
2024-09-20·11页·1.4 M


第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你

都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

1. What will Tom probably do tonight?

A. Rest at home. B. See a film. C. Watch a reality show.

2. Which part will Jessica probably help with?

A. The entertainment. B. The decoration. C. The food.

3. Why does the man want five more minutes?

A. To visit a new store. B. To finish his work. C. To get changed.

4. What are the speakers talking about?

A. A video software. B. A new video game. C. A computer.

5. Where is the man’s blue shirt?

A. In the bedroom. B. In the living room. C. In the bathroom.

第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段

对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独


听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。

6. What happened to the man?

A. He lost a bike. B. He fell off a bike. C. He was hit by a bike.

7. Which word best describes the woman?

A. Stupid. B. Kind. C. Mean.

听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。

8. What does Robert do?

A. He’s a director. B. He’s a pet doctor. C. He’s an accountant.

9. How does Mary describe Robert’s job?

A. It’s highly paid. B. It’s demanding. C. It’s flexible.

10. What does Alan plan to do next?

A. Resign from his present company.

B. Recommend Mary to do the job.

C. Compete for an opening.

听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 13 题。

11. How do the speakers probably always have their meals?

A. By going to the restaurant.

B. By cooking at home.

C. By ordering takeout.

12. What kind of food does the man like?

A. Indian food. B. American food. C. Japanese food.

13. What does the woman think of Indian food?

A. It’s quite to her taste. B. It tastes a little strange. C. It has an unacceptable way of eating.

听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至 16 题。

14. What does the woman say about the red car?

A. It’s a high-tech car. B. It comes with a radio. C. It uses new energy.

15. Which car does the man prefer?

A. The black one. B. The red one. C. The blue one.

16. What will the man probably do?

A. Bargain with the woman.

B. Give up buying a car.

C. Sell his motorcycle.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。

17. What do we know about Green Space?

A. Its volunteers work in developing countries.

B. It pays no attention to living conditions.

C. It charges for food and accommodation.

18. What is the requirement for the applicants?

A. They have to be over 20 years old.

B. They should be able to speak English.

C. They should have some special talents.

19. How can people apply to be volunteers?

A. By letter. B. By phone. C. By e-mail.

20. What is the main purpose of the talk?

A. To introduce an organization.

B. To ask for financial help.

C. To seek volunteers.

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


The Best Bakeries in Paris

Le Grenier Pain

152 Rue Oberkampf, Paris

Winner of the 2010 prize for Best Baguette in Paris, this famous bakery located in the heart of Montmartre is run by

Michel Galloyer. The decoration is appealing, with the breads and cakes strikingly presented. The almond(杏仁) bread is

amazing, and the chocolate pies are second- to- none. Breads are reasonably priced, while the chocolate pies are slightly above

average, but in this instance, worth the extra cents.


8 Rue du Cherche- Midi, Paris

Established by Pierre Poilane in 1932, this bakery has stood the test of time. Son Lionel continues to bake bread in the

original wood- fired oven. Sourdough bread baked from stone- ground flour is a specialty here, as are delicate butter cookies.

The unique online ordering system offers potential original gifts, or the chance to keep up your bread habit if your trip to Paris

is temporary.

Maison Kayser

14 Rue Monge, Paris

Three generations of Kaysers have established a number of bakeries across Paris, where they sell their unique variety of

bread, comprising a mix of milk, hazelnuts and honey. The multigrain loaf has a notably light and fluffy(松软的) texture

and makes for a perfect breakfast treat. Ready- made sandwiches and salads are a lunchtime feature at this Latin Quarter


Au 140

140 Rue de Belleville, Paris

Au 140 counts a list of awards to its name. The official supplier to the presidential palace in2001, its baguette was named

the best in Paris that same year. Talented baker Pierre Demoney also earned the bakery second prize in Paris’ croissant

competition. Au 140 features a large selection of organic breads to choose from, which are worth the detour(绕路).

21.Which is the most famous food of Le Grenier Pain?

A.Almond breads. B.Chocolate pies. C.Butter cookies. D.Multigrain cakes.

22.What do Poilne and Maison Kayser have in common?

A.They were established in the 1930s. B.They both won several prizes in Paris.

C.They are family- owned businesses. D.They bake bread in a traditional way.

23.Where can customers buy organic food?

A.152 Rue Oberkampf, Paris. B.8 Rue du Cherche- Midi, Paris.

