
2024-09-11·20页·4.3 M









辽宁省沈阳市郊联体2024 年 9 月高三联考

英语 详解


Text 1

M: Your hand cream smells of strawberries.

W: Yeah, I want to eat strawberries whenever I use it. Oh, I applied too much hand cream. It’s hard to hold a

pen with my hand now.

Text 2

W: I always feel sleepy, though I sleep for nine hours every day. Besides, I have a bad appetite.

M: Have you had a regular check-up recently?

W: Yes. There is nothing unusual.

M: You can see a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine to figure out the reasons.

Text 3

W: Have you heard about the Pomodoro Technique?

M: Yeah, it’s a time management method. You work for 25 minutes and then take a 5-minute break. After 4

cycles, you take a longer break.

W: Exactly! I’ve been trying it, and it works wonders for my focus and efficiency.

Text 4

W: The movie has ended. It’s fantastic!

M: I totally agree! The plot is well organized and the football scenes are intense.

W: Yeah, the big screen and surround sound here enhanced our overall viewing experience. Let’s go to a

cafe and continue the discussion.

Text 5

M: It was really nice of Joe to lend us his beach house for our holiday. We must clean it up before we leave.

W: Of` course. Well, let’s get some souvenirs for Joe. I think that hat on the shelf looks nice.

M: Good idea. I’ll ask the salesperson to get it for us.

Text 6

W: Look. There’s a guide dog. This is my first time seeing a guide dog in person.

M: It quietly lay down beside its owner after helping her find a seat. This driver is very friendly. I once saw

on my phone that a driver refused to carry a passenger with a guide dog.

W: That’s unfair. But I believe that most people are very kind.

M: Yes. And people need to understand that guide dogs are working, not playing. We shouldn’t disturb them

while they are working.

W: I couldn’t agree more.

Text 7

W: Yesterday my daughter asked me why there was no egg in eggplant and no pine or apple in pineapple. I

couldn’t answer either question.

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M: Were you embarrassed?

W: No, I just didn’t expect her to ask me these questions. I was very pleased because she could find the

difference and express her doubts.

M: My son is good at observing, too. He once asked the question of why we can say “it’s raining” or “it’s

snowing” when we see rain or snow. But when we see sunshine, we can’t say “it’s sunshining”.

W: Interesting. Well, how do you get him into the habit of observation?

M: I include small games into our daily routine. For example, during our walks, I often ask him to notice

different things, like the colors of flowers, types of birds and so on.

W: Your approach sounds effective. I’ll try it.

M: When we’re indoors, I engage him in activities that require attention to detail, like puzzles.

W: I’m doing that, too. And another thing I’ve found helpful is reading books together. We explore various

topics, and it sparks her imagination.

M: That’s good.

Text 8

W: Hi, Mike! I’ve been struggling with my English writing. Any advice on how to get better?

M: Absolutely, Lisa! One thing that really helped me was reading extensively. By exposing myself to

different writing styles and genres, I learned new vocabulary and sentence structures.

W: That sounds practical. Did you do anything else?

M: Yeah, I made a point of writing regularly. They don’t have to be long essays at first—just short and

simple paragraphs or diaries. It helped me organize my thoughts and improve my overall writing flow. I’m

trying to write insightful book reviews these days, which helps me combine what I’ve read and what I’m

thinking about.

W: Interesting! Did you seek feedback on your writing?

M: Definitely, I shared my writing with my teachers and peers. Constructive criticism was valuable in

identifying my weaknesses and areas for improvement. At the same time, their recognition has made me

more confident.

Text 9

W: Hey, Mark! I’ve got a fun challenge for you. I watched a quiz show on Channel 4 last night, and there

were some interesting questions.

M: Hit me with the questions.

W: Okay, first one: What is the highest-grossing Broadway musical of all time?

M: Definitely The Lion King. I love it so much. It’s the highest-grossing Broadway musical of all time,

followed by Wicked and The Phantom of the Opera.

W: That’s correct. Next one: How much water is in a watermelon?

M: On average, 92% of a watermelon consists of water.

W: That’s correct. Impressive! Alright, here’s the third question: Do you know who created high heels?

M: High heels? You got me there.

W: Well, Mr. Maude is coming with test papers under his arm. I will tell you the answer after class.

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