2024年甘肃省高三月考试卷(3 月)-英语+答案

2024-03-16·7页·4.1 M





2024甘肃省三月考(3 月)


第一部分 听力

1-5 BAABC 6-10 ABACA 11-15 CBACB 16-20 BCBCB

第二部分 阅读理解


21-23 CBD 24-27 AACD 28-31 ACBD 32-35 DADD


36-40 FDGBE

第三部分 语言运用


41-45 ACACB 46-50 DBACD 51-55 BBADC


56. as 57. has made 58. basically 59. biggest 60. watching

61. wonderful 62. recovery 63. to achieve 64. for 65. an

第四部分 写作

第一节 参考范文

Ladies and gentlemen,

Good morning! As our international exchange program comes to a close, I would like to

express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has made this experience possible.

Over the past few days, we have had the opportunity to learn from each other, share our

cultures, and form lasting friendships. It has been an eye-opening experience that has broadened

our horizons and enriched our understanding of the world. We’ll leave this program with a sense

of accomplishment and a desire to continue learning and growing.

Thank you.

第二节 参考范文

But the evening practice routine on the old green typewriter continued. Every time I passed

her door at night and heard her tapping away, I knew there was something more going on in

there than a woman learning to type. When I left for college two years later, Mother had an

office job with better pay and more responsibility. I have to believe that in some strange way she

learned as much from her moment of defeat as I did, because after graduation, when I became a

newspaper reporter, she had already been a journalist with our hometown paper.

The old green typewriter sits in my office now, unrepaired. It is a souvenir. When I’m

having trouble with a story and think about giving up or when I start to feel sorry for myself, I

roll a piece of paper into that old machine and type, word by word painfully, just the way Mother

did. What I remember then is not her failure, but her courage, the courage to go ahead. It’s the

best souvenir anyone ever gave me.

高三月考 英语答案 第 1 页 (共 3 页)



1. M: I’m tired, so I think I’ll go to the pub and relax a little bit. Join me?

W: I’d like to, but I have to go back to the classroom to look for my missing watch.

2. W: Excuse me, sir? Is it 8 o’clock, now?

M: I’m sorry, but I don’t have a watch and please try to ask the lady over there by the


3. M: What are the hours at Central Hospital?

W: They want me to work the night shift from 11 pm to 7 am.

4. W: My teacher asked me to talk about at least 5 famous poets in my essay.

M: Did you make it?

W: No, I only named 3. William Wordsworth, George Byron, and John Keats.

M: Well, you can add Li Bai and Robert Frost to your essay.

5. W: What’s the matter, Murphy?

M: My car can’t start again. How can I get to work without a car? I can’t walk there.

W: Calm down. Why not call a taxi? It’s not so expensive.

M: Good idea.

6. W: Alexander, I envy you so much. You will attend an AI conference in Australia.

M: Ah no. It’s in Austria not Australia. It’s not the country next to New Zealand.

W: Oh, I mess their names up. I thought you were going to Australia and I wanted you to buy

some koala dolls for me.

M: Haha, no worries. It’s a common mistake. The conference is in two weeks but I am leaving

for Vienna next week.

W: Wow, great! Have a nice trip.

M: Thanks.

7. M: Elizabeth, do you have experience on job interviews?

W: I have done several job interviews, and I can give you some advice. What kind of job are

you applying for?

M: A programmer for a new app. I don’t know what to wear.

W: Don’t worry. I can help you. Let’s go to your room and see what you have. However,

business casual is always a top choice.

M: Sure. Let’s go upstairs.

8. M: What a nice exhibition! I’ve learned a lot from it.

W: I didn’t expect robots could do so many things until I saw today’s exhibition.

M: How fast the world has changed! Though the exhibition has only been on for three days, it

has won its popularity among thousands of youngsters, most of whom say the exhibition is

entertaining and educational.

W: Wow, impressive. I like this show too. I think it’s very interesting.

M: Glad you enjoy it. Let’s finish the rest of the exhibition.

9. W: Good afternoon!How can I help you?

高三月考 英语答案 第 2 页 (共 3 页)


M: I dropped this sports watch in the water. Now it doesn’t work at all.

W: Let me have a look. It’s not a water-proof watch. I bet it has been broken. How did you get

this latest sports watch?

M: Oh no. I got it from my dad for getting good grades last semester.

W: I see. So have you taken its guarantee card with you?

M: No, I haven’t. But I have brought the receipt.

W: I’m sorry. We need to see the guarantee card before sending your watch back to the factory.

I suggest that you call the after-sale service to make an appointment with the device code

on your guarantee card, and then bring your watch and guarantee card back to me as soon

as possible.

M: That’d be great. Thanks a lot.

10. M: I have been taking tai chi classes for almost a year now. The first few tai chi classes were

fun and easy and the moves really caught my imagination with descriptive names like

“white crane spreading its wings” and “golden rooster standing on one leg”. When I

asked my coach where these interesting names came from, he told me about the history

of tai chi. Zhang Sanfeng, a 13th century Taoist, was said to have invented tai chi after

drawing inspiration from a fight between a snake and a bird. Chen Wangting, a 17th

century master of Chinese martial arts, developed tai chi based on martial arts skills. No

wonder some tai chi moves are named after animals. Chinese martial arts have a

long-standing practice of copying animals. Chen Wangting’s original set of moves is

called Chen-style tai chi. Then Yang-style, Wu-style and Sun-style followed.

高三月考 英语答案 第 3 页 (共 3 页)






