
2024-01-08·11页·1.2 M

C .The speed limit on highways.

D .The use of cellphone while driving.

高三英语试卷 B

Nearly everyone would agree that it is very hard to let go of anger after you have been

座号: hurt by someone. However, research shows that forgiveness is good for your health. It can

give you more energy, help you sleep better. According to Dr Frederic Luskin, author of

本试卷分第 I 卷(选择题) 和第 II 卷(非选择题) 两部分。所有答案都写在答题卷 the book Forgive for Good, people who are able to forgive are less angry and more hopeful.

上。 “It can reduce the wear and tear on our bodies,” says Dr Luskin, “and allow people to feel

50 ( 15 2.5 more energetic.”

37.5 ) AB CD You are probably asking yourself, “How is it possible to forgive?” It is not easy, but

here are some suggestions to try. When you have been hurt, first try to calm yourself down:


breathe deeply and force yourself to think of something pleasant, such as someone you

The best way to get around London is the Underground, or what locals call “the love or a beautiful sunset. Thinking about the hurt is of no use; it only gives power to the

Tube”. However, you also have other forms of transportation to choose from.

person who hurt you. Train yourself to see beauty, love and kindness in the world around


you. Never wait for an apology, because you may be waiting forever. Very often the one

The charm of traveling by bus is that you can see the sights. Fares start at 1. 75 who hurt you will never think of apologizing, either because they meant to hurt you or

pounds for a single ride with an Oyster card (牡蛎卡). Buses don’t take cash, so it’s best to because they don’t understand your point of view. It can be very helpful to you to write

have a top-up Oyster card to pay for your trip. Many bus routes cover the entire city and yourself a letter, imagining what the other person’s perspective might be. Try to stand in

run 24 hours a day.

his shoes to see the situation; you may realize that the hurt was a result of ignorance or fear

Rail — or maybe even love. Finally, remember that forgiving someone does not mean that you

London Overground consists of six main routes traveling among many parts of the have accepted their action. It only means that you have chosen to let go of the hurt.

city. Rail fares vary by the time of day and the number of zones crossed. Like the 24.What is the main idea of the passage?

Underground, using an Oyster Card rather than a Travel card (or paper ticket)is

considerably cheaper. A .Forgiveness is possible for all people.

B .We should not wait for an apology.


C .When someone has hurt you, try to forgive.

Keep in mind that a lit-up taxi sign means it’s available. Taxis are metered, and you D. Forgiveness can be extremely difficult.

have to pay according to the time of day and the distance. There’s always a minimum fee

of 3. 20 pounds. You can pay with cash, and all taxis accept credit cards. 25.Which statement is NOT true according to the passage?

A .Forgiveness can make people feel more energetic.


B.People who forgive show less anger and more hope.

Think twice before hiring a car. Londoners drive on the left. In addition, traffic and C .Forgiveness means you accept the hurting actions.

parking are awful, and the cost of petrol (or gas)is high. Using hand-held cellphones while

D .Being lost in hate may bring you deeper hurt and pain.

driving is illegal. The speed limit on highways is 70 miles per hour.

26.What does the underlined phrase in the first paragraph mean?

21.Which of the following can only be paid by card?

A.Damage. B.Energy. C.Waste. D .Sensitivity.

A .Buses. B .Rail. C.Taxis. D .Cars.

27.How can you calm yourself when someone has hurt you?

22.In which aspect do rail and taxis have in common in London?

A .Take deep breaths and think of something pleasant.

A .The routes. B .The ways of charging.

B .Learn to look for love, beauty and kindness around you.

C .The minimum fee. D.The pattern of payment.

C .Try to see things from the other person’s perspective.

23.What will make a Shaanxi’s tourist unaccustomed while driving a car in London?

D .All of the above.

