
2024-02-06·18页·921.5 K

高 三 英 语

本试卷共 10 页。满分 120 分。考试用时 100 分钟。考试结束后,将答题卡交回。


1. 答卷前,务必用 0.5 毫米黑色签字笔将自己的姓名、座号、考生号填写在答题卡上。

2. 选择题,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改

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第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


For the Birds! (FTB!) is a place-based city conservation education

program serving 2,000+ New York City youth and community members with

a focus on schools and communities across all five boroughs (行政区) that are

underserved by environmental education. The mission of FTB! is to get youth

excited about helping birds and the places they need to survive. FTB! not only

provides knowledge of local species and habitats but also encourages a sense of ecological place

in one’s own community and empowers youth to take an active interest in protecting their local

environment for birds and people.

For the Birds! Program Options

In-person Programs: During a 4, 8, or 12 session program, program participants learn about

birds and local habitats in their neighborhood through both in-class and outdoor lessons. The

curriculum is adaptable for grades 6-12. Each program ends with a field trip to a local park

and/or a habitat project designed to attract birds and other wildlife to their community. Click

here for our full course catalog.

Contact FTB!

To get started, learn more, or for questions about New York City FTB! programs, please

高三英语试题 第1 页(共 12 页)

contact our New York City team member.

Located outside of New York City? Audubon New York centers also offer FTB! program

and volunteer opportunities. Reach out to a center near you to learn more.

New York City Finger Lakes Region

Lianne D’Arcy, Senior Coordinator, Montezuma Audubon Center

Education & Volunteer Outreach

2295 State Route 89, Savannah, NY 13146



Hudson Valley Region Long Island

Rebecca Schultz, Education Manager Julie Nelsen, Education Manager

Constitution Marsh Audubon Center and Theodore Roosevelt Sanctuary and Audubon

Sanctuary Center

127 Warren Landing Road, Garrison, NY 134 Cove Road, Oyster Bay, NY 10524




1. What is the goal of FTB!?

A. To build up community connections.

B. To get youth involved in bird protection.

C. To raise money for bird-saving programs.

D. To inform youth of endangered bird species.

2. Which can best describe FTB! programs?

A. They feature online lessons.

B. They involve hands-on activities.

高三英语试题 第2 页(共 12 页)

C. They focus on global environment.

D. They offer 6 options for program duration.

3. Which website can help the youth in Long Island learn more about FTB!?

A. lianne.darcy@audubon.org B. rschultz@audubon.org

C. montezuma@audubon.org D. jnelsen@audubon.org


In the world of contemporary art, there are artists whose creativity and originality challenge

the established boundaries, attracting the public with their wisdom. One of these innovators is

the famous Chinese artist Cai Guo-Qiang, whose art installations (装置艺术) leave everyone


With an imaginative mind and an unconventional approach, Cai Guo-Qiang has become a

master of fireworks display, employing the gunpowder of fireworks in his art in a truly

extraordinary way. Through the mastery of said material and the explosions controlled, Cai

creates installations that go beyond expectations and take the public on an unforgettable journey.

One of his most important creations is the installation titled “The rise of butterflies”. In this

work, Cai uses a combination of gunpowder and paper to create a striking cloud of flying

butterflies. The delicate winged creatures move back and forth in the air, creating a magical and

ephemeral effect that goes against the laws of gravity.

But perhaps one of the most curious and daring installations of Cai Guo-Qiang is “The

garden of ephemeral sculptures”. In this work, the artist uses controlled explosives to sculpt

shapes in huge blocks of ice. As the explosions occur, the icy figures gradually transform,

creating an ephemeral and ever-changing scene. It is as if the sculptures come alive for a brief

moment before disappearing completely.

Cai Guo-Qiang is an artist who breaks the limits of imagination. His installations transport

us to a world of magic, where fire and gunpowder become tools for creation. He combines

aesthetic (审美的) beauty with unusual elements, making his works unique and fascinating.

Without a doubt, Cai’s impact on contemporary art is undeniable. His installations have attracted

audiences around the world and will inspire future generations to break free and find beauty in

高三英语试题 第3 页(共 12 页)

the unpredictable (不可预测的).

4. Which might be the best title for Cai Guo-Qiang?

A. An explosive genius. B. A creative sculptor.

C. A traditional painter. D. An artistic pioneer.

5. What does the word “ephemeral” mean in the passage?

A. Unique. B. Short-lived.

C. Unconventional. D. Breath-taking.

6. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A. Cai’s impact on art is unpredictable.

B. Cai’s success results from global recognition.

C. Cai’s art changes traditional concept of beauty.

D. Cai’s art inspires artists to think outside the box.

7. What is the text most likely to be?

A. A diary entry of Cai Guo-Qiang.

B. A profile of celebrity in a magazine.

C. A scientific research paper on fireworks.

D. An advertisement for a fireworks company.


The world’s largest whales are more than just astonishing creatures. Much like the ocean,

soil and forests, whales can help save humans from the increasing climate crisis by storing

carbon. In a paper published recently, climate researchers suggest that whales are important, but

often overlooked, carbon sinks.

