
2024-01-15·29页·736.8 K

乌鲁木齐市第六十八中学高三1 月月考


总分 120分 考试时间 120分钟

第一部分:阅读(共两节,满分 50分)

阅读理解(共 37.5分)


Top Summer Festivals in Australia

Splendid mornings and glorious sunshine may not always make summer exciting, but the Aussie summer is

always a nice option. The country finds its fortune, the artists find their patrons, and pleasure-seekers get that kick

to enjoy good things in life under the southern sun.

1. Margaret River Gourmet Escape

When: November 17-19

This outstanding food & wine festival at Leeuwin Estate Winery by the Margaret River is an experience for

travelers who have arrived at the start of summer. From enjoying barbeque on the famous Castle Bay Beach to

dining on the longest wooden jetty (栈桥) in the Southern Hemisphere, the true devotees of food and wine choose

entertainment for these three days.

2. Tropfest Film Festival

When: February 7-11

Filmmakers from across the globe use the world’s largest short film festival as a platform to showcase their

work. This free-to-attend festival doesn’t have the air of Cannes(戛纳) but the audience is assured of some really

experimental movies. If you happen to be in Sydney this summer. head to the Centennial Park and see for

yourselfhow heartwarming this festival can turn out to be.

3. Womadelaide Music Festival

When: February 17-March5

During the Womadelaide festival, you can attend this biggest world music festival in southern hemisphere.

The Botanic Park tums into a Mecca (麦加) for music lovers as live concerts by artists from all over the world

make you enjoy different cultures and genres. To make your summer weekend in South Australia memorable, hit

the festival on the first day.

4. Perth International Arts Festival

When: February 10-March5

The Perth international arts festival in Australia is a wonderful experience. Even the “mad” summer of Perth

would feel sweet when you join a noble gathering of people at this premier cultural even. This 24-day festival is an

occasion to meet greatest living artists and get exposed to new works.

1. What is the feature of Margaret River Gourmet Escape?

A. It contains different water activities.

B. It is famed for food, wines and beaches

C. It is the first summer festival in the world.

D. It holds an exhibition of world-class wines

2. Where can visitors watch the live performances of great artists?

A. In the Botanic Park. B. By the Margaret River

C. In the Centennial Park. D. On the Castle Bay Beach.

3. Which is the longest running festival in Australia?

A. Tropfest Film Festivals. B. Womadelaide Music Festival.

C. Margaret River Gourmet Escape. D. Perth Intemational Arts Festival


Bears eat human food when they can get some.But in a new study, the more human food 30 female black

bears ate, the less time those bears were likely to spend hibernating(冬眠).In turn,bears that hibernated less were

likely to score worse in a test for aging.

The new research grew out of an earlier project to see what wild black bears across Colorado were eating, says

Jonathan Pauli, a researcher from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Another researcher Rebecca Kirby checked diets of hundreds of bears across the state when she was a

Ph.D.student. She found that hunters there were not allowed to set out bear bait(诱饵)。That means the animals'

way to get human food is mostly through finding human food themselves.

When bears eat more human food, their bodies pick up higher levels of a form of carbon known as carbon-

13.It comes from plants such as corn. The researcher found the telltale(报警的) form of carbon in an earlier

study. They found bears in some places ate a large share of people's leftovers(剩饭).Sometimes,these leftovers

could make up more than 30 percent of a bear's diets,Pauli note.

In the new study,Kirby looked at the effect of diet on hibernation. Bears usually sleep for four to six

months,during which female bears give birth. Kirby and her colleagues focused on 30 female bears around

Durango, Colo. These bears were watched over by the state's parks and wildlife department. The team first tested

bears for carbon-13.They found the ones that ate more human-related food tended to hibernate for shorter periods.

Studies on smaller animals show that hibernation may slow the aging process. If true, shortening the seasonal

sleep may have an ill effect on bears. To test it, the researchers tested for relative changes in the length of

telomeres(染色体端粒)。In the new study,bears that hibernated for shorter periods tended to have telomeres that

shortened more quickly than those of other bears. This suggests the animals were aging faster,the team says.

The bears didn't always meet Kirby's needs for several kinds of data, so she can't say there is a direct and

certain connection between what bears eat and aging. So far,Kirby calls the evidence suggestive.