A .Driving on the left. B .Finding a parking lot.

consumption gathered from 2013 to 2016 in the National Health and Nutrition

C Examination Survey, or NHANES, a program that continuously monitors the health and

The Chinese version of TikTok, called Douyin(抖音), has amassed(积累)400 million nutritional status of Americans.

daily active users, parent company ByteDance revealed in its annual report this week. This Fast food — defined(定义) broadly in the survey as any item obtained from a fast

is an impressive growth for the addictive(上瘾的) video app, which had 250 million daily food/pizza establishment — is eaten by 37 percent of American adults at some point

active users in January last year. during the day. Among those who eat fast food, 44 percent do so at lunch and 42 percent at

The report, which describes the user behavior and trends, illustrates(表明)the cultural dinner. Men are more likely to have fast food at lunch; women are more likely to snack on

difference between China and the U.S., said Katherine Wu, an investor at New York-based it. The most enthusiastic consumers are 20 to 39 years old: 45 percent of them eat fast food

firm Notation Capital. Things that trend in these two countries are quite different. For on any given day. That figure declines sharply with age, to 38 percent among people 40 to

example: knowledge-based content is extremely popular in China, and less so in the U.S. 59, and to 24 percent among those over age 60.

Also, this was wild to me: those creators that did the most dance videos in China are users The high rate among 20 to 39-year-olds was particularly troubling. That period sets

born in the 60s , while in the US, it seems that it's mostly teenagers who are creating the the stage for health problems later in life — heart disease, dementia(痴呆) and so on. Also,

dances, she wrote. this is the group who have kids, and they’re setting them up for a lifetime of unhealthy

ByteDance claimed(宣称) that Douyin has established itself as the largest knowledge, eating habits.

culture and art platform in China. (Douyin is only available in mainland China.) Indeed, The percentage of adults who ate fast food rose with increasing income. About 32

14.89 million know ledge-based content videos were shared on the app last year, it percent of people who earn less than 130 percent of the US poverty line — $32,630 a year

claimed. for a family of four — ate fast food daily. But 42 percent of people above 350 percent of

28. According to the annual report, how many active users can Douyin amass in one day? the poverty line — $112,950 a year or more for that size family — were daily consumers.

A.14.89 million B.250 million C.400 million D. 150 million A report by the C.D.C .in 2013 estimated that American adults consume more than

29. Knowledge-based content in the US is . 11 percent of their daily calories from fast food. Fast food is generally high in calories, fat

A.extremely popular and salt, a combination that increases the risk for cardiovascular( 心 血 管 的 ) and other

B.more popular than that in China diseases. When we hear about a shark attack, we’re scared and we avoid that beach. But

C.less popular than that in China what we really should be afraid of is double cheeseburgers and French fries.

D.as popular as that in China 32 .What can we know about American fast food consumers?

30. According to paragraph 2, who would probably do the most dance videos on Douyin? A .Most American adults eat fast food every day.

A. A Chinese woman who was born in the 60s. B .The older they are, the more fast food they eat.

B. An American woman who was born in the 60s. C .American women eat fast food mainly at dinner.

C. A Chinese teenager who was born in the 90s. D .Almost half the young Americans often eat fast food.

D. An American teenager who was born in the 90s. 33.Why does fast food do particular harm to young people?

31. What's the best title of this passage? A .Fast food affects young bodies more harmfully.

A . An annual report of Douyin . B .Fast food has a bad effect on two generations.

B.The Difference of Douyin in China and the U.S. C .Fast food causes young people underfeeding.

C . A Great App for people of 60s. D .Fast food makes the youth fatter and fatter.

D. An Addictive App-Douyin . 34.What is the US poverty line for a family of four a year?

D A.About $10,000. B .About $30,000.

