
2024-04-03·19页·631.4 K










3.本试题卷共12 页。如缺页,考生须及时报告监



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英 语

本试卷分为四个部分,共12 页。时量 120 分钟。满分 150分。

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)



第一节(共5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5分)

听下面5 段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中

选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来


例:How much is the shirt?

A. 19.15 B. 9.18 C. 9.15


1.What is the weather like?

A.Rainy. B.Sunny. C.Snowy.

2.How many days of holidays have the man used this year?

A.10 days. B.15 days. C.20 days.

3.What is the woman probably doing?

A.Painting a picture. B.Choosing a brush. C.Drinking some water.

4.Where are the speakers currently?

A. In the hospital. B.In the airport. C.In the supermarket.

5.How does the man find the film?

A.Dull. B.Interesting. C.Well-acted.

第二节(共15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5分)

听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C


间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对


英语试题 第1页 共 12页

听第6 段材料,回答第6、7题。

6.What may the manager be doing now?

A.He is probably having lunch.

B.He may be looking for the receipt.

C.He is probably repairing the gold watch.

7.Where is the woman’s receipt?

A.At her home. B.At the shop. C.In her office.

听第7 段材料,回答第8至10题。

8.What color shoes does the man want?

A.Red. B.Blue. C.Black.

9.What shoes will the man buy?

A.Black shoes of Size 9.

B.A pair of white Adidas.

C.Black shoes of another brand.

10.How much will the man pay for the shoes?

A.$100. B.$88. C.$12.

听第8 段材料,回答第11至13题。

11.What do you know about the woman speaker?

A.She is careless. B.She is new here. C.She is a receptionist.

12.Why does the woman apologize?

A.Her co-worker made a mistake.

B.The man can’t have his hair cut today.

C.She put down the man’s wrong information.

13.What time will the man probably have his wash and cut?

A.At 3:30. B.At 3:40. C.At 4:30.

听第9 段材料,回答第14至17题。

14.Why does Jane come here?

A.To offer some help.

B.To hold an exhibition.

C.To have lunch with the man.

15. How many people will work at the cafe today?

A.Two. B.Three. C.Four.

16. What will be removed from the menu?

A.Bread. B.Ham. C.Beef.

英语试题 第2页 共 12页

17.What will Jane probably do next?

A.Butter some bread. B.Cut some cheese. C.Prepare the vegetables.

听第10 段材料,回答第18至20题。

18.How long does a complete IELTS test last?

A.2-5 days. B.165 minutes. C.A month.

19.What is an advantage of taking the IELTS test?

A.Recognition from the United Nations.

B.Chances to visit foreign countries.

C.Access to studying abroad.

20.Who has to take an IELTS General Training test?

A.A Chinese wanting to work in the UK.

B.An employee eager for higher social status.

C.A student preparing for exchange programs.

第二部分 阅读 (共两节,满分50分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)



If you’re able to, wandering the streets of a new city on foot is an unrivalled way to

take in all the sights and sounds. And there’s no denying that walking is a much more eco

(and wallet) friendly form of transport, too. To help you get out and explore, language

learning platform Preply has ranked Europe’s most walkable cities. They analyzed the

walking distance between top attractions and now reveal which cities in Europe are the

easiest to explore on foot.

Seville, Spain

Visitors to this charming Spanish city can explore the impressive Plaza de Espana

public square, before wandering over to the UNESCO-listed palace of Real Alcazar and

Seville Cathedral. With just 20 minutes of walking between these attractions, you can really

make the most of your time here.

Venice, Italy

Venice is renowned as a heaven for pedestrians, so it’s no surprise it ranks as the second

best location for walkable city breaks. There are endless attractive alleyways to explore, as

well as plenty of stunningly ornate(华丽的)bridges over the crisscrossing canals that the city

is famed for. Just under half an hour of walking here will take you on a tour of the impressive

Grand Canal, Doge’s Palace, St Mark’s Square and so on, all in only 1.3 miles.

