Jon Coe, a zoo designer, told the BBC,

“Taking a walk through a her d of elephants in Serengeti National Park in Africa, I

think, is going to be possible pretty soon.

A. Animal welfare was not a priority.

B. Animal protection is becoming a global issue.

C. What we should do next is not to disturb wildlife.

D. New opportunities to meet wildlife are being explored.

E. Some zoos have programs to preserve the future of endangered species.

F. Long ago, people could only see wild animals as dead exhibits in a museum.

G. Since then, more zoos have been involved in raising people's awareness

of wildlife conservation.

第三部分:语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空


My father passed away when I was 10. With my family hardly making ends

meet, I grew up 41.I went to community college and then 42 an

academic scholarship to Southern Methodist University's Cox School of Business

in Dallas,where I needed to keep my grades up to keep the scholarship.That was

43,because at the same time, I was working after school to pay the bills.

By November 1995, the full course 44 and work schedule left me

physically and mentally worn out. One night, I came home from work late and

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reached my 45 point. I had class in just a few hours and still needed

to prepare,despite 46 needing a few hours of sleep. I sat on the floor

of my apartment and 47

Then I had an idea. With tears in my eyes,I 48 and wrote myself

a check for $1 million. I told myself that I would 49 that check for the

full amount three years after graduation. At the time, I usually had so little

money in my 50 that I never knew if I would have enough to

51 $40from the bank.

Fast-forward to 1996. I had graduated from SMU, and within three years,I

was building the first of seveal companies I would 52 and sell over

the next few decades.The 53 of those businesses exceeded(超过)that of

the check.

I've never cashed it. 54 ,I keep it in my drawer as a(n)55

_that I can make it, no matter how tough things get.

41.A.happy B.shy C.poor D.brave

42.A.earned B.founded C.expected D.introduced

43.A.impossible B.difficult C.fun D.necessary

44.A.option B.load C.promotion D.relief

45.A.starting B.sticking C.talking D.breaking

46.A.desperately B.originally C.gradually D.temporarily

47.A.whispered B.recalled C.cried D.regretted

48.A.gave in B.bent down C.turned around D.got up

49.A.recover B.share C.cash D.examine

50.A.mind B.account C.bill D.salary

51.A.withdraw B.donate C.afford D.save

52.A.release B.launch C.purchase D.join

53.A.value B.cost C.challenge D.budget

54.A.Otherwise B.Therefore C.Moreover D.Instead

55.A.agreement B.announcement C.reminder D.warning

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Li Hongbo is a Chinese artist who makes 56

(incredible)complicated and stretchable paper sculptures, drawing on a rich

history of traditional Chinese folk art. For thousands of years, paper 57


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