The enormous size of these marine mammals, which can reach 150 tons, means they can

高三英语试题 第4 页(共 12 页)

store carbon much more effectively than smaller animals. And because whales live longer than

most animals, they could be “one of the largest stable living carbon pools” in the ocean. Even

when whales die, their dead bodies fall down to the deepest parts of the sea and settle on the

seafloor, trapping the carbon they’ve stored in their bodies. An indirect way whales can be

critical carbon sinks is through their waste. Whale poop (粪便) is rich in nutrients which can be

taken up by phytoplankton — tiny organisms that suck up carbon dioxide as they grow.

The process of carbon sequestration helps reduce climate impact, because it locks away

carbon that otherwise would have warmed the planet somewhere else for hundreds, if not

thousands of years.

Yet whales are threatened, with six out of 13 great whale species classified as endangered

or vulnerable due to threats including industrial whaling, as well as trap in fishing equipment,

climate change-caused shifts in prey availability, noise pollution and more.

Heidi Pearson, a researcher at the University of Alaska Southeast, said the research shows

that protecting whales has a double benefit — helping to stop the biodiversity crisis as well as

human-caused climate change. Protecting whales is a low risk and low regret strategy, because

there’s really no downside. She said there was no risk to this strategy compared to other

untested, expensive solutions to capturing and trapping carbon, such as geoengineering.

But there remain big gaps in knowledge to fully determine how whale carbon should be

used to slow down climate changes. Pearson hopes the current paper pushes policymakers to

consider whales as a significant part of climate change solution.

8. What does paragraph 2 focus on about whales?

A. What their life cycles are like.

B. Why their roles are overlooked.

C. Why they are called carbon sinks.

D. Where they are on the food chain.

9. What does the underlined “it” refer to?

A. The waste of whales. B. The carbon trap of whales.

C. The death of whales. D. The carbon cycle in nature.

高三英语试题 第5 页(共 12 页)

10. What does Heidi Pearson want to stress?

A. Geoengineering is costly and untested.

B. The strategy involving whales carries no risks.

C. Protecting whales can be a natural climate solution.

D. Whales’ survival is the key to stopping biodiversity crisis.

11. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To call for further research on whales.

B. To call on people to balance the ecosystem.

C. To present a new reason for protecting whales.

D. To stress the need of addressing climate changes.


College and high-school teachers are expressing concern about ChatGPT, an AI program

that allows people with limited writing skills to create high-quality texts. It calls into question

how and why we teach writing at all. If AI can do a fairly good job at most writing tasks, why

spend so much time learning writing in school?

In fact, learning to write goes beyond just mastering grammar, punctuation, and sentence

structure. It involves much more. For one thing, it’s about learning to turn a loose set of thoughts

into a clear line of reasoning — a skill that is useful for everyone, not just those who enjoy

writing or need to do a lot of it for work.

Learning to write also trains your imagination to construct the person who will read your

words. It puts you in relation to someone you may not know, someone who may even not exist.

When you learn to write, you learn to meet their needs in an unfamiliar context. Even ordinary

assignments teach students to predict what another person knows and expects.

Writing is never simply self-expression. It’s expression to a specific audience for a specific

purpose. In some cases, like a love letter, a writer knows their audience very well. In others, the

audience is every bit a work of the imagination as a novel’s characters are. Writers, then, should

give up trying to address the public at large, but should imagine that a friend, though not the

closest friend, is listening to our talk.

高三英语试题 第6 页(共 12 页)

When this act of imagination is done well, a reader can feel deeply understood, as if a

stranger has told them some previously unknown truth about themselves. That’s how I felt

reading “Difference Maker” — an essay about parenthood. While our situations were unique,

naming the problem provided a deeper understanding.

It seems unavoidable that large-language models of AI will allow us to offload some of the

writing tasks that students learn in school. But we can’t allow ourselves to lose the capacity to

empathize (共情) with distant strangers at just the moment when we’re more able than ever to

communicate with them.

12. What is teachers’ concern about ChatGPT?

A. It’s a challenge to apply it to teaching.

B. It’s hard to grade a paper written by it.

C. It limits students’ imagination and creativity.

D. It questions the necessity of teaching writing.

13. What does the author think of learning to write?

A. It helps with logical thinking.

B. It is a basic skill for everyone.

C. It focuses on correct expression.

D. It is closely related to social skills.

14. What makes writing effective according to the text?

A. Expressing oneself. B. Targeting intended readers.

C. Conveying imaginative ideas. D. Creating attractive characters.

15. What may be a suitable title for the text?

A. What AI Can’t Teach the Writing Students

B. ChatGPT Writing VS Traditional Writing

C. Never Lose the Capacity for Empathy

高三英语试题 第7 页(共 12 页)

D. What Is the Future for AI Writing

第二节(共5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)



Actions speak louder than words — unless, of course, your partner’s love language is

“words of affirmation (肯定).” 16 .

