专题16 完形填空 考点2 生活哲理类(解析版)

2024-09-10·156页·940.7 K

三年(2022-2024)中考英语真题分项汇编(全国通用)专题16 完形填空 考点2 生活哲理类(2024中考真题)(2024广东中考真题)请通读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题卡上将对应选项涂黑。Betty is a biologist. She studies brain diseases that come along with aging. Her 1 is not an easy one. She is trying to understand what goes wrong with the brain over time, and how people can age in a healthy way. It is very important, especially when people are living a 2 life now.Betty does not have a natural gift (天赋) for math. She never 3 that she could be a scientist one day when she was little. Now, she has got a doctor’s degree in biology and become a famous 4 researcher. Betty has made it partly because she is curious about everything. This is a very 5 quality for a scientist. Another 6 is that she is a creative thinker. “After all, science is all about problem-solving,” Betty said.Betty thinks the best part of her research is trying out an idea to see if it will work. Her heart is filled with joy when her idea is proved right and 7 by other scientists. But when things don’t go 8 as she plans, she feels no disappointment. She says mistakes may 9 a new idea.Few are born to be a 10 . According to Betty, curiosity and creativity play the biggest role.1.A.jobB.bookC.excuseD.exam2.A.slowerB.longerC.quieterD.simpler3.A.arguedB.reportedC.thoughtD.understood4.A.socialB.medicalC.educationalD.environmental5.A.poorB.strangeC.similarD.important6.A.reasonB.exampleC.purposeD.decision7.A.changedB.acceptedC.describedD.questioned8.A.safelyB.crazilyC.blindlyD.smoothly9.A.mix withB.turn downC.lead toD.break down10.A.dentistB.lawyerC.coachD.scientist【答案】1.A 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.D 9.C 10.D【导语】本文主要介绍贝蒂的经历,告诉我们好奇心和创造力很重要。1.句意:她的工作不容易。job工作;book书;excuse借口;exam考试。根据“Betty is a biologist. She studies brain diseases that come along with aging.”和后文描述可知,她的工作不容易,故选A。2.句意:这是非常重要的,尤其是现在人们的寿命越来越长。slower更慢;longer更长;quieter更安静;simpler更简单。根据“She studies brain diseases that come along with aging.”可知,随着年龄增长而出现脑部疾病,现在人们寿命更长,所以她的工作很重要。故选B。3.句意:她小时候从来没有想过有一天她会成为一名科学家。argued争吵;reported报道;thought想;understood理解。根据“Betty does not have a natural gift (天赋) for math. She never...that she could be a scientist one day when she was little.”可知,她在数学方面没有天赋,所以从没想过自己会成为一名科学家。故选C。4.句意:现在,她已经获得了生物学博士学位,成为一名著名的医学研究者。social社会的;medical医学的;educational有教育意义的;environmental环境的。根据“she has got a doctor’s degree in biology and become a famous...researcher”和前文可知,她研究脑部疾病,所以是一名医学研究者。故选B。5.句意:这对科学家来说是非常重要的品质。poor贫穷的;strange奇怪的;similar相似的;important重要的。根据“Betty has made it partly because she is curious about everything. This is a very...quality for a scientist.”可知,好奇对科学家来说是非常重要的品质。故选D。6.句意:另一个原因是她是一个创造性的思想家。reason原因;example例子;purpose目的;decision决定。根据“Betty has made it partly because she is curious about everything.”和“Another...is that she is a creative thinker.”可知,此处介绍另一个原因,故选A。7.句意:当她的想法被证明是正确的并被其他科学家接受时,她的心里充满了喜悦。changed改变;accepted接受;described描述;questioned质疑。根据“Her heart is filled with joy when her idea is proved right and...by other scientists.”可知,当自己的想法被其他科学家接收时,她是喜悦的。故选B。8.句意:但当事情没有按计划顺利进行时,她不会感到失望。safely安全地;crazily疯狂地;blindly盲目地;smoothly顺利地。根据“But when things don’t go...as she plans, she feels no disappointment.”可知,当事情没有按计划顺利进行时她不会感到失望。故选D。9.句意:她说,错误可能会导致新的想法。mix with混合;turn down拒绝;lead to导致;break down出故障。根据“She says mistakes may...a new idea.”可知,错误可能会导致新的想法。故选C。10.句意:很少有人天生就是科学家。dentist牙医;lawyer律师;coach教练;scientist科学家。根据“Few are born to be a... . According to Betty, curiosity and creativity play the biggest role.”和文章内容可知,很少有人天生就是科学家,故选D。(2024江苏无锡中考真题)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。One day, our teacher, Mr. Sims, announced that the seventh grade field trip would be to a theme park. The classroom was filled with excitement as the girls discussed what they would wear and what they should bring with them. I sat back and listened, knowing that my parents did not have the money to send me. It made me 11 to feel so left out. But not Danny. He simply told everyone that he wouldn’t be going. When Mr. Sims asked him 12 , Danny stood up and said, “It’s too much money for me. My dad hurt his back and has been out of 13 for a while. I’m not asking my parents for money.”Sitting back down in his seat, Danny held his head up 14 , even though whispering had already begun. I could only sit quietly in my seat, knowing those 15 could be about me when they found out I would not be going either. “Dan, I’m very proud of you for 16 the situation that your parents are in,” Mr. Sims replied. Seeing the students whispering in the back, Mr. Sims spoke again, only 17 . “This year, we’re going to do things differently. The trip is not until the end of the month, so there’s plenty of time for money 18 . Each student must bring in at least one idea for that. If a student doesn’t want to help, then he or she will be staying here that day. Any 19 ?”Of course, Shelly, the most popular girl in the class, spoke up. “Well, Mr. Sims, my parents can 20 it. Do I still have to help?”“Shelly, this is not a matter of being rich or poor. Money is not just something that is handed to you when you get older. This will be a great learning experience for everyone, whether you have the money or not.”11.A.boredB.angryC.relaxedD.happy12.A.howB.whenC.whyD.what13.A.workB.townC.hopeD.time14.A.excitedlyB.proudlyC.worriedlyD.politely15.A.secretsB.changesC.praisesD.whispers16.A.understandingB.describingC.explainingD.announcing17.A.fasterB.slowerC.louderD.quieter18.A.lendingB.makingC.spendingD.raising19.A.ideasB.questions C.plans D.suggestions20.A.affordB.cancelC.returnD.share【答案】11.B 12.C 13.A 14.B 15.D 16.A 17.C 18.D 19.B 20.A【导语】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了作者的班级要去旅行,作者没有钱,且羞于承认。班级里同样没有钱去旅行的丹尼诚实勇敢地说明了自己的境况,获得了老师的称赞。最后老师让学生自己筹集资金来参加这次旅行。11.句意:感到如此被冷落让我很生气。bored无聊的;angry生气的;relaxed放松的;happy开心的。根据“knowing that my parents did not have the money to send me…to feel so left out.”可知,作者没有钱去旅行,感到被冷落,所以生气。故选B。12.句意:当西姆斯先生问他为什么时,丹尼站起来说:“这对我来说太贵了。我爸爸伤了背,已经失业一段时间了。我不会向父母要钱。”how怎样;when什么时候;why为什么;what什么。根据“He simply told everyone that he wouldn’t be going.”及“It’s too much money for me…”可知,此处是老师询问丹尼为什么不能去旅行。故选C。13.句意:当西姆斯先生问他为什么时,丹尼站起来说:“这对我来说太贵了。我爸爸伤了背,已经失业一段时间了。我不会向父母要钱。”work工作;town城镇;hope希望;time时间。根据“My dad hurt his back and has been out of …for a while. I’m not asking my parents for money.”可知,丹尼父亲的背受伤了,已经失业了,所以丹尼不会向父母要钱。故选A。14.句意:丹尼在座位上坐了下来,骄傲地抬起头,尽管窃窃私语已经开始了。excitedly兴奋地;proudly骄傲地;worriedly担忧地;politely有礼貌地。根据“Danny held his head up”及上文可知,丹尼诚实地告诉大家自己的境况,骄傲地抬起头。故选B。15.句意:我只能安静地坐在座位上,知道如果他们发现我也去不了,那些窃窃私语可能就是针对我的。secrets秘密;changes改变;praises称赞;whispers低语,私语。根据“even though whispering had already begun”可知,作者觉得如果同学们知道自己也没钱去旅行,那同学们也会窃窃私语。故选D。16.句意:“丹,你能理解你父母的处境,我为你感到骄傲,”西姆斯回答说。understanding理解;describing描述;explaining解释;announcing宣布。根据“the situation that your parents are in”可知,丹尼理解父母的处境,所以放弃了旅行。故选A。17.句意:看到学生们在后面窃窃私语,西姆斯先生又说话了,只是声音更大了。faster更快的;slower更慢的;louder更大声的;quieter更安静的。根据“Seeing the students whispering in the back, Mr. Sims spoke again”可知,同学们在窃窃私语,所以老师用更大声音说话。故选C。18.句意:这次旅行要到月底才开始,所以有足够的时间来筹集资金。lending借出;making制作;spending花费;raising筹集。根据“The trip is not until the end of the month, so there’s plenty of time for money…”及下文“Well, Mr. Sims, my parents can…it. Do I still have to help?”可知,这次旅行的费用不再是同学们向自己的父母要,而是自己筹集资金。故选D。19.句意:有什么问题吗?ideas想法;questions问题;plans计划;suggestions建议。根据下文“Well, Mr. Sims, my parents can…it. Do I still have to help?”可知,老师提出建议后,问同学们还有什么问题。故选B。20.句意:嗯,西姆斯先生,我父母负担得起。afford负担得起;cancel取消;return返回;share分享。根据“Well, Mr. Sims, my parents can…it. Do I still have to help?”可知,谢莉觉得父母承担得起这次旅行的费用,所以询问自己是否还要参与到这次筹钱的活动中。故选A。(2024黑龙江绥化中考真题)It was in autumn. A young woman was ill. She 21 in the hospital. There was a tree 22 her room. She saw the leaves fall down. Day after day, there were less and less leaves on the tree. The woman 23 very sad. She didn’t eat or drink, and she didn’t want 24 . The doctor asked her to 25 and take a walk. She 26 do that. She became worse day by day. One day she said, “When the last leaf falls down, I will die, too.”An old artist knew that. He decided to help 27 . One night, all yellow leaves fell down. The artist painted a green and yellow leaf, 28 put it in the tree. The next morning, when the woman looked out of the window and saw the last leaf, she was filled with 29 . She would like to be alive. She didn’t want to fall down like other 30 . From then on, she became better and better and lived a long time.Don’t give up your hope at anytime.21.A.playedB.stayedC.worked22.A.outsideB.insideC.in23.A.feelB.feelsC.felt24.A.talkB.to talkC.talked25.A.fall asleepB.hurry upC.get up26.A.wouldn’tB.can’tC.won’t27.A.sheB.himC.her28.A.thenB.thoughC.but29.A.doubtB.hopeC.sadness30.A.leafB.leavesC.leave【答案】21.B 22.A 23.C 24.B 25.C 26.A 27.C 28.A 29.B 30.B【导语】本文讲述的是一个生病住院的女士看着病房外慢慢落下的秋叶,心生悲凉,打算在最后一片树叶落下后,也随落叶死去。一位老画家决定帮助她,并在黄叶全部落光的晚上,画了一片黄绿色的叶子挂在树上。第二天早上,当女士看到最后这片叶子,她对生活又充满了希望,她想要活着。21.句意:她待在医院里。played玩;stayed待;worked工作。根据“A young woman was ill. She...in the hospital.”可知,她生病了,所以待在医院里,故选B。22.句意:她的房间外面有一棵树。outside在外面;inside在里面;in在里面。根据“There was a tree...her room.”可知,房间外面有一棵树。故选A。23.句意:女人感到非常难过。feel动词原形;feels动词三单;felt动词过去式。本句时态是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故选C。24.句意:她不吃不喝,也不想说话。talk动词原形;to talk动词不定式;talked动词过去式。want to do sth“想要做某事”,故选B。25.句意:医生让她起床散步。fall asleep睡着;hurry up着急;get up起床。根据“The doctor asked her to...and take a walk.”可知,医生让她起床散步。故选C。26.句意:她不会那样做的。wouldn’t不会;can’t不能;won’t不会。根据“She...do that. She became worse day by day.”可知,她不会那样做的,变得一天比一天糟糕,故选A。27.句意:他决定帮助她。she她;him他;her她,她的。根据“He decided to help...”可知,此处指帮助前文提到的女人,用宾格作宾语,故选C。28.句意:艺术家画了一片绿色和黄色的叶子,然后把它放在树上。then然后;though虽然;but但是。根据“The artist painted a green and yellow leaf, ...put it in the tree.”可知,然后把它放在树上,前后动作承接。故选A。29.句意:第二天早上,当女人望向窗外,看到最后一片叶子时,她充满了希望。doubt怀疑;hope希望;sadness悲伤。根据“She would like to be alive.”可知,她想活下去,所以充满了希望,故选B。30.句意:她不想像其他树叶一样落下。leaf叶子,名词单数;leaves叶子,名词复数/离开,动词三单;leave动词,离开。根据“She didn’t want to fall down like other...”可知,她不想像其他树叶一样落下。故选B。(2024湖北中考真题)Our art teacher George was leaving soon for his country. I was preparing a special 31 for him. It was a hand-drawn picture book about our school. I worked a long time, trying to make each picture as 32 as possible.One day, I was drawing while my little sister Becky was watching with great 33 . Just then, my classmate Jeff dropped by.“Hi! Peter, want to play basketball in the yard?” he asked.“I’d like to, 34 it’s too cold outside!” I replied.“Exactly!” he said. “It’s the perfect weather for not getting too hot.”That’s a cool thing about Jeff. He always looks on the 35 side of almost everything.“Let’s go!” We went out, leaving the drawings on the table.We laughed as we returned. When I 36 the door, my heart nearly stopped. Right there, Becky was coloring my pictures.“ 37 , Becky!” I rushed to her, but it was too late. Almost every page was colored.“What did you do?” I shouted 38 .“I just wanted to help.” She began to cry.“My drawings are gone forever!” I felt frustrated (懊恼的) and 39 Jeff for help.“Unless…” said Jeff.“Unless what?” I asked.“Remember the jigsaw puzzle (拼图)? We can create something new from these messy pictures.” Jeff 40 .“Can we make it?” I doubted.“I’m not sure, but we can have a 41 .” He encouraged.First, we cut the drawings into shapes, such as our brown teaching buildings, green playground and so on. Then, we 42 all these pieces together and made a jigsaw. Finally, we even added more paints. Days later, a beautiful “ 43 ” appeared in front of us.There was a 44 ending.“Thanks, guys,” George smiled, “I love it so much. It will give me many great 45 here.”So, you see, there lies a beam (束) of light behind every dark cloud. Jeff’s way of dealing with things did help.31.A.giftB.photoC.letterD.lesson32.A.easyB.largeC.perfectD.famous33.A.hopeB.prideC.interestD.courage34.A.orB.soC.andD.but35.A.sadB.brightC.seriousD.strange36.A.openedB.fixedC.cleanedD.painted37.A.RunB.ComeC.JumpD.Stop38.A.bravelyB.angrilyC.carefullyD.nervously39.A.gave upB.looked atC.turned downD.agreed with40.A.warnedB.orderedC.reportedD.suggested41.A.tryB.talkC.restD.taste42.A.putB.hidC.readD.threw43.A.treeB.gateC.schoolD.library44.A.boringB.happyC.terribleD.common45.A.choicesB.changesC.decisionsD.memories【答案】31.A 32.C 33.C 34.D 35.B 36.A 37.D 38.B 39.B 40.D 41.A 42.A 43.C 44.B 45.D【导语】本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了彼得给美术老师准备了一份特别的礼物——手绘画画书,但是在制作过程中被妹妹弄坏了。后来在朋友杰夫的建议下,彼得将坏了的图画制成了“学校”拼图,美术老师非常喜欢这份礼物。31.句意:我正在为他准备一份特别的礼物。gift礼物;photo照片;letter信;lesson课堂。根据“I was preparing a special…for him. It was a hand-drawn picture book about our school.”可知,此处指彼得准备手绘画画书作为礼物送给美术老师。故选A。32.句意:我花了很长时间,努力使每幅画尽可能完美。easy容易的;large大的;perfect完美的;famous著名的。根据“I worked a long time, trying to make each picture as…as possible.”可知,彼得想让每幅画都尽可能完美。故选C。33.句意:一天,我正在画画,我的小妹妹贝基兴致勃勃地看着。hope希望;pride骄傲;interest兴趣;courage勇气。根据“I was drawing while my little sister Becky was watching with great…”及“Right there, Becky was coloring my pictures.”可知,妹妹对彼得的绘画很感兴趣,所以后来在画上乱涂乱画。故选C。34.句意:“我很想去,但是外面太冷了!”我回答。or或者;so因此;and和;but但是。根据“I’d like to, …it’s too cold outside”可知,前后文之间是转折关系,用but连接。故选D。35.句意:他几乎对任何事情都持乐观态度。sad悲伤的;bright明亮的;serious严肃的;strange奇怪的。根据“It’s the perfect weather for not getting too hot.”可知,外面很冷,但是杰夫却认为这样的天气正合适,他对一切都持有乐观态度。look on the bright side of sth.“对某事抱有乐观态度”。故选B。36.句意:当我打开门时,我的心几乎停止了跳动。opened打开;fixed修理;cleaned清洁;painted涂漆。根据“We laughed as we returned. When I…the door”可知,彼得打球回来,一打开门就发现妹妹在画上乱涂乱画。故选A。37.句意:“停下,贝基!”Run跑;Come来;Jump跳;Stop停止。根据“Right there, Becky was coloring my pictures.”可知,妹妹正在画上乱涂乱画,彼得让妹妹停下来。故选D。38.句意:“你做了什么?”我愤怒地喊道。bravely勇敢地;angrily生气地;carefully认真地;nervously紧张地。根据“I rushed to her, but it was too late. Almost every page was colored”可知,妹妹把彼得的画弄坏了,彼得感到生气。故选B。39.句意:“我的画一去不复返了!”我感到沮丧,看着杰夫寻求帮助。gave up放弃;looked at看;turned down拒绝;agreed with同意。根据“I felt frustrated (懊恼的) and…Jeff for help.”可知,彼得看着杰夫,想要寻求帮助。故选B。40.句意:“还记得拼图游戏吗?我们可以从这些凌乱的图片中创造一些新的东西。”杰夫建议道。warned警告;ordered命令;reported报道;suggested建议。根据“Remember the jigsaw puzzle (拼图)? We can create something new from these messy pictures.”可知,此处是杰夫提出了一个建议。故选D。41.句意:“我不确定,但我们可以试一试。”他鼓励道。try尝试;talk谈话;rest休息;taste尝起来。根据“I’m not sure, but we can have a…”可知,杰夫鼓励彼得尝试一下新方法。have a try“尝试”。故选A。42.句意:然后,我们把所有这些碎片放在一起,做了一个拼图。put放置;hid隐藏;read阅读;threw扔。根据“we…all these pieces together”可知,此处指把所有的碎片放在一起。故选A。43.句意:几天后,一所美丽的“学校”出现在我们面前。tree树木;gate大门;school学校;library图书馆。根据“such as our brown teaching buildings, green playground and so on”可知,他们将图画剪成了教学楼、操场等形状,最后拼接在一起,成为了“学校”。故选C。44.句意:有一个快乐的结局。boring无聊的;happy开心的;terrible糟糕的;common普通的。根据“‘Thanks, guys,’ George smiled, ‘I love it so much. It will give me many great…here.’”可知,美术老师很喜欢这份礼物,所以最后的结局是开心的。故选B。45.句意:它会给我很多美好的回忆。choices选择;changes改变;decisions决定;memories回忆。根据“‘Thanks, guys,’ George smiled, ‘I love it so much. It will give me many great…here.’”可知,彼得的礼物会留给美术老师很多美好回忆。故选D。(2024四川泸州中考真题)When I was turning thirty years old, a friend asked me to share my biggest 46 in life. It only took me a(n) 47 to say I most regretted not completing college. I explained that I was considered to be 48 in school, got great grades, and had big dreams. 49 finishing university, I felt like I was not only letting myself down, but also everyone who believed in me.My friend said, “Why not now?” But with a son in primary school, a busy job, and lots of other responsibilities at home, I had a million 50 . The one I thought was the strongest: If I went back, I would be thirty-two 51 I graduated. What I heard was something I would never 52 : “You’re going to be thirty-two anyway (无论如何).”Looking back, I feel it’s the 53 and wisest advice I have ever received.I would turn thirty-two with a college degree (学位) or without one anyway. So I 54 to continue my study.I graduated from university 55 and felt proud of myself. And I have reviewed this 56 many times. I believe it’s never too late for me to do anything except becoming a teenager.Do I really want to 57 my first book in my forties? I’m going to be forty anyway.Do I really want to run a half marathon (马拉松) in my fifties? I’m going to be fifty anyway.Do I really want to travel around the 58 in my sixties? I’m going to be sixty anyway.I hope you never hear me say, “I’m too old for that.” 59 , I hope you hear me say, “I’m going to be seventy anyway.”It’s never too 60 to start something new, to do all those things that you’ve been wishing to do.46.A.regretB.happinessC.roleD.success47.A.weekB.dayC.hourD.minute48.A.lovelyB.politeC.smartD.friendly49.A.Giving upB.Making upC.Ending upD.Taking up50.A.waysB.reasonsC.chancesD.steps51.A.althoughB.becauseC.unlessD.when52.A.replyB.acceptC.forgetD.guess53.A.simplestB.funniestC.strangestD.coldest54.A.happenedB.decidedC.helpedD.failed55.A.smoothlyB.patientlyC.silentlyD.suddenly56.A.activityB.promiseC.planD.suggestion57.A.readB.writeC.buyD.choose58.A.universityB.cityC.villageD.world59.A.FinallyB.BesidesC.InsteadD.Also60.A.dangerousB.poorC.lateD.slow【答案】46.A 47.D 48.C 49.A 50.B 51.D 52.C 53.A 54.B 55.A 56.D 57.B 58.D 59.C 60.C【导语】本文作者从朋友的一个问题引出自己对人生憾事的思考,从而开始关注自我,着眼当下,并落实行动。文章告诉我们要勇敢追求和实现自己的人生理想。46.句意:在我快30岁的时候,一个朋友让我分享我生命中最大的遗憾。regret遗憾;happiness幸福;role角色;success成功。根据下文“I most regretted not completing college”可知,朋友询问作者生命中最大的憾事是什么。故选A。47.句意:我只用了一分钟就说出了我最后悔没有完成大学学业。week周;day天;hour小时;minute分钟。根据“only”可知,作者只用了一分钟就说出了自己最大的憾事,强调时间非常短。故选D。48.句意:我解释说,我在学校被认为很聪明,成绩很好,有很大的梦想。lovely可爱的;polite有礼貌的;smart聪明的;friendly友好的。根据下文“got great grades”可知,作者成绩优异,在学校是聪明的。故选C。49.句意:放弃完成大学学业,我觉得我不仅让自己失望,也让所有相信我的人失望。Giving up放弃;Making up编造;Ending up结束;Taking up占据。根据“I felt like I was not only letting myself down, but also everyone who believed in me.”可知,作者觉得让自己和周围人失望,可知作者放弃了大学的学业。故选A。50.句意:但我有一个上小学的儿子,工作很忙,家里还有很多其他的责任,我有一百万个理由。ways方式;reasons理由;chances机会;steps步骤。根据上文“But with a son in primary school, a busy job, and lots of other responsibilities at home”可知,有一个上小学的儿子,工作很忙等都是作者认为自己不能继续学业的理由。故选B。51.句意:如果我回去,我毕业时就三十二岁了。although尽管;because因为;unless除非;when当……时。根据“I would be thirty-two…I graduated”可知,此处指当作者毕业时就32岁了,用when引导时间状语从句。故选D。52.句意:我听到的是一句我永远不会忘记的话:“无论如何,你都要三十二岁了。”reply回答;accept接受;forget忘记;guess猜测。根据下文“And I have reviewed this…many times.”可知,作者永远不会忘记朋友的这句话,在以后的时光中经常回想起这句话。故选C。53.句意:现在回想起来,我觉得这是我收到的最简单、最明智的建议。simplest最简单的;funniest最有趣的;strangest最奇怪的;coldest最冷的。根据上文“You’re going to be thirty-two anyway (无论如何).”可知,朋友说,不管怎样你都要32岁,这句话最简单,最富有智慧,激励了作者追求梦想。故选A。54.句意:所以我决定继续我的学习。happened发生;decided决定;helped帮助;failed失败。根据下文“I graduated from university”可知,作者决定继续学业。故选B。55.句意:我顺利地从大学毕业,并为自己感到自豪。smoothly顺利地;patiently耐心地;silently沉默地;suddenly突然。根据“I graduated from university…and felt proud of myself.”可知,此处指作者顺利得完成了大学学业,并为自己感到自豪。故选A。56.句意:我已经多次回顾了这一建议。activity活动;promise承诺;plan计划;suggestion建议。根据“Looking back, I feel it’s the…and wisest advice I have ever received.”及“And I have reviewed this… many times.”可知,此处指作者多次回想起上文中朋友给出的建议。故选D。57.句意:我真的想在四十多岁的时候写我的第一本书吗?read阅读;write写;buy买;choose选择。根据“Do I really want to…my first book in my forties?”可知,在四十多岁时,作者的梦想是“写”书,其他三项不符合情景。故选B。58.句意:我真的想在六十多岁的时候环游世界吗?university大学;city城市;village乡村;world世界。根据“Do I really want to travel around the…in my sixties?”可知,作者在六十多岁时的梦想是环游世界,其他三项不符合情景。故选D。59.句意:相反,我希望你听到我说:“反正我也要70岁了。”Finally最终;Besides此外;Instead相反;Also也。根据上下文可知,作者不希望他人听到自己说出“我太老了”这句话,相反,作者希望自己说“反正我也要70岁了”。故选C。60.句意:开始新事物永远不会太晚,去做那些你一直想做的事情。dangerous危险的;poor可怜的;late晚的;slow慢的。根据“It’s never too…to start something new”及作者的经历可知,文章告诉我们不要囿于年纪,任何时候尝试新的事物都不会晚。故选C。(2024四川达州中考真题)One day, a grasshopper (蚱蜢) was relaxing in a field. And he was eating as much grass as he could. When his stomach was 61 , he began to play some music. He was having a good time in the sun. Then, an ant walked by. He was 62 some corn. “Come and sing with me!” said the grasshopper. “No,” said the ant. “I am busy 63 food for the winter.”“Don’t be serious about the 64 !” said the grasshopper. “There’s lots of food now and it is sunny today.” 65 the ant went on his way and kept on collecting food. “How silly the ant is!” said the grasshopper. “He only needs to 66 winter when winter comes!”When winter came, the grasshopper had 67 food. But the ant and his family had plenty to 68 .“Could I have some of your food?” said the grasshopper. “Hum…” said the ant. “ 69 you said I was silly, I’ll still help you.”Hearing his words, the grasshopper was very thankful. At the same time, he was 70 for what he had done before. He learnt a very important lesson—working hard today is to get ready for tomorrow.61.A.emptyB.smallC.fullD.thin62.A.carryingB.sellingC.plantingD.watching63.A.getB.gotC.gettingD.gets64.A.springB.summerC.autumnD.winter65.A.AndB.ButC.OrD.So66.A.worry aboutB.give upC.look forD.wait for67.A.enoughB.noC.moreD.much68.A.drinkB.buyC.eatD.waste69.A.BesidesB.BecauseC.WhenD.Although70.A.tiredB.regretfulC.happyD.angry【答案】61.C 62.A 63.C 64.D 65.B 66.A 67.B 68.C 69.D 70.B【导语】本文讲述了勤劳的蚂蚁夏天辛苦地工作为冬天储备粮食,而懒惰的蚱蜢却只是玩乐。当冬天来到,蚱蜢没食物过冬,去求助蚂蚁,蚂蚁最终帮助了蚱蜢。蚱蜢学到了很重要的一课——今天努力工作是为明天做准备。61.句意:当他吃饱了,他开始演奏一些音乐。empty空的;small小的;full饱的;thin瘦的。根据“And he was eating as much grass as he could.”可知,蚱蜢吃饱了,故选C。62.句意:他搬运一些玉米。carrying搬运;selling卖;planting种植;watching观看。根据“He was...some corn.”可知,蚂蚁在搬运一些玉米,故选A。63.句意:我正忙着准备过冬的食物。get动词原形;got动词过去式;getting动名词/现在分词;gets动词三单。be busy doing sth“忙于做某事”,故选C。64.句意:不要对冬天太认真了!spring春天;summer夏天;autumn秋天;winter冬天。前文提到蚂蚁为冬天准备食物,故选D。65.句意:但是蚂蚁继续他的路,继续收集食物。And和;But但是;Or或者;So因此。前后两句构成转折关系,用but连接,故选B。66.句意:他只需要在冬天来临时担心冬天。worry about担心;give up放弃;look for寻找;wait for等待。根据“He only needs to...winter when winter comes!”可知,只需要在冬天来临时担心冬天。故选A。67.句意:冬天来了,蚱蜢没有食物。enough足够的;no没有;more更多;much许多。根据“When winter came, the grasshopper had...food.”和前文可知,蚱蜢没有为冬天储存食物,所以没有食物。故选B。68.句意:但是蚂蚁和他的家人有足够的食物。drink喝;buy买;eat吃;waste浪费。根据“But the ant and his family had plenty to...”可知,蚂蚁和他的家人有足够的食物吃。故选C。69.句意:虽然你说我傻,我还是会帮你的。Besides此外;Because因为;When当……时;Although虽然。前后两句构成让步关系,用Although连接,故选D。70.句意:同时,他对自己以前所做的事感到后悔。tired累的;regretful后悔的;happy开心的;angry生气的。根据“he was...for what he had done before”可知,蚱蜢对自己以前所做的事感到后悔。故选B。(2024四川南充中考真题)One day, our English teacher Mr. White came into the classroom with a book in his hand. He started his lesson with a 71 , “Who can describe what stress is like?” No one answered. Then he raised the book and asked, “How 72 is the book?”On hearing the question, we began to think and 73 . One student said, “I think it is 100g.” Another student said, “It’s 200g.” Our answers were different. 74 , Mr. White explained, “It doesn’t only depend on the real weight. It also has 75 to do with the time we hold it. If I hold it for a minute, it is OK. If I hold it for an hour, I will have a 76 in my right arm. If I hold it for a day, I will have to see a doctor. It is the exact same weight, 77 the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes. This book 78 stress. If you hold it without putting it down, sooner or later, you will not be able to keep on. No matter how much 79 you have, stop and have a rest for a while if possible. Boys and girls, you should learn to relax yourselves. I am sure you will live a happy school life.”We all 80 Mr. White for giving such a meaningful lesson which made a difference to us.71.A.songB.storyC.questionD.picture72.A.heavyB.bigC.oldD.thick73.A.guessB.practiseC.readD.search74.A.LuckilyB.EspeciallyC.SecretlyD.Finally75.A.littleB.muchC.nothingD.everything76.A.breakB.woundC.diseaseD.pain77.A.andB.soC.butD.for78.A.makes upB.stands forC.takes inD.leads to79.A.stressB.timeC.pleasureD.knowledge80.A.troubledB.excusedC.fearedD.thanked【答案】71.C 72.A 73.A 74.D 75.B 76.D 77.C 78.B 79.A 80.D【导语】本文主要讲述了英语老师怀特先生给作者和同学们上的一节难忘的课。从这节课中他们学到不能总带着压力前行,要学会放松自己,这样才能享受快乐的校园生活。71.句意:他以一个问题开始了他的课程,“谁能描述一下压力是什么样的?”song歌曲;story故事;question问题;picture图片。根据“Who can describe what stress is like?”可知,老师以问题开始了课程,故选C。72.句意:这本书有多重?heavy重的;big大的;old老的;thick厚的。根据下文“I think it is 100g”可知,问书多重,故选A。73.句意:一听到这个问题,我们就开始思考和猜测。guess猜测;practise练习;read阅读;search搜索。根据“I think it is 100g”可知,这是学生的猜测,故选A。74.句意:最后,怀特先生解释说。Luckily幸运地;Especially尤其;Secretly秘密地;Finally最终。根据“Our answers were different.”可知,大家的答案都不同,所以最后怀特先生亲自解释,故选D。75.句意:这也与我们拿着它的时间有很大关系。little小的;much很多;nothing没什么;everything一切。根据“It doesn’t only depend on the real weight.”可知,书的重量与我们拿着它的时间有很大关系。have much to do with“与……很有关系”,故选B。76.句意:如果我拿着它一个小时,我的右臂就会痛。break休息;wound伤口;disease疾病;pain痛苦。根据“If I hold it for a day, I will have to see a doctor”可知,拿着书时间越长,手臂就越痛,故选D。77.句意:它的重量是一样的,但我拿的时间越长,它就越重。and并且;so所以;but但是;for为了。分析句子可知,前后是转折关系,应用but连接,故选C。78.句意:这本书代表压力。makes up编造;stands for代表;takes in吸收;leads to导致。根据“This book...stress”和下文的介绍可知,这本书代表生活中的压力,故选B。79.句意:不管你有多大的压力,如果可能的话,停下来休息一会儿。stress压力;time时间;pleasure愉悦;knowledge知识。根据“Boys and girls, you should learn to relax yourselves.”可知,此处说的是压力,故选A。80.句意:我们都感谢怀特先生给我们上了一堂意义非凡的课。troubled麻烦;excused找借口;feared害怕;thanked感谢。根据“for giving such a meaningful lesson which made a difference to us.”可知,对于怀特先生的这节课,大家都很感谢,故选D。(2024青海中考真题)根据短文内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案。Once there was a 14-year-old boy who was known as a fast runner in his village. He only cared about winning every race and becoming more 81 . One day, the boy 82 a running race in his village. He won the 100-meter and 50-meter races with no problem. He was 83 himself and received great applause (掌声). But his grandfather asked him to have a race with two unexpected people, an old man and a blind (盲的) 84 . The boy thought it was unbelievable but agreed. In the race, the boy finished 85 , but the old man and the blind girl were 86 at the starting line (起跑线). With joy, he was waiting for the applause from the crowd. But they kept 87 . “Why are people not cheering 88 me like before?” he asked his 89 . “Start the race again with them. But this time, all of you should cross the finish line at the same time,” the grandfather said. The boy was surprised but 90 . During the second race, the boy took the 91 of the old man and the blind girl and walked 92 with them. The crowd gave them a standing applause. The boy asked his grandfather, “For whom are the people cheering? Is it for me, or 93 ?”The grandfather was happy. He 94 and said, “The crowd did not cheer for anyone of you. They 95 for how you all ran the race together.”Facing the race of life, what matters is not just winning, but how you run the race.81.A.beautifulB.successfulC.upset82.A.took part inB.took outC.took care of83.A.good atB.proud ofC.interested in84.A.manB.uncleC.girl85.A.firstB.secondC.third86.A.neverB.stillC.ever87.A.quietB.relaxedC.careful88.A.inB.fromC.for89.A.fatherB.grandfatherC.grandmother90.A.agreedB.stoppedC.played91.A.legsB.feetC.hands92.A.slowlyB.easilyC.clearly93.A.herB.himC.them94.A.jumpedB.smiledC.worried95.A.sangB.workedC.cheered【答案】81.B 82.A 83.B 84.C 85.A 86.B 87.A 88.C 89.B 90.A 91.C 92.A 93.C 94.B 95.C【导语】本文描述了祖父通过邀请两位特殊的参赛者跟我一起比赛,表明了人生的道理。人生不能只注重结果,更要注重过程,要注重面对人生的方式。81.句意:他只关心赢得每一场比赛,变得更加成功。beautiful美丽的;successful成功的;upset沮丧的。根据“He only cared about winning every race and becoming more...”可知,他要赢比赛,变得更成功,故选B。82.句意:一天,这个男孩参加了村里的跑步比赛。took part in参加;took out拿出;took care of照顾。根据“the boy...a running race in his village”可知,他参加了村里的跑步比赛,故选A。83.句意:他为自己感到骄傲,收到了热烈的掌声。good at擅长;proud of骄傲;interested in感兴趣。根据“He was...himself and received great applause (掌声).”可知,他为自己感到骄傲,故选B。84.句意:但是他的祖父让他和两个意想不到的人比赛,一个老人和一个盲人女孩。man男人;uncle叔叔;girl女孩。根据后文“but the old man and the blind girl”可知,是一个盲人女孩,故选C。85.句意:在比赛中,男孩第一名,但老人和盲人女孩还在起跑线上。first第一;second第二;third第三。根据“With joy, he was waiting for the applause from the crowd.”可知,男孩高兴地等待着人群的掌声,所以是得了第一名,故选A。86.句意:在比赛中,男孩第一名,但老人和盲人女孩还在起跑线上。never从不;still仍然;ever曾经。根据“but the old man and the blind girl were...at the starting line (起跑线)”可知,老人和盲人女孩还在起跑线上,故选B。87.句意:但他们保持安静。quiet安静的;relaxed令人放松的;careful仔细的。根据“With joy, he was waiting for the applause from the crowd. But they kept...”可知,人群没有爆发掌声,而是保持安静,故选A。88.句意:“为什么人们不像以前那样为我欢呼了?”他问爷爷。in在里面;from从;for为了。根据“Why are people not cheering...me like before?”可知,此处是cheer for“为……欢呼”,故选C。89.句意:“为什么人们不像以前那样为我加油了?”他问爷爷。father父亲;grandfather祖父;grandmother祖母。根据后文“the grandfather said”可知,男孩问爷爷,故选B。90.句意:男孩很惊讶,但还是同意了。agreed同意;stopped停止;played玩。根据“During the second race”可知,男孩同意了再次比赛,故选A。91.句意:在第二场比赛中,男孩拉着老人和盲女的手,慢慢地走着。legs腿;feet脚;hands手。根据“the boy took the...of the old man and the blind girl”可知,男孩拉着老人和盲女的手,故选C。92.句意:在第二场比赛中,男孩拉着老人和盲女的手,慢慢地走着。slowly缓慢地;easily容易地;clearly清晰地。根据“walked...with them”可知,男孩拉着两人慢慢地走,故选A。93.句意:是为了我,还是为了他们?her她;him他;them他们。根据“Is it for me, or ...?”可知,此处指老人和盲人女孩,故选C。94.句意:他笑着说:“人群没有为你们中的任何一个欢呼。他们为你们一起跑完全程而欢呼。”jumped跳;smiled微笑;worried担心。根据“The grandfather was happy.”可知,爷爷很高兴,所以微笑着说,故选B。95.句意:他笑着说:“人群没有为你们中的任何一个欢呼。他们为你们一起跑完全程而欢呼。”sang唱歌;worked工作;cheered使振奋。根据“They...for how you all ran the race together.”可知,他们为你们一起跑完全程而欢呼。故选C。