专题01 名词(原卷版)

2024-09-10·11页·289.4 K

三年(2022-2024)中考英语真题分项汇编(全国通用)专题01名词(2024中考真题)1.(2024安徽统考中考真题)—Art serves as a ________ between different nations. —Yes. It really helps cross-cultural communication.A. riverB. wallC. palaceD. bridge2. (2024福建统考中考真题)—I like the ________ in that restaurant near our school.—Me, too. They have the best cooks in our town.A. foodB. serviceC. environment3.(2024甘肃白银中考真题) Linda is afraid of the dark. She even leaves the ________ on while sleeping.A. screenB. radioC. fanD. light4. (2024甘肃省平凉市中考真题)Linda is afraid of the dark. She even leaves the ________ on while sleeping.A. screenB. radioC. fanD. light5. (2024甘肃省武威中考真题)Linda is afraid of the dark. She even leaves the ________ on while sleeping.A. screenB. radioC. fanD. light6. (2024广西统考中考真题)Jimmy likes reading, so he often goes to the bookstore to buy some ________.A. rulersB. bagsC. books7. (2024黑龙江齐齐哈尔中考真题)—The movie is popular with students. Do you know the ________? —It tells the real life of the students.A. resultB. reasonC. choice8. (2024江苏省扬州市中考真题)—Do you know why zebrafish are taken to Shenzhou-18?—They have ________ like small size and short development cycle.A. stagesB. advantagesC. messagesD. passages9. (2024江西省中考真题)I like acting and I’m in the ________ group at school.A. theaterB. chessC. speechD. ping-pong10. (2024四川乐山中考真题)—World Sleep Day falls on March 21st. Do you think sleep is important?—I think so. Sleeping well can give you enough ________.A. courageB. energyC. reason11. (2024四川凉山中考真题)— Here is my family ______. We took it last month.— What a happy family!A. photoB. nameC. member12.(2024福建统考中考真题) It is a good ________ to do some reading before you go to bed every day.A. habitB. excuseC. result13. (2024甘肃省临夏州中考真题)Of all the ________, I love spring best because it is a symbol of life.A. seasonsB. subjectsC. colorsD. hobbies14. (2024天津中考真题)Don’t speak loudly on the bus. You should keep your _________ down.A. bodyB. voiceC. interestD. service15. (2024黑龙江绥化中考真题)For your own ________, please do not smoke inside the plane.A. seatB. safetyC. score16. (2024湖北省武汉中考真题)—Have you set a ________ on your new phone? —Certainly. I have to protect my personal information.A. dateB. lockC. wallpaperD. language(2023中考真题)1.(2023湖南岳阳统考中考真题)Yueyang is one of the top 10 most beautiful ________ in China this year.A.cityB.citiesC.citys2.(2023湖北武汉统考中考真题)—Peter was picked out to be on the school volleyball team. —His height gives him a big ________.A.situationB.challengeC.achievementD.advantage3.(2023山东滨州统考中考真题)—What’s your secret of writing so well?—I read a lot, and the works of Lu Xun had a strong ________ on me as a child.A.differenceB.attentionC.situationD.influence4.(2023甘肃白银统考中考真题)Put ________ first and be careful while riding on the road!A.interestB.moneyC.knowledgeD.safety5.(2023江苏扬州统考中考真题)—What places of interest are there in Yangzhou?—I recommend the Slender West Lake. A boat tour is a wonderful ________!A.movementB.attractionC.experienceD.research6.(2023天津统考中考真题)People all over the world love pandas, and the panda has become a ________ of China.A.festivalB.poemC.guestD.symbol7.(2023安徽统考中考真题)The proper ________ of your spare time will make your life colorful.A.dateB.useC.nameD.cause8.(2023四川凉山统考中考真题)All in all, ________ with friends is the best medicine for your mental health (心理健康). Hope my advice can help you.A.communicationB.informationC.instruction9.(2023江西统考中考真题)—Kevin, could you pass me some ________? It’s so hot today. I’m really thirsty.—OK. Here you are.A.riceB.breadC.waterD.chicken10.(2023四川自贡统考中考真题)— What’s your favorite ______?— Apples. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.A.fruitB.drinkC.job11.(2023甘肃白银统考中考真题)Which of the following shows that you can put your waste there?A.B.C.D.12.(2023湖北十堰统考中考真题)—How did you fix up the machine, dad?—It’s easy. I just followed the ________.A.instructionsB.inventionsC.interviewsD.influences13.(2023山东青岛统考中考真题)Before flying a plane, a ________ must take a lot of training.A.policemanB.musicianC.nurseD.pilot14.(2023山东东营统考中考真题)—What goes up, but never comes down? —Your ________, of course.A.ageB.wealthC.weightD.temperature15.(2023江苏徐州中考真题)Of all the ________, I love summer best.A.seasonsB.subjectsC.coloursD.hobbies16.(2023辽宁丹东统考中考真题)Mary’s parents are interested in ________, so they often take her to concerts.A.sportsB.musicC.scienceD.movies17.(2023四川雅安统考中考真题)Nancy, please take your ________ with you to school. It’s raining heavily.A.cupB.watchC.umbrellaD.dictionary18.(2023湖北恩施中考真题)—Miss Li, happy Teachers’ Day! Here is a flower for you.—Wow! Thanks for your ________.A.presentB.helpC.question19.(2023江苏宿迁统考中考真题)—The girl’s beautiful pronunciation caught our ________ in yesterday’s English speech competition. —Yes, many students couldn’t help cheering for her.A.conditionB.attentionC.inventionD.position20.(2023辽宁抚顺统考中考真题)I wish you to have good ________ and get good grades.A.chalkB.spaceC.luckD.music21.(2023吉林长春统考中考真题)John Smith often looks through the news about _______ to know what’s on in the cinema.A.filmsB.musicC.booksD.weather22.(2023辽宁沈阳统考中考真题)Betty is crazy about music. Her dream is to be a ________.A.scientistB.painterC.musicianD.writer23.(2023江苏泰州中考真题)—Good news! The Chinese women table tennis team won a gold and a silver again.—Great! No matter who wins the medals, it is the ________ of our country.A.priceB.pioneerC.prideD.pain24.(2023四川遂宁中考真题)—Which movie would you like to watch, Tracy?— Um…it’s hard to make a ________.A.surveyB.choiceC.callD.wish25.(2023辽宁统考中考真题)Thanks to the teacher’s help, I solved all the ________ easily.A.chancesB.problemsC.habitsD.grades26.(2023黑龙江牡丹江统考中考真题)Although our school life is a little busy, it is full of ________.A.painB.sadnessC.laughter27.(2023辽宁营口中考真题)Scientists who are full of ________ always come up with new ideas and bring great changes to our life.A.instructionB.instrumentC.inventionD.introduction28.(2023吉林统考中考真题)Li Wei likes science and his dream is to be a ________ like Tu Youyou.A.scientistB.singerC.driver29.(2023湖北鄂州统考中考真题)—Tom always reads for an hour every day.—That’s a good ________.A.habitB.dreamC.timeD.wish30.(2023黑龙江齐齐哈尔统考中考真题)Chinese scientists have made great ________ in space technology recently.A.informationB.progressC.knowledge31.(2023四川乐山统考中考真题)—Have you heard about the car ________ near the school? —Yes. Luckily, no one was seriously hurt.A.accidentB.parkC.club32.(2023广西统考中考真题)My mother is a ________ in Zhongshan Hospital. She has saved many people’s lives.A.singerB.doctorC.writer33.(2023福建统考中考真题)— How is the ________ today?— It’s hot. You don’t need to wear the coat.A.weatherB.trafficC.price34.(2023湖北荆州统考中考真题)—What can you learn from Journey to the West?—I learn that we should have enough _______ to overcome the difficulties in our life.A.dangerB.successC.courageD.excitement35.(2023湖南郴州统考中考真题)My parents took me to the amusement park on ________ Day. There were so many exciting things to do there.A.Children’sB.ChildrenC.Child’s36.(2023湖北孝感统考中考真题)—Can you give me some ________ on learning English well?Sure. Watching English programs is a good way.A.newsB.adviceC.decisionsD.messages37.(2023青海统考中考真题)A taxi driver prevented (阻止) an _________ when he saw a car with serious problems travelling across Huangnan.A.accidentB.interviewC.advertisement38.(2023山东菏泽统考中考真题)—What club do you want to join?—I want to join a ________ club. I can sing and dance.A.sportsB.musicC.chess(2022中考真题)1.(2022湖南益阳中考真题)Look! There are some ________ eating grass on the hill.A.sheepB.cowC.horse2.(2022辽宁沈阳中考真题)Children love to play in the snow in ________.A.springB.summerC.autumnD.winter3.(2022广西梧州中考真题)Doing sports for an hour every day is a good ________ to relax yourself.A.wayB.levelC.resultD.answer4.(2022山东滨州中考真题)—How did you put together the model plane so perfectly?—It’s easy. I just followed the ________.A.instrumentsB.inventionsC.interviewsD.instructions5.(2022黑龙江牡丹江中考真题)—Dierdre, why do you enjoy reading?—One ________ is that reading brings me joy and happiness.A.reportB.reasonC.question6.(2022广西河池中考真题)Don’t read in the sun.It’s bad for your ________.A.earsB.eyesC.armsD.hands7.(2022辽宁营口中考真题)—In China, we use red paper for hongbao because red means good luck.—Oh, that’s interesting!I want to know more Chinese ________.A.eventsB.policiesC.festivalsD.traditions8.(2022江苏常州中考真题)Although the match is moving in an unexpected ________, our team will win finally, I believe.A.instructionB.introductionC.positionD.direction9.(2022江苏镇江中考真题)Listening to music and watching films are both relaxing forms of _______.A.achievementB.agreementC.developmentD.entertainment10.(2022山东菏泽中考真题)—Hi, Zhang Jie. Long time no see.—Hi, Wang Lei. I was on ________ in the countryside and helped Grandpa on the farm.A.timeB.vacationC.business11.(2022黑龙江哈尔滨中考真题)—China held the Olympics in 2008 and 2022 successfully.—We take ________ in our great country.A.adviceB.priceC.pride12.(2022黑龙江哈尔滨中考真题)The ________ is China’s national treasure. It’s a kind of cute animal that likes eating bamboo.A.pandaB.tigerC.elephant13.(2022广西贵港中考真题)— I have a ________. What should I do?— You should go to the dentist.A.toothacheB.headacheC.stomachacheD.fever14.(2022湖北荆州中考真题)—How’s the ________ in your city? —Not very good. There are always long lines of cars on roads especially on rainy days.A.foodB.weatherC.cultureD.traffic15.(2022江苏徐州中考真题)From my ________ on the top of the TV tower, I can have a perfect view of our city.A.traditionB.conditionC.positionD.situation16.(2022四川雅安中考真题)—What’s the matter, Dad?—I have a ________. I have to see a dentist.A.feverB.headacheC.toothacheD.stomachache17.(2022辽宁辽宁中考真题)The self-service ________ makes it convenient for us to borrow books.A.hotelB.bankC.libraryD.hospital18.(2022吉林中考真题)—Alice, could you please pass me the ________? I want to write a letter.—OK. Here you are.A.bottleB.penC.flower19.(2022广西中考真题)— Mary, how about going to the ________?— Good idea. We can read lots of books there.A.cinemaB.libraryC.hospital20.(2022黑龙江黑龙江中考真题)—Jack, will your family move to Shanghai?—Yes. My parents has made the _________.A.problemB.challengeC.decision21.(2022内蒙古包头中考真题)—Why could you write so well? —I read a lot, and the works of Ernest Hemingway had a strong ________ on me as a child.A.attentionB.explanationC.situationD.influence22.(2022贵州黔东南中考真题)The journey to Congjiang is a great ________ for Steve to learn more about the magic places that he has known from books and pictures.A.introductionB.competitionC.pressureD.chance23.(2022黑龙江中考真题)We Chinese usually stay at home with our family on ________ to welcome the new year.A.National DayB.the Spring FestivalC.the Lantern Festival24.(2022黑龙江中考真题)We will have a ________ holiday after the entrance examination for senior high school.A.two monthsB.two-monthC.two-months25.(2022贵州铜仁中考真题)—“One tree can’t make a forest” is a famous saying.—Sure. It tells us the importance of ______.A.teamworkB.knowledgeC.friendshipD.housework26.(2022黑龙江齐齐哈尔中考真题)—Could you please tell me how I can make more friends?—Sure. I think being honest is the first ________ .A.stepB.scoreC.sense27.(2022广西贺州中考真题)—How much ________ do you need?—We need two cups.A.milkB.eggC.pearD.potato28.(2022甘肃平凉中考真题)The ________ rang and Pat answered it. It was his son calling from New York.A.telephoneB.doorbellC.clockD.bike29.(2022福建中考真题)—Betty, you’d better follow the doctor’s ________ and do more exercise.—I will. Thank you.A.adviceB.agreementC.information30.(2022湖北鄂州中考真题)—What’s the _________ of Beijing Winter Olympics in 2022? —Together for a Shared Future!A.planB.symbolC.themeD.sport31.(2022江苏泰州中考真题)Read the Tang poem A spring morning on the right. Its theme is about ________.A spring morningMeng HaoranThis spring morning in bed I’m lying. Not wake up till I hear birds crying. After one night of wind and showers. How many are the fallen flowers!A.historyB.sightsC.friendshipD.festivals32.(2022四川凉山彝族自治州教育科学研究所中考真题)—Because of wars, many people are homeless.—Yes, nobody wants wars. We are all thirsty for ________.A.peaceB.chancesC.courses33.(2022湖北湖北中考真题)Breakfast gives you ________ for the morning.A.wealthB.talentC.humorD.energy34.(2022湖北湖北中考真题)—What’s your favorite ________?—Winter. I can make a snowman.A.subjectB.seasonC.animalD.sport35.(2022湖南邵阳中考真题)— Would you like some ________?— Yes, madam.A.eggB.juiceC.milk teas36.(2022湖南湘西中考真题)I’m not hungry at all because I just ate much ________.A.applesB.bananasC.bread37.(2022四川凉山彝族自治州教育科学研究所中考真题)—Grandpa, there are few vegetables in the fridge.—I’ll get some ________ after lunch.A.carrotsB.applesC.juice38.(2022广西柳州中考真题)Here are some ________ for you to read.A.milkB.teaC.books39.(2022黑龙江绥化中考真题)________ father is a pilot. He has been to many countries around the world.A.Tony and Peter’sB.Tony’s and PeterC.Tony’s and Peter’s40.(2022天津中考真题)Most parents think it is a good ________ to take a school bus because it’s quite safe.A.riskB.choiceC.gameD.pity41.(2022安徽中考真题)—I do morning exercises every day. It works my whole body.—It’s a good habit. It helps you keep in good ________.A.timeB.touchC.healthD.silence42.(2022重庆B卷中考真题)It’s raining heavily. Please take the ________.A.stoneB.flowerC.umbrellaD.postcard43.(2022江西中考真题)Which ice cream do you want, Mary? You can’t have all of them. You have to make a ________.A.wishB.surveyC.choiceD.call44.(2022云南中考真题)Miss Li has lots of teaching ________. She has her own ways to make classes lively and interesting.A.exerciseB.excitementC.experienceD.environment45.(2022湖北武汉中考真题)—Why do you practice Tai Chi every day? —Because this Chinese form of exercise helps me relax and find my inner (内心的) ________.A.voiceB.qualityC.beautyD.peace46.(2022新疆中考真题)—I find there are more and more overweight children in our school. —Exactly, so we should have good eating ________.A.tasksB.choicesC.gradesD.habits47.(2022甘肃武威中考真题)The ________ rang and Pat answered it. It was his son calling from New York.A.telephoneB.doorbellC.clockD.bike48.(2022云南昆明中考真题)— Do you know March 21st is World Sleep Day? Sleep is important to us.— Yes. A good sleep gives us ________ and makes us happy.A.truthB.fameC.energyD.culture49.(2022浙江温州中考真题)—Jack, I have no idea for the report.—Me neither. Why don’t we ask the teacher for ________?A.helpB.jokesC.foodD.tickets50.(2022湖南岳阳中考真题)So many young people regard _______ as the most delicious drink.A.saladB.porridgeC.milk shake51.(2022江苏连云港中考真题)The hat is not the right ________ for me. I’d like a smaller one.A.sizeB.styleC.colourD.material52.(2022江苏宿迁中考真题)My grandma is good at paper-cutting. She can cut out pictures in the ________ cartoon characters.A.abilityB.weightC.shapeD.quality53.(2022江苏扬州中考真题)We youths do our best for our dreams and together a small success can give us a sense of ________.A.achievementB.departmentC.treatmentD.entertainment54.(2022四川达州中考真题)—I want to learn more about the history of Tang Dynasty. —Why not use the Internet to find more ________?A.informationB.messagesC.adviceD.discussions55.(2022四川乐山中考真题)— Do you like black coffee, Miss Green?— No, I’d like sweet coffee. Please put some ________ in it.A.iceB.saltC.sugar56.(2022湖北十堰中考真题)The ________ of oil goes higher and higher because of the war.A.priceB.prideC.progressD.promise57.(2022重庆A卷中考真题)This year, the family went camping on ________ Day, June 1st.A.ChildB.Child’sC.ChildrenD.Children’s