Words of affirmation are words that communicate your love, appreciation, and respect for

another person. 17 What’s more, these words of encouragement don’t have to be said

directly to the person. A simple hand-written note is appreciated just as much as a personal

phone call.

People who give and receive love through words of affirmation tend to be the people who

notice and care about the details of other people’s lives. 18 They also remember to ask the

neighbor how their sick dog is doing. They may even remember to ask the cashier at the local

supermarket if they are feeling any better.

19 For a person who tends to place a great deal of importance on what their partner

says, hearing words of affirmation can help them to feel valued, satisfied, and happier in a

relationship. By using words of affirmation in your relationship, you are strengthening

communication between you and your partner. 20 When your partner feels appreciated,

they are likely to experience a deeper satisfaction with themselves and with the relationship.

Offering your partner an encouraging word can have a positive impact on you, too. Studies link

giving compliments (赞美) with a greater sense of well-being.

Then why not make words of affirmation a habit?

A. In this case, words are everything.

B. How do words of affirmation make a difference?

C. What are the tips for using words of affirmation?

D. They’re positive words and phrases used to uplift someone.

E. You are showing your partner that you notice and appreciate them.

F. They will likely feel a boost in spirit and appreciate you for noticing.

G. For instance, they may be the first to notice their partner’s new haircut.

高三英语试题 第8 页(共 12 页)

第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题1 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处


Getting a story or a book published is difficult for most ambitious authors. But in Malaysia,

a unique program for 21 people offers a helping hand. The Junior Writers Programme

(JWP) provides essential writing skills and a chance to be 22 .

“The JWP is not just a writing program,” said Brigitte Rozario, who 23 the program.

“It’s an opportunity to help young writers chase their dreams and 24 the effort required for

publishing a book.”

The program focuses on writing, revising, and editing, with publication the reward. Only

the most dedicated writers are 25 . Those who want to be considered for the program must

26 a strict application process. Some 27 the first time and reapply.

Rozario founded the program in 2018. “A couple I knew said that their daughter was very

interested in writing,” she explained, “but they didn’t know how to 28 her talent.” Rozario

was 29 to help. After several months of planning, the JWP was born.

Each year, about 20 students get the chance to improve their 30 . They are given a

31 to explore in the anthology (选集) of stories they create for publication. In 2022, the

fifth year of the program, the topic was “Secrets and Lies.” 32 in the anthology cover

everything from friendships and families to staying true to oneself. 33 from the book go to

local charitable organizations. When you 34 an anthology, you know that you are

supporting a 35 cause.

The JWP proves the fact that a teacher, friend, or instructor can make your talents shine.

That is who Rozario is and what she believes.

21. A. poor B. active C. young D. creative

22. A. sold B. written C. published D. translated

23. A. publicized B. founded C. joined D. supported

24. A. joint B. describe C. double D. understand

25. A. listed B. attracted C. noticed D. accepted

高三英语试题 第9 页(共 12 页)

26. A. pass B. record C. design D. study

27. A. fail B. hesitate C. leave D. miss

28. A. measure B. introduce C. nurture D. recognize

29. A. forced B. inspired C. allowed D. reminded

30. A. habits B. grades C. skills D. memories

31. A. question B. book C. secret D. theme

32. A. Stories B. Topics C. Lessons D. Pictures

33. A. Notes B. Profits C. Awards D. Examples

34. A. buy B. collect C. read D. recommend

35. A. common B. worthy C. global D. successful

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Hanfu was the standard dress code for people during the Han Dynasty and was worn by

both men and women. The clothing is characterized by its long robes, wide sleeves, and 36

(flow) skirts and the designs are often inspired by nature, with flower patterns and images of

birds and animals.

Nowadays, Chinese Hanfu is making 37 comeback in modern China. The revival of

this ancient fashion can be put down to several factors, 38 include its promotion through

social media 39 (platform) and its appeal among younger generations as a form of cultural

identity. 40 (additional), the historical significance and pride 41 (associate) with

Hanfu has led to increased interest and demand for authentic clothing pieces. Furthermore,

modern adaptations and variations of Hanfu have made 42 more accessible and appealing

to a wider audience. In recent years, events such as Hanfu festivals and competitions 43

(push) the trend further. Hanfu is no longer seen as outdated or old-fashioned 44 rather as

a stylish and unique option for those seeking to express their individuality.

Overall, Chinese Hanfu continues to gain popularity as a symbol of cultural heritage and

高三英语试题 第 10 页(共 12 页)