(2024重庆中考真题)Humor is part of human nature. Everyone has the ability to enjoy 96 and laughter, no matter who they are or where they come from. Humor is one of the most important ways people make connections with each other. Humor also helps you look on the 97 side of life and face problems positively (积极地).One sunny afternoon, the famous British writer Bernard Shaw was enjoying himself in a quiet field. Suddenly, a bike rider ran into him. 98 , Mr. Shaw was not hurt. “I’m so sorry!” said the rider. “Oh, no,” said Mr. Shaw. “I should say 99 because I’m not giving luck to you. If you had killed me, you know, 100 would be famous all over the world.”Feng Jicai, the Chinese writer, was once visited by an American friend and his young child in a hotel. While the two men were talking, the little boy was jumping up and down 101 his bed. The bed was shaking, and Feng was 102 that it might break. He smiled to the boy, “Hey, boy! Are you trying to reach the sky? Will you return to the earth?” His friend understood at once, and said to his son jokingly. “Let’s 103 right now!” 104 different people may have a different sense of humor, good humor has something in common. First, you need to keep a cool head and an open mind. With humor, you can avoid some unnecessary conflicts (冲突), and sometimes it helps you 105 even at the worst of your problems. Second, you need to be kind and understanding. In an embarrassing (尴尬的) situation, using humor can let your friend save face.96.A.moviesB.booksC.sportsD.jokes97.A.seriousB.wrongC.brightD.dark98.A.LuckilyB.QuicklyC.TerriblyD.Recently99.A.thanksB.sorryC.goodbyeD.hello100.A.IB.youC.heD.they101.A.onB.byC.underD.behind102.A.gladB.sadC.worriedD.satisfied103.A.come backB.come inC.come onD.come out104.A.SoB.AlthoughC.ButD.If105.A.cryB.laughC.shoutD.fear【答案】96.D 97.C 98.A 99.B 100.B 101.A 102.C 103.A 104.B 105.B【导语】本文通过两个幽默小故事,告诉我们幽默对人们用处。96.句意:每个人都有能力享受笑话和笑声,无论他们是谁或来自哪里。movies电影;books书本;sports运动;jokes笑话。根据“...and laughter”可知,空处于“笑声”并列,jokes“笑话”符合语境。故选D。97.句意:幽默还能帮助你看到生活的光明面,积极面对问题。serious严肃的;wrong错误的;bright光明的;dark黑暗的。根据“face problems positively (积极地).”可知,积极面对问题,所以看到的是光明的一面。故选C。98.句意:幸运的是,肖先生没有受伤。Luckily幸运地;Quickly快速地;Terribly非常;Recently最近。根据“Mr. Shaw was not hurt.”可知,肖先生没有受伤是一件很幸运的事情。故选A。99.句意:我应该说对不起,因为我没有给你带来好运。thanks感谢;sorry对不起;goodbye再见;hello你好。根据“because I’m not giving luck to you.”可知,说的是对不起。故选B。100.句意:你知道,如果你杀了我,你就会举世闻名了。I我;you你;he他;they他们。根据“If you had killed me, you know,...would be famous all over the world.”可知,此处说话对象是你。故选B。101.句意:当两个人谈话时,小男孩在床上跳上跳下。on在……上;by借助;under在……下;behind在……的后面。根据“his bed.”和常识可知,是在床上跳上跳下。故选A。102.句意:床在摇晃,冯担心床会坏掉。glad开心的;sad悲伤的;worried担心的;satisfied满意的。根据“The bed was shaking, and Feng was...that it might break.”可知,床在摇晃,此时冯很担心床会坏。故选C。103.句意:我们现在就回去吧!come back回去;come in进来;come on出场;come out出版。根据“Let’s...right now!”可知,听了冯幽默话语以后,朋友带着孩子回家了。故选A。104.句意:虽然不同的人可能有不同的幽默感,但好的幽默有一些共同点。So因此;Although尽管;But但是;If如果。分析句子可知,前后句之间是让步关系,需用Although引导让步状语从句。故选B。105.句意:有了幽默,你可以避免一些不必要的冲突,有时它可以帮助你笑,即使在你最糟糕的问题。cry哭;laugh笑;shout喊叫;fear害怕。根据“sometimes it helps you...even at the worst of your problems.”可知,在你遇到最糟糕的问题时,幽默可以帮助你笑。故选B。(2024陕西中考真题)阅读下面短文,理解大意,然后从各小题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文连贯完整。The Turtle was not satisfied with his life. He wanted so much to 106 being a turtle.“I’m tired of swimming about in the sea and moving around on the beach. Life is not 107 ,” he thought. “I want to be able to fly in the air like an eagle.”He spoke to the Eagle about it.“You’re not built for 108 ,” the Eagle told the Turtle. “You don’t have any wings.”“Don’t 109 that,” answered the Turtle. “I’ve watched how the birds do it for a long time. I’ve watched 110 how they fly and do things in the air. I think I really got it. 111 I don’t have wings, I can make my four flippers (鳍足) act like wings of birds in the air, the way I do in the water. Just get me up there, and you’ll see I can fly as well as any of the birds—probably even 112 ! Besides, if you carry me as high as the clouds, I will bring you lots of nice pearls (珍珠) from the sea to show my thanks.”The Eagle 113 at last, and carried the Turtle up high into the sky.“Now then!” cried the Eagle. “Fly!”But the moment the Turtle was on his own, he fell from the 114 . He fell like a stone, and on a stone he landed. He hit it with such force that he broke into little pieces.We need to 115 ourselves better so that we can make wiser decisions.106.A.continueB.stopC.tryD.enjoy107.A.interestingB.healthyC.busyD.hard108.A.swimmingB.runningC.flyingD.climbing109.A.look afterB.hear aboutC.prepare forD.worry about110.A.quicklyB.carefullyC.strangelyD.helplessly111.A.ThoughB.BeforeC.UnlessD.Until112.A.betterB.lowerC.nearerD.earlier113.A.refusedB.agreedC.wonD.left114.A.treeB.houseC.skyD.mountain115.A.relaxB.expressC.teachD.understand【答案】106.B 107.A 108.C 109.D 110.B 111.A 112.A 113.B 114.C 115.D【导语】本文主要介绍乌龟觉得生活很无趣,想要尝试飞翔,他让鹰把自己带到山上,但最终结果可想而知。故事告诉我们:我们需要更好地了解自己,这样我们才能做出更明智的决定。106.句意:他非常想不再做一只乌龟。continue继续;stop停止;try尝试;enjoy欣赏。根据“The Turtle was not satisfied with his life.”可知,乌龟对自己的生活并不满意,所以他非常想不再做一只乌龟。故选B。107.句意:生活是无趣的。interesting有趣的;healthy健康的;busy忙碌的;hard困难的。根据“I want to be able to fly in the air like an eagle.”可知,乌龟想能够像鹰一样在空中飞翔,所以乌龟是觉得生活很无趣,故选A。108.句意:你不是为飞行而生的。swimming游泳;running跑;flying飞;climbing爬。根据“You don’t have any wings.”可知,鹰告诉乌龟他不是为飞行而生,故选C。109.句意:别担心。look after照顾;hear about听说;prepare for准备;worry about担心。根据“I think I really got it.”可知,乌龟让鹰不要担心,故选D。110.句意:我仔细观察过它们是如何飞行和在空中做事情的。quickly迅速地;carefully仔细地;strangely奇怪地;helplessly无助地。根据“I’ve watched...how they fly”可知,乌龟仔细观察过鸟儿如何飞行,故选B。111.句意:虽然我没有翅膀,但我可以让我的四个脚蹼像鸟的翅膀一样在空中运动,就像我在水里一样。Though虽然;Before在之前;Unless除非;Until直到。前后两句构成让步关系,用Though引导让步状语从句,故选A。112.句意:只要把我抬上去,你就会看到我飞得和任何鸟一样好——甚至可能更好!better更好;lower更低;nearer更近;earlier更早。根据“I can fly as well as any of the birds—probably even...”可知,乌龟说自己甚至可能飞得更好,故选A。113.句意:鹰最后同意了,把乌龟抬上了天。refused拒绝;agreed同意;won赢得;left离开。根据“and carried the Turtle up high into the sky”可知,鹰最后同意了,故选B。114.句意:但是当乌龟独自一人的时候,他从天上掉了下来。tree树;house房子;sky天空;mountain山。根据“But the moment the Turtle was on his own, he fell from the...”可知,乌龟从天上掉了下来,故选C。115.句意:我们需要更好地了解自己,这样我们才能做出更明智的决定。relax使放松;express表达;teach教;understand理解。根据“We need to...ourselves better so that we can make wiser decisions.”可知,我们需要更好地了解自己,故选D。(2024四川眉山中考真题)Once upon a time, there was a man who had four sons. One day, he told 116 of his sons to go and see what a pear tree looked like during winter, spring, summer and autumn. Although the sons felt strange about their father’s 117 , they went to see the pear tree. After a 118 , the father got them to come together and asked them what they had seen.The first son answered that the tree had been bare (光秃秃的) and 119 .The second son said, “No! It was covered with new 120 leaves. The tree had bright hopes.”The third son 121 his head, and said, “No! The pear tree was full of flowers. They smelled so sweet and 122 so beautiful.”“There were many pears 123 no flowers on the tree,” the fourth son disagreed, “I saw the joy of a good harvest (丰收).”The man then said to his sons that they were all right. They got 124 answers because each of them had seen only one season in the life of the pear tree.“You cannot judge (评判) a tree, a person or your life by just one season. If you 125 in your winter, you will miss the hope of your spring, the beauty of your summer and the harvest of your autumn.”116.A.eachB.bothC.noneD.neither117.A.invitationB.requestC.opinionD.answer118.A.weekB.monthC.seasonD.year119.A.uglyB.livelyC.tallD.short120.A.yellowB.greenC.whiteD.pink121.A.noddedB.raisedC.shookD.lowered122.A.lookedB.touchedC.tastedD.sounded123.A.orB.andC.soD.but124.A.similarB.perfectC.differentD.humorous125.A.call upB.look upC.cheer upD.give up【答案】116.A 117.B 118.D 119.A 120.B 121.C 122.A 123.D 124.C 125.D【导语】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了一位父亲让四个儿子在春、夏、秋、冬去观察梨树的样子,结果儿子们看到的景象各不相同。116.句意:有一天,他让每个儿子去看看梨树在冬天、春天、夏天和秋天是什么样子。each每一个;both两者都;none三者及以上都不;neither两者都不。根据“there was a man who had four sons”可知,他有四个儿子,他让每个儿子都去观察梨树的样子,each of“每个”。故选A。117.句意:虽然儿子们对父亲的要求感到奇怪,但他们还是去看了梨树。invitation邀请;request要求;opinion观点;answer回答。根据“he told…of his sons to go and see what a pear tree looked like during winter, spring, summer and autumn”可知,父亲让儿子们去观察梨树在四季中的样子,儿子们认为父亲提出的要求很奇怪。故选B。118.句意:一年后,父亲让他们聚在一起,问他们看到了什么。week周;month月;season季节;year年。根据“to go and see what a pear tree looked like during winter, spring, summer and autumn”可知,父亲让儿子们观察梨树在春、夏、秋、冬四季中的样子,四季是一年,儿子们一年后被父亲叫回来聚到一起。故选D。119.句意:大儿子回答说,那棵树光秃秃的,长得很丑。ugly丑陋的;lively活泼的;tall高的;short矮的。根据“the tree had been bare”可知,大儿子看到的梨树是光秃秃的,很丑陋。故选A。120.句意:树上长满了新的绿叶。yellow黄色的;green绿色的;white白色的;pink粉色的。根据“It was covered with new…leaves. The tree had bright hopes.”可知,第二个儿子看到的梨树长满了绿色的新叶。故选B。121.句意:第三个儿子摇摇头说:“不!梨树上开满了花。它们闻起来很香,看起来很漂亮。”nodded点头;raised举起;shook摇头;lowered降低。根据“The third son…his head, and said, ‘No! The pear tree was full of flowers. They smelled so sweet and…so beautiful.’”可知,第三个儿子不同意第二个儿子的观点,所以摇了摇头。故选C。122.句意:第三个儿子摇摇头说:“不!梨树上开满了花。它们闻起来很香,看起来很漂亮。”looked看起来;touched触摸;tasted尝起来;sounded听起来。根据“The pear tree was full of flowers. They smelled so sweet and…so beautiful.”可知,第三个儿子看到的梨树开满了花,花朵看起来很美丽。故选A。123.句意:树上有很多梨,但没有花。or或者;and和;so因此;but但是。根据“There were many pears…no flowers on the tree”可知,第四个儿子看到梨树上有很多梨,但是没有花,前后是转折关系,用but连接。故选D。124.句意:他们得到了不同的答案,因为他们每个人只见过梨树生命中的一个季节。similar相似的;perfect完美的;different不同的;humorous幽默的。根据上文可知,四个儿子得到的答案是不同的。故选C。125.句意:如果你在冬天放弃,你将错过春天的希望、夏天的美丽和秋天的收获。call up打电话;look up查阅;cheer up振作起来;give up放弃。根据“If you…in your winter, you will miss…”可知,如果在冬天就放弃,那么就会错过春天的希望、夏天的美丽和秋天的收获。故选D。(2024云南中考真题)从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。In a small village, there lived a young boy named Ravi. He was always glad to lend a helping hand.One day, he saw a wounded 126 lying on the ground with a broken wing (翅膀). It was unable to 127 . Filled with worry, Ravi picked up the bird and carefully bandaged (包扎) up its wing. He provided food and water 128 it. Days turned into weeks, and the bird became better and better. It was 129 ready to fly again. As Ravi watched the bird flying higher and higher in the 130 , he felt a deep sense of happiness and realized he could have a great influence on the lives of others. So he began to do a lot, including feeding homeless animals and visiting 131 people. His kindness spread throughout the village, encouraging people to follow his example. Years passed, and Ravi 132 to be a beloved (深受喜爱的) member of the community. His simple deeds (行为) 133 the village into a place full of love and care. Our acts, no matter how 134 , can make a difference. 135 kindness is spread around, we will have the power to create a better world.126.A.antB.beeC.birdD.butterfly127.A.seeB.flyC.eatD.drink128.A.forB.byC.fromD.about129.A.widelyB.hardlyC.strangelyD.happily130.A.skyB.lakeC.boxD.house131.A.richB.sickC.strictD.wise132.A.got upB.gave upC.grew upD.woke up133.A.cutB.dividedC.pouredD.changed134.A.braveB.smallC.terribleD.dangerous135.A.IfB.BeforeC.UnlessD.Although【答案】126.C 127.B 128.A 129.D 130.A 131.B 132.C 133.D 134.B 135.A【导语】本文介绍乐于助人的Ravi有一天救了一只鸟,当鸟儿康复重新飞回天空时,他意识到他可以对他人的生活产生巨大的影响。Ravi开始做更多的善事,他的善良传遍了整个村子,也鼓励到了其他村民,他把村子变成了一个充满爱和关怀的地方。他的故事告诉我们:无论行为多么微小,都能带来改变。如果善良到处传播,我们就有能力创造一个更美好的世界。126.句意:一天,他看到一只受伤的鸟躺在地上,翅膀断了。ant蚂蚁;bee蜜蜂;bird鸟;butterfly蝴蝶。根据“Ravi picked up the bird”可知,是一只受伤的鸟,故选C。127.句意:它无法飞行。see看见;fly飞;eat吃;drink喝。根据后文“ready to fly again”可知,现在不能飞了,故选B。128.句意:他为它提供了食物和水。for为了;by通过;from从;about关于。根据“He provided food and water...it.”可知,此处是provide sth for sb短语,故选A。129.句意:它开心地准备再次飞翔。widely广泛地;hardly几乎不;strangely奇怪地;happily开心地。根据“and the bird became better and better. It was...ready to fly again.”可知,能再次飞翔,鸟儿是开心地,故选D。130.句意:当Ravi看着鸟儿在天空中越飞越高时,他感到一种深深的幸福感,并意识到他可以对别人的生活产生巨大的影响。sky天空;lake湖;box盒子;house房子。根据“As Ravi watched the bird flying higher and higher in the...”可知,鸟儿在天空中越飞越高,故选A。131.句意:所以他开始做很多事情,包括喂养无家可归的动物和看望病人。rich富有的;sick生病的;strict严格的;wise明智的。根据“So he began to do a lot, including feeding homeless animals and visiting...people.”可知,应该是看望病人,故选B。132.句意:多年过去了,Ravi成长为社区中受人爱戴的一员。got up起床;gave up放弃;grew up成长;woke up醒来。根据“and Ravi...to be a beloved (深受喜爱的) member of the community”可知,Ravi成长为社区中受人爱戴的一员,故选C。133.句意:他简单的行为把这个村庄变成了一个充满爱和关怀的地方。cut切;divided划分;poured倒;changed改变。根据“His simple deeds (行为)...the village into a place full of love and care.”可知,他的行为把这个村庄变成了一个充满爱和关怀的地方,故选D。134.句意:我们的行为,无论多么微小,都能带来改变。brave勇敢的;small小的;terrible糟糕的;dangerous危险的。根据“Our acts, no matter how..., can make a difference.”可知,小的行为也能带来改变,故选B。135.句意:如果善良到处传播,我们就有能力创造一个更美好的世界。If如果;Before在……之前;Unless除非;Although虽然。“kindness is spread around”是“we will have the power to create a better world”的肯定条件,用If引导条件状语从句,故选A。(2024江西中考真题)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Anansi the WiseSome people think they know everything. Anansi the spider didn’t think that. He was a 136 spider. And he knew to have real wisdom (智慧). He had to learn more.One day, Anansi found a (an) 137 gourd on the ground and he had an idea. “ 138 I get advice from others and put it in this gourd, then I’ll be wiser than anyone else in the world.”So, he went from house to house and asked the other creatures (生物), “What’s your best piece of 139 ?” And they were all happy to share their wisdom, because they could see that Anansi 140 it.The snail (蜗牛) said, “Don’t be in a hurry. 141 is not a 100-meter race.”The butterfly said, “Life is short. Enjoy every day.”The ant said, “You’ll 142 be great on your own. Everyone needs the help of others.”Anansi was very happy with all this advice. He took it and put it in 143 gourd. And when he’d filled the gourd, he thought to himself, “Now, I have more wisdom than anyone else. I must 144 the wisdom, so no one can steal it.” He 145 and saw a hole high up in a tree, and he had an idea.Anansi held the gourd in two legs and tried to 146 the tree with his other six legs. But the gourd was too big and he couldn’t climb. His son was nearby watching him. “Daddy,” he said, “why don’t you 147 the gourd to your back and then climb the tree?” “That’s very good advice,” said Anansi. “Thank you for sharing it with me.” And then Anansi realized that advice is only 148 when we share it with someone.So, he climbed the tree with the gourd on his back. And when Anansi reached the 149 , he held the gourd up to the wind. All the advice flew into the sky and traveled 150 the land. And wisdom came to everyone.136.A.quietB.crazyC.poorD.clever137.A.emptyB.smallC.softD.broken138.A.SoB.IfC.BeforeD.Although139.A.newsB.workC.adviceD.wood140.A.stoodB.forgotC.missedD.needed141.A.ActionB.SportC.LifeD.Health142.A.alwaysB.oftenC.neverD.usually143.A.hisB.herC.itsD.their144.A.findB.sellC.hideD.collect145.A.fell asleepB.showed upC.ran awayD.looked around146.A.hitB.climbC.pullD.shake147.A.sendB.handC.turnD.tie148.A.simpleB.usefulC.interestingD.real149.A.topB.houseC.groundD.mountain150.A.acrossB.withC.intoD.under【答案】136.D 137.A 138.B 139.C 140.D 141.C 142.C 143.A 144.C 145.D 146.B 147.D 148.B 149.A 150.A【导语】本文主要讲述了一个蜘蛛把学到的智慧放在篮子里,最后和所有人分享的故事。136.句意:他是一只聪明的蜘蛛。quiet安静的;crazy疯狂的;poor贫穷的;clever聪明的。根据“And he knew to have real wisdom (智慧). He had to learn more.”可知,他是一只聪明的蜘蛛。故选D。137.句意:一天,阿南西在地上发现了一个空葫芦,他有了一个主意。empty空的;small小的;soft柔软的;broken打破的。根据后文“And when he’d filled the gourd”可知,葫芦是空的,故选A。138.句意:如果我从别人那里得到忠告,把它放在这个葫芦里,那么我就比世界上任何人都聪明了。So因此;If如果;Before在……之前;Although虽然。“I get advice from others and put it in this gourd”是“then I’ll be wiser than anyone else in the world”的条件,用If引导条件状语从句。故选B。139.句意:你最好的建议是什么?news新闻;work工作;advice建议;wood木头。根据前文“I get advice from others”可知,是询问建议,故选C。140.句意:他们都很高兴分享他们的智慧,因为他们知道Anansi需要它。stood站立;forgot忘记;missed思念;needed需要。根据“And they were all happy to share their wisdom, because they could see that Anansi...it.”可知,他们知道Anansi需要智慧。故选D。141.句意:人生不是百米赛跑。Action行为;Sport运动;Life生活;Health健康。根据“Life is short.”可知,生活是短暂的,不要着急,故选C。142.句意:光靠你自己是不会伟大的。always总是;often经常;never从不;usually通常。根据“Everyone needs the help of others.”可知,每个人都需要别人的帮助,所以光靠你自己是不会伟大的。故选C。143.句意:他把它拿过来放进葫芦里。his他的;her她的;its它的;their他们的。根据“He took it and put it in...gourd.”可知,主语是He,故选A。144.句意:我必须把智慧藏起来,这样就没有人能偷走它了。find发现;sell卖;hide隐藏;collect收集。根据“so no one can steal it”可知,怕人偷,所以是藏起来,故选C。145.句意:他环顾四周,看到一棵树高处有一个洞,他有了一个主意。fell asleep入睡;showed up出现;ran away跑开;looked around环顾四周。根据“He...and saw a hole high up in a tree, and he had an idea.”可知,他环顾四周,看到一棵树高处有一个洞,故选D。146.句意:Anansi用两条腿托着葫芦,试图用其他六条腿爬上树。hit撞击;climb爬;pull拉;shake摇动。根据后句“But the gourd was too big and he couldn’t climb.”可知,他想爬上树,故选B。147.句意:你为什么不把葫芦绑在背上,然后爬上树呢?send发送;hand分发;turn转身;tie系。根据“why don’t you...the gourd to your back and then climb the tree?”可知,孩子建议把葫芦绑在背上,故选D。148.句意:然后Anansi意识到建议只有在我们与他人分享时才有用。simple简单的;useful有用的;interesting有趣的;real真的。根据“And then Anansi realized that advice is only...when we share it with someone.”可知,Anansi意识到建议只有在我们与他人分享时才有用。故选B。149.句意:当Anansi到了树顶时,就把葫芦举到风中。top顶部;house房子;ground地面;mountain山。根据“And when Anansi reached the..., he held the gourd up to the wind.”可知,Anansi到了树顶,故选A。150.句意:所有的建议都飞上了天空,传遍了大地。across穿过;with和;into到……里面;under在下面。根据“All the advice flew into the sky and traveled...the land.”可知,建议传遍了大地。故选A。(2024黑龙江牡丹江中考真题)Eric Brown was about 11 years old when his father died. It was 151 for his mother to support the big family. Eric was very caring, so he tried not to 152 his mother when he had problems.Once Eric wanted a pair of skis (滑雪板) in order to join a 153 club. He talked to his mother about it. However, it was 154 for his mother to buy them. He thought about 155 he could do to get the skis and went to bed with a heavy heart. 156 he woke up in the morning, he found that a deep snow had fallen and the strong wind was blowing. He thought it must be too cold for people 157 the snow away. “Ah,” he said, “every 158 brings a solution (解决方法).”He rose, ran to a neighbor’s house and 159 his service to clear the neighbor’s path (小路) of snow. The offer 160 . After he had finished the work and received his pay, he went to another place for the same 161 . Then he went from door to door until he had enough money to buy the skis.When Eric finally tried out his new skis, he 162 the happiest boy in the world. He was proud of 163 for working hard and achieving his goal. Soon Eric became the best skier in his club 164 his determination (决心) and perseverance (毅力).This story reminds us that we can 165 any difficulties and achieve our dreams with a strong will and a positive attitude (积极的态度). Eric is an inspiration to us.Choose the best choice from A, B or C according to what you read.151.A.lateB.boringC.hard152.A.depend onB.take afterC.believe in153.A.dancingB.skiingC.swimming154.A.unfairB.impoliteC.impossible155.A.whatB.howC.who156.A.Even ifB.UnlessC.As soon as157.A.clearB.to clearC.clearing158.A.problemB.suggestionC.game159.A.offeredB.wantedC.canceled160.A.acceptedB.is acceptedC.was accepted161.A.decisionB.purposeC.method162.A.cared forB.worried aboutC.felt like163.A.itselfB.himselfC.themselves164.A.because ofB.ahead ofC.in the face of165.A.findB.overcomeC.meet【答案】151.C 152.A 153.B 154.C 155.A 156.C 157.B 158.A 159.A 160.C 161.B 162.C 163.B 164.A 165.B【导语】本文主要讲述了Eric的爸爸去世了,妈妈养活一大家庭很辛苦。Eric想要一副滑雪板,但是妈妈不可能给他买。于是他想出了为别人清理积雪来换取报酬的想法,解决了这一难题。从这个故事告诉我们:只要有毅力和恒心,没有什么问题是解决不了的。151.句意:他妈妈很难养活这个大家庭。late迟的;boring无聊的;hard困难的。根据“Eric Brown was about 11 years old when his father died.”及“It was …for his mother to support the big family”可知,爸爸去世了,妈妈独自养活一个大家庭,这对于她来说很难,故选C。152.句意:埃里克很体贴,所以当他遇到问题时,他尽量不依赖他的妈妈。depend on依靠;take after与……相像;believe in相信。根据“Eric was very caring”及“when he had problems”可知,Eric很体贴妈妈,所以当他遇到了问题,尽量不依赖妈妈,故选A。153.句意:有一次,埃里克想要一副滑雪板,以便参加一个滑雪俱乐部。dancing跳舞;skiing滑雪;swimming游泳。根据“a pair of skis”可知,要一副滑雪板是为了参加滑雪俱乐部,故选B。154.句意:然而,他的妈妈不可能买它们。unfair不公平的;impolite不礼貌的;impossible不可能的。根据“It was…for his mother to support the big family”可知,妈妈很难养活整个大家庭,所以不可能给他买一副滑雪板,故选C。155.句意:他想着怎样才能弄到滑雪板,怀着沉重的心情上床睡觉。what什么;how怎样;who谁。此空作动词do的宾语,应填what引导宾语从句,故选A。156.句意:当他早上醒来时,他发现已经下了一场大雪,大风正在刮。Even if即使;Unless除非;As soon as一……就……。根据“he woke up in the morning, he found that a deep snow had fallen and the strong wind was blowing”可知,此空缺少引导时间状语从句的连词,as soon as符合,故选C。157.句意:他想天一定太冷了,人们无法把雪清除掉。clear动词原形;to clear动词不定式;clearing动名词。固定句式:It is+形容词+for sb to do sth“对于某人来说做某事是……的”,此空应填动词不定式,故选B。158.句意:每个问题都有解决办法。problem问题;suggestion建议;game比赛。根据“brings a solution”可知,问题都有解决办法,故选A。159.句意:他站起来,跑到一个邻居的家里,主动提出帮忙清除邻居路上的积雪。offered提供;wanted想要;canceled取消。根据“The offer ”可知,主动提出要帮忙清理积雪,故选A。160.句意:这个提议被接受了。accepted动词过去式;is accepted一般现在时被动语态;was accepted一般过去时被动语态。主语offer与动词accept是被动关系,整段都是一般过去时,此处应用一般过去时被动语态,故选C。161.句意:他干完活领了工钱,为了同样的目的又到别处去了。decision决定;purpose目的;method方法。根据“he went to another place for the same”可知,为了同样的目的又去了另一个地方,故选B。162.句意:当埃里克终于尝试他的新滑雪板时,他觉得自己是世界上最快乐的男孩。cared for关心;worried about担心;felt like感觉像是。根据“the happiest boy in the world”可知,感觉自己是最快乐的男孩,故选C。163.句意:他为自己的努力和实现目标而感到自豪。itself它自己;himself他自己;themselves他们自己。根据He可知,此空应填反身代词himself,故选B。164.句意:由于他的决心和毅力,埃里克很快成为俱乐部里最好的滑雪运动员。because of因为;ahead of优于;in the face of面对。根据“Soon Eric became the best skier in his club … his determination (决心) and perseverance”可知,因为决心和毅力,让他成为俱乐部里最好的滑雪运动员,故选A。165.句意:这个故事提醒我们,我们可以克服任何困难,用坚强的意志和积极的态度实现我们的梦想。find找到;overcome克服;meet见面。根据“This story reminds us that we can… any difficulties and achieve our dreams with a strong will and a positive attitude”可知,可以克服任何的困难,只要有坚强的意志和积极的态度,故选B。(2023中考真题)(2023重庆统考中考真题)根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。Siene is a firefighter in the USA.It isn’t easy to become a firefighter there. Many people try, but a lot of them 1 . Also, in the past firefighting was always a job for men. Now there are women firefighters.When Siene was five years old, it was her dream to become a 2 . Forty years later, she was the 3 woman to pass a six-week course at the WFPA(女子消防预备学院). The WFP A trains women in the skills they need to be firefighters. In fact, Siene now trains firefighters there 4 .Starting the course doesn’t mean you’ll become a firefighter. The course is very 5 , so not everyone finishes the training. They are trained like being in the army—Can you hold a heavy piece of wood for four minutes? How many exercises can you do? Can you lift a 12-meter ladder(梯子)?You also need other 6 . Can you lead a team? Are you a skillful driver? Can you use technology? There are so many more that are a part of firefighting these days. Of course, no one can do them all, but more skills 7 help.However, you must wait for a chance to work as a firefighter even 8 passing your course. It seems that lots of women aren’t ready to do that. In one year, 50 women got trained, 9 only three of them are now firefighters. Learning the skills is not enough to become a firefighter. Like Siene, you also need to 10 your dream.1.A.succeedB.passC.failD.fight2.A.policewomanB.firefighterC.scientistD.doctor3.A.oldestB.tallestC.kindestD.busiest4.A.myselfB.yourselfC.himselfD.herself5.A.interestingB.easyC.importantD.difficult6.A.ideasB.methodsC.skillsD.rules7.A.recentlyB.certainlyC.hardlyD.nearly8.A.afterB.duringC.beforeD.in9.A.butB.orC.becauseD.though10.A.give upB.stick toC.talk aboutD.worry about【答案】1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.D 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.A 10.B【导语】本文是一篇记叙文,通过Siene的事情告诉我们仅仅学习这些技能是不够的,也需要你的梦想。1.句意:很多人尝试过,但很多人都失败了。succeed成功;pass通过;fail失败;fight斗争。根据“Many people try, but a lot of them...”可知,很多人尝试,但是很多都失败了。故选C。2.句意:当Siene五岁的时候,她的梦想是成为一名消防员。policewoman女警察;firefighter消防员;scientist科学家;doctor医生。根据“Siene is a firefighter in the USA.”可知,她的梦想是成为一名消防员。故选B。3.句意:四十年后,她成为通过女子消防预备学院为期六周课程的最年长的女性。oldest最老的;tallest最高的;kindest最善良的;busiest最忙的。根据“Forty years later, she was the...woman to pass a six-week course at the WFPA(女子消防预备学院).”可知,她是通过消防预备学院为期六周课程的最年长的女性。故选A。4.句意:事实上,Siene现在亲自在那里训练消防员。myself我自己;yourself你自己;himself他自己;herself她自己。根据“In fact, Siene now trains firefighters there...”可知,Siene现在亲自在那里训练消防员,用反身代词形式。故选D。5.句意:这个课程很难,所以不是每个人都能完成训练。interesting有趣的;easy容易的;important重要的;difficult困难的。根据“so not everyone finishes the training”可知,不是每个人都能完成训练,所以课程很难。故选D。6.句意:你还需要其他技能。ideas想法;methods方法;skills技巧;rules规则。根据“You also need other... Can you lead a team? Are you a skillful driver? Can you use technology?”可知,还需要其他技能。故选C。7.句意:当然,没有人能做到所有这些,但更多的技能肯定会有所帮助。recently最近;certainly当然;hardly几乎不;nearly几乎。根据“Of course, no one can do them all, but more skills...help.”可知,更多的技能肯定会有所帮助。故选B。8.句意:然而,即使你通过了课程,你也必须等待成为消防员的机会。after在……之后;during在……期间;before在……之前;in在里面。根据“However, you must wait for a chance to work as a firefighter even...passing your course.”可知,通过课程后也要等待机会成为消防员。故选A。9.句意:似乎很多女性还没准备好。一年内,50名女性接受了培训,但其中只有3人现在是消防员。but但是;or或者;because因为;though虽然。分析“In one year, 50 women got trained, ...only three of them are now firefighters.”可知,前后构成转折关系,用but连接。故选A。10.句意:和Siene一样,你也需要坚持自己的梦想。give up放弃;stick to坚持;talk about谈论关于;worry about担心。根据“Like Siene, you also need to...your dream.”可知,需要坚持自己的梦想。故选B。(2023重庆统考中考真题)根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。Old Mother Wind told the Tree, “I’ve just come across the grass, and there I saw the Best Thing in the World.”Bobby Mouse was sitting under the Tree and 11 those words. He thought, “the Best Thing in the World—now what can that be? It must be lots of nuts! I’ll go and find it.” Bobby mouse ran down towards the 12 .He was running so fast that he didn’t see Peter Rabbit 13 Peter Rabbit jumped out and asked, “Where are you going in such a hurry?”“Down in the grass to find the Best Thing in the World,” Bobby Mouse replied and ran 14 .“The Best Thing in the World,” said Peter Rabbit. “That must be lots of carrots. I’ll go and find it.” So Peter Rabbit 15 him.Before long, they met Johnny Chuck.“Where are you going in such a hurry?” asked Johnny Chuck.“To find the Best Thing in the World,” they shouted. “The Best Thing in the World,” said Johnny Chuck. “ 16 is better than my own little home and the warm sunshine and the beautiful blue sky.” So he stayed at home and played among the flowers 17 Old Mother Wind happily.Bobby Mouse and Peter Rabbit ran far and fast all day long and still they didn’t find the Best Thing in the World. When the 18 was over, they started back to their homes. They didn’t hurry now, for they were very tired and 19 .They 20 Old Mother Wind halfway home.“Did you find the Best Thing in the World?” asked Old Mother Wind.“No!” They sounded unhappy.“Johnny Chuck has it,” she said. “It is being happy with the things you have. It’s called contentment. And so do you. You have tried.”11.A.wroteB.spokeC.forgotD.heard12.A.grassB.treeC.woodD.wind13.A.althoughB.becauseC.untilD.if14.A.nearerB.fasterC.more quietlyD.more slowly15.A.joinedB.cheeredC.askedD.visited16.A.EverythingB.SomethingC.NothingD.Anything17.A.fromB.withC.againstD.between18.A.dayB.nightC.weekD.month19.A.fullB.hungryC.happyD.excited20.A.droveB.hurtC.lostD.met【答案】11.D 12.A 13.C 14.B 15.A 16.C 17.B 18.A 19.B 20.D【导语】本文是一则寓言故事,通过老鼠鲍比等人寻找世界上最好的东西这件事,告诉我们知足才是最好的。11.句意:老鼠鲍比正坐在树下,听到了这句话。wrote写;spoke说;forgot忘记;heard听见。根据“Bobby Mouse was sitting under the Tree and...those words.”可知,鲍比听到风妈妈的话,故选D。12.句意:老鼠鲍比朝草地跑去。grass草地;tree树;wood木头;wind风。根据“Down in the grass to find the Best Thing in the World”可知,最好的东西在草地中,所以朝草地跑去。故选A。13.句意:他跑得太快了,没有看见彼得兔,直到彼得兔跳出来问他:“你这么着急要去哪里?”although虽然;because因为;until直到;if如果。根据“He was running so fast that he didn’t see Peter Rabbit...Peter Rabbit jumped out”可知,此处是not...until结构,意为“直到……才”,引导时间状语从句。故选C。14.句意:“到草地下面去找世界上最好的东西。”老鼠鲍比回答,跑得更快了。nearer更近的;faster更快;more quietly更安静地;more slowly更慢地。根据“Bobby Mouse replied and ran...”可知,老鼠鲍比朝草地跑得更快了,故选B。15.句意:于是彼得兔也加入了。joined加入;cheered使振奋;asked问;visited参观。根据“So Peter Rabbit...him.”可知,彼得兔也加入了。故选A。16.句意:没有什么比我自己的小家、温暖的阳光和美丽的蓝天更好的了。Everything每件事;Something某事;Nothing无事;Anything任何事。根据“So he stayed at home and played among the flowers”可知,约翰尼查克没有跟风去草地,因为他觉得没有什么比自己的小家、温暖的阳光和美丽的蓝天更好的了。故选C。17.句意:于是他待在家里,愉快地和风妈妈在花丛中玩耍。from从;with和;against反对;between在两者之间。根据“So he stayed at home and played among the flowers...Old Mother Wind happily.”可知,约翰尼查克愉快地和风妈妈在花丛中玩耍。故选B。18.句意:一天结束后,他们开始回家。day天;night晚上;week周;month月。根据“Bobby Mouse and Peter Rabbit ran far and fast all day long”可知,跑了一整天,故选A。19.句意:他们现在不急了,因为他们又累又饿。full饱的;hungry饿的;happy开心的;excited激动的。根据“They didn’t hurry now, for they were very tired and...”可知,一天结束了,他们又累又饿。故选B。20.句意:他们在回家的半路上遇到了风妈妈。drove开车;hurt受伤;lost丢失;met遇见。根据“They...Old Mother Wind halfway home.”可知,他们在回家的半路上遇到了风嬷嬷。故选D。(2023四川眉山统考中考真题)Rain was loudly hitting my window when I woke up. Holidays are my only 21 to sleep in, but I couldn’t because of the sound of the rain. My brain was 22 and full of ideas, so I decided to get up and finish my project.I went to a coffee shop and started taking notes on 23 was happening around me. When I looked at the parking lot, an elderly couple in a car caught my attention. 24 parking, the woman got out and went to help her husband out of the car. Then they 25 the shop hand in hand. 26 they came inside, a race car appeared in the parking lot. With its four windows open, I saw several teenagers. The young man who was driving it had turned 27 the music so high that I could hear it even in the coffee shop.However, they were not bad guys. They were just 28 the music.A lot of memories came into my mind. I could not stop 29 the people who have been by my side since I was young.In the real world, everyone is different, but whether friends or enemies, we are all still part of the 30 group — humans. When we disagree with others, why not take a step back, look carefully and try to understand them before judging them?21.A.treasureB.accidentC.chanceD.suggestion22.A.frozenB.emptyC.awakeD.worried23.A.whatB.whereC.howD.when24.A.WithoutB.BeforeC.DuringD.After25.A.foundB.enteredC.wentD.searched26.A.Even thoughB.Ever sinceC.As long asD.As soon as27.A.upB.onC.offD.down28.A.makingB.singingC.facingD.enjoying29.A.cheering upB.looking afterC.thinking aboutD.hearing from30.A.strangeB.sameC.seriousD.strong【答案】21.C 22.C 23.A 24.D 25.B 26.D 27.A 28.D 29.C 30.B【导语】本文主要讲述了作者在咖啡店时,看到一对夫妇手拉手进入店里,也看到一群年轻人在欣赏着音乐,作者由此想到每个人都是群体的一部分,我们要仔细观察并尝试在评判别人之前理解他们。21.句意:假期是我睡懒觉的唯一机会。treasure珍宝;accident事故;chance机会;suggestion建议。根据“Holidays are my only...to sleep in”可知假期是睡觉的唯一机会。故选C。22.句意:我的大脑清醒着。