C.14 Rue Monge, Paris. D.140 Rue de Belleville, Paris.


Four astronauts headed to the International Space Station(ISS) on Sunday where they will oversee the arrivals of two

new rocketships during their half- year stay.

SpaceX’s Falcon rocket was launched from Kennedy Space Center, carrying NASA’s Matthew Dominick, Michael Barratt

and Jeanette Epps and Russia’s Alexander Grebenkin. The astronauts should reach the orbiting lab on Tuesday. They will

replace a crew from the US, Denmark, Japan and Russia, who have been there since August.

“When are you getting here already?” space station commander Andreas Mogensen asked via Twitter, after three days of

delay due to high wind. SpaceX Launch Control termed it “fashionably late”. There was almost another postponement Sunday

night. A small leak in the seal of the SpaceX capsule’s hatch caused a last- minute flurry(忙乱) of reviews, but it was

thought safe for the whole mission.

The new crew’s six- month stay includes the arrival of two rocketships ordered by NASA.Boeing’s new Starliner

capsule with test pilots is due in late April. A month or two later, Sierra Space’s Dream Chaser, a mini shuttle, should arrive. It

is for delivering supplies to the station, but not passengers yet.

Epps, who is from New York, is the second Black woman assigned to a long station mission. She said before the flight that

she was especially proud to be a role model for girls, especially for Black girls, demonstrating that spaceflight “is an option for

them, and that this is not just for other people”.

Also new to space are Dominick, a Navy pilot, and Grebenkin, a former Russian military officer. Barratt, a doctor on his

third mission, is the oldest full- time astronaut to fly in space. He turns 65 in April. As for his age, he said before the flight, “As

long as we stay health y and fit and engaged, we’re good to fly.”

24.Why were the four astronauts sent to the ISS?

A.To train test pilots for Starliner. B.To monitor the new rocketships.

C.To deliver supplies to the station. D.To replace the crew on the station.

25.What delayed the astronauts’ arrival?

A.The leak in the capsule. B.Bad weather conditions.

C.An interview with the media. D.Repair work on the rocket.

26.What do we know about Dominick?

A.He worked as an officer in the army. B.He was a full- time astronaut from Russia.

C.He performed the task for the first time. D.He was in charge of the space program.

27.What do Epps’ words suggest?

A.Females are capable of investigating space.

B.Age is a decisive factor in space tasks.

C.Her work makes her a role model for girls.

D.Space technology is a great challenge for girls.


If you’ve scrolled through your Facebook feed recently, you may have noticed something surprising: lots and lots of short


What makes this “Reels” feature strange is that it is hugely addictive, which I know quite well from my own personal

experience. Last Friday, I took a break and hit on one short clip of someone making dinner and, well, the next time I looked up

it was 20 minutes later and the blank document on my computer monitor was confirming to me that my work was still not done.

However, as silly as it seems, Reels — is actually super important, and is at the centre of a major battle between the

world’s largest tech firms. The format was first pioneered by TikTok—the Chinese-owned video app that has taken the world

by storm since it was launched in 2016. Today, TikTok has around 23 million UK users every month — including basically

every person you know under the age of 25. And that fact has made Facebook and its parent company, Meta, very nervous

indeed. As TikTok has continued to boom, Facebook has actually fallen in popularity among “Gen Z”. The reason Tik Tok has

proven such a powerful challenger to Facebook’s social media dominance is almost entirely down to these sorts of short-form


The format is almost perfectly optimized to be as addictive as possible: Tik Tok’s app shows you a short-form video, and

if you don’t like it, you can simply swipe it away and another one will start playing instantly. And because it is portrait, not

landscape, videos look “right” when viewed on your phone. What’s also smart is that TikTok’s algorithm (算法) picks videos

for you based on what you actually watch, and not what you say you want.

Facebook isn’t the only app trying to do what TikTok does so well. Instagram, which is owned by Facebook’s parent

company Meta, has integrated Reels even more aggressively into its app. And even Google is nervous, launching its own

TikTok-style video section of YouTube (which it owns) a couple of years ago. As things stand, though TikTok currently

maintains a healthy lead in the category, both YouTube and Facebook have deep pockets-so expect to see even more Reels and

Shorts popping up in your feed as this intense battle continues to rage. You won’t be able to take your eyes off them.