英语试题 第3页 共 12页

Florence, Italy

In only 33 minutes, visitors can take in the splendor of Florence’s top-tier destinations. A

1.6 mile route covers the awe-inspiring Piazzale Michelangelo; the renowned Uffizi Gallery;

and the Galleria dell’ Accademia, home to Michelangelo’s masterpiece, the statue of David.

Athens, Greece

The capital of Greece ranks in fourth, with a slightly longer – but very worthwhile – route

of 2.1 miles between its top-rated tourist attractions. Visitors to Athens can begin their

journey at the Acropolis, ascending to discover the ancient Parthenon that stands as a

testament to the city’s ancient legacy. The National Archaeological Museum is also


21.How has Preply ranked the four cities?

A.By the number of the tourist attractions.

B.By the expenses of traveling in the cities.

C.By the popularity among the young visitors.

D.By the walking distance between attractions.

22.Which city is the best for the visitors to explore the bridges over the canals?

A.Seville. B.Venice. C.Florence. D.Athens.

23.Where can you find the statue of David?

A.Seville Cathedral. B.St Mark’s Square.

C.The Galleria dell’ Accademia. D.The Acropolis.


One day as I drove toward my home, I passed the local bus depot. I pulled up as a

group of people crossed the road in front of me. As I watched, I noticed a thin, shabbily

dressed older lady struggling with a large suitcase.

Witnessing this lady and remembering similar struggles I had experienced in the past

when traveling, I pulled up alongside her and leaned over to call out through the open

passenger window, “I’m going right into the town,” I said. “I can drop you off. That

suitcase looks awfully heavy.” “Well, all right,” she answered. When we got there, she

thanked me, “Well, God bless you, lady. No one has ever done me a kindness like that

before. I hope someone will do a good turn for you one day.”

Shortly after the encounter with the suitcase lady, I decided to spend a day in the

mountains alone. I set off with my dog in my pickup, which was elderly but still serviceable.

After driving for nearly two hours, I heard a sudden loud noise and my truck came to a full

stop. I found its axle was broken and needed to be towed. In a remote area, with no hope of

英语试题 第4页 共 12页

finding another person, I knew I was in big trouble. Over and over, I blamed my own

stupidity for being in a deserted area with no possible chance of help. I hoped that no

wandering bear would come to investigate. Or a hungry mountain lion — with babies. My

imagination ran riot. I started to panic.

Then faintly, in the distance, came the roar of motorbikes. As they drew nearer, I could

see that they were a group of motorcycle riders. “Do you need help, ma’am?” I heard a

concerned voice say. The rest is history. My pickup, my dog and I were all transported back

to safety. I shall never forget the kindness of the motorcycle riders who stopped. Some

people may think it was a happy coincidence, but personally I like to say, it was someone

that really did a good turn for me, just as the suitcase lady said.

24.How did the author help the old lady?

A.She gave her a lift to the town. B.She helped her cross the road.

C.She carried the suitcase for her. D.She took her to a nearby hotel.

25.What happened to her pickup on the way to the mountains?

A.It ran out of gas. B.It crashed into a tree.

C.It broke down halfway. D.It was attacked by animals.

26.What was the author’s reaction to the incident in paragraph 3?

A.She blamed it on the old road.

B.She lost her temper with the dog.

C.She stayed calm and asked for help.

D.She felt very uneasy and frightened.

27.Which of the following is the best title for the story?

A.Do as You Would Be Done by

B.A Friend in Need Is a Friend Indeed

C.What Goes Around, Comes Around

D.God Helps Those Who Help Themselves


In recent years, multiple studies have illustrated the ways people’s dogs can provide

comfort, calm their frazzled nerves, be good listeners, and provide other forms of valuable

support, proving that sometimes words are simply not necessary.

When people were asked to perform mental arithmetic (算术 ) or endure a “cold

pressor” test in which their hand is submerged in ice water, those who had their dogs

present had smaller increases in their blood pressure and heart rate. More recently, a study

英语试题 第5页 共 12页

in a 2023 issue of the journal Emotion had people engage in a stressful task—involving

adding numbers that flashed on a computer screen—then interact with their pet dog, color

in a coloring book, or wait quietly for 10 minutes. Those who interacted with their dogs

experienced a greater boost in mood and a greater reduction in anxiety than those who

waited or tried to destress by coloring.

Research has also found that talking to your dog about emotionally fraught issues can

be particularly beneficial. People are more willing to confide (吐露) in their dogs about

difficult emotions, such as depression, jealousy, anxiety, apathy, and fear, than they are

with their romantic partners or friends. The precise reasons for this may be that pets are

good, nonjudgmental listeners because they don’t interrupt or reply. Your relationship with

your dog is a safe space because your dog won’t judge you or disagree with you.

A study in a 2022 issue of the International Journal of Public Health found that when

people interact with their dogs while teleworking, it replenishes the humans’ self-regulatory

resources—by engaging in micro-breaks to pet their pup, the people are able to relax and

refresh themselves—in ways that interacting with unfurry family members doesn’t.

“Dogs are fantastic at reading us—they can sense when we’re upset—and they are

arguably better at reading us than some people are,” says Kogan, a professor in the clinical

sciences department at Colorado State University, “because we intuit that our dogs read us

so well, we regulate ourselves so as not to upset our dogs, which is helpful for us as well.

It’s a positive feedback loop.”

28.What did the study in paragraph 2 find?

A.Interacting with dogs can cause anxiety and stress.

B.People with dog companions have lower stress levels.

C.Dogs can improve their owners’ academic performance.

D.Dogs’ owners tend to reduce stress by coloring or waiting.

29.Why are people more willing to talk to their dogs?

A.Dogs can help them fix the problems.

B.They get a sense of security from dogs.

C.Their partners or friends are not reliable.

D.They have a closer relationship with dogs.

30.What does the underlined word replenishes in paragraph 4 mean?

A.Replaces. B.Researches. C.Refills. D.Removes.

31.What is Kogan’s attitude towards having dog companions?

英语试题 第6页 共 12页

A.Favorable. B.Unclear. C.Skeptical. D.Intolerant.


“So, Mr. Albert, you’ve told us about your strengths but what about your

weaknesses?” It’s a common interview question. To which a classic humblebrag (谦虚自夸)

reply is, “Well. I must admit that I’m a bit of a perfectionist.” After all, what company

wouldn’t want to employ somebody who seeks perfection? But it turns out that there is a

profound difference between high-achievers and perfectionists. In a cruel irony, the

perfectionist traits could actually prevent someone from achieving their full potential.

The roots of perfectionism actually lie in a deep desire to feel perfect. Most often a

perfectionist personality is formed in reaction to some form of childhood trauma. For

example, following her parents’ divorce, a young girl might strive to always be good, to

always be perfect because at some level she believes that it must have been her fault that

her parents separated. So as long as she is perfect, nothing so terrible would happen again.

Given such origins, it appears that the thinking and emotional styles associated with

perfectionism are particularly dangerous to mental health. Think of the harshest and

merciless perfectionists you know. They always, always, always find fault. Their cognitive

(认知) styles include all-or-nothing thinking, where only perfection is seen as an acceptable

result; fear of failure, where a perfectionist is driven by fear rather than pulled by the

prospect of success in their endeavors; defensiveness in the face of constructive criticism.

All of these seem to be linked to a wide range of psychological problems including eating

disorders, anxiety and depression, and even suicide.

Changing this mindset is the key to treating the condition when it becomes a disorder

but it is difficult to achieve. Perfectionists are essentially in an abusive relationship with

themselves. It’s hard enough to withdraw from abusive relationships with others. How

much harder is it when you yourself are the abuser? So perhaps a better answer to the

interview question posed at the start of this article would be, “I used to be a perfectionist

but now I’m well on the road to recovery.”

32.Why does the author mention the interview question in paragraph 1?