frozen冻住的;empty空的;awake醒着的;worried担心的。根据“and full of ideas”以及前文可知,作者睡不着,大脑是清醒着的。故选C。23.句意:我去了一家咖啡店,开始记下周围发生的事情。what什么;where哪里;how如何;when什么时候。宾语从句缺少主语,用what引导宾语从句。故选A。24.句意:停车后,那个女人下车去扶她丈夫下车。without没有;before在……之前;during在……期间;after在……之后。根据“parking, the woman got out”可知停车之后,他们下车。故选D。25.句意:然后他们手牵着手走进了店里。found发现;entered进入;went去;searched搜寻。根据“the shop hand in hand”可知是进入店里。故选B。26.句意:他们一进去,一辆赛车就出现在停车场。even though虽然;ever since自从;as long as只要;as soon as一……就。根据“they came inside, a race car appeared in the parking lot”可知他们一进去,一辆赛车就过来了。故选D。27.句意:开车的年轻人把音乐调得太高了,我甚至在咖啡店都能听到。up向上;on在上面;off离开;down向下。根据“so high”可知是声音开得很大,turn up“开大声音”。故选A。28.句意:他们只是在享受音乐。making制作;singing唱歌;facing面对;enjoying享受。根据“However, they were not bad guys. They were just...the music”可知这些青少年不坏,他们只是在享受音乐。故选D。29.句意:我忍不住想起那些从小就在我身边的人。cheering up欢呼;looking after照顾;thinking about思考;hearing from收到……的来信。根据“the people who have been by my side”可知是想起身边的人。故选C。30.句意:在现实世界中,每个人都是不同的,但无论是朋友还是敌人,我们仍然是同一群体的一部分。strange奇怪的;same同样的;serious严肃的;strong强壮的。根据“everyone is different, but whether friends or enemies, we are all still part of the...group”可知虽然每个人是不同的,但是我们仍然是同一个群体。故选B。(2023湖南衡阳统考中考真题)In a small village, a boy named Mark lived with his father, a wise old man. One day, Mark told his father 31 that he made little progress in learning the guitar. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t improve. Mark asked his father for some help.“Follow me. I will lead you to the 32 hills around the village tomorrow.” said his father. The next day, they set out. The road was long and difficult, but Mark still 33 his father. As they got higher, the father said that he wanted to go to the top of the highest hill where he had never been to. Mark was surprised 34 decided to help his father.With great difficulty, Mark helped his father climb the hill. Sometimes he 35 carried his father on his back. At the top, he put his father on the ground and laughed with 36 .“When you were a little boy, sometimes you 37 home with tears in your eyes.” said his father. “The elder children laughed at you. Do you remember why?”Mark nodded. He remembered that as a child, he and all his 38 called this hill Mount Impossible, because small children couldn’t reach its top.“And today,” said his father, “you not only climbed here, but also helped 39 to get here.” “I became bigger and stronger than before.” said Mark.“Instead of climbing Mount Impossible every day, you played on the smaller hills and became 40 at climbing.” said his father. “It became possible for you to climb Mount Impossible while you weren’t even thinking about it.”31.A.happilyB.sadlyC.quietly32.A.highB.lowC.small33.A.caughtB.followedC.refused34.A.orB.andC.but35.A.evenB.neverC.seldom36.A.sadnessB.joyC.embarrassment37.A.gave backB.shouted backC.came back38.A.friendsB.studentsC.teachers39.A.himB.meC.you40.A.worseB.fasterC.better【答案】31.B 32.A 33.B 34.C 35.A 36.B 37.C 38.A 39.B 40.C【导语】本文讲述了马克觉得自己学习吉他没有一点进步时向父亲求助,父亲要求马克跟着他去爬山,在爬山的过程中,父亲通过马克登山的经历告诉马克积累小的进步,终有一天会发生质的飞跃。31.句意:一天,马克伤心地告诉他的父亲,他在学习吉他方面几乎没有进步。happily开心地;sadly伤心地;quietly安静地。根据“he made little progress in learning the guitar.”可知在学习吉他方面几乎没有进步,应该会很伤心,故选B。32.句意:明天我带你到村子周围的高山上去。high高的;low低的;small小的。根据下文“go to the top of the highest hill”可知是指高山,故选A。33.句意:这条路又长又艰难,但马克仍然跟着他的父亲。caught抓住;followed跟随;refused拒绝。根据“The road was long and difficult”可知马克跟随父亲后面走,故选B。34.句意:当他们爬得越来越高的时候,父亲说他想去他从未去过的最高的山顶,马克很惊讶,但决定帮助他的父亲。or或者;and和;but但是。根据“Mark was surprised...decided to help his father.”可知前后是转折关系,故选C。35.句意:有时他甚至把父亲背在背上。even甚至;never从不;seldom很少。根据“With great difficulty, Mark helped his father climb the hill.”可知马克费了很大劲才帮他父亲爬上了山,甚至有时把父亲背在背上,此处应用even表示强调,故选A。36.句意:在山顶,他把父亲放在地上,高兴地笑了起来。sadness伤心;joy开心;embarrassment尴尬。根据“At the top...laughed ”以及上文“As they got higher, the father said that he wanted to go to the top of the highest hill where he had never been to.”可知马克帮助父亲爬上了最高的山顶,所以很开心,故选B。37.句意:当你还是个小男孩的时候,有时候你会含泪回家。gave back归还;shouted back大声回应;came back回来。根据“sometimes you...home with tears in your eyes”可知是指马克含着泪回家,故选C。38.句意:他记得小时候,他和他所有的朋友都称这座山为“不可能的山峰”,因为小孩子无法到达山顶。friends朋友;students学生;teachers老师。根据“because small children couldn’t reach its top.”可知是指马克小时候的朋友,故选A。39.句意:你不仅爬到了这里,还帮我到了这里。him他;me我;you你。根据“you not only climbed here, but also helped...to get here”可知这是父亲对马克说的话,所以是帮助“我”,故选B。40.句意:你不再每天去攀登“不可能的山峰”,而是在较小的山上玩耍,变得更擅长攀登。worse更糟糕;faster更快;better更好。根据“you played on the smaller hills ”可知每天在较小的山上玩耍,会变得更擅长攀登,应用better,故选C。(2023山东烟台统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A,B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Recently an old friend phoned me to ask about the success I had in my life and how I achieved it. He has 41 goals as me: get in shape, get into music more seriously, and be good at Japanese.I haven’t completely reached my long-term goals yet in any of these 3 things. He thinks that I’ve made some progress on my journey to 42 these goals and I can give him some advice.We had a nice talk for an hour on the phone and he seemed pretty encouraged. A week went by and he sent me photos of him learning 43 and music. He also trained with the help of a personal fitness coach. He developed the habit of posting (发布) 44 online all of the progress he was making. He was doing great. Every weekend he would post his new progress and I really enjoyed reading it!Of course, I’ll have to let him know that making progress isn’t 45 . He’ll meet some difficulties on the road. However, I’m letting him 46 the new achievements now and will help him out when that time comes.I’m thankful for him giving me the chance to serve him and give him 47 , and I’m thankful to see that he’s spending the time and money to 48 his life. He has even told me how thankful he is with all the recent 49 in his life.Even if you haven’t reached your goals, it’s good to 50 how far you’ve gone. Be proud of yourself and know how much you can help others achieve the same.41.A.strangeB.magicC.similarD.boring42.A.achievingB.findingC.losingD.sharing43.A.ChineseB.EnglishC.FrenchD.Japanese44.A.suddenlyB.regularlyC.clearlyD.silently45.A.importantB.differentC.easyD.necessary46.A.enjoyB.takeC.wasteD.understand47.A.pressureB.adviceC.moneyD.friendship48.A.keepB.standC.saveD.improve49.A.changesB.giftsC.friendsD.books50.A.promiseB.chooseC.realizeD.control【答案】41.C 42.A 43.D 44.B 45.C 46.A 47.B 48.D 49.A 50.C【导语】本文主要介绍了和作者有同样目标的朋友向朋友询问如何达到这些目标,作者给了朋友一些建议,而朋友也采取了作者的建议,生活开始发生变化。41.句意:他和我有相似的目标。strange奇怪的;magic神奇的;similar相似的;boring无聊的。根据“I haven’t completely reached my long-term goals yet in any of these 3 things.”可知作者和朋友有相似的目标。故选C。42.句意:他认为我在实现这些目标的过程中取得了一些进展,我可以给他一些建议。achieving实现;finding找到;losing失去;sharing分享。根据“I’ve made some progress on my journey to...these goals”可知是实现这些目标。故选A。43.句意:一个星期过去了,他给我发了他学习日语和音乐的照片。Chinese汉语;English英语;French法语;Japanese日语。根据“be good at Japanese”可知是学习日语。故选D。44.句意:他养成了定期在网上发布所有进展的习惯。suddenly突然;regularly定期地;clearly清楚地;silently沉默地。根据“He developed the habit of posting (发布)...online all of the progress he was making”可知是定期在网上发布他的进步。故选B。45.句意:当然,我必须让他知道,取得进步并不容易。important重要的;different不同的;easy容易的;necessary必要的。根据“He’ll meet some difficulties on the road”可知取得进步不容易。故选C。46.句意:我现在让他享受新的成就,到时候我会帮助他。enjoy享受;take带走;waste浪费;understand理解。根据“the new achievements now and will help him out when that time comes.”可知现在让他享受自己取得的进步。故选A。47.句意:我很感激他给了我机会为他服务并给他建议,我也很感激看到他花时间和金钱来改善自己的生活。pressure压力;advice建议;money钱;friendship友谊。根据“give him some advice”可知是给他建议。故选B。48.句意:我很感激他给了我机会为他服务并给他建议,我也很感激看到他花时间和金钱来改善自己的生活。keep保持;stand站立;save节约;improve提高,改善。根据“he’s spending the time and money to...his life”可知是花费时间和金钱来改善生活。故选D。49.句意:他甚至告诉我,他对自己最近生活中的所有变化感到多么感激。changes改变;gifts礼物;friends朋友;books书。根据“He has even told me how thankful he is with all the recent...in his life”以及前文内容可知,作者的朋友采取了作者的建议,生活发生了改变。故选A。50.句意:即使你还没有达到你的目标,意识到你已经走了多远也是件好事。promise承诺;choose选择;realize意识到;control控制。根据“how far you’ve gone”可知是意识到自己走了多远。故选C。(2023浙江温州统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。One day, Miriam got a letter along with a watermelon seed from Uncle Esai. The letter said:Miriam,This is a magic seed for you. Plant it, and it will grant 51 three wishes. Remember to be patient: the world has its own rhythm.Uncle EsaiMiriam thought, “A magic seed? Maybe it’s Uncle Esai’s 52 , but why not have a try?” She planted the seed in the yard, and made her 53 wish, “I want the watermelon to grow as big as a mountain!”The next morning, Miriam was very 54 to see a huge watermelon in the yard. She couldn’t believe it. “I must 55 it at once!” She hurried to cut the watermelon, but it was too hard. She became angry. “This is a silly watermelon! I don’t want it!”Immediately the fruit became a seed again. Miriam 56 her second wish had been granted. “Humph! This is not fun!” she cried.A few days later, Miriam found Uncle Esai’s 57 and read it again. She stopped when she saw the words “be patient”. How could she forget it? She rushed out of the door and 58 ran to the yard to find the seed. This time, she promised she would make the best use of the third wish.She thought for a while. “I hope my 59 could spend more time together.” But her parents needed to work. How could the seed help? Although it seemed impossible, she still decided to 60 the seed with patience.Miriam got some information about 61 to plant a watermelon, and then followed the steps carefully. When the seed turned into a normal-sized watermelon, she 62 it with her friends and neighbours. Everybody liked its taste.Miriam’s family got the seeds 63 the watermelon and planted more afterwards. They were so delicious that the neighbours offered to buy some. The watermelons brought extra money 64 Miriam’s parents didn’t have to be away for work as much. They had more family time.Miriam finally knew what Uncle Esai meant—be patient, and life will be as 65 as a watermelon!51.A.meB.youC.himD.her52.A.ruleB.jokeC.choiceD.example53.A.firstB.secondC.thirdD.fourth54.A.boredB.afraidC.relaxedD.surprised55.A.eatB.washC.climbD.draw56.A.heardB.explainedC.realisedD.imagined57.A.bookB.postcardC.letterD.newspaper58.A.calmlyB.carefullyC.politelyD.quickly59.A.classB.familyC.teachersD.neighbours60.A.put awayB.talk toC.look afterD.search for61.A.howB.whyC.whenD.where62.A.wateredB.protectedC.watchedD.shared63.A.forB.fromC.behindD.beside64.A.soB.ifC.butD.unless65.A.newB.bigC.sweetD.quiet【答案】51.B 52.B 53.A 54.D 55.A 56.C 57.C 58.D 59.B 60.C 61.A 62.D 63.B 64.A 65.C【导语】本文主要讲述了米里亚姆收到了叔叔的一封信,里面还有一颗西瓜种子,叔叔让她种下这颗种子,可以满足她三个愿望。前两个愿望让米里亚姆意识到自己并没有好好认真地理解叔叔的意思,重新看了叔叔的信之后,她仔细地照顾这颗种子,最后她第三个愿望实现了。这时她明白了叔叔的意思:要有耐心,生活就会像西瓜一样甜。51.句意:它将满足你三个愿望。me我;you你;him他;her她。根据“This is a magic seed for you”可知,满足“你”三个愿望,故选B。52.句意:也许这是以赛叔叔的玩笑。rule规则;joke玩笑;choice选择;example例子。根据“A magic seed?”可知,认为这只是一个玩笑,故选B。53.句意:她把种子种在院子里,许了第一个愿望。first第一;second第二;third第三;fourth第四。根据下文“Miriam … her second wish had been granted”可知,此处指许下了第一个愿望,故选A。54.句意:第二天早上,米里亚姆非常惊讶地看到院子里有一个巨大的西瓜。bored无聊的;afraid害怕的;relaxed放松的;surprised惊讶的。本文以为这只是以赛叔叔的玩笑,没想到她的第一个愿望真的实现了,所以感到惊讶,故选D。55.句意:我必须立刻把它吃了。eat吃;wash洗;climb爬;draw画画。根据“She hurried to cut the watermelon”可知,要立刻把西瓜吃掉,故选A。56.句意:米里亚姆意识到她的第二个愿望实现了。heard听见;explained解释;realised意识到;imagined想象。根据“Immediately the fruit became a seed again”及“her second wish had been granted”可知,看到水果变成了种子,意识到她无意中说的一句话,成为第二个要实现的愿望了,故选C。57.句意:几天后,米里亚姆找到了以赛叔叔的信,又读了一遍。book书;postcard明信片;letter信件;newspaper报纸。根据“Miriam got a letter”及“read it again”可知,重新读了一遍信,故选C。58.句意:她冲出门,飞快地跑到院子里去找那颗种子。calmly冷静地;carefully仔细地;politely礼貌地;quickly快速地。根据“She rushed out of the door”可知,快速地去找种子,故选D。59.句意:我希望我的家人能有更多的时间在一起。class班级;family家人;teachers老师;neighbours邻居。根据“But her parents needed to work”可知,希望家人能有更多的时间在一起,故选B。60.句意:虽然这似乎是不可能的,但她仍然决定耐心地照料这颗种子。put away放好;talk to交谈;look after照顾;search for搜索。根据“and then followed the steps carefully”可知,耐心地照顾种子,故选C。61.句意:米里亚姆得到了一些关于如何种植西瓜的信息,然后认真地按照步骤进行。how怎样;why为什么;when何时;where哪里。根据“got some information about… to plant a watermelon”可知,得到了一些关于如何种植西瓜的信息,故选A。62.句意:当种子变成一个正常大小的西瓜时,她与她的朋友和邻居分享。watered给……浇水;protected保护;watched观看;shared分享。根据“Everybody liked its taste”可知,与她的朋友和邻居分享,故选D。63.句意:米里亚姆的家人得到了西瓜的种子,之后又种了更多。for为了;from从;behind在……后面;beside在旁边。根据“got the seeds … the watermelon”可知,从西瓜中得到了种子,故选B。64.句意:西瓜能带来额外的收入,所以米里亚姆的父母就不用经常外出工作了。so因此;if如果;but但是;unless除非。“The watermelons brought extra money ”与“Miriam’s parents didn’t have to be away for work as much”是因果关系,遵循“前因后果”,故选A。65.句意:米里亚姆终于明白了以赛叔叔的意思——要有耐心,生活就会像西瓜一样甜!new新的;big大的;sweet甜美的;quiet安静的。根据“as a watermelon”可知,像西瓜一样甜,故选C。(2023浙江宁波统考中考真题)My grandfather often said “I won’t” to show his dislike of dishonesty(不诚实). When he was young, he worked 66 a furniture(家具)maker. One day, a neighbor invited him to make some furniture. When arriving, he noticed the wood provided was a little 67 , so he said, “I won’t start right away.” He chose to let the wood dry for a month. He knew working with wet wood could cause 68 later on.Around the same time, another furniture maker was also asked for a 69 job by a different family. Unlike my grandfather, he 70 working right away. As a result, the neighbor started doubting my grandfather, thinking he was trying to make more money by 71 the work. However, my grandfather waited 72 . He wanted the best quality for the furniture he was making.A month later, the other furniture maker received his 73 and went back home. My grandfather began to 74 strong and beautiful furniture when the wood was completely dry. A few months passed and the furniture made by that maker began to break. The neighbor then regretted 75 my grandfather and said sorry to him. People came to understand his 76 and skill, spreading his fame far and wide.Influenced by my grandfather, my father also follows the 77 of “I won’t”. He always provides the freshest food, which makes his restaurant very 78 in town. Once a trader wanted to sell some cheap but smelly seafood to my father, he said “No!” and stopped the 79 .Now, my brother and I keep in mind 80 our grandfather and father taught us. Through ups and downs in life, we’ve come to deeply understand our family value behind this saying—to be truthful and honest.66.A.asB.byC.likeD.with67.A.hardB.lightC.softD.wet68.A.fireB.illnessC.pollutionD.problems69.A.magicB.normalC.similarD.special70.A.beganB.canceledC.keptD.stopped71.A.checking outB.giving upC.putting offD.turning down72.A.excitedlyB.patientlyC.sadlyD.worriedly73.A.foodB.furnitureC.moneyD.wood74.A.cleanB.makeC.moveD.repair75.A.answeringB.believingC.comfortingD.doubting76.A.fairnessB.honestyC.loveD.politeness77.A.joyB.planC.shapeD.value78.A.beautifulB.convenientC.peacefulD.popular79.A.businessB.competitionC.interviewD.survey80.A.howB.whatC.whenD.why【答案】66.A 67.D 68.D 69.C 70.A 71.C 72.B 73.C 74.B 75.D 76.B 77.D 78.D 79.A 80.B【导语】本文通过讲述作者祖父和父亲的故事,告诉我们他们的家庭价值观——诚实守信。66.句意:当他年轻的时候,他是一名家具制造者。as作为;by借助;like像;with和。work as...意为“担任……工作”,固定短语。故选A。67.句意:当他到达时,他注意到提供的木头有点湿,所以他说:“我不马上开始。”hard艰难的;light轻的;soft软的;wet潮湿的。根据“He chose to let the wood dry for a month. He knew working with wet wood...”可知木头是潮湿的。故选D。68.句意:他知道用湿木头干活以后可能会出问题。fire火;illness疾病;pollution污染;problems问题。根据“A few months passed and the furniture made by that maker began to break.”可知湿木头会导致问题。故选D。69.句意:大约在同一时间,另一个家具制造者也被另一个家庭要求做类似的工作。magic神奇的;normal正常的;similar相似的;special特殊的。根据“Around the same time, another furniture maker was also asked for a...job by a different family.”可知这个家具制造者和作者祖父一样做类似的工作。故选C。70.句意:不像我的祖父,他马上开始工作。began开始;canceled取消;kept保持;stopped停止。根据“Unlike my grandfather, he...working right away.”可知这个家具制造者立即开始工作了。故选A。71.句意:结果,邻居开始怀疑我的祖父,认为他是想通过拖延工作来赚更多的钱。checking out结帐;giving up放弃;putting off推迟;turning down拒绝。根据“the neighbor started doubting my grandfather,”可知作者祖父没有立即工作,被邻居怀疑想拖延来赚钱。故选C。72.句意:然而,爷爷耐心地等待着。excitedly兴奋地;patiently有耐心地;sadly悲伤地;worriedly担心地。根据“He wanted the best quality for the furniture he was making.”可知作者爷爷耐心地等待木头变干。故选B。73.句意:一个月后,另一个家具制造者收到了他的钱,回家了。food食物;furniture家具;money钱;wood木头。根据“A month later, the other furniture maker received his...and went back home.”可知做完工作应是收到钱。故选C。74.句意:当木材完全干燥时,我的祖父开始制作坚固而漂亮的家具。clean清理;make制作;move移动;repair修理。根据“strong and beautiful furniture”可知是制作家具。故选B。75.句意:邻居后来后悔怀疑了我的祖父,并向他道歉。answering回答;believing相信;comforting安慰;doubting怀疑。根据“As a result, the neighbor started doubting my grandfather, thinking he was trying to make more money”和“and said sorry to him.”可知是后悔怀疑了作者祖父。故选D。76.句意:人们开始了解他的诚实和技巧,使他名声远扬。fairness公平;honesty诚实;love爱;politeness礼貌。根据“People came to understand his...and skill, spreading his fame far and wide.”和“to be truthful and honest.”可知祖父是诚实的。故选B。77.句意:受我祖父的影响,我父亲也遵循“我不会”的价值观。joy开心;plan计划;shape形状;value价值。根据“we’ve come to deeply understand our family value behind this saying”可知“我不会”是祖父做事的价值观。故选D。78.句意:他总是提供最新鲜的食物,这使他的餐馆在镇上很受欢迎。beautiful漂亮的;convenient方便的;peaceful和平的;popular受欢迎的。根据“He always provides the freshest food,”可知作者父亲的餐馆很受欢迎。故选D。79.句意:然后停止了生意。business生意;competition竞争;interview采访;survey调查。根据“Once a trader wanted to sell some cheap but smelly seafood to my father, he said ‘No!’”可知因为不要不新鲜的食物,所以停止了生意。故选A。80.句意:现在,我哥哥和我牢记着祖父和父亲教给我们的东西。how如何;what什么;when什么时候;why为什么。根据“our grandfather and father taught us.”可知空处作动词的宾语,需用what。故选B。(2023浙江统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,然后从各题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。On her way to school, Amber Williams found a penny(一分钱) on the ground. “See a penny, pick it up. All day long, you’ll be 81 .” Remembering the song, she quickly picked it up. “I’ve never seen you smile so big, Amber.” She 82 and saw Bella, the most popular girl in her class. They’d hardly spoken before, although they lived on the same 83 . “Was it because of the penny?” she thought. Over the next few hours, Amber had the best time ever. She got the 84 answer in the math class. She found a five-dollar bill in her backpack. The most 85 moment came as she got a full mark in the history test. Mr. Smith praised her in class and everyone was 86 for her. “That’s it. I’ll go nowhere without this penny,” she decided. Things kept going 87 until school was over. Amber found the penny gone. She checked her backpack and then all her pockets. 88 was not there. Sitting at her desk, she felt like she was going to 89 .A hand suddenly appeared in front of her face. “Are you OK? Do you need some 90 ?”Amber recognized that voice. It was Bella. Though a bit shy, she told Bella about 91 the penny changed her life of bad luck. When she finished her 92 , Bella laughed. “I don’t think the penny did so much. I talked to you as you always seemed cool. 93 you are always a good student. I’m sure you studied 94 the test last night, didn’t you?”It took Amber a minute to 95 Bella. “I think you’re right,” she held her new friend’s hand and smiled. “I’m making my own luck from now on.”81.A.busyB.funnyC.sorryD.lucky82.A.ran awayB.fell downC.walked outD.looked around83.A.busB.beachC.streetD.bridge84.A.sillyB.shortC.strangeD.right85.A.excitingB.tiringC.interestingD.boring86.A.dancingB.lookingC.cheeringD.waiting87.A.smoothlyB.seriouslyC.terriblyD.conveniently88.A.IB.ItC.HeD.She89.A.cryB.flyC.singD.leave90.A.workB.helpC.practiceD.information91.A.howB.whyC.whenD.where92.A.taskB.storyC.tripD.lesson93.A.SoB.OrC.AndD.But94.A.inB.forC.afterD.without95.A.doubtB.excuseC.respectD.understand【答案】81.D 82.D 83.C 84.D 85.A 86.C 87.A 88.B 89.A 90.B 91.A 92.B 93.C 94.B 95.D【导语】本文主要讲述了Amber Williams原本以为是捡到的一分钱让自己变得很幸运地,实际上是自已一直很努力,才让自己变得很幸运。81.句意:一整天,你都会很幸运的。busy忙碌的;funny有趣的;sorry抱歉;lucky幸运的。根据“See a penny, pick it up.”可知,看到一分钱,把它捡起来,一整天会很幸运,故选D。82.句意:她环顾四周,看到了Bella,她是班上最受欢迎的女孩。ran away跑走;fell down摔落;walked out小心;looked around环顾四周。根据“saw Bella, the most popular girl in her class.”可知,环顾四周,故选D。83.句意:虽然他们住在同一条街上,但她们以前几乎没有说过话。bus公交车;beach海滩;street街道;bridge桥。根据“although they lived on the same”可知,住在相同的街道,故选C。84.句意:她在数学课上答对了。silly愚蠢的;short短的;strange奇怪的;right正确的。根据“answer in the math class”可知,在数学课上得到了正确的答案,故选D。85.句意:最激动人心的时刻是她在历史考试中得了满分。exciting令人兴奋的;tiring令人疲劳的;interesting有趣的;boring无聊的。根据“as she got a full mark in the history test”可知,得了满分,因此很开心,故选A。86.句意:Smith先生在课堂上表扬了她,每个人都为她欢呼。dancing跳舞;looking看;cheering欢呼;waiting等待。根据“Mr. Smith praised her in class”可知,每个人为她欢呼,故选C。87.句意:一切都很顺利,直到放学。smoothly顺利地;seriously严肃地;terribly可怕地;conveniently方便地。根据“ I’ll go nowhere without this penny”可知,事情一直很顺利,故选A。88.句意:它不在那里。I我;It它;He他;She她。根据“She checked her backpack and then all her pockets.”可知,一分钱不见了,it代指penny,故选B。89.句意:坐在桌子前,她觉得自己快要哭出来了。cry哭;fly飞;sing唱歌;leave离开。根据“she felt like”可知,感觉要哭出来了,故选A。90.句意:你需要帮助吗?work工作;help帮助;practice练习;information信息。根据“Are you OK?”可知,询问是否需要帮助,故选B。91.句意:尽管有点害羞,她还是告诉了贝拉一分钱是如何改变了她不幸的生活。how如何;why为什么;when什么时候;where哪里。根据“the penny changed her life of bad luck”可知,告知对方一分钱如何改变了她的坏运气,故选A。92.句意:当她讲完故事时,Bella笑了。task任务;story故事;trip旅行;lesson教训。根据“When she finished her”可知,讲完自己的故事,故选B。93.句意:你一直是一个好学生。So所以;Or否则;And和;But但是。根据“ you are always a good student”可知,与上一句是并列关系,故选C。94.句意:我相信你昨晚为考试学习了,是吗?in在……里;for为了;after在……之后;without没有。根据“the test last night”可知,为考试而学习,故选B。95.句意:Amber花了一分钟才明白Bella的意思。doubt怀疑;excuse借口;respect尊敬;understand理解。根据“I think you’re right”可知,Amber理解Bella说的话,故选D。(2023四川泸州统考中考真题)Once upon a time, there lived a fox and a stork (鹳) in a forest. One day the fox asked the stork to dinner, with the naughty purpose of playing a 96 on his guest.The stork came at the hour 97 , with a good appetite for her meal. But she was little 98 on finding that it was made of meat, served up in a shallow (浅) dish. With her long slender bill (细嘴), she could 99 pick up enough food to satisfy a tinny bird! The fox kept eating all the time, only 100 a moment to say, “I hope, madam, that you enjoy your big meal? Don’t you 101 that my specially-prepared meal is first-grade?”The stork made no 102 , but left, hungry and much displeased, from the almost 103 meal.A few days afterwards, the stork returned the fox’s invitation by asking him to dinner.The fox hurried to the place of meeting, 104 the stork had made ready her meal. The fox became greatly dissatisfied, 105 the food served up in a long-necked jar (罐), which let in the stork’s slender bill, 106 he could not stick into the jar even his sharp nose!“I hope, sir, that you like your big meal?” said the stork, who was not 107 enough to return good for evil (恶), and who wished to give the fox a 108 . And as the hungry fox looked sadly up into 109 face, the stork added, “Those who cannot take a joke in good part should 110 make one. Never do to others what you would not like them to do to yourself.”96.A.songB.dramaC.trickD.guess97.A.agreedB.imaginedC.introducedD.finished98.A.surprisedB.pleasedC.troubledD.scared99.A.nearlyB.reallyC.exactlyD.hardly100.A.catchingB.countingC.stoppingD.getting101.A.thinkB.explainC.believeD.remember102.A.mistakeB.decisionC.replyD.notice103.A.untastedB.uncookedC.unmixedD.untouched104.A.whetherB.unlessC.whereD.although105.A.laughing atB.staring atC.looking forD.waiting for106.A.butB.orC.soD.if107.A.luckyB.kindC.curiousD.patient108.A.mealB.giftC.beatD.lesson109.A.myB.yourC.hisD.her110.A.neverB.everC.sometimesD.often【答案】96.C 97.A 98.B 99.D 100.C 101.A 102.C 103.A 104.C 105.B 106.A 107.B 108.D 109.D 110.A【导语】本文主要讲述了狐狸和鹳之间互相恶作剧的故事。96.句意:一天,狐狸邀请鹳来吃饭,想捉弄他的客人。song歌曲;drama戏剧;trick恶作剧;guess猜测。根据下文“But she was little...on finding that it was made of meat, served up in a shallow (浅) dish. With her long slender bill (细嘴), she could...pick up enough food to satisfy a tinny bird”以及文章可知鹳吃得很不开心,所以狐狸是捉弄鹳,故选C。97.句意:鹳在约定的时间来了,胃口很好。agreed同意,一致;imagined想象;introduced介绍;finished完成。根据“The stork came at the hour...with a good appetite for her meal.”可知鹳在约定好的时间来了,应用agreed,故选A。98.句意:但是当她发现它是肉做的,装在浅盘子里时,她有点不高兴。surprised惊讶的;pleased开心的;troubled麻烦多的;scared害怕的。根据“With her long slender bill (细嘴), she could...pick up enough food to satisfy a tinny bird”可知鹳有点不开心,故选B。99.句意:用她细长的喙,她几乎不能拿起足够的食物来满足一只小鸟!nearly几乎;really真正;exactly确切地;hardly几乎不。根据“With her long slender bill (细嘴), she could...pick up enough food to satisfy a tinny bird!”以及下文“but left, hungry and much displeased”可知鹳几乎不能用自己的喙叼起满足一只小鸟的食物,故选D。100.句意:狐狸不停地吃着,只停了一会儿说:“夫人,希望您喜欢这顿大餐吧?”catching抓住;counting数;stopping停止;getting得到。根据“The fox kept eating all the time”可知狐狸一直在吃,只停了一会和鹳说话,故选C。101.句意:你不认为我特别准备的饭菜是一流的吗?think认为;explain解释;believe相信;remember记得。根据“Don’t you...that my specially-prepared meal is first-grade?”可知狐狸认为自己为鹳准备的饭菜一流,故选A。102.句意:鹳没有回答,带着饥饿离开了,很不高兴,因为这顿饭几乎没有尝过。mistake错误;decision决定;reply回复;notice注意到。根据“Don’t you...that my specially-prepared meal is first-grade?”可知鹳对于狐狸的问题没有回答,故选C。103.句意:鹳没有回答,带着饥饿离开了,很不高兴,因为这顿饭几乎没有尝过。untasted未被尝过的;uncooked未烹煮的;unmixed未混合的;untouched未受影响的。根据上文“But she was little...on finding that it was made of meat, served up in a shallow (浅) dish. With her long slender bill (细嘴), she could...pick up enough food to satisfy a tinny bird! ”可知鹳很不满意,几乎没有尝到食物,故选A。104.句意:狐狸急忙赶到见面的地方,鹳已经在那里准备好了饭菜。whether是否;unless除非;where在哪里;although尽管。根据“The fox hurried to the place of meeting...the stork had made ready her meal. ”可知此处是定语从句,是指狐狸急忙赶到鹳准备好饭菜的地方,这里应用where引导非限制性定语从句,故选C。105.句意:狐狸非常不满意,盯着盛在长颈坛子里的食物,鹳细长的嘴可以伸进去,但他连尖尖的鼻子都伸不进去!laughing at嘲笑;staring at盯着;looking for寻找;waiting for等待。根据“the food served up in a long-necked jar (罐),”可知狐狸不满意,盯着长颈坛子里的食物,故选B。106.句意:狐狸非常不满意,盯着盛在长颈坛子里的食物,鹳细长的嘴可以伸进去,但他连尖尖的鼻子都伸不进去!but但是;or或者;so所以;if如果。根据“which let in the stork’s slender bill...he could not stick into the jar even his sharp nose!”可知前后是转折关系,应用but连接,故选A。107.句意:“先生,我希望您喜欢这顿大餐吧?”鹳说,她不愿以德报怨,她想给狐狸一个教训。lucky幸运的;kind善良的;curious好奇的;patient有耐心的。根据语境可知,鹳给狐狸准备的食物在长颈坛子里,狐狸根本够不到,所以鹤的行为不友善,故选B。108.句意:“先生,我希望您喜欢这顿大餐吧?”鹳说,她不愿以德报怨,她想给狐狸一个教训。meal一顿饭;gift礼物;beat一击;lesson课程。根据“wished to give the fox a...”结合前文介绍狐狸捉弄鹳可知,鹳反过来给狐狸一个教训,故选D。109.句意:当饥饿的狐狸悲伤地抬头看着她的脸时,鹳补充说:“那些不能开玩笑的人永远不要开玩笑。己所不欲,勿施于人。”my我的;your你的;his他的;her她的。根据“And as the hungry fox looked sadly up into...face”可知此处是指狐狸看着鹳的脸,应用her,故选D。110.句意:当饥饿的狐狸悲伤地抬头看着她的脸时,鹳补充说:“那些不能开玩笑的人永远不要开玩笑。己所不欲,勿施于人。”never从不;ever曾经;sometimes有时候;often经常。根据“Those who cannot take a joke in good part should...make one. Never do to others what you would not like them to do to yourself.”可知鹳告诉狐狸那些不能开玩笑的人就永远不要开玩笑,故选A。(2023四川凉山统考中考真题)Some students often have trouble learning English. They say the 111 takes up too much of their time. They have to read many passages, 112 new words in the dictionary and do lots of exercises.Even though they work hard, they still cannot get good grades on tests. “ 113 ?” they ask. “How can I enjoy success?” The story of Chinese astronaut Deng Qingming might help to answer 114 questions.Deng was chosen as an astronaut trainee (实习生) in 1998. That was long ago—you readers hadn’t even been born yet. Since that day, he had spent almost all of his time training hard to become 115 . Over the years, Deng has seen his fellow trainees go into space one after another. He, however, was always a backup (后备人员). He often felt sad. Sometimes, he even 116 .Deng still tries his best for the dream. 117 he is now in his fifties, he keeps training hard. “I must be ready whenever the chance comes to me.” he once said. Finally, on the night of November 29, 2022, he and two other astronauts boarded the Shenzhou 15 aircraft and flew into space. Deng had waited 118 for that very moment.So, if you want to give up learning English (or something else), think about Deng’s story. Your efforts might not succeed at once. But be 119 , try to improve your methods and keep going. You probably won’t have to wait many years for that moment 120 Deng. One day, success will knock at your door.111.A.subjectB.countryC.book112.A.look atB.look upC.look after113.A.WhereB.WhenC.Why114.A.theirB.yourC.our115.A.a teacherB.an artistC.an astronaut116.A.criedB.laughedC.danced117.A.ButB.AlthoughC.Unless118.A.56 yearsB.29 yearsC.24 years119.A.popularB.patientC.polite120.A.likeB.forC.with【答案】111.A 112.B 113.C 114.A 115.C 116.A 117.B 118.C 119.B 120.A【导语】本文由学生学习英语的不如意引出宇航员邓清明的故事。111.句意:他们说这门课占用了他们太多的时间。subject学科;country国家;book书本。根据“Some students often have trouble learning English”可知是指英语这门学科,故选A。112.句意:他们要读很多文章,查字典,做很多练习。look at看;look up查阅;look after照顾。根据“new words in the dictionary”可知是指查字典,故选B。113.句意:为什么?Where哪里;When什么时候;Why为什么。根据“Even though they work hard, they still cannot get good grades on tests”可知即使很多学生努力学习,他们仍然不能在考试中取得好成绩,所以很疑惑原因,故选C。114.句意:中国宇航员邓清明的故事或许有助于回答这些问题。their他们的;your你们的;our我们的。此处是指学生们的问题,应用their,故选A。115.句意:从那天起,他几乎把所有的时间都用来刻苦训练,以成为一名宇航员。a teacher一个老师;an artist一个艺术家;an astronaut一个宇航员。根据“Deng was chosen as an astronaut trainee (实习生) in 1998. ”可知是指宇航员,故选C。116.句意:有时,他甚至哭了。cried哭泣;laughed笑;danced跳舞。根据“ He often felt sad”可知他经常很伤心,所以有时甚至还哭了,故选A。117.句意:虽然他现在已经五十多岁了,但他仍然努力训练。But但是;Although尽管;Unless除非。根据“he is now in his fifties, he keeps training hard”可知前后是转折让步关系,应用although引导让步状语从句,故选B。118.句意:邓为这一刻等了24年。56 years 56年;29 years 29年;24 years 24年。根据“Deng was chosen as an astronaut trainee (实习生) in 1998”以及“Finally, on the night of November 29, 2022, he and two other astronauts boarded the Shenzhou 15 aircraft and flew into space.”可知邓在1998年被选为宇航员实习生,在2022年11月29日晚上,他和另外两名宇航员登上神舟15号飞船,飞向太空。所以他等了24年,故选C。119.句意:但是要有耐心,试着改进你的方法并坚持下去。popular受欢迎的;patient耐心的;polite礼貌的。根据“Your efforts might not succeed at once.”可知你的努力可能不会马上成功,但是要有耐心。故选B。120.句意:你可能不需要像邓那样等很多年才能等到那一刻。like像;for为了;with和。根据“You probably won’t have to wait many years for that moment...Deng. One day, success will knock at your door”可知你要有耐心,此处指可能不会像邓那样等待很多年。故选A。