28. What does the author intend to express by referring to his own experience?

A. Short videos play a significant role in his life.

B. People often lose themselves in short videos unconsciously.

C. Short videos have multiple functions that attract potential users.

D. The author prefers short clips of people making dinner to others

29. Why are short videos on Tiktok gaining much popularity among users?

A. Because they present breathtaking visual effects.

B. Because they include high-quality content.

C. Because users can change from one video to the next effortlessly.

D. Because users can use an algorithm to choose videos they really want.

30. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. Tiktok is regarded as a competitive opponent to Facebook.

B. Tiktok has attracted 23 million UK users since it was launched in 2016.

C. Tiktok has lost its attraction among “Gen Z”.

D. Tiktok’s market share has been falling due to fierce competition.

31. What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. Many western companies have integrated Tiktok into their own apps.

B. Tiktok’s leading position in short videos is unchangeable

C. Big tech companies are competing for more short video users

D. Highly addictive short video apps should be removed.


Willful ignorance exists in large amount in daily life. People regularly look the other way rather than examining the

consequences of their actions. Despite plenty of scientific evidence for climate change, for instance, many people still avoid

engaging with facts about global warming.

We wanted to understand how common willful ignorance is and why people engage in it. After collecting data from

multiple research projects that involved more than 6, 000 individuals, we discovered that willful ignorance is common and

harmful, with 40 percent of people choosing “not to know” the consequences of their actions to free themselves of guilt while

maximizing their own gains. But we also found that about 40 percent of people are unselfish: rather than avoiding information

about the consequences of their actions, they seek it out to increase the benefits to others.

In the experiments, the decisions were made in one of two settings. In the transparent (透明的) setting, decision-makers

had information about how their choice would affect themselves and their partners. In an ambiguous setting, decision-makers

knew how their choice would matter for themselves but not for their teammates — although they could request that insight.

The overall balance tipped toward selfishness when participants had the option to avoid information. Only 39 percent of

people in the ambiguous setting made the choice that ultimately benefited their partners — a significant drop from 55 percent in

the transparent condition.

If we can avoid putting a strong moral emphasis on decisions it may make people feel less threatened and, as a result, be


less willfully ignorant. Other research groups have found promising ways to do this. For instance, we could encourage people to

think more positively about good deeds rather than guilt-trip them for what they have failed to do. Highlighting recent global

achievements, such as healing the ozone (臭氧) layer, can inspire people to keep up the good work rather than feeling like the

battle is lost and that the situation is hopeless.

In short we can encourage one another and ourselves toward more selfless and generous actions.


32. What causes people to ignore the effect of their behaviors deliberately?

A. They want the biggest personal benefits without feeling ashamed.

B. They hold the belief that willful ignorance is socially acceptable.

C. They are unsure about the results of their actions.

D. They always take others’ benefits into consideration.

33. What can be concluded from experiments mentioned in the passage?

A. People in the ambiguous setting were more aware of the impact of their decisions

B. More than half of the participants are selfish in the transparent condition.

C. All people in both settings chose to put their partners’ interests in the first place

D. Some people still increased the benefits of others although they could avoid information

34. Which of the following is the author likely to agree with?

A. Highlighting the difficulties of ozone layer healing inspires people to keep up the good work.

B. Paying less attention to the morality of decisions is helpful to decrease willful ignorance

C. Having a sense of guilt enables people to take global issues seriously

D. Stressing the threats of willful ignorance contributes to more selfless and generous actions

35. In which column of a newspaper can we read the passage?

A. Literature B. Technology C. Archaeology. D. Psychology.

第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)


Here’s How to Use Wallpaper

Wallpaper is a powerful design tool that can transform a room. Here are tips to see how it’s done.

Where should the wallpaper go?

The first step is figuring out where you’re going to hang the wallpaper. Keep in mind: ___36___. Smaller, darker spaces

are the best places to hang wallpaper. Larger rooms with great light and beautiful views are often better left alone.

Once you’ve settled on a room, your decisions aren’t over. Where exactly in that room should you hang the paper? A

typical installation involves covering all four walls. ___37___.

Measure and plan the installation

Measure the walls or ceiling you plan to cover and consider how the width of the roll you’ve chosen will work in the


___38___, but if you have a large-scale pattern, try to make sure the center of that pattern is right where you want it.

Similarly, try to avoid placing the roll in such a way that you end up having to use thin scraps (小块) of wallpaper in the

corners of the room.