4. What does the new study show about bears?

A. They have much difficulty in getting food.

B. Hibernating is their best way to stay young.

C. Eating human food might cause fast aging.

D. They hibernate for shorter periods than before.

5. What can be learned from Paragraphs 3-4?

A. Hunters usually use human food as bear bait.

B. Carbon-13 levels will fall if bears eat human food.

C. Bears seem to be able to find human food on their own.

D. Many bears only eat people's leftovers as their diets.

6. What might cause a bear's telomeres to shorten more quickly?

A. Hibernating for enough time.

B. Being weak with hunger.

C. Eating much human food.

D. Slowing the aging process.


Pamela Simpson is 53,“not sporty” and has suffered from asthma(哮喘) all her life. Two years ago her son

Jay-Teale, now 10, took up BMX(自行车越野赛).“I enjoyed watching him and thought I'd like to try it,” Simpson

recalls. “But I didn't want to embarrass myself. I hadn't ridden for over 40 years.”

Then she noticed a session for women and girls at Burgess Park BMX Track in Peckham, south-east London,

where Jay-Teale trained. This season Simpson raced at the London BMX series and finished third in her category.

“It was the most worrying experience of my life. But it was also exhilarating,” she says cheerfully. “My son is

proud of me. We now share a real love for the sport. It has brought us closer together.”

Since becoming part of the Olympic Games in 2008, the popularity of BMX has risen. A program introduced

in London in 2011 by the sports development charity Access Sport has seen tracks built in several London regions,

backed up with investment in coaching, and the program is being rolled out to Bristol.

Mavolwane Wright's children Skye,11 and Xander,10 are sponsored riders who have represented Great Britain

in every world championship since 2014. Mavolwane Wright says she was motivated to start BMX herself out of

an interest aroused by watching so much of it. “It's an eye-opener to share your children's interests,” she explains.

“You comprehend what they go through in a much more direct way. It adds another dimension to your


It is also a high-impact sport and the risks are fairly obvious. “I totally get the fear,” says Emma Budgens, 51,

a BMX exercise coach and cycling instructor. “It's the fear of doing something new, of getting hurt. But I say,

‘Come and give it a try.’ The chance of having an accident is slim, and you can spend time on the flat to improve

your confidence.”

7. What can we learn about Pamela Simpson from the first two paragraphs?

A. She tended to be inactive. B. She performed poorly in the race.

C. She used to feel awkward in public. D. She trained at Burgess Park BMX Track.

8. What does the underlined word “exhilarating” in Paragraph 3 mean?

A. Annoying. B. Inspiring.

C. Thrilling. D. Challenging.

9. What benefit did Simpson and Wright get from BMX?

A. More life skills. B. Stronger will.

C. More confidence in themselves. D. Better parent-child relationships.

10. What does Emma Budgens think of BMX?

A. Risky but actually secure. B. Demanding but open to all.

C. Competitive but instructive. D. Pleasant but time-consuming.


With coronavirus outbreaks at different stages around the world, in many countries lockdowns are being

carefully eased off while urging citizens to keep on practicing the social distancing rules. Singapore is trying a new

way of carrying it out—a robot dog.

The government has arranged Spot, a yellow and black robotic dog made by Boston Dynamics Company, at

one local park. The same robot has been previously seen dancing to hit song “Uptown Funk.”However, 2020 is an

extremely difficult year and the company is trying to assist the national coronavirus-control effort. In turn, the job

has been handed over to Spot.

The four-legged robot dog patrols(巡查) the park and broadcasts a pre-recorded message to encourage visitors

to observe safe distancing measures. As it walks around the park, the dog says in a female voice, “Let's keep

Singapore healthy. For your own safety and for those around you, please stand at least one meter apart. Thank


Spot is one of the world's most advanced robots and unlike wheeled robots, it is capable of going pretty much

anywhere a dog can go and can walk up to three miles per hour over different areas, making it ideal for operation in

public parks and gardens. Furthermore, it is remotely controlled and has cameras with 360-degree vision and

analytic tools to scan the surroundings and help officials estimate the number of people gathering in the park.

For now, the pilot project is currently set to run in a limited trial for two weeks at one park during off-peak(非

高峰)hours. But if all goes well, authorities will consider expanding the program to improve enforcement(强制)of

social distance throughout on Singapore

Spot is also being used in other ways during the public health crisis beyond just patrolling a park. The

government says it's also using Spot in another capacity- at a local isolation facility where the robot helps bring

medicine to patients.