(2023四川南充统考中考真题)If you love reading books, you must know about the book The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain. The book is quite interesting and popular among kids. Even if I am an adult now, the book is 121 one of my favorites. After re-reading the book recently, I have 122 an important lesson from Tom Sawyer.In our daily lives, we are often given some boring or tiring 123 . What’s in your mind when your mother 124 you to do some chores? Have you ever wanted to complain (抱怨)? I think most people have.Tom Sawyer, however, had a different thought when he was given a boring task. One day, Aunt Polly told Tom to 125 the fence (篱笆). Tom was doing his job, when his friend Ben Rogers happened to pass by. Instead of complaining, Tom told Ben that he felt “ 126 ” about the task. “Only one in a thousand—maybe even two thousand—boys can do this!” Tom said.Tom’s words made Ben interested in the task. He even gave Tom his apple so that he could have a 127 to paint the fence. If Tom had thought about 128 but complaining, he would have had a bad day painting the fence.This story teaches me a valuable lesson: Complaining is 129 . The next time you are given a boring or tiring task, don’t complain. Unlike what happens in the story of Tom Sawyer, it is unlikely that someone will come and do the work for you. So, don’t complain, 130 you’ll feel better and perhaps even do a better job!121.A.justB.stillC.evenD.hardly122.A.learnedB.taughtC.givenD.attended123.A.storiesB.wordsC.tasksD.lessons124.A.trustsB.allowsC.helpsD.asks125.A.paintB.repairC.examineD.cross126.A.boredB.excitedC.unexpectedD.disappointed127.A.methodB.hobbyC.dreamD.chance128.A.everythingB.anythingC.nothingD.something129.A.uselessB.endlessC.powerfulD.wonderful130.A.ifB.orC.butD.and【答案】121.B 122.A 123.C 124.D 125.A 126.B 127.D 128.C 129.A 130.D【导语】本文主要讲述了作者重读了《汤姆索亚历险记》,并从汤姆索亚那里学到了一个重要的教训,就是抱怨是没有用的。121.句意:即使我现在是一个成年人,这本书仍然是我的最爱之一。just只;still仍然;even甚至;hardly几乎不。根据“Even if I am an adult now, the book is...one of my favorites.”可知,此处是指,即使成年后,这本书仍然是作者的最爱之一。故选B。122.句意:最近重读了这本书后,我从汤姆索亚身上学到了一个重要的教训。learned学习;taught教;given给;attended出席。根据“I have...an important lesson from Tom Sawyer.”可知,应是从中学到了一个重要的教训。故选A。123.句意:在我们的日常生活中,我们经常被赋予一些无聊或累人的任务。stories故事;words言语;tasks任务;lessons课。根据后文“Tom Sawyer, however, had a different thought when he was given a boring task.”可知,指被赋予任务,故选C。124.句意:当你妈妈让你做家务时,你在想什么?trusts信任;allows允许;helps帮助;asks让。根据“What’s in your mind when your mother...you to do some chores?”可知,妈妈让你做家务,故选D。125.句意:一天,波莉姨妈让汤姆给篱笆刷漆。paint涂;repair修理;examine检查;cross通过。根据后文“paint the fence”可知,是给篱笆刷漆,故选A。126.句意:汤姆没有抱怨,而是告诉本,他对这项任务感到“兴奋”。bored无聊的;excited兴奋的;unexpected想不到的;disappointed失望的。根据“Only one in a thousand—maybe even two thousand—boys can do this!”和“Tom’s words made Ben interested in the task.”可知,汤姆让觉得这项任务令人兴奋,故选B。127.句意:他甚至把自己的苹果给了汤姆,好让他有机会粉刷栅栏。method方法;hobby爱好;dream梦想;chance机会。根据“He even gave Tom his apple so that he could have a...to paint the fence.”可知,用苹果换一次粉刷篱笆的机会,故选D。128.句意:如果汤姆满脑子都是抱怨的话,他粉刷栅栏的那一天就会过得很糟糕。everything每件事;anything任何事;nothing无事;something某事。根据“If Tom had thought about...but complaining, he would have had a bad day painting the fence.”可知,此处指什么都不想只抱怨的话会过得很糟糕。故选C。129.句意:这个故事给我上了宝贵的一课:抱怨是没有用的。useless无用的;endless无尽的;powerful有力量的;wonderful极好的。根据“Complaining is...”和“The next time you are given a boring or tiring task, don’t complain”可知,抱怨是没有用的。故选A。130.句意:所以,不要抱怨,你会感觉更好,甚至可能做得更好!if如果;or或者;but但是;and和。分析“So, don’t complain, ...you’ll feel better and perhaps even do a better job!”可知,前后构成顺承关系,用and连接。故选D。(2023山西统考中考真题)请阅读下面短文,理解其大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Joe got a bar of chocolate from his father for his cleaning work at home. 131 he was ready to eat it, his elder brother Jack returned home from school. He 132 the chocolate from Joe and put it in his mouth and ran away. Joe rushed to his room 133 and locked the room from the inside and fell on his bed, with tears on his face, worrying about his lost chocolate. Learning about it, his father carried a larger bar of chocolate to Joe’s 134 . He knocked at the door and asked Joe to open it. He even told that he had a larger bar of chocolate for him. But Joe 135 to listen to his father. He lay on the bed, paying no attention to his father’s knock and talk. He continued to cry, thinking about his small loss(损失). His 136 stopped him from getting a much greater joy. We may 137 a lot of time, energy and chances worrying about the small losses that have happened in our lives, and blaming(责怪)the persons who we think are responsible for our losses. By doing this, we are actually refusing to receive 138 gifts from life. It’s really foolish action.131.A.IfB.WhenC.Though132.A.ate upB.took awayC.gave out133.A.carefullyB.bravelyC.angrily134.A.roomB.schoolC.yard135.A.refusedB.neededC.tried136.A.hopeB.secretC.worry137.A.imagineB.wasteC.notice138.A.greaterB.cheaperC.smaller【答案】131.B 132.B 133.C 134.A 135.A 136.C 137.B 138.A【导语】本文主要通过一个哥哥和弟弟的故事告诉我们,我们通常会浪费很多时间、精力和机会去担心生活中已经发生的小损失,却拒绝接受来自生活更好的馈赠,这种做法是愚蠢的。131.句意:当他准备吃的时候,他的哥哥杰克从学校回来了。If如果;When当……时;Though虽然。根据“...he was ready to eat it, his elder brother Jack returned home from school.”可知,当乔准备吃的时候,杰克放学回来了,用when引导时间状语从句。故选B。132.句意:他从乔手里拿过巧克力,放进嘴里,然后跑开了。ate up吃光;took away拿走;gave out分发。根据“He...the chocolate from Joe and put it in his mouth and ran away.”可知,杰克拿走巧克力就吃了,故选B。133.句意:乔生气地冲进自己的房间,把房间从里面锁上,倒在床上,满脸是泪,担心着丢失的巧克力。carefully仔细地;bravely勇敢地;angrily生气地。根据“locked the room from the inside and fell on his bed, with tears on his face, worrying about his lost chocolate”可知,乔的反应证明他很生气,故选C。134.句意:父亲知道后,拿了一块更大的巧克力到乔的房间。room房间;school学校;yard院子。根据“He knocked at the door and asked Joe to open it.”可知,父亲来到乔的房门前,故选A。135.句意:但乔拒绝听父亲的话。refused拒绝;needed需要;tried尝试。根据“paying no attention to his father’s knock and talk”可知,乔拒绝听父亲的话,故选A。136.句意:他的忧虑使他无法得到更大的快乐。hope希望;secret秘密;worry忧虑。根据“worrying about his lost chocolate”可知,乔的忧虑让他无法得到更大的快乐。故选C。137.句意:我们可能会浪费大量的时间、精力和机会去担心生活中发生的小损失,并责怪那些我们认为应该为我们的损失负责的人。imagine想象;waste浪费;notice注意。根据“We may...a lot of time, energy and chances worrying about the small losses that have happened in our lives”可知,我们可能会浪费大量的时间、精力和机会去担心生活中发生的小损失,故选B。138.句意:这样做,我们实际上是在拒绝接受生活中更好的礼物。greater更好的;cheaper更便宜的;smaller更小的。根据“By doing this, we are actually refusing to receive...gifts from life.”可知,实际上是在拒绝接受生活中更好的礼物。故选A。(2023山东青岛统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。My husband’s grandmother, aged 75, has been living with us in Beijing for a month now. Full of energy, she 1 to cook meals for us every day. The food she prepares is very delicious. That’s not all. Granny helps us with chores in our house. When we go out for a walk, I try hard to keep up with her. 2 , what surprises me most is how excitedly she accepts the latest progress in high technology life. Mind you, she had received only primary school education.When she joined us, we bought her a Beijing transportation card 3 she could use city buses and subways. One day, she came back 4 an e-card fixed on her smartphone. “It’s far more convenient. I saw others walk into the subway station just by scanning (扫描) their 5 . I asked one for help to set it up on my phone,” she said with a big smile.Later, we taught her how to watch videos, buy clothes and vegetables on smartphones, and even play mahjong (麻将) online. It quickly became her 6 smartphone app (应用软件). Though she was unable to understand well at first, our 7 help a few times and some encouragement helped her overcome the troubles. Most importantly, such communication has made 8 family relationship deeper. As for me, I’m very 9 to play mahjong online with Grandma. The other day, she knocked on my door and said, “Come, we need a fourth player to play mahjong together.”We realize an elderly-friendly society means the old people can get great satisfaction and 10 . When grandparents turn to their grandchildren for help with smartphones, a little more patience from the young can go a long way in encouraging the old to move further in high technology life. 1.A.hopesB.plansC.attendsD.volunteers2.A.HoweverB.ThoughC.BesidesD.Instead3.A.butB.soC.orD.while4.A.byB.withC.onD.to5.A.computersB.cardsC.phonesD.faces6.A.favoriteB.perfectC.secretD.proper7.A.medicalB.patientC.politeD.friendly8.A.theirB.herC.yourD.our9.A.sorryB.creativeC.gladD.sad10.A.luckB.healthC.wealthD.happiness【答案】1.D 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.D 9.C 10.D【导语】本文主要讲了一个75岁的老奶奶学习使用智能手机的事情,告诉我们年轻人多一点耐心,就能大大鼓励老年人在高科技生活中走得更远。1.句意:她精力充沛,每天自愿为我们做饭。hopes希望;plans计划;attends加入;volunteers自愿做。根据“The food she prepares is very delicious.”可知是自愿为作者一家做饭。故选D。2.句意:然而,最令我惊讶的是她对高科技生活的最新进展是如此兴奋。However然而;Though尽管;Besides此外;Instead反而。上下文句意出现转折,用However。故选A。3.句意:当她加入我们的时候,我们给她买了一张北京交通卡,这样她就可以乘坐北京的公交车和地铁了。but但是;so因此;or否则;while然而。句子前因后果,用so连接表因果关系的并列句。故选B。4.句意:一天,她带着一张固定在智能手机上的电子卡回来了。by通过;with有;on关于;to到。根据“she came back ... an e-card fixed on her smartphone”可知手机上有一张电子卡。故选B。5.句意:我看到有人仅仅通过扫描手机就走进了地铁站。computers电脑;cards卡片;phones手机;faces脸。根据“I asked one for help to set it up on my phone”可知是通过扫描手机进站。故选C。6.句意:它很快成为她最喜欢的智能手机应用程序。favorite最喜欢的;perfect完美的;secret秘密的;proper适当的。根据“Come, we need a fourth player to play mahjong together.”可知麻将成了奶奶最喜欢的应用软件。故选A。7.句意:虽然她一开始听不太懂,但我们几次耐心的帮助和鼓励帮助她克服了困难。medical医学的;patient有耐心的;polite有礼貌的;friendly友好的。根据“our ... help a few times and some encouragement helped her overcome the troubles.”可知是几次耐心的帮助。故选B。8.句意:最重要的是,这样的交流使我们的家庭关系更加深厚。their他们的;her她的;your你的;our我们的。根据上文可知是作者一家人,此处表示“我们的家庭”。故选D。9.句意:至于我,我很高兴能和奶奶在网上打麻将。sorry对不起的;creative有创造力的;glad高兴的;sad难过的。根据“The other day, she knocked on my door and said, ‘Come, we need a fourth player to play mahjong together.’ ”可知作者乐意和奶奶在网上打麻将。故选C。10.句意:我们意识到一个对老年人友好的社会意味着老年人可以得到极大的满足和幸福。luck幸运;health健康;wealth财富;happiness幸福。根据“an elderly-friendly society”结合常识可知老年友好型社会会使老年人感到满足和幸福。故选D。(2023湖北十堰统考中考真题)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入短文空白处的最佳选项。Many stories happened at the Children’s Medical Care Center. These stories deeply touched us. We saw a lot of children without hair 11 they got special treatment (治疗). We played with them and 12 pictures with them. They had great pains, 13 they were very friendly. It was much 14 to talk with them than we had expected.One day, a girl wanted to teach us 15 to fold paper. She taught us 16 great patience (耐心) and explained each step slowly and 17 . Though we could do that well, we still pretended (假装) to know 18 about it. We followed her step by step and did as she told us. Finally, when we 19 our work perfectly, she gave each of us a big hug. We could see the 20 and happiness on her face. Her father was so 21 to us that his eyes were full of tears. Until then, we knew that the girl would 22 an operation (手术) the next day.It was really a valuable 23 to all of us. We began to 24 the ways to deal with the difficulties in life. When we 25 our “troubles” with those kids, ours seem not worth mentioning at all.11.A.beforeB.becauseC.unlessD.if12.A.drewB.brokeC.deletedD.covered13.A.andB.orC.butD.so14.A.easierB.harderC.wiserD.deeper15.A.whereB.whenC.whatD.how16.A.withoutB.byC.withD.for17.A.suddenlyB.heavilyC.widelyD.clearly18.A.somethingB.nothingC.everythingD.anything19.A.continuedB.completedC.competedD.communicated20.A.prideB.fearC.courageD.sadness21.A.sorryB.harmfulC.humorousD.thankful22.A.receiveB.disagreeC.promiseD.improve23.A.reasonB.researchC.experienceD.risk24.A.give outB.put offC.turn downD.think about25.A.provideB.compareC.shareD.part【答案】11.B 12.A 13.C 14.A 15.D 16.C 17.D 18.B 19.B 20.A 21.D 22.A 23.C 24.D 25.B【导语】本文主要讲述了在儿童医疗中心发生了许多故事,这些孩子遭受痛苦却很友好,和这些孩子的经历相比,我们的“烦恼”似乎不值一提。11.句意:我们看到很多孩子没有头发,因为他们接受了特殊的治疗。before在之前;because因为;unless除非;if如果。根据“We saw a lot of children without hair…they got special treatment”可知,空格后是解释孩子们没有头发的原因,故选B。12.句意:我们和他们一起玩,一起画画。drew画画;broke打破;deleted删除;covered覆盖。根据“pictures”可知,此处指画画,故选A。13.句意:他们经历了巨大的痛苦,但他们非常友好。and和;or或者;but但是;so因此。空格前后是转折关系,故选C。14.句意:和他们交谈比我们预想的要容易得多。easier更容易地;harder更难的;wiser更明智的;deeper更深的。根据“they were very friendly”可知,他们很友好,所以交谈起来更容易,故选A。15.句意:有一天,一个女孩想教我们叠纸。where哪里;when何时;what什么;how怎样。根据“teach us…to fold paper”可知,教我们如何折纸,故选D。16.句意:她非常耐心地教我们,每一步都解释得又慢又清楚。without没有;by通过;with带有;for为了。根据“taught us … great patience”可知,带着极大的耐心教如何折纸,故选C。17.句意:她非常耐心地教我们,每一步都解释得又慢又清楚。suddenly突然;heavily重重地;widely广泛地;clearly清楚地。根据“explained each step slowly and ”可知,把每一个步骤解释得很清楚,故选D。18.句意:虽然我们可以做得很好,但我们仍然假装对此一无所知。something某事;nothing没什么;everything一切;anything任何事。根据“Though we could do that well, we still pretended (假装) to know … about it.”可知,尽管已经知道如何折纸,但是作者仍然假装对折纸一无所知,此空应填否定词nothing,故选B。19.句意:最后,当我们完美地完成折纸时,她给了我们每个人一个大大的拥抱。continued继续;completed完成;competed竞争;communicated沟通。根据“Finally, when we…our work perfectly”可知,此处指在最后完成折纸时,故选B。20.句意:我们可以看到她脸上的骄傲和幸福。pride骄傲;fear害怕;courage勇气;sadness难过。根据“We followed her step by step and did as she told us”可知,女孩教会了别人折纸,所以这个时候脸上呈现的是骄傲的表情,故选A。21.句意:她的父亲非常感谢我们,眼里充满了泪水。sorry抱歉的;harmful有害的;humorous幽默的;thankful感谢的。根据“his eyes were full of tears.”可知,父亲很感谢作者所做的一切,故选D。22.句意:在那之前,我们知道女孩将在第二天接受手术。receive接收;disagree不同意;promise承诺;improve提高。根据“an operation (手术) the next day”可知,第二天接受手术,故选A。23.句意:这对我们所有人来说都是一次宝贵的经历。reason理由;research研究;experience经历;risk风险。根据“It was really a valuable … to all of us”及前文的描述可知,在儿童医疗保健中心和这些孩子相处的经历很宝贵,故选C。24.句意:我们开始思考处理生活中困难的方法。give out分发;put off推迟;turn down拒绝;think about考虑。根据“the ways to deal with the difficulties in life”可知,开始思考处理生活中困难的方法,故选D。25.句意:当我们把自己的“困难”与那些孩子比较时,我们的似乎根本不值一提。provide提供;compare比较;share分享;part使分开。根据“When we… our ‘troubles’ with those kids, ours seem not worth mentioning at all”可知,与那些生病的孩子所面临的困难作比较,故选B。(2023辽宁沈阳统考中考真题)阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。A boy guarded the barrels (木桶) in his father’s winery (葡萄酒厂). Every morning, his father gave him a 26 of brushing the barrels and putting them in order, but the wind blew the barrels here and there overnight.The boy was so 27 that he wrote a letter to the wind, “Please don’t blow down my barrels.” After seeing that, his father asked the boy with a smile, “Can the wind read your 28 ?” The little boy said, “I don’t know. I have no 29 but to make this request (请求).”The next morning, when the little boy ran to 30 the barrels, he found that the barrels were blown here and there again. The little boy felt very unhappy and cried. His father came and said 31 , “Son, don’t be sad. We may have no way to deal with the 32 , but we may have ways for you, so we can have our own ways to 33 the wind.” Then the little boy 34 his tears and thought over and over. Finally, he thought of an idea. He filled the 35 barrels with water. After that, he went home worriedly.The third morning, the little boy 36 his clothes in a hurry and ran out. He was 37 to find the barrels were placed in good order. The little boy smiled happily and told his father, “It’s a very 38 way, that is, to make the barrels heavier.” The little boy’s father smiled and 39 his head.We can’t change many things in the world, but we can change ourselves. To add you the 40 is the only way not to be knocked over.26.A.promiseB.taskC.warningD.method27.A.cheerfulB.shyC.satisfiedD.angry28.A.letterB.noticeC.storyD.poster29.A.timeB.purposeC.choiceD.doubt30.A.paintB.blowC.checkD.repair31.A.strictlyB.kindlyC.wildlyD.nervously32.A.windB.brushC.factoryD.cloud33.A.inviteB.acceptC.encourageD.beat34.A.believedB.driedC.collectedD.tasted35.A.emptyB.fullC.uselessD.special36.A.took offB.put onC.paid forD.sold out37.A.worriedB.interestedC.excitedD.bored38.A.simpleB.foolishC.strangeD.dangerous39.A.controlledB.noddedC.hidD.covered40.A.waterB.clothesC.heightD.weight【答案】26.B 27.D 28.A 29.C 30.C 31.B 32.A 33.D 34.B 35.A 36.B 37.C 38.A 39.B 40.D【导语】本文主要通过小男孩把木桶里装满水来使木桶不被风吹得到处都是的事情,告诉我们一个道理:我们不能改变世界上的许多事情,但我们可以改变自己。增加你的重量是唯一不被撞倒的方法。26.句意:每天早上,他的父亲给他一个任务,刷木桶,把它们整理好,但风在一夜之间把木桶吹得到处都是。promise承诺;task任务;warning警告;method方法。根据“brushing the barrels and putting them in order”可知这是父亲给的任务。故选B。27.句意:男孩非常生气,他给风写了一封信:“请不要吹倒我的木桶。”cheerful欢快的;shy害羞的;satisfied满意的;angry生气的。根据“but the wind blew the barrels here and there overnight”可知小男孩摆放整齐的木桶被刮得到处都是,应是生气的。故选D。28.句意:风能读懂你的信吗?letter信件;notice通知;story故事;poster海报。根据“he wrote a letter to the wind”可知问风能否读懂男孩写的信。故选A。29.句意:我别无选择,只能提出这个请求。time时间;purpose目的;choice选择;doubt怀疑。have no choice but to do sth.“别无选择,只能做某事”。故选C。30.句意:第二天早上,当小男孩跑去检查木桶时,他发现木桶又被刮得到处都是。paint刷漆;blow刮;check检查;repair修理。根据“he found that the barrels were blown here and there again”可知是跑着去检查木桶。故选C。31.句意:他的父亲走过来,和蔼地对他说:“儿子,不要难过。我们可能没有办法对付风,但我们可能有办法帮助你,所以我们可以有我们自己的方法来战胜风。”strictly严格地;kindly和蔼地;wildly野蛮地;nervously紧张地。根据“Son, don’t be sad.”可知父亲安慰儿子,是和蔼地。故选B。32.句意:他的父亲走过来,和蔼地对他说:“儿子,不要难过。我们可能没有办法对付风,但我们可能有办法帮助你,所以我们可以有我们自己的方法来战胜风。”wind风;brush刷子;factory工厂;cloud云。根据上文木桶两次被风刮得到处都是,可推出是没办法对付风。故选A。33.句意:他的父亲走过来,和蔼地对他说:“儿子,不要难过。我们可能没有办法对付风,但我们可能有办法帮助你,所以我们可以有我们自己的方法来战胜风。”invite邀请;accept接受;encourage鼓励;beat打败。根据“to find the barrels were placed in good order”可知男孩是想办法战胜了风。故选D。34.句意:然后小男孩擦干眼泪,想了又想。believed相信;dried擦干;collected收集;tasted品尝。根据“Then the little boy ... his tears and thought over and over.”可知是擦干眼泪。故选B。35.句意:他把空桶装满了水。empty空的;full满的;useless无用的;special特别的。根据“He filled the ... barrels with water.”可知是把空桶装满水。故选A。36.句意:第三天早上,小男孩匆忙穿上衣服,跑了出去。took off脱下;put on穿上;paid for支付;sold out售罄。根据“The third morning, the little boy ... his clothes in a hurry and ran out.”可知是穿上衣服就跑去看木桶。故选B。37.句意:他发现木桶摆放得很整齐,感到很兴奋。worried担心的;interested感兴趣的;excited兴奋的;bored无聊的。根据“to find the barrels were placed in good order”可知木桶没有被风吹得到处都是,男孩很兴奋。故选C。38.句意:这是一种非常简单的方法,就是把桶变重。simple简单的;foolish愚蠢的;strange陌生的;dangerous危险的。根据“to make the barrels heavier”可知让木桶变重是个简单的方法。故选A。39.句意:小男孩的父亲微笑着点了点头。controlled控制;nodded点头;hid隐藏;covered覆盖。根据上文可知男孩成功战胜了风,父亲感到欣慰,会微笑着点头。故选B。40.句意:增加你的重量是唯一不被撞倒的方法。water水;clothes衣服;height高度;weight重量。根据“not to be knocked over”可知要想不被撞到,得增加自己的重量。故选D。(2023黑龙江牡丹江统考中考真题)A man lived happily in a village because everyone praised him.One day, he heard some people 41 about him when he passed by. Hiding behind a tree, he started listening to them. But what they said made him 42 . They said he was too proud.From that day on, whenever he saw 43 talking, he thought they were saying something bad about him. He was unhappy 44 . So he went to a wise old man and told him 45 .The wise old man said, “Stay in my house tonight.” The man 46 . When he went sleep a night, the croaking of frogs (青蛙呱呱的叫声) fell in his ears. A pond (池塘) was behind his room and the sound 47 from there. The more he wanted to ignore (忽视) the sound, the 48 the frogs seemed to croak.The next morning, the man went to the wise old man and said, “I 49 sleep well last night. It felt like there were hundreds of frogs in that pond. You must also have 50 because of them. Can I take them out and put them far away?” The wise old man nodded.So the man went to the pond. To his surprise, only ten frogs 51 . Then he went to ask the wise old man 52 the other frogs were.The wise old man said, “Even at night there were only ten frogs. Because you paid a lot of attention to the 53 , you thought there were hundreds of them. It is the same in your life as well. And always remember, no matter 54 good you are, there will always be some people 55 will talk bad about you.” The man understood the wise old man’s words and thanked him.Choose the best choice from A, B or C according to what you read.41.A.talkB.to talkC.talking42.A.sadB.happyC.excited43.A.otherB.othersC.another44.A.on timeB.in timeC.all the time45.A.nothingB.everythingC.anything46.A.leftB.agreedC.refused47.A.will comeB.is comingC.was coming48.A.loudB.louderC.loudest49.A.couldn’tB.needn’tC.shouldn’t50.A.troubleB.fameC.power51.A.caughtB.are caughtC.were caught52.A.whyB.whereC.when53.A.noiseB.roomC.life54.A.whomB.whatC.how55.A.whoB.whichC.whose【答案】41.C 42.A 43.B 44.C 45.B 46.B 47.C 48.B 49.A 50.A 51.C 52.B 53.A 54.C 55.A【导语】本文通过讲述了一个男人深受别人意见影响,去找一个智者,最后明白不要过于在意别人的看法。41.句意:有一天,当他经过的时候,听到一些人在谈论他。talk动词原形;to talk动词不定式;talking现在分词。根据“heard some people … about him when he passed by”可知,经过的时候正听到有人谈论他,hear sb doing sth“听到某人正在做某事”,故选C。42.句意:但是他们说的话让他很伤心。sad难过的;happy开心的;excited兴奋的。根据“They said he was too proud”可知,说他太骄傲了,听到了这个感到难过,故选A。43.句意:从那天起,每当他看到别人说话,他就觉得他们在说他的坏话。other其他的,后接复数形式;others其他的人或物;another另一个。根据“whenever he saw…talking, he thought they were saying something bad about him”可知,此处指看到别人在说话都以为在说他坏话,此空应填others,故选B。44.句意:他一直不开心。on time按时;in time及时;all the time一直。根据“whenever he saw…talking, he thought they were saying something bad about him”可知,看到别人说话都以为在说他坏话,所以他一直不开心,故选C。45.句意:于是他去找一位聪明的老人,把一切都告诉了他。nothing没什么;everything一切;anything任何东西。根据“So he went to a wise old man and told him ”可知,告诉这位智者发生的一切,故选B。46.句意:这个男人同意了。left离开;agreed同意;refused拒绝。根据“The wise old man said, ‘Stay in my house tonight.’”及“When he went sleep a night”可知,这个人同意了智者的建议,故选B。47.句意:他的房间后面有一个池塘,声音就是从那里传来的。will come一般将来时;is coming现在进行时;was coming过去进行时。根据“was”可知,此处应用过去的时态,故选C。48.句意:他越想忽略这个声音,青蛙的叫声似乎就越响。loud原级;louder比较级;loudest最高级。“the+比较级, the+比较级”,表示“越……,就越……”,故选B。49.句意:我昨晚没睡好。couldn’t不能;needn’t不需要;shouldn’t不应该。根据“It felt like there were hundreds of frogs in that pond”可知,被青蛙的声音吵得睡不着觉,故选A。50.句意:你一定也因为它们而有麻烦。trouble困难;fame名誉;power权力。根据“It felt like there were hundreds of frogs in that pond”及“You must also have… because of them.”可知,猜测这位智者也因为青蛙的叫声而睡不着觉,所以此处指也有一样的困难,故选A。51.句意:令他惊讶的是,只抓到了十只青蛙caught动词过去式;are caught一般现在时被动语态;were caught一般过去时被动语态。主语“only ten frogs ”与动词catch之间是被动关系,且描述过去发生的事情,用一般过去时被动语态,故选C。52.句意:然后他去问那位聪明的老人其他的青蛙在哪里why为什么;where哪里;when何时。根据“To his surprise, only ten frogs ”及“Then he went to ask the wise old man … the other frogs were”可知,看到只抓了10只青蛙,询问其他的青蛙在哪里,故选B。53.句意:因为你很注意噪音,你以为有几百个。noise噪音;room房间;life生活。根据前文的介绍可知,这个人关注的是青蛙的叫声这种噪音,故选A。54.句意:永远记住,不管你有多好,总会有人说你的坏话。whom谁;what什么;how怎样。此空修饰形容词good,应填how,故选C。55.句意:永远记住,不管你有多好,总会有人说你的坏话。who谁;which哪一个;whose谁的。此处是定语从句,先行词people指人,在从句中作主语,用关系词who引导定语从句,故选A。(2023新疆中考真题)根据短文内容,在 A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个正确答案。It was a summer noon. As I drove along the road in a mountain, I could see some pretty wildflowers. When I turned the corner and saw some 56 picking up litter on the roadside, I stopped 57 and smiled at them. They volunteered here on such a hot day. How helpful they were! I 58 a spring day long ago.When my children were younger, we often took a walk around the lake near our home. One 59 day, we noticed much litter lying there. The next day, we brought a big litter bag and started to pick up the litter along our way. 60 , the bag was nearly full. Tired but 61 , we put the bag in an empty bin. We 62 before we went home and took one last look at the lake as the sun set. It looked more beautiful than ever.I know this world’s problems sometimes seem 63 , but how can we solve them? The 64 is that everything we do kindly can make a difference. Every time we pick up a piece of litter, we make a difference. Every smile we share makes a difference. Our small act of being 65 can make this colorful world even better.56.A.childrenB.driversC.volunteersD.policemen57.A.drivingB.walkingC.runningD.riding58.A.talked aboutB.wrote downC.looked forD.thought of59.A.autumnB.winterC.springD.summer60.A.NormallyB.FinallyC.SuddenlyD.Actually61.A.surprisedB.excitedC.boredD.worried62.A.stoppedB.dancedC.waitedD.moved63.A.usefulB.simpleC.hardD.possible64.A.storyB.truthC.newsD.class65.A.busyB.politeC.lazyD.kind【答案】56.C 57.A 58.D 59.C 60.B 61.B 62.A 63.C 64.B 65.D【导语】本文讲述了作者看到志愿者在路边捡垃圾而想起自己很久以前和孩子在湖边捡垃圾的事情。作者认为我们所做的一切善事都能给世界带来改变。56.句意:当我转弯时,看到一些志愿者在路边捡垃圾,我停下车,对他们微笑。children孩子;drivers司机;volunteers志愿者;policemen警察。根据下文“They volunteered here on such a hot day”可知是指志愿者,故选C。57.句意:当我转弯时,看到一些志愿者在路边捡垃圾,我停下车,对他们微笑。driving开车;walking走路;running跑;riding骑。根据上文“As I drove along the road in a mountain”可知作者在开车,故选A。58.句意:我想起了很久以前的一个春日。talked about谈论;wrote down记下;looked for寻找;thought of想起。根据“How helpful they were! I...a spring day long ago.”可知作者看到志愿者捡垃圾,想起自己以前的事情,故选D。59.句意:一个春天的一天,我们注意到那里堆着很多垃圾。autumn秋天;winter冬天;spring春天;summer夏天。根据上文“I...a spring day long ago.”可知是指春天,故选C。60.句意:最后,袋子快满了。Normally正常地;Finally最终;Suddenly突然;Actually实际上。根据“we brought a big litter bag and started to pick up the litter along our way...the bag was nearly full”可知作者他们带了一个大垃圾袋,开始沿途捡垃圾,最后垃圾袋都快满了,故选B。61.句意:我们又累又兴奋,把袋子放进了一个空箱子里。surprised惊讶的;excited激动的;bored无聊的;worried担忧的。but前后是转折关系,和“累”对应的应该是“兴奋的”,故选B。62.句意:我们在回家前停下来,在夕阳西下时最后看了一眼湖。stopped停止;danced跳舞;waited等待;moved移动。根据“took one last look at the lake as the sun set.”可知作者他们停了下来在夕阳西下时最后看了一眼湖,故选A。63.句意:我知道这个世界上的问题有时看起来很难,但我们如何解决它们?useful有用的;simple简单的;hard困难的;possible可能的。根据“this world’s problems”可知是指这个世界上的问题有时候看上去似乎很难,故选C。64.句意:事实上,我们所做的一切善事都能带来改变。story故事;truth事实;news新闻;class班级。根据“everything we do kindly can make a difference”可知我们所做的一切善事都能带来改变,这是一个事实情况,故选B。65.句意:我们的小小善举可以让这个丰富多彩的世界变得更加美好。busy忙碌的;polite礼貌的;lazy懒惰的;kind善良的。根据“Every time we pick up a piece of litter, we make a difference. Every smile we share makes a difference.”可知此处是指我们的小善行可以使这个丰富多彩的世界更加美好。故选D。(2023山东日照中考真题)In sixth grade, I joined the band program to learn to play the clarinet(单簧管). The first year had gone 66 . But as most students progressed, I seemed to 67 behind. One day, when my teacher told us to perform in class, I was filled with 68 . When I began to play, my rhythms(节奏)were good, but my tone(调)was another 69 . “Didn’t you practice your lesson?” the teacher shouted at me. I felt so 70 and my world fell down at once.From then on, I 71 playing the clarinet and I was getting worse. With the new performance coming near, I grew 72 upset. In a moment of panic(惊慌), I asked for sick leave. It was such a(n) 73 way out and I was totally in relief.I continued 74 my lessons until my mum asked me about it. “I want to give up,” said with tears in my eyes. “Why are you 75 , if you really want to give up?” asked mum. She had a(n) 76 and I realized that I really wanted to stay in the band and, by not facing my fears, I had created a black hole that would be difficult to 77 out of. I knew it’s time to find my way out.The next day I 78 with my other band teacher and told her about my problems. She asked me gently to play for her. I tried, 79 only an unpleasant sound came out he handed me a new reed(簧片). I put it in place and tried again. To my 80 , I could play so well.Hiding from those fears only digs a hole, making a person trapped(陷入困境)inside. After facing up to a fear, one may find life easier and more enjoyable.66.A.slowlyB.quicklyC.quietlyD.smoothly67.A.walkB.fallC.stepD.move68.A.fearB.regretC.joyD.courage69.A.novelB.pieceC.storyD.part70.A.relaxedB.embarrassedC.worriedD.nervous71.A.lovedB.keptC.hatedD.started72.A.finallyB.hopefullyC.suddenlyD.increasingly73.A.hardB.easyC.sillyD.painful74.A.avoidingB.takingC.choosingD.attending75.A.shoutingB.cryingC.changingD.asking76.A.pointB.ideaC.sightD.mind77.A.pushB.pullC.drawD.climb78.A.arguedB.playedC.metD.worked79.A.andB.butC.orD.so80.A.sadnessB.amusementC.surpriseD.disappointment【答案】66.D 67.B 68.A 69.C 70.B 71.C 72.D 73.B 74.A 75.B 76.A 77.D 78.C 79.B 80.C【导语】本文讲述作者在六年级学单簧管遇到挫败,然后勇敢直面恐惧并战胜它的故事。66.句意:第一年过得很顺利。slowly缓慢地;quickly快速地;quietly安静地;smoothly顺利地。根据下文“But as most students progressed, I seemed to…behind.”可知,后来似乎掉队了,说明第一年过得比较顺利,应用smoothly来表示。故选D。67.句意:但随着大多数学生的进步,我似乎落后了。walk走路;fall落下;step踏上;move移动。根据“behind”可知此处应用动词短语fall behind表示“落后”。故选B。68.句意:有一天,当我的老师让我们在其他学生面前演奏时,我充满了恐惧。fear害怕,恐惧;regret悔恨,遗憾;joy喜悦,快乐;courage勇气。根据下文“and my world fell down at once”可知,我的世界瞬间崩塌了,说明很害怕。故选A。69.句意:当我开始演奏时,我的节奏很好,但我的音调是另一回事。novel小说;piece片;story故事;part部分。根据“my rhythms(节奏)were good, but my tone(调)was another”可知,节奏和音调不是同一回事,应用story来表示。故选C。70.句意:我感觉很尴尬,我的世界一下子就塌了下来。relaxed放松的;embarrassed尴尬的;worried担忧的;nervous紧张的。根据“the teacher shouted at me”可知,老师对着我吼道,因此此处应是感到尴尬。故选B。71.句意:从那时起,我讨厌吹单簧管,而且我的情况越来越糟。loved热爱;kept保持;hated讨厌;started开始。根据下文“I was getting worse”可知,我的情况变得更糟糕,说明我讨厌吹单簧管。故选C。72.句意:随着新演出的临近,我越来越沮丧。finally最后;hopefully满怀希望地;suddenly突然;increasingly越来越多地。根据“In a moment of panic(惊慌), I asked for sick leave.”可知,我很惊慌,请病假,说明越来越沮丧,应用increasingly来表示“越来越多地”。故选D。73.句意:这是一条如此简单的出路,我完全松了一口气。hard困难的;easy容易的;silly愚蠢的;painful痛苦的。根据“I was totally in relief”可知,我松了一口气,说明这条出路很容易。故选B。74.句意:我继续逃课,直到我妈妈问起了这件事。avoiding避开;taking拿取;choosing选择;attending参加。根据上文“I asked for sick leave”可知,我装病躲避上课。故选A。75.句意:如果你真的想放弃,你为什么哭?shouting喊叫;crying哭;changing改变;asking问。根据“said with tears in my eyes”可知作者在哭,妈妈问如果真的想放弃,为什么还要哭。故选B。76.句意:她说的有道理,我意识到我真的很想留在乐队里,因为没有面对我的恐惧,我创造了一个很难爬出来的黑洞。point点;idea主意;sight视野;mind心力。根据“I realized that”可知此处应用have a point表示“有道理”。故选A。77.句意:她说的有道理,我意识到我真的很想留在乐队里,因为没有面对我的恐惧,我创造了一个很难爬出来的黑洞。push推;pull拉;draw画;climb爬。根据“I had created a black hole”可知此处指很难爬出这个创造出来的黑洞。故选D。78.句意:第二天,我见到了另一位乐队老师,并向她讲述了我的问题。argued争吵;played玩耍;met遇见;worked工作。根据“told her about my problems”可知此处应用动词短语meet with表示“见到,遇见”。故选C。79.句意:我试了试,但只发出一个不愉快的声音出来。and并且;but但是;or或者;so因此。根据“I tried”和“only an unpleasant sound came out”可知,我试了试,但只发出一个不愉快的声音出来。前后两句存在意思上的转折,应用but来连接。故选B。80.句意:令我惊喜的是,我可以演奏得这么好。sadness悲伤;amusement好笑,搞笑;surprise惊喜;disappointment失望。根据“I could play so well”可知,我演奏得很好,这事是让我感到惊喜的。故选C。(2023辽宁统考中考真题)根据短文内容,从各题所给的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。I worked in a small office. I shared a small 81 with another three persons. In that small fridge, there was a water filter pitcher (滤水壶). One person said the water in it tasted “dirty”. It went on 82 a few days. And she was very 83 that I could still drink the water without any trouble. That made me think there was something wrong with my taste buds (味蕾). 84 I was wrong. My taste buds were OK. And the water really tasted fine. 85 , she found out the problem. It wasn’t the water. It was her cup. She just 86 to clean her cup, so after a while, the water looked dirty. She cleaned her cup, then drank the water with no problem.I start to 87 the world we live in. When we meet problems, we 88 blame (指责) other people and other things without thinking twice. The world isn’t perfect, I know. But I think we should ask 89 some questions: What is the problem? Did I make a 90 ? How can I correct it? Can I be better?I want to tell you that you should always clean your own cup. Because when you do, the water will taste much better. I promise you this.81.A.cupB.deskC.fridgeD.computer82.A.atB.ofC.toD.for83.A.afraidB.patientC.surprisedD.happy84.A.AndB.ButC.OrD.So85.A.To be honestB.For exampleC.At lastD.After all86.A.forgotB.wantedC.rememberedD.hoped87.A.call inB.think aboutC.look afterD.part with88.A.happilyB.politelyC.hardlyD.quickly89.A.yourselvesB.yourselfC.ourselvesD.myself90.A.ruleB.mistakeC.wishD.noise【答案】81.C 82.D 83.C 84.B 85.C 86.A 87.B 88.D 89.C 90.B【导语】本文作者由自己在工作生活中遇到的小事引发了对周围世界的思考。81.句意:我和另外三个人共用一个小冰箱。cup杯子;desk桌子;fridge冰箱;computer电脑。根据“In that small fridge”可知是指小冰箱,故选C。82.句意:这种情况持续了几天。at在;of……的;to到;for为了。根据“a few days”可知此处是“for+时间段”的结构,故选D。83.句意:她很惊讶,我仍然可以没有任何问题地喝水。afraid害怕的;patient耐心的;surprised惊讶的;happy开心的。根据“I could still drink the water without any trouble.”可知作者可以正常喝水,水尝起来并不“脏”,所以她很惊讶,故选C。84.句意:但我错了。And和;But但是;Or或者;So所以。根据“My taste buds were OK.”可知前后句是转折关系,故选B。85.句意:最后,她发现了问题所在。To be honest老实说;For example例如;At last最后;After all毕竟。根据“she found out the problem”可知问题是最后被发现的,故选C。86.句意:她只是忘了洗杯子,所以过了一会儿,水看起来很脏。forgot忘记;wanted想要;remembered记得;hoped希望。根据“to clean her cup, so after a while, the water looked dirty”可知是因为忘记洗杯子,所以水尝起来“脏”,故选A。87.句意:我开始思考我们生活的世界。call in打电话来;think about考虑;look after照顾;part with放弃。根据“the world we live in”以及下文的描述可知,这是作者自己的思考,故选B。88.句意:当我们遇到问题时,我们会不假思索地责怪其他人和其他事情。happily开心地;politely礼貌地;hardly几乎不;quickly快速地。根据“without thinking twice”(不假思索)可知遇到问题就很快责怪其他人和其他事情。故选D。89.句意:但我认为我们应该问自己一些问题。yourselves你们自己;yourself你自己;ourselves我们自己;myself我自己。根据“But I think we should ask...some questions”可知是问自己一些问题,主语是we,反身代词用ourselves。故选C。90.句意:我错了吗?rule规则;mistake错误;wish愿望;noise噪音。根据“How can I correct it?”可知需要改正的是错误,故选B。(2023辽宁营口中考真题)When I was in middle school, I was bullied (欺负)a lot. There was one boy, let’s call him C, who was the main person 91 . Every day, for many years, he would say mean things to me and 92 me with his words. It was 93 time in my life, and I felt like there was no way of running away from it.Years passed, and I left 94 . I had no idea what happened to C, and I didn’t 95 . I just wanted to move on with my life and forget about what happened.One day, when I was twenty-six years old, I was walking to the supermarket. Suddenly, I saw C. I couldn’t believe it. He 96 at me, trying to find out who I was. Then, he asked me if I was who he thought I was. I told him that I was 97 who he thought I was.To my surprise, C 98 . It was the most honest and heartfelt apology I had ever heard. He didn’t have to say anything. He could have just behaved in a way that he didn’t 99 me and walked away. But he stopped me and apologized. I could hear the 100 in his voice for what he had done to me in the past. At that moment, I 101 him right away. All the hatred (憎恨)and 102 I had carried for years was gone in a 103 . I was a completely 104 and life-changing moment for me. That experience gave me a 105 in the goodness of people and made the rest of my day truly amazing.91.A.responsibleB.magicalC.impossibleD.valuable92.A.comfortB.satisfyC.praiseD.scare93.A.happyB.pleasantC.difficultD.moving94.A.homeB.schoolC.workD.supermarket95.A.helpB.relaxC.careD.calm96.A.lookedB.shoutedC.laughedD.knocked97.A.nearlyB.almostC.exactlyD.simply98.A.apologizedB.criedC.forgotD.communicated99.A.influenceB.noticeC.bullyD.hate100.A.lonelinessB.joyC.meaningD.shame101.A.leftB.excusedC.rememberedD.punished102.A.luckB.regretC.happinessD.anger103.A.yearB.monthC.secondD.hour104.A.unclearB.unfriendlyC.uncertainD.unexpected105.A.lessonB.hopeC.giftD.love【答案】91.A 92.D 93.C 94.B 95.C 96.A 97.C 98.A 99.B 100.D 101.B 102.D 103.C 104.D 105.A【导语】本文介绍了当初欺负作者的C,在多年以后,跟作者道歉,让作者感触颇多的故事。91.句意:有一个男孩,我们叫他C,他是主要责任人。responsible负责任的;magical神奇的;impossible不可能的;valuable有价值的。根据“When I was in middle school, I was bullied (欺负)a lot.”和“who was the main person”可知C是主要欺负我的人。故选A。92.句意:多年来,他每天都会对我说一些刻薄的话,并用他的话吓唬我。comfort舒服;satisfy满足;praise赞美;scare害怕。根据“When I was in middle school, I was bullied (欺负)a lot.”可知C欺负作者,所以会说话恐吓他。故选D。93.句意:那是我人生中很艰难的一段时间,我觉得没有办法逃避它。happy高兴的;pleasant愉快的;difficult困难的;moving感动的。根据“When I was in middle school, I was bullied (欺负)a lot.”可知被欺负的日子应该很艰难。故选C。94.句意:几年过去了,我离开了学校。home家;school学校;work工作;supermarket超市。根据“Years passed,”可知多年后,作者毕业了,离开了学校。故选B。95.句意:我不知道C发生了什么事,我不关心。help帮助;relax放松;care关心;calm冷静。根据“I just wanted to move on with my life and forget about what happened.”可知作者不关心C发生了什么,就想继续自己的生活。故选C。96.句意:他看着我,试图相出我是谁。looked看;shouted喊;laughed嘲笑;knocked敲。根据“Suddenly, I saw C. I couldn’t believe it.”可知两人见面了,互相看对方。故选A。97.句意:我告诉他我就是他想的那个人。nearly差不多;almost几乎;exactly准确地;simply简单地;仅仅。根据“Then, he asked me if I was who he thought I was.”可知作者告诉C,他就是他想的人。故选C。98.句意:让我惊讶的是,C道歉了。apologized道歉;cried哭;forgot忘记;communicated沟通。根据“It was the most honest and heartfelt apology I had ever heard.”可知作者听到了C的道歉。故选A。99.句意:他本可以表现得没注意到我,然后走开。influence影响;notice注意;bully欺负;hate恨。根据“He didn’t have to say anything.”可知作者认为C本可以不跟他说话,就当没注意到他。故选B。100.句意:我能从他的声音里听到他为过去对我所做的事感到羞耻。loneliness孤单;joy高兴;meaning意义;shame羞耻。根据“But he stopped me and apologized.”可知C道歉了,因此可推测他对过去的事,感到抱歉和羞耻。故选D。101.句意:那时,我立刻原谅他了。left离开;excused原谅;remembered记住;punished惩罚。根据“All the hatred (憎恨)and ... I had carried for years was gone in a ”可知作者原谅了C,所有憎恨都消散了。故选B。102.句意:多年来我心中的仇恨和愤怒在一瞬间消失了。luck运气;regret后悔;happiness高兴;anger生气。and连接与hatred意思相近的词,D选项符合。故选D。103.句意:多年来我心中的仇恨和愤怒在一瞬间消失了。year年;month月;second秒;hour小时。根据“ At that moment, I ... him right away. ”可知作者听到道歉的时候,就原谅了C,因此也就是一瞬间,C选项符合。故选C。104.句意:对我来说,这是一个完全出乎意料的改变人生的时刻。unclear不清楚的;不友好的;uncertain不确定的;unexpected意想不到的。根据“He could have just behaved in a way that he didn’t...me and walked away. ”可知C的道歉是作者没想到的。故选D。105.句意:那次经历让我明白了人是善良的,也让我这一天剩下的时间变得非常奇妙。lesson课程;hope希望;gift礼物;love爱。根据“in the goodness of people and made the rest of my day truly amazing.”可知这是作者的感悟,因此是学到了一课。故选A。(2023湖北鄂州统考中考真题)We can’t remember clearly since when we started to take our mobiles to a dinner table. This happens a lot, especially 106 we go out to have dinner. Once a dish comes, instead of lifting our chopsticks, we take out our 107 and click. Later, we post the photos onto Weibo or WeChat, waiting to be “liked”. Then we check our mobiles from time to time during the meal, to see 108 we get “liked” or not. We just cannot leave our mobiles for only a meal.Does that sound 109 to you? Do you do that often? If not, how do you 110 when others do that when having dinner with you?A recent study suggests that what we are 111 to doing is not so good. Spending time taking photos of 112 makes the food less pleasant. To test this, some researchers did an experiment. Some people were asked to take photos before they could enjoy food. As a result, it showed that the more photos they 113 , the less delicious the food seemed to them. So, why not stop taking photos and just enjoy the food in front of you?Besides the scientific result, there are also some other 114 influences of taking photos of food before meals. After 115 the photos onto the Internet, one will not be able to control himself and check his mobile many times. “Does everyone like my photos? I hope a lot of people like 116 !” It seems that your mobile secretly calls your name all the time, even when you are 117 real people.So, next time you 118 with your family or friends, how about not taking photos of food? Let the food be delicious as it is, and 119 your life with people around you. Trust me, it will be a 120 time.106.A.whenB.untilC.sinceD.because107.A.booksB.mobilesC.camerasD.watches108.A.whenB.howC.whatD.whether109.A.newB.similarC.kindD.lucky110.A.doB.hopeC.feelD.say111.A.allowedB.usedC.supposedD.expected112.A.friendsB.familyC.foodD.people113.A.tookB.takeC.have takenD.are taking114.A.badB.goodC.smallD.large115.A.takingB.postingC.throwingD.giving116.A.themB.itC.meD.us117.A.aroundB.toC.fromD.with118.A.eat outB.set outC.come upD.have fun119.A.treatB.avoidC.talkD.share120.A.busyB.hardC.wonderfulD.safe【答案】106.A 107.B 108.D 109.B 110.C 111.B 112.C 113.A 114.A 115.B 116.A 117.D 118.A 119.D 120.C【导语】本文以饭前用手机拍照并发送到微博和微信的普遍现象,深刻地揭示了高科技通讯产品对人们生活的广泛影响,建议人们放下手机与周围的人分享生活。106.句意:这种情况经常发生,尤其是当我们在外面吃饭的时候。when当……时;until直到……;since自从;because因为。根据“we go out to have dinner”可知指外出吃饭时,应用when来引导时间状语从句。故选A。107.句意:一旦一道菜上来了,我们就拿出手机点击,而不是举起筷子。books书;mobiles手机;cameras相机;watches手表。根据上文“we started to take our mobiles to a dinner table”可知此处指把手机带到餐桌,因此此处是指拿出手机。故选B。108.句意:然后,我们在用餐期间不时检查手机,看看自己是否被“点赞”。when当……时;how怎么样;what什么;whether是否。根据“or not”可知此处应用whether…or not表示“是否”。故选D。109.句意:你听上去熟悉吗?new新的;similar熟悉的;kind善良的;lucky幸运的。根据下一句“Do you often do that?”可知,这件事应该是经常做的,因此应是询问是否熟悉。故选B。110.句意:如果没有,当别人和你一起吃饭时那样做时,你有什么感觉?do做;hope希望;feel感觉;say说。根据“when others do that when having dinner with you”可知此处表示当别人和你一起吃饭时也那样做时,你会有什么感觉,应用动词feel表示“感觉”。故选C。111.句意:最近的一项研究表明,我们习惯做的事情并不那么好。allowed允许;used习惯于;supposed应当;expected期待。根据“Spending time taking photos of”可知,此处指花时间给食物拍照这件事,这是我们习惯做的事情。应用be used to doing表示“习惯做某事”。故选B。112.句意:花时间给食物拍照会让食物变得不那么令人愉快。friends朋友;family家人;food食物;people人们。根据上文可知本文谈论的是就餐时给食物拍照这件事。故选C。113.句意:结果显示,他们拍的照片越多,食物在他们看来就越不美味。took拍照,过去式;take拍照,动词原形;have taken已经拍照,现在完成时;are taking正在拍照,现在进行时。根据“seemed”可知句子应用一般过去时,因此应用过去式took。故选A。114.句意:除了科学的结果外,饭前拍照还有其他一些不好的影响。bad不好的;good好的;small小的;large大的。根据下文“one will not be able to control himself and check his mobile many times”可知,拍照后,一个人将无法控制自己,多次查看手机,这是不好的影响。故选A。115.句意:将照片发布到互联网上后,人们将无法控制自己,多次查看手机。taking拿,取;posting发布;throwing扔;giving给。根据“the photos onto the Internet”可知此处指把照片发布到网上。故选B。116.句意:我希望很多人喜欢它们。them它们;it它;me我;us我们。根据“my photos”可知此处应用人称代词them指代“我的照片”。故选A。117.句意:你的手机似乎一直在偷偷地叫你的名字,即使你和真人在一起。around在……的周围;to到;from来自;with和。根据“real people”可知此处应用介词with表示“和……在一起”。故选D。118.句意:所以,下次你和家人或朋友出去吃饭时,不要拍食物的照片怎么样?eat out外出就餐;set out出发;come up上来;have fun玩得高兴。根据上文“we go out to have dinner”可知此处指外出就餐。故选A。119.句意:让食物变得美味,并与周围的人分享你的生活。treat款待;avoid避免;talk谈话;share分享。根据“your life with people”可知此处应用动词短语share sth with sb表示“和某人分享某物”。故选D。120.句意:相信我,那将会是一段美好时光。busy忙碌的;hard困难的;wonderful美好的;safe安全的。根据上文“how about not taking photos of food?”可知作者建议下次外出就餐时,不要给食物拍照,就跟周围的人分享你的生活,由此可推测那将会是一段美好时光。故选C。(2023四川乐山统考中考真题)A long time ago, a group of people lived together on an island. They were Love, Vanity (虚荣), Sadness and so on. One day, the island would sink (沉没) . All the people 121 their boats and started to leave. Love didn’t have a boat, so Love decided to ask others for 122 .Love saw that Vanity had a beautiful boat. “Vanity, could you please take me 123 you?” Love asked. “I can’t help you.” Vanity answered. “You are wet all over with water. You will 124 my beautiful boat.”Love then turned to Sadness and asked. “Sadness, please let me get on your boat!” “Sorry. I am too sad and I need to be 125 ,” Sadness replied. And when Love saw Happiness pass by, Love also tried to ask her for help. 126 she was so happy that she didn’t even stop to listen to what Love was saying.Suddenly, Love heard an old man’s voice saying. “Come on, Love, I’ll take you away.” The old man used his boat to take love to a 127 place. Love thanked him and said. “May I have your name, please? And why were you willing (乐意的) to help me?” “My name is Time,” the old man replied. “I helped you because I understood how 128 you were—You made the world full of peace and pleasure.”121.A.got onB.put onC.tried onD.turned on122.A.adviceB.waterC.moneyD.help123.A.towardsB.aboveC.withD.past124.A.cleanB.fixC.messD.hide125.A.awayB.aloneC.abroadD.around126.A.ButB.ThoughC.BecauseD.Whenever127.A.dangerousB.poorC.quietD.safe128.A.valuableB.expensiveC.successfulD.interested【答案】121.A 122.D 123.C 124.C 125.B 126.A 127.D 128.A【导语】本文讲述了爱向虚荣和悲伤寻求帮助时被拒绝,最后是时间老人救了它的故事。这个故事告诉人们,我们需要时间去懂得爱的价值。121.句意:所有的人都上了船,开始离开。got on上车;put on穿上;tried on试穿;turned on打开。根据“started to leave.”可知大家都上船离开了,故选A。122.句意:爱没有船,所以爱决定向别人求助。advice建议;water水;money钱;help帮助。根据下文“I can’t help you.”可知爱在向别人求助,故选D。123.句意:虚荣,请你带我一起走好吗?towards朝着;above在……上;with和;past经过。根据“Vanity, could you please take me...you”可知爱求助虚荣,让虚荣带上自己,take sb with sb“把某人带走”,故选C。124.句意:你会弄脏我漂亮的船的。clean清理;fix修理;mess弄脏;hide隐藏。根据“You are wet all over with water. You will...my beautiful boat.”可知虚荣认为爱会把自己的船弄脏,故选C。125.句意:我太伤心了,我需要一个人静一静。away远离;alone独自;abroad在国外;around四周。根据“Sorry. I am too sad”可知伤心很悲伤,需要独自一人静一静,故选B。126.句意:但是她太高兴了,甚至没有停下来听爱在说什么。But但是;Though尽管;Because因为;Whenever无论何时。前后句是转折关系,应用but连接,故选A。127.句意:老人用他的船把爱带到一个安全的地方。dangerous危险的;poor贫穷的;quiet安静的;safe安全的。根据上文“One day, the island would sink (沉没)”可知老人应该是把爱带到一个安全的地方,故选D。128.句意:我帮助你是因为我知道你是多么有价值——你让世界充满了和平与快乐。valuable有价值的;expensive昂贵的;successful成功的;interested感兴趣的。根据“You made the world full of peace and pleasure.”可知爱可以让世界充满了和平与快乐,所以爱是很有价值的,故选A。(2023湖北孝感统考中考真题)阅读下面的短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可填入空白处的最佳选项,使短文意思完整。Martin is my youngest son. He likes staying alone and he seldom laughs. As the boy’s mother, I was 129 about him. I took him to see the 130 in many hospitals, but it didn’t work well. Nothing could make him happy except the recycling truck(垃圾回收车)passing by my house. Every afternoon, he raced to the front of the house, waiting 131 the truck.When we were late and 132 the truck, Martin would be very disappointed. One day, I stopped the truck and introduced 133 . “Nice to meet you, too. I’m Vince.” The driver greeted me in a happy 134 . “Your coming is the most exciting moment for my son.” I smiled.After knowing our story, he said, “ 135 you please give me your phone number? Maybe I can send you a message 136 I arrive.”Then began our friendship with Vince. Recently, I said to him, “It’s my little boy’s birthday tomorrow. Can you do 137 special for him?”The next day, as I was standing by the driveway with Martin, we saw the 138 truck running down the street with a loud beep(嘟嘟声). Like a superman in a movie, Vince stopped and walked towards us with a box in his hand. “Today is your birthday, Martin, and here’s a gift.”He handed the box to my son. Inside, there was a green model truck like his. My son, surprised, looked up 139 and thanked him.After chatting for several 140 , he was about to leave for work. I tried to give him some 141 for his help. He kept shaking his head and 142 my money, saying, “Today you, tomorrow me.”I was deeply moved(感动)by these 143 words. And I have been ready to help others whenever I can. You will never know when you’re going to be the one that needs help.129.A.angryB.gladC.worriedD.excited130.A.teachersB.farmersC.workersD.doctors131.A.onB.forC.inD.to132.A.caughtB.missedC.changedD.noticed133.A.herselfB.himselfC.myselfD.yourself134.A.voiceB.shoutC.noiseD.sound135.A.MustB.MayC.CouldD.Should136.A.afterB.beforeC.andD.or137.A.everythingB.anythingC.nothingD.something138.A.redB.greenC.yellowD.pink139.A.heavilyB.happilyC.sadlyD.seriously140.A.minutesB.hoursC.daysD.years141.A.foodB.moneyC.trucksD.gifts142.A.receivedB.acceptedC.refusedD.prevented143.A.simpleB.similarC.longD.difficult【答案】129.C 130.D 131.B 132.B 133.C 134.A 135.C 136.B 137.D 138.B 139.B 140.A 141.B 142.C 143.A【导语】本文讲述了一个男子只有看到路过家门口的垃圾回收车才会高兴,他妈妈向司机说明情况后,司机开始帮助他们,并在男孩生日时送了他一份特别的礼物。129.句意:作为男孩的妈妈,我很担心他。angry生气的;glad高兴的;worried担心的;excited兴奋的。根据上文“He likes staying alone and he seldom laughs.”可知,男孩喜欢一个人待着,很少笑,因此妈妈很担心他。故选C。130.句意:我带他去看了很多医院的医生,但效果不好。teachers老师;farmers农民;workers工人;doctors医生。根据“in many hospitals”可知是去医院看医生。故选D。131.句意:每天下午,他跑到房子前面,等着垃圾车。on在……上;for为了;in在……里面;to到。根据“waiting”可知此处用动词短语wait for表示“等待”。故选B。132.句意:当我们迟到错过卡车时,马丁会非常失望。caught抓住;missed错过;changed改变;noticed注意。根据“we were late”可知迟到就会错过垃圾车的到来。故选B。133.句意:有一天,我拦下了垃圾车,进行了自我介绍。herself她自己;himself他自己;myself我自己;yourself你自己,你们自己。句子主语为I,因此反身代词应用myself。故选C。134.句意:“我也很高兴认识你。我叫文斯。”司机用愉快的声音向我打招呼。voice声音,嗓音;shout叫喊声;noise噪音;sound声音。根据“in a happy”可知表示人的说话声,应用名词voice来表示。故选A。135.句意:您能给我您的电话号码吗?Must必须;May可以;Could可以;Should应该。根据“give me your phone number”可知此处表示请求许可,应用情态动词could表示委婉的请求。故选C。136.句意:也许我到达之前,可以给您发一条信息。after在……之后;before在……之前;and并且;or或者。根据“I arrive”可知此处应用before引导时间状语从句,表示“在到达之前”。故选B。137.句意:您能为他做点特别的事吗?everything一切;anything任何东西;nothing没有东西;something某些东西。根据“Can you”可知此处是在请求对方,希望得到对方肯定的回复,应用something来表示“某些东西”。故选D。138.句意:第二天,当我和马丁站在车道旁时,我们看到绿色卡车在街上行驶,发出一声巨大的嘟嘟声。red红色的;green绿色的;yellow黄色的;pink粉色的。根据上文“the recycling truck(垃圾回收车)”和常识可以垃圾车是绿色的。故选B。139.句意:我的儿子很惊讶,高兴地抬头感谢他。heavily沉重地;happily高兴地;sadly悲伤地;seriously严肃地。根据“thanked him”可知感谢垃圾车司机,因此应是高兴的。故选B。140.句意:聊了几分钟后,他准备离开去工作了。minutes分钟;hours小时;days天;years年。根据“After chatting for several”可知应是聊天聊了几分钟。故选A。141.句意:我试图因为他的帮忙给他一些钱。food食物;money钱;trucks卡车;gifts礼物。根据下文“my money”可知此处应是要给司机一点钱。故选B。142.句意:他不停地摇头,拒绝了我的钱,说:“今天是你,明天是我。”received接收;accepted接受;refused拒绝;prevented防止。根据“He kept shaking his head”可知,他不断摇头,说明是表明拒绝的态度。故选C。143.句意:这句简单的话深深地打动了我。simple简单的;similar相似的;long冗长的;difficult困难的。根据上文“Today you, tomorrow me.”可知这句话很简单。故选A。(2022中考真题)(2022内蒙古中考真题)There was once a lonely girl who wanted love very much. One day 1 she was walking in the forest, she found two dying birds. She took them home and put them in—a small cage. She was happy to have two “friends”. She 2 them with love and the birds grew strong. One day the girl happened to 3 the door of the cage open. The larger and stronger of the two flew out of the cage. The girl was 4 that it would fly away. She caught it quickly. She felt glad that she caught the bird before it could fly away. Suddenly she couldn’t hear a sound 5 the bird! When she opened her hand, the bird had already died. Her 6 killed the bird! Then she noticed 7 bird jumping up and down inside the cage. She could feel its great need for the 8 . It wanted to fly into the clear, blue sky. So she lifted it from the cage and let it fly away happily. The bird circled once, twice, and three times. The girl 9 as the bird flew; she didn’t care about losing the bird anymore. She wanted it to be happy. Suddenly the bird flew closer and landed softly on her shoulder. It sang the 10 song she had ever heard.The fastest way to lose love is to hold on it too tightly, and the best way to keep love is to give it wings.1.A.whileB.afterC.beforeD.until2.A.cared aboutB.depended onC.found outD.looked after3.A.leaveB.lockC.forgetD.close4.A.proudB.afraidC.gladD.grateful5.A.forB.outC.inD.from6.A.wishB.luckC.loveD.joke7.A.oneB.the otherC.anotherD.other8.A.beautyB.loveC.freedomD.truth9.A.escapedB.sawC.noticedD.watched10.A.worstB.oldestC.sweetestD.most popular【答案】1.A 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.C 7.B 8.C 9.D 10.C【导语】本文讲述了小女孩捡回两只快要死的鸟,带回家精心照顾。可是有一天一只死了,她明白鸟儿需要的是蓝天,于是她把另一只放走了。1.句意:一天,当她走在森林里的时候,她发现了两只垂死的鸟。while当……时;after在……之后;before在……之前;until直到。根据“...she was walking in the forest, she found two dying birds.”可知,在森林里的时候,发现了两只垂死的鸟,用while引导时间状语从句。故选A。2.句意:她悉心照料着它们,鸟儿一天天强壮起来。cared about关心;depended on依靠;found out发现;looked after照顾。根据“the birds grew strong”可知,鸟儿一天天强壮起来,可见应是得到了照顾。故选D。3.句意:一天,女孩碰巧把笼子的门开着。leave离开;lock锁;forget忘记;close关闭。根据“The larger and stronger of the two flew out of the cage.”可知,更大更壮的那只飞出了笼子,所以女孩是把笼子的门开着。故选A。4.句意:女孩害怕鸟儿会飞走。proud骄傲的;afraid害怕的;glad高兴的;grateful感激的。根据“She caught it quickly.”可知,女孩害怕鸟儿飞走,故选B。5.句意:突然,她听不见鸟的声音了!for为了;out外面;in在里面;from从。根据“Suddenly she couldn’t hear a sound...the bird!”可知,听不见来自鸟儿的声音了,故选D。6.句意:她的爱害死了那只鸟!wish希望;luck运气;love爱;joke玩笑。联系上下文可推知,是女孩对小鸟的爱导致小鸟的死亡。故选C。7.句意:这时她注意到另一只鸟在笼子里跳上跳下。one一个;the other两者中的另一个;another另一个;other其它的。根据“she found two dying birds”可知,作者照顾了两只鸟,此处指两只中剩余的另一只鸟,需用the other。故选B。8.句意:她能感觉到它对自由的巨大需求。beauty美丽;love爱;freedom自由;truth真相。根据“It wanted to fly into the clear, blue sky.”可知,鸟儿渴望自由,故选C。9.句意:女孩看着鸟儿飞翔;她再也不在乎失去鸟儿了。escaped逃跑;saw看见;noticed注意到;watched观看。根据“The girl...as the bird flew”可知,这里表示专注地看,需用watch。故选D。10.句意:它唱着她从未听过的最甜美的歌。worst最糟的;oldest最旧的;sweetest最甜的;most popular最受欢迎的。根据“It sang the...song she had ever heard.”可知,鸟儿唱出甜美的声音。故选C。(2022四川资阳中考真题)A person has two ears but only one mouth. That’s why we should listen more and speak 11 .However, people often 12 too much. They want others to listen to them, 13 they forget to listen to others. That’s why we can’t really communicate as much as we think.I used to wonder 14 nobody paid any attention to what I said. There were things that I wanted to say. There were feelings that I wanted to 15 . But nobody listened to me and it really made me 16 .Later I found out that I had been doing 17 the same thing: I kept talking and never really listened to anybody. So I decided to be a 18 . Soon, I 19 I began to know more about the people around me.Now I’ve listened to them. And I’ve become a 20 person.11.A.moreB.fasterC.lessD.louder12.A.smileB.swimC.lieD.talk13.A.butB.ifC.orD.until14.A.howB.whyC.whenD.whether15.A.shareB.buyC.learnD.remember16.A.warmB.sadC.lazyD.excited17.A.poorlyB.proudlyC.exactlyD.slowly18.A.speakerB.readerC.listenerD.writer19.A.realizedB.promisedC.forgotD.guessed20.A.simplerB.youngerC.busierD.better【答案】11.C 12.D 13.A 14.B 15.A 16.B 17.C 18.C 19.A 20.D【导语】本文主要讲作者从一个只顾自己说话的人,变成了一个好的听众。他发现现在他比之前更了解周围的人了。11.句意:那就是为什么我们应该听的更多,并且说的更少。more更多;faster更快;less更少;louder更大声。根据“we should listen more and speak ...”可知此处讲要少说多听。故选C。12.句意:然而,人们通常说的太多。smile微笑;swim游泳;lie撒谎;talk说。根据“They want others to listen to them”可知是人们说的多。故选D。13.句意:他们想要别人听他们讲,但是他们忘记了去听别人讲。but但是;if如果;or或者;until直到。根据“They want others to listen to them ... they forget to listen to others.”可知前后是转折关系,故选A。14.句意:我曾经想知道为什么别人不注意我说的话。how怎样;why 为什么;when的时候;whether是否。根据“wonder ... nobody paid any attention to what I said.”可知此处是不明白为什么别人不注意自己的言语。故选B。15.句意:这里有我想要分享的感受。share分享;buy买;learn学习;remember记住。根据“But nobody listened to me and it really ...”及“There were feelings that I wanted to ...”可知作者想分享自己的感受却无人倾听。故选A。16.句意:但是没有人倾听我,这让我很伤心。warm温暖的;sad伤心的;lazy懒惰;excited兴奋的。根据“But nobody listened to me and it really made me ...”可知无人倾听,是件令人伤心的事。故选B。17.句意:之后我发现我正在做着同样的事情。我不停地讲,从来不去真正的听任何人讲。poorly差地;proudly自豪地;exactly确切地;slowly慢地。根据“I kept talking and never really listened to anybody.”可知此处讲的是自己也做着同样的事,即不停的讲,不去听别人讲。故选C。18.句意:所以我决定成为一名听众。speaker说话者;reader读者;listener听者;writer作者。根据“I began to know more about the people around me.”可知听者才能听到别人想说的话,才能更了解周围的人。故选C。19.句意:很快我意识到我开始更了解我周围的人了。realized意识到;promised承诺;forgot忘记;guessed猜测。根据“Soon, I ... began to know more about the people around me.”可知成为听者之后意识到自己通过听更了解周围的人。故选A。20.句意:现在我听他们讲我也变成了一个更好的人。simpler更简单;younger更年轻;busier更忙;better更好。根据“Now I’ve listened to them. And I’ve become a ...”可知听别人说话,也让自己变得更好了。故选D。(2022青海中考真题)阅读短文,从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳选项,使短文完整、通顺。 One day, I came home after school and threw my gym bag and volleyball down at the floor. I had tried out for the school volleyball team, but I didn’t 21 . I felt terrible. My mother tried to cheer me up, 22 nothing she did worked. Finally, my mother sent me to visit my uncle 23 lived around the corner. “Are you still feeling bad?” my uncle asked. I guess my mother had told my uncle 24 my disappointment (失望). He 25 give me some good advice. He said, “Tommy, I’m 26 you for trying out for the volleyball team although you failed. You know what I do? Every year, I make a promise to 27 to try one new thing like a new sport, a new hobby or a new friend each year. Trying new things helps you grow as a person.” One day, when I was walking by a school, I saw some kids 28 baseball. I thought about what my uncle had said, so I got close to the kids. It took some courage, but soon I was playing with them and having fun. From then on, I played with them every week. A year 29 , I became a happy player on our school baseball team. And I found this happiness because I tried 30 new.21.A.make itB.put itC.find itD.lose it22.A.andB.butC.becauseD.so23.A.whichB.whomC.whoD.what24.A.withB.toC.ofD.about25.A.felt lucky toB.decided toC.happened toD.refused to26.A.strict withB.angry withC.proud ofD.good to27.A.myselfB.himselfC.herselfD.yourself28.A.playB.to playC.playingD.played29.A.lateB.laterC.earlyD.earlier30.A.anythingB.everythingC.nothingD.something【答案】21.A 22.B 23.C 24.D 25.B 26.C 27.A 28.C 29.B 30.D【导语】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述作者参加校排球队选拔失败后,通过尝试新的运动,重新找到了快乐。21.句意:我曾参加学校排球队的选拔,但没有成功。make it成功;put it放它;find it发现它;lose it失去它。根据“I felt terrible.”可知,感觉很糟糕,所以没有成功,故选A。22.句意:我母亲试图使我振作起来,但她所做的一切都不起作用。and和;but但是;because因为;so因此。前后构成转折关系,用but连接,故选B。23.句意:最后,我妈妈送我去拜访住在街角的叔叔。which哪一个;whom谁(宾格);who谁;what什么。此处是定语从句,先行词是人“my uncle”,引导词在从句中作主语,故选C。24.句意:我猜我妈妈把我的失望告诉了叔叔。with和;to到;of……的;about关于。此处是tell sb about sth短语,意为“告诉某人关于某事”,故选D。25.句意:他决定给我一些好的建议。felt lucky to感到幸运;decided to决定;happened to发生;refused to拒绝。根据“He...give me some good advice.”和后文内容可知,叔叔决定给我一些好的建议,故选B。26.句意:汤米,尽管你失败了,但我为你参加排球队的选拔感到骄傲。strict with严厉;angry with生气;proud of骄傲;good to对……好。根据“I’m...you for trying out for the volleyball team although you failed”可知,叔叔在鼓励我,所以是为我骄傲,故选C。27.句意:每年,我都对自己承诺,每年尝试一件新事情,比如一项新的运动,一个新的爱好或一个新的朋友。myself我自己;himself他自己;herself她自己;yourself你自己。根据“I make a promise to...”可知,主语是I,所以用myself,故选A。28.句意:一天,当我路过一所学校时,我看到一些孩子在打棒球。play动词原形;to play动词不定式;playing动名词/现在分词;played动词过去式。根据“when I was walking by a school, I saw some kids...baseball”可知,此处是see sb doing sth短语,意为“看见某人正在做某事”,故选C。29.句意:一年后,我成为了学校棒球队的一名快乐的球员。late晚;later更晚;early早;earlier更早。根据“A year..., I became a happy player on our school baseball team.”可知,一年后,成为了棒球队的队员,故选B。30.句意:我找到了这种快乐,因为我尝试了新的东西。anything任何事;everything每件事;nothing无事;something某事。根据“And I found this happiness because I tried...new.”可知,因为尝试了新的事物,所以找到了快乐,故选D。(2022贵州遵义中考真题)It was a fine day. A tour guide was showing a group of 31 around a lagoon(环礁湖). Everyone enjoyed the beautiful scenery happily.Suddenly, a tourist noticed a strange scene nearby on the trip. He asked the guide 32 . “I find that the coral reef(珊瑚礁) on the ocean side is bright and 33 but on the other side it looks pale and lifeless. Why is this?” With a smile on his face, the guide answered, “The coral on the ocean side is always being 34 by sea water and storms. It has to fight to live every day. The 35 caused by the sea doesn’t make it weak but strong. However, the coral on the other side is still(静止的) water, with no challenge for its life. It 36 gradually.”That’s 37 it is with people. Everyone has troubles but most of them may actually be 38 for us. Just like coral hit by the sea, we come alive and 39 with pressure. Pressure and challenges can help us develop strong character. So, don’t worry if we have a problem in our life. Just tell ourselves, “Here’s another great 40 to make us better.”31.A.swimmersB.driversC.farmersD.visitors32.A.in angerB.in surpriseC.in silenceD.in fear33.A.darkB.lightC.colorfulD.grey34.A.builtB.washedC.protectedD.filled35.A.challengeB.diseaseC.pollutionD.accident36.A.livesB.developsC.improvesD.dies37.A.howB.whatC.whenD.where38.A.badB.goodC.helplessD.painful39.A.growB.fallC.dropD.worry40.A.planB.wishC.chanceD.promise【答案】31.D 32.B 33.C 34.B 35.A 36.D 37.A 38.B 39.A 40.C【导语】本文通过珊瑚礁两侧的截然不同的样子告诉我们一个道理:压力和挑战可以帮助我们培养坚强的性格,这也是让我们变得更好的好机会。31.句意:一位导游带着一群游客参观环礁湖。swimmers游泳者;drivers司机;farmers农民;visitors游客。根据“A tour guide”可知导游带着游客,故选D。32.句意:他惊讶地问导游。in anger陷入危险;in surprise惊讶地;in silence沉默;in fear害怕。根据“I find that the coral reef(珊瑚礁) on the ocean side is bright and...but on the other side it looks pale and lifeless. ”可知两边的珊瑚礁不一样,所以游客很惊讶,故选B。33.句意:我发现在海洋一侧的珊瑚礁是明亮的和五颜六色的,但在另一边它看起来苍白和死气沉沉。dark黑暗的;light轻的;colorful五颜六色的;grey灰色的。根据“bright and...but on the other side it looks pale and lifeless”可知两边的珊瑚礁形成了对比,所以和苍白和死气沉沉对应的应该是五颜六色的,故选C。34.句意:大海那边的珊瑚总是被海水和风暴冲刷着。built建立;washed冲洗;protected保护;filled填充。根据“The coral on the ocean side is always being...by sea water and storms”可知靠近大海的一边总是被海水和风暴冲刷着。故选B。35.句意:大海带来的挑战不是使它变弱,而是使它变强。challenge挑战;disease疾病;pollution污染;accident事故。根据下句“with no challenge for its life.”可知是指挑战,故选A。36.句意:它逐渐死去。lives生活;develops发展,生长,形成;improves提升;dies死亡。根据“However, the coral on the other side is still(静止的) water, with no challenge for its life”可知另一边是静止的海水,没有任何挑战,所以珊瑚礁逐渐地死去,故选D。37.句意:人就是这样。how如何;what什么;when什么时候;where在哪里。根据“That’s...it is with people. Everyone has troubles but most of them may actually be ”可知此处是说人和这个一样,That’s how it is...“……这一回事” 符合语境,故选A。38.句意:每个人都有困难,但大多数困难实际上可能对我们有好处。bad坏的;good好的;helpless无助的;painful疼痛的。根据“but most of them may actually be...for us”可知but表示转折,说明困难实际上可能对我们有好处。故选B。39.句意:就像被海水撞击的珊瑚,我们在压力中活了过来,生长起来。grow生长;fall落下;drop下降;worry担心。根据“we come alive and...with pressure.”可知是指在压力中活了过来,生长起来。故选A。40.句意:这是另一个让我们变得更好的好机会。plan计划;wish希望;chance机会;promise承诺。根据“ So, don’t worry if we have a problem in our life. Just tell ourselves, ‘Here’s another great...to make us better.’”可知压力和挑战可以帮助我们培养坚强的性格,如果我们的生活中有问题,不要担心,这是一个让我们变得更好的好机会。故选C。