Prepare the wall

___39___. If your wall has many minor imperfections, you may want to use blank wallpaper to help smooth things out. If

your wall has lumps and bumps, holes or a thick texture, those problems will be visible on the surface of the paper if you don’t

correct them before installation. Popped nail-heads should be hammered flat, and holes should be filled.


With all the decisions made, it’s time to stick the wallpaper up with glue. You may hire a professional installer, but you

can hang the wallpaper yourself. Once the wallpaper is hung, don’t be afraid to hang decorative pictures.

A. Stick it up

B. It’s not worth fixing the wall

C. Decorate the room with pictures

D. Small-scale patterns provide flexibility

E. Wallpaper isn’t a fix for damaged or uneven walls

F. Not all rooms are good candidates for wallpapering

G. Another option is wallpapering the ceiling instead of the walls

第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

Going to school on a special day like “Pajama (睡衣) Day” is usually a happy event. But on that morning, the bus driver

Larry Farrish noticed that something was very ___41___ about one of his ___42___. Levi who always flashes a big smile in the

morning seemed very ___43___.

Actually, he was crying. When Farrish asked Levi what was wrong, Levi told him that he didn’t have the ___44___ for the

special day.

“ It ___45___ me so bad,” Farrish said. “That just wasn’t my Levi, and I wanted him to have a good day.” Farrish decided

that he had to ___46___ this. He went to Family Dollar, ___47___ a few pairs of pajamas and ___48___ to the elementary


Farrish began driving a school bus seven years ago. He ___49___ the position to be able to have weekends and summers

off. But it ____50____ turned into a passion.

Farrish loves ____51____ to the kids on his route. “They become my kids after they ____52____ their parents,” Farrish

said. “I make sure they get to and from school safe and sound, but I also try to bring some ____53____ to them.”

Since his kind act was posted online, the response has been ____54____. People went out of their way to contact him. “It

feels good knowing the ____55____ I have had on a child’s life,” Farrish said.

41. A. simple B. different C. tough D. influential

42. A. neighbors B. colleagues C. customers D. passengers

43. A. confident B. down C. satisfied D. annoyed

44. A. plans B. presents C. clothes D. ideas

45. A. hurt B. beat C. discouraged D. treated

46. A. test B. challenge C. assess D. fix

47. A. purchased B. borrowed C. ironed D. ordered

48. A. looked up B. got close C. headed back D. gave in

49. A. supported B. consulted C. improved D. picked

50. A. temporarily B. quickly C. regularly D. suddenly

51. A. turning B. appealing C. connecting D. objecting

52. A. ignore B. hug C. disobey D. leave

53. A. exercise B. luck C. joy D. pressure

54. A. hot B. proper C. flat D. typical

55. A. concentration B. impact C. comment D. impression

第二节 (共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

An exhibition titled “Learn from the Past and Know the Future: China’s Archaeological (考古学的) Achievements in the

New Era” is taking place at the National Museum of China. Nearly 400 of the most recently 56 (unearth) cultural relics

from the collections of 43 museums and archaeological institutions are 57 (current) on display.

The exhibits cover a wide range of periods 58 include a variety of fields. The exhibition vividly describes the history

of human origins, the 59 (form) of Chinese civilization and its development within the boundaries of China. One striking

part of the exhibition is the hand axes (斧), 60 are fundamental tools that were created and used by early humans. They are

characterized by both their aesthetic (美学的) and practical 61 (function). Bronzeware is another eye-catching part of the

exhibition. A bronze box 62 Yuncheng, Shanxi Province that 63 (date) back to the Spring and Autumn period is

famous for its elegant design. And a string-patterned stove vividly reflects the significant role that the Silk Road played in

64 (connect) China with the world.

It is also worth noting that the design of the exhibition hall was inspired by the unique spatial (空间的) structures of the

archaeological sites, offering audiences the chance 65 (understand) the relationship between archaeological work and its

outcomes better.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)


你校英语学习社团(English Club)将举办“读名著,学英语(Read Classics, Learn English)”活动。请你代表该



注意:1.写作词数应为 80 左右;


Read Classics,Learn English



第二节(满分 25 分)


Bonnie raised her granddaughter alone after the girl’s parents died. She hated her granddaughter’s art and wanted her to

stop drawing. But everything changed when Mr. Henderson, a famous cartoonist, appeared at her doorstep.