More than a third of adults in the United States prefer fast-food restaurants and pizza C .About $50,000. D .About $100,000.

places on any given day. And the higher their income is, the more likely they are to do so. 35.Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(C.D.C.) has released data on fast food (P1 – Paragraph 1 ; P2 – Paragraph 2 …)

After reading what is mentioned above, you may be able to choose the right type of

exercise now. 40 ,what matters is that you make the time to exercise. It's also important to

A. B. always challenge yourself to be healthier.

A. Then repeat the cycle

B. Choose to walk or run

C. How to keep a balance between them

D. However, running may be the better choice

E. Whether you favour walking, running, or both

F. While both running and walking are beneficial for you

C. D .

G. Because running means you're going at a relatively faster pace


( 15 1 15 )


( 5 2.5 12.5 )

When I was young, I often had outdoor activities. One day, we decided to hold an

archery( 射 箭 ) 41 ,shooting plastic animals. It was a 42 activity, and it was great

Running and walking both offer their own unique benefits and risks. Here is something to relax with my friends.

you need to know about the pros and cons(利弊) of each type of exercise - and which is best That day, the first target( 目 标 )was a“ 43 ”. One of our friends was about

for your health goals. to shoot it when a strange woman came 44 from her car parked beside the road. My

Running is better for weight loss than walking. friend 45 shooting as she kept walking before the target. We were puzzled until we

Both walking and running can help you lose weight. 36 . A 2008 analysis found that 46 that she thought our target was a 47 deer. We tried to explain, but she totally

people only lost small amounts of weight —about 0. 1 pound per week—by walking. On the 48 it.

other hand, a large 2013 study found that people lost significantly more weight by running All the competitors came to see what was happening. I rushed to stop her because

than walking. she was still trying hard to 49 this “poor animal”. I pulled the head of the deer offits

Walking is safer than running. body to 50 it was artificial(人造的). The woman was too 51 to speak for a long

37 ,it makes you face a greater risk of injury than walking. In fact, walking has less time. She then said“Sorry”,walked way 52 with a red face, and returned to her 53 .

than a third of the injury risk of running. About 60% of runners will experience an injury that We decided to replace (替换)the deer with a false snake. And we thought no one 54

prevents them from doing the activity. to stop us. Anyhow, the woman was worth 55 for her determination to protect wild

38 ? animals.

Overall,both walking and running can help you achieve the recommended amount of 41. A. competition B.party C.meeting D.class

exercise.There is no right choice for which is better for your health.Rather,deciding between 42. A. boring B. wonderful C. necessary D. valuable

walking and running depends on your unique goals and risk factors.For example, if you are 43. A. fox B. snake C. deer D. sheep

older or have joint problems, walking may be the better option for you. However, if you're 44. A. disappearing B. escaping C. laughing D. shouting

45. A. continued B. stopped C.hated D. practised

pressed for time, running might be the more practical choice.

46. A. noticed B. doubted C. hoped D.understood

Try the run-walk-run method. 47. A. brave B. dirty C. real D.dead

The run-walk-run method involves alternating between running for a certain amount of 48. A. disregarded B. forgot C. minded D.changed

time and walking for a set number of minutes. For example,you can run for two minutes and 49.A.steal B. calm C.attack D. protect

walk for one minute, or run for four minutes and walk for one minute. 39 . 50.A. find B. learn C. show D. decide

51. A. bored B. shocked C. worried D.tired

52. A. quickly B. thankfully C. happily D. proudly At school, Tom could not pay attention to anything and wanted the bell to ring so that

53.A. office B. car C. home D. seat he could buy something to eat. After a few hours, when the bell rang, Tom quickly opened

54. A. needed B. wanted C. dared D.waited

his schoolbag to find his money, but just then he remembered that he had left for school in

55. A. praising B. loving C. trusting D.thanking

a hurry in the morning and forgotten to take money. He looked under his books, hoping to

( 10 1.5 15 )

find some money but there was nothing.


Not knowing what to do, he walked out of the classroom and sat on a bench in front

In order to know a foreign language thoroughly, four things are necessary. Firstly, we

of the canteen(食堂). He saw a few of his classmates there, among them was Billy. He

must understand the language when we hear it 56 (speak). Secondly, we must be able


to speak it ourselves correctly with 57 (confident) and without hesitation. Thirdly, we was one of the richest kids in his class but he was a very arrogant boy who thought

must be able to read the language, and fourthly, we must be able to write it. We must be everyone else was a loser(失败者). But as Tom was new, he didn’t know much about

able to make sentences that are 58 (grammatical) correct. Billy.

When he went towards Billy and asked if he could borrow some money for his lunch,

There is no easy way to success 59 language learning. 60 good memory is a

, 乞丐

great help, but it is not enough only 61 (memorize) rules from a grammar book. It is Billy laughed a lot and said. “ 1 knew you were a loser maybe a beggar( )?” Billy

not much use learning by heart long lists of words and 62 meanings, studying the laughed out so loud that other kids also heard it and made fun of the situation. He didn’t

answer Billy, and slowly walked back toward an empty bench.

dictionary and so on. We must learn by using the language. 63 we are satisfied with

only a few rules we have memorized, we are not really learning the language. “ Learn When he reached the bench, he noticed something lying near it. It was a wallet(钱包).

through use ” is a good piece of 64 (advise) for those who are studying a new He picked it up and recognized it as Billy’s, as he remembered Billy showing it to his

friends and telling them that his uncle had bought it for him from the UK. There was quite

language. Practice is important. We must practise speaking and 65 (write) the language

a lot of money inside for a kid.

whenever we can.


( 40 )

续写词数应为 左右;

( 15 ) (World Book Day) , 1. 150

,: 2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

1. ; At first, Tom wanted to keep it a secret and punish Billy.

2. ;


: 1. 80 ; 2.

Dear boys and girls,

Then Billy said, “Why are you giving it back?”

Li Hua

: 25

Tom was a 13-year-old boy who was very honest and hardworking. Recently, he

had entered a new school, so he had no friends yet. On Monday morning, he was nearly

late for school. The night before, his family attended his cousin’s wedding( 婚 礼 )and

reached home late, which was why he couldn’t get up on time as usual.

2023-2024 学年度高三上期第三次考试



21.A 22.B 23.A


21.细节理解题。根据 Buses 部分中的“Buses don’t take cash, so it’s best to have a top-up Oyster

card to pay for your trip. (公共汽车不收现金,所以最好有一张牡蛎卡来支付你的旅行费用。)”

可知,公共交通只能用卡支付,故选 A。

22.细节理解题。根据 Rail 部分中的“Like the Underground, using an Oyster Card rather than a

Travel card (or paper ticket)is considerably cheaper. (与地铁一样,使用牡蛎卡而不是旅行卡(或

纸质机票)要便宜得多。)”和 Taxis 部分中的“You can pay with cash, and all taxis accept credit

cards. (你可以用现金支付,而且所有的出租车都接受信用卡。)”可知,在伦敦,乘坐铁路和出

租车都可以用卡支付,即它们的支付方式是一样的,故选 B。

23.细节理解题。根据 Cars 部分中的“Londoners drive on the left. (伦敦人靠左行驶。)”和常识


伦敦开车不习惯,故选 A。

24.C 25.C 26.A 27.D


24.主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“Nearly everyone would agree that it is very hard to let go of

anger after you have been hurt by someone. However, research shows that forgiveness is good for

your health. It can give you more energy, help you sleep better.(几乎每个人都认为当你被别人伤




故选 C。

25.细节理解题。根据文章最后一段“Finally, remember that forgiving someone does not mean that

you have accepted their action. It only means that you have chosen to let go of the hurt.(总之,要记


人并不是接受别人对你的伤害的行为,故选 C。

26.词义猜测题。根据划线词的内容“says Dr Luskin, “and allow people to feel more energetic.”(Dr

Luskin 说道:“并且它能让人们变得更加有活力。”)”可推知,原谅别人可以给人带来身体上的

好处,故此处的划线词与 A 项“damage 伤害”意思相近,原谅别人可以减少身体上的伤害,故

选 A。

27.细节理解题。根据文章最后一段“When you have been hurt, first try to calm yourself down:

breathe deeply and force yourself to think of something pleasant, such as someone you love or a

beautiful sunset.(当你感觉受到了伤害,首先,尽量让自己冷静下来,深呼吸并强迫自己想一

些令人愉悦的事情,比如说你爱的人和美丽的日落。)”、“Train yourself to see beauty, love and

kindness in the world around you.(让自己去看到身边的美、爱和善良。)”以及“Try to stand in his

shoes to see the situation;(努力让自己站在别人的角度去看待问题。)”可知,当你受到伤害时,


学会站在他人的角度来看待问题,故选 D。

28. C. 29.C 30.A 31.D

28. .细节理解题.根据第一段中 The Chinese version of TikTok,called Douyin(抖音),has amassed

(积累) 400 million daily active users 可知中国版的 TikTok抖音日活跃用户已达 4 亿.故选 C.

29. .细节理解题.根据第二段中 knowledge-based content is extremely popular in China.可知基于

知识的内容在中国非常流行.故选 C.

30..细节理解题.根据第二段中 those creators that did the most dance videos in China are users

born in the 60 s.可知那些在中国制作舞蹈视频最多的创作者是 60 年代出生的用户.故选 A.

31. .主旨大意题.通读全文,尤其是根据第一段中 The Chinese version of TikTok, called Douyin

(抖音),has amassed (积累) 400 million daily active users, parent company ByteDance revealed in

its annual report this week . This is an impressive growth for the addictive(上瘾的)video app,which

had 250 million daily active users in January last year .可知母公司 ByteDance 本周在其年度报告

中披露,中国版的 TikTok抖音日活跃用户已达 4 亿,这对于去年 1 月拥有 2.5 亿日活跃用


瘾的应用程序抖音.故选 D.

32.D 33.B 34.B 35.B


32.细节理解题。根据第二段中 The most enthusiastic consumers are 20 to 39 years old: 45 percent

of them eat fast food on any given day.可知,将近一半的 20 到 39 岁的年轻人经常吃快餐。故选


33.细节理解题。根据第三段中 That period sets the stage for health problems later in life — heart

disease, dementia(痴呆) and so on. Also, this is the group who have kids, and they’re setting them

up for a lifetime of unhealthy eating habits.可知,快餐对年轻人的影响尤其大,因为它会影响两

代人。故选 B。

34.推理判断题。根据第四段中 less than 130 percent of the US poverty line — $32,630 a year for

a family of four 和 above 350 percent of the poverty line — $112,950 a year or more for that size

family 可知,美国的四口之家的贫困线大约为每年 3 万美元。故选 B。

35.文章结构题。文章第一段提出问题,2,3,4 段分别从吃快餐的人口比例,患病率以及

与收入的关系展开论述,最后一段指出要远离快餐,所以本文属于总—分—总结构。故选 B。





如:表因果关系的 because, since, as 等;表转折关系的 but, however ,on the contrary, on the other

hand 等等。本题第 2 小题,根据第三段中 That period sets the stage for health problems later in

life — heart disease, dementia(痴呆) and so on. Also, this is the group who have kids, and they’re

setting them up for a lifetime of unhealthy eating habits.可知,快餐对年轻人的影响尤其大,因为


故选 B。



36.D 37.G 38.B 39.A 40.E


41-45.ABCDB 46-50.DCADC 51-55.BABCA



41.A 根据第三段第一句“All the competitors came to see what was happening.”可知,作者和朋


42.B 根据空后的“... it was great to relax with my friends. ”可知,这次活动很好。

43.C 根据最后两段中的 deer 可知,靶子是一头塑料鹿。

44.D 根据下文这位女性保护小鹿的行为可知,此处是指这位女性从她停放在路边的车子里叫


45.B 根据空后的“... she kept walking before the target.”可知,作者的朋友停止了射箭。

46.D 根据空后“... she thought our target was a7 deer.”可知,作者和朋友们明白了那位女性以为


47.C 根据下文作者为了证实鹿是假的,把鹿头从鹿身子上拔下来可知,那位女性以为这是一头


48.A 根据下文“I rushed to stop her because she was still trying hard to...”可知,那位女性完全不


49.D 根据上文那位女性阻止作者和朋友们射鹿可知,她是想保护小鹿。

50.C 根据下文那位女性的反应可知,作者把鹿头取了下来,目的是想证明这头鹿是假的。

51.B 根据空后的 to speak for a long time 可知,那位女性太震惊了,好长时间不能说话。

52.A 根据空后的 with a red face 可知,那位女性红着脸快速地走开了。

53.B 根据上文“... a strange woman came4from her car...”可知,这位女性应该是回到了车上。

54.C 根据上文“We decided to replace (替换) the deer with a false snake. ”可知,作者和朋友们


55.A 根据空前 Anyhow 可知,他们认为这位女性保护野生动物的决心值得表扬。




56. spoken 57. confidence 58. grammatically 59. in 60. A

61. to memorize 62. their 63. If 64. advice 65. writing


Dear boys and girls,

Here comes World Book Day! Now I'm here to share with you the importance of

reading.As the saying goes(状语从句),Reading a good book is to talk with many

noble people. Not only can reading enrich our knowledge, but it can also help us solve

different problems ( not only... but also...结构的倒装形式).

When it comes to what books to read, there is a variety of them I'd like to

recommend (定语从句),including the novels inspiring us to push forward(现在分词短

语作定语)and science books which can broaden our horizons(定语从句).

All in all, reading can benefit us a great deal. Let's take action to do more reading,

creating a brighter future together(现在分词短语作状语).

Li Hua


【解析] Paragraph1:

At first, Tom wanted to keep it a secret and punished Billy. At least he could

afford the lunch now, However , another voice popped up, urging him to give it back to

Billy , which made him feel torn 犹豫不决的. I should never keep the wallet at the

cost of my honesty , and Billy would be extremely embarrassed without any money in

the presence of so many classmates! Tom convinced himself. Once he made up his

mind , he accelerated his pace and caught him up.【高分句型一】Billy , it's your

wallet and I found it on the bench. Taking over the wallet , Billy stared into Tom's

eyes with a puzzled look written on his face.(Tom 发现了 Billy 的钱包,并决定将他


Paragraph2: Then Billy said, Why are you giving it back? He even looked

into his wallet , obviously doubtful about Tom's act. Calmly and patiently Tom

explained, I had originally wanted to keep it secret as a punishment for your

arrogance , but being honest matters more to me.Hearing what Tom had said , Billy

felt his face burning with shame. He bent , thanking Tom for saving him from the

embarrassing situation and apologizing to the classmates around for calling them losers.

【高分句型二]And the lunch is on me.You all are my friends! Billy announced.(他


【导语】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了男孩 Tom 非常诚实和勤奋,他最

近进入了一所新学校,没有朋友。一天他找班上最富有但却傲慢的同学 Billy 借钱

想买早餐,Billy 却嘲笑他。结果 Tom 在长凳上捡到了 Billy 的钱包,还主动还给

了 Billy,Billy 也被他所打动,请他吃午餐,就这样 Tom 在新学校交到了第一个



由第一段首句内容“起初,Tom 想要保守秘密,以此惩罚 Billy。”可知,

第一段可描写 Tom 想要藏起钱包的内心活动,以及 Billy 发现钱包不见后的反应。

由第二段首句内容“这时 Billy 说:‘你为什么要归还呢?’”可知,第二段

可描写 Billy 得知 Tom 归还钱包的原因后被打动并为自己嘲笑 Tom 感到愧疚,最

终决定请 Tom 吃饭,二人成为朋友。

2.续写线索:Tom 想要藏起钱包——Billy 发现钱包不见——Tom 归还钱包

并解释原因——Billy 愧疚——Billy 提出请 Tom 吃午饭——二人成为朋友