(2022内蒙古呼和浩特中考真题)I was going through a pretty hard time in April. I found myself going for late night 41 once in a while because the lockdown (封锁) started and I couldn’t sleep anyway. At the end of my street one night, there was something 42 in the garden that caught my eye. Looking in the direction of the light, I saw a little girl decorating a tree with beautiful shining lights. A(n) 43 suddenly came to me. What if I left a note to the girl, pretending (假装) to be the fairy (仙子) living in the tree? The fairy would like to thank her for her hard work and kindness. I went home, 44 her a note, and put it in the garden.To my surprise, the next day there was a note 45 . I pretty much broke down in tears immediately, because I didn’t really think anything would come after that. How precious (珍贵的) it was! Her mom and I started 46 now and then. She said Eliana is loving this. When 47 we got to meet after all these months, Eliana and I immediately started talking just like old friends.I realize that this 48 is doing so much for me. And I really hope that someday she shall become a 49 for someone else too. Even the smallest things that we do for 50 may change our life. And I think that is what we need right now. Everyone needs some magic, even adults too.41.A.meetingsB.walksC.studiesD.talks42.A.handsomeB.funnyC.greatD.bright43.A.ideaB.feelingC.expressionD.message44.A.tookB.leftC.wroteD.sent45.A.insideB.forwardC.offD.back46.A.cookingB.chattingC.shoppingD.discussing47.A.firstlyB.slowlyC.quicklyD.finally48.A.challengeB.treeC.relationD.time49.A.fairyB.familyC.friendD.supporter50.A.girlsB.kidsC.strangersD.classmates【答案】41.B 42.D 43.A 44.C 45.D 46.B 47.D 48.C 49.A 50.C【导语】本文讲述了作者在花园里遇到一个小女孩的经历,最后感悟到为陌生人做一些最微不足道的事情也可能改变我们的生活。41.句意:我偶尔会去深夜散步,因为封锁开始了,我根本睡不着。meetings会议;walks散步;studies学习;talks谈论。根据后文“At the end of my street one night…”可知,作者偶尔深夜散步,故选B。42.句意:一天晚上,在我住的那条街的尽头,花园里有一件明亮的东西吸引了我的目光。handsome英俊的;funny有趣的;great伟大的;bright明亮的。根据下文“Looking in the direction of the light…”可知,应该是亮的东西,故选D。43.句意:我突然想到一个主意。idea主意;feeling感觉;expression表达;message信息。根据下一句“What if I left a note to the girl, pretending to be the fairy living in the tree? ”可知,这里是指我想到一个主意,故选A。44.句意:我回家,给她写了一张便条,放在花园里。took拿走;left离开;wrote写;sent发送。根据前文“What if I left a note to the girl, pretending to be the fairy living in the tree? ”可知,这里是指写了一张便条,故选C。45.句意:令我惊讶的是,第二天又收到了一张便条。inside在……里面;forward向前;off离开;back后面。根据“To my surprise…”可知,作者的便条有了回音,故选D。46.句意:她妈妈和我不时地开始聊天。cooking做饭;chatting聊天;shopping购物;discussing讨论。根据后句“She said Eliana is loving this.”可知,两人开始聊天,故选B。47.句意:几个月后,当我们终于见面时,伊莉安娜和我立即开始像老朋友一样交谈。firstly首先;slowly慢慢地;quickly快速地;finally最终。根据“Eliana and I immediately started talking just like old friends”可知,这里指两人终于见面,故选D。48.句意:我意识到这种关系对我有很大的帮助。challenge挑战;tree树;relation关系;time时间。根据前文“…Eliana and I immediately started talking just like old friends”可知,这段关系对我来说意义重大,故选C。49.句意:我真的希望有一天她也能成为别人的仙女。fairy仙女;family家人;friend朋友;supporter支持者。根据前文“…pretending to be the fairy living in the tree”可知,此处指希望有一天她也能成为别人的仙女,故选A。50.句意:即使是我们为陌生人做的最微不足道的事情也可能改变我们的生活girls女孩;kids孩子;strangers陌生人;classmates同学。根据后文“And I think that is what we need right now. Everyone needs some magic, even adults too.”可知,这里指为陌生人做最微不足道的事情,故选C。(2022贵州安顺中考真题)At the beginning, it seemed to me that Doctor Li—my dad wasn’t exactly a good one.My dad works every day late into the 51 , sometimes even forgetting to eat dinner, and gets up early as well. Even when he’s at home he always thinks about his 52 and hardly ever spends any time with my mother and me.As a doctor who ever 53 in Peking University and got his degree (学位) of medicine, he could make lots of money and only do half of the work he is doing now, but he chose to do more 54 and heavy work when he graduated. He spends every coin like it is his last although he makes a good salary (薪水). He always wears worn (破旧的) and 55 clothes, saying they are comfortable and suit him well and refuses to change. I sometimes get angry with him for not 56 his appearance, but he just smiles and says, Daddy has more important uses for the money, all right?”I never stopped being curious (好奇的) about how he spent his 57 . Then one day when I was reading the newspaper, a piece of news caught my eyes: “Doctor Li has 58 100,000 yuan to help 59 children in flood-stricken areas go back to school.” At that moment I suddenly understood what my dad had done.My father’s love for others has touched me 60 . I start to admire the great spirit and decide to pass it on.51.A.morningB.afternoonC.night52.A.lookB.lifeC.work53.A.taughtB.studiedC.lived54.A.easyB.differentC.difficult55.A.cleanB.cheapC.expensive56.A.caring aboutB.worrying aboutC.talking about57.A.holidaysB.timeC.money58.A.donatedB.wastedC.lost59.A.richB.poorC.proud60.A.badlyB.slightlyC.deeply【答案】51.C 52.C 53.B 54.C 55.B 56.A 57.C 58.A 59.B 60.C【导语】本文介绍了作者的父亲不注意自己的外表,但是把钱捐给贫穷的孩子,让他们重返校园的感人事迹,作者受其父的影响,决定把它传承下去。51.句意:我爸爸每天工作到深夜,有时甚至忘记吃晚饭,也早起。morning早上;afternoon下午;night晚上。根据“My dad works every day late into the...”可知,工作至深夜,故选C。52.句意:即使当他在家的时候,他也总是想着他的工作,几乎从不花时间和我和妈妈在一起。look外貌;life生活;work工作。根据“Even when he’s at home he always thinks about his...and hardly ever spends any time with my mother and me.”可知,即使当他在家的时候,他也总是想着他的工作。故选C。53.句意:作为一名曾在北京大学学习并获得医学学位的医生,他可以赚很多钱,只做他现在做的工作的一半,但他选择了在毕业后做更困难和繁重的工作。taught教;studied学习;lived生活。根据“As a doctor who ever...in Peking University and got his degree of medicine”可知,父亲曾就读于北京大学。故选B。54.句意:作为一名曾在北京大学学习并获得医学学位的医生,他可以赚很多钱,只做他现在做的工作的一半,但他选择了在毕业后做更困难和繁重的工作。easy容易的;different不同的;difficult困难的。根据“but he chose to do more...and heavy work”可知,父亲选择做更困难和繁重的工作。故选C。55.句意:他总是穿旧的,便宜的衣服,说它们很舒服,很适合他,拒绝换。clean干净的;cheap便宜的;expensive昂贵的。根据“He always wears worn and...clothes”可知,父亲总是穿破旧和便宜的衣服。故选B。56.句意:我有时会生他的气,因为他不在乎自己的外表,但他只是笑着说:“爸爸的钱有更重要的用途,好吗?”caring about关心;worrying about担心;talking about谈论。根据“I sometimes get angry with him for not...his appearance”可知,父亲不在乎自己的外表。故选A。57.句意:我一直对他如何花钱感到好奇。holidays假日;time时间;money钱。根据后文可知,父亲把钱捐给了贫困儿童,所以是好奇父亲是如何花钱的。故选C。58.句意:李医生捐赠了10万元,帮助洪水灾区的贫困儿童重返学校。donated捐赠;wasted浪费;lost丢失。根据“Doctor Li has...100,000 yuan to help...children in flood-stricken areas go back to school.”可知,父亲捐赠了10万元帮助洪水灾区的贫困儿童重返学校。故选A。59.句意:李医生捐赠了10万元,帮助洪水灾区的贫困儿童重返学校。rich富有的;poor贫穷的;proud骄傲的。根据“Doctor Li has...100,000 yuan to help...children in flood-stricken areas go back to school.”可知,父亲捐赠了10万元帮助洪水灾区的贫困儿童重返学校。故选B。60.句意:父亲对他人的爱深深打动了我。badly坏地;slightly轻微地;deeply深深地。根据“My father’s love for others has touched me...”可知,父亲对他人的爱深深打动了我。故选C。(2022江苏淮安中考真题)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Five years ago, I was at school when I got a call from Mum. She said that our house was completely destroyed in a terrible tornado(龙卷风). I felt 61 after hearing the news and then rushed back home. 62 ,neither of my parents got hurt. But Mum couldn’t stop crying since we had 63 left. Seeing the tears on her face, I walked up and tried to 64 her. After a short of fear, we calmed down and started to think about what could be done next. Some 65 from the local government came to help in time. They offered us some food and money which we needed most. We 66 the following few days in a community centre but still didn’t know what was waiting for us. One of my best friends, Elsa, hurried there with a large sized 67 in her hand. In it, there was some fruit, biscuits, two coats and so on. I found neither of the coats was 68 for me. But I really didn’t mind because her care was far more than that. It was more touching that I 69 got some books to read from her bag. As days went by, we 70 to my uncle’s old flat which stayed empty for a couple of years. It was much 71 , but after all it was a place called home. 72 we moved in, life was better. However, our relatives, friends and some strangers continued to help us. Thanks to 73 help, we finally lived through the pain. And for the first time I realized that 74 was enough when I had nothing else left in my life. Looking back now, the 75 time turns out to be an unforgettable experience. No one can tell when the disaster will come and what it may cause, but if we have some space for others in our heart and are ready to help, we can get over any “tornado” in our life.61.A.excitedB.scaredC.boredD.relaxed62.A.LuckilyB.ProudlyC.UnluckilyD.Unhappily63.A.somethingB.anythingC.nothingD.everything64.A.encourageB.missC.believeD.greet65.A.policemenB.doctorsC.teachersD.officers66.A.savedB.forgotC.enjoyedD.spent67.A.coatB.boxC.bagD.pocket68.A.specialB.dirtyC.uglyD.fit69.A.stillB.evenC.hardlyD.ever70.A.returnedB.movedC.travelledD.ran71.A.smallerB.biggerC.brighterD.closer72.A.UntilB.BeforeC.AfterD.Whenever73.A.hisB.herC.ourD.their74.A.courageB.friendshipC.loveD.trust75.A.strangeB.hardC.happyD.free【答案】61.B 62.A 63.C 64.A 65.D 66.D 67.C 68.D 69.B 70.B 71.A 72.C 73.D 74.C 75.B【导语】本文主要讲述了作者遭遇龙卷风后遇到了很多人的帮助。61.句意:听到这个消息后我感到很害怕,然后就冲回家去了。excited兴奋的;scared害怕的;bored无聊的;relaxed放松的。根据“after hearing the news ”可知,听了新闻之后很害怕,故选B。62.句意:幸运的是,我父母都没有受伤。Luckily幸运地;Proudly骄傲地;Unluckily不幸运地;Unhappily不高兴地。根据“neither of my parents got hurt”可知,很幸运父母没有受伤,故选A。63.句意:但是妈妈止不住地哭,因为我们什么都没有了。something一些;anything任何;nothing什么都没有;everything一切。根据“But Mum couldn't stop crying”可知,龙卷风之后,什么都没有了,故选C。64.句意:我走上前,试图鼓励她。encourage鼓励;miss思念;believe相信;greet打招呼。根据“I walked up”可知,上前去安慰母亲,故选A。65.句意:当地政府的一些官员及时赶来帮忙。policemen警察;doctors医生;teachers老师;officers官员。根据“from the local government”可知,是政府官员,故选D。66.句意:我们在一个社区中心度过了接下来的几天,但仍然不知道等待我们的是什么。saved拯救;forgot忘记;enjoyed享受;spent度过。根据“in a community centre”可知,在这里度过几天,故选D。67.句意:埃尔莎手里拿着一个大袋子,匆匆赶到那里。coat外套;box盒子;bag袋子;pocket口袋。根据“from her bag”可知,手里拿着袋子,故选C。68.句意:我发现两件外套都不适合我special特殊的;dirty脏的;ugly丑陋的;fit合适。根据“But I really didn’t mind because her care was far more than that.”可知,外套不合适,故选D。69.句意:更令人感动的是,我甚至从她的包里拿了一些书来读。still仍然;even甚至;hardly几乎不;ever曾经。根据“got some books to read”可知,袋子里甚至有书,故选B。70.句意:日子一天天过去,我们搬到了我叔叔的旧公寓里,好几年都没人住。returned返回;moved搬;travelled旅行;ran跑。根据“to my uncle's old flat”可知,搬进旧公寓,故选B。71.句意:它要小得多,但毕竟是一个叫做家的地方。smaller更小;bigger更大;brighter更明亮;closer更近。根据“but after all it was a place called home.”可知,公寓很小,故选A。72.句意:我们搬进来后,生活变得更好了。Until直到;Before在……之前;After在……之后;Whenever无论何时。根据“life was better.”可知,搬进公寓之后生活更好了,故选C。73.句意:多亏了他们的帮助,我们终于熬过了痛苦。his他的;her她的;our我们的;their他们的。根据“However, our relatives, friends and some strangers continued to help us.”可知,多亏了他们的帮助,故选D。74.句意:我第一次意识到,当我的生命中一无所有时,有爱就足够了。courage勇气;friendship友谊;love爱;trust信任。根据“when I had nothing else left in my life”可知,什么都没有的时候,有爱就足够了,故选C。75.句意:现在回想起来,那段艰难的时光是一段难忘的经历。strange奇怪的;hard艰难的;happy快乐的;free自由的。根据全文内容可知,是一段艰难时期,故选B。(2022四川绵阳中考真题)On a beautiful day in Mianyang this week, I went for a bike ride around the city and into the countryside. I 76 groups of Chinese men standing in a circle. They paid careful attention to what was happening at the center. Many newcomers to China are surprised to discover that these onlookers are 77 watching a wonderful side of Chinese culture: Chinese chess. Chinese chess has been played in China for at least two thousand years. It can quickly be 78 by anyone who knows how to play international chess, whose rules are very similar. I am a big fan of board games, 79 I decided to stop and watch. There were five people watching and two men 80 . Some of the onlookers were strangers to the players, others were friends, but all tried to offer 81 for the players’ next move. Within a few minutes of stopping to watch the game, I was talking with the onlookers and players. I was giving my own suggestions of moves to make and 82 why one of the players didn’t take a clear capture(吃掉). When the game ended, I was invited to play against the winner—and I was soon left wondering how I was 83 so quickly(but I think I tried my best). Everyone I spoke with wanted to share their 84 of Chinese chess with me and they asked me lots of questions about my experiences in Mianyang. I lost the game, but I was happy. The game I played is a great example where trying is more 85 than winning, and there are lots to try in Mianyang!76.A.noticedB.heardC.feltD.considered77.A.suddenlyB.actuallyC.luckilyD.lonely78.A.put upB.taken upC.picked upD.set up79.A.butB.orC.yetD.so80.A.fightingB.playingC.sayingD.singing81.A.adviceB.moneyC.timeD.space82.A.shoutingB.repeatingC.forgettingD.asking83.A.hitB.beatenC.discoveredD.caught84.A.knowledgeB.imaginationC.ruleD.result85.A.difficultB.seriousC.importantD.useful【答案】76.A 77.B 78.C 79.D 80.B 81.A 82.D 83.B 84.A 85.C【导语】本文是一篇记叙文,作者介绍自己下象棋的经历。76.句意:我注意到一群中国男人站成一圈。noticed注意到;heard听见;felt感觉;considered考虑。根据“I...groups of Chinese men standing in a circle.”可知,是作者注意到的事情,故选A。77.句意:许多刚到中国的人惊讶地发现,这些旁观者实际上看到的是中国文化精彩的一面:中国象棋。suddenly突然;actually实际上;luckily幸运地;lonely孤独地。根据“China are surprised to discover that these onlookers are...watching a wonderful side of Chinese culture”可知,旁观者实际上是在看中国象棋,故选B。78.句意:任何会下国际象棋的人都能很快学会,因为国际象棋的规则非常相似。put up举起;taken up占据;picked up不费力地学会;set up设置。根据“It can quickly be...by anyone who knows how to play international chess”可知,象棋很快会被学会,故选C。79.句意:我是一个棋类游戏的超级粉丝,所以我决定停下来看看。but但是;or或者;yet还;so因此。前后两句构成因果关系,用so连接,故选D。80.句意:有五个人在看,两个人在玩。fighting打仗;playing玩;saying说;singing唱歌。根据常识可知,两个人下棋,故选B。81.句意:旁观者中,有些是玩家的陌生人,有些是朋友,但所有人都试图为玩家的下一步行动提供建议。advice建议;money钱;time时间;space空间。根据“but all tried to offer...for the players’ next move”可知,观棋的人给出建议,故选A。82.句意:我给出了自己的移动建议,并询问为什么其中一名玩家没有明确捕获目标。shouting大叫;repeating重复;forgetting忘记;asking问。根据“why one of the players didn’t take a clear capture”可知,询问为什么没有吃掉对方的棋,故选D。83.句意:当比赛结束时,我被邀请去和获胜者比赛——我很快就开始想为什么我这么快就被打败了(但我想我已经尽力了)。hit击打;beaten打败;discovered发现;caught抓住。根据“but I think I tried my best”可知,尽力了,但是被打败了,故选B。84.句意:每个和我交谈的人都想和我分享他们的中国象棋知识,他们问了我很多关于我在绵阳的经历的问题。knowledge知识;imagination想象;rule规则;result结果。根据“Everyone I spoke with wanted to share their...of Chinese chess with me”可知,分享关于中国象棋的知识,故选A。85.句意:我玩的游戏就是一个很好的例子,尝试比胜利更重要,在绵阳有很多尝试!difficult困难的;serious严肃的;important重要的;useful有用的。根据“The game I played is a great example where trying is more...than winning”可知,尝试比胜利更重要,故选C。(2022湖北黄石中考真题)阅读下面的材料,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。Last Monday, a teacher named Celina cheerfully asked her students what their weekends were like. A boy said that he had spent a 86 weekend—he had his teeth 87 out and they still hurt. “Why do you always seem to be so happy?” he asked.Hearing the 88 , Celina answered with a smile, “Every morning, you have a choice about how you will treat your whole day. I 89 to be cheerful.”“And today is my lucky day.” she added.“ 90 ?” the whole class were curious (好奇的).“This morning, I 91 a mobike and rode to school as usual. Suddenly, the mobike didn’t work, so I had to go another kilometer down the road.”“The mobike is broken and it’s your lucky day?” The students were 92 .“What do you mean, Celina?” one girl asked.“It broke down a quarter before class, so I left it at a proper place and 93 the road. You know, it’s spring now. The beautiful flowers, green trees and sweet bird songs were greeting me all the way. So I had the chance to enjoy them. It 94 me ten minutes to arrive and I was still able to teach my class on time.”The students’ eyes opened wide, and then they smiled. Celina smiled back. Somehow, her story touched them. She was happy and satisfied that they had a perfect chance to consider 95 in a new way.86.A.busyB.satisfyingC.terribleD.meaningful87.A.pulledB.pushedC.washedD.cleaned88.A.suggestionB.questionC.decisionD.introduction89.A.failB.seemC.hateD.choose90.A.WhoB.WhenC.WhyD.How91.A.unlockedB.boughtC.lentD.made92.A.surprisedB.boredC.patientD.nervous93.A.walked through B.walked downC.walked acrossD.walked into94.A.paidB.spentC.costD.took95.A.dreamB.purposeC.luckD.wish【答案】86.C 87.A 88.B 89.D 90.C 91.A 92.A 93.B 94.D 95.C【导语】本文讲述了一位老师向学生讲述了今天早上的经历,告诉学生,无论发生什么事,要积极地面对。86.句意:一个男孩说他度过了一个糟糕的周末。busy忙碌的;satisfying令人满意的;terrible糟糕的;meaningful有意义的。根据“they still hurt”可知拔牙了,牙还疼,说明这个周末很糟糕,故选C。87.句意:他的牙齿被拔掉了,而且仍然很疼。pulled拉,拔;pushed推;washed清洗;cleaned清理。根据“he had his teeth...out”可知是指拔牙,故选A。88.句意:听到这个问题,塞琳娜笑着回答说。suggestion建议;question问题;decision决定;introduction介绍。根据“Why do you always seem to be so happy?”可知是指赛琳娜听到这个问题,故选B。89.句意:我选择快乐。fail失败;seem似乎;hate讨厌;choose选择。根据“you have a choice about how you will treat your whole day.”可知是指一种选择,故选D。90.句意:“为什么?”全班都很好奇。Who谁;When什么时候;Why为什么;How如何。根据“And today is my lucky day.”可知全班学生都想知道为什么今天是老师的幸运日,故选C。91.句意:今天早上,我解锁了一辆摩拜单车,像往常一样骑车上学。unlocked解锁;bought买;lent借出;made制作。根据“a mobike and rode”可知是解锁摩拜单车,故选A。92.句意:“摩拜单车坏了,今天是你的幸运日?”学生们很惊讶。surprised惊讶的;bored无聊的;patient耐心的;nervous紧张的。根据“The mobike is broken and it’s your lucky day”可知学生们认为单车坏了,怎么会是幸运日,所以都感到惊讶,故选A。93.句意:它在上课前十五分钟坏了,所以我把它放在适当的地方,然后沿着路走。walked through走过;walked down沿着走;walked across走过;walked into走进。根据“so I left it at a proper place and...the road.”可知是指沿着路走,故选B。94.句意:我花了十分钟才到学校,但我仍然能按时上课。paid支付,主语是人;spent花费,主语是人;cost花费,主语是物;took花费,主语一般是it。此处主语是it,所以应用took,故选D。95.句意:她感到高兴和满意的是,他们有了一个完美的机会,以一种新的方式来考虑运气。dream梦想;purpose目的;luck运气;wish希望。结合上文赛琳娜介绍自己的幸运日可知,此处是指运气,故选C。(2022辽宁鞍山中考真题)根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。There are many great stories in Chinese history. This is one of the most educational stories.Kuang Heng was a very famous person in the Western Han Dynasty, and he was born in a 96 family. He liked reading very much. He needed to work in the daytime, so he had to read books during the night. But he was too poor to buy a 97 . One day, he found his neighbor had candles, but the light couldn’t go 98 the wall. After thinking for a while, he had an idea. He 99 a small hole in the wall in his house so that he could use the light from his neighbor’s house to read books. From that day on, he read books every night 100 the light went out. After some days, in his house there were no books for him to read. Then he went to a rich man’s house and worked for him without 101 any money. Hearing this, the rich man thought that Kuang Heng was 102 but still asked, “You meant you would work for me for free. But why?” Kuang Heng replied, “Well, I only want to 103 your books to read. That’s enough.”The rich man was deeply moved and he 104 . Kuang Heng read the books in the rich man’s house one by one. 105 , he became a great scholar (学者). If you are still worried about reading books, it’s necessary for you to learn from Kuang Heng.96.A.richB.smallC.poorD.big97.A.candleB.houseC.bookD.match98.A.byB.overC.acrossD.through99.A.foundB.hungC.dugD.put100.A.ifB.untilC.althoughD.after101.A.asking forB.giving backC.paying forD.laying out102.A.simpleB.smartC.seriousD.stupid103.A.lendB.borrowC.buyD.keep104.A.advisedB.agreedC.achievedD.argued105.A.SuddenlyB.CertainlyC.FinallyD.Unluckily【答案】96.C 97.A 98.D 99.C 100.B 101.A 102.D 103.B 104.B 105.C【导语】本文主要介绍了匡衡凿壁偷光的故事。96.句意:匡衡是西汉一个很有名的人,他出生在一个贫穷的家庭。rich富有的;small小的;poor穷的;big大的。根据“But he was too poor”可知是贫穷的家庭,故选C。97.句意:但是他太穷了,买不起蜡烛。candle蜡烛;house房子;book书;match比赛。根据下文“One day, he found his neighbor had candles, ”可知是指蜡烛,故选A。98.句意:有一天,他发现邻居有蜡烛,但光穿不过墙。by通过;over在上面;across穿过;through通过。根据“but the light couldn’t go...the wall.”可知是指光穿过墙,是从内部穿过,应用through,故选D。99.句意:他在自己房子的墙上挖了一个小洞,这样他就可以利用邻居家的灯光看书了。found找到;hung悬挂;dug挖;put放置。根据“a small hole in the wall”可知是挖一个洞,故选C。100.句意:从那天起,他每天晚上都读书,直到熄灯。if如果;until直到;although尽管;after以后。根据“he read books every night...the light went out.”可知是指匡衡看书直到邻居的灯熄灭,故选B。101.句意:然后,他去了一个富人的房子,为他工作,不要钱。asking for要求;giving back归还;paying for支付;laying out布置。根据“You meant you would work for me for free”可知匡衡为富人工作,不需要薪水,故选A。102.句意:富人听了,觉得匡衡太傻了。simple简单的;smart聪明的;serious严肃的;stupid愚蠢的。结合生活实际可知,一个人工作却不要任何报酬,别人会觉得对方很傻,故选D。103.句意:我只是想借你的书来看。lend借出;borrow借入;buy买;keep保持。根据“Well, I only want to...your books to read”可知是指匡衡要借书看,此处是指借入书,应用borrow,故选B。104.句意:富人被深深打动了,他同意了。advised建议;agreed同意;achieved实现;argued争吵。根据“deeply moved ”可知富人被匡衡的话感动了,于是同意了匡衡的要求,故选B。105.句意:最后,他成了一名伟大的学者。Suddenly突然;Certainly当然;Finally最终;Unluckily不幸地。根据“he became a great scholar (学者).”可知是指最终匡衡成为了一名伟大的学者,故选C。(2022辽宁阜新中考真题)We were standing at the top of a high tower. My father had brought me to this tower in a small town not far from our home in Rome. I wondered 106 . “Look down, Elsa,” father said. I called up all my 107 and looked down. I saw the square in the center of the village. And I saw many twisting(曲折的)and turning streets leading 108 the square. “See, my dear,” father said softly. “There is more than one way to the square. Life is like that. If you can’t get to the place where you want to go by one road, 109 another.”Now I understood why I was there. Earlier that day I had asked my mother to do something about the terrible lunches that were 110 at school. But she refused because she could not believe the lunches were as bad as I said. When I 111 to father for help, he didn’t say anything. Instead, he brought me to this high tower to give me a lesson. By the time we reached home, I had a plan. At school the next day, I secretly poured(倒出)my lunch soup into a bottle and brought it home. Then I asked our family cook to serve it to mother at dinner. The plan worked 112 . She swallowed(咽下)one spoonful and said angrily. “The cook must have gone mad!” Quickly I told her what I had done, and mother agreed that she would deal with the 113 of lunches at school the next day! In the years that followed I often remembered the lesson father taught me. I began to work as a fashion designer two years ago. I wouldn’t stop working until I tried every 114 means to my goal. Father’s wise 115 always remind me that there is more than one way to the square.106.A.howB.whyC.whenD.what107.A.effortB.interestsC.thoughtsD.courage108.A.forB.atC.onD.to109.A.makeB.tryC.enterD.find110.A.soldB.eatenC.servedD.bought111.A.turnedB.steppedC.shoutedD.reported112.A.awfullyB.quietlyC.naturallyD.perfectly113.A.treatB.tradeC.matterD.research114.A.directB.quickC.possibleD.correct115.A.wordsB.plansC.actionsD.subjects【答案】106.B 107.D 108.D 109.B 110.C 111.A 112.D 113.C 114.C 115.A【导语】本文主要讲述了父亲带作者去教堂顶部,让作者看下面的路,原来有很多的路通向同一个广场,告诉我们一个道理:生活也是这样,当我们用一种方法不能成功的时候,尝试另一种方法。106.句意:我想知道为什么。how如何;why为什么;when何时;what什么。根据后文“Now I understood why I was there”可知,想知道的是原因,故选B。107.句意:我鼓起全部勇气往下看。effort努力;interests兴趣;thoughts想法;courage勇气。根据“My father had brought me to this tower in a small town not far from our home in Rome.”及“Look down, Elsa,”可知,父亲带我到高塔的顶端,所以是鼓起勇气向下看,故选D。108.句意:我看到许多弯弯曲曲的街道通向广场。for为了;at在;on在……上;to到。根据“And I saw many twisting and turning streets leading...the square.”可知,此处是lead to短语,意为“通向”,故选D。109.句意:如果一条路走不到你想去的地方,那就走另一条路。make制作;try尝试;enter进入;find发现。根据“If you can’t get to the place where you want to go by one road”可知,此处是尝试另一条路,故选B。110.句意:那天早些时候,我要求母亲对学校供应的糟糕午餐做点什么。sold卖;eaten吃;served提供;bought买。根据“the terrible lunches that were...at school”可知,此处是指学校提供的糟糕午餐,故选C。111.句意:当我向父亲求助时,他什么也没说。turned转向;stepped踏;shouted大叫;reported报道。根据“When I... to father for help”可知,此处是turn to sb for help“向某人求助”,故选A。112.句意:这个计划很成功。awfully糟糕地;quietly安静地;naturally自然地;perfectly完美地。根据“She swallowed one spoonful and said angrily. ‘The cook must have gone mad!’”可知,这个计划很成功,故选D。113.句意:我很快地告诉了她我所做的一切,母亲同意她第二天在学校处理午餐的问题!treat招待;trade贸易;matter事情;research研究。结合上文作者说学校午饭的问题可知,此处是指午饭的事情,故选C。114.句意:我不会停止工作,直到我尝试了所有可能的方法来实现我的目标。direct直接的;quick迅速的;possible可能的;correct正确的。根据“every...means to my goal”可知,实现目标要使用所以有可能的方法,故选C。115.句意:父亲的至理名言总是提醒我,通往广场的路不止一条。 words话语;plans计划;actions行为;subjects科目。根据上文“There is more than one way to the square. Life is like that. If you can’t get to the place where you want to go by one road”可知,此处是指父亲的话,故选A。(2022四川宜宾中考真题)Paul received a car from his brother as a Christmas present. When Paul came out of his office, a street boy was walking around the shining new car, 116 it. “Is this your car, sir?” he asked. Paul nodded, “My brother gave it to me for Christmas.”“Your brother gave it to you, and didn’t 117 you anything? I wish...” the boy stopped. Of course Paul knew the boy wished to have a brother like that. But what the boy said surprised Paul. The boy went on, “I wish I could be a 118 like that.” Paul looked at the boy in 119 , then he added, “Would you like to take a ride in my car?” “Yes, but would you mind driving to my house?”, the boy said excitedly. Paul thought the boy wanted to show his 120 that he had a rich friend. But Paul was 121 again.When Paul stopped in front of the 122 , the boy got off and ran upstairs. After a little while he carried his little disabled brother downstairs and set him 123 on the step and pointed to the 124 . “It was given to him by his brother for Christmas. Some day, I will give you one just like it.” That Christmas Eve, Paul learned it is more encouraged to 125 than to receive.116.A.washingB.admiringC.cleaningD.repairing117.A.costB.sendC.spareD.bring118.A.boyB.workerC.brotherD.friend119.A.needB.useC.happinessD.surprise120.A.bossB.neighborsC.classmatesD.driver121.A.wrongB.rightC.worriedD.glad122.A.officeB.streetC.shopD.house123.A.downB.upC.fastD.off124.A.manB.parkC.carD.seat125.A.takeB.giveC.wantD.leave【答案】116.B 117.A 118.C 119.D 120.B 121.A 122.D 123.A 124.C 125.B【导语】本文通过讲述一个男孩请求保罗把他哥哥送给他的新车开到男孩家门口,让男孩的弟弟看见的故事,明白了给予比接受更受鼓励的道理。116.句意:当保罗从办公室出来时,一个街头男孩正围着那辆闪亮的新车走着,欣赏着它。washing洗;admiring钦佩;cleaning打扫;repairing修理;根据“Paul received a car from his brother as a Christmas present. When Paul came out of his office, a street boy was walking around the shining new car”可知,男孩围着新车欣赏着,故选B。117.句意:这是你哥哥给你的,没花你一分钱?cost花费;send发送;spare抽出;bring带来;根据“Your brother gave it to you”可知,送的东西自己没有花费一分钱,此处指代的是“车没有花费他一分钱”,主语是物,应用cost表示,故选A。118.句意:我希望我也能成为那样的哥哥。boy男孩;worker工人;brother兄弟;friend朋友;根据“Your brother gave it to you”可知,男孩希望自己也有这样一个兄弟,故选C。119.句意:保罗惊讶地看着男孩,然后补充道。need需要;use使用;happiness幸福;surprise惊讶;根据“I wish I could be a...like that.”以及“Would you like to take a ride in my car?”可知,保罗惊讶地看着男孩,故选D。120.句意:保罗认为这个男孩想让他的邻居知道他有一个有钱的朋友。boss老板;neighbors邻居;classmates同学;driver司机;根据“but would you mind driving to my house?”可知,保罗认为男孩是想要邻居认为自己有一个有钱的朋友,故选B。121.句意:但保罗又错了。wrong错误的;right正确的;worried担心的;glad高兴的;根据后文的描述可知,保罗想错了,故选A。122.句意:当保罗在房子前面停下来时,男孩下车跑上楼。office办公室;street街道;shop商店;house房子;根据“the boy got off and ran upstairs”可知,当保罗把车停在男孩家的房子前面时,故选D。123.句意:过了一会儿,他把他残疾的弟弟抱下楼,把他放在台阶上,指着车。down向下;up向上;fast快地;off离开;根据“got off and ran upstairs. After a little while he carried his little disabled brother downstairs and set him...on the step”可知,此处是说上楼把残疾的弟弟抱下楼,此处用down,故选A。124.句意:过了一会儿,他把他残疾的弟弟抱下楼,把他放在台阶上,指着车。man男人;park公园;car汽车;seat座位;根据“It was given to him by his brother for Christmas. Some day, I will give you one just like it.”可知,哥哥指着汽车跟弟弟说,故选C。125.句意:那个平安夜,保罗发现给予比接受更受鼓励。take拿;give给;want想要;leave离开;根据“Paul received a car from his brother as a Christmas present.”以及“Paul learned it is more encouraged to...than to receive.”可知,保罗明白了给与比接受更受鼓励,故选B。(2022辽宁丹东中考真题)根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中洗择一个最佳答案,使短文完整、正确。Last weekend at the airport, I had some time before the airplane took off. While wondering what to do, I decided it was the perfect time and place to do something 126 .Outside the waiting hall there was a girl who had 127 for sale. I told her that I’d like to buy flowers for someone else, and she could decide 128 she wanted to give the flowers to. At that moment, she was not able to 129 what I meant, so I suggested perhaps she should give the flowers to someone who looked a little sad. That was because he or she might need some 130 .At first, the girl answered, “That’s 131 . Nobody has ever done so, as I know.” But then I explained a little more about the idea. It’s just an act of kindness to a 132 , and then she understood.“In fact, I’m not sure what will happen,” I said. “But you will have the chance to make someone have a good day.” At that time, she started to seem 133 about it. She smiled at me with her eyes wide open.She went to take the flowers out of the water, and I said, “Wait! It’s fine to leave them there 134 the stranger comes. Then you can take out the flowers to cheer the person up.”At that moment, I think she was between surprised and happy because it might be her first time to meet a customer like me. I 135 for the flowers, said goodbye, and went away. What a nice day I had!126.A.kindB.commonC.oppositeD.honest127.A.drinksB.candiesC.flowersD.toys128.A.whichB.whoC.whatD.whose129.A.understandB.askC.requireD.express130.A.cheering upB.putting upC.turning upD.setting up131.A.perfectB.wonderfulC.famousD.crazy132.A.driverB.strangerC.playerD.speaker133.A.sadB.excitedC.afraidD.worried134.A.untilB.althoughC.soD.because135.A.stoodB.lookedC.foughtD.paid【答案】126.A 127.C 128.B 129.A 130.A 131.D 132.B 133.B 134.A 135.D【导语】本文讲述的是作者在机场等飞机,他觉得这个时间和地点找点善事做再好不过了。外边有一个女孩在卖花,于是作者买了花,让女孩把花送给看起来伤心的人,让他能振作起来。因为做了这个好事,作者那天也感觉非常开心。126.句意:在思考该怎么做的时候,我觉得这是做善事的最佳时间和地点。kind善良的;common共同的;opposite相反的;honest诚实的。根据“It’s just an act of kindness”可知,是做善事,故选A。127.句意:在候机大厅外面,有一个女孩在卖花。drinks饮料;candies糖果;flowers花;toys玩具。根据“I told her that I’d like to buy flowers for someone else”可知,小女孩在卖花,故选C。128.句意:我告诉她,我想买花给别人,她可以决定她想把花送给谁。which哪一个;who谁;what什么;whose谁的。根据“and she could decide...she wanted to give the flowers to”可知,让女孩决定把花给谁,故选B。129.句意:在那一刻,她不能理解我的意思,所以我建议她也许应该把花送给一个看起来有点悲伤的人。understand理解;ask问;require要求;express表达。根据“and then she understood”可知,开始女孩不理解,故选A。130.句意:那是因为他或她可能需要一些鼓舞。cheering up使振作;putting up张贴;turning up出现;setting up建立。根据“who looked a little sad”可知,伤心的人需要鼓舞振作,故选A。131.句意:起初,女孩回答说:“这太疯狂了。据我所知,还没有人这样做过。”perfect完美的;wonderful精彩的;famous著名的;crazy疯狂的。根据“Nobody has ever done so, as I know.”可知,没有人这样做过,所以女孩认为很疯狂,故选D。132.句意:这只是对陌生人的善意之举,然后她就理解了。driver司机;stranger陌生人;player运动员;speaker演说者。根据“It’s fine to leave them there...the stranger comes.”可知,是对陌生人的善意,故选B。133.句意:那时,她似乎开始对此感到兴奋。sad悲伤的;excited激动的;afraid害怕的;worried担心的。根据“At that time, she started to seem...about it. She smiled at me with her eyes wide open.”可知,女孩变得激动,故选B。134.句意:把它们放在那里,等陌生人来。until直到;although虽然;so因此;because因为。根据“It’s fine to leave them there...the stranger comes.”可知,把花放在那里,等待需要的人来,用until引导时间状语从句,故选A。135.句意:我付了花的钱,说了再见就走了。stood站立;looked看起来;fought打架;paid付款。根据“I...for the flowers, said goodbye, and went away.”可知,此处是pay for短语,意为“付钱”,故选D。(2022山东济南中考真题)Amy is 11 years old and lives in a city. She 136 much of her time at her grandmother’s home during the pandemic (疫情). The house has a large 137 that Amy explored (探索) when she wasn’t doing schoolwork online.One day, she saw her first four-leaf clover (四叶草) in the yard. “I was just walking, and I was so 138 because I know that they are not very common,” she said, “some people say they bring good luck.”Amy then researched 139 causes clovers to grow that fourth leaf. It’s because of the plant’s genes. The plant’s genes tell the plant to grow three leaves. 140 sometimes the genes tell the plant to grow four leaves. 141 , a 2017 study found that just one in 5,000 clovers has four leaves.Amy has learned that four-leaf clovers grow 142 groups. “Then I wanted to find more of them,” she said. Amy began searching for more four-leaf clovers in the yard and it 143 her new hobby. By the summer of the next year, she had 144 more than 500 of them.Her parents felt happy that Amy found a way to lower stress that many children were 145 during the pandemic. Her grandmother was also 146 that Amy went outdoors and explored nature. “It’s a good thing that a city child was taking a(n) 147 in nature.”For her part, Amy said she has a way of 148 the loneliness she felt during the pandemic. “It gave me something to do because I didn’t have the 149 of being sad,” she said. “I got 150 ,” she added, “and this was wonderful because they were right in my backyard.”136.A.dislikedB.wastedC.spentD.forgot137.A.kitchenB.yardC.roomD.hall138.A.excitedB.sadC.boredD.afraid139.A.whenB.whatC.howD.which140.A.BecauseB.ThenC.ButD.So141.A.QuicklyB.CarefullyC.FinallyD.Actually142.A.aboutB.inC.fromD.at143.A.becameB.finishedC.showedD.broke144.A.preparedB.boughtC.touchedD.collected145.A.organizingB.celebratingC.experiencingD.enjoying146.A.gladB.surprisedC.relaxedD.worried147.A.tripB.interestC.roleD.risk148.A.dealing withB.talking withC.playing withD.helping with149.A.shameB.chanceC.problemD.meaning150.A.trustB.regretC.upsetD.peace【答案】136.C 137.B 138.A 139.B 140.C 141.D 142.B 143.A 144.D 145.C 146.A 147.B 148.A 149.B 150.D【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了Amy在疫情期间在她奶奶家的院子里偶然发现了一株四叶草,由此激发了她对大自然探索的兴趣。136.句意:在疫情期间,她的很多时间都在奶奶家度过。disliked不喜欢;wasted浪费;spent花费(时间或金钱);forgot忘记。根据“much of her time”可知此处表示“花费很多时间”。故选C。137.句意:房子里有一个大大的院子,当Amy没上网课的时候,她就在院子里进行探索。kitchen厨房;yard院子;room房间;hall大厅。根据下文“One day, she saw her first four-leaf clover(四叶草)in the yard.”可知她在院子里发现了第一株四叶草,说明此处说的是房子里有一个大院子。故选B。138.句意:她说:“当时我正在散步,我很激动,因为我知道它们并不常见,有人说它们会带来好运。”excited激动的;sad伤心的;bored感到无聊的;afraid害怕的。根据“because I know that they are not very common”可知Amy知道四叶草并不常见,因此见到一株四叶草时心情非常激动。故选A。139.句意:然后Amy研究了是什么让四叶草长出第四片叶子。when什么时候;what什么;how怎么样;which哪一个。谓语动词researched后接宾语从句,causes为从句的谓语,说明宾语从句的引导词在从句中充当主语,应用what来引导。故选B。140.句意:但是有时,这些基因又会告诉这棵植株要长四片叶子。Because因为;Then然后;But但是;So因此。根据上一句“The plant’s genes tell the plant to grow three leaves.”和“sometimes the genes tell the plant to grow four leaves.”可知“这些基因让植株长三片叶子”和“有时这些基因让植株长四片叶子”存在转折关系,应用并列连词but来连接。故选C。141.句意:事实上,一份2017年的报告发现五千株四叶草里面才有一株长着四片叶子的。Quickly很快地;Carefully仔细地;Finally最终;Actually事实上。根据空格后的“a 2017 study found that just one in 5,000 clovers has four leaves.”可知五千株四叶草里才有一株长着四片叶子,这是研究事实。故选D。142.句意:Amy了解到了四叶草是成群生长的。about关于;in在……里面;from从;at在。in groups表示“成群结队地”,因此此处应用介词in。故选B。143.句意:Amy开始在院子里搜索更多的四叶草,这成为了她的新爱好。became变成;finished完成;showed展示;broke打破。根据上文“Amy began searching for more four-leaf clovers in the yard”可知Amy找到了第一株四叶草,然后她就开始在院子里继续寻找,渐渐地变成了她的新爱好。故选A。144.句意:直到第二年的夏天,她已经在那些植株中收集到了500多株四叶草。prepared准备;bought购买;touched触摸;collected收集。根据空格后的“more than 500 of them.”可知她收集到了500多株四叶草。故选D。145.句意:她的父母感到高兴的是,Amy能找到一种方法去减轻很多孩子在疫情期间经历的压力。organizing组织;celebrating庆祝;experiencing经历;enjoying喜欢。stress“压力”为名词,后接that引导的定语从句,先行词stress由引导词that指代,并在从句中作宾语,结合语境可知此处指孩子们在疫情期间都经历了压力。故选C。146.句意:她的奶奶也很高兴Amy去户外探索大自然。glad高兴的;surprised感到惊讶的;relaxed感到放松的;worried感到担心的。根据下一句中“It’s a good thing”可知奶奶也觉得城里孩子去接触大自然是一件好事,因此奶奶应是感到高兴的。故选A。147.句意:一个城市的孩子正在对大自然产生兴趣,这是一件好事。trip旅行;interest兴趣;role角色;risk风险。根据上文可知Amy开始在户外进行探索,说明对大自然产生兴趣。take an interest in sth.表示“对……产生兴趣”。故选B。148.句意:对她来说,她说她有方法应对疫情期间的孤独感。dealing with应对,处理;talking with和……谈话;playing with和……玩;helping with帮助。根据上文“Amy found a way to lower stress”可知Amy有方法可以减轻压力,说明她也可以应对疫情期间的孤独感。故选A。149.句意:这给了我一些要做的事情,因为我没有伤心的机会。shame羞愧;chance机会;problem问题;meaning意义。根据上文“It gave me something to do”可知她有要做的事情,所以没有伤心的机会。the chance of doing sth.表示“做某事的机会”。故选B。150.句意:她补充道:“我得到了安宁。这太棒了,因为它们就在我的院子里。”trust信任;regret后悔;upset沮丧;peace安宁。根据“because I didn’t have the…of being sad”可知Amy没有机会去感到悲伤,可知她内心得到了安宁。故选D。(2022内蒙古通辽中考真题)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳选项。Every one of us goes through ups and downs in life. I led an easy life. I didn’t have too many difficulties 151 money for the family. But I always wanted to do something that would make my family feel 152 of me. I started working as a salesman in a factory. To get more orders and sell more products, I 153 nearly half of all the stores that might have an interest in my products in New York. From carrying boxes of goods to filling sales sheets, I did almost everything I could. It wasn’t a wonderful job. But everything had an effect on my learning. Every day, I wondered 154 this could bring me success. Later I found that my aims (目标) should be a bit 155 and I should learn more. I was getting extra money to support my own 156 so I went to study after work. Occasionally, I got the chance to join a software (软件) house. This was my beginning into the technological world, where I wanted to stay. I started digging deeper into the new world and was able to 157 things from the people I was working with quickly. My growing knowledge made me be able to speak at important public meetings. For two years, I carried on working hard on big or small businesses and 158 ended up joining a big company. Today I’m proud to say that I have been very 159 . It has been quite a hard journey—from carrying boxes of goods to an important role of a company. And it just goes to 160 that one can always make his dreams come true if he tries his best to explore a new world by learning and working hard. After all, nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it.151.A.getB.getsC.gotD.getting152.A.proudB.prideC.nervousD.creative153.A.stoleB.tookC.visitedD.refused154.A.whatB.ifC.whereD.which155.A.biggerB.easierC.smallerD.later156.A.hobbyB.pleasureC.companyD.education157.A.pick upB.take upC.take offD.put down158.A.quietlyB.finallyC.carefullyD.happily159.A.patientB.organizedC.powerfulD.successful160.A.learnB.showC.shareD.require【答案】151.D 152.A 153.C 154.B 155.A 156.D 157.A 158.B 159.D 160.B【导语】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了作者个人的学习和拼搏经历,告诉我们:有志者,事竟成。151.句意:我给家里赚钱并没有太多困难。get得到,动词原形;gets动词的单三形式;got动词的过去式;getting现在分词或动名词。have difficulties doing sth.“做某事有困难”,故用动名词形式。故选D。152.句意:但我一直想做一些能让家人为我感到骄傲的事情。proud骄傲的;pride骄傲;nervous紧张的;creative有创造力的。根据“I always wanted to do something that would make my family feel…of me”可知,作者想做一些让家人骄傲的事情;feel proud of“为……感到自豪”。故选A。153.句意:为了获得更多的订单,卖出更多的产品,我走访了纽约近一半可能对我的产品感兴趣的商店。stole偷;took拿;visited拜访;refused拒绝。根据“To get more orders and sell more products”可知,作者为了卖出产品,拜访了很多商店。故选C。154.句意:每一天,我都在想这是否能给我带来成功。what什么;if是否;where哪里;which哪一个。此处引导宾语从句,从句主谓宾齐全,不缺句子成分;根据“I wondered…this could bring me success”可知,此处表“是否”之意,故用if引导宾语从句。故选B。155.句意:后来我发现我的目标应该更大一点,我应该学习更多。bigger更大的;easier更容易的;smaller更小的;later后来的。根据下文“and I should learn more”可知,更大的目标,需要作者学习更多。故选A。156.句意:我在赚额外的费用来支持我的教育,所以我工作后又去学习了。hobby爱好;pleasure快乐;company公司;education教育。根据“so I went to study after work.”可知,作者工作后去学习,说明作者用钱来支持教育。故选D。157.句意:我开始更深入地挖掘新世界,并能很快从共事的人那里学到东西。pick up学会;take up开始从事;take off起飞;put down放下。根据“…things from the people I was working with quickly.”可知,此处指作者可以很快从同事那里学到东西。故选A。158.句意:有两年的时间,我在大大小小的企业里努力工作,最后进了一家大公司。quietly安静地;finally最终;carefully仔细地;happily开心地。根据“ended up joining a big company”可知,作者最终进入了一家大公司。故选B。159.句意:今天,我很自豪地说,我已经非常成功了。patient耐心的;organized有组织的;powerful有力的;successful成功的。根据下文“from carrying boxes of goods to an important role of a company”可知,作者最后成为一家大公司的重要成员,说明作者是成功的。故选D。160.句意:这表明,如果一个人通过学习和努力探索一个新的世界,他总是可以实现他的梦想。learn学习;show表明;share分享;require需要。根据“one can always make his dreams come true if he tries his best to explore a new world by learning and working hard”可知,作者个人学习和拼搏的经历表明了一个人通过学习和努力探索,总是可以实现梦想。故选B。(2022湖南益阳中考真题)Your birthday can be the most exciting day of the year. It’s a 161 full of fun activities and delicious food. However, my 13th birthday was special for a different reason.On that day, my parents and I took the bus to my grandparents’ home for a big dinner celebration. I was 162 to get a good seat on the bus. At one stop, a woman 163 the bus with a baby in her arms. Unluckily, there were no seats left, so she had to 164 next to me.Although I wanted to stand up and let her sit down, I was afraid of 165 people say to me, “ Look! That girl should be praised!” My schoolmates once said it to laugh at me. I looked around, and most people were looking out of the 166 . Suddenly, a little boy behind me stood up and offered his seat to the 167 . She thanked him with a big smile. The boy smiled back 168 and stood next to me. I lowered my head in shame.I couldn’t stop thinking about it the rest of the day. Finally, I came to understand that everyone’s 169 acts of kindness can make a big difference to the world. I should learn from that little boy and 170 those people in need at once.161.A.dayB.weekC.month162.A.disappointedB.sadC.lucky163.A.got onB.got offC.got up164.A.sitB.jumpC.stand165.A.tastingB.hearingC.smelling166.A.windowsB.doorsC.walls167.A.girlB.womanC.man168.A.politelyB.nervouslyC.carefully169.A.difficultB.smallC.healthy170.A.inviteB.visitC.help【答案】161.A 162.C 163.A 164.C 165.B 166.A 167.B 168.A 169.B 170.C【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。本文讲述了作者在13岁生日那天坐公共汽车去祖父母家吃大餐,在车上发生的事情。161.句意:这一天充满了有趣的活动和美味的食物。day天;week周;month月。根据“Your birthday can be the most exciting day of the year.”可知你的生日可能是一年中最激动人心的一天,这一天充满了有趣的活动和美味的食物。故选A。162.句意:很幸运,我在公车上找了个好座位。disappointed失望的;sad伤心的;lucky幸运的。根据“get a good seat on the bus”可知在公车上找了个好座位,这是幸运的。故选C。163.句意:在某个公交站,一个妇人抱着个婴儿上车了。got on上车;got off下车;got up起床。根据“Although I wanted to stand up and let her sit down”可知我想站起来让她坐下,说明有个女人上车了。故选A。164.句意:不幸的是,车上已经没有座位剩下了,所以她不得不站在我的旁边。sit坐;jump跳;stand站。根据“Unluckily, there were no seats left”可知不幸的是,已经没有座位了,所以她站在我旁边。故选C。165.句意:虽然我很想站起来让她坐下,但是我很害怕听到别人说:“看!那个女孩应该受到表扬!”tasting品尝;hearing听见;smelling闻。根据“Look! That girl should be praised!”可知这是别人说的话,而我害怕听到这样的话。故选B。166.句意:我看向四周,大部分人都在看着窗外。windows窗户;doors门;walls墙。根据语境可知故事发生在车上,所以我环顾四周,大多数人都在往窗外看。故选A。167.句意:突然,我后面的一个小男孩站了起来,把他的座位让给那个女人。girl女孩;woman女人;man男人。根据上文有个女人上车了,没有座,可知是给女人让座。故选B。168.句意:男孩礼貌地笑了笑回应她,站在了我的旁边。politely礼貌地;nervously紧张地;carefully小心地。根据“The boy smiled back”可知男孩也笑了,说明男孩很有礼貌。故选A。169.句意:最后,我终于理解了,每个人的小善举都能给世界带来很大的改变。difficult困难的;small小的;healthy健康的。根据上文可知作者在公车上看到的是小男孩让座这个善举,是一个小小的动作。故选B。170.句意:我应该向那个小男孩学习,并且立刻帮助那些需要帮助的人。invite邀请;visit参观;help帮助。根据“those people in need at once”可知此处指要帮助那些需要帮助的人。故选C。(2022湖南株洲中考真题)Several times my mother had telephoned to say, “Honey, you must come to see the daffodils(水仙花)before they are 171 .” I didn’t want to go because it was a two-hour drive and I had just 172 my job. How upset I was! But I finally decided to drive to see her because I missed her shining smile.I reached mum’s house that Saturday. “Carol, I have been waiting for you the whole morning. How nice to see you back!”“Me too, mum.” I called out happily, kissing and 173 my dear mother. “I promise you will regret if you miss this chance to see those flowers.” Mum smiled and got into my car.After about 30 minutes’ ride, we came to the “Daffodil Garden” on a hill near a blue lake. I looked up and saw a huge golden 174 of daffodils. They were dancing and swinging gently in the sunshine. There were about 3 acres(英亩)of 175 . “That’s amazing! But who has done this?” I asked. Mum pointed to a small house not far away on the top of the hill. We climbed there and found a piece of 176 on the front door. Surprisingly, there was a headline on the paper “Answers to Possible Questions” and three answers below.The first answer, “50, 000 bulbs(球茎).” The second one, “One at a time, by one woman. Two hands, two feet, 177 some patience.” And the third one, “Began in 2000.” Mother and I read the paper line by line, knowing how an unknown woman 178 her beautiful garden in the past 20 years.I suddenly understood that it takes patience and 179 to realize my dream. Losing a job was not that bad. I would start to build 180 own “Daffodil Garden” the next day.171.A.overB.tinyC.fresh172.A.foundB.lostC.changed173.A.leavingB.teachingC.greeting174.A.seaB.skyC.room175.A.flowersB.treesC.grass176.A.newsB.paperC.advice177.A.orB.soC.and178.A.closedB.boughtC.built179.A.moneyB.timeC.luck180.A.myB.herC.his【答案】171.A 172.B 173.C 174.A 175.A 176.B 177.C 178.C 179.B 180.A【导语】本文介绍了一个女人用20年时间一次种一株水仙花,后来形成一片美丽的花海,由此告诉我们实现梦想需要时间和耐心。171.句意:亲爱的,你必须在水仙花结束之前来看看它们。over结束;tiny小的;fresh新鲜的。根据“come to see the daffodils(水仙花)before they are ”可知要在水仙花结束之前来看它们。故选A。172.句意:我不想去,因为那是两个小时的车程,而且我刚刚丢了工作。found发现;lost丢失;changed改变。根据“Losing a job”可知我失去了工作。故选B。173.句意:我高兴地喊道,亲吻和问候我亲爱的妈妈。leaving离开;teaching教;greeting打招呼。根据“I called out happily, kissing and”可知是问候妈妈。故选C。174.句意:我抬头一看,是一片巨大的金色水仙花海。sea海洋;sky天空;room房间。根据“I looked up and saw a huge golden...of daffodils”可知是一片花的海洋。故选A。175.句意:大约有3英亩的花。flowers花;trees树;grass草。根据“There were about 3 acres(英亩)of”可知是有三英亩的水仙花。故选A。176.句意:我们爬到那里,在前门上发现了一张纸。news新闻;paper纸;advice建议。根据“Surprisingly, there was a headline on the paper”可知是有一张纸。故选B。177.句意:两只手,两只脚,还有点耐心。or或者;so所以;and和。根据“Two hands, two feet...some patience”可知此处是并列关系,用and连接。故选C。178.句意:我一行一行地阅读那张纸,知道一个不知名的女人在过去的 20 年里是如何建造她美丽的花园的。closed关闭;bought买;built建造。根据“her beautiful garden”可知是建造花园。故选C。179.句意:我突然明白,实现梦想需要耐心和时间。money钱;time时间;luck运气。根据“I suddenly understood that it takes patience and”可知需要耐心和时间。故选B。180.句意:第二天我就开始建造自己的“水仙花园”。my我的;her她的;his他的。根据“I would start to build...own”可知是建造我的“水仙花园”。故选A。(2022辽宁沈阳中考真题)阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。A man walked in the desert(沙漠)for two days. He 181 a sand storm during the trip. After the sand storm, he lost the sense of 182 . While he was unable to hold on, he suddenly found a small old house. He pulled his 183 body into the house. There was only some wood inside. He walked to the corner hopelessly, but suddenly 184 a water pump. Excitedly, he went to draw water(抽水), 185 he couldn’t pump water no matter how hard he tried. He sat on the ground 186 . Just at that time, he saw a small bottle with a cork(瓶塞). There was a yellow 187 posted on the bottle, which read, “You must put the water into the pump before you can draw water! Don’t 188 , before you leave, refill it with water!” He pulled the cork and found the bottle was really filled with water! He could hardly believe his 189 .At this moment, he thought, “If I only think about myself, as long as I drink the water in the bottle, I can be 190 to go out of this desert! If I do as the note told to put the only water into the pump and the water can’t come back, I will be 191 to death. Will I take the risk or not?”Finally, he made a 192 to do what the note told him and began to draw water with his shaking hands. Sure enough, the water really 193 ! After he drank enough water, he filled the bottle with water. He enveloped(封住)it with the cork and 194 his words after the note, “Believe me, it’s really 195 . You should learn to pay before you get it!”181.A.metB.missedC.avoidedD.expected182.A.touchB.tasteC.humourD.direction183.A.lightB.tiredC.perfectD.strong184.A.startedB.repairedC.controlledD.discovered185.A.soB.orC.butD.and186.A.sadlyB.happilyC.carefullyD.patiently187.A.mapB.noteC.signD.mark188.A.cryB.lieC.shoutD.forget189.A.luckB.successC.abilityD.trouble190.A.weakB.aliveC.awfulD.nervous191.A.lonelyB.angryC.thirstyD.hungry192.A.wishB.ruleC.messD.decision193.A.came outB.dried upC.cooled downD.ran away194.A.sentB.passedC.addedD.repeated195.A.funnyB.usefulC.wrongD.strange【答案】181.A 182.D 183.B 184.D 185.C 186.A 187.B 188.D 189.A 190.B 191.C 192.D 193.A 194.C 195.B【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。通过讲述一个故事告诉我们“要得到一些东西,首先要学会付出”的道理。181.句意:他在旅途中遇到了沙尘暴。met遇到;missed思念;avoided避免;expected期待。根据“He...a sand storm during the trip.”可知,遇到了沙尘暴,故选A。182.句意:沙尘暴过后,他失去了方向感。touch触摸;taste品味;humour幽默;direction方向。根据“After the sand storm, he lost the sense of...”和常识可知,沙尘暴使人失去了方向感,故选D。183.句意:他把疲惫的身体拖进屋里。light浅色的;tired累的;perfect完美的;strong强壮的。根据“ While he was unable to hold on”可知,他坚持不住了,所以很累,故选B。184.句意:他绝望地走到拐角处,但突然发现了一个水泵。started开始;repaired修理;controlled控制;discovered发现。根据“but suddenly...a water pump”可知,发现了一个水泵,故选D。185.句意:他兴奋地去打水,但是不管怎么努力,他都打不出水来。so因此;or或者;but但是;and和。前后两句构成转折关系,用but连接,故选C。186.句意:他伤心地坐在地上。sadly悲伤地;happily开心地;carefully仔细地;patiently耐心地。根据“he couldn’t pump water no matter how hard he tried”可知,不管怎么努力,他都打不出水来,所以很伤心,故选A。187.句意:瓶子上贴着一张黄色的纸条,上面写着:“抽水之前,必须先把水放进水泵里!”map地图;note短笺,便条;sign标志;mark记号。根据后文“ If I do as the note told”可知,是一张纸条,故选B。188.句意:别忘了,在你离开之前,再加满水!cry哭;lie躺;shout大叫;forget忘记。根据“Don’t..., before you leave, refill it with water!”可知,提醒走之前不要忘了加满水,故选D。189.句意:他简直不敢相信自己这么幸运。luck运气;success成功;ability能力;trouble麻烦。根据“He pulled the cork and found the bottle was really filled with water!”可知,绝境中发现一瓶水,所以很幸运,故选A。190.句意:如果我只考虑我自己,只要我喝了瓶子里的水,我就能活着走出这片沙漠!weak虚弱的;alive活着的;awful糟糕的;nervous紧张的。根据“as long as I drink the water in the bottle, I can be...to go out of this desert”可知,只要喝了水,就能活着走出沙漠,故选B。191.句意:如果我照纸条上说的把唯一的水倒进水泵里,水却回不来了,我会渴死的。lonely孤独的;angry生气的;thirsty渴的;hungry饥饿的。根据“If I do as the note told to put the only water into the pump and the water can’t come back, I will be...to death.”可知,如果把水用了,但是又打不出水,就会渴死,故选C。192.句意:最后,他决定照纸条上说的去做,开始用颤抖的手打水。wish希望;rule规则;mess混乱;decision决定。根据“Finally, he made a...to do what the note told him and began to draw water with his shaking hands.”可知,他决定尝试打水,故选D。193.句意:果然,水真的出来了!came out出来;dried up干涸;cooled down冷却;ran away逃离。根据“After he drank enough water, he filled the bottle with water.”可知,水真的出来了,故选A。194.句意:他用软木塞把它封起来,在纸条后面写上了自己的话:“相信我,这真的很有用。”sent发送;passed通过;added添加;repeated重复。根据“and...his words after the note”可知,又在纸条后加了话,故选C。195.句意:他用软木塞把它封起来,在纸条后面写上了自己的话:“相信我,这真的很有用。”funny滑稽的;useful有用的;wrong错误的;strange奇怪的。根据“Believe me, it’s really... You should learn to pay before you get it!”可知,纸条上的话是有用的,故选B。(2022广西梧州中考真题)阅读短文,并从各题所给的选项中,选择最佳选项。I was the youngest of the three sons in my family. My 196 were five and seven years older than me. They did most of the housework around the house. I rode my bike around our town,played basketball or walked in the woods. What I did was just 197 fun during my childhood. But I had none of my responsibility(责任).By the time I entered my early teens,however,both of my brothers had moved out of our home. My dad was 198 ill. He was too weak to work. I soon found myself doing more work than before. I sowed seeds(播种)in 199 and watered them in summer. In autumn I 200 wood to keep us warm in the winter months to come. And all year round I carried water from a mountain spring(泉水)back to our house so we had water to drink and cook with. Every day, I was so busy that I felt very 201 .At 202 , I complained to myself. But later, I began to find joy in helping my parents that I loved so much. I sang to myself while collecting wood, and I 203 while carrying water. I even found myself 204 my mum with the dinner dishes and cleaning. I started to realize something that I would carry with me the rest of my life: 205 your work is done with love, it isn’t work.196.A.sistersB.brothersC.cousinsD.friends197.A.onB.inC.forD.of198.A.usuallyB.probablyC.badlyD.hardly199.A.springB.summerC.autumnD.winter200.A.soldB.sentC.offeredD.collected201.A.tiredB.angryC.lonelyD.satisfied202.A.lastB.firstC.presentD.once203.A.shoutedB.spokeC.criedD.smiled204.A.teachingB.takingC.helpingD.watching205.A.thoughB.whenC.beforeD.where【答案】196.B 197.C 198.C 199.A 200.D 201.A 202.B 203.D 204.C 205.B【导语】本文是作者讲述了帮助做家务的经历并告诉我们:当你用爱完成工作时,它就不是工作了。196.句意:我的两个哥哥分别比我大五岁和七岁。sisters姐妹;brothers兄弟;cousins堂兄弟;friends朋友。根据“both of my brothers had moved out of our home”可知此处是指我的兄弟。故选B。197.句意:在我的童年时代,我所做的只是为了好玩。on在上面;in在里面;for为了;of ……的。根据“during my childhood”可知童年时只是为了玩,for表目的。故选C。198.句意:我爸爸病得很重。usually通常;probably可能;badly严重地;hardly几乎不。根据“He was too weak to work”可知爸爸病得很重。故选C。199.句意:我春天播种,夏天浇水。spring春天;summer夏天;autumn秋天;winter冬天。根据“sowed seeds ”可知在春天播种。故选A。200.句意:在秋天,我收集了一些木材,在即将到来的冬天里为我们保暖。sold卖;sent发送;offered提供;collected收集。根据“keep us warm in the winter ”可知是收集木材取暖。故选D。201.句意:每天,我都很忙,我觉得很累。tired累的;angry生气的;lonely孤独的;satisfied满意的。根据“I was so busy”可知因为我很忙,所以很累。故选A。202.句意:起初,我对自己抱怨。last最后;first开始;present现在;once 一次。根据“But later”(但是后来)可知此处是指一开始。故选B。203.句意:拾柴的时候我给自己唱歌,挑水的时候我微笑。shouted大喊;spoke讲话;cried哭;smiled微笑。根据“I sang to myself while collecting wood”(我一边拾柴一边对自己唱歌)可知此处是指微笑着挑水。故选D。204.句意:我甚至发现自己在帮妈妈洗碗和打扫。teaching教;taking谈话;helping帮助;watching观看。根据“my mum with the dinner dishes and cleaning...”可知我帮助我的妈妈洗碗碟和打扫卫生。故选C。205.句意:当你的工作带着爱完成时,它就不是工作了。though虽然;when当……时;before在……之前;where哪里。结合上下文语境可知是指当你用爱完成工作时,它就不是工作了。when引导时间状语从句。故选B。(2022湖南邵阳中考真题)An unexpected thing happened in the 206 of my eleventh year. The home I had 207 in was burned to the ground in the middle of the night. 208 , my mom, dad, grandma, brothers and I escaped(幸免于难). Yet, we had 209 but the night clothes we were wearing. I 210 the rest of the night with a friend of our family.The next day, my mom brought me a few T-shirts 211 pair of jeans that another friend gave to her. My dad 212 to our broken home to see what he could find. The only things he could find were my mom’s rings.To spend the summer, my dad rented us a big house on the same road 213 our old house had been. As we moved in, our kind friends and community continued to donate all they could to help us. Love was around us.Looking back now I am 214 for all we went through that summer. It taught me so much about life, love and people. It showed me that when you have nothing left but 215 , for the first time you see that love is enough.206.A.springB.winterC.summer207.A.grown upB.got upC.set up208.A.CarefullyB.LuckilyC.Easily209.A.anythingB.somethingC.nothing210.A.spentB.tookC.decided211.A.butB.andC.or212.A.foundB.movedC.returned213.A.likeB.asC.with214.A.thankfulB.surprisedC.sorry215.A.moneyB.friendshipC.love【答案】206.C 207.A 208.B 209.C 210.A 211.B 212.C 213.B 214.A 215.C【导语】本文主要讲述了作者11岁住的房子半夜被烧毁了,全家人逃了出来。朋友们在物质和精神上给了他们很大的帮助,使他们一家渡过了难关,重新开始新的生活。作者明白了只要身边有爱,生活就有希望。206.句意:在我十一岁的夏天,一件意想不到的事情发生了。spring春天;winter冬天;summer夏天。根据下文“To spend the summer”可知是指夏天,故选C。207.句意:我成长的家在半夜被烧成了平地。grown up长大;got up起床;set up建立。根据“The home”可知,此处指作者从小长大的地方,故选A。208.句意:幸运的是,我的妈妈,爸爸,奶奶,兄弟们和我都逃了出来。Carefully仔细地;Luckily幸运地;Easily容易地。结合语境可知,发生了火灾,但是家人都没事,这是很幸运的,故选B。209.句意:然而,我们除了穿的睡衣,什么都没有。anything任何事;something某事;nothing没有什么。根据“Yet, we had...but the night clothes we were wearing”可知作者一家人除了睡衣,什么都没有,故选C。210.句意:剩下的时间我和我们家的一个朋友一起过的。spent花费,主语是人;took花费,主语一般是it;decided决定。根据“the rest of the night with a friend of our family.”可知是度过剩下的时间,主语是人,用spend,故选A。211.句意:第二天,妈妈给我带来了几件t恤和一条牛仔裤,这是另一个朋友送给她的。but但是;and和;or或者。根据“T-shirts...pair of jeans”可知此处是表示并列,应用and,故选B。212.句意:我父亲回到我们破碎的家,想看看能找到什么。found发现;moved移动;returned返回。根据“My dad...to our broken home”可知父亲是返回到被烧毁的家,故选C。213.句意:为了度过这个夏天,我爸爸在同一条路上给我们租了一所大房子,和我们的老房子一样。like像;as作为;with和。根据“To spend the summer, my dad rented us a big house on the same road...our old house had been”可知租的房子和之前的老房子一样,the same as“和……相同”。故选B。214.句意:现在回想起来,我很感激那个夏天我们所经历的一切。thankful感激的;surprised惊讶;sorry遗憾的。根据“It taught me so much about life, love and people”可知作者对此表示感谢,故选A。215.句意:它让我明白,当你除了爱一无所有时,你会第一次明白,有爱就足够了。money钱;friendship友谊;love爱。根据“ love is enough.”可知是指爱,故选C。(2022黑龙江牡丹江中考真题)One day, I was so angry with my parents that I left home. I said that I would 216 return. I was upset because my parents refused to buy me a 217 .But in my anger, I didn’t even realize that I had taken my father’s shoes and his wallet. As I 218 my way to the bus station, I felt some pain in my 219 . I noticed that the shoe had a hole in it.There 220 no buses around at that time. Not knowing 221 to do, I looked in my dad’s wallet. I was 222 shocked. There wasn’t much money inside. I also found a note 223 was from his manager. He told my father to wear nicer-looking shoes to the office.I remembered my mother asking him 224 a pair of new shoes, but he said that his current (现在的) pair of shoes should last 225 another six months.I started to walk home. All of a sudden, I remembered something. 226 I left home, my dad’s motorbike wasn’t there. Maybe he had sold it. I felt ashamed(羞愧). I started feeling 227 in my legs and wanted to cry. I ran home as fast as I 228 .When I got home, my dad 229 for me there. I hugged him tightly(紧紧地) and said, “Sorry, Dad. I don’t need a bike.”I understood 230 pain and hardship(苦难) our parents go through sometimes, and how great their love for us is. Everyone should do a good job of remembering this from time to time.Choose the best choice from A, B or C according to what you read.216.A.alwaysB.neverC.usually217.A.computerB.walletC.bike218.A.madeB.lostC.pushed219.A.footB.legC.face220.A.wasB.areC.were221.A.whatB.howC.where222.A.mostlyB.completelyC.simply223.A.whoB.whoseC.which224.A.buyB.to buyC.buying225.A.at leastB.at firstC.at other times226.A.UntilB.WhileC.When227.A.activeB.weakC.comfortable228.A.couldB.wouldC.should229.A.waitedB.was waitingC.is waiting230.A.how manyB.how farC.how much【答案】216.B 217.C 218.A 219.A 220.C 221.A 222.B 223.C 224.B 225.A 226.C 227.B 228.A 229.B 230.C【导语】本文讲述了作者因为父母不给他买自行车而离家出走,结果错穿了爸爸的鞋并错拿了爸爸的钱包。作者发现爸爸的鞋上漏了一个洞,钱包里也没有多少钱。作者为自己的行为而感到惭愧,于是匆忙回家向父亲道歉。216.句意:我说过我再也不回来了。always总是;never从不;usually通常。根据“One day, I was so angry with my parents that I left home.”可知,作者很生气,所以跟父母说再也不想回来了,故选B。217.句意:我很沮丧,因为我的父母拒绝给我买自行车。computer电脑;wallet钱包;bike自行车。根据“I don’t need a bike.”可知,是想买自行车,故选C。218.句意:在我去汽车站的路上,我感到脚有点痛。made制作;lost丢失;pushed推。根据“As I...my way to the bus station”可知,此处是make one’s way to...“向……进发”,故选A。219.句意:在我去汽车站的路上,我感到脚有点痛。foot脚;leg腿;face脸。根据“I felt some pain in my... I noticed that the shoe had a hole in it.”可知,鞋上有洞,所以脚痛,故选A。220.句意:那时候没有公共汽车。was主语是第三人称单数或不可数,一般过去时;are主语是第二人称或复数,一般现在时;were主语是第二人称或复数,一般过去时。主语“no buses”是复数,时态是一般过去时,故选C。221.句意:我不知道该怎么办,就翻了翻爸爸的钱包。what什么;how如何;where哪里。根据“Not knowing...to do”可知,不知道做什么,故选A。222.句意:我完全惊呆了。mostly大多数;completely完全;simply简单地。根据“I was...shocked.和上下文内容可知,完全惊呆了,故选B。223.句意:我还发现了一张他经理寄来的便条。who谁;whose谁的;which哪个。此处是定语从句,先行词是物,引导词在从句中作主语,故选C。224.句意:我记得妈妈让他买双新鞋,但他说他现在这双鞋至少可以再穿六个月。buy动词原形;to buy动词不定式;buying动名词/现在分词。ask sb to do sth“让某人做某事”,故选B。225.句意:我记得妈妈让他买双新鞋,但他说他现在这双鞋至少可以再穿六个月。at least至少;at first起初;at other times在其它时候,平时。根据“but he said that his current (现在的) pair of shoes should last...another six months”可知,至少可以再穿六个月,故选A。226.句意:当我离开家的时候,我爸爸的摩托车不在那里。Until直到;While当……时;When当……时。根据“...I left home, my dad’s motorbike wasn’t there.”可知,当我离家出走的时候,前后都是短动作,用when连接,故选C。227.句意:我开始觉得双腿发软,想哭。active积极的;weak虚弱的;comfortable舒服的。根据“I started feeling...in my legs and wanted to cry.”可知,作者作者感到羞愧,双腿发软,想哭,故选B。228.句意:我以最快的速度跑回家。could能;would将会;should应该。根据“I ran home as fast as I...”可知,此处是as fast as I could结构,意为“尽快”,故选A。229.句意:当我到家的时候,我爸爸在那里等我。waited一般过去时;was waiting过去进行时;is waiting现在进行时。根据“When I got home, my dad...for me there.”可知,到家的时候,爸爸正在等,用过去进行时,故选B。230.句意:我明白我们的父母有时会经历多少痛苦和困难,也明白他们对我们的爱有多深。how many多少;how far多远;how much多少钱,多少。根据“I understood...pain and hardship(苦难) our parents go through sometimes”可知,理解有多少的痛苦,修饰不可数名词pain,故选C。(2022辽宁营口中考真题)One day a little boy asked his father, “What does the word ‘great’ mean? Who are great people and 231 do they become great? “The father asked his son to bring two plants and then told him to plant one of them 232 the house and the other outside the house. The boy did as his father said.The father asked his son, “Which one of the two plants do you think will be 233 and bigger? “The boy replied, “The plant inside the house will be safer, 234 it will grow bigger, while the plant outside the house is not safe at all. No one will be there to 235 it.It may be eaten by animals.”The father smiled and said, “Let’s wait 236 .We will know the answer.”Then the boy 237 for study and after four years he came back to his house. He said to his father, “Look, 238 happens to this plant inside the house and it is safe.”When the boy went outside, he was very 239 to see a big tree. The boy couldn’t believe his eyes. He couldn’t 240 how the plant outside was able to grow much bigger than the plant inside the house.“The plant outside the house faced four 241 and many difficulties!” the father 242 to his son why the plant outside was bigger. “The plant inside was safe, it didn’t face weather changes, and it didn’t get proper 243 , so it didn’t become big.”Here is the 244 to the question about being great: 245 a great person, one must have failed many times, experienced many difficulties and overcome those difficulties. After that, he is able to become great.231.A.howB.whyC.whenD.where232.A.besidesB.oppositeC.behindD.inside233.A.strongerB.saferC.nicerD.weaker234.A.butB.orC.soD.because235.A.look afterB.come acrossC.take awayD.cut down236.A.seriouslyB.carefullyC.activelyD.patiently237.A.waitedB.lookedC.leftD.asked238.A.somethingB.nothingC.everythingD.anything239.A.excitedB.satisfiedC.pleasedD.surprised240.A.realiseB.understandC.considerD.accept241.A.seasonsB.chancesC.yearsD.choices242.A.smiledB.apologizedC.turnedD.explained243.A.protectionB.sunlightC.careD.water244.A.resultB.answerC.wayD.reason245.A.To chooseB.To saveC.To findD.To become【答案】231.A 232.D 233.B 234.C 235.A 236.D 237.C 238.B 239.D 240.B 241.A 242.D 243.B 244.B 245.D【导语】本文主要讲述了父亲通过让孩子种植两株植物的故事告诉我们:一个人必须面对并克服很多困难,他才能变得伟大。231.句意:谁是伟大的人,他们是如何变得伟大的?how如何;why为什么:when什么时间;where哪里。根据下文“a great person, one must have failed many times, experienced many difficulties and overcome those difficulties. After that, he is able to become great.”可知此处说的是如何变得伟大。故选A。232.句意:父亲让儿子带两株植物来,让他把一株种在屋子里,另一株种在屋外。besides而且;opposite对立面;behind在……后面;inside在……里面。根据“The plant inside the house”可知,一棵在房子内。故选D。233.句意:你认为这两株植物哪个会更安全、更大?stronger更强壮的;safer更安全的;nicer更美好的;weaker更虚弱的。根据“The plant inside the house will be safer”以及下文可知,是在比较两株植物哪个会更安全。故选B。234.句意:房子里面的植物会更安全,所以它会长得更大,而房子外面的植物一点都不安全。but但是:or或者;so因此;because因为。根据句意,上文是室内的植物更安全,下文是它会长得更大,可知上下文之间为因果关系,前因后果,故用so连接。故选C。235.句意:没有人会在那里照顾它。look after照顾;come across偶遇;take away拿走;cut down砍倒。根据下文“It may be eaten by animals.”和选项可知,没有人会照顾外面的那株植物。故选A。236.句意:让我们耐心等待吧。seriously严重地;carefully仔细地;actively积极地;patiently有耐心地。根据下文“wait”和“We will know the answer.”可知,答案将来才会知道,因此需要耐心等待。故选D。237.句意:后来男孩去上学了,四年后他回到了自己的家。waited等待:looked看;left离开;asked询问。根据下文“he came back to his house.”可知,四年后回到了家,说明之前是离家求学去了。故选C。238.句意:看,这株植物在屋里平安无事,它很安全。something某事;nothing没有什么;everything每件事;anything任何事。根据下文“it is safe.”可知,这棵植物很安全,安然无恙,没有发生什么。故选B。239.句意:当男孩走出去时,他很惊讶地看到一棵大树。excited激动的;satisfied满意的;pleased高兴的;surprised惊讶的。根据下文“The boy couldn't believe his eyes.”可推测,他看到一棵大树时感到非常惊讶。故选D。240.句意:他不明白外面的植物怎么能长得比屋子里的植物大得多。realise意识到;understand理解;consider考虑;accept接受。根据“The boy couldn't believe his eyes.”可知,男孩认为室内的植物会更大,结果却相反,因此他不理解。故选B。241.句意:屋外的植物面临着四季和许多困难。seasons季节;chances机会:years年;choices选择。根据下文“The plant inside was safe, it didn’t face weather changes, ”可知,是在和房子里的植物作对比,所以放在外的植物经历植物在室外会经历气候的变化,与这种变化相关的应是季节,故选A。242.句意:父亲向儿子解释为什么外面的植物更大。smiled微笑;apologized道歉;turned转变;explained解释。根据上文“The plant outside the house faced four.... and many difficulties”可知是爸爸在给儿子做解释。故选D。243.句意:里面的植物是安全的,它不会面临天气变化,也没有得到适当的阳光,所以它不会变大。protection保护;sunlight阳光;care关心;water水。根据“The plant inside was safe, it didn’t face weather changes, and it didn’t get proper ”及常识可知,房子里的植物得不到充足的阳光,故选B。244.句意:这是关于成为伟大的问题的答案。result结果;answer答案;way方式;reason原因。根据“ to the question about being great”可知,此处指问题的答案。故选B。245.句意:要成为一个伟大的人,一定经历过许多次失败,经历过许多困难,并克服这些困难。To choose选择;To save节省;To find发现;To become成为。根据“Who are great people and .... do they become great”和“After that, he is able to become great.” 可知,此处表示要成为一个伟大的人。故选D。(2022辽宁朝阳中考真题)根据短文内容,从各题所给的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。There was a stone lying in the mountains for a long time. He had a dream—one day he could fly up into the sky 246 a bird. When he told his dream to his friends, they all laughed at him.“Look! Your heart is 247 than the sky!”However, these words didn’t make a difference to the stone. Instead, he just said 248 , looked up into the sky full of hope in his eyes and waited for the chance.One day, a man named Zhuangzi passed by. The stone knew this man had the great wisdom. So he talked about his dream to the great man.“ 249 me, please!” The stone begged(乞求).Zhuangzi said, “I can help you achieve it, but you must first grow into a mountain and be strong enough to suffer(承受) a lot.” The stone replied, “I am not afraid of anything 250 I’m sure I can do it.”From then on, the stone tried his best to get as much energy as he could from nature to make himself strong. After so many years and storms, the stone grew into a large mountain 251 . So Zhuangzi sent some huge birds to hit the mountain with 252 wings. After shaking strongly, the mountain broke apart and countless stones flew up into the sky. At the moment of flight, the stone was so 253 that he couldn’t help shouting, “I am flying in the sky now!” He finally experienced the joy of flying.But soon he fell off from the sky and turned back into what he was like before. Zhuangzi asked, “ 254 you regret?”“No, I don’t. I am very 255 . I have ever grown into a mountain and flown!” The stone answered.246.A.likeB.withC.forD.about247.A.lowerB.longerC.higherD.smaller248.A.everythingB.nothingC.somethingD.anything249.A.To helpB.HelpingC.HelpedD.Help250.A.andB.butC.soD.or251.A.at the beginning B.over and over again C.in the endD.after all252.A.hisB.ourC.yourD.their253.A.scaredB.relaxedC.excitedD.surprised254.A.DidB.DoC.HaveD.Are255.A.luckyB.luckC.luckilyD.unlucky【答案】246.A 247.C 248.B 249.D 250.A 251.C 252.D 253.C 254.B 255.A【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。这是一则寓言故事,讲述了一个小石子梦想着有一天能像鸟儿一样飞向天空,并最终在庄子的协助下,他终于飞向了天空,虽然最后还是变回原来的样子,但他不并后悔。246.句意:他有一个梦想——有一天他能像小鸟一样飞向天空。like像;with和;for为了;about关于。根据空格前的“fly up into the sky”可知此处表示小石子希望自己能像小鸟一样飞向天空。故选A。247.句意:看!你的心比天还高!lower更低的;longer更长的;higher更高的;smaller更小的。根据空格后的“than the sky”可知此处表示“心比天高”。故选C。248.句意:相反,他什么也没说,眼里充满希望地抬头望向天空,等待时机。everything一切;nothing没有什么;something某些东西;anything任何东西。根据空格后的“looked up into the sky full of hope in his eyes and waited for the chance.”可知他只是抬头望天,等待时机,说明他什么也没说。故选B。249.句意:请帮帮我!To help去帮忙,动词不定式;Helping正在帮忙,动名词或现在分词;Helped帮助过,过去式或过去分词;Help帮助,动词原形。根据“please”和“begged”可知此处是小石头在向庄子寻求帮助,句子应用祈使句,因此动词用原形位于句首。故选D。250.句意:我什么也不怕,所以我确定我可以做到。and并且,和;but但是;so所以;or或者。根据空格前的“I am not afraid of anything”和空格后的“I’m sure I can do it”可知“我什么也不怕”和“我确定我可以做到”两个句子之前存在递进关系,应用连词and来连接。故选A。251.句意:经过了很多年的风吹雨打,小石子最终长成了一座大山。at the beginning在开始的时候;over and over again一遍又一遍;in the end最终;after all毕竟。根据“grew into a large mountain”可知小石子最后长成了一座大山。故选C。252.句意:因此庄子派了几只大鸟用它们的翅膀去拍打那座大山。his他的;our我们的;your你的;their它们的。根据“some huge birds”和“wings”可知此处指的是大鸟的翅膀,是“它们的”翅膀。故选D。253.句意:在飞翔的瞬间,小石子兴奋得忍不住大叫起来。scared害怕的;relaxed放松的;excited兴奋的;surprised惊讶的。根据下文的“the joy of flying”可知小石子飞得非常开心,说明他也是激动兴奋的。故选C。254.句意:你后悔了吗?Did助动词,用于一般过去时;Do助动词,用于一般现在时;Have助动词,用于现在完成时;Are是,用于一般现在时。根据下一句“No, I don’t”可知其问句应是一般现在时的一般疑问句,应用助动词do进行提问。故选B。255.句意:我非常幸运。lucky幸运的,形容词;luck运气,名词;luckily幸运地,副词;unlucky不幸的。根据“am”可知其后应接形容词作表语,lucky“幸运的”是符合题意的形容词。故选A。(2022四川广安中考真题)Once there were three trees on a hill. They were 256 their hopes and dreams. The first tree said, “I want to be a treasure box. Then I could be filled with 257 .” The second tree said, “Someday I will be a ship. I will take the king 258 the sea.” Finally, the third said, “I want to grow to be the 259 tree in the forest. People will see me on the top of the hill.”However, several years later, the first tree was made into a wooden box for animals. And the second tree became a fishing ship. The last tree was still there, but 260 knew him.Then one day, a 261 mother wanted to make a wooden bed for her baby. She had no money 262 she chose the wooden box. The first tree could feel the baby was the greatest treasure for the mother. The second tree helped a fisherman in a heavy rain. For the last tree, when the villagers were tired, they 263 take a break under it on hot days. The three trees’ 264 come true.Sometimes, when things don’t happen as you expect, don’t lose 265 . Wherever you are, please remember the decision you’ve made at first. Hold on to it! That’s what we call “dream”.256.A.looking forB.making upC.talking aboutD.writing about257.A.moneyB.timeC.foodD.love258.A.throughB.againstC.fromD.across259.A.shortestB.tallestC.oldestD.newest260.A.everyoneB.anyoneC.nobodyD.somebody261.A.poorB.richC.strangeD.proud262.A.becauseB.orC.soD.till263.A.shouldB.couldC.needD.must264.A.reportsB.risksC.interestsD.dreams265.A.hopeB.wayC.changeD.choice【答案】256.C 257.A 258.D 259.B 260.C 261.A 262.C 263.B 264.D 265.A【导语】本文讲述三棵树实现各自的梦想的故事。256.句意:它们在谈论希望和梦想。looking for寻找;making up编造;talking about谈论;writing about写关于。根据“The first tree said”,“The second tree said”及“Finally, the third said”,可知句子表达它们在谈论梦想,用动词短语“talking about”。故选C。257.句意:然后我可以装满钱。money钱;time时间;food食物;love爱。根据“a treasure box. Then I could be filled with”,可知,第一棵树表达想成为财宝箱,箱子里装满钱。用名词“money”。故选A。258.句意:我会把国王带着跨过海洋。through从物体内部穿过;against反对,靠着;from从;across穿过,从一边到另一边。根据“a ship”及“sea”,可知表达穿跨过海洋,用介词“across”。故选D。259.句意:我想成为森林里最高的树。shortest最矮的;tallest最高的;oldest最老的;newest最新的。根据“see me on the top of the hill”,可知句子表达最高的树,用最高级“tallest”。故选B。260.句意:最后一棵树仍在那里,但是没人直到它。everyone每个人;anyone任何人;nobody没人;somebody某人。根据“The last tree was still there, but”可知,前后是转折关系,表达“没人知道”,用不定代词“nobody”。故选C。261.句意:然后有一天,一位贫穷的母亲想为她的宝宝制作一张木床。poor穷的;rich有钱的;strange奇怪的;proud自豪的。根据“She had no money”,可知母亲没有钱,她很穷,用形容词“poor”。故选A。262.句意:她没有钱,因此她选择了木箱。because因为;or或者;so因此;till直到。根据“She had no money”及“she chose the wooden box”,可知前后是因果关系,用连词“so”引出结果状语从句。故选C。263.句意:对于最后一棵树,当村民们累了的时候,他们可以在天热的时候在树下休息。should应该;could能;need需要;must必须。句子是一般过去时,根据“take a break under it”,可知表达能做的事情,用情态动词“could”。故选B。264.句意:三棵树的梦想都成真了。reports报告;risks风险;interests利益;dreams梦想,梦。根据前文“their hopes and dreams”,可知讲述的是它们的梦想成真,用名词“dreams”。故选D。265.句意:有时,当事情不像你期望的那样发展,不要失去希望。hope希望;way方式;change改变;choice选择。根据“Wherever you are, please remember the decision you’ve made at first. Hold on to it”,可知讲述要坚持,不要失去希望,梦想总会实现,用名词“hope”。故选A。(2022山东枣庄中考真题)阅读下面的短文,从所给的四个选项(ABCD)中,选出最佳选项。The 75-year-old Joe lived very happily in a village and had a big warm family. His children 266 and moved to different cities. Now he has four grandchildren, and they usually visit him during their holidays. During one 267 , Joe was preparing his home for the kids: cleaning the house and cooking their favorite foods. After he finished working, he realized his watch was 268 . The watch was from his 269 and he treasured it very much, so he was very upset. He looked for it but could not find it 270 . When his grandchildren came, they promised him they would find the watch which was given by their grandma. One granddaughter asked:“Grandpa, do you remember when you saw it the 271 time? “I guess when I was cleaning the 272 !” he replied. The children looked for more than two hours with Joe, but they couldn't find it. The kids were now also sad, but they tried to comfort their grandpa. One grandson went back to the garden to look again. He was there for about 15 minutes and rushed back with a(an) 273 look on his face. Then everyone was very surprised to see the watch in his hand. They asked how he was able to find it. The little boy replied: “I sat there without making a noise. After a few minutes, I heard the ‘tick, tick’ sound and found the watch.”Joe hugged and 274 the little boy. This is the power of 275 . If we stay calm(冷静), we are more about to find the ways of solving problems.266.A.gave upB.looked upC.grew upD.got up267.A.summerB.vacationC.winterD.weekday268.A.dirtyB.brokenC.wetD.missing269.A.wifeB.childrenC.granddaughterD.grandson270.A.somewhereB.anywhereC.hereD.there271.A.lastB.nextC.secondD.first272.A.kitchenB.bedroomC.yardD.garden273.A.tiredB.surprisedC.excitedD.bored274.A.warnedB.thankedC.punishedD.kicked275.A.silenceB.courageC.discoveryD.doubt【答案】266.C 267.B 268.D 269.A 270.B 271.A 272.D 273.C 274.B 275.A【导语】本文主要讲述了爷爷的手表丢了,最后一个孙子帮他找到的故事。266.句意:他的孩子们长大后搬到了不同的城市。gave up放弃;looked up查找;grew up长大;got up起床。根据“and moved to different cities. Now he has four grandchildren”可知孩子们搬到不同的城市,说明长大了,故选C。267.句意:在一次假期中,乔正在为孩子们准备他的家:打扫房间,烹饪他们最喜欢的食物。summer夏天;vacation假期;winter冬天;weekday工作日。根据上文“ and they usually visit him during their holidays.”可知是指假期,故选B。268.句意:工作结束后,他发现他的手表不见了。dirty脏的;broken坏的;wet潮湿的;missing丢失的。根据“ He looked for it but could not find it”可知手表找不到了,故选D。269.句意:这块表是他妻子送的,他非常珍爱,所以他很生气。wife妻子;children孩子;granddaughter孙女;grandson孙子。根据“which was given by their grandma.”可知这块表是爷爷的妻子送的,故选A。270.句意:他到处找,可是怎么也找不到。somewhere某地;anywhere任何地方;here这里;there那里。根据“ He looked for it but could not find it ”可知爷爷到处找,却找不到,anywhere符合语境,故选B。271.句意:爷爷,你还记得最后一次看到它是什么时候吗?last最后的;next下一个;second第二个;first第一个。结合常识可知,一般东西丢了,别人都会问最后一次见到它是在什么时候或者哪里,故选A。272.句意:我想是我打扫花园的时候吧!kitchen厨房;bedroom卧室;yard院子;garden花园。根据“One grandson went back to the garden to look again”可知是指花园,garden是原词复现,故选D。273.句意:他在那里待了大约15分钟,然后带着兴奋的表情冲了回来。tired疲惫的;surprised惊讶的;excited激动的;bored无聊的。根据“Then everyone was very surprised to see the watch in his hand. ”可知孙子找到了手表,所以很兴奋,故选C。274.句意:乔拥抱了小男孩并感谢他。warned警告;thanked感谢;punished惩罚;kicked踢。根据“hugged ”可知爷爷很感谢并拥抱了孙子,故选B。275.句意:这就是沉默的力量。silence沉默;courage勇气;discovery发现;doubt怀疑。根据“If we stay calm(冷静)”可知此处是指沉默安静,故选A。(2022内蒙古赤峰中考真题)After the winter vacation,I had to move to a new city with my parents. On the first day to my new school, it was cold and 276 . I was walking alone slowly 277 worrying about something in my new school. It was early and there weren’t many people on the road. 278 a girl who was riding a bike in the snow fell down. She was 279 hard to stand up but fell again. 280 thinking, I went over to help her quickly. She said “thank you” with a 281 and then rode away. Her smile warmed me a lot.After I got to school, the teacher led me to the classroom and 282 me to the class. Then he asked me to 283 down beside a girl. I felt so 284 that I didn’t dare to look at her. Soon the first class, English, started. Their textbooks were 285 from those in my old school. As I was 286 what to do, an English book appeared in front of me. “Let’s 287 it.” The girl beside me said,“Hi, I’m Carrie,” I looked up. To 288 surprise, it was the girl I helped this morning. From 289 on, we became good friends.From that I learned: to help 290 is actually to help ourselves!276.A.cloudyB.snowyC.foggyD.rainy277.A.soB.becauseC.butD.and278.A.FirstlyB.FinallyC.SuddenlyD.Luckily279.A.tryingB.startingC.gettingD.walking280.A.WithoutB.WithC.ForD.About281.A.jokeB.smileC.laughD.cry282.A.introducedB.carriedC.showedD.sent283.A.fallB.lieC.sitD.turn284.A.sadB.happyC.nervousD.excited285.A.easyB.difficultC.sameD.different286.A.doingB.writingC.wonderingD.dreaming287.A.shareB.singC.danceD.play288.A.herB.myC.hisD.its289.A.todayB.laterC.nowD.then290.A.any otherB.anotherC.the otherD.others【答案】276.B 277.D 278.C 279.A 280.A 281.B 282.A 283.C 284.C 285.D 286.C 287.A 288.B 289.D 290.D【导语】本文主要讲述了作者去新学校第一天发生的事情, 同时让作者懂得了帮助别人其实就是帮助自己的道理。276.句意:在我去新学校的第一天,天气很冷,还下着雪。cloudy多云的;snowy下雪的;foggy多雾的;rainy下雨的。根据下文“snow ”可知是指下雪,故选B。277.句意:我独自慢慢地走着,担心着新学校里的一些事情。so所以;because因为;but但是;and并且。根据“ was walking alone slowly...worrying about something in my new school.”可知此处需要一个连词连接前后句,且表示并列递进的关系,and符合,故选D。278.句意:突然,一个在雪地里骑自行车的女孩摔倒了。Firstly第一;Finally最终;Suddenly突然;Luckily幸运的。根据“a girl who was riding a bike in the snow fell down”可知女孩是突然摔倒了,故选C。279.句意:她努力想站起来,但又摔倒了。trying试图;starting开始;getting变得;walking走路。根据“She was...hard to stand up but fell again”结合语境可知,她是试图想要起来,却又摔倒了,故选A。280.句意:我想都没想就走过去帮她。Without没有;With有;For为了;About关于。结合语境可知,看到别人摔倒了起不来,应该是毫不犹豫的就去帮忙,故选A。281.句意:她微笑着说了声“谢谢”。joke玩笑;smile微笑;laugh大笑;cry哭泣。结合上文作者帮助了这个女孩可知,她应该是面对微笑地表示感谢,故选B。282.句意:我到学校后,老师把我带到教室,把我介绍给全班同学。introduced介绍;carried携带;showed展示;sent发送。根据“ the teacher led me to the classroom and...me to the class.”可知老师是把作者介绍给全班同学,故选A。283.句意:后他让我坐在一个女孩旁边。fall 落下;lie躺;sit坐;turn转。根据“Then he asked me to...down beside a girl.”可知是坐在一个女孩旁边,故选C。284.句意:我紧张得不敢看她。sad伤心;happy开心;nervous紧张;excited激动。根据上文“ and worrying about something in my new school.”以及“ I felt so...that I didn’t dare to look at her”可知作者很紧张,故选C。285.句意:他们的教科书和我以前学校的不一样。easy容易的;difficult困难的;same相同的;different不同的。根据“Their textbooks were...from those in my old school”可知这个学校的书本和之前的不一样,be different from“和……不同”,故选D。286.句意:正当我不知道该怎么办的时候,一本英语书出现在我面前。doing做;writing写;wondering想知道;dreaming梦想。根据“ Their textbooks were...from those in my old school. As I was...what to do”可知作者此时不知道如何做,也就是想要知道去做什么,故选C。287.句意:让我们一起看。share分享;sing歌唱;dance跳舞;play玩。根据“an English book appeared in front of me”可知女孩把自己的英语和作者分享,一起看,故选A。288.句意:让我吃惊的是,她是我今天早上帮助的那个女孩。her他的;my我的;his他的;its它的。结合语境可知作者很惊讶,此处应用第一人称来表述,故选B。289.句意:从那时起,我们成了好朋友。today今天;later后来;now现在;then然后。根据“we became good friends.”可知作者是叙述过去的事情,所以应该说从那时起,from then on“从那时起”,故选D。290.句意:帮助别人其实就是帮助自己!any other任何其他;another另一个;the other两者中的另一个;others其他人/物。根据“ to help...is actually to help ourselves!”可知此处应用others,表示帮助其他人,故选D。(2022广东中考真题)Almost every Saturday morning, Molly pulls a table into her front yard. On the table she lays out some 291 in season, such as carrots and tomatoes. They are all from her garden and free for her neighbors to 292 . “It’s just lovely, like you walk by and get a beautiful gift around the corner,” said a neighbor.Molly started doing this in the summer of 2020. Earlier that year, a fire broke out in her house. Molly’s 293 had a hard time. “People in the community came to 294 . They brought us food and often called to make sure we were doing fine. I was deeply 295 ,” Molly said.Then the pandemic(疫情) came. Molly and her family had much time to 296 in their garden. They decided to 297 what they grew in their garden. No one knew about it at first. But 298 , people got into the habit of coming around. They would stop by and leave with some vegetables. Molly’s yard became a 299 place. One thing Molly has learned from this experience is that people have to work together when days are 300 . She is glad that love has spread in this community.291.A.fruitsB.flowersC.leavesD.vegetables292.A.look atB.take awayC.give upD.throw away293.A.familyB.classC.officeD.team294.A.cryB.seeC.helpD.rest295.A.movedB.interestedC.tiredD.bored296.A.playB.workC.sleepD.dance297.A.eatB.sellC.shareD.cook298.A.sadlyB.slowlyC.badlyD.carefully299.A.cleanB.smallC.terribleD.popular300.A.difficultB.sunnyC.shortD.cool【答案】291.D 292.B 293.A 294.C 295.A 296.B 297.C 298.B 299.D 300.A【导语】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述莫莉家生活很难,社区的人们来帮助他们,作为回报,莫莉一家将种植的菜分享给他人,莫莉明白当日子不好过的时候,人们必须一起扶持。291.句意:她在桌子上摆了一些应季蔬菜,如胡萝卜和西红柿。fruits水果;flowers花;leaves叶子;vegetables蔬菜。根据“such as carrots and tomatoes”可知,是一些蔬菜,故选D。292.句意:它们都是从她的花园里摘的,邻居可以免费拿走。look at看;take away拿走;give up放弃;throw away扔掉。根据“They are all from her garden and free for her neighbors to...”可知,可以让邻居免费拿走,故选B。293.句意:莫莉的家庭过得很艰难。family家庭;class班级;office办公室;team队伍。根据“Molly’s...had a hard time.”可知,莫莉家过得很难,故选A。294.句意:社区里的人来帮忙。cry哭;see看见;help帮助;rest休息。根据“They brought us food and often called to make sure we were doing fine.”可知,社区的人来帮忙,故选C。295.句意:我深受感动。moved感动的;interested感兴趣的;tired劳累的;bored无聊的。社区的人来帮助,所以很感动,故选A。296.句意:莫莉和她的家人有很多时间在花园里干活。play玩;work工作;sleep睡觉;dance跳舞。根据“Molly and her family had much time to...in their garden.”可知,莫莉和家人花时间在花园里工作、干活,故选B。297.句意:他们决定分享他们在花园里种植的东西。eat吃;sell卖;share分享;cook烹饪。社区的人帮助莫莉一家,他们决定分享种植的东西作为回报,故选C。298.句意:但慢慢地,人们养成了接受的习惯。sadly悲伤地;slowly缓慢地;badly严重地;carefully仔细地。根据“No one knew about it at first. But..., people got into the habit of coming around”可知,开始无人知晓,但是慢慢地,人们养成了接受的习惯,故选B。299.句意:莫莉的院子成了一个受欢迎的地方。clean干净的;small小的;terrible糟糕的;popular流行的,受欢迎的。根据“They would stop by and leave with some vegetables.”可知,人们会过来,然后带着一些蔬菜离开,所以莫莉的院子变成一个受欢迎的地方,故选D。300.句意:莫莉从这次经历中学到的一件事是,当日子不好过的时候,人们必须一起工作。difficult困难的;sunny晴朗的;short短的;cool酷的。根据“One thing Molly has learned from this experience is that people have to work together when days are...”和前文“had a hard time”可知,日子不好过、很困难,故选A。(2022海南中考真题)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。There was once a couple named Sue and John. Both of them were 301 .In the late autumn, John was badly ill and became bedridden (长期卧床的). After the doctor visited John several times, he told Sue, “His condition is quite 302 . John seems to have lost all will to live. If he doesn’t want to live, medicines will not help him.”Sue tried her best to 303 John. She sang and danced, she painted their favorite pictures, she told jokes, but John did not respond (回应).“Five,” he said 304 one day, as he looked out of the window. When Sue asked what John meant, he explained slowly. “There are… only 305 leaves left on the tree now. When the last leaf falls, I... shall go with 306 .” Upon hearing this, Sue couldn’t help crying. She went to their neighbor, Mr Smith, who was also an artist.Mr Smith was sorry about John’s poor health. He 307 his friend to get better, then he painted a leaf.Over the next few days, it rained heavily, but the last leaf on the tree held on firmly (坚固地). Every day, John would look 308 and see the same lone leaf on the tree.Then, one day, the doctor came in and said John’s 309 was improving. John said to Sue, “I’ve realized that life is hard, but I shouldn’t give up. That leaf has stayed on that tree for so long. It has taught me to 310 !”The doctor smiled, so did Sue.301.A.teachersB.artistsC.doctors302.A.terribleB.commonC.simple303.A.cheer upB.talk aboutC.listen to304.A.angrilyB.proudlyC.quietly305.A.fourB.fiveC.six306.A.itB.themC.you307.A.taughtB.wantedC.asked308.A.upB.downC.out309.A.conditionB.abilityC.level310.A.drawB.waitC.live【答案】301.B 302.A 303.A 304.C 305.B 306.A 307.B 308.C 309.A 310.C【导语】本文主要讲述了画家约翰因为得了重病,失去了生活的意志,但是当他看到牢牢长在树上的最后一片叶子时,他决定不放弃,身体情况也好转了,其实那片树叶是他的朋友史密斯先生画上去的。301.句意:他们两个都是画家。teachers老师;artists画家;doctors医生。根据“She went to their neighbor, Mr Smith, who was also an artist.”可知他们夫妻两个也是画家。故选B。302.句意:他的情况相当糟糕。terrible糟糕的;common普通的;simple简单的。根据“John seems to have lost all will to live. If he doesn’t want to live, medicines will not help him”可知他的健康状况非常糟糕。故选A。303.句意:苏竭尽全力让约翰振作起来。cheer up使振作;talk about谈论;listen to听。根据“She sang and danced...”可知她想要让她的丈夫振作起来。故选A。304.句意:有一天,他看着窗外,平静地说:“五。”angrily生气地;proudly自豪地;quietly安静地。根据“he explained slowly.”可知他身体状况不佳,所以说话是轻轻的。故选C。305.句意:现在树上只剩下五片叶子了。four四;five五;six六。根据“Five”可知树上只有5片叶子。故选B。306.句意:当最后一片叶子落下时,我会随它去。it它;them它们;you你。由语境可知,此处代指“the last leaf”,用it代指。故选A。307.句意:他想要他的朋友好起来,然后他画了一片叶子。taught教;wanted想要;asked问。根据“his friend to get better, then he painted a leaf”可知他想要让朋友好起来。故选B。308.句意:每天,约翰都会向外看,看到树上的那片孤叶。up向上;down向下;out出去。根据“as he looked out of the window.”及“and see the same lone leaf on the tree”可知是看向窗外树上的叶子。故选C。309.句意:然后,有一天,医生进来说约翰的病情正在好转。condition情况;ability能力;level等级。根据“was improving”可知是他的情况在好转。故选A。310.句意:它教会了我生活。draw画;wait等待;live生活。根据“I’ve realized that life is hard, but I shouldn’t give up”可知树叶教会了他虽然生活是艰难的,但是不应该放弃,所以树叶教会了约翰生活。故选C。(2022湖北十堰中考真题)Lots of junior high school students enjoy sports. My classmates and I had a lot of 311 at our school’s yearly sports meeting last week.It was pretty 312 for me because I took part in the 800-meter race for the first time. 313 I practiced running hard every day, I was still nervous on the day of the meeting.My arms were shaking and my heart was beating 314 when I stood at the starting line. 315 the endless runway (跑道), I felt like a boat fighting against the wind and rain. I 316 myself that simply joining in was a victory (胜利) itself. I started to calm down(冷静).Just then, the starting gun 317 and all the runners rushed out like tigers running down a hill. By the time I finished the first lap (圈), I had used up almost all my 318 . But I had to keep running for the last 100 meters. I 319 I couldn’t breathe. Looking at the runners in front of me, as they got closer to the finishing line, I really wanted to 320 running and sit down. But I reminded myself that it must be a victory to keep going and it filled me 321 strength (力量) again. With my remaining strength, I desperately (拼命地) 322 to the end of the finishing line.I 323 in seventh place. This might have been a 324 achievement to other people, but it made me feel excited and 325 . I have tried all my best.311.A.funB.troubleC.worriesD.problems312.A.easyB.boringC.specialD.fair313.A.AsB.ThoughC.ThenD.After314.A.slowlyB.quietlyC.clearlyD.quickly315.A.MakingB.FacingC.TakingD.Breaking316.A.returnedB.researchedC.rememberedD.reminded317.A.went offB.went onC.went upD.went down318.A.educationB.energyC.experienceD.expression319.A.sawB.heardC.feltD.smelt320.A.stopB.keepC.startD.remain321.A.ofB.inC.withD.under322.A.ranB.swamC.liftedD.turned323.A.set upB.used upC.ate upD.ended up324.A.greatB.terribleC.amazingD.small325.A.anxiousB.proudC.nervousD.personal【答案】311.A 312.C 313.B 314.D 315.B 316.D 317.A 318.B 319.C 320.A 321.C 322.A 323.D 324.D 325.B【导语】本文讲述了作者参加学校运动会的经历,在比赛快要结束时,作者一度想要放弃,但是想到参与的过程本身就是一种成功,拼尽了最后的力气冲到了终点,虽然只是得到了第七名的成绩,但是作者很开心。311.句意:上周,在学校一年一度的运动会上,我和同学们玩得很开心。fun乐趣;trouble麻烦;worries担心;problems问题。根据“My classmates and I had a lot of...at our school’s yearly sports meeting last week.”和后文介绍可知,玩得很开心,have a lot of fun“玩得开心”,故选A。312.句意:这对我来说很特别,因为我是第一次参加800米比赛。easy容易的;boring无聊的;special特殊的;fair公平的。根据“because I took part in the 800-meter race for the first time”可知,第一次参加800米,所以是特别的,故选C。313.句意:虽然我每天都努力练习跑步,但在会议那天我还是很紧张。 As因为;Though虽然;Then然后;After在……之后。前后两句构成让步关系,用Though引导让步状语从句,故选B。314.句意:当我站在起跑线上时,我的胳膊在颤抖,我的心在快速地跳动。slowly缓慢地;quietly安静地;clearly清晰地;quickly迅速地。根据“My arms were shaking and my heart was beating...when I stood at the starting line.”可知,作者很紧张,心跳得很快,故选D。315.句意:面对着一望无际的跑道,我感觉自己就像一艘在风雨中挣扎的小船。Making制作;Facing面对;Taking拿;Breaking打破。根据“...the endless runway (跑道), I felt like a boat fighting against the wind and rain.”可知,是看着面前的跑道,故选B。316.句意:我提醒自己,仅仅参与其中本身就是一种胜利。 returned归还;researched研究;remembered记住;reminded提醒。根据“I...myself that simply joining in was a victory (胜利) itself.”可知,作者提醒自己重在参与,故选D。317.句意:就在这时,发令枪响了,所有的赛跑选手都像老虎一样跑下山来。went off响;went on继续;went up上升;went down下降。根据“Just then, the starting gun...and all the runners rushed out like tigers running down a hill.”可知,枪响出发,故选A。318.句意:当我跑完第一圈时,我几乎耗尽了所有的能量。education教育;energy能量;experience经验;expression表达。根据“By the time I finished the first lap (圈), I had used up almost all my...”可知,跑步耗费了自己的能量,故选B。319.句意:我感到无法呼吸。saw看见;heard听见;felt感觉;smelt闻。根据“I...I couldn’t breathe.”可知,感觉自己不能呼吸了,故选C。320.句意:看着我前面的选手,当他们接近终点线时,我真的想停下来坐下来。stop停止;keep保持;start开始;remain维持。根据“I really wanted to...running and sit down.”可知,想停下来坐下,故选A。321.句意:但我提醒自己,坚持下去一定是一种胜利,这让我再次充满了力量。of……的;in在……中;with和,用;under在……下。fill...with...“充满”,固定短语,故选C。322.句意:我用剩下的力气拼命地跑向终点线。ran跑;swam游泳;lifted举起;turned转身。根据“I desperately (拼命地)...to the end of the finishing line.”和前文可知,是跑步比赛,所以是跑向终点,故选A。323.句意:我最后得了第七名。set up建立;used up用光;ate up吃光;ended up结束。根据“I...in seventh place.”可知,最后得了第七名,故选D。324.句意:对其他人来说,这可能只是一个小小的成就,但它让我感到兴奋和自豪。great好的;terrible糟糕的;amazing惊人的;small小的。根据“This might have been a...achievement to other people”可知,第七名的成绩不算特别好,所以对他人来说,这只是一个小成就,故选D。325.句意:对其他人来说,这可能只是一个小小的成就,但它让我感到兴奋和自豪。anxious紧张的;proud骄傲的;nervous紧张的;personal个人的。根据“but it made me feel excited and... I have tried all my best.”可知,作者尽了全力,所以为自己感到骄傲,故选B。(2022湖北随州中考真题)Two years ago, I took a bus to visit a friend living on a farm. My friend 326 to pick me up from the bus station. Once I got off the 327 , I pulled my two suitcases (行李箱) and walked to the pickup area. 328 , my friend got stuck in the heavy traffic and I had to 329 for an hour at the pickup area. To make things worse, it started raining half an hour later. Looking around, I was sad to find that there was no place to take shelter (躲避) from the 330 . Just as I was feeling 331 , a man driving a car stopped in front of me and 332 me an umbrella. I asked for his 333 so I could mail (邮寄) it back when I 334 using it. To my surprise, the man said, “You don’t have to 335 it. Just pass the umbrella on to someone else when 336 car arrives.” When my friend finally 337 , I gave the umbrella to a lady carrying a baby who just arrived at the pickup area. 338 I left, I asked her to give it to anyone else in 339 of the umbrella. When I arrived at my friend’s farm, I was very tired, but happy that I was able to pass 340 on to others.326.A.regrettedB.promisedC.forgotD.disagreed327.A.carB.trainC.busD.taxi328.A.DifferentlyB.FinallyC.UnluckilyD.Naturally329.A.waitB.countC.saveD.work330.A.fireB.rainC.snowD.danger331.A.helplessB.thirstyC.hungryD.sick332.A.passedB.showedC.soldD.found333.A.ageB.addressC.hobbyD.job334.A.avoidedB.startedC.mindedD.finished335.A.getB.keepC.borrowD.return336.A.hisB.herC.yourD.my337.A.showed upB.gave upC.woke upD.stayed up338.A.BeforeB.AfterC.BecauseD.Unless339.A.supportB.needC.searchD.place340.A.fitnessB.fairnessC.kindnessD.politeness【答案】326.B 327.C 328.C 329.A 330.B 331.A 332.A 333.B 334.D 335.D 336.C 337.A 338.A 339.B 340.C【导语】本文讲述了作者在公共汽车站遭遇大雨,无助之时一位路过的司机送来一把雨伞并嘱咐作者用完后交给其他有需要的人,将善意传递下去。326.句意:我的朋友答应去汽车站接我。regretted遗憾;promised答应;forgot忘记;disagreed不同意。根据“my friend got stuck in the heavy traffic”可知,此处指我朋友答应接我,“promise to do sth.”意为“答应做某事”,故选B。327.句意:我一下车,就拖着两个行李箱走到接送区。car汽车;train火车;bus公交车;taxi出租车。根据“Two years ago, I took a bus to visit a friend living on a farm.”可知,是下公交车,故选C。328.句意:不幸的是,我的朋友被困在拥挤的交通中,我不得不在接送区等一个小时。Differently不同地;Finally最终;Unluckily不幸地;Naturally天然地。根据“To make things worse”可知,事情很糟糕,所以这里指很不幸运,故选C。329.句意:不幸的是,我的朋友被困在拥挤的交通中,我不得不在接送区等一个小时。wait等待;count数数,要紧;save节约;work工作。根据“my friend got stuck in the heavy traffic and I had to...for an hour at the pickup area”可知,朋友堵车了,所以要等,故选A。330.句意:环顾四周,我难过地发现没有地方可以避雨。fire火;rain雨;snow雪;danger危险。根据“it started raining half an hour later”可知,下雨了,故选B。331.句意:正当我感到无助的时候,一个开车的男人停在我面前,递给我一把伞。helpless无助的;thirsty渴的;hungry饥饿的;sick生病的。根据“Looking around, I was sad to find that there was no place to take shelter”可知,没有地方避雨,我感到很无助,故选A。332.句意:正当我感到无助的时候,一个开车的男人停在我面前,递给我一把伞。passed递;showed展示;sold卖;found发现。根据“Just pass the umbrella on...”可知,递给我一把伞,故选A。333.句意:我要了他的地址,以便用完后可以寄回去。age年龄;address地址;hobby爱好;job工作。根据“so I could mail (邮寄) it back”可知,是要他的地址,故选B。334.句意:我要了他的地址,这样我用完就可以寄回去。avoided避免;started开始;minded介意;finished结束。根据“so I could mail (邮寄) it back when I...using it”可知,用完后还回去,故选D。335.句意:我要了他的地址,这样我用完就可以寄回去。get得到;keep保持;borrow借;return归还。根据“so I could mail (邮寄) it back when I...using it”可知,是要归还雨伞,故选D。336.句意:当你的车来的时候,把伞递给别人就行了。his他的;her她的;your你的;my我的。根据“You don’t have to...it. Just pass the umbrella on to someone else when...car arrives.”可知,是对作者说的话,故选C。337.句意:当我的朋友终于出现时,我把伞给了一位怀抱婴儿的女士,她刚到接送区。showed up出现;gave up放弃;woke up醒来;stayed up熬夜。根据“When my friend finally”可知,朋友终于出现了,故选A。338.句意:在我离开之前,我让她把伞给其他需要伞的人。Before在……之前;After在……之后;Because因为;Unless除非。根据“I left, I asked her to give it to anyone else”可知,这里指在我离开之前,我告诉她把伞给有需要的人,故选A。339.句意:在我离开之前,我让她把伞给其他需要的人。support支持;need需要;search搜查;place地方。根据“I asked her to give it to anyone else in...of the umbrella”可知,是把伞给有需要的人,故选B。340.句意:当我到达我朋友的农场时,我很累,但很高兴我能够把善良传递给别人。fitness健康;fairness公平;kindness善良;politeness礼貌。全文讲述了人们传递一把伞去帮助别人,实际上传递的是一种善良,故选C。