A.To provide an example. B.To introduce the topic.

C.To support the argument. D.To attract the readers’ interest.

33.Who will most probably become a perfectionist?

A.A high- achiever. B.A person who always finds fault.

英语试题 第7页 共 12页

C.An overconfident man. D.A son of a violent alcoholic father.

34.What does paragraph 3 mainly talk about?

A.Perfectionism often has three different types.

B.Perfectionism has a bad effect on physical health.

C.Perfectionism is caused by high personal standard.

D.Perfectionism is a risk factor for psychological disorders.

35.What does the author think of perfectionism?

A.It’s hard for people to get rid of it. B.It drives people to achieve success.

C. It’s more of a strength than a weakness. D. It inevitably leads to mental


第二节 (共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)



One thing that’s never in short supply at the beginning of each new year? 36 But

many of us fail to stick with our New Year’s resolutions months (or even weeks) after

making them. It turns out there are commonly avoided mistakes. That explains why some

people always seem to reach their goals while others keep falling short.

37 If you fail to pick the right habit, you aren’t likely to accomplish the

corresponding goal. Say you want to lose some weight this year, forming a habit of running

30 minutes a day may not help you do that if you don’t also form habits related to the foods

you eat, because diet affects weight more than exercise. 38 Failure to establish habits

that support your goals may cause your resolutions to flop before you begin.

Another common mistake people make when setting goals is becoming overly

concerned about the amount of time it will take to form a new habit. There’s no one right

answer when it comes to how long new habits should take to form. 39 Some people

simply adopt new habits faster than other people and that complex habits usually take

longer to form. Consider how easy it is to brush your teeth at night compared to reading a

full chapter of a book each day.

So the yearly ritual of resolution setting doesn’t have to be an annual disappointment.

Sometimes, the difference between success and failure is simply choosing the right habits

英语试题 第8页 共 12页

and the process you use to go about achieving it. Most importantly, remember to be kind

and flexible with yourself and to celebrate any and all progress along the way. 40

A.Good intentions.

B.Congratulations and best wishes.

C.In other words, you must also readjust your diet.

D.It’s essential to choose a habit you think enjoyable.

E.A common error many people make is not choosing right habits.

F.It depends on what habit you’re trying to develop and who you are.

G.It’s not just the end goal that matters—it’s the journey along the way.

第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)


A mere four months ago, a black cat named Bounty had no idea just how adventurous

his life was about to become. Although the cat was 41 destined for a cat shelter,

Doina adopted him just in time. To some, Doina being an avid(酷爱的)traveler seemed

like a potential issue, but it 42 , these two were made for each other.

43 for their journey to begin, Doina gathered all of the equipment, treats, and

other 44 that the two of them would need. Though, when it came to carriers for

Bounty, Doina had to get a bit 45 . “I made a special pouch(小袋)for him, because cat

carriers are not adapted to certain 46 ,” she said.

One of their first adventures included a 47 tour of Italy, the first test that helped

them discover how 48 he was to an adventurous lifestyle. “At the start, Bounty was a

little anxious and nervous, but after the first few days, he started to 49 himself,”

Doina said. “While I pedalled (蹬;骑), he 50 in the pouch.”

Since that first cycling tour, Bounty and Doina have 51 several more adventures

in their short time together, including mountaineering and camping. In fact, this adorable

52 has already managed to become a record breaker! He is considered to be the first

house cat to summit La Grignetta, a 7, 100-foot mountain in the Italian Alps. Best of all, he

did so “without even a meow of 53 ”.

The two of them have cycled the entire length of the Italian peninsula! If you’d like to

54 this adorable duo, you can visit their website where Doina 55 their travels

with lots of updates, photos, and videos for their 800 followers to enjoy.

41.A.originally B.temporarily C.eventually D.actually

42.A.gave out B.broke out C.turned out D.found out

43.A.Shocked B.Frightened C.Embarrassed D.Excited

英语试题 第9页 共 12页