11. What do we know about Spot in the passage?

A. It's a dog-like robot that can speak. B. It’s a robot that can sing a popular song.

C. It’s a wheeled robot that can walk anywhere. D. It's a robot newly invented during the pandemic.

12. How does Spot carry out its duty in the park?

A. It enforces people to follow the rules. B. It politely reminds people to keep apart.

C. It works day and night to patrol the park. D. It warns visitors against littering anywhere.

13. What is mainly talked about in paragraph 4?

A. Some smart features of the robot. B. The robot dog's basic equipment.

C. The working condition of the robot. D. The experiment process of the project.

14. What is the best title of the text?

A. Spot, A Dog like Robot, Walks In The Park B. A New Program Is Expanding In Singapore

C. A Multi-skilled Robot Goes Beyond The Park D. Singapore Leads The Top In Fighting The Crisis

(二) 七选五 (共 12.5 分)

Everybody needs a hobby. Having something you can do for fun is a great way to reduce stress and keep your

mind occupied. ____15____ Here are some suggestions if you’re not sure what to pick up next.

Writing is a good way to decompress (减压) and be creative. You can write about anything you want! Writing

can help you deal with stress or anxiety. ____16____ Other hobbies can get expensive quickly, but writing won’t

cost more than a few notebooks and pens.

Learning an instrument is another great stress reducer. Listening to music is a great way to reduce stress—and

so is playing it. Learning to play an instrument is both relaxing and fulfilling. You have so many options to pick

from, from the violin to piano. ____17____

Indoor or outdoor gardening is a great hobby for stress reduction. ____18____ Gardening is a great hobby that

takes dedication but offers great rewards. Not only does it help to reduce stress, but you’ll be able to harvest what

you grow, or at least enjoy the aesthetics (美学).

____19____ Do you like to work with your hands? Why not get crafty and create projects you can use in your

everyday life? Craft-based hobbies are great stress-busters (压力消除器) and give you the satisfaction of making

something with your own hands. Your friends and family will love thoughtful gifts you make just for them!

And remember, your hobby should ease your stress, not cause more! Have fun with it. Explore and create.

A. Try out different things.

B. Best of all, it’s basically free!

C. But what kind of hobby should you choose?

D. Make the handwork and channel your creativity.

E. Sometimes, the hardest part of gardening is choosing your plants!

F. One of the most satisfying things in life is helping something grow.

G. Plus, you’ll be able to impress your friends and family someday with your musical talent.

第二部分:语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)

(一) 完形填空(共 15 分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A,B,C,D 四个选项中选出最佳选项


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A,B,C,D 四个选项中选出最佳选项

Editors of newspapers and magazines often go too far in supplying readers with facts. Last year a reporter

___20___ by a well-known magazine wrote an article on the president’s ___21___ in a new African republic.

When the article arrived, the editor read the first sentence and then refused to ___22___ it. The article began like

this, “Hundreds of steps lead to the high ___23___ surrounding the president’s palace.” The editor ___24___ sent

the reporter a telegram directing him to find out the ___25___ number of steps and height of the wall.

The reporter set out to get these important facts at once, but it ___26___ him a long time to send them back.

Meanwhile, the editor was growing___27___, for the magazine would soon be ___28___ He sent the reporter two

urgent(加急的) telegrams, but received ___29___ reply. He sent another, yet the reporter again ___30___ to reply.

The editor unwillingly published the article ___31___ it had been written. A week later, the editor at last ___32___

the reporter, who told him in the letter that not only had he been arrested(逮捕)but he had been sent to ___33___

The poor man had been seized by the police while ___34___ the 1804 steps leading to the 15-foot wall around the


20. A. answered B. sent C. wanted D. taken

21. A. hometown B. office C. palace D. family

22. A. publish B. rewrite C. sign D. talk about

23. A. palace B. wall C. country D. prison

24. A. quickly B. later C. hurriedly D. immediately

25. A. exact B. large C. small D. unknown

26. A. took B. spent C. got D. found

27. A. glad B. fast C. anxious D. happy

28. A. sold B. sent C. shown D. printed

29. A. no B. much C. one D. any

30. A. managed B. failed C. had D. ought

31. A. until B. like C. when D. as

32. A. met with B. looked for C. came across D. heard from

33. A. a hotel B. prison C. the palace D. the office

34. A. counting B. going C. measuring D. drawing

(二) 用单词的适当形式完成短文(共 15 分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

A group of new national parks will be established this year in key ecological regions around China to

boost____35____(sustain) development and provide more public eco-products for a____36____(share) community

of mankind. Regions____37____hold important ecological functions, including the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the

Yellow River and the Yangtze River basins, will be home____38____these emerging new national parks. China

will identify about 50 national park candidate areas to select from,____39____the national parks will form the

largest system of their kind in the world. The total area of the candidate national parks____40____(intend) to cover

10 percent of China’s 9.6 million square kilometers of land area.

____41____(ensure) sound and effective construction of national parks, a set of policies will be released soon.

The national parks have become attractive “business cards” for displaying____42____beauty and charm of China’s

nature and culture. Shahbaz Khan, director of UNESCO Beijing Office, said UNESCO____43____(high) values

China’s actions in protecting its heritage, its cultural and biological____44____(diverse), and efforts in fulfilling its

vision of eco-civilization.

第三部分:写作(共两节,满分 40 分)

(一) 作文(共 15 分)

45. 欢迎同学们加入武汉六中大家庭。当你第一次漫步在六中的校园里,你第一眼看见什么?那时那刻,你

的心中是不是对未来充满了期盼?请以 My First Month in the New School 为题写一篇短文。

内容要点:1.所见所闻 2.高中生活的期盼 3.未来的目标

注意:1.写作字数应为 100 左右

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯主要包括:





(二) 读后续写(共 25 分)

46. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Catherine’s nine-year-old son, Chirag, won his first silver prize at a swim meet. It seemed like he could swim

before he could walk. His dad is a competitive swimmer and a former champion, so many people think it is surely in

his genes.

That’s wrong! Until a few years ago, Chirag was afraid of water. It wasn’t his fault. His dislike came from

Catherine’s childhood phobia (恐惧症).

One summer when Catherine was a child, she and her brother went to a pool to learn basic swimming skills.

All that went well and soon it was time for class. A coach was hired and he agreed to do a trial round. He took

children to the deep end and asked then to swim across the breadth of the pool. While Catherine’s brother stayed

calm and made it, she, however, immediately disliked the task. It was Catherine’s first time in such deep water, and

the bottom of the pool seemed so far away that she felt really frightened. She felt she was going to drown (淹死)

for lack of air. At that moment, she thought that swimming wasn’t for her. After being rescued from the water, she

didn’t swim again.

Fast forward to her thirties, she was a mother of a child and living in an area with a lot of rivers and beaches.

Then her son, Chirag, started school, and swimming was a compulsory course. Every Wednesday, the day for the

weekly swimming lesson was Chirag’s bad dream. From the previous evening, he would be anxious and teary-eyed

about going to school. It turned out that Catherine had passed on her anxiety about swimming to her little boy.

She was always worried about keeping her child safe around water and was starting to realize that the best way

to do that was making him learn how to swim. Words of comfort were of no use to Chirag. He still sat outside the

pool during his classes. It was obvious that he needed professional lessons to help build his confidence. She needed

to challenge herself to encourage her son.


1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

So Catherine signed up for swimming classes with her son.







To Catherine’s amazement, she didn’t drown!







乌鲁木齐市第六十八中学 高三1 月月考


总分 120分 考试时间 120分钟

第一部分:阅读(共两节,满分 50分)

阅读理解(共 37.5分)


Top Summer Festivals in Australia

Splendid mornings and glorious sunshine may not always make summer exciting, but the Aussie summer is

always a nice option. The country finds its fortune, the artists find their patrons, and pleasure-seekers get that kick

to enjoy good things in life under the southern sun.

1. Margaret River Gourmet Escape

When: November 17-19

This outstanding food & wine festival at Leeuwin Estate Winery by the Margaret River is an experience for

travelers who have arrived at the start of summer. From enjoying barbeque on the famous Castle Bay Beach to

dining on the longest wooden jetty (栈桥) in the Southern Hemisphere, the true devotees of food and wine choose

entertainment for these three days.

2. Tropfest Film Festival

When: February 7-11

Filmmakers from across the globe use the world’s largest short film festival as a platform to showcase their

work. This free-to-attend festival doesn’t have the air of Cannes(戛纳) but the audience is assured of some really

experimental movies. If you happen to be in Sydney this summer. head to the Centennial Park and see for

yourselfhow heartwarming this festival can turn out to be.

3. Womadelaide Music Festival

When: February 17-March5

During the Womadelaide festival, you can attend this biggest world music festival in southern hemisphere.

The Botanic Park tums into a Mecca (麦加) for music lovers as live concerts by artists from all over the world

make you enjoy different cultures and genres. To make your summer weekend in South Australia memorable, hit

the festival on the first day.

4. Perth International Arts Festival

When: February 10-March5