One day, Bonnie called out to Amy as she took the chicken out. “Dinner is ready, honey! Come soon!” But Amy didn’t


Bonnie finished setting the table and served them dinner, but she still didn’t hear a response from Amy. “Amy? Honey,

your dinner is getting cold! Are you coming?” she asked her 10-year-old granddaughter again.

When Amy didn’t respond, Bonnie climbed the stairs to the girl’s room and pushed the door open. Amy sat at her desk,

with her headphones on. At first, Bonnie thought Amy was studying, but then she noticed the drawing sheet on the table in

front of Amy. Bonnie frowned (皱眉) in anger.

“Amy!” Bonnie screamed, and the girl turned around and removed her headphones.

“Granny? I… I was just…” Amy said.

Bonnie stormed up to Amy’s desk, and the little girl tried to cover the drawing, but it was too late.

“Did you finish your math homework, little girl? Mrs. Warren called me today. And she told me you’ve been ignoring her

assignments!” Bonnie said angrily.

“I’ll finish the homework,” Amy said. “I was planning on doing it once I finished the sketch (素描) I was working on,


“I’m tired of that hobby of yours, Amy! You’ re no longer doing those drawings!” Bonnie went on. “Those things you

draw are not going to help you in the future! You finish your dinner, and then you’ll be doing your homework. You’re not

leaving the house to play with your friends until you finish your homework. Am I clear?” Bonnie said and stormed out of

Amy’s room.

Minutes later, Amy walked into the kitchen and quietly sat at the table. They began eating dinner in silence. Bonnie was

already in a terrible mood, so she didn’t ask about Amy’s day like she usually did. Suddenly, the doorbell rang.


1.续写词数应为 150 左右;


Amy answered the door and was surprised to see Mr. Henderson.

Bonnie hesitated for a long time and decided to ask Mrs. Warren for advice.

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)

15 ABCCA 610 BCABC 1115 CABAB 1620 CCBAB

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)

2123 BCD 2427 DBCA 28. B 29. C 30. A 31. C

32. A 33. D 34. B 35. D

36. F 37. G 38. D 39. E 40. A

41. B 42. D 43. B 44. C 45. B 46. D 47. A 48. C 49. D 50. B 51. C 52. D 53. C

54. A 55. B

【答案】41-45 CBCAB 46-50BABDC 51-55ADBDC

56. unearthed 考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,本句已有谓语动词“are”,所以此处应用非谓语动词;动词

unearth 与其逻辑主语“cultural relics”之间是动宾关系,所以应用其过去分词作定语。故填 unearthed。

57. currently 考查词性转换。分析句子结构可知,此处应用副词修饰整个句子。故填 currently。

58. and 考查连词。此处表示展品涵盖了各个时期,涵盖了各种领域。“cover”和“include”为并列谓语,应用并列连

词 and 连接。故填 and。

59. formation 考查词性转换。根据空前的“the”和空后的“of”可知,此处应用 form 的名词形式,指“中华文明的

形成过程”。故填 formation。

60. which 考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,空处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词是“hand axes (斧)”,指物,从句

中缺少主语,应用 which 引导该从句。故填 which。

61. functions 考查名词的单复数。function 在此处指“功能”,为可数名词,其前无冠词,所以应用其复数形式表泛

指。故填 functions。

62. from 考查介词。此处表示“来自”山西运城的一个青铜盒子,应用介词 from。故填 from。

63. dates 考查时态、语态和主谓一致。此处作定语从句的谓语,指这个青铜盒子可以追溯到春秋时期,是对事实的陈

述,应用一般现在时,“that”指代“ a bronze box”,是第三人称单数,应用 date 的第三人称单数形式。故填


64. connecting 考查非谓语动词。介词 in 后应用动名词形式。故填 connecting。

65. to understand 考查非谓语动词。此处是动词不定式作后置定语,修饰“the chance”。故填 to understand。

第四部分 写作



Read Classics, Learn English

Dear fellow schoolmates,

Aimed at appreciating the charm of English classics and promoting English learning, the school

English Club will host the “Read Classics, Learn English” activity.

This activity will last roughly 2 weeks, scheduled from April 1st to 14th.Various activities have been

designed, ranging from attending a lecture on reading tips to recommending the favorite English classics,

followed by exchanging reading experiences as well as reading skills. Anyone who shows interest in reading

English classics is welcome.

Looking forward to your participation.

English Club


One possible version:





